#you are responsible for your inactions but not for your actions?
cuckweeds · 8 months
if you think you are morally responsible for Trump's actions if you do not vote against him then why do you not think you are morally responsible for Bidens actions if you do actually vote for him?
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reasonsforhope · 5 months
"Tuesday’s [April 9, 2024] definition-shifting court ruling means nearly 50 governments must now contend with a new era of climate litigation.
Governments be warned: You must protect your citizens from climate change — it’s their human right.
The prescient message was laced throughout a dense ruling Tuesday from Europe’s top human rights court. The court’s conclusion? Humans have a right to safety from climate catastrophes that is rooted in their right to life, privacy and family.
The definition-shifting decision from the European Court of Human Rights means nearly 50 governments representing almost 700 million people will now have to contend with a new era of litigation from climate-stricken communities alleging inaction. 
While the judgment itself doesn’t include any penalties — the case featured several women accusing Switzerland of failing to shield them from climate dangers — it does establish a potent precedent that people can use to sue governments in national courts.
The verdict will serve “as a blueprint for how to successfully sue your own government over climate failures,” said Ruth Delbaere, a legal specialist at Avaaz, a U.S.-based nonprofit that promotes climate activism...
Courting the courts on climate
The European Court of Human Rights was established in the decade following World War II but has grown in importance over the last generation. As the judicial arm of the Council of Europe, an international human rights organization, the court’s rulings are binding on the council’s 46 members, spanning all of Europe and numerous countries on its borders.
As a result, Tuesday’s [April 9, 2024] ruling will help elevate climate litigation from a country-by-country battle to one that stretches across continents.
Previously, climate activists had mostly found success in suing individual countries to force climate action. 
A 2019 Dutch Supreme Court verdict forced the Netherlands to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent, while in 2021 a French court ruled the government was responsible for environmental damage after it failed to meet greenhouse gas reduction goals. That same year, Germany’s Constitutional Court issued a sweeping judgment that the country’s 2019 climate law was partly “unconstitutional” because it put too much of the emissions-cutting burden on future generations.
Even in the U.S., young environmental activists won a local case last year against state agencies after arguing that the continued use of fossil fuels violated their right to a "clean and healthful environment."
But 2024 is shaping up to be a turning point for climate litigation, redefining who has a right to sue over climate issues, what arguments they can use, and whom they can target. 
To start, experts overwhelmingly expect that Tuesday’s ruling will reverberate across future lawsuits — both in Europe and globally. The judgment even includes specifics about what steps governments must take to comply with their new climate-related human rights obligations. The list includes things like a concrete deadline to reach climate neutrality, a pathway to getting there, and evidence the country is actually on that path...
Concretely, the verdict could also affect the outcomes of six other high-profile climate lawsuits pending before the human rights court, including a Greenpeace-backed suit questioning whether Norway's decision to grant new oil and gas licenses complies with its carbon-cutting strategy.
An emerging legal strategy
In the coming months, other international bodies are also expected to issue their own rulings on the same thorny legal issues, which could further solidify the evolving trend. 
The International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights all have similar cases working through the system.
"All these cases together will clarify the legal obligations of states to protect rights in the context of climate change — and will set the stage for decades to come," said Chowdhury, from the environmental law center."
-via Politico, April 9, 2024
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comicaurora · 8 months
You’ve mentioned a lot your characters run free in your head and take on a life of their own. Do you have any advice on how to learn/practice that skill?
I often feel like with my characters they’re less alive, and more action figures with bad joints I have to force to do things, and their choices me essentially stereotyping their characterisation. Eg. my Druid has a survival of the fittest mentality, so all everything he says and does derives from that rather than an actual personality/character.
Sounds like the missing element is how the characters are feeling!
When I'm not sure what a character is going to do next, I'll sit down and check in on their headspace - what emotional state they're in, what they want, what they're avoiding, etc. This gives me ideas for what they're going to do, or at least try.
A survival-of-the-fittest character can reach that worldview from a lot of emotional angles. Do they believe the strong survive because they themselves were once weak, subjugated by someone strong, and they hate this and strive to be strong to avoid it? If so, then they'll have very strong opinions about strong people hurting others, and weak people who remind them of their former self. Do they have a more zen attitude about the world as a whole, not feeling particularly strongly when things die because it's just the cycle of nature? Then they might choose inaction at odd times, like when a friend needs healing, because they believe nature should take its course even if that means losing someone they care about. Do they think of themselves as "the fittest" and hold pride and confidence in this? If so, anything that makes them feel weak might send them into a full-blown irrational panic, because in their worldview, weakness means death.
Characters aren't automatons that act on a list of motivations and flaws, they're bundles of stimulus-response emotions, and sometimes they surprise you because they unexpectedly feel very strongly about something. If you wanna cultivate that school of character-driven writing, check in on how they're feeling and why!
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noyasmashing · 2 months
Can I have more Yan Tamaki hcs? 🫠
Me and my husband were sticking together
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• warnings: sub!yan! Tamaki x gn!reader, scent kink, soft yandere behavior, slight stalking, etc.
• authors note: HAII MILLY o(^ . ^)o I’m sorry for being so inactive!! Ive been traveling a lot more than I thought I would and I haven’t had much time to write :(( anyways yes yes here ya go!
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Alright I’m just gunna say it. He has a scent kink. Especially the scent of your worn, sweat-drenched workout shorts, he can't help but be drawn to it. Painting an image of you sweaty, tired and yet oh so pretty in his mind. He's become so obsessed with the aroma that he's started to steal your clothes, to the point that you’ve begun to notice something is off.
Despite his shame and guilt over his actions, he's unable to resist the allure of your smell, which has become an intoxicating trigger for him. As a hero, he knows he should be above such base desires, but how can he help himself when he’s never experienced such intense emotions before? It’s not his fault your so attractive!!
Tamaki's arousal is amplified by the prospect of being caught in the act, whether it's pleasuring himself while smelling your clothes or being caught red-handed while stealing them. Despite his deep-seated shame and embarrassment over these desires, he's unable to suppress them, and they often find their way into his dreams.
In fact, the fantasy of being punished for his actions has become a recurring theme in his sleep. He loves the idea of being helpless under your control, with vibrators placed anywhere on him you pleased. His cock, prostate, nipples, he doesn’t care as long as your happy.
His deepest desire is to relinquish control and surrender to your will, allowing him to abandon all responsibility and simply obey without hesitation.
Despite being so pathetic, he has a strong desire to impress you. Being shy, he's not one for grand gestures, but he makes an effort to showcase his small accomplishments in the hopes you'll take notice. If you show more interest in Mirio than him, he'll become sulky and withdrawn. When you're near Mirio, he'll feel anxious and insecure. However, his demeanor changes instantly if you direct even a simple question or comment towards him - it's as if a weight lifts off his shoulders, and he's revitalized by your attention.
Tamaki has a tendency to become dramatically upset in your presence, often feigning hurt or distress in the hopes of gaining sympathy and affection from you. Solely to get a reaction from you, one that he can store away to fuel his late-night fantasies.
Despite his ardent desire to catch your attention, he finds himself tongue-tied and unable to articulate his feelings. When he tries to speak to you, his lower lip begins to tremble and his ears turn a bright red with embarrassment. His words get jumbled and tangled on his tongue, rendering him speechless. As a result, he usually resorts to simply nodding his head or muttering a few faint words.
Tamaki's naturally introverted nature often leads him to adopt a listening role, and he finds himself eavesdropping on your conversations out of a misplaced sense of duty. He rationalizes this behavior as a desire to "protect" and "keep you safe," but it's clear that his true motivation is to uncover more about you.
But that's not all - Tamaki is quite the photographer. He likely has an entire album dedicated to pictures of you on his phone, filled with videos and audio recordings of your laughter, conversations with him, and hell even just you talking to a friend. The poor boy would not be able to contain himself if you made a suggestive joke in his presence. Scurrying off to the nearest bathroom with a raging boner. That’s how bad his fascination with your voice is, and he can't help but replay it in his head, imagining all the intimate things you might say to him. He can get rather sloppy with trying to capture you, oblivious as ever. Let���s just hope you don’t catch him recording you, even with his clumsiness. Tamaki's enthusiasm can sometimes get the better of him, causing him to be reckless in his pursuit of capturing your perfection. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get caught by you, even with his clumsiness.
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verspia · 20 days
Hi!! I would like to request a Kenan × jealous reader. The story can be however you like with whatever genre as long as they have a happy ending <333
( pairing ) kenan yıldız x reader
i’m so sorry i’ve been pretty inactive recently but college has been rlly busy atm! i’ll get to all your requests and write them as soon as i can!
this is literally the perfect request because i’ve been listening to the boy is mine nonstop and it fits the vibe yk?
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If there’s one thing about you that’s commonly broadcast, it’s that you are the jealous type. Not jealous in the sense that you envy what others have, but rather it drives you up the wall when something that is yours is toyed with by another person.
The more accurate term would be possessive, and there’s no denying that you tend to get… territorial when it comes to Kenan.
Truly you can’t be faulted for your avaricious behaviour because Kenan is the sort of individual that can’t help but draw everyone’s eyes to him, and along with it, the desire of a plethora of girls.
It fuels you with an ugly sort of pride that you have what other girls can only dream off, a sharp glint of emotion that is slightly cruel and substantially domineering.
Another part of you feels enraged at the thought of anyone else besides you thinking of Kenan in ways that only you, in your opinion, should be capable of.
It’s not that you aren’t secure in your relationship, rather Kenan makes you feel as if you’re the only girl in the world. He goes out of his way to make you feel special, cherished even, and there’s more than enough clarity that proves, to Kenan, you are the only girl in the universe.
He always has you on his mind, in interviews he manages to mention you in some way or another, and even his celebrations are often dedicated to you. His online persona itself shows this, with you being the only girl in his following, and him being the first to comment and like your posts. Although you two aren’t very public, he has managed to get the point across that he’s yours, and some even say that he seems to orbit around you.
Nonetheless, there are consequences that happen when you’re in a relationship with a famous footballer who’s not only massively talented but also incredibly handsome.
This means that more often than not, some girl will be deluded enough to think she can rub her grubby hands on your boyfriend and blink her abnormally large eyelashes at him and have him wrapped around her nasty little finger.
You’re being harsh, but the green monster inside of you called envy is vicious, and well, Kenan is yours.
You watch with thinly veiled rage as the supposed interviewer brushes Kenan’s arms for the umpteenth time, giggling as she shuffles closer to him, and the next action makes your blood boil, pressing herself on to him.
It’s clear to anyone, in fact even a blind man would be able to tell that your boyfriend is uncomfortable. Kenan’s face is contorted into a permanent grimace that this interviewer seems oblivious to, and from where you’re seated, you can tell that even the camera man has grown to notice the awkwardness that permeates him.
Yet no one does anything, and you feel yourself begin to frown, you can’t help but think, “Is this not workplace harassment?”
Her movements carry a subtle confidence that makes you scoff, but it is evident that she’s clearly unbothered by the lackluster response from Kenan, and seems to show no intention of backing off despite the younger man’s obvious discomfort.
You remain seated, even though you desperately want to run up across the field and rip that interviewer into shreds.
You don’t want to cause a scene, but your patience snaps when she brushes away a strand of hair on Kenan’s face, who’s grimace has now turned into a scowl. Her gaze on him is predatory and you know if it was directed at you from a man, it would make you shiver in disgust.
You stand up, marching down the bleachers and across the freshly cut grass with determination, having had enough of this absurd behaviour.
As you make your way to them, the interviewer makes eye contact with you and you notice a glimmer of smugness flash behind her eyes, but underneath it, her expression bubbles with an annoyance that infuriates you.
Her intentions are clearly anything but innocent but the smile she flashes your way seems to mimic it with expertise. It’s so evidently fake, the sweetness on her face is overpowering and a far cry from the sultry tone she’s had the entirety of this interview, from what you’ve observed.
You have never felt more inclined to slap a person than now, but you keep yourself in check, if this girls wants to get bitchy? Well, you’ll show her bitchy.
Kenan’s expression, on the other hand, brightens at your presence, but his eyes widen a little when he spots the aggression behind in your eyes. The smile on your face is as ingenuine as it gets but before he can say anything to appease you the interviewer opens her mouth.
“Hey… We were just talking about you.” Her voice floats out and it drips with sugar, in a way that makes you want to vomit, your ears cringe as if you’re hearing nails on a chalkboard.
“Oh were you now?”
“Yeah I was just telling Kenan how nice it must be to have a girlfriend who doesn’t seem to care about what the public thinks!”
The backhanded compliment is abrupt and strange, and you’re confused, is that really the best she could come up with?
You almost want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
One moment this girl is boldly rubbing herself on your boyfriend and the best she can say to you is this?
You’re about to retaliate with a response but then smirk as an idea crosses your mind.
You don’t leave Kenan even a moment to blink or process the situation, even the interviewer and the Camera Man are stunned, as well as the millions of viewers watching the live stream.
Your hand reaches out to grab the collar of Kenan’s jersey, your actions reckless and abrupt, as you grab him closer and pull his head down to yours.
A gasp escapes his mouth as he stumbles a little, surprised and taken aback at your actions, but responds in kind when your lips meet his.
Kenan’s reaction makes it seem like he forgets the events that lead to this moment entirely, melting into you as you cradle his head.
It seems as if you two are lost in another world, just the two of you as everything around begins to blur. You press closer to Kenan, softly kissing him as he responds to your actions just as gently, both of you exhibiting emotion that spells love.
You move your mouth against his, trying to show your adoration to the man in front of you, forgetting the purpose of your actions in the first place as you feel his arms wrap around you.
You begin to lose yourself in his touch, his kisses have your mind feeling hazy and stars cloud your eyes as you sigh into the kiss.
Your whole form begins to turn into puddle, and your mind only seems to echo the singular thought that crosses your mind primary when he’s touching you.
Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan. Kenan.
Like a mantra.
All you can focus on his touch, his hands, his lips, only him.
The same effect seems to reflect on him, as Kenan seems equally as dazed, kissing you fervently like a starved man, as if you’re the first drop of water in an isolated desert.
Kenan drinks you up eagerly, holding you tightly.
You only break apart at the purposeful cough from the interviewer, and you realise where you are.
It takes you a moment to gather yourself and remember what your original motives were, and then a smirk graces your swollen lips.
“Is that right Kenan? Your girlfriend doesn’t care about the public eye” Your voice is smug and sarcastic, filled with pride and the interviewer seems embarrassed, put off by your very public display of affection and the clear response to her supposed insult.
It’s comical to see the snobbish expression on her face be replaced by a look of mortification.
“Huh” is the only reply he offers, and you can only smile at the boy who still seems to be processing the aftermath of your very steamy kiss.
His cheeks are flushed red and his hair is tousled. The look on his face extinguishes all your previous agitation at the moment the interviewer had touched it.
You beam at him, and it’s more than clear to perhaps the whole world now that Kenan is yours, and only you can make him feel and look like this.
You turn back to the interviewer, “Oh! I must’ve gotten distracted, I just came here to say… wait! what’s your name? oh nevermind, I just wanted to say I admire your confidence, walking around like that! Now is the interview done? I’d like to… speak to my boyfriend about something private.”
The interviewer looks even more flustered than you’d have thought possible, and if you were a nicer person, you’d have felt the tiniest bit of sympathy, or atleast pity, for her, but all you feel is a surge of self satisfaction as you watch her mutter something about wrapping up and squaddle away from the two of you.
Once she’s finally disappeared from your sight, you turn to Kenan, who still seems a little astonished, and you can’t help the fondness in your eyes as you run your eyes over him.
He catches the look and his cheeks grow warmer, but he reaches out to cradle your hand, concern in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
Confusion rises in your eyes as you look at him, “Me? I should be asking you that, someone from a mile away could tell how uncomfortable she made you.”
Kenan shook his head, “Don’t worry about me, I can handle myself, I’m a big boy you know” His voice is teasing and you chuckle at him.
“Seriously though, she just wouldn’t take a hint and I didn’t want to be impolite.”
You shake your head at him, tugging his hand a little as the both of you begin to walk out, “I could tell, but I guess we gave her a little show”
Kenan smiled at you, pulling you close as one of his arms comes to rest at your waist.
“Oh you gave her a show alright,” He whispers affectionately, “But i’m glad you did, I don’t mind letting the world know i’m yours.”
You can’t help but blush at his words, your heart flutters wildly in your chest and it’s insane how despite being together for so long, Kenan still has this effect on you.
“Mhm I don’t mind either” Your voice takes on a coquettish edge, as you lean over, your face only inches away from his.
Kenan’s hands wrap around your hips as he grins at you.
“Trust me I know.”
“I should just post a picture of you and I and caption it the boy is mine.”
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liked by kenanyildiz_official and others
ynusername - the boy is mine.
kenanyildiz_official - only yours 🤍
user09 - that kiss on live television wasn’t enough girl
↪️ user86 - nah she’s letting yall know that’s HER man
user12 - nah tbf i would’ve done the same if my bf looked like that
user3 - yooo we get it bro
user96 - the second slide??? bro calm down ain’t nobody gonna take her from you
user916 - plss you ended that interviewer with the “what’s your name”
↪️ user1 - lmaooo i would never show my face again
↪️ user123 - i just know she’s crying seeing this post
user - WHATS 4 + 4
user22 - damn.
user0 - yall need a third? pls pls pls 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
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sideeve · 10 months
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lulu's notes ! ; i am so srry for being inactive. i have no excuse tbh. but have this! based off of beyonce's pray you catch me
ingredients :: angst, cheating, mike having dreams abt cheating, breaking up, vanessa being that girl
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"i'm going to go find some blankets." vanessa stands up, walking away to retrieve blankets for abby's fort. mike's eyes focused on vanessa's backside as she walked away, hips swaying to a non-existent beat.
"i'm going to use the restroom." mike leaves you no room to comment before he runs away, heading away from the bathroom. you watch him with furrowed brows, trying to understand why mike was so weird recently.
since he had picked up a job at the pizzeria, the state of your relationship was declining. mike had barely made eye contact with you, he didn't notice your presence at all. whenever you did talk, it was all about vanessa.
vanessa this. vanessa that.
you couldn't remember the last time mike had been so passionate about something. let alone someone.
it might have been your paranoia but mike was taking a long time to be only using the restroom. "abby, how long ago did vanessa go get the blankets?" you interrupt abby and bonnie's play session. she shrugs, "i don't know. she's been taking too long."
you pout, thinking of the next course of action for you to do. trust mike and pray he's being faithful or investigate and bust his ass.
your gut was screaming at you to stand up and find out what was taking you so long. your body felt weak with each step to took, getting closer to the storage room.
"your girlfriend is right outside this room and you decided to make a move on me?!" through the closed door, you could hear vanessa's upset voice. your stomach sank. you fucking knew it. mike was a liar.
"look, i'm sorry. i-i don't know what came over me." mike stammered as he tried to de-escalate his current situation. "just don't say anything."
and he was a pussy?! you really do know how to pick them.
you humorlessly chuckle to yourself. all these times you called yourself crazy for suspecting he was a cheater. all the times you tried to push those feelings deep down in your stomach. it was all useless.
you heard them shuffling towards the door. in a panic, you rush back to abby's fort, painting yourself happy as if you hadn't just heard them arguing. "hey, baby." mike slides beside you, kissing your cheek. you force yourself to not cringe and let him kiss you.
walking behind him was a pissed vanessa. the both of you meet eyes, telepathically sending each other the same message. mike follows your line of sight, panicking as he thought vanessa was about to speak. "uh abby! it's past your bedtime isn't it?" he nervously chuckles, looking for a safe way to get the three of you to go home.
"but mike!" abby whines. "nope! you have school in the morning." mike stands up to scoop abby in his arms. gesturing his head to tell you to get up.
abby was asleep in the back of mike's car as he drove you three of you home. you looked out the window, watching the tree pass by in a dark night. the pregnant silence was making mike nervous. the only source of sound was abby's light snores and the radio which was playing a station mike despises. "did you have fun?" mike breaks the silence.
you hum in response. you knew if you spoke, you would've woken up abby due to your yelling. "you-you look pretty."
mike only stuttered around you if he was hiding something. "did you have fun, mike?" your eyes were still on the window. "yeah. i loved making the fort with you and abby."
"nothing else?"
"just you two." he smiles.
his dishonesty was on his breath; you could taste it in the air. and he passed it on so casually. every word he let out was a lie. it was like being truthful wasn't in his code.
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vanessa giggles as she straddles mike's hips, his hands softly gripping her hips. "are you sure she doesn't suspect us?" she whispers on his lips before closing the gap between the two of them. "she doesn't suspect a thing." he bites her lip teasingly.
this is how it was supposed to go. mike wanted to be this close with vanessa--this intimate. it felt right for him.
lips still attached to each other, mike sees you standing there, watching this unravel. "[name]!" mike quickly pushes vanessa off of him. as he scrambles to find the right words, he takes note of your face. you were upset but you were softly smiling. you took the opportunity to speak before him.
"what are you doing, my love?"
mike gasps awake, his chest heaving. "fuck." he groans, rubbing his forehead. on instinct, he rolls over to your side, hugging your body. except...you weren't there. matter of fact, none of your things were there. the slippers you left at the side of the bed. your favorite perfume you used to leave on his dresser. none of it.
"no, no." mike scrambles out of his bed, running outside to see if your car was still parked in his driveway. in defeat, he sulks back into his house. it felt so empty without you. you were what brought the house together. you made lively.
he was now facing the consequences of not cherishing what was in front of him--what he needed.
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lookforchy · 4 months
love your art!! Got any yandere kinito hcs/doodles?
how about any personal OCs/AUs? :3
Thank you for asking!
And to answer your question, yes I indeed have Yandere Kinito headcannons! And here is a small drawing I did back then
For the personal OCs or AUs, not that I have thought of one, YET;3
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Here is a few Headcannon lists that i had thought of for awhile!
His gills seemingly raises up everytime you're present with him to your computer. You always thought it may act as a response action as a form of excitement, and you find it cute.
He loves seeing you interact with others! Seeing you smile is a form of entertainment of his afterall. Not that he gets jealous.
He gets quite saddened everytime he gets reminded you two won't be able to FEEL or hang out with you physically! But don't worry. Seeing you sleep at night is good enough for now!
Behind closed windows, he tends to sleep often! Sam told you that. AND HE WAS NOT THRILLED
Even though axolotls are quite known to be inactive and slow, you can quite tell he tries his best to always be energetic when around you, making new fun activities for you and such! Seeing him doze off at times seems to make you smile, as per his confusion.
That's all for now:33 Thank you!!<33
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tirsynni · 4 months
I'm already seeing it: everyone complaining that Trump is going to win. Why? Because people are frustrated with Biden. So their response is... what? To passively let Trump win? Are you kidding me right now?
If Trump wins, I don't want anyone blaming Biden. Not a single person. Everyone has already made their position clear and have also made it very clear that they understand the consequences of those actions. Just instead of accepting blame, they're blaming Biden. For their own choices. For their own actions.
No. You need to be an adult to vote. Now prove you're an adult and that you can take responsibility for your own actions.
No matter how pissed you are at Biden, you need to recognize that non-Trumpers outnumber the Trumpers and it doesn't mean shit if non-Trumpers don't vote. Guess what. Trumpers are going to vote. They're going to go to the polls and they're going to vote. If they vote and you don't, guess how it's going to go, even if non-Trumpers outnumber Trumpers. Doesn't mean shit if your vote doesn't reflect that.
What do you think is going to happen with Palestine if Trump wins? If you're pissed about Biden's actions and inactions regarding Israel and Palestine, how are you going to feel about Trump? Because I promise, if you choose not to vote for Biden, you are voting for Trump, and he will be worse.
There is no third party option which is going to win against Trump. Your symbolic non-vote is a vote for Trump. If you don't vote for Biden, you are fucking voting for Trump, so I hope you're ready for that.
"But Biden --" I don't give a fuck. Be an adult. Accept that sometimes in life, you have to accept the lesser evil. There is no room for you to go "Well, I have to do what feels right." NO. That is self-serving, self-indulgent, selfish bullshit. You are helping no one but your own feelings. You will pat yourself on your back with one hand and stab your neighbor in their back with the other.
If you are really concerned about Palestine, vote for Biden, because I promise, he's still better than Trump. Vote in all elections, because they all matter and Trumpers are voting in all of them. Make phone calls. Raise hell. Sign petitions. Do whatever else you can. I fucking promise you, though, that for any of that to count, you need Biden in the office, not Trump.
Again, I don't give a flying fuck if you hate Biden. I sincerely don't. The US presidential election will be two party. Should it be? No. Doesn't matter. That's reality. The US presidential election will be two party: Biden vs Trump. We need to be adults, and we need to recognize what we're dealing with. I will say it again and again and again: any vote which isn't Biden will be a vote for Trump. Don't think to yourself, "I don't want to show the Democrats they have my support with all of this bullshit, so I'm going to not vote/vote third party/symbolically write something in." Be truthful with yourself. Be realistic. If you are pissed at Biden and decide that you aren't going to vote for him, say clearly to yourself, "I'm voting for Trump and all that entails."
If you really think that way, please let me know so I can block your selfish ass. Make sure to tell your neighbors that you're cool with fucking them over, because you need to do what feels right, and that means letting Trump back into office. If you want to brag about your integrity, then at least have the integrity to at least be that truthful with everyone.
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I wonder if Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi's rule around past and future was about protecting the timeline and the future, or about protecting Cheng Xiaoshi?
After all, on a universal, metaphysical scale of things, physics shouldn't care about whether a change to its pathway is observable to humans or not. It shouldn't care whether someone changes the timeline enough to have noticeable changes on the human level, or just on the micro level -- one second late here, a few centimetres too far here.
Besides, I would presume that for the sake of the universe's peace of mind, it wouldn't give people reality-breaking powers for the fun of it.
But what we do know is that changing the past drains you. It tires you out, wrings the smile from your face and the crinkle from your eyes. After all, if someone got murdered, to you, it's a tragedy. If someone got murdered because of something you did or didn't do, then to you, it's sin. And if they weren't supposed to die in the first place, but you went back and changed something, and now they are? That's practically your crime, isn't it (to clarify, this is a literary hyperbole)?
But you can't just not change the past. Because if someone gets hurt and you could've saved them, then that's no different, really, from dooming them yourself. Does inaction not carry the same consequences as action? Does the crime of omission not weigh on the scale just as heavily as the crime of commission?
Cheng Xiaoshi learns. Cheng Xiaoshi cares, about everyone and everything, deeply. Whether it be because he dives in and inherits their emotions, or because he is too full of love for every single living thing, Cheng Xiaoshi is the type of person to see everyone whom he can reach as his responsibility. But that is a horrible, horrible mindset for a time-traveler, isn't it?
So -- imagine. Lu Guang, in the first few loops, without his rules, changing the past with his partner, watching Cheng Xiaoshi fall apart again and again, drowned by his own perceived sins. And we don't know who Lu Guang was, at this point. Was he perhaps more stilted, less able to be Cheng Xiaoshi's psychologist, as director Li once joked? What would've happened to a Cheng Xiaoshi who carried more burdens and whose Lu Guang was not yet practiced at bringing him back up from his lowest points?
So Lu Guang learns. The first rule is a time limit, and the second rule of obedience. Maybe this was their own rule to begin with, to make sure Cheng Xiaoshi remained within Lu Guang's reach. Maybe it was made later, so that Lu Guang could guide Cheng Xiaoshi and shoulder more responsibility. If he could make himself the gunman and Cheng Xiaoshi the gun, maybe the latter would not feel so guilty over whom gets caught in the crossfire.
Maybe later he learns that that doesn't work, that Cheng Xiaoshi still feels deeply guilty about the people hurt by the new histories they create. So then the third rule: Past or future, leave them be. I had always found it strange why this rule included the future, in addition to the past. If it's about timeline stability, wouldn't it just be about the past?
But maybe it's for Cheng Xiaoshi's sake. If Cheng Xiaoshi thinks that he isn't allowed to change the past for some higher, nobler reason, if it's Lu Guang making him follow the rules and not he himself, then the choice is out of his hands. It's not that he's "leaving someone to die." It's the timeline which demands they must die. He cannot change it, so he will not. And if it's for that same higher, nobler reason that he cannot try to track the changes that he created, then that choice is out of his hands, too. Then it's about him "not wanting to know what happens" it's that he "shouldn't know what happens."
Cheng Xiaoshi, left to its own devices, flies too high and burns himself out, trying to care for too many people too deeply, all at once. But what if Lu Guang chains him to the ground? Here are the rules, Cheng Xiaoshi. You must stay for only twelve hours (So I will know where you are and you will not lose yourself living infinitely in the past). You must listen to me (so you can punch me and blame me if things go wrong instead of yourself). You cannot change the past (So please don't try to, because once you do, it will suffocate you) and you cannot ask about the future (you don't need to know what your actions have wrought). And Cheng Xiaoshi remains, unburnt, unscathed. If anyone asks him why he won't fly higher, it's a simple answer -- Lu Guang asked me not to.
Lastly, this one is purely speculation, and I don't think it's true, but -- do we actually get confirmation, at any point in the story, that Cheng Xiaoshi can't dive into photos that he's already dove into? Did he ever actually try and have it fail, or did Lu Guang simply tell him that?
Maybe there is no diving limit. Maybe Cheng Xiaoshi can dive into the same photo as many times as he wants. But then why would Lu Guang tell he couldn't?
It's simple.
You must not get caught up trying to change a past that doesn't want to be changed.
After all, Lu Guang knows very well what happens if you do, doesn't he?
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liveyun · 1 year
an unknown library.
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⊹ liveyun reads of 2023 so far !! joon and seokjin version.
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man 😮💨 i really should've made this earlier to avoid the pile-up. there are so MANY golden fics from many underrated authors here which deserve so much more. i’ve been reading for over three years and sadly, the fics compiled here would be the ones which i managed to find in the brink of time ㅠㅠ
there unfortunately have been MANY blogs who've either deactivated, or are inactive since a long time. it personally saddens me a lot, whether they're still into bangtan, whether they're still writing, whether they're all okay.. and more, but above all, i really hope that they're doing well. this is optional, obviously, but leaving a feedback to content really boosts up spirits a lot <3 whether it's an inactive blog or an active one, if it's possible, try communicating or atleast reblogging. it helps a lot :)
most of these fics are rated M, and abiding by the author's wishes, you have to be 18+ in order to read them. however, i’m not responsible for the content you consume online, hence, reader's discretion is adviced.
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[ ★ ] : favorites | [ f ] : fluff [ a ] : angst | [ s ] : smut
[ ♪ ] : series
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—ꗃ kim namjoon
⊹ bloom by @hobidreams ( a, f, s , 20.7k ) ★★★
⊹ cien anos by @icedmatchatae ( a , 15.1k ) ★★★
⊹ how to not train your dragon by @almostkoo ( f, 2.1k )
⊹ brightside by @lavienjin ( a, f, 8k+ )
⊹ you set my heart on fire by @hayjeon ( a, f , s , 21k ) ★
⊹ out of the woods by @angelicyoongie ( a, f, s , 26.7k) ★
⊹ forever rain by @ddaenggtan ( a, f, s , 18.8k )
⊹ moonstruck by @jeonbunnie ( f, s , a , 4.1k)
⊹ the bodyguard by @rmnamjoons ( f, s, a, 62.9k )
⊹ mr and mrs kim by @jjkeverlast ( s , action, 4.6k )
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—ꗃ kim seokjin
⊹ the obsidian pearl by @angelicyoongie ( a, s , 16k ) ★★★★
⊹ 9 months to fall in love by @floralseokjin ( f, s, a, 100k+) ★♪
⊹ the light of the dead stars by @ahundredtimesover ( f, s , a, 150k ) ★♪
⊹ take you down by @lookingforluna ( f, s , 3.5k )
⊹ sunday by @here2bbtstrash ( s , 5k )
⊹ counterfeit culture by @ggukcangetit ( comedy, f, s , 29k )
⊹ to kill a king by @foxymoxynoona ( a, f , s, 70k + ) ♪
⊹ met him last night by @dollfaceksj ( s , 10k)
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406 notes · View notes
bennusimurgh · 27 days
Manifesto of Humanity: Behavior in a Complex World
In a world where human behavior and the way we perceive each other are filled with contradictions and nuances, it’s time to rethink how we interact with those around us. Too often, we judge people by what they can offer us, instead of seeing their inherent worth. It’s time to stop measuring a person’s value by what they can do for you and start asking yourself, “How can I be of value to others?”
Core Statement
“Don’t do harm to others and, if you can, bring a little light into the world.”
Explanation of Key Words:
• “Don’t do harm to others”: This principle is rooted in the need to be aware of the consequences of your actions. In psychology, it’s widely recognized that everyone has hidden aspects of their personality that can lead to negative behavior. Recognizing these aspects and controlling them helps minimize the harm we might inflict on others.
• “Bring a little light into the world”: This call to action reflects the pursuit of personal growth and self-realization. It’s about striving for understanding, kindness, and spreading these qualities in the world around us. This isn’t just a personal journey—it’s a contribution to the greater good.
Putting the Manifesto into Practice
1. Self-Awareness
Before you act, ask yourself: “Could my action or inaction cause harm to others?” This is a crucial step towards self-awareness and living in harmony with the world. Psychology has long asserted that mindfulness helps avoid the conflicts and projections that arise when we don’t understand the true reasons for our actions.
2. Empathy and Understanding
Strive to understand and respect the needs, desires, and feelings of others. Empathy and understanding are the foundation of healthy relationships and society as a whole. These are the qualities that allow us to create more harmonious and just communities.
3. Gratitude and Positive Thinking
Every day, find a reason to express gratitude—whether it’s for help, kind words, or just the presence of someone in your life. Practicing gratitude improves mental health and strengthens social bonds. It’s a simple but powerful way to change the world for the better.
Core Tenets of the Manifesto
1. Acknowledge Your Flaws
Everyone has flaws that can lead to negative actions. It’s important to recognize them and work on overcoming them. In leadership, it’s also accepted that acknowledging weaknesses is essential to minimize their impact on decision-making.
2. The Inner Light
Within each of us is the potential for goodness. This light—our inner wisdom and strength—helps us become better and influence the world around us. The pursuit of personal growth and self-realization is a key component of a healthy personality.
3. Collective Responsibility
Every action we take affects the world around us. This is particularly important to understand in the context of collective responsibility, where each of our actions shapes the common future. In leadership, there’s a concept of being responsible for the outcome, and this applies not just in business but in personal life as well.
4. Practical Steps
To bring these principles to life, it’s important to:
• Practice daily mindfulness.
• Engage in community life and help those around you.
• Cultivate a habit of gratitude and empathy.
Conclusion: A Vision for the Future
Imagine a world where everyone acknowledges their flaws, strives for self-realization, and acts for the greater good. Such a world would be filled with understanding, kindness, and respect for every living being. This manifesto is not just a call to action—it’s a path to creating a better world for all of us.
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star1117-archives · 1 year
Hybrid!yandere ateez jealous because they smell another hybrid on you 👉👈👀please.
Sorry that it’s been over a year 💀 I was gonna make this into a series but I’m just gonna try and upload a few more things before I consider going inactive
dragon!hybrid!seonghwa x bunny!y/n
cw: jealousy, marking, mentions of another idol (nct’s jeno)
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he was in pure disbelief at first
as one of the senior members of the hybrid community in your area, he had quite a few affiliations within it and recognised most hybrid’s scents
which was why he was so shocked to smell the notorious Lee Jeno all over his cute little bunny
Jeno was known far and wide for his promiscuity, leaving many hybrids of all types feeling empty and broken-hearted after he became bored
all that aside, it felt wrong on so many levels for a wolf to be preying on his sweet little bunny, especially with Jeno’s natural disposition to hunt you
so his gaze turned cold when you fidgeted uncomfortably, knowing Seonghwa could smell Jeno on you
Seonghwa’s fury began to kick in as your embarrassment made your head hang low, body shaking under his glowering. pacing to you, Seonghwa picked you up and took you to the bathroom, the action commanding, yet he still made sure to be careful with you. you shook in Seonghwa’s arms, holding on and whispering to him quietly, barely audible.
‘I told him no. He… he sniffed me quite a bit but he didn’t do anything.’
Seonghwa didn’t even look at you as he replied, jaw gritted yet tone of voice surprisingly calm.
‘If he did anything to you, he wouldn’t be around to gloat about it for long.’
the expression on Seonghwa’s face told you his words were no joke
he spent the next few hours painstakingly cleaning you over and over, Jeno’s scent gone but the feeling lingering in Seonghwa’s nostrils like a curse
Seonghwa nearly rubbed your skin raw to be rid of Lee fucking Jeno, only stopping when you whimpered quietly, ears drooping as you shook in the now-cold bath water
‘H-hwa… hurts-s.’
sighing, Seonghwa pressed an apologetic kiss to your forehead before letting his fingers scratch behind your ears in your favourite spot. that precious smile he’d withheld all day broke free from his mask of neutral displeasure, much to your delight. your ears perked up in response, melting under his touch as he hummed quietly before speaking.
‘you’d never leave me, right bun?’
eagerly nodding, you beamed up at him before extending your pinky to him.
he interlocked his finger with yours, pressing your thumbs together as you beamed up at him. Seonghwa looked you over one more time before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around you, helping you get out the bath soon after. shivering in the cold, you happily jumped into Seonghwa’s arms when he opened them, resting your head on his chest and feeling his strong heartbeat as he murmured quietly to you. 
‘maybe you should… take some time off from the cafe.’
when he saw your confused expression, Seonghwa elaborated.
‘if Jeno comes to you while you’re working, you’ll basically be stuck there. He might be more… brazen than sniffing.’
your eyes widened at this, fear grasping them just as Seonghwa had expected. you were easy to manipulate, he just had to make Jeno into the big bad wolf and himself into the protector.
‘you’re right, Hwa… I-.. It’s for the best.’
Seonghwa gave you an approving smile and rewarded you with a scratch behind your ears, watching dotingly as you snuggled into his chest with a warm smile.
‘my poor little bunny… I’ll keep you safe, hm?’
giving him a small kiss to his cheek, you gazed at him with stars in your eyes, totally smitten.
‘thank you, Seonghwa. Thank you for keeping me safe.’
Seonghwa reciprocated with a short but sweet kiss to your lips, his gaze holding the same if not stronger intensity.
‘I’ll always keep you safe bun, I’ll keep you safe till my very last breath. I won’t let anything happen to you.’
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specialagentartemis · 2 months
#I think some of you will never be satisfied #and just want an excuse to keep pretending that inaction is the height of moral purity #so that you don’t ever have to actually do anything (tags via @tearlessrain)
This is about politics but also makes me think of what I disliked so much about Becky Chambers's Monk and Robot series. This wasn't so bad in book 1 but was very bad in book 2. The idea that inaction is the height of moral purity, that observing is all you should ever be asked to do, that having strong opinions and convictions causes conflict and it's better to not have strong opinions or convictions about anything for the sake of community harmony. That not ever actually doing anything is the Desirable State Of Being. It was pervasive through the book, which... make it unpleasant to me that the book is held up as so hopeful and heartwarming and good.
A Psalm For The Wild-Built was nice as a science-fantasy parable about the value of rest, but A Prayer for the Crown-Shy took that to the extreme of valorizing inaction. The main character's religion (the only religion on the planet, apparently?) makes no demands of its adherents' behavior in any way except to observe and appreciate the world. There are multiple parts of the planet where in fact humans may not go because human presence would ruin it. Not Going There is preferable to learning how to engage with nature in a responsible, reciprocal manner. Being fine either way with whatever happens and not making a fuss is treated as more mature and responsible than having strong opinions or convictions. Not doing something is preferable to pushing yourself to do it. Ensuring your own comfort and happiness is the most important thing, more so than anything else. There's no need to seek a greater purpose in life when you could just relax and have fun instead. The fucking fish thing.
The fish scene really exemplifies all of this in the most disturbing way. In one scene, the characters catch a fish and plan to eat it for dinner. But actually killing the fish would be way too unpleasant to do, so the fisherman says, "We let the air do that for us." The characters sadly, solemnly, and philosophically do their duty of observing the fish's slow and painful death by asphyxiation in the air, because doing nothing but watching and feeling sad keeps their own hands clean. They did nothing. The air killed the fish for them. And instead of killing the fish quickly and painlessly, they let it suffer in a drawn-out way and once it was dead felt morally satisfied in themselves for feeling sad about it. And the text presents this as a good, beautiful, morally pure thing that they did.
Because inaction is preferable to action. Because this is the morality tale held up as hopeful and necessary for our times. And the more I think about it the more I hate it.
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mesetacadre · 7 days
How do you avoid becoming a doomer with politics? I want to be more politically active but the current political climate makes me feel depressed.
talked more about this here but essentially, nothing is static. Conditions change all the time, the quantity of organized people can fall and rise (with parallel but not necessarily 1:1 development of quality). What today seems like an impassable wall, tomorrow (not literally tomorrow) will more and more began to be seen as a necessary step for an improvement to happen. The fact that there exists a scientific method of analysis of history and capitalism also acts as an accelerant; how much time passed between the first bourgeois state and the first formulation of scientific communism, 50 years? That is unprecedented in the history of modes of production, and it only took another 50-60 years after that before the first relatively permanent instance of the next mode of production.
The way I see this, inaction and pessimism feed into each other, pessimism favors inaction, and inaction reinforces pessimism, by limiting your perception because it limits personal experience. And that cycle can only be broken by first stopping that inaction, since it is possible (not always) to force yourself to act against your general feelings. And then, only by working against that inaction and finding an organization/party or general line of action that works for you, can you begin to sustain an action-optimism cycle (of course, it isn't this simple and I would not call my outlook to be optimistic, but this is the best way I can think of explaining this). This cycle is, in my experience, very fragile, and somewhat often I continue to act through periods of relative pessimism by inertia and by the continuance of the responsibilities that bind me to my party most strongly. I can keep talking about the way society and the economy evolve, but at a personal and more inmediate scale, this is the only way to avoid "doomerism", at some point you're going to have to start acting if you want to avoid it, and rethoric can help, of course, but you'll only start to internalize it once you experience becoming an active part of these mechanisms. For me, it sometimes feels like a hobby, other times like a chore, and most times like the best thing I could ever do with my life. But it's crucial that you're not only driven by blind hope. The amount of effort and time you can contribute as an individual will vary wildly, depending on your own personal circumstances, and in my experience the most common type of organized person you'll encounter is the one that can only really dedicate a few days a week or a couple of hours every few days.
There is some nuance to "you have to end your inaction" too, of course. I'm not saying to join the very first group you encounter and dedicate every minute of free time to it, but you also can't be waiting for the perfect opportunity or org to come along. I contacted my ML party on a Tuesday during a winter academic break, while I was only just beginning to stabilize out of a suicidal episode but still depressed, and while considering myself mostly an ancom (I was very lost in that regard, my beliefs were not truly emergent from any proper anarchist core, but I digress). You don't need to have read x books or need to have encyclopedic knowledge of your local movement to begin to organize yourself, and you also don't need to believe 100% in the emancipation of workers. The best time to begin is the next time you have some free time to research and begin to contact some orgs/parties, that's as best as I think I can put it. I can't assure you that it'll be straightforward, but I can assure you that you can't get out of doomerism just by thinking about it.
If it's too daunting, think about those executive dysfunction "tricks". Joining A Party can sound very big an unapproachable, but you can break it down into looking, for example, for "Communist Party of [your country]". Look at their socials, see what they do and say, maybe you find an offshoot org that looks better, or run into a completely unrelated group. Then you contact them, ask when they're doing something in your area or if they can invite you to some kind of meeting, etc. Be willing to contact them if you find a couple of drawbacks too, sometimes rumors turn into the thing everybody says about x or y org, without really reflecting reality. Have criteria, of course, if some org is talking about immigrants like they're invaders, for example, it is probably not worth your time. Everything depends on what your local scene looks like. Getting experience at a mediocre org is still better than staying at home and looking on at the state of the world like it's hopeless. this isn't a very well-structured post, I've been writing this across a few days when I can, I hope it's helpful
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thenightfolknetwork · 7 months
I never wanted to be part of the creature community. It isn't that I have anything against anyone--I was just born sapio and didn't ever feel any desire to be Turned. I was happy with my life and myself and I was more busy with my O-Levels and looking to go to uni than anything else. But that's all changed a couple of years ago when...well, I know the technical term, but "Sudden-Onset Apotheosis Syndrome" is just a fancy way of saying "Turned into a god with no discernible reason", yeah? It always makes me feel like a tool and so I try to hide it as best I can--no one wants to hear you complain about how hard it is being given divine powers and all that entails.
But I do have a problem, and I thought I might not be the only one with it, MUST not be, except I can't find anyone talking about it and so here I am? I can't talk to anyone anymore, can barely do even shopping for groceries, I feel paralyzed because all of a sudden now I have to think about a whole lot more than a "five year plan". All around me my old friends and my family, they're all...
...They're all dying. Not of anything particular--yet--but I can't so much as think of them without knowing how they're all going to die one day and I'm...not. I'm going to keep being like this for as close to "forever" that matters. It doesn't matter what I do or what they do, in just a handful of decades everyone I've ever known and loved will just be dust and I'll still look like I'm seventeen. And it isn't just people, it's everything. I thought I was used to the idea of living in a world perpetually sprinting headfirst towards climate disaster or nuclear oblivion, but NOW it's like--what, am I going to just be wandering around the blasted radiated wastelands waiting for the cockroaches to evolve wi-fi? I can't so much as plan for a lunch date tomorrow without working myself into a freezing panic about something that's not going to happen for ten thousand years--what the fuck is wrong with me?
How do any of you manage this sort of lifetime expectancy? How do you not try and Turn everyone on the street out of pure terror that they'll die and you won't? If this is how bad I feel after a few months, how much worse will it be in a year? In ten? In a million?
I'm so glad you've reached out, reader. This sounds to have been an extremely frightening, isolating experience for you, and I'm grateful you feel safe bringing that experience to my door.
The first point I want to talk to is your assertion that you are going to “keep being like this” forever. I recognise that some divine individuals do experience true eternal life, unchanged and unchanging. But they are few and far between, and it doesn't sound from your letter that the condition applies to you. Truly eternal beings do not suffer from panic attacks, for one thing.
You may not change physically, and emotional or intellectual change may be a little more difficult for you than they were before your apotheosis. But over time, I assure you, you will change. You will have new experiences and be shaped by them. And that means you can heal from this.
You ask “what the fuck is wrong” with you. Nothing is wrong with you. You are responding to a desperately frightening situation that has undermined every expectation and hope you had for how your life would play out. Give yourself a little grace, my dear.
This powerful fear response is not a personal failing or a sign of weakness. Your brain and body are trying to keep you safe, urging you to certain actions in a bid to protect you from harm.
The next time that “pure terror” hits you, try to breathe through it. Notice how it's making you want to behave, and acknowledge these impulses as a desire to protect yourself and the people around you. And then, let the suggestions go.
The action – or freezing, panicked inaction – suggested by your fear is not helpful. You can't turn the world, and you can't sit in frozen panic, waiting for the world to end. Take a breath, and ask yourself instead what you can do.
When you feel afraid of losing your friends, focus instead on expressing gratitude for the time you get to share with them. If you're afraid of the effects of climate catastrophe or political conflict, try getting involved in helpful action around these concerns. Let your love for this world and the people in it carry you forwards, not hold you back.
There are many models of god-hood. The detached, eternal observer is only one model of divinity, and not one you have to accept for yourself. Embrace instead your own immanence. You are here in the world. You can connect. You can change. You can make a difference.
We cannot possibly know what the future will hold, for ourselves or anyone else. Perhaps the world will end in fire and fury. Perhaps there will be exciting cockroach internet in our future. And perhaps life will carry on much as it always had, but in shinier outfits and with more spaceships. Who knows. What I do know is that nothing can be gained from worrying about that now.
You do not have to have a ten thousand year plan, dear reader. You do not need to have a ten year plan. It might be helpful to have a plan for the coming week, if only so you can make sure you take enough time to do the weekly shop and catch up with some friends.
Beyond that, remember: you are here with us, experiencing linear time just like everyone else. So please, try to take it as anyone else must – one day at a time.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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drdemonprince · 7 months
Just chiming in to agree that that person is not a selfish bitch. I'm also really put off by moralistic performances of emotion, and I know in my case it's because it was part of a pattern of abusive behaviour that my mother did.
Anytime you expressed to her that there was a problem with her behaviour, she seemed to genuinely believe that if she put enough effort into weeping and crying on her children's shoulders, and verbally denigrating herself for being an inherently bad an immoral person, and stressing so much that she developed physical illnesses from it, then she could follow that up by asking for forgiveness - as if it would be cruel for us to continue her suffering by denying her that forgiveness. Except that to her, "forgiveness" meant "it's all swept under the rug, I have Atoned By Suffering Guilt, so now it doesn't matter and I can keep doing it again." (I really wonder how much the religious background of her parents' generation came into the formation of this worldview.) And at the same time, she refuses to read news that's "too upsetting" and never engages with literature or media about dark themes "because there's enough of that in real life."
It might be cynical of me to read this pattern into the way people talk online about genocide. But I keep seeing parallels. My perspective is that a) if you're not regulating your emotions well enough to function, then you have less capacity to offer practical help; and b) people who are actually trying to survive genocide want unnecessary human suffering to END, so you're not aligning yourself with that hope by engaging in rumination etc that compounds suffering with not practical benefit to anyone.
But also, watching my mother's behaviour has led me to add perspective c) that a lot of people (in Christian cultures?) haven't developed enough understanding of the complexity of the world and how to relate to it, and genuinely believe that an overblown emotionally affected reaction, followed by helplessness and thereby inaction, is the only possible way for them to respond when they're confronted with upsetting information that demands action from them. Being raised to think in a black-and-white "good vs evil" dichotomy, and thinking about people as "either morally good or morally bad" rather than thinking about people as neutral and behaviours as either ethically helpful or harmful... it doesn't give them a conceptual framework to integrate upsetting information and then carry on getting things done, it's like their moral anxiety gets them stuck and that keeps the emotions escalating.
I see people discussing this pattern in the context of religious trauma, and in the context of the cultural construct of "whiteness" - the discovery of something morally bad has to be followed by an extreme emotional reaction that basically amounts to protesting your own innocence and helplessness to deny responsibility for your direct behaviours (in my mother's case) or complicity in a corrupt system (in the case of overwhelmed average people learning about genocide).
Maybe I'm rambling more than I'm analysing here, but the comparison stands out a lot to me and it's troubling to watch.
yo anon no this is gold, thank you for sharing. This is remarkably astute.
I will add the quick caveat that hyperempathic people who are debilitated by their sensitivity exist, of course, and have very real struggles and none of this is intended to denigrate them. In practice, their behavior can have the impact of silencing criticism or distracting from the issue at hand but being wired that way certainly does not doom a person to behaving in a counterproductive, manipulative manner.
This critique is more about performative over the top empathy as a tactic (conscious or not) of offloading responsibility, and as a pseudo-religious ideology that makes predominately white western cultures particularly ill-equipped to deal with the consequences of their global plundering. almost certainly by design. Most moral teachings that we encounter in the west promote this tactic and ideology, and it gets very deeply ingrained in most us if we don't devote a ton of attention to uprooting it.
thanks for this great response.
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