#you are welcome to write a novel in my askbox and you are so right on this
ourloveiselectrifying · 3 months
I really really want to like this game I really do but everytime I play this game I can't get through it because the arts are so UGLY 😭
So, there are these words, at the top of OLiE's game page that read: "I'm new to coding/writing/gui design and I'm not a professional artist at all, this is my first ever project/visual novel. It's just for fun and free."
It means: The quality won't be amazing since I'm no professional and I'm just doing this for my own enjoyment, in my spare time.
OLiE is not my job. I've already got one of those. I'm just someone having fun drawing their OCs and writing their silly little stories. You're welcome to have fun too, or the exit is right there!
I'm never happy with my art, but I'm also the only person making the art/story/gui/code/ect. The story is pretty big, so when I sit on a cg/bg/sprite for too long, I just have to move on, or I won't ever finish this project. When my art quality improves to a point that I'm happy with, I plan to go back to art I personally don't feel was good enough. Until then, you just gotta suck it up or go away lmao.
This was shitty of you to send into my askbox btw. I am already really hard on myself about my art, but I still want to create something, even if it's not perfect. Hopefully someday you can grow as a person, you big spoilt baby.
Hope this helps! :3
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itoshi-s · 2 years
AYOOOO those rin screenshotss were so worth the wait EHEEE !!! >:) and omg AM SORRY for just barging into ur askbox unannounced, I saw the tweet and got too excited LMFAOOO but ive been reading ur fics and posts these past few days so feel like I gotta come say hi properly <3 
first of all, ur writing is fucking impeccable. you always nail their personalities to a t and its just… wow. u should be writing novels, NOVELS my dude.
it was wild seeing u talk abt genshin bc believe it or not, i was literally in the deepest, most hopeless chokehold of a genshin brainrot known to man (over scaramouche too no less) AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW. seeing bachira animated just…… changed the trajectory of my life. I was like okay. that’s fine. it's no big deal. Im just…. so normal about him, you know. SO normal. and then, by sheer fucking chance, i saw your good comfort fic?? £^*&£%???? and BRUH. i simply just dont have it in me to be normal anymore 🫠 so thats were we’re at. AHAHA anyway hi. NEW EP TOMORROW ur gonna see ur mans sooooo soon!! its shitty u gotta work but hope it goes by fast knowing he’ll be waiting for u <33 
AAAA LAM BBIE HELLO !!!!!!! ❤️❤️ feel welcome bby im v happy to see u around !!! <333
AKAKAKKSAK u have no jdeaaaa how much i appreciate that !!! their personalities are SOOOOOO tricky so im vvvv glad u love them😭🫶🏻
PLEASEEE the way it just haunted u right in ur bachira brainrot … HEHE i am def not sorry !!>:) i luv making y’all go crazy for these boys !>_< once again thank yewwww for all the kindest words bbie </3 sob you’re so sweet ! MWAAAAH ❤️
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bitimdrake · 3 years
losing it because the dc curve on bad parenting would actually help Bruce akdslfjaksdlfjkelwajklfjawlkjfwlke
... but also i miss the complex relationships characters used to have with their parents in dc comics and the different ways abuse/neglect was explored. We had Stephanie and Arthur Brown (and Crystal was on pain pills), Cissie and her mom's wild relationship, Cassandra and David Cain, Cassie and her mom (as a good example), Bart and Max, Dick and Bruce (and the others too), Tim and Jack/Dana, Barbara and Jim, Lian and Roy/Jade (the recent dc blasphemy has me so sad still), Wally and his kids, Wally and his bio parents, Wally and Barry, and like... so so many more
idk. i feel like ever since the reboot (and before that even) the complicated and messy family dynamics between characters is just missing and it used to be so compelling. i feel like batgirl 2000 is a great example of that - like David Cain was incredibly abusive, and it was compelling to watch Cass struggle with that, finding compassion - even for him, and letting him go to lead her own life with the family she chose and just ahhhhhhh sorry for ranting in your inbox but dang... the one thing i miss about older comics is characters not being put in the good parent or bad parent category, but rather being more on a scale from 0-100 and having everyone fall somewhere in between and seeing the direct effects of parenting on the children
it's real bad curve! children in the dcu are NOT having a great time! if your standards are, like, trigon and darkseid and vandal savage, suddenly bruce is getting bumped up in the grading.
But yes yes yes. I miss that nuance and complexity so much. I'm only a little ways into the reboot, but so far it seems like a lot of that complexity has been lost because we just don't have most of those parents anymore, but the rest falls away because there's no history or existing material to ground anything on. Every parents has to appear and immediately declare whether they are evil or good, and that's it.
But it was so interesting in the preboot era. There were parents that were flawed and complicated and sometimes hurt their kids, but weren't flatly characterized as Evil Villains either--Jack Drake and Bonnie King and Jade Nguyen (when not being written horribly). And the reader can absolutely judge any or all of them as bad parents, or personally decide their failings in parenting are unforgivable, but that feels like...an actual interpretation you have to make, material you have to engage with, instead of just being spoon fed the answer.
And there are parents who are characterized as good people and parents, but still flawed humans, like Jim Gordon. Or parents who were bad then developing and growing and becoming what their kids need, like Crystal Brown. (And theoretically Jack and Bonnie too, though Jack reached that for 2.5 seconds before dying, and I don't know if I really trust Bonnie's transformation.)
And then you even have unarguably horrific parents like David Cain, who still get nuance in their characters and relationships with their children. I also loved watching Cass struggle to reconcile her compassion with the abuse. And I'll add the other half, that I always thought was a very good writing choice, which is that...Cain loves her too? And at no point does that remotely temper his abuse, or change how awful he is, yet it's clear as day he deeply cares for her and is delighted in her successes. It keeps the character as detestable, but imo suddenly much more interesting to read--and, more important, it adds one more dimension to Cass's difficultly sorting out her feelings towards him.
And we have parents that don't care too! Like, I'm not sure if Arthur Brown ever cared about Steph in the slightest. And that is a very valid story too--and just as interesting in Steph's reactions to it and attempts to process--and I'm really glad we got both.
But then, the inevitable Bruce tangent. Most of the other parents listed here stay as supporting characters to their children, but Bruce is a main character in his books and a supporting character in his kid's books at the same time, so he's being written not just by more people, but for more narrative purposes.
There are obvs a lot of points where Bruce is a horrible parent, but there are also points in preboot where I'm fairly certain we are actually meant to come away thinking he's being a horrible parent. (I don't think we were ever meant to see him as a consistently abusive parent, but whoops dc you fucked that one up and he is; topic for another post before I make this one even longer.) We see him in one of his kids' books, and we understand okay this guy is treating his kid terribly. But at the same time, Bruce is still the lead in, like, 457 of his own books, so we can never stop thinking about him as a person too. And even with Bruce, there were points where preboot was unflinching in displaying his failures to parent...even if they never quite completed the follow up.
Anyway, maybe that--being both a main and supporting character--is why Bruce has (lbr, probably by accident) remained one of the only parents with nuance. But unfortunately, most everyone else seems to have been erased, turned blandly evil, or just as blandly good.
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songofclarity · 4 years
Hi. Sorry to suddenly come into your askbox like this but I saw your tags on the Nie Bros sickfic you reblogged from me. Thank you so much for the lovely tags! I'm so happy to hear you liked the story :D (I'm not sure if you've seen the donghua adaptation but NHS was sent to the Wen camp in that version haha. I did really like how in CQL though it looked like NMJ was preparing to fight the invitation but then the whole mess with the XY and MY happened)
Hello! ♡ Thank you again for sharing such a wonderful fic! Nie brothers and sickfic and hurt/comfort, it’s a feast of my favorite things! ♡♡♡
You’re absolutely right, Nie HuaiSang did go to the camp in the donghua! And I saw it in your tags too, I swear, but by the end I was apparently buzzing in my own little world...! It’s been awhile since I’ve watched the donghua, I admit, and my mind is on default setting to the original canon where his incredibly loud absence at the camp has always struck me as a story in and of itself. Like what sacrificial Wen messenger would have dared to step foot into the Unclean Realm in the first place considering the Nie Sect already hates the Wen Sect? And then dare order Nie MingJue to send his little brother to them as a hostage? Like the absolute audacity!
I also liked how CQL Nie MingJue was preparing to fight the invitation! But then the donghua and CQL needed more familiar faces present due to being a visual adaption, so welcome to camp, Nie HuaiSang! Seeing him happily handing over his saber in CQL is hilarious and watching him hide behind everyone and everything in the donghua is so pitifully precious, so I still enjoy them all! Plus the more Nie HuaiSang we get, the better!
But as your wonderful fic so demonstrates, Nie HuaiSang in the camp aftermath is such a wonderful spot to fill with headcanons. Swimming out of that cave (can Nie HuaiSang swim or did he have to hold onto someone!?), having to make it back home with his people without sabers or food or anything and the Wens still chasing them... That was honestly the most dangerous thing that has ever happened to him, most likely. Having him finally get home and his health has taken a beating? Bring on the hurt/comfort! Nie MingJue having a crisis over his little brother being dead or dying at any point during all of this? My heart is bleeding and I love it, please continue!
Plus thinking ahead, Nie HuaiSang at the camp and coming home in a dismal state, of Nie MingJue having to face the possibility of losing him, adds extra meaning to Nie MingJue being so protective that Nie HuaiSang is sent off to Cloud Recesses during the Sunshot Campaign (in the novel, at least). Like Nie MingJue handed Nie HuaiSang to the Wens and that almost ended in complete disaster. You’d think he’d then want to keep Nie HuaiSang as close as possible or at least at home, but to then send him off to someone else instead?? That speaks to the unfathomable amount of trust he has in the Lans and Lan XiChen, but that really should come as no surprise to anyone.
I kind of went off there but just! Nie brother feels! Sickfic! I love it! Keep up the great work writing, my friend!
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decimadragonoid · 5 years
The Undertale - RETRACE Rulebook
For those who have read my fan comic project Undertale - RETRACE so far here or on Deviantart, we have reached the end of Chapter 1. Over time, more chapters will be posted. First off, thank you guys so much for tuning in. For those who are just starting to read this comic, welcome aboard! For those who haven't played Undertale yet but are interested in this story, I suggest you play the game through to the end, but it's your own decision.
Before we continue further into the story, there are some rules I'd like you to follow over the course of this comic. I will post this rulebook on existing pages. The rules are as follows...
   * “Is this an Undertale AU?” - No. It's not. This story isn't an AU or alternate timeline, but if YOU want to identify this story as such, then by all means, go ahead. I won't stop you. It’s up to you to decide.
- This story is a new series of events a couple years or so after the original events of Undertale.  * "Why the title 'Undertale - RETRACE?' Why not something simple like 'RetraceTale?'" - As I interpret this story as a new series of events a couple years or so after the Post-Pacifist Ending, calling this story "RetraceTale" or "Underretrace" and sugarcoating it to make my fanmade story known to the fandom doesn't appeal to me, nor is it something I see as beneficial to my vision of the game and my fan project overall. - Long story short, my story is set in the original universe in some way, shape, or form.
   * “What’s up with these new character personalities?” - I just felt it’d be appropriate for the characters to go through certain changes in character development, personality, and intellect. The story is set a couple years after the original Undertale after all.
   * “Are there going to be any RESETS?” - No. Plain and simple.
- In this story, the RESETS no longer exist. Although the word may be reintroduced a couple times or so, no one can RESET anymore, not even Frisk. They decided to willingly discard it forever, and they understand that any future actions will be permanent. They burned this bridge a long time ago.
   * “No! You can’t do that! What if someone dies and it can’t be fixed??”
   * “Keep it, but don’t abuse it.”
- No. Time shouldn’t even be messed with. Not ever.
   * “What’s the purpose of RETRACE?” - The purpose of my Undertale story RETRACE is to create my own interpretation and dig deeper into Frisk’s past to see what life was like for them before they fell into the Underground, as well as unearth a new antagonist.
- Questions include the following…    * What was life like for Frisk before they fell into the Underground?
   *  Did they suffer amnesia?
   *  What were Frisk’s parents like?
   *  What if Frisk actually met a monster long before they fell into the Underground?
   *  Was something or someone responsible for their misfortune before they fell into the Underground and returned to the surface with the monsters, and if so, is that person still around?
   *  If this person was responsible for Frisk’s past events, whatever they may be, is that person still around, intending to bring ruin?
   *  There’s so much ground to cover. This is gonna be one hell of a ride!  * "I really like your art style!" / "Your style for Frisk is awesome!" / "Nice upgraded outfits!" - First off, thank you so much for your compliments on my styles and interpretations for the characters! - I will treat this project as a learning process and improve over time. - As such, I might make slight changes to one or two of my designs, and nothing would make me happier than for you guys to be the witnesses of my improvements and potential design changes!
   * “Frisk/Chara killed everyone! They were responsible for everything!” - Don’t even go there with me. You WILL be ignored.
- You have your way of interpreting the game and Undertale comics, and I have mine. - I've personally seen other comic artists get bashed for their Undertale headcanons, views on the characters, and alignments. This will NOT be tolerated here.
- I can very well choose to depict Frisk/Chara as either a hero or villain if I wanted to. I could even depict the monsters as such. But this comic is not about taking sides. I'm simply making this story out of love for the game, and to tell a story overall.
- Toby Fox left the events and characters of Undertale to our own unique interpretations. There is no right or wrong way to depict the Undertale characters. That’s why comics like this exist. I only write and draw this story out of love for Undertale.
- If you don’t like this comic or my depictions, don’t say anything. Leave. Now.
   * “Can I translate this comic in a different language?” - By all means! If English is not your native language, or if you want to translate my comic in a different language so other people with different ethnicities and cultures can read and enjoy this story, you’re more than welcome to translate it in any language you want.
- All I ask is that you credit me afterwards. Also, be sure to translate this rulebook as well to avoid confusion.
   * “Can I/we dub your comic?” - Absolutely! I encourage comic dubs for RETRACE! All I ask is that you credit me afterwards.
- Show me some talent! ^^
   * “Are there any ships?” - No.
- Here’s the deal… I see the monsters as a huge family Frisk never thought they could ever have.
- And you don’t need ships to do it.
- However, if you say things like, “Oooh! I ship this!” or “This ship bothers me,” that’s okay. I won’t judge you for it. I'm not going to condemn you for shipping anyone. You have your own opinion. But just know that there are no ships to be had in this comic, and I don’t want any problems to escalate.
    * “Which monster do you see as the dad, uncle, mother, etc.?” - You’ll see.
    * “When’s the next page?” / “Bro, you’re taking too long!” / “I wanna know what happens next!” - When I say, “WHEN I CAN,” I mean, “WHEN I CAN!”
- Please don’t ask me this. I don’t appreciate being rushed or pressured, and neither do any other artists out there. It’s disrespectful to me and other viewers.
- If there is any huge delay whatsoever, I’ll explain myself.
- I have other responsibilities besides drawing comics. Of course, this doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy drawing Undertale. In fact, I love it!
- I don’t mind comments like, “I can’t wait for the next page,” “My feels,” “Aaugh!! Cliffhanger,” etc. But please don’t ask me when I’m posting the next page. I’m not a robot. I cannot stress that enough.
    * “Can I use this comic as reference material?” - Absolutely! Just be sure to credit me later!
    * “Can I draw fanart of your comic?” - Absolutely! I 100% encourage you to draw any Undertale or RETRACE fanart! Just be sure to credit me afterwards!
    * “Can I suggest any changes for the story?” - No.
- I have scripted this comic already, so it’s already set in stone. However, I will allow constructive criticism for any visual errors and story errors I might make.
    * “To be continued…?” - When one of my pages says, “To be continued…,” it means you’ve reached the end of a chapter.
- After the end of each chapter, I’ll prepare an askbox so that you can ask questions to any characters that show up in RETRACE or anyone outside the story, whether they be your favorites or any original characters specific to this story.
- This way, I can interact with you all in the most positive and/or appropriate way possible. - In addition, I will also give you the option to dub my askbox and the responses so far, which will be listed in the askbox's description for your convenience.
    *  “What questions can I ask?” - You can ask pretty much anything, so as long as it’s not anything NSFW-related.
- The question can be something totally random, comedic, sad, family-bonding, or related to the story.
- But for the sake of this rulebook, I’ll give you some examples…
    * “Hey, <UT!Character>! How’s life on the surface?”
    * “How’s it hanging, <UT!Character>?”
    * “What kind of hobbies did you find ever since coming to the surface?”     * "What do you like to do with <UT!Character>?"
    * “Any jobs?”
    * “Can I give you a present, <UT!Character>?”
    * “What kind of stuff do you guys do around the house?”
    * “How’s school?”
    * “What are your favorite subjects?”
    * “How did you feel after this happened?”
    * “Will everything be okay?”
- I will randomly handpick any question you ask any Undertale character, original character, or myself. If one of your questions haven’t been answered, don’t repeat the same question over and over again. Ask a different one, and maybe you’ll be lucky.
- If I make up some funny or weird scenario when answering questions, you can add on to the scenario if you want. It’s more fun that way, and it gives me the chance to interact with you all and keep the ball rolling! I wanna hear from you guys, so feel free to ask away!
    * “How many chapters do you plan to make?” - Let’s just say it’s almost as long as Lesser Dog’s extensive neck. When it comes to fantasy, I tend to write a lot. I try to draw and improve my skills as much as I can, but I do exceptionally well with writing it out.
- As such, I’ll also provide Undertale – RETRACE chapters in a novel format after the end of each chapter, if you want it. I'd like to make this project open to everyone who likes Undertale, whether they like comics, novels, or have any preferences, impairments, or even physical or mental disabilities.
- I want everyone to enjoy this story as much as I enjoy making it for Undertale fans, fan artists, and artists in general to see.
Also, I highly recommend you to play the game before viewing this comic. Whether you do or don’t is up to you. Otherwise, welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy this fresh, new Undertale experience! We’re gonna have a ‘skele-ton’ of fun, people! ~ DecimaDragonoid
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izumisays · 5 years
dear yuletide author
Thank you so much for reading this and taking part in this wonderful annual conspiracy!
First of all, I hope you have a lovely time! If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and ready to hear all the stories you want to tell.
Fandoms: Nirvana in Fire, Spinning Silver, In Other Lands, Thunderbolt Fantasy, Grasshopper Jungle
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, of any rating, ranging anywhere from lighthearted antics to dramatic casefics. But the core of all the stories I love has always been character interaction and interplay of their competences. 
How the characters play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they’d react to a divergence of events, how true they’d stay to themselves in a different setting -- I love fanfiction for allowing us to reconnect with our favourite stories time and again by asking these questions. And there are so many ways to do it! To name a few favourites, I’m always game for POV hijinks, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs.
You may notice that quite a few of my requests lean towards shipfic – those, too, are welcome in a variety of tones – but I also tried to include openings for gen ideas if that’s your jam. Additionally, while it is not usually my top interest, I don’t have anything against AUs if there is something that you are itching to explore: I tend to enjoy them for a new aesthetic that fleshes out the favoured character dynamics in a new light, or a fusion that redefines the playing ground to allow the characters to exhibit their core competences in new and exciting ways.
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and similar kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
NIRVANA IN FIRE: Mei Changsu, Xiao Jingyan
Is this a complex, narratively inevitable historic tapestry strangling people with its treads, full of delicious politicking and identity porn? Yes, it is.
Is my burning – nay, primal – desire so simple as to smoosh two faces together and watch them kiss? Yes, it is :’)
I mean, I will obviously not say no if the kissing is giftwrapped in the said tapestry of beautiful, politicky plot, but the fever I can’t get out of my system is this: LET THEM KISS, GODDAMMIT. LET THEM BE HAPPY. I welcome canon divergences, alternative endings, fix-its, insert eps and codas where it looks like they would have kissed (erm, or at least confronted each other in a way that would inevitably end with them making out) if only Mei Changsu wasn’t so caught up in self-loathing and fluffy foxfur coats, and Jingyan didn’t talk too loudly about his so dead, so very dead beautiful ex to hear Mei Changsu weep stoically into his beautiful white furs.
I adore Prince Jing. He is 90% cheekbones and 20% heartbroken pouting over his so very dead friends, and all of it noble and awkward and stubborn and deserving of happiness. Mei Changsu is ridiculous, and capable, and twisted into pretzels of his own creation: not above gloating over his enemies while daintily dipping cookies into his tea, he gets too caught up in weaving the tapestry to notice he is a part of it.  Pull him off his high horse, Jing! Render him helpless by being yourself! Do something about being hopelessly charmed with each other, through resentment, loss, bitter pining, and narrative inevitability! JUSTKISSALREADY.gif!!
Spinning Silver is a beautiful story, a polyphony of voices that echo the key themes with poignance in individual tales coming together into a bigger picture: admirable female characters, complicated families, bargains and stakes and wordless bonds, all spun and woven together with so much care and craft! While I really liked the whole journey, it’s two characters in particular at whom I’d like to get a closer look.
Irina and Mirnatius: both shipfic and/or gen. Irina the ruler, with an iron will and unwavering hand: I would absolutely like to explore the court life under her rule, after the events of the book. In between running a country and cleaning up a demonic mess, does she find a thought to spare about Mirnatius? Does she harbour any resentment or sense of obligation, or indulgently tolerates him as part of the ornamental royal regalia? Is there a role she envisages him playing? Does she box him into that role, or allow herself to be surprised?
MIRNATIUS, hands-down my favourite POV in the book. How does he get on after demon loses his hold on him? What kind of person he is on his own? I’d like to think he doesn’t lose all his edges, and perhaps gets high-headed and displaced now that his mind is vacated off its demonic freeloader, and there is a quest for find his own place in the new reality, before he can be that dramatic artistic bisexual with no interest in statecraft that Irina gleamed in him.
How do the power dynamics between them change, and how much of that stays the same? Is there any genuine love to be found between them, eventually? (The answer doesn’t have to be yes – for all that they are the same species, I tend to think their circumstances are more complicated than Miryem and the Staryk’s, and less forgiving.)
IN OTHER LANDS: Luke Sunborn
Elliot is a spectacular narrator. Novel-shaped case in point: In Other Lands.
Having said that, what I really, really want to see is a story that makes Luke a narrator, or otherwise puts him at the center. I have it on good authority that he makes one fucking adorable narrator (novella-shaped case in point: Wings in the Morning), but why stop there, right?
Luke/Elliot, either post-canon or slightly amending canon, is always a delight. Luke crushing on Elliot for years in a resigned, semi-unaware (or aware!) manner - he gives Elliot Dale’s name only as a distraction, to get Elliot off his back, and watches with horrified eyes how every member of his family is suddenly out there to set him up with the wrong boy! Luke handling the thought of Elliot the boyfriend with awkwardness unbefitting a Trigon champion (granted, Elliot is kinda more prickly than an average glass ball). Luke having 110% confidence in Elliot and admiring him sass people into submission from the sidelines.
A look at Luke’s friendship with Serene - completely compatible with Luke forever crushing on Elliot, just saying ^^. I suspect lack of Elliot’s Serene goggles could do marvels to building nuance to her character: a little less emphasis on gender-reversed dudebro comedy, a little more of someone who is clever enough to balance multiple things, connect the dots, and learn, and stand by what she believes is right.
Competence kinkkk. Forever admiring the bookish people, refusing to stop trying to catch up, and zero time spent being conceited about own achievements while fully embracing his role of a champion and defender - that’s the Luke I love <3 Luke’s brand of leadership & charisma - an introverted champion, well-loved by people and easily tired of company of not his people.
Figuring out life after graduation! Casefic of them solving a mystery and preventing a war breakout! Getting assignments and storming the castles! Building cross-cultural competence by throwing Elliot at new people and watching him sign up new pen friends and treaties!
Sunborn family fic! A holiday get together? Drunken exchange of family stories? Another terrible competition that Elliot boycotts? Rachel reading Luke’s letters from year one and with great amusement observing the progression of his “THAT ELLIOT” feelings. (I would so die to read an epistolary fic that documents Luke’s Elliot problems) God I love the Sunborns, especially Rachel <3
I’m not particularly fond of Dale, on understanding that he got enough screentime already, so I’d be grateful if you didn’t center the fic around him. Obviously no objections to him as part of class ensemble, whose names Luke continuously fails to remember.
If you are writing a Luke/Elliot shipfic (which is a prospect I would whole-heartedly welcome!), just a note to say that I don’t get particular kicks out of wingfic poetics. I mean, I’m alright with that as part of the “golden and beautiful” package and acknowledgement that Elliot sure gets his kick out of them, but I personally find wings-as-harpy legacy and associated emotional baggage/pragmatism mix Luke feels on the subject more interesting to investigate. All the rest of their ship chemistry is very much welcome, in whatever proportion you enjoy doing it most.
If you had told me a year ago that I would commit a definitely not-insignifiant amounts of emotional investment into a Taiwanese puppet show written by Urobutcher, I’d have laughed in your face. I am so glad my lovely friends know me better than I do, and tied me to a chair long enough to show me the first few episodes, and smugly watched me breeze through two seasons and a movie of this tropey goodness. 
Sanfan is a mixture UTTER GLEE and deep fondness for the genre staples, self-aware and masterful playthrough of all the wuxia tropes in the book, and one goddamn well-constructed story. It plays the tropes straight, calls them out with a knowing wink, walks the tightrope between the two with panache, and just as you are relaxed and enjoying this trapeze show, it grins cheekily at you, sets the discoball on fire and pulls a bunny out of a hat.  It’s DELIGHTFUL and fun and lovingly crafted, just like a good passion project should be.
I want anything that capitalizes on the absolutely hilarious dynamics between Rin Setsua and Sho Fukan (and while personally I end up using the Japanese versions of their names more often, please feel free to go with the Chinese names if you prefer). Sho Fukan does not want any of those heroic quests, he’s the human equivalent of been there, done that mood, and he just wants to REST and hopefully dump a bunch of magical murderswords someplace safe. Rin Setsua is a Totally Respectable and Non-Villainous Member of Society, of which he will inform you firsthand in the most high spoken and verbose way possible, and maybe even produce paperwork that has definitely not been tampered with. He harbours no ulterior motives, ever, and does not trail behind Sho Fukan for any reason beyond the pleasure of his company, and his mission to personally victimize and cockblock every morally derelict villain in two countries, by no-one’s request. 
Whether you go shipfic (yiss!) or canon levels teamup circus (also yiss!), don’t hold back your horses. Everything about this is Extra, and should continue to be so <3 
Do you ever, like, read an insanely cyclical, epic zombie apocalypse book that is probably narrated from the rubbles of the fallen fourth wall, and walk away softly clutching at your heart, whispering “Oh Robby”?
I sure did.
I mean, I definitely loved all the obsessive, crazy, cyclical shit the book did. It’s a trip and a half! Austin is a hilarious guide to the crazyland of zombie apocalypse and multiple identity crises, and I enjoyed him tremendously. If you want to dabble in recreating that, I’ll happily read it! But my heart longs to answer some important questions like, Will Robby Ever Get Appreciation He Deserves, Do They Get Laid, and most importantly, What The Fuck Happened That Night When They Got Drunk and Shit Got Transcendental. (I feel it in my heart of hearts that their dicks must have, or at least should have, touched.)
Play however you like with it -- coda, AU, fixit, crack (oh god, if there was a canon that was borderline crack itself), futurefic -- I’m gonna look forward to any and all permutations.
A note to say that I don’t harbor any ill feelings towards Shann! My primary urge is to coddle and adore Robby, and I leave it up to you to negotiate the hows and whys :) 
FWIW, I have a copy of Exile from Eden on my hands, but haven’t cracked it open yet. It’s entirely up to you if you want to include whatever is in there: I’m going to be pleased with just GJ material as is! If I do read Exile anytime soon, and if it significantly changes my views on the subject, I’ll add a note to that effect.
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cakesandfail · 5 years
Got tagged to do a thing by @sassysnowperson- thank you!
Author Name:
I’m ‘gemothy’ on AO3, which should give you a little hint at just how pun-centric my writing is.
Fandoms You Write For:
Discworld, mostly, with a bit of historical fiction thrown in. I’ve also written for a few other things in crossover snippets, particularly on here- usually Harry Potter, but on one occasion it was Monty Python’s Flying Circus. More on that later.
Where You Post:
AO3, generally, though fic meme prompts and such get posted on here. There’s also a few bits on kink memes here and there.
Most Popular One-Shot:
In terms of kudos, it’s A novel idea, a Vimes/Vetinari fic where they lie in bed and read shitty fanfic of themselves.
In terms of hits, it’s Country Matters, a Three Musketeers fic based on the recent-ish BBC series. It’s mostly about sex education from one idiot (Aramis) to another (d’Artagnan).
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
I’ve only got one lmao
It’s What’s Past is Prologue, another Vetinari/Vimes one and the only thing I’ve written that has anything remotely resembling an actual plot. It’s still very silly though, don’t let the fact that it’s a bit longer than usual fool you.
Favorite Story You Wrote:
Everyone probably knows this already because it’s the one I always talk about, but: Ankh and Accountability. Vetinari is so much fun to write, especially if you take the opportunity to speculate about his rise to power.
This one is my favourite partly because Vetinari is my number one fave, and partly because I’ve always been really pleased with the way it turned out. I’m rarely as happy with the way fics turn out as I was when I finished this one, and I had a great time writing it too.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Flexible Working- it’s the only explicit fic I’ve posted on AO3 and I was really nervous about it. It’s only short, and not actually particularly explicit overall, but... well, I’m ace, and I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to this sort of thing. Except that maybe I do? Because it got a pretty good reception. Who knew, eh?
How Do You Pick Your Titles:
They’re all sitcom episode titles.
I’m joking, to some extent- they’re not literally sitcom episode titles recycled for fanfiction. But I do use the general principles of “is this funny” and “what would be a suitable pune (or play on words) to use here”
Things that tend to crop up regularly include: lines from Shakespeare, other literary references, and dreadful puns. Those aren’t deliberately recurring themes, they just happen. I have started to use a theme on purpose for vetvimes fics though, and it’s ‘corporate jargon that sounds like innuendo and/or feelings’.
Do You Outline:
....well. Technically yes, in that I’ll jot down the gist of an idea when I get it so I can actually write the thing later, and I did do it for What’s Past is Prologue, but uhhhhhhhhhhhh not for fic memes, generally, because those tend to be fairly short.
How Many of Your Stories are complete:
Everything on AO3 is complete, or at least every chapter that exists is self-contained. I have more WIPs than I care to admit to, though.
Nothing published! But I’ve got a few bits and pieces in the works. There’s a thing about Vetinari going “oh right, that’s what sexual attraction is like” (as if I know lol), and an extremely silly Doctor Who/History Monks crossover. Those are the ones most likely to end up making an appearance.
Coming Soon:
The aforementioned “welcome to middle age, guess who’s demi now” fic, probably. I write non-fiction all day at work and work has been busy as fuck so it’s taking a while to do anything for fun at the moment, unfortunately, but I really do want to get this one done, and done well.
Do You Accept Prompts:
I do! I can never guarantee anything particularly long in response to prompts, but I do take them, especially if there’s an askbox meme going around.
If you want something, do feel free to ask, and I’ll see what I can do. You all know what sort of things I like, I’m sure I can have a go at something other than grumpy old city dads if you like ;)
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For:
Bold of you to assume I can muster up that much enthusiasm when it takes me all my time to write anything in the first place. Ask me again at Christmas when work’s calmed down and I’ve got some time off for fiction, then I can give you a proper answer.
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions:
aw shit uhhh loads of people I know write and now I can’t remember any of them, fuck
@bigdiscenergy @july-19th-club @treesinspace you all write, right? @patricianandclerk I know you do but I also know you’ve answered a lot of questions like these fairly recently so don’t feel obliged to do these as well
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writingonesdreams · 5 years
Writing tips requests open
Tumblr media
So I have had a few people now, coming to my DMs and asking for writing tips, so I thought I would make it official. I found out, it's actually pretty fun to answer writing related questions.😁
About me:
For two years now, I have been studying writing intensely in my free time. Writing since I was in grade school. I had several of my short stories published in magazines. I'm working on my own book right now. Recently I began my part time job in a bookshop, so I know my way around published books and what's selling nowadays!
I read all kinds of
Writing books like On writing by Stephen King, Sometimes the magic works by Terry Brooks, Zen in the Art of writing, The Psychology Workbook for Writers, Write Characters your readers won't forget etc
Everything on Writing websites like springhole.net / how-to-write-a-book-now.com / novel-writing-help /helpingwritersbecomewriters.com / and many others
Countless posts on writing from popular writeblr blogs (as you can see from my posts, 1500 in 6 months, with 2100 followers at the moment)
I'm an avid reader. Read about 10 books just last month, not to mention all the fanfictions😂.
I have been especially interested in:
Dramatica theory
Outling techniques
Writing exercises and questionnaires
Plotting methods
Character arcs and character development
How to write fantasy and magic systems
Why writers write, what kind of people are writers, writing motivation and meaning
If you have any questions about any of these, or really any writing related inquiry, or need help deciding on something, you can go ahead and ask me.
My askbox and DMs are open and welcome to use! I will do my best to answer.😉
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saltoftheao3 · 7 years
Anonymous asked: Why do people bookmark fanfiction but don't kudo or comment? Legit question 😑          
Anonymous aked: That moment when someone goes through over 350,000 words of your writing across multiple multi-chapter fics, and only leaves kudos. Even though that's nice, I wonder what it would take for them to actually leave a comment maybe just once. I mean, you're welcome for those 5 novels I poured my soul into.            
Bookmarks you can use to find the fic again, to “shelve” it so to say, so they have a more “selfish” function than comments.
I think those readers that read the stories, enjoy them enough to eventually reread them or go through 350,000 words of them, but never care to interact with the author, are stuck in the traditional “passive reader role”.
They think of you as they do of a published author. You don’t have any interaction with J. K. Rowling either, right? Why should the author care what you, random stranger on the internet, thinks. They see your work as a more closed process than it is, as something finished on which they don’t have any influence. It’s written already, the author should have found intrinsic satisfaction in the writing process itself, haven’t they?
They have no clue that we write it to share it, to have an exchange with fellow fans and to offer them, the readers, happiness and entertainment. They don’t see it as what it is, a gift that we send out there in the hope it will be appreciated, but rather as something that we do entirely for ourselves.
Also, and it often gets overlooked, for a lot of people feedback means effort. You have to phrase your thoughts, reflect your reading experience, think of something to say...To some it doesn’t occur that they could simply say “It was nice, thanks!” and we authors would be pleased as punch. They don’t know what they should comment on, what the author wants to hear - they are just new to that entire reviewing experience.
But hopefully they’ll learn and get better - I thought like that once, too. Now I comment everything that I read and enjoy. So spread the word, and have patience. It’s sad, and frustrating, but I hope you can find comfort in my explanation!
(askbox problem not entirely fixed, I get email notifications but can’t answer the asks directly, i...don’t get it *sigh*) 
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aetherscribe-blog · 7 years
What kind of experiences /backstories would make a character cynical, sarcastic and kind of arrogant but still likable to the reader? Sorry for jumping in your askbox so randomly ^^
   Don’t worry about jumping into my ask box! Everybody is welcome to take a dip in there whenever they feel like it! :D Thank you for the question! This is actually a really interesting one but first, lets look at what all these terms mean:
Cynic - a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimises selfless acts or disinterested points of view.
Sarcasm -  The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning in order to be harsh or bitter.
Arrogance -  An offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride.
   Okay, so now we know what these mean, let’s apply them to the character.
   Why would somebody believe that only selfishness motivates humans? Maybe they’ve had a rough life where nobody generous was really there for them. They could have been abandoned or orphaned, grown up in rough environments or even become jaded by another person’s selfishness that almost ruined their life. The beauty of this is that now we have something to make us sympathise with the character, and sympathy always makes a reader like a character. We feel sorry for them and want to look after them ourselves.
   Why would somebody convey a meaning that is opposite to their literal meaning to deliver insults? Because they’re intelligent or at least literate. To be effective at sarcasm, one would have to understand the meanings of words but also have the wit to deliver such stabs or irony at the right times, quick enough to be snarky and funny. If these are witty responses and delivered on time, the person he’s saying it to may not like him, but the readers will always love a funny and intelligent character!
   Why would somebody insist on their superiority? Because they desire to be at the top - they’re ambitious and lively, doing all they possibly can to be able to boast this without lying. This works naturally well with somebody who has been downtrodden and cynical, and with somebody who is intelligent and witty to add that extra sting. Not only does this natural composition of character traits make them feel like a real human, but readers naturally love to read about proactive characters. People like Loki more than Thor in the first movies because Loki is actually trying to do stuff all the time!
   As you can see, simply considering what made a character this way and reflecting on other effects these initial issues might have caused has already made this individual a likeable character! Sometimes, characters just fill in their own blanks for you, just so long as you make sure to portray this information somehow in your novel!
   I hope this answered your question! If you have anymore questions about anything to do with writing then please, do not hesitate to ask! Happy writing!
- CR
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shiraglassman · 7 years
Hello! I'm a fairly young author and was directed to you when I asked someone about how to handle a Jewish character in one of my books. He's one of a group of people that can transform into dragons and I'm worried that there's a wrong way to handle that, potentially playing into antisemitic stereotypes. (I recently learned about the problem with horns and I almost shouted at my screen) I'm fairly ignorant on the topic and wondered if you could help or had a resource I could use. Thank you!
This is going to be sensitive no matter how you slice it.Not only is the horns thing a prevalent myth, but the “reptilian invader” meme has feet in antisemitism. I know why people directed you to me – because I’vegot a Jewish dragon-shifting character – but I have to tell you right off thebat that I’ve literally gotten a response from at least one Jewish reader thatthe only reason they were comfortable with that was that it was coming from theinside.
And I think part of the reason it works even then is that mydragon is lovable and sexy and not materialistic at all. He’s the totalopposite of Smaug, and if he hoarded anything it would be “loved ones” andsafety. Adding those traditionally dragonish qualities to a Jewish characterwould make me wince. And even then,even with him not having any treasure and only hurting anyone if they’re aphysical threat to his beloved girls, there are probably Jewish readers whoaren’t okay with him existing and that’s normal and fine because nomarginalized group is a monolith.
I have tried to minimize the potential for harm I’ve createdfrom putting dragony, lizardy, and snakey Jewish imagery into the world by tryingto stick to imagery that’s not super recognizable as Jewish to those gentiles most unfamiliar with our customs. Forexample, we had a cute idea to have him using an umbrella as a yarmulke, but I didn’tfeel comfortable putting a serpent-type creature wearing obviously Jewishheadgear into the world. Having a snake wolfing down a piece of cheesecake orshaking a lulav doesn’t carry quite the same danger. And even then – I realizeI’m not on the thickest ice in the pond.
Isaac is very important to me. He’s my patronus and in oneform or another he’s been “with me” since I was five and my parents announced theywere splitting up. 2017  has been a rough year for me and he’s been part of my comfort process.
So: there are various ways you could handle your situation.
You could make the character not Jewish. I’m notreally aware of which cultures are more or less problematic when it comes toserpent representation, but you’re welcome to ask on @writingwithcolor once wereopen the askbox. Remember: no one workis obligated to include every marginalized group, so it’s totally valid tostrip a WIP character of their marginalized status to avoid actually creating harmfulrep or rep the author doesn’t feel up for handling at the moment
If thereare plenty of Jewish humans in the plot, this one Jewish character who’s nothuman won’t stand for all of us and it’ll go better. Also, I’m assuming there aregentile dragons as well. Don’t make him moredragonish than they are, if your dragons are the type to derive greatpleasure from shiny things and power.
Obviously, cutting back on any allusions totreasure hoarding and power seeking and invading and all that stuff will help!In short: no Smaug.
Going back to point #2: how does the Jewishdragon relate to the Jewish humans? In my book, I handle this by his closestloved ones adore him and trust him but sometimes those who aren’t close to theroyal family are a little intimidated of him. However, this is more about himbeing a mysterious wizard in general than specifically the dragon part.
Isaac has horns (in dragon form only) because his character design isfairly unoriginal and also because in some ways he’s a direct reclaiming ofmany anti-Semitic tropes at once, but you could always not have your dragonshave horns. Or you could have only your Jewish dragon shifter purposely not have horns to make a point. Honestly,for ME the horns aren’t as big a deal as the greedy characterization. (This doesn’t invalidate other people’s opinions and should not be used as a rebuttal against anyone else’s posts.)
I want to leave a special note that I am not answering@writingwithcolor – style questions as long as the WWC askbox is temporarily closed, and Idon’t take WWC questions on my personal, but as you’ve probably figured out, I love talking about Isaac, so I made anexception.
Also, since you said you’re fairly young – one major pieceof advice that’s general enough to repeat is, if you’re writing a character who’sa marginalization you don’t share, read some blog posts and literature aboutthat group written by people within thegroup first. I have a “jewish books” tag that’s pretty varied – romance,YA, historical mysteries, SFF graphic novels – so pick something and immerseyourself in at least one or two Jewish minds first. It’ll make you a betterwriter, and this goes beyond Jewishness into plenty of other forms ofmarginalization or even just “people who are different from you” even if they’renot marginalized.
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chillintel · 7 years
Hi mun! I just wanted to say I completely adore your character WindChill! I don't mean to burden you but I find myself wanting to start up an Ron blog about my own tf OC but I don't know how to go about it. Any tips and suggestions?
(( It’s not a burden, I’m glad you enjoy my OC! Reading this I’m going to assume you already have an OC in mind and know how to roleplay: if I’m wrong correct me and I’ll delve into those topics as well. Let’s see if I can keep this concise yet informative, shall we? I’ll organize this into basic steps and go from there.
Make your blog. I would personally recommend that you make a separate blog to RP on, though it is a matter of convenience. Some people prefer sideblogs but their limitations can be an enormous hurdle in tumblr RP.
Choose your URL, but feel free to use a stand-in URL if you haven’t chosen one yet, as it can always be changed later. I’m listing this as a separate step because your URL is important: it’s like the title of a book, an effective URL is going to inform people about your blog and be MEMORABLE. If people can’t remember your URL they’re not going to be able to find your blog, much less remember your character.
Find a serviceable theme, on an RP blog your theme can do a lot of the heavy lifting in setting the stage and mood so I’d recommend taking your time on it (but not so long you lose motivation or just don’t fucking finish, like me, my theme is not a good example,) until it ‘fits’ what you need it to do. This can also be changed later so if you don’t get the perfect theme right away it’s no actual hindrance, just keep in mind that like your URL, and effective theme goes a long way.
Install Xkit if you haven’t already, in the name of everything you hold dear install Xkit or an equivalent.
TF specific: decide whether your muse is going to be open to the multiverse. Most people are so by being ‘multiverse aware’ you’re going to have the widest net of potential RP partners. The beauty of the TF franchise is that the multiverse and crossovers are both canon, so it’s easy to explain and widely accepted if you mix and match continuities. There are folks who strictly play in the continuity their muse is based on, so it’s your heart’s desire there.
Have a rules page! This is a monster sized topic in and of itself, so feel free to either hit me up for rules-specific advice, or just read over/copy and edit my rules page to get the gist of what’s expected.
Have an about/bio page for your character! TF specific details to include are going to be: continuity, faction, role/function, alt mode, and SIZE. Most people prefer more details on OCs so that they can get a feel for a new character, so add as much as you feel like from there! My about page for instance includes a bunch of info that nobody even needs to know, but it’s there for MY OWN REFERENCE so that I can write consistently.
Open your askbox for the love of god.
Tag everything. Xkit can change tags for you later, but the more organized your tags are the easier running your blog will be in the long run, trust me.
This might sound controversial but I’m saying it regardless: if you have art of your OC, whore that shit out. Humans are visual creatures and it can only work to your advantage. You’ll notice virtually all of the popular OCs have one thing in common: artwork, whether the mun drew it or received it as gifts/commissions. There are muns who do nothing but order commissions of their OC, they don’t RP or otherwise contribute to the fandom and yet their OC’s are wildly popular because people see them everywhere. Can you be a popular and successful OC without it? Of course, but it makes it a lot easier and people will be less critical of your character with it. It’s basically cheating, and I’m a cheater. I realize this ‘advice’ is not some that everyone can use, but if you can it’s a major leg up in getting people interested in your OC.
Following that, know what makes your OC unique and flaunt it. Using Windchill as an example, let’s be honest: there are a lot of seekers, snipers, and gigantic muses on here, but only ONE likes unicorns, reads bad romance novels and uses humour to shield himself from trauma. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a hobby, quirk, or a defining personality trait so long as you have something that stands out. ‘Gimmicks’ and running jokes are good because it’s something people will remember about your character and be able to play off of in interactions!
When you feel your blog is ready to handle some RPs, start following people that seem interesting. (Just be sure to read their rules and about pages!) MOST folks are welcoming of OCs in the TF fandom. Don’t be afraid to say hi or send memes.
I’d also recommend that you join live IC events when you can! Most IC movie streams, art streams, and Cards Against Humanity games are open to new people and are pretty prolific in TF RP. It’s a great way to put yourself and your OC out there and interact with a lot of people in a low-pressure environment
TF Specific: decide how you feel about eggs because the TF RP community is fucking obsessed with eggs I shit you not.
There’s a lot of material I didn’t even touch in this enormous wall of text, so LET ME KNOW if you have other questions, haven’t RP’d on tumblr before or don’t have an OC yet and I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m able! ))
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grimmkurosaki · 7 years
Searching for Role-play Partners
I admit, it has been quite some time since I have done anything of the sort, besides with my one friend of 9 years, and it started only recently. I have been on a long hiatus on all role-play blogs, dealing with my BPD and making the steps towards a healthy, functioning brain.
I feel as if I am able to get back into it again, and have been longing to do so. I have lost a few people through it, but I dearly hope I can create new connections with the right people, and by the right people, I mean those who will understand when I need a day or two to cope with life (simply because I am feeling up to more does not mean my disorder is magically gone), and possibly be a long time friend. I am extremely passionate when it comes to role-playing, and I adore it when our characters fit well together. Sometimes I may get carried away, but that just tells you that I am enjoying what me and you, whoever you may come to be, are creating.
I will list some basics down below for any curious loves~.
--Acceptable Items--
Length of role-plays: Optional (short-term, one-shots, progressive [long-term], etc. are all acceptable)
Simply bugging my character through asks everyday without the intent to seriously RP is acceptable as well~.
Genres: Romance (smut/non-smut acceptable), fantasy, horror (gore/no gore), historical fiction (characters in a historic time-period), adventure (includes apocalyptic scenarios)
If you can throw me a good sci-fi plot idea, then I will consider doing sci-fi with you, I am picky about that particular genre (I do enjoy it quite a lot, but role-playing it is something entirely different).
Bring on the angst! I live off of angst.
Hetero/Homo relationships permitted (for the majority of my characters, yaoi is my main go-to, but lovely ladies are certainly welcome).
Humanoids: Vampires, elves, deities, demons, etc are welcome.
Fandom characters and OC’s welcome (I will gladly help in any way I can if your OC’s are underdeveloped).
Settings: Most are acceptable, including your run-of-the-mill settings.
Realistic body measurements
No grotesque characters
Humanoids only (shapeshifters of any kind are welcome, though).
My characters are Multiship (unless I make a character just for you after a certain period of time getting to know you).
No Godmodding
If there is something I must know about a scene, tell me so that I may respond in the desired manner. (Example-if your vampire character is turning mine, how should mine react? Is it painful? Erotic? Feels like nothing at all?)
No one-liners (Please, if you must, at least 5 decent sentences)
Proper grammar is a must (if you miss a few things here and there, I won’t mind, but I will start minding if it is constant and blatantly sloppy).
Correct spelling (please, if you are not sure, look it up).
No fonts or symbols that would make your part difficult to read.
No internet slang (lol, wtf, lmao, wyd, etc)
WRITE AS IF YOU’RE WRITING A NOVEL (details, proper dialog, no asterisks for actions, etc).
For dialog: If your character speaks in a certain way and has certain mannerisms that don’t fit with the proper spelling and grammar, that is okay! Speech should be free and open, depending on where they are from, who they’ve been around, etc.
For Askbox: If you are one of those people that enjoy simply sticking with the small askbox character chats, you may disregard the above writing rules. Those rules are specifically for serious role-plays.
This should cover it for now. Of course, there are separate, specific rules regarding smut, but I will leave it up to you to ask me. 
I am not perfect, sometimes my grammar isn’t always great, or I misspell something, or I completely just screw up something altogether for some reason or the other. I’m not a robot, merely human, as are you.
If you are pleased by the above information, ask about my RP blogs! I will gladly give you links.
Thank you~!
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sunshinemiranda · 8 years
First Impressions - Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader (Chapter V: FINALE)
Summary: Your homecoming is wonderful, but Jasmine still hasn’t gotten over her own heartbreak. An unlikely hero helps along both her happiness, and yours. Mr. Miranda is the perfect gentleman and the love of your life. Happy endings become possible.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3,496 (the longest piece I’ve ever posted!)
A/N: We have finally reached the end of this series, and I wanted to post this on the day of Lin’s birthday to celebrate happy endings and contentment! Happy birthday, Lin. This is for you, and every single person who has supported this deliciously crazy idea. 
askbox | masterlist
The rest of your trip in London was fading into a blur, and fast. Each day was bleeding into the next and the hours you spent simply thinking about that same dark pair of eyes that had pierced you from the very start. To think that this misunderstanding was entirely due to your own prejudice and refusal to believe a good thing about the man made your thoughts whirl down a spiral of shame. Jasmine had been right. There is good in everybody.
By the time your week in the city had come to an end, your aunt had noticed your odd behaviour but had been kind enough not to point it out. As you stood by the door, pulling your uncle into a goodbye hug, she smiled on.
“Safe travels, my love, and don’t forget to write!” She reminded.
“Of course.” You managed a faint smile. “I cannot thank you enough for letting me stay.”
“Anytime you’re in London, my dear, come here! Our pleasure.” Your uncle grinned, and with a wave, retreated into the parlour. Your aunt stayed.
“Come, sweetheart, let’s get your bags onto the carriage.” She picked up your case and handed it to a servant as she took your hand and led the way out to where the horses pawed impatiently at the ground.
“Tell my sister to send a letter. She doesn’t write often enough.” She chuckled, and you nodded a response.
“And do not give up, dear niece. There is hope.” As she said this, she gave your hand a squeeze.
Brow furrowing in confusion, you turned to her, confused. “I don’t understand.”
She raised a mischievous brow and propped a hand on her hip. “You mean to tell me that you haven’t the slightest warm feeling for this lovely Mr. Miranda?”
So there was the relation to your mother; both Gardiner girls were unafraid to speak their minds. You coloured horribly and found yourself at a loss. Denial couldn’t work and accepting the statement would simply embarrass you more.
She gave a laugh. “As I said, dear niece, there is hope. Indeed, so much hope that I could barely believe we escaped Pemberly without a marriage proposal.”
You gasped in shock, a smile tugging at your lips. Her brazen speech never failed to delight you. She only grinned back.
“In fact, Mrs. King has told me that he plans to visit Netherfield very soon. Very soon, meaning, he leaves today.” She looked you right in the eye, tightening her grip on your hand. “Take advantage of that, sweetheart. There is no way a man of that intelligence could be ignorant enough to turn my beautiful niece down.”
As you stood there, utterly taken aback, she took the chance to usher you into the carriage, tuck your cloak around you, close the door and signal the footmen in what seemed like a second. You shook yourself out of your stupor and leaned from the carriage window. Truthfully, you would miss that extraordinary woman.
“Thank you!”
“Anytime, my dear!” She was smiling as you pulled away.
It would be a long journey, with Longbourn in the distance, and thoughts, as ever, consumed by Lin-Manuel.
Coming home was everything you had wished for. The entire house was ablaze with a thousand questions at the same time; it seemed even the chickens were stirred into a frenzy. You welcomed every bit of it with wide arms. Your family was not a calm one, but you loved them dearly, unashamedly and happily.
The moment Jasmine’s head of familiar curly hair appeared, you ran toward her and leaped, hands encircling her waist in a hug you had needed from the moment you two had parted.
“I’ve missed you!” She laughed, and you were glad to hear her sounding so much happier.
“Stealing my lines now, are we?” You grinned at her and she only laughed again.
Lexi and Sasha were trailing behind, tugging at your dress, asking again and again if you had had a scandalous romance with an officer who was too poor for you to marry, but one you had completely fallen in love with.
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yes, of course. No trip to London could be complete without such a story.”
Lexi pouted. “(Y/N), you’re no fun! Tell us, did you see anyone of importance?”
You paused at that. “Well…yes. I dined at Pemberly Hall with the Miranda siblings. Phillipa is a wonderful girl.”
Sasha’s mouth dropped open. “What? You dined at their mansion?”
“Don’t be silly, Sasha! It’s not a mansion.” You chided, but a grin came into place soon after. “It’s a castle.”
Had there been a settee for Lexi to swoon onto, you were sure she would not have wasted a moment.
“Oh, my Lord! You are so unbearably lucky. It is unfortunate you had to share the experience with that horrible man.” She wrinkled her nose disgustingly.
Stopping in the hallway, you froze, and then turned slowly. “Be careful, Lexi. Our family knows nothing about him. We are in no place to judge the man.”
As you climbed the stairs to unpack, Sasha turned to Lexi who had stopped short in shock. Jasmine frowned, curiosity tingling at her fingertips.
“Something’s changed.” And by God, was Jas right.
After luncheon had come and gone, with your mother going on and on to describe, in scintillating detail, the gossip of the town in your absence, for the duration of the meal, you had sat down to catch up with Jasmine as she took care of some needlework she was stitching. You had picked up a book. Indeed, it was a play, rather. Much Ado About Nothing, a work of Shakespeare that had become incredibly special to you.
“I’m so glad you enjoyed your time away, but it is so much better to have you back. I thought I’d go mad without someone to talk to.” Jasmine giggled, pulling a stitch through the embroidered pink roses.
“I’ve felt the same way.” You smiled at her from above your book, and then paused, setting the script down. “Yet, I can’t help but ask: are you feeling better?”
She knew immediately what you were referring to. Her heartache couldn’t have simply disappeared, but perhaps the hurt had dissipated slightly.
“Of course,” she dismissed you, but there was fault to be found in her small smile.
“Jas, really, are you-“
“I’m quite over him, (Y/N).” She interrupted, looking up quickly. “Honestly. My trip was so diverting, I could hardly think of anything else.”
You had no choice but to accept that answer. Jasmine was a sweet girl but very stubborn in showing emotion. She refrained from doing so for the purpose of causing less worry from family members, so incredibly selfless that she made sacrifices that affected her deeply.
“Any news from the Gardiners?” She asked, voice softer than before. It was her peace offering.
“They miss our mother’s letters, though I can’t imagine why.” You shot her a grin. “She manages to send an entire novel every time she writes.”
She laughed, the tension dissolving from the room. “Our mother is easily carried away. But come now, you cannot avoid telling me of this change in your opinion for Mr. Miranda!” Her eyes gleamed and she leaned forward conspiratorially.
A breath escaped your lungs then. What could you say? That your family had been completely responsible in ruining his opinion of you? That he had considered a proposal to you? That your sister’s hurt could be led to burden your shoulders?
“I-I don’t know.” You murmured truthfully. “I’ve been so blind, Jasmine. This man…he…he’s so different from what I assumed. I’ve been so proud; I couldn’t see anything past my own selfish want, it’s-“
“Mr. Ramos!” Lexi’s voice shook the walls with its decibel level. Jasmine and you looked up immediately.
“He’s here! He’s here, he’s here, he’s here!” Lexi all but sprinted into the room, Sasha hot on her heels as she looked around wildly for Jasmine. She ran to her immediately, taking her hands and pulling her up from her seat.
“What do you think he wants?” Sasha squealed, face pressed up against the window.
Woodenly, you force your stiff limbs to push yourself up and look outside. There you saw a familiar face, accompanied by a dark head of long hair. Lexi had been wrong. It wasn’t just Mr. Ramos. It was Mr. Miranda too.
Jasmine had paled as Lexi’s endless words washed over her. Firmly, you pulled Lexi’s hands away and led your elder sister to sit on the love seat, directing Lexi and Sasha to sit down and find something to do. Your mother’s arrival was twice as loud.
“Act natural! We must simply act natural. Sasha, the ribbons. Mandy, take up a book, please, no piano while we have company. Oh my Lord, whatever could he want?” She was beyond wild.
“A Mr. Ramos and a Mr. Miranda, ma’am,” called the maid and by the time the two men walked in, the Bennet girls had all found something candid-looking to do.
Jasmine looked up, eyes meeting Anthony’s and you knew in a second what he had come here to do. Your own gaze was drawn to Mr. Miranda’s and your eyes met, ultimately charged and you had to rip yourself away, for fear of him seeing the colour of your cheeks.
“Oh, Mr. Ramos! How lovely it is to see you again.” Your mother gushed.
“Yes, thank you for receiving me on such short notice.” He swallowed nervously, hands fiddling with the hat he had taken off as he entered the house.
“Mr. Miranda,” you blurted and winced at the way your voice shook. “Hello again.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and he bowed, all manners. “Ms. Bennet, a pleasure. We keep meeting.”
Lexi looked as if she would burst without mentioning something you were sure would ruin both yours and Jasmine’s prospects of marriage in one sentence, and as she opened her mouth to speak, you quickly cut in.
“Will you be here long?”
His gaze moved from the wooden floors to your own eyes. “I’m afraid not. We leave the day after tomorrow.”
“So soon.” You murmured, and his eyes softened. Just as he took a breath to say something else, your mother interrupted.
“Alas, Mr. Ramos, I am so sorry we do not have a meal prepared for your arrival. Is there anything at all you need from this visit?” At this, she very obviously, nodded toward Jas and Anthony coloured badly.
“Ye-Yes, I’d like to speak with Ms. Bennet, please.” His voice was softened and nervous. “Alone.”
The entire room went silent and for what seemed like an entire lifetime, all eyes were on Anthony. His blush only worsened.
“Everyone out.” Your mother murmured, practically breathless with excitement. “Except you, Jasmine dear.”
She bustled the group of you out and just as your mother went to close the door, you turned to meet eyes with Jas. You gave her your best reassuring nod, and then moved away from the doorway where Lexi, Sasha, and your mother had their ears pressed to the door. Mr. Miranda mumbled something about waiting outside but you were too embarrassed from your earlier outbursts to attempt conversation with him.
Time dripped slowly, like molasses. The entire house was holding its breath. Footsteps were heard walking toward the door and your sisters and mother jumped away from the door so as not to be caught.
Jasmine stepped out, smile lighting her face like sunlight. She had entered that room heartbroken, and emerged both happy and engaged.
It was official. In three months time, Jasmine Bennet became Jasmine Ramos, and though you were incredibly happy for your dear sister, it was hard to pretend that seeing Mr. Miranda again hadn’t worsened your feelings. It was past the point of being sick for him. Now, you were mad about the man. And you had a feeling that that wouldn’t change any time soon.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way in my life before. It’s like walking on air!” Jas gushed, traipsing around the room in her white nightgown.
You laughed, sitting down on the bed to braid your hair, a nightly ritual to keep tangles to a minimum. “Really Jasmine, I hate to say it but…I told you so.”
She stuck her tongue out, grabbing a pillow to smack you with it playfully as you let out a squeal. “Oh, you would never hate to be right, my dear sister. Besides, I know now that this whole time it’s been that horrid sister of his that tried to convince him of my being indifferent.”
It was the first time you had ever heard Jasmine speak badly about anyone. Wide-eyed, you stood up and gave a round of dramatic applause.
“Oh, well done Jazzy! It’s about time you told the truth about that woman.” You shot her a grin, which she returned.
“Throughout my happiness, (Y/N), I only wish there was someone in the world who made you feel such a way.” She breathed a sigh, sitting next to you to take your hand.
Biting your lip, you squeezed her palm appreciatively. A flash of dark hair and brown eyes appeared as you closed your eyes momentarily. There was no escaping that man.
“I-I…I think not.” Pulling up your best fake smile, you pretended to tease. “I’m a lost cause, Jas. Spinner in the making.”
She giggled at that, and it made the lie worth it. You could never drag your sister down with your own troublesome feelings for someone leagues above your status. She deserved to be happy right now. That’s all that mattered, and you would say and do anything to keep it that way.
You fell asleep feeling unsatisfied. 
Dawn had just broken when you awoke. Sleep wasn’t an option. You were too unhappy and muddled to clear your mind for slumber. So you walked; left the house with a quiet click of a door, coat tucked around you, and stepped over the dew-dropped grass in the dark of a morning that hadn’t gotten a touch of sun yet. The quiet of the world put you at peace, let your mind recover from the awful cluster that had been stuck in place for days. Every feature of someone you had tried to despise had been seemingly hammered into your eyelids, so that every time you closed them, you saw his face. And what an infuriatingly beautiful man he was.
You knew that, sooner or later, Jasmine would realize that something was really quite wrong but you intended to delay that conversation at least to her wedding. Letting her know how unhappy you were would simply provide another thing for your dear sister to worry about, bless her heart. Then again, keeping this mess tucked away in a corner of your brain would drive you mad if you couldn’t discuss it with someone. Your light corner of Longbourn had turned dark, and all because your heart had gone and betrayed you in wanting someone you simply couldn’t have.
Movement caught your peripheral and your head turned abruptly to identify the smudge of brown you had glanced. A figure was walking, eyes trained on the ground ahead, toward you with a steady, purposeful pace. It was a rhythm you knew, a step you had become familiar with and it all led to a flutter in your heart and stomach that you had become very accustomed with.
When Lin-Manuel had left his Netherfield house early that morning, it was as if another force had took hold of his direction and pointed, with the tenacity of his younger sister, right in the direction of the Bennet household. He had no choice but to comply with, what seemed like, the universe’s wishes.
In the space of three days he had fallen completely in love with the second eldest of the Bennet girls and there was no denying it now. He hadn’t been able to sleep, no, not for a while, due to his hours spent lying in bed, painting the details of your person onto the dark ceiling in his head. Every second he spent sitting in silence seemed to encourage the roar of his mind, go, it said, and so he did, without complaint. Surely none of the household would be out before the sun had risen. He wasn’t sure whether he was happy to be wrong, or incredibly horrified.
He stopped short, close enough to see that you had only grown more beautiful in his time away, but far enough that he could control the desire he had to take your hand.
“I couldn’t sleep.” He mumbles.
You, standing there, with the sun casting a golden glow around the fields, had remained speechless until now. Saying he was beautiful could not possibly do the real vision justice.
“Nor I.” You reply.
He is looking at you, no frown this time, eyes lightened with the same happiness you had recognized in his features at Pemberly. It was a sad sort of joy, as if dampened somehow. You could not have that.
“Mr. Miranda, I-“
“Call me Lin. Please. I cannot bear the thought of you thinking yourself beneath me.” It came out in a rush.
“Yes.” You breathed, gaze landing on your hands and staying. “Yes, of course. Lin.”
The effect of saying his name threw a thousand butterflies into your stomach and from the way his eyes softened, he had felt it too.
“Please, allow me to thank you. For what you have done for Jasmine. I cannot believe I was so blinded by my own prejudice to think that yo-“
“It was a pleasure, Ms. Bennet, believe m-“
“(Y/N). Please.”
“Yes. Yes of course. (Y/N). I have realized that the only fault to exist is my burden. Your sister…she has turned Anthony into the happiest I have ever seen him. I apologize profusely for thinking such horrible things.”
Shaking your head, you stepped closer, still dizzy from the breathless way he had said your name. “No. No more apologies. You and I have many misunderstandings but it’s about time we stop spending all our time in regret.”
A tired look of relief washed over his face, and he breathed out, tension leaking from his shoulders. 
“Thank you.”
Swallowing, you paused. Gathering your thoughts and courage took time. “Lin, I…you…you told me once that you had come to ask for my hand. May I ask…why you felt compelled to do so?”
His hands dropped to his sides, curling into fists and relaxing repetitively, a nervous tick you had noticed. “My words may sound indelicate, for I seem to have forgotten the speech I prepared at home.” At this, he summoned a sad smile, glancing at you.
“But as you deserve the honesty, I will not delay that. My mission in visiting Longbourn with the notion of proposing can only be summed up in our first meeting. It was horrible. I was horrible, and I spend so much time wishing I could have a second chance to redeem myself to you. You see, Ms. Bennet,” he steps forward.
“(Y/N).” It is phrased in a breath. “You have enchanted me, body and soul. Every part of you has bewitched my mind and I can think of nothing else than the beautiful girl who must, by now, simply despise me. And if I may announce feelings that must disgust you…I love, I love,” his voice shakes. “I love you.”
The sun was climbing the hills by now, illuminating his face and the dark circles under his eyes with the sweetest warm glow. He looked angelic. You closed the distance between the two of you, reaching for his hand and revelling in the feeling. Leaning down, your lips brushed against his knuckles and a breath fell from his lips.
“Then I can only say that I must be the luckiest woman in the world.” Your voice is barely louder than a whisper as you look up at the man who had consumed your heart in one motion. “And that you must know…surely, you must know that I have all but gone mad for you.”
His eyes close for a moment, something you see as a pause to recollect his thoughts but when he opens them, his gaze has turned warmer than molten lava. That was not to recollect his thoughts. It was to show them, unfettered, truthfully, to you. He leans down, so close that your lips brush but no pressure is added. As he speaks, you feel the slight movement of his mouth.
“Marry me.”
The inches of distance are thrown away as you press your mouth to his in a loving hurry, making up for all the lost time. It is all you have craved since the moment you met him and that is clear now. There is only one thing left to do.
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lynchthedove · 8 years
A little birdie might've said something, which may have prompted me even more to camp out in this askbox of yours. Sooo, here I am, wanting tell you how much an amazing and lovely addition you are to my dashboard, you and diebythecreed both. I really didn't have much intention of seeing the AC movie, but your threads together and the meta talk have made me heavily reconsider. This fandom wouldn't be the same without you at this point. And I'm so looking forward to writing with you.
Yeah, I’m just gonna burst into flames here, that sounds about right.
But oh my gosh, first of all - thank you! Honestly, this has been one of the most welcoming fandoms I’ve been a part of, and I love every single second of it. I’m just such a shy bucket and idk how to talk to people, whoops. I also have really loved seeing your Ezio around, too, and also big props on trucking through the books. I tried. I really did. You’re a stronger soul than I am.
Also, about the movie? It’s better than I expected, but also could have done more. If you do happen to see it, I also recommend reading the novelization. It’s actually really, really good and it helps flesh out and explain things in a way the movie tried but didn’t quite reach all the time, though was still better than I had anticipated. I appreciate that they did their own thing, but also found ways to tie it back in with the pre-existing canon, even if they bent a few things around to make it work. idk idk, I could ramble 9ever because I have so many #feels, but ultimately what I’m trying to say is-
I look forward to writing with you, too :D It made me actually kind of stupid happy to know Aguilar met with Ezio at one point (and that @diebythecreed and I can beat that into an extended plotline because we’re sluts for plots. And probably Ezio), and I’m glad we get to write with you! :D
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izumisays · 7 years
Dear creator,
Thank you so much for reading this and signing up for this wonderful annual conspiracy!
I hope you have a lovely time, and that this letter can contribute to it. If any of the fandoms below pique your interest, I’m delighted already, and very interested to hear your thoughts on them. 
Fandoms: Nimona, In Other Lands, Captive Prince, Machineries of the Empire
As for reading preferences, I’m happy with a wide variety of tones and genres, from lighthearted shenanigans to dramatic casefics, and pretty much all ratings, but the core of all stories I love is always character interaction. How they play off each other and bring out their best/worst, how they would react to a divergence of events, how true would they stay to their selves in a different setting - these are the kind of questions I’m all chinhands for. POV games, a missing scene, a casefic, canon expansion, backstories and what-ifs are all fair game, so choose your weapon!
I would be very grateful if you could avoid a/b/o and similar kinktropes, played-straight soulmate fic, and character interpretation that runs contrary to their core values. If in doubt, please reach out to me on anon - the askbox is open!
NIMONA (any characters)
It is no mystery at all why I completely imprinted on this book. What is a mystery, however, is how I survived to this day and age without having loved Nimona for years - how did I even live unaware of its existence, up until an impulse purchase a month ago? WHAT A TRAVESTY.
Anyway, I massively adore Nimona to bits: a perfect fusion of story and pictures, chaotic evil Nimona (CHOMP!), Ballister of the big heart and stoic love for strays and SCIENCE, Ambrosius of awkward good instincts and poor decisions  - I just want to pinch everyone’s cheeks and hug them to my chest. For six hours. Approximately. It’s open for negotiation :’)
I’m requesting any characters because I’d be honestly delighted by seeing each one of them <3
A day in casa de Blackheart with Nimona and Ballister! Hatching evil schemes or having a pizza night - or both. BOTH IS GOOD. A flashback to Ballister and Ambrosius’s younger days (that christmas special *clutches heart*). A future with Nimona infiltrating Ballister’s lab and his & Ambrosius’s couch with popcorn and underhanded science! Nimona grumpily acquiescing to Goldenloin’s presence in Ballister’s life! Generally ANY AND ALL HIJINKS feat. heartwarmth and unapologetic monster girl love and fierce protectiveness of each other, much in the spirit of the lovely, lovely source material.
IN OTHER LANDS (Luke Sunborn)
Elliot is a spectacular narrator. Novel-shaped case in point: In Other Lands.
Having said that, what I really, really want to see is a story that makes Luke a narrator, or otherwise puts him at the center. I have it on good authority that he makes one fucking adorable narrator (novella-shaped case in point: Wings in the Morning), but why stop there, right?
Luke/Elliot, either post-canon or slightly amending canon, is always a delight. Luke crushing on Elliot for years in a resigned, semi-unaware (or aware!) manner - he gives Elliot Dale’s name only as a distraction, to get Elliot off his back, and watches with horrified eyes how every member of his family is suddenly out there to set him up with the wrong boy! Luke handling the thought of Elliot the boyfriend with awkwardness unbefitting a Trigon champion (granted, Elliot is kinda more prickly than an average glass ball). Luke having 110% confidence in Elliot and admiring him sass people into submission from the sidelines.
A look at Luke’s friendship with Serene - completely compatible with Luke forever crushing on Elliot, just saying ^^. I suspect lack of Elliot’s Serene goggles could do marvels to building nuance to her character: a little less reverse gender comedy just for the sake of comedy, a little more someone who is clever enough to balance multiple things, connect the dots, and learn, and stand by what she believes is right.
Competence kinkkk. Forever admiring the bookish people, refusing to stop trying to catch up, and zero time spent being conceited about own achievements while fully embracing his role of a champion and defender - that’s the Luke I love <3 Luke’s brand of leadership & charisma - an introverted champion, well-loved by people and easily tired of company of not his people.
Figuring out life after graduation! Casefic of them solving a mystery and preventing a war breakout! Getting assignments and storming the castles! Building cross-cultural competence by throwing Elliot at new people and watching him sign up new pen friends and treaties!
Sunborn family fic! A holiday get together? Drunken exchange of family stories? Another terrible competition that Elliot boycotts? Rachel reading Luke’s letters from year one and with great amusement observing the progression of his “THAT ELLIOT” feelings. God I love the Sunborns <3
I’m not particularly fond of Dale, on understanding that he got enough screentime as is already I’d be grateful if you didn’t center the fic around him. Obviously no objections to him as part of class ensemble, whose names Luke will never bloody remember.
CAPTIVE PRINCE (Damen, Laurent, Auguste, Jokaste)
You would not have wanted to see me at the peak of my CP obsession - dignity readers for miles around were in the red zone for months, I can tell you that. Even my bitter disappointment with many things in the third book didn’t survive the onslaught of feelings that overcome me every time I turn my thoughts to this series. R e g u l a r l y. (If you don’t think Prince’s Gambit is the high point of modern literature, f i t e   m e)
Things that make me happy:
Laurent/Damen endgame, always.
Auguste! Alive and well and fiercely proud of Laurent and quite possibly giving young Damen - his admiring bro - confused boners. Which he manfully swoonstruggles against, because see above.
Clever, competent Damen that drives Laurent up the wall of his fervent refusal to admit any of it affects him
Laurent POVs in general. There is nothing more delightful than a well-crafted narration of acerbic denial of hearteyes, self-crafted personality, hardwon competence and utter self-awareness.
Did I say competence porn yet? Hearteyes, motherfucker, hearteyes!!
Jokaste-Laurent queenbee friendships - vipers united!
Consider this: FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS arrangement for a CERTAIN AGENDA feat. Jokaste and Laurent - preceding or purposefully leading to Laurent/Damen endgame. Benefits as imagined by Damen, the poor cookie? Fake dating for purposes of short-circuiting Damen’s brain with the blonde ratio? :DD
Mafia/noir AUs *swoon* In fact, a variety of modern or historic AUs would be an a+ sandbox to play in and watch the chemistry unfold.
On another note, I have the soft spot the size of Delfeur for Nicaise and particularly Nicaise & Laurent spiky sibling-like affection, so if you think your story could benefit from that, please don’t hesitate to include it <3
I’m absolutely okay with fic that would not include all four - it’s just that I couldn’t omit either Auguste and Jokaste from the list of happy things. You are most welcome to include only one of the two, or none, if you want to concentrate on Laurent and Damen only.
Canon divergences, what-ifs and AUs are super-welcome for this canon. Please feel free to play to your heart’s content!
I didn’t know how to request what would essentially be just heartfelt sobbing of PLEASE WRITE FIC FOR THIS AMAZING MEME ART (“please send help my family is starving!!”) - but if! By any chance! This is what you want to do, please disregard everything from math rules to heretic calendrical rituals, and go for it :DD i keep shoving this picture into all of my friends’ faces and get vaguely upset that they don’t immediately agree with me on how brilliant it is; maybe I should revise my strategy and give them the books to read first, hmm.
I’m fond of most of the cast of the books, especially of how competent and done with nonsense they are 99% of their screen time. Mentor relationships were amazing - Cheris and Jedao in Ninefox Gambit was a thing of true beauty, Zehun and Mikodez continuously delight me, and I’m looking forward to what book 3 will bring on this front, too (Nija? Please say Nija!). But as I need to choose something that won’t be guaranteed to make the matching algorithm cry, let me center it around a character that delights me and makes others cry instead.
Mikodez in his younger days! Zehun, I’m so sorry for your loss of sleep and possibly hair, teenagers are the worst, teenage Miki is the worst best Miki, and I am dying to hear all about his notorious Academy heroics.
Mikodez, Zehun, Nija and Cheris, the most terrifying parental equation of this calendar <3
Mikodez and his Questionable Alliances. Kujen “I had a friend once and then the leash broke” Nirai. Jedao - how does Miki’s view of the man change with Cheris in the game, and her (literal) insights about the dead mad general?
Mikodez throwing endless shade on all other factions, especially Andan. (Sorry, Andan. At least you’re pretty.)
Mikodez and his secret humanitarian agenda that he will politely deny forever, get fake-distracted by one of his bazillion hobbies and miss whatever sleep time he had scheduled in the day because he will inevitably get genuinely carried away. Every. Fucking. Time.
As a sidenote, I’m terribly fond of Vahenz <3 Bring her back! Let Vahenz have her fun! Let Mikodez meet his true competition for world domination and in the race towards diabetes.
I really liked Istradez, and would be happy to see him among the army of Mikodez’s high powered babysitters, but am not really in the market for Mikodez/Istradez shipfics.
Thank you very much for reading the letter! Please be assured I’m super excited to read everything you write already <3
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