#you asked and I hope I delivered :)
jinstronaut · 3 months
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yoongi in green 💚💚💚 for @cordiallyfuturedwight (cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls)
cc’s for palestine masterlist | request here
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sandushengshou · 3 months
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to defeat monsters: become the greater monster | m.a.w
(requested by @highwarlockkareena for my 1 follower celebration)
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uhohdad · 3 months
Would you ever write anything with a plus size reader? Maybe she’s (or they, can be gn idc!) really insecure but they hide it behind jokes and Konig sees right through it because he does the same
Cut to him always giving them compliments and making sure they stay fed and throwing them over his shoulder like they weigh nothing (usually in front of people cause he likes to embarrass and humiliate reader cause he is still kinda a jerk /affectionate/)
Can be nsfw or whatever you want, I’m not good at plot lol so Idk I just need him to treat me like I’m a teeny lil thing (cause let’s be real he really is a mountain lol)
König x PlusSized!Reader
He’s getting tired of this nasty habit, liebling.
Everyday before your shower, you’ll stand in the mirror, honing in on that gorgeous, perfect body, digging for any little thing to critique.
“You better be thinking nice thoughts in there, little one.”
You just let out a groan, too far sunk into the spiral of self-hatred to claw yourself back out.
König rises from his spot on the bed a greets you with disapproving, half-lidded eyes in the mirror.
“What is it this time?”
“Tummy. Thighs. Chest.”
“Ach, you mean the best parts?”
You answer with an annoyed hum.
Konig will place his big, sturdy hands on your bare hips from behind, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on your shoulder.
The gentle peck distracts you from the strong arms scooping you up, a squeak leaving you as he sweeps you off your feet in one swift motion, ripping away your view of yourself in the mirror.
“What?” He draws, carrying you from the bathroom to the bedroom.
“Put me down!” You say through a giggle, kicking your feet in his restraint.
“Hold on, I just have to get my curls in.”
He holds you horizontally across those strong arms, muscles tensing as he lifts and lowers you while you giggle all the way.
“I’m too heavy for this!”
“Barely a warm-up, liebling.”
He effortlessly tosses you onto the bed with a bounce, crawling over top you before you can even finish your squeal.
He showers kisses all over your bare tummy, his stubble sanding against plush, soft skin. Trailing his slobbering kisses up to your chest, giving your perfect breasts plenty of love. Your thighs would be last, showering you with pecks and even licking slow stripes across the flesh.
He’ll feign innocence, but that cocky smirk on his face betrays him.
“It’s too bad you can’t see what I see.”
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pumpkin-mines · 29 days
Can you draw dirk strider eating a ice cream cookie?!? :O3
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
oc ask meme time hi
i am SO SO sure someone's asked this already but in the small chance no one has... i am so curious: 🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
additionally 🛡️💜🕸️< any of these if you'd like!
[ >>> kirby oc ask meme <<< ] fourth time i've been asked this one and i've already buck passed on it, so you know what.... i decided to bite!!!
just for you, because you asked so nicely 💖
🥀 (Wilted Rose) - Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
i think the circumstances for a soul form to happen to her would be near impossible, but not entirely. i think this would be nothing less than a catastrophic printer error. i think it would be bad!! i think it is not supposed to happen, and if it ever did it would be really, really bad. i am not at all confident you'd ever get her back. attacks would not be necessary. i think i'm hardly skilled enough for this and that there should be at least three more rings (i couldn't make it work) and possibly some other things going on, but here's my best estimate:
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zzoupz · 2 years
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it's 1 am rn and I'm drawing this send help
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choiyeonjuns · 2 years
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THIS HEESEUNG for @yeonjuins 
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graylinesspam · 2 months
Can I get some serotonin in the form of Fives and Echo moving in with Echo’s s/o? Kind of the idea you had in another post about having to buy a house for your s/o and also their brothers.
He didn't own much. None of them did. What the three of them could scrounge together would fill one small dwelling. "Apartment" as she called it. Two bedroom, one bath. "like the nice dorms in college" she'd laughed.
It was new.
somehow bigger and smaller than anywhere he's ever laid his head before. The little square space behind the sliding door at the end of the hall. It was his now. just big enough for a bed set into an alcove in the wall and a small bit of space in front of it.
He'd already done his best to messy it. Thrown his gear over the small table and the bedding he'd been gifted was piled awkwardly in the center. It wasn't enough stuff to actually make a mess of anything though.
The room was bare.
Two doors down was a room of the same size. Where Echo and his Cyare would be staying. Her things were already spread across the room. bed made up in a feminine fashion. Two pillows, thick cover layered with something softer and flimsier over the top. screw in lights had been chosen with a soft blue color overhead.
Shoes were placed side by side. Her things one one side of the table and Echo's on the other. Her clothes hanging from the bar and Echo's gear stacked on the shelf, even now gathering dust.
It was more luxury than Fives had ever know. He ran his hand curiously over the soft fabric, the fur bending under his palm placid and smooth silky as rain. The smell even had something entirely feminine wrapped up in the same generic soap and sanitizer scent of his brother.
It made something wistful and maybe a little jealous flex in his chest. It wasn't as if he were missing out. The real luxuries of the apartment were free for him to use. A personal fresher with a real water washing system. A kitchen equipped with some fancy gadgets he had to be taught to use, but had immediately grown fond of. Stocked with real non-instant Caf and real food, bread even.
A holoscreen and lounging furniture. And a web access panel complete with long distance communications so he could stay in touch with his brothers near and far.
But it still felt terrifyingly new. fragile and barely tangible. He couldn't see himself laying down on this rack- this bed alone tonight.
It wouldn't be the first time. Since Echo found himself attached Fives had been spending most of his nights out. With the boys or with some lucky so and so. He'd been bed jumping since they'd been released from duty. Too anxious to stay anywhere long. Until she'd come to him. With a wide smile and open arms. Talking very seriously about how much help Echo would need adjusting, especially with his limbs being the way they were. She'd asked him politely to move in with them.
She was moving to an area closer to where Echo would be receiving his military health benefits. She was getting a new place with an extra room just for him. "you'll have to pitch in on rent." She'd said like he could possibly argue.
Of course he'd go where his brother went. Without question or leverage or bargaining as she was trying to do now. Without the guilt trip of Echo needing someone to lean on, physically. He would go in a moment if he asked.
"I'm asking because I know he won't. He wants you to go do whatever you want to, with or without him. But I think we both know you'll need each other." She'd said with a fond smile.
So here he was with his one pile of cloths and his blanket and nothing more, watching the two of them giggle and wedge past him in the cramped hall to get to their room. He moves out of the way backing through his own door way to make room.
He'll go out tonight, he decides. There's no way he'll settle like this, besides maybe they'd like some time to themselves.
He shrugs on his coat, the shiny leather thing Ahsoka had gifted him that had pulled no less than three companions, He swiped a hand through his hair and clipped the com to his wrist.
He's almost out of the door when there's another commotion of giggles behind him.
"Where are you going, vod?" she calls.
He can't help the strike of amusement. shuffling back to the hall to glance into their room where his brother is reclined in his new bed, pillows tossed onto the floor and his girl is perched beside him with her knees tucked under her.
"giving the two of you some privacy." He snarks popping his hip out and resting a hand on it. "You sound like a couple of rylothian shriek birds in the spring."
Echo covers his face with his forearm. "ugh, don't remind me." That sound had kept them all up for days, the birds giving into their very loud mating rituals.
"We'd rather have company that privacy." She insists reaching a hand out to him where he's leaning against the door frame.
Fives makes a dramatic facial expression and turns up his nose. "I don't know what you've heard but we don't do any of that twin stuff you see in the holovids."
He's too busy staring at the ceiling in his mock (mostly mock) disgust, to realize she'd stood until she has him by the wrists.
"Don't be fucking gross." She bites out at the same time that she pulls him over letting Echo get his hand around one of his elbows. The both of them force him down onto the bed.
"Okay, you're saying one thing and then forcing me into your bed-" He cuts off as she snatches a pillow from the floor and smacks him in the face with it.
"I'm just saying! these are really mixed signals."
"Shut your trap Vod." Echo grits out as he wraps an arm around his brother, dragging him further onto the bed.
The little thing really shouldn't fit all three of them. But Echo and Fives have spent so much of their lives folding around each other that not even Echo's metal embellishments can get between them.
She's opposite them, sitting up with her legs tucked between their bodies and her back to the wall. She'd chattier than he expected for someone attached to Echo. The two of them have been talking nonstop since she'd started this strange situation. Echo chiming in now and then but mostly content to listen to them go on and on.
Maybe some part of it fills the silence. That echoing emptiness that he'd been trying to drown out at 79's. He doesn't dwell on the sad parts as he prattles on about anything and everything. Content to watch the way she doubles over laughing. Her hands crawling under Echo's pant leg and her thumb digging it's self into the spaces between his muscles. Digging in and massaging away any stiffness.
His brother blinks slowly like Ahsoka does when curled in someone's lap and particularly appeased.
And the three of them drift from moment to moment until he wakes somewhat sweaty and wrapped in that sinfully soft blanket. Echo pining one arm down and the girl wedged between their legs curled in a ball like a content cat.
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owl-with-a-pen · 8 months
okay but another angsty thing re: Brainy and sleeping, what if he wakes up from a nap or something in the Tower soon after the season 5 finale and thinks he's still in that room with the radiation poisoning him (like maybe he has a nightmare about that), so someone has to calm him down and bring him back to reality
If the 3,000+ word count wasn't a dead giveaway, I had some fun with this one 😉
If Nia was certain of anything, it was that Brainy was going to crash real soon. He’d been looking pale ever since they’d returned from the Fortress, and there was no way in hell she could ignore the feverish heat that had prickled from his skin while her face had been buried so snugly against his throat. He hadn’t said anything then, but when they’d eventually picked themselves up from the lab’s floor, Brainy had been ready to drop long before they made it to the elevator. Without Nia's guiding hand, he never would have made it to the loft in one piece.
By the time they were hunkered down on a sofa in the Tower’s living nook, tablet balanced precariously between them, one of J’onn’s blankets folded over their knees, Brainy been close to passing out entirely. The only thing that stopped him was his relentless focus on the task at hand.
Every now and then, Nia caught his eyes as they worked a path across the data she’d been able to draw up from their borrowed intel downloaded from the Fortress’s supercomputer. It wasn’t much, but between the Tower, Legion and Kryptonian archive, they had a halfway decent snapshot of what the Phantom Zone might entail.
Finding Kara, though? That was the tricky part.
Nia’s heart hurt every time she thought about it – of Kara lost and alone in that place. She’d once described it to her as worse than hell. A terrifying purgatory where nightmares held a tangible presence.
No one had gone home that night. Nia lost track of Alex some point past midnight when Lena appeared with enough Big Belly Burger to feed a small army. Her best guess was that she’d retreated downstairs in the commotion to get first dibs on J’onn’s intergalactic coffee machine. They could’ve all used the kick right about now, and any other night Nia would’ve been shouldering her way to the front of the line.  
But coffee wasn’t going to cut it today. Besides, shoulder-to-shoulder with Brainy was exactly where she needed to stay. Maybe he hadn’t been eager to share anything out loud, but when he’d refused to eat any of Lena’s generous offerings, Nia had known what was up.
The nanites were starting to hit back. Hard.
She could survive without the caffeine, she rationalised. Maybe it was a good thing. She’d been doing pretty much anything to deny sleep for the last few months, hating herself whenever she slipped into a dream with Brainy as the centrepiece, goading her even in the deepest corners of her subconscious. She’d spent so long convincing herself that it was all in her head, that it was her grief and guilt that had conjured him up as her eternal tormenter. Knowing the truth of it still stung, an ache that went bone-deep, but that pain had started to ease the moment she’d locked her pinkie with his.
She wasn’t sure how easy she’d sleep now, but she knew that she couldn’t ignore the tug of the dream realm any longer. It was the only place she could figure any of this out, no matter how uncertain she felt. Besides, she wasn’t alone this time. She had Brainy back on her team, his promise to her as unbreakable as steel, and knowing that made everything feel just a little lighter.  
Nia wasn’t surprised when the words on the tablet began to blur into an incomprehensible muddle, the lull of her unconscious mind far too pressing of a force to refuse. Soon, she was lost to that darkness, pulled dizzyingly fast towards the threads of a dream already spun partway together.
Sometimes, her dreams came to her in quick successive flashes - other times they settled into specific locations, familiar or alien alike.
The room she awoke to was hazy, shimmering with rippling heat that rose in waves from the surface of the ground, enough that she couldn’t see a thing inside it. There was light, though, a deep orange spectacle that shone from somewhere close to the floor.
Before she could even try to understand where she was, pain like nothing she’d ever experienced erupted across her skin. It didn’t have a source, rather it radiated from all-round. It was a tangible pressure, raw and harsh, a laser point fixed solely on her that bypassed clothes and flesh alike, blistering straight to blood and bone. Her limbs felt like lead wherever it penetrated, targeting her joints until she folded with a swallowed scream to the floor. Nia’s chest held stiff, refusing to draw in the air she suddenly, desperately needed.
Because every breath burned - worse than the last - as though her lungs were lacerating inside her ribs. She gritted her teeth like she was biting down on leather, the sting of her tears sizzling to vapour before they even had a chance to fall.
What was this place her mind screamed, that too sounding warped and winded to her ears. Her dreams had certainly terrified her before, but they’d never hurt her like this. Like they could kill.
Nia gasped, gripping for her throat when the pressure of the air thickened inside her mouth, scalding her tongue. She could nearly taste it, bitter like battery acid, sharp like blood. Something about that taste was familiar to her, like when she’d overexerted her powers or…
No… there was something else. Because she had felt this before. Just for a second. Just before…
Before she’d been thrown from Leviathan’s ship.
That didn’t make sense. If that was what her dream was trying to tell her, it’d missed the mark by a mile. The ship was gone – Leviathan along with it. No amount of pain could convince her otherwise. And if that was true, then there was nothing left of this dream that could hold a connection to the future.
How could her dream prophesise something that no longer existed?
Just as Nia had forced another breath through her bubbling lungs, bracing herself for the pain that would follow, she heard something. A sound that cut through the fog in her mind, that made everything suddenly so clear.
A soft, barely audible whimper from across the room.
Nia curled her hands into fists, jerking against the molten metal that greeted her knuckles, and looked up. Beyond the stifling power of Leviathan’s radiation, she could see the shape of a person pressed up against the console of the furthest edge of the room. She blinked against the stinging in her eyes, realising that the orange light she’d seen before had been coming from there. Now, that glow sharpened into something starker, closer matching the pale hair it illuminated – pasted against the jawline of a very familiar green face.
Nia’s eyes widened in shock, gasping his name.
Brainy sat with his knees drawn towards his chest, his body curved protectively around an object cradled closely to his centre. Even while she watched, Nia could see the spasmodic convulses of his chest as he tried to draw in breath, quickly followed by a barely muted cry of pain when the radiation crept in instead; his teeth an off-white smear fixed into permanent misery.
Nia’s heart twisted hard enough to outweigh her own pain. Because… it wasn’t her pain. It never had been. She’d never been inside the ship long enough to feel its true effect. None of them had.
None except…
Brainy. Of course this was Brainy’s dream. She wasn’t inside a vision at all. In her exhausted confusion, she must have slipped right into Brainy’s mind.
It was rare – rarer than rare, actually. But sometimes it could happen. If she and Brainy were tired enough, if they hadn’t been thinking, or even if they were thinking too much, then…
It hadn’t happened in so long, though. It couldn’t. They would have needed to share each other’s space, each other’s bed…
Now a new pain fluttered in her heart, an ache she thought she’d begun to remedy. But it had become such an old pain now, something that had fused itself to her after months of grief and frustration and anger.
In a way, this place was that and more. She’d never seen Brainy’s mind palace after he’d taken off the inhibitors, never experienced his dreams with his true self restored. And despite the heaviness of this place, the colours here were more vibrant, every light source so bright they could have been blinding. There was a sound beyond the buzz of the radiation, one that thrummed at the base of Nia's skull like old whispers, slipping in and out of audibility between every laboured pant of Brainy’s chest.
He looked like he had in the vision Nia had seen not a few hours earlier – when he’d collapsed to the ground after absorbing all that targeted radiation.
Ten minutes had already been too much for him, and those ten had turned into fifteen, twenty—it had taken Nia far too long to make it down there. And then, even after she’d found him, she hadn’t been quick enough, hadn’t had the power or natural immunity to drag him to safety.
It could have killed him. It should have. Nia’s dreams had been right to make her feel that way. This was to as near-death as she could have experienced without being in Brainy’s place.
And, for whatever reason, Brainy’ subconscious had decided to drag him right back here.
Now she was beginning to understand the rules of this dream, Nia realised that the radiation didn’t hold the same power over her. With a deep breath, she drew her shoulders together, pushing herself back onto her haunches. The radiation still barrelled at her, but now it held the potency of a soft breeze, nothing she couldn’t push past.
It wasn’t her pain, she reminded herself. And the more she thought that, the easier it became to ignore it. Soon she was back on her feet, crossing the room as easily as Kara or J’onn had made it look when they’d crashed inside.  
Nia didn’t stop walking until she was crouched at Brainy’s side. His chest was rising and falling in short, breathless exhales, too weak to draw in the air he needed. His head was tipped skyward, lips parted into a strained grimace.
At first, she wondered if this was some sort of punishment he'd conjured himself, a side-effect from all the guilt he’d been harbouring over the last few months.
That was until she realised what it was that he was holding so tightly in his arms, and how quickly he flinched away from her when she tried to reach for it herself.
“N-no,” Brainy whined, a panicked sound. He shook his head vehemently, curling even further into himself, obscuring the bottle from sight. The yellow hue it gave off was unmistakable, painting his face a sickly shade. His expression contorted again when more pain rolled through him, trails of salt staining his cheeks. “I-I can’t let go, I-I can’t let him win.”
“Brainy, it’s okay,” Nia said as gently as she could manage, sidling in closer to him. She kept her hands a practiced mark from the bottle, hovering steadfast. “You’re dreaming, okay? But I can help. Take my hand.”
Brainy whimpered, a strangled sound catching in his throat as fresh tears flooded his blood-stained eyes. “N-no,” he croaked. “Lex’ll – I can’t – or-or Kara will—”
Nia’s heart broke for him. This wasn’t about punishment; in his delirious state of mind, Brainy must have brought himself back to the moment just before Lex had stolen the bottle from him.
No matter what she’d told him back in the waking world, it hadn’t been enough to relieve him of his guilt. Not in the way he needed. But she knew this wasn’t going to help him, either.  The whispers in the air were as thick as the radiation shield itself, droning from every corner, warping into nothing but a mechanised garble.
He wasn’t going to go willingly, she knew that, and Nia was too afraid that taking him by force might make things worse.
Looked like she’d have to do things the old-fashioned way.
“I’ll see you on the other side, Wildcat,” Nia murmured, closing her eyes, losing sight of the prison Brainy had designed for himself as quickly as she’d entered.
Nia only felt a drifting impression of Brainy’s consciousness before she was back in the waking world. When she blinked her eyes open, she was inside the Tower again, with the real Brainy pressed tightly to her side.
His golden hair was slick to his forehead with sweat, his eyes skirting uncertainly behind closed lids as he muttered fretfully in his sleep. Some of the words were English, others held the mechanised characteristics of fluent Coluan. There was another language, too, one that overlapped the others, far separate from anything she’d heard him speak before.
She recognised it though, the ancient consonants that rolled from his tongue even while he was under such duress. It was the same language he’d spoken with Rama Khan. The language of the gods.
He was still bartering with Leviathan somewhere deep down, trying in his own way to fix his mistakes. But his pleas fell on deaf ears. All ears, but hers.
Suddenly, Brainy whimpered again, a sob catching him so hard that Nia worried he’d choke. He clawed at her front with weak fingers, lashes fluttering beneath layers of delirium.
She knew she had to wake him, but it was still a delicate procedure even outside of the dream realm. Carefully, Nia wound her arm around Brainy’s back, clutching the fibres of his suit, securing him against her side as she ran her free hand over his chest. Brainy didn’t fight her, instead he buried his nose into her throat, his clammy skin cold and fervid at the same time. She could feel the sting of his life projectors even from a distance, prickling across her gloves as she searched for his frequency, bringing it into step with her own.
Usually, once she’d found a target, that’d be her cue to drag them into a sleep they’d have a hell of a time coming back from. Now, she sought that power in reverse, pulling back on her usual gift so that she could dispel a dream sequence rather than enforce it. Blue energy swirled from Nia’s fingertips, coalescing with the white of Brainy’s central projector, knocking on the fragile door of his unconscious mind.
When that door creaked open, she let her energy soar, illuminating all that had been buried so that it might rise to the surface unimpeded.
She felt the tug of his consciousness before he woke, and when Brainy shot forward in the confusion that followed, Nia was there to steady him, pressing her hand reassuringly into his centre, trying to draw in on the pleasant fog that often accompanied a nap post-waking.
But peace like that couldn’t be manufactured.  
“N-n-no—” Brainy gasped, choking hard enough that it induced a coughing fit so violent he nearly retched from the strain.
Nia held him steady, worried that he was about to make himself sick. She rubbed his back, soothing him with breathless reassurances while simultaneously mapping out the closest trash can in case she needed to make an emergency dive for it.
“It’s okay,” she said, a gentle murmur in his ear. “It was just a nightmare, Brainy. You’re safe.”
But even as she said it, she couldn’t be sure that it was true. The sweat on Brainy’s brow wasn’t just a result of his nightmare. As Nia rocked in time with him, she could feel his body convulse against her with shudders that he was powerless to quell. He was burning up, his eyes glazed and fever stricken.
He was sick. Sicker than she’d ever seen him, and there was nothing she could do to take that pain away.
She felt useless.
Then, miraculously, Nia heard a creak on the floorboards and suddenly Alex’s head popped into view. Her eyes held an exhaustion that went way beyond the physical, but just seeing her made the knot in Nia’s stomach loosen. Nia shifted Brainy’s weight in her arms, holding him tightly as the coughing fit finally abated and he slouched with a groan into her shoulder. She desperately wanted to warm him with her energy, but that probably wasn’t the right call when he was already burning like a furnace against her side.
“Hey, hey, I heard the commotion,” Alex said, her expression serious as she took stock of the situation. Habitually, she rolled up her sleeves. “What happened?”
“He had a nightmare,” Nia said, trying to sound stronger than she felt. “I barely got him out of there. He was dreaming of Leviathan’s ship again, of being trapped in that room—”
Alex sighed before Nia had even finished talking, leaning heavily into the arm of the sofa. “I was afraid this might happen,” she admitted. Her eyes flickered back to Brainy sympathetically. “He’s put up a good fight so far, but that radiation did a number on him. Whether he likes it or not, those nanites are going to have to run their course.” She pressed her hand to the bridge of her nose, squeezing her eyes shut. “Damnit. I shouldn’t’ve called him to the Fortress. I just got desperate. I-I thought that maybe he could reverse the projector if we did it fast enough. That Kara—”
Her voice warbled over her sister’s name and Nia immediately reached out to take Alex’s arm, meeting her eye firmly. “Don’t blame yourself,” she said. “You and I both know he would’ve come either way.” Nia was forced to let go of Alex when a particularly harsh shudder ran down Brainy’s spine, all but immobilising him. He tensed against her before groaning out, wrapping his arms tightly around his front, obscuring the wavering flicker of his central projector.
When he was able to open his eyes again, he saw Nia first. “N-Nia?” he croaked, his voice so stricken it hurt. He shook his head, barely able to articulate himself. “You c-can’t be here—t-the radiation.”
“Hey, hey,” Nia soothed, taking his face, running her nails beneath his jaw. She drew his eyes up to meet hers. He felt so delicate in her grasp, as fragile as cracked glass. “It was just a nightmare. We’re at the Tower, remember?”
Brainy bared his teeth, his dark eyes flashing with fresh tears. He ducked his chin into her cupped palm. “B-but it hurts.”
“Oh honey, I know,” Nia said, her own eyes stinging as she let Brainy fold fully against her. His pulse raged in his forehead, beating an obscure pattern into the base of her throat. He was crying again, his tears dousing the collar of her suit, but even that was too taxing on him now. He’d slip back into restless sleep sooner or later, whether that would be better for him had yet to be proven. She looked up at Alex desperately. “Can we give him another dose of those nanites? Maybe that’ll—”
But Alex was already shaking her head. “They’re doing their job,” she said. “I know it looks rough, and it is, but I promise he’s healing, Nia. He just has to ride this out.”
Nia closed her eyes, pressing her cheek into his damp hair. “He’s in so much pain.”
“I know,” Alex said softly. She sighed, crouching down so that she could run the back of her hand against Brainy's cheek. When he didn't stir, she stood, jerking her head towards the elevator. “Look, I’m gonna get Lena’s portal watch from downstairs. It’s the quickest way to get him home so that he can sleep this off safely.”
Nia could only nod. It didn’t feel like she was even fully there anymore. A part of her consciousness had tied itself far too deeply with Brainy’s pain, maybe from the moment she’d first slipped into his nightmare.
She hardly heard Alex when she asked, “One last thing; do you know where he’s calling home these days?”
Despite that, she didn’t hesitate. “My apartment,” Nia said, wiping the tears from her eyes in an automatic gesture. She sobered as she stared at the moisture on her fingers, for a second unsure whether it had come from her face or Brainy’s. She glanced up again. “He’ll be safe there,” she explained, before hastening to add, “besides, I can’t leave him alone like this.”
Alex’s expression was warm. She glanced between Brainy and Nia knowingly, an eyebrow half raised. “Are you two…?”
“We’re figuring things out,” Nia said. As if on cue, Brainy made a soft sound against her, desperately nuzzling into her throat, a crackly hum easing from his chest. His breath was hot and welcoming, his lips brushing her skin without being fully conscious of the act. Even still, Nia felt her face warm.
“Looks like it’s going well,” Alex noted with a smirk. It was the first time Nia had seen her smile since they’d lost Kara. It was a tired smile, sure, but if nothing else, she was glad she could offer Alex at least that. Even if it did come at her own expense.
Alex winked before she turned away. “I’ll get the watch.”
“Thank you.”
Nia waited for Alex nervously, her fingers tugging gently through Brainy’s sweat soaked hair. When his eyes fluttered open again and he found her so instinctively, she kissed his forehead, letting her lips linger on his clammy skin. He tasted of salt and metal.
“Hold on, Wildcat,” she murmured. “You’ll be home soon.”
Home. The word had come out so easily, but the moment she said it, she knew it was the truth. She didn’t want Brainy anywhere else. Not tonight, not ever again. And as he sagged gratefully into her embrace, lowering his head with the barest hint of acknowledgement, she knew that he felt the same.
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cowboyhorsegirl · 1 year
Why do you think the MCU made an ults adaptation instead of a 616 adaptation? I have some theories but lmk know what you think of this conundrum
This is such an interesting question!! I will preface this by saying that I haven't yet read a lot of Ults or 616, and a lot of what I've learned of canon has been gained through osmosis from other, much more knowledgeable people in the fandom (@sineala, I'd love to hear your take on this ask!). That being said though, I think the main reasons why the MCU was adapted primarily from Ults instead of from 616 was because:
Ults had less canon to work with than 616, so it's a bit easier to ascertain a linear narrative that hasn't been rewritten and retconned multiple times. (For example, in 616 Tony had originally helped found SHIELD; this was completely retconned later on.)
Ults isn't as fantastical as 616, or as we all say colloquially, Ults is the grittier, 'more realistic' version of events that happened in 616. This would be particularly beneficial for a live-action remake, where the commonly held industry thinking is that audiences don't have as high a capacity to suspend their disbelief as they might for animation or live theater. The realism of the medium would necessitate a more grounded comics canon to build off of.
Ults origin stories lend themselves to the strategic vision of MCU Phase 1 much better than 616 origins. I think this is most apparent with Steve's origin: in 616 he was discovered only by the Avengers whereas in Ults, Steve was found by SHIELD (though I believe some of the other Ultimates were also there). I imagine this version of events would be much easier to tweak so that each member of the MCU Avengers had their own separate movie establishing background and characterization before throwing them into a very busy ensemble cast.
I don't actually think that all of these reasons for choosing Ults as the main canon to base the MCU on ended up working in the MCU's favor though. Like, Iron Man 1 is clearly set within some sort of nebulous Middle Eastern conflict that the US is involved in, for a variety of reasons. This conflict would have been easily recognizable to American audiences in 2008: at the time, the US has been in war in Afghanistan since 2001 and in Iraq since 2003. You don't have to waste precious movie minutes establishing a war for Tony to be making weapons for when American audiences are already primed to fill in the blanks if you give them the implication of a war in the ME. The setup of a vague Middle Eastern war acts as cinematic shorthand to establish Tony Stark's background and character to a broad audience, and to the many who hadn't read any Iron Man or Avengers comics, this was their first introduction to Tony Stark's origin story. Additionally, the setting acts as a plausible 1:1 retelling of Tony's original introduction in 616 (elements such as Yinsen, the life-threatening shrapnel to his chest, and Tony inventing the Iron Man suit instead of building weaponry for the terrorists who had taken him captive are all taken directly from his 1960s origin story), revamped for 21st century moviegoers by changing the indeterminate Southeast Asian war from the 1960s comics to an indeterminate Middle Eastern war for the MCU.
However, you literally never see MCU movies dedicate themselves to this level of realism again, for good reason. Whatever cultural shorthand you draw on by placing Tony Stark's weapons-manufacturing backstory in the context of an actual real-life geopolitical conflict also comes with the baggage of all the Islamophobia, xenophobia, and imperialism that comes with that conflict. In Iron Man 1, the inciting incident that causes Tony to want to halt SI's weapons production is the fact that his weapons are being used by the terrorists to harm American soldiers. But what about all the hundreds of thousands of innocent Middle Eastern people your weapons harmed and killed Tony?? What about them, huh?! What about the instability that America has wrought in the region, Tony, backing up political capital with firepower that YOU provided to them??
Immediately, the MCU backs off of America's actual real-life military operations as a basis for their fictional world. I like to think that they did this because they realized that it's very difficult to make your billionaire weapons-manufacturer superhero sympathetic in a world where both billionaires and the American military are coming under more scrutiny by more people every day. I'll guess that the real reason has to do with the fact that those story elements made it much harder to sell international audiences on the franchise.
It's frustrating too, because to this day I would say that Iron Man 1 is one of the best MCU movies out there, but in my opinion, the reasons for this aren't that IM1 was the most realistic or the most plausible or the most grounded superhero movie. What drew me to the MCU in the first place was the emotional depth of the characters and the stories, a depth that I think is best exemplified in Tony Stark. As the MCU moved forward and began to (but never fully) shed it's commitment to realism, the movies started to lose their ability to tell emotionally-compelling stories with high stakes that actually leave you in suspense of the ending. The fatal flaw of the MCU is in believing that audiences don't have the capacity to accept emotionality in stories that aren't limited to the bounds of our reality, when the whole point of a superhero story is to challenge ourselves to imagine more fantastical worlds than our own.
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resineat · 1 month
muahahahahahaha........ SPLATOON CROSSOVERS......
PART 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (milgram edition)
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i like the fit for muu i designed idc if its wacky or smth idk......
haruka has splat roller so muu can sit back and focus on paint, also splat roller is one of the more mechanically simple weapons
muu has areospray rg for reasons mentioned above and ALSO..... its gold... i know i know im so smart (shes rich)
mikoto/john are jellies cuz they're the workforce in the splatoon world so yk......
for haruka and muu's fits i based the tops off existing splatoon shirts and also their existing fits... haruka has recoloured button down clown and muu has lime easy stripe shirt
idk if in this au they'd still murder ?? maybe some singing contest thing instead? a normal life au maybe??
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bakafurai · 5 months
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yeah that's fine I didn't need my heart anyways
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uhohdad · 3 months
I know how specific this might sound so don't please don't hesitate to let this ask brew for a bit!: I'm wondering how loser!König would fair with a southern transmasc reader? Someone who's clearly backwoods country,but also cuntry, ya know? Ain't much to do other than swim in the rivers if your lucky,or check out nature if your not wanting to see the small towns scattered between said nature. Love love love your writings ofc,keep up the amazing work!
This is incredibly specific. I love it. Okay here we go I hope this tickles your fancy. Prob could be enjoyed by everyone.
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・☆ ・・・・
☆ Loser!König was intrigued with you right from the start. He’s never met anyone like you before.
☆ He feels so comfortable with you. It was like he could tell you anything, and you’d just nod along. Not even so much as quirking an eyebrow at the odd things he says as you wade your ankles into the creek, hunting for crawdads to make friends with, just for the fun of it.
☆ He felt like he was swept off his feet, it’s amazing how such a simple lifestyle can feel so… magical, so thrilling. A whirlwind adventure that’s makes him feel alive, but simultaneously gives him a cozy, relaxing warmth foreign to him.
☆ (He’s not really sure if it’s the lifestyle, or if it’s just you.)
☆ You were so down to earth, so genuine, and you’d accepted König for who he was. His infatuation with you started here, and snowballed rapidly, and before he knew it he was in too deep.
☆ Funny, too. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s laughed this hard, this much. It’s always a good time with you.
☆ The stargazing is his favorite part. Konig’s fingers threaded together and resting on his waist. Lying in the bed of your shoddy old pickup truck, the stars clear and beautiful in the middle of no where.
☆ It’s still hard to keep his focus on the stars when you’re right next to him, your arms folded to use your hands as a pillow, shoe absentmindedly swirling as you soak in the night sky. He can’t help the way his eyes are lingering. How his head keeps tilting to admire you, taking you in as you lay.
☆ It’s the beer, he thinks. He’s had too much. Flushing his cheeks and giving him that warm feeling in his chest.
☆ No, maybe it’s the atmosphere. It’s so romantic out here, just you and him and the night sky.
☆ No, it’s definitely you.
☆ He wants to leave his old life behind, he wants to stay out here with you forever. He wants to chase this feeling, he wants to chase you.
☆ The air between you is electric. He can’t stop thinking about how he wants to touch you. How badly he wants to hold your hand, how he has the overwhelming urge to kiss you. As he stares at you, he can’t help but wonder if you feel it too.
☆ He’s thinking about you sliding on top of him, straddling him. Grinding down on him, teasing him, his hands on your hips as you revel in his needy whines and moans. He wants you to take him - right here, right now
☆ The thought alone is enough to bring his cock to attention.
☆ “See something you like, handsome?”
☆ A cheeky grin spreads thick as you side-eye him, watching him snap his head back to the night sky, as if that was going to save him, as if you haven’t been feeling the burn of his stare this entire time.
☆ You got him, successfully flustered him, he’s sure he’s ruined it.
☆ “Well, don’t play shy now.”
☆ He doesn’t even know what to say, tongue-tied and trying to put out the heat just under his skin, but he’s only fanning the flame.
☆ He’ll carefully meet your gaze, his mouth dry and his lips twisted in worry.
☆ “S’okay.”
☆ He gives a shaky nod, hoping it’s dark enough out here that you can’t see the glow on his cheeks.
☆ A hand slips from behind your head, elbow propped up on the ribbed tailbed, wrist limp as you offer your hand.
☆ Konig swallows, eyes wide and flitting between your hand and your eyes, twinkling as they reflect the stars.
☆ “Don’t make it weird, dude. Just hold my stupid hand.”
・・・・☆・・・・☆ ・・・・☆ ・・・・
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moonie-cake · 2 months
ohhh so that's why
I was wondering about the lack of moonie shenanigans in my fyp
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kindahoping4forever · 3 months
Crystal stop fucking around and give us new fics ok thanks (actually take all the time you need i just love your writing but take care of yourself and take your time!!! Ok love you bye)
That first part is actually what my internal monologue sounds like every time I sit down to write these days 😂🥁🤪
But no seriously, thank you for still being interested in what I have to offer as a writer! It's been so long now, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the encouragement 🥹
I don't have much more update to give other than the reassurance that it will happen! 💙
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cinderoo · 1 year
Why’re you making me feel gay over your bishoujo Starscream,shockwave,Soundwave and Megatron (technically not yours but you added muscles) designs? Like man… I could take them all
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the mission to make everyone Lesbian and to make every Lesbian fall in love with them is a success >: )
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