#you can block them if you just dont want to see their content i promise you're allowed
Alright, just to write down my thoughts on this, because I knew it was gonna happen but I looked anyway and now I'm kinda mad-
1. Killing the Rat Grinders is not unprecedented for the show, or even that remarkable. This has always been a very violent show, and it takes place in a high school. Stuff happens. Stuff has been happening since literally day one
2. This show is primarily a comedy. Not everything that is messed up will be addressed right away, and sometimes they won't ever be addressed, because they are pieces of improv and people forget details they made up on the fly. This isn't a show about perfectly heroic characters making morally just choices, it's a show about a bunch of messy teenagers in a fun setting doing messed up shit in an attempt to do some good.
3. Death does not mean the same thing in this world. You can't swing a cat in Elmville without hitting a random 16 year old with resurrection magic. It's very very common in this setting. Kristen alone has fully died twice, and Gorgug fully died once. In their first ever conflict!! The Bad Kids fully murdered Ragh, pretty brutally, and now he's one of their best friends. Zayn Darkshadow fully died, but he became a ghost and seems to be living his best unlife.
The thing that made the Rat Grinders so scary in the first place was that they managed to block resurrection magic. Once Ankarna and Cassandra are back and Porter and Jace are dead, there's no reason to believe that the sigil that stopped revivify will still hold. Literally nothing indicates that these deaths will be permanent. Not even Ruben's, Fig is literally in charge of the place where his soul is hanging out, she can pull him out no sweat. And if she can't Arthur Aguefort certainly can (and can probably get his body back too). You really think being dead with the capacity to be revivified excuses you from mandatory attendance??? Besides, anything is possible with chronomancy!!!
Anyways, if the angry reactions to this episode made you feel upset and confused like they made me... I mean you can think on it and consider why you disagree and re-evaluate your opinion, which is cool and good. But you can also just go outside and remember that it's a TV show and it doesn't really matter all that much that some strangers on the internet say it's bad. Which is also cool and good I think
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katsutora · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi ; itoshi rin ; nagi seishiro ; bachira meguru ; chigiri hyōma ; itoshi sae
summary: them picking you up after a trip
note: i’d like to be everyone’s weekly teeth rotting fluff provider but then i remembered i dont have it in me to serve content every week LMFAO i lack prompts besties
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ㅤㅤhas a relatively normal reaction as he sees you approaching him, but is actually trying his best not to freak out. he smiles at you softly as if he didn’t almost explode from all the excitement. once you’re in the car, he doesn’t let go of your hand the entire trip home. can’t stop staring at you too (a huge simp, good for you) because it’s been a while since he last saw you in person and it’s still kind of surreal to him. hmm, what was that? hands on the wheels, eyes on the road? yoichi, seriously, pay attention oh my god. you better promise you’ve tried everything and that this really is the last resort. “kaiser is in the middle of the street.” oh? oh. oh shit. “i'll run him over.” i mean... you gotta do what you gotta do to snap him out of it, right? (no)
ㅤㅤhe’s definitely in a sour mood. seething. most likely scared every single person who passed by him. the fact that he’s rapidly gaining fame doesn’t help at all (prayer circle for that one poor kid who only wanted to ask him for his autograph). he’s leaning against the wall, looking super annoyed. the root of the problem? not the fact that he has to be there of course, more like why the hell haven't you arrived at the gate yet (calm down rin it’s only been like ten minutes lmao). misses you as hell but won’t tell? that rhymes. immediately wraps you in his coat as an excuse to hug you tightly. “t’s not that cold, rin.” refuses to let you go. he’s clinging onto you for dear life as if he’s finally found you after a lifetime. “i know. just a little longer.” his grip only tightens when he notices people looking at you two. gee, they’re just trying to get to the exit gate, stop blocking it smh.
ㅤㅤit’s almost comical how he suddenly turned into a lighthouse as soon as he spotted you. people are putting on their sunglasses indoors, someone help. mandatory bear hug (but there’s a 50% chance that you’ll both fall to the ground because he can be clumsy like that). “that was so cringe.” “you love it, though.” “i love you.” ugh sappy. if somehow you survived that acrobatic act, he’ll bend his 190cm ass after putting you down so you can kiss the top of his head! if you don’t, well, he's not gonna stand up any time soon because it’s “comfy” and definitely not because getting up is a hassle. gets super chatty all the way home. “did you know shidou decked rin again today?” “barou planted his face on the ground yesterday, king who?” “i told choki to watch the food in the oven btw.” says it in the most casual manner; you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. “mhm. wait WHAT?”
ㅤㅤa pinball. will not hesitate to break through a crowd, bumping into everyone and everything. should be classified as a hazard to society. no jk. but he did almost tackle a kid when he was running towards you. has his arms wide open and ready to tackle you too embrace you. “you’re back! welcome home!” “i’m home!” “welcome home!” “i’m home!” don’t you have anything else to say besides that lmfao (it really went on for a solid five minutes). falls asleep on your lap in the car since he already spent all his energy on that whole “embodying a golden retriever” thing back there. looks so peaceful and angelic like that. also sleep-talks. “y’re hmm”. you didn’t expect him to remain this quiet but it’s the best nap he’s had in a while so uhh “karaoke night?” karaoke night he said. good luck to your poor neighbors tonight.
ㅤㅤladies and gentlemen, him. a runway model. is he picking someone up or is he going somewhere? with looks like that, no one will ever know. forget the elegant saunter; the moment he saw you, he full on sprinted. the type that brings you flowers and your favorite snacks. seems like someone who knows what he’s doing right? but when you pat his head in response to his warm welcome, he short-circuited because you just stole his line. “i’ve missed you.” immediately softens and melts in your embrace. you think it’s all calm and that until his sister arrives out of nowhere, calling out both of your names and the next thing you know, she’s taking pictures of you as if this is your graduation day. “lookie over here, you two!” you’ve never seen someone speedrunning five stages of grief in record time.
ㅤㅤmans turning the airport into a red carpet premiere smh; cameras flashing everywhere, people eager to ask him questions, etc. he’s learning that looking down on his phone isn’t a good enough disguise, and that his bored face isn’t scary enough to fend off his fans. oh finally, he thought as he spotted you amidst the crowd. “over here, sae!” “oh my, it’s itoshi sae!” but he has his gaze fixated on you and only you. don’t worry, of course he’ll notice if you grow uncomfortable with all the attention and will immediately wrap his arm around your figure. !! breaking news: itoshi sae quits the world of football and is now becoming a personal bodyguard. navigates through the crowd while mumbling “fall under my spell.” boy what they’re not shidou (narrator: they did, in fact, fell under his spell). “give me your number!” uhh? “move in with me!” wow it’s not your sae, huh? it’s everyone’s sae.
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© 2022 katsutora ; do not repost and/or translate and/or claim my works
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onlyjaeyun · 3 months
heyy I just saw someone here saying they have been refreshing the masterlist like crazy and I couldn’t relate more cause that’s what I have been doing every hour since the last chapter dropped😭😭
But please do take your time cause honestly your writing is so worth the wait
and also can I be added to the tag list too🥹( I thought it was closed😭)
thank you so much for your sweet words and the things i'm about to say are not a direct attack on you yet your ask is a very, very good bade to work with for things ive been meaning to say so i hope you dont take this personal!
i love and appreciate every single one of you from the bottom of my heart, this will never change and i wont ever be able to put my gratitude into words.
there's the thing about ghostblogs like yours (no age, mo bio at all, no pfp, no likes, no following, no post – ghostly empty) that just triggers me because the first thing yoj see when you want to send me an ask is my pinned post which says that you will get blocked if you don't have your age in your bio and/or no pfp.
please read people's pinned posts before interacting with them or the content bc ive kept receiving messages and mentions about how people can't access my blog etc. and there is a reason for it and its bc you guys refuse to read what's right there 😭
the same goes for my taglists and everything else. i'm someone who tries to put things in the most obvious and easily accessible places ever to make people's lives and mine easier and i KNOW a lot of other writers don't really care about this and i might seem like im overreacting but it's important to me to see that there are actual people following and interacting with me and my content. PLUS tumblr actually subtly shadowbans people who have too much interaction with blogs like yours bc it makes the OG blog look like a bot or whatever.
DEEP SIGH – this is so much and probably quite unnecessary but i really want you guys to understand my POV.
read. people's. bios. pinned posts. infos. rules. PLEASE.
there's a reason freators spend so much time on them i promise it's okay to give it a shot!
also, yes i actually do blog every single ghostblog who interacts with my content bc i get irritated and annoyed and bc this is my blog and my notifs!
thank you for listening!!!!🩷
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saccharinemeat · 2 years
hi! VERY strong anti here. trying to be civil. just genuinely asking, why do you like proships. genuinely. why. what makes them so good to you? to me, they, well, make me feel nauseous and gross. sometimes even violated depending on what it is. what about these, honestly, gross ships is so good to you? what makes you think they're good? i'm not looking for an argument. just,, answers.
Alright, I'll answer in good faith here, because i really appreciate not picking a fight or an argument
First off, please, don't say , "you like proships" proship doesn't mean "problematic ships", it means "pro" (as in favor of) shipping, that is to say, it's an anti harassment stance on letting people do whatever they want, based off the old fandom saying "ship and let ship"
you dont need to like problematic ships to be proship, you just need to be against harassment of people who enjoy darker or more 'edgy' media, and that's it
As for you question in itself, it's complicated, some problematic ships i enjoy stem from my own trauma and family issues, particularly my abusive mother. Reading and making content with parental incest gives me comfort through the fact that its an inconditional , codependent love. In fiction it feels comforting, but i know reality is way different first hand.
For age gap ships, theres a whole aspect about having someone take care of you, and also again, love regardless of situation, plus there is self insertion as it makes me think of back when i was a teen and had crushes on older people. I couldn't act on them, and I knew that any adult willing to date a child is no good. But within fiction,you can write about it and it would be harmless, generally speaking
For dead dove or more problematic stuff,such as abusive relationships, theres again the desire for love no matter what, and the situations those develop in, are usually trauma bonding for the involved characters
Now, these are not the ONLY reasons i enjoy such ships. There's also the aspect that i just like some of them aesthetically, or i see their chemistry in a romantic light, Or i have a streak of sadism towards a certain character.
Another reason is the potential for interesting fan content, particularly fanfiction, wholesome ships are sweet and cute and can be hot even, but it's all very by the book. The exploration of their emotions, thoughts and actions in messed up situations is more interesting to me
For sibling incest particularly, i just feel that they're usually developed in such a way that it can easily be seen as romantic, since we spend so much time with them, and seeing them fight and bond and laugh and promise to be together, that it just clicks different
and, It's understandable that you feel nauseated and grossed out by a lot of these, in fact, there are problematic ships and tropes i hate and despise, despite the fact that i love other messed up content for example
- I hate bully/victim ships
- I hate uncle/niece ships
- I hate cheating stories
- I hate forced feminization
- I dislike enemies to lovers
- I dislike anything involving characters I consider too young
- I dislike vomit and sick fic
a lot of people love these! but i dont! some of them make my skin crawl! but i dont go and yell at them, i dont comment on their things, I just block them and move on, and focus on the stuff i DO like ,which is what i generally suggest
Fictional exploration of darker stories is okay, and generally harmless. I know the argument that it can be used to groom people, but truly, that's not the fault of the content or its creator, the blame is fully on the groomer.
Also, if we started banning or bashing things that can be used to groom others, we'd have to ban stuff like plushies, candy, adult collectionists of cartoon merch, comics, books,etc etc
ANYTHING can be used to groom a person, if there's a groomer targeting them. nothing is safe if there's an actual pro contact pedophile with the intention to groom a child. The only way to prevent these things is to be taught about them, and to learn to not take life advice from fanfiction, which should be a given.
Like seriously, think about it. let's see, a safe hobby, non fandom related....
okay, imagine theres a minor who's very interested in learning about history and historical maps of the world.
This kid joins an unsupervised group online, and talks about wanting to make friends, and does make some nice, age appropriate friends
They feel generally safe online
Then,a groomer targets them, befriends them and brings up the fact that they collect maps, and they love history just like the kid.
then moves into talking about 'old customs' and starts planting the idea that old societies were in the right about child marriage and so on, until they actually gets what they want, and commits a crime.
The groomer didn't need a fanfic to convince the kid
they just needed to manipulate the child into trusting them, using whatever the kid liked.
who do you think it's at fault here?
the kid? the history book? the group? the internet? Nope.
It's the groomer's fault for targeting the child
and it's the parent's fault for not teaching online safety to their kid.
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yan-may-fire · 10 months
ive struggled with art block for years and feel very discouraged because im already 19 and feel really behind so many people. im really stuck and dont really know what to do to get out of it and try and improve. as an amazing artist, do you have any tips on how to kind of start from scratch? like how do you learn ... stuff
I’m really sorry that you feel stuck, it’s not a pleasant feeling and I’ve experienced it myself many MANY times. First, let me preface, that your age is not that important. I’m turning 26 in a couple of months and I know there’s still SO MUCH I can improve on, I know artists who are younger than me and can do breathtaking art. I also know artists who didn’t even start drawing at my age, who started drawing a little later in life because they felt like doing art. So, who are you competing against? Why are you competing? Is self expression not goal enough? I’m not a professional artist, I don’t want to adhere to some industry standard, and most of all I don’t want to feel behind in an area that is so, SO personal to me.
Now, to the feeling stuck part. I’d love to say that in art, you’re always improving. Well, it’s not exactly the case. There are artists whose work doesn’t change for years and they feel content in what they do. Are they stuck? Not really — they feel fine. When you feel stuck in your art, it means that your brain has caught up to your physical ability and went beyond, it starts seeing flaws you haven’t noticed before. You’re very young still and have PLENTY of time to work up the pure handcraft of visual art. What I recommend is, start analysing what your hands are doing. Find an artwork in which you admire the skill of the artist and try to replicate the way their brushstrokes or lines work. Find a screenshot with really good colours and try to make little thumbnails with the colours and the shapes that you see. Don’t go for actually replicating screenshots, define a goal and don’t worry about the rest. If it’s the creative part you feel stuck on, my go to advice is always — stop and take a break. Go outside and look at your surroundings. Watch a movie, go down the rabbit hole of YouTube tutorials on how to restore a night stand (not obligatory), go to your local museum and just. Look. Let your brain wander in how beautiful mundane things are. How pretty are the faces of the people on your bus. Love what you see and with love comes art.
Now on to the learning part. This one is way less poetic because, well, the theory behind art is an academic field and I’m not an expert in it. There is a sea of decent art tutorials on YouTube, ranging from colour theory to multiple point perspective. If you have an artist who’s very skilled and happens to have a YT channel, watch them and really think about what they’re doing and why. I can’t stress this enough, if you want to actively learn something, you have to watch critically. If you have any spare money, you can invest in an art basics course too, god knows my brain expanded 40 times when I finally attended one, and I’ve been drawing for years before that. If you don’t have the finances for that — don’t worry. First, learning is a process and attending a class just sometimes accelerates it. Second, attending a class later in life does NOT mean you missed an opportunity. Rounding up, outside of any means of formal education you can still learn some useful things. Start with the basics, with the “boring” stuff (and I use parenthesis because drawing boxes is really fun actually), with “how to draw a straight line and what is line weight” and not “upper limb anatomy” or “advanced colour theory”. You’ll get there eventually, I promise. Just like I mentioned all the way in the beginning of this awfully long reply: it’s not a competition!
I hope this was useful in any way and I wish you lots of luck and patience. And love what you do, regardless of what other people do.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
ok brainrot that’s been consuming me, so this one isn’t fully sfw but it’s not hardcore nsfw aadhah let me explain also if you don’t feel comfortable answering that’s completely fine!! mwah mwah
Anw basically imagine doing it with dottore but fragile reader but I mean this in the least horny way possible like I would imagine for him it wouldn’t be about carnal desire but rather a sort of union, a connection of body and soul (even if he doesn’t really believe in souls)
the scientist in him knows it’s nothing more than physical closeness and a biological connection but when he’s with you in such a vulnerable state it’s like the mad doctor falls away and all that is left is the blue haired boy who would divulge his hopes and plans for the future (albeit in a very pragmatic way) under a quiet night sky with only you and the stars as witness
obviously with fragile readers state it wouldn’t happen often but when it would it was like all the unspoken promises would pour out through his actions, through the way he handled you like the most delicate of porcelain (which in his eyes, you practically were)
I also feel like it’s be his own way of affirming you, id imagine fragile reader would have doubts about their desirability and what not with their state and itd be dottores way of saying that he really did love you, even if he didn’t say it much (idk why but I hc him as not saying it much, actions speak louder than words after all)
- 🌕💗
I LITERALLY LOVE THIS BECAUSE I HAVE THE SAME THOUGHTS😭 (I'm putting this under the cut for suggestive content! I'm also tagging it as #suggestive.content so anyone can block the tag if they feel uncomfortable!)
I love how you worded this so sweetly, it was so nice without being explicit🥺 and I also love the "I mean this in the least horny way possible" because 😭😭💗💗💗 I agree, it doesn't happen often, but it is so sweet you could cry. Perhaps because being in such close and intimate proximity with your lover is enough to send you emotionally over the edge. No one would believe how good he takes care of you, with your illness and all. And you are the one who made him view it differently. He had no care for the activity at first but somehow you managed to morph him into someone else during it. I also feel like aftercare would be so sweet, you'd literally try to fight him to stay with you for a bit longer, arguing he can't just leave you here like this. Saying you'll sabotage his research or something. And then I think, you begin to reminisce about the old days, about something funny or dumb he said how many years ago. He's oddly quiet during these times, you're not sure what he's thinking of but you know he's listening.
Dottore is definitely an action-over-word guy, it's hard for him to be outright with his feelings. I feel like saying "I love you" is literally impossible for him, he'd rather show you how he feels rather than verbalize it. Fragile reader definitely has some insecurities and concerns about themselves from their illness (does he really still want them? even when your condition has dragged you all the way down to this point?). And while he rarely ever gets upset it does make him grit his teeth to see your unconfident nature. It baffles him as to why you would ever think such a thing, when you are the loveliest creation he has ever seen. He's very careful yet thorough with you. No matter how much you try to hide from him, he is going to make sure to go over every inch of you, no spot left untouched.
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puppyparkmoving · 9 months
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Safeship FAQ for clarifications! 💛
• Is safeship not exclusively for survivors / can I post in the tag and be part of the community if I'm not a survivor?
YES! I dont have a big explanation for this just that the base reason the tag was made was so there was a safe and stress free tag for survivors to be garunteed security in browsing and engaging! If youre not a survivor youre not just welcome here but a blessing becuz it gives more content and community and positivity to survivors and youre just as beloved in the community.
• Are minors allowed in the tag?
Yeah absolutely of course I have ZERO qualms with minors having safety in selfshipping and encourage them to use it and be apart of the community! I obviouslt get this questuon becuz I personally dont interact with minors and vice versa cuz I'm almost thirty. But the tag and community and concept is not about me or attached to me really. Its for everyone!
• If someone has abusive or bigoted beliefs or content are they allowed in the tag?
NOPE! And this is also not about me or my dni its because survivors are often multiply minorities and bigotry especially racism and ableism is repugnant and exactly the same negativity as proshidders sooooooo. This includes pro life bullshit becuz many survivors would not even be alive without their rights to choice and that cannot be ignored in this community.
• What if someone ships abusively to cope? (I.e. yandere shit or anything illegal and disgusting)
Thats still not welcome here. I'm not here to tell people what to do on their mental health journey, but neither is anyone else and the healthiest and most sincere option is to keep abusive content out of the tag period.
• Is nsfw allowed in the tag?
Yea you can go nuts idc just tag it so ppl who have nsfw/nsft blocked dont have to see it. Otherwise have fun.
• Something something is the discord ready yet?
Not quite! Im in the process of moving which will free up my focus and life to be able to do that soon. I promise ill announce when it is. But also know my safeship server doesnt have to be the real and only server. Ive had ppl ask if they can make one and the answer is always yes! The concept of safety and community does not belong to me and while id love to have many ppl in mine when i make it ppl dont have to be around me or interact with me to be part of it! Curate your experiences u deserve it!
• Have you seen insert bad person or content in tag?
Probably not! As I said ive been moving so ive been checking the tag sporadically and not as much as I want or you all deserve. I rlly appreciate these asks and bringing stuff to my attention. You dont have to worry abt me posting the asks so it wont look like a callout or anything crazy like that. Ill just discard the ask and post a warning to the @safeshippin blog. Ill be more vigilent when im moved somewhere safe.
• No further questions
I love you have a good one feel free to ask me anything else esp to do with worries or wonders abt the tag/community. Take care of yourself.
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stoshasaurus · 5 months
Do you have commission prices? :]
I will make a price sheet, i promise.
but yes, i do! let me just give a quick run-down right here because I've left this ask unanswered for longer than i would like ^^;
I'll talk about prices first, then there will be a short list of do's and dont's at the bottom.
keep in mind that all of these prices are approximate and are subject to change. i don't get commissions that often, so i tend to negotiate my prices with my clients after they contact me.
i'll add onto this later with examples of everything discussed
sketches - an uncolored sketch
headshot - prolly like $15 USD
*half body - $30? USD???
full body - $45 USD
sketches can be colored for an additional 10-20 bucks. i will also gladly make a sketch page. idk what i would price those; it depends on how many sketches the client wants and whatnot, those require greater negotiation with the client
lined - an uncolored, lined drawing
headshot - $30 USD
*half body - $50 USD
full body - $65 USD
lined flat color - a colored, lined drawing with no shading
headshot - $40 USD
*half body - $65 USD
full body - $80 USD
full render - a colored, line drawing with added shading and lighting
headshot - $60 USD
*half body - $85 USD
full body - $100 USD
painting - a fully rendered and shaded drawing, with less lineart
headshot - $120 USD
*half body - $150 USD
full body - $200 USD
*half bodies can either be drawn from the waist up or the mid-thighs up. the client can choose between these two options with NO CHANGE to the asking price.
Backgrounds are NOT INCLUDED in these options! I can draw simple backgrounds for an additional 10-30 bucks, at the request of the client. Complicated backgrounds are not my thing.
These prices are subject to change depending on the design of the subject. Extra characters can be added for 50% of the original price. For example if the original price is $50, that would be another $25 if you want to add another character.
sometimes i will make sketch pages of a character to familiarize myself with them. IT IS NOT GUARANTEED THAT I WILL MAKE ONE, and I don't make them often, but if I do, i can offer it for like 10 bucks extra.
I am fine with drawing NSFW content. if you want greater info on that, please dm me.
I am NOT okay with drawing pedophilic material, incestuous relationships, or bestiality (anthropomorphic/furry characters are fine). I will block you on sight.
PAYMENT COMES FIRST! refunds are offered as long as I am not too far into the drawing process.
I will always ask before I do so, but I WILL POST my commission work! especially if it is fanart! If you as the client would prefer I not post it, that is perfectly fine. I can tag you, as the commissioner, as well.
uhhhhh that's all i can come up with right now. even outside of commission inquiries, please ask if you have any questions and I will add to this post as i see fit.
thank you for asking!
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novieight · 1 year
"Blushing faces covered in pink! Rushing bombs, exploding ink!"
"Faces blush, a rush of ink! Bombs explode, no time to think!"
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hi everyone!! im finally making a masterpost or intro post whatever you call it!!! so first im gonna tell about myself i guess lmao im so awkward ANYWAYS-
my name is Novan!!! im a genderfluid transmasc lesbian!!
im a MINOR!!!!!!!!!!
i go by he/they pronouns
i have a splatoon hyperfixation as well as sky: cotl, disney twisted wonderland, toilet bound hanako kun, and kid icarus!!!! talk to me about any of them!!!
im an age regressor and also part of the tk community ^///^
go follow my friend @4low3r!!!!!!! theyre super fuckin cool and their writing is really good!!!
now for some basic dni, triggers, etc.
dni if proship, prolife, anti-anti, etc. basic dni stuff
dni if homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.
most find this strange but if you openly post about in depth religion PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU DNI!!!!! it triggers my derealization :(
i get triggered by mentions of manipulation, su!c!de, threatening one's life, etc. so please be careful with those topics around me!!
i have trypanophobia so needles and excessive blood (irl, art stuff is fine) really scares me
please dont reality check me as it really upsets me
i spam post like A LOT; im the type to reblog LOADS of art and fics and stuff, so if you dont like when users clutter your dash beware of me i guess lol
if you couldnt tell i get really awkward about some subjects so just i dont know just thought i should say that
i DO reblog tk content so if you dont want to see that then you probably shouldnt follow me
i also have these random thoughts and rants and stuff and yeah i can act really different at times sooooo uh yeah
i am an undiagnosed autistic; i still live with my abusers because im not old enough to live on my own BUT as soon as i can get safely tested for autism i will see about a real diagnosis
i do vent on here sometimes so if you dont want to see me talking about potentially triggering topics i would block the tag "novasvents" because i always tag my vent posts with that
i should also mention that i am part of the selfship community!! i self ship with frye and riddle rosehearts as well as a few others!!
now how about a list of the characters that i am!! (bolded = more frequent!!)
callie cuttlefish (splatoon)
hypno!callie (splatoon)
aloha (coroika)
frye (splatoon)
mei shijima (toilet bound hanako kun)
emma 63194 (the promised neverland)
lilia vanrouge (disney twisted wonderland, diasomnia)
basil (omori)
mitsuba sousuke (toilet bound hanako kun)
miko villager (bad end night by hitoshizuku x yama)
viridi (kid icarus: uprising)
ENA (Joel G)
anddddd thats about all i can think of!! stay fresh!!
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smolcuriouskitten · 1 year
Rules & Navigation Tags below the cut!
1. My blog is semi selective as of 2022. I will not follow back each time I receive a new follower. On the flip side, if I follow and I see selective or mutual, I strongly hesitate to interact even if the follow is or isn't returned. I haven't had the best experience when trying to meet new mutuals, so if I don't reach out first regarding interactions, its nothing personal, just me being more scared of disrespecting boundaries than anything else. So if you have any questions or hesitation regarding interactions, shoot me a message!
2. Rockelle has a triggering past including abuse, domestic violence, rape, cheating, etc. I have an umbrella tag, 'dont pull it; {triggers tag}' which is for any and all triggers. I will tag the individual triggers as best as I can but if you wish to avoid any and all topics including any sorts of triggers, please block the designated triggers tag.
3. I am a mobile only user, I do not use desktop Tumblr at all. I attempt to make the experience as similar to desktop tumblr as possible but of course since we do not see the same thing, I apologize for any inconveniences this causes you. This means I cannot cut posts or replicate most of the features from desktop, I dont do much to my blog mainly due to the limitations.
4. Icons credits goes to @tutorgirlcommissions @tutorgirlrph , @estrangedaframian , @eternalyouth , @mountaindcw , @thedumpofrps and @coinflippcd and my blog layout credit goes to @ofwaterandfire ! Thank you to all of them for making my blog a wonderful place and desktop friendly!
5. I dont have any triggers but if you have any ideas or scenarios that might be considered weird, talk to me about it, I dont bite, promise!
6. Want to be an asshole towards Rockelle? That's completely fine and is not seen as an attack towards the mun at all. How she reacts is something your character has to deal with.
7. Check the tags during roleplays! Within the first few replies, I try to make little tags that describe your character! It could be a movie, song, tv show reference or even a joke! I work hard on them so look at them or I steal kneecaps. >:(
8. Anytime I get a new mutual, I send a thank you message! It helps with me keeping track of them and it opens the door to talk about scenarios, plotting, etc. And if you don't respond, thats okay! I will still interact with you and love your muses just the same! Side note, if I forget to give a thank you, it doesnt mean I dont like your muse or you any less!
9. Rockelle is 100% fandomless so she doesnt fit into one verse or universe. If the desired verse is not under the verses post, feel free to ask me about anything you like! Dont think Rockelle only fits into a bubble due to her character design, just ask!
10. I do not have a banned faceclaim list but I strongly hesitate to interact with those who use dead people as faces. This does not apply to canon characters such as batman, joker, etc due to them having 'new' faces depending on the era.
11. For my mobile users, all of my character info and other related content is under the #lovely kitten; {character info} or #lovely kitten {character info} tag for easy access.
12. Me being a mobile user, I cannot see your rules, info, etc if you do not have a caard or link available on your blog. So if I reach out to ask for them, please dont take it personally.
13. Want to stop a roleplay? Cool! Want to change the trajectory of how the plot is moving? Cool! Want to ship? Thats very cool! You just have to make sure to communicate these things with me. I am not a mind reader and while I will try to be as upfront as possible regarding things, I do not want to make anyone feel discomfort or not enjoy roleplaying with me. I wont bite if you no longer want to continue interacting or cut out something in a roleplay! I wont know until you tell me, communication is key!
14. Rockelle is a multiship muse and is dating several people in different universes. If in the roleplay she has a significant other, she will not cheat on them as that is a trigger for her. However by default (unless discussed) Rockelle will be single due to her 'in universe' story. Due to trauma, poly relationships are a fat no for her as well.
15. Muse is 128 and mun is 21, both of age!
16. I respond either at lighting speed or I take awhile due to lost muse. I do not expect a response to be given within a timeframe or within a designated period. Take as much time as you need seriously. No need to apologize, shit happens.
17. Please do not steal anything from my blog. I will literally hunt you for sport. Dont play with me.
18. The most important rule of all, have fun and enjoy the chaos! ❤️
About Mun!
~ Sup! Names Gigi and I am 21 yrs old! Gremlin and a person with endless zoomies 24/7. If you are my mutual, I will most likely send tiktoks and random things that remind me of our roleplays.
I do have a discord that is available for mutuals if asked!
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blamemma · 10 months
here for the list of people stealing content from tumblr i could use it 👀
honey, honestly, give me a message, promise i dont bite, like genuinely doesnt matter if we're not mutuals/you dont even follow me, it just really irks me when people steal stuff without credit, but i'm not gunna publish it out in the open a) cause i dont want them to get an unnecessary amount of hate but also b) dont want them to see it and be like shit i've got caught and change their urls cause then my collected list wont be accurate anymore - all the ones i have have been called out and asked to stop stealing gifs without credit and then havent so imo deserve to be blocked but happy to share the list and then u can make the decision of who u want to block xx
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bagelbucket · 2 years
*sigh* one hyperfixated mutual has the power of 1000 ad campaigns huh?
Kay, I'll bite, what's redacted asmr/ where can I find it?
ok so for whatever reason i literally cant find my old lists explaining what to listen to in what order, so ill make you a new one!
hi! and welcome to redacted asmr, now known as redacted audio!
redacted audio is a asmr-like channel that uses multiple character povs to tell a high quality and engaging storyline! each pov has their own "listener" which can be you or any oc you imagine!
it's pretty much a M4A boyfriend roleplay story, but with multiple bfs, and you're a different person for each character. a lot of us dont listen for that though, and stay just for the plot! (yeah...the plot mhm.../lhj)
sounds kinda cringe, yes, i know. but i promise you its worth your while. the voice acting is all done by Erik, the channel owner, and he voices dozens of characters perfectly. the plots are well thought-out and its never a dull moment. there's comfort audios and fluff mixed in with it all, and its just an amazing experience that i highly recommend! :D
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To start: freelancer 1, vincent, milo, david, sam, asher,
Then: freelancer s2, the balance (and any other audios in blake, elliot, and brachiums playlists that you didnt get to in the balance playlist), then inversion
Make sure you listen to the tws in the video descriptions, some of the content gets heavy.
Theres also: ivan (which partly comes up in fs2) (and then his endings which dont really matter but you can watch them for some easter eggs), camelopardalis (his videos talk about events throughout the whole prime universe story), and vega <- all of these playlists have something to do with eachother, but dont really effect the main plot and can easily be avoided
Then: avior, project meridian, (we arent sure of either of these timelines, but its side stories you can follow, and they have a bit to do with eachother)
then: ollie, aaron, geordi (these all have basically nothing to do with the main plot. They are side stories)
theres non-canon romances, which are mostly for freelancer and can be listened to for fun Id recommend not listening to the individual playlists (lasko..huxley..etc.) for freelancer because it can get confusing and all you need is in the Freelancer playlists, but its your choice!
Theres also imperium, which currently has two seasons (Imperium s1 and Cataclysm s2) and its like a “what if it was worse” au. there are a lot of trigger warnings for this one. so be careful and treat it as dead dove.
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there are a handful of removed audios from that youtube policy ban-thing that happened a few months ago too, but those can be found for free on the redacted audio patreon! only a couple of those are actually plot-relevant, like some of gavins audios and adams audio (they were removed because of mild sexual content and heavy abuse. again, mind the tws). the rest are teasers for more explicit audios.
here are some links to some of my older posts for more!
thats about it! i have a lot more posts ab this on my blog archive. tumblr hates me and eats all my old posts on my blog, so if you wanna see any anything else for warnings or smth go there! also block #redacted spoilers if you dont want uh. yeah spoilers.
<33 have fun! and my asks are open if you need anything. if you're from my dsmp mutuals, i think you'll find this pretty easy to traverse.
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miya-rin · 2 years
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about my blog!
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my names lavender or lav, call me either! im 19 and my pronouns are she / her. i have a teeny tiny crush on suna rintarou ^-^. i officially started posting on this account on the 19th of september 2022 and this was my first post
unless specifically stated ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP / TIMESKIP, i do not write nsfw for minors because its weird to do that in the first place and i am an adult - all characters are around 26
i’ll mostly do headcanons or small thoughts as i don’t really like drabbles, i do try sometimes though!
ill only write for haikyuu in the mean time as i understand the characters best
when i do write drabbles and what not they will either be with she / her or they / them pronouns
i block people if i do not like their certain content, it is nothing personal. for instance, if someone writes dark content i do not want to see that and so ill block the creator, if i block you i just dont like what you write and want to personalise my tumblr to my liking :)
i do not talk about my personal life what so ever on this account, it is strictly for writing and interactions only - i randomly go inactive from time to time due to my personal life, i promise i havent quit the account, just forget i have it LMAO
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rules and dni!
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please do not spam like, i really appreciate the fact that you are taking the time to scroll through the things i have posted, however it can get me shadow banned and other people won’t see my writing, please consider reblogging instead!!<3
if i assume you are a bot then i will block you, recently i have had a bunch of new followers who all follow the same accounts and have no likes, if your account is somewhat like that and i block you and you are not a bot then i am very sorry!!
dni if you are: homophobic, racist, sexist, misogynistic, basic dni criteria - if i look through your account and see you are any of these i will block you
im not responsible for what minors do and so i don’t care if minors read through what i post on my account but i just ask that you only interact with my sfw posts, when i do post nsfw please dont interact if you are -16 i know people will still read which is fine but please just don’t interact :))
if you would like to request something please do! you can through my ask box! however there are things i wont write for, i can and will tell you if i am uncomfortable with the stuff you request, i may also take a while to finish the request, i am very sorry about that!!
i wont write: scat, watersports / piss, incest, stepcest, noncon, dubcon, cheating, age-gap, pedophilia, virgin!reader, sub!reader, daddy kink, cnc - ill continue to add to this
if you would like to read through my masterlist then here it is!! if you’d like to then you can also read through my tags which are on my navigation as a lot of the things i post dont actually go onto my masterlist!!<3
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ghstlie · 11 months
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#GHSTLIE . ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ❛ its time to let yourself fall free again . ❜
🫧ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ . carrd . ask . home .
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a private & highly selective MULTIMUSE of MIXED MEDIA consisting of mostly ORIGINAL CHARACTERS ; written by GHOST ( 25+ , they / them ) . activity will always be selectively low . this blog is UNAFFILIATED to any fandom community & all muses are crossover FRIENDLY to any media outside of their original worlds .
🔹quick tidbits :
interactions without icons will happen often  ;  i always softblock / block when unfollowing  ;  ask for more info on characters if you need to  ;  may contain triggering / heavy content  ;  anon hate will be deleted
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🔹notifications & tags  
tumblr very rarely notifies me of any @ ’ s . you can @ me if you would like , it pops up on the activity page , i just do not get notified directly / immediately , so i will not see your note right away . i like my dash to be relatively slow , so i read i will that like the morning paper , but i also am not frequent enough on here to always know .
this also goes for anybody who tags me in things . the tumblr tagging system does not pick up most ( if not all ) posts with my url . i cannot use the tag tracking system . at all . i never have been able . i do not know why either i am sorry ! its most likely cause i might not know how to use it fully , im not sure .
if you want to notify me of something or bring to my attention something / a reply, please dm me directly ! it is also better if you dm me in discord . if you do not have my discord , then you can use the tumblr dms ( but they are not always great either ) . if push comes to shove , you can then use my inbox as well , i will not mind if you get my attention like that either !
know that the only thing i do see / notice are likes & reblogs of posts that are on my blog . so that is fine . i don’t need notifications for threads as much .
i promise you it is okay i love getting messages . i just tend to hyperfocus A LOT at times while other times i cannot focus at all & i get really distracted with my squirrel brain . it is okay to gently remind me of something or try to get my attention ! i know many people don’t like that , which is why i don’t do it to others , but i 100 % promise you that it is okay .
🔹 i do modify my formatting for people on request !
if my formatting for your replies / threads bothers you in any way , shape , or form , please tell me . i promise that i can accommodate you . i format AFTER i write the entire reply anyway . so it will not be a bother for me if you dont want to have that . i have friends who have asked in the past . 
i use small font and edit html for the colour . if any of this bothers you ( be it cause you genuinely cannot read it or you dont like it ) , please let me know & i will modify it for you .
🔹anons regarding my history with a specific individual .
i've opted to add this onto my pinned post since some folk seem to want to let me be aware of things i have no longer cared to know for a long time . please read THIS in its entirety if you have not already . it fully explains my history with a specific individual . i DO NOT CARE if you interact with them , i do not care to know your relationship with her , it's not my business . I am also not here to tell you who you should or should not interact with .
she was extremely toxic to me - i am talking emotionally and mentally abusive towards me - especially towards the end of our relationship . she was triggering me, & i was tired of her behaviour . i understand she missed talking to me & was trying to reach out to me but i do not condone the poor attitude that came from her as that is not how you get my attention , it only pushes me away .
i PERSONALLY do not want to interact with her any further , but i do not care if you do . leave me out of it . i wish her the best health , but leave me out of it .
🔹i tend to hyperfocus & vanish , it is NOT me being mean .
i want folks to remember that people do not owe others' immediate responses or attention . Seeking validation from others CAN be a toxic trait ~ ( not always but often times ) Some people take time to respond, others just hyperfocus and get distracted . To assume somebody is being mean because they arent giving you attention is very wrong . i am neurodivergent, which means that if i am not talking to you , it is NOT because i have an issue with you .
Nobody should expect others to give their attention to them . I understand that as friends or any kind of partnership ( be it platonic or romantic ) there should be some decency to talk to one another at any time , but to outright EXPECT another to respond in the way that you want is VERY wrong .
Just because i have my attention elsewhere does NOT make me rude or mean for not getting back to another .
DO NOT get mad if you're not the centre of attention for me . I promise that most of the time its not you , i just FUNCTION differently . that is the REASON why i go by ghost , i really just straight up VANISH from time to time . i promise its not me ignoring you on purpose by any means & im not trying to be mean at all .
Please dont set unreasonable expectations , youll only disappoint yourself . But most importantly , do NOT seek validation from me . Its not cool , and i honestly will not give you what you want . it will most likely end up with me saying something you DONT want , and i can promise you that it will probably not end nicely .
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* you are always more than welcome to send asks if you have any questions *
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
hiiiiiiiiii, god this is a over a month late and im SO FUCKING sorry, seriously im sorry, idk why this took me so long, i kept thinking about replying and then i just didnt, again, im really sorry :(
honestly last semester ended up being a disaster, but not a major one, this one is shaping up to be better tho today i had an exam and i feel like i answered some questions somewhat confidently but others were a guessing game 🤡🥴 and i really have no one to blame but myself for it (then again initially she told us they were going to be essay questions and i THRIVE in those, but then they were content specific questions which i was not prepared for) but oh well it cant be helped now and we're allowed to retake our lowest grade at the end of the semester, now im watching sailor moon and eating a strawberry cheesecake ice cream sandwich to get rid of the ambiguity of my feelings over it sigh sigh sigh
fdjhsdfh my hands are always cold too, so it's hard to tell how i'd feel yours but the warm hug is lovely, lovely
i have not started cutie pie but it's been in my to watch list since the first episode came out cause i kept seeing tiktoks about it and it seemed really fun but agh, i havent gotten around to it, i swear i need divine inspiration to do even the things i want to do
in a better timeline benedict did join them and they lived their happy gay lives watching everyone else's drama from the comfort of their stable relationship
lmao relatable, i also left a bunch of shows abandoned bc of the aforementioned need for divine inspiration, i tried watching some middle episodes for a couple shows to like get myself hyped up to understand what was going on and all that but eh, didnt really work, and there's been a danmei draught so im laying on the floor facedown emotionally
about fire island kdjhdfh i handt heard of the place up until the movie, cant be helped, we're not form the us - i have not watched the lizzie bennet series but im adding it to my to-watch, since it's on youtube i might get around to it soon but i wont make any promises just yet sdfjhdjhf and GOD yes, the layers on the movie, i adored it really, you can see that the writers really do care about queer people and that it was written with love - Noah is FANTASTIC he's so real lmao djfjsdhfjdsh and same, when he said that i went 'oh, i see 👀' - i hope both our futures are filled with a loving community of queer people
[completely random: im watching yu-gi-oh rn bc that's what came on after sailor moon and bruh, yugi is short as fuck and i didnt remember that at all, it's also hilarious how they refer to kaiba as rich kid kaiba, it's really fucking hilarious but when i was little it kinda scared me and i can see why too]
i've been ignoring goodreads lmao and im not about to stop cause i really doubt i'll finish a single book this year, im severely blocked, i havent been reading any of the ones i've started, all i did was partially reread the raven boys bc i finally bought the physical book
homegirl does need a break but the only break to be had is my break from reading it :/ and yeah, high literature is fake, joy is the only true and trusted measuring tool
me and my friends have not gotten all together as of yet, it's hard when they have trimesters and i have semesters, our coinciding free times are only for the holidays and i go home for those but we're planning a sleepover soon to celebrate the beginning of their vacations and to cheer myself up after exam week, and one of them is coming over tomorrow so that we can try soju 😌✨
jdfhdfjshfks i'm too picky to align my foods with my favorite characters' tbh
my favorite soup is red bean soup, i must confess that i dont like many soups but i could eat this one every single day, it's so fucking good, also ik you said you'd want to make me egg drop soup, i havent tried it but the texture might be a problem for me, sorry :( but spinach and scream sounds hella good
ok so rn i cant think of bts without thinking of the fact that on the day of the heavy flood in korea namjoon posted a story about a song and with a caption somewhere along the lines of "perfect for the weather" and it was quite literally a parasite moment 🤡 but anyways, bad desicions was so damn good, and yeah, they've worked so damn hard to get to where they are that it's nice to see them have time to enjoy it
i cant fucking believe jin decided to spend his time working tho, what's going on that man's head 😭😭
i also hope other versions of us are closer to each other, i hope this reality's version of me can become better at managing her time and so can talk to you more often 😫💖
matching tattoos huh 👀💖
JDHSHDKJHSK i understand, fever is a hella good song, that's the exact emotion it invokes
mate i had no idea about holland's song 😭 i SUCK at keeping up with things, for most things i have friends in the fandom that come screaminng about news or at the very least post about it
idk if you already started the god of highschool or not but all i can say is that tho i bawled, when i watched it with a friend she didnt shed even a single tear lmao, it really depends on you
JDSGDJSGFJ it cant be helped now, you'll just have to treat yourself whenever you listen to it
anya is so important 😭😭😭😭😭😭 she is so amazing and she deserves to live as normal a life as possible but mainly it has to be a happy one
hmmm i wouldnt say that it's major plot important tbh, but it does have certain relevance for that moment so you'll see skjdhjs
i am also a sucker for cool art, i've read so many things just bc i liked the art style, and if i dont like the art style i have a harder time reading the work, which makes me get annoyed at myself tbh, it feel idk judgy ??? idk, it feels weird
i heard the live at jet studio version of every pore and holy shit, it's so damn beautiful and it felt like his voice was going directly through my chest
i really get that part about being in a weird headspace, life is so complicated at individual scale and currently there's so much going on in the world, it's like that post about how dealing with anxiety rn is so damn weird bc yes, all those fears are entirely too plausible but somehow we have to continue to push through, and burnout sucks, pretty sure ive been burntout since like early 2021 and only just now getting better bc well, to summarize, my parents expect me to graduate soon, which is absolutely not happening, which idk how to tell them and agh it's a cycle really
this is all just to say that i get how you feel, i hope you're feeling better now and if you'd like i can def come off anon so that we can talk more often [tho im not sure you DONT know who i am sgkshadkjsdg i havent really been hiding it lmao, just not being upfront about it bc im socially awkward as fuck]
sending you tons and tons and tons and toooooooons of love, hope you've had good soups and lots of rest, i hope you're hydrating yourself and interacting with lots of cats, i love you
between us both, im pretty sure i answer asks much later than u😔 but as u said no matter if its a week or 9 months later , i'll wait for ya<3
ohh yea semester one is just wrapping up for us too and so far it has been less of a disaster than expected, and hope the exam came better than it went in!!![said this to a classmate before going for our term 1's and she gave me the saddest face ever😭😭] essay questions which are content specific are the bane of my life cause lemme tell you my examiner wrote like 10 lines with the reddest pen ever telling me what i needed to improve on while i was still reeling that i passed on that exam phew cause that many lines really make u think twice if u passed(<- wishing this on my worst enemies only).
sailor moon and ice cream sound absolutely delightful and the perfect way to heal after taking an exam [our principal literally goes through the exam hall for some reason and its. have u ever had ur heart beat like a horse?yea.]
me @ u always
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[btw the number of gifs of hugs that ive saved in case u send an ask,,.ginormous]
yeeeee i stopped watching cutie pie in the middle cause my school life is a dragon that will bite if u slack off<3 capitalist ass dragon. but fr tho cutie pie is great!! the soundtracks are great too!! and oooh yea i think every ep after ep 6 are heavy on the steamy side
in a better timeline bridgerton would have not have a queer side plot that got quickly swept up under the rug and instead couldve had a storyline about bisexual benedict {im assuming cause 1) hes gives me bi vibes 2)nothing much else than that i think it'd be real neat 3)b is for bisexual and also the start of his first name and surname [:}
divine inspiration is better to not fall on me cause imma use it for evil reallll quick. watching the middle episode is a much better strategy than what i do: watch the finale and become the incarnation of the surprised pikachu meme. also insta reels made me think that "romanticizing" watching stuff would help and it kinda did before i realized that i have adhd symptoms<3 make space for me on the floor cause im laying next to u too🤗
side note: idk if u've ever done this but during summer vacations when i was younger all the women in the house after finishing up lunch would take straw mats and pillows and go to the most airiest room in the house and sleep , and its the best sleep ever. sleeping on the bare ground during summer quickest way to a 😴😴
no cause i recently reread rwarb and suddenly im seeing fire island being mentioned everywhere?? im not gonna blame anyone not studying about america/'s history not knowing american references[god bless genius annotators souls for their little notes cause half my us culture knowledge comes from fob lyrics akfhkdhfsk ]
YEs fire island was really great about how they took care of their characters, the exact scene's dialouge is fuzzy to me but the scene where noah and howie talk before howie leaves, about how theyre similar but are different and that does affect how others see them was one of the best scenes cause the actors portray it in a such an intimate way.
I HOPE QUEER PEOPLE SURROUND US AND THEY ARE LOVING AND WE'LL NEVER HAVE TO THINK TWICE ABOUT OUR SAFETY IN THE FUTURE[all caps cause we deserve it!! and its needs to be shouted from the rooftops!!]
nauurr is kaiba the emo kid from the reverse card meme😭😭😭
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ive been looking sideways at goodreads dhksfhk and ive just been saving tons of insta posts about upcoming books so i can read them after my school year is over✌🏾 ive heard quite a lot about the raven boys but apparently theyre not actual ravens? L for the corvid enthusiasts👎🏾👎🏾/lh
sleepovers are fun but unfortunately id be the first to fall asleep😴
im days late but drink tons of water afterwards!!! ive heard that soju is high on alcohol content , and so eat something absorbing for the hangover like rice[ALSO! you know how in kdramas the characters are always eating congee? well i googled it to see the ingredients and its. kanji. its what i eat every weekend bro😭😭 but i do eat it cold during summer with curd and its really good for digestion too]
when i hear red beans i always think of rajma [kidney bean curry and good with naan/rice/roti],[ and ig now im gonna think of u whenever i hear red beans💜💗]
its fine if u dont like egg drop soup!! altho when i was a kid it was the soup™ i used to eat whenever we went out cause i was a picky eater lmao, spinach and cream is a good soup but my personal fav is so basic😭 i fucking love sweet corn soup man
yea no cause i genuinely forget that bts is made up of very rich ppl like 🧍‍♂️ i liked bad decisions a lot too!!
looking back at the past few years of bts' career and seeing the growth and rise in popularity of the general population , and then learning they were doing all this while also in COLLEGE and graduating with honours is. how do u say. humbling to the highest degree.like i cant imagine going to grammys and having a set career and then like having to go back to school.
kim seokjin the man that u are,,
uuughhh thinking about going on walks in parks and just TALKING WITH U
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dont worry about taking ur time!!! hell can freeze over but ill still be on this app<3
matching tattoos<3 [also fr i have been thinking👁👁 of getting a tattoo of intertwined tattoos on my sternum but am very unsure of getting tattoos at all😓]
speaking of fever,dont know if ur big on insta edits but i have a ton saved just to listen to the audios on repeat
i . also forgot about it[holland's song]. need that divine intervention to make me focused .
OKAY SO I STARTED THE GOD OF HIGHSCHOOL AND I LOVE IT didnt thing i'd be crying at all but i shed a tear[locals will allege it was full on sobbing but who can say] im only halfway through so i didnt expect to be crying lol😄 anyway the fight scenes were so cool and the main character are such a great trio [also i did search it up on tumblr and im heard about a kim ilpyo👀👀]
[re: getting hungry by listening to gooey]getting pavlov'ed by a song. i have reached new lows /j
random side note#2: i think there should be an emoji for a man on his knees, not the prayer one, just in dejection like this image
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anya deserves a normal , happy life with her parents like imma cry if she gets even one scratch idk[but she does love adventure so im just hoping she takes up trekking as a hobby]
cant wait to see the plot relevance of sticking your fingers down a persons throat!![hope this doesnt come off as sarcastic cause i mean it genuinely, from the bottom of my heart]
if u like cool art you should see jibaku shounen hanako kun, a friend introduced me to it and ive been lowkey obsessed with it. it has a very distinct and beautiful art style that u might enjoy!!
cant describe the effect that is listening to tamino has had on me. truly invigorating.[also his eyelashes when he was singing. just .yea]
okay SO like. if i had to take a guess on who you were, i'd have one or two that id be entirely certain of. but i never took a guess cause i wanted to respect ur privacy . but like if ur entirely okay with it, i would not mind if you came off of anon[im putting it lightly Id LOVE if u came off anon so i can add u on discord and annoy u so much💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💗💗💗💗💗💗💗]
sending you truck loads of love and reminders to be safe!!! eat lots of delicious things and hope you get time to spend a lot of time with ur friends !!!
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kataracy · 3 years
What is it like shipping Kataang pre- and post-the ATLA resurgence? Like did the overall environment for shipping it change?
TL;DR: shipping is most fun when I only make it my day and not my week. Post-resurg is great but AYE be careful about wasting your energy on dead-end arguments if you not built to debate critically or roast mercilessly
It’s kinda lit bc think about, the final episode for Avatar The Last Airbender came out in July 19, 2008.
Since 2008, I have gotten to see a black girl from the ice make it to a happy, oogey relationship with a male character who preaches tolerance, both of them are secret powerhouse and yet Aang would rather make jewelry than constantly be suffering under his anguish in many different forms of media at different points in their journey.
Because I have had more time to develop a personal relationship with kataang (I bought them hoes flowers, I dedicated weeks of energy for free, I made art, I did cosplay, I got atla tattoos girl) there’s no more like... there’s no need to defend it? Even if they retcon or ruin the whole thing, I’ve already seen atla ruin things so its not like it’ll be a surprise. Personally, I’m eager to see all of the things newer audiences might call out in defense against kataang because all the old stuff is either tired, dramatized at the detriment of the characters or irrelevant to a fan like me.
idk if I said this before but, when LoK came out, everybody who didn’t want kataang as end game suggested that
Bumi was Zuko’s son,
Aang was only neglectful to his children 
Katara just took the kids wherever she wanted while Aang built up the city carefree
and boyyyyyyy those were some of the dumbest takes I’ve seen bro ppl were really out here championing cheating, deadbeat daddy mentality and Katara as a single parent; meanwhile here comes my vanilla ass (who already preferred watching TV where the straight couple, you know, got along first bc I wasn’t raised on weird shows where they hate eachother like everybody loves raymond or whatever the girls were watching back then)  wanting a relationship to evolve naturally, being drowned out by loudmouths who wanted Katara to fall in love with one of the men who either took away her agency on their first scenes with her or just looked nice next to her.
Shipping Post-res feels like I left the fandom at a good time, had fun elsewhere and then came back to only better changes. Better discussion, better use of browns on those art palettes and still a few whitewashed Katara’s just to let me know some things never change 👌🏾 tbh after using twitter I understand a lot better that these fans lived vastly differently lives than me and they aren’t hurting anybody but themselves by being wrong about a cartoon sometimes.
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