#you can tell it's serious because i only used 1 emoji
vgbndangel · 4 months
Mild trauma trigger warnings with depression + probably more about me than you ever wanted to know.
I promise this might be the only super serious post I make. Maybe.
But I see a lot of stuff around and figured I wanted to write something on a more serious note, imagining that it might maybe slightly help even one person.
I'm not here to judge or shame anyone--quite the opposite really. Life is hard. We all cope in different ways. (And often develop traits or even kinks from our experiences--me included I have a lot of darker kinks even, and that's okay 💕)
I might not even post this tbh since some of it I've never told anyone but I'll keep things a bit vague.
*** Actual stuff 👇 ***
From a young age, I was cripplingly, embarrassingly shy.
Like can't talk on the phone, play with people on the playground, make friends shy.
I'm not really sure *why* but I just felt "different" and found it impossible to really connect with anyone.
This led to me being in my own head a lot and over analyzing everything.
As you might imagine I had no friends growing up. (Shocking I'm sure)
None. Zip. Zero. Nada.
My parents didn't understand me, my brother didn't understand me. I just felt completely alone.
Naturally, I read a lot.
Mostly fantasy books about other worlds, magic, adventures, friends, and romance.
Every novel I could find at the library. (I was also obsessed with Harry Potter fan fiction oops, don't @ me, no one irl knows this and that's how it's gonna stay)
I started to wonder a lot about "the meaning of life" and really didn't understand what the point was--everyone around me always seemed so much happier.
I desperately wanted to leave and go to any of these worlds that I read about. I thought if I died would I be reborn in a better, happier world. That's how I became suicidal at 14 - no external trauma, just a self-fulfilling prophecy of depression and loneliness.
I never tried to act on these thoughts or tell anyone. I would just spiral downwards whenever I was alone.
Now fast forwarding a few years, I went off to boarding school--for academic reasons not behavioral ones.
You'd think putting a lonely, depressed kid to live on his own would be a recipe for disaster. (Also my parents had no idea I was depressed since I never talked to anyone)
But actually it wasn't! The school had a lot of structure for forcing people to interact even for someone like me.
I made a few friends and started to see some happiness in life.
Around this time I started dating someone for the first time (all of my knowledge of relationships came from books and fanfictions mind you).
As you might expect, this person became my entire world.
There was a lot of drama of course--we were teenagers in boarding school what do you expect? We broke up, got back together, had a lot of sex in risky places, and made very many unreasonable promises.
We dated for two years before graduating.
We went to different universities far away and talked about making it work long distance.
A week after she moved away, she broke up with me by phone with no real warning.
I was devastated and was actively suicidal for the first time.
Three years went by - we talked on the phone every month or so (she would talk to me whenever she was lonely as a last resort and I would eat up the attention).
If you take anything away from my post (if anyone made it this far)--don't ever do this to yourself. Block them until you've gotten over the relationship!!! You deserve to be somebody's first choice.
I started to feel happy for the first time getting away from school during an internship. I didn't know anyone and I started learning how to be happy by myself and with myself. For the first time, I found myself living in the moment rather than imagining a better moment.
Second major takeaway I want to impress upon you dear reader--focus on baby steps to feel better rather than "visualizing yourself at the finish line". For basically my whole life, I had wanted to get better and not getting to this imagined "happy" led to constant downward spirals.
I have had a lot of ups and downs since then. But measuring my progress instead of focusing on how far away an imagined, moving finish line is has helped me immensely.
A lot of time, people treat happiness as a very concrete thing. You're either happy or you aren't. The things we read and experience create "checklists" of happiness for us. And mostly it just feels so far away -- there's always something "missing" or not perfect which sours everything.
I'm not perfect now--even today as a highly functioning adult I have (many) days where I want to just stay in bed. I have insecurities and oddities. And that's okay.
Life (and relationships) is about learning and growth. Trying to be a better person and finding small happinesses in small steps.
Finally, if you're struggling with depression or trauma try talking to someone you can trust--a therapist, partner, close friends, a help hotline, anyone. My biggest regret is silently struggling because it could have ended up with the worst ending.
You matter and have value 💕
[Sorry if this came off as kinda soap boxy. I know I'm writing from a position of immense privilege. I could also probably cut out some of the personal background, but I didn't want to. ily for reading this whole thing.]
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AITA for agreeing to be a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding even though I think she's making a huge mistake?
(Emojis so I recognize it 👰‍♀️💍🤵)
So my (24F) cousin Anna (21F) got engaged at the start of December. This was really surprising to me because the last time I saw her at Thanksgiving she was just starting to get back into dating via tinder after a couple bad breakups, and she wasn't actively seeing anyone yet. When I got home for Christmas break, my mother told me that Anna had gotten engaged to and moved in with her new boyfriend, Evan (~22/23M), an army guy she'd met three weeks before and that no one but her immediate family had even met yet.
Our family has always been pretty close, and this was concerning for a lot of reasons. 1) she literally just had a nasty breakup with her rebound boyfriend after a nasty breakup with her last long-term relationship, making this guy her 4th serious boyfriend this year, 2) she historically has very bad taste in men, every boyfriend she has ever had had treated her horribly and she ties her entire self-worth up into how her boyfriend sees her so she's literally never been single for more than a couple weeks since high school, 3) her older sister (28F) literally just left a 13 year abusive relationship with the guy who started grooming her when she was 15 and he was 28, 4) the groom is about to ship out for a 9 month deployment a month after their March wedding and military men are notorious for cheating or divorcing on long deployments, 5) she wants her dream wedding in March (giving us only 2 months to plan and fundraise), despite her parents already being in tight financial straits bc they started building a house right before unexpectedly needing to take in and help provide for their eldest daughter and her two kids and both my grandparents (who live with them) having sudden drops in their health to the point where my grandfather probably will pass in the next couple months and my grandmother could pass at any time (though tbf, were pretty sure no one has told Anna this since my grandparents don't want to scare her and her mom's in denial).
I also just really don't like the groom bc the one time I met him he made a ton of racist and homophobic jokes despite there being multiple black and queer family members present, but if that were the only thing I could probably bite my tongue since I don't think that's something that bothers her or anyone else in the family. I'm just really worried about her, since it seems like she's been going through something for a while and I know how hard this is on my whole family, especially my grandparents, since we all are really scared about what's going to happen to her if things go wrong and considering the circumstances, that's a good chance this will go wrong.
I want to make it clear, I do really want this to work out for her. She's head over heels in love and he seems to care about her too. I just don't expect it to go well and I've said as much to anyone who asked how I feel about it.
Here's where I could be the asshole: Anna's really having a hard time with the entire family telling her this is a bad and impulsive idea, feeling like everyone who has a problem with it isn't supporting her. She called and asked me to be a bridesmaid, specifically because "you've always looked out for and supported me even when no one else did, so I really want you to be my bridesmaid." I told her I would love to be there and support her however she wanted me to, and I fully intend to be the best bridesmaid I can be because I want this to be a happy memory for her and to take as much stress off her and her parents as possible. But now she thinks I support this marriage when I definitely don't and have been open about that with both our moms as well as her sister (the maid of honor), my SIL (also a bridesmaid), and my brother (a groomsman), all of whom are in the same boat.
So, am I the asshole for agreeing to be my cousin's bridesmaid while thinking she's making a big mistake?
What are these acronyms?
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elletheactualmenace · 7 months
You Would do That for Me? - Pt. 3
Pairing: MCU!Peter Parker x Stark!fem!reader
Summary: You help Peter out, like you promised, with Flash in first period. Hopefully you don’t take it to far.
Warnings: Mentions of physical assault, Bullying, swearing, suggestive (just a bit), angst
Word Count: 3.5k
a/n: Hey!! I hope you guys like this next part. It may just be me but I feel like it’s on the sadder side, and writing made me really sad too. Sorry for the lame use of emoji and just lame ways of texting. Let me know if you want to be on the tag list!
Thoughts = “Italicized dialogue”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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“So, you two are serious?” MJ asks, her question startles you but you try to brush it off with a shrug. A smirk grows on her face and you feel your face get hot. Your hand, that’s connected with Peters, gets sweaty.
“I knew it. I knew something was going on-“ 
“What are you talking about?” You question quickly, sweating profusely now. What is she even saying? Yes, maybe you had a small thing for him when he liked Liz, but it lasted only for a moment. It ended the second it started. “What is she talking about?” You think nervously.
“Ohh,” Ned butts in, “So, this is why you-“ Peter yanks his hand from yours quickly, covering Ned's mouth. You can’t ask about it because the next second they are both gone.
MJ laughs at your flustered face, turning to her locker.
“You know Y/n, I really believed you when you said you were over him.”
“I was. I- I am.” You think, wanting to respond with that, but you have to keep the bid up. For your safety and for Peter's dignity.
“Yeah, well- I-“ You sigh, “I don’t know, things just happen I guess.” Your shoulders slump in defeat. You can’t defend yourself. Ugh, this is going to be the worst to deal with. 
“Yeah, yeah, well I forgive you for not telling me,” MJ remarks, “So, now, tell me everything.”
“What- What do you mean?” You utter out.
“Don’t play dumb, Y/n.” MJ rolls her eyes. You just knew she was going to bring this up. You keep your head low as you open your locker. MJ snickers as you pull the books out of your bag.
“I don’t like him like that anymore.” You whine in your head. You wish you could just tell MJ, but you promised Peter and he promised you.
You thought about it last night, if you bring Peter to the bodega with you then Derek, Logan, and Otis will leave you alone, too afraid they’d get caught. And even if you do see them in school, you’ll just make sure Peter is always there. In the past they never looked at you longer than a couple seconds when you were with someone else. 
“I don’t want to talk about this right now MJ.” You sigh, letting your head hit the books in your locker. MJ laughs rubbing your back.
“Okay, later then.” You roll your eyes as she closes your locker.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” You babble out, letting MJ push you to your first period.
At least you can help Peter today with Flash and his stupid comments. Thinking about his idiocy makes your head hurt.
As you walk into your first period you sigh, finally getting MJ to stop talking your ear off about not telling her. You plop down in your seat letting your bag fall to the floor.
Ned and Peter are already in their seats like usual, and you can practically feel Neds smirk as he nudges Peter. You turn to see Peter shove Ned. When Peter's eyes meet yours he turns his attention onto his hands, suddenly finding something really interesting about them. 
The sound of two hands slamming onto your desk has you jumping in your seat. You look up to find the nauseous sight of Flash smirking.
”What the hell do you want this time?” You ask leaning back in your chair, so you don’t look intimidated. You could not possibly be intimidated by Flash, but if he thinks even for a second that you are, you won’t hear the end of it.
”Here to make your daily comment about Peter?” MJ asks and you can see MJs eyes roll in annoyance.
“Sit down Flash.” Ned says before being cut off by Flash.
”I was just going to ask him a question,”
”Go for it.” You can’t see Peter but you hear him say this with a sigh.
“Do you think the reason you can’t get anyone in your pants is because your dick is so incredibly small that every woman mistakes you for a little girl?” You actually scoff at Flash's words. It’s like your in fucking middle school again. Whenever Flash opens his mouth you want to die because of how stupid he sounds. You honestly feel bad that no one told him.
You turn slightly so you can see Peter's face out of the corner of your eye, he looks defeated, just like yesterday. You fucking hate it.
”What the fuck is wrong with Flash?” You think before turning back to face Flash fully. You perch your arms on the desk and look up at him.
“You know you're not as funny as your mommy tells you Flash,” You comment tilting your head to the side with a tight smile.
MJ smirks with a laugh. She opens her mouth to say something but you cut her off, pissed at Flash.
”And also, why are you so interested in the size of Peter's dick?” You ask scrunching your brows innocently. Flash looks uncomfortable with your comment as he looks around annoyed. 
“And at least his dick isn’t inverted like yours.” You snark at him.
”And how would you know?” He quickly comments back. This has you stunned for a second.
”What the hell do I say to that?” You think in a panic. You know what you want to say, but you don’t know if it will make it worse or better.
”I'm his girlfriend dipshit.” You finally say, faking your confidence. In reality your stomach is spinning in circles. You don’t want to make Peter uncomfortable, but this was the whole point of faking this relationship. So you might as well.
Flash’s eyes go wide and his brows scrunch in confusion, like you had just told him his girlfriend's pregnancy test came back positive.
“W-what?” Flash stutters out.
”Yeah, no go sit your single ass down.” MJ says, and in her tone you can hear that she's proud of your boldness.
“How- How did he-? You? I mean he’s nothing and your Y/n Stark, I don’t-” You just chuckle at his inability to speak.
”Well the non inverted dick helped.” You say before you can stop yourself. Oh shit, you might have gone too far. You only became his ‘girlfriends’ last night. You shouldn’t have said any of that-
Your panic gets interupted by a laugh. A soft one, but it cuts through all the bickering like a knife. You pivot to face the sound.
“Peter?!” You wonder, confused as shit. “Why is he laughing? Did I not go too far?” You question yourself with scrunched brows and an anxious stomach. “Peter never laughs when Flash is around.” It's odd. No one has seen Peter this with flash around , including Flash, so everyone is extremely confused.
His laugh isn’t big or powerful, it is small and gentle. It's like any of the other times you make him chuckle with your comments. The laugh warms your heart. Your happy Peter doesn’t have that defeated expression on anymore.
MJ looks at you and Ned, not sure what to do. You shrug watching Peter bow his head down trying to contain his small smile. You decide to take action. Not wanting to stay in the awkward, unusual, situation any longer.
“Go away Flash.” You state bluntly, looking up at Flash unamused.
“Why should I-“
”Good morning Class!” Your teacher's voice rings out successfully shutting Flash up. You smile cheekily up at Flash and he rolls his eyes walking back to his seat.
“I can't with him,” You sigh looking at MJ. She smiles.
”You handled that well.” MJ comments. “But now, I'm pretty sure by the end of the day everyone will know about you and Peter.” She notes in a warning tone.
”That's fine. Not something I'm ashamed of or anything.” You explain trying to sound chill and unbothered by the idea. But really you're kind of happy. 
“This is what Peter and I wanted” You reflect trying to calm down the butterflies that you refuse to admit are there.
“But, Oh my god. Holy shit, what the fuck have I done!?” You scream internally.
“No, no, no Y/n, this is what you wanted, what you need.” You reason with yourself. Eventually you turn your attention to the teacher pushing back your thoughts so you can focus. You didn’t hear a single thing the teacher said in that class.
All day you have been getting looks while walking down the hall with Peter. There is no way that the new information on your relationship status spread this fast. The eyes don’t bother you much, being the daughter of someone famous will do that to you. You always have unwanted attention on you, but you have learned to live with it. Peter looks uncomfortable though, he doesn’t say anything.
”Peter?” You ask and his head immediately snaps to look at you. “I just wanted to apologize about what I said in our first period.” You admit shyly slowing your steps down the long hallway.
“What? That, you think Luke Skywalker is lame? Because, really Y/n it doesn’t bother me as much as I led on.” Peter remarks. And you smile at him puffing out a laugh.
”No, I mean with Flash.” You utter quietly. “I realize we should have talked about it before I told him, because now everyone knows.” Peter hums in thought, going over what you said in his head.
“And also all the other stuff I said when he was there.” You add on quickly. Peter stays quiet a moment longer, trying to think of what to say, you think at least.
”It’s fine Y/n. Honestly it was really cool of you to do that for me.” Peter finally responds.
”Really?” You question.
”Yeah, and I mean, this is what we wanted right? Everyone to know.” You nod along with him.
”On that thought, I can’t remember, umm, how do I say this?” Peter wonders aloud and you give him your full attention, waiting for him to finish his thought.
”You know how you are helping me with Flash?” Peter whispers so no one in the hallway will hear him. You just nod once again.
”Well, I feel like a real ass for not remembering, but what exactly am I trying to help-“
The bell rings and cuts him off abruptly. You pull your phone out quickly checking the time. And give him a sad smile.
”Can we talk later? I have a history test to get to.” You say, guilt lacing your voice. You feel bad, you do, but you kind of need to get to this test.
”Oh, umm yeah, of course.” Peter mumbles out sadly, and the look on his face makes your heart pang with sadness. “See you later.” He says as you begin to walk away with a wave.
You have a feeling you know what he wanted to know. But you aren’t sure. And even if you were, you need to plan a course of action. Do you lie, do you tell the truth? Do you twist the truth? You need to think. Even if there is a possibility that, that was not at all what he was asking. You can never be over prepared. And, there is no doubt in your mind that, if not now, he’ll ask later.
When Peter tried to talk to you again about the question form earlier you dashed away with an apology that Happy had arrived to pick you up early. 
You didn’t ignore him completely, you did talk to him, just not about…that. And it’s not that you don’t want to tell him, I mean you already did, he just doesn’t remember. You want to find a way to say it that won’t make you sound weak, or incapable. Maybe you should say it the same way you did the first time. 
“I can’t remember exactly what I said but it was something along the lines of “You would help keep the creepy guys away.” You muse.
“Yeah, that works.” You confirm inturnaly. Then you concluded if he asked follow up questions you could talk about the unwanted attention because of your Dad. And although you hated using your dad it was better than the whole truth.
Unlike what you told Peter, Happy was not early, in fact he is late. You don’t mind though, because Peter has already left on the subway to go home, so there is no chance he can catch you in your white lie. You are sitting on the steps of the school waiting for Happys black car to pull up when your phone rings. You pull it from your pocket and check it to see activity on the group chat you made with Peter, Ned and MJ on it. You open your text messages.
What time are we supposed to be at Y/n’s house on Friday?
I think it was 4pm
Yeah anytime between 4 and 5
What movie did we agree on?
We didn’t
Don’t remind me bro
Oh my god please😭
Let’s just watch a horror movie
I’m not coming if we do
Stop being so boring
If you get scared you can cuddle up next to Y/n
She will protect you from the scary monster on tv
Your face heats at the comment. If you needed to, you would let Peter cuddle with you. But purely for the sake of keeping the bid up. Only for the bid. Right?
I can protect myself
Perfect you’ll be fine then
What about me??
If you comply I’ll let you peak into my dads lab
Nice going Y/n
Thanks babes🤭🤭
Peters gotta be jealous👀
Dude I’m not two
And I doubt you really want to see me calling Peter that Ned
Yeah I’ll pass
Love you guys but no
You laugh as you slip your phone back into your pocket. You're glad that you agreed on a genre of movie. It will be easier to narrow down later. You're also glad that neither MJ or Ned were suspicious of you and Peter. So far you haven't given them a reason to. You just hope it stays that way.
Your stomach grumbles drawing your attention from your friends. You want food, but you don’t dare go to the bodega two days in a row. You don't have the energy to deal with Derek, Otis, and Logan. When do you ever?
Just thinking about them makes your throat close up. It makes your breathing get shallow. Your head races and your stomach drops. You want to cry because of how weak they make you feel, how pathetic. 
Thinking about them puts your mood down. You just want to forget all about them. About the amount of times you let it fucking happen. You feel your eyes water and your hands tighten on the edge of your shirt. You haven’t even realized you were gripping it.
You feel a tear slip down your check and quickly wipe it away. You push down your feelings. Not wanting to be caught crying on the steps of your school by Happy. Because then he’d tell your dad and then it would be a whole thing. You didn’t want that. You don’t want more eyes on you.
You hear a beep that brings your focus away from your thoughts. You look up to see Happy in the front seat of a black car. You stand and scurry over. You open the door, tossing your bag inside.
“Hey Happy.” You say while buckling your seatbelt.
“Hi,” He responds as he pulls away from the curb. Your hands settle in your lap and your eyes out the window. 
“Sorry I was late, there was traffic.” Happy apologizes, keeping his eyes on the road ahead. 
“It’s all good.” You respond as you watch buildings, people and other cars go by.
“You didn’t go to the bodega.” Happy notes glancing at you through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah.” You mumble not giving him anything else.
“You okay kid?” Happy asks gently, trying not to pry too much.
“Yeah, sorry, just tired.” You explain with a sigh. Your stomach rumbles loudly and you hear Happy chuckle.
“And hungry?” He questions. And you smile in embarrassment.
“Very.” You admit.
After a snack and more thinking, you need to get your mind off Peter. So you decide to shower. That always helps clear your head. Showering, you think, is the best invention of the modern day. Although, many, your dad specifically would not agree in the slightest.
When you step out of the shower and into your room, the air pricks your body. Goosebumps litter your exposed skin. Just before your shower you left a pile of clean clothes on your bed. Warm, comfy pajamas. 
You walk over to the bed, quickly changing. You stalk back over to your bathroom to hang your towel up. You can’t be more grateful for your private bathroom, you could spend hours in there just blasting music, and no one would get mad.
As you walk by, your eye catches sight of yourself in the large mirror  hanging on the wall. Even with your clothes on, you can see the marks Logan, Otis, and Derek left scattered on your skin. You finally acknowledge it, because it’s not like you didn’t see them in the shower. It’s more like you chose to ignore it.
They had left many bruises on you before, this was nothing new. Their markings ranged from small cuts and scrapes to bruising and aching all over your body.
You just have to be cautious of the hand shaped bruises on your arms, and the fact that they hurt when you graze your fingers over them. You finally draw your attention away from the mirror to finish pulling your socks on. 
You are walking to your closet looking for a sweatshirt when you hear a knock on your bedroom door.
”Shit” You quickly run the rest of the way to the closest to scour through your hung up clothes. You search for a sweatshirt or hoodie.
”Y/n?” You hear your fathers voice boom through the door. He sounds slightly irritated.
”One second dad!” You call back to him. And you continue looking. Only now do you curse the amount of clothes you have, because you can’t locate a damn sweatshirt.
He knocks again, louder this time. 
“Y/n, come on! I need to talk to you.” He speaks through the door.
”Double shit.” You think, “What does he know? Wait, don't admit to anything before you're accused of it, and until there's solid evidence that has you trapped” You note in your head. You dad had told you that too many times, especially when Pepper would scold him for something he did.
”Dad, please, I'm changing!” You just about shout at him. You can hear him sigh loudly. “Fine!” He shouts back. “Just be quick.”
You finally find a suitable sweatshirt and slide it on. You close your closet before rapidly moving to the door. You pull it open to see your Dad holding a pair of socks as far away from his face as possible.
”Thank god,” You sigh. Glad that it wasn’t him finding out somehow about your relationship.
“What's this?” You ask, pointing to his hand, and leaning against the frame of your door trying to slow your breathing, as if two seconds ago you weren’t just fearing for your life.
”You left these on the couch.” He grumbles out annoyed.
”Actually, no, those aren’t mine, I stopped doing that after you yelled at me and just about ban me from wearing socks all together.” You rebuttal and he huffs out in thought.
”Are you sure?” He asks.
”Yes dad, I'm sure. Why don’t you ask Bruce? Those look like they could be his,” You reason examining the lab beakers decorating the socks. You Dad just grumbles out a profanity before turning to leave.
”Wait!” You call him and he turns. You need to confirm your plans on Friday with MJ, Peter and Ned.
”Yeah hon?”
”MJ, Ned and Peter can still come over Friday, right?” You ask hopefully. 
“Yep, no plans on my part have changed, so unless they can’t make it you’re all good.” He smiles before turning once again to the elevator.
”Dad!” You call out again, and he turns once again with a sigh.
“Do you think we could, I don’t know, do something together?” You offer.
”Like right now?” He questions, and you nod. He smiles sadly. “Sorry kid, I’ve got to finish up some work.”
”Oh, okay,” You voice, sadly. You just want to spend time with him, but he's been so busy. You feel bad for asking, not wanting him to feel guilty. But at the same time you kind of want him to know you’re hurt.
”This weekend?” He tries, just wanting to see you smile. And you do, even if it’s soft.
”Yeah, that would be great.” You confirm nodding. 
“Okay,” He speaks softly and smiles gently, then walks to the elevator.
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Hi! I hope you’re doing great! I wanted to tell you that I stumbled upon your blog with no idea on what to find. I haven’t even gotten past the third episode of season 1 of TLK, but I’m already obsessed with Sihtric and it’s because of youuuu
I wanted to make a request of Modern boxer!Sihtric x Physiotherapist!Reader. Like, he’s quite serious and rough due to his line of work, but then reader shows up as his new physio and then you can take it from there! With a lot of pining and pent up longing until smut ensues 👀
Warnings: smut! 18+. Also mention of blood and violence.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: see the request!
Word count: 6,1k
Note: first of all: WHATTTT, I love how you became obsessed with him already! I did my job well ;) but, okay, onto the fic: I looooved writing this one. I personally really enjoy MMA (which includes boxing techniques) so it was fun to actually write a little about that! But fucking helllllll the line between Sihtric and Arnas was getting awfully thin here for me, which caused me to take quite a while to finish this, because I kept changing things to erase "Arnas" for me. But alas, I gotta leave it as it is at some point. So, thank you for your patience. I hope it's worth the wait.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us
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'I see the way you look at me during your sessions.'
Sihtric Kjartansson. Professional boxer, cocky and overall pretty full of himself. Yeah, you've heard of your new client. You knew more of the rumours about him than what he actually looked like. And you lied if you said you weren't nervous. Apparently the boxer had recently fired his last physiotherapist and you were surprised when his agent contacted you, asking if you wanted the job. You usually didn't work with professional sporters, knowing how rude and stubborn they can be, but taking Sihtric as a client meant you'd have your bills covered for, at least, the next ten years. So you accepted, and he was about to come in for his intake.
Sihtric showed up, much to your surprise, in time. You guessed he recently had sparred, as he had a cut lip and a bruised cheek, and upon seeing his toned arms, you knew Sihtric had a good sparring partner if he had managed to throw a few punches back at Sihtric.
'Sihtric, hi,' you smiled and introduced yourself. He gave you a friendly smile but didn't speak. You motioned him to sit down and offered him a drink, which he declined by shaking his head. You felt a little awkward at his quietness and a little taken aback by his looks. You had to admit you were impressed by his appearance, and suddenly understood why your friends texted you the sweaty face and fire emojis, after you had told them about your new client a few days ago.
'So,' you said, trying to keep your cool, 'tell me a little about your physio history. Any previous injuries or reoccurring issues I need to know about?'
'Not really,' he said.
'Not really?'
Sihtric shrugged.
'You're a professional boxer,' you scoffed, 'I'm sure there are things I need to know.'
Sihtric shrugged again and looked down at his feet.
'Well, fine by me. I still get paid even if we just sit here in silence,' you said and crossed your arms, 'hiding your injuries from me will not benefit you. You will ruin yourself if you do.'
Sihtric clicked his tongue in annoyance and sighed. You watched him brush his bruised hand through his long hair while he clenched his jaw. He already irritated you, but you couldn't deny he was hot.
'My neck,' he finally said, 'I have a lot of neck pain.'
'Thank you for your cooperation,' you sneered, noticing a quick, slight smirk on his face. Taunting him is the way it seems.
'When does this pain occur? After a fight? Only after training?'
'Daily,' he scoffed.
'Daily?' you frowned, 'that shouldn't be happening with your line of work. Did your previous therapist know about this?'
'Yeah, I told him. Every fucking time I saw him,' Sihtric said quite heated.
'What did he do to treat it?'
'Fuck if I know, lady. Nothing apparently.'
'Okay,' you sighed, 'well, then I suggest we start with that problem,' you got up and beckoned him to stand up too, 'stand up straight.'
Sihtric listened, but you still had to slightly correct his posture. You placed your hands on his shoulders, pushing them a tad back, causing him to groan as it straightened his muscles further.
'Sorry,' you chuckled lightly.
'Sure, lady,' Sihtric sighed, and again you noticed a hint of his sly smile.
'Okay, I need you to keep your body still now. May I?' you asked and motioned you were to cup his cheeks.
Yeah,' Sihtric said, after which you gently took his face in your hands. 
'I am going to slowly tilt your head to the right, you keep still,' you acted on your words and you swore you saw his eyes darken as he kept his eyes locked on you. After 10 seconds you brought his face slowly back up again, knowing the feeling was probably unpleasant, but it had to happen.
'You're hurting me, lady,' Sihtric hissed. He placed his hands on your arms, almost making an attempt to pull your hands off him.
'If you do that again,' you said curtly, 'I will make sure you leave here with another bruised cheek. You will not interfere with my therapy and you will not lay another finger on me either.' You felt his jaw clench underneath your hands, and he oddly aroused you at this point. And to be honest, you could take your hands off his face now, but you wanted to make sure he knew you were not afraid of him and he would not intimidate you. So you actually took a step closer and got up in his face.
'You're a professional boxer, for god's sake,' you scoffed as he looked down at you, 'I'm sure you can handle a little physio from me. But if you don't want my help or if you will constantly bitch about it,' you pulled your hands off his face, 'then don't let the door hit you on the way out, Sihtric Kjartansson.'
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed, still staring down at you, breathing faster than before, confirming you did provoke something in him, and he suddenly leaned his forehead against yours. 
You knew this was some stupid intimidation tactic men liked to use, but frankly, you didn't care. If he would hurt you in any way, his career was instantly over, so you knew that would not happen and you felt rather unbothered. Until Sihtric suddenly put some pressure on you, forcing you to step backwards as he continued to lean his face against yours. He forced your back to collide with a wall while he kept using his tactic, and when he had you basically cornered, you were breathing just as fast as he was, and not out of fear.
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed again. You felt his breath on your face as you kept looking straight into his eyes. And after a few seconds he finally pulled away from you and took a few steps back, eyeing you up and down.
'I like you,' he said, his sly smile fully appearing now, 'I'll see you in a few days, lady.'
A couple of months had passed since your intake with Sihtric. You treated him at least twice a week, and you had grown to like him. He wasn't a rude person at all, he was just very serious about his career, and it turned out that his previous physiotherapist had nearly ruined that, which had caused him to be a bit hostile towards you at first. As you already expected, Sihtric never received the right treatment from his previous therapist, causing him to constantly be in pain and therefore risking his own health and his job. He only really warmed up to you after a few weeks, when he noticed the pain he experienced was getting less, even when training intensely. After that he opened up more to you and a bond was shaping fast when he randomly told you he feels quite lonely often. He said that being who he is, a successful boxer and quite a rich man, also meant that there were barely any people around him for the right reasons apart from his good friends. But you knew he was not talking about that kind of loneliness. You felt sad for him, as you learned he was genuinely a funny and sweet guy, who had an unfortunate past but managed to create a good life for himself. You liked his company and you admit, you also liked his flirting, so without thinking you invited him over for dinner later that week. He was a little surprised, but gladly accepted and gave you his private phone number. That same evening you started texting and it became a quick routine to text each other throughout the day whenever either one of you could. At first your texts were friendly and brief, but it only took a day or two before things got flirty and you'd often send each other risky pictures, just to tease the receiver.
'So, you think you're ready?' you asked as you finished your dinner, looking at Sihtric who sat across from you.
'You're asking me if I'm ready?' Sihtric frowned playfully, 'I've trained for months. Of course I'm ready. I'm always ready to fight.'
'So who are you even fighting?'
'A guy called Sigtryggr,' Sihtric said and pulled out his phone to google him, 'good fighter, only seven loses out of thirtysix fights,' he said before he moved his chair next to yours to show you a picture of his future opponent, 'fifteen wins by knockout, eight by submission, the remaining by decision.'
'Oh, damn,' you said and quickly grinned, 'he's quite good looking. Can you get his number for me?'
Sihtric frowned at you and tilted his head slightly, 'have you forgotten that you belong to me?'
'Sure, in your dreams, Sihtric,' you laughed.
'Oh, I've had dreams,' he chuckled.
'Ew, what the hell,' you snorted and punched his chest. Sihtric grabbed your hand before you could pull back and he pulled you closer.
'You're really telling me you haven't had dreams about me?' he gave you a cocky look.
'What if I had?' you asked, returning the same look.
'I knew it,' he grinned and let go of your arm, 'I see the way you look at me during your sessions.' 
'Please, I am only making sure you keep the right posture,' you rolled your eyes.
'Oh, yeah, because you do that by looking at my ass.'
'I've never looked at- okay, maybe once.'
'Hey, it's fine,' Sihtric laughed, 'I look at your ass all the time.'
'My god, I think it's time for you to go home,' you chuckled.
'You want me to stay over, don't lie.'
'You're so full of yourself, it's unbelievable,' you laughed as you got up to bring the plates to the kitchen and Sihtric was quick to follow.
'Yeah, maybe,' you heard him chuckle behind you as he snuck his arm around your waist, 'but you could be full of me as well tonight,' he spoke softly in your ear.
Your knees weakened at his words and you accidentally dropped the plates with a loud bang into the sink.
'Sihtric,' you sighed, grabbing onto the kitchen counter to hold yourself up, 'don't tease with empty promises.'
'Empty promises?' he said, spinning you around to face him, and he lifted you up to sit on the counter, 'let me stay over and you'll see,' he teased as he wrapped your legs around his waist before he settled his hands on your hips.
'Sure,' you rolled your eyes and cupped his cheeks, 'we both know that fighters abstain from sex at least one week before the fight, and you have exactly one week to go today.'
Sihtric clicked his tongue, 'you just had to ruin it, lady,' he smiled and quickly pecked your lips before he let go of you, leaving you flustered and turned on in the kitchen, before he went home.
Sihtric: Just reminding you that you could've had all this tonight. Sweet dreams ;) xx
You opened his text and saw he had sent you a shirtless photo. You giggled and bit down on your lip, hating how good looking he was and how you wish you could've had him tonight. But there was no way you would've let him into your bed, not before the fight, you weren't going to be his downfall.
You: keep it in your pants until after the fight, then we'll see if you got another round in you ;) Sihtric: another round. Ha ha, very funny, so original to say to a boxer, never heard that before… You: someone's a little frustrated he got rejected? :( Sihtric: I'll have my way with you next week, you just wait. You: yeah, if you don't get beat up too much. Sihtric: someone's a little worried about the man she rejected? :( You: ha-ha, very funny… of course I am worried. I don't want to see you get hurt. Sihtric: lady, have I got some news for you… Sihtric: fighting Sihtric: usually gets you hurt You: it's not funny, Siht. You: I've just seen some videos of that guy fighting and you said it yourself, he barely has any loses. His knockouts are brutal… and his submissions… Sihtric: wait Sihtric: you're serious? Sihtric: you're really worried about me? You: are you fucking kidding me? You: you know what You: it doesn't matter, okay, nevermind You: good night xx Sihtric: no, wait Sihtric: hey Sihtric: talk to me, baby Sihtric: don't be like this with me Sihtric: babe! You huffed and threw your head back onto your pillow after you had sent your good night text, not seeing any other message Sihtric had sent you after that. And suddenly your phone rang and you saw Sihtric was calling. A video call to make it worse.
'What?' you sighed when you answered, but upon seeing his shirtless torso you were kinda happy it was a video call.
'What is this? Sihtric frowned, slightly concerned.
'It's nothing.'
'Yes, it is. Are you okay?'
'I'm fine,' you shrugged.
'Baby,' Sihtric suddenly said sternly, which made your head spin, 'I don't want you to worry about me fighting. This is what I do, it's my job.'
'I know.'
'Trust me on this, okay? I will be fine.'
'I know,' you sighed.
'Then don't give me that attitude again, babe,' he said curtly and shook his head, 'I don't like that. I appreciate you caring about me and it's sweet that you're concerned, but don't get snappy with me about my work.'
'Then make sure you step out of that ring in one piece.'
'I will, lady, I'll still have to go for another round with you afterwards,' he smirked.
'Oh, shut up,' you laughed.
'There it is,' Sihtric smiled, 'that laugh is all I wanted to see. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you were upset.'
'Well, you can sleep peacefully now,' you mocked lightly.
'And I will. But it would've been even better if you were next to me.'
'Okay,' you shook your head, 'good night, Siht,' you smiled while your cheeks heated up, and you were glad your room was dark, so he couldn't really tell how flustered you were.
'Good night, baby,' he smiled, 'kiss?' he asked, to which you giggled and blew him a quick kiss.
'Thank you, baby,' Sihtric chuckled lightly, and before you hung up he blew you a kiss in return, and once you locked your phone again, you buried your face in your pillow as you were tormented by the butterflies in your stomach.
During the days leading up to the fight you nearly lived at Sihtric's house. In addition to his preparation you did extra physio exercises with him twice a day. In the morning, before he went to train, and in the evening, after his last sparring session. And it was always a struggle. You wanted him and he clearly wanted you too, but it just couldn't happen yet. You said he should abstain from any form of physical contact with you, other than which was needed for the exercises, but he claimed there was nothing wrong with kissing. And there shouldn't be anything wrong with that, the problem was just that Sihtric couldn't keep it to a single kiss. He always wanted more and he knew how to persuade you into more kisses. And today you just had your last pre-fight session with him, as it was the day before the fight.
'You gotta stop this, Sihtric,' you chuckled as you sat on top of him.
'Why? You don't like it?' he grinned and brought his hands up to your waist.
'I didn't say that,' you hissed with a smile while taking his hands, and you quickly pinned them above his head.
'Oh, you're the one teasing now?' Sihtric bit down on his lip, 'I never told you how I like that.'
You rolled your eyes at him. If he wanted to be teased, you would give it to him. You slowly leaned into him, brushing your lips over his neck which made him almost growl as you firmly kept his hands pinned to the floor. You knew he could not use much strength on you now because he might injure himself, and that would be a disaster. You heard, and felt, he was enjoying this more than he's allowed right now. So you decided to rock your hips slowly against his as you softly kissed down his jaw to his neck.
'Lady,' Sihtric hissed lightly, but you only gave him a soft chuckle, letting him know you were enjoying yourself. And you continued your way to his neck, pulling the collar of his shirt down so you could kiss on to his shoulder and down to his collarbone. 
'Lady!' he hissed again, heated. 
You stopped and trailed your hands from his wrists to his biceps, over his still pinned down arms, enjoying the feeling of his flexed muscles now he's all tensed up. And you slowly trailed your hands back up again, intertwining your fingers with his before you softly peck the skin between his clavicles, causing him to let out a deep sigh.
'Relax, baby,' you hummed against his skin, 'it's only kisses'. 
You watched Sihtric rest his head back onto the floor, attempting to keep his self control and calm down. And just when you heard his shaky sigh, breathing out his built up tension, you chuckled lightly and dragged the tip of your tongue up his throat, over his fully exposed Adam's apple, up to his chin. And before you were even done you felt his entire body tensed up already.
'Fuck!' Sihtric groaned loud. 
He caught you by surprise when he bucked his hips up, forcing you to let go of his hands and sit up on his waist, where he quickly pulled you down to his chest and wrapped his arms around you. Then he smoothly moved his ankle under yours, pushing your leg to his left as he bucked his left hip up, tipping you over to his right while he held onto you. And before you realised what happened, Sihtric was on top of you, pinning your hands down above your head. You had no idea what just happened, except that you must've really riled him up, so you could only giggle.
'You think you're being funny, lady?' Sihtric said, amused, 'you wish to fight with me?'
'You cheater. That was not a boxer's move, was it?' you chuckled.
'Jiu-Jitsu, lady,' he said with a smug face, 'I can teach you a thing or two.'
'I bet you want to,' you grinned, 'but you forget that I already know a thing or two.' And you bucked your hips up slightly, making him groan when you rolled your hips against his, and you pinned his leg down with yours as you moved up to your side, trying to escape his mount position.
'And you seem to forget I'm much stronger than you,' Sihtric laughed, but his voice was raspy, telling you he was struggling to keep his self control. And as you had managed to fully turn to your side, Sihtric lifted his weight off you which caused you to roll over onto your stomach, facing the floor.
'Shit,' you chuckled, knowing he outsmarted you and had "won". You tried to lift yourself up but Sihtric placed one hand on your lower back, keeping you pressed down to the floor while he positioned himself back on top of you, and you felt his other hand slide up the back of your head, into your hair.
'Gods,' Sihtric hissed, moving his hand from your lower back to grab on to your waist, 'you know this is my favourite position?' he chuckled and tugged your hair lightly, 'Hm, I'd love to fuck you like this right now,' he teased and thrusted his hips lightly, making you feel how hard he was, 'wouldn't you love to be fucked like this right now, baby?'
'Fuck!' you hissed, 'Sihtric, no. I mean, yes! God, I want you like this right now.'
'Yeah?' he chuckled mischievously and tugged your hair again, 'you do, don't you?'
'I do, fuck, I do,' you whined, 'but babe, you can't, you know we can't. You're only torturing us both.'
Sihtric groaned while breathing heavily, and you knew he was considering his options. To give in to his needs, fucking you hard and good on the floor right now and claiming you as his woman, or to control himself and not jeopardize his chances of winning his upcoming fight.
'Sihtric, think about your career,' you said, resting your forehead on your arms, 'you will get your way with me after the fight, but you may not get another shot at the title if you lose this fight.'
'I know,' he said, sounding a little calmer than before, 'I just…,' he paused and got off you, allowing you to sit back up before he cupped your cheeks, 'I just want you as my woman, so bad, baby. I want you to be mine. I really do.'
'Sihtric,' you sighed, blushing as you pulled him closer, 'you don't need to have sex with me to make me your woman. I mean, god, what year is this?' you laughed.
It was Fight Night. You already planned on being present at the fight, so you could see first-hand what damage would be done to Sihtric and know what you'd have to deal with during your next session. But regardless of that, he had still formally invited you as his woman. You knocked on his door and his face lit up when he saw you. His coach, Uhtred, had just finished wrapping Sihtric's hands as you walked in, and Sihtric quietly ordered everyone to give him 5 minutes alone. As you waited for everyone to leave you gazed at Sihtric's appearance. His black boxing shorts showed off his muscular legs while he was already shirtless, repeatedly clenching his hands into fists, making sure his hand wraps tightened the right way, and you just loved the way his hair was braided. You had never seen him with braids before, and you hoped this wasn't the last time either.
'Here,' Sihtric said softly and beckoned you over, 'come here, baby.'
He wrapped his arms around your waist as he stayed seated and looked up at you before you cupped his cheeks.
'Are you ready?' you whispered.
'Battle ready, love,' Sihtric smiled, his voice soft and low.
'Just be careful out there,' you felt yourself become nervous as your thumb traced over an old scar that graced his cheek, 'don't get distracted. And, please, keep your hands up, honey, even when you're tired,' you said and kissed his forehead.
'I will,' he smiled.
'And fight calmly. Are you calm?'
'Battle calm,' he chuckled lightly, 'feeling much calmer knowing you're here. Kiss?' he asked.
'Only a kiss,' you smiled before you leaned in.
'Only a kiss,' he whispered against your lips before giving you a long, soft and sweet kiss. 
You melted into his kiss and for a moment you forgot he was about to either get beat up or beat someone up while getting paid about one million for it, win or lose. But if he won, you'd be the woman of the welterweight world champion. But you weren't thinking about all these things right now. Now you thought about how much you loved him.
'I like your hair,' you smiled after Sihtric broke the kiss, to prevent himself from going too far again.
'Thanks,' he chuckled, 'will you watch near the ring or are you staying here?'
'What do you prefer?'
'Having you there of course,' he said and closed his eyes as he rubbed his cheek against your palm.
'Then I'll be there.'
Round 6. Or 7. Or maybe 5? You didn't know anymore as you desperately covered your ears while you hid your face in Finan's chest. Finan, you only met him an hour ago, but he was Sihtric's best friend and he pulled you in for a hug when he saw you weren't doing well. And he kind of needed that hug too, Finan wasn't doing well either. Sihtric would not last all 12 rounds, he was showing off too much, you knew it, Finan knew it, Uhtred knew it and his opponent, Sigtryggr, knew it. And Sigtryggr tried to understand why, until he noticed Sihtric had glanced towards the same group of people several times, and then he figured it had to be you. And he was a ruthless boxer, taking advantage of any weakness he could find, and now he knew you were Sihtric's weakness. And he waited for that one split second when Sihtric couldn't help but glance towards you again, checking if you were still there, and as he darted his eyes towards you, Sigtryggr threw an uppercut, knocking Sihtric off balance and making him dizzy for a moment. You had seen Sihtric stumble back while taking another jab to the face before he fell down, but he wasn't knocked out. And then a vicious game of simply throwing punches into each other's faces started. And you couldn't stand the sight of the blood anymore, not even being able to tell who was getting hurt more in the process. And it seemed to last forever until Finan suddenly grabbed your shoulders and shook you, yelling at you to look. And you opened your eyes just in time to see Sihtric, who was a bleeding mess, had gotten back up on his feet and had Sigtryggr stuck in a corner, relentlessly beating into him while the crowd roared until you saw Sihtric got dragged away by the referee. Then Sigtryggr collapsed to the floor and was quickly surrounded by medics and his own team.
And you didn't understand it at first, when you saw Sihtric shout at Uhtred. You thought Sihtric was angry and had done something wrong, causing him to be pulled away by the referee. But then you understood he was simply shouting 'I won!' over and over again before he reached his coach. He was a little closer to you now, but the loud crowd made it hard for you to hear him well. Sihtric shouted something at you, but you had no idea what. You did hear him shout, 'Get them off!', several times while Uhtred tried to take off his gloves as fast as he could. Sihtric kept looking impatiently back and forth between you and Uhtred, who struggled with Sihtric's gloves, causing Sihtric to shout, 'Get them off!', again. When Uhtred finally freed his hands, he immediately climbed out of the ring while taking out his mouthguard, which he flung away before he argued with a few security guards, who tried to stop him as he was hoarsely shouting, 'Get me my woman!' repeatedly. When the security didn't understand, he harshly pushed through them and sprinted the last few steps towards you while he kept ecstatically shouting, 'We won, baby!' until he finally reached you and picked you up in his arms, kissing you as if his life depended on it.
After a whirlwind of emotions and hoards of interviewers, Sihtric finally managed to get you alone in his hotelroom. After he was given the world title and received that, quite shiny, champion belt, you found out in the dressing room that most blood on his face came from a busted eyebrow, which was already stitched up by now. Sihtric had pulled you down in bed with him, where you carefully kissed the bruises on his torso and those on his face.
'So, how about that other round?' you grinned to which Sihtric sighed with a smile.
'I'm almost afraid to say it,' Sihtric said, barely a voice left after all his shouting, he chuckled, 'but, forgive me, baby, I don't think I can do it tonight.'
'I thought so,' you smiled and pecked his lips, 'you need to rest, my love. It's already late too, I better get going. It'll take a while before I'll be home-'
'You're not leaving,' Sihtric interrupted you with a light chuckle, desperately trying to make his voice hearable, 'you're my woman. And now the fight's done, you can finally stay the night. Don't think I'll let you leave my side, lady, not tonight, not tomorrow, not ever again,' he smiled and kissed you softly, 'and I might just want that round in the morning.'
Sihtric had his eyes closed and bit down on his lip, humming with a smile as you were slowly jacking him off. 
It was early in the morning, you had slept in Sihtric's arms all night and things got a little heated when you both woke up and couldn't keep your hands off each other. You weren't sure if he could handle you right now, still recovering from the fight, so you started off slow, seeing where it would lead. Sihtric's voice was still raspy and almost gone, which you thought made him sound really attractive, and that didn't make your desire for him any less.
As you worked your hand on his cock you slowly moved up on top of him, and he didn't stop you, he just let his head fall back into the soft pillow and parted his smiling lips as his breathing became heavier.
'Good?' you whispered in his ear when you leaned in.
'Mhm,' he hummed, 'yeah.'
'Do you want more?'
'Tell me? How far can I go without hurting you now?'
'Baby,' he spoke hoarsely and softly, 'just do whatever you like with me, I'm all yours.'
You smiled at his response and softly bit his ear. You kissed his cut lips gently while you pulled down your own panties. Having a world champion boxer at your mercy had you soaking wet almost instantly, and you couldn't wait to finally have him inside you.
'Been quite a struggle to get to this moment,' you chuckled, teasing yourself, and Sihtric, by sliding your wet pussy over the tip of his hard cock.
'No more teasing,' Sihtric sighed, 'please, lady, I want to be inside you already.'
'Hmm,' you smiled and you slowly entered his tip, rocking your hips back and forth, not taking in more than just that.
'You've been teasing me for a while, it's only fair if I do the same,' you purred.
'Ah, fuck,' he moaned with a satisfied smile, 'you're only doing this because I can barely move my body today.'
'I won't deny that,' you chuckled and lowered yourself onto him, taking in his full length slowly, 'ah, hm,' you smiled, 'fuck, you're so big, babe, and so fucking thick, feeling really good inside me right now.'
Sihtric couldn't bring out anything and you enjoyed watching him struggle to compose himself, not being able to move properly due to his bruises and simply knowing he had teased you for weeks, and now you might get your revenge. And you would. You knew he liked it rough, so you would take it slow, taking your time, enjoying every inch of his pulsing cock inside you. You intertwined your fingers with his, knowing that if you were to place your hands onto his body, he would most likely be in pain. Which made it all the more torturous for Sihtric, who was dying to touch you and feel your hands all over his body.
'Ahh,' you sighed, riding him ever so slowly, 'oh, babe, I could fuck you for hours like this, hm,' you looked down at him and smiled with half open eyes. And you saw how his eyes had darkened as he watched you with his lips parted, moaning softly while he was desperate to flip you over, but he couldn't.
'I'll get you back for this, hm,' he moaned, 'oh, gods, you feel so tight. I want to slam into you so hard, you have no idea.'
'Yeah?' you teased, keeping your pace slow, 'you want to fuck me hard?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric hissed.
'You'd like to ravage my tight pussy, baby?'
'Fuck,' he groaned, 'yes!'
'Hm,' you chuckled, stroking your thumbs over his hands, 'I can't wait for you to flip me over, face down again, and fuck me the way you like it.'
'Please, please,' Sihtric begged.
'Please, my love, please,' he hissed, 'I fucking beg you to give me a little more.'
'No,' you chuckled, 'I like this. I like to see you struggle, I like to feel you twitch inside me, desperately wanting to fuck me senseless.'
'Ah, fuck,' he moaned, 'fuck, please. Please, lady, you're going to make me pass the fuck out like this,' he chuckled.
'You'll get your way with me,' you hushed him, 'like I have my way with you now. My man,' you sighed, slowly picking up your pace, 'my world champion,' you giggled, 'if only everyone knew how weak you are now for me, Sihtric Kjartansson.'
Sihtric groaned and kept throwing his head back into the pillow while he squeezed your hands, 'Come on, faster, baby. Fuck me, fuck me good.'
'Like this?' you whispered, going just a tad faster again, 'you like that?'
'Yeah, yeah, like that, keep going, ah,' he grunted, 'keep going for me, baby.'
'I might come soon,' you chuckled, 'you hit all the right spots with that massive cock.'
'Oh, fuck,' he laughed, 'yeah? Am I good for you? Am I treating you well?'
'Yeah, so well,' you sighed, 'I hope you recover fast from your fight.'
'Hm, why?'
'Cause I want this cock in me every fucking day,' and you hated how you lost your self control, but you had to have him. You needed to feel him fill you up, now. You were desperate for his warm cum inside you.
'Ah,' Sihtric hissed, 'I love how you tighten it all up, baby, you're going to milk me dry like that.'
'Yeah? You're going to give it to me?' you bounced rapidly up and down his twitching cock, knowing he could spill inside you any second.
'Fuck me a little harder, pretty baby, please,' he tried bucking his hips up lightly, and you groaned when you felt his hips move into yours.
'Cum for me, Sihtric, cum in me, fill me up. I've waited so long,' you almost cried out, 'come on!'
'I will fill you up, I'll give you every fucking drop I got,' he moaned, 'I'm so close, keep going, ah.'
And when he knew he was close, you pulled away from him. Sihtric nearly panicked at the loss and his eyes were wide in confusion.
'Don't bitch about it,' you teased, 'you can handle a little physio from me,' and you turned away from him to lay down on your stomach.
Sihtric groaned lightly out of pain, and frustration, as he quickly moved up to you. He placed one knee on either side of you, keeping your legs close together, and he moaned deeply when he brought his cock back inside you. You felt his hands grab onto your hips, pulling you slightly up so it would deepen his thrusts.
'Hm,' he chuckled as he started to slam into you, 'you were relentless with me from the start.'
'Oh, fuck!' you screamed when he thrusted into you, he felt even bigger in this position.
'Yeah, now I have my way with you, huh?' he quickened his pace, knowing he had to ravage you quick before he would soon finish, 'don't bitch about it,' he laughed softly
'Ah, Sihtric!' you chuckled, loving the way he felt, 'I'm so close!'
'Cum on my cock, baby, only then I'll fill you up with my cum.'
And he kept his promise, you came with a violent scream, probably waking up the entire hotel at 7 in the morning, but you didn't care. You were satisfied, in bed, wrapped in a blanket as Sihtric held you in his arms while you still felt his cum dripping out of you. And you hoped he could go for another round later the day, when he had his physio exercises.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Chapter 8
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7
or read on ao3 here:  Call Me Sunshine, Send Me To Space
As much as Steve didn’t want to leave Eddie’s lap, he knew they both needed to eat and they needed to talk before going any further.
Steve thought about the food he’d left at his apartment, and shot a quick text to Robin to let her know he would be staying with Eddie tonight. That he was doing better, but they had a lot to talk about so it didn’t happen again.
She responded while he was busy throwing together some sandwiches: a thumbs up emoji and a picture of her eating his burger.
He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but smile. He was relieved that she understood his feelings, and he knew her worry was reasonable, especially since he had a lot of the same concerns.
“Need any help, sunshine?”
Eddie came into the kitchen with the blanket wrapped around him.
Steve could tell he still wasn’t 100%, proof being the fact that he was shivering under the blanket, a smile not quite reaching his eyes the way Steve loved.
Oh, did he love it, him.
He placed a sandwich in Eddie’s hand, kissing him on the cheek quickly before pulling away to finish his own.
“Eat. You probably didn’t have lunch, did you?”
“So, eat.”
Eddie listened.
Steve ate his sandwich in silence, sneaking glances at Eddie once in a while to make sure he ate it all and wasn’t dropping again.
He looked tired.
Steve took in his puffy, red eyes, the slump to his shoulders, the shake of his hands as he brought the sandwich up to take a bite.
He’d dropped hard.
Steve needed to make sure that never happened again. They both did.
“So you’ve dropped before?”
Damn Steve, that’s not how you ask that question. Maybe let the man finish his sandwich first.
But Eddie smiled patiently at him, just like he always did when Steve’s mouth worked faster than his brain.
“Yeah. Do you wanna hear about them?”
“I think I need to.”
Eddie moved closer, shoving the last bite of his sandwich into his face so he could open his arms and wrap the blanket around both of them.
Steve giggled and kissed Eddie’s jaw.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. But I can tell you’re curious so I’ll tell you.” Eddie sighed. “The first time was when I was brand new to everything. My boyfriend at the time was interested in it, so I researched it, thought I knew what I was doing. He had me slap his face a few times while he was tied up. He had to safeword out. I dropped immediately. Neither of us were prepared properly. Chrissy just about murdered us both.”
“How bad was that drop?”
“Kind of like this one. But it was worse in a way because neither of us knew what to do. I was stuck in the drop for almost a day before he called Chrissy.”
“Is Chrissy…into this?”
Eddie smirked down at Steve and kissed his nose.
“Yeah. She’s a dom. Somewhat professionally, actually. Starbucks is her side hustle. I keep telling her she could go full time with this, but she’s worried about not having a backup.”
And that kind of blew Steve’s mind. Chrissy did not seem like the type. Then again, Steve wasn’t sure he seemed like the type to fall to his knees if Eddie asked, hands behind his back, but here he was.
Now he was thinking about that instead of their very serious conversation. Shit. Focus.
As if he could tell what Steve was thinking, and at this point maybe he could, Eddie smirked at him and nudged his nose against Steve’s, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Stay focused, sweet thing.”
Well, that made it harder and Steve was pretty sure Eddie knew that.
“The other time?”
Eddie’s smile dropped and he bit his lip nervously, suddenly avoiding eye contact with Steve.
“It was my own fault. I went into a scene with someone I’d only slept with once, we weren’t even dating. He insisted he would be fine as long as we used a safeword, and said he had no hard limits except for body fluids, so I went along with it. Turns out he really liked getting smacked around. He asked me to choke him and I did, I mean it’s one of the things I like to do usually so I figured why not. He didn’t tell me that he was a severe asthmatic, which is something you should definitely disclose before you get involved with any type of breathplay by the way, and on the third go he blacked out. He woke up within a few seconds, but the thing that was worse was that I was the one who safeworded out after that. He wanted to keep going and didn’t understand why I didn’t want to. He left and I dropped because I wasn’t able to really do any type of aftercare for either of us and he wouldn’t answer my texts or calls. That one was pretty bad, but Chrissy helped.”
Steve’s heart broke.
Someone had taken advantage of Eddie’s willingness to provide whatever they wanted, and still pushed him after he reached his limit, then abandoned him when he needed them. He couldn’t imagine doing something like that to him.
“I’m sorry that happened, baby,” Steve said as he leaned his head against Eddie’s shoulder, letting his lips rest against the side of his neck. “And I’m sorry it happened with me. How can I make sure it doesn’t happen again?”
Eddie kissed his temple before answering.
“The main thing for me is aftercare. Even when the scene goes perfectly, I need that cool down to take care of you, which helps take care of me. We haven’t done anything that intense yet, but I think everything we do will be intense. That’s why we need to set our boundaries early.”
Steve nodded against his shoulder. It made sense; A part of Steve was nervous though.
He didn’t know what his boundaries were. He didn’t even know what his options were.
“I can hear you thinking, sunshine. Talk to me,” Eddie said as he gently tugged on Steve’s hair to get him to look at him.
“I just don’t know what I like, I guess. I don’t know what I don’t like. I don’t even know what to try.”
He probably should feel more ashamed that he’d gone this far in his life without even knowing he could go to subspace.
But this was about more than his own feelings about himself. This was to protect Eddie, himself, and whatever type of relationship they were going to have.
“You don’t have to know everything, sunshine. We’re gonna take things slow. Even if you knew exactly what you liked, we would take things slow. I’ve learned my lesson not to rush into this stuff. You’re too important to me to mess this up.”
Steve knew he was blushing, was pretty much always blushing around Eddie at this point, but he refused to look away from him.
“I liked what we’ve done so far. I know I like you taking care of me. I like being able to do what you ask me to do.”
“I like all of that, too. Do you wanna hear more of what I like? Maybe that will help you figure out what you like.”
Steve was curious, but he was also worried. What if he didn’t like what Eddie liked? What if he didn’t like anything and Eddie got bored and found someone else to do everything with?
“Stevie. Look at me.”
Steve did.
“You don’t have to like everything I like. It would be nice to share some things, but not everything is for everyone. I’m not gonna just abandon you because of you not liking some stuff.”
Steve didn’t know how he did that, the mind reading thing, but it was getting a little creepy.
“What do you like?”
“Other than what we’ve already talked about and done, I like giving pain in small doses. Spanking, slapping, bruises, biting, that’s all good when it’s only a little at a time. I like overstimulation which can be painful for subs and if you’ve never done that before, that’s something we would have to work up to. Setting rules and punishment when they aren’t followed. Cockwarming comes in handy for that. Mild, and I mean mild, degradation. The occasional slut or whore, nothing else, and only when it fits the scene. I like using blindfolds and ropes sometimes, but not a lot. Anything that’s taking care of you like handfeeding, massages, washing your hair. All of that stuff makes me feel good, like I’m providing you what you need, and like I’m keeping you safe.”
Steve didn’t even know where to begin.
He wasn’t even entirely sure what cockwarming was, though he could guess, and if he was right, he wanted to do that as soon as possible.
Eddie was watching him, waiting for a reaction of some kind.
Steve was still processing it all.
His stomach swooped when he started to think about Eddie punishing him, tying him up, leaving him in bed while he did whatever else he needed to do, leaving Steve to think about what he did wrong and beg for any touch, for forgiveness, for Eddie.
Jesus, that sounded good.
It must have shown on his face how good it sounded, because Eddie was leaning in to whisper in his ear.
“Hear something you like, sweet thing?”
“Mhm. I think so.”
But to Steve’s dismay, Eddie pulled away, though he was smiling his real smile at him.
“We can’t do anything tonight, sunshine. I’m sorry. But I’d like to know what sounded good to you,” Eddie said with a too-satisfied smile.
He knew what he was doing. Steve fucking loved it.
“Uhhhh…all of it? I mean the slapping might end up being a no. And like I don’t -” Steve took a deep breath. He could be honest. He could do this. “I don’t think I would wanna be called like, stupid or anything? Like, if you were gonna call me stuff, I just don’t think I could handle that.”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed, but he nodded.
“I would never call you stupid to begin with. I’m not into that kind of degrading. But can I ask why you wouldn’t want that?”
Steve could do this. He could give a little to Eddie. Eddie already proved he wouldn’t run at the first sign of Steve’s problems.
But it was hard to talk about his parents. It was hard to admit that they weren’t good, that they were the root of a lot of his problems, that without the life he led now, he would have been a totally different and broken person.
“My dad used to call me stupid a lot. When I was little, it was always ‘are you fucking stupid?’ if I brought home bad grades. When I got older, it was ‘how can you be so stupid?’ when I didn’t make the choices he wanted me to make. And when I finally cut them out of my life, his response was that I was ‘too fucking stupid to be his son anyways.’ So. I guess that one just hits different.”
Eddie looked like he was going to cry and there was no way in hell Steve would be able to handle it if he did.
He leaned in to kiss Eddie softly, hopefully distracting him from what he just admitted.
He should’ve known Eddie wouldn’t let it go.
He pulled away after only a couple of seconds, cupping Steve’s cheeks in his hands and letting the blanket drop from around them.
“I’m so sorry, Stevie. I’m so fucking sorry.” He shook his head sadly. “You deserved better than that. You aren’t stupid. You’re brilliant. You’re incredible. You make a difference to the people who matter. You mean the world to me. You understand me?”
Steve was not gonna cry. He wasn’t.
But the tears did fall.
“Sweetheart, come here,” Eddie said as he pulled Steve against his chest, hand holding the back of his head as tightly as he could. “You are the furthest thing from stupid. I need you to say it to me.”
Steve couldn’t.
He wanted to. He knew Eddie believed that.
But Steve didn’t believe it.
“Say it to me, sweet thing.”
And because Steve was a good listener and wanted to make Eddie proud, he did.
“‘M not stupid.”
“A little louder.”
“I’m not stupid.”
“Good boy.”
Steve should’ve known that would happen, just like he should’ve been able to hold back the whimper he let out and he should’ve been able to control the tears falling faster down his cheeks.
He should’ve.
But he couldn’t.
And Eddie didn’t make him feel like he had to.
And that’s what it all boiled down to.
“I want to try all of that with you. Can we try?”
Eddie, for once, seemed to lose control of his emotions. Either that, or Steve was hearing things.
He could’ve sworn he heard a tiny choked sound leave Eddie’s mouth before it was on his.
It wasn’t quite as hot and heavy as it had been on the couch, but it still left him breathless as Eddie licked into his mouth.
He let him.
He wanted him everywhere.
He wanted to be so surrounded by Eddie that he couldn’t find where he ended and Eddie began.
He wanted to be able to feel every breath Eddie took and every breath he let out.
And it felt like Eddie wanted the same from Steve.
When Eddie pulled away, he rested his forehead against Steve’s and panted against his mouth.
“We can try anything you want, sunshine. But we’re going slow and you need your own safeword or we’re using the traffic light system.”
“Like red for stop?”
“Yellow for taking a break. Green for good.”
“So if I said you kissing me like that is green…”
Eddie smirked and leaned in to give him another kiss.
“Then you can have as many as you want.”
So Steve took as many as he could get away with until Eddie insisted that they needed to go to bed.
He was exhausted and Steve was starting to feel drained from the day’s events.
It was easy to follow a routine together.
Change into pajamas. Brush teeth next to each other. Take turns washing their faces. Get into bed.
Eddie curled around Steve’s back so perfectly, it felt like they were different phases of the moon, completing a bit more of the final picture together than they ever could alone.
Steve didn’t even remember closing his eyes, but he remembered the way it felt to have Eddie’s lips against his ear telling him he was perfect.
If Steve could have stayed in bed all day with Eddie, he would’ve.
But he had to work and Eddie had a couple appointments, and he knew he needed to get home to Robin.
“You should come to my place tonight.”
Eddie looked at him over his cup of coffee, if it can even be called that at this point with how much cream and sugar he put in it, with a smirk.
“Oh I should?”
“Yeah, you should,” Steve smirked at him. “I want to have you in my bed for a change.”
“And you want Robin to see I’m not fucking crazy.”
“That’s a bonus, yeah.”
If Robin could just see them together, have Eddie around for a bit to understand that he was amazing, maybe she would be a bit less hesitant. Their talk had helped a lot, he could tell, but he knew it was still out of character for him. He needed to show her why.
And it would help him come to terms with the fact that he was head over heels in love with a man he just met.
“I should be done with my last appointment by 7 if you want me to come straight there?”
Eddie walked over and kissed him once on the lips.
“Text your address and I’ll be there.”
Steve did. Eddie was.
It was fun having Eddie and Robin together.
Steve was nervous about it until they both just stared at each other, looked at Steve, then back at each other with matching grins.
“Nice to put a face to the guy who convinced Steve to abandon his abandonment issues.”
“Hey!” Steve yelled.
“Nice to put a face to the best friend who thought I wanted to murder him.”
“Hey!” Steve yelled again.
But they were both laughing and Steve loved having them both laughing. The two most important people in his life were already getting along.
It was too soon to know for sure, but it seemed like Robin was giving him a look of approval.
Eddie brought dinner, subs from his favorite deli, so they all sat at the table to eat.
“We aren’t usually this formal, so you must be incredibly special to our Steve,” Robin teased.
Steve blushed, looking down at his lap.
“Our refurbished table from a street corner isn’t exactly formal, Robs,” Steve muttered.
Eddie rested his hand on Steve’s knee, squeezing to get his attention back at the table.
“Certainly more formal than the bar in my kitchen. This is nice, though.”
He was right. It was nice.
The whole dinner was nice; Robin and Eddie talking about everything from being nerds in high school to growing up queer in small towns to their jobs.
Steve listened and watched mostly, occasionally providing some stories from college that Robin refused to admit were true. If Steve’s thoughts seemed to wander, Eddie’s hand would squeeze his thigh and bring him back.
When Steve was little, he pictured a life like this.
Maybe then it was his hand on a woman’s knee, and maybe he was living in a house instead of an apartment, but maybe it wasn’t the people or the things. Maybe it was this feeling.
This feeling that he was alive.
That he was being loved.
That’s all he’s ever wanted.
He thought he could survive with just Robin. She loved him, he loved her. Neither of them would ever be without the other, even if Robin managed to find someone to marry.
But now that he had Eddie, there was no way he could go without.
Hopefully he’d never have to.
Robin was acting weird after dinner.
Suspicious, even.
Steve pulled her into the kitchen to ask about it while Eddie went to the bathroom.
“Why are you being weird? Dinner was good, wasn’t it? You like Eddie?”
“That’s so many questions, Steve.”
“Answer them.”
“I’m not being weird. Dinner was good. I like Eddie a lot.”
“You are being weird! Like you’re hiding something.”
And now she looked even more like she was hiding something. She wouldn’t make eye contact and she kept trying to find something to do with her hands, which she only did when she was nervous.
“Robin. Please.”
She sighed, but she gave in.
“I’ve slept with Chrissy.”
Of all the fucking things he expected her to possibly say, that wasn’t even close to being one of them.
“You what?”
Maybe he misheard her. He hoped he misheard her.
“Steve.” She stomped her foot and whined. “Don’t make me say it again.”
“No. You have to because I thought you said you slept with Chrissy.”
“Yeah because I did!”
This wasn’t good. He couldn’t place why exactly at the moment, but he knew it was bad and Eddie couldn’t find out.
But then if Chrissy was a good friend of his like he’d said she was, she’d probably tell him.
Oh god.
“When we started training together at work! It was a long time ago. She uh…helped me with some stuff. You know.”
Steve did know and he sure wish he didn’t.
He heard Eddie walking back towards them from the bathroom and did his best to not look like he was panicking.
He failed.
Eddie took one look at his face and rushed to him, quickly running his hands down his face and neck to figure out what could be wrong.
“What is it? Are you hurt? What happened?”
“Eds, I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.”
“He’s worried that you’ll find out I slept with Chrissy. But it was so long ago! I barely even see her at work anymore so I don’t even remember it happened most of the time!”
Eddie glanced at Robin, then looked back at Steve.
Then it seemed to hit him.
“Wait. You’re theRobin?”
“Oh my god. Chrissy was fuckin’ obsessed with you. She was ready to propose to you after one time.”
Robin had never blushed like this.
Steve didn’t even know Robin was into sex.
She was so touch-averse, she didn’t even like dancing with people at the club usually. As far as Steve knew, she was actually a virgin and planned to keep it that way.
“Wait, really?”
Eddie nodded, still watching Steve.
“Yeah. She told me she’d never been with someone who responded so well.”
“Okay! Well! Thank you for that!”
Robin was backing out of the room and Steve was sort of endeared that someone managed to get Robin out of her shell.
“So anyway! Chrissy invited me over so…”
“Oh my god.”
Steve facepalmed as Eddie cackled.
“Will you be back tonight?” Steve asked through his fingers, kind of hoping she’d say no, but also not wanting to think about what it meant if she said no.
Eddie’s thumb was brushing across the skin of his hip bone. How did it get under his shirt? When did it get under his shirt?
“No, you guys have the apartment to yourselves. Keep it in your room, I’m begging you.”
Steve was both relieved and suddenly very stressed that Robin and Chrissy would end up in a messy situation that would leave Steve and Eddie in a messy situation.
But Eddie’s thumb on his hip was keeping him centered, grounded.
“Robin? Be careful with Chrissy. She acts tough, but she’s pretty sensitive when it comes to people she cares about.”
Steve could see Robin tense, but he decided not to comment on it. He’d let her work it out herself. She was letting him do the same, after all.
“I will,” she finally responded to Eddie.
Steve ignored the backpack she already had packed and ready to go, choosing to give her a smile as she left to let her know he supported her. She’d see his nerves right through it, but he tried.
“Have you thought any more about a safeword?”
Steve was laying back with his head against Eddie’s chest on the couch, watching a movie.
Well, a movie was on. Steve was too busy playing with Eddie’s fingers to notice anything happening in it.
They were just so nice.
Oh, right. He asked a question.
“I think I like the colors. I’m worried I’ll forget the word.”
He felt Eddie nod against the top of his head.
“We can do that. But if you change your mind, tell me.”
Steve hummed in acknowledgement, but it was comforting to not have to say anything.
Eddie let him play with his fingers silently, running his fingers over the rings he wore, tracing along the sides up into his hand where a tattoo covered the back of it.
He laced his fingers with Eddie’s, pulling his hand up to kiss the back of it and letting his lips rest there longer than necessary.
He couldn’t help it, he loved Eddie’s hands.
He left small kisses along each finger, one at a time, taking his time to appreciate how beautiful every part of Eddie was.
“You can suck on them, sweet thing,” Eddie said softly against his ear.
Steve wasn’t even aware that’s what he wanted to do until Eddie mentioned it, but yet again, he knew exactly what he needed before he even knew himself.
He slowly wrapped his lips around the tip of Eddie’s index finger, just letting it rest there until he was sure Eddie was okay with it.
“The whole thing, sunshine.”
Steve sucked his whole finger into his mouth. He couldn’t help the moan he let out at the way Eddie crooked his finger just slightly, pushing down on his tongue and making him open his mouth wider.
“Good boy. Want another?”
Steve nodded.
Of course he wanted more. He always wanted more of Eddie, whatever Eddie would give him whenever he could get it.
Eddie slipped a second finger into his mouth as he moved down to kiss Steve’s neck.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Get them nice and wet for me,” Eddie said against his skin, sucking a bruise in a place that probably couldn’t be hidden and Steve couldn’t care less.
If he could see proof that he’d had Eddie around him, on him, in him, then he would be able to get through any time spent away from him.
He could feel his heart slowing down, his mind emptying of any thoughts that weren’t Eddie, his body going completely slack against the couch and the man behind him.
Steve had never done this before, but he treated it like he would any blowjob. No teeth, change up the rhythm, keep it wet but not too wet.
It was easy to get lost in it, easy to lose himself.
He groaned when he felt Eddie add a third finger.
Eddie was pushing in and out now, Steve’s mouth gone mostly slack at the feeling of Eddie taking control.
It was everything he needed, everything he wanted, and still not enough.
“More,” he tried to say around Eddie’s fingers. It didn’t sound like a word to him, but Eddie must have understood what he was trying to say because suddenly he was pushing his fingers as far back into Steve’s mouth as he could go.
Steve gagged at first, more from the surprise than anything. Eddie moaned behind him.
“So good for me. Taking everything I give you like you were made to, sweet thing,” Eddie said as he brought his other hand to the front of Steve’s jeans.
Steve was hard and he could feel that Eddie was too. Whatever they were going to do next, Steve hoped it would end with both of them making a mess.
A mess he wanted to clean up.
Eddie was unbuttoning his jeans, pulling the zipper down, trying to push them down with one hand while Steve continued to lick and suck his fingers. He helped a bit by lifting his hips, surprised when he pulled his boxers down with his pants.
“You want them all the way off?”
Steve shook his head. He didn’t want to stop sucking on Eddie’s fingers or get up. He didn’t want to stop this until he had no choice.
He heard Eddie chuckle against his neck.
“Gonna need my fingers for this, sunshine.”
Steve shook his head, sucking them in further so Eddie couldn’t pull them away.
“C’mon now, be a good boy. I have plans for you.”
Steve was drifting, he could tell. He knew they were barely even doing anything, he knew it was ridiculous to already feel so far from his body, but he leaned into it. If Eddie was going to be able to bring him to the edge like this every time, he wanted to enjoy it every time.
He trusted that Eddie would always keep him from falling too fast or too hard.
But the words Eddie spoke excited him. His plans would be something new, Steve could just tell.
“Wanna hear what I’m gonna do to you?”
Steve shivered. Eddie’s voice had shifted into something new, something that left Steve anticipating every move he made with a mix of nerves and excitement.
“I’m gonna use these fingers,” Eddie wiggled the fingers in Steve’s mouth as he spoke, causing him to moan again. “To touch you. I’m gonna run them up and down your cock until you don’t think you can take any more, and then you will. Wanna know why?”
“Mhm,” Steve managed to get out around his fingers.
“Because you’re gonna be my good boy and not come until I tell you to.”
If Steve wasn’t still somewhat in control of his body, he probably would have finished right then, no touching needed.
Eddie’s voice, his words, his fingers now moving in and out of Steve’s mouth on their own, all made Steve feel like he was ready to fly away. He whimpered around his fingers as they left his mouth.
Eddie took his time, which was maddening, but probably a good thing since Steve was so close to the edge already.
“Good boy. Gonna check in a lot, but you need to tell me if that changes.”
“Yes, sir.”
Oh shit.
What the fuck?
He was no longer on the edge of anything but panic, his body rigid and his heart rate rapidly rising as he thought about the repercussions of what he just said.
He knew some doms were into that, probably a lot of them, even. But he had no idea if Eddie was. They hadn’t talked about it. He didn’t even think they had to. He didn’t know he was even okay with it, let alone into it.
But his cock was dripping. He could feel it.
Despite his panic, he was harder than ever.
And so was Eddie.
“Is that what you wanna call me when we’re doing this, sunshine?”
Eddie’s voice was back to soft and calm, probably sensing his panic just from the way his breath had hitched and hadn’t quite gone back to normal yet.
Did he want that? Was this just a one off? An accident?
Maybe so. Or maybe the fact that he was picturing other circumstances where he was calling Eddie sir and enjoying it meant it was more than that.
He nodded, feeling his face flush hot.
“You’re perfect, sweet thing. So perfect.”
Steve felt his body relax one muscle at a time, his head falling back against Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie’s left hand drifted, finding the bottom of Steve’s shirt and rucking it up so it wouldn’t get too messy. His fingers found his happy trail, gently running his nails down to below his waistline.
Steve’s breath hitched.
Eddie let out a low laugh.
“Awfully impatient aren’t you? Am I not giving you what you need?”
Steve knew he could say no. But then Eddie might not give him what he needs at all. That’s the type of game they were playing, and that’s not what Steve wanted, not today.
He’d been picturing this too often for the amount of time he knew Eddie, and he wasn’t about to ruin it by being impatient.
Eddie would give him what he needed if he was patient.
He could do that.
“Want your fingers,” Steve mumbled, unsure of how much he could get away with begging for before Eddie pulled away.
Maybe he wouldn’t pull away at all.
Maybe he liked when Steve begged.
“You have my fingers already, sweetheart.”
And technically, yeah, he did.
He had Eddie’s fingers tracing patterns along his stomach, his waistline, his hip.
But they weren’t the fingers he had in his mouth a minute ago. They weren’t on his cock. They were purposely avoiding it actually.
Steve whined.
“Use your words, sweet thing. I can’t know what you want if you don’t tell me.”
That was a fucking lie; Eddie knew exactly what he wanted and was doing this on purpose.
“Touch me.”
“I am touching you. Is there somewhere else you want me to touch you?”
Steve couldn’t focus on the words he needed to say.
They were right there, he was ready to say them, but his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. The air in his lungs was being used for keeping him alive only at this point.
“You want me to guess?”
Steve nodded furiously. Yes, if he guessed, he’d get there.
He’d be able to feel Eddie’s fingers, maybe his whole hand, around his cock.
“Maybe you want them on your thighs?”
Eddie’s fingers ghosted over his thighs. Steve’s thighs had always been sensitive, but no one really touched him there, no one had ever kissed him there, and he wasn’t sure how much he could take before it became enough to get him off.
“That feel good, sweet thing?”
Steve’s vision was getting blurry around the edges. If he were standing, or recently concussed, he’d probably be worried.
But he recognized what this was, and he welcomed it. He wanted to let himself float away in Eddie’s arms.
“But that isn’t what you want, is it?”
“No, sir.”
“I didn’t think so,” Eddie said as his fingers trailed back up to his chest, grazing over a nipple.
Steve’s nipples were sensitive, too.
No one had bothered to learn that about him before.
He let out a high-pitched moan, bucking his hips up into the empty air at the feeling of Eddie’s thumb rubbing circles around his nipple.
“You could come from just this, couldn’t you?”
Steve didn’t know. He would love to find out someday. Today was not that day though.
“We’ll give it a shot soon, how ‘bout that?”
Steve’s head was fuzzy. He didn’t know where to focus his thoughts or his vision. His eyes were getting heavy, not like he was tired, more like he couldn’t put the energy into focusing on anything.
So he didn’t.
He let his eyes close and let Eddie do what he wanted.
“That’s it, sunshine. Let me take care of you. You’re so good for me.”
Steve felt his cock jump at the praise, but couldn’t be bothered to open his eyes or say anything in response. He was too content.
Eddie’s fingers fluttered back down to his waist, but the fingers that were in his mouth before were tracing his lips, silently asking for entrance back inside.
Steve let him in, moaning at the taste, at the way Eddie pushed down hard enough to make his jaw ache.
He sucked on them, letting his tongue get between them to wet them more.
Much too soon but somehow not soon enough, Eddie withdrew his fingers. Without any warning, he brushed them along the sides of Steve’s hard length, barely putting any pressure into the touch.
That didn’t matter though.
Steve bucked his hips up, unable to contain the shock of pleasure at the touch.
But the fingers were gone again, and Steve didn’t know what he did wrong. He needed Eddie’s fingers on him.
“Please, please touch me,” Steve whimpered pitifully.
“You have to stay still or I won’t. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
He was slurring his words like he’d drunk an entire bottle of vodka, but Eddie understood him. He thought maybe Eddie would understand him even if he couldn’t speak at all.
“Good boy. You stay still for me just like that. Color?”
Steve did stay still. He tried, at least.
He fought every urge to buck up when Eddie’s entire hand wrapped around him, the wet fingers and precum mixing together to make an easy glide as his hand worked up and down slowly.
He was moving so slowly, taking his time feeling every inch of Steve, every vein. Noticing every spot that made Steve sigh or moan, every spot that made his cock weep more precum than he thought possible.
And Steve let him. He didn’t protest. He stayed still like he was asked to, like a good boy.
That’s all he wanted to be. He wanted to be Eddie’s good boy.
Eddie was moving faster, his hand making obscene wet noises every time he collected more precum from his leaking tip.
Steve let himself move just a little. Just enough to add some resistance to Eddie’s movements, causing friction in a way he desperately needed.
Eddie’s hand froze.
Fuck, he wasn’t supposed to notice.
Then his fingers were squeezing the base of his cock, emphasizing Eddie’s point about not being allowed to finish if he couldn’t sit still.
“Mmm…please more,” Steve wasn’t even sure what he was saying at this point, he just knew he had to ask. He couldn’t let this be prolonged much longer, he’d go crazy.
“So close aren’t you, sweet thing?”
“Mhm. Close,” Steve was never this good at holding back.
He was decent in bed, he knew that. He always made sure the other person finished first, always gave more than he got, never asked for more.
But that was before he knew he could feel like this, before he knew someone would give him everything without having to ask.
“You wanna cum for me? Make us messy?”
Steve nodded, unable to make any noise that wasn’t a moan or whine.
“Turn around. Wanna see how beautiful you look.”
Steve could barely move. His whole body felt numb in the best way, except where Eddie’s hands were touching. Those parts were on fire, sending heat to all of his limbs.
He could ask for help, Eddie would let him. Eddie wouldn’t think he was stupid for asking. He wanted him to ask for things. That’s what he’d said earlier.
Eddie gripped his waist and lifted him so Eddie could switch spots.
Steve was lying back on the couch now, looking up at Eddie with wonder in his eyes.
He was so strong, so capable, so much more than Steve could’ve imagined. He bit his own hand when he realized he’d almost said the thought he shouldn’t have been having yet.
I love you.
He thought it for the next minute on a loop as Eddie unbuttoned his own jeans and slid them down enough to get his own cock out.
Then he was everywhere.
He was above him, but he was also next to him as his hair fell along the sides of their faces.
His hand was around both of their cocks, Eddie’s hand barely able to fit around them both, but making sure Steve had the most contact.
“Want you to look at me, sweetheart. Need to see your sunshine,” Eddie groaned as his hands worked them both furiously.
His knuckles kept brushing against Steve’s stomach, his breath was hot against Steve’s lips despite the few inches of space between them.
They were both breathing as heavy as each other, both too far gone to care.
“Do it. Cum for me.”
Eddie didn’t even need to finish his sentence before Steve’s release was hitting his stomach and shirt. He could feel Eddie’s release hitting his stomach too, and they both groaned.
Eddie’s lips were on his before he could even catch his breath, his teeth biting at his lips and tongue.
“Can’t get enough of you, sunshine,” he said against Steve’s lips, drawing in a sharp breath when Steve whined against him.
“Want you always,” Steve said back, barely even awake enough to realize what he was saying.
He didn’t know if he was drifting so far he couldn’t hear Eddie’s response or if Eddie just didn’t give one, but the next thing he knew, a warm washcloth was wiping his stomach, his shirt bunched up under his chin.
“Eds,” Steve muttered, voice raspy from all of the moaning and whining he’d just done.
He’d be embarrassed about it if he thought Eddie didn’t like it, but he knew he did.
“Right here, sweetheart. Doing okay?”
“Mhm, want you.”
Eddie let out a laugh.
“You just had me.”
“Want you here.”
Steve scooted against the back of the couch, turning on his side to make room for Eddie, who seemed to give in rather quickly and joined him.
Steve immediately rolled half of himself onto Eddie, a heavy sigh let out when he could feel and hear his heartbeat under him.
Eddie’s arms wrapped around his back, pulling him against him as tight as he possibly could.
“Did so good for me. Did you like it?”
“Loved it.”
Steve was exhausted and still couldn’t quite focus on the conversation, but Eddie seemed to realize that.
He kissed the top of his head.
“Robin’s gonna kill us.”
“She said to keep it in your room.”
“Don’t care.”
Eddie laughed quietly, the movement jostling Steve a little.
“You can sleep, sunshine.”
“You too?”
“I will. Just rest, Stevie.”
“Mkay.” Steve settled further into Eddie. “Love you.”
He was asleep before he could think about what he said or hear what Eddie said back.
Chapter 9
TAG LIST:  @invisibleflame812 @inmoonywetrust @captain-daryn @carlyv @lillemilly @spectrum-spectre @raisedbylibrarians @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @mightbeasleep @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @bornonthesavage @loguine-linguine @bejeweledbaby @bisexualdisastersworld @eddiemunsonswife @sadcanadianwinter @messrs-weasley @i-write-stories-not-sins-bitch @maya-custodios-dionach @sleepyboosstuff @novelnovella @jestyzesty @f1ct1onwh0re @croatoan-like-its-hot @shrimply-a-menace @crazyhatlady86 @izzy2210 @phirex22 @crypticcorvidinacottage @yourebuckingkiddingme @sydthekid2004 @lovelylilbadone @abydell921 @wildflower-faun @lydi-cyan @lololol-1234 @221b-fandom @carlajim98 @azure-and-gold @space-invading-pigeon @crying-trashcan @hellomynameismoo @mrsjellymunson
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themuffin2649 · 2 months
Muffin! Muffin!
For the Haunted AU!
Let's say one of the LIs kill MC (either by accident or on purpose), and he comes back to haunt them.
Ranging from trying to make them feel guilty, making their lofe a living heck, to just pissing them off.
"Please stop hiding my stuff!"
*Ghost!MC knocks down a cup filled with water*
Here are some Scenarios:
1: Doll (Leon killed the MC in his Bad end 2)
After school and basketball practice, Leon returns to hang out with his best friend. They chat… well… only Leon talks. This is because his friend isnt really… alive. In fact, he and a classmate named Reme worked together to Taxidermy what remains of his body.
Creepy: Yes, but Leon didn’t mind, because his best friend was perfect.
Leon: “I love you dear.” He says, and he kisses the cheek of his Taxidermied friend.
They start watching a movie about haunted dolls (Annabelle or Chucky), but Leon’s not really entertained by it. He looked back at the doll and leaned on it like a pillow. As Leon was starting to fall asleep, he felt something hugging him.
Leon: “huh?”
When he rubs his eyes, he can see that MC’s Taxidermied doll is hugging him back, and Leon makes a scream loud enough to wake the whole neighborhood up.
Ghost!MC: “What’s wrong Leon? I thought you loved hugs 😈”
Leon: “not like this.” cries
2: Take care of him 🔫 (Vincent kills MC)
After learning that MC was dead, Vincent’s Uncle cuts off all finantial aid, leaving poor Newt without a family and in poverty. In pure rage, MC haunts Vincent.
Uncle: “Vincent! I just got your essay back, and the teacher told me you wrote something very innapropreate on the paper.”
Vincent: “What?!”
Vincent’s Uncle shows his paper, with vandalism that says “[Teacher] is a poopy head!” With a poop emoji drawn onto it.
Vincent: “That’s NOT my handwriting, or my drawing style! I’ll talk to my teacher tomorrow to see what happened.
Vincent thinks that Leon did it out of anger, but that wasn’t right, Leon’s form of revenge would have been a bone-breaking beating. Looking again, the handwriting was… familiar… It almost looked like.
Vincent: “Honey?!”
Ghost!MC: “Ahh, so you figured it out.”
Vincent: “Honey, y-you’re back!” He said, tears forming on his eyes in both relief and fear.
Ghost!MC: “Shut up, you wanna know what happened after I died. Your Uncle cut off all financial aid to my brother. He had no choice but to live with Jon!”
Vincent opens his mouth, but before he says another word, MC throws a glass vase on the wall out anger.
Ghost!MC: “Listen to me! You are going to take care of my brother in whatever means you can. If you don’t, then I’ll do everything in my power to make your life a living hell!”
Vincent didn’t even realize he was shaking, but seeing the fury behind his honeybee’s eyes, he could tell he was dead serious (pun intended).
The following days, Vincent used his parents money to financially support Newt behind his uncle’s back. Newt was suspicious and confused about the random financial support after “mom” and “dad” cut him off, but money was money.
Sometimes, as a reward for helping his brother, MC gifts him chocolates, roses, or good grades.
3: Love Letter (this can apply to anybody)
So whichever LI kills MC does not only feel a tremendous amount of guilt, but over time, their rival keeps receiving love letters from the dead MC. The rival thinks that Newt is giving these letters written from when MC was still alive.
Meanwhile, MC makes sure that the murderer sees that he is the one writing the letters after his death to spite him off. Even lets him see what he wrote before sending it off to the rival.
Leon’s love letter: “Leon, when I’m by your side, I always feel safe and protected. You have protected me for 8 years, and I have never regretted meeting you. Not only are you a great basketball player, strong and dependent, but you’re also very soft and sweet like a teddy bear. You’ve also care for an protected my brother like you did for me. Thank you for everything. 🩷”
Vincent’s love letter: “Vincent, you are so much more than your family’s money. Although we have only recently met, your determination to get the things you want has inspired me, yet, you still care deeply about me. Not once did you care about our financial differences, you’ve always cared for and cherished me. I love you. ❤️”
What better way to show your anger than Emotional Damage.
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heymacy · 4 months
i was tagged by @deedala, @mybrainismelted, @spookygingerr, @sleepyheadgallavich, @thepupperino,
@gardenerian, @crossmydna, & @darlingian to participate in this week's weekly tag game wednesday! ty babies ily!
name: macy mouse
age: flirty and thriving
astrological sign: 🦀
upon which continent do you reside: north america
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 😴💸🥳✨🍃
whats your favorite flavor of gum? spearmint
whats the last movie you watched? "everybody wants some!!" per @deedala & @too-schoolforcool's recommendation
what was your worst subject in high school? algebra 1, my first and only C+ (and only because my teacher was literally satan incarnate)
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time? i worked at a pottery shop for 2 days, got my hair pulled by a kindergartener with paint-covered hands, and promptly quit
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park? eat funnel cakes until i pass out. and/or roller coasters 🎢
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)? mustard and onions (don't even look at me 🫣)
cincinnati chili, thoughts? [mariah carey voice] i don't know her
do you sleep with a plushie? yes, her name is chickaletta and she's a delight 🐥
how do you feel about thunderstorms? one of my favorite things in the entire universe and i am so serious rn ⛈
what's the last animal you touched? my very clingy 11 year old cat is currently pressed against my leg because she has to be touching me at all times or else she'll wither, apparently
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "guillotine" on a can of liquid death
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due? all the time
tags below the cut!
@palepinkgoat, @too-schoolforcool, @jrooc, @mmmichyyy, @transmickey,
@sam-loves-seb, @creepkinginc, @deathclassic, @blue-disco-lights, @energievie,
@michellemisfit, @thepupperino, @tanktopgallavich, @vintagelacerosette, @sickness-health-all-that-shit,
@sleepyfacetoughguy, @7x10mickey, @the-rat-wins, @doshiart, @transmurderbug,
@lee-ow, @callivich, @stocious, @kiinard, @sluttymickey,
@thisdivorce, @grumble-fish, @xninetiestrendx, @y0itsbri, @captainjowl,
@astaraels, @ardent-fox, @wehangout, @arrowflier, @gallapiech,
@roryonic, @mickittotheman, @jademickian, @solitarycreaturesthey, @spacerockwriting,
& @rayrayor
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iid-smile · 6 days
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#07 ୨ৎ ⸝⸝ 🦢 anon ⋆
you might just be cute... no, you are cute 🫶 i got so excited when i saw an emoji anon for the first time omg!!! took me a decade to find the swan for some reason. anyways everything is as you asked 😌 1 and 10 drabbles and 11 is headcanons!!
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#1 🍰 | first kiss
dazai's been watching you the entire day. he was there when you woke up, he was there when you were doing your daily routine, brushing your teeth and the works, but even when you run errands? that's rare.
"i want to kiss you." he whispers, and he knows that you won't hear him, the smirk on his face only growing. you were much too focused, mind shifting from one thing to the next, and you failed to notice dazai creeping closer and closer to you. you failed to realise that the hands coming to your hips behind you were up to something, and you never figured out what.
in that tiny interval of time, in that short, brief moment of weakness as you turned your head away, he turned it right back, fingers holding your chin still as his lips lay upon yours. your eyes widen, staring at his closed ones as you try to process whatever the hell was going on. you weren't even quick enough to kiss back, pulling away and looking down at you from behind.
didnhe expect you to be happy? maybe not. was it worth that adorable pout on your face? absolutely. "why? did you have what the kiss would be like planned in your head?"
you nod.
"was this not it?"
you nod again.
"sorry, rue..." he fakes a frown, his eyebrows furrowing in a way that was nearly believable, but you read him too well.
"you're not sorry at all." you may be annoyed, but your love for him overpowers it, wrapping your pinky around his.
"i'm not."
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#10 🍓 | cuddling in the morning
you've been tired all week, working tirelessly while listening to others rant to you. it's want your used to, it's what you always do and you love to help those you love feel better, but when was the last time you've had a vent of your own?
a squeeze on your shoulder rouses you from your sleep, and your eyes start to open, only being able to see the blankets you've buried into since last night. "osamu, you're holding me too tight..." your voice comes out raspy and low, but you're too fatigued to care.
"i know..." dazai squeezes again, his fingers running down to your elbow. "but you're so stiff even though you're in bed. i thought you were having a bad dream." you can tell he's being serious, and he sounds like he's been awake for a good while.
"stress? i don't know." you shuffle a bit, the mattress dipping along with your limbs. "haven't got enough rest lately."
judging by how quiet he grew, he was definitely thinking over the conversation. "you were tossing and turning all night."
"you felt that?"
"heard it too. it kept me awake."
"oh..." a frown appears for a moment on your face, a pang of guilt surrounding your mind.
"it's okay, really." with no struggle, he locates your hand and holds it tight, while moving close enough so that he could spoon you. "now i know that you need someone like your dear beloved here to talk you through it, hm?"
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#11 🍓| long distance relationship
most people think dazai wouldn't be loyal, but when it comes to genuine love and interest, he very much is
very frequently writes letters. he's got nice handwriting and we all know it, but he purposely makes some sentences hard to read because he does get a little embarrassed with how truthful he can get
he loves it when you rant to him about anything, because he knows you don't have many people to do that with. always has the best and perfect advice for you too. he's serious about your feelings and thoughts and even encourages you to spill out what you're hiding from him
sometimes leaves work for weeks at a time, only to return and said he's "visited the depths of his heart and found his true love once again"... whatever that means
has the most dramatic hug when he first sees you too. it's tight, you're off your feet, and he's spinning you around (he makes sure to be careful)
would he leave his job to be closer to you? it depends. if you get sick or just ask him to, he will. in his case, it would be him getting injured to the point where he can't manoeuvre well enough to continue
as long as you two are happy with this arrangement you already have going, he doesn't mind waiting until he's past his prime, detective wise
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event masterlist
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tenjikubaby · 2 years
you have one (1) new message!
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s62 (+ kakucho) texting/messaging HCs
Rindou: The “whats up” guy
Fair emoji use, texting abbreviations, and slang. Can’t care less about proper capitalization or spelling words correctly unless he really wants you to leave him alone. He can be a bit dry as a texter because he prefers to tell you stuff in calls or in person. Usually takes hours or even days to reply unless you’re special to him (you only need to wait minutes if so). Being an extrovert, I think many people messaging him so sometimes your messages might get buried under everyone else’s, and he’s usually too lazy to check everything. 
Ran: The “Good morning. How are you?”  guy
He wants to sound formal and intelligent over text, so he’s got complete sentences, good grammar, proper punctuation and capitalization even if you’re close. Rare emoji use, and if he uses one it’s only the basic smiley/sad faces because he’s too lazy to check out the other emojis outside that. Would likezone you on Messenger or send you those sparkly gifs and it doesn’t mean anything! He’s just kind of a boomer. Leaves you on read often but that also doesn’t mean anything because he might have a) fallen asleep, b) started zoning out, c) just forgot to reply. 
Shion: The "WHAT" guy
WACKY. Lots of emojis (his favorites are the fire, 100, and devil emojis), abuses Caps Lock, may spam you when excited. Sometimes, you might wake up to 35+ new messages from him, a lot of them different variations of “[NAME] WAKE UP BRO CHECK THIS OUT 🔥🔥🔥” (and it’s just a screenshot of a scammy “Congratulations you won a new iPhone!!” message from a free movie website. He already put his details in.) Reply speed is FAST unless he's in a fight or meeting. Laughs at the memes you send like 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA' because he doesn’t believe in lol or lmao or rofl. He’s quite fun to talk to because his reactions are so enthusiastic and extra. 
Izana: The “yes? 🤯” guy
Heavy emoji user. Uses emojis that sometimes mismatch the tone of his message so he can be confusing to talk to. It’s just one of his quirks though. You’ll know immediately if he likes or dislikes you because if he doesn’t like you, he just sends something like “shut the fuck up 😄”. Doesn’t abbreviate too much, but adheres to proper punctuation and types complete sentences. The type of person to respond to you with pictures instead of typing. (Like, if you ask “Where are you?” he sends you a close-up of his face and just above it you can see the sign of the restaurant he’s about to enter). Likes to send memes and reaction pics as well.  Reply speed is quite slow but doesn't exceed a day. 
Kakucho: The "hello :)" guy
Refuses to use emojis, prefers to just type out his smileys/sad faces. No caps. Abbreviates a lot of words but still uses proper punctuation because he doesn’t want to sound monotone. His texting is quite informal but still very much polite unless you’re close friends (he’ll be less polite then). He apologizes if he took too long to reply to you, which happens every time because Kaku isn’t on his phone much. If it’s really urgent, you’re better off calling him. If you send him a meme, he might not get it because he’s also not much of an internet person (unless you sent something that’s universally funny, to which he’ll reply “haha :D”). 
Mocchi: The "sup" guy
It’s really much better and easier to talk to him in person or just call. This guy’s phone is almost always dead. He plays lots of mobile games and spends so much time on YouTube, then forgets to charge his phone. When he does reply, he sounds so lazy: 1-3 words and little-to-no-effort in continuing the conversation at all. You see abbreviated words and no emojis, punctuations and caps. This is not because he doesn’t like you, but it’s because he prefers to talk to people face-to-face. 
Mucho: The plain "Hi" guy
Sounds way too serious in text. He’s not one for perfect grammar and punctuations in text, but you still feel his seriousness. Another slow replyer—barely on his phone because he actually touches grass. He prefers to talk through call, but when you do call, make sure it’s really important or you’d hear a deep sigh on the other end before he says goodbye and hangs up. Would likezone you just like Ran because these two are boomers deep down. Leaves people on read if he thinks the message is not worth replying to. 
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teeswrites · 2 months
C.L- Never be the same
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: 4'38"
November, 2023
When Charles landed in Monaco he did text her:
'I'm already at home'~ Charles
she reacted with a 🙏emoji
'When can I see u again?'~ Charles
'You can't. I was being serious'~She
'Come on...'~ Charles
'Go home to your girlfriend and forget about me, okay?'~ She
'No, that's not okay! Can I call you?'~ Charles
'Please'~ Charles
But she left him on the read
When he went home, she still hadn’t replied. Anyone could tell he was on his nerves. Including the girl who was happily waiting for him at home. When she saw him, she smiled, fully, and ran to give him a hug "You're actually here! Can't believe the season finally ended and now you're all mine for the next 3 months" "Neither do I" she got off his arms "Is everything alright? You seem distracted" "I..." he took a step back "I'm very very confused right now" her smile faded away "About what?" "Me" "What do you mea..." he cutted her "You" she swallowed, dryly "Us" "What’s going on, Char?" "I don’t know if this relationship fulfills my needs" she swallowed the tears "Wh... what happened?" "I don't... I..." he took a deep breath "I can't be with you anymore" "Are you breaking up with me?" he nodded without being able to face her "But why? Everything was alright, like, two days ago" "It was not" "So were you pretending?" "Yes, I was" "What?" she said incredulous "How long have you been pretending?" he hesitated "Since Miami" "Miami?!” she walked to one side of the room to the other "Why, Char? What happened!?" "I met..." he whispered "It has another person?" "Yes, I met her" he completed his phrase in his mind only. She stared at him "ANSWER ME, FUCK! THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE?" "YES, IT HAS! Happy?" she let the tears she was holding escape "Shit..." she grabbed her purse "I'll come back to grab my stuff" "Alex..." "Goodbye, Charles" and she walked out the door, leaving her key on top of his piano.
December, 2023
It was Christmas. Charles was alone. Well, not alone cause he had his family. But he was single. Slightly drunk and she was avoiding him for almost a month for now. He excused him from the dinning room after the Christmas dinner was already done. "J'ai besoin de faire un appel avant qu'on ouvre les cadeaux" "Je t'en prie, mon fils" his mother told him "merci, maman. Excuse moi".
“What time is it in New York?” He searched on his phone "Okay, not bad". He tapped her contact and hoped she would pick up.
"Hi..." It was such a blessing to listen to her voice again "Is it a bad time?"
"Sort of"
"Sorry, hum... I can call you later"
"No! I already picked up, you can speak"
"Haven't you received my texts?"
She cleared her throat "I did"
"Oh..." he was afraid of the answer and he knew which one probably was but still, he asked "Why haven't you replied, then?"
“Because… I don't feel the same about you"
He chuckled sarcastically "Don't you? Really? What about that dance in Abu Dhabi?"
"I don’t feel the same, sorry. And you have a girlfriend. You don't like me, Charles"
“So what?”
“So what?!”
“I mean, I am here asking you to give us a shot. It means I like you.”
“If you are thinking about cheating, I won't be part of this. I really won’t”
“I am not thinking about cheating. I am thinking about you being mine”
“Oh, really? Would you break up with her to be with me?”
“I already have done that”, he thought only cause for some reason he held himself back to tell her he was single. Maybe because it has passed only 1 month since the breakup, and he was afraid she would feel guilty about that. But his silence was enough for her breakdown mentally.
“Do you know Lando is fooling around with this Margarida girl?"
Of course he was "Is he?"
"Every race weekend there are photos of her with him at the paddock. Also in Monaco, in his car, apparently at his place…"
"Sorry no one warned you about that behavior of his"
"Well, is about that"
"About what?"
"You are young."
He felt confused. "Yes..."
"You're handsome and talented. And you usually are dating someone. While I... I have been single for so long that I can't even remember how it's to love someone. And, of course, I'm not as pretty as your girlfriend or your exes, I'm not a model nor rich and from the high class of European society. It's quite sure that when the spell is over, whichever it is, you'll fall back into reality and regret wasting your time with someone so out of your usual lifestyle... Just like Lando did"
He kept silent
"Are you there?"
"Yes, I just really don't get anything you just said. For me, it doesn't matter and I'll do anything I can to prove to you. Everyday. And regret anything related to you?! I'm not crazy. Maybe a little..." he mumbled to himself, pausing to think about the sick stuff he does sometimes, then continued "Anyhow, you're you. Unique, authentic, perfect in your own way".
She couldn't look into his eyes but she felt hope, pleading, honesty in voice and he felt in hers pain, denying, but also belief and hope. He smiled softly, without showing his teeth
"I would kiss you right now if I could"
"Okay" she dried some tears from her face "I gotta go now Charles"
"Okay. Merry Christmas"
"Merry Christmas to you and your family. And... Just for the record, I would let you kiss me if you weren't in a relationship".
How he wished to tell her “So you do feel the same”
“I gonna hang up right now”
He laughed "No! Don’t. I…” he licked his lips before continuing “Thank you for sharing this with me"
"Bye, Charles"
Then, she hung up. The only thing Charles could do was look at the night sky and whisper "Thank God, You made Lando as an idiot".
February, 2024
Maranello, Italy
Platonic love. He didn't pass through it in a long time. At least since he cut his hair and signed with Ferrari in formula 1, girls just couldn't resist the Monegasque: his green eyes and charming smile couldn't be seen, and then, ignored. What was wrong with her?! "How can she resist me?" he asked Carlos while they were sitting at Ferrari's center in Maranello playing Uno. "I don't know bro. I wouldn't resist myself but I have a girlfriend already" the Spanish man answered while analyzing his cards "see!? You don't resist me because of..." he paused to listen to himself "remember me calling her later to thank her" Carlos laughed "Ok. It's your turn, please play" "sorry" Charles gave a quick look at his cards and placed a few ones in the mount of cards in the center of the table "I just don't get why" "if she doesn't like you in that way, she doesn't like you in that way. Those things happen" "not that" "what, then" "I don't get why she's lying to me" "is she lying to you?" "Yes. She says she doesn't have feelings for me but she does" Carlos joined his cards in one mount and looked at his teammate "Charles…" "I know cause she demonstrated it to me. Twice. I'm not that convinced" Carlos took a deep breath and continued to play "she might be afraid of commitment, not be looking for a relationship, be a lesbian in the closet, she can be too busy for dating... There are many possibilities. Plus she thinks you have a girlfriend" "But I don't have anymore". Charles frowned his forehead and eyebrows, half thinking how much won the game already was for him and half in which possibility it could be. He finally played "Uno. Which one it probably is?" "Uno?!" "Que carajos ha con él? Ese chico es bueno en todo que nosotros hacemos" he mumbled to himself "if you wanna know, ask her" Charles put his last card down "thanks for the advice" "it was the obvious, cabrón" the monegasque laughed "Someone don't know how to lose!" "Shut up!" he smiled, getting up and stretching his hand to Carlos "Good game" he shook it "where are you going?" "Call her. I have to know what is wrong with her" "He should firstly know what is wrong with himself" the Spanish mumbled".
The phone rang too many times already. They haven't spoken since Christmas.
He probably should hang up, she probably was ignoring him, maybe because she didn't have time to pick up phones, a lot less to date, then. Or maybe because she was busy with another person, a girl maybe. Yeah, he should just hang up and…
“Hey! That 's me…”
“Hum... How're you doing?”
“I'm good! And you?”
“Good too. Can I help you with something?”
“I... I wanted to talk to you. Am I disturbing?”
“You're not. What 's it?”
“Why have you been lying to me?”
“Have I?”
“When you said you didn’t feel the same for me”
She kept silent, then sighed
“Charles, I already told you I don’t…”
“Yes, you do. You literally rubbed your ass on my groin in Abu Dhabi, then at Christmas you told me you would let me kiss you. How can that not mean something?”
“Please, stop”
“No! Tell me why”
“Because I wanted to lie!. Voilà! Can I hang up now?”
“That's not a good answer”
“You never said it had to be good”
“I'm not getting anything from you, am I?”
“So at least come see me In Maranello”
“You know that's not possible”
“Why not?”
“I've got to work and it would be expensive. Plus, you have a girlfriend”
“ ‘You have a girlfriend’. Fuck, you feel like a broken record, always saying the exact same thing.”
“Well, it's the truth”.
“It 's not. You said I have a girlfriend but I had a girlfriend.”
She paused, without believing
“Well... it’s still expensive and I still have to work”
“I pay everything to you”
“I have a job, Charles”
“That's a shame”
“Well, I… maybe I could. Washington's birthday is arriving anyway”
She could see his smirk through the call
“You're welcome anytime you feel you can make it as long as I'm here to greet you, of course.”
“I'll cheek then I text you”
“Was it everything?
“So, I'll hang up now, alright?”
“Bye, Charles”
“Bye bye”
And she hung up. Whatever it was this Washington’s day, it would be great. Or at least he thought it would be.
A week later:
For Charles, the day started like shit already. The season didn't even begin yet and he was already under tension with Carlos. Mr. Vasseur made very clean to everyone that he preferred Charles than Carlos. And what should be a relieving and happiness reason, turned into tension. Heavy tension with mean teases coming from Carlos more frequently than he would consider tolerable. Earlier that night the Spanish man attacked him off the working environment and without any reasons or provocations from the Monegasque:
“Can you excuse me?" Charles asked her who was sitting on his lap, to get up so he could go to the bathroom. Carlos heard, mocking his teammate "Watch out, girl. Don't stay in his way for too long, you might be ejected from there" the American lady chuckled, embarrassed, and blushed "I..." "Oh, it was a joke" Carlos completed insincere but it was too late, Charles frowned instantly, he was pissed with his behavior already. He came back from the bathroom stressed and had his teammate's voice hunting his mind while a certain giggly girl danced against his body, rubbed her ass on his groin, left her perfume on his clothes. He had his hands on her hips but the robot behind her made her turn around and place her forearms on his shoulders. "Charles" she called once. No response "Hey, stranger!” He blinked “Hey” “What’s going on inside your head?" "I..." "You aren't enjoying it, are you?" "What?! No! Of course I am. That's work stuff" "Is it about Carlos, right?" "Yes" "That sucks" he looked at her, she looked good that night, he squeezed her hips and felt her groin against his. He would finally have her, he could feel her bulging. And she didn't even have a penis for it "I adore to kiss you" "But we never kissed" "In my dreams we had" she smirked, biting her bottom lip "Am I here for a booty call?" "Would you be offended if yes?" "Not at all" "Well... maybe you are". In fact, she wasn't just a booty call but telling her the sex was a combination of sentiments with lust for him would make her run away. He knew it would. So it was easier to lie about things being superficial. She leaned toward his lips, kissing it, showing how much she needed him as well.
The path to his place was like it never happened to him. He was so hypnotized with her physical that after they got into the building's elevator he could remember only about the bedroom's door slamming behind them.
The lights weren't turned on, but the moonlight made the room clear enough for them to see each other, setting even more the mood. The moonlight was enough for them to see the clothes falling on the floor. For seeing their bodies getting naked, their skins revealing the goosebumps, the hickeys left on each other's skins. Was enough for seeing her naked body under his while they made out. The hot and wet quick kisses among their cutted breaths "J'ai envie de toi" he said with his usual sensual voice "So much that it hurts" he completed among more kisses. She smiled against his lips and said "Moi aussi" making him smile. The moonlight made possible to see the picture of her laying on the mattress, waiting for him to wear the condom, tracing imaginary lines on his abdomen, her breasts being squeezed by his hand, her thighs pressed on each side of his torso, himself buried into her... him cumming after 5 minutes of sex. 4'38" to be more precise. Holy shit. What the heck just happened?
"You didn't, right?" "Not really" in fact she didn't even have time to pretend she did so suddenly it was "I'm so embarrassed. I'm so so sorry. It's just this thing echoing in my head. I couldn't concentrate in..." "Let it go, Char" she cutted him "No! I can do it. I want you to orgasm as well" "It's better to leave it for another time" "But..." "It's fine, okay? It was not your fault" "Of course it's my fault" "It's not" "It's whose fault then?" "No one. Those things happens" "I don't get it..." "Look, I know you're stressed because of Carlos. That's alright, okay" "I don't agree with you here. I can finish the job" "Enough! I alright said I don't care. Now let me sleep" he took a deep breath still without agreeing with that and kissed her cheek, loudly "Good night, beautiful" he whispered "Night, Charles"
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bad-cos-ideas · 1 year
[I'm still FUMING so HERE WE GO]
Horrible idea!! Including an unskipple PSA on the title screen that reminds people that
2. It's a survival game, yes, so killing for food or for defensive measures is perfectly reasonable!! However, if you're just committing mass genocide because you enjoy killing, it's no longer about survival!! It's called you have some fucking traumas that you can work out in therapy instead of projecting it ONTO A ROBLOX GAME ABOUT BEING A FUNKY CREATURE
3. Just because you play as a carnivorous beast Does Not Mean You Can Treat People Like Absolute Dogshit And Not Expect Them To Get Mad At You: your CHARACTER is a carnivorous beast, you being an asshole is YOU.
4. Again, this is a multiplayer game. These are REAL PEOPLE that you talk to!! So when you decide to tell someone that they should off themselves if they're so mad!! It's more than just being an asshole!! That's being a whole ass complex that you need to sort out ANYWHERE BUT ON A GAME PLATFORM LARGELY INHABITED WITH CHILDREN and even if it WEREN'T why the FUCK do you think its OKAY to treat ANYONE LIKE THAT? (this is not dramatized. I have been in multiple servers in which the chat was just a fucking cesspool of pure dickery and gaslighting and bullshit and everyone either trying to tell someone to Stop It and Get Some Help or a group of people deciding that everyone else on the server is the problem, if they're unhappy it's their fault and totally unrelated to this hellspawn of a pack making almost the entirety of the map hostile grounds and borderline unplayable)
This is a psa from someone that someone kindly asked "hey are you okay with being killed? I'm doing a mission" and completely respected when I said no because I was just Straight Chilling, and then immediately after that exchange someone else tried to murk me (and at that point had attempted to and nearly killed me 5 fucking times over I am not even joking) in front of them so they chased off and killed that person only to get immediately hunted down for several fucking minutes by whomever they killed's murder buddies, ending with them being killed for being a polite nice fella and said murder buddies feeling absolutely justified because "that's the game" and It Wouldn't Be The Game If You Just Played It Like A Survival Game instead of Kill For Sport For Funsies
A lot of people would tell me "oh, it's just a game, why are you so mad?"
Because. It stops being a game when it stops being played as one. If you want a battle royale, you still have to understand that people can Not Want To Battle in a Not Battle Royale Game.
gonna be serious for a sec here, because you brought up something that hits close to home for me
everyone needs to read number 4 here especially. i see this shit way too often in game, there is absolutely no reason why you should EVER tell someone to off themselves. i don't care if you're "joking" or whatever, it's not funny, it's not cool, it's not okay. i'm not saying any of my followers do this btw, i'm using general you, this is just something that i see all the time
anyway. serious over. shrimp emoji
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oldsweetchildomeow · 1 year
Reviewing GG character design part #1 GG 1998 Axl
I chose him first because he's the best char obviously.
Hear me out. Character design is not meant to be appealing to all viewers, they are meant to tell you about the character. If it end up being appealing to you, it's for a personal reason. FGs will, obviously, try to be as appealing as possible with their character menu for you to choose the most appetizing because they need money from your horniness and devotion. But despite all that capitalism mindset, the idea is always to explore the origin, personality, preferences and such, from the respective character.
I will try to separate it into some sections that are relevant, such as: 1. What does it tell about their personality (in Axl's case, British) 2. Is it visually appealing to some extend? (a bit more personal from an artistic pov) 3. Is it actually PRACTICAL realistically speaking? (a bit more logical from a "would anyone actually use this to fight?) and etc.
I was actually considering putting every GG game in this post, but it would take way too long and be boring to read, I think.
GG 1998
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This design is quite interesting and pleasant. I see that many of us, Axlettes (this sound literally like a pokemon name, but I will stick to that for serious reasons) seem to like this one.
What does it tell you about Axl?
He's British.
just kidding. Actually... not entirely. He has that damned flag on his boots' tip, and it's a detail that really does tell you where he is from, specially in a game where you won't hear him s'peakin like di's mate. I'm not including his stage bg of course, but exclusively what you can tell by simply looking at him. He wears some grunge/punk-like bracelets, which makes him look like... well, a punk. The bandana he wears, his choice of weapon, his torn sleeves, and even the fact that his eyebrows aren't visible, gives you the impression of someone dangerous, someone you would easily see on a gang. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who just started this game, and had just seen him, would fear him somehow. To some extend, he gives me the same energy as Billy Kane from the Fatal Fury/KOF series (they are both British and zoners and do the cat emoji smirk).
Is it visually appealing overall?
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Short answer: Yes, it is. He wears a short jacket that has the same color as his shorts. That's very, very pleasant to watch, due to the harmony it presents. It gets even better when both pieces are torn at the ends. And to continue this harmonic idea, his boots are the same color as his gloves, and the details on his boots are red like his bandana. It's a never ending cycle of good usage of colors. The only considerably random color choice is that the bracelets have blueish spikes on in-game sprites, but it matches both the blue are of the flag on his boot, and the jeans colored clothing he wears. Although...
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Here you can see that on the art they are white, like they were supposed to. It's normal to change when in-game due to pixel reasons, but either way. Now, with that picture from just above in mind, I wanted to say that it's very nice detail from his belt having a skull (he's sooo fire dude wow), which compliments the grunge concept of his one-arm spiky bracelet. His sickle matches the spikes very nicely too, but the best part of all that is the gap between his short jacket and his shorts. They just compliment in a very satisfactory parameter, not making it entirely blueish, but just enough for it to match nicely (it's kind of hard to explain it, but when I keep repeating this over and over on the next reviews it will make more sense).
But what I'm trying to say is this.
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Just see how nicely the colors were placed on his design. It just follows a very perfect cycle. I KNOW my friends tend to think i'm out of my fucking mind because of how perfectionist I'm about those little things but it's so amazing really.
Is it actually PRACTICAL to fight with that figurine?
Mostly, yes. I do think so. Despite the fact that high boots really do bother you when you do complex movements with them, I wear them a lot and even when walking sometimes it bothers me, I can't even imagine fighting. But it's just a minor detail, they aren't even high enough to actually be some nuisance. His short clothes make it easier to move, despite being jeans. But it's a nice choice, you can actually fight with that in general and still look cool.
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THIS is not practical at all. At some point everyone will see your boobs and it's not nice. But if he wants to be a whore...
Masterpiece, beautiful and functional. It's something someone like him would wear really, specially from his epoch and all. And I want to kiss Ishiwatari's mouth
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transmickey · 10 months
hi weekly tag wednesday 🌅 thank you for this week's questions @suchagallabitch , and @creepkinginc @metalheadmickey @deedala for also tagging me 🫶
1. if you could switch bodies with anybody for only one hour who would it be and what would you do?
my best friend's cat because 1) i miss them and 2) he is so silly and dumb and does nothing all day and i need that rn
2. whats your most trivial / dumbest hot take?
mayonnaise is bad as hell like i'm sorry but EW
3. if you had to teach a college course what would it be in?
the only thing rattling around in my little head these days is chemistry (please can july hurry up i want to graduate immediately) so. i think teaching intro chem would heal me a little bit that shit was so mindless and i miss it
4. season 12 of shameless is suddenly happen and youve been put in charge! what plot point(s) are you gonna make happen?
*rubs hands together* carl quits the force + buys the alibi. ian and mickey get a cat or dog im not fussy i just want pet dads. and ian + mickey actually having nice deep talks aand communicating and healing. im sending them both to therapy. fiona back at least just for a bit idk i miss her. lip + brad either buy bornfree back or start their own shop (BRAD! i love u brad). franny transgender (true). debbie actually meets a nice person and has a nice relationship please i am begging. aaaaand so much gay sex like so so much i am serious.
5. who would be your godly parent? (can be any mythology).
i am so sorry idk anything about any mythology
6. what’s something you love about yourself?
im a little bit funny sometimes. as a treat.
7. describe your day in 5 emojis:
8. what shameless character do you think you could beat in a fight?
realistically just liam.. probably frank. definitely couldn't beat him but lip just because i want to punch him [affectionate]
9. tell us 2 truths and a lie, we’ll try to guess the lie!
👀 i don't like tomatoes, i've never broken a bone, i swam competitively for 6 years
10. do you have a pet(s). if so how did they get their name?
i do not :-(
11. show us a meme (or picture) that captures your essence
im sorry i went through my entire camera roll multiple times and couldnt decide so you get 4
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12. whats your typical coffee / tea / beverage order?
english breakfast tea with oat milk mmm
13. use a song to describe the last 5 years of your life?
ngl i thought harder about this than i did about everything else i did today combined
2023: faith healer - julien baker
2022: oh no! - marina
2021: scott street - phoebe bridgers
2020: young blood - noah kahan
2019: ribs - lorde
tagging some lovely people woo! @stocious @skylerwinchester @lupeloto @jrooc @heymrspatel @dynamic-power @milkovichrules @ian-galagher @deathclassic @tanktopgallavich @such-a-barbarian @mickeysgaymom @swiftfootedachilles @rereadanon
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akehoshimystar · 2 months
Veil of Blessing
Part 1
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Ito: (The venue is all clear. All that's left is to check the accessories.)
After sorting out the tasks for the next dress-up event in my head, I opened the door to the waiting room…
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Ai: …….
There, I found Kosaka-san staring intently at his smartphone.
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Ai: Oh, it’s you.
Ito: I’m sorry for interrupting.
I tried to turn around, but Kosaka-san shook his head and said there was no need to go out.
Ai: In fact, you came at right time.
Mika asked me to send a photo of myself wearing this, so I did, and got a retake.
What Kosaka-san is wearing is a tuxedo for this dress-up event. I know that Mika-san are pretty serious about the costumes. That's why he wanted to check it thoroughly.
Ito: (On top of his great posture, he looks really good in it.)
I’d love to help. Could you show me what you sent to Mika-san? For a reference’s sake.
Ai: Here.
Ito: Thank yo-…..Uhh….
Ai: “Uhh”?
What displayed on Kosaka-san’a smartphone was….
Ito: (A selfie...!?)
Ai: What's with that reaction?
Ito: Ah, no, sorry. Just the usual “I see.”
(Kosaka-san took a selfie?)
Certainly, taking a selfie is not particularly strange if you're going to take a picture of yourself. But what surprised me was the fact that it's Kosaka-san himself who did it.
Ai: Looks like a photo of only the upper body is pointless because the whole body is not visible.
Why couldn’t he just tell me the requirements from the beginning.
Ito: Yeah, if the whole body is required, selfie may not be enough.
Ai: I thought about using a timer, but there is no good place for it at all.
The self-timer... It's going to give off a different feel from the selfie.
Ito: I think I can help you with that.
Ai: Yeah. I'll leave it to you.
As if he'd been waiting for those words, Kosaka-san handed me his smartphone.
Part 2
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Ito: (I get nervous when I touch someone else's phone... About ten times more so when it's Kosaka-san's.)
Luckily the shooting function isn’t that different from what I use, so there should be no problem.
Ai: As long as I’m in frame from head to toes, I don't need anything else.
Ito: Understood.
I replied and aimed the smartphone lens at him.
Ito: (I can literally feel his overwhelming aura through the screen...)
(I shouldn’t say anything without preparation... and taking a bad photo not an option.)
Ai: Did my phone freeze?
Ito: Ah no, sorry for being slow. Here I go.
I know that he was referring to the app, but I couldn’t help but feel like he might have directed it at me.
Ito: Well then... I'll take it now.
Before the aura got any stronger, I pressed the shutter button several times, nervously.
Ito: Got it. At least it's not blurry, I think.
Ai: If the whole body is there, then the rest does not matter. You’ve worked hard.
Ito: (I feel tired for some reason...)
He took the phone from me and immediately sent a picture to Mika-san. And he got a reply almost right away.
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Ai: ………
Ito: (Judging by how he looks, should I be worried...?)
Uhh, if there are some flaws, I'll do it again as many times as it takes.
Ai: ...Look at it yourself.
He handed me his smartphone, and all I could see was a reply from Mika-san.
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Mika♡: You finally got to wear a wonderful tuxedo, so don’t think this will be the end!
A smile would be nice. That’s my request, will you do it?
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Ito: A request……
Ai: Someone else has got to be there besides Mika.
Even though he said “someone”, Kosaka-san probably already had an idea. I could definitely picture a few people peering into Mika-san’s smartphones and chitchatting.
Ito: Seems like they’re enjoying this.
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Mika♡: I mean, you said it was impossible earlier, but look, it came out beautifully ♡
Don’t tell me there’s someone else there with you?
Part 3
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Ai: ………..
Ito: (Ah, his expression got even worse...!)
It's amazing that Mika-san could casually send a heart emoji to Kosaka-san, especially when he’s in this state.
Ai: For god’s sake, Mika. The goal has completely changed.
What does pose or face has to do with outfit checking?
Ito: (Well, looking at this outfit, it's understandable that he’d want more.)
Ai: It’s gonna get even more annoying if I just ignore him. Prepare for the next photo.
Ito: Okay. Please hand me your phone once again….
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Ito: !?
Kousaka-san moved to stand next to me and held up his smartphone in selfie mode.
Ito: ………………Kosaka-san?
Ai: If it’s just me, someone will have something to say for sure. It's better to have two people if we want it to be unexpected.
They just want to have fun at this point. Even if I remain expressionless, they’ll be satisfied with this.
Ito: I-I guess so.
Ai: With that said, here I go.
After a few seconds of extreme overwhelm, a new photo was added to Kosaka-san’s folder.
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Ai: If he says anything again, ignore him.
Without further ado, Kosaka-san sent the photo he had just taken to Mika-san. After a quick glance at the reply that came immediately, Kosaka-san showed me the screen of his smartphone.
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Mika♡: Oh my, how lovely! And here I thought who could it be, turns out it was Ito!
“Nice photo.” “You two seem to be getting along!”
And that’s what they said, they really find it amusing ♡
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Ai: For now, this should be the end.
Ito: That's good to hear.
Uh, if it's okay with you, Kosaka-san. Can I have that photo as well?
Ai: I don't mind. I don't think you'll misuse it anyway, but I didn’t expect you to request that at all.
Ito: How should I put it?
There’s no way I would misuse it. The reason I want this photo is….
Ito: Well, let’s just say it’s a blessing... I guess...? It made me feel like I'll be able to overcome any difficulties I may encounter in the future.
(Remembering the tension I felt today might help.)
Ai: I don't really get it, but you do you.
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There's a notification sound in the waiting room. The exchange of the photo requested for reasons even the sender didn’t know was completed.
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My fingers get all bendy when I try to write anything. Sad emoji. Sorry I’m using the text-to-speech feature. Send Send Send God dammit send the message
If it isn't my favourite anhelarentus patient! It's good to know you're well enough to be falling ill once again!
Upon reading your message, my assistant, Asher, suggested to me that you may be suffering delusions, considering that you used a nonsense word (“emoji”), and are referring to writing your message to my office as “text to speech”, which they insist is the wrong way around for the method of transferring information you are speaking of (although, considering I have only ever received messages in a paper format, and clearly no advanced enough technology exists to make text into speech or speech into text, I have no clue which term means what). However, considering that they are a victim of Meht's Disease, which can and does cause quite the bout of nasty delusions (they are not truly my assistant, but I allow them to think so, as I keep them around in order to further my studies on the disease), I can only assume they are merely projecting.
Thinking about it, I am now considering using the reverse that my assistant speaks of, “speech to text”, to refer to them, as--and I truly digress, but as you are coming to me a second time, I can only hope we can become acquainted with each other–they insist on writing down my responses to these requests themselves through transcribing my verbal answers. Upon inquiry, they have told me that while the messages appear to me as paper, in order for my patients to receive a response, they have to transfer them through something they call “the Internet”. I made a lot of progress on my research into Meht's Disease the day they tried to explain that to me.
Anyhow! Returning to the subject at hand, I am shocked that you have not already been diagnosed with medensia deficiency. As the beginning of it suggests (“medens”ia, as you may know Medens is my last name) this is when you fail to take everything I say as 100% truth. Medensia deficiency is the source of most ailments, as it results in a shrinkage of the most powerful sickness-fighting cells in your body, medensia cells, but can occasionally, as in your case, appear as its own disease with its own set of symptoms. It does not appear to have a bacterium, a virus, or any other such cause associated with it, but is instead purely psychological, and can be quickly addressed through repeating a set of phrases I will leave enclosed below. These symptoms are not a result of delusion, as my assistant posits, but simply misinformation.
1. Fingers do not bend while writing. Fingers are naturally fused at the knuckle and are meant to be straight all of the time. Anyone viewed doing otherwise must be suffering from a fracture or break at the knuckles, and should be taken into medical care immediately.
2. Technology advanced enough to make text into speech or speech into text does not exist. Anyone viewed doing anything that violates this must be part of or a victim of a cult that has been slowly rising in the last few decades, which specialises in attempting to brainwash the local populace by telling ridiculous stories of hunks of metal able to transfer messages at the speed of light.
It is vitally important that you repeat these phrases daily, as medensia deficiency can devolve into Meht's Disease, a much more serious disease. It is also recommended that you go outside and scream at the sun four times a day, because if the sun didn't exist then medensia cells could prosper in their natural ice cold environment, and no one would suffer from this horrible deficiency. Thank you for inquiring upon me.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
Hello all! I'm awake and conscious and ready for some fun Friday the 13th shenanigans.
Before I get started, I'll make my feelings about tarot clear like I always do. I am not psychic, and idk if I even believe in people being psychic. I definitely don't believe that I can tell your future through cartomancy. But tarot, like horoscopes, works well because it operates based on very vague and basic ideas that cater to most people's lives. Most people think about love and money and friends and creative projects, whether positively or negatively. It's easy to see yourself in the cards because the cards are based on very basic human tropes.
All that said, I don't think that's a bad thing! It's like that old saying, y'know? If you want to make a choice, flip a coin -- then think about which outcome you were rooting for. I think that tarot cards and their archetypes can appeal to almost anyone, but in very personal and different ways. I think that can be something that helps you organize your thoughts.
So, y'know, if I say something vague and it makes you think of something specific, maybe that's a thing that you need to be thinking about. Maybe it's near to the top of your thoughts for a reason. I don't think anyone should make important decisions solely based on a tarot reading, but if you find yourself "rooting" for a certain outcome, maybe that's something you should pay attention to.
I'm not psychic and I don't know your life -- but you do, and you should listen to yourself!
Anyway, just my two cents. I'm about to order pizza and start the movie, but I'm also opening my askbox up to tarot requests.
Here's how it works:
I am pulling 13 tarot decks from my collection to celebrate Friday the 13th. These are in a random order currently, but I suppose they'll be revealed as people choose them.
Send me an ask with a number 1-13 as well as something that'll identify you. Like an emoji or something, idk. (I say this both because I get a lot of anons for this and because if I just get a bunch of "13"s, they all look the same in my notes and idk what people are responding to.)
If you've seen me do this before and have a specific deck you'd like to request, that's fine, too! I can't make any promises, but if I have it on-hand, I'll be happy to use it for you.
As usual, I will be doing both serious and silly readings! If you'd like me to do a reading based on the traditional readings of the cards, please let me know that you'd like a serious reading. If you'd like me to make up some harebrained reading based on the images on the cards, like a skeleton Halloween party or some torrid love affair between people buying far too many swords, I'm happy to do that as well! Just let me know you'd like a silly reading!
I have decks in my collection that are either full 78-card decks or Major Arcana-only decks. A lot of people only like to use the former for readings as it can provide a more nuanced and traditional reading, but a lot of other people don't care! If you have a strong preference either way, just let me know and I'll swap out the random deck you've chosen for one that fits your needs.
To combine the last two points, I also have a lot of very silly decks! A lot of those are Major Arcana-only, but not all of them. I think it's fun to do tarot with something like Gravity Falls or Lisa Frank or The Muppets or one that's exactly like the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot but all the humans are replaced with like. Parakeets. If you do not want a silly deck, be sure to let me know about that, too!
Uhhh, I think that's it! If you think there's anything else I should know, just lmk! I'll just be doing basic three-card draws, so let's have fun with it. I've already had my nap, so I'll probably be going all night. That said, I'll probably get kind of drunk and silly as things go because I fully intend to drink through these movies. So if you want me fully lucid, get in on the ground floor.
Okay time for pizza and.... Jason? I think that Friday the 13th is Jason. It's my first time watching them and I will be livetweeting them on twitter. lmao
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