#you can tell that I had years to cook without knowing shit about the canon romance because there's some other odd mood here
outeremissary · 1 year
How about 3, 14, and 32 for Balthazar and Tristian?
Hello Cassy! Thanks for the ask, and apologies as always for the tardiness.
[prompts from here]
[and to have a posterity note at the top instead of just the tags for once, significant Kingmaker chapter five spoilers throughout]
3. By contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? Not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
(note: I think I may have played it a little loose with this one... apologies!)
There had long been a sense of protectiveness on Tristian's side of things, but it was a sense born out of obligation and guilt: on the one hand the obligation to do his duty to Nyrissa and the need to return to his goddess, and on the other the guilt of treachery that dragged on and on (even if the victim of that treachery wasn't exactly Tristian's favorite person). There was always a twist of terror when Balthazar was in danger or astonished respect seeing him persevere through what should have been the end, but none of that was that soft feeling. The first time for that feeling was probably some time after Balthazar's wings came in, when Tristian, still anxious from the lingering effects of the Bloom and attempts on Balthazar's life, caught Balthazar attempting to slip out of the capital by himself one afternoon and insisted on accompanying him (doggedly ignoring attempts to lose him). Following the reluctant baron to the privacy of the countryside, he learned that Balthazar had been attempting for some time to adjust to the wings on his own. Before that it was clear that the wings had been unwelcome and that on some level Balthazar was fighting it, and it had stirred some amount of envy and resentment in Tristian to see the ungrateful aasimar rejecting what Tristian yearned to have back. But seeing the open vulnerability as Balthazar tried to come to terms with his changed body felt painfully familiar, and as he attempted to offer advice under the flimsy veil of having known another aasimar at his childhood temple (lies, all lies, and for what?) he began to feel a sense of connection with Balthazar. It wasn't the first time he had seen Balthazar vulnerable- there were more than enough of those throughout the Bloom, and awkward moments littered their history before that. But it was the first time that pang of sympathy blossomed into a deeper sense of understanding. As the initial tension eased the afternoon became comfortable, conversation becoming easy and unguarded. It was awkward but genuine. It may have been the first time Tristian saw a soft, warm smile on Balthazar's face- something that would haunt him a long time after.
For Balthazar, the first spark of excitement (long before he could pin down what it might mean) came when he managed to coax Tristian into a dance at the first festival held in the wake of the fall of Trobold. The dance had been meant as a tease- a bet with Octavia and Regongar that he could get Tristian onto the floor, nothing more- but he was caught off guard when his success didn't come in the form of the cleric passively following along. Watching Tristian linger at the edge of the festivities, not joining in on the celebration he had himself insisted on, Balthazar had guessed that Tristian was held back by insecurity. Tristian came off as so naive and sheltered that it stood to reason that a noisy northern festival would be far outside of their depth- as would partaking of the dance with an admirer on their arm. He expected to overwhelm Tristian, to enjoy teasing him and leading him along. Instead, after relenting to the dance Tristian proved a quick learner (or perhaps already knew the dance from somewhere): he matched Balthazar's pace without ever being thrown for long, and the threat of being challenged for the lead began to occur to Balthazar. When they broke apart at the end it was Balthazar who was breathless, caught in the fascination of his partner. The mystery of that moment lingered on his mind- he'd thought he had Tristian solved, but he was wrong. After that he noticed Tristian in a way he never had before- he watched for answers, but along the way began to drink in the details of Tristian he never had before. Maybe that dance wasn't itself so soft, but it opened the floodgate of everything after: a growing affection for the awkward innocence that had frustrated him, an amusement with the stern edge Tristian's voice took on when lecturing (so often with undeserved boldness for his ignorance), the sudden sorrow that would soak into his expression at the most inexplicable times. Becoming bound up in pursuit of that pattern began to wear away at him to the point of distraction.
14. What makes them feel loved? Would they build up the courage to ask for it?
For Tristian, more than anything, simply physical presence. It's comforting to have Balthazar present, to feel supported and less alone. Tristian never built many close friendships before the betrayal- easier to keep just a bit apart from people you'll let down in the end, and to avoid becoming caught in the messy tangle of mortal lives to leave without regret at the end (or at least, as little regret as can be managed with the circumstances). But despite that, Tristian is a lonely person, and there was something about being drawn again and again into time with Balthazar that became something of a comfort. That loneliness intensifies after the betrayal: their relationships with most people they know in the Stolen Lands have been soured by their actions, and leaving Nyrissa behind meant leaving even the illusion that one day they might return to Sarenrae. Simply having Balthazar present brought a sense of normalcy that kept them grounded. And similarly, there's something about physical touch that's grounding. It makes them feel at home in a body that they're still struggling to accept. It reassures that despite all of the misdeeds and the hurt, they're still worth touching, worth being in contact with. When they can feel Balthazar at their side they know without a doubt that they have a place in the world still, no matter how much has changed. Sometimes they might ask for that presence or that touch: it's easy to ask for and easily granted. But the truth is it's rarely necessary to ask for it- these are things Balthazar always wants to give.
For Balthazar, more than anything it's verbal reassurance. It's not enough to be close, to spend time together- he needs to hear that he's wanted. He wants to know that he's a choice, one made freely, that he's not just what Tristian has resigned himself to. Maybe some part of him is afraid because of his long, long history of transactional relationships- it's hard sometimes to internalize the idea of a relationship where no value needs to be proven and offered. And he's afraid that a better offer is out there: it's abundantly clear that Tristian wishes he could return to the life he had as a deva, and doubt seeps in that anything Balthazar has with Tristian is only because Tristian is trapped. So he wants to hear it: that he's wanted, that he's loved, that he's irreplaceable. Tristian is so terribly sincere, despite all the deception. It's reassuring to hear it voiced. But Balthazar himself is only half aware of this need, and he'd never ask for it if he came to understand what it was he wanted. It would feel like begging. It would be pathetic and too vulnerable several times over. He can get to it only halfway- teasing and baiting out affectionate words or gentle chiding, demanding that his partner be vocal in intimate moments- but there's always a hunger for something else, something he can't quite name.
32. How do their friends react to finding out they’re a couple? Do they have lots of mutual friends? Did their friends know, perhaps before they themselves did?
Obviously there's a significant shared social circle, even if not everyone in it could be described as "friends." ^^;; And it was certainly clear to most people in that circle that something was going on before there was any relationship cemented. There was a period where the two of them were suddenly spending much more time together and there was significantly less animosity between them than there had been previously. The shift may have been most noticeable with Balthazar- after all, this coincided rather cleanly with breaking things off with Regongar (accomplished by avoiding Reg until he got the message. Balthazar is an asshole). Regongar and Octavia were the first to put a name to Balthazar's side of things because of that (in not especially kind terms), although they certainly weren't alone. Tristian, on the other hand, was more of a mystery to most: although certainly not a friend, the person who clocked that one best would have been Nyrissa of all people. The pattern of her skylark's distraction wasn't hard to guess at- a frustrating obstacle with an increasingly useless pawn. This also makes Nyrissa possibly the only person who could tell that these feelings were indeed mutual.
The reaction to the news of the relationship could generously be described as lukewarm. Very, very generously. Everything came together very close on the heels of the betrayal and fallout, and between lingering tension regarding Tristian and some scattered concern about Balthazar's judgment in the wake of everything the general mood could be summed up as "wow! I don't know about this one, guys." Eventually the mood cooled into reluctant acceptance- after all, if two of the most drama prone people you know decide to date, who can stop them, really. Distinct award for least supportive goes jointly to Jaethal and Regongar. For Jaethal, becoming emotionally invested in Tristian was the worst mistake Balthazar had yet made- a mistake which boded ill for the future and she counseled him at every possible opportunity to correct. On Regongar's side of things there was lingering (and justified) resentment over being abandoned seemingly for Tristian. The person who could be most generously described as supportive would be Jhod, with the faint hope that maybe the two of them would keep one another in check. A relationship helps with the maturity, after all.
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Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
Genuniely can't tell if it's bait or not, but I'm going to treat this ask seriously anyway.
Here, have some examples of beautiful and poetic expressions of love in BL media!
I'm going to start with my favourite murder husbands, Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu from Word of Honor/Faraway Wanderers!
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This happens in episode nine, less than one third into the story- it's that early, they've known each other for like a week and are already able to tell they're meant to be. They've made their decision to be together, and over the course of the story:
They defend each other multiple times and fight side by side in multiple episodes, sometimes protecting their adopted kid/mentee Chengling as well
Zhou Zishu is willing to go against the whole martial arts society for his boyfriend. With zero hesistation, might I add.
They both know the other has done horrible things (lots of murder on both sides here) and that's not only okay, it's a big part of why they're soulmates and get each other so well!
Zhou Zishu is slowly dying (poisoned nails in his chest, long story) and Wen Kexing can and will risk his life to save him. Don't worry, they get a happy ending both in the show and the novel even if the show's last episode is behind a paywall and Netflix didn't even include it for some reason?
But enough about them, let's move on to the immortal fantasy genre boyfriends Hua Cheng and Xie Lian from Heaven Official's Blessing!
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Please note how Hua Cheng is ready to accept Xie Lian in whatever state he's currently in- as a god, a fallen outcast, even grieving and angry and at his absolute lowest. He's stood by Xie Lian in his worst moments, even if at the time Xie Lian had no idea it was him.
Hua Cheng has loved Xie Lian for 800 years, ever since he was a boy Xie Lian saved from falling to his death during a procession.
Xie Lian became a god, then fell due to horrible circumstances, almost committed a war crime against another nation that destroyed his country, spend 800 years wandering the mortal realm as a poor cultivator with his powers greatly reduced, and eventually ascended to become a god again. Throughout it all, Hua Cheng loved him and did his best to help him and then find him.
They're both adorable and the definition of a power couple once they're reunited- no spoilers, but they eventually fight an incredibly powerful god side by side and win & the last scene in the story is them reuniting for good since there's no more obstacles to their immortal love.
Let's move on to my favourite Japanese BL, Our Dining Table (also available as a series that came out semi-recently, but the examples below are from the manga.)
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Yutaka is a lonely salesman who meets Minoru, a restaurant worker and his much younger brother Tane grieving the death of their mother.
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Yutaka and Minoru hit it off by bonding through food they cook and share. The series is incredibly heartwarming, and as seen above Yutaka becomes a much happier person thanks to both his new relationship and big brother-like bond with little Tane.
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As a little bonus, the whole found family together!
This post can't be complete without Golden Stage (or Golden Terrace, as the English official translation calls it).
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Fu Shen and Yan Xiaohan aren't even in love at this point! This is at the beginning of the story, when their marriage has just been arranged by the emperor and they're still bitter rivals.
Yan Xiaohan is already protective of his future husband- later on, he also builds him a mansion meant to accommodate his disability (nerve damage in both legs, which requires a wheelchair and/or crutches). They're both incredibly powerful military generals, and the emperor was an idiot thinking an arranged marriage would humiliate them.
Of course they fall in love, of course they're a power couple, of course they send each other letters through trained geese when they're separated during the war, of course they run to each other as fast as they can across a wide cold river when they're finally reunited! Of course they're important to me!
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....Aaand how about some Wangxian to wrap up this post? They need no introduction, an absolutely wonderful and complex relationship in a complex fantasy/intrigue story available in several forms - the books, the animated series (as seen above), the live action series, the audio drama, there's so much!
Some of their most beautiful moments:
Lan Wangji writing a song for Wei Wuxian and naming it Wangxian. Years after it's composed, Wei Wuxian plays it and LWJ is able to recognise him even in a different body.
LWJ begs WWX to come with him to Cloud Recesses, to safety, after WWX makes himself an enemy of the whole cultivation world for protecting innocent people.
They confront the final villain together, and work together to expose his crimes. This is also when their final love confession happens, and it's hilarious- in front of everyone's salad, WWX declares he also wanted to sleep with LWJ.
Despite censorship, the animated series was still able to allude to their wedding, showing them in red wedding robes (unfortunately can't find a gif rn)
Respectfully, if you genuinely think BL doesn't have beautiful love confessions and displays of romance, you need to find better BL.
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 22nd:  First concert | Triumph of King Freak - Rob Zombie | Eager a/n: a missing scene from an older fic, counting stars (when I look in your eyes)! post-canon fix, eddie pov, established steddie, fluff with a dash of angst, mention of eddie's late mother read on ao3 + ao3 masterpost | tumblr masterlist
December, 1988
“Why does your acoustic have that written on it? ‘This Machine Slays Dragons’?” Steve asks as he watches Eddie strum without looking at his hands. It’s a bit mesmerizing, the way his fingers glide along the strings of their own accord. 
The song stops and Eddie slaps the body of the guitar in his lap. 
“This old girl is an homage to one Woody ‘This Machine Kills Fascists’ Guthrie. Ever heard of him?” 
“He did ‘This Land Is Your Land,’ right?”
Eddie claps his hands together and points two finger guns his way. “Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Yeah, he wrote that and a shit ton of other political critique folk music.” 
“I didn’t know you liked that sort of thing. Sounds pretty far removed from Metallica, y’know?”
“Only in delivery. You’d be surprised how much overlap there is in meaning. But yeah, my uh—” Eddie stops and pulls the guitar closer to his torso and swallows the dust in his mouth that’s gathered from years of not talking about his mother. “My mom was a big fan of it. She loved Guthrie, Baez, Dylan, Grateful Dead, Cohen. You name it, she loved it.” 
Steve’s heart tries to claw its way out of his body to run towards Eddie sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, timid smile, and fidgeting hands. 
“That’s really cool, man. She sounds awesome. How come you don’t talk about her more?” 
“It just—I don’t know. It still hurts, I guess. Which is stupid, I was eight when she died so it should get easier, right?” Eddie laughs humorlessly and stares at his strings like they hold answers to questions he didn’t know he had. He wants to crawl on top of Steve, desperate for warmth and comfort now, and looking at him makes the urge damn near impossible to beat back. So he doesn’t look up. 
Steve adjusts his position on the bed, subconsciously making room. “Hell no, that’s not how grief works, Ed. Wish it was that easy but I’ve seen a lot of death personally and with work, and it changes people. You can tell me to fuck off if I’m like, overstepping here but you were a kid. You’re allowed to be sad about her death, and you’re allowed to talk about it.” 
Eddie pauses for a long moment, considering the validation and how much he trusts Steve. He trusts him with his life, his soul, his heart, his  everything. Maybe everything could include his past, too. His voice is wistful when he starts.
“She used to sing Dylan’s ‘Forever Young’ around the house.”
December, 1974
Eddie sits cross-legged on the floor, threadbare couch behind him as he flips through a comic book gifted to him by his Uncle Wayne. The page crinkle with each turn and he traces the illustrations of each villain and superhero, the words a bit lost on him but the pictures jumping off of the page. Varying shades of saturated reds and blues disappear and reappear beneath his pointer finger and grins. He hasn’t read the story yet– he prefers to make up his own first– but he can see that the good guy is about to win. 
Happy endings are just so rare in real life. 
His mom is in the kitchen, singing softly and stirring something on the stove in a corroded aluminum pot. Eddie picks up the delicate scents of tomatoes and peppers, maybe some kind of meat. She’s been in a bright mood today, singing as she cooks, singing as she did her best to clean up the beer cans and bottles that litter the living room. Eddie even heard her singing in the shower that morning.
It’s not lost on him that his dad’s been gone for a few days. Hell, that’s the only reason he’s able to sit in the living room: there’s room for him. 
His dad is always too loud, drowning out the soft soprano of his mother’s voice. Everything she sings sounds like a lullaby, so it’s fitting that Eddie closes his eyes to listen. 
Eddie loves when his mom sings, especially the song she’s singing now. 
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
May you stay forever young
She never tells him, but he feels like she sings it just for him. 
November 1990
Steve hasn’t been this nervous to give Eddie a Christmas gift since that first Christmas of theirs two years ago. Funny enough, the gift then had been related to his late mother, too. Maybe he has a pattern. The envelope shakes in his hands as he sits next to Eddie on the couch– their couch, actually. At least as of a few months ago when they’d put down their down payment on the small, one-bedroom apartment in the heart of Indianapolis. 
Eddie glances over and sees Steve’s right hand nearly crumpling whatever his gift is, his fingertips white and his smile tight. Whatever it is must be time sensitive, since he’s insisted on giving it to Eddie so early. 
“What is it, Steve? You look like you’re gonna shit yourself.”
Steve laughs, nervous and breathy. “I actually might, and we just bought this couch, so. Just– here. Open it.”
He pries the envelope from Steve’s hand and tears it open, Steve having to caution him against ripping it in half and voiding the fucking the gift. Three rectangles fall out onto his lap, full of typewriter style font. 
“Oh shit, concert tickets!” Eddie smiles and knocks his knee against Steve’s. “Why were you so nervous? This is awesome!” 
Steve nods at the tickets. “Did you see who it is?”
Eddie’d been too excited about finally getting to a proper concert, one that he doesn’t have to set up and break down with Gareth, Jeff, and Frank. When he looks down and actually reads the headliner, his heart stops. 
University of Dayton Arena Presents: BOB DYLAN TUESDAY, NOV 13 1990 7:30 PM
“Steve… is this…?” He can’t find the words, buried and lodged behind the lump forming in his throat. 
Steve watches him carefully as he traces the letters with one finger, a habit he’s picked up on over the years, and gently rests a hand on his thigh and gives it a squeeze. “You okay?” 
Eddie nods. “Yeah, yeah, I’m definitely okay.” 
Okay is an understatement. He’s bewildered, he’s humbled, he’s ecstatic. When Eddie tears himself away from the small rectangles that sit on his lap like the gold bars they are, he looks at Steve with wonderment. First, the music box. Now, this. How is he ever going to keep up? 
“I know it’s your first concert but I saw that he was coming around and I just figured it’d be cool, y’know? I don’t know who he’s touring with or anything–” 
He does this, Steve knows. He knows that he rambles when he’s nervous or when he’s put himself out there and for some reason, giving Eddie these tickets feels incredibly vulnerable. Even years later, even after Eddie’s constant reassurance that he could never, Steve would hate for Eddie to think that he’s encroaching on special memories. 
Before he can finish his stream of thought, Eddie kisses him. Just leans over, tickets still in his lap, and claps both hands on either side of his cheeks as Eddie plants one on him. Then again. And again. And again. 
Eddie peppers every inch of Steve’s face with kisses, interjecting in between each one. 
“You’re–” Kiss to the nose. 
“So fucking–” Kiss to the cheek. 
“Perfect–” Kiss to the forehead. 
When he finishes, Eddie rests his forehead against Steve’s and wraps his arms around Steve’s neck, feeling them shake beneath him as Steve laughs. “Always so dramatic.” 
“And you love it. But, wait,” Eddie pulls back and picks the tickets back up. “Why are there three?” 
“Do you honestly think Wayne would ever speak to me again if I got tickets for Bob Dylan and didn’t include him? C’mon, man. Christmas would be so fucking awkward.”
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snootlestheangel · 11 months
The brain rot is attacking me so I’m sharing the love
GazRoach but with Asexual Roach
Yay, more brainrot!!
I'm going with the idea that Roach is a burn victim and so he sometimes he has issues feeling comfortable in his skin (cause I just cannot unsee him as such because of all the beautiful art and writings I've seen depicting him as such). This has nothing to do with his asexuality, he was ace before the accident!
(also somehow fucked up the formatting and deleted two whole questions and the answers so like sorry if the first few questions are kinda rushed. I was mad at myself cause I had already written the answers just to immediately delete them)
Who was the one to propose? Gaz. It was the cutest, sweetest, most beautiful thing and Roach refused to stop hugging him.
Who stressed more over wedding planning? Roach probably. He wants Gaz to have the best wedding ever, but Gaz couldn't care less about the circumstances, just the fact he gets to marry his best friend :)
Who decorated the house? Gaz has style and it definitely started out as him, but Roach keeps bringing in little knick-knacks so eventually, there are rooms where guests can tell Roach had a hand in it's decor
Who does the cooking? Both can cook pretty decently, so typically they take turns. However, Roach often cooks more than Gaz. I don't know why, I just feel like Roach, even though he's a menace, can really whip up some gourmet shit.
Who is more organized? Roach, actually. Gaz is plenty organized, as a result of years being in the military and needing to keep his shit tidy, but Roach is the actual organized one. Yeah, he's bug boy, bugs have very complex systems and maintain those with diligence. -Roach's motto
Who suggested kids first? Gaz, probably. They don't think they ever will have kids, but Gaz is the one to ask about it first.
Who's the big cuddler? Gaz, but sometimes he gets banished to the floor when Roach feels constricted.
Who's the big spoon/little spoon? Gaz is little spoon. Whatever you do, don't imagine Roach burying his face in between Gaz's shoulders after a really tough day and just holding onto Gaz like he's his very lifeline (he is), and don't picture Gaz humming a little bit cause he knows the vibrations calm Roach down. Don't imagine them falling asleep like this, don't imagine Gaz staying in bed well past the time he should all because Roach is sleeping so peacefully, still wrapped around him.
Favorite non-sexual activity? Everything. They're such adrenaline junkies, despite their traumas, and like to push each other. They're actually working on Gaz's absolute terror of heights, bit by bit. Gaz wants to be able to ride a roller-coaster again without having flashbacks :')
Who comes home drunk at 3am? I don't see either of them being really heavy drinkers like this, if I'm being honest. Unless Soap is there and offers to drive both back to their place, neither really gets drunk.
Who kills the spiders? Gaz wants to kill them but Roach refuses to let him. Bugs are friends :) *Roach is very much committed to the bit*
Who falls asleep first? Gaz. I feel like he's so normal about things like that. Like he can just easily fall asleep, whereas Roach is laying there thinking about that ant he stepped on earlier.
A head-canon? Roach, being a burn victim, has a pretty tough time every now and then feeling like he fits in his skin. It doesn't help he's definitely got some Sensory Processing Issues, and so sometimes he really wants to claw off his skin. His burns do cover a good portion of his torso and upper legs. Sometimes when people give him a hard time about being ace, cause we all know there's those assholes, he just uses the excuse of his burns to make them uncomfortable. He came out ace well before the incident, but we all know he's not been taken seriously until he started blaming it on the incident. The two are still pretty intimate with each other; Roach loves when Gaz applies the creams/meds to his scarring, mostly cause the whole time Gaz is whispering praise in his ear, saying how proud he is, how pretty Roach is, etc. Not to mention, some of the places are hard for him to reach, and there's scarring up near his crotch (which is incredibly uncomfortable on Roach's bad days when he's reminded a lot of his skin isn't technically his own and he's overtly aware of the sensation of Gaz's hands on him), and so sometimes there's a lot of reassurance on both sides, from Roach saying he's good to keep going, and from Gaz to say "just a bit more, Bug, okay? You're doing good" Roach adores Gaz's physique, and is constantly photographing him; there's so many photos of Gaz in all sorts of different circumstances. The fall/cozy sweater pictures that are scattered around the flat, the ones of Gaz in the snow, or shirtless in the bright summer sun just looking like he's thriving. There's a secret stash of all of the nudes Roach has taken of Gaz. They're all so artistic and beautiful and non-sexualized photos of Gaz just simply ~Existing~ and those photos are Roach's most prized possessions. Roach just loves when Gaz isn't wearing clothes in general, and he's definitely stealing all his shirts so Gaz has 'no choice' but to walk around shirtless. Roach's favorite time of year is gray sweatpant season cause he gets the perfect view of Gaz's hips, the lines leading down and disappearing underneath his pants, the way Roach can still see the very minute dimples on Gaz's lower back, just visible above his pants.
Do they have any "rituals"? Only the process of applying creams/meds to Roach's burn areas. Gaz puts on a whole theatric basically to help put Roach into a good mood, and Gaz has to have the right playlist, the right stuff to cover the rather unpleasant scent of the medication cream, etc. (this is kind of a stressful thing for Roach, he's still pretty sensitive in certain areas/easy to trigger cause the trauma is still relatively fresh)
Who has the most patience? Gaz, most definitely. He's still glaring at you if you're annoying him, but it'll take a while before he ever loses his cool. Roach is just feral :D
Gif that sums up the relationship?
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The silliest of sillies :)
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alice-ness · 4 months
*holding my hands out aggressively*
Please I am so content starved it is not even funny, I want the hight school headcanons PLEASE
I love all of them but it I had to chose for only a few I would say gimme Chip and Leaf please
Also I like that one fic u have with Logainne, and Chip, and Leaf, it's really awesome, I'm that one person who commented begging you to please continue the fic and not drop it
K that's it, hope u have a good day byeeeeee
hi!!! tysm for asking here's highschool headcanons for chip and leaf! ((and sorry it took a while) 🙏🙏 ALSO im so glad u like the fic i will try to finish it but it might be a little while #busybee
in this au they all are in similar grades bc i thought abt trying to make it work in canon but it just doesn't rip
chip tolentino
- goes to highschool with marcy, leaf, and marigold
- yes he is incredibly tortured by seeing her all the time lol
- in his freshman year he had a random slump and kind of just did nothing and sulked around all the time (post child boy scout burnout/gifted kid burnout)
- like his grades were... whatever but he didn't talk to anyone and didn't do any extra curriculars
- his parents got tired of him being so suddenly lethargic-teenager so they made him join track
- he's actually really good at it, and eventually (not freshman year but eventually) he's semipopular in an awkward way where people know him but he doesn't TALK to all those people
- does really embarrassing dares with his track teammates. He's not necessarily pressured so much as he gets really into it in the moment LOL
- i put this in the fic but he ran into leaf at a club fair and they hang out now lol
- and leaf hangs out with logainne so he started hanging out with logainne
- and he has some classes with marcy and they were both in a school-rut so they bonded
- wasn't for a while that leaf naturally got the whole spelling bee group hanging out together but that was incredibly weird for chip ... bc... it's kind of weird in general
- especially hanging with barfee but they make up and they're homies (who play argue and play brawl)
- had to do a creative writing unit and discovered he's really good at that too but he's kinda embarrassed about it
- he likes like typical story writing and also nostalgic poems but he's even more embarrassed about that
- he and olive once made eye contact at a creative writing contest he went to without telling anyone and now she wards his secret
- one summer marcy got really into skateboarding and chip tried it out too to be supportive but he ate shit every. Single. time.
- chip learned to drive his junior year and really wanted a sports car but he got a shitty hand me down dad car
- one time marcy called him like "hey can you pick me up" nd he was like "from where" and she's like. "from san francisco?'
- bro how did u even get there
- he does it anyway tho
- they're like besties and they go on a lot of late night snack missions
- if they watch scary movies he will be screaming and crying and she'll be like "oh my god pay attention"
- has a crush on like every single girl he talks to
- sometimes they overlap with logainne's crushes and it's very awkward, especially bc he listens to her disaster lesbian rants at every sleepover
- he grows a really shitty puberty stache he's very proud of and EVERYONE (minus leaf who is unconditionally supportive) BEGS him to shave it
- his dad sits him down like Son. What are you doing.
- ramen and hotpockets diet (if he wanted to cook he'd be good at it tho)
- also this is just me projecting but he's filipino cuz i say so (and my word is law bc it's AAPI month /j)
- 5'5 forever... he constantly prays it'll change
- is really good at dioramas
- goes to school dances to complain in the corner the whole time about the music and the food
- could be misconstrued as mysterious but he's just awkward
- most indecisive person of all time and makes it everyone else's problem
leaf coneybear
- not ALL of his siblings made the switch to public school for high school but some did, including marigold (and pinecone who is older than them)
- it was a hard switch but it doesn't take long to find his crowd bc he's a naturally charismatic person
- his crowd is theater kids. he really loves improv and straight plays, he loves musicals too but he doesn't have great rhythm LOL
- he also LOVES helping make costumes, and in junior/senior year he's on the board
- still likes to make some of his own clothes
- was always tall for his age but had a growth spurt before freshman year and he's like. 6'1 LOL he's a stringbean
- sneaks both his cats and logainne into his school
- yes admin is tired but damn are his cats cute
- logainne is his best friend for literal life they are inseparable and will find any reason to hang out
- kind of an energy drink addict (they're not allowed in his house but he WILL drink too many anywhere else if u don't watch out and then crash and feel sick)
- (sidenote he HAS calmed down some but he can still be distractable and is still rlly high energy. Some days he takes to just completely slow down and veg out tho which is nice) (like pretty much he just won't stomp around and roar or whatever in the middle of sentences like in im not that smart 😭)
- on the complete opposite end of that he's also an organic fruit smoothie addict
- he also loves to bake and he's REALLY good at it but his younger siblings aren't allowed sugar so he will spontaneously get a bunch of ingredients and then show up at his friends' houses late at night to borrow their kitchen
- he tries to "spread the love" by doing this equally at all his friends places
- olive is his #1 baking buddy tho!
- also speaking of siblings he's the best older brother ever and he doesnt really like to be home but he'll spend time with his siblings
- .... his parents just keep havin babies
- anyway he's not as good at cooking bc it bores him so he'll get distracted and let things burn whoops
- tons of sleepovers at logainnes he's like a son to her dads
- gets a giant van to drive all his friends around in, it's decked out
- fixes holes in his friends clothes
- they all have a million friendship bracelets bc he just gets sappy and makes more or forgets he made one
- keeps everything ever given to him
- loves interactive science museums where u get to touch stuff more than ANYYYYTHIIIING. He will get lost in the dino bones
- and loves nature and hikes but mainly to look at bugs
- is the king of poster projects in class
- wasn't allowed to watch horror movies as a kid so logainne showed him some classic his freshman year and he literally couldn't sleep for a week but now he likes them, just mostly the campy stuff
- so stuff like little shop, rocky horror, r his the musicals bc it's cheesy campy horror AND theater!
- also first got social media like freshman/sophomore year and he just posts poorly taken pictures and occasionally answers his friends dms
- junior year on, a good amount of his theater peers develop like silly little crushes on him but he's completely oblivious and chip is just so jealous bc he gets no bitches
- he's the glue of the 25th annual kids bc he sort of just naturally started hanging out w them individually again and was like Oh shit why don't we all just hang out
- he is the only person marcy will cuddle
- (on that note he's the group teddy bear)
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apotodiplodocus · 1 year
Tumblr media
- less "damaged" than Canon Gyutaro, as in his trauma is different
- wouldn't have expectations, believes they are dangerous. in his mind an expectation leads to pain or worse pain. Expect someone to hurt you they will! Expect someone to like you? they don't! its just easier for him to adapt to whatever happens
- in his teen years he hadn't taken on this philosophy yet and was angry, lashing out often so unless you had an 'in' with him (eg. already being friends with ume or someone he knows from childhood) there would be no getting close to him
- would have an interest in music and would probably know bits and pieces of how to play one instrument but wouldn't have time for it around Ume and jobs/school
- wouldn't have an ideal type of person, doesn't think he would be in a relationship so he would've only thought about it in his teen years but would have only thought about the beauty standard of the time. In his late twenties though he'd be happy with anyone that showed interest in him
- not to say he'd accept just anyone, they'd need to be someone he already considered a friend that he could trust and he knew could get along with Ume, if they were a stranger in a club or something he would just scoff and tell them to piss off
- would have dyed his hair green in solidarity with Ume when she was in highschool just to piss off authority figures (she dyed her hair and pissed off the principal and to show his support when the principal called him in he also dyed his hair) but they both kept it because they liked how it made them look more alike
- can't cook to save his life, and neither can ume do they mostly settle for ready meals or oven pizzas, they'll still burn them every now and then
- in my version of the human au (the one I use mostly) gyutaro would have been 18 when his mother died and Ume anywhere from 4-6 which is different from what I think of the Canon (as I believe gyutaro would have been somewhere between 7-9 when his mother died) and he would have been working from as soon as he could, like 14 or smth, so he would have saved enough to get a really shirty little flat and would fight tooth and nail to keep Ume with him even dressing formally for court dates and being polite
- he would become a bit of a neat freak, always aware that child protective services could arrive unannounced and take Ume away because of 'Squalor' so he would have daily, weekly and monthly cleaning routines he'd do without fail because he wouldn't even think of risking Umes security with him
- would fall in with a bad crowd (Muzan and Co) just to make ends meet and fully support Ume's wants and needs. he doesn't actually give a shit about anyone in that group and has his own moral code (no sexual violence to anyone and no violence against children) he'd quit before he compromised them
Thought I'd try something quick, I'm open to other characters if anyone was ever interested!
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animentality · 8 months
I am obsessed with the idea of Durge getting Enver’s contract for him or the two of them breaking in to get it back together, it’s SO good, BUT. Something I can’t get past with it is the idea that Enver would even DARE leave the House of Hope without it in the first place? I am struggling to imagine this man just living day to day with any real confidence, or semblance of relative normalcy if he knew that Raphael still had his contract. Like lol maybe his no-fear coat is just THAT good but like. With that hanging over his head? Knowing that he’s still ultimately owned? Again the drama is so good but I don’t think he could stand it.
Basically when I first started planning my fic I imagined a flashback scene in the House of Hope where Raphael torments Enver by opening a portal to Baldur’s Gate right in front of him, telling him he’s 100% free to go, but all Enver can do is stand there with his fists clenched because as desperate as he is, he absolutely will NOT leave this place without his fucking contract, he won’t let himself leave until he’s actually free of Raphael once and for all because he is just too terrified. What if this is just a trick anyway? Or Raphael lets him leave, and just when he starts to let his guard down, drag him back to the hells again? So Raphael basically forces Enver to tell him he wants to stay and then closes the portal in front of him, you know, run of the mill psychological torture stuff, whatever. And then however many years later Enver runs Baby’s First Heist, finds his contract, and gets the fuck out with Hope’s help. (LONG story, not relevant lol, but yeah.)
But like I said, I love the idea of Durge getting it for him as a gesture too and want to explore that, in a different timeline or whatever. So I guess my question is, how do you think Enver could handle knowing Raphael still has a contract on him for that many years? Maybe he doesn’t know it still exists until he starts working with Zariel, and learns about it through her people somehow? Or maybe he bargained his way out of the HoH, signing a different contract with Raphael that isn’t as scary but he’d still prefer it shredded?
Ok see.
First off. I LOVE the idea of Raphael taunting the fuck out Gortash, by opening the portal back to Baldur's Gate, but knowing Gortash can't actually go through it, and even if he did, he'd still be tied to the House of Hope.
that's some sick shit, and it's a GREAT idea, and i fully encourage more raphael mind tricks, because they'd absolutely be canon AND so very very angsty and delicious.
But uh...
As for if he'd ever leave the House of Hope without it...
I think so?
Because he was never going to escape of his own volition. Nubaldin specifically mentions that he made a mistake, and that's the only reason Gortash got out.
So yes, he absolutely left his contract behind.
And honestly?
That's why he's so fucking terrified, and has to wear that coat all the time.
Otherwise the anxiety would get to him.
Knowing that when he dies, that's where he'll end up.
On Gortash's body, there's a note from Helsik, which implies that he wanted to go back to the House of Hope...
And I think that definitely means he wanted to go back to get his contract.
And it's like...such a crying shame that they couldn't cook Baldur's Gate 3 for any longer.
Because I think he was always meant to be in the House of Hope.
And you could free him, and give him his contract back...
But alas.
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korrasamibottles · 7 months
hey hey!!😄 which of your WIPs are you most excited about?
Hello!! Thanks for asking, it's really nice to know people are interested💖 In true me fashion, I can't actually decide....so I'll talk about two!
1. Homophobic Naga. This is just a silly goofy brainless horny time to be honest. Basically Naga gets kicked out of the room so Korrasami can [redacted] and then afterward she starts acting weird. The only explanation is that she's secretly harboring less-than-friendly feelings toward the two of them....right? More Homophobic Naga lore can be found here!
2. Asami Angst. Asami is soooo fascinating to me because she's got so much going on beneath the surface and it barely gets addressed in canon. Based on how she interacts with everyone else, I think she's very used to pushing her own needs to the side for the sake of others, and I don't think she ever got a chance to properly mourn her mother because she was forced her to be her father's grief councilor. And then he tried to murder her. And then her friends disappeared from her life for three years. And then she had to watch her dad get crushed to death.
She has so much unaddressed trauma, she's endured so much loss and loneliness, she has more compassion than she knows what to do with, and she feels things very deeply while also being extremely repressed (which is part of why I think Korra–who expresses herself often, loudly, and without shame💖💖💖–is such a good match for her).
Long story short, my Asami Angst wip is an attempt to pick her brain and give her the space to unpack some of her shit while also coming to terms with her feelings for Korra. I can't tell you when it will be done (I love Asami and I want to do it right, so if that means letting things cook indefinitely....well) but I CAN tell you it will have a happy ending. Because they both deserve it.
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irlbkgs · 15 days
✍️🛌💘🎞️💌 for the ask game! i know it’s a lot so feel free to skip any you want :]
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom treat you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
for nicky, he'd probably be polarizing. people would either love him or hate him. he's very loud, he talks a lot, he's a sarcastic prick and quite frankly he's not really good at anything survival wise. he was born into a rich family in vermont, he maybe went fishing once or twice as a child and he knew how to cook bc he moved out at 18 and lived the college dorm life for a couple years, but he's no good at fishing regardless and his cooking was mostly ready made meals or pantry staples. eventually (probably around prison era) he'd get more useful but at first people would probably find his constant talking and his all bark no bite (bc even if he will throw the first punch he cannot fight for shit) attitude annoying. he'd probably have a small subset of people who really relate to him tho cause even if he was rich he basically never saw his parents, he was verbally abused whenever they were around and he has the most obvious audhd and bpd known to man. his fans would be diehard for him until he eventually became more useful and people stopped hating him so much.
for kennie, it really depends. if emma was still in gen v and still played the role of like. finding sam and taking care of him, people would not like kennie, she'd def come out of left field and ruin that ship. if emma wasn't there or played a different/more minor role and was just like sam's best friend, then people might still prefer that ship, or maybe even ship all three of them, but kennie would be liked as a character even without the two. she's very hard headed and argumentative which would cause people to like her less, but she can be very doting when she wants to be. she's a bit of a control freak and she definitely mother hens those she cares about but it all comes from a place of love.
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
for irvixon it'd be hurt/comfort, domestic fluff and miscommunication. nicky can't communicate for shit and daryl cannot fucking stand it even if he's also not the best at communication.
for samken it'd be hurt/comfort (again), sick fic, fix-it fic and fluff. everyone loves seeing sam get hurt what can i say?
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
irvixon is def controversial for the age gap its like 20 years give or take depending on what age people see daryl as since he doesn't have a canon one but is at least 40 in the early seasons and 50 in the later with nicky being 24 at oldest in s1. besides that there's the obvious issue of caryl which is understandly popular and connie/daryl in the later seasons which has its appeal. and besides that nicky and daryl just have very different personalities, ways of acting and communicating, they have very different motivations, etc, etc. it's very much opposites attract but that doesn't appeal to everyone 🤷‍♀️ the people who get it GET IT tho. nicky has wanted to jump that man's bones since the cdc and then developed a crush during the farm era and he does not give up on flirting with him even when he starts to think daryl will never reciprocate. he's like so obsessively in love it's sickening, he follows him around like a lost puppy and listens to his every word when he won't listen to anyone else. and daryl has always had an obvious soft spot for nicky, he's like if a baby deer was also 6'3" and had no volume control or brain to mouth filter. daryl's always gone out of his way to protect him, at first just bc he knew he was weak but eventually it was just instinct and he didn't know why but he needed to keep him safe. at some point he realizes it's because he sees nicky as a safe, constant presence in his life, somebody who won't take bullshit from anyone and will tell him when he's fucking up, but will also let him fuck up without abandoning him.
samken might be a little controversial just bc it's sort of the born sexy yesterday trope (and thats on the show not me!!!) and kennie is like, obviously the dominant one in their relationship so people might take that as her taking advantage of his nïavity but it's like. literally not that deep like he's an adult who knows what he wants and she's literally just helping him have a normal life for the first time since he was a child. all she wants is for him to be safe and to see a therapist and get some meds but she also really loves and cares for him regardless. she really just wants him to be happy and healthy, god forbid.
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
irvixon would have a plethora bc nicky really is like a puppy just helplessly following daryl and trying to get with him. i think ones that would stand out would be nicky staying with daryl after andrea shoots him and just playing nurse, daryl carrying nicky over his shoulder on multiple occasions when nicky gets too close to getting bit (man's just runs in and scoops him up like it's no big deal even tho nicky is so much taller), nicky getting the flu and daryl going crazy over it or them moving in together as soon as they get to alexandria.
samken would have a lot less moments given the fact that there's only 1 season out of gen v at the moment but they'd still have some small ones. kennie would cook for sam and then try to teach him as she weant, sam would sleep like a baby with his head in her lap like halfway through watching movies together on his first or second night hiding in the dorms, they'd go shopping together once or twice and she'd give him the most ridiculous disguise. stupid shit like that.
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?
irvixon in the early seasons is definitely giving damsel and prince but in later seasons is just. kill for each other. the dynamic would def shift from silly and simple, something born from nicky's desires but also lack of abilities, to more deep and founded on trust and bloodshed. people probably focus way too much on nicky being really forward with daryl and how he seems desperate at times and not enough on how daryl thinks its funny and endearing before he starts to reciprocate and then he just gets really blushy and embarrassed about it. he doesn't know how to respond to genuine flirting when it's someone he actually wants to be with.
samken is portrayed a lot like hmm...wife guy meets girl who gets what she wants, when she wants it. sam is head over heels for this kind of bitchy, demanding girl who's half his size but could still rip off his head if she really wanted. he's not used to being around people who can both match him ability wise and can tell him what to do without triggering him but she does it in just the right way to where he feels safe and protected. i think people would focus on how she tells him what to do frequently and just completely ignore the fact that a lot of the time he needs that structure. sure, she can be bossy, but if he told her to stop she would stop. he likes being told what to do tho, at least when it's simple things that just help him with routine and stability which is what he really needs. kennie helps him remember to take care of himself, helps him get to bed on time, helps him remember to shower and brush his teeth, get dressed in the morning, eat regularly. sure, a schedule can't fix all his problems, but it can at least help him feel more put together and lessen some of his symptoms while he's unmedicated (cause imo he probably has a lot of comorbidities that would get worse if he just didn't do the basics)
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whump-card · 1 year
I'm baaaaaaaaack!
Introducing: Sunless Lives Interludes!
Interludes are canonical but not-super-plot-relevant scenes. The number indicates where in the timeline they fall, or when they can safely be read without spoilers.
I am now taking prompts for these! I've never taken prompts before, I'm excited to know what people want expanded upon, or what character interactions you want to see. This one might be fluff, but they don't all have to be!
Without further preamble, here's Interlude 10.1: He Was a Joth.
“I was thinking. I told you my life story. Now I want to hear yours.”
Simon smiled at Matthew brightly, unphased by his mention of that dark night when he had poured his trauma out for Matthew. They sat cross-legged together on Simon’s floor, leaning against the couch and eating pasta alla norma that Matthew had made.
“Like, how did you learn how to cook?” Simon continued, taking a bite.
“My mom,” Matthew said, somewhat hesitantly. Simon glanced at him, sensing he’d stumbled upon a sore spot, but Matthew shrugged.
“I always cooked with her when I was little. She’s Italian - like, actually Italian, and she moved back to Italy when my parents divorced when I was…” He squinted, dredging up the dates. “Eleven, I think? I didn’t see her for a while, which was hard, but once I was old enough to travel alone I started flying out to see her every other year. Still do. We’re okay I guess, not super close anymore.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s alright. But yeah, I learned a lot of cooking from her, and it’s remained an interest of mine. I took culinary classes as an elective in college.”
Simon lifted a pasta-laden fork.
“Did they also teach you exclusively Italian dishes?” he smirked.
“No!” Matthew said, humorously overdefensive, “I just like Italian cooking.”
Simon giggled, which made Matthew flush red.
“What were you like as a kid?” Simon asked next.
“As a little kid, boring,” said Matthew, “I liked cars and airplanes and pretending to be a VIU agent.”
“Then I did get a little weird when I was a teenager.”
Simon’s eyes lit up.
“Weird how?”
“Well, I was sad about my mom leaving, and I was starting to have feelings about boys, so I got really moody, and… kinda emo. Kinda goth.” Matthew couldn’t help but smile.
Simon leaned forward with a delighted grin.
“You’re kidding.”
“I’m not! And the extra weird part was that I was this massive football player too, so I was living this double life where I would leave football practice to go headbang in some kid’s garage.”
“So you were a goth and a jock. A joth, if you will.” Simon cackled, “You know what, I see it, you still wear all black most of the time.”
“Oh my God,” Matthew groaned, “And there are these pictures of me with my goth friends where it’s a gaggle of twiggy little teens and then just me, looming like emo Hulk in the background.”
Simon nearly choked on his food.
“I need to see those pictures.”
“You will, you will!” Matthew promised, “When you meet my dad, he’ll show you albums full of embarrassing shit.”
Simon stilled.
“You want me to meet your dad?”
“Uh, yeah?” Matthew said, like it was obvious.
“We’ve only been dating for like, two weeks.” Simon smiled shyly.
“You don’t have to meet him if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to, I just…” Simon wiggled his shoulders and grinned. “You like meee,” he gloated.
“Duh.” Matthew leaned forward and Simon eagerly met him with a quick kiss. They stayed there nose-to-nose for a moment, just smiling at each other, before Matthew sat back and asked:
“Tell me about your books.”
“My books?” Simon blinked.
Matthew nodded at Simon’s bookshelf.
“You have Lord of the Rings and stuff… Did you always read a lot?”
Simon looked away, but he smiled a little.
“My dad would read to me a lot when I was little, always fantasy. Kid-appropriate stuff, obviously, I branched out more when I moved here and could spend my own money.”
Matthew turned to run his eyes over the titles, and couldn’t help his curiosity.
“I haven’t read it, but I know Game of Thrones has a lot of, like… sexual violence. Does that bother you?”
Simon was surprisingly receptive to the question.
“Every once in a while, but not usually. It’s different when it’s fiction. It can be…” He paused, searching for the right word. “Cathartic.”
Matthew nodded.
“That’s good. I’m glad you have that.”
Simon ducked his head, smiling.
“Yeah, I don’t have a lot of other interests outside of work, just reading, and running, and... stuff.” He glanced at the TV console where his fashion magazines were stowed away in semi-secrecy.
“I could teach you to cook,” Matthew offered.
“Thanks, but… I don’t really like cooking. Sorry.” Simon’s brow furrowed.
“That’s okay,” Matthew said easily, “Do you… want to talk about it?”
Simon considered, but shook his head, sitting up straight with a smile.
“Nah. I don’t want to ruin the vibe.”
“Okay. Let me know if you ever do.” Matthew leaned forward for another kiss. This one lasted a little longer.
“You done eating?” Simon breathed.
“I could be.”
“My room?”
Matthew nodded.
“Oh yes.”
Taglist (let me know if you don't want to be on the taglist for these specifically!): @flowersarefreetherapy @pigeonwhumps @sunshiline-writes @seasaltandcopper
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ambersky0319 · 1 year
Alright I need to destress AND kickstart my memory of nnt so! Gonna do a rewatch and write out some thoughts (inspired by @spacehostilityy and their rewatch posts, go check 'em out! 💜)
Gonna be using the tag #amber rewatches nnt btw ^^
Also might talk about Eternal a bit idk yet but keep in mind the rewatch is also to help me write that 😅 also also doing each post by episode because I ramble far too much at every little thing.
Enjoy the rambles!
Episode 1
Honest to god forgot about those flying sting ray things, and especially forgot they're one of the first things we see in the show!
The art? For the opening sequence?? Is so cool????
Like those things that can shapeshift in the forest Diane hides in are in there? And MAYBE Gerheade? Idk about her but one of the fairies look a LOT like her/has a dress very similar to the one we see her wear AND she's bigger than the other fairies
And are there any demons with feathered wings besides the blue bird like things? Because if not there's an armored character with wings like the goddesses (who only have 1 pair of wings in the art) on the DEMON side. Probably just digging into this too deep, but it'd be REALLY cool if that was foreshadowing Estarossa/Mael
I really wish Elizabeth had muscles and wasn't CONSTANTLY portrayed as being physically pretty weak (at least that's how it comes across to me - in fights she's constantly told to run/is never given any chance TO fight physically). Because she literally can't be?
Like Elizabeth has been walking REAL FAR in that armor and it is DEFINITELY not light. Do you know the strength she'd have to have to move that? She also slumps in it and her footsteps are slow/small so it IS weighing her down but the fact that she can move in it as far as she has - and probably up and down hills too without falling - is impressive
Anyway reminder to myself to show Elizabeth being physically strong in my fics from now on. This is canon now and no one can fight me.
Also the shot of Elizabeth on the hill in the armor with the sun glaring through?? It's such a gorgeous shot??????
Meliodas may be a shit cook but damn is he a pretty good server
Like mans got the entire tavern full and he's serving it basically alone cause Hawk cleans the scraps doesn't serve people booze and every customer is pretty happy and having fun (until they have the food lol)
Wonder at which point in time the whole telling your children "if you keep misbehaving one of the seven deadly sins will come for you in armor that's rusty from blood" because it HAD to be in the past 10 years, right? Unless people were saying that while they were still respected holy knights in which case,,,, ooof
But I'd assume a little after Zaratras was first killed
But also I wouldn't put it past this dude maybe coming up with it to scare his children lol he seems like a tired dad type
And here comes all the parts I hate
The groping and sexualization
Elizabeth is like. Fucking 16. And Meliodas DEFINITELY knows that. And just. Ugh
I do like Elizabeth in this color tho- the dark blue really suits her! It's why her uniform post-Meliodas' death is my favorite of all her outfits
How many talking pigs are there in Britannia??? Because Hawk's from purgatory and I figured THAT was why he could talk
And many other people get super confused/shocked by Hawk talking so it can't be common
When Elizabeth said with the most dejected face "no" after he asked if her father got her a talking pig Meliodas looked momentarily like "that bitch."
Let's be real he would've totally gotten her a talking pig somehow
Then he instant switches the conversation to try making her feel better 💜💜💜💜
I'm sorry, the order of WHAT?
"the Order of the Beard of the Mountain Cat"
Is this a translation error? Because if not... I have found my new favorite order and I am no longer worried about naming things in my own stories with ridiculous things
(also btw I watch in Japanese with English subs)
Wonder how the Boar Hat got so popular in this town in a matter of days. Like the booze is good sure but how tf did people find that out and who was the first person courageous enough to go poking around
Yknow. I'm surprised they didn't believe Hawk was the rust knight. I mean, the people who reported it had to be drunk right? Who's to say they weren't so drunk they mistook a pig in armor as the rust knight?
Damn Elizabeth is pretty agile! She's running across roots and jumping over things pretty efficiently!
Like as clumsy as she is, she still got some skills that they NEVER UTILIZE!
I forget if we go over how Hawk and Meliodas met/how far we go into their backstory
Like is he in on Meliodas being a Sin/previous Holy Knight or does he really just not know? (because there's no way Meliodas isn't at least a little wary of Holy Knights himself, hiding for 10 years no matter how in plain sight he is)
I mean. Elizabeth. Sweetheart. Your dad IS laid up in bed sick. It just so happens that the holy knights ALSO arrested the rest of your family and refuse to get your dad help (I think? Cause Merlin has to magically treat the king for his illness later and I assume the holy knights would be wary of letting a doctor treat him. Maybe Vivian was treating him?)
Unless Elizabeth didn't know her father was sick. In which case. Oooooooof. What a reunion later if that's true
Meliodas 🤝 Zuko : "That's rough buddy"
I forget what crime Merlin committed, because Elizabeth says the Sins are "composed of seven terrible criminals" unless she's not actually a criminal when they formed at least
Ahhh that's right, Elizabeth probably wouldn't remember the sins well because they had to leave when she was 6-
Although I wonder if Meliodas also tried to make himself scarce around her once she got to the age where she would retain memories better to avoid the curse activating somehow? Because I have a shit memory but most people do tend to remember things, even vaguely, from the ages 3-6 (my friends and I all have our earliest memory around 2-3)
Meliodas stiff as a board falling when Twigo attacked lmao-
It does make me happy to see some knights in Britannia, even if they're not Holy Knights, try to confront Holy Knights. Sure they backtrack but like, who wouldn't in the face of that power?
Twigo got awesome eyesight to see Elizabeth's earring from that far, nevermind it's DESIGN. Like damn I got 20/20 vision but I doubt I'd ever SPOT that
I was gonna say how tf did Allioni realize it was Meliodas/how would he see Meliodas' tattoo but going back his shirt was already ripped in that general area so! Continuity win!
He be shitting his pants too lol man was holding the most dangerous Sin up and yelling in his face, and he's SEEN what the sins can do
Wonder if he retired after this. I wouldn't blame him
Also Twigo recognizes his face? And says "how can you look exactly the same as you did that day" Was he the old guard that showed Allioni the Sins' carnage? Or was he a Holy Knight that survived that attack?
I guess he also could've just been an apprentice Holy Knight too that recognized him but asking that question to me hints that Twigo tried fighting the Sins with everyone else
Netsujou no Spectrum is such a great song too. The NNT soundtrack is amazing
Is the tavern a recent development for Meliodas??? What was he up to before getting the tavern but after going into hiding?
This also brings up how I really don't remember what time in his backstory he meets Hawk. I just remember they met in jail
This town is in the boonies Twigo how long do you expect this trio to wait until you can not only get a message to the capital, but receive reinforcements??
Mama Hawk best murderer
Oh nvm she missed :/
"Was our meeting chance or Providence?" man I wish I could say for sure it was chance and she got damn lucky (it'd be cool imo to explore how things would've gone if she'd found one of the others first) but. With the curse and all... There's a VERY good chance it was Providence
"I hope it's a real one this time" - Gilthunder
Okay so... When does he get in contact with King then? I'm pretty sure we SEE them interact around Ban escaping Baste but like. Gilthunder would have to know that's where King was before that. When do the Holy Knights find and make a deal with King?
And that's my thoughts going through Episode One!
Don't know how often I'm gonna do these, maybe after Wednesday I'll do a lot more? Idk we'll see
If you made it this far, you're awesome! Lmk who your favorite character is and I'll do a quick drawing of them for you if you want 💜
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unethicalmorals · 6 months
Focusing on Rabbit and Pink you say👀👀👀👀👀 interesting
Side note I'm really glad to hear your thinking about Rabbit- Female characters tend to get sidelined a whole lot ESPECIALLY on ao3 so it's relieving to know she's on your mind. May her days be yuriful and possibly traumatizing❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I see those comments about Dove being Restless👁)
Marking down my calendar that's labeled "DAYS TILL BISHOP GETS FUCKED" marking down my other calender that's labeled "DAYS TILL LUCKY/BISHOP CHAPTER"
HE WAS SO SO SOOOOO EXCITED TO GET A NEW CREWMATE HE WAS SO READY TO STICK BY THEIR SIDE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE GUY IT WAS SO CUTE I LOVE BISHOP🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚💚💚 But it also makes me notice that the crew had a VERY different reaction to their other crewmate dying compared to Dove😭😭😭 I know it was for plot purposes so we could have an idea of what they were like before shit hit the fan, though it's so funny to me cuz I just imagine that their last crewmate was just so fucking annoying that none of them really cared when they died- like oh fuck finally that guys gone thank God. Or they died in a way that was kinda funny so it canceled out any grief they could've felt
Lucky getting some (very little) well-needed rest....... I imagine him in his crew in a bug stupid cuddle pile after a long day.... or maybe they finish quota early so they all relax and just talk to each other for a while...... they get longer than 3 hours of sleep for once...... peace and love that will never truly be reached OUUUUUUGGGHHHHH
Glad to have heavily contributed to the slutification of Bishop🫡 the bottom bitchification of that guy🫡🫡 the whorinization of this man🫡🫡🫡
*cut to Bishop tied up and gagged and sobbing on the floor with like 3 vibrators in his ass* Lucky: Wow this guy really just let's me do fucking whatever to him huh (I'm insane. I'm insane. I need that man Whimpering and pathetic)
Anyways excited for the next chapter :3 sitting on a counter and kicking my feet cutesy with my hands in my lap :333
Let me cook, let me cook-- I have some fun plans for those two that are gonna be really fun!! ^-^ (I AM PUTTING THEM IN A BLENDER AND MAKING PINK SOUP) Honestly Pink is gonna interact with everyone in an interesting way and I'm excited for some of these upcoming chapters that involve him >:)
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AND RABBIT--- RABBIT MY GIRL IS GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! 🤭🤭🤭 (She needs to blow off some steam, y'know?) 🤭🤭🤭
Yeahhh, I've seen that happen a lot and I don't want to do my girls dirty like that!! 😭(I have not done myself any favours by killing off two girls and making Rabbit a late-game player in this fic--) But I have lots of fun involving her in the future!! >:3c Rabbit is not forgetting Dove anytime soon, and neither is Dove... 👀
True..... 😅(I could have written that part a bit better but alas) It's canon now,, the dead crewmate was just an annoying ass that got what they deserve,, all we knew about them was the blue suit (chapter 19 spoiler whoops)😔
Aww that's so much sweeter than what's actually gonna happen,, it's what he deserves (what all of them deserve)-- to be,, to be in the middle of a big crew cuddle pile,, surrounded by the softest blankets and pillows,, his crew all around him,, 🥺🥺🥺Maybe one day,,, maybe one day,,,
Good work soldier, it's honest work what you and Starbeans do~♥ 😌 (SCREAMING ♥♥♥)
Lucky is going to submit to the little devil's temptations sooner or later 🤭🤭
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Yesss!!! The next chapter is very soon (My friends keep pulling me away to play Lethal and Helldivers but)- it's coming VERY SOON I promise !!!! ❤❤❤
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hermannco · 2 years
I loved the designs you did for cane and able in codotverse, reminds me of wendell and wild from the new stop motion movie!
what inspos went behind your designs if you are okay with telling
I've had those designs stashed for years
if anything Wendell and Wild GOT INSPIRED BY ME!!!! /j
Lmao thank you
I'm about to info dump and dont take anything I say as Canon, this is me hyperfxating and having LITERALLY too much information in my brain about to random ass motherfuckers.
Okay so, fun things. About Inspo.
ABOUT CAIN: Normal Cain. Soft, grandpa man.
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2008 Cain. (From a HoM comic I am not too fond of except...)
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Fucking sharp lunatic with his hair going EVERYWHERE. Constantly UNHINGED.
And so I decided to strike right on the middle bcs I always enjoyed the idea of this motherfucker flipping like a switch, also because he is an older brother, and he cleans the house and does the crops and tells stories and helps with the animals and maintains the house, and is fuzzy and very classic focused. But you know, he will also murder Abel in a split second and he gets a JOY doing it. Most of the time. But also enough to live with him normally and still have dinners and get mad when someone else hurts him.
His front hair flop also comes from the fact that he has to hide the "MARK OF CAIN" TM. The one that hits you 7 times worse if you hurt him. He has no control of what that shit does tho.
Also fun fact, the houses are located in Kentucky (Unless they are teleporting) and stuck in the 70s aesthetically LMAO.
So I sharpened the old man, still gave him kind eyes. I unbrokened his nose, because is impossible to break it without you dying, so this man is SURPRISINGLY DELICATE when it comes to fights.
A well groomed beard that can be easily messed up. And big CAINines.
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The clothes are just classic Cain clothes but pushin a little bit more of the military ww1 aesthetic he is placed with.
The long and short, Grandpa please go to bed.
Younger frisky freer brother.
A lot of Abel is based of Harveydont's Abel work. In all honestly we both worked on these bozos over the years.
Regardless here is the explanation for his look at least on my end.
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He has always been a fancy little lad, a lot more pristine than his brother. A lot of the thought behind Abel is how he does a lot less of heavy work such as gardening or house renovating, but does things such as cooking and sweeping and organizing. Which is why he can always afford to be dressed to the nines.
Always seems to dress BETTER and be well more mannered. But while nicer he is also a trickster. So He can't be a circle.
Anyway, this picture also has done its millage.
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This is the ORIGINAL sketch for Abel by Joe Orlando. I think my man nailed it first try. There has been A LOT of Cains over the years, but Abel always... ALWAYS relatively looks like this. And I have NO ROOM to complain.
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As you can visibly see he hasn't changed much... I just put a knife to him and sharpened his features, as well give him bigger eyes than Cain bcs 1) makes him also look unhinged 2) Can also look more innocent.
Also his mutton chops are cleaner, in general his look is more put together and softer. He is supposed to be PRISTINE. The ring on his hand is because CANNONICALLY, Abel wears the gayest shit in the comics and I something he could fiddle with when nervous. (Mesh shirt while cooking, you know, gay club look just while cooking, iconic. Speak your truth, king.)
Also I made their skin darker bcs I am tan to darker color and I Was like, lol I can't be stopped now!
I hope this helps.
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historias-multorum · 1 year
TAGGED BY: @super-kame-love​ from once upon a time
1ST RULE: tag 9 muses you would like to know better: @avengernomore @hxroic-wxlls @tximidity @irukasenseii @shinobinvku @shlnlgamls @acemuses @hiddenhelianthus​ @peachmuses​ 
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
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I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges 
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week 
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship (verse-dependent)
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship (canon-verse)
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year (verse-dependent)
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together 
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone 
I have break-danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages 
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any thoughts or headcanons on sofia, wilk and kiro, and what it was like for them to be on the run after killing the czar? i have sooo many ideas i would love to share abt this, and even a backstory i wrote for sofia. so many fics to write, so little time,,
Hey there, @interstellarshipwreck! Thank you for your ask, love! I apologize for the delay in my response, I had to research a bit on the three and really think of their dynamic together. I especially love this one because they’re characters that aren’t so popular (at least, on my side of the fandom), I’m thankful and glad to be given the chance to write about them! ALSO “so many fics to write, so little time…” IS SUCH A MOOD. HANDSHAKE EMOJI WITH YOU RIGHT NOW, MY GOOD FELLOW
I would absolutely love to hear about your own thoughts and backstory (OMG A BACKSTORY PLEASE FEED IT TO ME) about this!!!! I would love to hear more 🤲🥺
Sofia, Kiroranke, and Wilk Ten Year Runaways
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Okay, I’m gonna lay my main card down already: I hc that Kiroranke loved both Wilk and Sofia. His love for Sofia is canon. But honestly, Kiroranke’s devotion and love for Wilk during their revolutionary days were so deep and intimate, I can’t see it as just plain old war buddies type of love. He loved that man, hence it hurt so much to see the Wilk he loved since his teenage years grow into someone he didn’t know and couldn’t relate to anymore in the end. It was like betrayal. Maybe one day I should write more about that. But yes, sometimes I think the manga was framing the trio as some sort of love triangle, and it was, but it was Kiroranke loving the both of them. I argue that in that aspect, he was their emotional core. 
I think Kiroranke and Wilk had moments together — Kiroranke, a teenage boy in love with someone older than him, desperately kissing an injured Wilk after the assassination. He would be embarrassed about it, ashamed of his actions, but Wilk said nothing but thanks for his concern. Kiro looking deep into shining blue eyes crinkled in mirth underneath a layer of blood, you fucking bet he realized right then and there he would follow this man wherever he goes. I feel like in those ten years, they had some kind of tension between them that wasn’t platonic in nature. Kiro would be passionate and show his adoration for the older man in actions rather than words — being loyal to his leader, following orders without any complaints. Wilk was calculated and cautious, hence he wasn’t verbally affectionate, but he’d always had his hand on Kiro’s shoulder in greeting or leaning into his bigger bulk when resting… there was definitely some quiet affection shared between the two of them. 
Asirpa in the early parts of the manga tells Sugimoto that a lot of women fell in love with Wilk because of his fine motor skills, especially when crafting something from his own hands. I hc that Sofia wasn’t any different. In my mind, there was a point during their runaway days where Sofia asked Wilk to teach her how to hunt, and Wilk crafted her a simple knife Ainu-style while telling her stories about his childhood to pass the time (maybe she heard about the story of child Wilk and the wolf during this time). She started to fall for the man who was passionate about his heritage and was willing to do anything for the people he loved. When it was finished, Wilk brought her along to a two-man hunt. She wasn’t successful at hunting, despite Wilk’s instructions, but Wilk — who had caught their dinner for that night — encouraged her by telling her that she can practice hunting with him and Kiroranke if she wanted to. 
Sofia can’t cook for shit, Kiro can manage, but Wilk was the master at their, er, makeshift kitchen. I can see Sofia being the Sugimoto to Kiroranke and Wilk’s Asirpa, wherein the boys would cook something that is “exotic” to Sofia’s tastes. Initially, she subconsciously balks at the ingredients and cooking processes, but then later reminds herself that her culture and their culture were equal — they both deserve the same respect and reverance. She ends up liking the mixed cuisines a lot. Also, Wilk who came from both Polish minorities and Ainu people probably did a lot of fusion dishes for fun. 
I can see Sofia to be their spymaster. Sofia is a pretty woman, knows French and Russian, and isn’t wanted by the police. Hence, she’s the least suspicious out of the three. I bet that she was really good at her job because she’s a great actress. I’m willing to bet she used her aristocratic knowledge to steal from a fellow nobleman during their runaway years. The reason why she started slipping when it came to Hasegawa was because for the first time in ten years, she felt at peace (this was primarily because of the close presence of Olga, Hasegawa’s child). I can even extrapolate that she enjoyed holding Olga close to her because she would daydream of her own child with Wilk. 
Wilk knew that both Kiroranke and Sofia loved him, but didn’t do anything about it. He also knew that Kiroranke was in love with Sofia, and made hints to Kiro that he knew, but he was passive when it came to emotions like that. Maybe he saw that maintaining the emotions and reciprocating even a tiny bit was beneficial for him as a leader. Although, I can see him being more partial to Kiroranke because of their shared goal.
Wilk has a great singing voice, I can see him as a baritone. Which means that his voice is well-suited for lullabies and humming. Sometimes when Wilk was on the watch for their group, he would hum songs from his childhood. Both Kiroranke and Sofia would pretend that they were already asleep to hear him quietly and gently string notes that would form soft lullabies about Ainu proverbs and stories. More often than not, they both fall asleep into deep slumber whenever they hear Wilk. It’s a soothing rumble, a very nice sound to let go of consciousness and clutch dreams.
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So, I was just writing fanfiction when somewhere along the line I got sidetracked and went down an entire rabbit hole of the ages of MHA characters and plausible theories that could occur in the universe.
Here is one specific theory I am working on for a fanfic. I wanted to see how plausible it was without bending the canon too much for the story.
Now, I know this is a well-known theory, but this shit adds up so well.
Izuku is 14 and turns 15 in episode 3 according to the internet.
In episode 4 he goes to UA. This means we can pretty much consider him 15 during the entire show until ofc he turns 16 and so on.
Shigaraki was 20 when the show started. This means that essentially, he is 5yr older than Izuku. Meaning... that the two are almost exactly 5 years apart in age with some months.
Let me cook.
Shigaraki got his quirk at the age of five. This was late for most kids. And I think there was even a scene in canon where this was suggested, saying something about it taking a while for him to get a quirk.
Now, you might be thinking. But Izuku was an infant? He wouldn't have manifested a quirk at that time anyway. Now here we could assume AFO could take quirks without the user having manifested them yet since quirks are biological and therefore are probably someone engrained into a child since birth and only surface later on.
But, okay maybe you're still skeptical. Well, I recall there being a scene where we saw that Shouto could use his quirk from infancy. Now here me out...
Izuku may have done the same!!!!
My theory is that Izuku's dad is AFO, he steals his quirk as a baby since we know that babies can have use of their quirks. Immediately afterward AFO takes said quirk he gives it to Shigaraki who is actually quirkless.
Now hear me out. We have reason to believe that because Izuku had no quirk when given OFA it allowed him to access more of its abilities than if he had his own. Now you may say, but what about ALL Might?
We'll All Might had a quirk. A transformation quirk that allowed him to morph his physical body slightly. Meaning he could go from big to small. This is supported by the fact he can do this even after he no longer has any use of OFA and that no other user but him could do this.
So here we go. Izuku had no quirk but was not quirkless. Shigaraki was quirkless therefore a quirk would not have affected the use of AFO as it would have for Izuku which we know AFO always planned to give Shigaraki.
There is also the motive of being a petty bitch and getting back at All Might.
And I mean I know this is like a well-known theory but I did not realize how well the timelines actually add up. Like I heard someone say the timelines made no sense, but I think they make perfect sense.
But you tell me. Do you agree or not? And why?
Izuku is OFA's son. OFA stole decay from him and gave it to Shigaraki. And we know this because ages and motives add up.
PS: This was a quickly written ramble so ignore bad grammar and such plz.
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