#you can tell they thought it was the cutest and most romantic thing ever but i was just kinda baffled HAHAHA LIKE?? GIRL?
ad-hawkeye · 1 year
okay but the writing for the game in general has been so shitty lately, like? during this artem's bday event, when they go to the cat cafe (!!), something he asked for (!!!), and even got nervous about since the cats could dislike him (!!!!), MC throws a whole tantrum over a cat cuddling with artem, to the point he's like "okay, we'll never visit this place again!" like it's so normal and romantic 😍 to be so jealous over A CAT being affectionate you literally ruin the plans you boyfriend was excited about? and MC doesn't even question his decision to never do the harmless thing he wished he could enjoy again just because it made her irrationally upset? god, this made ME irrationally upset because it could've been such a wholesome moment for them both but instead we got... whatever the fuck was that. jail to whoever's been writing the artem route.
ANON HELPPPPPPP the way i was just about to bitch about this?! i'm glad im NOT ALONE!!! 💀💀
i literally just got to this part last night and could not believe what i was reading, like?? WHAT? okay is this a good time to go off on my annual rant about how much i hate jealousy and possessiveness being played as something cute and romantic in media, bc i really hate how much jealousy and possessiveness get played as being cute and romantic in media.
it might be because i'm aspec and i have less of a tolerance for this sort of thing, but even i know several Very allo people who hate it too. so like? back to being confused. i hate it so much. jealousy isn't cute. it's a human emotion, sure, and there's nothing wrong with feeling it, but letting it affect your relationships is not cute. i'm sorry. i don't find it charming. this is why i find atmospherics to be a very notable Flaw Card. artem's behavior wasn't cute OR sexy!!! sorry!! he was being a dick and deserved to get yelled at!
i find possessiveness to be infinitely worse. anyone in a romantic relationship with someone possessive needs to get the fuck out. i'm very much of the opinion that a relationship being romantic doesn't make it superior to platonic or familial ones, so possessiveness being played as cute and romantic drives me up the WALL!!
and this is about other human beings - let alone a CAT? A CAT AT A CAT CAFE??? WHAT? this is something that has always bothered me about tears of themis and otomes in general, but like. yeah. it's been getting worse. i try to ignore it as hard as i can but man. i do not get it. artem deserved to enjoy his cat cafe : ( and miss rosa deserved better writing!
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finelinefae · 4 months
rose [tattooH x innocenty/n]
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synopsis: Harry's a tattoo artist who can't figure out the best way to say how in love he is with the flower shop owner next door
word count: 10.5k
content warnings: smut (first time oral f recieving, daddy kink, praise kink, virgin Y/N), brief mentions of violence
read part 1 here
this is a lot !! like a lot happens !! also everyone smiles a lot,, i can't help it they're happy
. . .
Harry had come to the conclusion that of all the things he had had to do in his twenty-six years of life - all the things he had to do and say to get where he was today - saying I love you to his girlfriend was proving to be one of the most intricate tasks he had encountered.
And it wasn't because he didn't love her. From the moment she stepped into his tattoo shop with determination and fear all intertwined into one expression right up until now, he was pretty sure his relationship with Y/N was the physical embodiment of what it meant to be loved and to love in return.
He had learnt so much about the sweet, pretty girl next door. From her little habits and small quirks that she didn't think he ever noticed.
Y/N loved wearing Harry's clothes. He had bought a new band tee from an online shop one of his friends had recommended to him. When the parcel hadn't arrived on time, he wondered if it had gotten lost in transit or they'd delivered it to the wrong address. He had emailed them once or twice to see its whereabouts only to find the Fleetwood Mac t-shirt on the body of his girlfriend asleep on his sofa when he came home from work. "But Harry, they're so soft and comfy!" She argued when he accused her the next morning. "Know that baby but I need clothes to wear." He was trying not to smile and pinch her cheeks when he caught a glimpse of her pouty lips. "But Harry-" He couldn't help but interrupt her with a quick kiss to her lips, "Can use some of my old shirts flower, y' can pick them out. C'mon sweet girl," He led her to his wardrobe and let her scramble through the box of his old shirts.
She loved being praised. Harry thought it was the cutest thing ever when he'd compliment her or tell her how good she was for him and her cheeks would turn a dusky pink colour. He'd often find himself kissing the crescent moon-shaped dimples on her cheeks whenever she'd beam up at him after he mumbled sweet praises into her ear, "M' good girl," He'd say, "Best girl, m' favourite flower."
She loved physical touch from him and him only. His favourite time of day was coming home after a busy day of working and finding his darling girl sitting up in bed, either reading or watching TV, waiting for him in his favourite soft, satin pyjamas she wears (he loved the feel of them under his hands whenever he held her). She'd make grabby hands for him as soon as she saw him walk through the door of her bedroom, wanting to touch him almost immediately. He'd kiss her a few times, run his fingers through her hair, stroke her cheek and brush his fingers over her arm. Even when they were walking through the streets of the town, Y/N would often cling to Harry - feeling anxious being around too many people. He'd comfort her with soothing touches, rubbing circles on the pulse point on her wrist to make sure she was okay.
There were so many things Harry had come to adore about his favourite girl in the entire world. From the way she'd look at him with big rounded eyes as though he hung up the moon and stars in the sky or knew the answer to everything she asked, to the way she'd melt under his touch whenever they'd do something even slightly intimate. He was so in love... He just didn't know how to tell her that.
Harry had never been in a serious relationship before so the idea of love didn't come easy to him. He had spent the majority of his life believing he was destined to be lonely, finding himself in one-night stands and never getting past the first date for lack of connection. He didn't know what romantic love looked like, felt like or even if it existed at all until he met his favourite flower. 
Moments would crop up where he could feel the first syllable spike the tip of his tongue but invisible hands wrapped themself around his neck as he tried to let the words out. Y/N would sit patiently, waiting for him to continue speaking, but he'd just end up kissing her, hoping he could communicate his words without saying them.
He wasn't quite sure what he was expecting when it came to saying those three simple words, words that carried so much weight between them. Maybe it was because he wanted the moment to be special and memorable for her, so he waited for the perfect opportunity to confess. But the anticipation was driving him a bit crazy.
It was very early Wednesday morning. Y/N was cutting up sheets of tissue paper since it was nearing winter and people would be out buying gifts soon for their loved ones. She had ordered a bunch of new seed packets and planned to make little gift sets to sell.
Harry was sitting at the workshop table in the middle of the shop. He was wearing his shorts and a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. He wore his worn-out, white Vans as if they were slippers, with the left shoe dangling precariously from his toes, threatening to slide off at any moment. His tired eyes tried to remain focused on counting the coins for Y/N's till since she always miscalculated and would have to go visit him for more money even though his shop was cashless which he reminded her every time as he slipped her a five-pound note from his own back pocket.
The shop was silent in the early hours of the morning as the two worked separately. Y/N enjoyed that she didn't constantly have to make conversation with her boyfriend for him to be interested. They were happy to just be in each other's company for as long as possible.
"Baby," Harry's raspy voice broke the comfortable silence between them. Y/N's head lifted naturally in response, "C'mere." He opened his arm out but his eyes were still trained on counting the coins.
Y/N smiled tiredly and walked over to him, tucking herself into his side and holding onto the arm that wrapped around her. He kissed the top of her head, "Didn't get to hold y' this morning, left me cold." He murmured against her.
"M sorry, H. It's always stressful when the season changes." She sighed, thinking about all the work she still had yet to do before autumn passed.
"S okay, just missed you is all." He hummed. Y/N turned herself so she was pressed against the worktop and looking up at him. She loved every version of Harry at all times of day but something about Harry in the morning made her swoon. He was so soft and cuddly, needy and grabby, she'd always have to pry his hands off of her in the morning so she could get to work on time.
Y/N grinned and leaned her head forward, past the hood of his sweatshirt, to kiss him. "Wanted to ask you if y’ would come on a date with me this Saturday.” He whispered, eyes still closed from kissing her.
Every eight weeks, Y/N’s shop would close for the entire weekend. Since her shop was open most days, she wanted to give herself at least some time off to look forward to. Harry knew that particular weekend was coming up because of how much she was looking forward to it so he made sure to free up his weekend too so he could take her out for the day. 
They had been on dinner dates and done a few other things here and there but there was only so much they could do in their small town. So as soon as he thought of the idea, he booked train tickets to take Y/N to the coast for the day. 
“Hmmm,” Y/N sighed, reaching into his hood to wrap her arms around his neck, his skin warm against her touch. “Where would we go?”
“S a surprise,” He whispered into her ear, his breath warm. 
“I’d love to go on a date with you Harry,” She replied, voice soft. 
“Yeah? It’ll be cold so you’ll need to wear a sweater.” He told her. 
"I only own sweaters," She rolled her eyes, pushing away from him so she could get back to work.
"Yeah, my sweaters." Harry teased.
Y/N narrowed her eyes, "Get back to counting those coins or you'll be fired."
"Yes ma'am," He couldn't stop smiling to himself as he carried on counting each penny.
. . .
The small train was busy on the way to the coast on Saturday morning but luckily they had managed to grab two seats next to each other by the window. Y/N insisted that they listened to one of the very many playlists she had curated for them both to listen to. It wasn’t long into their relationship that Harry had come to realise that music was one of Y/N’s love languages. 
He remembered when he first moved in and heard her music through the walls of her apartment as he bought his food shopping up the stairs his first night. The music played well into the night and he had planned to knock on her door and ask her to turn it down like she had done to him the day they had first met, but his ears caught onto her singing. He pressed his ear up against the door and listened as she sang to herself whilst dishes clinked together. She wasn’t the best singer he had ever heard but something about her soft voice soothed him, so he turned around and went about his night with the girl singing next door. 
Y/N pulled out her wired earbuds not long after they’d sat down and gave one of them to Harry. After Hours by The Velvet Underground started playing and Harry smiled to himself as he watched Y/N gaze out the window of the train. He reached for her hand which was covered by her fingerless gloves she had crocheted herself and intertwined their fingers together. 
The train pulled into the final station an hour later. Harry held tightly onto Y/N as people bustled to get on and off the train at the same time. The weather wasn’t perfect when they had arrived - slightly overcast and grey - but it didn’t stop Y/N from gasping at the sight of the ocean in front of her. 
“Harry look!” She pointed as the waves rolled into the shore. She looked adorable in her white hat and earmuffs, her white puffer coat made her look like a giant marshmallow. She was almost matching Harry, in his black puffer coat and green bobble hat. 
“Y/N! Slow down baby,” He called for her as he ran to catch up with her. 
They walked down the steps and onto the beach which was practically void of any people other than a few dog walkers. He was thankful he had told her to wear a thick coat since the wind was bitter and cold. Harry’s smile was so wide, that his dimples pierced each one of his cheeks as he watched her run around in her UGG boots and leggings. 
“Beautiful,” Harry whispered, hoping the words would get caught in the wind and blow straight to her so she could hear them. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen the sea,” She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh sea air. Harry came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. 
They walked side by side with each other. Harry held Y/N’s hand inside the pocket of his coat and every once in a while, she would stop to pick up a shell which she would pass to him to put in his other coat pocket. At some point, it started to drizzle down with rain but they carried on walking and talking along the beach. 
Harry would watch as Y/N ran up to the sea to pick up bits of sea glass and try to not get caught by the water. She looked adorable as she ran up the beach looking back at him with her woolly hat and giant coat swamping her. Strands of hair stuck to her damp, rosy cheeks as rain dripped from her coat since they had been out so long. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of her as she crouched down to look at something she’d found in the sand. He made a mental note to share it on everything he possibly could so everyone in his life would know how much he loved her, even if she didn’t know just yet. 
Harry swore he was going to tell her he was in love with her right there and then but his heart fell out of his chest when he watched her trip and stumble back onto the sand. “Y/N,” He rushed over, immediately wanting to check if she was okay, only to be met with her giggling and laying back on the sand like a starfish on land. 
“Lay here with me,” She patted the spot next to her. 
The last thing Harry wanted to do was get his new black trousers wet and dirty from the sand but he would do anything and everything she asked him to do so he fell onto the sand and laid right next to her. 
His pinky finger hooked with hers as they both looked up at the sky, “Are you happy flower?” He asked.
“I think this is the happiest I’ve ever been in my life,” She confesses and the words make Harry’s heart grow ten times the size. “I think spending time with you is when I’m the happiest Harry.”
When it reached past midday, Harry took Y/N to grab something to eat before they had to take the train home again. Their coats were dripping when they stepped inside the small cafe Harry had picked out for them. The kind owner had even offered to dry them both for them before they had to leave again. 
“Harry,” She gasped, “They do blueberry pancakes!” 
Harry smirked, not wanting to tell her that he had picked this cafe specifically because they made one of Y/N’s favourite foods, “Really? Tha’s your favourite right baby?”
She nods, “I’m gonna get that- ooo it even comes with the option of honey or syrup!” Y/N beams. 
By the time their food had arrived, they were well invested in conversation, “Was thinking of getting my ear pierced next weekend. One of my mates has free space and thought it would be fun to get a hoop or something.” Harry tells her. 
Y/N paused on chewing her pancake as she pictured her boyfriend with a hoop earring. She swallowed down her food before getting out, “That would be hot.”
Harry laughs at her bluntness, “Yeah?” He smirked, “You think so?” Y/N nodded, her cheeks tinged pink. 
Although they kissed and made out at any spare moment they could, they hadn’t really branched out from the time Harry had touched her for the first time. Y/N knew Harry was trying to be patient about it - he was a gentleman like that - but she was going crazy not having his ring-clad hands touching her skin, providing that ecstasy he had given her a glimpse of for the first time.  
“Y alright there flower?” Harry crooned, “Anything on your mind you’d care to share.”
Y/N shook her head, ridding them of her dirty thoughts, “M okay, H.” 
“Alright,” His eyes twinkled as he smiled at her, “You look beautiful by the way.”
“Thank you, Harry,” Her eyes softened, “And thank you for bringing me here today, I’ve loved being here with you.”
Harry parted his lips as if to respond, but found himself speechless, the words trapped somewhere in his throat. Y/N looked at him expectantly, her eyes silently urging him to express whatever was on his mind. With a sigh, his shoulders slumped, and he finally spoke, "I've loved being here with you too. I love every moment I get to be with you." Y/N beamed as Harry inwardly cursed himself for being unable to articulate the depth of his feelings. Yet, as he saw the radiant smile spread across Y/N's face, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth and contentment wash over him, knowing that his words were enough to reach her for now. 
After the train journey home, which took slightly longer than anticipated, Harry carried Y/N up to her apartment and into her bedroom where he slumped her down on her bed. Y/N hummed at the feeling of her warm, cosy sheets beneath her. “Comfy m’love?” He grinned, tugging the sleeves of his coat off so he was just in his white t-shirt and black trousers. 
“I’m so sleepy,” Y/N sighed, eyes closed whilst Harry tugged her shoes off as her feet dangled over the edge of the bed.
“Cause you’ve been running around all day huh? Could barely keep up with you half the time.” Harry briefly massages the souls of her feet after taking both her shoes off, knowing they were probably aching from running on the beach all day.
“But it was sooo much fun,” Y/N whined, her tired eyes peering down at Harry.
“Yeah, yeah, I know that lovie. Need to get y’ out of these clothes so I can put them in the wash.” He tugs on her leggings.
“Can you do it?” Y/N asks, “M too tired.”
Harry pauses, “Y’ sure baby? Don’t want y’ to be uncomfortable.” 
“M sure Harry, I trust you.” She tells him.
He smiles to himself as her words settle in the space between them. A smile curves his lips almost involuntarily, reflecting the quiet gratitude he feels towards her trust.  “Alright, lift y’ hips for me, flower.” He instructs and Y/N does as she’s told, lifting her hips so he can pull down her leggings leaving her in her pink lacey panties. 
Harry swallows as he sees the apex of her thighs. He hadn’t seen this much of her before and he could already feel himself harden in his jeans at the sight of her. “Think y’ can sit up for me flower? Jus’ so I can’t take your sweater off?” He tries to stop staring at her bare legs but he can’t seem to take his eyes away.
Y/N groans but does as she’s told, sitting up and putting her arms up so Harry can remove the sweater from her torso. Her eyes are still shut and Harry gently pulls the soft sweater over her head. 
When her eyes open, the first thing Y/N sees is Harry standing above her with his gaze fixed on her figure and she realizes this is the most he's ever seen of her yet. She had nothing but a vest and underwear to cover her body. Y/N was pretty sure he could see the curve of her breasts and the outline of her nipples through the thin, white material. 
“Harry…” she whispers, suddenly realising what was happening, how the temperature in the room had suddenly shifted.
Y/N shivered as Harry cupped her cheek and bent forward to kiss her. She leaned backwards onto the bed, resting on her elbows as Harry kept his hold on her cheek, using his other hand to place on her hip as he crawled on top of her. His hand was warm and big and his fingertips pressed into her skin sending a joint of electricity down through her body. 
They kissed and Harry groaned as Y/N uncontrollably rolled her hips into him, “Harry,” Y/N repeated, placing her hands on his chest.
“What baby?” He asks.
“I-I feel strange,” She confesses, not really knowing how to go about telling him what was on her mind.
Harry furrowed his eyebrows, “What’s wrong?”
Y/N shook her head immediately, “N-no nothing’s wrong. It’s just… Remember last time? When you…” she couldn’t seem to finish her sentence, too embarrassed to describe what Harry had done when he taught her how to touch herself.
“What about it?” He wonders, patience and curiosity on his face.
“I-I want to do it again but different.” She cringed at her words, “I mean, I want to try something new. L-like I want you to show me something new I mean.” 
Harry’s features softened, “Yeah? You want me to take care of you huh?”
Y/N nodded, relieved he understood what she was hinting at without her having to admit it herself, “Yes.”
“What do you want me to do baby?” He kisses down the side of her neck, Y/N’s head rolling to the side to give him more room to explore her skin.
“I-I don’t know,” 
“Oh I think you do flower otherwise you wouldn’t be asking for something new to try would you?” He sucks on the skin of her neck and she whines at the feeling. His green eyes meet hers as he lifts his head up, “C’mon sweet girl, tell daddy what you want from him.” 
Her mouth fell open and her heart beat erratically in her chest, “I-I need you down there daddy.” 
“Yeah? You want daddy to touch you down there baby?” 
“Y-yes daddy please.”
“Still so polite.” Y/N seemed to melt as he crawled down her placid form, he could do anything to her and she wouldn't mind as long as he was touching her in some way.
She suddenly gasped when she felt him blow warm air onto her nipple beneath her vest. “Can I lift your vest baby? Can you let daddy see these cute tits?” 
“Mhm,” She hummed, her body vibrating with excitement and nerves. Harry’s fingertips brushed the skin of her tummy as he pulled her vest up to reveal her breasts. 
“Fuck baby,” Harry groaned. “You’re so beautiful.” 
“Your shirt too!” Y/N insisted, feeling a little insecure as Harry was still in his white shirt.
Harry was quick to pull off his shirt to reveal his tattooed torso that Y/N had traced and slept on almost every night since they had met. Her hands were immediately on his warm skin as he kissed down the swell of her breasts. Y/N gasped as Harry gently pressed a kiss to her left nipple, sliding his other hand up to cup her other one, “See that? Y’ were made for daddy.” He said as her breast fit perfectly in his hand. 
“Daddy I need you,” Y/N whispered.
“Such a greedy girl.” He tuts, “Trying to worship you ‘n you’re just begging me to make you cum.” 
“N-no-” Y/N wanted to argue but Harry quickly kissed her lips before moving down her body. 
“Look at these pretty panties. Can already see you’re all soaked through them.” Y/N could practically hear the smile on his face. “Can I see baby?” 
“Y-Yes, daddy.” She swallowed back her nerves, even though Harry had already seen her down there, it was her first time experiencing someone be so up close. Y/N felt his fingers hook around the waistband of her panties until they were halfway down her thighs and waited for him to react.
“Fuck me,” Harry hisses. “Won’t ever get over the sight of this pretty pussy. Always manage to live up to y’ nickname, don’t y’ flower?” 
Y/N’s cheeks heat but before she has time to protest Harry leans forward and presses a kiss to her throbbing pussy. She snaps her thighs shut tightly and gasps, “W-what-“
“Shhh flower,” Harry kisses her knee and then gently hooks both her legs over either of his shoulders so she can’t close her thighs to hide away from him, “Daddy’s gonna take the ache away okay? Know you’ve been feeling all needy for daddy. Gonna do something that’ll help and put you right to sleep m’kay?”
Y/N swallows harshly and fists the fabric of the blanket beneath her. Her heart was racing and her belly was swirling with need and desire as she waited for Harry to do something.
He kissed the inside of her thighs, “You trust me?” He asked, waiting for her approval, “Because I’ll stop as soon as you say so, promise y’ that.” 
“Yes, daddy.” She said because she did trust him, wholeheartedly, “I trust you.”
“That’s m’ girl.” Y/N waited until she felt his warm breath blow over her pussy. His mouth pressed another kiss to her before she felt his tongue swipe across her slit. Y/N gasped at the unfamiliarity of it as he flicked his tongue softly over her to get her accustomed to it. His eyes looked up to see Y/N’s reaction at the first touch of his mouth. He smirked to himself as her breasts heaved cutely and her cheeks were flushed pink. 
“Harry,” she whimpered.
“S not my name flower.” He murmured against her. 
She tried to close her thighs but Harry’s head lay buried between them, licking and stroking his tongue against her. He wrapped both his tattooed hands around her thighs to keep them open, pressing his fingertips into her plushy skin. “Daddy,” she whined.
He licks up her wet cunt once more until he finds her clit. Y/N jolts at the sudden attention to her sensitive bundle of nerves. His lips pucker against her tiny, pink clit glistening with arousal, a whimper eliciting from Y/N’s lip. He moves his tongue in circles around it before gently sucking on the small bud.
Y/N’s a writhing, whimpering mess beneath him as he licks and sucks on her clit, her wetness coating his chin. She bucks her hips against his mouth and quickly removes one hand from the bed to weave into his hair. Harry groans as she tugs on his curls, his cock leaking precum in his trousers, the vibrations going straight to Y/N’s clit. 
“Daddy, f-feels so good,” She mewls, continuing to tug on his hair. Harry ruts his hips against the mattress, in hopes he could get some relief as he continues his assault on her pussy. 
“Y' so fucking sexy Y/N.” He grumbled, unable to stop his attention from her weeping, little cunt.
Her thighs began to tremble as she felt the coil tighten in her belly. Harry’s hand removed itself from her thigh and slid up the bed to reach for her hand that wasn’t already in his hair. He intertwined their fingers as if comforting her without saying anything. 
He paused his assault on her clit, Y/N whimpering at the sudden loss. Instead, he flattened his tongue against her once more before dipping his tongue into her hole a little as if testing the waters to see whether she’d like it. Y/N’s back arched and Harry’s hand left hers to place itself flat against her tummy to hold her still, the cool metal of his rings made her shiver as they touched her skin. His tongue delved in and out of her, using his other hand to rub circles on her clit with his thumb.
Y/N’s mouth fell open, her head fell back and her legs turned to jelly. “Y close angel girl?” Harry murmured, peeking up at her to see her blissfully zoned out from his touch. 
“Feels s’ good daddy, s-so so so good,” She babbled her head lolling from side to side. 
“Wanna cum baby? Wanna make a mess on daddy?” He urged her, feeling her core clench. 
She jerkily nodded, “Mhmmm,” She hummed. 
“Lemme have it, baby, daddy worked so hard, lemme taste y’ cum.” He hastened his movements on her clit and continued to lick and suck at her pussy, “Cum f’ me baby.” He coaxed. "Can't wait to feel y' round my cock someday, practically begging to feel y' tight, little hole. 'm gonna be the first and only one to fill y' up, isn't that right? Gonna let daddy stretch you out and fill y' up. You're all mine, 'm favourite flower."
His filthy words set Y/N alight. She felt the coil snap as pleasure rushed through her entire body and filled all of her senses. Harry groaned, continuing to press himself up against the bed until he felt his own orgasm building too, his lips staying on Y/N as she came. He lapped up her juices, riding her through her orgasm and tasting all she had to offer for the first time. “That’s my girl baby, so good.” He cooed. 
Harry’s eyes rolled back as his cock released inside of his boxers, his head falling to the side and resting on the inside of her thigh as he breathed heavily, “Fuck,” He groaned, eyes rolling to the ceiling. 
The room was quiet other than the sounds of them trying to catch their breath. Harry kissed the inside of Y/N’s thigh and worked his way up her body, placing soft, spongy kisses on her bare skin until he was face-to-face with her. 
Harry grinned lazily, his eyes tired as he brushed the hair off her face. His heart stuttered; he felt himself losing his breath all over again despite having just come down from the high of his release as he looked down at his girlfriend. Her cheeks were flushed and her skin was glowing from the afterglow, tendrils of baby hairs framed her face and her eyes were hazy and soft as she looked into his own. 
“Thank you daddy,” She whispered to him. 
Harry pressed a kiss to her lips. Her legs hooked around his waist as he circled his arms around her to pull her in tighter, “You okay? Was that good? Not too much?” He wanted to make sure she was okay before anything else. He’d hate himself if he did something she didn’t like or didn’t want to do. 
“M okay,” She smiled, her voice tired. He kissed her once more knowing she could probably taste herself on his lips. “It felt good.” 
“Y’ made me cum,” He admits, feeling the discomfort of his own release in his boxers. 
“I did?” Y/N’s eyes widened, her lips parting in surprise. 
“Yeah, flower. That was so fucking sexy.” Y/N whined and tried to hide herself behind her hands. Harry chuckled at her reaction, grabbing her wrists to move her hand away and kissing her forehead before lifting himself from her. “Let’s get y’cleaned up.” 
Harry walked over to Y/N’s dresser to grab himself some clean boxers from the drawer he had curated from the nights he had spent with her. He also grabbed her some clean underwear and one of his shirts to wear to bed. 
In the bathroom, he got himself cleaned up and grabbed a cloth dampening it under the running water in the sink for his love who was waiting for him in bed. Harry paused at the door when he entered her room after he was met with a sight he longed to treasure in his mind forever. Y/N was lying completely bare on her bed. Her eyes were shut, her chest moving up and down and her hair was sprawled out around her. He didn’t know how he got so lucky with her, she was a living angel.
“C’mere flower,” He murmured, spreading her legs apart slightly and trying not to react to the sticky, glistening mess between her thighs. He placed the dampened cloth against her and calmed her down as she jolted beneath his touch from how sensitive she was. 
Once they were all cleaned up, Harry climbed under the blankets with Y/N half asleep against his chest. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and ran a finger up and down the length of her spine beneath her shirt.  "Sleep now, flower," he whispered his voice a gentle caress in the quiet of the night. The warmth of his presence soothed Y/N to fall asleep. 
In the hazy blur of her consciousness, she murmured, words slipping from her lips without thought. "Love you," she breathed, the three words escaping her lips as effortlessly as a sigh, yet she remained unaware of what they meant. 
Harry stilled, his breath catching in his throat, “W-what?” But Y/N didn’t reply, instead, soft snores left her lips as she fell asleep beside him. 
. . .
It was the Friday after Harry had taken Y/N to the beach. Fridays were always busy at the tattoo shop so Harry was working away until the late hours of the evening. Y/N sat on a chair, her legs swinging backwards and forward as she played a game on Harry's phone. The sound of the tattoo gun hummed in the air whilst a bossa nova played over the Bluetooth speaker. Harry was still working despite the fact it was nearly time for Y/N to go to bed (She had a strict regime before bed which gave her exactly eight hours of sleep each night). He had promised her this would be his last customer as she waltzed into his tattoo shop, ready to go to his apartment together.
Harry hadn't mentioned to Y/N what she had unknowingly said in her sleep. When they woke up the next morning, he gently broached the subject, asking, "Hey, do you remember anything you said last night while you were asleep?"
Y/N, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, just shrugged in response. "Not really," she mumbled, her voice heavy with drowsiness. "Did I say something strange?"
"No, not at all," Harry assured her, though inwardly, he couldn't shake off the weight of her words. "Just thought you might've had a dream or something." But even as he spoke, he couldn't shake off the lingering memory of her whispered confession, playing over and over in his mind like a sweet melody. 
"Y' holding up okay there m'love?" Harry checked in, working on the final few finishing touches of the tattoo he had been working on.
"Mhm," She smiled but Harry could tell she was getting sleepy from the way he'd caught her eyes fluttering shut when he glanced over at her.
"Can go sleep on the couch out front if you're feeling sleepy." He offered, wanting to make sure his girl was okay before he finished off the tattoo for his customer. He knew first-hand how grouchy she got when she didn't get her sleep.
"M okay here Harry," She insisted, thinking she was lying to him well enough over how tired she was. "Can I watch?" She strained her neck to get a better look at what Harry was doing.
"Course flower, c'mere," Harry pushed his chair forward to give Y/N space to stand behind him so she could watch over his shoulder. He pushed down on the peddle and continued the tattoo as Y/N watched over him.
"Does it hurt?" She wondered, watching the needle press ink into the customer's skin.
"Jus' a little sting but when you've had so many it's not so bad," Harry replied.
Y/N watched in fascination. She was not only impressed by the design Harry had drawn out and tattooed to the customer so effortlessly but also how brave people must be to have such a permanent mark on their skin. She tilted her head to the side, "I want one," She mumbled.
Harry paused, "What?"
"Nothing," She replied, quickly.
Harry had heard what she said but decided he'd bring it up when there wasn't another person in the room, knowing how shy she got around people she didn't know.
After completing the tattoo, he wrapped it up and chatted with the customer for a little bit. Meanwhile, Y/N browsed through his tattoo design sketchbook with a furrowed brow. Once the conversation was done, he shut the door behind the customer and turned the sign to 'closed.'
He walked over to his seemingly overthinking flower and kissed the top of her head, "Wha's wrong m'love?" He smiled softly, wrapping both arms around her and pulling her into his chest.
"Jus' looking H," She tilted her head back to look up at him, kissing his chin in the process.
"Didn't know we were telling fibs tonight flower," He teased, spinning her around in his embrace.
"M not lying," She hid her face in his chest because he always knew when she was lying and she was most definitely lying.
"Can you look up f'me baby just f' a sec," He murmured and looked down to see the prettiest eyes he'd ever seen, round and sparkling under the blue lights of his shop. "Woah," He whispered to himself.
"What's wrong?" A crease appeared in between her brows.
"Nothin' just...you're so pretty," She whined, nuzzling her face into his neck to hide her very red face. Even though it was hard to tell under the blue lights, he knew she was blushing. "Hey, no, can I have a kiss please?" He cupped the back of her head and pulled her away from the comfortable spot in his neck.
Y/N stood on her toes to kiss him, tasting the tinge of eucalyptus lip balm she had given him when he had complained of having sore lips from kissing her too much in the colder weather. "So y' want a tattoo?" He murmured against her lips.
Y/N pulled away, "I-I was just thinking but-"
"You're not sure?" She nods. "Don't have to get a tattoo today m'love, especially if you're not sure." Harry comforted her, seeing the uncertainty on her face. He kissed the crease between her eyebrows but her eyes were fixed on a tattoo on his upper arm.
"Where'd you get that?" She asked, her fingers skimming over the small design. It was a fine line drawing of a pair of angel wings with a flower in the centre between each wing. Harry had designed it not long after meeting Y/N and had only tattooed the design onto himself a few days ago.
"Jus' a little something I drew 's all." He shrugged, "Reminded me of you."
Y/N's lips parted like she couldn't believe what he had just said, "For me?"
He nods, "Wanted to have you somewhere on me at all times."
Y/N goes quiet and Harry gives her the time to think as he packs away his things to head upstairs. By the time he's finished, Y/N's tugging on his sleeve and looking up at him with rounded eyes, "I think I'd like a tattoo, Harry."
Harry bit back a smile, "You do?"
"Mhm," She nodded, seeming sure of herself, "But I want you to do it."
"Wouldn't let anyone else do it anyways flower." He pulled out the kit he had just put away, not feeling annoyed in the slightest because he loved this girl and would set up his equipment all over again even if she decided she no longer wanted the tattoo anymore.
Y/N shimmied up onto the chair and glanced over at him, "What are you wanting on you baby?" He asked.
"I want the same one as you please Harry," She says, referring to the tattoo of the angel wings.
He smiles, "Wanna match with me, sweet girl?" He kisses her lips quickly.
Y/N nods, beaming up at him, "Yes please."
"So polite," He taps her cheek before going to his worktop and drawing out a stencil with a careful hand.  Y/N sat in the chair with her feet hovering above the ground. She was fiddling with her fingers in her lap as she glanced around at the designs she had admired many times before when she'd sit and wait for Harry whilst he worked.
"M'kay lovie, where'd you want it?" Harry asked.
"Oh," She pursed her lips, "I didn't think that far."
"Didn't think that far?" Harry chortled, "How about on your arm?” He squeezed her arm softly above the crease of her elbow, "Won't hurt too bad if we do it here."
"Okay Harry," She nodded, trusting him implicitly. Harry wanted to smother her in kisses with the way she was looking at him like she would do anything he said without even questioning it.
Harry prepped everything, making sure he had all he needed to start the tattoo. He went a little slower than he normally would, wanting to give her enough time to make sure she was certain about getting the tattoo. He mixed up the ink and switched on the tattoo gun as Y/N lay back against the leather chair.
"Y' okay flower?" Harry checked again, expecting to get the same answer he had already gotten only for her to chew on her lip and scrunch up the fabric of the skirt she was wearing.
"M a little nervous," She admitted, blushing.
"Hey it's okay to be nervous," He cooed, dropping the equipment and rolling over to her on his chair. He leaned against the seat she was lying in so his face was up close to hers, he brushed a few strands of hair from her face and the feeling of his hands calmed the nerves Y/N was feeling. "It'll hurt a little bit. Some people say it feels like a little like a tiny scratch but you get used to the feeling."
"But what if you start and then I don't want it anymore because it hurts?" She realises she should have asked these questions before they had gotten this far.
"Tha's why you need to be sure you want it sweet girl. Don't wanna see you in pain either but it's a small tattoo so won't take long and it's on your arm which means it hurts a little bit less." Harry explained.
"Okay," She nodded, "B-but can you distract me a little? It'll help if you distract me."
Harry smiled, kissing her lips, "Can distract you any way you want, baby. Here," He removed the dog tag necklace he wore all the time without failure and handed it to her, "Can fiddle with this while I draw on you."
Y/N felt her shoulders relax a little as she felt the cool metal in her hands, "Okay Harry." His lips pressed against her forehead, "Okay Y/N." He grinned.
Harry pulled on some gloves and got the tattoo gun running. Y/N went stiff as the humming sound filled the room but she reminded herself of Harry's words and continued to play with his necklace. "Okay, ready baby?" He gave her one last kiss for comfort and then, when she nodded her head, the needle made contact with her skin.
She gasped as the tiny needle pricked at her skin. It wasn't as painful as she thought it was going to be but it wasn't comfortable either. She tried to relax but her muscles were all tensed up.
Harry tried to comfort her as best as she could. Whispering words of encouragement, "So good baby, y' so brave." He'd say and tell her it would be over in a moment even though a moment felt like an eternity in her mind.
"Is it over yet?" She was starting to feel the discomfort and was already waiting for it to finish.
"Almost angel," He cooed and finished up the final lines of the drawing. "There we go, all finished."
Y/N let out a long breath she didn't know she was holding and immediately her eyes flickered down to the tattoo Harry had drawn on her. She was in awe of how beautiful and intricate the design was and how quickly Harry had managed to draw it so perfectly. It was a perfect size on her arm, the angel wings matched exactly the same as the ones Harry had done on himself. She almost squealed with how happy she was with her first ever tattoo and how it was a permanent reminder of her sweet and loving boyfriend.
Harry grinned as he watched her face light up when she saw the tattoo, "'Y like it?" He asked, preparing the cream and wrap to put on it before she did something that would get it infected - they both knew she would do that if he wasn't careful.
"I love it, Harry!" She grinned, her smile lighting up the whole room.
Harry laughed at her happiness, "You're welcome baby." He applied the cream and wrapped it up before she could move anywhere. Instead of leaping out of the chair, she wrapped her arms around Harry and pressed her lips to his. He hummed, "Best tip I've ever gotten." He murmured.
"I kinda want another one," She couldn't stop looking down at her tattoo and taking in how pretty it was.
"Woah, slow down there flower, think you should wait a while until the next one." He repressed a smile. "But I'll happily draw up another one f'you."
"Okay Harry," She said, not really paying much attention to him.
"Alright c'mon, le's go upstairs. Wanna kiss you in bed if tha's okay." He quickly put all of his equipment away as Y/N gawked at her tattoo.
"I think I'd love that more than the tattoo," She sighed. Harry decided not to pull her up on the fact she was probably telling another fib. 
. . .
"Y/N is that a tattoo!" One of her friends, Shakira, spoke out.
It had been two weeks since Y/N had gotten her first tattoo and she still wasn't over how pretty it was. Every morning she'd wake up and look at her arm and tell Harry how good of a job he did.
"No wonder you're a tattoo artist Harry!" She'd say, to which he'd just smile and sit patiently as she rambled about how much she loved her tattoo and how she wanted him to draw her another one.
"Oh yes!" Y/N rolled up the sleeve of her pyjama shirt so her friends could get a better look, "Harry did it. Isn't it pretty?" She sighed, thinking of her boyfriend who she hadn't seen since this morning.
Y/N had planned a slumber party at her place a few weeks ago since she hadn't seen her two friends, Shakira and Layla, in forever. She'd known them since high school and were the only two friends she really had other than Harry who was also her best friend. 
Harry had promised he'd stay away and give her some much needed girly time. Although Y/N didn't like the idea of being away from Harry, she knew it was needed. He had some things he needed to do anyway and she wanted to give him space to do that too.
"Do you think he could do one for me?" Layla asked, her arm already littered with small tattoos.
"I can ask him for you if you'd like," Y/N offered, receiving a nod from Layla.
"What's it like being in a relationship?" Shakira asked, "I mean Harry seems the complete opposite of you, I'd never have pictured you together."
Y/N smiles, thinking back to their first interaction and how intimidated she was by him. Now she couldn't get enough of him, wanting to be with him and touch him whenever she could. "I know but Harry's... I don't know, he's not like how people assume. He's kind, caring and lovable. We have a lot more in common than most people think and even the things we don't have in common, Harry always listens to the things I have to say even when he doesn't completely understand."
"Awwww!" Y/N blushed when she realised she had been rambling too much again.
"You're so cute Y/N," Layla grinned. "And we're so happy for you. Harry seems like a great guy."
"He is," Y/N agreed, shyly.
"Have you said I love you yet?" Shakira smirked.
Y/N's smile faltered, "N-not yet..." She looked away from their gazes, "But I think I'm just waiting for the right time. Harry always has these moments where I think he's going to say it but he never does and part of me thinks he's still questioning it." Y/N admits.
Layla offers her a sympathetic gaze, "I'm sure he's just waiting for the perfect moment to tell you Y/N. Saying I love you can be a pretty big deal for some people."
"I know," Y/N nods in agreement, "And I'll wait for him, however long it takes."
Y/N spent the remainder of the evening gossiping and watching movies with her two best friends. Now and then, she would look down at her phone just in case Harry had sent her anything but nothing appeared other than a blank screen. She couldn't help but feel a little bit deflated that he hadn't checked in on her like he usually would but she quickly pushed the feeling away. Harry had other things he was doing, she'd see him later.
"Thank you for having us Y/N! It was so good to see you, we need to do it again sometime," Y/N stood at the door to say goodbye to her friends. It was nearing midnight and she wondered if Harry was in his apartment waiting for her.
"Thank you for coming! I missed you guys," Y/N chirped, she really did miss having her girlfriends around. She was so busy with work and spending time with Harry, that she rarely had time outside of those things. But after today, she was going to make it a priority to see her friends again.
"See you later Y/N!" Her friends waved as they walked down the steps from her apartment. Y/N smiled and waved until they were out of sight. She planned on calling Harry to check in on him and see if he was alright but a crash from his apartment halted her steps.
She paused, stilling herself so she could hear a little better. Another thud came from his apartment followed by a string of curses and something that sounded like a clutter of things falling on the floor.
"Harry?" Y/N called through the door but received no response. "Harry, are you okay? It's me, it's Y/N."
"Y/N," Harry's voice murmured through the door. Y/N relaxed a little at the sound of his voice but she was still worried about him. It wasn't normal for him to keep his distance from her like this.
"Harry, are you okay?" She rested her hand on the doorknob, preparing to open it so she could see him with her own eyes.
"I-I'm fine baby. Go t' sleep m'love. I'll be there in a little while," Y/N frowned when she heard him wheezing a little as he breathed between words. He spoke much too slowly compared to his usual drawl as though it was too much work for him to speak.
"Harry please, jus' wanna see you." She tries again, hoping he'll open the door.
"Promise I'll be there t' give you your kisses baby but I jus' need... a moment," Y/N's face fell.
"H-Harry you're scaring me," She said, quietly.
Harry was on the other side of the door, clutching onto his side. He was already hurting but hearing his angel begging to come in was killing him. He couldn't leave her out there. She looked the perfect remedy to his currently aching body when he looked through the peephole of his door and saw her already in her pyjamas, looking all snuggly and cute.
"Not tryin' t' scare you, dove. Please I'll be out in a minute." He hoped she would listen like she normally would. He needed enough time to clean up as best as he could so he could return to her- looking like the Harry she knew- but she wasn't having it, reminding him of just how stubborn she could be when she wanted to. 
"Harry, I-I'm gonna open the d-door. I have to see if you're okay," She spoke, clearly and carefully.
Harry looked down as the doorknob twisted. He wanted to twist the key and lock it to keep her out but he lost control of his own mind as he stepped back and allowed her to push the front door open.
He stood under the dim light of his living room. He had been meaning to get the lightbulb fixed but he'd been spending too much time at Y/N's apartment to remember.
Her eyes went from his feet all the way up to meet his face. Her lips parted and her eyes started to water, his heart ached at the sight. "No baby," He stepped forward, pulling her into him and holding her to his chest even though it ached to do so.
"H-Harry," She whispered, her voice cracking, "What happened?"
She pulled back and cupped one of his cheeks in her small hand. Harry's eyes fluttered shut at the sensation, he could have sworn every ounce of pain lifted from her touch alone. "Was out with a friend, you know, the one who deals," He explained, referring to Mike who Y/N had met. He didn't want to hide from her and she already knew he smoked weed regularly so it was no surprise to her when he told her he'd been smoking, "We pulled over so he could drop something off but I guess the customer got a little aggressive. He was probably on something but he was refusing to pay I think Mike said. I was in the car and all I saw was this guy trying to swing at him. I ran out to help him and we managed to get away before he had the chance to do anything worse but he obviously managed to get a good few hits in before."
Harry hadn’t remembered the last time he had gotten into a fight other than when he was a teenager just after his parents got divorced. He had managed to get a few punches in, making his knuckles all red and cut up, but he'd also been the victim of a few hits too. He had a black eye, a busted lip and a pounding headache from the impact of the punch he had received.
"Harry," Y/N choked on a sob, "Y-you could have been seriously h-hurt,"
"I know baby, I know." He cradled her head in his arms as she wrapped her arms around him, not squeezing too tight because she knew he was in pain. "But 'm here now."
Her eyes were red-rimmed as she looked at him, "You were helping Mike?" She asked.
"'s all I was doing baby, promise." He hated how worried she looked so he was willing to do anything to comfort her until she knew he was okay.
She pulled away, "W-where are you hurting?" She looks down as if checking him for any more bruising. He could see her visibly starting to panic, her hands shaking and her chest moving up and down rapidly.
"Hey, c'mere, c'mon now." He picked her up and brought her over to the couch, "M okay sweet girl, nothing to worry about anymore. Calm down f' me, please. Hate seeing you in a panic." He uttered to her, rocking her back and forth with her face buried in his neck. 
"You're all b-bruised," She whimpered, "Y-you must be in so much pain."
"Not anymore my love. Hmmm, my flower is here, takin' all m' pain away aren't you dove?" He kissed her shoulder.
"C-can I help you?" She whispered, eyes blotchy and red from crying a little.
"Wanna patch up m' bruises love?" She nods as if there was nothing else she'd rather do than be there for him. "Alright, le's go to the bathroom and y' can help me." He carried her to the bathroom and placed her on the counter near the sink. He grabbed a first aid kit from the cabinet under the sink and handed it to her. "Didn't know m' girlfriend was a little nurse." He smirked, a blush covering her cheeks.
Harry stood between her legs with his hands on the counter on either side of her. He watched her as she cleaned the cuts and treated the bruise covering his eye. He smiled when the tip of her tongue stuck out between her lips, "Be careful, I'll bite that tongue." He teased.
Y/N squeaked hiding her tongue away, but quickly composed herself, "You're not getting anywhere near my tongue mister." She sasses and Harry grins so wide, his cheeks hurt.
"No? You don't think I deserve a kiss baby? M in so much pain." He hides his face in her neck and presses spongy kisses on her soft skin.
Y/N giggles at the ticklish sensation, trying to push him away, "No, you can't, not until I patch you up and you stop getting into fights."
"Actin' like I get into fights every other weekend baby," He smirks, "Only f' you."
Her mouth opens and closes as she tries to figure out what to say in such a flustered state from his words. He takes the opportunity to kiss her, their lips pressing together under the low light of the bathroom. He hadn't seen her since this morning and had been missing her all day but knew she needed some time with her girlfriends without him smothering her. It didn't stop him from glancing at his phone now and then to see if she'd called him, just like she had done.
The small time they spent away from each other during the day made him all the more desperate to kiss her. He cradled both her cheeks in his hand, brushing his thumb over her cheekbones. She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with the baby strands of hair on the nape of his neck. "Missed you," She murmured when their lips parted.
"Missed y' too flower." He hummed, "Don't know what's wrong w' me to want you this bad." His hands travelled down her arms, his fingers brushing over her tattoo as he slid past it before he intertwined their fingers together. “Think m just a teeny bit in love with y’ to be honest.” He confessed. 
And suddenly they were both existing outside of their own bodies.
"W-what?" Y/N's eyes glazed over.
“Oh shit.” Harry cusses, squeezing his eyes shut, his face scrunching in frustration, “Wasn’t meant to be this way flower.” 
“Y-you love me?” Her bottom lip quivered, her brain not quite believing what she was hearing. 
Harry's heart was racing as he looked her in the eyes, "I love you." The words left his mouth and had never felt so right or so freeing. He couldn't understand why now of all moments was the time to finally say it but a piece of himself felt whole and all the pain from his body had left as he told her the three words that had been trapped in his throat for so long.
Y/N's mind whirred as she processed Harry's words. The air seemed to thicken around them, and for a moment, time hung suspended. She searched his eyes for any sign of hesitation, but all she found was sincerity and vulnerability. "You do?" She whimpered.
"Oh no flower, don't cry. Hate seeing tears in those pretty eyes," He began to wipe them away as soon as they fell from her eyes.
"I'm sorry," She blubbered, "I never imagined... I never imagined someone could feel this way about me," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Never thought I'd be in love either but here we are," He chuckled, "Love you so much, m'favourite flower." He rubbed their noses together.
Y/N's pouty lips sprouted into a beautiful smile, "I love you too Harry, more than anyone in the whole world."
"Y’ already told me that once before." He smiled, a mixture of adoration and a touch of amusement dancing in his eyes. 
“I did?” She frowned. 
“Mhm,” Harry nodded, “Before you fell asleep, you mumbled it and told me you loved me and when you woke up y’ didn’t remember.” 
“Really?” She couldn’t help but feel embarrassed knowing she admitted something so big in her sleep.
“Honestly,” Harry told her, “Think y’ were probably dreaming or something.”
“Is this a dream? Feels like it,” Y/N whispers. 
“S most certainly not a dream m’love.” Harry kissed her quickly, “Gonna love you forever I think.” 
She leant forward, running her fingers through his hair as his head fell back. He hummed at the feeling, biting on his lip to stop himself from smiling so much before burying his face in the crook of her neck - in the place he loved so much. "Promise." He whispered, lips ghosting her skin.
Their fingers traced lazy patterns on each other's skin, a silent communication between them. The room was filled with the hushed whispers of their love, as if time had slowed down so they could savour the sweetness of this very moment.
Y/N yawned which made the corner of Harry's lips turn upwards, "Y' done fixing me up now? Wanna go t' bed love?" She nodded, wrapping herself around him. He reminded himself to clean away the first aid kit in the morning, his priority was getting his girl some much-needed sleep.
She curled into him when they lay in his small bed, her head resting on his chest right where her heart was. She played with his hair and he ran a hand up and down her bare back underneath her pyjama shirt, "I love you," She murmured into the quiet.
He hoped she could hear his heart beat a little faster at her words, "I love you s' much, flower. With everything in me, gonna be mine forever y'are." He mumbled the words into her ear. 
Harry cupped the side of her face as her tired, glossy eyes looked at him with so much love and adoration, that he didn’t know what to do with it all. In the dimly lit room, they leaned in close, their breath mingling as their lips met in a gentle, passionate kiss. His hands found her waist, pulling her closer, while hers tangled in his hair. They explored each other's mouths, lost in the heat of the moment, their bodies pressed together. Each kiss was filled with longing and desire, igniting a fire between them that burned brighter with every touch.
“I’ve never loved anyone before,” Y/N whispered to him. 
“Really?” Harry smiled. 
“You’re my first love.” Y/N has to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling so wildly but Harry tugs her lip with his thumb and suddenly her smile is so wide her cheeks turn pink.
“You’re my first and only love.” He murmured. 
She liked that and she loved him. 
This was exactly where they were both meant to be —with the person who had become not only their first love but their forever love too. 
A flower tattooed to his heart.
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bakubunny · 6 months
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a/n: i’ve written daddy!shota plenty of times, but i’ve never written about how it might have happened. so here’s a hc dump? there’s a lil smutty drabble at the end.
if this isn’t your kind of thing, pls just scroll and ignore.
tw: f!reader, daddy kink (obv), ddlg, mentioned age play, d/s dynamics, pet names: baby, babygirl, sweetheart, good girl
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totally blindsided the first time someone whined out a shaky “daddy” underneath him in his early twenties. almost busted instantly. he knew daddy kinks were a thing, but that was something people joked about, wasn’t it?… at least that’s what he knew. he also knew he needed to hear it again, but shoved the thought away as the life of an underground hero took hold.
kayama was the one who called him out on it jokingly when she snickered and threw out an offhand, “okay, daddy,” in response to his being demanding and she earned a nasty glare. she proceeded to do that for the next week, and every time, shota had half a mind to shove her face into any surface he could find and fuck the attitude out of her. but he never did.
got absolutely shitfaced with some friends and drunkenly confided in kamaya as uncomfortable as it was. he wanted answers, wanted to know that he wasn’t some disgusting perv, and if anyone could understand, it would be her. while much more crass than he liked on the matter, she still had compassion.
thanks to kayama, shota soon finds places on the internet where real people are involved in “ddlg,” and a comfort settles in his chest knowing that what’s in his head actually exists.
there’s something that makes his body run hot seeing real people in innocent, frilly clothes, printed, childish panties, maybe an oversized pacifier between their lips, snuggling with the cutest plushies he’s ever seen…. he’s not sure what to make of that, and it takes time for him to figure it out.
by the time you meet shota a few years later, he’s figured out most of his likes and dislikes, he thinks. he’s considered or been in a d/s dynamic once or twice, but most of his “daddy kink” experience falls into “something i like to hear in the bedroom.”
he’s pretty perceptive and picked up that you might be that kind of person long before it came up. it’s in the small things - the way you get flustered with certain nicknames or a particular tone of voice, how much you enjoy it when he’s forceful or takes control, the way he can almost watch your brain short circuit with certain phrases, with how he insists on taking care of you, etc.
he’s probably not gonna tell you until you bring it up or it happens naturally; yeah, he wants it, but until you push him, he’s not the type to demand what he wants out of sex (or in general) in a romantic relationship because that takes work… and because most sex doesn’t involve romantic relationships for him.
when it does come out, there’s plenty of discussion. he’s open with you for the most part because he doesn’t see a reason not to be. no matter how hesitant you might be, he’s unfazed by anything you bring up; he’s been around the internet enough that he’s at least seen the whole spectrum - everything from “daddy is a nickname” to 24/7 dynamics heavy on age play.
the first time you let it slip and call him daddy is probably in bed. he’s just fucking you that good. your head is spinning and fuzzy at the same time. your voice is muffled by pillows or maybe you’re tucked into the crook of his neck, biting into his sweatshirt. it’s soft, hardly intelligible; in fact, you were desperately hoping he hadn’t heard you at all.
but shota’s hearing is sharp, and he knows that what just left your mouth sure as shit was not “baby.”
so he leans in, his lips grazing your ear. “what’s that, sweetheart?”
“huh? n-nothin, jus’ feels go-” you’re cut off as your jaw drops and you moan.
shota angles his hips slightly, pounding harder into the spot that had you trembling and seeing white moments ago.
“c’mon babygirl, what did you call me?”
you whine. heat rushes to your cheeks. “no, sho st-stop, please,” you plead softly.
“if you wanna fucking cum, you’re gonna repeat what you said,” he growls. “you hear me?”
another hesitant whimper as you clench around his thick cock. shota grunts from the sensation and concedes, opting for a bit of encouragement.
his tone is soft and low. “i need it. let daddy hear you, baby.”
a shudder runs over your skin, your voice more akin to a broken sob. “fuck daddy, fuc-nngh, please don’t stop.”
shota’s heavy groan hits your skin as he pants, and you keen in response.
“that’s it. that’s my good girl, shit.” he presses soft, warm kisses into your skin. “say it again.”
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sssigil · 1 year
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summary: In which you're in your head to much about this relationship with Ethan but he brings you back to reality and makes you realize your nothing but perfect for him and only him.
(as requested)
warnings: fluff fluff fluff so much fluff, Angst, you're really hard yourself, but you guys are so gushy and so in love, Ethan makes you feel better, use of marijuana, use of alcohol, that's it.
You were never the first choice in anything or for anyone. You never liked being an extrovert, if no one ever spoke to you well then you never spoke at all. You loath that about yourself, it was one of your many flaws and you hated it.
Growing up yes you did have many friends, but entering middle school and high school well those "friends" just faded away. Apart from having zero friends, no one ever asked you out on a date. You'd say "well that's stupid who cares if they even liked you romantically" well yea but you know it hurts, it kinda makes you think you aren't worthy for that sorts of stuff. No one ever gave you the option so why pursue it you know.
So when you finally made it to your first year of NYU dating was the last thing you wanted to do. No way were you gonna waste time on some guy or girl who would probably just end up leaving you for someone ten times better. Yea fuck that... but, but you met Tara and through Tara you also met her sister Sam, Chad and Mindy, the core four. That's what they called themselves, it's kinda cute you know, their friendship seemed so pure and warm it made you envious to what they had. But they welcomed you, they introduced you into the friendship and it brought some joy back into your life. You finally felt welcome into a group of people who did not judge or pressure you, you felt safe and sound with them.
Having met them well you met two others. Anika, she was the most charismatic and cutest girl you had ever met. She always made you feel at peace, you appreciated that, you appreciated her. She knows you do, you guys have a connection, not as strong as her and her girlfriend Mindy but something like it.
Ethan was the other person. He's Chads roommate it only made sense why he was in this friend group. Ethan was sweet, he's sweetest boy you've ever met. He is tall, muscular, has the prettiest soft curls and the biggest doe eyes. His voice is soft and soothing always speaking in a soft tone for everyone. Mainly for you but you never noticed, everyone around you did though.
He made you feel the things you know, the butterflies, you HATED it but you also secretly loved it. Every time he spoke to you looking down at you asking if you needed help carrying your books, your bag, your drink EVEN YOUR PHONE, it made you turn a shade of red always telling him "I'm fine, thanks Ethan" smiling up at him almost giggling. I mean no one had given you this kind of attention growing up, no one looked at you the way Ethan did. So you never worked towards that type of relationship with him, but he did.
When he finally got the courage to ask you in front of your guys friend group, you kinda hesitated which made him worry. Did you not feel that way? Did he take your signs wrong? Did he just ruin this connection you both had? A bunch of questions spiraled in his head and the same thing was happening in yours.
What if this is some kind of sick joke. No ones ever felt this way about you. Why would he? He's the perfect, kind and sweet boy who can get with anyone in this city. Why you. Why would he want to get with someone like me. You kept degrading yourself, you felt yourself shake your head lightly, not even looking at him anymore. You were looking at the concrete below you, looking at the little pebbles of tiny rocks that manage to sink into it. You wished you could sink into it. Then you heard your name being called by him, his hands lifting up from his sides, he was holding your face. He was making you come back to reality, he was making you forget these dreadful thoughts.
"You okay? I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" he spoke softly. Searching your eyes for any sign of rejection and denial and he did see something but he could see that your eyes had softened once you made contact with his brown ones. "Yes" you said smiling and it made him smile. "Yes Ethan i'll be your girlfriend" and he couldn't help himself, he picked you up by the waist, strong arms enveloping around you lifting you off the ground. You squeaked at his actions not really expecting this but still enjoying it. He was one of the best things to happen in your life, but you still had insecurities he doesn't have to know that and you didn't want to worry about it. So you went on with your life with him.
It had been a two months since that happened, you felt at peace with him. Life had never felt so good, you are happy very very happy and so was Ethan. He loved being with you, he loving touching you, he loved being close to you, he loved everything about you. Of course you haven't said it, mainly because it's too early in the relationship you know the L word but he knew he felt it with you.
Now you guys are heading to that halloween frat party with your friend group. You guys were hand in hand giggling and smiling at each other like the lovesick couple you are admiring the costumes you had chosen. You both decided to dress up for this party since everyone else around you was. You and Ethan were going as Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, I know so corny but come on there love was so beautiful and innocent and strong! It reminded you both of the love you two have, aside for the dying at childbirth and Anakin becoming a Sith Lord, killing younglings and planing to take over the whole galaxy. THEY DESERVED A BETTER ENDING. Aside from that your costumes fit so well with you both and you had gotten so many complements so its a win.
"you guys are so cute its making me gag" Anika spoke jokingly from in front making very loud gagging noises. "true! but not as cute as us babe" Mindy spoke kissing Anika on her cheek, both turning there attention back to Tara and Chad.
"okay but who would have thought going as padmé and ani would gonna get us this much attention" you spoke to your boyfriend excitedly, "come on baby we look good, look at us no LOOK AT YOU! if that blaster was real I'd let you shoot me" he spoke in a serious but joking tone at the end "Ethan?!! I would never shoot you" you spoke in a mad but also joking tone "but cheat on me and see what happens" you spoke "bunny? I would never do that to you. I'd rather feel your wrath then cause such pain to you" he spoke serious now. "m' sorry didn't mean it" now feeling bad at what you had just said to him, you never wanted to hurt him, ever.
After a couple seconds of silence the conversation went back to its happy and sweet tone. Just you two gushing and babbling the cheesiest things ever. And finally you guys were at the party, not your type of scene but since you boyfriend was there it really didn't matter.
You both had slithered you way to the drinks, beer for you and coke for Ethan of course. You made your way to the couches Ethan sitting first and you placing yourself on his lap, back against his but moving yourself to face him a little. "Want some of my beer? promise it won't taste bad" you tell him shaking the red cup in front of him. "No thanks babe coke is pretty yummy for me" he spoke taking a sip of his coke humming happily. "Don't drink too much princess, don't want that pretty little head of yours hurting tomorrow" Ethan said placing his coke on your lap and using that hand to rub the side of your thigh soothingly "No promises" you giggled loudly scrunching your nose at him
"hello my favorite love birds, how are we doing" Mindy exclaimed now sitting to the left of you and Ethan, Anika following behind plopping beside Mindy smiling at both of you. "We're okay" you said dragging the 'y' "wait you have week right?!" you questioned Mindy excitedly "Yes I do" she said pulling the rolled joint from her pocket and asking Anika to light it for her as she placed it in between her lips, inhaling the smoke and finally letting it leave her throat. "fuck that's good" Mindy sighs happily "My turn my turn" you said repeating her actions but inhaling a little longer than her.
"Hey bunny be careful don't choke" your boyfriend said, you turn to look at him motioning him to slightly open his mouth for you, blowing the smoke into his mouth while keeping eye contact with him. "You know I don't" you whisper seductively at him making him almost choke on the smoke that was now in his mouth. You both laugh at that comment making sure to not drop the joint that was in between your index and middle finger.
You take more hits making sure to pass it to Mindy and Anika making sure you don't finish it all by yourself. See as much as you loved being in this state of euphoria you also hated it. You felt everything ten times more. You were now sitting beside Mindy, Ethan had gone to get another coke while you and your two friends finished the smoke sesh. Your eyes had been scanning the living room trying to look for your boyfriend, you just couldn't find him and it had been while since he had left. So you got up, making sure to tell Mindy but she wasn't really paying attention, she was too busy making out with Anika.
"ETHAN" you called out through the loud music blasting in your ears. Head turning left and right, eyes scanning every room you stumble yourself through. You finally find him, he was at the kitchen laughing, god he looked so cute laughing. His eyes were slightly closed, his nose was scrunched up, his shoulder shook lightly and his hair curls bounced lightly. You stood there admiring him but then you noticed, he was laughing with a girl. A very pretty girl in a robe, a gryffindor robe, she had the Harry Potter glasses and the lighting bolt was placed on the right side of her forehead. She was effortlessly pretty.
She looked pretty beside your boyfriend, they looked like an actual couple, they looked like they made sense, this hurt you. You just stood there, watching as she made your boyfriend laugh. She reached her hand out to point out how he was dressed as Anakin, caressing the material of the robe that laid on his biceps complementing him, she was flirting. Ethan just laughed thanking her and also complementing her Harry Potter costume. It made your mind spiral to those thoughts you had when he had first asked you to be his girlfriend.
Here you were, standing by the door of the room he was in, tears filling your eyes as your tried to blink them away. Breath hitching as more and more of these negative thoughts started to get to you. Walking out the room passing Mindy and Anika who were shocked and confused on why you walked out the house with tears in your eyes.
"Hey, hey, what happened? what's wrong?'' you could hear the worry in Anika's voice as she asked you. "Where's Ethan?" Mindy asked looking around trying to find him then looked back at you, you now sat on the cold concrete admiring it just like you had done before. "It's okay. Im just over exaggerating. I'm okay I swear, please go back inside and enjoy the party" you said to them wiping the tears the had flown down your soft cheeks, trying to smile for them to encourage them inside the house. You just wanted to be alone.
They insisted on staying but they could tell you wanted to be alone, they respected that but still worried for you, so they went looking for Ethan. When they finally found him he had such a panic look on his face. He couldn't find you anywhere and he didn't like that, he needed to see you, he needed to be with you. "Hey guys where's is she?" He said your name looking behind Mindy and Anika thinking he'd find you trailing behind them. "She's outside at the front, please go talk to her, somethings wrong, we worry for her" your friends obligated him.
And he did just that. He ran out the house, he never wanted to see you the way he did. You sat on the ground head pointed towards the ground, tears now leaving your eyes in water falls. Eyes red and so was your cheeks but not because of the weed but because on how much you had been crying, he hated seeing you like this.
"Hey angel face what's wrong" he cooed at you reaching out to hold your face but you flinched from his touch and that struck pain into his chest. "Speak to me baby" he encouraged you trying to coax anything from you to know why you are feeling this way. "why do you want to be with me?" you questioned him looking into his eyes trying to search for a answer.
"Because I only want to be with you, I need you in order to feel as if I finally have something good in my life. You are the most beautiful being to exist in this whole entire galaxy. I would be nothing with out you" he spoke in the warmest and sincerest voice, he was crouched down in front of you forehead almost touching yours. You looked at his big brown eyes thinking you'd only see how he was speaking lies but you only saw comfort in them. "You saw me with that girl didn't you?" now realizing why you felt this way. You nod your head looking back down to the ground.
"Oh baby" now leaving small kisses on your lips tasting the salty tears that ran down your lips "Yea I didn't notice how she was flirting with me baby I'm sorry, I thought she was being nice but once I noticed her intentions I told her I already had my beautiful amazing girlfriend" smiling at you still leaving soft wet kisses on your cheeks. "really?" you spoke softly looking at him again tilting your head really enjoying the kisses he was leaving on your face. "Yes angel face, its always you"
"its just" you spoke but you didn't finish the sentence "I know baby, we all feel insecure, but never can ever replace you. I love you" Ethan said not realizing his last words "You. You love me?" you said surprised at his words but also felt the heat in your face rise "I do angel face, I Love You" he exclaimed loudly picking you up once again just like that very first time. "I love you too Ethan, more than anyone in this galaxy" you giggled, tears no longer dripping from your eyes.
You kissed him as if it was the last kiss you both were gonna share. It was soft and slow, you took in each others taste and you loved every second go it. You let go of his lips finally trying to catch your breath from all the kissing. Feet now planted to the ground. "you know we both really took in that role of ani and padme" you said giggling making Ethan laugh with you. "I mean I would destroy the whole galaxy in order to save you"your boyfriend said proudly making you giggle louder.
"you're so pretty" you told Ethan running your fingers through his soft brown curls, it made him blush at your words "you're really pretty too bunny, the prettiest" kissing you once again.
"lets go back to my dorm angel" Ethan spoke wiggling his eye brows implying what he wanted to do "ETHAN! don't say that out loud" you yelled his name hitting his chest playfully. "Okay lets go" you said running away from him and towards his dorms, he chased you not so far behind.
You guys are so in love and nothing could ever change that.
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kitthepurplepotato · 6 months
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Chapter 6 - The man in Inko’s house.
Summary: Izuku want to see his mom but he finds another man in her house instead. Also, Izuku forgets to wear a shirt to sleep.
Warnings: Izuku in his underwear, no actual suggestive content this time but there are some suggestive thoughts in there (obviously😂), swear words
First Chapter Master List
“Tadaima.” Izuku mutters into your ear while he gives you a tight hug. He just came home from his last shift for the week. He’s yours for two whole days from now on, and it feels like a dream.
“I missed you.” You mutter back, your face flushed from the excitement. “I can’t wait to wake up next to you and cuddle. Then I wanna use the hot tub together…”
“Uhm, about that…” Izuku scratches the back of his head sheepishly. Oh no.
“If you tell me you are working tomorrow I swear to god I’ll cry.” You retort angrily, your arms snaking around Izuku’s middle possessively. By the look of it, Izuku really likes your new possessive side; his eyes darken as he buries his fingers in your hair, scratching your scalp to soothe your sudden anger.
“Definitely not, but… can we go to see Mom? I really miss her. Then the day after that we can… uhm… have the full day for ourselves. Just you and me. And All Meowt. And the hot tub.” Izuku’s face is slightly flushed as he says the last sentence but you can feel his excitement when his eyes shine in that adorable way it usually does when he talks about his favorite things and current obsessions, like that new new anime about the most popular girl falling in love with a random nerd. He’s absolutely obsessed with that shit, bless his little romantic ass. “I also want to formally introduce you to her. As my… my… girlfriend…” Izuku smiles shyly, his voice full of giddiness.
“Hmm…” You try to tease him, but his puppy eyes are too powerful. You have no idea how can he make such an adorable face and how can he still have baby fat on his face at his age. You can’t help yourself; you touch the soft skin, slowly stroking up and down then back up until you reach his freckles, connecting the dots with your finger, taking in the sight of them as counting them would be impossible. “Have I told you how much I adore your cheeks?” You mutter as you leave a tiny kiss on the most freckled part of his skin. “And your eyes… you are so handsome, I can’t say no to this face.”
“Says the most beautiful girl with the sweetest smile.” Izuku mumbles with his eyes downcast which makes him look like a shy school boy confessing to his first love and it’s the cutest fucking thing the world has ever seen.
Okay, this needs to stop. It’s literally past midnight and Izuku haven’t showered yet.
“I’ll wait for you in bed.” You leave one tiny kiss on the greenette’s cheek and sneak out of the embrace, your steps quick as you walk towards the bedroom; you can hear Katsuki yelling “just fuck already”, loud and clear in your head but while you would absolutely love to finally have him to yourself, it’s kinda fun to tiptoe around each other; there is something about Izuku’s shyness, about the way all his touches scream innocence that makes your heart flutter and you are honestly not ready to say goodbye to that.
It doesn’t take Izuku too long to snuggle up to your back as he always does but the first thing you realize is that… he’s still kind of wet. Not too much, just the way the person skin’s feels like when they get out of the shower… wait.
Skin. Your naked shoulders are touching skin. Izuku senses how your shoulders tense and moves away from you; you murmur a silent “fuck” under your nose for being so weird about the situation, but hell, give the girl a warning, will ya?!
“Sorry, I forgot to bring a shirt with me and I’m too tired to get one but if it makes you uncomfortable…”
You hate the hesitation in Izuku’s voice.
“No, I was just surprised, it’s fine. Come back, I’m cold.” You turn to your other side, snuggling into the man’s pecks, silently thanking all the gods that it’s dark as your face is probably more red than a lobster’s. Your heart skips a beat as Izuku pulls your closer, his body flush against yours; your pajama top rode up in the motion so there is so much skin-to-skin right now your brain is about to combust. You can feel his abs through your belly; they are hard and sturdy but the skin is really soft, much softer than you’ve expected it to be; he doesn’t get many scars around that area thanks to the reinforced bullet and shockproof vest he wears under his hero costume. You have a really strong urge to feel it with your fingers, find every dip, every crevice until you remember them all even with your eyes closed but Izuku had a hard week and he’s probably tired to the bone so you decide to hide your face in his neck instead, snuggling into his warmth until you become a putty in each other’s arms.
“We should do this more often.” You murmur into his neck; you can feel him shivering as your hot breath licks his skin.
“Sweet Pea, I won’t be able to sleep if you keep doing that.” Izuku mutters shyly, his words followed by a pleased sigh.
“You haven’t slept for a week Izu, I’m quite sure you’ll manage.” You giggle but you roll back to your original position to let him have his peace tonight. Izuku doesn’t wait long before he pulls you back to him; after a few seconds his breathing evens out and he’s out like a light.
He must’ve been even more exhausted than I thought - you think to yourself as you slowly follow him to dreamland, his warmth seeping into your bones through your light pajama top.
Things you are not ready for at 9 in the morning:
- Izuku’s absolutely beautiful sleeping face.
- Izuku’s washboard abs glistering in the sunlight as he somehow manages to kick the covers off himself.
- Izuku still in bed, at 9AM. End of sentence.
Oh, and how can you forget the most important thing….
- The top of Izuku’s broccoli tattoo sticking out of his tight boxers as his gorgeous abs glisten in the sunlight at 9AM on a Saturday morning.
Izuku’s nose scrunches adorably as though somehow, he’s able to feel your eyes on him; he shifts to a new position and sighs contentedly, his hand reaching out to find you in his sleep; you sat down during your inner monologue so the only thing he could find was your upper thigh. He grabs the warm limb anyway, his face scrunched up in concentration as he’s trying to figure out what is he touching. You are half embarrassed and half amused, a tiny giggle leaves your mouth as Izuku tickles you by accident. His hand wonders around again, this time to your inner thigh and that’s when you whimper; Izuku opens his eyes to see what’s wrong and he pulls back his hand right away like your skin just burned him.
“Uhm… good… morning.” Izuku mutters, his face hidden in the pillow. Somehow, it sounded like an apology but you are glad he didn’t actually apologize; he has no reason to do so and you really want him to get to a point one day when he doesn’t feel the urge to say sorry for doing things he enjoys to do. For instance, every time his kisses get a bit rough, he apologizes, like it’s not the most normal thing in the world to get a bit unhinged while you kiss your loved one. He also says sorry when he accidentally touches the side of your… well… bosom. Or your bottom.
Okay, you can kinda understand the last two as you two haven’t really done anything too cheeky yet and Izuku wants to make sure he has your consent before doing any of that, but you would be happier if he would just ask you if he can instead of running away like a 30 year old virgin every time his finger touches a bouncy area.
Okay, how did you end up thinking about that?
Ahh, probably from the sight of his own, juicy ass in those tight black boxers.
… focus, woman.
“Really good morning indeed.” You look at Izuku’s god-like, half naked body; damn, those back muscles are (also) something else. You can’t wait to be able to ask about every single scar covering his body; there is a lot, some of them massive and brownish red - probably old burn marks while some of them are long, white and thin, almost elegant compared to the violent claw marks on his side. Some people might be put off by all the damaged skin, but honestly, they just make Izuku even more handsome in your eyes; they are the proof that Deku is a hero, a proof that he would do anything to save the innocent, to protect his city and it’s people. His back is like an abstract painting sitting in a museum; some people look at it and think “this makes no sense” but those who understand get teary eyed from all the emotions, of all the stories hidden behind the random lines of the canvas.
“Let’s… uhm… get ready. Yeah.” Izuku shuffles off the bed with a red face and you can’t help but giggle at Izuku’s awkwardness.
“So… this is it.” Izuku parks in front of a small, adorable house, right next to a small forest. You lived in Tokyo for god knows how long yet you didn’t know there was a place like this in the area; well, it’s quite far from the center to be fair and you never really felt the urge to sit on the train and go around the main city, so it makes a lot of sense. “It’s a small house, but mom didn’t want a bigger one. She said it would be too empty without me.” Izuku sighs, still affected by his mother’s bittersweet words. He’s such a mama’s boy!
“That’s so sweet.” You mutter, a little bit anxious about being here; you know there is no need for you to be stressed about today but it’s still a big step in your relationship, so of course it will affect you.
“Come on, mom will be so happy to see us!” He grabs your hand and pulls you towards the entrance, fingers intertwined as he opens the door and barges in without a single knock.
Well… Izuku clearly forgot to tell his mother that he’s coming over.
How do you know that? Because there is another man in her house. The man’s hair is blonde and messy, body skinny and fragile, a little bit unhealthy from the distance but there is a slight, healthy blush on his face which tells you he’s probably fine. His face is really kind and he was cleaning the leaves of a massive money plant when you two barged in so he’s clearly not a weirdo which makes you extremely happy because you would definitely have a few words with him otherwise. No one plays around with the innocent, naive Inko. No one.
The man looks extremely surprised first but then his face changes into a happy grin as he looks Izuku up and down with a proud smile.
“Midoriya-shounen!” The older man hops over to you two and hugs Izuku tightly. That nickname rings a bell.
“All Might!”
Okay, wait.
No fucking way.
“All Might?!” You mutter incredulously. The blond man just smiles at you awkwardly like he’s a little bit ashamed of being outed this way but wants to make a good first impression anyway. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to be rude or anything…”
“It’s all fine, my darling. Everyone reacts like that. You must be the famous Sweet Pea, I’m so happy to finally meet you in person.”
All Might has the kindest smile. It literally brings sunshine into the already bright house.
“Izuku, All Might is in your mom’s house!” You mutter under your nose while you ignore the world around you for a few minutes; it’s extremely hard not to freak out over the fact that you’ve just met Japan’s biggest hero - you are a nerd after all.
“Oh, yeah, why are you in mom’s house?” It seems like Izuku didn’t even realize he’s not supposed be here in the first place, he was so excited to meet his father figure again. He’s so fucking precious.
“Oh, well… my mansion was a bit too empty for the little old me, so I… moved here?”
Izuku almost chokes on her saliva while you can’t stop gawking at the blond man in front of you.
Well… that’s… an interesting plot twist.
“You are my mom’s roommate?!” Izuku yelps and you can’t help but sigh at that.
Two middle aged people sharing a house as “roommates”? You’ve never heard such a bullshit. Is Inko dating All Might?! Is that why she kept this a secret from his son even though they talk on the phone every week for literal hours?
“Inko wanted it to be a surprise, so… surprise?” All Might still talks to Izuku like he’s 15, making over-exaggerated facial expressions and you can see on Izuku’s face that he’s back to being a young boy, shy and nerdy, craving the love of a father he never had.
The whole situation might be considered weird from an outsider perspective but somehow… it just works. This family is special; they love with their whole heart, platonic or not and Inko letting his son’s role model to live in her house so he doesn’t get too lonely is such a Midoriya-thing to do that you are not even that surprised.
“I’m really happy.” Izuku mutters, tears welling up in his eyes as he hugs the thin man again. “I’m really happy, dad.”
“My boy…”
Aaaand… everyone is crying.
If this would be a fanfiction, this would be the perfect time to end this chapter as the emotions are so strong, the reader probably needs to take a breather.
“To be continued.” You giggle to yourself as you look around the house to find the missing piece; Inko, who’s hiding behind the bathroom door, crying a river as she takes the beautiful sight in front of her.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Bro I have a confession to make: I ship All Might and Inko more than I ship anyone else in this anime. I have no idea why.
- I went to a garden center and bought a plant plushie. It reminded me of the first few chapters of this story when Deku was proud of not killing a plant, but the plant was fake so I named him Deku. 😂
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- Some bad news for next week: I’m taking a break for 1 week. Life has been a bit hectic around me; I went back to full-time after being a part timer for a year due to mental health issues (it’s really not as bad as it sounds I swear.), Christmas in retail sucks and it sucks even more when you work in the busiest store in the area and I also got some worrisome news from my doctor which triggered my old anxiety and I kinda need some time to sort my shit out. I already know I won’t have time to write both of my series this week and I don’t want to ruin my upcoming birthday by forcing myself to edit and write that day, but that’s the only day I’m at home this week. So yeah, I’ll be back in two weeks! Maybe even sooner, we will see how it goes.
- Have a lovely week, guys! 💜 Tell me your thoughts! 🥦
TL:  @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer
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Hi can I please get an Erwin x secret wife reader? Just a lot of fluff and how the scouts finds out that their commander is a married man. Thank you
homie... this is the cutest ask ever oh my god i'm fucking giggling over this and i'm not even an erwin girly
summary: erwin smith x secret wife reader: meeting, married life, and the discovery word count: 1.449 setting: canonverse fem!reader warnings: season 2 & 3 spoilers
when erwin smith met you, not even his resolve to stay away from relationships could stop him from falling in love. and somewhat unfortunately, there was no stopping you from loving him back.
frankly, your relationship was the last thing erwin wanted. being a scout, the commander of the scouts nonetheless, meant that tomorrow was never promised. with the disproportionately slim chance of surviving his career until retirement, he had made a silent promise to stay away from love. of course, meeting you changed that in spite of his better judgement...
-it was shortly after erwin had been named the new commander of the scouts. after is appointment, he often went and got a beer at this small tavern in one of sina's outlier districts so he could try to organize his thoughts
-you were the one to approach him, asking if he was alright because he looked a little dejected. erwin, always hellbent on demonstrating his strength, overcompensated a little bit and exuded a little too much of his illusive confidence
-you laughed at him and told him that he acts like a politician
-it wasn't often that someone saw through him, he found it intriguing. you talked for awhile that nigh, expecting to go your separate ways, but you ran into him there a few more times, and when you did, you would sit together and talk. eventually, you organized some cafe dates on sunday mornings. you didn't actually know who he was until your fifth or sixth meeting, which was funny to you because he never thought to mention it, and funny to him because he thought you knew all along
-you made him realize that there was more to life than discovering the unknown- that there was a lot of value in what he already had. he made you think more about your existence in the walls. you challenged each other
-within a year of meeting, you were married. you decided that if you were determined to be in a relationship, it was best that you went all in since time might end up being short
-married life with erwin doesn't always feel like married life. there's a lot of being alone for both of you while he's away on missions or in other districts for planning and other administrative tasks
-he sends you letters if he's away for more than a week. they are not very emotional letters and they don't ever detail anything specific about people, just events. but he is sure to tell you about the things he thinks you would enjoy the most- like how he saw a sunset that reminded him of one you watched together early in your relationship
-he's the type to be like "i'm not a romantic, but.." and then write something really gushy lol
-when he gets home, he likes to bake those cookies that are shaped like flowers with jam in the middle. he has mastered his family recipe for them. he feels like it's a nice way to show you how much he still cares about you after being away from home for so long
-when you're together, he tries to be very present with you. he enjoys cooking meals together and playing card games
-his love language is acts of service so he really wants to make you feel at ease when he's home because he's sure it stresses you out a lot when he isn't. he ends up doing a lot around the house, even if nothing really needs to be done. like especially on longer stretches of being home, he would start home improvement projects if there was nothing to clean or help with. somehow, he always finishes them even if it's at the expense of a decent night's sleep
-he has a home office, but he does his best to only do work after you've gone to sleep/before you wake up if it's his day off (this man is always working :( even if he doesn't have a deadline)
-you don't usually go out on the town. it's exhausting travelling as much as he does, so he likes to feel like he has a real home base and spend a lot of time there
-definitely "lets" you win arguments, but he still thinks you're wrong lol
-he is a bath man. like he spends an unhealthy amount of time in the tub if he has the time for it. he likes salts that help with soreness and he likes when you take them together so you can just talk about your day
-if you were part of something like a book club/knitting group/something where other women get together and do granny activities, erwin loves when you host. he is making cocktails/tea and hanging out with you all to get the latest gossip. he doesn't like to interact with too many of his coworkers bc he doesn't want to get attached lmao, but he loves knowing the neighborhood tea
-"ingrid, waiting for him to come to his senses is a waste of your time. you deserve someone who respects you." (needless to say, everyone loves him.)
-because of stuff like this, you aren't exactly secretly married. like your family and friends all know that you are married to the scouts' commander, they just know better than to run their mouth about it. erwin just never talks about his personal life at work
-his section commanders all know, but they were all super shocked to find out. everyone would have been up late working on a plan or something and he finally tells them to go home. someone would have asked a last minute question and he's like, "tomorrow. i'm late for dinner." and hange is the only one bold enough to be like, "haha, you got a secret wife or something?" and he just raises a thick eyebrow like "my wife isn't a secret."
-everyone was shook and waited for him to leave to talk about it and try to figure out the lore
-levi found out later, awhile after he joined the scouts when he heard everyone gossiping about you two. he pretended he didn't care but the man was shocked
-you might meet a few section commanders/captains over the years by picking him up at work for a date or eating lunch with him in his office when he's in the capital, but the introduction is always brief and it's never long enough for you to get to know anyone
-any day that you plan to visit him at work, he calls miche into his office beforehand and tells him that he's not allowed to sniff you in the event that you meet
-when erwin loses his arm and levi finds out, he's obviously pissed that he couldn't have been there to help, but all he ends up saying at first is "sucks for the mrs."
-when erwin comes home for the first time after this, he almost feels embarrassed that he can't be doing things on his own, and terrible that he can't do things for you like usual. tbh, he'd ve kind of aloof at first bc mans is avoidant, so you'd have to show him that you're not throwing in the towel
-it's a massive moment of vulnerability for him when you help him out with things that used to be second nature, like buttoning his shirt and writing. however, he spends a lot of time at home while he's healing and although there are some moments of tension, you grow together a lot
-hange would offhandedly mention you at the beginning of the events of season 3, like half joking and half curious. "you think erwin's wife is gonna leave him? he lost an arm and now he's in prison. that's gotta test the ol' vows."
-levi would glare at them in utter disbelief like ?? "honestly, shitty glasses. where do you get the nerve?" and sasha and connie would overhear and look at each other and just go off the rails trying to piece it all together, like trying to figure out if they missed signs or smth
-levi squad uses this as a distraction from the horrors of humanity within the walls :D
-overall, erwin values you and your relationship above any other relationship he has. he wants to protect you from getting attached to his coworkers because it's bad enough that you fell in love in the first place. he considers your relationship the most selfish and self indulgent thing he's taken part in, but he can't bring himself to feel remorse because you're impossible not to love and he wants you waiting for him when he gets home
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Cute things they do Blue Lock Addition pt 2:
Cw: Characters x Reader, Gender neutral Reader, mentions of love bites (Ryusei), kissing, showing Reader off (Ryusei), just pure fluff
Characters: Ryusei Shidou, Sae Itoshi
Sae Itoshi ⚽😮‍💨:
In all honesty Sae isn't cute-
Like this man is hot, cool, sexy, and all that but he isn't cute.
Even so he has some cute things he does
Things like dancing with you whenever theres music playing, swaying you around the kitchen even though he only did it to get something, leaning closer to you as you speak are just some of them.
And he does them almost everytime he sees you.
Since Sae is a pro football(soccer) player he isn't home often so he makes it up when he's there.
He'll even be extra nice if he's been gone longer than he expected too.
He'll hold you so gently that it makes you fall asleep, but right before your eyes close you can sometimes can just barely make out the small smile on his face as he watches you drift off.
But if he isn't there expect gifts, and lots of calls.
The gifts are full of everything.
Things from expensive jewelry all the way to the two feet plushie you saw that one time you got them.
Calls with Sae are sweet too.
He always makes sure to ask how your day was along with other questions before he even talks about himself to you.
He also will tap small messages in morse code on a surface if he's in public and doesn't feel like listening to people question who he's talking to.
Though there is one thing that is the cutest thing with him.
It's his kisses.
Sae isn't really a vocal person, so he makes up for it in other things.
The only way to really see Sae's inner thoughts are through his kisses.
His kisses are bold almost fiery, yet passionate and loving.
His kisses always leave you in a state of shock, but you get brought out of it quickly when you see a gentle smile gracing his lips at your reaction.
If you point it out he will stop smiling and tell you to call a uber home-
Ryusei Shidou ⚽😈:
This goblin is on demon time-
He will rarely do anything cute, romantic, sweet, etc.
He is the definition of a gremlin and its so much worse when your dating him.
To him your his property so he can do what he wants with you which ends up in lots of fights both verbal and physical (he tries to pull his punches when you fist fight unless you really piss him off)
The only cute thing goblin will ever do with you is sleep.
Thats it.
Nothing else.
No sweet kisses, no soft hugs, no prasie, nothing just sleep.
Okay all jokes aside- he doesn't do many cute things with you.
Sure you play fight, have sweet banter, and play pranks on each other (his worse than yours- like dog food for breakfast-) but they aren't cute.
When you play fight he aims to make you laugh or scold him there isn't anything cute about it (except his cheeky little smile), when you have banter he swings on you out of fun or gives you noogies, the pranks are usually downright gross on his part.
But when your sleeping its different.
Ryusei is a loud person, but when you sleep he tries to stay as silent as possible.
He loves being close to you and having your sleeping body close to his makes him admire you.
He'll run his fingers in your hair, along your back, kiss your ears, gently rub the curves of your face but he only does this when your sleeping.
Sure he loves your smile and the sound of your scolding but when your sleeping he gets to admire the peaceful beauty of your features.
Everything is still and he loves it.
Sometimes he gets carried away with admiring you that he will bite you.
Yes you heard me bite you-
He does it for three reasons.
One because your so adorable when your sleeping that you looked tasty-
Two he loves biting you to watch you squirm subconsciously-
And three, he does it to make sure your real and he isn't imaging it.
That your there and in your most vulnerable state nonetheless.
It fills him with so much pride that he'll show you off.
He'll purposely rub his hands along your neck or collarbone even going so far as to pull up your shirt to your stomach to show off the marks he left on your skin.
Its a sign of ownership and its a sign that you belong to him (bonus points if you bite him to because now its shows the world your each others).
He can't help it.
I mean how else is the world supposed to see his beloved?
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xiaq · 8 months
this is a bit of a dumb question but i’m in my early 20s and finally getting into dating but i just can’t imagine settling down with someone and having them be around for the rest of my life without getting bored of them or having the passion die. you and your husband honestly have the cutest relationship. how did you know that he was the one? sorry if this is super personal
I'm afraid I don't have some sort of how-to manual to make it happen, but I knew B was the one because I never got tired of him.
Every other friend/romantic relationship/family member/human being I've ever met, there has been a threshold. My parents, some of my closest friends, I can spend a couple days in their constant company before I need a break. For most people, though, it's a couple of hours. Everyone except B.
Being with him is often more restful than being alone. And I'm not one to believe in soulmates, but I've certainly never met someone else who makes me feel as calm and anchored as he does. He just. Helps quiet my brain, I guess. I can't explain it.
I more or less moved in with him only a few weeks into dating (granted, we'd been friends for years, but living with someone is something different entirely) and I knew immediately he was special because we coexist so seamlessly. With the few people I'd dated before, I could spend a couple nights with them. But more than 48 hrs at a time was too much. I needed space or I'd get...I don't know how to explain it, it was like my insides felt itchy. And I thought that was just going to be the way things worked for me, in a relationship. I'd suck it up as long as I could and then after a week when I felt like I was going crazy, I'd go sequester myself somewhere for a bit.
I've never had to do that with B. Even when I'm desperately peopled out and need space, he doesn't count as people and he doesn't feel like he's encroaching on my space. He's very good at being alone with me.
Anyway. I'm sure this doesn't help you at all and I'm sorry for that because I wish I could tell you how to find a B. I really do.
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metallicaislife · 7 months
Cliff Burton Headcanons
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A/N: bear with me, I tried to stay true to who he is as person, however I am a delusional 25 year old woman who is hopelessly in love with him 🫡
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
SFW Headcanons
He was quiet the first few times you met 
You thought he hated you because he wouldn’t talk to you other than a few words here and there
He was really just picking up on your vibes, he is a good judge of character and wants to surround himself with good natured people
When he deemed you a genuine good egg he started opening up and you were starting to see his true personality
Which was such a treat, getting to see him just be himself in the purest sense 
The two of you would become really good friends
You would hardly realize the transition from friends to more it was all just really natural
Like you two hung out a lot, then one day he asked you to hang out and it was just different, but not in a bad way
He took you out to eat at an all day breakfast diner
The music shop and let you pick out a couple cassettes and batted your hands away when you tried to pay for them
When you got back into his car, you were stewing on the thought and finally blurted out 
“Is this a date?”
Homie was so nonchalant about it, but honestly you wouldn’t of wanted it any other way
After that the two of you were going steady
He isn’t overly affectionate in front of others, like they know you’re a couple but he isn’t all over you
He’ll hold your hand or have an arm slung around your shoulder or his hand on the small of your back
If the two of you are sitting down he’ll play with your hands, and he lets you do the same
In private though, he’s like a blanket
His 6’2 frame constantly draped over you
He likes to hold you too, but he is putty in your embrace
Like you’re laying on the couch and he is laying in between your legs with his head on your chest and you’re playing with his hair- he would live in this position if he could
Getting stoned constantly and just listening to music and cuddling
The way he looks at you…. Makes you melt every time, his eyes and facial expressions always hold such sincerity and adoration
“Stop looking at me like that, i’m going to combust”
“Like what?” he’ll ask with a slightly wicked grin on his face… homie knows exactly what he’s doing
As previously mentioned in another post, you don’t really know what you do that flusters him, but every once in a while you get a glimpse of it and it is the most precious thing ever!!!!! 
Usually he is stone faced, but every once in a while that slips and he gets the goofiest grin, and his ears will turn red!!!! He tries to hide them behind his hair but whenever you catch a glimpse it's just the cutest thing ever
He can be romantic, but he’s just like not- for example, the two of you were just sitting on his bed chilling out when he realized he loved you, and rather than making some sweet gesture and telling you, as soon as the thought came to his head he just blurted it out
You were like
“I love you” He shrugs like it’s just an obvious thing “you don’t have to say it back if you don’t feel that way yet. Just tell me when you do.” 🥹🥹
You’d have thought you told him he won the lottery when you said it back to him, that was one of the times you made his heart beat really hard
He puts his rings on you and they are loose but you wear ‘em around anyway until he buys you a skull ring in your size 
I could go on forever he is just so precious 😭😭💚
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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merakiui · 1 year
Meraaaaaa Geppie has been holding me trapped in a brainrot lately...
Insatiable Geppie who gets soooooo damn horny and pussy drunk!
"I'm sorry dear! I'm sorry darling! Pleaseese let me go for another round! I'm sorry I got hard again! You just look so cute like this... You'll let me go for another round right?"
(It wasn't a question, you don't have a choice.)
Man is gonna go for his 15th round tonight <3 he is just soooo horny! His horniness could be compared to a teen boy who just discovered a p*rn magazine, but unlike a teen boy, our man Geppie has a stupid amount of stamina! His libido is absolutely unmatched, he works out regularly so his fitness strengthens his sex drive even more!
I bet Geppie has been so pent up these past few years, he wasn't aware on how pent up he was until he met Darling <3 oh so very cute and breedable! He is just horny gripping! He apologizes soooo much but he isn't really sorry if that soppy cunt is begging for more!
You can yell no! Or tell him to stop, but he will pretend he can't hear and continues~ he is insatiable!
"Geppie go for any longer and I will die~ it's hurting Geppie! Geppie stop I'm tired!" You whine.
"Shhh shhh one last round honey(it won't be), you can do that for me can't you?" He just coos the entire time... It felt kinda patronising. Your cries fall on deaf ears.
You probably won't be conscious during after care, but he gets really soft! (As long as his dick stays soft and his balls are emptied) he will run a bath for you and treat you gently. Get angry all you want once you wake up, he will apologize profusely but we all know he would do it again...
Hmmm maybe a Yandere Gepard? Who only comes out after dating.... Yan!Geppie who ignores your safeword and babytraps you!?!
(btw Mera! Take care of yourself, stay hydrated!! Xoxo)
AAAAAAA IZUNA, YOU FEED ME TOO WELL OMG….. orz he gets the most pussy-drunk, and when he’s like this, dazed out of his mind and focused solely on making you feel good, seeing you cry from sheer pleasure, feeling you squeeze and tighten up around him each time you cum… he loves you so, so much; you’re just the sweetest, cutest darling he’s ever had the honor of loving!
I think, along with Gepard being so secretly horny after he’s fallen for you, that he gets so worked up over the smallest things. Like if you wear something modest. It shows no skin, isn’t tight, and is simply just comfortable on you. Maybe a sweater (even better: one of his sweaters, and it doesn’t matter what your height is because you’ll likely drown in it because he’s just so broad-shouldered and big, so the sweater looks oversized on you)!!! That has him horny gripping so badly omg. Gepard thinks about that all day during his patrols and near the end he’s insatiable. He can’t wait to get home and fuck you while you wear his sweater.
He’s probably preferential to missionary. I feel like it’s his favorite position because it’s just so romantic and sweet and intimate to him. That and fucking you on your side from behind so he can wrap his arms around you and hold you close against his chest. <3 he has so much stamina and since he’s only just fallen in love and started having sex at his age he’s so ready to explore every inch of you and more!!
Regarding Gepard who becomes yandere after dating!!!!! He was the model boyfriend for so long, albeit a little awkward at times. But he’s just so sweet and doting. He cares about you immensely and is the perfect husband material. You’ve been dating long enough that Gepard thinks it would be okay to propose you live with him from now on. And miraculously, you agree! He’s so happy that he helps with the entire process, easily assisting with packing your things away into boxes and lifting and carrying them to wherever you need them to go. He can’t wait to start living with you! And maybe soon he’ll propose… he has the ring; he just needs to wait for the right moment.
He’s always thought of starting a family. It’s lingered in his mind whenever he looks at you and sees you doing anything domestic or anything you’re particularly fond of. He imagines you passing your hobbies onto the children, all of them seated at your feet while you sit in a rocking chair, pregnant with another child, and teach them how to draw or crochet or write or anything else you find fun in doing often. It’s such a vivid picture in his mind that he absolutely must make a reality! Gepard realizes that since you’re still young you’ll likely be very fertile and so he hopes that it’ll only take a few rounds until you eventually, hopefully, fall pregnant.
Even if you’re squirming under him, telling him to pull out, using the safe word, whimpering that you’re scared and don’t want him to cum inside, that it isn’t a safe day, he can’t help it. You’ll have to forgive him. He’s just so in love with you, so drunk on the feeling of your pussy wrapped around his cock, so infatuated with the idea of a domestic life, of a house full of children, of becoming a parent alongside you. He’ll be the best father! He’ll help you with each and every pregnancy! There’s nothing to be scared of. Geppie’s here to take care of you, so there’s no need to cry. But then you’re crying because you’re so happy, right? Because you want this, too.
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spro-o · 3 months
okay, so,,, i got back to reading 4kota, and i have so many thoughts of literally every nature
okay so, allow me to rant a lil
bro why the actual fuck is Arthur just magical hitler now?? 😭 like hello???? it genuinely makes me really sad because he was such a sweet and likable character for most of 7ds and now he wants to create an ethnostate for humans only???? it just breaks my heart, man
SAME WITH JERICHO LIKE HELLO? QUEEN, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS. genuinely tho- nakaba try not to make all your characters pedos challenge (impossible). there are literally so many other ways in which Jericho could have ended up in a similar situation, but nakaba really just chose pedophilia? it couldve been something along the same lines just without the romantic attraction!! a family bond can be just as strong- and it couldve been something like her losing Lancelot or in some other way letting him down, and then thinking that he despises her and holds onto that grudge (which, judging his character it wouldve probably been a small spat that he got over) - but maybe Jericho didnt understand that, or wasnt ready to face him, expecting him to be livid - so she asked for an alternative reality where that didnt happen and they got along great as sister/brother or master/trainee. i wouldnt put Jericho past being so stubborn that she wouldnt believe when Lance would say that he forgave her, and then boom!! same set-up, just without the nasty pedophilia!!
ON THE NOTE OF WHICH- (theres so much of that garbage in nakaba's writing, fucks sake) - i genuinely hate the whole thing happening with Guinevere. the whole non-consensual kiss from a 12 year old to a 16 year old (ewwwww) is one thing, but then when Lance is reflecting on that interaction and he SMILES????
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you have no idea how much this panel killed me to see. Lancelot youre better than this,,,, 4 years is not a big age difference when youre in your 30's, but when youre 16???? please,,,, cmon now,,,
speaking of whommmmm~~ ,,, I ADORE LANCELOT!! SO MUCH!! this is to be expected considering i love Ban, bUT- hes genuinely just such a cool and wonderful character that has some sense in him. i especially loved those panels where he was like jumping around to get himself hyped up cuz like!! Ban does that!!!! i love,,,,
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elizabeth (looking gorge btw, i love that for her) is unfortunately reduced to an object of fondling yet again 😔 literally like the second panel that shes in and shes getting grabbed and groped by Meliodas?? it just feels mad disrespectful to her really deep character that she has such a minor role when you ignore her being sexualised by Mel (in reality nakaba, but i digest)
i love that panel where Anne tells Isolde about what chastity actually is hbghjnhbjh
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR NASIENS WHEN PERCY IS ALL UP IN ANNES BOOBS. genuinely- the dropped bag, and all of he blushing that happened before it during their interactions,,,, that shit broke my heart, man
nakaba try not to draw teenagers naked challenge (impossible) (chapter 86 cover)
this is literally like the cutest fucking thing ever????? i want more calm, slice of life stuff for our skrunglies. they deserve a break
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someone, please, stop all this shit going on with Guinevere (writing this while reading chp 87) – I really despise the fact that nakaba has to make like literally all of the relationships either look like they have a massive age gap (Ban and Elaine), or actually have a fucking criminal age gap (Mel and Ellie). it really is not that difficult to just write a relationship where there is a <2 year age gap, did you know that, nakaba?? crazy, I know (deadass, while I don’t ship them, it would at least be bearable if she was also like 15-16, just not 12 TT)
chion is such a fucking pain in the ass oh mah gahhhhhh
I love Gawain’s lesbian antics <3
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At this point, though I love seeing the characters interact in more casua circumstances, id rather have more fight scenes than god awful, shoe-horned romances between any two characters of the opposite gender (exceptions being Nasiens and Gawain, my sillies <3)
okay,,, thats it for now, but do expect more at some point or another huiyuvghbijhb
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Perfect Date
The cutest most romantic date (in my opinion at least) is a picnic. The two demigod lovers Percy and Annabeth are both romantics, just like any other human. Normally, they don’t get to see each other in person aside from their summertime stays at camp half-blood. Of course, they facetime almost nightly, but it’s not the same. So when Annabeth finally came to visit, Percy wanted to do something special for Naturally he thought a picnic would be a cute idea. 
There is a park not far from Percy’s house they made plans to meet at. Percy went to the store and grabbed a pretty bouquet of flowers he knew she would like. Then he went to subway and ordered them both sandwiches with all their favorite toppings. 
Percy arrived at the park ten minutes before they planned to meet, so he could set up. He layed out a floral blanket in the grassy area just stray from the playground. He placed everything down in a calculated manner, creating a pinterest worthy image of a perfect picnic. He saw Annabeth riding his bike towards him, carefully pushing down the kick stand and hopping off.
“Why’d you ride my bike all the way here? I would have driven you if I knew my mom couldn’t drive you!” he said, worried he’d already ruined his perfect date.
“Relax, seaweed brain, your mom is actually the one who gave me permission to use your bike! I wanted to. It’s a beautiful day out.”
That’s his girl. She wants to see all the beautiful sights, even if it’s just a normal neighborhood and average weather. 
“Alrighty then. Have a seat m’lady!” He grinned cheerfully, handing her the flowers he’d picked for her.
“Oh Percy, these are so pretty! And they smell great. Thankyou!”
Perfect. Annabeth liked the flowers, and of course would like the sandwhich. This date is truly perfect.
For the next hour, the pair chowed down on their sandwiches, chatting and laughing and having so much fun.
When they were done with their lunch, they started to run out of things to say. 
“Let’s go play on the park!”
“That’s for little kids seaweed brain.”
“Who cares! Besides, no one else is here anyway.”
Annabeth couldn’t argue with that. First, Percy and Annabeth sat down beside each other, holding hands and swinging as they had seen all the cutest couples do before. They started to swing higher and higher, until finally Annabeth let go of his hand and both their swings went crazy in opposite directions, the two laughing and squealing along with it.
Soon enough, they dismounted their swings to explore the rest of the playground. There was this spinning equipment, almost shaped like a pogo stick, only if it had a circular base and rotated. 
“What’s this for?” Annabeth asked curiously.
Percy had grown up at this park, and of course knew that you sit or stand on the bottom and someone can spin you around and make you super dizzy.
“It’s fun! Sit on it, I’ll show you.”
Annabeth was excited, and of course sat as instructed.
“Criss cross apple sauce, and hug your arms around the middle part.” Annabeth of course complied.
“Okay… 3… 2…. 1!”
On one, he spun her around with all is might, making her scream in a good way, like when you ride a roller coaster.
When it stopped turning, Percy told her to try and walk in a straight line to a near by tree. Annabeth was so dizzy, it was a nearly impossible task.
“Woah.. My head is still spinning!! Your turn!” Annabeth said with a smirk.
Percy thought back to his childhood days when he rode this before. He’s always had a weak stomach, and he one got sick in front of his first real school friend ever. The kid was so grossed out never spoke to him again. Which is definitely an overreaction, but was still rough for young Percy.
“Oh I don’t know Annabeth..”
“Oh come on perce! You mean to tell me the son of Poseidon is afraid of a little kids playground?”
He wasn’t scared. He just didn’t want to be sick. But he couldn’t admit that to her. Surely his stomach has gotten stronger since that incident, right?…..right?
“Uh.. okay then, but don’t go too fast.”
“No promises.” Annabeth quipped. He loves her, but man, she can be fiesty sometimes.
He wrapped himself around the equipment, holding on as tightly as he can.”
“3…” He began counting down.
“ONE!!!!” Annabeth shouted over him, spinning him unexpectedly. She spun him so fast, he thought he would fly away. He screamed girlier than Annabeth did, who was now cackling at the sound of his screams. Once the spinning slowed, Percy evacuated the spinner.
“Okay Percy, you know the drill, walk in a straight line.”
He tried, he really tried, to get up and walk. But something pushed him into the wood chips flat on his bum. Annabeth laughed again, before realizing Percy wasn’t laughing. 
She looked at his solemn face, his skin starting to show a hint of green. Before she could ask, Percy said firmly.
“I’m gonna puke.”
Before tilting his head forward and puking into his lap. 
“Ohmygod Percy.”
Annabeth said. Not in a eewwww gross kind of way, more of a, omg-are-you-okay-that-surprised-me, kind of way.
His half digested subway sandwich was now all over his shirt and the wood chips beneath him. Annabeth rubbed his back, trying to offer some comfort for her boyfriend as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Her hand on his back could feel how he pitched forward with every gag and heave, becoming less powerful but still strong. 
It was over as fast as it started. 
“I’m sorry” Percy said quietly through shky breaths, “I ruined our perfect date.”
“It’s not your fault seaweed brain. I never should have pressured you to ride. I’m the one who should be sorry. And besides, it’s not ruined, I still had so much fun with you while it lasted.”
Percy wanted to kiss her so bad. “I want to kiss you so bad” he said “But my mouth is covered in vomit.”
“Yeah.. you can kiss me later, okay perce? Let’s go home.”
I really like this one! I like writing for pjo because of the canon relationships making many opportunities to explore romantic fics!! requests open :)))
Visit my page for more, requests are open :))))))))))
I want a boyfriend so bad you don’t even know 😔😊
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rintoki · 1 year
sub!itoshi sae
ahhhhhhh sae being clueless about everything outside of football. his shitty personality guarantees he’s got zero friends too other than shidou probably. he doesn’t understand the concept of “flirting for fun”, or why you keep doing it to him. it must be because you like him right?
and he definitely doesn’t understand why you laugh when he confronts you about it, convinced that you hold romantic feelings for him. the football prodigy only barely grasping what you mean when you say your interest in him isn’t romantic at all, the hunger in your eyes tells him everything he needs to know.
sae conceals his nerves well enough; he’d be damned if he lets you sniff out his unease. his pride refuses to let him chicken out of this, challenging you actually make a move instead of this endless back and forth. he isn’t exactly sure what he’s getting himself into, but surely it can’t be anything he can’t handle, right?
wrong. for someone so cold and serious all the time he sure makes the most pathetic fucking face as he begs to cum. so arrogant and condescending when it comes to football, but the cutest whimpers escape his trembling lips as you pump his swollen cock; so agonisingly slow he thinks he’s gonna burst.
for all his composure on the field, it crumbles so easily as you suck yet another mark onto his milky thighs, whining as you start to get lower, and lower—until it’d be hard to hide with his jersey shorts.
you tell sae how badly you wanna finger his cute little hole, and he nearly creams. why does it feel so fucking good? he can’t understand. his senses are overwhelmed, the thought of feeling your warm fingers prodding and pushing inside him, touching him in places no one else has—it sends him over the edge. his back arched so tightly you fear he might get a cramp, the muscles of his thighs rippling beneath the skin as cum spurts from his slit, dribbling down your hand. he was doesn’t register the endless moans falling from his lips, nor the tears dotting his lash line, his face flushed as red as his hair.
“this, this isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” the words barely choked out past his breathy whines.
“how what’s supposed to be?” his cum feels sticky on your fingers, “open your mouth.”
never in a million years did sae think that he would ever obey such a demand so willingly, let alone allow for your cum-covered fingers to be shoved into his waiting mouth. neither could he explain just why, he began sucking so naturally, so earnestly like it was the only proper response.
he blamed it on post orgasm confusion, he isn’t thinking straight. he definitely doesn’t like the weight of your fingers on his tongue, pressing down as he licks up every last drop. he definitely doesn’t like when you push further in, the fullness in his throat makes it hard to breathe and he definitely isn’t getting aroused again because of the feeling.
and his cock twitching as he watches you pull your hand from his mouth, a string of saliva still connecting them before bringing it to your own lips, licking your fingers clean of his spit, was definitely just a normal reaction.
“i’m supposed t-to be—,”
“supposed to be what? on top? in control?” you barely let him breathe a sentence before cutting him off. “you can go do that shit with other people, sae, but that’s not how i play. besides,”
you pick your things as you make your way to the door, turning to face the red-haired man, “you seem to enjoy submitting well enough, you looked so natural doing it.” leaving behind a mess of a man as sae tries to come to terms with just how much he enjoyed the past hour.
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13as07 · 5 months
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[Art work is not mine! Credit to kokodraws01]
Requested by: Myself
Y/N: Your Name
Word Count: 4.517
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Non-romantic one-shot; more fatherly one-shot vibes
This is 100% word vomit so I’m sorry
I can feel my fingers going numb as I cling to the vest of the Anbu that's been babysitting me the past couple of days. They hate when I call it babysitting but it's what they've been doing. "Kid, loosen your grip," my makeshift nanny says, trying to force my grip loose. I do as I'm told, loosening my hold a bit so my knuckles are no longer white.
      I keep a hold on them though, following behind them blindly as we weave around the Hokage's palace. I don't know why I'm here. All I've been told is Lord Third wants me to meet someone. It's probably another shabby attempt at adoption.
     Ever since Lord Fourth died, I along with his baby have been left alone in the world. I've seen the baby a few times. He's the cutest little bean in the world. Chucks of blonde hair on his head, cute little whiskers imprinted on his face, and the chubbiest cheeks I've ever seen. I think his name is Naruto but I'm not too sure about that either. I'm not too sure about anything.
     I can't tell if I'm looking into it too much or not but I'm pretty sure Lord Third has been purposely keeping me away for Minato's and Kushina's baby. I think the Lord is worried I'll get too attached to the baby. After all, Kushina and her husband took me in after my father's death during the war. That technically makes me the bean's family I suppose.
Maybe the Lord is right for keeping Naruto and me apart. He has to have his reasonings for it. I know the little bean has the Nine-Tail locked up in him, just like his mother did. Maybe that's why the Kage is so worried about Naruto getting attached to me, or me to him.
From my thoughts consuming my attention, I don't notice Mr - or Ms - Nanny has stopped, which causes me to bump into them. "I'm sorry," I murmur, getting sharp eyes cast down at me. Not the best reaction but better than a lecture.
"Remember your manners," Nanny says, glaring at me for another second before opening the door in front of us.
     The command is a mix of my mouth with the Hokage and said attitude scaring off the people who were 'considering taking me in'. I have a bad - ego-humbling - habit of reminding Lord Third that he's not Minato, among other things. I think Kushina would be proud of me. Maybe that's why the Kage doesn't want me around her son.
"Y/N," Nanny's voice husks out, a warning in their tone as they tug the door half open, eyes peering down at me again. Maybe Nanny is a mister.
     "Yes, Nanny," I mumble, pushing past them and walking through the doorway.
     "I am not your nanny!" They call a bit huffy as they follow behind. "I am a high-ranked Shinobi of our village! I am not a nanny!"
I let my eyes roll at their tantrum, a bit of a smile tugging at my lips. Who knew it would be so easy to break the ego of an anbu?
"Y/N!" Lord Third calls, his fake chirp to it.
"Third," I mumble, doing a half curtsey. It might make me a bad person but I can't stop wishing Lord Third died instead of Minato. Maybe he knows that and that's why he doesn't want me near the baby.
     "Jiraiya, this is the girl I was telling you about," the Lord says, turning his attention away from me.
     I perk up a bit from the name. I've heard a bit about the frog-themed sage; most notably from Minato. Kushina talked about him a bit but most of the time she just called him a pervert.
The old man looks exactly as Minato described him; red strips down his face and fluffy wolf-like white hair. He's a weird-looking man.
"Is this another attempt of you pushing off your responsibilities?" I ask before I can stop myself. I can feel the anbu's glare from here. So much for watching my manners.
A string of coughs comes from the Kage before he clears his throat. "No, no, no. Of course not. I'm just-"
"Sick of me? You know, when Minato couldn't handle my attitude he'd go for a walk. He didn't pawn me off to the nearest person." Maybe I am just being difficult.
The room goes silent as a lovely staring contest starts. Anbu glaring at me. I try not to let the regret of my words sit on my face as I look at the Hokage. Lord Third looking at me with wide eyes and a fish mouth as he struggles with his words. Lastly, Frog Man flipping between Third and me.
"As I was saying," the Lord finally pushes out, his attention turning away from me again. "Minato's student has seemed to inherit his wife's... personality." The word is painfully obvious to be a cover-up. It makes a happy smirk sit on my face. Kushina would be proud... I think. "On the plus side, it seems she did inherit Minato's drive for service too."
"Ya, no," I cut off, my previous smirk falling off my face. "I'm not willing to die for this village, much less you." I take it back, I'm not being difficult. Lord Third is a jerk and I just happen to treat him as one.
Once again silence falls over the room with stares filling it up. "So..." the white-haired man starts, "your S.O.S message was for this brat?" He asks, thumb pointed at me.
     "I'm not a brat!" I bark back, arms crossing over my chest as I glare at the frog.
     "Yes, you are."
     "No, I'm not."
     "Well, I've never met a not-brat that so openly insults the Hokage."
     "Well I've never met a Hokage that pushes off his responsibilities to the point that his co-worker dies," I hiss out, teeth clenched hard enough that ripples of pain circle around my jaw.
     A gasp falls from the anbu posted up at the door. The gasp is quickly followed by a deep, exhausted sigh from the old man behind the desk. "Y/N," Kage says slowly, eyes snapping closed and another sigh spilling from him. "I... please wait outside."
     "And if I don't?"
     "Out-" Lord Third yells before softening his tone, "-side, please."
     I let my eyes slit, nails digging into my arms as I stare at the sorry excuse for a leader. "Don't be mad at me because Minato was a better Hokage in his short rein than you've been for the past handful of decades."
     Lord Third's face scrunches up, his knuckles bumping against his desk a couple of times before he opens his eyes. "Please wait outside," he repeats, tone even and cold. I hit a nerve with that insult. Good, he deserves it. If Lord Third has no haters left, just know I'm buried six feet under.
     I glare at the village leader for another beat before turning away. I waste no time weaseling out the door, anbu glare hot on heels.
     I hate my nanny, I hate Lord Third, I hate the frog man, and I hate Minato for dying. How could he die? How could he leave Naruto with so much responsibility at the very start of his life? How could he leave his son alone in this world? How could he leave me all alone?
     The tile of the floor is cold as I sink to it. My knees bump against my chest as I curl myself up into a small, hatred-filled ball. How much trouble would I get into for swinging on Lord Third?
     The thought scares me a bit. I know the Shinobi life is filled with a lot of violence, a lot of sadness, a lot of death, but how could I have a thought like that? How could I so quickly jump to violence? Especially against a fellow Shinobi? The Hokage none-the-less?
     The anger in my chest quickly bubbles over to sadness. I hate this month. It's the worst month of my whole life.
     That was... interesting. Sarutobi-Sensei wasn't kidding when he said the kid has the 'personality' of Kushina.
     My eyes trail after the girl as she sulks out of the room, her anger filtering out with her. I've heard very little about her; nothing more than passing comments when my path would cross Minato's. Despite the small comments, he seemed quite proud of her. Well, she and Kakashi. All of his students, actually. Those two are the only ones still alive though.
     "Okay, I get why the message was an S.O.S. but what do you expect me to do about... that?" I ask, turning my attention back to my Sensei.
     It's hard to notice, but after all my years serving under him, I can pinpoint the proof of anger and sadness on his face. The little kunoichi mercilessly went cutthroat for the Lord. I will say, that was pretty ballsy of her. Not many - if any - Shinobi would be willing to insult the Kage to his face. Much less, such a young ninja.
     "I don't know," my sensei finally says, tone soft and eyes pushed closed again. "I am just worried that..." another sigh is pushed out his nose. "Orochimaru has been spotted with the recent death of Lord Fourth. I cannot help but wonder if it has something to do with the... loss the village is grieving."
     The small speech rolls around my head, not-so-good connections being made. "You think it has something to do with the kid - kids Minato left behind?"
     "Well, we already know Orochimaru has a vendetta against Kakashi. I would not put it past him to go against Kakashi again. Or try to go after Naruto... or Y/N." Silence fills the space between us, Lord Third thinking over his next words. "I have faith that Kakashi would have the... means to deny any 'quick to power' situation Orochimaru would try to offer or to hold his own against him again if need be. Y/N... is filled with anger and hatred for me. My past student isn't above using that as a manipulation tactic."
     I hate to admit it but that's the same conclusion I came to. I can't help but see it as a waste though. Is protecting this single student worth so much effort? Wouldn't my time be better spent doing literally anything else? "My Lord-"
     "Just think about it Jiraiya. Get to know the girl. If you decide you're not willing to take her on, I'll..."
     "You'll what?" I push slightly, my eyes turning back to the door.
     "I'll have to pull her as a Shinobi. I cannot take the risk of Orochimaru having such an easy target. Even if my worse fears don't happen, I can't have a Shinobi with unchecked anger."
     My eyes glance back to my sensei before settling on the exit again. This seems like a whole bunch of not my problem.
     The room is filled with the sound of the Kage moving his chair and the soft sound of him sitting down. "It would be such a shame to lose her as a Shinobi. She might be a bit hot-headed, but she sure does possess your student's loyalty and spirit."
     The words sting a bit, to the point I can understand the Kunoichi's rush to anger. I've done a good job avoiding the acknowledgment of Minato's death. I've done an even better job at refusing to process it.
     "What's to come of his son?" I ask, using it as an excuse to further push the dread out of my thoughts.
     "I'll take care of him for now. Naruto... will have a difficult life. One that I'm sure will lead him to you sooner or later. But, for now, Naruto does not need your guidance, Y/N does."
     The bundled-up guilt trip doesn't work as well as I'm sure my sensei wishes it would. It still seems like a waste of time. You can have as much loyalty and spirit as you want but it won't make you a good or useful Shinobi.
     "Give it a week Jiraiya. Get to know the girl how you wish, but at least give her a chance before you chalk her up as a dead end."
     That guilt trip didn't work either. At the very least, I was given an order so I'll obey it. I don't know what my sensei thinks a week will change. A short-tempered, anger-riddled Shinobi has no place as an active-duty ninja. She would serve the village much better after being pulled from the Shinobi rankings.
"As you wish," I mumble before following the kunoichi's previous path. Sometimes I don't know what goes through my Sensei's head.
What a waste of time is all I can think of as I walk down one of the roads of the village. The Lord has insisted I visit the village nursery to 'at least meet Naruto'. I don't have time for a student, let alone a baby. Despite that, I'm not one to deny an order. Which is why I'm huffily walking to the nursery with a pass gently tapping against my chest.
When the nursery comes into view, I'm a lot less mad about being ordered to make a stop. The two ladies at the desk are a sight for sore eyes, and my eyes are definitely sore. I take my time walking in front of the nursery, using this chance to soak in their beauty through the giant windows.
"Welcome in!" The blonde one says once the bell above the door rings. "Who are you here to pick up?"
"You, hopefully," I answer a little too eagerly.
That doesn't work how I want it to. Her cheery smile falls as the redhead behind the desk chuckles a little. "Don't pay the Sannin any mind," the redhead says, standing up and walking around the desk. She squeezes the blonde's shoulder and whispers something in her ear. Ms Blondie groans before walking away. I would be pretty upset with her leaving if the sight of her walking away wasn't so nice.
"Jiraiya," Ms Red-Head calls, pulling me from the beautiful curves of Ms Blondie. Again, I'm not too upset, the woman in front of me is nice to look at too. "My condolences for Lord Fourth," she says gently, face going soft with pity as she looks at me.
It's annoying having everyone in the village look at me like this. So what Minato died? It's part of the Shinobi life. Everybody knows that, including me. He died with honor, why would that upset me? I don't care about his death, he was just one of many students... maybe I care a little bit. Just a tad, if I care at all, which I don't.
"Thank you," I grumble, turning my focus away from the girl in front of me. All of a sudden she's not as beautiful as I thought she was.
Silence hangs in the air for a while before a screech is let out down the hallway. "What do you think you're doing?! You're making him upset! Give him back!" A voice calls anger and fear very evident in it.
     "Is someone trying to steal a kid?" I ask, sparing a glance at Ms Redhead again.
     She lets out a long, deep sigh before rubbing her temples. "No, Y/N gets a little... protective of Naruto when we try to separate them for any reason." The word any is stressed so heavily I almost feel bad for the nursery worker. It seems Minato's little kunoichi has been making problems for everyone.
     "Give him back!" The whine comes again. A door slamming cuts off her next sentence but that doesn’t stop her little rant. "You're upsetting Naruto!" She isn't wrong about that, Minato's kid is screaming his lungs out.
     The train wreck making its way down the hallway is a bit funny; the hot-headed Shinobi tugging on the worker as said worker tries to keep the baby out of reach. Kushina’s personality sure as hell is poking through.
“Fine! Take him!” The nursery worked says, her patience finally breaking.
Within seconds, the bundle of blanket and Minato’s legacy is pressed against Y/N’s chest, her hold soft but strong. Lulls and hums spill from her as she ogles over the baby, who does calm down.
My heart tings at the sight of stress evident on the older child’s face as she worries about Naruto. Sensei was right about Y/N being too attached. No, nope, I’m not getting attached now too. So what if Minato’s student stresses herself to death over his son? That’s not my problem. That’s her problem. Even if she is just a baby herself… a baby that lost another set of parents… which isn’t my problem. At all.
I turn on my heels, shoving the image of Y/N clinging to Naruto like a lifeline out of my head. I met Naruto, at least as well as Y/N will probably let me, so my assignment is complete. I tried, not my fault I failed.
Between Sensei’s goose chase, villagers down my throat, and helping out with the smaller missions, I’ve had no time for my research.
Until today anyway. I managed to avoid Sensei so he couldn’t ‘accidentally’ guide me onto Y/N’s path. She’s getting suspicious that it’s not accidents anymore, so at least she has a bit of a brain behind her eyes.
I try not to let a smirk sit on my face as I walk into the bathhouse. The last thing I need is someone getting a bad feeling; I can’t get band from another hot spring. Especially one of the only mixed-gendered bathhouses still in the village. It saddens me a bit that it’s a swimsuit required spring but hey I’ll take a bathing suit and hot women over no women and nudity.
It was a blur, check-in, changing, and walking out to the spring. Not so much a blur now, but it is disappointing. There’s only one other person in the spring, their back facing me as I rinse off. Their head is tilted back, towel covers their face as most of them are dipped into the spring. Only the tops of their - bare - shoulders and random strains of hair are visible.
The person is tiny compared to me. Small frame, almost fragile looking. The idea of it being a child flickers through my head but is quickly ran off. It’s school hours so civilian children would be in class and the new shinobis should be busy with their sensei.
Once the water starts running cold, I turn it off and grab my towel. Even if there’s only one pretty lady to look at, I’m not letting my money go to waste. Plus, maybe they’ll be very pretty… or maybe it’s just a feminine guy.
I shake the idea out of my head as I approach the water. I take my time, tying my hair into a bun and looking over the other person. That is definitely a child, which makes me a pervert. Maybe Tsunade is right about my hormones getting the better of me. Once again, I shake my previous thoughts out of my head as my face scrunches up.
“Jiraiya, are you stalking me?” The hazy voice comes, sleep almost evident in it. What child is skipping out on their responsibilities to sleep at the hot springs?
“What?” I ask, arms dropping to my sides once my bun is set in place.
A pruning hand smoothly escapes the water, not even a ripple being made as it moves. I watch carefully as the little lady removes the towel from her face; being met with the features of an exhausted Y/N. What the hell? Is this some master plan of Sarutobi-Sensei?
“No,” I answer shortly, eyes jumping around her face. The stress is catching up to her, lines and dark circles already starting to form on her face. If Y/N keeps stressing herself out like this, her stress lines will be at Itachi’s level in no time.
The familiar ping is back. I hate to admit it but every time I’ve come across her, my heart has torn a bit more. I see Minato’s loyalty to the villagers, Kakashi’s kindness, Obito’s childishness, Rin’s undying love for everyone, and so many hardships. God damn it Sarutobi, why do you always have to be right? Just the thought of my sensei is pissing me off.
“Seems like it,” she mumbles, sliding her towel back over her face; this time only her eyes are covered.
“How’d you know it was me?” I ask, sparing her another glance before sinking into the water. I take my time, letting the water work around my muscles while making sure to keep space between myself and the child. The last thing I need is people calling me a pedo instead of a perv.
There’s a long hum before Y/N shifts some in the water, a bone or two creaking as she does so. “Before… everything, Minato started me on the basics of senjutsu. Mostly just sensing energies around me and such.”
Congrats Sensei, Minato is now at the top of my shit list. How could I leave this kid half trained on senjutsu? Especially with the threat of Orochimaru hanging in the air?
“I don’t think I’ve been around you enough for you to be able to pick out my chakra,” I push gently, hoping to find out how far her training had gone. Another hum but no answer follows it. Y/N is not going to let me have my way easily is she?
The space stays silent other than the natural noises of the spring. At that moment the girl across from me hasn’t moved, making me a bit worried she fell asleep. It’s not safe to sleep in a body of water, even if there is someone else around. She doesn’t trust me enough to sleep in such dangerous conditions… I don’t think.
When I go to move to check if Y/N is asleep, she finally breaks the silence. “You keep popping up because Lord Third is worried about Orochimaru, right? He’s worried if you don’t train me that I’ll turn to the snake sage to finish my training?”
I freeze in the middle of the spring, ripples stretching out without new ones following. “What makes you say that?” I ask carefully, eyes scanning the child in front of me. She’s covered in markings, bruises being the lesser and scares being the more decor. There’s a mix of scars, some still fresh and pink while others are a faded white color. Y/N definitely has put her time into the Shinobi world. Most notably the Nine-Tail attack that took her Sensei.
“I’m not dumb, Froggy Sage,” she hisses, head snapping up and towel being discarded from her face. “I know your fellow Sage didn’t like Minato and I’ve heard the whispers of him being sighted. If they’re true, Naruto, Kashi, or me are most likely his targets.”
I almost laugh at the nickname. I’ve never had someone call me Froggy before and I can’t tell if I like it or not. “Just, tell Lord Third to stop worrying. I have no interest in Orochimaru or any power trip he’ll try to manipulate me with. You can also let him know I won’t be mad at him forever too.”
My head spins with the thought of Y/N overhearing my conversation earlier this week. Does she mean it or is she just trying to play me?
I let my body sink back into the warm water, this time seated closer to the girl. “So… what’s the deal with Minato’s baby?” I’m getting tired of asking questions.
“He’s almost two months old so he doesn’t do much. He smiled for the first time the other day. The nursery says Naruto can hold up his head during tummy time now, which they say is good. I’m worried he’s a bit behind though. Keiko says I’m just anxious though.”
“The red-head you googled at the other day. She’s Naruto’s primary caregiver.”
I roll around Y/N’s answer for a second, even though that’s not what I meant. “What’s your deal with Naruto?”
Another hum, though this time the melody is different. “I just worry about him. I don’t want him to be alone in the world. Though, he has Lord Third and Kakashi too.”
“We will be traveling a lot so you’ll have to check your attachment.” What?! That’s the first answer that pops into my head? That’s what spills from my mouth?
I did not mean that. There is no ‘we’ just ‘me’. I travel a lot, Y/N stays here, in the village, with her anxious attachment to Minato’s son. How do I take that back? Do I say ‘just kidding’ and hope I get a minor reminder of Kushina’s anger issues?
“We?” Y/N asks, eyes sharp and guarded as she looks at me.
That is not the answer! The answer is no because there is no ‘we’. I do missions alone, I travel alone, and definitely do not travel with a child-aged girl. Do you know how much of a damper she’ll be on my women game? Or maybe she’ll help with it… no!
A huge smile cracks across her face, stress marks damping with her happiness. “You really mean it?”
Her body loosens a bit as she moves closer, a good amount of space still between us but she’s still noticeably closer. “Is it pity training?” Y/N asks, a sad teasing tone to her words, and her smile all of a sudden seeming fake.
The smile is back, huge, happy, and reaching her eyes this time. God damnit Minato, why did you have to have such skilled students? I can’t let their potential go to waste.
“This is going to be fun,” Y/N whispers to herself before crawling out of the hot springs. Her skin is a bit pink, making the faded scars stand out more.
“Yes,” I answer to myself, letting out a small huff. Why’d I let myself get attached? I don’t have time for a student, let alone the patience for one. And yet… I just signed myself up for the one that’s going to test my patience the most.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Froggy,” Y/N says, patting my bun before turning around to walk away.
“I don’t like that nickname! It’s not sticking!” I call after her.
“Yes, it is!” She calls back before the door cuts off our conversation.
It’s going to stick because I could hear the smile in her voice as she said it. “Screw you,” I mumble to the sky, smile on my face as I say it. I can imagine Minato laughing his ass off at the situation he left for me, the situation I talked myself into. I guess Minato won’t be the only unofficial child I have anymore.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Dear god I am foaming at the mouth at your latest daddy oz fic like god he's so cute but also it's so funny cause im imagining they're both in a room full of people and they're doing the disgustingly cute display of "you're cute" "no you're cuter" and everyone is standing around waiting for them to leave like 🧍‍♂️
Rogues Reacting to PDA
Farrell!Penguin x GN!Reader anon this is so funny and i cannot tell you what i wouldn't give to be this embarrassing with him u-u so i kinda took your idea and did the other rogues reacting to this display of sickening sweetness 💜 (also i know it's farrell!oz and we don't have really have other reeves rogues to react to but shhhhh we can just generalise and wildly speculate shhhhh) 🐧☔ request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff: language, fluff, jealousy maybe 👀
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poison ivy
"i love you so much!" "well i love you more!" "no i love you more, sweetheart!" it's sickeningly sweet, but she's a romantic at heart so she can forgive the display for a brief period, until ozzie starts eyeing up her prized roses and she just knows he's considering plucking one off the bush to hand to you and love or no love she'll break hands. of course then she'll have to put up with you fawning over him and telling him what a poor little soul he is, and that might be worse
two face
"i wanna just bite your cute little nose ozzie" "well why don't you come over here and nibble on me" ok that's enough now! if one of you doesn't actually eat the other then he'll feel like he's suffered through all of this for nothing. this might be the only time that one is better than two in his mind and if he has to come over there and physically separate you both then he will. there's nothing cute about organised crime bosses says mister grumpy da over here, so stop babying oswald now
"god, kiddo, you're the best thing to happen to me" "wow ozzie, you're the sweetest, handsomest, smartest guy around" well that takes the fucking cake! here's the thing, you can rub your new found love and romance in front of everyone's faces. you could get a room and do whatever disgusting carnal things he can see dancing around your eyes in there in private. that's fine, he doesn't mind. you can maybe delude yourself into thinking he's the most handsome. but the smartest? and in front of him!?
"when i get you alone, the things i'm gonna do to you" "i don't think anyone's watching ozzie, give me a taste!" if he shoots himself now, will someone make sure to etch a little mark on his skin for him? because that might be the only thing to get him out of this nightmare scenario. my god, what did he ever do to deserve this kind of punishment...oh...yeah...all of the things he's done. well if he'd known the karma would be so cruel he would genuinely have reconsidered his life of crime, and he loves crime! you're ruining crime for him! stop!!
harley quinn
"you are the cutest" "no you are!" "no you are, look at those cheeks!" "no you, look at your everything!" look, she's a big fan of cutesie and a big fan of bad boys, so seeing a sweet side to oswald where he gets to be completely enamoured and in love and cringey and romantic is just deeply pleasing to her. and the two of you are so absolutely sweet together and so meant to be that she doesn't have to worry in the slightest about who she'll pick in the breakup, cos that's never going to happen obviously (or she might fight both of you)
"ozzie!" "i can't help it sweetheart, i just gotta touch you!" "people can see though" "let them watch" sorry, he's just deep in thought trying to remember if he ingested an immense amount of fear toxin today, because surely there's no other reason for him being subjected to this little nightmarish display of lovey dovey crap that is being inflicted up on his eyes? i mean it wouldn't be so bad if oz's wandering hands weren't so obvious, amongst other parts of his anatomy that are really hard to stare away from, get a room you two
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softer-ua · 11 months
There’s no way Hori could do any kind of time skip where Deku and Kacchan, Toga and Ochako don’t end up together in a meaningful enough way that I wouldn’t immediately forget about it
Shit would be too flat
Like everything between each couple has been so heartfelt and dynamic that he would have extend the series by another 300+ plus chapters to make it even remotely palatable
And it would have to be the most heartbreaking gut wrenching experience ever
He would have to make me believe that Deku would ever choose anyone over Kacchan & that Kacchan somehow couldn’t make them work
He’d have to convince me that Ochako *literally* falling for the cutest girl in the world isn’t the single most romantic thing I’ve ever seen
That Ochako could have to somehow build a relationship with someone who enriches her life more than that
I can’t imagine that reading something like that would be any less devastating than beholding a Greek tragedy in its own time
And he already killed Kacchan off once and it didn’t make anything less gay so he’d probably have to lean into the most tragic thing any author can ever touch, and one of the only things that makes me opening weep every time I read any version of it
And that is how the mundanity of life just gets in the way, how little things build up until someone you’d have once upon a time had your still beating heart ripped out for becomes someone you haven’t thought of in a while
But then Hori would be legally obligated to pay for my funeral and lemme tell you that is going to be an expensive and legally grueling ordeal(a minimum of 8 people want to share custody of my taxidermied head on a stick)
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