#you don't draw on things that aren't yours baby <3
museumgiftshoperaser · 6 months
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80s NYC art scene AU
“I just don’t get it,” Steve says and he tilts his head from left to right as if a new perspective might reveal the painting's secrets. The canvas looms so large it casts a blue glow over his skin. Thick, syrupy air spills out of the canvas, with just a thin brown strip of paint at the edges to hold the whole thing together. You could reach your arms all the way in there, disappear into the depths and never look back. The fully abstract shit isn’t really his thing, but it’s a little mesmerizing nonetheless.
Fine. Eddie will play along. It’s not like there’s much else to do. “What don’t you get?” he asks Steve. “I could do this myself.” He gestures wildly at the ocean of paint in front of him, but keeps his voice down. As if he’s worried the artist is somewhere close, listening in on his opinions. “It’s just colors?”
He can’t even hate something with his full chest. 
Eddie rolls his eyes, does it so Steve can see him. He’s not afraid of the repercussions of his thoughts. It’s the least original opinion someone could have on art. Steve sounds like he got it whole cloth from a conservative newspaper. Something his dad likes to read, definitely. “Then do it.” Eddie says. Steve frowns. “Stop being a pussy, then.” Eddie takes a tiny step toward him, crooks an eyebrow. “I’ll get you some fuckin’ paint. Just do it.” 
He expects Steve to come closer, to stitch the distance between them and take Eddie up on his little threat. He wants to argue for the hell of it, a bright spark of entertainment, a familiar frustration, but instead Steve takes a step back. 
“No… But…” He shakes his head, quickly and sternly. “I couldn’t…” 
There’s that crack again, a small one this time, and Eddie wants to rip him open. “I’m not kidding.” He takes another step forward, reveling in the inch he has over Steve. “We’ll do it right now. You pick the color, see how you like it.” 
Steve’s mouth twitches and his lips turn lilac under the phthalo glow of the canvas. Like he’s deprived of oxygen. Like he’s freezing.
Robin is so soft with him. Careful explanations, hands guiding hands over malleable clay. Eddie knows he responds well to it. But Eddie doesn’t do soft. 
“What are you scared of?” He taunts and takes another step closer. Steve turns away then, so he’s fully facing the canvas. “This isn’t funny.” “I’m not joking.” 
“Yellow.” Steve says and he sounds a little breathless. “What?” “If I could pick a color.” He looks at the floor and his cheeks flush a complementary shade. “I’d pick yellow.” 
Oh?That’s not at all the color Eddie would’ve expected. Sunny and pleasant and uncomplicated yellow. Fucking fascinating.
They’re close now, with Eddie’s face blocking the blue hue from the painting.
“We can do yellow,” he dares. “Studio’s just a short subway ride away from here, what do you say?” 
Steve runs his teeth over his bottom lip. His eyes scan Eddie’s face like he’s searching for the catch. There is no catch. Eddie would fucking love to see him try. “Let's do it.” His voice is almost a whisper.
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shaniacsboogara · 2 months
jojo siwa claiming she's revitalizing gay pop and releasing 'karma' on the same night as conan gray's 'found heaven' and chappell roan's 'good luck babe' is so poetically ironic. it's like the universe WANTS to draw a comparison between jojo and queer pop artists.
the thing that makes queer pop compelling as a genre is the unique storytelling and experiences of queer artists told through their music. that doesn't necessarily mean every song by a queer artist has to be about their queerness. they don't have to scream "hey i'm gay!" in every single song they write. but claiming to be "reinventing gay pop" should mean you're telling interesting stories about your queer experience, right???
'found heaven' by conan gray is about growing up as a queer kid with religious guilt and disapproving parents. he equates being in love in an authentic way to "finding heaven", and the piece as a whole resonates with a TON of queer people in different stages of their lives. some people can look back at their childhoods and how much they've grown since then, some can relate because they're currently going through what conan's written about, and some people can sympathize with the way some queer people are treated, even if they aren't necessarily queer themselves.
'good luck babe' is a song about queerness and compulsory heterosexuality. chappell sings about a woman she was in a relationship with who decided to settle down in a conventional marriage despite being queer. the song reflects the denial a lot of queer people go through (specifically regarding the lesbian experience) and the unfortunate way a lot of them end up repressing who they are to conform to societal standards. it's fun, it's campy, but its message is still poignant.
as for karma… there's nothing inherently queer about that song. the music video for the original version, ‘karma’s a bitch’ by brit smith, featured a heterosexual storyline. jojo buying the rights to a song she didn't write isn't inherently a bad thing, a lot of mainstream artists do that all the time. however, if you're claiming to be a pioneer of the “gay pop” genre and your music doesn't reflect any queer themes or experiences, is it really “gay pop”? again, queer artists don't have to write exclusively about their queerness, but if you try to present yourself as a voice for the queer community without telling any of their stories, you're not going to be lauded as some revolutionary figure. if any of the songs on jojo’s album are actually about her experience as a lesbian or contain any queer themes, then i think she'd qualify as a “gay pop” artist. but so far, she's given us a faux edgy, generic pop song and tried to market it as some insane never-been-done-before feat. and honestly, if her entire album is like this and she continues to market herself this way, it's a slap in the face to all the genuine artists and storytellers in the queer community.
but let's stop talking about jojo siwa and start talking about the incredible queer artists who are truly breathing life into the "gay pop" genre: chappell roan, renee rapp, ben platt, conan gray, girl in red, kevin atwater, baby queen, mitski, clairo, dodie, and SO MANY MORE (feel free to add on some of your favourites because there are so many wonderful artists out there <3)
also: if you have a different perspective on this situation i would absolutely love to hear what you think and if you agree / disagree with this! i love discussing topics like this so feel free to reblog with your own take
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gumified · 18 days
satoru being a desperate mess for you
content: dom!reader, sub!satoru, modern au, orgasm denial, praise, satoru being a cutie <3
note: tumblr still not letting me post images TT hopefully they reply to my email, pray for me !!!
if any one of satoru's friends could see him right now they definitely wouldn’t recognise the whining boy that’s begging to cum. according to the things that satoru gojo tells his popular jock friends, he's the dominant one in bed and you're always a moaning mess under him. emphasis on the under him. 
only a few know that satoru gojo is a submissive whimpering bundle of nerves when he's met with you. sure, he's the popular guy at university and everyone knows what's up with him but put his girlfriend in front of him and he instantly melts. you are the only thing that makes satoru turn into a stuttering boy begging for his release. and that is exactly what he is right now.
"y/n…" he whines, hands struggling against the handcuffs that bind him. you're smirking as you sit in his cock, slowly dragging your hips up and down. you've been edging him on and denying him of his orgasm for so long that he thinks he's about to go crazy. "y-y/n! fuck!"
the rhythmic slapping of skin on skin has your skin crawling with lust as you listen to the lewd sounds. satoru continues to beg and struggle. he's panting, and you drag your fingers up his chest, drawing small circles that make him shiver. his thighs quiver as you ride him, cock throbbing inside of you. he moans, throwing his head back and bucking his hips to create more friction. the handcuffs restrict him from touching your body and he just wants to feel you, wants to touch your soft skin.
"aren't you just adorable?" you coo, noticing the way his cheeks flush pink and his mouth hangs open slightly. "my pretty boy."
there's something that sparks inside you whenever you hear your boyfriend lose control and plead for you. it makes you see nothing but him. you continue to slide down on his cock, occasionally grinding your hips on his which makes satoru groan. it hurts so bad and he wants to cum. he wants to cum so bad. 
"heard your friends talking about how good you fuck me." he tenses beneath you. "baby, you didn't tell them that i'm the one doing the fucking? that you're the one that turns into a sobbing mess?" satoru gulps and shakes his head nervously. he doesn't know how you'll react and he hopes you don't do what he thinks you're going to do. a wicked grin twitches at your lips and you stop your movements which causes him to let out a desperate whimper. you give him a pout. "that's bad toru. you're not a bad boy are you?"
you smirk, walls clenching around his cock as you reach over to unlock him from his handcuffs. "why don't you show me how good you are?" 
satoru's eyes widen with shock but you see the underlying desire. he looks at you, bringing his bottom lip in between his teeth. you’re so pretty and he can’t help but stare at your body, taking in every curve in front of him. his hands grip your waist, rocking you back and forth, slowly at first, before speeding up a tiny bit. you moan his name, showering him with praises. it feels so good, the warmth in his hands spreading across your body and the way his cock slides in and out of you makes you keen with pleasure. 
"shit!" he groans. "i-i…i’m so close, so so close, hnghh, y/n i’m gonna - a-ah!" 
he's at a loss for words as he babbles desperately, hands still on your waist as he guides you up and down. you grin cockily and lean in to give him a kiss, one that starts soft but quickly deepens, throwing him into an intense frenzy. your lips move against his with a passionate rhythm, tongues tangling, and the heat between you escalating. the sight of him losing control, eyes closed, breath hitching, and hands gripping you tighter, sends a thrill through your body.
"baby you're doing so well." you moan, pulling him closer to your body. another whimper escapes satoru's throat and this time it's strangled and he's desperate to cum. you feel his huge cock throb and twitch inside of you and you know he's close. you speed up your movements and allow him to moan and unwind in front of you. 
"y-y/n please let me cum, p-please!" he begs, a sob wracking his throat. his hands clutch at you with a frantic urgency, his entire body shaking with the intensity of his need.
you trace kisses up the column of his neck, whispering the words you knew he would hate to hear. "no."
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astraystayyh · 1 year
Conversations with Hyunjin
or what i imagine dating Hyunjin would be like (kind of went overboard because i love this man).
warnings: reader feels insecure when hyunjin looks at them for too long. a little suggestive in the end. hyunjin is dramatic but we love him 🫶
if you enjoy please reblog or leave a comment,, means the world to me <3
Minho's version.
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"Look a bit to the left... Perfect", Hyunjin gently grips your jaw, his paint-stained fingers slightly moving your head to the side. You were in Hyunjin's little art studio, and he was halfway through sketching a portrait of you.
He didn't explain why he suddenly wanted to draw one, but his multiple kisses on your face the night before were enough to convince you.
But now that you were sitting on this chair and he's been looking at you for the past half an hour, you can't help but feel self-conscious. He was intently staring at you- you wondered if he started to notice all the imperfections on your face.
Hyunjin's brush strokes falter when he realizes that you are fidgeting with your fingers. He tries to hold your gaze, but you avoid it each time, a tight smile drawn on your lips. You scratch your throat, once, twice, and he steps away from the canvas.
"Angel," he smiles when he's right before you. He doesn't have to look down to grab your hands- they find each other instinctively.  "What's wrong?".
"Nothing," you attempt to smile, but your voice is strangled, and Hyunjin feels his heart drop in his chest.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?". His voice is quiet, a stark contrast to his excited demeanor when he just started painting you.
"No! No, baby. Never", you reassure, squeezing his hand tightly. "It's just... I feel like the more you stare at me, the more you'll notice my imperfections".
"What imperfections?" he questions seriously, his head tilted to the side as if the thought of you having a flaw was inconceivable.
"I don't know... I just don't like it when people stare at me a lot, I guess".
"My love, you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen," Hyunjin leans down, leveling his eyes with yours. He needed you to know how serious he was.
"You are only saying this because you love me," you smile, and he shakes his head no vehemently. "The first time I saw you, I squeezed Jisung's arm so bad I almost broke it."
You've lost count of how many times you've heard this story. Each time you hang out with the boys, Han has to remind Hyunjin that he was starstruck when he saw you. But it still made you feel warm inside- like a blanket tightly wrapped around you.
"You looked so beautiful, and you also had this alluring aura surrounding you. I wanted to talk to you as soon as I laid my eyes on you", he pecks your nose, and you scrunch it up in response.
"And I'm glad I did because not only you're the prettiest human alive," he leans away, his hands gesturing up and down in reverence, "but your soul is the most beautiful thing about you."
"Now," he gently flicks your forehead, and you laugh, "no more talk about imperfections."
"Yes, sir!" you giggle, and he smiles softly at you. "You know what? Let's leave the portrait for another day. Come sit with me while I draw?"
"You know I can't say no to that."
And so for the next hour, Hyunjin paints your favorite flowers with you curled up in his lap. You don't talk much as he draws, but his minty breath tickles your neck from time to time and you haven't felt this content in a while. 
"Babyyy, what's wrong?" you lean into Hyunjin's side, who was seemingly ignoring you. You've just returned from running some errands to find Hyunjin sulking on the bed.
"Nothing," he huffs, turning his head away from you.
"Then why aren't you kissing me?" you whine, and he steals a glance at you.
"Because you didn't kiss me first."
"What are you talking about?" you chuckle, making him sulk even more.
"In the morning, you didn't kiss me," he grumbles, and you internally melt at his antics. Sometimes Hyunjin made you feel as if he needed your kisses to breathe.
"I did, you were asleep, but I kissed your cheek."
"Well, I didn't feel it."
"Yeah, because you were asleep, dummy," you giggle, and he finally looks at you, his tongue poking slightly against his cheek. He knows he's been ridiculous but it was too late to back out now.
"Well, then you should've woken me up!"
"I will next time", you smile at him, and he brightens up, "You promise?"
"Pinky promise". You lace your pinky with his, and you both kiss your thumbs, stamping them together.
"Now come here" You open your arms wide, and he sinks into them. His mouth falls perfectly on top of your collarbone, and he grazes it gently with his teeth, making goosebumps erupt on your skin.
"Baby?", he calls out a while later.
"On second thought, don't wake me up. I probably need the sleep", he says sheepishly, and you giggle, "I know."
"Hey, love," Hyunjin leans in to kiss your forehead, snapping you out of your haze.
"Hey," you turn your eyes back to the TV, hugging your knees tighter to your chest. You weren't really watching the movie you put on; you just needed something to take your mind off the weight on your chest.
"Bad day?" he asks, his tone soft, and you nod silently.
Hyunjin kisses your head again, and for a second, the world around you stills and you feel okay. But his lips quickly leave you, and you're left aching for his hold.
"Wait here," he tells you, and you hum in reply; you couldn't move even if you wanted to.
Ten minutes later, Hyunjin comes back to the living room. He pulls you up and leads you to the bathroom. There, you find some candles lit up and rose petals thrown on the ground.
"Let me take care of you," he says as he starts to undress you. You appreciated how he kept his voice barely above a whisper; the bathroom was fit for hushed conversations only.
When you are both bare in front of one another, he pulls you into the bath he filled- your back flush against his chest, and you sigh contently.
Hyunjin pours some gel wash into his hands, then rubs it on your skin, skillfully massaging your tense body. He's so gentle with you- his touch is featherlight, and his mouth leaves a sweet trail of kisses on your back. You feel as if you are floating in space, somewhere where no one can hurt you.
You notice that he used his body wash, not yours; and soon his scent surrounds you until all you could smell is him.
You know that this way, you'll carry Hyunjin with you throughout the night, and onto the following morning when he is no longer there with you.
His scent on your skin will remind you of how he took care of you, how he loved you, how he held you so close to him until you both became one.
"You don't have to stick your nose in the painting to see it", you giggle, and Hyunjin leans away, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
"I'm trying to see the details. Leave me alone", he pokes his tongue out at you, and you retaliate with the same childish gesture, which in turn makes the both of you chuckle.
You lean your cheek against Hyunjin's arm, and you both contemplate the painting in comfortable silence. "I really wanna be poetic, but this just looks like a child's drawing," you finally say, and he laughs loudly, head tipped back- you can't help but stare in awe at how much joy suits him.
"That's what I thought too!" he high-fives you excitedly before grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the next painting.
It's one of a Renaissance couple kissing, their hands cradling each other's cheeks closely- as if they can't possibly get enough of each other.
"Now this is beautiful", you sigh, and he pokes your side gently. "Let's recreate it."
"You just want an excuse to kiss me", you wiggle your brows at him, and he holds your jaw, beckoning you closer to him.
"And what about it?" he smiles bashfully before crashing his soft lips on yours.
Hyunjin might be biased, but he thinks that if someone were to capture this moment, it would look much better than the painting behind you two.
"This bag is so heavy," Hyunjin whines, and you stare at him pointedly, "I told you not to buy all that stuff."
"But they were dumpling-themed toys for dogs! I had to get them for Kkami."
"That dog doesn't even like you," you tease, and Hyunjin screeches loudly, stopping in his tracks. "How dare you!"
As you two continue your bickering, an old couple passes you hand in hand. They are seemingly arguing, but as you near them, you can tell they are just joking- just like you two. The fond way they gazed at each other with was a clear testimony of their love.
You and Hyunjin both turn to look at each other; mouths slightly hang agape. "I just got chills," he whispers, and you nod in agreement, "I think we just saw our future selves."
"I can't believe you'll annoy me even when I'm seventy", he jokes, and you lightly punch his side. But in true Hyunjin fashion, he yelps loudly as if you had hurt him.
"Will you still be this dramatic when we are older?"
"This is the only correct way of living", he declares solemnly, and you laugh heartily. The truth is, you wouldn't have it any other way.
Hyunjin throws his arm over your shoulders, bringing you closer to his side. He presses a quick kiss to your head, and you wrap your arm around his middle, resuming your walk.
"I was always afraid of growing up, but it doesn't seem as daunting with you. Because I know I'll have you with me in the end", he says and you beam at his words.
"I can't wait to meet every version of ourselves."
"I know I'll love you in each."
"Yeah? Even if I annoy you every day?" you smile cheekily, and he pinches your cheek affectionately.
"Even then. You are my last love, yn".
"Don't come in!", Hyunjin shouts as soon as you open the door. His arms are open wide like a shield blocking you from stepping forward. 
"And why is that...?", you chuckle, slightly pushing him away to pass. He doesn't budge, and you frown.
"Please just go, go, go," he grabs your shoulders, spinning you around until you are facing the door again.
"Hyunjin, what are you hiding?" you ask, amused as you free yourself from his grip. He looks everywhere but at you, and doubt starts to seep inside you. 
"Are you... are you with someone?"
"NO! God, no, how could you think that?"
"Well, you are acting suspicious, I don't know!" You throw your hands up in the air defensively, and he sighs.
"Fine, come see."
Hyunjin walks first into the kitchen, and you gasp softly. To say it's a mess would be an understatement. There are pots everywhere, flour on the ground, and some clearly not-edible cookies on the table.
"This is embarrassing" He hides his face between his hands, and you giggle, gently removing them.
"Did you try to bake for me?" you coo, leaning your face into his until your noses brush together.
"Yeah, I know you've been working hard, and I wanted to surprise you. But clearly, I shouldn't have."
You feel your heart clench at the defeated look on his face, so to cheer him up, you grab a cookie from the tray. Its brown color throws you off, but you still take a big bite. You try your hardest not to scrunch your nose because he definitely used salt and not sugar, and oh- that's an eggshell you are chewing right now.
"This is yummy," you force out, and he rolls his eyes at your blatant lies.
"Please spit it out. I don't want you to die from food poisoning."
You oblige eagerly, thankful for the opening, and Hyunjin leans against the counter, gazing sadly at the cookies. 
"You are the best boyfriend in the world. You know that?"
He timidly shakes his head no, and you smile softly at him, "You are. Now let's clean this and order pizza. I'm starving."
"You are not mad?"
"Why would I be?"
"The kitchen is a mess."
"Well, it's our mess to clean up., And you doing this for me made me so so happy." You stand on your tiptoes and grab the back of his neck, pulling him downward for a kiss. When he leans away, you smile cheekily at him, and he rolls his eyes at you, "Come on, just say it."
"Leave the cookies to Felix."
"Guess who?" you whisper in Hyunjin's ears as you cover his eyes with your hands.
"An intruder who is oddly romantic?", Hyunjin jokes, and you flick the back of his head playfully, "I hate you."
Hyunjin turns around to grab your arm and drags you across the couch. "You love meee", he singsongs as he makes you stand between his legs.
"Yeah, I do" you giggle as he looks up at you, a huge smile on his face.
He looks so pretty from this angle, you think, his eyes wide and sincere poring into yours. You liked how Hyunjin never hid any of his emotions from you; and right now, you could clearly see the adoration he felt for you painted on his face.
You swipe your thumb affectionately across his cheek, and he leans into your touch, totally unguarded. "So... your birthday is in a month," you grin at him, "but since you'll be busy, I figured I'll give you your gift early on."
"You are my gift," his reply is instant. You once thought phrases like those were cheesy but you quickly realized that Hyunjin means them. He says them so easily because it's the truth for him.
"I think you'll really like this present," you smile excitedly as you pull out an envelope from your back pocket.
"Open it," you urge him, and he does as you say. He takes out two plane tickets and looks up at you, confused.
"What are those?"
"We are going to Paris!"
"We are?"
"Yes! In a week. I've prepared everything! I made all the reservations and a list of all the places we could visit. And I got us an exclusive tour of the exhibition you've been dying to see", you explain happily. You've been planning for this trip for a month now, you wanted it to be perfect for him.
Hyunjin's eyes well up with tears and he bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying. You knew how badly he wanted to go to Paris, and you went to all of these lengths to make him happy.
"Yn... I..." he stammers, and you hold his hands, gently squeezing them into yours. "It's okay, Jinnie. I know."
"No, I need to say it... I..." he pulls you onto his lap and you place your legs on either side of his body. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, and you pat his back gently, giving him a few moments to gather his thoughts.
"The reason why I wanted to draw your portrait is because I wanted you to see yourself how I see you. I wanted to capture you in a way only I can because I'm so in love with you," he pauses and you kiss his temple, overcome by emotion.
"I hoped that decades from now, someone would find those portraits and they will see how perfect you are. This way, you'll live again through my paintings and my love for you."
"Jinnie...." you whisper, at loss for words. Now it was your turn to tear up.
"Can I finish your portrait in Paris?", he clears his throat and you giggle through your tears, "Please."
"We also should get a portrait done of the two of us on the streets. And we'll hang it in the living room."
"Isn't that a bit pretentious?"
"It's our home. Who's picture are we going to frame? Han?"
"I mean he is our biggest supporter...", you trail off and he laughs at your words, "He really is. But I'm your number one fan."
"Prove it", you smirk and he flips you around until you are laying on the couch and he's caging you with his arms- the necklace he bought with your initial on it dangling over you.
"Oh I will."
(if you want to know how Hyunjin celebrated op's birthday, you can read When I fell in love heheheh)
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
can't stop thinking about sevika spanking reader's pussy 🫠🫠🫠
ps: i'm obsessed with your writing and sevika nation is grateful to you for your service 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜 feel free to just skip it if you don't feel like it.
hngggg... (p.s. i'm obsessed with my sweet anons and readers, i'm so fucking lucky to have such a supportive community! <3)
men and minors dni
sometimes it's just a little love tap.
while you're fully dressed and cuddling, before you leave for work, while you and sevika dance in the kitchen together. sometimes she just wants to show you some affection, and the first thing she can reach is your cunt.
sometimes it's in the heat of the moment.
sevika's eating you out, and she wants to see you jump, she'll give your wet pussy a quick smack to watch you squirm. or right before she's about to sink her strap in, she smacks it just to watch the way your cunt clenches around nothing. sometimes, when she's got two fingers inside of you, she'll quickly pull out and smack your cunt, laughing at the way your wetness makes the smack sound sticky.
but sometimes, she gives you a full spanking session.
sometimes, if you've been pissing her off or teasing her too much, sevika will spread your legs and deliver swift, open palmed smack after smack to your cunt.
she's evil.
she turns you on so much.
each smack makes you jump and flinch, and to anyone else, it would seem like you aren't enjoying yourself. especially when you start crying.
but sevika knows better. she can see the way your clit becomes engorged, the way blood rushes to your cunt and makes it puffy and swollen, the way you get soaking fucking wet after one or two smacks.
"you're so fucking desperate, aren't you? getting off on this... nasty." she whispers from where she's got your thighs pinned, your cunt open and pulsing around nothing.
"it's supposed to be a punishment, baby. you've been teasing me all day, feeling me up and kissing me like a slut. but you'll get off on anything i give you, won't you?" she teases. you whimper above her.
"sevika!" you whine. she chuckles darkly, and spanks your cunt with a loud 'smack!'
your thighs quiver and you wail, your hips lifting up to hump the air as sevika draws her hand away. she laughs and holds her palm up to your face.
"look how wet you are." she says. you whine. "soaking my hand and i'm barely touching you."
"sev, please." you beg.
"please what?" she asks. "you're gonna cum from this, i know you are. you always do-- you're so fuckin' nasty. so what're you beggin' for?" she asks.
"it hurts!" you whine. she laughs.
"that's the point." she says, delivering another quick smack to your cunt. you shiver.
"sevikaaa!" you scream. she swoops down to kiss up your tears, and swats your cunt again. this time, she doesn't move her hand after her blow, cupping your throbbing cunt in her hands, holding you until the pain dissipates.
"you okay?" she whispers, the seductive purr of her voice gone. you whimper.
"just-- gimmie a kiss?" you ask. sevika smiles and nods, ducking down to kiss your clit. you giggle and moan, then pull sevika up by the hair. "on my lips!" you say, laughing. sevika snorts and grins, crawling back up your body.
"oh." she says, giggling, before leaning down to kiss you soundly. you hum against her lips. "you wanna keep going?" she whispers against your mouth. you nod.
"i'm close." you whine. she grins.
"'cause you're a little freak." she says, admiringly. you smile and spread your legs impossibly wider, shifting your hips so sevika can get a good eyeful of your swollen, soaking wet cunt.
she grins, and with a quick swat, she smacks your cunt again.
you gasp and moan, and sevika laughs down at you.
"how many more before you're cummin' around nothin'?" she wonders aloud. you whine and shrug.
"guess you'll just have'ta find out." you say. she grins.
"fuck, i love you." she says, punctuating it with a swift smack.
it only takes three more spanks to get you to cum, but the night is far from over.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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starsandhughes · 8 months
Penalty Box Series— Trevor Zegras Edition (Five)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: four
next: six
i skipped the cbj game since z got... benched... so sissy shall play nice
to those of you who have been waiting for leo and sissy content, may i present: leo and sissy content!
OCTOBER 26, 2026
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liked by trevorzegras, leocarlssoon, and 16,552 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: THE ANAHEIM DUCKS ENDED THE BRUINS'S SIX GAME WIN STREAK EDITION! (and they brought the bruins into OT for the first time this season!)
tonight, cammy played his 900th game, gudas scored his first goal as a duck, my son and my dad scored goals in the final two minutes of regulation to tie the game, mac-t scored his first game winning goal of the season in overtime (i love you! i'm so proud! enjoy your forehead kisses!), and my lovely z-baby started a scrum over our son, leo, getting a hard hit which resulted in him drawing a roughing penalty by lindholm! and z led all forwards in time on ice with 22:49 minutes! all without getting a penalty!
oh, AND LEO GOT HIS FIRST ASSIST TONIGHT ON MASON'S GOAL! jackson also assisted on the goal, which means that all three players involved are under 23! we are, after all, the youngest team in the league, and it's starting to pay off! they're 2 for 2 on the roadie, so let's keep this up!
p.s. yes, that is my baby daddy biting our son in the fifth pic. yes, it's one of his ways of showing love. yes, he got it from me
p.s.s. LEO, MY CURRENT FAVORITE SON, I AM UNBELIEVABLY PROUD OF YOU! you had your first multi-point night tonight, and you are absolutely thriving in the big leagues🧡 i love you!
p.s.s.s. trevor, i love you, always! seeing you happy and supportive of your teammates on the ice makes me so warm inside, and i’m so lucky to be yours🧡
tagged trevorzegras, masonmctavish23, and leocarlssoon
view all 259 comments
trevorzegras i’m the luckiest guy in the world because you, sweet girl, are my biggest supporter, and my team's🧡 i love you, forever!
yourusername orange, black, white, plum, and turquoise, mother fucker! these colors don't run, bitch! anaheim! anaheim! anaheim!
trevorzegras and you also do things like that! i'm so lucky!
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras i can hear her saying that
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale that's because she's yelling it and you're only two minutes away
yourusername IN TREVOR WE TRUST🫡
trevorzegras oh look! more things that you do! i will never run out of luck!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras her crazy is somehow entertaining
trevorzegras @/jackhughes and endearing
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes she's so effervescent
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale that's a band
colecaufield @/trevorzegras you're thinking of evanescence
trevorzegras @/colecaufield oh
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras it means bubbly and enthusiastic
yourusername @/trevorzegras @/jackhughes @.jamie.drysdale SAPS
user41 matthew tkachuk bites mouth guards, trevor zegras bites people <3 two kinds of rats
leocarlssoon thank you, mom! i love you, too! i also appreciated the forehead kisses and being your current favorite son🧡
lhughes_06 @/yourusername we've been over the fact that you can't announce your favorite child!
colemcward @/lhughes_06 you aren't the one being downgraded!
edwards.73 @/colemcward welcome to the club
mackie.samo @/lhughes_06 @/edwards.73 @.colemcward i’ve never even BEEN a favorite! i barely had a chance to be the newest child!
dylanduke25 @/lhughes_06 @/mackie.samo @.colemcward @/edwards.73 at least you have fathers! i’m a fatherless-secret child!
leocarlssoon @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale @.masonmctavish23 what's happening? this wasn't in my y/n run down course
masonmctavish23 @/leocarlssoon this is out of my expertise
yourusername @/leocarlssoon you played great tonight! keep it up and you'll get plenty more forehead kisses! z and stromer get some every night!
masonmctavish23 @/yourusername wait, why does stromer get them every night? i thought we were friends??
jamie.drysdale @/masonmctavish23 that is a losing battle you're trying to fight, my guy
yourusername @/masonmctavish23 because i like him better than you
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon welcome to the family!
user27 z spraying that water bottle on himself is making me feel things
anaheimducks we love our biggest fan!!
yourusername omg i can't believe THE ducks admin replied to me!😭🫶
anaheimducks omg i can't believe THE future mrs. zegras-hughes replied to us!😭🫶
colecaufield i miss when you two used to bite me🥺
yourusername prepare to be attacked on november 12th, coley woley!
trevorzegras and again on the 22nd since y/n is abandoning me that day to see you and quinn!
yourusername and maybe the 30th!
colecaufield @/yourusername MAYBE?!
yourusername @/colecaufield i can only abandon my boy toy so much! he gets his feelings hurt!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield i'm tragically codependent
colecaufield fine! but i’m not breaking it to suzy!
yourusername you bitch
colecaufield OR jordan!
yourusername THAT'S MY HARRY! YOU BITCH!
trevorzegras i’ll break it to matty!
yourusername @/trevorzegras i will go out of spite instead of keeping it a maybe
trevorzegras i’ll keep my mouth shut!
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras you know how to do that?!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you bitch
user89 i need sissy to adopt me! not trevor, just sissy
_quinnhughes do you feed him?
yourusername we take turns feeding each other! and sometimes, jamie baby does it!
jamie.drysdale translation: they just show up
_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale why did you give them a key?
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes y/n/n has keys to all of our places! you know that!
yourusername @_quinnhughes jamie completes my rainbow! jack and luke's key is red, alex's is yellow, yours is green, cole's is blue, the lake house is purple, mine and z's key is pink and says princess, and jamie's is orange!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername princess pink is my favorite color in the rainbow
yourusername @_quinnhughes omg! mine, too! this is why we're best friends!! that's crazy!!!
trevorzegras @/yourusername then who's house does the minnie mouse key open???
yourusername @/trevorzegras that's a secret i’ll never tell, xoxo
trevorzegras @/yourusername and the one that says "key i haven't lost yet"?
yourusername @/trevorzegras petey
_quinnhughes @_eliaspettersson why does sissy have a key to your place?
_eliaspettersson @_quinnhughes she asked
user94 new sissy lore unlocked: she has keys to half the nhl's home???
jackhughes @/trevorzegras we told you to bite marchand, not your son!
trevorzegras no, i was told to bite him in retaliation if he licked me! he didn't lick me!
jackhughes so you don't deny the bite allegations?
trevorzegras cole has a video of me and y/n biting you at the same time! i have no defense!
yourusername @/trevorzegras why would you share that with the world?
trevorzegras @/yourusername you share so much worse things
yourusername @/trevorzegras touché
jackhughes @/yourusername @/trevorzegras you two never let me have any fun
yourusername @/jackhughes you could bite marchand! that would be fun!
jackhughes @/yourusername i could bite quinn before that! and z after!
yourusername @/jackhughes GREAT IDEA! do that one! throw in draisaitl! bite a guy on every team in the west!
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes don't do that
trevorzegras @/jackhughes do that
jackhughes @_quinnhughes sorry, captain bubba! it's 3 against 1
leocarlssoon did i start this?
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon we started it with your mom! it was a family bonding activity
rbs appreciated! tell me whatcha think <3
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viaoverthemoon · 1 year
Pink Pills 2/2
Since so many of y'all liked the first part of Pink Pills, here's the second part! :) Enjoy!
Be sure to read part 1 first!
Leon x AFAB!Reader
Tw: PURE SMUT, p in v sex, unprotected sex (Don't be silly, wrap your willy), intoxication, swearing, reader drugged themself, aftercare, Leon is so fucking hot
18+!! MDNI!! NSFW!!! Read at your own risk! <3
☆*: .。*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆.。.:*☆
You should take drugs like this more often.
Leon's hands dug harshly into your hips as he watched you bounce up and down on his cock, making the prettiest of noises he's ever heard.
He completely handed you the reigns, just watching you ride his raging dick was enough for him.
He simply ran his hands along your sides and listened to your desperate whines, sucking on your needy breasts every now and then.
You'd cum a total of 4 times, and yet the burning feeling never went away.
Your legs were starting to give out and you let out a frustrated breathy moan, sinking completely down onto Leon's cock.
"Leon... I can't..." You tried to catch your breath while also trying to ignore the feeling of him deep inside of you. So deep, you swear you can feel him touch your cervix.
Your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving little crescent marks, as he leans into you. He kisses your neck, hoping to calm you down as you unknowingly grind on him.
"You're doing such a good job, baby."
His praise only makes the feeling so much worse.
You groan and try to lift yourself back up to ride him again. But it looks like your legs have given up.
You huff a desperate sigh before nesting your face in Leon's neck, still grinding into him.
"I can't, Lee... You do it? Help me fuck you?" Your question comes out as a desperate whine, igniting something in him.
Suddenly, you're on your back on the couch, his lips skimming your throat.
"You're amazing, angel."
Was the last thing he said before pulling all the way out of you, then slamming back into your spent pussy.
You release a raspy scream, voice nearly gone and cumming for the 5th time.
But it's like he knew you weren't satisfied yet, because he began to thrust in and out of you at an unrelenting pace.
It's rough, painful, addicting, and feels oh so good. You drag your nails down his back, probably drawing blood, but he doesn't seem to care.
You're loud. Louder than you've ever been with him. Back arching, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
And his noises aren't helping.
Leon sounds like can't get enough of you.
He whimpers, moans, groans, and whispers sweet nothings into your ear.
"You're doing so good for me, angel."
"Oh God... you feel so... it feels so... oh sweetheart-"
"You don't even know what you're doing to me, baby-"
"Pussy feels so good... Oh fuc- I'm gonna-"
Just with his voice alone, you're cumming for a 6th time. And he follows right behind you, pulling out of your soaked entrance and finishing all over your tits.
He hunches over you as you both catch your breath.
The burn your body once felt begins to fade, leaving you extremely exhausted. Your eyes start to droop and your limbs go limp around you.
Leon, being the over-observant asshole he is, notices this and laughs quietly. He leans down to give you a quick, yet affectionate, peck.
"Poor thing... Feeling better, angel?"
You can only manage a small nod, every bone in your body too sore and tired to even move.
Leon hums, standing up and stretching before bending down to pick you up bridal style.
"How about a warm bath? Then we'll go to sleep."
It was your turn to hum this time, resting your head on his chest,
"Oh and, angel? How about next time we try something like this, we actually read the warning labels. Okay? Okay."
He laughs as you groan and throw your head backwards.
Yeah. Next time, we'll read the warning labels.
Always read the warning labels y'all. <3
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slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Slashers on Valentines day
Happy Valentines day everyone. I'm single so I don't really have anyone to celebrate with but who cares when I still get chocolate and can watch a campy slasher movie centered around the holiday. This is kind of a random selection of slashers including Danny because he's my baby girl and I saw really cute Valentines day themed fan art of him. Anyway I hope y'all enjoy <3
Includes: Hannibal Lecter, Harry Warden, Candyman, The Sinclair brothers, Amanda Young and, Danny Johnson
Warnings: Mentions of murder and gore kind of
Hannibal Lecter
He's obviously cooking for you today. You're not to step foot into the kitchen because he's taking care of all of it himself. You're getting spoiled today and that's final.
He's going to buy you something expensive that you'll love. It might be a ring or a new bag, maybe an entirely new outfit. Whatever he sees fit to give you. He doesn't expect you to get him anything but if you do he's very thankful.
He's probably taking you to the opera with him. Something high brow and fancy for his lovely s/o, nothing but the best for you on a very special day.
I can see him spending the evening drawing you too. You're probably in his study, drinking wine and doing something relaxing while he sketches you and recites love poems.
Harry Warden
He's going to be busy murdering people on Valentines day so he's not going to be able to do much of anything with you.
But he is going to bring you whatever he thinks you'll like. Flowers, chocolate, a card addressed to one of his victims, whatever he finds he's giving you.
He doesn't really enjoy having decorations up for Valentines day. Having pink and red themed decor is fine with him but explicit Valentines day decorations aren't his jam.
While he isn't there on the actual day, he's going to be there after Valentines day and that's when he's going to shower you with love and affection.
It's going to a very romantic day overall for you. Lots of your favorite flowers around your house/apartments waiting for you when you wake up. Maybe some chocolate but probably a little honeycomb too.
He's going to steal you all of the gifts he gets you. Mostly expensive jewelry he thinks you'll like or you've pointed out to him.
Oh and he is most definitely writing you a love letter pages long, listing off every detail of why he loves you and what he would do for you.
Of course he's going to be spending the entire day with you. You're not going out but you're going to enjoy time spent with him in your house together.
Vincent Sinclair
He's going to give you whatever gifts he can make/get you for the occasion. He doesn't have access to most traditional things for Valentines day so it might just be a painting or a love letter, but he's trying ok?
He wants to spend the entire day with you. He usually spends a lot of time with you anyway but especially on this special day. He'll keep Bo away so he doesn't make stupid comments about you two, and Lester won't bother you at all.
He might want to try slow dancing with you since he's never done it before and he sees couples do it in romance movies all of the time. He might suck at it but he doesn't really care because it's with you.
He's going to end the day with a nice dinner between the two of you. He pulled out an old cook book to use for this and he did a pretty good job at cooking it too.
Lester Sinclair
He's going to get you all of the stereotypical gifts, chocolate, flowers, a card, etc. He just loves you so much and he wants to spoil you every once and awhile you know?
He's going to take you out to an actual town where the two of you can really be a couple. You're probably just going to be walking/driving around and getting dinner but it's the thought that counts.
Lots of physical affection too. Like he wants to always have a hand on you today. He thinks that he can't fully express how much he loves outside of giving you hugs, kissing you, holding your hand, etc.
He's probably taking pictures of all of this. I can see him being a sentimental person so spending a special day with you is something that he's going to want to document.
Bo Sinclair
He thinks the whole idea of the day is stupid. But that doesn't mean he isn't going to do something special with you for Valentines day. He can be a gentleman when he wants to and today is one of those days.
He'll probably get you flowers. Nothing too special, he'd ask Vincent what flowers to get if he doesn't know your favorite flowers are. I feel like Vincent could go off on a big thing about the different meanings of flowers but he knows Bo doesn't care so he'll just say roses.
I feel like he would maybe get you a ring that matches one of his. Partly to sell the idea that you're married to victims, partly because he's a possessive guy and likes the idea of you always being reminded who you're dating.
He also expects you to be romantic. He knows you can't do much because you can't leave town without him but he still expects you to do something like cook him something special or write him a love letter if you're that kind of person.
Amanda Young
She also thinks Valentines day is stupid. She's never been much of a romantic and probably has never been in a healthy romantic relationship, let alone an actual relationship.
Like Bo she's still getting you something. If you're like her she's getting you a gothic box of chocolate and maybe flowers (They do sell gothic boxes of chocolate and I'm in love with them).
She will happily go out to dinner with you. She somewhat expects you to plan it and pay for at least half of the dinner. I can see her getting dressed up if it's a more fancy restaurant and looking so pretty.
She's also going to rub it in Hoffmans face that she has a partner who loves her and that she got spoiled while he probably sat home alone doing whatever he does.
Danny Johnson
He's going to make a scrap book of all of his favorite pictures of you and share it with you. Pointing out the ones he likes the best or ones with fun stories behind them.
Because he's an obsessive little shit he knows all of your favorite things and he's going to get them for you. Expect to find your favorite flowers, candy, drink, etc on your kitchen table in the morning.
Maybe does a romantic photo shoot with you. He wants to pick out some aspects of it but will let you pick out outfits to wear. He's going to spend half the time actually taking pictures and half posing you so he has an excuse to touch you.
If you're as morbid and crazy as him then he's going to get you an actual heart. It might be human, it might be an animals heart he got at the butcher, ok it's probably a real heart that he says is an animals.
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So uh. Choso x reader smut fic under the cut. I haven't written anything in a while and never anything in second person but i think it turned out kinda nice.
The reader character has a dick but is otherwise never gendered so do with that whatever you want ;)
This fic has uhh: top & dom (on the softer side) reader, bottom & sub Choso, edging, anal sex, praise & light degradation, spit, crying from overstimulation. Abt 2.1k words
No warnings that i could think of apply
"How're you doing, baby, still ok?", you ask, brushing your lips against Choso's jaw as you slow your thrusts and then carefully pull out, edging your partner for the third time within the past hour and drawing a desperate whine from his pretty lips.
"Mmm yeah s'good so good", he manages to get out between heavy breaths. "Got so close again".
He's a gorgeous sight underneath you: His dark hair is fanned out on the pillow beneath him, a few strands sticking to his forehead. Face flushed red and lips parted as he takes in deep, shaky breaths, trying to deal with the tension and pleasure that had built up in him that he once again did not get to release yet.
His legs are still wrapped around your waist and his hands have moved from where they were clawing at your back to resting on your shoulders. Between you his hard cock is still leaking precum against his stomach. It was some sort of miracle he hadn't come yet, right now he looked like the smallest touch could send him over the edge.
You wait patiently until Choso's breathing slows a bit and his hands on your shoulders start drawing idle patterns on your skin. Leaning down to place a gentle kiss on his lips, you move one of your hands to stroke over his broad chest, feeling his breath hitch in his throat when you find one of his nipples and rub it carefully.
"You're being so good for me, Choso", you sigh into his mouth, making a quiet moan fall from his lips in response.
"What do you want to do next baby, tell me. Do you want me to edge you again?"
Choso shakes his head.
"Aww do you wanna cum, baby?", you smile and drop a kiss on his nose.
"Please", he rasps. "Please fuck me until i cum and then keep going. I want you to rail me, I want you to fuck my brains out".
Now it's your turn to let out a desperate little moan, his words making another wave of arousal wash over you.
"Fuck that's hot, Choso. Of course. Anything you want"
You lean in for a kiss again, open mouthed and rough this time, moaning shamelessly when Choso slides his tongue into your mouth. He's a good kisser, knowing exactly what to do to make you weak in the knees.
You reluctantly pull away after a little while, sitting up between Choso's legs and laying your hands on his thighs.
"Do you wanna keep this position or do you wanna switch it up?", you ask.
"Mm I wanna stay like this", Choso says. "I like that I can see your face"
"I like being able to see your face, too. Especially because I plan on making you come so hard you'll see stars", you grin and squeeze his thighs.
Choso groans at that, throwing his head back against the pillows.
"Well don't just sit there and talk then"
"Oh aren't we desperate", you tease, leaning over to grab the lube from the nightstand. You make a bit of a show out of spreading it over your length, stroking yourself slowly and making sure Choso gets a good view of it.
"I'm gonna give you what you need, baby, don't you worry"
You put your hands back on his thighs to spread his legs a bit further before taking your cock in hand and lining yourself up with his entrance.
Choso lets out a content sigh as you slowly push in, breath catching in his throat when you bottom out inside him and lean down again, holding yourself up on your forearms on either side of his face.
"One last thing, can you tell me the safewords one more time?", you ask, dropping a kiss on Choso's cheek.
"Mm stoplight system and if i can't talk i tap u on the back or shoulder twice if i want to stop, we went over this less than an hour ago", he chuckles at the last part.
"Good, good, just making sure", you nuzzle against his jaw, grinding your hips against his.
"More, please", Choso sighs in your ear, strong arms wrapping around your back.
You speed up your movements, pulling out further before thrusting back into him with more force. You know you found the perfect angle you had earlier again when Choso gasps out a string of curses and clenches around your dick.
"Mmm you feel so good around my cock", you moan into his ear. "Take it so well, baby".
You feel Choso's fingers dig into your back as he buries his face into the crook of your neck to muffle his moans.
"Enjoying yourself?"
"Y-yeah, but please", he gasps against your chest. "Please go harder"
"Of course, baby", you move one hand to grab his hips, holding him in place as you snap your hips forward with forecful motions. Choso is trembling in your arms, holding on tightly and gasping your name as you fuck into him fast and rough, giving him exactly what he had asked you for.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and your slick cock sliding in and out. You revel in the obscenity of it, bringing your hand up from Choso's hip to grip at his hair and yank his head back from where he is still trying to muffle his choked off moans against your shoulder.
"Don't be so shy, Choso", you coo. "Let me hear how much you love it"
A desperate, loud whine escapes Choso's lips as he dips his head back against the pillows, tears beading at the corners of his eyes. You lean forward to kiss them away.
"So good, baby, so good for me", you praise him. "Letting me tease and edge and use you and taking it all so perfectly. My gorgeous little slut."
A noticeable shiver runs over Choso's body at the new term and his hands grip tighter at your back.
"Mh did you like that, baby? Do you like it when i call you my slut?".
You momentarily slow down your thrusts a little to give him room to answer, grinning widely when he gives you an eager nod.
Sitting up you pick up the pace again, gripping his hips with both hands as you continue pounding into him. Choso's arms fall to the mattress at his sides, yanking at and punching into the sheets as pleasure coils in his stomach. His cock is still straining against his abdomen, flushed red and hard, leaking a steady trickle of precum.
You give his hips a squeeze before moving one hand up to splay it over his chest, then slowly, teasingly smoothing it down his torso to where he desperatly needs some attention.
Choso cranes his head down to watch, mouth hanging slack as he follows the movements of your hand as you pick up some precum with your fingers and bring them to your mouth to suck them between your lips, coating them generously in your spit and moaning at the taste of him on your tongue.
When you look back at Choso's face he seems to have managed to blush an even darker shade of red and you give him a wink before finally taking your slicked up fingers and rubbing them up and down the underside of his cock. He gasps at the contact, fighting the urge to screw his eyes shut to be able to keep watching.
You wrap your hand fully around his cock, stroking up in a twisting motion experimentally but still not quite happy with the lubrication.
"Choso, look at me", you command and his eyes snap up to meet yours. His pupils are blown wide with arousal, his chest heaving as he takes deep breaths.
You hold eye contact with him as you gather spit in your mouth, letting it dribble past your lips and onto your hand and the head of his cock. Choso sucks in a sharp breath, exhaling shakily as you start moving your hand again, spreading your spit and his precum over his length.
"F-fuck", he whispers, hips twitching up into your touch.
You fall into a steady rythm, stroking his slick cock in sync with the thrusts of your hips, watching as the tension in Choso's body builds and builds, his hands twisting into the sheets and his head thrown back.
It doesn't take much longer until he's there, spilling white over your hand and his abdomen as he trembles and gasps while you continue to fuck him through the waves of his orgasm.
"Fuck yeah, love how you feel coming on my cock, you're doing so well baby", you moan, dizzy with how good it feels to have him clench down on your dick.
Choso's slowly coming down from his high, cock spent and softening, laying against his stomach in a puddle of his own cum.
You keep going, grinding your hips against Choso's ass, shoving yourself deep inside him. He had wanted you to fuck his brains out so that's what you were going to do. And if the desperate whimpers falling from his lips as you fucked him into overstimulation were any indication, you were on the right path for that.
"D-don't stop", Choso manages to gasp out.
You lean down for a brief kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip before pulling away again.
"You really are a greedy little slut, huh", you tease him. "Already made you cum on my cock and you still need to be fucked more."
You time your words with a harsh snap of your hips, pleased with the loud moan it forces out of Choso's throat.
"But don't worry, baby", you continue, grazing your teeth against his neck. "I'm here to give you what you need. Just don't blame me when you can't walk tomorrow"
With that you sit up again, coaxing Choso's legs away from where they're wrapped tightly around your waist to hoist them up and hook them over your shoulders instead. The new angle makes both of you shiver and you slow down your thrusts to savour the feeling of sliding in and out of that slick, tight heat, the way Choso tenses and squeezes around you when you grind the tip of your cock against his prostate. It feels so fucking good, kneeling there pressed deep inside him, holding his hips and thighs in place with an iron grip.
You chuckle when you feel Choso squirm underneath you.
"Mhh so impatient", you scold him playfully and can't help a laugh as he almost yelps when you abruptly speed up the pace, going back to fucking him fast and rough, chasing your own orgasm now.
"Mm baby gonna cum inside you, gonna fill you up so good", you moan, pleasure coiling deep inside your abdomen as you slam into him again and again.
"Pl-please", Choso whines, tears beading at the corners of his eyes again.
"F-fuck I love getting to ruin you like this" you gasp out, feeling your own high approaching fast. "So close fuck I'm so close".
Moments later you're there, shoving your cock as deep inside Choso as you can, filling him up with your cum, grinding back into the sticky mess you're making.
Choso's almost sobbing, tears streaming down his face at the amount of stimulation, a small amount of cum dribbling out of his only half hard cock as he trembles and shivers through an attempt at a second orgasm.
You mercilessly ride out your climax inside him until you're fully spent, collapsing against him with your cock still buried deep inside. The room is filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and Choso's hiccups as you both come down from your highs. God he's adorable. You let Choso's legs slide off your shoulders and lay them onto the bed again.
He gives you a lopsided smile, looking positively fucked out but happy, with his tear streaked cheeks and messy dark hair sticking to his forehead.
You carefully pull out, deeply satisfied when your cum slowly dribbles out of him afterwards.
"Glad we put a towel down", you note at the mess, crawling up to press a gentle kiss to Choso's lips.
"You were fucking amazing", you sigh into his mouth. "Took everything so well"
"Mmh felt so good", Choso slurs against your lips. "M'so tired now tho"
"You can fall asleep if you want to, I'll get us cleaned up" you smile at him before pressing more kisses to the tattoo on his nose, his cheeks and his forehead. "Try to drink some water before you doze off tho"
You lean over to grab a bottle of water from the nightstand and hand it to him, before getting up fully and making your way to the bathroom to grab a washcloth. Or maybe three.
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queenofbaws · 21 days
! Pride Month Challenge 2024 !
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Well hi there, everyone! With May winding down to a close and June just around the corner, it's about that time again...the time where @jadedsunshine, @unicornaffair, and I host our yearly create-a-thon! 🥳
What's the Pride Month Challenge, you might find yourself asking? Well, this year it's a little bingo game we've put together, featuring some classic tropes. The aim of this particular game? Make something!!! Anything! Just get those creative juices a-flowin' and see if you can snag a B-I-N-G-O along the way!
This challenge is open to everyone and anyone who wants to take part, whether you know the three of us or not! We're going to be using the tag #pridemonthchallenge2024 for the stuff we create, so if you decide to join in on the fun and games, feel free to stick that tag on whatever you make, too! If you're interested in more details, you can check below the cut or reach out and ask ;)c
Either way, happy almost-pride, and happy creating!!!
I don't write fic - can I still participate?
Ab. So. Lutely!!! We've done this challenge for a few years now (we've missed a year or two for weddings and other life stuff, whoops!), but in the past we've had people doodle, sketch, draw, make edits, create props or other physical art, and even curate playlists! The three of us are writers, so you're very likely to see fic or ficlets from us...but you? Oh. Oh, you can do whatever your heart desires!!!
Are there word limits/expectations for a finished product?
NO!!! :D Zero. Literally zero expectations. We aren't putting together an exchange, we aren't holding a competition, we're just trying to get the spirit of creation in the air. That's it! So whether you're writing 50 words or 5,000, whether you've made a rough sketch on a notebook page or fully lined/colored a scene, you're good! You're so good. As long as you've made something, you've earned a stamp on that bingo card, baby!!!
What if I don't want to do something fandom-y? Can it be OCs/original work?
OF COURSE!!! 100%. You don't even have to ask!!! Show the world your OCs! Tell the world about your story's worldbuilding! It's all fair game :)
What if I don't want to post what I made?
Don't sweat it! Again, this is...the farthest thing from official. This is for fun, and this is for the sake of making something. Sharing your work can be nerve-wracking - don't feel like you have to! We'd love to see you playing along with us, of course, but as long as you've made something that you're proud of, you've earned that stamp! No ifs, ands, or buts!
Is it cool if my creations aren't necessarily pride-themed?
Totally! We host this challenge during pride month because (1) it traditionally works better for the three of us than NaNoWriMo because of our schedules, and (2) we're queer creators ourselves! But if you're feeling a prompt and can't find a way to make it relevant to pride, PLEASE don't sweat it! As I've been known to say (and then get laughed at for saying), this challenge is no rules, just right, Outback Steakhouse :P
Let's say I get a bingo...what do I win?
:) Nothing. <3
Wait, really?
:) Really <3 Hehehe, in all seriousness, this challenge has been a fun way for us to sit down, take our minds off of life and our bigger projects and just...make some fun stuff! In our humble opinion(s), being able to point at a finished piece and say "I did that! I made that!" is its own kind of reward. The bingo board itself is really more for bragging rights ;)c Which, of course, we encourage wholeheartedly. Nothing wrong with a little bragging!!!
We hope to have you along for our month-long adventure! Again, we're going to be using the tag #pridemonthchallenge2024 for our own stuff, so if you'd like to use that tag - or tag any of us!!! - in whatever you end up creating, feel free!!! We love seeing what everyone comes up with, and this challenge is always so much more fun, knowing other people are taking part! <3 Hope to see you along for the ride!
*The bingo board was made by the lovely @jadedsunshine 🥰
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museumgiftshoperaser · 9 months
Paint the Devil on the Wall
80s New York City art scene AU, Coming November 7th!
My Steddie Big Bang project has a posting date! The first of five chapters will be uploaded to AO3 on November 7th! I can't wait to share this story that I've been working on since January. It's the longest I've ever worked on a fic and also the longest in terms of length. We'll probably be clocking in at around 60k and it will be rated E. The fic will be accompanied by art from @melonalemonade and @dreaminginpencil which I could not be happier about! I've seen a little sneak peak of one of the pieces and it's so insanely gorgeous, you're gonna love it so so much <333 Below is a little excerpt from the intro...
The first artwork Eddie ever falls in love with is a piece of graffiti on the dumpster behind the church. He’s ten, maybe eleven and his mother pushes him across the parking lot on Sunday morning. They’re running late and pretending not to be, but the Indiana sun soaks sweat through his mother’s nicest blouse. A telltale sign of rushing and cheap polyester. 
Would you look at that, she tuts anyway, like judging other people will guard her from nasty looks from the right side of the picket fence. Her yellowed nails hook into his shoulders. I bet it’s those Peterson boys again. 
So Eddie looks. 
It’s a corner of town he’s seen a hundred times, but just like that it’s new again. Angry blue and black lines swoop across the metal into bold letters spelling out SOON. Loud like advertising, enticing like early morning cartoons. Messy, but on purpose.
His mother must see the crease between his brows, maybe the longing in his eyes because she adds you don’t draw on things that aren’t yours, baby.
Inside, with his knees on the hardwood and his eyes closed, those bright letters light up the inside of his eyelids like a promise. Soon. He doesn’t know what, or where or how, but he thinks it’s coming. 
Later that night he scratches the same swooping letters into his bedside table with a ballpoint and a vision. Pushes so hard the plywood dents in the shape of his marks and learns how good it feels. How a room can be a canvas. How he gets to pick the colors.
His stepdad smacks him over the head for it when his mother finds out so he figures nothing in his bedroom is really his. But maybe he knew that already. 
It’s a decade later now, and Hawkins, Indiana is over seven hundred miles away. He doesn’t believe in God anymore, maybe never did, and he no longer believes in Art. But he believes in Soon like nobody’s business. Gets the word tattooed over his wrist his first week in New York and never looks back. The money. The boys and the white, chalky lines across every black surface he can find. Everything. Soon.
It’s coming.
All of which is to say that this is not a love story.  At least, not yet.
(If you have any questions you can always send me an ask, I've been absolutely DYING to talk about this story since January) (And also thanks so much to all the moderators who've been running this big bang!)
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captain-she · 7 months
#12D0123F ❞ THE LAMP.
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── ౨ৎ ‧˚ ft. miguel o'hara/wife!reader
synopsis: in which your husband does what he shouldn't have.
・⸝⸝ mini-series (3/4), angst, no comfort, arguing, implied murder, cursing, delusional character, no use of y/n
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Hours turned into days, and days to weeks. But somewhere across them, Miguel finally did it. Those countless nights without sleep, the dark circles under his eyes, his body now skeletonized and scrawny—a sight you couldn't bear to see. 
Oh, how your soul pitied him.  
Miguel’s eyes lit up for the first time in months watching the portal open. No longer dull and lifeless from his past failures. 
He smiled. The seeds of obsession he planted have finally borne fruit. His efforts were not in vain. 
Eyes glued to the monitor, Miguel watches you run around the park chasing Gabby as she tries her best to get away from you, giggling all the way. His heart filled at the sight of you two together. Alive.
His mood soon turns sour seeing the other him. No matter. He could easily get rid of him and be done with it. To live a life with you forever? He would do anything.
Miguel turns from the monitor, reaching his bony fingers towards the portal – ready to enter. He sucked in a breath and started moving forward. As he inched closer, he felt the wind and heat of this new world caress his fingers. 
“Miguel!” Someone yelled behind him. 
His head whips back to see who called. His eyes met Jessica, her baby resting on her hip. Next to her, he sees Peter. 
Peter Benjamin Parker. 
The name of the man who called interrupting him from reuniting with his love, staring wide-eyed at him with what could be seen as horror and disbelief. 
“I thought we talked about this Mig!” Peter yells again. “You take one step in there and everything is fucked. You, out of all people know that.”
Miguel holds Peter’s gaze, begging for him to step back. But then they shift to Mayday, snug on Peter’s chest, and Jessica’s child. Why do they get a say in what he does for his family and he can't? Why is his family gone and theirs isn't? 
It was simply unfair.
“You are not gonna make me the bad guy here,” Miguel laughed, venom dripping in his tone. “Every time I see Mayday I’m reminded of my daughter. Every day I see you go home to your loved ones when I can't. And I'm the bad guy for wanting to see my family again?” 
Scowling, he continues. “Don't act as if you didn't try to do what I was about to Peter. You’d all do the same if it were you.” He taunted. 
“They aren't your family Miguel,” Jessica beseeches. “They don't know you. You are not their Miguel.” 
Peter steps forward. “She's right. You'd be an imposter in their world, an anomaly. Think about it, your wife believed you were a hero. What would she feel knowing what you were about to do now, deliberately destroying another dimension?”
“Keep her name out of your mouth, Parker.” 
“Miguel just listen to us, please! She’s going to die again and again and again if you go through with this.” Peter pleads once more. 
But Miguel had already made up his mind long ago.
“Then I'd gladly find every dimension where she exists and repeat the process.” 
“Yeah? And what happens when you've gone through all dimensions with her in it? What then?” Jessica questions, trying to reason with him.
“I'd find a new way to get to her.”
“You can't be serious.” She breathes out, mortified.
With that, Miguel injected himself one final time. He looked to the portal once more, watching you pack up your stuff, ready to leave the park – the other him no longer in sight.
Drawing in a deep breath, he walks in. 
The ignored yells of his name from behind have now faded out. He didn't care about a single thing but you.
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Credits: [divider/s] @/benkeibear, [editor/beta reader/co-writer] @/nastygyal
Notes: My editor forgets to reply when I text her and I forget to check Discord when school consumes me
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vampyrgoff · 9 months
Hii I just wanted to see if you do requests? I kind of want to ask a Vince and Bo both dating you. But you kind of have a bad week and don’t talk and act like your normal self and then one day they finally ask you and (you know when someone asks if you are okay and the waterfall comes) and have a lot of comfort🥺
I’m kinda struggling right now and today just is the one over the edge and need some love and comfort from these guys😭😭😭
If not that’s alright! Thank you for reading this one anyways!
Dating Both Vincent and Bo Sinclair: You had a bad week </3 Bo and Vincent comfort <3
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Bo Sinclair x reader, Vincent Sinclair x reader
contains— fluffff, Bo, and Vinnie being cutie patooties, the boys kind of give off caregiver vibes?, agere vibes but like not really specifying or going into too much detail with that, vinnie does speak a VERY little. YALL CANT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME, HE SOMETIMES SPEAKS TO YOU WHEN ALONE IDC I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL, a bit of babying honestly, I feel like it sucks but this is the best my sleepy brain can come up with...
requests— always open! send whateva guys <3
vampyr's note— Thanks for requesting, I hope you're doing okay 🥺 I wanted to get this out as soon as possible just cause I know how it feels when you have those days where you're struggling and nothing goes right. I hope this makes your day a little better and if it does, I'm glad I was able to help! <3 My DMs are ALWAYS open if anyone needs to talk to someone! <3 I want to say that this is my first time having to WRITE a cohesive story instead of small blurbs, so I'm sorry for any bad writing!
word count— 2.0k words, 10.9k characters
as always... gifs aren't mine!
reblogs, comments and feedback are always appreciated <3
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(literal husbands ughh) (Vincent speaks through sign language! its easier on me to write it that way) (NOT PROOFREAD)
It was just a day. It was just a week, even. That's all it was. "All you have to do is get through it" is what you kept telling yourself. As you lay in bed in the workshop, watching Vincent work, your chest felt heavy. As if there was some sort of weight that was pulling you down. Your throat almost felt shut closed, as if you were to speak, nothing would come out. Your eyelids felt heavy and your vision grew hazy. You've been in bed all day. You didn't even know what time it was.
One thing about Vincent: if you don't tell him to stop working, he never will. He gets so lost in sketching and materializing those sketches that he forgets to eat and drink water, sometimes even take bathroom breaks. Bo can be heard upstairs, busy with something or someone. The loud thuds of his boots can be heard from downstairs. You sat up from the bed, your hair a tousled mess. Vincent's head snaps towards you almost instantly and his eyes soften at how beautiful you looked. Your hair was a mess but it looked so good, your skin was flushed a bit from all the crying and rubbing at your face, and you sat there wearing Bo's Nine Inch Nails band tee.
Vincent tilts his head at you, something he does a lot. "How did you sleep, beautiful?" He signs. A faint smile graced your lips.
"It... it was okay." You said a bit flatly. You got up and walked to him. Vincent noticed your thigh-high socks that rested up to about mid-thigh. The warmth of the basement really hitting your skin now. Vincent stood on his stool, waiting for you to really cuddle up in his arms like you normally do. But his heart sank a little when all you did was a small side hug and looked at one of the sketches he was drawing.
You were trying to avoid his gaze. You've been like this, this whole entire week. You lay in bed and shut yourself out from your lovers. It's easy to hide your true discontent feelings from Bo, as he tends to get busy with running everything in Ambrose with Lester. But with Vincent, it's a different story. Vincent knows you like the back of his hand. He observes you like a lost puppy. You're fascinating to him. So when you have these weeks, he tries to give you space and offer comfort but, it's truly hard when all you do is push away from him. Vincent watched you walk up the stairs, listening to the soft pitter patters of your feet. He wasn't gonna follow you yet but he knew Bo was gonna get to the bottom of what has been making you feel so bad.
Vincent had always struggled with confrontation and confronting you. Bo was always upfront with you and sometimes had to air out Vincent's feelings so that Vincent's problems would get solved. You never minded it though. You kind of admired the Yin and Yang in them. You loved the warmth of Vincent and the iciness of Bo.
As you walked out into the kitchen, Bo was already there, looking through the fridge. Bo's phone dinged and he looked at the message, tensing his jaw a bit as he looked at you. The message was from Vincent and it very much was a message about you and your recent behavior. "Doll," he says lowly, dragging out the name itself. You turned your head to him, already preparing yourself to mask your emotions completely. You hummed in response as you looked up at the taller man, he looked at you with expectant eyes. You heard approaching footsteps from behind you, once you heard Vincent walk into the room, you knew the jig was up.
Bo carried you and placed you on the kitchen island's countertop. Bo and Vincent now standing in front of you, Vincent's hand holding your left and Bo's hand holding your right. In serious moments like this, Vincent takes off his mask, and Bo's icy-cold gaze softens, and in this moment, it isn't an exception. You knew where this was going and you knew you needed comfort, it was just hard opening up to them. Not because you didn't want to, and not because they wouldn't listen but because you didn't want to waste energy trying to make them understand. You didn't want advice on how to make it better... you just wanted some extra love. Bo cleared his throat, interrupting you and your thoughts. "Doll, are you okay?" he asked, his voice low but very intimate.
Within seconds, your eyes begin to water and your tears begin to blur your vision. Vincent is quick to react as he pulls your face into his chest, shooting a look at Bo. He smells like wax and lavender-scented candles, a smell that smelt like home to you. Bo's thumb ran over your thumb in a soothing manner. The gesture really makes your heart swell as you turn your head to look at him.
"I-I'm sorry guys," You say, tears falling from your eyes, wetting Vincent's shirt a bit. "I know I've been extremely distant but I-" Bo shushes you immediately, stopping you from explaining. He reaches a hand out to you, the hand cupping your chin, his thumb rubbing at your bottom lip. "Now, you don't have to tell us anything, darling. Open up when you're ready okay?" He asks and you nod your head still sniffling. "Pretty princesses like you shouldn't be crying, okay?" You hug Bo next and he smiles a bit. He can't help but think that in moments like these, you're the cutest, so vulnerable and so small. He loves reveling in the fact that he can provide for you like a true man. It's his biggest ego boost. He loves feeling like he and his brother are the only ones on the planet earth that can make you feel good. Once you pull away, Bo stamps a kiss on your forehead. "What would you like us to do for you?" Vincent signs, his face contorted with worry.
Bo carries you off the counter and you cling onto him, your legs wrapped around his waist. He looks down at you and smiles a bit, he walks you over to the living room, as Vincent goes downstairs, grabbing all of your favorite movies and DVDs and grabbing your weighted blanket along with one of your favorite stuffed animals. Bo sits you on the couch and brings you a glass of water. "Drink up, okay baby. I know you probably haven't had anything to drink in a while," he says softly while rubbing your back. It was a true statement, you hadn't really taken care of yourself this week, it was apparent. Your skin was paler than usual, your cheeks were puffy and your lips plump from constantly chewing at them. It felt so good to be taken care of by Bo and Vincent. They were the best at giving princess treatment.
Vincent finally comes up and brings all the things you need. You feel your heart swell as Vincent sets the DVDs down on the table in front of you. He sits next to you, sprawling out the weighted blanket over the three of you as you reach for your favorite stuffed animals. "Now, which movie would you like to watch, sunshine." Bo drawls as he holds up all the DVDs in hand, sprawled out so that you can pick out of your favorites. Once the movie is picked he gets up and puts the movie in as you lean into Vincent's chest. Vincent's arms come over you and he pulls you onto him so that your back is in contact with his chest as Bo sits back down next to you. Bo lifts your legs up and sets them on his lap, his warm and calloused hands, rubbing at your skin and massaging your legs sensually as the movie starts. Every now and then Bo kisses the skin on your legs, truly making you feel pampered with love.
Once the movie comes to a close, you look to your left and see Bo, sleeping already. Vincent's still up though, his delicate hands playing with your hair and making small two-strand and three-strand braids, something that you taught him how to do in the past. "Vince," you call out to him quietly. He hums softly, not stopping the braiding. "What should we do now? Bo's asleep." You say. Vincent looks to Bo and shakes his head playfully disapproving. You finally turn your body to him and Vincent smiles once he sees your face. He leans in for a small kiss, which you gladly return. He tucks some hair behind your ear and smiles more, beginning to hold your face with his warm and intoxicating touch. "Are you feeling better?" He signs to you. You think for a second and you shrug. "I don't know anymore, Vinnie. I still feel really sad." You explain truthfully. Vincent stands up and grabs your hand. "Where are we going," you ask him as he begins to pull you up the stairs.
Vincent leads you to one of the bedrooms. He sits you on the bed and signals you to wait there. You nod in slight confusion, listening to his request. You watch Vincent walk in and out of the bedroom and in the bathroom. Vincent begins to run a bath for you, adding your favorite scents, and bath bombs to the water that consisted of your favorite colors. He adds rose petals to the water and smiles to himself. Vincent always outdid himself when it came to you and your needs, this being a great example. Vincent walks back to the bedroom and tugs on the oversized band tee you were wearing, his own way of telling you to take it off. Once you do, he turns your body so that your back is facing him and very gently undoes the hooks in your bra, as he does so, his lips trail your neck and back very slowly. Once your bra falls flat to the floor he very slowly takes off your underwear and sits you on the bed.
Vincent's eyes trail over your body a couple times but his eyes don't feel predatory. It feels like he's taking in your beauty in its purest form. You were a muse for him, he's seen your body in many vulnerable poses and such and he feels lucky to even say that. "Pretty..." He whispers to himself. He looks up to you with flushed cheeks, "Pretty princesses shouldn't have to undress themselves either." He kneels down to the floor and begins to pull off your thigh highs. Nice and slow leaving kisses down your thighs and legs and doing the same to the other. You feel your heart race and you begin to cover yourself up with your arms to which he shakes his head disapprovingly as he reaches over and retracts your arms to your side. Vincent stands up, pulls his cardigan off, and begins to undress himself. He picks you up and carries you to the bath setting you in gently as he gets behind you. Your back was on Vincent's chest. Vincent hums a small tune as he undoes all the braids and twists that he did in your hair, wetting the hair in the process, massaging your scalp, and leaving kisses all over your back. "There's my pretty girl." You hear from the doorway. Bo walks in and sits on the edge of the tub. "You know you look so pretty right now, enjoying yourself with Vince, right?" He asks teasingly, and you look away from him, feeling so shy under his keen eye. To distract yourself from his gaze you grab the shampoo, getting ready to lather your hair in it. But Bo takes it away from you. "Let me," He starts, "Our pretty doll is not gonna think for herself today, okay? You just sit there and look pretty... we'll take care of you okay?" He says in a loving yet firm voice.
This night was gonna be all about you.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
Hiding in the bathroom from a man rn lmao
Aidlyn headcanons because...please? Please? They make me sick /positive
These aren't all fluffy or whatever because they traumatized af and relationships like that are...difficult... but not impossible.
-he's 8-ish months older than her and like, 20ish cms taller (sorry I don't know how American feet work lol 😭)
-He hyperfixated on the relationship lmao.
-Clingy...they BOTH are. In different ways I mean but. They are both clingy. They're scared the other is gonna die when they aren't around lol 🙃 Aiden is ofc very touchy and grabby, he just has to FEEL that she's with him. Also type of guy to call at 2am "hey bby u good?". Ash gets antsy if she hasn't seen or heard from him in a while (a while means like 2 hours) especially since he like spam texts her every 5 seconds. But he also hyperfixates or disassociates for a while and will forget 🤡 like she will yell at him about why he didn't call her for 17 hours and he'll just be like "um sorry. I was. Staring at a wall."
-he has a lot of weird/cringy ass pet names for her that makes her want to slap him; probably calls her Bae or whatever. Ash nicknames for Aiden: Idiot, stupid, dumbass, public safety hazard...called him "dear" like once just to try it and hated it. "Mr. Durable" if she wants to annoy him.
-worlds worst pick up lines. Ash NEVER understands them.
-he loves surprises! Surprise him! He wants to surprise Ash too! She kinda hates this. They decided to "compromise": he will tell her beforehand that there is a "surprise" and gives her little clues/puzzles so she can figure out whatever it is. He has like 0 patience tho so he always helps her figure them out 🤡 Ash likes watching him get excited about the puzzles and doing them together more than the surprise half of the time.
-Him infodumping is like white noise so she can sleep lol.
-they try to do things the other likes since Ash thinks this is important for a "healthy relationship". Almost died when they went to an indoor rock climbing place 💀 but she got to see Aiden in a leotard when they did ballet together so it was a fair trade (blackmail)
-he is her hypeman at ballet recitals, will probably cheer when she comes on stage and has a sign and everything, the rest of the gang (and Ash) is just like "...we don't know this guy"
-she wishes he took care of himself more. Sends him stuff like "did you drink any water today", "Ben told me you're gonna skateboard down the hill please dont", or "IF YOU SET YOUR BOOKS ON FIRE IM GONNA CALL THE POLICE" <3
-sometimes if she's sad she just kinda. Falls on his back. Like a koala or smth. She has that "I literally cannot do anything" sort of depression (which to be fair Aiden also has sometimes). Aiden carries her around.
-when nobody's looking she kisses his cheek, cuz she knows his face is usually sore from smiling so much.
-pretty low key on her part, but Aiden is so obvious everybody knows 💀 She doesn't like PDA (more so the fact that people stare) but Aiden will usually put his arm around her shoulders or waist/give her a smooch (not on the mouth) <3 it's honestly not that different from how he was when they were just friends ngl 🤡
-he says "I love you" easily, because it genuinely is the easiest thing in the world for him. He has 0 doubts about how he feels for her. Ash doesn't say it a lot cuz she feels weird saying it, so she does her best to show it in other ways.
-he gets jealous easily *siiiiigh* It's cuz he's insecure!!! Help him! 😭 He doesn't get annoyed with her because like. Ash pays about as much attention to other guys (I mean besides Tyler, Ben and Logan) as she does to dust. But he will death glare at any guy they don't know that's staring at her 💀
-kinda codependent... *looks at the floor* they are working on it. Sometimes Aiden feels like he's only alive for her. (I- Look at episode 61- IVE BEEN IN HIS POSITION. AIDEN BABY THIS AINT HEALTHY)
-absolute dork. Draws "A.C. + A.B." in a little heart in his note margins because he's goofy like that.
-he fell first she fell harder NO I will not be taking any criticism for this.
Anyways it's raining outside so I'll just post this now
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mywifealhaitham · 1 year
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various genshin valentine's headcanons ♡
⚠: mentions of a shotgun in mikas, lazy writing
a/n: I almost threw up and passed out in the process of writing this :3
albedo - ♡ • he draws you! he isn't experienced in gift giving or dates so he just goes with something he's familiar with • Klee stops by to give you two a drawing of all three of you holding hands and he hangs it up by his workplace smiling like the proud brother he is
alhaitham - ♡ • he gets you books he likes and commented on himself (DORK! NERD! LOSER! affectionate) every other page is a little note from him consisting of the meaning of this is actually... to this idiot reminds me of Kaveh, don't you agree? •he also takes you to a nice restaurant in sumeru and pays • like halfway through the date he forgot flowers and called up kaveh to buy them! he does not! and alhaitham makes him pay!
amber - ♡ • she got you your very own plushie! it matches with baron bunny and doesn't explode! • she takes you on a nice picnic where you two match outfits and feed eachother cake • she immediately gets home and writes to collei about everything while kicking her feet and twirling her hair
arataki Itto - ♡ • oh my god he gets you the largest bouquet of flowers ever like four members of the Arataki gang have to hold then Shinobu is deadpanning in the corner • with granny onis advice he also takes you on a picnic! unlike Amber's peaceful one yours is not! he makes the Arataki gang play instruments while Shinobu is dressed in a suit and is severing you two food
barbara - ♡ • she gets you two matching outfits! hers is baby blue and yours is light orange so it compliments eachother • she definitely sings you a love song behind the cathedral and you two giggle and dance and hold hands man I love barbara
beidou - ♡ • she gets you.... drunk! yep she's hosting a valentine's day party on the crux with plenty of drinks • after the wild party when you two are stumbling back to her room theyres some nice flowers laid out on the bed • she tries to woo you but passes out on you... I mean she tried!
bennett - ♡ • he got you some flowers but they withered away then he made you some sweets and accidentally mixed the salt and sugar! • he's very bummed for how everything turned out, he wanted this day too be accident free! • it's ok to make up for it you two walk around the town holding hands while you pray that the boxes that some people are carrying aren't gonna crush you and Bennett
candace - ♡ • she gets you a nice jeweled necklace! she carefully puts it on you and kisses your cheek • since the desert isn't the ideal place she keeps you inside we're you too spend quality time together • right before you go to bed she kisses you all over telling you how much she loves you
chongyun - ♡ • writing for characters I dont really know anything about is stressful sweats profusely • he probably gets you the standard flowers however for the date he takes you ghost hunting • by the end of day he's disappointed that he can't find any ghosts so you say that maybe they didn't want to ruin your date and now he's planning to go ghost hunting on a different day what have you done!
collei - ♡ • she gets you one of those valentine's cards you'd get for every kid in your elementary school class • it took her like 20 tries to perfect the card and when she did she threw it at you and ran • when she came home cyno and tighnari were sitting at a table with all the failed attempts of cards on said table. scariest thing collei has ever experienced
cyno - ♡ • he gets you a joke book to use on him. yes he fully expects you to pull out the book and start saying jokes like he does • he does get you flowers and brings you to a nice restaurant using his mass amounts of maha-mora (winks I'm so funny right winks again plz) • he told so many jokes that night you're just about done with his dorky mouth
diluc - ♡ • he gets you some nice jewelry this man is rich rich • he of course makes a candlelit dinner and sets up a table in the dawn winery fields • the maids fan over you both and start spreading rumors that you're gonna get married
diona (platonic) - ♡ • makes you your favorite non alcoholic drink. she'll MAYBE make you an alcoholic one but she'll spit in it • drags you to wind rise and forces you to make her a picnic. she'll violently rip flowers out of the ground and give them to you :3
eula - ♡ • she gets you the classic flowers and like necklace combo. the necklace is blue to remind you of her • she also took you to a restaurant and someone ruined your date by crashing into your table. she swore vengeance on the entire holiday of valentine's day
faruzan - ♡ • tbh I dont know shit about her • she makes you get her gifts and flowers. she also makes you pay for everything because she is a poor unfortunate lady boohoo • she wears one of those hot dresses so it's worth it
fischl - ♡ • forces diluc to decorate the patio of the dawn winery in purple fairy lights and asks his maids to cook something for you two • dilucs like erm ok I guess he's so lost and taken aback. also she got Oz to make hearts in the sky for you :3 • fischl gets you matching bracelets she made herself please wear it everyday or she will sob
ganyu - ♡ • she gets you flowers right as she sees you because she will accidentally eat them • gets Ningguang to let her use a nice part of the jade chamber for a nice date • at the end of the day you make her nap because SHE NEEDS IT! so hardworking! so smart! what a girl!
gorou - ♡ • he is so nervous the entire day... he tries to swoon you but embarrasses himself badly • he gets you a sentimental gift like a painting of your first date area or something! • you made him dog treats as a joke. he devoured them. what a day!
hu tao - ♡ • you woke up and she SMOTHERED you in kisses and hugs, if you didn't know any better you'd think she wanted you to be her next client • she planned the entire day and it's very sweet and cute. she takes you shopping then walks around liyue hand in hand with you. she kisses your hand at the end of the day saying that she'll stick with you through life and death
jean - ♡ • another hardworker that takes off the day for you! she prepares a nice candlelit dinner like half the cast 😊 • she gets you a necklace and while she puts it around you she swears to be your knight forever then kisses your neck
kaedehara kazuha - ♡ • in the morning he wakes you up with the sweetest of kisses then reads you some poems • beidou insists on having him bring you along to the crux annual valentine's day party but he says he just wants to spend time with you • he has you lay on his lap while the sun sets while he strokes his hair and declares his love for you (kazuha HIT MY LINE)
kaeya - ♡ • gets you an expensive wine he bought off of diluc, it's in your favorite flavor and everything • he takes you to starsnatch cliff and tells you stories he's heard about the stars, most of them are from the long forgotten parts of his childhood • kaeya actually didn't buy the wine bottle he got venti to steal it so your lucky if diluc doesn't doesn't marching towards you looking angry!
kamisato ayaka - ♡ • she gets you a matching fan! she thinks it both brings out your beauty and cools you off during hotter days • she then takes you shopping around inazuma, everything is on her! • when your both almost ready for bed she'll insists on doing a small waltz with you in your bedroom
kamisato ayato - ♡ • he takes the whole day off surprisingly • normally he doesn't spend alot of time with you because he's very busy but today all his attention is on you • overall you two just chat about everything ranging from politics to what crime did itto commit this week over some nice thoma cooked food
keqing - ♡ • another hardworking women we love to see it • keqing is very classy and also rents out a small spot on the jade chamber for you both • she gets you a bracelet and a Rex lapis Keychain. she does not look you in the eye when your excited about it
klee (platonic)- ♡ • when she was in confinement jean made her make valentine's for all her friends in mondstat! she put her heart into all of them, yours especially • she hands you the card in which she drew you two playing with bombs along with a heart shaped lollipop • she also did the cute little leg hug thing and said happy valentine's day best sibling ever (I LOVE LITTLE KIDS THEYRE SO ADORABLE!!!)
kujou sara - ♡ • she gets you some hand picked flowers! • since crime never stops she unfortunately has to leave for the day, but she sends you off with a kiss • when she gets home you run her a nice bath and massage her tense shoulders
kuki shinobu - ♡ • the worst idea of her entire life was telling itto about her date • he insisted in helping her by adding a special arataki touch to the day • by arataki touch he means the arataki gang scaring off everyone at the restaurant and playing horrible music • she apologized so much at home but you just kissed her and said the best part of the day was her !! (itto thought he did so good and starting advertising a entertainment service....)
layla - ♡ • when you went to sleep the night before she was still working so you didn't know what she was doing while you slept • she promised herself not to work and take a break for once! she just wanted to snuggle you • before she went to bed she put some fresh flowers in a vase next to your bed with a note
lisa - ♡ • she set up a little table in the library with some fresh flowers and a basket of fruit and sweets • her gift to you was some of her favorite books which she reads to you! • she's a bit lazy so she rather do some of her favorite activities than deal with the hussle and bussle of mondstat couples
mona - ♡ • she takes you stargazing for sure! she tells you about every star you point out • seeing you so interested in the stars so much she gets you a telescope! • as you look at planets in the sky and gasp them, she only smiles softly at you knowing the money she spent was worth it
nahida (platonic) - ♡ • she's so hyped because one of her first real valentine's day! with her bestfriend! • she hand picks some flowers for you then knocks at your door • it's early in the morning but when this sweet child is at your door with some flowers and the brightest smile ever you can't really complain
nilou - ♡ • she dedicates a whole dance to you! it's a lengthy dance and she's elegant with the whole process • afterward she tells you how much you mean to her then extends her hand because her gift to you is the art of dance! • she holds you tight as you two dance the night away
ningguang - ♡ • gets you the most elegant clothes pieces ever, like your even afraid of wearing them incase a stitch snaps • surprisingly she's humble with her date spot, preferring a nice field instead of a five star restaurant • she picks a beautiful glaze lily for you and puts it behind your ear
noelle - ♡ • she makes you a whole meal • at first the meal was only for you but you insisted that she take a break and eat with you. she took the offer and got to know you better
qiqi (platonic)- ♡ • she probably forgot all about valentine's day so baizhu had to remind her • she probably just made you a quick card and picked some silk flowers for you • she also took you to her favorite napping spot for a nice nap !! you deserve it and don't worry qiqi will be your litte guardian
raiden shogun - ♡ • miss ei has experienced alot of valentine's days but actually never had a date for herself • miko would sometimes get her some flowers as a thanks for being my friend but other than that her knowledge is limited • so she gets you a nice bouquet and takes you on a walk around inazuma • she shares stories of the land while you two walk into dusk
razor - ♡ • another person who probably doesn't know what valentine's day is • bennett and fischl told him all about it and he was intrigued • he picks you some fruit and some lamp grass • he spends the whole day with you!
rosaria - ♡ • she probably just takes you to angels share and let's you get whatever you want, it's on her • on the walk she'll put a stray flower that fell out of someone's bouquet into your hair while giving you a kiss on the cheek, a silent vow to protect you forever
sangonomiya kokomi - ♡ • she sets up a seaside table with some delicious looking food she made herself • headcanon but autistic Kokomi and her special intrests are war strategies and sealife • she'll take you on a walk and excitedly point at all the small creatures, spitting facts about them left and right
sayu (platonic)- ♡ • she doesn't really care for lovely dovey stuff and probably gets annoyed at all the pinks and reds around inazuma • however she does get you a small plush and some flowers she picked, afterwards though she immediately goes to sleep
shenhe - ♡ • ever since you became her s/o cloud retainer has been going on and on about couple stuff • a topic that came up was valentine's day, so cloud retainer suggested doing some of her favorite activities together • however most of shenhes favorite activities are either training or meditation so if your fine with that then good for you!
shikanoin heizou - ♡ • when you wake up he's missing and the only thing left behind is a note and a map with some things circled • you followed the map and soon found out every circled point had some gift for you awaiting patiently • eventually when you reach the end heizou is waiting for you with a nice dinner
sucrose - ♡ • she makes you some sort of artifical flower with albedos help! • she also makes you help her on her lab and when you pour a certain chemical in it makes a heart • that's the boldest you'll ever see her
tartaglia - ♡ • childe always used to buy a big stuff animal and flowers for his siblings for valentine's day, but now he has you to spoil! • you wake up and turn to silence your alarm clock and there's like a huge vase full of flowers • you find alot of gifts scattered around the house, all signed with a love, ajax ♡
thoma - ♡ • he's so excited!! he's such a dork for cheesy days like valentine's day! • he's stuck between just being himself or being romantic, in the end he chooses being himself • being himself means a nice walk stopping to feed all the stray animals and a nice warm home-cooked dinner later in the day
tighnari - ♡ • deep in my bones I feel like he just doesn't care about valentine's day at all • he'll pick you some special flowers he's been growing himself for months just for today but like he doesn't careee • he'll be nicer to you when he gives you your gift of a jar of herbs that can help cure alot of things... but he says he doesn't caree... suree....
venti (platonic) - ♡ • you never really cared for valentine's day nor did your mischievous little friend so you both decided to cause chaos • chaos as in stealing some wine from diluc and fake argue out loud to ruin couples dates • at the end of the day he takes you to windrise were he makes a toast to your long lasting friendship
wanderer - ♡ • valentine's day?? love?? affection?? EWWW thumbs DOWN!! • ^ he proceeded to say but you don't fail to notice that he's a bit more affectionate today hmm.... • he doesn't get you alot because he has to keep up his eww valentine's day persona however if you pass something you like he might buy it.... just maybe...
xiangling - ♡ • she makes you food duhh! she knows exactly what you likes so she incorporates your favorite flavors into new recipes • she makes guoba wear a little suit while severing you two the meals she made • she spoon feeds you and gets super excited when you like her cooking!!
xiao - ♡ • another eww valentine's day guy but alot mode toned down.. • he just... doesn't care at all. but for you he'll try • he makes you a plate of almond tofu along with a small bunch of flowers, he's so embarrassed he kinda just teleports away
xingqiu - ♡ • he plans an adventure for the both of you! he'll lead you through monsters and almost dangerous path, but do not fret he is here to protect his leige from all harm! • the real date area is a old swinging bench he found awhile back! it's not the most scenic but it's the thought that counts • he brings a book you both enjoy so he can read for you (aww how cute now come home c6 Xingqiu.)
xinyan - ♡ • probably gets xiangling to make you guys your favorite food! you two eat and happily chat away • afterwards she takes you to the shore were she plays a softer love song on her guitar
yae miko - ♡ • she's extra flirty today. normally she's sly and makes you flustered but today she gets real bold • she takes you to a nice restaurant and gives you your gift, which is a novel she likes • before you two part ways she gives you a big kiss
yanfei - ♡ • because I'm tired she probably just takes you on a nice outing, occasionally telling you about intresting court cases she had recently • madame ping saw you two holding hands and immediately went elderly grandma mode and asked thousands of questions
yaoyao (platonic) - ♡ • like faruzan I don't know much about her • probably made little valentine's day cards for her favorite people in liyue with includes you! • she also got you a hearted shaped lollipop
yelan - ♡ • like Sara she also is busy because sadly crime doesn't stop for valentine's day • however she does send flowers and chocolates to your workplace along with a note saying she'll meet her later
yoimiya - ♡ • fireworks? fireworks!!! • she makes a ton of heart-shaped fireworks for you and all the other couples but mostly you • she excitedly points up at the sky when they finally go off, her eyes scanning your face to look for satisfaction
yun jin - ♡ • I also don't know much about her • she probably preforms an opera about love to the people of liyue and during the parts were she sings about couples kissing and giving gifts she always winks at you in the crowd
zhongli - ♡ • this old soul probably does the classic candlelit dinner and some sort of jewelry gift • he's been alive for so long so this valentine's day means alot for him • after all, he's chosen you hundreds of times
dainsleif - ♡ • he also doesn't care for valentine's day alot, after all he's been alone for so long • on the actual day he takes you to an open field where the breeze is just right and the sky is clear • here he points out constellations he recognizes and tells you stories about them that should be long forgotten to time
kaveh - ♡ • one word: dramatic • probably steals alhaithams credit card and buys you the most beautiful flowers and the most elegant clothing ! • he takes you to an expensive restaurant were as you two eat he tells you all the latest gossip along with how much he loves you
mika - ♡ • he gives you a free assassination ticket with the biggest grin on his face • you're like what and he pulls out a shotgun still smiling • plz point to someone you hate and run • fandom mika is so funny never change him
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fullsunised · 10 months
hii!! can i request maybe scenarios or bullet points (whichever you like) of things dreamies would do with their partner? like fluffy and all. ty btw i like what you write <3
genre: fluff
trigger warnings: none
a/n: well hope this is what you wanted and thank you for loving my work </3 i love you sm. I did the top 3 things types and have included like affection types as well bro idfk what I made anyways. jungkook is so leng bro.
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late night calls. cause he's so busy, he absolutely adores talking to you over calls especially after a long day. just the thought of you being there for him is enough for him. yall just be talking about anything fr, from gossips, complains to how the day has been going, anything fr.
music. making music, listening to music, writing lyrics all that. he loves spending time with you doing what he loves the most- if you share the same passion, that's great because he's coming to you for help a lot and that. sharing playlists, listening to your favourite songs.
calling each other dude and bro. those are endearing terms for both of you. it's funny how easily you two do it, making everyone else doubt if you're actually dating but nah that's so normal in your part. you'd be calling him dude and bro everytime you have to make a point and him doing the same to catch your attention. of course there are occasional baby, and babe slipped in.
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painting skies with you. bro loves the company of you and the setting sun, calms his mind like no other. your sessions consist of you two making fun of each other's drawings, talking about life, future, present- or sometimes its just quiet, where yall are enjoying each other's presence.
watching moomin. even if you aren't actually watching it, the show just plays in the background while you two talk softly. these usually happen during nights, right before both of you are about to sleep. yk just the peace and quiet, with moomin in the background. thats it, that's heaven for him.
holding hands. he loves it man. just how perfectly your hands fit in his. he's just going about on his day, your hand in his when he suddenly kisses your hand, happy that you're by his side all the time, even if not physically. his favourite type of pda.
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gyming. although he isn't much into working out all the time, he loves going to the gym with you. like one of them routines yall have atleast thrice a week to keep both of you fit. he helps you with your workouts, and that.
watching anime. considering how bro loves one piece, yall be watching it most of the time (me fr). it wouldn't be just one piece it would be a lot of airing animes, that you two talk to your fans about on lives causing them to ship you two lmao.
having your arms around him. this is not an activity but boy loves it when you rest your arms on him or like touch him even slightly. makes him feel secure, and confirms the fact for him constantly that you're there for him.
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gaming. boy is gaming 24/7, so he expects you to do so with him as well. both of you are either competing with each other, or teaming up to beat others but either way that's his favourite pass time activity to do with you.
you sitting on his lap. just like how jeno likes you touching him constantly, my sun likes you on his lap especially on those days when you are lazy and don't feel like gaming, he loves you on his lap, watching him play while giving him ideas and that. boy plays 200 times better like that.
making playlists. yall would probably have like a playlist for every occasion and situation. oh someone is crying, play the sad songs, someone is mad play the angry playlist..yall do this so much that others find you bare annoying but it's your source of entertainment.
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cooking. you'd cook, he'd watch- or he'd cook you'd watch, or both of you will cook and make a mess out of the whole kitchen but in the end yall will be making dishes that are meant for the books- cooking is a natural talent for you two. he's on a day off, he's over your house and you two are cooking every meal for the day together.
watching horror films. you know how much he loves watching them. even if you're scared to death, he'd make sure you sit, tugging onto his arm while he watches it with no soul whatsoever. like what's the point of watching it, he loves ridiculing you and cooing at your cute self everytime you get scared.
baby talking. constantly. every single time. all the week. boy just speaks like that naturally, and being around him most of the time had you develop this alien ability. you despise doing it but do it unconsciously. his members eye you two weirdly as soo as you start doing that.
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basketball. even if you suck, you'd be on your way home and boy is gonna see a court, pulls the car, and plays a match with you. loves making fun of you for your mistakes, would even take multiple videos of you playing and posting it on his insta or weibo.
touching knees. bro that's so hot, but listen he needs that physical contact. if you're ever sitting next to each other, instead of being over the top with holding hands or sm like that, he'd subtly just lean his leg towards you, and you do the same until your knees touch. reassurance you get me.
learning girl group choreos. New song is out, he's sharing it with you, with a comment saying 'let's learn this'. or you are blasting tiktoks onto his account, sharing one for every dance you want to learn. and then, at home yall play the song and teach it to yourselves, later uploading it
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netflix. watching every show there is on that streaming site. yall don't even hesitate with what you have to watch, just find smth and play it- and definitely get invested in the show. that's how jisung knows almost every show to exist. because you force him to watch them all with you.
nuzzling into necks. his favourite thing of all time bro. even if he's meters tall than you, he's plopping himself onto your lap, and nuzzling his head into your neck. down bad fr. he loves breathing in your scent, makes him feel safe fr.
comparing sizes of hands. bro is laughing at you for how small your fingers are, but internally he's dying of cuteness. how can you be so cute bruh. boy is taking pictures like multiple to save them as his lockscreen and that.
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