#you don't get it you don't GET it every DAY i pray that SOMEBODY out there has sent out their own golden record do you GET it.......
uncanny-tranny · 9 months
Please, if you have nothing else to do, please look at what is on the Golden Records, alongside the Soundcloud uploaded by NASA of the greetings recorded on the record. There is such a quiet vulnerability to knowing that these records have been created and are at the mercy of whomever finds them. I hope they love us as much as I love them.
I hope we can send more out - we deserve to be remembered, alongside this entire world. There is truly no place more special to me than this world💛
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teencopandthesourwolf · 10 months
He freezes. Doesn't know what the hell else to do. 
He can't picture it: Derek can't remember the last time somebody put their arms around him. 
Was it Laura?
Of course it was Laura. How could he forget that? Derek has gotten pretty good at blocking things out—a little too good, it seems.
She didn't tell him anything before leaving New York. Didn't say a fucking word, just up and vanished. Derek had woken up one morning and she was gone, because she'd known without a shadow of a doubt that Derek would've only followed her if she'd have said a single word to him.
Nobody ever granted Derek’s wishes, no matter who he prayed to. Those desperate pleas where he asked to go back and get a chance to fix things, they all went unheard.
Laura left to go back to the place they both wished still existed just as it had; a place they were wanted alive, not dead. It wasn't fair that it was the very same place they would be hunted down if they did return, like the rabid animals the Argent's presumed they were.
Leaving the way they did meant they hadn't gotten the chance to see if anything was left at the house. They couldn't even mark graves, and grieve properly. 
That same place also happened to be the place they'd been born, the place they'd grown up and called home.
Derek had never wanted Laura to face all of that alone.
The burnt down house. The nothing where there was once everything.
The thought still haunts him. One of so many. 
Beacon Hills is home—but it's the home Derek had helped raze to the ground with his selfishness and stupidity. Everything he and Laura had ever known, everyone they'd ever loved, it was all gone, now. Derek had taken those things away from his sister and hadn't even had the guts to tell her. Tell Laura they were all gone because of him, tell her that everything that had happened to their family, to them, was all his fault.
In the aftermath of the fire Laura hugged Derek, and had kept hugging him, over and over in those weeks and months and years that followed. She would pull him into her arms hold him tight, whenever she could sense it was all getting to be too much for him again.
Big sister.
But Laura only knew about some of the reasons why it sometimes felt like too much effort for Derek to keep on breathing.
He never told her about Kate.
And Derek, the fucking coward, he'd allowed Laura to hold him, feeling the flames of shame on his cheeks every time, hot as those that took the lives of his parents. His family. His pack. 
Now, he remembers that last time. 
“I'm going out.” 
Laura stood up, walked around the two mismatched armchairs and stopped him by throwing both her arms around his neck, pulling him into her and hugging him, scenting him. 
It always took him a moment to respond these days, but Derek hugged her back. 
“What's this for?”
“You. Because I know whomever's bed you end up in tonight, you won't be asking for one of these.”
Oh, fuck no. Derek couldn't handle that. Did she think he was out sleeping with people? Never again, not after…
He pushed his sister off him, gently; a stark contrast to the harsh words that followed. 
“Don't fucking coddle me. And fuck you, Laura—I don't sleep in anybody's bed but my own.” A single mattress on the floor of the lounge of their shitty one bedroom apartment. Derek had so many shameful memories, and crawling into his sister's bed every night for the first year after the fire was one of them. “Just—leave me alone.”
Laura was the one—the only—person Derek had left in the entire world, yet his guilt was constantly pushing her away. 
“Where do you go to, little brother? You might not be clinging to me anymore, night after night, nightmare after nightmare, but you're rarely in your own bed most mornings.”
She hadn't meant it as a dig. Derek knew that. She was his sister, and she loved him.
Maybe she thought he was making progress? Seeing people. Moving on.
Derek spent his nights waiting outside of dive bars, and hanging around in back alleys and dark places, desperate to find scumbags to taunt who were big enough and hard enough to at least attempt to kick the living shit out of him.
Derek hated being a werewolf, now. He wanted to get hurt and stay hurt.
Then Derek turned his back on Laura, leaving her to stand there and watch him walk away as he left her to go out looking for a fight, without looking back. 
That was the last time somebody put their arms around Derek—and the last time he saw his sister alive.
It was two years ago. Derek doesn’t think he has taken a full breath, since. 
Now here he is—standing in his stupid big loft that he bought for his betas, yet another pack he managed to destroy—having given away more than he should, with skinny yet strong arms wrapping as far around his shoulders as they'll reach. 
“You don't have to hug back. But you can, if you want to. I won't tell,” the kid jokes. It's his way to connect, his connection to the world. A coping mechanism, Derek thinks.
He knows all about those.
“I…” he doesn't have the first fucking clue of how to handle this. Or how to admit he needs it—to himself, let alone somebody else. He doesn't know how to admit that he wants it. 
But this is Stiles. The one person in Derek's life who seems, for some unfathomable reason, to give a fuck about Derek. To care about him.
Slowly, very slowly, Derek lifts an arm and awkwardly rests a hand on Stiles's upper back, feels the muscles jump slightly under the kid's baggy clothes as he tentatively spreads his fingers and finds the back of Stiles's neck. 
Stiles's voice hitches just a touch as he says, “These can be on tap, you know. If you want them. Stilinski hugs are the best hugs, dude. Believe.”
And Derek finds he does believe. For the first time in forever, Derek believes there could be something good in his life again.
More confidently, now, he brings his other arm up to wrap around Stiles's waist and hugs Stiles tighter, properly, and allows himself to be hugged back.
Derek wonders how he has gone so long without this kind of closeness. Lived without this kindness.
He decides to let the 'dude' pass. Because maybe—maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, to be somebody's dude? 
Stiles's dude.
It's a fucking ridiculous moniker and yet Derek suddenly couldn't care less. 
“I think I'd like that,” he whispers into the forbidden place where Stiles's jaw meets long, pale neck. "Dude."
Derek can feel Stiles's smile as the kid squeezes him harder. And, ironically, Derek feels as if he can breathe again. 
for @greyhavenisback bc i want to hug you in person and can't <3 (unedited, forgive me!)
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xqllin · 2 months
what i think are the wbk boys' charm points !
first years edition pt1 | sakura, nirei, sugishita
tags ~ fem!reader, mostly fluff, mentions of body shaming (sugishita), random af
notes ~ don't mind me just daydreaming about wbk as usual, i tried including one for physical appearances and one for their characteristics..
first years edition pt2 | suo, kiryu, taiga
sakura's eyes / honesty
the first thing you notice about sakura is the sharp contrast of his hair, then when you approach the boy, his eyes are what catches your attention
on one side there's a bleak gray that reminds you of the barren field of the moon ; on the other is an eye as golden as the sunset - which you believe is absolutely captivating
sakura's shy with his advances, often needing a little push from either one of his friends, but one thing for certain is that the things he says are genuine and rarely sugarcoated
he's outright but still chooses his words carefully, and it gives you so much more comfort than the words of reassurance anyone could give
because you know he means it and that he wouldn't fake any reaction
sakura averts his eyes, gaze not staying on your figure for more than three seconds because he's never seen anyone as pretty as you
you were thanking him for saving you the other day from some creeps, to which he recalls happened quite recently but he hadn't gotten a good look at you until now
and god he doesn't know what to do with himself
everytime he looks back towards you (because it's impolite to not look at somebody talking to you), your eyes were already fixed on him and he prays that his appearance wasn't weirding you out
if it wasn't already obvious by the warmth that envelopes your cheeks when you realise how much you've been staring deep into his eyes
"those guys were.. bothering you right? you shouldn't let them walk all over you like that."
he mutters with a pout, he knows his face is unbelievably red right now, and he thinks it's so uncool to act like this in front of such a cute girl and he knows you know it too
but he still decides to send you off with some words of advice (he doesn't want you to get hurt the next time)
you smile with eyes filled with gratitude for him, you swear you can see steam coming out of his ears from how hot he feels, and give him a playful reply
"right, I'll send them one of those flying kicks you did!"
he then says you shouldn't do that without practice with a rather concerned face, which earns him another minute of your laughter
nirei's smile / support
when the corners of nirei's lips curl upwards, practically every facial feature of his light up, and naturally your lips end up mirroring his in any situation
he's a beam of sunshine that's for sure, the guiding light that you just need sometimes
nirei is the first to celebrate your achievements and the last person you'd shoo away during your moments of self deprecation
he's so eager to help too, pulling out his trusty notebook to offer you support in any topic, you wouldn't be surprised if he had your grocery list for the following week prepared for you
you have been struggling with a school project for a while now, you were constantly doing research, which resulted in you sleeping awfully late some days
luckily you have nirei around to remind you to 'take breaks!' and 'make sure you eat your fill!'
at one point, you both started facetiming each other while you continue your assignment (nirei's suggestion)
sure having nirei's company during these tough nights was certainly helping your productivity, but you didn't want him to suffer along with you and continuously assured him that he didn't have to do this, especially with how hard he's working to protect the town as well
he assured you back that he didn't mind at all and he was doing this on his own accord anyways
he's too shy to admit that he's missed hearing you and seeing your face after you've been busy holed up in your house completing your project for the past week
whenever you were having a tough time and nirei noticed, he'd give you a wide grin followed with some encouraging words to help you get through it
"nirei. nirei?", you call out with a soft voice, the camera showing the top of his head hasn't moved in the past half hour
you say his name once more and you see his body flinch slightly, head jerking up to face you, prying his bleary eyes open as best as he can
he mumbled a quick apology as he yawns.. and he apologizes for that as well
"it's okay, you should go rest aki. i'm finished."
you find it adorable how he immediately perks up, congratulating and praising you for your hard work, the proudest smile hung on his face
you would return the energy if it wasn't near depleted by then, so you settle for a soft chuckle, thanking him for all the support he's given
you pout when he denies your credit and sigh
"well if you're not gonna accept that, i'll just have to use my actions to repay you huh?"
"i'll make up for all the dates we've missed out on tenfold!", you hum, teasing his flustered face before wishing him a good night's sleep
sugishita's height / loyalty
not everybody is a whopping 6ft tall, but your boyfriend is, turning heads everywhere he goes
either curious of the way he towers over everyone or concerned about the prominent grouch he embodies
everybody knows the only person in sugishita's eyes is everyone's beloved top dog - umemiya, but one could argue you were a close second
you've seen how he reacted when anybody refers to umemiya without honorifics, he wouldn't hesitate to defend your name either
it was a lovely day, the weather was perfect and you had cleared your schedule for the day
you even spent the entire morning putting together a flattering outfit to go out in, of course you had to drag your grumbling boyfriend up from his nap for a date! (he quickly shut up after laying his eyes on you)
you both do a little window shopping, mainly just you leading in the front, squealing at whatever catches your eye
and sugishita follows closely behind, like a guard dog, ready to jump at any threat during your lovely outing
you tell him to lay off the scary expression, which he merely huffs in response (he tries to keep his face as neutral as possible after that and ends up looking even scarier through an onlooker's eyes from how hard he's focusing)
you've scurried off to a food stall to get you both a snack on the go when sugishita overhears some rather unpleasant remarks targeted towards you
his eyebrow twitches in annoyance, and mentally panics when he notices you stiffen up, the conversation you were having with the stall owner dying down
they weren't standing too far off, in fact you stood even closer than sugishita was, you feel like curling up and disappearing, like the nights where you'd curl into yourself, arms wrapping around your own waist in a pathetic way to comfort yourself
you quickly pay for the food and urge sugishita to leave the scene, your pace quickening from how desperate you wanted to escape this situation
but before you could react, sugishita was already heading towards the group of people, his back straightened to assert intimidation
"got a problem?"
he cocks his head to the side, with the meanest glare aimed at those people, you scramble to his side trying to pull him away but his stubborn head just wouldn't budge
the people were visibly flustered, their presence shrunk down to that of a mouse, while they hurried away with their tails between their legs
you sigh, "it's alright sugi.. let's just get going yeah?"
he obliges, but now with a hand around your waist, you look up at him in shock and his brows were still furrowed, eyes trained at the road ahead
you realise he's straining his arm to cover your waist, in case you felt insecure about people seeing
he knows you've figured out his intentions, but he doesn't let it show, you just smile and walk a bit more closer to him, happily indulging in the snack you had purchased
you reach the treat up to sugishita's face so that he could have a taste as well, giggling when he comments that it's too sweet
.. definitely not as sweet as your boyfriend though
before posting ~ happy girlfriends day girlfrienddss ‼️ tomorrow is actually my bday and I've finally decided to post this :3 this sucks and im embarrassed but when have i cared about that so it's getting posted 💪
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emmylksblog · 2 months
hector x reader heavy heavy angst? Idk😭😭
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summary: you and hector have a rough week and past relations and secrets keep pilling up until you both explode
content: angst and more angst
warnings: mentions of sensitive topics, curse words
words: 2552
a/n: i almost wrote a whole story, somebody stop me
You sat in the front row of the small crowd, watching as Hector ran up and down the field kicking the ball back and forth. You had a fight this morning over your constant worrying, but in truth, you couldn't help it. Hector getting hurt out on the field was a very real concern and your constant worrying caused some tension in the relationship. You couldn't stand to think about what would happen if Hector was seriously hurt out there on the field.
You watched the game intently, clutching the armrests tight in worry. Hector had already been slammed into by the opposing team once, and you couldn't help but shiver as the memory of Hector wincing in pain flashed through your mind. The whole day so far had been a mess, and you were scared of what would come next.
The game began drawing to a close, and you glanced up at the scoreboard to see that Hector's team was in the lead. In 10 more minutes you would be going home, free until his next game. That morning's fight replayed in your mind, and you couldn't help but wince. Just a few more minutes and you could talk to him.
The final whistle blew and you breathed a sigh of relief, standing up to get ready to leave. Looking back down at the field you saw Hector looking directly at you, his sharp eyes narrowed and not looking happy one bit. Your heart sank a little bit as you slowly walked out through the crowds and towards the door for the player's hallway.
It only took a minute to find him, and as you approached you noticed just how tense he was. The muscles in his back and his shoulders seemed to bulge, ready to snap at a moments notice. As you approached, Hector turned to look at you, his face dark and expressionless. He didn't say anything, just gestured for you to walk forward towards the parking lot.
The walk was silent, Hector's tense rage filling the air around him. The drive home was just as tense; no radio no talk, just deafening silence. Hector's hands were tight around the wheel, and you were silently praying the drive would go quickly.
The drive home felt like an eternity, with only the sounds of the car and Hector's harsh breathing. You couldn't understand why he was so mad - his team had won, so what was the problem? Maybe if you tried to breach the silence it might make the drive easier.
There was a moment of silence after you spoke, and you wondered if Hector had even heard you. When he spoke, his voice was tight and controlled, trying not to snap.
"Why are you so mad?"
Hector didn't respond initially, just staring out the windscreen as if he hadn't heard you. Then he spoke, and his voice was very clearly holding back his anger.
"Tú que crees? (Why do you think?)"
You were completely baffled. Sure, you had had an argument this morning, and you weren't in his good books, but he had just won a game and you were about to go home and relax together. There was no need to be mad.
"I don't know. You won the game, so why are you so mad at me?"
Hector didn't speak for a moment, as if trying to find the right words. When he did speak, his voice was still very controlled and restrained.
"Because you constantly worry about me and try to take control of everything I do to "keep me safe". It drives me mad every damn game, and especially this one."
You were stunned. You hadn't realised that your worrying had pissed him off so much. Sure, he had mentioned it once or twice in the past, but you never thought it was this serious. You opened your mouth to say something, but Hector carried on talking before you could say a word.
"You're always worrying about me getting hurt. Even when I tell you I'm fine you don't listen. It's like you don't trust me to take care of myself!"
He sounded frustrated and angry, but underneath the heat in his voice you could hear a slight tinge of hurt.
Hector was gripping the wheel tight, his knuckles almost white. His jaw was clenched tight so as to keep himself under control. It had been a hell of a game today, both on and off the field...
"You always do this! You always drive me mad with your stupid worrying, and you never listen to me when I actually need you to..."
The car rolled up to a stop in the driveway, and the only sound was that of the car engine. You had wanted to say more, to reassure him that it wasn't like that and that you listened to him, but you never got the chance. Hector switched off the engine and stepped out of the car, and you felt your anxiety start to rise.
You followed Hector up the stairs of your shared apartment, and it was like walking towards your own execution. Hector was ahead of you, and even without seeing his face, you could sense the anger rolling off him. You were both quiet as he fished the apartment keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door.
Neither of you said anything for the rest of the night, and you both went about your usual nightly routine without speaking. Dinner was a silent and tense affair, with neither of you speaking a word. Throughout the night you could feel Hector's eyes watching you, filled with silent anger.
During dinner, as you sat across the table from Hector, you could feel his eyes constantly on you. His stare was like a million needles burning into your skin, and it was almost painful to look at him. You knew immediately that he knew something that he was mad about, but what?
It didn't take long for you to remember the secret you had been hiding from him for months.
You knew that you should have told him ages ago, but you were scared of his reaction and his anger. The fact that you had kept it from him for so long was bound to make him more mad, and as you looked at him, you swore you could see a fire of anger in his eyes. The whole day was silent, and when you'd finished eating, Hector spoke for the first time in hours.
"Follow me."
You did as he said, and followed as he walked into your living room. He gestured for you to sit down, and you perched on the edge of the couch as he sat in an armchair across from you. There was silence for a moment, and as Hector looked at you, you could feel the anger rolling off him in waves.
You knew what was coming and you braced yourself, waiting for the inevitable. Hector's face was a mask of control and anger, and when he finally spoke, his voice was very clearly trying to hold back his anger.
"You've been hiding something from me, haven't you?"
Your heart sank as he spoke, and you found yourself frozen in place. There was nothing you could say to defend yourself, and you could tell by the look on his face that he already knew what you'd hidden from him. All you could do was nod at his question, and wait for the blow.
Hector had figured it out, and you could tell by the way that he was looking at you. The anger and betrayal was clear in his eyes, and you had never felt so awful.
"I can't believe you. How long have you been meeting up with him behind my back?"
Your whole body felt numb as he spoke, shame and guilt washing over you in waves. You swallowed once, but found that your throat was dry.
"About...three months..."
Hector's face darkened as you spoke, and you could see his jaw tense and his hands ball into fists on the arms of the chair.
"Three months." His voice was controlled, but you could tell he was struggling. "You've been meeting up with your ex for three. Goddamn. Months."
You nodded once, fighting back the tears in your eyes. You wanted to speak, to tell him that you were sorry and that it wasn't how it looked, but you knew that it wouldn't do any good. Hector was furious, and you had made the grave mistake of lying to him.
Hector's voice was laced with a dark sarcasm, and his eyes were like knives as he spoke.
"No me lo puedo creer. (I can't believe you) Just today you were going on and on about how worried you were about me, yet you've been meeting up with your ex behind my back for three damn months!"
You winced as he spoke, and your heart felt like it was shattering. You had been trying to protect him from your stupid mistake, but it had all backfired.
"But...I really was worried about you!" You tried to defend yourself, but your voice sounded weak even to your own ears.
You wanted to say more, to make him understand why you had done it, but Hector cut you off before you could get a word in.
"Save it." His voice was tight, and you could see the muscles in his jaw rippling. He sat back on his chair, staring at you with his hands clenched tight. Despite his words, you continued trying to explain.
"But...it was a mistake. It's something I regret, and I was only meeting up with him because he needed the money-"
Your explanation was cut off again when Hector spoke up, his eyes narrowing at your words.
"What, so you didn't trust me enough to tell me that you were meeting up with your ex? You didn't think I'd be able to help and you just hid it from me?"
You felt your heart drop, and you knew instantly that he had a point. Why hadn't you trusted Hector? Why hadn't you just told him and been honest?
"That's not it!" You protested, even though you knew he was right. "I just...I just...I didn't want you to worry about me, and I thought I could deal with it!" You were grasping at excuses, trying desperately to make this right.
You stood up from the couch and walked over to Hector, reaching out a hand to touch his shoulder.
"Please Hector, just listen. I'm sorry I lied to you, but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to worry you-"
Before you could touch him, Hector stood up from his chair and stepped to the side, avoiding your hand. He looked down at you, the anger still clear in his eyes.
"Bullshit. You didn't trust me, and that's why you hid it from me. You were scared that I wouldn't understand, that you couldn't rely on me."
You felt a surge of frustration and anger at his words, and you stepped back from him. "You're one to talk! You're always gone, with your football and your games! You're never around enough to listen to me, so how am I supposed to rely on you for anything?!"
Hector's eyes darkened as you spoke, and his jaw twitched with anger.
"That's different! Football is my job, and you know that. And I can listen to you when I have the time, but I can't be there for you if you don't tell me what's going on in the first place!"
You huffed, the frustration and anger building inside you. "And how am I supposed to tell you anything, when you're never around?! You think I don't want to talk to you, to tell you about the things that are going on? You hardly have time for me anymore!"
Hector clenched his jaw tighter and stepped closer to you, his eyes flashing. "Don't you tell me that. You know how busy I got now with the first team. With all the training and the workouts and the games. It's not my fault I can't be here all the damn time."
The frustration and anger within you boiled over into sadness and defeat. You couldn't keep going on like this, pretending to rely on each other when in truth you were both too busy with your own things.
"Then why are we even together?" Your voice was quieter, and you couldn't bring yourself to look at him.
Hector's face was a mixture of shock and hurt at your words, and his hands tensed at his sides. "What...? What do you mean, why are we even together? We...we're a couple. That's why."
His voice was tight and strained, and you could tell that your words had cut him deep.
You were so tired, physically and emotionally. This entire night had strained you past your limits, and all you wanted to do was sleep. You looked up at Hector, meeting his hurt and angry gaze for a moment before looking away.
"I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight. I'm too tired to deal with this."
Hector was silent for a moment before he gritted out a response. "Fine. Go sleep in the guest room then. Me da igual. (I don't care)"
His voice was harsh, but you could hear the hurt and anger in his words. He was hurting, and badly.
As soon as the door closed behind you, the tears you had been holding back all night finally began to fall. You stumbled over to the bed and flopped down, the sobs wracking through your body as you buried your face in a pillow.
The pain and regret of the night were suddenly overwhelming, and you felt a deep sense of sadness and loss. How had things gotten so bad between you and Hector? Why hadn't you just told him the truth in the first place?
You let out a strangled sob as the realization set in. It was all too late now. You had waited too long to tell Hector the truth, and now it had spiraled out of control. You had lost the baby he never knew of without telling him, your ex knew and was holding it over your head.
The thought of Hector finding out the truth from someone other than you sent another wave of sobs through your body, and you clutched at the pillow as if it was a lifeline. This was a disaster, and it was all your fault.
Hector slumped down into his own armchair and buried his face in his hands. The whole night had gone so wrong, and he still couldn’t wrap his head around it.
The look on your face when you questioned your relationship wouldn’t stop flashing through his mind. It had cut him deep, and the hurt and anger that had flared up in him when he heard those words wouldn’t go away. He loved you, and now you were telling him that you didn’t want to be with him anymore?
Hector let out a deep sigh, gripping his hair tight as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Why hadn’t you just told him that your ex was blackmailing you, that he needed money? How could you have thought that he wouldn’t be there for you? He would have done anything to help you, but you had kept it from him and now it was all falling apart.
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ssparksflyy · 4 months
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don't save some other girl ᯓᡣ𐭩
pairing jason grace x daughter of minerva!reader summary i lost the request but this one's for you @hope92100 !! an bat shit crazy jason save me... save me bat shit crazy jason
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OF course the one 'peaceful' day you get with jason gets ruined by monsters.
the rest of your crew was spending the day exploring the city, while you and jason agreed to stay behind and guard the ship (could you really call it a ship if it also flew?), hoping to get some peace while you were able to spend some time alone for the first time in weeks.
you were lying in bed with jason and watching a movie when you heard a loud crash come from the main deck. you were both quick to scramble up and dash out of his room, pulling out your swords as you reached the main deck.
you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to run away from the sight of the moster. a godzilla size glowing black squid with ten rapid arms and one big eyeball frantically looking in different directions was right in front of you.
"ill take it's left, you take right! try cutting at it's arms!!" jason yelled as he yelled to the left side of the monster.
you nodded your head frantically and ran to the other side of the deck, ducking and slicing anytime an arm came swinging at you. you weren't able to find a part of the ship where you could stop to think for just a second, maybe get a good view on as to where this monster's blind spot was. once you were able to attack that, this thing would turn to dust and leave you and jason be. looking around frantically, you realized that getting to higher ground was the solution.
continuing to duck and dodge at any squid arms that came swinging in your direction, you climbed the ladder that led to the higher end of the deck, running towards the railing.
"jason!" you called out.
"yea?!" you heard him yell from the other side of the deck.
"i need you to distract this thing, try to get it to focus on you!"
"why? what're you-"
"just do it please!!!"
he didnt reply, but you knew as the monster's arms stared swinging more in his direction, he had done what you asked him to. you squeezed your eyes shut and silently prayed to all the gods your plan would work before beginning to climb on top of the railing.
you held your arms out, trying to balance yourself and not fall with each step you took. you needed to get a hit as close as you could to the monster's back. from there, you could determine where this thing's weak spot was.
you were so focused on your feet and trying to stay on the railing, the only thing that snapped you out of your trance was the impact of the squid's tentacle that sent you flying off that very railing.
as you fell, it felt as if time stopped. as if these were your final moments to 'enjoy' life before falling to your death. the impact wouldn't be what would take you, but the quick currents of the water would be what swept you away, incapable of even processing what was happening. and then you'd die. nothing more, this was it.
you closed your eyes as you accepted your fate, as if you were allowing time to resume it's regular speed.
fortunately for you, somebody else hadn't accepted it.
jason must've swept in at lightning speed because one moment you were falling to your death, and then next you were back on the deck, sitting in a corner while jason rushed back to deal with the monster.
you watched in shock as jason flew around the monster at incredible speed, dodging and attacking every arm that came his way. he began sending down bolts of lighting as he flew, electrocuting the monster when it got too close. you'd never seen him like this, so determined to finish off a monster, such power radiating off of him. you had to admit it was actually quit frightening. you knew jason was powerful, and you hated when people ignored his talents, but seeing him in action like this and experiencing his power at such a high level almost made you scared of him. scared that maybe even you were underestimating his powers. scared if thing things he could possibly do. when you were able to finally see a glimpse of his face, the murderous look he had didn't exactly give you the comfort you were looking for.
in the matter of a minute, jason had the monster covered in the marks of his sword, moving slower than ever. with one final stab to the back, the monster had finally dispersed into dust and into the pits of tartarus.
he finally landed on his feet, taking only a second to catch his breathe before running over to you. he slid onto his knees as he reached you, his hand immediately reaching for the side of your face.
"are you okay? are you alright? gods (name) you scared the living shit out of me, i thought i lost you-"
"im okay, im okay jason. thank you. thank you so much, i..." the words seemed to have caught in your throat. tears began to form in your eyes as the realization that you almost died hit you.
jason realized this as well and pulled you in for one of the tightest hugs you were ever given. it was as if he too needed to realize that you were alright.
as much as you appreciated how much he cared, you couldnt shake off his manic state from just a minute ago. truth be told, you werent sure if you could ever handle to see him like that again. you knew you wouldn't be able to stay quiet for very long, so why try?
"jason?" you said, pulling away from him.
"yea?" he asked, you could hear desperation in his voice.
"i love you, and i know how powerful you are, and i would never want to hold you back but," you paused, "please never ever do that again."
a look of worry spread across his face, "no, no, of course not. im so sorry (name), i didnt know-"
"it's fine. at least i know you wont be saving some other girl anytime soon."
he smiled and pressed a soft kiss on your lips, "wouldnt dream of it"
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90-ghost · 9 months
What is the first thing you will do, after you get your freedom? Tell us all something about yourself Ahmed.
First thing going to al quds to pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque .
I'm normal person lazy one I'm not social i love staying at home with my family or going out with them i know alot of people but i have just 2 friends and one of them closer to me we used to see each other every day and walk. I love swimming i live near the beach. I start working online on November 2022 and i trade Forex online since 2020 but i stopped after i start working online. I used to play football or soccer as u American say it. And i had playstation 4 used to play call of duty since 2018 . I wanted to study outside gaza after i finished High school on 2012 but it was impossible because the financial situation. Still dreaming of traveling to Europe or USA because i could find myself and discover what I'm able to do and achieve because here in gaza our life is hard and The available possibilities are few . I hope somebody could help me with that and get me a visa lol. Sometimes i think i don't know myself enough. Sorry i talked alot
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starmuselove · 2 months
What they miss about you and consequently how they act 'cause of it?
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Hello my mystical babies, I was just chilling looking out in the morning cause it was raining and the ambience was so good I just sat there for quite sometime taking it in. And I was feeling my creative senses tingling, so I decided for a somewhat romantic moody suave reading. So I hope you too are able to enjoy this like I could enjoy the rain.
Disclaimer: Take a deep breath, have some fun and pamper yourself as you read this. If it doesn't resonate with you now, it's not time for you to read this yet, maybe read it at another time. Have a lovely day!
𝕯𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖘 𝖀𝖘𝖊𝖉: ℜ𝔞𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔚𝔞𝔦𝔱𝔢 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔱 + 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔡 𝔘𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔗𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔱.
ᴘɪʟᴇ 1
Quote: "I Hope that someday, Somebody wants to hold you for twenty minutes straight and that's what they'll do. They don't pull away. All they do is wrap you up in their arms, without an ounce of selfishness in it"
9oW, The Fool (R)(3oC) ° 4oS, Mother of Wands, 5oP
One word I'm getting - Pookie. They're a softie aww. They miss your light-heartedness , your innocence you bring in their difficult world. The positivity that you have, which you encourage them with. How you guide them with it, with hope and faith. They could consider you their sunshine/source of strength.
They could probably get silent, introverted and moody when you're absent. A bit defensive and moody for little things cause they haven't talked to you for a long time lol. It's like the bird being defensive about her little ones, so cute. They might have a life crisis, like their life has been frozen one side and they're just existing or surviving. They would want to fight people sometimes 😭Their brain don't work well at those times when missing you guys(I'm giggling here sorry luvs) They definitely pout and sulk. They might be a little dramatic with it.
RANDOM: Infinity, Yellow, My Sunshine My only Sunshine, Pookie, Pookie Bear.
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 2
Quote: "How could I not love eyes that see me in all of my forms of beautiful?"
9oS, The Emperor ° 7oS, 8oC, Justice
We've got two groups of people here- First, They miss the foundation and structure you provide to their life. It's like you are their rock. You might be a person who is self sufficient and knowledgeable. You absence is definitely very noticeable for this person. They could feel like their nightmares are coming back to swallow them whole again, you could have saved this person from relapsing into bad habits.
They might want to travel to see you. Even if you are cities apart, catching a flight just to see you. They might feel very dejected and might even start praying to the spirits to bring you back to them soon. Yeah, the separation might make them realise what's right and what's wrong. They could reassess the things they could've done or happened to deliver you the fair treatment or what you deserve.
In Second type, Some of you might be reading this for your ex? A further division in that- for some of you, they don't really have nothing positive to say they miss you, they're probably thinking it's good riddance. They are happy they could explore other options with you gone(this sucks :(( )
If it's indeed an ex that does miss you, they would try to show off how they would love you and take care of you to persuade you to get back with them.
RANDOM STUFFS: Structure, Building Blocks, Driving, Car, Meeting,Aloy/Aloha, Thrice, Moon Gazing, Snow.
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ᴘɪʟᴇ 3
Mild mention of 18+ themes below.
Quote: "No, we're not soulmates. This is not divine intervention. And this is most certainly not a chance. I willed this. I knit the threads of fate myself until it wrote our name. I love you intentionally. I love you with every bit of conscience I was born with."
5oS, Ace of Wands,Page of Pentacles ° The Moon, 3oP, 5oS.
First thing I got was they don't wanna live without you, life seems meaningless in your absence. They really seem to love you a lot. This is my fun/adventurous couple, pranksters, very active couple. They miss the mind blowing sex and the play fights they have with you. The navigator and manifester energy that you bring. Tbh this pile really values what you bring to the table, they see you as a very valuable person in their life- more like invaluable. I also think you might be their dream person manifested in real life.
Like i said before they find any victories that happens in their life to be meaningless without you around. They want it to share with you. The quote too says similar stuff- they want YOU to be with them and vice versa. They turn into this self doubting phase. They might feel like people around them are gonna do things behind their back, to destroy them. I think you might be the person who restored their faith in people maybe that's why your absence could give such impacts. They could be the type of person to call people around you to check on you or if you were ever in a position of no contact.
Tiger, Cheetah, Cub, Matching Couple items, Despair, Torment, Pink Gun, Dildo, Toy , Children's Gift, Night, Insomnia, Discord.
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This is a part of my HADES series of PACs. Like, reblog or even comment so I can get your feedback. My ask box is open to express feedback too. Negative behaviour absolutely won't be tolerated!
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tragedyslut · 5 months
♱ surrender yourself to me ♱
✶ [ a.anderson ] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — abby was a devout Christian. liking you was a sin. you two could 'never' be together. dacryphilia, religion play, degrading. creds @atyourmerci since i got the idea of christian!abby from her fic 'repent' its amazing, so go read that 🪽
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you had been apart of the wlf for a bit less time than most people. most people had years under their belt, but you hadn't been there that long. there was this girl that caught your eye, Abby Anderson. her muscles, that braid. whats not to love about her? except that she wouldn't look at you. not even for a second. you had tried to befriend her, in hopes to maybe get her under the sheets but you were met with a glare every time.
during a completely normal patrol, you had been wandering and found an abandoned church. you weren't Christian, to be fair, you were the opposite. but still you found yourself wandering inside, to your surprise, and amusement you found none other than abby in there. on her knees, begging for gods mercy. she looked so pitiful doing that, and you loved it. you stepped closer, the years of sneaking around abandoned buildings filled with clickers paying off. you then started hearing some of what she was mumbling about.
" please.. lord forgive me. i have a boyfriend.. im- im devoted to you! i wpuld never have sex with that girl.. y/n- i only looked at her once. ill cleanse my soul of her sins and unholiness... please lord. "
she was repenting, about you. her love for you, or some weird kind of crush. you decided to get your amusement out of this. you leaned down next to her, getting into the same position.
you started praying, or was it praying? more like a chant. you said your love to her, and somebody heard. maybe god, maybe someone else.
you locked eyes with her, smirking as she blushed, and repented even louder, begging. it felt so good too see her beg. once you were done, you stood up, angling over her. " go on, read me a verse of that bible. spill it out that pretty mouth of yours. " you teased, as she shot you a teary eyed glare. " go on darlin', give me your worst. "
you hadn't locked eyes or said a word to each other since that day.
until you were on patrol again. you knew she would be at that damn church again.
you were right.
she was desperately praying, nearly sobbing.
her voice was like liquor. if you'd have heard her praying that desperately, you would've returned quicker.
you appeared behind her.
" come on, surrender yourself to me. no amount of praying is gonna change anything.. or will it? " you teased. her tears were suddenly dry, as she looked up at you pleadingly, awaiting your touch.
" awhh, you want me now huh? " you said, your sultry tone evident as you maneuvered yourself to sit on her lap. she nodded crazily, like a wild animal. " what'll your poor god say about this huh abby? " you mumbled, running your hands down her neck and back.
" i don't.. i don't care what he'll think- i just.. i need you " she mumbled, giving you a pouted look.
you tugged on her braid, pulling her down to the christ monumental in front of the church, the podium staring down at you both in displeasure as you made abby get on her knees, stripping her completely. her perky breasts on display as she stared half lidded at the podium. you slipped off your own clothes, reaching your back and bringing out the dildo you had brought along, just for the occasion.
you began pounding into her from the back, hearing her moan loudly and whisper out prayers under her breath. with each word she uttered, you only got rougher with her. spanking her ass, and pulling on her braid, telling her how much she'd sinned.
eventually, she was in tears. begging her lord for forgiveness as she moaned pathetically. you finally pulled out of her, she was soaked, her cum leaking all over her bare thighs.
" are you gonna repent now hmm? " you said, grabbing her hips and roughly pulling her to sit on your bare lap. you gripped her ass, giggling as you heard her whimper.
" i need.. i need more. " she mumbled, seeming to utterly ashamed, but desperate.
you only chuckled, pushing her onto her back as you spread her for you to see everything. you plunged your sinful fingers inside of her pretty pussy as she moaned, throwing her head back and meeting the eyes of her disappointed god. but at this point, you were basically her god.
she moaned your name as you continued to plunge sin into her, but her sinful acts were the last thing on her mind. the only thing she was possible of thinking about now was you.
she felt you tugging her braid, as she only got louder and more pathetic. her muscles and strength were nothing now.
as she had her second orgasm, she threw her head back, moaning your name loudly.
her eyes were half lidded as she was roughly pulled up by her braid, meeting your eyes.
" you're mine. you aren't the property of gods, your my property. i am your god, you got that hmm? " you whispered seductively.
" yes.. yes.. i promise. im yours. " she moaned out.
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m0nsterqzzz · 9 months
•A Sense of Impending Doom•
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pairing: Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader
summary: being forced to go to a Stark party, you just pray the last person you want to see, doesn't come up to you.
warnings: really shitty angst?, cussing, alcohol
a/n: I've never wrote angst so sorry if this is so terrible lol. I don't think I wrote pronouns like once and I used, "they" so other then that, gender neutral. let me know if its not
With a heavy sigh, you exit the elevator and into the huge room. There are colorful lights all over, and you slightly hear someone singing I Wanna Dance with Somebody over the loud talking of the party guests.
When you got the invitation to yet another Stark party about a week ago, you instantly threw it in the trash. You’re trying to put your Avenger days behind you after your breakup with one of them, but Tony has never been able to catch a hint. The next one came from a text from Steve, where your best friend tried to convince you to come with the promise, “Natasha won’t be there.” You know that’s not true, so you left the man on read until he changed the subject. Then Yelena literally came to your apartment, and the young woman literally wouldn’t stop “Rockin Around the Christmas Tree.” until you agreed to go. Random, but effective.
So here you are, all dressed in a fancy outfit and flask of vodka in hand. Of course Tony always provides drinks, but this was for the cab ride to the Compound. 
You catch Tony’s eye from across the room, but he looks too far gone for you to even get a full conversation with him right now so you instead look around for anyone else. Suddenly, you're being picked up by two strong arms, and you instantly reach back to elbow them in the face. A harsh reaction, but Natasha would definitely be proud at the groan the person releases after months of trying to teach you self defense. Your attacker drops you on your feet, and you turn to see Bucky wincing as he holds his bloody nose. You let out something between a gasp and a laugh and Bucky glares at you.
“I’m sorry Buck! I thought you were attacking me!” “Why would someone attack you here? You’re literally surrounded by Avengers!” He makes a valid point, and that’s what you voice as you walk him to the bar to get the first aid kit always kept behind it. You guys learned your lesson after having to go search for one every time Tony drunkenly gets hurt and bleeds all over his nice rugs on the floor of the party room. 
You try your best to clean up the blood and fix his nose, but something- or should I say someone catches your attention and you drop the flask you're holding in your hand. The metal makes a loud noise as it clatters against the ground, but you pray it’s too loud for your discretion to notice. Your prayers are not answered. 
The woman a few feet away turns to face your direction, you pretend you don’t notice as the redhead gulps down her drink and continues staring at you even when you go back to fixing Bucky's nose.
“Natasha?” Bucky asks, and you sigh as you nod. “She’s staring. Get her to stop Buck.” He just chuckles and shakes his head. “What do you want me to do? Go over to her and demand she look somewhere else?” “Exactly!” You both laugh, and you give him a soft kiss on his forehead when you're done with his nose. The blood is mostly gone, and you know his super soldier serum will heal the rest of his nose in the next few weeks. He gets up, walking behind the bar and slinging a towel over his shoulder as he pretends to be your bartender, “What can I get you tonight?” You give him your order, and watch as he stares at you for a few seconds before you both burst out laughing. “I don’t know how to fucking make that! How about a glass of whiskey? Or two? Or five?”
Bucky is your best friend next to Steve and Wanda. Nobody can really tell why, but everyone knows it’s still a great pair even if you two don’t seem like people who would usually be friends.
You nod, and he pulls out the bottle of whiskey before someone takes it from his hand. You both turn to face the person stopping you from enjoying alcohol and your eyes widen. Natashas standing there, and her raspy voice that used to be your favorite speaks to Bucky. “I know what they're talking about. I’ll make it.” You plead for him to stay with your eyes, but he just hands her the bottle and leaves. Traitor. 
You met Natasha when you were recruited for SHIELD and she was your partner before she was ever your girlfriend.
She doesn’t say anything for a while as she makes your drink, but when she's done she sets it in front of you and asks, “How are you doing?” Is she serious? You think, and it’s clear she knows that as she grimaces at her own words. “I’m alright.”
You’re not alright. You haven’t been alright from the day you came home from work to find Natasha standing outside your front door with a suitcase by her side. You haven’t been alright since she mumbled, “I’ve never really loved you.” You haven’t been alright since the day Natasha Romanoff broke your heart and left you sobbing in the hallway in front
 of your apartment's front door.
She doesn’t need to know any of this though.
She nods, starting to awkwardly hum along to the song playing. There was never an awkward moment between you and the ex- assassin when you guys were dating, but with the feeling surrounding you right now, it feels like that's all that’s ever been between you two.
She suddenly starts to speak, but three loud voices boom from behind you before she can. You spin on your seat, and you come face to face with three of your favorite people. 
Maria Hill, Thor Odinson, and Tony Stark. 
They all look plastered, and Tony stumbles closer to you to put his arm around your shoulder. Your suspicions are confirmed true when you smell the alcohol reeking off of his breath as he leans down to whisper- quite loudly- in your ear, “You and Natasha huh? Yall getting back together? That sounds like it’s time to throw another party, baby.” You cringe, pushing him away from you as both you and Natasha look at anything but each other.
Thor and Maria drunkenly giggle behind him, and you reach out to pinch Thor’s arm as hard as you can. He shrieks, practically jumping a foot in the air as he backs away from you slowly.
Tony looks at you expectantly and you sigh. You are definitely going to beat the crap out of him 
“No way in hell-” You start
“Well maybe-” She speaks at the exact same time.
Your eyes widen, and anger flashes through you at the look of pure sadness in her eyes. “What the fuck do you mean “maybe”?” She looks taken aback at your outburst, and so do the three behind you as they look at each other and begin stumbling away. 
She begins stuttering out an answer, but you’re continuing on before she can. “There is no maybe Natalia! You messed it up!” People are beginning to stare at this point, and Natasha nervously looks around as she mumbles, and you can hear it now that someone has turned off the music, “I’m sorry.” You scoff.
“You broke my heart and the only thing you can think to say is sorry?” The redhead sighs, looking at the drink on the counter that is now covered in condensation. “I’m really, really sorry.” It’s silent for a minute, until you speak harshly, “Don’t be sorry. It’s my fault for not listening to the people that told me loving you was a bad idea.” Your words cut deep inside her, but she knows she deserves them.
When you first started dating, all her and your friends were thrilled. They were so happy for you guys. But they were also nervous. Your friends had concerns about her job and how safe you’d be with her- but you reassured them with the knowledge that there has never been a day you didn’t feel safe with her. Because she was your protector. At the time at least. And her friends have sat you down when she wasn’t around, telling you they were scared her being unable to show/control her emotions would take a toll on you. But it was easy to prove to them it would be alright, as they watched the way you slowly melted Natasha’s cold stone heart. In fact, you’d never once seen the side of her they spoke off. Well, until the day she left. When she asked you, “Who could ever love a person like you?” It was clear it was rhetorical, but you couldn’t think up an answer even if you wanted to.
You can hear Tony trying to figure out how to get the music going again, but other than that, the only sound that fills the party room is silence. 
“Don’t you understand how much it hurt to let you go? You were the best partner I ever had. both in my career and in relationships.” You let out a laugh at her words, and it turns into a genuine cackle even while everyone looks at you like you're insane. She looks up from the counter and speaks loudly over your laugh, “I had to do it okay?! I had to!” “You don’t have to do anything Natalia!” She sighs, looking towards Clint who stands near the bar. He nods his head to the green eyed girl, and she takes a deep breath before revealing quietly,
“I still love you. And I want to try us again.”
Her words make you freeze, and you look to your best friends with tears in your eyes. “What?” She thinks you just didn't hear her, so she repeats, “I still love you.” You shake your head, slowly backing up from the bar. She comes around the counter, and you back up even more as she tries to take your hands in her own. “N-no. You don't love me.” “I do. I love you darling.” “Don't do that Nat…..please don't do that to me.”
You both stop, and you shake your head when she goes to caress her face. “You wouldn't have left me if you love me, Nat. You don't love me.”
You both stop walking, and the party music suddenly turns on, as if a ending to your conversation. A single tear falls down her face, and you fight the urge to wipe it away.
This time, when you begin walking away, Natasha doesn't follow.
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can you write relationship headcanons for hyugo please? he's so underrated oh my god- btw love your blog, i'm so happy there's more people in the tkatb fandom <33 thank you for your service!!
My Exaltation (Hyugo x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! And especially thank you for the kind words! :D
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer Exaltation: a feeling or state of extreme happiness. Trigger Warnings: NSFW and sexual mentions (nothing too crazy though).
A/N: (Check down the bottom for more info: but here's the server skeleton I've made: Link: TKATB Server).
I see Hyugo as somebody very affectionate, like a puppy. (He literally gives puppy-dog eyes like c’mon). Also is capable of becoming as feral as one.
Definitely will be the type to walk up to you randomly and beg on his knees request to do something, considering I feel like part of the reason he has so much on his plate is due to the fact he can't stand having the same routine day after day. He needs spice. And you'll happily oblige.
Also very protective. Hell, this guy killed someone(s), so he’d be more than willing to defend you if it comes to that. Owns weapons 110%. Is also very capable at using them.
Hides all his suspicious activity from you. Not because he doesn't trust you, but mostly due to the fact he doesn't want you to get involved.
When If you move in together, he will make sure to enroll you in self-defense/weapon training classes (or he'll teach you himself, who cares about the law he's committed about 56 crimes in the span of a month /jkjk).
Is alarmingly strong, for someone of his stature and build, he often ensures to work out, because, well, he never knows when someone will come after him now does he?
Is paranoid about your safety 25/8, he's alert and vigil every waking moment. Ever since the cinema incident, he's been freaking out internally. (What if they find out about you? What if you go missing too?). Will hide it though, he can't afford you to be scared of him, now can he?
Crime hustles aside, Hyugo is genuinely a very loving and #goldenretriever boyfriend. Will use petnames as much as humanely possible, usually the flirty ones like 'darling'.
If you are a clothesnapper, expect him to start stealing back, eventually both your wardrobes will be swapped. You both don't care though, because both your horny asses will be relishing in the smell of each other in secret teehee.
Will be pulling the biggest 'Aww you look so adorable!!!!!' face known to man the first time you stole his clothes (probs a sweater or overshirt). Will tease you about it.
Makes puns 24/7, actually a master at them, it's kind of unnerving.
If you're ticklish, do not, under ANY circumstance, let him find out. You will be on the verge of dying each time he tickles you.
Hyugo's heart melts if you wanna watch his favourite movies with him: "Uh...Oh my God! MC! The new *insert movie title* came out...wanna watch it together this Sunday?" *insert massive puppy dog eyes, a cutesy little pout and two slender hands clasped together in a praying motion*
You agree, because...of fucking course you will.
Doesn't care enough to cook most of the time, but will try for you. :]
If you're cooking (or baking desserts), he'll spawn right behind you and hug you.
Will make you game with him, you don't have a choice, this guy needs action in his life (totally not like he doesn't already have any right-)
He's the little spoon, loves being smushed into your tits/pecs pressed against your torso, it means he can hear your heartbeat. It means he can fall asleep knowing you're safe.
NSFW (I am aware these may seem short. But. uh. I'm rusty cut me some slack).
I see Hyugo as a power bottom, or even a switch. (Emphasis on the 'power' part, this guy is strong).
Is capable of serving cunt/cock scarily well. Like you have no clue how he got this good.
Don't pull his hair too hard, a bit'll make him whine groan, but he doesn't seem the type to be into hair pulling unlike Sol and Crowe teehee
More funny during sex imo, depending on how intimate it is. If it's a sudden need then he'll be silent as the grave and going all out on dishing his horniness out, but if you're both chill and happy then he's much more jovial.
Masterful at aftercare, will murmur praises for how good you were, how much he loves you, etc. into your collarbone.
You are everything to him, his lover, his vehement source of peace, and his exaltation.
A/N: So, @hayooni mentioned that we should probably have a Discord server or something, so I made one. It's pretty mid so far, and I'm definitely going to hand off admins to other people who're superior when it comes to Discord server making, but hell, how about we make sure this community is as nontoxic and interconnected as possible. We're the OGs and veterans of this fandom; we might as well make it a fucking good one.
Link: TKATB Server
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russsiangirl · 3 months
dating tashi duncan.. ( at stanford )
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dating tashi duncan had been somewhat of a dream, you had never expected to get yourself tangled up with her. i mean, she's just such a dream and she's all yours. or maybe it's the other way around, you're all hers. yeah, that's it. she owns you, has you on a leash like a dog. she likes having control, relishes in it. the honeymoon phase is heaven, you two are walking each other to and from class, you're going to her practices and games - spending just about every waking moment together. but sometimes you wish she just wasn't so.. well known around campus. she tells you "it's fine, you're the only one i have eyes for baby." one night when you're holding her close and playing with the hem of her shirt. you try your best to believe her, you know deep down that she does mean it. you're the object of her affection, her prized possession. there's just one thing you can't compete with, tennis.
tennis is the one thing you're convinced that tashi could never let go of, without tennis she would simply perish. you don't mind her dedication to the sport, it's one of the things you admire most about her. how she's managed to love and cherish tennis all these years and not get bored from it. she dominates on the court with the racket in her hand - that's her kingdom and she's the fucking queen. she has her claws in the sport, taking it's blood and making it her own. it was her destiny to play tennis. when it's clear her career is gonna take off, you start having doubts. could she really balance all 3 things? what if she met somebody else at a tournament? would she just leave? no, she wouldn't, she loved you so much. or that's what she told you. that's what you chose to believe, that's what you told yourself at night when she was asleep in her dorm. you tried your best to support her, showing up at her games. helping her as best as you could at practices, making sure she was eating properly. making sure that she was in top shape. it's not like your relationship was rocky, it was pretty stable. you two didn't fight often - but when you did. it was bad. tashi was stubborn, she would never let you get the last word in. she was the one who decided when you were forgiven. it pained you to be away from her, pained you to worry about her when she was out and about. you remember when i told you tennis was her first love? i wasn't lying. after your arguments, she would go down to the courts, play her anger out until she almost passed out from exhaustion. sometimes you wished she wasn't so fucking stubborn and she would just accept the fact that you were worried about her. you just wanted her to be okay, to not have all this pressure with classes and the public and tennis. you wished you could just take it from her, lessen the burden a bit. things were going well, until her injury. you had a test that day that you couldn't miss, so you didn't go. you told art that it was okay - he could go in your place as long as he told you how she did. what you didn't expect was that text from him that said 'nurse, now. she's hurt, it's bad.' you immediately spiral. how, why? is it going to fuck up her career, can she still play? you can't really imagine tashi without tennis, the two were conjoined. you run as fast as you can to the nurse, only to find art at her side with her knee wrapped up in something that you don't recognize. there's tears tracks racing down her face and you just want to wipe them away, to kiss her face and tell her that they'll get past this. you pause at the doorway, look at art and pray that the question in your eyes can be answered. that your worries would be just you overthinking once again. but all he gives you is a solemn shake of the head. he stands up from the chair and slowly makes his way out the door to you, his voice a small whisper as he spoke. "they don't know if she'll be able to play again." you stare dejectedly at the tile floor, watching how it reflects your face back at you. the world goes silent around you, the only sound is your heart pounding in your ears. tashi can't play tennis. she can't play the one sport that she's truly loved, the one thing she can't let go of has been ripped away from her. you give art a small nod which he offers back before he makes his way out of the nurse's office, letting you and tashi be alone. you go to her side, hand reaching out to gingerly wipe her tears away. she doesn't yell, doesn't cry, just sits there silently. her body trembling. you two will find a way to work past this, you promise yourself. she had to wear a brace, her steady walk was reduced to a limp as her knee healed up as best as it could. she could continue playing tennis, just not in way she could before. you could see the pain in her eyes, how she was disgusted with herself for letting such a thing happen. it wasn't her fault, you knew that. but she didn't. "tashi, it's not your fault." she hums and nods, pressing a small kiss to your lips. "i know."
her voice is firm, confident. you trust tashi to know her limits. she knows herself better than she knows anybody. you loved that about her, her confidence in herself.
you two eventually settle back into a schedule, eating meals together when you can. going out for dates at least once a month, walking each other to classes. you missed this, the mundane of it all. it was simple and enjoyable. spending time with tashi was as easy as breathing, it felt natural but you also needed it to survive. without her, you felt empty. like a piece of you was missing. to make things a little more official, you buy each other promise rings. a commitment. it wasn't anything too crazy, just a simple band with some jewels - but when you looked down at your hand and saw it - you automatically smiled. it was like having her with you at all times. 
you both met the other's family and it went stellar, they both clearly approved of the other and family dinners also became a regular occurence in y'alls schedules. everything felt kinda perfect, for now.
yayy more tashi stuff !!! uhm i didn't expect to write this much but i love her character so much. i need her so bad :(( tashi duncan the woman that u are give me a chance plsss 🙏🙏
also wrote this for a friend of mine bc we both love zendaya.. yea!
like and repost if u liked it !!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
104/150 with lethal company?
104) I can hear it calling my name
[Y/n], January 29th, [Log 001]
---I'm afraid this will be my last log. So I'm keeping this encrypted.
Everyone's gone, but I'm still here. And I'm terrified. We started on this job as strangers, and we became family. Now I'm all alone because of a stupid mask. A piece of scrap we should've just sold off.
But he thought it would be funny to wear. I don't blame him. He was always a jokester, willing to do anything to turn a frown upside down and make light of our dreary trips. I know he didn't mean to hurt us. He thought it was harmless. Honest to god we thought so too.
Until he started vomiting blood and tried grabbing me. He tore off my helmet, along with my tracker, but I managed to get away. I still don't know how. But I wish I was smarter about it, because I got lost.
Then I heard the ship's engines.
They must've thought I was dead. Or maybe they all died and the autopilot kicked in. I'm not sure. I don't even know the current time. But what I do know is that I'm stuck here now. Possibly forever. I could make an SOS but that monster is still outside. I had to barricade myself in this storage room and wait until it goes away.
It keeps knocking. I can hear it calling my name. But I know it's not him.
To anyone who reads this, don't pick up the porcelain masks. They aren't worth shit. It'll tempt you to put it on. Don't. You'll find better loot elsewhere. If you see anyone already wearing it, kill them. Stun them. Run. Whatever. Just don't let it take you.
And if you see me wearing it, put me out of my misery. I promise I'll understand---
Finishing what would likely be your final log, you sighed and slumped back against the wall, letting the tablet slip from your hands.
You don't know how long you've been stuck here--whether it's been hours or days.
But all you know is that the Masked on the other side of the door hasn't left. It was using your coworker's corpse, mimicking his voice as it pounded on the steel and tried convincing you to let it in, even shattering the window. For some reason it refused to leave you alone, and kept begging and begging until it began screaming unintelligently...
That would go on and on until eventually it would cease, weakly clawing at the door, only to rinse and repeat once it rested its voice.
You were starving, trying your best to ration the jar of pickles you were luckily able to find in this storage room.
Unfortunately, that's as far as your luck will go at this point. They were sour and made you want to vomit every time you ate one. But while you didn't want starvation to take your life, you weren't exactly sure how you really wanted to go out instead.
It sure as hell wasn't gonna be from that bastard who took away your friends.
"It's clear....all clear......come on out....the ship is leaving..leave....out.....COME OUT..!! COME OUT!! COMEOUTCOMEOUT-!!"
With your heart hammering in your chest, you curled up and covered your ears, squeezing both eyes shut. 'Fuck, it's losing its mind again...this is a nightmare..why did I ever take this job?' You tried not to focus on the screams so much, and instead prayed for some kind of miracle.
But in space, would anyone really hear your prayers?
Yet somebody must have, because the screaming abruptly stopped a minute later, being replaced by the sounds of heavy thumping and growling drawing near.
You only knew one other alien creature that made those.
And you knew it was pissed off.
Getting up and backing away from the door, you fearfully clutched a stop sign as you heard a series of terrified shrieks, roars, slamming and crashing sounds....before silence followed, save for the low growls you heard earlier and chewing noises.
Cautiously, you went back over and pushed aside one of the things covering up the window, and the sight on the other side was quite nauseating:
The Thumper was hovering over the Masked's body, teeth covered in blood and flesh as it tore into it, clearly wanting to savor this midnight snack.. But eventually it decided to drag the rest of the corpse away and to another part of the facility, only leaving behind a few shattered fragments of white dirty porcelain.
You couldn't believe it.
You were actually happy that a Thumper, of all things, saved your skin.
But you sure as hell didn't want it coming back for a second lunch. Now was your window of opportunity to get out of here. The adrenaline pumping through your veins was the only reason you were able to grab your loot and book it out of that storage room, being careful not to run into that Thumper again.
At least now you could go outside and (hopefully) send an S.O.S.
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Part IV: There is more to do and I still want to live
Pairing: Astarion x Reader -- This is set in Act I
Part IV - LOTS of angst and sadness and jealousy and fluff.
Tags: angst, fluff, sadness, angst, fluff, then maybe eventually smut because I do love that
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part III : maybe tonight I'll rest in peace
Part V: our futures bound, our bodies known
Part VI : these ain't my sins, I' broke my chains
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours?
Part VIII: your blood like wine, invites me in
Part IX: I'll welcome my sentence and give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
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The next morning you woke up. It took you a while to remember last night. You gasped and turned around. Your bed was empty. You were the only one. Your nocturnal visitor had vanished into the night air. Was he even there last night, or did you dream it all? Somewhere in the corner of your turbulent heart, you knew, he had gone back to his paramour. Which was not you. Before the pain of that thought drove you mad, you decided to distract yourself. After all, he never made any promises to you.
Time to get on with it.
The day was weary. You were finding it increasingly difficult to ignore the air between Shadowheart and Astarion. Every glance they shared, every smile was laced with poison for you. You prayed and hoped this would pass. You were the hero. You were the one who would lead them to safety, to the end of this perilous journey. It was a quest for salvation for all of you. And then you were all ambushed.
Time to focus on violence.
That should get your mind off of them. Except, Shadowheart was cornered, and while Astarion was supposed to target another, he defied the plan - to shoot at her attacker leaving himself open to a powerful spell that inflicted several wounds on him. He fell from his station. Drops of his blood splattered on Shadowheart's pale pretty face, down from where he stood.
Your heart had stopped.
Shadowheart shrieked, naturally to see him in pain so. Instantly she cast Santuary on him and incinerated the enemy with her radiance spell. You could feel her vengeance in the intensity with which she cast her spell. They then proceeded to embrace each other, her trying to heal him, and him finding solace in her arms.
You felt your world go blank.
Was there really a point to any of this? What was it, again. Your vision blurry, everything seemed to have slowed down. Or maybe just you. Karlach and Wyll were nearby. Flashes of spells and clash of swords. That's all you heard. Reckless abandon. That is what you wanted to feel. To make it worth something. To be seen, maybe. To be valued, to be needed. Or not be needed at all.
You cared not for your spell magic. It was time to feel the rage delivered through your own hands. Slashing, kicking, swinging your pact weapon. The feel of hitting a mortal enemy, splattering of blood around you. you could hear Karlach yell. Why? Oh, is that blood? Is that yours? Somebody bludgeoned you. Because being able to hit, meant being able to take a hit. Another punch to your face. This one you felt. You lost your footing.
This was fun.
Bring it on. See what I got. I will give it back to you. I have seen worse. I have felt worse. I have nothing more to lose. I will take you down with me. That's what raced through your mind. You hit harder, faster and with more venom than before. Killing with your own hands. You never enjoyed it before. Where is this rage coming from. You were no barbarian. You could feel the Hellish Rebuke coursing through your own body. you hit. And was hit back. Thrown back. Several times you landed on the floor. And got back up.
And then you felt hot. Warm. You had been hit with a fire spell.
You heard Wyll yell out. You could feel Karlach going into Rage. You knew the battle was won. You smiled, and you fell. For the last time that day. The last thing you remember seeing was Karlach cradling you, and Astarion running towards you from the distance. You couldn't make out what his face looked like. "Serves you right. Watch your only source of food disappear." you thought. You smiled, even if you were in pain.
The next thing you remember is Karlach nursing you in your tent.
Everything hurt. Pain all over. Wrapped in badages all over. You wondered what went down after your...recklessness. Karlach seemed really sad. Worried. "Thank the gods you are awake! What were you thinking?!" You smiled weakly. "Laezel has been going on and on about how impressed she was with your battle field prowess. "Ah.. Laezel, she would be...I'm glad".
After much fussing by Karlach, and Gale, and Shadowheart and basically everyone, who came to express their concern and relief or awe in your battle prowess or chastise you for your recklessness, you were relieved to get some quiet time. In which you wondered, where was the man, who mattered the most.
Typical. A vampire, only thinks of himself. and then suddenly, you remembered the look of pure horror on his face as you blacked out. But was he impressed? Was he worried? Did you get, ....his attention at last? You needed to know, if you were seen, at last.
If you mattered. To him. At all.
You decided to trudge outside in the cool night air. Everyone was finally asleep from all the exhaustion. It was a clear sky. Perhaps it is a great time to find a nice little piece of nature all to yourself. To take in the solitude.
You walked, slowly in the quiet night.
A little away from camp, you saw a shadowy figure. Almost predatory, walking towards you. Unmistakable.
So there he was.
He wasn't with shadowheart tonight? Maybe he had gone to hunt since, you weren't available. Your heart skipped a beat. There he was, out hunting. Was he scared he almost lost you? Was he finally worried about you? You wondered how the conversation would go. You had no idea why you did what you did, nor how he would react. You braced yourself.
But he said nothing at all.
He approached you. His face shone briefly in the moonlight. His eyes were cold. His shoulders brushed yours but he didn't stop. His glance was smouldering. Steely. But he said not a word and walked straight past.
You watched his back, through the light and darkness. Wait. You wanted to know, what he felt... "Are, you ... okay, Astarion? I saw you getting hurt earlier." Silence. Then he stopped and turned. You could hear your heart beat.
"Me? I am very glad to be alive you see. I do not want to just, end it all. Despite what my life has been so far, I still want to live." he looked at you with disdain.
You were taken aback.
You had been chastised by Wyll and to some extend Shadowheart, for your recklessness. But why did this one, cut through your heart?
"That's not... what I was ... "
But, is that what you were doing? Or is that what he thinks you were doing. Either way, you felt, ashamed. You would surely never. You had promised to be the Hero and Savior to others who needed saving. You wanted to love those that needed it. No. He was not right. It was not true. You won't let it be true.
You found your voice.
"Is that what you think I was doing? ha. I bet you got all worried, thinking your only source of higher blood would disappear. isn't it?" Your voice was laced with bitterness.
"And is that what you think of me?" His face was in the shadows. You could not see the glare in his eyes, but you could feel the disdain in his voice. "Well, in that case, maybe it is time for our nightly trysts to come to an end".
No. I didn't mean that.
You felt gripped by a sudden fear. No. Do not cast me aside. That is my only use to you. Do not take that away from me too. Please. That is not what I meant or wanted. That is the only time you look at me. You know of my existence. Only way I am needed by you. Only time I am wanted by you. No. You could feel tears choking you.
You couldn't speak. So he turned and resumed walking back to camp.
You turned too and then you broke down. You could not stop your tears. You felt so sorry. So very sorry for yourself. You almost lost yourself today, for this man. Why? Did you just want to be seen that badly. Only to be thrown away entirely. You watched the tears drop on your hands, and you knelt on the ground with your hands propping you up. Nothing you did would ever matter.
This was the bitter truth you so desperately wanted to deny. You never mattered to begin with. You were nobody to him. And you almost died for him. How could you hate yourself so much? Why would you not value yourself. Was he worth all that? You will never be Shadowheart. For it is she, who was in his heart and mind. You were just a convenient transaction.
You felt warm hands, from behind.
Hands that held you up. As you cried your eyes out. You were held in an tight embrace. As if the person wanted to take all your pain away. The harder your cried, the tighter you were embraced. You were found, by someone. Someone was there. Someone cared. That's all that mattered to you at that instant. You didn't care who it was. You were grateful it was...someone. You absorbed all the warmth in their body, and you felt the support of their broad chest against your back, as they buried their face in your neck from behind.
You felt his soft caress on your neck.
You felt so happy, that you started crying even more. You felt eternal bliss, you felt cared for, seen and you felt loved. You felt wanted. Your yearnings, came rushing out in salted tears. You wanted to laugh and smile, but you cried instead. Tears of joy, if only you could tell him that.
"I am sorry. I did not know. I am sorry. What can I do. How can I help you, please tell me a way." he whispered. "I cannot see you like this. I need you. Yes I need you. But not for your blood. You are our salvation. You protect us. From our personal demons. And in Wyll's case, quite literally".
You finally laughed a little.
He loosened his grasp a bit at that. Realizing, that the worst may have passed. but he did not let go entirely. Still resting his head next to you, kneeling on the ground with you, he held on. "I will one day, somehow, give you a reason to live on. Something you will want to hold on to. I promise you. Can't you wait a little bit. I don't know what that is yet. But you have my word".
Those were the last words you heard that night.
Because your pain and exhaustion and happiness came crashing on you at once. You felt your consciousness slip away. You felt swpt up, carried. You heard Karlach on the way. "What did you do to her Astarion! You better not have hurt her! she was already in bad shape. Did you make her cry?! Why are her eyes so swollen?" You drifted to a very sweet dream that night. Content somehow.
Part V: our futures bound, our bodies known
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eitaababe · 2 years
— chapter 15. no one.
a/n — sorry it took me so long to get this one out 😭
series masterlist. | previous / next
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written portion below. —
neteyam made his way over to your dorm, trying not to get a speeding ticket in the process.
his mind was racing as he tried to focus on the road. never in a million years would he think he still had a chance after all this time, after he made the dumbest decision in his life and let you go. he berated himself on it every waking day, praying to eywa you'd take him back.
he found a parking spot, not caring if he had parked horribly and pissed some other student who lived in your dorm building off. he ran up the stairs, figuring the elevator would take too long. he sprinted to the door he'd knocked on thousands of times, out of breath by the time he arrived.
only to be met with ao'nung.
"hi." ao'nung was the first to speak, making no move to let neteyam inside. the door was just slightly opened, with him blocking neteyam's view from the outside.
"uhm, hi," he dryly responded, trying to look inside. "is she-"
wordlessly answering his unfinished question, the door was opened to reveal a sleeping you, a soft smile making it's way to neteyam's face at how peaceful you looked.
"are you here to apologize?"
the other boys voice snapped him out of his trance, and he nodded in response. "she's sleeping, so i don't wanna wake her or anything," neteyam paused, suddenly not feeling so confident anymore. "just— can you let her know that i came? i'm ready to talk whenever she is, she can take her time."
"yeah, don't worry, i'll let her know." ao'nung quietly replied, the two bidding a farewell before he closed the door, making his way back to the couch. you had started to stir, hearing the door close, not seeing who was standing in the other side.
"who was that?" you croaked, trying to rub the sleep out of your eyes.
ao'nung hesitated, knowing it wasn't his place to reveal anything other than the truth, but instead laid back on the couch, grabbing his blanket.
"it was no one."
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— kiri wants y/n to move on but she's very subtly trying to help neteyam out
— lo'ak thought about straight up telling y/n how neteyam felt because he thought neteyam would wimp out
— ao'nung was half expecting an apology from neteyam
taglist #1 / closed ! @n7ytiri @ilovejakesullysdick @possysblog @love-chx @stars4deku @evphology @afro-hispwriter @ydsm-29 @tsireyasgf @goldeneywa @doulcha @krazy-kattzz @fucksnow @squid4 @blairrrrrr @neteyamforlife @dreamtogether2000 @444lyra @ambria @cawi00 @calums-betch @powowowy @fadingpalacebonkpsychic @elegantkidfansoul @kolsmikaelson @mirikusashes @yukichan67 @goodiesinthecloset21 @netemoon @teyums @littlethingsinlife @coconut-dreamz @anm3mi @jjkclub @il0veheartz @liyahsocorro @drugs-for-memes @zendayaswrld101 @grierpilots @misscaller06 @lightskinloak @mommyneytiri @inluvwithneteyam @halibanana @iheartamajiki @ipoopedmypants47 @neigesprincess @lookiiheh @ghostjoohoney @ronalsgirl
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meowm30w180 · 6 months
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A Useless closet
The mysterious woman picks you up by the back of your shirt collar of your school uniform, lifting you to your feet. Your hitching breath still audibly noticeable as she dusts the slight dust off your thighs as if you're her personal property.
"...your very obedient, aren’t you?".
"Be a good girl and behave yourself and stay here until I come back. if you run, I'll make sure to hunt you down.. Understand?"
when your friends are currently being butchered like mere insects, you cower inside an old junk closet silently praying to any god out there to hide your presence from whatever is out there causing this terror.
Sadly, God ignores your begs and somebody senses you inside the closet. Your heart pounds at the antagonizing slow sly steps striding your way as you await your fate.
Though what awaits you outside that door is nothing in your wildest dreams could have ever imagined...
A useless closet
School hours go by pretty fast when everything is so bland. It's the same every day, same classes, same people, same food, same routine, and you prefer to keep it simple that way.
Though, it's hard to stay simple when everyone is jumping up and down raving about the ChainsawMan church. Personally, you don't want any part in it. you like chainsaw man but you're not gonna bow down to the guy and praise him... that's like some cult stuff.
damn its almost 3:00pm its almost time to g-
"HEY Y/N!!"
your knocked out of your thoughts by the high-pitched voice of one of your not so fond of friends.
*God all she does it talk about chainsaw man can't she get the hint that I don't care?*
"Oh... hi Kohana. what do you want?
"Well like, me Saiko and Muri were wondering your opinions on Chainsaw Man??"
yea who would have guessed what she wanted was about chainsaw man...
"I mean I guess he's not that bad..."
"What are you even talking about OF COURSE hes not bad hes literally THE chainsaw man, anyways we wanted to bring you with us to join the ChainsawMan Church!!"
"I'm not joining the ChainsawMan Church, don't they force you to marry some random guy??"
"Yea but only if it's a hot guy obv"
"COME ONNNN both Saiko and Muri are waiting outside for us lets hurry up and go already"
"Who said I'm joinin-"
*As you try to protest, she grabs your hand, practically dragging you out of your seat to join her and your other chainsaw man fanatic friends outside
you could have denied them anytime, with every step they took to the ChainsawMan Church you could have walked away anytime but you continued to walk with them. Maybe it's because they're the only people that give your life a little bit more spark, so everything isn't so boring every day. Or maybe it's because you simply do NOT want to lose your only friend group. Even if they are kind of annoying, at least you technically fit into somebody's life.
you rant on about why you're still walking with them and eventually arrive at the ChainsawMan Church.
unsurprisingly, its filled with a multiple of other people from your school and some random other teens your age, and of course you're among them as well.
Chatting about chainsaw man and mingling with the other chainsaw man fanatics, you find yourself wandering about the chainsaw man church alone. surprisingly decently empty, you expected for there to be at least more people around, but you find yourself alone on the 2nd floor, how did they manage to get this ENTIRE building to themselves??
man, its hella boring here, what do they even do all da-
"What the hell?!"
screaming, the sounds of the people you just had small talk with, their screams ringing through the halls of the hallway you're in, is it a devil? isn't it their job to kill it? what the hell is going on??
screams abruptly being cut off by something.
are they... are they dying??
aren't your friends out there?? why are you even asking that of course they are. what the hell is happening down there??
the screams continue and then continue to be cut off, and the reality of the situation is starting to sink in. Theres some shit going on down there, and your definitely not stupid enough to go down there and find out.
ducking into a dusty old junk closet to escape the messed-up horrors down there might just be the better option, even if you now cramped and uncomfortable in this tiny little room with a bunch of chainsaw man cutouts.
the halls no longer become empty as people run up the stairs scrambling into the halls from downstairs pushing each other around to get anywhere BUT the stairs.
the panic in their faces sends shivers down your spine.. this is defiantly getting to you..
you see Kohana among the crowd, about to open the closet to call her over, a swift movement brushes through the crowd, everyone goes silent.
you don't know what exactly happened but you lose the confidence to open the door, you back up into the chainsaw man cutouts..
not knowing what happened you sink into the corner your mind wandering all over the walls. but the liquid seeping under the door silences all your questions..
your heart practically stops as you see the crimson red leak under the door with the dim light making the horrific color glossen under the crack of the door,
your breath hitched and it feels like your being chocked by your own fear.. and the god awful silence is killing you. you've never been this scared in your entire life and your praying your fear doesn't make your weak "hiding spot" known
*Tap Tap Tap*
a slow sly pace striding over to the closet
you try to stop breathing, but the hitch in your breath is still there making it impossible to keep quiet entirely.
you feel like a bug being squashed under the pressure of a boot, should you run? that's out of the question, your too petrified to even move like your frozen in time. the steps getting closer and closer making your heart beat faster and faster enough to give you a heart attack and practically die before you even get the chance to see your soon to be killer, the one that will slaughter you without a second thought, *why are they taking their sweet time to kill me?? are they playing with me like pray??*
all you can do is curl into the corner and await your fate as the footsteps eventually stop, casting a shadow on the glossy liquid under the door making it dull.
you can't accept this fate, but theres absolutely nothing you can do but cower and silently cry and hic like a little baby...
why are they just standing there...?
the door opens, but your too busy cowering into your knees to look up and see, not that your confident to even look up at them anyways...
the unknown person finally moves forward towards you, tracking the liquid further into the room, the person pays no mind to it. positioning themselves in front of you reaching out their hand to grasp the back of your shirt collar of your uniform. lifting you to your feet with no struggle, lightly brushing the dust from your thigh and moving the hair from your face to see your puffy eyes and rosey tear stained cheeks as you hic in their grasp, giving not only them but you the slight view of looking at their face.
"look at me, sweetheart.."
is that...? is that a woman's voice...?
slowly looking up at the voice you lock eyes with the most beautiful woman you have ever met up close in person. firm jaw structure, silver silk hair, milky skin,.. *is this really my murderer?*
the sweet name she called you made your heart flutter, and then that sweet feeling turned into guilt for getting flustered from the person that killed over 50 students including your friends, your friends.. if she killed your friends what makes you so special, why are you of all people getting the special treatment...?
"your very obedient, aren’t you.."
"be a good girl and stay here until I fetch you, don't run, I'll make sure to hunt you down, I will catch you..., understand?"
*who does this woman think she is?? you think I'm just gonna listen to you after you butchered my friends and practically traumatize me?? Don't even fucking play with me you insane bitch.*
"...yes ma'am"
"good girl"
...I'm such a wimp...
*timeskip 30 mins later*
this is insane it feels like its been hours you've been cowering inside this closet, is that woman even coming back?? you don't even know her name, not like you care you just wanna go home... its not like you have any friends anymore anyways. this woman has the audacity to try to sweet talk you and order you around?? this is bullshi-
*tap tap tap*
the door opens, revealing the same woman as earlier, the same menacing aura illuminating from her lean body
"I assumed you ran, I was getting ready to go hunting. Good girl..."
she coos to you as she slowly strides to you and picks you up the same way she did earlier like a little ragdoll.
"hm.. what's your name, sweetheart?"
The woman didn't say anything as she continued to inspect you, lightly brushing her slim fingers through your hair. You find yourself a little bit more comforted in this so far horrible day by the contact, but then remember who caused it.
This woman is too confusing to you, what does she even want with you..?
"What do you want with me..?"
"Do you want money?? I don't have any money just please let me go.. I swear on my life I won't tell anyone who you are just please let me go I'm begging you.."
Gripping the wrists that hold you up in the air, the woman sets you down allowing you to stand on your own. However with the dismay of getting your shoes sticky from the gruesome liquid that still invades the floor.
Her 6'1 body towering over you even more, she bends down and lowers her head to get a better view of your face.
"What I want?"
"Yes... tell me"
The woman lowers her gaze towards you and steps closer, you try to back away but a firm iron grip is placed on your shoulder, the other sets itself on her hip.
"I want you"
You don't understand, what is she getting at here,
"I want you, to be my woman"
"What are you talking about..?"
"I think you already know"
You can't help but wonder what her goal is, and why she picked you of all people, because you were cowering away in a closet and let your friends be butchered? The guilt is eating you alive and then this woman wants you to be hers? After what she's done to your friends? She's just some sick weirdo"
"What if.. I deny"
"This isn't a request, it's an order"
With saying that, she crouches down and scoops you up swinging you over her shoulder as if you weighed absolutely nothing, you slightly squirm in her grip too scared to do anything else.
The woman walks out of the closet and your greeted with a scene that you could have never been prepared for..
Bodies, upon bodies, upon bodies, of headless students that all from together to make a blood pool on the once hard wood floor of the building, the white on their uniforms are no longer visibl-
You feel like your about to throw up... your stomach drops to the lowest pit of your stomach as you see the gut wrenching head of Kohana, your friend.. lying decapitated in a pool of blood. You might have disliked her a little bit but you would never wish this upon her, or anybody, especially Kohana...
Your disgust is directed to the person your being held captive by and you soon start to pry yourself out of her grip, your not some obedient little wimp
The woman grips your thigh with a death grip, nails digging onto your thigh and tears threatening to break from yours eyes.
you start to silently cry, even though it doesn't sound too quiet, how could you be quiet in a situation like this.. the "quiet" cries progressively turn into ugly cries as you wish this was all a dream, the nails that dig into your thigh should have woken you like a pinch but your still here in this nightmare..
"weehhh.. pleasee *hic* just kill me *hic* already..."
You beg and sob uncontrollably in the grasp of the woman still walking through the bodies of the mangled corpses.. your vision blurred with tears and the last thing you see is the bloody footprints left behind on the floor as your carried away to an unknown destination.
Guilty pleasure
Groggily moaning, your eyes sore, you peak your eyes open from your slumber and stare up at the ceiling. Recalling the horrid things your brain imagined while you were sleeping, you wonder how your brain could have thought up something so bizarre...
"Fuck.. that was a messed up dream.."
You prepare to get up, to go wash up and getting ready for school...
This isn't your room
"..what the fuck??"
You don't know how you didn't realize it before, maybe because you were half asleep but this is NOT your room, was your nightmare really not a nightmare..? Is Kohana really dead? And that woman?
That woman...
Is this her room? And did she strip you??
Standing in only bra and underwear, your mind racing with all the thoughts running through your head on the things she wants from you.. rape?, death?, god your so scared right now especially since your half naked and none of your cloths are in sight.
Feeling exposed (even if your alone) and defeated, you retreat back into the fluffy white blankets of the bed. now that your realizing it, it's really comfy.. squirming in the sheets like a cat, you feel slightly guilty feeling this much comfort in the sheets of a murderer
That murderer.. you almost forgot about her, who knows when she's gonna come back into the room. If she catches you up she might do something to you...
You shuffle out from the sheets and sit up on the bed, and notice the window over the bed frame. You eagerly crawl to it, finding your escape route. Only realizing after looking down 8 stories of floors of an apartment building down to the busy streets...
The hope slightly dies inside you, but you still have other options. You might be able to sneak out of here and run out the door. In order to that though... you need cloths. You would prefer your own cloths but that's out of the question, unless you somehow find them.
scavenging through the closet of the bedroom looking for something to cover up your lewd body. It doesn't help much, all of the cloths are bigger than you by far compared to your smaller frame, that woman practically towered over you in the close-
*tap* *tap* *tap*
You hear the distant sound of footsteps approaching the door as your currently face first inside her closet wardrobe. as you scramble out shutting the door behind you,  you dive into the bed where you were before you woke up. Maybe, hopefully if you pretend to sleep, then she'll leave you alone and you have more time to prepare your escape plan
Positioning yourself the way you awoke, she might not notice you were even awake. Your not stupid.
You shut your eyes and pray she just walks out after seeing your still slumbering
The woman walks up to you without a sound and stands over your half naked body. lighting pushing the hair out of your face and presses her thumb on your bottom lip, ever so slightly spreading your lips apart from each other gently
What is she doing..?
The woman bends down, her lips glazing atop your lips, soon began touching. Closing the distance between you two as her soft lips lightly pressed against your own.
It felt like this moment lasted forever and before you knew it she was stepping away, leaving the room as silent as she came in, shutting the door behind her.
Your eyes shot open as soon as the door shuts, contemplating what the hell just happened.
Your stunned, you don't even have anything to say, it all happened so fast, too fast.
You sit up on the bed, your cut bangs falling back in your face as you began trying to shimmy of the be-
The woman, standing against the wall looking down at you with the door closed behind her.
Turns out, the woman shutting the door behind her, was actually shutting her self inside. standing next to the door, the woman probably figured your fake sleeping and decided to catch you in the act, and it worked... you never would have guessed a stunt being pulled like that, you never would have guessed the stunts she's been pulling all day.
You can imagine the face you made when you were caught red handed in your act, she probably knows what your up to as well, trying to leave.
You both stare at each other in patronizing silence until the white haired woman breaks the tension and walks back over to you, her eyes never breaking apart from yours
Your too scared to even breath as you stare up at the woman, and now in a lightened room, your now able to peek out all of her features.
Jesus.. And shes practically a Greek God..
Her thin silver hair glistening in the sun beams passing through the window making it shine like silk. skin pale with the sun beams hitting her skin making it a warm milky tone, suiting her well. you can just imagine how smooth it must feel. Though, the sun beams never making contact with her dark dim eyes, err- "eye"..
a black eyepatch shields her right eye from view, you wonder what happened. Though the eyepatch makes her all the more more intriguing by the minute.
The thoughts surrounding this woman makes you forget the fact that your both still staring at each other, snapping back to reality once u feel her eyes cut into you.
You blush as you feel her slim fingers slip up your neck to gently cress your chin, tilting your head even more upwards,
The woman doesn't respond as you struggle to push your words out. you don't understand these feeling you have towards this woman, you don't even know what she wants with you let alone her name..
"Be my woman"
"I want you to be my woman"
You never been good at accepting confessions.. or at least you figured it wouldn't be as easy since nobody has ever done it to you. though, can this really be considered a confession...? And she's a woman, girls can't date girls can they?? How would that even work??
You don't know what to say, or at least you don't know what to say to not piss her off, considering what she did back at the church.
This is too much confrontation... it's like when your teacher asks you to partner up with the people you don't even know.. and you desperately try to come up with a reason to slip out of the class and show up at the end of the hour and miss the entire assignment.
Coming up with the excuse your most familiar with to get out of confrontation.. you push the words out of your mouth and hopefully it ends the tension between the two of you.
"...I-I have to use the bathroom"
"Come here"
The woman swoops you into her arms and Carries you out the bedroom into a hallway, there isn't much scenery though at the end of the hall you catch some glimpses of some plants decorating the room they sit in, you would have never guessed a woman like her would be into keeping plants, it's cute...
the woman opens another door revealing a tidy bathroom, it's just your average bathroom. Bar of soap on the counter top next to the faucet, a toilet, a shower, typical bathroom necessities.
She places you onto the ground allowing you to stand by yourself, and also allowing the cold air around you to brush against your lewd body, making you cover yourself out of shame and embarrassment.. you almost forgot that you were practically nude due to her body heat from her carrying you keeping you warm, it was nice...
The woman must have noticed your reflexes as she begins to shut the door before sliding a couple words in before she leaves
"I took your cloths because there was blood on them, and now there stained. I'll give you one of my sweaters."
Finally shutting the door on her way out, you blush from the fact the you'd be wearing one of her clothing items..
Your sitting in the bathroom, though usually you have your phone. And since you don't, all your mind can do is think, think about your complex feeling towards that woman..
You feel hot, heat rising up to your face as you think about the way she bridal style carried you just now, how she threw you over her shoulders back at the church, how you want her to touch you again..
A woman you haven't even known for an hour just massacred a group of teens, and here you are sitting in her bathroom wishing for her touch again. Her strong lean figure that pressed against you.
It's too hot in this bathroom...
You walk out the bathroom, and notice the front door in the living room. This is an apartment complex, there's sure enough a neighbor across from this apartment. You could run to the neighbors and beg them for help as you explain how you been kidnapped by some lunatic.
Or at least, that could have happened. as you stand in the bedroom of your capture you spot the owner of the room sitting on the bed, gaze directing its way towards you as you enter.
"...it's hot"
You stand in place as you lightly pant and fan yourself, she watches you
You stare at her and silently beg to pull out some kind of fan, you both stare at each other until her eyes move downwards
You feel something wet run down your leg...
You now know why it's "hot"
You shy away and cover your legs, still silently whimpering, like a shameful dog.
The woman beckons you over to her, your too ashamed to move as the sticky fluid slowly gushes from your undergarments.
The woman stands and walked over too you as she grabs your chin and forces it upwards so to look at her only.
Under pressure
The woman grips your shoulders in a dominating manner and glares at you with her dark eyes
"Strip down"
Your currently backed into a corner while dripping from your legs onto the maroon carpet as this woman is demanding that you embarrass yourself even more than you already are. your so embarrassed in fact, that you couldn't even bring yourself to answer with your voice, all you can do is look down and shake your head..
The woman, displeased, moves her hands from your shoulders around to your back. Unbuckling your bra
You gasp as you hold your bra cups to your chest in attempt to prevent her from doing anything else.
"Move your hands for me"
Your hands sink to your side in defeat... you feel so humiliated as she continues to strip you out of your bra. Sliding the straps off of your shoulders as you start to slightly tear up. Your (sadly) small boobs spring out as she removes the bra cups from your boobs.
"Good girl"
The woman praises you as she tosses the bra onto the carpet, now feeling around to your small breasts. Kneading your boobs that barely fit in her palm, She pinches your nipples, making your nipples harden and now sensitive to the touch. The contact making your back slightly arch as little grunts threatening to escaping your lips
Giving one last squeeze to your breasts, slowly, her hands move down your waist to your hips. She crouches down and her face inches away from your clothed pussy
The wetness seeping through the fabric of your panties, as you shiver from the cold hands of the woman griping your hips. Until her thumb brushes your clit from the fabric, you jolt from the contact and squeeze your legs together.
Your breath picks up from the sudden contact, panting as you look down at her. The woman looks up at you, catching you looking at her and now making eye contact. You immediately look up, avoiding eye contact.
Your thigh gap still exposing your crotch, the woman continues to tease your soaking pussy through your underwear. Rubbing her thumb on your clit through the wet fabric of your panties.
Two fingers pull down the front of your panties, peaking at the wet lips that you tried to avoid being seen to no avail. Her thumbs sneak under your pantie lining and began to pull down on them. Pulling down the fabric just enough for them to slide down your legs and pool around your ankles onto the floor.
You are now completely naked, and at the complete mercy of the white haired woman whose tongue is inching its way to your throbbing clit
Without warning, the woman wraps her lips around your sensitive clit, making a shameful moan you tried to cover with your lips
She edges your clit with her tongue, swiping her wet tongue across your soaked lips. Licking up every trace like a hound dog. She firmly holds your ass with her hands deepening her face further into you as she holds you in place
She pulls your ass further to her making your knees bend, you feel yourself about to give out as you balance yourself against the wall as she continues to suck away.
The more she fondles her tongue on your clit, the more you feel yourself spilling over the edge. You lightly buckle your hips forward into her face, she pulls back, licking her lips as she releases her hands from you ass that gripped to your flesh, leaving little nail marks
You wasn't able to cum since she stopped tongue playing your clit. but the way she hungrily stairs you down, you think she has more plans of exploring you inside and out.
She stands up and swiftly grabs you by the waist and carries you back to the bed, still extra soak, your small boobs slightly jiggle from the sudden movement,
She then sits down on the bed, still clothed, and wraps her hands around your waist and pulls you to her
"Come here, pretty girl"
You blush and look down to where she wants you to sit. She rubs her knee, pulling your hips towards her as your slit glazes her kneecap.
You shyly sit yourself onto her thigh
Your arms squeeze her suit as support as she holds your back as her other hands moves towards your ass and rubs your cheek.
Now, straddling her thigh, Your already sensitive clit makes contact with the fabric of her suit pants,  and you jolt from the contact.
You try to sit up to avoid the contact but was denied by the sudden hands on your hips shoving you even harder down onto her thigh, making you lightly moan out.
The woman moves your hips back and forth on your thighs, driving you crazy from all the pressure on your clit. Wet streaks covered the woman's thighs under you as you quiver from the contact of her cold hands forcefully rubbing you back and force against her. your little body vs. Her big strong hands are no match and all you can do is take it.
The heat starts to boil inside you and your dirty urges start to seep out from pure lust for more, roughly gripping at her shirt as your soft moans become more louder with each passing minute on her thigh, until the woman suddenly stops.
Though, you don't
Now, you yourself are rubbing your wet slit sloppily all over her thigh with eager pleasure, and the woman looks pleased. Looking down at you intensely as you bury your face into her chest.
"Good girl"
The woman moves your chin up to look up at her as you continue riding her thigh, and rubs your forehead in approval motions, praising you as your needy little pussy dirties up her thigh with your juices.
The woman brings your chin up higher as your pussy struggles to stay in touch with her thigh, she also lowers her head and your lips make contact. Her lips roughly taking yours into a deep kiss as she begins slipping her tongue into your mouth. Now tonguing each other, your tongues wrap around each other as you bounce up and down on her thigh. It's so hot, too hot..
The woman breaks the kiss and stares at you deeply
"Cum for me baby"
You begin riding faster, your riding becomes sloppy and more rough as your climax approaches. Now riding as fast as you can, you cum all over her thigh, as the liquids drowse her thigh dripping onto the carpet.
Your tired and sweaty to feel embarrassment and fall backwards, only before the woman catches you before you completely fall off her thigh.
Picking you up and laying you down onto the soft sheets. About to drowsy off, as you hear the sound of the unzipping of a pant fly and unbuttoning on cloths then hitting the ground in your half conscious state.
The woman opens her side drawer and rummages through it, pulling out something.
You hear the *click* sound and the rustling of something, before the woman crawls into the bed and hangs over you.
You too tired to react as she lifts your legs and spreads them apart, laying them to the side of her hips. You never would have expected what she pulled out of that drawer was, until she inserted the tip inside of you, your eyes shoot open to see the identity of the foreign object.
A big, black dildo strapped to the now naked woman is slowly inserting itself into your pussy
"W-wait! Slower! It's too big!"
"You'll fit"
The dildo continues pushing its way inside you as it stops, now gently pumping in and out of your slot.
"Ngh mmffma'am.. gentle.." you pled
You being too dry is no issue, due to you already dripping all over the place, your hole happily obliges to the strap on pumping in and out your needy pussy.
The woman continues to pump the strap on in and out of you eventually increasing the pace of the movement making you pant and breathless, it's hot, and hard to breath from how much our panting and moaning.
"Ungh, uck, *hic* nghh-ma'am!"
"Breath baby"
The woman cups your cheeks as she continues to fuck your tight pussy as you both stare into each others eyes,
"Can you take it all for me baby? Hm? Can you go deeper?"
"Y-yes mmmma'amm, ngh, I can take it ms.."
"Good girl, you can take it"
The woman plunged deeper inside you, sinking into your hole as your pussy takes it in with no problem
"Ngh! A- S-Slow down!"
The woman rams into you at a merciless pace, as the sound of wet gushing sounds and your loud guilty moans fill the room
Your brain feels like it's starting to melt as you try to drift away from reality as your head tilts back. But rough hands grasp hold of your head, forcing your to look back at her
"Look at me, pretty girl"
You comply, looking at her with pleading eyes, eyes pleading for more as she rams into you at a sloppy pace as you feel yourself spilling over the edge
"Cum for me sweetheart"
Your eyes roll to the back of your head. Not without the loudest shameful moan you had let out as you hit your climax and cum, messing the bed in your wetness
"Huugghh.. hugh.. hughh.."
"Pretty girl, you did so well"
She strokes your hair, pushing it out of your face, u feel fuzzy. But too tired to care.
She rustles around the room, cleaning up the toys, cleaning up blankets, and came back with a towel to clean up your messy legs, spreading them apart and gently rubbing it over your pampered slot. Then throwing it onto the floor while still keeping her eye set onto you. The only thing on her mind is you
Even tho she didn't get too much action on her own body, your pleasure is her pleasure. Seeing you look up at her embarrassed and lustful for only her turns her on like nothing else
The woman, still naked, climbs into bed and wraps her arm around you in a sort of head lock position, but a gentle one, while another pulls you closer as she spoons your limp body.
"Mmh, miss..?" You say, sloppily, drooling from the need to sleep
"Whats.. what's your name..?"
First writing😭 hope it’s good
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mslanna · 6 months
Raphael returning to the House of Hope as a blushy mess after an encounter with his little mouse and Haarlep needling him about it to try to get a reaction. Maybe the incubus's initial attempts don't get much of a reaction beyond Raphael telling them to just be quiet and so Haarlep suggests that maybe they should have their way with the moral to see what all the fuss is about, which is what caused Raphael's composure to break for a moment as he snarls a 'Don't you dare' or something. Then Haarlep could just needle him further by commenting on the cambion's strong reaction and teasing that maybe they should get Tav's form as it might be the only way to get Raphael to top them for a change.
A second part to this prompt ficlet... (also available on AO3)
Do That Mouth Mouse
Raphael stared at the space Tav had occupied moments ago. His mouth still tingled from their unexpected assault. Such indolence! How dare a mere mortal lay hands on him like that!
Only Tav had not laid hands on him. Something he regretted more than he admitted. With a wave of his hand, Raphael dismissed Korrilla and Yurgir. Something inside him was about to explode and he needed his servants whole.
With long strides, he stalked into his House of Hope. Everything was still in order. The only thing Tav had taken were his Gloves of Giant Hill Strength. Easy enough to replace. Helsik would return them as she did every time. Such a simple plan to unmask intruders.
Raphael stared at the Gloves of the Tyrant. Did Tav think he wouldn't notice they swapped them? And whatever was he going to do with them? The reason he tried them on was of course to check on their abilities. Not because Tav might have used them, might have had their hands touch what he touched now.
The kiss lingered. Unexpected. Unapologetic. Unrestrained. At least the reason that his mouth was wide open for Tav was that he had been talking. Nothing else. Raphael put the gloves back. Maybe he should get his body back in line. Feed it familiar relief to overwrite new desires. He was a devil. By the hells, he would act like one.
Raphael strode into the boudoir, where Haarlep perked up on the luxurious bed. Their red skin bled into the red sheets and though their services were excellent and never failed, Raphael hesitated. The delicious tension that budded in his body, seeped away at the sight of his personal incubus.
"Look who has deigned to return." Haarlep looked him over. "Long day?"
"Are you asking me?" Raphael decided to switch tracks. Haarlep had been busy earlier. Finding out why when there were no guests on his schedule might be a good distraction from other unexpected guests.
"My, my. Somebody is grumpy." Haarlep opened their arms. "Come. Let me make it go away."
"Is that what you offered your earlier guest?" The devil stalked towards his incubus. "And what did you take away? Their soul? Their form? Everything?"
"I knew you'd be feeling that one." Unrepentant, Haarlep slid of the bed. "I made sure you would. A little something since you couldn't be there in person."
"And why would I want that?"
"Now, now. Who has ben raving about a little mortal mouse day and night lately?" The incubus exaggerated a thoughtful face. "Oh right. It was you. So when your morsel appeared on my doorstep, well what a disservice to us all to just let them go."
Raphael hissed. "Tav was here?"
"Wasn't that obvious. I mean, you did meet them on their way out?"
That Raphael had. The memory would not go under. Now it was joined by the echoes of the pleasure he had felt earlier. His little mouse. His incubus. What a waste. "And what, pray tell, did you take? Not their soul, that much I know."
"Unfortunately not, no. Such a succulent soul that one has." Haarlep licked their lips. "But I was good. Such a good pet." They came up to their master and rubbed suggestively against his side. "I got you a sweet little present. Do you want to see it?"
"A mere copy," Raphael cloaked the hum of his body with disdain.
"Perfect to the last detail," Haarlep purred into his ear. They transform a hand and run it down the devil's chest.
Raphael stiffened though he knew that even this told Haarlep everything they needed to know.
"How very possessive." The incubus wound around their tense master. "What a shame to let all this aggressive energy go to waste." Their hands slipped below Raphael's belt. "When we could be having so much fun."
"Fun for you maybe," Raphael spit with more conviction than he felt. His thoughts were already miles away, tasting Tav's mouth and skin and everything.
"Oh, I think you will enjoy yourself as well." Haarlep thrust the transformed hand down Raphael's trousers through the tail hole. The devil jerked, but didn't move away.
"It was rather difficult to get my name from their lips," Haarlep continued. "They kept calling for you."
"Did they now." The kiss invading his mouth still lingered in Raphael's mind. "Then it may be time to let them know what they missed."
He took a step towards his incubus and waved a hand. It was all Haarlep needed. They changed and did not bother with the harness. Tav stood before the devil, naked and mischief in their eyes.
"I told them I will find out how they work, what gets them going and makes them sweat." Haarlep turned slowly, displaying their new form.
"Then let's not make you a liar." Raphael trailed a finger down Tav's arm. Even Haarlep's voice matched that of his unruly annoyance. With a little imagination, it would them under his fingers. "Let's find out all of the things that make them weak."
And whine. And writhe under him. And cry his name in desperate need. Raphael had many images in his mind and Tav would feel them all.
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