#you gain a following get some notoriety
yeyinde · 5 months
old shane would want us to pirate watcher content
oh, yeah. without any hesitation, either. he'd tell us to rob new Shane and leave his body for the dogs.
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rebelspykatie · 8 months
Steve joins a fraternity because of his father, slots himself easily into the most prestigious fraternity on campus as a legacy. All the guys envy him, his father’s name following him, branding him as a top dog, even as a lowly freshman. The other pledges either resent him or suck up to him, hoping some of that Harrington charm will rub off on them. 
Steve’s done what’s expected of him his whole life, but college gives him that taste of freedom he’s longed for. When he starts dating Eddie, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Besides Robin, he’s the first person that really sees Steve. He’s not a Harrington, or King Steve, or a legacy pledge. He’s just Steve and it’s intoxicating. 
Expectations weigh heavily on Steve. He’s bound to disappoint. He’s used to being the prettiest person in the room, but not the smartest, and the future his father has laid out for him is outside of his capabilities. He’s never going to be a lawyer and take over his father’s firm. He’s never going to be as smart as his little brother Dustin. He’s never going to be anything besides a trophy husband at this rate, good at spending daddy’s money and looking good on social media. 
But Eddie makes him feel like he’s more. More than his father’s name, more than the notoriety he brings to his house. What’s not easy, is that Eddie is in a rival fraternity. Steve begged him not to go to the dark side, but Eddie couldn’t be swayed. The stuffy, prestigious nature of Steve’s house didn’t appeal to Eddie. No, he was drawn to the misfits, the house of slackers and party animals. He wanted to have fun, not make a name for himself. Steve wishes he had that freedom.
The rivalry gets between them, pranks wars gone wrong, comments on how they’re fraternizing with the enemy. Eddie’s better than Steve at ignoring it. It gets under his skin and festers. Eddie’s never on time, always partying with his brothers, late night dnd sessions that seem to be more important than their dates. When Eddie misses a function and leaves Steve standing there alone like an idiot, it’s the last straw and they part ways. 
It’s hard to avoid your ex when you’re on the same campus, just a few houses down from each other. But Steve gets over Eddie by getting under Tommy. He falls prey to his father’s expectations again and sees Tommy as the advantageous match he could be. They’re closer to equals, rich fathers and ambitions that get the best of them. 
It’s easy with Tommy in a different way, the way they both know deep down it’s a political match. They’re both gaining something from this. Tommy gets the hottest guy on campus on his arm, the future leader of their fraternity, and Steve gets to tell his father he’s not messing up his entire life dating a directionless, no-name loser from the worst fraternity on campus. Even if his father’s comments on Eddie make his blood boil, wanting to leap to Eddie's defense, even if he doesn’t deserve it after abandoning Steve. 
Steve’s never been made of the hard stuff like his father or Tommy, he’s always been brittle, too soft on the inside, too fragile to handle that kind of pressure long term. And it cracks, blows up in his face when Dustin wants to pledge and finds Tommy cheating on him with Carol. 
Dustin is less scared of their father, not the firstborn, never expected to take over the business, but he’s also inherently got more freedom because he’s known since he was a kid that he wanted to be a polymer engineer. That path is straightforward and one filled with accolades that impress, the kind of degree you can name drop at a business meeting and not be embarrassed about, because you know Dustin’s not destitute and broke. Dustin’s also never been good at the game their father plays. He’s honest and kind, even if he’s a sarcastic little shit. 
It shocks everyone when Dustin decides to rush Eddie’s fraternity. It’s become a home to misfits in the Greek system, the ones that don’t realy fit in anywhere else. Probably because they’re less worried about grades and more worried about their dnd campaigns and how many nerds they can collect under one roof. That should’ve been enough of a clue for Steve on where he’d land, but Steve is still blindsided by it. Mostly because it inadvertently brings Eddie back into his life. 
Suddenly he’s around every corner, teasing Steve about Dustin, asking more questions about their home life than he ever did while they were together, like there’s no bad blood between them and with a hint of understanding behind his eyes. He even checks in on Steve post Tommy fiasco. It tugs at something in his gut, tricks Steve into thinking Eddie still cares, that he didn’t abandon him because he found out how little Steve has to offer. That he didn’t get tired of Steve not being enough. 
Maybe Steve’s ready to give Eddie another chance. Maybe they deserve another chance at something real, especially when the universe keeps pulling them together. Steve wants something that’s his for once, something he built on his own, something that his father has no hand in. Eddie Munson might just be the very thing that saves Steve from himself. 
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snootlestheangel · 1 month
Here's one of the better ideas I've had in a hot minute that I forgot about for a couple of days (it appeared when I was trying to fall asleep and I thought about it so good I slept really hard and it disappeared until this morning)
Combining fantasy and modern day
Price, Soap, and Gaz are still the 141 and are still SAS and still highly skilled soldiers. It's still a modern military for them, and everything is just about the same.
The fantasy element comes with assassins.
There's a worldwide understanding basically that any country, place, person, what have you, can hire an assassin for whatever purpose. They're kind of an independent, neutral organization that regulates how much an individual should be making based on the task they're being asked to do (assassins but if they unionized)
But they're not called an assassin
They're Reapers.
Unnamed ghouls of darkness that leave behind a trail of bodies everywhere they go.
Its a dangerous job, one that's short lived and where one dies unknown and uncared for. It's why seniority ranks so high for Reapers, and usually the senior a Reaper, the more notorious they've become. The most notorious Reapers get named, not only by other Reapers, but by the world. But these are few and far between.
The most notorious was named Grimm. It's presumed he was the first Reaper and the most successful. He had a whopping thirty year long career, and an impressive number of confirmed kills.
Then there's Plague, War, Shadow, and Oni. *yall see the vision?*
All Reapers wear dark, more form fitting clothes. Perfect to blend in and move around undetected. The named ones get ornate masks, still made of dark colors to blend in, but an image that imprints on people that are lucky to survive.
But then there's Ghost. The only Reaper to wear white. The saying there is "when you're so good at your job, what's the point in following the dress code?"
He has a decent career now of ten years. In his early two years, he was the laughingstock of Reapers. A Reaper who wears white? Surely I'll see him coming!
But it's how he earned his name faster than any other named Reaper. After just two years, people quickly realized the white mask didn't make a difference. He was lethality personified. He was there and then he wasn't, like a ghost. There's definitely some play about ghosts always being portrayed as white sheets with holes in them.
But Reapers have a bit of power in their own to choose who they worked for, what they do, and for how much.
Reapers could place bids on anyone/thing asking for assistance from one of them. The actual bidding process is unknown to any organization that isn't a Reaper, and being bid on isn't always a good thing. Sometimes it means Reapers want to take YOU out, and they're competing to see who gets the honors. Seniority and notoriety gave bonus "points" to the bids, and named Reapers usually won everything they bid on because of those extra points gained: and usually just because of those extra points *wink wink*
Task Force 141 is stuck dealing with a massive terrorist network and they're having trouble taking out many of their targets.
So against what is considered ethical, they make the announcement they're looking for a Reaper.
And the bids started off high. Most Reapers only bid to be the one so they could see how high the numbers got.
Laswell is the one fortunate enough to inform the boys when the bid closes and they get their Reaper. It's an official message from an unknown origin, impossible to trace. It details how big of a deal this particular bid was for the Reapers, and Laswell shares it with the team.
Their Reaper won by a landslide, Laswell informs. She tells them how even just base bid points, excluding any seniority and notoriety points, the Reaper had outbid the next one by over a thousand points. The bonus points accumulated another 10,000.
And they're all sitting there in shock, cause holy shit, who would bid that high in the first place and who has that much in bonus points????
The message Laswell got?
"Congrats. Your bid broke records, with the winner's base bid being over a thousand points higher than the next. This excludes the ten thousand in points earned from seniority and notoriety. Ghost will dictate the price at his arrival. Best of luck."
A rather shocking way to learn that The Ghost had bid so high on their little team's efforts.
The reason he bid so high, you may be wondering?
Well he wasn't about to let any other Reaper work for his husband, now was he?
Of course, poor Soap MacTavish is in for a world of surprise when he learns his quiet husband Simon Riley is the most notorious Reaper to date.
I have a couple little sneak peek ideas brewing for anyone that wants to ask. I'm just gonna let this settle first 😁
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In the face of recent news about our beloved Destiny, I think it’s more important than ever for us as a community to come together and support each other in numerous ways.
It’s been a very hard week for all of us, especially those who lost their jobs and outlet for their passion in mass lay offs. Losing a position that allowed you to craft magnificent stories alongside some of the most ambitious people in the gaming industry, especially in worrying economic circumstances, must be excruciating to deal with and I wish the best for all those laid off from Bungie.
For us fans, it hurts more than anything to see the game you care so much for get put in headlines for how little that care is shared amongst the people responsible for making decisions on it. I’ve been into Destiny since it first dropped, making it the love of my life for nearly two-thirds of my whole existence , and to hear about how it’s just another product to be sold when it’s everything and more to me is just despairing. I wanted to become a writer and concept artist to create a game for others that made them feel as cared for as I did when I played Destiny and now I’m sitting here seeing all the people who helped foster that feeling be treated as another expenditure.
It’s awful, a lot of us are feeling really uninspired and betrayed at the moment, not sure we even want to see what will happen to this masterpiece of a game in the hands of the current executives. We are also dearly missing the developers, artists, writers, and more who made Destiny more than a fps looter shooter.
But it is times like these where we are torn and confused that we must uplift one another and not let the bitter taste of Bungie’s actions make us speak with hostility. This is not about decisions on whether to support Bungie or the actual game, but about refocusing on what truly makes Destiny enjoyable to so many.
Its world is immersive with care put into every story and that clearly shows in just how eager fans are to create masterpieces for it. It was never playing the game or the notoriety that kept me coming back for more, but the joy of creation I could share with others.
It stings to see a disinterest in nursing the potential of the Destiny universe from the executives with motivations other than monetary gain, but when the executives won’t care, we can. There are still employees at Bungie who adore their work and we can continue to support them by speaking up against horrible industry practices and show that we won’t abandon their efforts to make Destiny what it is.
Make ocs, write fanfictions, follow the former employees wherever they go, draw til your heart is overflowing, join Discords, roleplay, share headcanons, create aus with friends, do whatever keeps Destiny alive and flourishing for you!
Destiny will never die to me, even when it’s long forgotten and the servers shut down, because Destiny made me who I am and I intend to repay that gift an infinite amount of times over. The characters and universe will be alive and well to me until I die, regardless of the fate of the game and Bungie.
So go out and prove that Destiny’s themes of the power of community and hope are more than just morals behind a screen, that they are life changing messages that we will carry on despite hopeless news!!
Reblog charming artists, message people about ships you enjoy, leave questions and tags that contribute to conservations, write essays about what Destiny means to you!!
My messages and inbox for questions are always open if anyone would like to talk (I’m trying to get better at answering them, even if they are months late)! You are all welcome here and I want to start reblogging and liking more freely even if those things scare me sometimes!
We can decide our fates and we can decide the fate of Destiny’s presence in our lives as well! We can choose to care when others won’t and refuse to make our enjoyment debatable!! In troubling times, we should be able to reach out into the dark and find hands to hold onto tight!!
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crack-art-n-stuff · 1 year
Little Lap Dog
"Heros can't save everyone. Villains are proof of that."
You couldn't recall where you first heard that. Nevertheless, it was something that stuck with you. You could call yourself a decent example you supposed. You never begged for a perfect life. All you wanted was to be loved. Something you failed to receive from your family unconditionally. Their love was purely transactional. Bring home accomplishments, you'd receive praise and attention. Bring home anything less, receive cold indifference.
It was fairly similar with your friends. Only there for the good times. People don't love without benefits. Sad, but a reality you came to accept. Sweet words and heartfelt eyes were something you vied for, yet never trusted.
It came to a point where you thought, "If I don't get love or care from anyone, isn't it only right I don't give it to anyone in return?"
This could be called the trigger for the following events.
It didn't take you long to gain notoriety in the dark and grimy world of villainy. Your ruthless actions, coldhearted temperament, but also your charisma. A sweet smile here, honeyed words there. Adaptable and observant, you always seemed to know what to say and to whom.
For someone as young as you, still only in your early 20s, you looked at the world with such callousness. That being said, you knew when and where to acknowledge others. Take your three most loyal henchmen, for example. You treated them fairly, paid them well, and usually treated them fairly humanely.
More than a few lower-level grunts have questioned you about this. You always replied the same. With a lovely smile and cold eyes, you'd say, "Want to be treated the same? Prove you're worthy of such treatment."
That usually kept them quiet and busy, but their sudden increase in injuries also might have contributed.
"You shouldn't worry about it too much, Boss." Amor smiled, cuddling closer to your thighs. "That just proves they aren't good enough."
From his kneels spot on the ground, he nuzzled his cherry-dusted cheek on your leg.
"Want me to get rid of them? You don't need someone so useless. You deserve better."
You gently began to stroke Amor's hair. You didn't want to mess it up after all that time he put into it, but he did speak well. So, you rightfully rewarded him.
He gave you a closed eye smile, in such a peaceful and proud manner. He was always like that.
Your adorable little lap dog, Amor. He always knew when to come running to improve your mood. He was a little stray you picked up on a whim, but he turned out well. Other than his powers, a strength of his was his flowery perfumed words. Though, they were still nothing but words, to you. Whenever he presented you with a bouquet of flowery poetry, you'd hold it in your hands but never accept it. It'd reach your ears, but never your heart.
And it seemed like he knew that.
That had yet to stop him from giving those lovesick eyes. That wide unconscious grin. Those gentle fingers that'd reach out for you.
It was as if knowing you had no love to give, he'd give enough for both of you and then some.
And, over time, it became clear that he wasn't the only one.
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hollersparrow · 1 month
why the fuck was all might allowed to be a teacher. he's teaching at what is widely regarded as the best school in the country, particularly for heroes, but also just in general from what i understand. there is no way in HELL that a school like that would let a person who is uncertified and has no higher education to teach, regardless of how famous they are or how much pressure the hpsc put on the school or even how eclectic and eccentric the school/its teaching styles are. there is simply no fucking way.
at most he'd be allowed to be a guest in some of the hero classes to provide additional feedback, etc etc. he probably couldn't even do administrative work as that generally requires either ample teaching experience or some level of training/school to do as a job.
also, i don't care how much nedzu loves chaos, he also loves his job and wants to protect/care for his students. he would not just skip over all might's lack of ability for this, no way no how; he would expect him to follow the rules set up to ensure that the teachers are equipped to handle the position and to teach the students
semi-related to the above, it is a personal headcanon of mine that many of the UA teachers are not as popular or as widely regarded as other heroes BECAUSE THEY HAD TO GET A TEACHING DEGREE. many of them worked as heroes or sidekicks to gain field experience but did so while also attending university to get an undergraduate degree AT THE LEAST. then, depending on the person, they either went straight into a teaching assistantship or continued working as a hero for a few more years to get more experience. however, many of them weren't able to reach higher levels of notoriety simply because they didn't have the time or the energy to market themselves and they ALSO didn't have a need to, as they were working towards a different goal.
for some, especially those in the support course (i'm thinking powerloader but i'm sure there's others), i could see there being waivers like many schools offer for folks teaching a trade (at least in the US). if you've worked in a trade for long enough, you might only need to get your teaching license which is usually not as long as getting a degree since your work experience shows that you know what you're doing. so i could see some of the teachers for support courses or even business courses being hired through a similar process.
i also think that most of the teachers don't work as heroes during the school year. i think that they keep active hero licenses and are able to be called on at any time (i could also see staff wide training/sparring being a part of this), but that they generally are taken off the roster. there are definitely some exceptions to this, like aizawa who's quirk is super valuable and who is also insanely willing to sacrifice himself and his health to help others (he needs therapy and some sessions on how to set boundaries). i think yamada is also an outlier with his radio show, although i think that started while he was getting his teaching degree and was working for the university's radio channel and he just decided to keep up with it. however, everyone else just teaches and then picks up freelance work during the summers (also see them only being on 10 month contracts or an equivalent type of work schedule).
i also know next to nothing about the requirements for teaching in japan, so take most of this with a grain of salt. but, at the same time, i think bits and pieces of this are probably universal.
it should probably also be mentioned that i really like bnha for the potential and the amount of room left for fanfic and the fandom to play around in the sandbox that is the world that Horikoshi Kōhei has created but i literally can not finish the manga or the anime. i have tried. multiple times. and i can't get past the sports festival for either of them. so maybe this gets better explained or something or maybe my standpoints on the characters are a little off.
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nightspace-comic · 5 months
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Hey there! We're super excited to announce the official launch date for NightSpace, a new indie comic written and drawn by @runthelongkon!
NightSpace is a sci-fi/fantasy adventure comic following a group of intrepid friends on their journey through the stars. (See the full summary under the read more)
Stay tuned for some fun promotional materials leading up to the launch, as we get to know some of our main characters!
You can follow the comic in its original format on the official site (www.nightspacecomic.com/) and also on Webtoons!
Official Summary: The small upstart terrorist group Nightlight has been gaining notoriety throughout the Paelur System. After a surprise attack on the isolated planet of Afybia, an even smaller group of unwarrantedly confident friends decide to put an end to this. ‘NightSpace’ is an epic sci-fi fantasy adventure that follows these underdogs as they gather unlikely allies, refuse to acknowledge how highly the odds are stacked against them, and realize the truth of the situation might not be what they thought.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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Happy Birthday to the actor Tony Curran born 13th December 1969 in Glasgow.
Tony took to acting while still in his teens, he recalls the days in the Scottish Youth Theatre with Gerard Butler. Young Anthony Curran went on to attend the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama before gaining notoriety with a prominent role on the BBC series This Life. He would go on to make a name for himself in movies with a sci-fi/fantasy bent, like The 13th Warrior, Blade II, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Beowulf, of his small screen credits, our old favourite Taggart returns after not appearing on Kenneth Cranham’s CV yesterday!
Curran has made a name for himself in over the Atlantic in a number of US shows which include, Numb3rs, Medium, 24, Sons of Anarchy and Elementary. His most notable appearances over here have been in the ITV series Ultimate Force, Dr Who, as Vincent van Gogh , and more recently in the E4/Netflix original series Crazyhead.
Tony appeared in the 2018 Netflix film Outlaw King about Robert the Bruce and the Wars of Scottish Independence, where he played the part of Aonghus Óg of Islay, ( Angus Macdonald) chief of Clann Domhnaill. Back over in the states he has recently been in Ray Donovan, which is a great series series and few episodes of the CBS show SEAL Team. He also turned up in the mini series, Your Honor, which also stars the excellent US actor Brian Cranston of Breaking Bad fame, it’s great hearing Scottish accents in US shows, don’t you think?
Tony is another guy I follow on twitter, the guy has a heart of gold, I remember he tweeted “Me and my lass woke up this morning temperatures dropping compelled to help our homeless, loaded up some blankets pillows clothes, sweaters jackets, I’m sure we all have stuff we can donate, it all helps.” He was then out on the streets handing them out to the homeless, Tony was involved in a charity weekender with all funds raised going to St Mary’s & St Alphonsus and the great community work they do. He has in the past played charity football matches in Glasgow.
In the past couple of years Tony has been playing Despero in the Super Hero series The Flash, Tony has also appeared in the US movie, Two Deaths of Henry Baker where he plays a town Sheriff, this year he appeared in the US crime series The Calling, the show has some good reviews on IMDB with a 7.1/10 rating, and in an episode of the US show For All Mankind
Last year Tony appeared in a homegrown project. The two part “series”, Mayflies is set in a Scotland and Manchester in the 80′s Martin Compston co-stars along with new Shetland star Ashley Jensen, it is on BBC1 on December 28th. The show is based on a novel by Scottish author Andrew O'Hagan's book of the same name. It tells the story of Jimmy (Compston) and Tully (Curran) who ignite an “unforgettable friendship” defined by music, films and their shared rebellious spirit in a small Scottish town in the 1980s. if you haven't seen it, please look it up, and keep the hankies close by.
In the past couple of years Tony has appeared in a couple of US series, an unexpected second season of Your Honor and Secret Invasion.
On fame Tony commented;
"I've been lucky. I don't for a minute take for granted the good fortune I have had. You don't like to get ideas above your station, especially a boy from the south side of Glasgow."
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More Nonsense from My Ambrosius Stan Account Post:
As someone who got on Tumblr a couple years ago not really knowing the culture and rarely posts because I don't think anyone cares about the silly worms in my brain I'd like to give everyone who thought it was funny and left a like or a tag or a reblog a very I Love You and here is some more thoughts about it I had through the day that I thought nobody would care about but am posting now
The account was named @gold_loin_love and gained notoriety for being the only stan account Ambrosius actually followed
During the live stream Ballister answered the questions (that he had his followers submit beforehand) while still in character, despite the fact that he was laughing his ass off and Ambrosius was with him.
Example: "'Do you think Ballister and Ambrosius are going to get divorced?' Absolutely. They're terrible together and honestly not even cute. They probably had some cringy beach wedding with their weird pink child officiating. Ew, next question"
Ambrosius would frequently interject
"Do I think Ambrosius was toxic for cutting off Ballister's arm?"
Ambrosius, stealing the phone: "Yes he needs to be cancelled immediately."
Ballister, taking it back: "Wrong that weird creep deserved it to be honest"
He read a couple questions that were defending him and after giving them his joke answer about how they were wrong, thanked them sincerely
(sad time) The first thing he posted after the events of the movie, during which he obviously wasn't posting although how fucking funny would it have been to be Ambrosius and see Ballister's fake stan account post "lol get his ass I hope he died" over footage of him MAIMING HIM in light of all that was happening was "I'm sorry that I've been gone, the death of the Queen really took a toll on me, she was a real role model and inspiration of mine. I'm especially sorry to Ambrosius. I wish I hadn't run away. I wish I'd been there for you through all this, I know it must have been so hard. I really hope everyone forgives him."
(sad time over, silliness resumed) He'd use the account to make fun of Ambrosius and himself in every capacity imaginable
"Check out what Ambrosius wore to the national conference, I love how it's so shiny you can't tell how busy and incongruent the patterns are 😍 we love a maximalist king!!!"
"Ballister Ballhard surprises nobody wearing armor he got at the emo booth of a Renaissance Fair."
There is so much potential for this and I'd love to see more of Ballister being a silly goofball
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commbowman · 8 months
Prompts for comfortable intimacy: guide and tie.
(The tie will come later lmao. Also I hope you don’t mind that I chose these prompts 😳)
- @frankpooleunofficial
It was one of the busiest gatherings of the year, and Frank had decided that it was getting boring.
Sure, he appreciated the generous donations from politicians to the state space program, but it was more of the same thing all the time. The next big bank-breaking mission hadn’t been announced yet, but Poole was forced to be there instead of just being invited, so he assumed it must be the night. Oh well; he could have fun and avoid the press until after all that was said and done.
Suddenly, an obnoxious voice pierced his sense of tranquility, and he saw Dave Bowman cornered by a group of chattering older men. Some people obviously can’t take a hint, he thought. At least I can read a face when I try.
He decided his new mission was to get Dave the hell out of there, then sneak out for a bit. He’d come back just before the board began its speeches.
“Hey! Hope I’m not missing out on too much,” he teased.
“No, not at all,” said one of the men.
“Nope, we’re just making conversation.”
“Good,” he started. “Well, I hope you boys don’t mind if I steal your buddy here, do ya? I need help finding something and I think he saw where I put it.”
Frank moved in beside Dave. He could practically hear the other’s teeth grinding.
“Oh, you go ahead! We won’t keep you two.” Thank god.
“Thanks,” Frank slipped his hand around his friend’s waist and pulled him through the crowd, guiding him through a horde of people dressed in fancy evening gowns and pressed suits.
They made it to the front of house with few witnesses, and Frank slipped into the coat check without a sound. Dave was still following, and he squinted as they entered the dark room.
He never minded gatherings like this, there was decent food and sometimes a good conversation or two. Sure, most of it was begging for money but he found a way to get something out of it.
All that was required of him was to be nice and answer a question or two if they really needed him. One of many. Except lately he had been gaining so notoriety, and don’t get him wrong he likes it. As much as anyone would when their hard work pays off with attention, as much as anyone in the field ones their five minutes of fame. But he wasn’t expecting the downside so soon.
They swarmed him.
His gaze locks onto Frank, the first young face he’d seen for the better part of an hour. He made his eyes large in the universal symbol - help me -. His smile grew faker for the rest of the group, harder to maintain without breaking his jaw.
Oh darn! Looks like I’m needed elsewhere. Aw shucks fellas…
“Oh that’s right, I know just where it is,”
He’s helping.
Stop helping.
Dave moved as quickly as he was directed to. Swift and infinitely grateful for the escape. All the tension left his shoulders as they maneuvered through the well dressed crowd.
“Thanks for saving me out there,” he said in the dark of the coat room. Dripping with relief, he grabs at one of the coat racks to ground himself as his eyes adjust.
“You’re my hero,” he chuckles.
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slxsherwriter · 6 months
Unlikely Hero
Fandom: The Last Showing
Pairing: Stuart Lloyd & Reader (platonic with hints of something else?)
Word Count: 1,659
Warnings: Non-con touching, hints of a potential abusive relationship (not Stuart)
Author's Note: I imagine this taking place after the movie with Stuart having a plan to try and make another film. Dramatic man that he is. A follow up to Called In for Call Outs.
Tagging: @slashingdisneypasta (hope you don't mind)
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It felt a little odd, coming to the theater without being there for work. These days, you mainly watched most of your movies at home. But it had been even longer since you had been on a date. The theater seemed the most neutral and safest location to have chosen. As you looked around though, you began to second guess that decision since there seemed to be a rather thin crowd gathered around. Really, you had thought that there would be more people at midnight shows and special events. Especially after the theater had gained some local notoriety. Too late to do anything about it now though. 
Having arrived early, you purchased your own ticket. There wasn't any expectation for your date to have to pay for anything. It felt a little awkward anyway, being a first-time meeting in person. Pushing the thought from your head, lest you end up getting too nervous and bailing out, you wandered around the lobby for a few moments before spotting a familiar face standing around the concession stand. Now, that wasn't entirely usual. Wondering what he was doing, you moved over to greet him.
“Here at Midnight Cinema…” He paused mid-sentence and the bored look gave way when his eyes finally landed on you. There was the smile that you were far more familiar with. 
“Evening, Stuart.” 
“Well, good evening.” You leaned against the counter a little bit, giving the man a smile in return. It wasn't right, having him behind the counter like this. The theater only ran because of him. Yeah, they had made the transition to basically all digital, something that you did bemoan with him when it happened, but there was still a need for his skill sets. If not projection, at least running everything else. “It is a surprise to see you here this evening…”
“Yeah, a little surprising for me too,” you offered back with a small laugh. “They got you here behind the counter, huh?” Before he was able to say anything in response, someone appeared beside you.
“Hey, I thought I was going to meet you outside.” The voice was enough to cause you to straighten, turning to look at your date. 
“It was a bit chilly, so I came in.” Not the entire truth. But, there wasn't any harm in that little white lie.
“Ah, already got your ticket then? Shall we get some snacks?” He turned his attention to Stuart. Your focus stayed on him for just a moment longer. You missed the way that Stuart's smile seemed to slip ever so slightly as your date’s hand rested against your lower back, causing you to shift on your feet enough to pull away some. Too much, too quickly. “How about some popcorn and a soda? Yeah, let's go with that.” He made a motion towards Stuart, as if to get him to move more quickly. Immediately, you smacked at his arm. 
“Don't be an asshole. This theater wouldn't be what it is without Stuart. He kept this place running and could with his eyes closed even now. Have a little respect.” His head jerked back, and he looked at you like you had grown ten heads. As if to say that the man behind the counter was simply help and you were both above him. A major strike, something that caused you to pull away some more.
“It's alright, dear.” Stuart jumped in, the smile far more tight than it had been before. The smile that he often gave the manager that was running the theater now. Perhaps a little better than the last young man that had run it but still, completely unaware and unappreciative of the man and his skills. Unhappy. The poor man didn't deserve to be disrespected the way that he was. 
“No, it's not. Apologize.” The last word was directed at your date, who opted to roll his eyes and mutter out a rather pathetic apology. That spoke a volume about his character, something that was all but impossible to assess over phone calls and video chat. Treatment of others, especially when it came to others that were in what were typically considered lower end service jobs, spoke volumes about a person. Right now, you were certainly not liking what you were seeing. Stuart set down the popcorn and soda. “Thank you very much, Stuart.” 
The movie itself was enjoyable to a degree. You weren't the biggest fan of horror. But since you had decided on going to the movies, he had decided on which movie. But still, you could appreciate some of the decisions and aspects about it. The problem? Your date thought you would be a little more frightened and clingy than what was reality. Several times, he had tried to get handsy to the point that you had to bat them away. The whole evening was turning into an abundant mistake. This was a huge part of the reason that you didn't bother dating anymore. Because of assholes who didn't respect others or boundaries. Well, ultimately, it was a waste of an evening. There wasn't anything that could make it end quick enough at this rate. The very seconds seemed to tick by painfully slow. 
The quiet halls greeted you as you left, seemingly no one else left in the place. He had insisted on waiting until the others had filed out, likely in hopes of getting a little luckier than he had during the film, but you had no interest. Actually, you couldn't possibly have any less than you did. If it wouldn't have been terrible rude, you would have left during the movie. 
“Keep your hands to yourself.” God, how many times did he need to be told before he got the hint? A disgruntled sound came from your right, and your space was crowded once more. Apparently, more than just the last hint and the numerous ones before that. Pressure around your wrist pulled you to a stop. Tightening pressure. 
“Listen, you've been acting totally frigid all damn night.” Frigid? It was a first date. You were too old to be playing these sorts of games and went to jerk your wrist out of his hold but weren't able to break the grasp. A flash of panic, throat constricting for a second. This was why you had met in public.
“You're kidding, right? This is a first date!” 
“Is there a problem here?” You couldn't have been any more relieved than you were right then to hear the familiar voice. Stuart had happened upon the two of you. 
“Listen, just mind your own damn business old man.” There would be a bruise minimum as his grip tightened further, now bordering on painful. 
“Christ. You are an ass.” The comment spit out before you could help it, now openly wincing at the pain that radiated up your arm. 
“I think you should keep your hands to yourself and move on.” Never did you expect Stuart of all people to stand up for you. At that moment, it was nice to know someone else cared. At least enough to try to help. 
“And just what are you going to do about it?” Stuart stepped closer, surprising you and your date. Something flickered across his face, the way that his muscles jumped in his jaw. For a moment, the presence of the man that you knew seemed to flee. But you were the only one who picked up on it. 
“I suggest that you listen to the wishes of your date and release your hold.” The underlying threat felt deeper, but apparently, your date wasn't buying it. When Stuart's hand flicked to his side, you were shocked to see a gun. Where the hell did Stuart get a gun? That seemed to have finally properly grabbed the attention of the man beside you, though. With one last squeeze, he shoved you away from him. 
“Ain't worth it anyway.” Cradling your injured wrist to your chest, you watched him walk off, not realizing that Stuart was moving closer to you. What the hell had just happened?
“We really should get that looked at,” Stuart murmured gently, pulling you out of the daze that you had fallen into. “At the very least, you will likely need it wrapped.” Gone was whatever had come over the man, and he was back to the Stuart that you knew. 
“Thank you.” The relief was evident even to your own ears. You wanted to ask him why he had a gun, why he was working the midnight shift, and what had happened, but all the thoughts flew from your brain at that moment. Instead, you leaned into the comforting touch that came with him wrapping an arm around your shoulders. Maybe the gun had happened after the last mess here where that young man had lost his mind and nearly killed his girlfriend and Stuart. That made the most sense. “Remind me to never date again.”
“Hardly think spending all your time alone is how you really want your life to turn out. Perhaps you simply need to do a better job of vetting your candidates.” That brought out a small laugh from you as he led you towards the back and one of the offices. “I'll accompany you to the hospital.” The offer came without any prompt right now. You didn't think you could turn it down. Driving would be a bitch with one hand anyway. 
“That would be lovely. I can't thank you enough.” The smile was light, comforting, and familiar. Something much needed after the events of the evening. 
“Nothing you need to thank me for,” he hummed as he finished carefully wrapping your wrist. “There. That should at least help until the medical professionals have taken a proper look.” Handing him the keys to your car, you were never more thankful for the friendship that you have formed with the man than you were right then. 
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cheddar-baby · 7 months
something so interesting about how a very function heavy company will gain notoriety for their product by word of mouth and they'll gain a small cult following then shift their marketing from function to visuals. Dramatically changing their identity to a lifestyle brand selling aesthetics over actual functional products. It happens a lot over time with the assumption is that because they have a stable consumer base they can start going abstract because the people already buying it know what it is and why they're using it but they want to reach into a new market. It feels like an animal thats adapting a new beak for its environment or something. Or maybe more so like a new virus forming from an old ineffective one.
Being interested in advertising is such a double edged sword because of this exact thing its like inherently evil and manipulative but thats exactly what makes it so incredibly fascinating. You can really pick it apart frame by frame and see every single decision some brand expert made to get to that specific visual, that specific word. Advertising is like mysticism in that way. These people are trying to cast incantations on the viewer to sell products and they spend millions of dollars testing the word fresh vs clean (lower case to feel more approachable) to see which one has more power over you. Its semiotics ripped from the artists hands and weaponized against the general public its incredible.
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
Hi💕 I read that madoc fic and I happy madoc girlies are out there!!!! So can I request for some jealous madoc? In this au madoc isn't married with oriana and he and reader like each other but no confess. And one day in the royal party or something like that, handsome fairy man like cardan flirt with reader and.....
This is my idea and you can change and add something else like this
Thanks ✨✨
I’m glad you enjoyed it! Here you go🥰
You are the Master of Revels for the High King of Elfhame. Your dress was elegant and mysterious; long black satin with elegant gloves with snake scale patterns dotted across them. Every time you angled them differently in the light, new colors were revealed. A corn snake was wrapped lovingly around your neck. Enormous garnet drops hung from your ears.
Being the master of revels seems like an uncharacteristic job for you, but revels were not about mere amusement.They were about causing a splash. Making an impression. And at that, well, let’s just say living in Faerie had taught you to excel. Besides, all other important jobs had been taken, and you were not about to become the High King’s lover to gain power.
You walk into the ballroom, which has been elaborately decorated to your approval. Pillars of colored eyes flavored with alcohol and faerie herbs designed to lower inhibitions else put enchantments on the person who dared intake them. Roses filled with thorns of poison decorated the walls. Everything was designed to cause chaos.
Relaxed, you lounged in your chair, one leg crossed over the other, as guests started to pour in. Lords and ladies from all over faerie. Mortals holding instruments ready to play. The High King himself, followed much later by his children. You averted your eyes so that no one could see the fury upon seeing Prince Dain. The favored child, he was said to be the next High King of Elfhame. You would do anything in your power to keep that from happening after how mercilessly he has tormented you. It was why working with the High General had been perfectly convenient.
And diverting.
Your eyes were drawn to the door as soon as he walked in. Your heart melted a bit upon seeing the little girls clinging to him; one was sitting on his shoulders while another’s tiny hand was swallowed in his infinitely larger one. The eldest child stood a foot or so away, arms crossed over her chest like she couldn’t bear the sight of him.
When the party started, you slipped down from your post, looking around to see how the rest of the party was going.
Most party-goers avoided you. There were all kinds of crazy rumors about who you were and where you came from. You had let them run wild; they’d built a certain notoriety around you which kept people from messing with you.
Except the royalty. They didn’t give a shit; they thought themselves god. They were a poison to Elfhame.
After you believed a sufficient time had passed, you clinked glass, managing to get the entire crowd to be silenced.
You smiled a snake’s smile as the guests all turned to look at you. “Your Master of Revels is delighted to introduce you to the night’s entertainment: our very own Prince Dain!”
Dain smiled at her brightly, expecting this to be something good for him. You smoothly stepped away. “Prince Dain, now is your chance to demonstrate to this court how quick witted you are. If you answer my three riddles correctly, you shall receive a reward.”
Dain slid back in the hot chair that you put him in, at ease and confident. After all, no one dared insult the favored prince.
Well, as Master of Revels, you got special privileges.
You asked the first riddle: “Until you measure me, I am not known. Yet how you miss me when I have flown. What am I?”
Dain scoffed, arrogance exuding from him. Good; you had chosen simple riddles for a reason. “Time, of course.”
You bowed your head in acknowledgment, raising your second question: “What has four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, three legs in the evening, and eight legs in the night?”
Dain rolled his eyes. Another easy riddle; these were simple human riddles, not worthy of the Fae. That was the point. Dain had fallen right into your trap. “Humans.”
Your smile widened as you got to the last riddle. “I slide without legs and hiss without lips. In many a tale, my tongue flicks and flips. What am I?”
Dain scowled at you. At this point, it was more of an insult to his intelligence to ask him such simple riddles. However, he answered all the same. “A snake.” At that answer, his eyes widened, as if he had finally figured out your plan.
Too late.
At that moment, snakes burst out from all around the chair, surrounding the heir of Elfhame. He screamed like an infant, the crowd watching with bated breath. They longed to laugh, but were terrified of what would happen if they insulted a prince.
When Balekin began laughing so hard he doubled over, the rest of the crowd followed suit.
The snakes wrapped around Dain, biting him and constricting his skin. They wouldn’t kill him, but they would certainly leave lasting scars. Dain’s air held nothing but panic.
That’s what he gets for embarrassing and hurting you.
You stroke the snake on your neck, letting your gloves catch the light, reminding everyone who you are. The daughter of the Snake Queen, rumor had it. The truth didn’t matter. If they believed it, so it would be.
Dain was soon escorted out of the room by the King’s men. You did not look back to see how furious the High King of Elfhame would be at your treatment of his favorite child. You didn’t have time to dwell on it either because Prince Balekin offered his hand for a dance.
His silver eyes sparkled as you accept his hand, letting him guide you. “Master of Revels, I should never have doubted you. You put on quite the show.”
Balekin Greenbriar, the shunned eldest son of the High King. The person who you were conspiring to put on the throne-at least temporarily. He wasn’t anything special, but he at least cared for ruling aside from the delights and privileges. You had heard that Balekin was the only brother to take in the youngest prince, Cardan, after the High King cast him out, and that alone spoke volumes about his character.
“I do so love creating a spectacle,” you replied. Balekin smiled deviously, bending you over. You clutched his shoulders to maintain balance, but his grip was solid and unyielding.
“You are a very good dancer,” Balekin complimented you, about to turn you when you felt your arm being tugged by somebody else.
You gasped as you were pulled into the arms of General Madoc. You looked back for Balekin, but he was already swallowed into the crowd.
“You have lost your mind,” you hissed. “You’re going to cause a scene.”
Madoc only smiled a little bit, showing his fangs. “Ah, but you’ve already shown that you enjoy a good show, beautiful.”
You scowled, but you could not respond, for you could not lie. You took control of the dance, steering Madoc with ease. “Balekin is our ally,” you said at last. Madoc’s cat eyes flickered. “I do not care,” he replied. You could not help but let out a laugh of surprise at the blunt words that slipped from his mouth. “General, could you possibly be jealous?”
He did not respond, which was as good as a confession. You chuckle once more, shaking your head. “Oh, how delightful! You want me, but you are too cowardly to take me yourself; however, you cannot bear the thought of another having me instead.” Madoc’s expression was pained as you wrenched your hand away from his. You were hurting too, but you’d always known it would be this way. He was a Red Cap. You were no fool; you knew what had happened to his last wife.
You had turned away when Madoc’s hand darted out to catch your wrist and turn you towards him again. You stare into his eyes, which were pleading. “Stay.”
Part of you wishes to obey, but you’ve had enough. “Or what?” you whisper. “You’ll kill me as you did Eva?”
He could not say no, because he could not promise not to kill you. Bloodthirstiness was in his nature as a red cap. Often they could not help hurting the ones they love.
Instead, he answered quietly, “I love you more than violence.”
Your heart stuttered a beat in your chest. You could not handle this right now. You opened your mouth but no words came out. Madoc looked at you sadly, which baffled you to no end. You jumped when a soldier’s hand clamped on your shoulder, prompting your snake to hiss.
“The High King wishes for you to wait for him in a room. We will guide you to the location,” he said. You let him take you away, but you couldn’t stop looking back at Madoc, who was looking at you like he was already deciding which flowers to lay upon your grave.
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simplysamiblog · 25 days
Is Buggy going to be King of the Pirates? My personal theory
I’ve noticed a parallel in One Piece that’s really starting to scare me. This parallel is between One Piece and Dragon Ball, specifically between two characters from these series whose similarities are not only increasing visibly but are becoming so evident that my theory is starting to feel more like a certainty (though I still hope it doesn’t happen).
The characters in question are Buggy the Clown and Mr. Satan.
The truth is, I’m at least 80% sure that many, many others like me have started to fear but especially notice some… interesting details between these two characters. Here are the ones that seem most evident to me:
Both characters, despite seeming unlikely, have remained in the story for many chapters after their initial appearance, and their presence has only strengthened over time.
Both are notoriously weaker than the main protagonists of the manga.
Despite their weakness, these characters have managed to gather a large and extremely loyal following that believes them to be superior and much stronger than they actually are.
Both characters are allies/acquaintances of other extremely strong and feared characters in the manga. In Buggy’s case, we’re talking about Shanks; in Mr. Satan’s case, we’re talking about Majin Buu.
Both characters, despite being deceitful, cowardly, and opportunistic, have a very high desire for power and notoriety, unlike the protagonists of the manga who essentially want to live life freely and as they please (Luffy and Goku. Need I say more?).
The parallels (I might have forgotten some) are these for now. And I say for now because there’s essentially one more missing for these two characters to have an almost identical narrative path, and that’s what scares me the most.
For those who don’t know, Mr. Satan, at the end of the Majin Buu Saga, is the real and only reason Goku manages to defeat his enemy. If it hadn’t been for Mr. Satan’s voice urging the people of Earth to raise their hands and donate their energy, the Spirit Bomb would never have been powerful enough to defeat the pink enemy. The most incredible thing is that not only was Mr. Satan actually indispensable, but despite the fight and the enormous effort, only Mr. Satan was recognized as the true and only hero of the world. The one who defeated evil and gained glory, fame, and power. A real blow for the readers, not so much for Goku, who couldn’t care less about something as vague as fame and power. (Can you eat them?).
Maybe you’re starting to connect the dots…
I know, it’s scary, isn’t it? Even just writing it feels like doing something horrible… what if Buggy, in the end, becomes the Pirate King? It’s a bold thought, yet I can’t get this possibility out of my head. Maybe I’m overthinking it, maybe when I saw Buggy shouting with all his might:
“I want to become the Pirate King!!” I should have laughed it off and turned off my brain instead of analyzing everything as usual. But Oda-san has spoiled us. He has taught us not to ignore anything, to listen to every word, to note every sound. Especially to doubt and ask questions. Why is Buggy still such an important character? Why tie him to a key character like Shanks? And not just Shanks, even Roger himself? Why show how loved and respected he is by his followers? Don't let me begin with the Cross Guild.
What really scares me is that we know our protagonists very well. Precisely because we know Goku, no one was ever really shocked when Mr. Satan took the glory. Goku likes to fight. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s what he does, that’s what he is.
Luffy, as we know, is an eternal child. Always ready to be amazed by new things, to ignore everyone, to pick his nose, and to stop listening when something bores him to death.
“Hero? No! We’re pirates! I love heroes but I don’t wanna be one! Do you know what heroes are? Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it but heroes share it with other people. I want all the meat!”
Be honest, if the title of Pirate King turned out to be something more complicated and burdensome, something that requires responsibility and… stability, how long do you think it would take Luffy to look around and say: “Uhhh… you do it, I’m outta here, bye!” Luffy doesn’t want to be the Pirate King to be a king, but just like a child would say: “I want to be King so I can do whatever I want.”
NOTE: I’m not saying that Luffy won’t get the One Piece, I’m not saying that Luffy won’t complete his journey and actually become a great, powerful pirate. What I’m saying is that he will very simply give up the title of King. Becose becoming the King was only the beginning of the dream, the end we still don't know what it is. Is Luffy who said it to his crew. A detail that, coincidentally, Oda-san decided to throw in casually as if it were nothing. Perhaps to prepare us not to be too disappointed when we discover that becoming King for Luffy is nothing more than a means, and not the end, of his true dream. Whatever that may be.
In that case, I believe that just like Mr. Satan, Buggy would be elevated and chosen not for his strength, not for his character, but primarily for the (false) fame he has created and a genuine and strong desire for actual power. And also a huge, huge, HUGE dose of luck. He’ll probably be in the right place at the right time. Or, just like Mr. Satan, at the last moment, he’ll do something trivial but honorable, and this will change the outcome of the big event.
Remember how the crew ran away from Skypiea with the inhabitants chasing after them? The crew thought they were being chased to be attacked, when in reality, the inhabitants just wanted to thank them (I’ve always had the feeling that the crew actually knew this but decided to leave like true pirates, escaping with the loot). I believe it will essentially go the same way with Buggy and the title of Pirate King. Luffy’s allies will probably start insisting that he take command, that he become their leader, that he hold this power. But Luffy will respond like a true pirate and run off with the One Piece, giving that other useless title to Buggy. Reign? Power? Nah.
That stuff, you know, is for heroes. Complicated stuff, boring stuff.
Much better to train and find a strong fighter to challenge. Or even better, to be a pirate and be free forever.
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nightspace-comic · 4 months
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We've got some more silly little memes to get to know some of our cast better, and-- Hey, who are these two other guys??? Find out when NightSpace launches NEXT WEEK on Thursday, May 30th!!!
The first ten pages of the comic (!!!) will be uploaded to our official home site, and our Webtoons uploads will begin from page one. We hope to see you all there, and look forward to sharing the adventures of these characters (and more) with you.
First time seeing these guys and/or hearing about the comic? Learn more under the cut, and on our blog!
The characters pictured in the image with the pink background are Aph (the charismatic crown prince), Xzarkro (the talented mage), and Ahnara (the part-time cabbage farmer, full-time goofball). Each of them has their own introductory post on the blog :D
Comic summary: The small upstart terrorist group Nightlight has been gaining notoriety throughout the Paelur System. After a surprise attack on the isolated planet of Afybia, an even smaller group of unwarrantedly confident friends decide to put an end to this. ‘NightSpace’ is an epic sci-fi fantasy adventure that follows these underdogs as they gather unlikely allies, refuse to acknowledge how highly the odds are stacked against them, and realize the truth of the situation might not be what they thought.
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foxxfuxx · 7 months
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Tonight’s thoughts; taking up the job of being the Twins’ stress relief when they return from missions.
They’re hesitant about traveling with company. They wander the wastelands of EXO with no connections or attachments — except, now, for you. Hell, getting them to not run from you was a bad enough challenge. They want no ties. None. Ties are weak spots, but you in particular are a very stubborn and very reckless weak spot. At some point, they unanimously decide that leaving you behind would almost certainly spell out your death or otherwise terrible fate because you’ve convinced yourself they’ll come running (which they will, don’t get me wrong) and so it’s morally fucked, even for them, to not bring you along for your own safety. Generally, the Twins don’t do “help” in the sense of reassurance and protection. They do it in the sense of, like, killing your enemies and poisoning your foe’s food supply or stealing someone’s entire bank account.
Not for you. You’re different. They bring it up here and there as it being your fault, but at the first sign of you wanting to leave they both visibly start to get worried. Xin somehow manages to make you feel like an idiot and Xan follows him up, though she’s more prone to showing you up and then asking how you’d survive without her. That kind of thing. In any case, you never end up leaving. Not that you ever really would. You like sticking behind them on their vigilante agenda. It’s fun.
You don’t partake in the missions; you usually stay at wherever they’ve decided to camp out, and you wait for them to return. You picked up a habit of trying to get things ready for when they get back; food (or something that resembles it), a bath (if you can find non-polluted water, a basin, and a way to start a fire), or preparing their beds (er, trying to make a comfortable surface out of whatever crumbling building they want to stake out in.) It doesn’t always turn out right — trying to get them a meal wound up with Xan puking her guts up after trying to eat your second-hand steak — but you try nonetheless. Because you care, and their lives are tough, extremely so; why wouldn’t you help?
Eventually, your idea of “help” warps.
It’s a close call between the two of them as to which one of the Twins is more emotionally/physically frustrated. It’s a very close call. Neither of them are shy about finding a casual lay for a night (especially if the aforementioned lay has a nice bed or good food or clean water) but they’ve also both expressed how they don’t find time to do that often. Especially as they gained notoriety and rumors of a bounty on their head from both the big city and other exiles started getting around, finding something quietly casual has become more difficult. Which is terribly good timing, because they happen to have someone with them now who just wants to see them satisfied.
Lucky them.
Lucky you.
With Xan, it’s rough. She gets back from missions and her way of telling you she needs your personal help isn’t very sly. She’s eyeing you up the minute she and Xin get back; you’re catching her looking at your mouth, your chest, your ass, between your legs, et cetera, et cetera. She eye-fucks you blatantly. When she speaks, her voice takes on this sultry, brazen edge. She gets louder, and generally Xin takes the hint to leave. Or he doesn’t. She doesn’t really care. She gets louder until you get close to her, and then she quiets down. Her voice goes from rash to ribbed; not smooth, but crackly, squeaks a little here and there. She draws you in without having to touch you — though, generally, she does. She’s prone to feeling you up while she tells you just how long and hard her day has been, and somehow by the end of it you’re always in her lap and she’s digging her nails into your neck while she practically spits against your mouth just how badly she needs a pretty girl between her legs until she isn’t sore and achy from cramming herself into unnatural positions and carrying around heavy weaponry and shit.
And you help her out. Obviously.
She’s violent. You’re doing your fucking best and she’s grabbing handfuls of your hair and ripping on it so hard that you think your scalp might come off. She’s mashing your face into her cunt in a way that has your nose stinging from hitting her pubic bone. When she gets close, she chokes you till you’re seeing stars behind your eyelids, or she rakes your neck and the back of your shoulders with her nails so hard you bleed. Hell, half the time she gets so eager to chase her climax that she’ll wrestle you over so she can not only sit on your face but almost crush it with how hard she’s grinding, pushing, grinding, pushing, pushing, pushing. She’s vocal as fuck, too; she’s moaning and laughing the whole time, asking you how you feel because she feels fucking amazing, your mouth feels fucking amazing — but you’re such a nasty fucking slut, aren’t you? I’m covered in blood and sweat and you’re fiendin’ like a whore between my legs, huh? Uh huh? Yeah? Yeah, you are. Yeah, yeah — my girl, huh?! Yeah?
She’s a nightmare with the dirty talk. She’ll have you red and embarrassed no matter how hard you think you are. She’s loud with it, too; it’s almost like she wants Xin to hear her. She just can’t contain herself, and when she finishes — fuck, when she finishes — she makes it a goal to get you as messy as possible. She might squirt, yeah, but even if she doesn’t, your whole face and neck (though sometimes her hand is wrapped around your throat) and maybe even your chest end up wet because she makes these huge swinging humps with her hips when she’s climaxing. She gets a kick out of seeing you sloppy. That’s really it. She’s dramatic. She likes to make every time you two “blow off steam” something straight out of an x-rated film. Don’t worry; sometimes she’ll clean you off orally. Otherwise, she’ll just invite you to bathe with her after. Round two usually ensues.
With Xin, it’s still rough, but unlike Xan’s sudden corkscrew into absolute madness, it’s a steady slope. Upon returning from a mission, he’s a little more reserved; he’s making dark jokes about whatever they just did, and he’s making faint passes at you, too. Generally, though, he doesn’t do much else; his cue that he’d like some of your help is generally rather subtle cue found in the way he catches your eye and his jaw flexes, or in the way he walks behind you and brushes your ass just lightly enough to know it was deliberate. Generally, he waits for Xan to be gone — he’s got a bit more shame than his counterpart — but if he’s drunk, he’s mildly forward. He’s eyeing you up. He’s sucking on his tongue. He’s shifting and somewhat-subtly grabbing at his crotch to shift his dick around. Et cetera. Generally, Xan leaves, assuming she notices. Sometimes, he has to tell her to go. Once she does, though, he doesn’t even need to give you instruction.
He’s a fiend for good head. The minute she’s gone or he starts leaning against something, hips pushed out, you know what to do. It’s an unspoken agreement; you get up, go to him (or, sometimes, if you’re not fast enough, he’ll come to you), drop his pants and get to work. Unlike Xan, Xin wants this to last; his stress relief comes with time, not with instant gratification. He wants you to kiss his v-line. He wants you to run your tongue along his shaft and kiss his head. He wants you to brush your knuckles along the fat purple vein that decorates the bottom of his cock. He wants you to take your sweet time and let him feel every bit of your touch ‘till he’s leaking pre, and then you can actually start working him.
He’s grabbing your hair. He’s not pulling on it till it stings, but he is holding it tight. He’s not controlling your pace, but he is suggesting it. He’s urging you further down on him, ‘till you’re teary-eyed and your throat keeps fluttering because he’s damn near choking you. The whole time, though, he’s making these noises, these grunts and groans of satisfaction, and he looks so pretty when his eyes close and his nose wrinkles and his lips part, so you bear it. Hollow your cheeks and focus on his cockhead, and he’s sighing and slowly fucking your mouth like he’ll break you otherwise.
Up until he decides enough is enough. Then he’s pulling you up by the hair and he’s putting you either against or over the nearest surface. His manner remains the same; he shoves your face into something, balls a fist in your hair, and pistons into you from behind while he tells you how much he needed this. How good it feels. How good you feel. He doesn’t stop you from reaching down and toying with your clit, but when you get close he gets troublesome. He tells you you better wait because you two will be done at the same time, and if you don’t — well, if you don’t, he’s fucking you ‘till you do. He’s also only ever finishing inside, so when that time comes, he’s got one hand pulling your head back by the hair and the other hand covering the one you’re using to masturbate and he’s blowing a load in you just to watch it drool out later — and then he’ll fuck it back into you with his fingers and do it all again because he’s a menace and gets off to the visual of you being full of him.
Do they ever just go at the same time? Sure. They’ve done it before; they’re both a bit more possessive over you, but they’ll do it. There have been a damn million times where they get back and somehow within the hour you’re shaking and almost sobbing between the two of them. Xan’s at your head, pulling your face into her cunt while she pinches and bites at your nipples while Xin’s pressing one hand into your lower stomach so you can feel every inch of his cock pistoning in and out of you. Or maybe Xin’s at your head, fucking your throat even through your muffled cries while Xan puts some cruel vibrating thing between the lips of your cunt and sandwiches it under her own. Hell, maybe Xan’s got the strap and they’ve got you trapped and taking the heat from both sides (both holes?) so they can hear you scream.
would be a damn shame if the people who thought you were a “hostage” to the criminal vigilantes tearing up exile learned that you were just a glorified sex doll, wouldn’t it?
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