#you get the silent treatment
lifexxxdeath · 2 years
Manipulation is when they blame you for having a reaction to their disrespect.
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numbuh424 · 9 months
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the 2nd half of death note should've just gone full comedy complete with a laugh track and had these two dissing each other the whole time
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anna-scribbles · 9 months
truest thing gabriel everrr said was that adrien had emilie's flair for the dramatics
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 7 months
The compelling thing about Jason as a character is that I never doubted that he cared about the world just because there weren’t panels of him being overly zealous about “restorative community care”
I’m not coming after anyone who wants to see that kind of stuff, but I do think seeking | that | as confirmation that Jason cares about the world is pretty narrow
#shoving an arc like that into his comics to “show he cares about people”#after having him repeatedly say things like “nothing I ever did was for good. it was all just selfish anger” in recent comics#would be the final nail in the “see! he's redeeming himself! he CAN be likable!” coffin (pathetic)#it's literally what his antis have been suggesting would make his character “so much better”#kelseethe#see also: “people would have a hard time knowing whether Jason loves them”#why did he gift Thomas' watch to Bruce all those years later + possibly even after utrh happened#why is he always silently forgiving the shitty treatment from his family almost like he wants to maintain some sort of relationship w/ them#as for “showing that he cares about the world”#the most obvious “evidence” is right there#why would he continue to fight tooth and nail to have a place in Gotham as a vigilante#both warding off and enduring harassment after harassment from Bruce while hearing the same message every time#“hey. you're doing this to yourself. you can make it all go away if you just do as I say and quit for good.”#“you'll even get to be my son again”#it’s not like he gets recognition/praise for doing what he does either unlike Bruce Dick or Tim#what could possibly be in it for him#wouldn't it be that much easier to “not give a crap about the world” on a beach in Capri instead of in the Gotham sewers every month#anyway Jason should decapitate rapists and poison more child traffickers and not cry about it five seconds after
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whatudottu · 2 months
Regarding your cerebrocrustacean headcanons mentioned in the previous ask: they very well could be somewhat canon given how, when asked if Albedo and Dr. Psychobos would be willing to work together, Derrick J. Wyatt responded with "Psychobos seems like a total team up slut, he'll team up with any villain any time" (his words, not mine).
Which he likely meant in the sense of "Psychobos is so power-hungry he'll team up with anyone in order to get ahead", but with your headcanons and the fact he never talks much about his personal life in mind, you could alternatively interpret it as "Psychobos is so desperately lonely he'll accept anyone he has even the slightest similarity with into his clique, even members of a species he's violently xenophobic towards" (probably to cope with/serve as a rebound for his mancrush Azmuth friendzoning him /lh /hj).
Now all of this is making me realize that it was a massive missed opportunity in Omniverse to not have Psychobos' demeanor do a complete 180 around the people he works with compared to everyone else (whether sincere or a thinly-veiled manipulation tactic) if not solely for a few jokes. Especially him acting like an affectionate father figure towards Malware (whether he likes it or not) solely so he can rub it in Azmuth's face that "I'm a FAR more attentive and caring parental figure towards your creation than YOU ever were, and I use the term loosely".
WHAT DO YOU MEAN DJW SAID 'TEAM UP SLUT' HAHAH WHAT!? dear god it's true it's on the wiki what the fuck what the fuck assdfjhghsdlfkgfkl-!
I mean, look at his already canon group; Khyber, allegedly the greatest huntsman in the galaxy, teaming up with Dr Psychobos to make a little watch that can sample (specifically predatory) animals; and Malware, a technology absorbing mutant mechamorph, working with the cybernetically enhanced (also listed as a mutant???) cerebrocrustacean in order to make said watch- if liking the concept of animals and incorporating machines as part of oneself is enough to get into Dr Psychobos' clique well, he's certainly stretched what that means far enough to at least snag two others into his initial team up. Same can't be said for Attea and the incurseans which seems to be more of a sponsor type relationship, and Maltruant commissioned him to repair his body but violated the trade agreement so whether or not Psychobos would do business with the incurseans again, he's already squarely sequestered Maltruant in the outest of out-groups :P
Hah, the 'Dr Psychobos adopting Malware specifically to stick it to Azmuth' bit reminded me of a signing-the-adoption-papers version of the 'I throw my used car batteries in the ocean' thing- something along the lines of; [psychobos voice] "You are the most calamitous individual I have had the pleasure of meeting, and I use the term loosely." [malware voice, threateningly] "I have devoured and absorbed the specs of the Omnitrix." [psychobos signing adoption papers] [malware, experiencing the affects of cerebrocrustacean in-grouping and having no frame of reference on how to deal with it] "What the fuck is happening-"
#ask#anonymous#dr psychobos#malware#malware ben 10#cerebrocrustacean#khyber is mentioned technically but like he's just there for clique demonstration#ben 10#heartbreaking: the worst person you know included you in his in-group and loves and respects you just because you shared one interest#i will draw this it's a visceral image it's just that it's not now because i am exhausted :P#does psychobos having an in-group suddenly make him a good person- no#does psychobos having an in-group that does not care about what species is in it make him a good person- also no#he's a jerk which severe xenophobia and like the encephalonus IV equivalent of like- sigmund freud#but also not freud because freud is a fraud that only became the father of psychology because psychologists around the world disavowed him#but like- an infamous figure which controversial opinions but ultimately- being so well known he is the face of the collective#that collective being cerebrocrustaceans as a whole because god damn it why did dr psychobos have to go for ben 10? for fucking azmuth!?#even assholes have in-groups it's kinda how assholes spread (well they can spread in other ways but that's not relevant to the current topi#i would be nice though if the allegedly greatest huntsman and the chronically unloved mutant experienced cerebrocrustacean in-group respect#khyber would be off-put as a solo one-man show (well there's also zed but he doesn't even gender her right let alone treat her well)#malware would be so inexperienced with interactions even slightly positive he'd kinda mostly be too stunned to do anything but stand silent#dr psychobos as per usual talks and talks as if bouncing back against a wall (because really he might as well be)#but so long as his treatment towards his in-group keeps them around longer (with the bonus of not getting stabbed in the back hopefully)#then far be it from he to complain whenever his fellows come back with their parts of his little pet project
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gmaybe666 · 1 year
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the girls are fighting !!!!!!
pt 1. of 'argument'.
for context on their fight, this takes you to the initial comic that started it all
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livefastdriveyoung · 7 months
A reminder that a team can be good to one driver and bad to another.
Ferrari did show up for Lewis last year, and failed to show up for Carlos today.
VCARB did give Daniel the chance to overtake, and when he couldn't, should have given Yuki his place back.
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gayofthefae · 7 months
The idea that El, at its core concept - no semantics, would prioritize her boyfriend over her family is a fundamental misunderstanding of her arc.
She won't be choosing in the first place but if she was going to Will is literally her BROTHER. Idc if she's known Mike longer that mf lives with her, you thinks she's gonna wreck her FAMILY? Her HOUSEHOLD??? Threaten her HOME LIFE????!!!
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isekyaaa · 9 months
The hard thing about typology is that eventually you reach a point where, despite knowing theory very well, you type purely off of habits/quirks/etc because they're easy to catch (when you know what you're looking for) and almost always right.
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youngpeachenthusiast · 10 months
hate hate hate when people tell me how to deal with my own symptoms that i have had for literal years
like yeah maybe some fresh air right this moment would do me some good but have you considered that the light would be excruciatingly painful for my eyes and the cold would hurt my joints and i'd be just swapping one pain for another
please for the love of god i am begging to be trusted to handle myself. unless i ask for help or advice explicitly i. i do not want it. thank you very much.
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sovonight · 1 year
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surviving on drawing/writing the barest scaffolding and filling in the rest of the blanks in my mind
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springlock-suits · 10 months
After the closure of Fredbear's Family Diner the animatronics were likely no longer being used as part of the main band, just as walk around characters, so it'd make the most sense if the springlock suits had the endoskeleton removed. To. Yknow. Prevent horrifying and unnecessary injury
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 11 months
I always smh at people who dub Jason as “whiny” “and therefore ooc” in tt 29. If you died and all everyone did was taint your legacy, and not a single person remembered you fondly or deemed you worthy of commemoration after your death, wouldn’t you be a bit upset too?
#the only thing that was ooc about Jason there was all the shit talking the other characters were doing about him.#and some of the things Jason said about himself because he left whatever small amounts of self esteem he actually had back in his grave#he was very cooperative shy and clever with the titans in the 80s#it’s not enough that his own father told him to his face that he is a product of his own problems#everyone he knew and had good working relationships with just completely shut him out and turned their backs#even if you don’t mean it/it’s more complicated than that#if someone you knew died but now you got a chance to tell them what you couldn’t wouldn’t you at least muster up an ‘I’m glad you’re back’#apparently not lol#kelseethe#it’s the fact that people label him *being upset* as ‘illogical’ or stupid that irks me#I was talking with a mutual about this too but#if a female character did exactly his actions#I don’t think people would be so quick to stomp all over her and call her weak/overbearing/hysterical#or to give her the dismissive patronizing eye roll treatment#even though they deemed her actions to be exaggerated/misdirected/an outburst by any standard#they’d probably say she’s written like an actual human and that she resonates with a lot of people haha#he evaded all their security systems and effectively took down anyone who was present in the tower.#I’d say his skills are pretty in-character.#the idea that men can get emotional is just not palatable to you people just admit it#if it isn’t silent brooding stoic manpain you people will projectile vomit all over it and call it ‘bad characterization’
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agreysexualromantic · 10 months
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Gifsets via @winchesterlegacies
Smallville 9.21 Salvation
I'm going to refer to this moment to talk about why I hate Jor-El so damn much in this series.
Because this moment, here, this moment where he very consciously chooses to sacrifice himself (and everything that led up to it), this should have been greeted by his father with understanding and pride. This was the choice of a true hero, one who had weighed every other possibility and chosen the one that caused the least harm, that brought the most peace, that saved two entire worlds from war and tyranny.
But instead what we get from Jor-El the moment Clark opens his eyes in the next season episode is, as always, shame and anger.
And no, I don't care that Jor-El is AI. If it was true that he operated without regard for emotion there would at least be internal consistency to his criticisms of Clark, *but there never is*. (Also, anger is an emotion, and AI Jor-El absolutely expresses anger frequently, and his anger results in active punishments for Clark, not just "natural consequences" from Clark's actions.)
In reality, Clark can just never do the right thing in Jor-El's eyes. If Clark makes a choice based on human emotion, he gets a lecture for being too emotional. If he makes a choice based on logic he gets a lecture for not caring enough about the people he was "sent" to lead. When he chooses to save the lives of the people he loves, Jor-El tells him he can't focus on just a few people, he has to think about everyone. When he thinks about literally everyone and sacrifices himself, Jor-El tells him he failed and abandoned them to greater evil (as if Clark could have possibly foreseen any of what was coming in season 10). Jor-El tells Clark repeatedly that he's NOT a god and shouldn't act like one, yet expects perfection and omniscience from him. He consistently withholds vital information and assistance out of sheer spite. He pouts and gives Clark the silent treatment like an actual child whenever he feels remotely wronged by Clark.
He spends nearly 10 seasons telling Clark that he will never, ever be good enough, going so far as to disown him completely and tell Kara to take his place instead. Clark shows one minor instance of pride for saving both Lois and the people of Metropolis and he's told that he's too dark to defeat the darkness. And again, this is immediately after Clark WILLINGLY AND THOUGHTFULLY SACRIFICED HIMSELF TO SAVE TWO ENTIRE WORLDS.
In other words, Jor-El is a toxic, abusive father. He moves goalposts constantly, he tells Clark to obey or suffer the consequences (but we never see any instances where Clark's obedience actually leads to a better outcome for Clark or anyone else for that matter). After Jonathan dies, Jor-El heaps guilt on Clark's head for choosing to change the past, when Jonathan himself admits that he made his own choices that led to his death. Jor-El tells Clark to do one thing and then blames him for the outcomes when Clark does it.
Clark simply cannot win, because Jor-El doesn't actually want him to.
It's no wonder that by the start of season 10, Clark is holding a pile of insecurity, regret, shame and fear. It's no wonder that he's so terrified of making the wrong choice, no wonder that he so often believes that he HAS to do everything on his own and that everything that goes wrong is literally his fault and his fault alone.
And look, I get it, Jor-El is there to challenge Clark, to push him, to be the Kryptonian influence, blah blah blah. I get that Jonathan and Jor-El are set up as foils for one another in fatherhood. I get that Kryptonian culture is different and Jor-El doesn't operate under human ethics or morals.
None of that changes the fact that he actively works *against* Clark's growth for the majority of the series. Most of the time, Clark has to *unlearn* whatever lesson he learned from Jor-El in order to take the next step towards becoming Superman. Clark rarely, if ever, comes to a place where he actually thinks Jor-El was *correct* in the way he views the world, he only comes to a place where he agrees that not obeying Jor-El means people were punished, and Clark regrets any time someone suffers.
AI Jor-El served as a personal villain for Clark in the series, and the way the writers tried so hard to force Clark to have a relationship with him "because it's his father" was one of the most frustrating story threads in the whole series.
End rant.
Also, fuck Jor-El.
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ifuckeduplol · 1 year
listen tanaka and pav are cool but i will never forgive them for winning the poll to be the new playable characters because i need samarie party talks more than i need air and i fear (and hunger) that i cannot make it through another winter
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deadlifeseries · 10 months
So unlike you
Oh boy oh boy angst time. This was requested by my mutual @callisto-moon-bot150 she asked for angst with a happy ending, involving Prowl and Bulkhead arguing.
Honestly it was hard to think of something they'd argue about but i figured it out, this ficlet takes place during\after that one episode where Prowl teams up with Lockdown and has a sort of craze for mods.
"Prowl?.... PROWL! What do you think you're doing?! You can't go after Starscream alone!" Bulkhead looked towards the sky at the small ship that Prowl took to go after the allspark signal on the moon.
"Don't worry, Bulkhead. I know what I'm doing, I have the emp and stasis cuffs there's nothing to worry about". Prowl's tone was as calm as ever, but something about the confidence in his voice felt different. Prowl wasn't one to doubt his abilities, but he was never cocky. Now his words were laced with the kind of overconfidence that Bulkhead wold moreso expect from Bumblebee.
Soon thereafter Prowl went into complete radio silence. Of course this worried everyone, especially Bulkhead. But they could still pick up his energy signature and no distress calls so they all hoped for the best.
But nobody could have guessed what would happen next.
To see Lockdown again was bad on it's own, to see Lockdown with Prowl was worse. But to see Prowl and Lockdown working together? It made the fact there now somehow was two of Sarscream into nothing more than an afterthough.
"Prowl... what are you doing?! Why are you working with Lockdown?!" Optimus stared in disbelief at Prowl. Ratchet looked a lot more angry "and why do you have all of those..." he vaguely geastured towards Prowl "...things?"
Prowl deflected all of his teammates' comments, and they didn't have any time to argue with multiple Starscreams to deal with. During the whole ordeal Prowl acted so unlike himself that it felt like he was someone else.
In the end he snapped out of it and threw aside all the mods that he borrowed from Lockdown. But it wasn't that easy for everyone else to forget it...
Prowl was firstly scolded and grilled with questions. And he understood that, he really did and he didn't argue about it. But even after that he could still feel the distrust coming from his teammates. As much as they tried to hide it it was obvious that everyone was still worried about if this was a sign of worse things to come. Prowl understood that too, he wasn't oblivious to how the others could see this as some sort of implication.
But what really hurt was the distrust from Bulkhead. It was like he was avoiding Prowl, and as much as it hurt Prowl really didn't have a hard time rationalizing it. Bulkhead was the one who told him not to go alone, and Prowl remembered acutely the look of betrayal he got from Bulkhead when they saw each other after Prowl returned.
It was the worst punishment of all. To have the person who's supposed to love the most you avoid you completely. Prowl tried to talk thing out, he wanted so badly to apologise, to beg for forgiveness. But every time Bulkhead would just talk for as short as possible, or avoided talking all together.
This lasted for days, and it was absolutely unbearable. Everyone else was slowly moving on from it, except for Bulkhead and it was driving Prowl insane. It made the worst case scenarios play through his head on repeat. Did this mean the end? Did this mean that Bulkhead didn't want to be together anymore? The thought made Prowl's spark clench, how could he have ever even though of somthing so idiotic? He should've listened, he should've stayed and not gone out on his own.
Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. One evening Prowl went to Bulkhead's room, he took a deep breath an knocked on the door. He entered slowly, looking at Bulkhead with both anxiety and hope. Seeing the way that Bulkhead looked at him cut deeper than any blade.
"Bulkhead.... I... came to apologise" Prowl was hoping so dearly that Bulkhead would listen. "You were right, I shouldn't have gone out on my own, I should've never even considered working with Lockdown. Please, how can I make it up to you? Please, talk to me", his voice was pleading as he hoped so deeply to get any sort of response.
When he didn't get any response he sighed and hanged his head in defeat, "I... understand, if this means.. the end, then I'll accept it", Prowl turned around and was about to leave the room when Bulkhead spoke up.
"I was so worried about you", he spoke quietly, but with a slur of emotions in his voice. He turned to look at Prowl "I thought that the worst had happened when you would't respond. And when you did come back you acted so... unlike yourself... I thought I'd lose you in a different way".
Prowl looked positively baffled, he took a step closer to Bulkhead "you... though that i would..." he searched for the right way to say it "... go with Lockdown? Become like him? Bulkhead, I... I could never. Yes, I admit I acted like an absolute fool but I could never do something like that".
Bulkhead still looked apprehensive but didn't look away from Prowl, didn't object to Prowl approaching him. Prowl took it as a good sign, and continued "I'm so sorry, you were right! I should have listened to you! I acted like an idiot... please forgive me, I'll do anything" he was almost on his knees. If begging is what it took then by god he'd beg.
Bulkhead stood up, and walked up to Prow, "Anything?".
"Yes! Anything! Anything it takes!" Bulkhead's willingnees to talk made Prowl hopeful, when he said he'd do anything he meant it.
Bulkhead took another step forwards and grabbed Prowl, holding him close to his chest. "Never scare me like that again. I know I can't force you do listen to me but just... promise me that".
Prowl immediatly wrapped his arms around Bulkhead's neck, even if it had only been a few days since they last heald each other it was still far too long. "I promise, I promise I'll listen more, and i won't pull any stunts like that ever again", he said this wholehearthedly. This was a lesson that he wouldn't forget.
"Thanks. And uhm, sorry for the silent treatment... I just didn't know how to react" Bulkhead looked a lot more at ease and he leaned in to kiss Prowl.
Prowl accepted the affection like it was what kept him alive, "I understand, though I must admit these past few days must have been the worst ones of my life". He couldn't resist, he kept kissing Bulkhead like there was no tomorrow. It was almost hard to believe that he's normally so distant with everyone.
And it seemed like Bulkhead also didn't like the consequenses of his silent treatment, because he seemes equally as needy for attention. "Yeah, mine too. Now come here, I'm not letting you go until we've both had our fill", he smiles and picks Prowl up, holding him close.
With that it was like whatever invisible wall that stood between them fell. They held onto each other as if letting go would kill them, they exchanged kisses and words of adoration like they needed it more than anything else.
"I'm never giving you the silent treatment again", Bulkhead chuckled a little to himself "honestly, I wanted to stop after a day and a half. You're real irresistible you know that?".
Prowl was already flustered but hearing that only made it worse. He laughed and smiled warmly, it was rare sight but he couldn't help it when Bulkhead was so damn charming. "Likewise, I know I act very distant a lot of the time but now I simply can't imagine a life without you", he leaned in and kissed Bulkhead, this time more passionatley, "but enough talking, I have a few days worth of attentoin to catch up on".
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