#you know I had to do the opening lines for John Adams
fetchmearum420 · 1 year
How 1776 characters would react to you asking them how they are:
John Adams: ah well. I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace, that two are called a law firm, and that three or more become a congress. And by God, I have had this Congress! For ten years King George and his Parliament have gulled, cullied, and diddled these Colonies with their illegal taxes--Stamp Acts, Townshend Acts, Sugar Acts, Tea Acts--and when we dared stand up like men they stopped our trade, seized our ships, block- aded our ports, burned our towns, and spilled our blood- and still this Congress won't grant any of my proposals on Independence even so much as the courtesy of open debate! Good God, what in hell are they waiting for? Oh, how about you?
Benjamin Franklin: I am fine, just sitting here being preserved for posterity. And yourself?
Thomas Jefferson: I’m alright, just missing my wife. And you?
John Dickinson: I want to fucking kill John Adams that’s how I am.
John Hancock: I’m fed up with this damn congress. FUCK NEW YORK! How about you?
Charles Thompson: I can’t read through the resolution without an interruption :(
Edward Rutledge: I WAS annoyed, but now I’m happy cuz I got my way.
James Wilson: I’m sad because I don’t think Johns in love with me :(
Dr. Lyman Hall: I’m doing well, thank you. And you?
Stephen Hopkins: can you get me a rum before I tell you?
Roger Sherman: I’m angry cuz there isn’t anymore coffee :(
John Witherspoon: I am doing extremely well my dear friend. And what about you?
Thomas McKean: What do you mean man? Can’t you see I am bloody depressed by Washington’s stupid dispatches?
Caesar Rodney: *is dead*
George Read: NO NO NO!!!
Samuel Chase: Don’t ask me this while I’m eating!
Josiah Bartlett: I banned all horse racing and gambling so I’m happy. And you?
Lewis Morris: I abstain, courteously because I don’t know how to answer that. But I guess I’m sad.
Andrew McNair: Sweet Jesus I’m annoyed with everyone.
Courier: Momma can’t find me here :(
Abigail Adams: Oh thank you for asking, I’m doing just fine. How about you?
Martha Jefferson: I’m afraid I’m not feeling too well, but thanks for asking.
Joseph Hewes: I want to go fishing.
Leather apron: *can’t speak*
George Washington: I have been in expectation of receiving a reply, on the subject of my last 15 dispatches. Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody care?
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marcsburnerphone · 7 months
And they were roomates
(Captain John price x F!reader)
Summary: the captain wants somewhere more homely to settle down and when an offer like yours comes alight on Zillow he must take up on it.
Warnings: angsty (very minimal), smut, jealousy, possesiveness?
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6- part 7 - part 8!!!!!
When you get to the restaurant he has a large hand resting on your lower back. This spot is in the most crowded part of the city, meaning the ride was a bit over half an hour. He opens the door for you, stepping aside to let you in first. You sigh at the heat that radiates from inside as you step onto the hardwood floor of the very extravagant restaurant.
“John, I don't think I’m dressed for this kind of place.” You should’ve asked where you were going, god why didn’t you ask.
“What do you mean?” he asks confused, he looks down at you noticing the way you slightly sink into his side.
“I mean I’m underdressed for this place.” You whisper up to him, he looks around then back to you not seeing the problem at all. 
“I actually think you're overdressed.” He says winking at you, making you look away bashfully.
“John, I'm serious.” His eyes remain on you admiring the way your hair falls just above your collarbone, how you have your gorgeous legs on display for everyone to see. He simply doesn’t know what you’re on about. 
“You look beautiful, cut it out.” He says softly kneading at the meat on your hip, you pass up the long line of walk in groups and wait for the hostess to return which she quickly does.
“Reservation for John.” He says in his usual deep tone. Every so often you swear he lightens it for you.
“Okay follow me.” She gives you both a wide smile and collects two menus. 
John follows her and leads you through saying his ‘excuse me’s to the servers you pass by, keeping you tucked firmly to his side. Although it’s an intimate spot it’s also bustling with business inside. You realize this place is probably hard to get a reservation at as the walk in line piles up.
Once you’re sat and given menus she lets you both know your server will be with you shortly before leaving. 
“Have you been here before?” You ask as he glances over the drink menu.
“I have actually, Laswell and her wife got engaged here.” He smiles and remembers the very eventful night. Him and some old friends had hidden in a booth so they could watch it all take place and ended up getting caught in the end. 
“How long has she been married for?” 
“Nearly a decade.” You sigh with a smile. You want that. You want that terribly.
“Hi, can I get drinks started for you guys?” The server asks, John orders himself a scotch as you decide on what you want.
“I’ll just get an iced tea.” You say before looking up. But when you do you’re surprised to see an old friend.
“Adam?” You say with an awfully wide smile. 
“I knew that was you.” He says leaning in for a hug that you gladly reciprocate. 
“I’m so happy to see you.” You exclaim, last you heard of him he was in America. You wonder when he got back to the UK and how long he’s been back for.
“Me too, it’s lovely to see you. Anyways I’ll be back with your drinks.” He leaves as quickly as he came, stopping by other tables to check in.
“How do you know him?” John asks, you notice his gruff voice has an interesting pitch to it.
“Childhood friends.” You reply.
“Ah has it been awhile?” He asks curiously.
“A long while, he moved to the states and now he’s back I guess.” You shrug not really knowing what else to say.
“interesting.” You notice the way his eyes slightly trail your old friend as he walks around. 
“Okay, do you know what you're going to get?” You ask him to regain his attention. 
“I think so, you?” You nod your head also looking over the menu once more before making your final decision. 
“Here you guys go.” Adam says setting the drinks down at your table. 
“Are you ready to order?”He asks, keeping his eyes firmly on you. You don’t notice it but your very watchful date does. 
“No actually, could we have a couple more minutes?” John says, catching your attention as you give him a puzzled look. 
“Yeah, take all the time you need, by the way I heard from your sister not too long ago she told me you and Brian broke up. I was shocked, truly we all thought you guys would get married .” He says turning back to you. 
“Well they didn’t.” John says lowly beneath his breath. You and your old friend look at him for a second before you reply.
“Yeah, it just didn’t work out.” You reply a little awkwardly in remembrance of the breakup. Brian had also been a childhood friend and a highschool sweetheart.
“You were always too good for him.” you can't think of an appropriate way to answer that so there's a second of silence before he takes the hint. “ Okay then I’ll be back in a bit.” 
“He’s flirting with you” John says once he walks away.
“You think?”
“You don’t.” He feels like he just watched the man’s pupils turn into hearts at the sight of you.
“Are you jealous?” you ask, trying to read his expression.
“Of the childhood friend, or possibly family friend that's flirting with you, no.” He feels like it’s childish but in the end he’s just a man.
“Please doll, don’t.” You can't believe your eyes as you watch his jaw tick.
“Okay.” you try to suppress the smile that makes its way onto your lips. John has absolutely nothing to worry about but nonetheless is pent up.
He changes the topic and asks you about your next painting project, what you think it’ll be and where you think you’ll put it. You ask him about his own work, where did he meet his task force or rather how until Adam is back for your order.
You guys go back and forth on whether princess diana's death was an assassination or simply a horrible accident you say it was an assassination while he calls you crazy till your food is brought out to you.
There’s still light conversation between bites and sips. He’s not jealous, he tells himself, just bothered, bothered that you’ve known that man longer, how he knows your sister and had recently spoken to her, how he looks at you like you're more than friends. 
When dinner finishes up you offer to pay out of kindness and he just laughs shaking his head. When the check comes and he reads it he notices how your items have been paid for and prays dearly to remain collected.
“Did they double charge you or something?” You are confused at the subtle scowl on his face. 
“More like undercharged, do you see your friend anywhere?” He says looking around and you do also.
“It looks like all your items are paid for.” He’s clearly upset and although you sort of understand why, you can’t completely understand.
“It’s probably just a nice gesture John.” Why did he have to do that? 
“Doll I’m a man, I know what this means.” He sighs, jaw clenching. 
“Okay but we’re old friends.” You say trying to calm him down but failing miserably. 
“Oh you don’t say.” He says pressing his lips together. 
“Let's just forget about it, come on.” You softly plead.
“I’m not leaving without paying for your meal.” And he means it. When your unfortunate friend comes back around to collect the check, John's talking before he can get a word in.
“I’m sorry but I’d like to pay for these items.” John says to him with a husky deeper, irritated tone.
“I thought I’d treat an old friend.” Adam says looking to you while John’s holding onto every inch of his patience. 
“I’d like to treat my girl if you don’t mind.” Adam looks back to you for whatever reason but your eyes are stuck on John like you're in a trance. 
“Okay sir I’ll um I’ll rerun this.” He says walking away. It’s awkward silence and he’s still breathing in an unnatural pattern. But my girl, my girl, my girl. Is all you could think about.
“Here you are sir.” He says handing back the check. John gives it a quick glance before placing his card inside and handing it back. 
When he comes back around to give John his card back and a receipt for a signature you guys both get up to leave. 
“It was nice seeing you, maybe we can hang out soon?” Adam says facing you. 
“It was nice seeing you too.” John patiently waits for you to join him at his side.
“Maybe I can get your number?” The tone is one you’d only identify as flirtatious. You shut your eyes for a second realizing John was right but regardless of that he has nothing to be jealous about. 
“I'm sorry if you hadn’t noticed but I'm actually here on a date and I think that would be a little inappropriate.” You say politely while walking away. Once you're next to John his hand is around your waist as he is now the one trying to suppress a smirk. You walk out into the cold air huffing as you tighten your hands around yourself. 
When you get to the car John opens your door as he always does, waiting for you to sit before closing it. He gets in quietly turning the key in the ignition as the car hums to life, you look towards the window and out into the city, in another life you're definitely a city girl who sits at bars with friends and smokes cigarettes on fire escapes. As he’s driving he can’t help but notice the pout on your face. He fears he upset you in some way as your eyes stay on the road.
You can’t help but feel like he’s upset with you for not shutting it down sooner. His silence only leaves room for your mind to take over. This is the common dance between you two. He feels bad for how his jealous tendencies may have affected your first date and you feel guilty for letting this man openly make a pass on you infront of John.
“Hmm.” You reply not looking towards him. You’ve entered the long highway that leads home. The city is now in the rearview mirror getting smaller and smaller. With his right hand he caresses your chin turning you to face him. 
“What’s with this look?” He asks softly as his eyes bounce from you to the road. The hand that’s on your face makes its way to rest upon your upper thigh.
“Don’t be sorry, I’m genuinely asking.” He says a little confused.
“I truly didn’t think it meant anything.” He sighs realizing you're overthinking, that’s why you're quiet. 
“Don’t let that bother you, it’s okay.” He reassures you.
“I just don’t know what kind of man sees a woman who’s clearly on a date and is still so bold. Although when it comes to you I fear I’d be the same way.” John says and you scoff with a small smile looking away.
“I would, you're gorgeous, a gem. But my gem.” You can’t help the rise of warmth to your cheeks. You realize John is always complimenting you, always making sure you know how valuable you are. Does he not realize how you feel about him? 
“And how do you think I feel about you?” You say in a tone close to a whisper. His eyes search yours wondering where this is going.
“Getting jealous over a man who doesn’t compete with you and never could is beyond me.” You continue when he doesn’t respond.
“John, you're the most attractive man I’ve ever met, and I’m gladly all yours. My mind is too full of john price to think about anyone else” He groans quietly at the admission, not quite enough for your sensitive ears to pass up on though. 
“Yeah?” He says shifting in his seat as your words go straight to his cock.
“Yeah.” You gaze at him with the widest eyes, his hand clenches and unclenches around the steering wheel as he tries to remain gentlemanly.
You unbuckle your seatbelt causing him to turn his head at the sound. You’re still about five minutes away from home so he's slightly confused. Though all that dissipates when you lean up against the center council placing a hand on his thigh grazing over the growing erection he knows you know is there to plant a kiss on his cheek then one on his lips before sliding back into your seat.
“Thankyou for dinner.” It’s laced with seduction. 
you approach home at a faster speed than usual. He’s out of the car the second it's set in park rushing to your side to help you out. You can’t read his current expression as he practically drags you inside.
“Are you alright?” You ask, he scoffs at your audacity, fumbling with the keys to get the door unlocked. He’s ushering you inside quickly so the heat doesn’t escape from inside the home. You remove your boots by the door as John locks up. When you look up he's closer than you expected and his eyes are staring at you hungrily.
“Have I ever told you that you have a staring probl-“ his mouth is on yours before you can finish. There’s no easing into the kiss this time. He’s forcing his tongue in your mouth taking you by a welcomed surprise. He lifts you up like it’s nothing, hoisting you firmly around his waist. 
His lips drag messily down your neck as he pulls your sweater down further, any and all access to your skin available to him he wants to taste. You’re pressed up against a wall one second and then being walked towards his room another. He’s impatient and it's unlike him, yet he’s never felt more like himself. 
Your hands are in his hair pulling up his mouth to meet yours. His pants are so strained in the crotch area that he’s bucking his hips unintentionally searching for any kind of attention. You've grown embarrassingly wet in a matter of minutes,  being turned on doesn’t describe how you feel. Your skirt has become scrunched above your bum from all John’s touching and kneading. 
“Please.” You whine. He meets your lustful stare, smiling at how submissive you’ve become from just a little touching. 
“What do you want?” His voice has dropped octaves and his accent sounds extra thick as he says it in the short space between you. When you refuse to answer he presses more into you sparking friction so intense and so needed that your eyes shut softly. 
“What is it, hmm?” 
“You John, I want you.” You admit, you’re truly trying your best given what you want sounds too raunchy to speak aloud.
“Well I’m right here, gonna need more of an explanation.” He’s trying his hardest to not just give you it all. 
“Your fingers.” You can’t look at him as you say it. But the smile that forms on his face is so large and proud. 
“Don’t be an ass.” You say watching as your words definitely go to his ego. He knew you had a thing for his hands as he often caught you glancing at them when you got the chance. 
“You’re making my greatest wishes come true, why can’t I just be happy about it.” You smile now as his lips return to yours. He walks more down the hall this time you believe he’s heading into his room until your backs pressed up somewhere else. You open your eyes confused looking around before you notice you’re up against the candlelight painting, before you can question him he reads your mind.
“Don’t think I ever told you how much I love this one.” He says as he begins to remove your top. You raise your hands for him as he throws it to the floor beside you. You feel his hips stutter a bit when he sees the black Lace bra that adorns your chest.
“You’ll be the death of me.” 
His hands waste no time in finding the space between your thighs as he rubs an experimental finger over the damp spot that’s soaked through your tights. He nearly drops to his knees for a taste when he realizes just how wet you are. 
“Is this all for me?” he asks, pressing more firmly into the area.
“Yes.” it lacks that poised tone you always have. He grips the thin fabric and rips it in the crotch area and just like all tights, once one thread becomes undone the rest basically tears itself. He peers down looking at your matching panties clicking his tongue. His eyes go immensely dark at the sight of your arousal smeared on your plump thighs. He pushes your panties to the side shamelessly dipping a finger into your glistening cunt. Your back arches off the painting at the new sensation, mouth dropping a bit In anticipation. You hear how wet you are as he slides a finger up and down through your folds simply getting familiar with you, committing this to memory. 
“Please john.” you whine. His eyes find yours as his index finger begins to prod at your sopping entrance. He watches your face intently as he slides it inside, groaning at the way you clench around the single digit. His fingers are thick and coarse and your newest obsession. He can't get enough of the look of pleasure on your face as he begins to pump it in and out of you. You've sucked your bottom lip between your teeth to keep your moans mostly muffled trying your best to make little noise but that just doesn’t work for him. He leans in sucking it into his own mouth before kissing you deeply as you try your hardest to reciprocate. He begins to introduce his middle finger slowly easing it inside next to his other, your mouth falls open as a sound of pure pleasure escapes at the stretch. 
“D’s that feel good?” he asks breathlessly as the nearly painful erection in his pants twitches. You can't bring yourself to answer as your eyes fall to the hand that’s delivering you this feeling of ecstasy. He too watches in awe as your arousal leaks into his palm. 
“S’good all yours john.” you cry out as he presses his thumb to your clit. He can feel you getting close by the way his fingers are fighting to keep pumping inside your tight hole. He keeps the pace as he places sloppy kisses on your breasts sucking a little roughly on the soft tissue and watching the little bruises that immediately arise. 
He watches you in admiration, this is a paramount moment in his life. He curls his fingers towards that spot that makes you mumble incoherently, creasing your eyebrows in diversion.
“John, I'm close.” you're not close you’re practically there and he can't wait to see how pretty you look coming on his hand.
“Come on doll.” he wishes his eyes were cameras, he wants to keep the look on your face as you moan out his name forever. How your hands are holding onto his shoulders for dear life as if he’d drop you. And the way your long eyelashes flutter close. You're a dream, an absolute spectacle. His fingers continue to fuck you through the intense feeling, making sure you’re more than sated. 
He waits for your breathing to slow as he pulls his fingers from you. You whimper at the empty feeling. Your eyes that are struggling to fully open don't miss the moment he sucks them into his mouth gathering every ounce of spilled arousal. He moans loudly around them and you feel that switch come back on as quickly as it did the first time. He takes you to his room kicking the door open and setting you softly onto his bed. He removes your panties discreetly tucking them in his pocket as you still struggle to fully regain awareness. 
“May I?” He asks kindly, leaning down as he begins to hook your thigh around his shoulder.
“Oh John I never you don’t-“ 
“You never what?” He questions in absolute disbelief.
“You know this.” You gesture down to him with your hands, slightly embarrassed.
“I won’t if you don’t want me too.” He wants a taste desperately, truly doesn’t know what he’ll do if you deny him. 
“It’s not that I don’t want you too, it's just don’t feel obligated.” He laughs and you feel the air of his breath fan against you. 
“You're the one doing me the honor here, if you don’t like it just nudge me with your hand.” You nod nervously at him as he gains some focus onto the matter at hand. 
He’s eye to eye with the most mouth watering sight on the planet. You’re perfect in a way that would seem unachievable if you weren’t a living testimony that it is. 
He opens his mouth laying his tongue flat against your folds, your hips buck unintentionally and he moves to grip your hips and hold them firm. 
One taste and he’s sure you will truly be the death of him. He immerses himself in you, lapping at everything you're willing to give. You moan softly as your hands find their way into his hair. It’s good, better than anything you could’ve expected. His beard burns the inner part of your thighs and that mixed with the way John has his eyes on you while his tongue finds ways to make your back arch off the bed is mesmerizing. You try your best to not grind down onto his face every time his nose makes contact with your clit. You wonder if he can breathe, deciding he probably can’t by the way his face is snug against you, the ungodly sounds of slurping and grunting is making you woozy all around. 
“tastes so good, all f’me.” He says as he eats you out. It’s muffled into your folds, like if it wasn’t meant for you to hear. You feel that familiar build up of something hot and liquidy poor into your lower belly. A hand of yours kneads at your breast adding to the overwhelming senses of pleasure, with your other hand you pull on the locks of John’s hair, when he looks up he can’t contain it, the way his cock senselessly grinds into the mattress begging to be touched, he removes a hand from your hip carefully sliding it down the bed to release and stroke his aching red cock. He watches you lose yourself in pleasure as he fucks you on is tongue, your needy cries are melodic too him, they make him hungrier than ever before as he fucks his fist in fervor imagining the day he can split you open with it. Before he can think correctly he’s spurting loads more than he thought was possible onto his hand and dress shirt. The groan that he pours into you sends an intense feeling through your body, like thrashing waters that pull you under and keep you there before letting you back up. You don’t mean to, didn’t even expect it so soon but once the vibration hits you your clamping down onto his face. He doesn’t seem to mind, just continues to lick and prod at you letting your hips move slowly on his face. 
“John I’m-” you try catching your breath.
“You better not say sorry my love.” He can’t comprehend that this is real life. He tries to drink up all of what’s left of you before you push him away from over sensitivity.
You lay there breathless and heavy as he climbs above you planting a kiss onto your lips. You moan softly as you taste yourself from his mouth. When he pulls away you look at him with his wet beard and glistening stache. 
“What about you?” You say looking down towards his now unbuttoned pants.
“Finished about five minutes ago.” He says smugly. 
“What can I say doll, you're divine.” He’s not even phased by it and you’re in complete shock. He presses his weight down into you once more for a kiss then gets up and heads into the bathroom, you’re not sure what he’s doing till he comes back with a warm cloth and cleans the mess you made up. You’re unfamiliar with your partner doing aftercare but it’s nice. 
“D’ya want a pair of boxers or sweats, and a shirt or sweater.” He says while going to his dresser. 
“Boxers and sweater.” You answer quietly, you’re spent, as sleepy as can be. When he approaches you with both those things he helps you dress and opens the comforters for you to get inside. He himself is dressed in pajamas as he scoots in next to you pulling you firmly to his chest. You scoot impossibly close and intertwine your legs with his, your face is in the crook of his neck inhaling him as you fall asleep. He doesn’t want to lose this moment so quickly though so he tries his best to keep himself awake for as long as possible just to savor having you in his bed entangled with him physically and mentally. Although it doesn’t last as long as he’d like it’s enough to get him through the hard nights, his eyes drift closed as he too falls asleep.
I too am ashamed of myself🫶
Comments and re-blogs are greatly appreciated (if you do know spiritually I’m giving you a forehead kiss) ❕
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babydollmarauders · 3 months
part of the Maraschino Cherry! AU
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liked by john.marino97, dawson1417, and 6,927 others
y/nmercer new jersey, you made dreams come true. you gave me a few last years of living with my best friend, and you brought me my prince charming of a fiancé. i can’t thank this city and this team enough. i truly don’t have the words to describe how grateful i am for everything that jersey has meant to me, but it’s time for the next adventure. utah, i’ll see you soon…. please don’t take away my margaritas 🩵
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john.marino97 as taylor swift once said “everything you lose is a step you take.” just think of this loss as the first step in our personal journey, shortcake. this is the first in a long line of things we have to do on our own, and i’m so glad to have you by my side.
y/nmercer when he listens to and understands taylor swift 😩🤭 I’M GONNA PROPOSE
john.marino97 i think i already did that? what do you think i did when i got down on one knee and gave you that ring?
y/nmercer idk? i thought you just had a really weird way of gifting a promise ring or something
dawson1417 call me every day and tell me all about the mormons and life in utah! i’m gonna miss you, but i’m so happy you found your happily ever after and have someone to take on life with ❤️
dawson1417 even if that someone is john
john.marino97 we’re gonna be brothers one day, and then you’re gonna wish you were nicer to me
dawson1417 @/john.marino97 nah
y/nmercer i love you, bubba 🤍 thank you for being my best friend and allowing me to follow you around for the past 22 years. life will be so much different without you by my side
lhughes_06 i’ll miss you, mom! i hope you have a good time in utah! i’m gonna miss you dropping off cookies after losses and doing my curls
y/nmercer my first child <3 i love you so much, hun! i’m gonna miss you so much but i’ll see you later this summer and when we play NJD!
user92 this must be so hard for her :( i can’t imagine being with your twin from the womb to 22 and then having to move across the country just like that
user16 i mean, i’d assume she knew the risks of being with a hockey player and that it meant she could have to leave
user92 @/user16 that doesn’t make it any less hard for her
jackhughes gonna miss ya short stack! don’t get shunned out there in utah!
y/nmercer you’re not that much taller than me! just for that, i will not miss you
jackhughes oh no, you’ve wounded me! what ever will i do?!
y/nmercer fall in a hole, slut
jackhughes right back at you, whore
y/nmercer @/john.marino97 JOHN! LOOK WHAT HE CALLED ME!
jackhughes tattletale. you can dish it out but you can’t take it?
y/nmercer i’m just a girl
nicohischier we’ll miss your presence here in NJ, but i can’t wait to hear all about your new life, y/n!
y/nmercer please bring me back so many swiss treats as a going away gift!
user04 new jersey is gonna miss john’s talent and your kind heart and vivacious energy! i hope utah treats you guys well!
ehaula utah stole my babysitter! good luck out there, i’ll miss you both!
y/nmercer i’ll fly back. don’t ever underestimate what i’ll do for your children, erik.
nicolelaud i’m gonna miss my wine wife so bad 🍷🤍 i’ll pour a glass in your honor, babe. it’s been a privilege to be your friend and watch your relationship blossom beautifully. i’ll still see you in a few weeks, right?!
y/nmercer thank you for welcoming me into this team dynamic with open arms! i’ll miss you!! and absolutely! no chance i’m giving up a jersey bachelorette party!
vitacz15 i’m so sorry to hear about this! but i know you’ll do great there!
y/nmercer i miss my daily dose of vitek! thank you, VV!
curtislazar95 i’ll miss *adam hamway voice* THE MARINO’S! hope you thrive on the west coast! luke’s curls will miss you too
y/nmercer i’m a marino?! 🥹
curtislazar95 well yeah, soon enough!
naterbastian take care of my boy out there in the beehive state! i know he and you are gonna do great things!
y/nmercer awww bass! don’t worry, i’ll take care of your husband! 🫶🏻
jesperbratt don’t be a stranger ❤️ you have a home here any time. we’ll miss you both lots
y/nmercer oh bratt-man, don’t make me cry again 🥺
user30 the way john hasn’t posted a goodbye but she has 😭
user6 well, john never posted a goodbye when he was traded from the penguins either, but considering this seems to be the first NHL player she’s dated, i assume this is her first time having to leave against her will from a city she’s grown to call home, so it makes sense that she posted a goodbye
tmeier96 good luck on the west coast! i’m just a text away if you ever need anything, it was a pleasure to get to know you
y/nmercer just stab me with a dull soup spoon already, it would hurt less
john.marino97 @/y/nmercer no.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 16
Hello, darlings! I am back with this wonderful story. I figure there will be about 20 chapters provided more drama doesn’t crop up for our lovely duo.
The Cinderella thing is mostly true. Not the throw up part but the English teacher part. And she did swear off drama.
Also I used real lines from the play 1776 all credit goes to the writer Peter Stone.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
Eddie always got tired of hearing the music by the time the last week before the performance came around. But he never got tired of watching Steve learn the dance moves or say his lines.
What was impressive was the fact that Steve picked up his lines faster then the kids that had been doing this for years. The actor playing John Adams kept stumbling over the line “Does anybody see what I see?” He kept saying “Does anyone see what I see?”
Eddie could tell even from the light booth that Steve was about to leap from the sidelines and strangle him.
Miss Lucy called out the correct line for the tenth time and the kid threw his arms in the air and walked off the stage in frustration.
Miss Lucy sighed. “All right, I guess we take a short break before getting back to it.” Marty patted her shoulder and went to go talk to him.
Steve turned to Janice. “You want to strangle Vince or shall I?”
Janice laughed. “How about we take turns?”
By then Eddie had made his way to them, the boring way. As in he actually used the stairs.
“Now, now, Stevie,” he growled low. “Threatening John Adams is a completely different part of the play!”
Steve and Janice laughed. Eddie loved this laugh. It wasn’t the dark chuckle or sneering smirk from his King Steve years. It was an actual laugh, open mouthed and loud.
“You ready for your first performance in front of a live audience?” Janice asked.
Steve gulped. “No?”
“There’s always someone who throws up,” she said with a grin. “So if you feel like up chucking, just do it in the designated garbage can with the lid to keep the smell from getting to everyone else.”
Eddie winced. “Yeah, we really don’t need a repeat of Cinderella.”
Steve’s face drained of color. “What happened with Cinderella?”
Marty came up from behind Janice and said, “The kid playing the King threw up on the girl playing the fairy godmother. Like all over her dress. And apparently she had a weak stomach, so she threw up too. And then the girl playing one of the step-sisters threw up because of the smell...and it just spiraled from there.”
“They had to cancel that performance,” Janice finished with a grimace.
“That performance?” Eddie said. “Hell they had to push back all of the performances until the following week so that they had time to get all the costumes dry cleaned.”
“It was a mess,” Marty said.
Steve frowned. “When was this?”
“Oh this was in middle school,” Marty said. “Um...our seventh grade I believe if Eddie was there for that.”
Eddie nodded. “The English teacher wanted to direct that year and she was a way better teacher than the actual drama teacher. But after the puking incident she swore off drama forever.”
It was Steve’s turned to wince. “I can’t say I blame her.”
“So yeah,” Janice said. “Please use the designated receptacles if you decide you need to throw up.”
Steve grimaced. “I don’t usually throw up when I’m nervous or scared, so I think I should be fine.”
Eddie frowned at the edition of scared to that statement. When the hell would Steve have been frightened? He supposed he could be referring to his dad, but this felt like it was something else.
“All right, everyone!” Miss Lucy called out. “Places!”
Steve got back out there and stood on his mark. Vince and Martin, the kid who was playing Hancock got to theirs.
“I’m still from Massachusetts, John;” Martin said, “you know where I stand. I’ll do whatever you say.”
“No, you’re the President of Congress,” Vince said. “You’re a fair man, Hancock—stay that way.”  
The messenger boy came in and handed Steve the dispatch.
“Tell me Mr Thomson, out of curiosity, do you stand with Mr Dickinson or do you stand with me?
Steve held up the dispatch. “I stand with the General. Lately–I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been–writing to me,” he said.
And this time the scene went off without a hitch.
“Cut!” Miss Lucy called. “Well done everyone!”
“Steve just a little more emotion in the ‘me’ bit, okay?” she said. “Your voice is supposed to crack with the despair of it all.”
Steve nodded.
“Kenny,” she said, “The way you uttered you line sent chills down my spine. Keep that up.”
Steve privately thought that Kenny should have been Adams instead of Lyman Hall. He was the much better actor. The only thing Steve could figure is that Kenny wanted the Georgia representative role.
It was one Steve had originally thought to try out for, but after reading the script a couple times decided that between Hall and Thomson, Thomson was a better fit for him.
They managed to get through the entire play that day.
Steve met up with Janice, Marty, and Eddie afterwards.
Eddie rubbed his hands together. “I can’t wait for next week.”
Marty laughed. “Yeah, yeah, Mr High School Delinquent wanting a valid reason to skip class...”
Steve frowned. “Why would we get to skip class?”
All three heads turned to him in shock.
“How do you not know?” Janice asked, her eyes wide.
“Know what?” Steve asked even further confused.
Marty smacked his head. “Shit! We’ve never actually said it out loud.”
Janice and Eddie turned to him.
“Wait, seriously?” Eddie asked eyes wide as he tilted his head forward in shock.
“We assumed everyone would know because we do it every year,” Marty explained.
“Steve,” Janice began, “did you not go to the high school productions of the school play in elementary?”
Steve frowned. “I vaguely remember that, I guess. I don’t think I ever went to the assembly. I think me and Tommy would cut out and then show up for the last few minutes.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Of course you did.”
Steve pursed his lips. “So we preform for the elementary kids all next week?”
Marty nodded. “Just the first act. Just enough to whet their appetite for the full thing so they drag their parents to the show so that we get the money.”
Steve nodded. “Okay. Do you guys do it for the middle school as well? Because I vaguely remember watching some musical about pirates my eighth grade year I think it was.”
Marty sighed. “We used to according Miss Lucy, but they stopped that year. The middle school principal hates the arts and discontinued it. Combine that with a drama teacher that didn’t care and you get the mess that is middle school preforming arts.”
Steve’s frown deepened. “I have a friend in the drama club at the middle school, I don’t think he’s every said anything bad about it. And he complains about everything.”
Eddie looked over at him and cocked his head. “Which one?”
Steve hummed. “Oh? Um, Dustin. The curly haired one without the front teeth.”
Eddie chuckled. “Yeah, I can see him being a drama kid.”
Marty chose that moment to cut in. “The problem is because they don’t have anything to compare it to most middle school kids don’t know it’s shit. And by the time they do figure it out, they’re already in high school and have moved on.”
Steve nodded. “Make sense I guess. And with the year almost over it wouldn’t make sense to try and change the system now.”
Janice sighed. “Sad but true.” She looked at her watch. “Look, I’ve got to go, I’m going to be late for work. I’ll see you guys later.”
Marty looked at his own watched and nodded. “That’s my cue as well. I need to talk to Mrs Thompson about one of the wigs. Apparently James is allergic to the power in his Franklin wig and we need to find a replacement that won’t scalp our actor.”
Steve grimaced. “Ouch. Yeah, I hear that. See around, man.”
Marty said goodbye and dashed off.
Eddie turned to Steve. “You coming to my place to study tonight?”
Steve hummed in the positive. “I just have to stop by my place to pick up a couple of things. Do you want me to grab some pizza on my way?”
Eddie grinned. “Sounds great. I love all meat.”
“You would,” Steve said rolling his eyes.
Eddie pushed him playfully. “I eat veggies, dude. Just not on pizza. It makes the dough all soggy.”
Steve frowned. “Huh. I don’t think I ever noticed that. I like a good supreme. But I’ll forgo today and just get a pepperoni and an all meat.”
Eddie smiled softly. “You do that, then. And I’ll see you at seven?”
Steve gave Eddie’s shoulder a squeeze and let his hand linger for a moment. “See you at seven.”
And then he walked away.
Eddie practically skipped backwards before he turned and ran out of the auditorium.
There in the back, shrouded in darkness, Kyle Carver sneered.
Steve arrived at the Munson trailer seven o’clock on the dot. His backpack was slung over one shoulder and the hot pizza perfectly balanced in one hand as he knocked on the door.
Eddie threw open the door and smiled. “Right on time.”
Steve grinned back. “I try.”
Eddie stepped back and let Steve in. Wayne smiled at the sight of the pizza.
“I like your boy, Eddie,” he said with a chuckle, rising to his knees. “Anyone who brings pizza from D'Onofrio’s is okay in my book.”
Steve laughed. “Like I’m going to get it from that new chain store that just opened up. My Italian grandmother would haunt me in my sleep.”
“I didn’t know you were Italian,” Eddie said, taking the boxes from him to set on the counter.
“Quarter,” Steve said, tossing his backpack on the floor next to coffee table. “My mom’s half Italian, half French, all American as my dad would say.”
“And your dad is what? All asshole?” Eddie asked getting down three plates from the cupboard.
Steve smirked. “Something like that.”
Wayne grabbed a slice of the pepperoni and set it on his plate. “I’m going to watch the game, you two boys okay with doing your homework on the counter in the kitchen?”
Steve nodded and Eddie said, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
Wayne nodded back and went to go eat his pizza in front of the TV.
The boys bent over their English homework cursing every British author under the sun for foisting their very unamerican style of writing on poor American high school students. In particular William Golding. Eddie still had a soft spot for Tolkien.  
“If this goes on for much longer,” Steve said after they were working on it for an hour, “we might have to call in big guns.”
Eddie sighed. “Why are we being made to care about some bratty teenagers trying to kill each other on an island?” He buried his head in hands and screamed.
“Fuck if I know,” Steve admitted. “Why don’t we take a smoke break? Sit out on the porch for a minute?”
Eddie lifted his head. “Yeah.”
They grabbed their jackets and went out to sit on the porch stairs. Steve pulled out his pack of cigarettes and handed one to Eddie.
“Camels?” Eddie asked, pulling out his Bic lighter.
“Got a problem with Camels?” Steve asked, flicking open his Zippo lighter and lighting Eddie’s cigarette when his Bic refused to strike.
Eddie shrugged. “I would have pegged you for one of those fancier brands. Clove or whatever.”
Steve shook his head. “My dad smokes ‘em and they were my first smoke.” He shrugged. “Can’t imagine smoking anything else.”
Eddie bumped his shoulder into Steve’s. “Yeah, same. Only for me, it’s Wayne’s brand.”
Steve smiled. “Makes it easier to share.”
Eddie smiled back. “Sure does, big boy.”
They finished their cigarettes and went back inside, finally able to finish their assignments.
Steve and Eddie lingered at the door, pressed together, Steve playing with the pins on Eddie’s denim vest.
“I wish there wasn’t school tomorrow so I could stay,” he murmured.
Eddie lifted Steve’s face by his chin. “I know, sweetheart. But we do and I would really like to graduate this year.”
Steve chuckled. “Yeah, me too.”
Eddie pressed his lips to Steve’s. “Good night, Stevie.”
Steve gave him a quick peck. “Night, Eds.” He waved goodbye and drove off.
Eddie watched him go and then slipped back into the trailer where Wayne was cleaning up in the kitchen.
“Eddie what did I tell you about leaving your comic books on the counter?” he asked with a sigh, holding up the comic in question.
He frowned. “That’s not one of mine.”
Wayne looked at it again. “I didn’t figure it was Steve’s. He doesn’t strike me as the type to read comic books.”
Eddie crossed the trailer and took the book from him. The cover showed a young man holding a bat filled with nails in front of a tentacled monster in a dark hallway.
The title read: The Monsters on Maple Street.
“Hey,” Wayne said. “That’s the name of one of my favorite ‘Twilight Zone’ episodes. It’s a real good one.”
Eddie nodded. Wayne was right. Steve didn’t read comic books. But he did write and draw one.
Or rather: two.
Holy shit.
Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread @estrellami-1
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mychem1calbr0mance · 1 month
I'd like to hear more about Adam x Amanda
!!! coming right up
tbh i started shipping them based on vibes alone but then i started to reaaaaally think about them and i went a little bonkers. i don't consider them canon or try and find any proof that they are, i think it's just fun to think about!!
so in order to become the next jigsaw, amanda had to be willing to give up everything, right? Can't remember exactly what peepaw said but it was something along the lines of she had to give everything she was to him in exchange for his legacy. and we know he meant everything. and we saw how much amanda was struggling with that.
i like to think they started going out before adam's game, but during the time amanda was supposed to be scouting him. a classic "fake dating turned real dating" when she started to catch feelings. maybe she did show up to adam's friend's concert that night and the two hit it off really well? or maybe they met again at another time and she decided to give it a shot? (im aware the concert thing is probably supposed to be the night he got captured but this is saw, we can play with time djensjwj + we know how long jigsaw can take planning and executing his games)
and maybe this relationship started to distract her from her apprenticely duties? after giving up a lot of what made her "herself" and inherently made her miserable for becoming the next jigsaw, a lot of doors probably opened for her. one of them being the chance to have a stable, healthy(-ish) romantic relationship. she's still dedicated to jigsaw's cause, just not as desperately as john is because she has other things going for herself. and here's where the "You must give up everything" part comes in.
she's distracted. john recognizes that. so, he makes her role in this all the more crucial to really get it through her head of what her life is going to be like once he's gone. of course she was always going to help, but now she had to drag her unconscious (ex)boyfriend into a shitty bathroom, chain him up, and dump him in a bathtub. whether they were together or not during adam's game? idk lol. them being broken up adds to the angst factor + it does explain how 'careless' she is whenever it comes to setting up his game,,, i like it either way!!
now, adam's "death." (im an "adam in saw xi" believer). it was her forcing herself to truly give up everything. she had to get comfortable being alone, and doing these horrible things to people she very well may know, since who knows what the future games will consist of? so, she goes with suffocation, an easier death, and gets the job done. and we saw how much that broke her
UH sorry if this made no sense i just woke up 👍 i just think these two have really good angst potential + the "very rockstar" scene lives in my head rent free and i wanted to incorporate it in canon somehow
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [16]
chapter sixteen, act two: anobrain
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December 8th 2013
It was exactly as he said, he took her to see a band of his friends on the smaller stage in the afternoon, then they went to a fancy restaurant, had a fancy meal and he walked her back.
She invited him up, he said no, but promised to see her the next day.
She smiles watching him leave down the corridor, she doesn’t notice Matty leaning against his doorframe.
“No shag?”
She closes her eyes briefly with a sigh, before turning around to him, “No, Matty, no shag.” She says, turning and knocking on the door.
“Afraid he won’t beat the first time?”
She pauses, hand stilling above the door and she glances over at him. He seems to realise what he’d said at the same time as her and he stands a little straighter, “Sorry, I… I don’t know where that came from.”
“What are you doing?”
She sighs, “What are you doing, Matty? Why are you here right now?”
He clears his throat and kicks his door open a little wider, “I knew you didn’t have a key, Ross went back to some girls hotel. He’s not in there.”
She sighs with a nod, “Uh, which rooms Ad’s?”
“Adam, George, John and Zishaun had to stay in the hotel across the street, remember? Rooms were double booked.”
“Who are you bunking with?” She asks, arms wrapped around herself.
“Last night Jamie but his missus came out here to surprise him so they’re across the way too.”
“So… no one?”
Again he shows the kicked open door and she sighs, “Will you walk me across? Please?”
He looks down at himself, he’s got no shirt on and has some old joggers with holes in questionable places, then he lifts an imaginary watch to his face, “It’s three in the morning.”
“Just, get in.” He says holding it open, “I have a bed and some clothes.”
She waits for a few seconds in the hallway, then sighs and steps inside despite her better judgement.
Matty watches her as she kicks her shoes off, lining them up neatly against one wall as his lay kicked on top of each other just beside them.
He watches her hand flex as she pauses looking at them, desperate to fix them and line them up beside her own. A task she would usually just complete without much thought.
Instead she lets her fidgeting hand fall to the bag on her shoulder and only glances back at the shoes twice. The first as she places the little black leather bag onto the table where Matty’s tote bag resides and then again as she moves to the mirror to untie her hair from the half up half down braid style she’d made George do for her that morning.
When she turns around again Matty is lying against the headboard, phone in hand and there’s a t-shirt and boxers on the end of the bed.
The t-shirt is again, one of hers, an old Fiona Apple t-shirt from when she played in London back in 2006.
She doesn’t comment on it this time, she closes the bathroom door until it clicks, takes off the long sundress she’s wearing and changes into the clothes.
Her neatly folded clothes are placed on the floor beside his closed suitcase and as she stands she risks a glance at his shoes.
She pauses slightly, feeling his eyes on the back of her head she acts as if she was just tying her hair up. Acting as if it wasn’t the fact that his shoes are now lined up against the wall beside her own that momentarily froze her.
As she messes about with her hair, trying to tame it into her bobble her eyes glance across the vanity before her.
Cigarettes, lighters, his wallet, some loose change and a CD with the receipt on top lay scattered around. But what catches her eye is the book.
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‘Show me yours, Tommie McDuff’
She lets her finger trace the cover, a picture of herself that Matty had taken one day when the band had performed in Brighton.
She flicks at a few of the post bits and book tabs sticking out the side, one on almost every page.
She pushes her finger open to the page where a piece of paper sticks out the top but as she hears the sheets rustling as Matty moves in the bed she pauses and steps back.
Once her curly hair is tied back she lies on the bed with her back to him, reaching to flick off the lamp beside her.
Matty’s lamp is still on, and remains on for almost ten minutes as he sits up in the bed staring at the wall in front of him.
“Did you uh,” He pauses as he shifts down, still laying on top of the covers, “Have a nice night? Nice date?”
Her jaw wiggles as she thinks over his question, “I did.”
“Good. Callum-”
“I know me and the guys are giving him shit, but, he seems… alright.”
“He is alright.” She tells him quietly.
Matty turns over so he’s lying on his side, he reaches out and tugs on one of her curly strands of hair, “You gonna go on another date?”
“I’m not sure, he gave me his number last time. So, maybe I’ll text him.”
Matty nods and as he does he shifts a little closer to her, away from the edge of the bed, “You should.”
She chews on her bottom lip, eyes falling closed as he moves to play with more strands, her hand grips her pillow, anchoring herself down so she won’t turn around.
She wants to turn and scream at him. Tell him it could be him she’s going on dates with, him who’s making her happy, him that she calls ‘alright’ when friends ask, whereas in reality he’s fucking amazing and she’s playing it down so the smile won’t ache her cheeks.
But Matty doesn’t want that.
It’s toxic really, how hurt she feels from his words and actions yet she wouldn't even consider doing anything of the kind that might mean he’s not in her life.
The logical part of her is telling her to leave, go across the road to the other hotel. Leave behind her friendship with him to fully move on, to recover, to heal.
They were never together but she knows this is what heartbreak feels like. Her first broken heart given to her by none other than her best friend, Matthew Healy.
She'd rather lie here now and suffer than not be able to see him every day. Not be able to watch him perform. Not have him.
“Goodnight, Roddy.”
Matty eyes practically become hearts as he stares at her back, he lets go of her hair, back of his hand brushing down her shoulder.
His eyes water as he stares at the back of her head.
‘You’ll ruin her.’
“Goodnight, Baby.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
December 9th 2013
Matty woke up to an empty bed, the little fancy notepad and pen that the hotel had on the bedside table was on her pillow and he picked it up to read it.
‘I called Ross to come open up for me, got that second date after all. Thank you, see you later -Tommie x’
He sighs, thumb running over the ink and it smudges, it’s fresh.
For some reason he finds himself standing quickly, stumbling over himself as he gets up on barely awake legs.
It's then he hears voices outside, no, her voice.
He rips the door open and steps out almost bumping into someone, “Sorry, mate.”
He steps back quickly, hitting into the closed door behind him and shakes his head to try and wake himself up.
Tommie’s brows furrow, “You alright, Matty?”
He nods quickly and gestures to her hotel room door behind her, “Ross still in there?”
She nods and he does too, still standing there awkwardly. She smiles at him a little timidly then turns to Caleb, “Uh, the Ubers downstairs can you go on down? I’ll sort him out then meet you down there.”
He smiles and leans into place a quick kiss on her cheek, one that has her cheeks reddening and head bowing down.
Her hair is straightened today, Matty notes, she must’ve just done it quickly, he can still see one strand trying to curl since she’d obviously rushed.
She turns back to him and tilts her head to her shoulder, “You alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, uh, last night I gave Ross my- wallet. Yeah, Ross has my wallet, and I wanted to go to that cafe next door. Get a drink and that.”
She steps forward, hand on his arm, “Are you sure, Matt? I’ve been so worried about you lately, I mean, you look like shit.”
She rolls her eyes, “You know what I mean? What’s wrong?”
Her touch is too much, the soft skin of her fingertips, roughened by years of guitar, burns his arm and he steps back, moving his arm to run a hand through his hair.
“We’re okay?”
Her brows furrow and she nods, her lips tug upwards, it takes every single cell in her body to make the smile look real. “We’re okay.”
But the effort is worth it when she watches his shoulders drop in relief. She turns away, he calls after her.
“I am sorry, I want you to know that.”
She nods, “I know… I’ll meet you guys there later, alright?”
“See you later.”
She starts walking down the hallway slowly and he quickly calls after her, “Tommie?”
She turns as she presses the button for the lift and steps back to see him better, “Yeah?”
“He’s a good guy, but still, be careful, yeah?”
She lets her lips curl and nods before stepping into the metal box and letting it take her downstairs.
Matty groans loudly, muttering different ways to call himself idiot under his breath as he runs his hands down his face.
He turns back to open his hotel room door but ends up walking right into it with the realisation he never grabbed his key card.
Turning to the door opposite he hits his first against it, “Ross?”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Caleb catches her hand as she goes to walk the few steps up to the hotel, she turns, skirt moving with her movement, “You guys were… outstanding today.”
She walks backwards and he nods from a few steps below moving in time with her, her right foot his left foot, her left his right.
“Amazing.” The hand still in his hold is raised and his lips place a delicate kiss upon her skin. “Phenomenal.”
“Tell me more.”
He follows her through the hotel, muttering compliments which he finishes with a kiss on different parts of her body.
Astonishing. Her shoulder.
Stunning. Her cheek.
Breathtaking. Her jaw.
He finishes by muttering his praises of her and her dress, his lips on hers as he walks her out of the open doors and down the hallway towards her room.
He has her up against the door, hand not moving from their place that he’s settled them comfortably on her hips.
“Ross is at that girl's place again.”
She moves so her hand can get into the pocket of her skirt- something that when she had discovered that morning on their date she had gushed about for at least two hours, later showing the rest of the guys when she got to them and any random passer buyer who would listen- then she presents her key card and slides it back until she here's the door click.
He takes it upon himself to push it open, using one strong arm to sweep her up against him as she moves her to the bed furthest from the door.
He could tell that's the one she's using from how much more put together than the other it is.
Clothes are scattered before the door is even closed and he's on top of her, pulling back once to hear her approval before continuing.
It's fast.
It feels like it lasts three minutes with him on top of her, his head buried in her neck as he tells her how good she feels.
She lays there, legs around his waist, hands in his hair but face stoic as she stares at the ceiling.
She compares everything to Matty.
His touch, his lips, his words, the pace, the feel. Everything.
She closes her eyes, letting her mind wonder, thinking of that night in LA until he’s pulling back to look at her, “Did you finish already?”
She bites her lip and nods, faking being out of breath as her lashes flutter, “Yeah… yeah, Ma- Yeah.”
“Did you just almost call me mate?” He chuckles.
She licks her lips and nods quickly, brows raised as he laughs and pulls her closer.
-let me know if you want to be added :)
-I'm going to be taking a bit of a break from posting to focus on writing the next couple of parts, plus I'm going on holiday and need to sort a few personal things out
-thank you for reading, Mac :)
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finkinthisfrew · 1 year
Anything (Pt.37)
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Chapter 37 After a beautifully intimate dinner in the foliaged corner of an outdoor patio under strings and strings of fairy lights, and a leisurely walk along the charming city streets interspersed with over a dozen makeout sessions in whatever hidden corner we could find, Matty and I finally arrived at the evening's destination. As we walked up the brick street towards the bar, only an hour late (not bad for us!), I admired the charming glow of the multicoloured Christmas lights which framed its otherwise unassuming doorway.
As Matty pulled the door open for me, we were hit by the overwhelming sound of people yelling and laughing as a cheesy recording of Toto's 'Africa' blasted throughout the bar. As we entered the long room, which boasted even more of the same yellow, orange and red Christmas lights which cast a warm glow over the whole bar, along with strings of coloured pennants along the ceiling, we searched the tables for the rest of the band.
Suddenly, a familiar voice rang through the speakers, singing the opening line to 'Africa' along with the track which played. I stood for a second processing what was happening, then Matty and I turned to each other at the same time with identical looks of astonishment and realization. At that moment, I realized two things. First, that we were at a karaoke bar. And second, that the voice I recognized, the one currently crooning the lyrics to the second verse of 'Africa', was none other than my friend, my boyfriend's best friend, and the 1975's drummer, George Daniel's.
We rushed over to the small crowd which stood surrounding a tiny stage in the back corner of the bar, pushing through to get to the front, breaking through just as George began to belt:
George's face lit up with joy as he saw us break into the front of the crowd. We screamed the lyrics along with him as I felt several arms wrap themselves around me. I turned to see Jamie, Ross and Polly throwing their arms around both of us, drunkenly happy to see us. We all danced and shouted and laughed together as George performed and waved his full pint of beer all over the stage, by the end of which was entirely empty.
Afterwards, once Matty and I had a full fresh pint of beer in our hands each, and George two, he slung his arms around our shoulders, sloshing beer everywhere as we walked towards a table near the middle of the bar where Adam, John and Gabrielle all sat, smiling up at us.
"I've missed you two," he said happily as one of the other bar patrons began to sing a song I didn't recognize, "Do you know how much I love you both?"
"I didn't take you for such a sop, George," I teased, overwhelmed by the candidness of his declaration. He looked down at me with a giant grin.
"And I didn't take you for a Brit," he rebutted. "You're definitely spending too much time with Matty- we must preserve your Canadian-ness," he said as he plopped down in an empty seat at the table.
"Oh?" I responded in question, pretending not to hear Matty's giggle as we both remembered what happened the last time Matty teased my new vocabulary... "And how do you suggest we do that?" I asked as Matty pulled out the seat next to George for me to sit in. I turned around and smiled at him in thanks. He leaned down to kiss me in return, then as he smiled back at me, lingered for a few moments, then winked at me. My stomach flip-flopped.
Once we broke eye contact, I watched Matty sit down beside me as I felt something large and heavy land in my lap. I looked down to see a giant tattered binder that read 'KARAOKE' in big black letters.
"I'm certain they've heard of Celine Dion at least once in Panama," George said with a cheeky smile.
"Ohhh, no no no, there's no way I'm going up there," I said as I tossed the binder back onto the table and crossed my arms. Everyone began to protest.
"Oh please, Anna!" Matty begged along with the rest of the table as his hand replaced the binder on my lap. I felt his skin through the sheer material of my dress. I subdued a shiver- somehow his touch still made my heart skip a beat.
"Guys, there's literally no way in hell I'm getting up there and singing in front of a group of literal rock stars- I can't sing," I said as I shook my head.
"Hey, that's not fair!" George protested, "Not all of us are rock stars! Ross just stands there and looks pretty."
We all burst into laughter, buzzing with happy energy as Ross shook his head disappointedly, trying to hide the smile on his face.
"But George is right," Matty said as everyone's laughs faded. "That actually isn't fair of Anna to say," he said looking at me as he spoke to the group, "She's a beautiful singer. She has the loveliest voice. She even plays a little guitar!"
I shot daggers at Matty as he bragged about me, but he just continued to smile.
"Oh don't be modest, darling!" he said with a little scowl. I opened my mouth to object but George interrupted me.
"No, it's true! I've heard a recording myself- she's got this little angelic voice!" George said as he reached out and pinched my cheek. I scowled at him as everyone at the table started to shout at me to sing. A minute later everyone was banging on the table rhythmically and chanting, 'A-nna, A-nna, A-nna!' over and over. I sunk into my seat and hid behind my hands in humiliation.
Matty rubbed my leg comfortingly, then squeezed my thigh to get my attention as he leaned in toward me.
"Sing me a song, darling," he asked with giant begging eyes, "Please?"
I melted at his pleading face. How could I say no? I sighed dramatically, then uncrossed my arms and stood up to talk to the MC to submit a song.
After I sat back down, we'd just finished our second round of drinks and were about to take the shots Ross had bought for the table when they called up my name to the stage. Everyone looked over at me, and without hesitating, I immediately downed my shot of tequila, then took George's out of his hand and downed his too. I hopped up from the table, ignoring George's complaints as I headed over to the stage. Everyone stood up with me and walked over to join the crowd as I stepped up on stage, not letting myself stop to think even once about what I was about to do for fear of bolting directly out the door and into the night.
As the intro of Frankie Valli's 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' began to play, I looked into the small crowd in front of me and found the glow of my favourite pair of eyes looking up at me. I gravitated toward their warmth, Matty's smile soothing my nerves slightly. I took a deep breath and began to sing the verse to him, like we were the only ones in the room. The way he smiled up at me morphed my anxious nerves into excited ones- he was so absurdly handsome in the soft red glow of the room, I felt giddy just looking at him.
People in the crowd began to whoop and cheer and scream the horn line as the song ramped up. Finally, when the chorus hit, I belted it out as everyone in the crowd, as well as the rest of the bar, screamed the lyrics along with me. I happily watched as everyone danced below me, Matty and George hooking their arms through each other and prancing in circles as Ross twirled Polly, Hann and Gabrielle and John doing the can-can. As terrifying as it was, it was exhilarating, and I loved every moment of it.
When the song finished and I finally stepped off stage, what felt like a million hands clasped around me, my knees buckling from their weight. I couldn't hold back my giddiness, laughing as I fell. Everyone helped me up, then praised me, showering me with compliments and pumping me up as another bar patron went up on stage.
As we all began to head back to our table, the crowd parted, and like in a movie, I saw Matty standing there, waiting patiently for me. He stepped over to me in two quick strides before picking me up in his arms and spinning me around, but I didn't notice any of it. All I could focus on was the way he beamed up at me as he spun me in the air, smiling at me so proudly, his eyes shining bright with joy. As he set me down, he pulled me in to kiss me, pressing his pride into my lips over and over, making me giggle as he did.
"My little rockstar," he said in my ear just to me as we finally pulled apart, looking down at me with a cheeky smile. He took my hand to lead me back to our table, squeezing it tightly as we walked. "You were brilliant," he said as he pulled out my chair for me. I thanked him with scarlet cheeks, overwhelmed. As I sat down, he pulled out his own chair and tucked it right up against mine, as close to me as possible, then put his arm around me pulling me in close against him.
"I feel like I finally understand what it's like for our fans when I look at them on stage," he turned to me as the rest of the table returned to their own conversations. "I thought I was about to melt into a puddle every time you looked at me up there," he said, trailing his finger along my thigh as he spoke. He looked down at my lap before adding quietly, "I could've sworn I was the only man in the room and you were singing just to me."
"I was," I replied honestly. Matty looked up at me with wide eyes, and his face broke into another huge smile, making my heart flutter all over again.
"Well that's a disappointment, I thought that was all for me," I heard George say as he leaned into me on my other side, grinning cheekily at me.
The three of us laughed and fell into conversation about karaoke songs, discussing the best and worst possible choices. We had just been laughing about the thought of someone performing 'Tequila' by The Champs, when Matty announced he was going to the bathroom.
"Would you like another?" Matty asked, gesturing at my empty pint glass.
"Yes please," I nodded. He pointed at George with raised eyebrows and he nodded as well.
"I'll grab us another round on my way back," he said. He kissed my cheek sweetly and stood up. Then, as if reading my mind how I already missed the way his leg pressed up against mine and the way his arm wrapped around me like a warm blanket, he leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I'll be quick, I promise. I miss you already," before pressing one more kiss onto my temple and shooting me a little smile and a wink before disappearing into the thick of strangers.
"I just wanted to say... Thank you again for coming, Anna," I heard George say to me. I turned to find his face earnestly looking at me as he placed his hand on my arm in thanks. "I really mean it. I know you know how much it means to him, but you'll never know how much it means to me. So thank you."
I looked into his eyes and noticed how they didn't light up all the way- how something dark lingered in behind his appreciation. I could tell there was more to this, but I wasn't sure how to approach it.
"I would do anything for Matty," I said. I meant it, and I knew George knew that too. He smiled at me when I said this, squeezing my arm as I opened my mouth, pausing with hesitation. I didn't want to pry too much, but something told me George would be open to it.
"I get the feeling that there's more to this," I began tentatively, "than what either of you have told me..." I left the sentence open-ended in the hopes of George filling in the blanks for me. He looked down at his nearly empty pint before downing the rest, then wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve and took a deep breath.
"Did Matty ever tell you about Steph?" he asked looking back at me.
My heart stopped. I knew Matty must have had plenty of exes, and I wasn't stupid enough to think I was the only love of his life, but to hear a name... Something about it felt too real, too threatening. I didn't like it, but I pushed my jealousy aside and shook my head, more concerned with what George had to say next.
"They weren't together for very long- maybe five, six months tops? They had a bit of a whirlwind romance. I remember he was careful at first. He tried to go slow, but the more time they spent together, the faster he fell. They had everything in common, and she was positive and optimistic, like a little ray of sunshine amidst the self-identity crisis that had been brewing within Matty over the years prior. He was so drawn to her- she seemed tailor-made for her."
I swallowed the lump that grew in my throat and tried to relax my stomach as it tensed up. I mostly failed. George continued.
"I was always weary about her- I didn't like her, and I couldn't figure out why," George said, and I had to try very hard not to let my smugness at this show. "Eventually, it all fell apart and began to make sense... Turns out she was tailor-made for him- she had lied about everything. When they first met, she pretended she didn't know who he was but it turns out she was a super fan- she'd figured out the places he frequented and staged their whole first meeting. She knew everything about him and used it all to make herself seem like his dream girl- yeah, I know, it was foul," George said, looking at my jaw which dropped open in shock. A moment ago I was jealous of this girl, but now, I felt nothing but pure hatred.
"It got even worse," George continued. "Matty found out she had been sending screenshots of their conversations to her friends. She also took all these pictures and videos of him without his knowledge or permission and would send those along, as well as the ones he'd taken that he thought were just for the two of them. I think she also was spending his money on clothes and shit for herself and her friends. I remember he flew a couple of her friends out for some shows and they went on some crazy shopping spree with his card. I don't think Matty cared that much about that, but I was fuming about it because I'm pretty certain they didn't ask beforehand..."
"That is so awful..." I said in disbelief as I shook my head.
"Yeah, it was mental. The breakup was big and messy and it really fucked Matty up for a long time... He'd already been having these identity and trust struggles outside of the relationship beforehand, and he'd been flirting with escapism with drinking and other things... but after he found out about Steph's charade, that's when he really fell apart," George explained. "I was really worried he was going to go in that direction again when we left London- I hadn't seen him so distraught since that breakup," George said, before shrugging to himself and adding, "But he seems to be doing great again, now that you're here."
"And you think that's because of me?" I asked tentatively.
George pondered thoughtfully.
"Yes," he answered bluntly. "I mean, he's a grown man and he's more than capable of taking care of himself, but the bloke's been through the wringer- it's not his fault he crumbles when the good things in his life disappear. It's like this," George turned to me fully, using his arms to explain, "His highs are so high- much higher than what a normal person would experience. But his lows are so much lower because of that, and I think he's still learning how to cope with that. Because at the end of the day, as popular as he is, he's just a normal bloke. I mean, he's not- the man's mad," George smiled cheekily as he propped his elbow on the back of his chair and rested his head in his hand, "But he's just a guy. And if you take anything from any of this, it should be that the way he feels about you... Look, I can't speak for Matty, but I know him better than anyone and I've seen what he's been through, and of all the highs I've seen him at... you're his highest. Easily."
I looked at George wide-eyed, stunned. He smiled at me kindly before taking hold of the Song Book and rifling through its pages, leaving me to my thoughts.
I sat in silent reflection as I processed everything George had just told me. It really started to sink in just what Matty had to deal with, and why we had the connection we had. It was wild to think how two people who'd gone through their own versions of hell, who were given every reason to lose hope and become distrustful and jaded about love, could trust one another so easily. Trusting Matty felt like breathing. It was effortless. And knowing how he'd gone through all of that and still treated me with so much care and affection... I always knew what we had was special, but it wasn't until now that it really hit me.
Without thinking twice, I stood up from the table and turned to find the bar. I pushed my way through groups of people and emerged to find Matty's back, standing patiently as the bartender poured a pitcher of beer in front of him.
I came up behind him, placing my hands on his waist, then wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him tightly. I felt him turn back to see who the hands belonged to, his body relaxing as he realized they were mine. He placed his hands on my arms, loosening my tight grip just enough to let him turn around in my embrace. Before he even finished turning to face me fully, I reached up on my tip toes and kissed him ferociously. I felt his shock at my urgency, which dissipated quickly as he sunk into me. His arms enveloped me as he kissed me harder, matching my level of passion. We kissed like we were alone. It felt like we were, even amidst the crowded bar which buzzed with drunk and happy people. But no one was happier than me. No one. It was almost too much.
"I love you so much," I said emphatically as we parted.
Matty smiled at me curiously as he took my hand in his, our fingers interlacing.
"I love you too, my darling," he said sweetly, cocking his head to one side, but I shook my head. He raised his eyebrow in question.
"No. I love you greedily, incessantly, naturally, necessarily, urgently, easily... I've never felt love like this before. I don't think anyone has ever felt love like ours," I said, my intensity registering with Matty as his face morphed into something more serious. 
He slowly nodded his head in understanding as his eyes looked back and forth between mine. His mouth tensed slightly and I saw his chest shake slightly as he inhaled deeply.
"Sometimes, not often, but sometimes I worry that maybe I'm the only one who feels this way..." he said as he looked down at our hands. "That maybe we're both in love, but that this feeling I feel- this intensity, this overwhelming, other-worldly love I feel- that maybe I'm the only one who feels this way," he said. His eyes returned to mine, sparking as he saw me shaking my head.
"I think it's safe to assume that whatever you're feeling," I said to him as I let go of his hand and wrapped my arms back around him, "I feel ten-fold."
Matty smiled back at me, then bit his lip and shook his head before responding. 
"Only if you assume the same with me- except make it a hundred-fold," he winked cheekily as he pulled me in for a hug.
His hands wrapped around me, his strong arms enveloping me. I tucked myself into his chest, breathing his comforting scent in as I tightened my hold.
"Can we go?" I asked Matty quietly.
He did a double-take, certain he misheard my quiet words in the loudness of the room.
"You were right," I continued as I looked up at him. "I don't want to do anything but lay in bed with you all night..."
His eyes melted at this and he smiled at me in adoration.
Instead of telling me 'I told you so' as I deserved, he kissed me gently on the forehead, then whispered in my ear, "Whatever you like, my darling," before taking my hand and walking us out the door and into the warm summer night.
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soullessjack · 1 year
what saw movie do you dislike and why?
Spiral (2021).
There’s movies that are so bad they’re good, and then there’s movies that are so bad you feel like you’ve lost years of your life during its runtime. Spiral is the latter.
// obligatory spoiler warning, but genuinely it’s not worth watching //
Firstly, there’s a jarring shift in aesthetic and tone between this and the first 6 Saw movies. It’s hard to explain with words alone, but the other movies all have this claustrophobic atmosphere to them. Between the traps and other environments, everything is typically dark and dim and cluttered and confusing (John’s warehouse lair, the various traps, Adam’s shithole apartment, Tapp’s office, etc). More brightly lit and clean environments like Gordon’s home and hospital are distinctly cold and empty, and the various shots of the outside world are largely kept in such small tight frame that you still feel confined.
As such, the characters themselves feel suffocated by their own environments too, even if it’s just within their everyday lives. Tapp is suffocated by his obsession, Adam is suffocated by his seedy job, and even though Gordon’s environments are fairly large and bright and spacious, they lack any warmth or welcome; both home and hospital are sterile. This constant sense of confinement is what I think lends immensely to Saw’s unique flavor of horror.
Spiral doesn’t have any of that. It focuses on a big-city police department, full of wide open spaces and warm colors. There are plenty of environments that could’ve been used for the claustrophobic feeling, like the police department or the opening kill train station—but then, the department is large enough to fit 20+ officers at a time, and the train station is fucking huge. There’s also a lot of traveling around with the main character, Zeke, as he investigates the latest Sawpycat, so you never get the same suffocation or confinement feelings as before. But now let me get to Zeke.
He’s a cop in the department that’s currently being targeted by Sawpycat, and his backstory is that a few years ago he saw another “brother” shoot a witness who wanted to testify against another cop, and when he tried to confront the corruption, the department turned against him (we’ll get to the police corruption part later, but holy shit is that possibly the worst part of the whole movie). It’s not very important, but Zeke is also played by Chris Rock—as in, Marty the Zebra from Madagascar Chris Rock. I’m sure he’s a talented guy, but he does not have the range, and I don’t know if it’s just because of his voice or that he isn’t usually a horror actor, but he just cannot land the role. This being the opening dialogue for his character doesn’t help either:
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This is another example of the tonal shift being completely thrown off, and it being said by Marty the Zebra isn’t exactly an improvement. One of Adam’s lines in Saw 2004 is literally “I wouldn’t care if you covered yourself in peanut butter and had a 15-hooker gang bang,” and that alone tells me more about his character and dynamic with Gordon than whatever this is supposed to. That’s cinematic poetry to me. But the dialogue throughout this whole movie is so..empty. So devoid of substance. It definitely registers as words on a paper being read aloud, but not as genuine thoughts or feelings from the characters. Not only are wokeness jokes completely unfunny, they’re also completely out of place for a Saw movie.
Now, I will say that Saw is a franchise that focuses on various social-political issues before; police corruption & brutality, drug addiction, poverty, the justice system, prison conditions, the healthcare system, etc are all elements that tie directly into its’ main story and lend to the uniqueness even more. I mean, for all intents and purposes Jigsaw and his apprentices are technically vigilantes working outside the law. Spiral itself focuses on police brutality and corruption and goes all-in with it through Zeke’s story and the serial targeting of various precinct officers (I kind of liked the tie-in to cops as pigs and Jigsaw’s pig symbolism but that’s about it).
See, as odd as it may sound, the point of Jigsaw’s games and the qualifications of his targets is redemption. It’s intended to be a second chance for people who don’t value life, be it theirs or others. Eric Matthews from Saw 2 is a crooked cop who framed and sentenced Amanda Young and other people for false drug charges. But he’s also a father struggling through a divorce who wants to be there for his son, Daniel, and will do anything to save or help him. You can and should hate him for falsely ruining numerous peoples’ lives, but you can still sympathize with the pain and fear he feels for his son.
There’s nuance to him, as there’s nuance to the other various victims throughout the movies, and that nuance allows you to care for the fact that these people are victims at all, because the driving point that makes you root for the victims’ survival and care about their situation is that they ultimately deserve to live and redeem themselves despite their wrongdoings. With Spiral’s victims, there’s no nuance whatsoever. Every targeted cop is targeted for past corruption that went unpunished, and every one of them deserves what they get, full stop. One of the cops literally shot a teenager to death for flipping him off (and he has what’s probably my favorite kill of the whole movie). What makes it even worse is that the Sawpycat killer is a fucking victim of police brutality. Remember Zeke’s origin story as a witness to another cop murdering a man to protect his crooked buddy? Yeah, the killer is that man’s son, having witnessed his father’s death and vowing revenge on the whole system by destroying it from the inside out, and he wants Zeke to be his boy best friend taking down more evil cops together and yada yada.
Shockingly, he gets away with it in the end instead of dying like you’d expect for an anti-cop vigilante, but even still the entire story just feels so poorly executed and contrived. I don’t feel any of the stress or emotional weight of these peoples’ deaths because they wholeheartedly deserve it. I don’t even sympathize with Zeke as “one of the good cops” because 1) his personality is bland, and 2) there’s a scene where he goes undercover to a drug dealer’s for information and proceeds to not only break this man’s legs till the bone sticks out, but then makes a long winded joke about posting it “for the Gram” and pouring whiskey on it. The end credits song is also a rap song that still feels so unfitting for the tone of the franchise (at least, compared to the other movies’ ending with primarily metal songs. I guess it’s a product of time deal).
So, yeah. Spiral is undoubtedly the worst Saw movie, and honestly I can’t even call it a Saw movie because of how far removed from the franchise it feels.
I will say, tho, that I do not blame Chris Rock and Samuel L Jackson (yes, he’s here too as Zeke’s dad; it’s more believable casting than Chris but still not great) for their movie failing as it did. They’re both incredibly talented actors, and horror movies (and movies in general) with black leads are very lacking in Hollywood, but I truly think this movie was doomed to begin with. and whether that’s poor writing or Hollywood dooming a black-lead narrative as usual I can’t say. They did their best with what they were given, and considering how little that was, they have all my respect.
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saras-devotionals · 7 months
Quiet Time 2/23
What am I feeling today?
I got to sleep in again today which I think was much needed. I feel as though I’ve got a calm day ahead of me and I feel quite peaceful. I am in some pain that started earlier in the morning but I assume it’ll go away soon. All in all, feeling pretty good.☺️
Luke 3 NIV
(v. 3-6) “[John the Baptist] went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet: “A voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all people will see God’s salvation.’ ””
I do wonder about those that John baptized because they were baptized before knowing/believing in Jesus because it was before his time of teaching. Is that why others later in the Bible had to be baptized again (for real)? Was what John was doing valid or not? I mean at the very least we do know that he was fulfilling his purpose in preparing the way for Jesus.
(v. 8-9) “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.””
Reminds me of John 15 where Jesus talks about the vine and the branches:
John 15: 1-8
““I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you. Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
This was a gut punch for me before I became a disciple because I feared being one of those branches that was cut off and thrown away to be burned. But I’ve come to remain in Jesus and the word of God and I can see the blessings that He’s brought into my life as a result.
(v. 16) “John answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”
Just wanted to make the note that through baptism we receive the Holy Spirit and I think that’s a wonderful and comforting thing!
(v. 21-22) “When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.””
One, taking as a sign to pray before baptism (or during) because it says Jesus was praying and the Holy Spirit descended. Two, confirmation of Jesus being the son of God.
(v. 31, 33-34, 36, 38)
“… the son of Nathan, the son of David, …the son of Judah, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, … the son of Shem, the son of Noah, … the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.”
I wanted to take a look at the genealogy and take note of those that I found interesting. One, I had thought David’s only son was Solomon but I see a continued line through Nathan. Also, Jesus is from the line/tribe of Judah (a part of me knew this, but another part had also assumed Joseph for some time). Additionally, he comes from Noah but specifically his son Shem. And lastly, I didn’t realize that Adam had other sons besides Cain and Abel, so to see Seth was a shock to me.
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autogynocrat · 6 months
Just the other day, I was on the phone closing a major business deal when I heard a knock at my door. I put the phone down and opened the door to find 2 Girl Scouts and a troop leader pulling a wagon full of cookie boxes standing on my doorstep.
“Would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?” they cheerfully asked me. I crouched down and looked them dead in the eye. “No, girls, I wouldn’t,” I said. “I’m an alpha male. Do you know what that means?” They shook their heads no. I looked up at the troop leader, Jessica, an attractive brunette in her early 30s, and asked her the same question. She also nodded her head no.
“Well, ladies, I’m extremely busy today, but I’m going to explain a couple of things to you and attempt to cure your ignorance,” I said. “Hand me a package of thin mints and have a seat.”
I pointed to the ingredients list on the back, “Do you see the part where it says ‘contains soy’ right here?” I threw the package on the ground with force. They were shocked and horrified as they watched it hit the ground and explode, sending fragments of Thin Mint cookies flying outward.
“I am an ALPHA MALE,” I said boldly. “I don’t eat soy AT ALL. I had a steak for breakfast, I’ll be having a steak for lunch, and I’m planning to have another one for dinner. My diet is 80% protein and precisely 0% soy. How DARE you knock on my door and try and sell me this testosterone-leeching rubbish!”
The girls began to cry, and the troop leader rose to apologize. “I’m so sorry, sir. We didn’t mean to offend you. We’ll leave now,” she said. “No, no, NO,” I shot back. “I’m not done with you. Here’s another thing you need to know about alpha males. We don’t do woke.”
She sat back down, and they all listened as I excoriated the Girl Scouts organization for their despicable embrace of the woke agenda. I finished by singling out the troop leader. “Jess, you’re too foolish to see the evil right in front of your eyes. Do you think selling cookies is harmless? Do you think letting these girls listen to Taylor Swift is OK? You’re leading them down the path to hell, and whether you know it or not, YOU are responsible for corrupting these girls.”
Jessica took a moment to process my correction and stood up. “You’re right, Mr. Adams,” she said. “I had never thought of it that way. I honestly had no idea the Girl Scouts of the United States of America organization was so radical. I was a Girl Scout growing up, and my mother was too. I never thought anything of it.” The girls got up and apologized and got to picking up the pieces of cookies scattered about.
“Jess, it’s clear you didn’t give this any thought, but at least you can recognize your mistake,” I said. “Now, the question becomes, what are you going to do to make this right?”
The girls finished their cleanup as she pondered before one of them spoke up. “Miss Jessica, we don’t want to be Girl Scouts anymore.”
“I’m going to dissolve the troop,” Jessica said. “I’m not going to allow any other girls to be corrupted by the woke feminist agenda.” The girls cheered, and Jessica gave them both a hug.
“Good girl,” I said. “You can dump the rest of the cookies in my garage. You won’t be needing those anymore.”
I sent the girls off and turned to head back inside because I still had investors on the line anxiously awaiting my return.
“Mr. Adams,” Jessica said softly. “I really appreciate everything you did for us today. Can I buy you a steak dinner sometime?”
“Buy me a steak? No,” I replied with a twinkle in my eye. “But you can cook me one. How about next Thursday at your place?” She smiled and agreed. “See you Thursday, sweetheart,” I said as I sent her off.
I went back inside, picked up the phone, and closed the deal. All in a day's work for an alpha male.
im so used to love and mercy guy i thought this was going to end in you telling me to watch love and mercy directed by Paul dano and john cossack 2014
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
smut prompt: “are you..are you blushing?” “NO physical activity just makes me red okay”
Show the method of your selfless tongue [Give me a sermon]
Word count: 3910 words Ship: Matt Jackson/ "Hangman" Adam Page, "Hangman Adam Page" & The Dark Order Characters: "Hangman" Adam Page, Matt Jackson, John Silver, Alex Reynalds Triggers: smut, unprotected sex [dont be like hangmatt.], feminisation, praise kink, blowjobs, Top!Hanger, Bottom!Matt, no verbal consent. Authors note: This fic hit me like a train at like, Five in the morning and it is now seven in the morning. The elite reunion on Dynimite made me insane, how the rest of us Elite girlies feeling? If this flops I will cry. Read on AO3
Adam doesn’t want to talk about it. He definitely doesn’t want to talk about anything that just happened. But as John presses his hand into his shoulder Adam snaps his eyes up to stare at him through his eyelashes. “So…” He starts, thumb stroking the curve of his shoulder blade. It's a soft looping moment that stills the anger in Adam's mind, soothing it until it simmers and tempers down into something tight and tired in his stomach. “Do ya wanna talk about what happened out there?” 
Adam pauses slightly, lips pressing into a thin line. He looks like he's thinking but he isn’t. He knows he doesn’t want to talk about the Elite standing beside him again or the small quip in Matt’s lips when they made eye contact, or the fact that for the first time in a while, Adam actually felt anxious. He doesn’t want to think about the fact that Kenny walked away, left him when he needed him the most. Again. 
The pressure on his shoulder; heavy and comforting, brings him out of his own thoughts and John looks down at him, head tilted to the side. “Where’d you go?” 
Adam thinks, eyes creasing together slightly at the two conflicting statements. The Elite wasn’t his home anymore. Maybe they never were. They never really wanted him, he was always second best, always the cow, never the cowboy. “Nowhere. Just tired.” Guilt bubbles at his stomach as he lies to the beaver boys through his teeth. Alex and John had been nothing but good to him, he can trust them so why was he lying to them? “I’m just gonna hit the hay… it's been a long day.” 
Alex nods slightly and stares at Adam from the corner of his eyes. He opens his mouth, closes it before taking Adam’s face in his palm. “Are you gonna be okay?” His hand sneaks to the back of Adam’s head, stroking through his tangled hair, letting the soft blond curls slip through the gaps between his fingers. “A lot of stuff happened tonight; we lost.” 
“Uno got sent to the hospital.” John’s leaning against the headboard of Adam’s bed, hand resting on the small of Adam’s back, fiddling with the tassels on his jacket. “And..” 
“Yeah the Elite. I know..” Adam flails, squirming to sit in the middle of the bed. Legs crossed under him, Adam picks at the invisible patches on his jeans. “I’ll be okay. Promise.” The two of them look at him unconvinced for a few seconds and Adam pushes his smile wider , tries to blink the sleep from the green of his eyes until there's a small glimmer of acceptance in his friends eyes. “I’ll call if anything goes wrong.” 
“You promise.” Alex asks, raising an eyebrow in slight concern. Adam knows they are worrying because they care. He knows they care but he just wants to sleep, their worry makes the anger twist up into a ball of anxiety in his stomach and it's not purposeful. Adam knows what so he presses a hand against his stomach, the ball of his palm pressing into the scarred fat around his hip. “Adam, we love you.” 
Adam’s words are blocked off with a yawn that opens his mouth so wide, that there's a dull pain that tingles through his mouth. The Dark Order boys chuckle, John reaching over to lightly tug at the tip of Hangman’s boots. “Love y’guys too. Now scram before I change my mind.” He chuckles, rolling off the hotel bed. It’s only polite that he walk’s them to the door, even if it is only a few steps. They make smalltalk, Alex pressing his nail against the tacky skin of Adam’s wrist as he pulls open the door and says goodbye. “Text me when we find out anything about Uno, yeah?” 
John nods, wrapping Adam in a tight hug, hands pressing into the small of Adam’s back. “You promise you’ll call if anything goes wrong?” 
“What's the worst that can happen?” Adam states, chuckling his way through the sentence. He grows to regret that statement a few minutes later. He’s standing barefoot and sleepy in the small hotel bathroom, toothpaste foaming over in his mouth where there's a sharp knock at his hotel room door. At first it startles him, his body flinching into alertness and he pads over to the front door. 
Adam all but nearly chokes on his own minty-flavored spit. He wipes his chin, gasps in a few small lungfuls of breath. “Matt?” He stares at his former friend and Matt doesn’t quite stare back. Brown eyes the color of sea-smoothed pebbles scar across his bare chest before falling to the hem of his striped pajama pants. “What uh-” He mentally curses at himself, for opening the door, for not having the right words to talk to his former friend. “What are you doing here?” 
Matt startles almost like he’s surprised that Adam is talking to him and hasn't just slammed the door in his face. “I…” He pinches at the skin between his thumb and forefinger and Adam cocks a small smile, he’s almost endeared that Matt hasn’t fully grown out of the quirks that Adam used to find adorable. “Nick and Cole are uh..out somewhere and Kenny is..” 
“Oh.” Adam can’t help it. He steps forward slightly, trying his best not to crowd Matt in on his doorway and glimpses down the hallway as if making sure he wasn’t going to be randomly jumped. He can’t help but look down at Matt when he picks up the small anxious sound that the smaller man makes when Adam squirms into his space. “Are you..okay?” It’s a stupid question because Matt has started chewing on his bottom lip, pulling at the skin until it comes off in small see-through slithers that he drops into his mouth. He’s anxious and by the way his eyes are flicking across Adam’s face, wide and helplessly annoyed, stressed and inside his own head. 
Some twists in Adam’s mind, that stupid southern politeness that makes Adam step back and hold the door open for Matt, gesturing with his head when Matt tilts his confused and opens his reddening lips to protest. “Make yourself at home?” Adam mumbles, raising his hand to gesture around his small hotel room with his toothbrush. He feels his cheeks blanche slightly when Matt makes an effort to smile. “Sorry about the mess..” 
Matt looks around, spots the small collection of messy clothes and the outfit neatly folded on the chair beside the bed. “Yeah..it's really messy…” He tries to put laughter into his tone but it only quips up with anxiousness. He’s not exactly sure why he came to Adam, they’re not really friends, hell they haven’t really spoken since Kenny returned. But he needs someone outside the Elite to drag him out of his own head, and they were friends. Once.
He perches awkwardly at the edge of Hangman's bed, smiles at his boots tucked under the wooden bedframe. Adam’s always been a man of routine and structure. “A place for everything and everything in its place” he used to tell them in Japan, picking up and folding Matt’s boxers into small squares to tuck neatly into the front of his suitcase. The memory makes Matt smile, warmth pooling in his stomach. He misses Japan sometimes, with its bright lights and streets and rules and food that he couldn’t really eat. And the one hotel room where Adam would curl up between him and Nick, nose pressing into his collarbone for comfort when his anxiety brought loudness to his brain. He misses Japan and trust and Kenny the way he was before, the way he was with them under Kota’s warm gaze- loving and caring and gentle. 
“Hey Matt, what's wrong?” Adam talking almost scares him, he straightens his spine and stares up at him like a meerkat watching a hawn before his brain registers that he is in fact that hawk; the predator coming into Adam’s space. Sitting on his bed like he belongs there. Matt slumps again, stares at the floor until Adam’s weight makes the mattress groan under them. “Matty. Talk to me.” 
Adam’s looking at him with eyes as green as emeralds and summer nights decorated with fireflies and the healthiest crops. Adam is looking at him with softness and concern in his eyes and Matt sighs. “I lost.” His voice is small, rough from disuse. “I keep losing. I’m bringing the Elite down! I keep making us lose and it's all my fault and Kenny is getting more and more frustrated and it’s upsetting Nick and I just don't know what to do anymore. I’m trying..I’m really trying!” Now that Matt’s started, the tsunami of words won’t stop. They’re flooding out his mouth and over his teeth and collecting on the carpet floor of his former friend's hotel room. “I don’t know if I can keep going..I can’t keep letting my family down..” 
“Matty.” Adam’s voice is barely above a whisper, so soft against Matt’s heaving breaths and rough voice that he almost misses it. Until Adam takes his hands between his and squeezes tight enough that it makes Matt look up from the floor, teary eyes blinking at him. “Oh Matty, you don’t let anyone down y’know that right? Ya lost the trios titles, but you’ve never needed gold to show people how great you are.” Adam takes one of his hands off Matt’s, raises his chin with his knuckles and wipes a stray tear off the apple of Matt’s cheek. “Kenny’s getting frustrated because it’s Kenny. But he loves you, more than…anything-”
“Not more than Kota..” Matt admits, eyes flicking over Adam’s. He smiles sadly when the greens of his eyes flicker with understanding. “He loves nobody more than Kota..” He hears Adam sigh and it draws his eyes down towards his lips. There’s toothpaste drying between his top and bottom lip and Matt leans closer, eyes closed as he rests his forehead against Adams. “I’m so tired, Hanger.” 
Adam feels Matt’s hands trembling under his, spots his blown out pupils when his eyes open halfway. He lets Matt search his eyes, lips perfectly parted and red. Adam is the one that's brave enough, that's foolish enough to let Matt kiss the toothpaste taste out his mouth, lets Matt whine into his mouth as Adam licks across his bottom lip, across his teeth when Matt opens his mouth. He tugs at Matt’s hair slightly when he pulls away, heart hammering and lips tingling. “Matty-” 
“I-...” Matt’s blinking at him all slow and cat-like and the fire that’s burning in Adam’s stomach, anger and lust and bereavement shaking up and opening his veins. “Adam?” 
“You’re not failing Matty.” Adam breaths into the gap between his mouth, grinning when Matt shifts forwards to try and close into his space. He shifts away, straightening his back and looking at Matt through his bottom eyelashes; green eyes dark summer leaves. “say it.” 
“I-I’m” Matt hiccups out, tongue feeling heavy and useless in his mouth. He’s shifting, squirming in his space on Adam’s bed, pulling at his shorts. He feels Adam’s fingers tangle into his hair, nails brushing against the crown of Matt’s scalp and it’s enough to turn his brain to mush in his skull. “I’m not failing…” He breathes out and it feels like a small weight is lowered off his shoulders when Adam smiles satisfyingly. 
“Good.” Adam breaths and Matt nearly preens, all brown eyes and brown out pupils sparkling with the praise. “Ya doin so good Matty.” 
“Doin’ good.” Matt gasps out, legs falling jelly-like and numb. When Adam smiles into another kiss, Matt nips at his bottom lip, giggling when Adam gasps. “Please?” His eyebrows crease and he shifts forward. “Wanna be good! Please? Please!” He feels pathetic for begging in his shakingly tearful voice, but Adam presses his finger against Matt’s lips and nods. 
He settles kisses against his forehead, one heavy and calming before resting his hands on Matt’s shoulders, toying with his hair. Adam wraps it around his fingers, letting it fall around his fingers and hums pleased. “Always so pretty baby.” He whispers, shifting Matt to straddle his hips. Each movement is slow and well placed, like Adam’s trying to drink Matt in with all his garish patterned clothes and reddening face. “Y’want me to get ya undressed baby?” Adam’s words are slurring together, lust drunk and nervous as he gazes up at Matt like he’s something important; a championship title hung fingertips out of reach, an angel standing at his bedside. Matt nods slowly, grinds into Adam’s lap with a despertness that makes him moan. 
“Wann do good!” Matt complains again, impatiently. Adam’s fingers are toying with his shirt buttons, lips brushing against the tanned skin of his chest, stubble scuffing up the skin over his nipples as Adam takes one in his mouth, tongue tracing over the small bud. It makes Matt feel drunk, head spinning, heart racing. He grips at Adam’s hair, his shoulders, anything that Matt can dig his round nails into while Adam works. He feels like he’s going to float away. There’s a chill that hits Matt’s sweating skin when his shirt is dropped casually onto the floor beside Hangman's boots. 
“Doin’ so good baby girl-” It slips out on Adam’s exhale, rips swollen and pinked and Matt nearly keens, arching his back into Adam’s warm fingertips. He hears Adam giggling and stares down at him through barely open eyes. “Nobody’s called you that in a while hmm?” 
Matt doesn’t answer Adam’s question. Keeps his lips pressed perfectly together as Adam unbuttons his shorts and carefully rolls his hip. His weight is crushing Matt into the mattress and it’s the only thing in the world that matters; not the flurry of snow that brushes against Adam’s window or the fact that Matt lost the match. Again. Just Adams shoulders pressing against his hips as his lips press kisses against well-trimmed hair. His skin comes up in red fireworks and it feels like heaven. He’s doing good because Adam keeps glancing up at him, smiling at him against his skin and Matt feels a coil twist in his stomach. 
“Please?” He can barely manage the word; the letters come out a garbled groan as Adam strips his boxers off the rest of the way and kneels at Matt’s feet, still in his pajama bottoms. He’s looking at him, fingers working over a smudge of self tanner into his thigh. Matt whines and Adam laughs, large hands just holding his legs, massaging knots of self-doubt out of his muscles. 
“Are you blushing baby girl?” Adam asks through a small fit of laughter. He’s no longer on the bed. He stands by Matt’s face, untangling the strings and letting his pajama pants drop around his ankles. There’s no longer the glimmer of shame in his eyes that Matt distantly remembers whenever Adam would strip for him, he’d try to cover the scars on his hips with his hands or squirm away when Matt would try to sink his teeth into the fat of his hips. scars or the fat around his hips. Matt always thought Adam was beautiful; a perfectly mirrored statue of Aphrodite made out of heavy bones and marbled eyes that Matt could stare into and find something new every time. 
He presses his face into Adam’s crotch, letting the wetness soak through the black cotton of his boxers and onto his cheek. It’s dirty and makes Matt feel like a whore but it’s all worth it because Adam whines low in his chest and pets at Matt’s cheek. “Not blushing.” Matt mumbles, tongue brushing against Matt’s clothed dick. He knows he’s teasing but the way that Adam stumbles, rests his hand on Matt’s leg like he’s able to support him, makes him grin. “Physical activity makes me red.” 
Adam tugs his face away from suckling at the head of his cock through his boxes, takes his face in his hands and smiles down at him. “Ain’t done nothin yet baby girl.” Matt’s soft in his hands and it takes Adam no time at all to have him sitting up against the pillows, kissing him back as he drags his hand slowly across his cock, grinning when Matt moans into his mouth. 
“Whose fault is that?” Adam mumbles, hooking Matt’s leg around his hips, hand trailing against his hole. The sound Matt makes is enough for Adam’s ears to turn red. “Needy girl, y’doing so well baby. So good, I’m gonna reach over and get the stuff yeah?” Adam waits for Matt to nod before moving, slowly rummaging through the pocket of his suitcase.He tosses lube onto the bed, watching it bounce from the corner of his eyes. “Fuck.” 
“Wanna.” Matt replies, rolling onto his side to stare up at Adam, lip puckering out when he sees his eyebrows knitted together. “Wha’sup?” Matt crawls to lay his head on Adam’s lap, massaging his thumb across the pale blonde hair just above his dick. He watches Adam’s stomach tighten. 
“No condoms baby.” Adam whispers, voice wound tight as he stares down at Matt’s hand then up at Matt’s face. “You wanna continue? I’m clean….its uh been a while.” Lust makes his tongue loose and heavy in his tongue and by the quick nods and hyper whines that fall from Matt’s lips, it's been a while for him too. “Okay, shh now, shh. Go lay back down.” Matt nods again, pressed his lips just above Adam’s leaking cock against his stomach before crawling on wobbling arms and legs, back to where he was laying, half propped up against Adam’s pillows. 
With his tanned legs spread and cock leaking across his stomach, Matt looks like an angel, he always has in Adam’s eyes. For a moment, he just looks at him, eyes soft and filled with love as he crawls to sit between Matt’s legs. Adam strokes himself a few times, trying struggling to keep his eyes open. He wants to commit this moment to memory; Matt laid out and needy and his. He takes Matt’s tip in his mouth, tongue tracing over beads of pre-cum that leak down his throat and the world fades away. It’s just Adam and Matt. 
He sucks until Matt’s whining, legs draped loosely around Adam's shoulders and his cum is leaking over Adam’s chin. His dick lays neglected against his stomach, leaking and sore but it doesn’t matter. He’s making Matt feel good. He makes Matt know that he’s good. That he isn’t a failure because he’s the only one that turns Adam’s brain into a quiet mush. He slowly pulls off Matt, letting his mouth hang open. He shows Matt his mouth full of cum, and lets his throat flutter as he swallows it down. 
“Need you..” Matt gasps, tears bubbling over in his eyes. Adam crowds his space for a few moments, leaning on his elbows and pressing his hips into Matt’s. He brushes his lips across his cheeks, licking at his tears and it makes Matt smile, blissed out. “Why?” 
“Y’too pretty to cry. The prettiest girl I've ever seen.” Adam whispers, laying his head against Matt’s chest. He uncaps the bottle, squeezes lube around his fingers and drags them slowly across Matt’s hole until he feels like Matt is wet enough that he can slide one finger in. Matt’s back arches and the moan that slips past his lips is one that Adam’s only heard on porn. It’s enough to make his head spin as he lazily fingers Matt open, letting him slowly ride his fingers until he’s open and begging, spit running down from his open mouth. 
Adam’s careful to line himself up, forehead pressed against Matt’s. They’re staring into each other's eyes as Adam pushes through Matt’s tight ring and instantly feels his brain shatter as he bottoms out. Matt’s so warm around him that it almost feels like home. He could stay like this forever; inside Matt while he pants into his mouth and twitches around the end of his cock. Adam wants to stay like this forever but Matt starts thrusting backwards, groaning as he opens up around Adam. 
He knows that Matt’s not going to last long, he can feel him leaking over his abs, their cum mixing together on their stomachs as Adam shifts and thrusts tiredly into him. “So good- fuck Matty so fuckin good!” He groans, trying to keep pace with Matt’s eager thrusts as he tries to ride Adam while on his back. It’s a beautiful sight and Adam wants nothing more than to just stay here, but the coil is tightening in his stomach and the glorious pressure is starting to tingle in his back, rising through his hips. He stutters, moaning into Matt’s ear. “Close baby.” He gasps, angling his hips differently as he thrusts into Matt harder, chasing his own growing orgasm. Matt’s nodding, choking on his own pleasure as tears rolled down his face. 
“Daddy- hurts good- so good! Please! Please! Wanna be good! Please- ah!” Matt’s voice is high pitched and trembling, rocking out through his lips like Adam’s fucking it out of him. He’s so close and he takes Matt’s face in his hands, kissing him as the coil snaps and Adam feels himself fill Matt, his hips stutter and Matt’s face smooths out as Adam pumps into him, gasping and trembling against his cheek. 
Adam’s desperately slow to pull out of Matt, badly repressing the groan that punches out of him as Matt’s tightness slides away and his own cum leaks out of Matt. “So pretty Matty. So good.” He gasps, leaning down to kiss Matt. He feels Matt’s dick leaking neglected and sore against his stomach and Adam feels guilty for not making him cum.
He pulls Matt closer, letting him lay on his arm and snuggle into his side as Adam strokes him slowly, fingers rolling and smeering pre-cum across Matt’s swollen head. “Cmon baby girl, cum-” He has to remind himself to breathe, Matt copies his heavy intake of air and grins stupidly when they release it together. “Cum for daddy.” Adam keeps the same lazy pace as Matt spills, warm and gorgeous, across his knuckles. 
“See how important you are baby?” Adam whispers after they’ve cleaned up and Matt’s fixed his hair. He’s dressed in Adam’s shirt and a spare pair of boxers that are a size too big for him. “You always have been important, y'know that right?” Matt nods against his chest, nose pressing into his chest. Tiredness has washed away any desire of around two. 
As the Canadian weather plunges, Matt curls closer to Adam and smiles, finally feeling weightless. He may keep losing but he won something that night. He won Adam’s heart back. And that’s better than any championship title. Adam watches his phone flash up, shifts to look at it and Matt whines at the movement. “What is it?” He whispers, tucking his head deeper into Adam’s neck, lips brushing against his pulsepoint. “Can’t it wait till the morning?” 
Adam sighs, sinking back against the pillows as Matt straddles his hips again. “Yeah, I don’t wanna talk about it tonight.” He leans up, lets Matt kiss him messily, sleep making his movements sloppy. “It can wait till the morning.”
@smallestsnarkestgirl @skyqueen3 @josiewrites @itsnoosetome @jacedoe
@golden-disaster @sincyrlee @glitchaxolol @daddywrasslin @bikenny
@katries @thegizardofmars @motorcitygem @miru-has-thoughts @powderflower
@miserablecreachur @afterdarkprincess @mobiblackout @pinksuperkliq @harvey-dent
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piglet26 · 10 months
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Rewatch
"This will begin to make things right" people really don't like this as the opening line. It feels suggestive, paranoid or accidental.
BB8 - I instantly love again and again.
Finn AKA FN-2187 - who is the soldier he was trying to help as they lay dying? Oh well guess we'll never know.
Poe - Why is he in this duster of a plane? Secondly, why is the resistance always broke with rusty and outdated things?! As I understand it they won the last war.
Kylo Ren has a bad ass opening between the ship, the music and the reaction to him. Obviously the stopping the shot was chef's kiss. I still can't believe this is Adam from GIRLS. I mean I can but I can't. Adam Driver is a really talented actor.
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Overall, a really solid opening with great production and musicality. We establish several characters in one scene. We establish the goal of the movie - find Luke Skywalker.
Oh and fellow Reylo fans, Kylo Ren stepping foot on Jakku is basically kicking off the force within Rey. One arriving in night and the next we meet in light. Both are greeted in mask with similar outfits. From the very beginning it's establishing them as Ying and Yang.
Rey has a wonderful opening and we see and deduce so much about her without any dialogue. She lives a solitary and independent life. As the charming music sounds almost childlike giving us an indication that her life while void of much is innocent. It would've been smarter to establish her as a pilot within this sequence though. She could have easily scavenged and then flew back instead of rode a bike back. I understand the criticism that whatever skill the script has the movie just gives her.
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I will add that when men have skills when conveniently needed - no one cares or ask when and where they learned them.
This is the part of the movie where I do understand it's clearly a soft reboot. "The Chosen One" runs into a lone droid in the desert that they had to rescue from thuggish creatures. It's a lazy deliberate movie - possibly due to nostalgic reasons I'm not sure. I'm also not sure why Rey wouldn't want BB8 to stay with her for the night. She could use the company. Also, why doesn't she get a pet? What pets are there in Star Wars? I'd have one.
The magically muffin that Rey cooks looks delicious! Star Wars cooking must be so easy like cooking in the fifth element. Everyone wants flying cars - I want a whole feast that you can microwave in a minute.
This dialogue exchange always makes me chuckle. hehe
Kylo Ren: Comfortable?
Poe: Not really.
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It's also really helpful because apparently people don't understand the difference between this interrogation scene and the rather polite interrogation scene between Rey/Ren later.
Finn really is a great character as John Bodega plays him perfectly. He's quirky, subtly funny and brave.
Star Wars is brilliant about one syllable names Poe, Finn, Rey, Han, Luke, Ren, Ben, Ben with the most avant-garde last names.
They fly, they crash and I guess these were the sinking sands Rey referenced earlier.
Hux and Ren - This was such a great pairing and if we got a prequel episode of them I'd welcome it.
Rey finally showing some loyalty to BB8 who is absolutely smitten with her. Rey is attacked due to Unkar Plott trying to steal BB8 and clearly shows she is capable of defending herself. Jedi Master? No, but she is capable with that staff. Finn shows an instinct to help her. haha BB8 tasing him. We're 30 minutes in and so far I'm in for the ride.
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The production is great and comes off as an adventure rather than danger - very star wars!
People are still mad the Millennial Falcon was just sitting there in an empty lot. I don't much care.
It makes sense why Finn and Rey would connect. They're both quirky and have the same instincts to both self-protect, but also look out for one another. They complement each other well and make a great time. They are a great duo - I'm not sure if they were meant to possibly be a thing - personally I love them as best friends/Brother&Sister.
Kylo Ren with that temper! JJ Adams now has a reputation as the franchise killer but he's got great style and the cinematography was very well thought out.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ewa Krzyzewska and Zbigniew Cybulski in Ashes and Diamonds (Andrzej Wajda, 1958) Cast: Zbigniew Cybulski, Ewa Krzyzewska, Waclaw Zaztrzezynski, Adam Pawlikowski, Bogumil Kobiela, Jan Ciecierski. Screenplay: Jerzy Andrzejewski, Andrzej Wajda, based on a novel by Jerzy Andrzejewski. Cinematography: Jerzy Wójcik. Production design: Roman Mann. Film editing: Halina Nawrocka. Music: Filip Nowak. The plot of Ashes and Diamonds is simple: A group of men carry out an ambush on a road in the countryside only to discover that their intended target was not among the men they killed. So they return to town to plot another way of assassinating the man. The youngest, most volatile member of the group discovers that the man has taken the room next door in the hotel, but while waiting for his opportunity, his flirtation with a pretty young woman turns serious -- they begin to fall in love. Still, renouncing that chance at happiness, he follows through with his mission: He kills the man, but before he can make his escape from the town he is gunned down. It could have been -- probably has been -- the plot of a Western, a gangster film, a spy thriller, or a war movie. But because it's a film made in Poland during the Cold War, and the story it tells is set on the very day in 1945 when the Germans surrendered, it's an intensely political film, not just in what's on the screen but also in what went on while it was being made and released. I mention this because while I want to think about movies in purely aesthetic terms -- i.e., assessing the quality of acting, writing, direction, camerawork, etc. -- it's  almost impossible to approach a film like Ashes and Diamonds without taking so-called "external" factors like politics and history into consideration. If you try to watch it without knowing anything about the political situation in Poland in 1945, with the Germans retreating, the Soviets advancing, you'll miss half of the motivation of the characters and most of the intensity of the conflict. And if you disregard the fact that Poland in 1958 was a communist country, you can't understand why the plot to kill a communist leader was such a touchy subject for Andrzej Wajda to handle in a film -- and why the way he handled it was so audacious. It's a film that asks you to do your homework. On as pure an aesthetic level as I can get in thinking about the film, it's visually fascinating, with some splendid deep-focus cinematography by Jerzy Wójcik that pays homage to Gregg Toland's work on Citizen Kane (Orson Welles, 1941). Wajda was quite open about the influence of Welles on his filmmaking -- like Welles, Wajda wanted sets to have ceilings -- but he also expressed a love of American gangster movies and film noir, citing Scarface (Howard Hawks, 1932) and The Asphalt Jungle (John Huston, 1950) among his inspirations for Ashes and Diamonds. The American influence is probably most felt by viewers today in the performance of Zbigniew Cybulski in the role of Maciek, the young assassin. It's a showy, jittery, almost over-the-top performance that validates Cybulski's reputation as "the Polish James Dean." Wajda initially resisted casting Cybulski, wanting a more traditional actor for the role, but once Jerzy Andrzejewski, his co-screenwriter and author of the novel on which the film was based, persuaded him to hire Cybulski, Wajda realized that the handsome young star would attract the younger audience the film not only needed to succeed, but also to educate this audience about their country's past. He even gave in to Cybulski's demand that he be allowed to supply his own wardrobe -- not at all the kind of clothes that a young Polish partisan would have worn in 1945 -- including his signature sunglasses. (A line was inserted to explain that Maciek wore them because he had damaged his eyesight by spending too much time in the sewers of Warsaw during the uprising of 1944.) But Wajda added some idiosyncratic touches of his own to the film, including the bullets setting fire to the jacket of one of the unintended victims of the ambush, and some ventures into symbolism like the upside-down crucifix that looms over Maciek and Krystyna (Ewa Krzyzewska) when they visit a ruined church and the white horse that wanders the streets of the town near the film's end. Maciek is shot in a field where white sheets are drying on clotheslines, and when he clutches one of the sheets to himself, his blood shows through -- even though the film is in black and white, this is a reminder that the colors of the Polish flag, like the one the hotel keeper takes out to wave at the film's end, are white and red. Wajda also delighted in the ambiguity of Maciek's death scene, one of Cybulski's most extravagant moments, which takes place on a garbage heap. For the communist censors, he observed, this could be interpreted as the fate of rebels against their rule, while young would-be rebels could see it as the state treating them as garbage.
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twinsloveco · 4 months
Yeah he acts like he's giving me the world said I have. World of my own but we always had to be the givers and payers and do all the cooking cleaning driving planning etc so I fawned when I seen him do his share in 21..
He uses it for evil and when in guilt ...
Do you know he show3red me in gifts to help me look Sexier? Rather than reaffirm me the right way because he always whatbfelt like tried to detrans demasc me .
Yeah I told him don't argue or invalidate me but still he never once said words to me that showed affirming me and my masculine my lucifer he always wanted me in lower
Feral delta is literally a creature ..
And Kisco is a fucking child ... gross 🤢
I didn't realize he infantilized me as my friend put it.. cus I'd never been so endeared before
We had a romance in my Michale life well he got inside a part of my light twins soul i feel ?.. and he cheated with all these girls because "gabriel" told him so... sometimes it wasn't gabe but Adam or tye witch posinh.. maybe he used a scapegoat?? He knows what he did
It broke michael.. I revenge dated some girls .. I was ashamed and stopped it said it wasn't me.. I fucked dommed him to hell as Michael through my reborn lucifer soul / other body in the garden in his ass [he denied being gay so it was supposed to be a punishment for raping my Lilith soul .. among other things] he wasn't supposed to like it!! I didn't know so I was like gross and ran guess I was soooo good he went mad and came after me in every life since ooof... Michale was collared an driven crazy Michael is also lucifer and started the Johnathans Jerome line chain cycle ... I was gonna tell u I was Michale but then right when I went to..yeah .. so I stfu. Now notice he's always locking up John posing as John force fuse mind controlling John.. making him go Jerome dog form ... yeah ...
You mentioned him being fucked up and I didn't like that .. my head hurt and I shook it and said nope away memories ... sighs 😒
I honestly was having shit taken from me and I also locked sonmuch up behind the Golden doors I told you about ..it's where my memories as Seraph Divi Samael were ...
The eclipse opened them well really that day you were holding me at ur dad's triggered it i got light speed brief flash backs but panicked and slept it away and would forget
Nooo he can't be gabriel who I'd run from ..
Nooo I can't be seraph then that means ima not have my selves in other body and be alone noooooo heart races what do I do..
I tried to slowly hint out but felt knocked back and silenced they taped over your mouth scribbled out the truth with their lies.
Michael was loyal tho and never cheated..
You dumped me Enoch/Adam/Eagle the moment u ran and abandoned me and cheated with all these girls ... no explanation .. after fucking me ! Me fuxked u.. you made me feel alone and single when I was with you in 2021.. and again in parts of march.. because I was waking tf up asshole
Was told I'm not me So I'm like okay someone else can deal with that I'm free 🫠
Fuck!!!! Redditor said lucifer/The devil was easy to trick and I thought I wasn't I used tobbe w bad Ass they broke me to break myself that's how you do a Demon lord in..
I am easy to trick now ...but not long anymore mybfriends opened my eyes !!
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psych 2x13 lights camera homicidio
Steve franks, chris henze, kelly kulchak, andy berman, james roday rodriguez, dule hill
Too many people, but at least most of them have distinct voices
Again with the names. Doing voices I can't hear who they are, & not getting their voices, I'll have a harder time telling who is whom.
Three weeks? Matt Shakman.
The team!
Ppl in costumes in this one shot
Production offices in vancouver babey!
Is it funnier to say guys dressed as toast & then see it, or see it & then say it? Why was it SO important?
Well done Dulé
Smallest waist on a man ever born. 23/43 /j
"Roday could not keep serious whenever Matt would speak in this scene"
SF: Great opportunity for James to ~exploit~ his latin [american] roots JRr: It was man, I was appreciative. I had a blast. Thanks Andy. AB: You are welcome. JRr: My father got a kick out of this too. DH: Did he? JRr: He hasn't heard me speak spanish since I was 4 or 5
"Help me please, whoever you are" JRr: Hey man, say this
Gus was initially supposed to be waiting in a hopsital room to deliver some product, & he was watching tv live, & he sees the stabbing. He was supposed to be in an argument with the woman next to him on whether this guy would cheat. Gus was supposed to say "He'll pay for it. one day he'll die" & then this guy was supposed to be wheeled in on a hospital bed.
*punches shawn in the boob* SS: *falls clutching himself* That was too hard
SF: I took no spanish whatsoever. I took french.
Gama Lobo, named after Tony Gama Lobo
SF: When I was in kindergarten, I had a friend down the street named PJ, & one day he just moved away. PJ, if you're wathing this, what the heck happened to you man? That's not how friends treat each other, not even telling me! AB: I'd like to take this opportunity to propose to my girlfriend AB: ... When I actually have that girlfriend SF: Andy, you should be on one knee AB: Should I put my pants back on?
DH: My aunt Tit. She's from jamaica. Her real name is Lavender Gooms.
Uncle Penis, Cousin Placenta, what is wrong with these people?
Was supposed to be another female detective. (Wow she was rude. Juliet was offering her assistance in, say, maybe getting to know the layout, maybe remembering people's names, not writing your own name here & now.)
SS: *would eat meatballs from the trash* Like a jackal salivates for a wounded possum
CH *sneezing attack*
Different kind of Shawn Vision
Adam & John, good music!
Their sound stage is that green one on the screen
JRr: The hardest I got Dulé all season. ...to break. I wish I got to see the extended scene, hip movements, DH breaking character, I wish.
Poor JRr got sick.
Lol the palm trees.
Ooh the dress from weekend warriors.
*actually does smell the dream*
Because they film things out of order, you can see JRr still has some chad makeup on him
Kelly *creeped out that the director pulls shawn's shirt open*
This was ACTUALLY their rops trailer.
*everyone watching DH react to seeing the ep for the first time*
That flier is for their DP's birthday party
That trailer there is DH's, fun fact "I'm only in my trailer all the time when it's cold!"
"We've done nothing but ridicule you for the past three commentaries"
verybody watches this show except for lassiter.
Juliet becoming a child when she's excited. I love.
KK: I'm so glad that you spoke fluent spanish for this JRr: My spanish was... a little rough. *strangled sounding* I know what you mean buddy, my french is so rusty. KK: Aren't you sick? Are you kissing people? JRr: There's not a whole lot of lip touching in there
SF: A lot of people don't know this but the way Shawn's hair is in the episode is actually how James wears his hair in real life KK: Always the blow dried little flip right in the front JRr: Finally I get to do it normal style SF: Are those artificial side burns? JRr: I believe those are my own side burns SF: My mom's favourite line was that you learned all your spanish from Charles on The Love Letter (my deaf ass unable to hear what he's saying) SF: Her favourite episode is Cloudy Chance of Murder, Andy Berman JRr: I had a blast on that episode
Good old Hornstock
"You're like a little bag of granola"
*the board behind them filled with "bad" ideas*
Love Henry seeing Shawn on the tv
Same bed from Black & Tan
I can't hear a word they're saying
Juliet is asking how they got on the friends & family list bc she's trying to make a friend
KK is right, why doesn't Juliet want to be friends with the other female officers
I love it when they don't talk just watch & laugh
Network: He couldn't have read five years worth of scripts (in this amount of time) & remembered that line, & where it came from KK: He's just a good detective
"thumper" ok bestie
I like how they reference the fact that Shawn has been in jail
*puts up his hand & shares a nod*
Her desk is just... at the bottom of the stairs
CH (tho it might be AB): If you listen closely, you might hear me staring at Kelly right now. Thousand click stare
"20 degrees & raining, but that's santa barbara" Me: Do you mean it's a hot rain? (where I come from, rain is cold, I was shocked when my friend from the USA said she was able to wear shorts in the rain.) Do you alternatively mean that it is cold bc you are using fahrenheit not celsius & it's a joke aboutvancouver not being santa barbara? "& James is very sick at this point"
they have indeed mentioned the turkey stuffing sandwiches by Kelly in Craft Services on the commentaries before
DH: There's James Roday's car JRr: Actually that's my best friend Todd's. They named the Harthin's house after that guy
*Takes a picture with a family. They don't know who he is.*
CH: If you ever meet Dule on set, he's walking around with those tissues in his collar
People need to work on literacy. Understanding the difference between fiction & reality is not inherent like some people claim, it is a very simple skill that people need to have.
I forgot that henry said he is not one of shawn's/chad's fans, "I barely even like you" like girl, my man is blurring the lines between fiction & reality & saying this to his son, wow, wowww. I mean, when my older brother introduced me to psych he did say his dad traumatized him into being a good detective. First ever shot I saw was of shawn & henry & I said "I thought they were estranged"
"I want your baby!" 'I don't have any female fans?' I mean
*playing cats cradle*
"Ceramic mug?"
Love it every time they share a phone to talk to the prisoner
Editing the episode, making sure there are subtitles for when anyone speaks spanish & even when not.
Penny, just tell Juliet you feel like she is suffocating you, or tell the chief & say "This person is harassing me. Make it stop before I file a charge." Like, girl. Juliet, go say sorry instead of trying to continue making a friend. (Tho tbh looking at how Juliet is... I could see Penny getting weird vibes. It's the adhd & lack of social understanding.)
We ARE friends we just can't BE friends
She literally didn't ask tho.
the pencil there lol
"Wow" in captions XD
*the most unflattering pose ever*
the chair by Lassiter: Crystal Ball Henze
I love it love it when they stop the commentary to just watch the show
cue cards disappearing
high school spanish comes back to haunt him
"her heart is too big for her chest" *ppl look at her... heavy chest*
Oh all the inside jokes I don't get
His pillow his ricking pillow the pillow on his lap
Good job selling the depth of the well
His spanish XD
Great job
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nickgerlich · 2 years
I Shutter To Think
What goes around, comes around. That’s what they say. Fashions have a way of coming back to haunt us, as do hair styles. Maybe it’s because there truly isn’t anything new under the sun. Maybe it’s because, in our rush to reach tomorrow, we left behind a really good yesterday, and have come to regret it.
And maybe it’s because we have raised new generations of people on the New, that they are fascinated by the Old, and want to experience life as we did several decades ago.
Vinyl records are a good example. Starting in 2006, vinyl started its comeback, and last year 21.8 million units were sold. That compares to CDs, which continue their decline to 17.7 million. Sure, tangible recorded music is only about 10% of the music pie, which explains why many retailers have eliminated this category. Streaming services now account for 84% of music sales, but vinyl is big enough to warrant a specialty record shop in Amarillo, and even one in tiny Shamrock Texas on Route 66.
Another great example, and one that has piqued my curiosity, is film photography. This is how I learned the art of capturing light many years ago, borrowing my father’s Pentax K1000. It’s a rock-steady camera that I have today and still use. So popular is film photography that Kodak, once the industry giant, has hired more than 350 people in the last two years to be able to address rising demand.
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It was in late 1996 that digital caught my eye and I bought my first film-free camera. It was a Casio that had what was then considered a mind-boggling 360 X 240 resolution. Yeah. That’s less than 1MP. Can anyone say grainy?
I dove deep into digital, and have bought quite a few cameras in the last 25 years. Digital is a very different game, allowing users to effectively pre-edit by adjusting a variety of settings, or tweak later in Photoshop and Lightroom. In the old days, editing was what you did in the dark room, with masters like Ansel Adams dodging and burning to achieve special effects.
Of course, film is still a tiny portion of the bigger photography picture (pun intended). The most common camera that 85% of us possesses—our smartphones—will never have film. And while there is a handful of new film cameras being manufactured now, the vast majority of cameras sold are digital, either DSLRs or mirrorless. Film is the new vinyl.
And there’s the issue of processing and printing, which can be expensive. You have to know where to look, although many Walgreens offer the service, as well as Walmart. There are also specialty mail-order processors, who will also burn a CD with your images in case you want to ride the fence.
Interest in film photography is felt across all age groups, but more pronounced among those who probably never loaded a roll before. There is increasing fascination with film photos from previous decades, notably the amazing work of John Margolies, who documented the vanishing American roadside from 1969 through 2008. He died in 2016. A large portion of his catalog is now available in the public domain at the Library of Commerce. 

Rabbit hole alert: You can get lost in his photos for hours!

As an amateur photographer, I am fascinated by how any photo more than 20 years old is viewed less for its artistic quality, as much as it opens a window unto the past. The cars. The clothes. The hair styles. Even the shops and their signage. Every artifact of past pop culture becomes valuable, whether the horizon line is level or not. Meanwhile, I am my own worst critic, often agonizing over shots to get them just right. In 20 years, no one will care. Heck, in 20 years I may be dead, and my kids will have canceled my storage subscription on the cloud. Poof. Gone.
Some credit Instagram with the resurgence in film. For those of us who have been using the platform since its launch in 2010, we recall the quirky old-school filters as well as the square-only format, like a Polaroid picture. Lost in this assertion is the fact that, at least in the beginning, Instagram only supported digital uploads from a smartphone. You can now post from a computer, and use any digital or otherwise scanned images.
There is a twisted irony to the recent surge at Kodak, though, because the company invented digital photography in the 1970s, then sat on it, allowing others to hammer nails in its coffin many years later. But as it turns out, Kodak is not quite dead yet. While film may never grow so much as to give Kodak the last laugh, it all goes to show that what’s old can become what’s new.
I just hope that bell bottoms and mullets never return. We can live without those pictures in my mind.
Dr “Some Things Are Best Left Dead“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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