#you know that's what he would say if Adrian would ever decide to meet him in the modern world to confront him
wolfanddragon98 · 1 year
Adrian: *hisses out* What do you want from us? If you think you're good at hiding then you're doing a very poor job. I saw you following me to my place of work. I saw you standing outside the school when I was picking the girls up.
Aemond: *shrugs* I want to see my lovely wife and beautiful children. As a husband and a father I don't think I'm asking for a lot.
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
More yandere bully pwetty please 🥺
I gotchu babagorl 🔥
Yandere!Bully x GN Reader pt.2
CW: harrassment, dub-con kissing, creep behavior (not from him...ish)
🖤 It's been a few months since Adrian started bullying you, and by bullying you mean weirdly following you around like a lost puppy and getting defensive if you say anything about it.
🖤 You've made a few friends, much to his dismay, who invited you to a party at one of their houses. They didn't say anything else about it other than it would be pretty wild.
🖤 Adrian was eavesdropping on the conversation you had with your friends and decided to go too, it didn't matter whether he was invited of not, he had to keep an eye on you in case you snitch about the stuff he did to you. and also because he's scared you'll meet someone you like, you're his! he can't let someone as cute as you leave him!
🖤 The party was indeed wild; you didn't expect there to be so many people. Loud music was blaring out of large speakers, people were roughhousing and drinking themselves silly, you think a window of two was broken...
🖤 You stayed anyway, trying your best to enjoy the party as your friends go off and greet other friends of theirs.
🖤 Adrian's car pulls up at the house, he already saw people making out on the porch outside and his heart beat fast thinking about if one of those people were you right now. he can't let that happen!
🖤 He pushed through the crowd inside and finally caught sigh of you in the corner of the living room with a red cup in your hand. His face lit up, but his happiness leaves him just as quickly as it came when he sees a guy approach you, clearly drunk out of his mind.
🖤 He sees red when the creep starts chatting you up, even though you were clearly uncomfortable with it.
🖤 "Hey! Who do you think you are hitting on them? Get out of here before I bash your skull in!"
🖤 He grabs the guy by the collar before shoving his away, the poor dude running off in a hurry.
🖤 You blink twice at Adrian as he turns to check on you with the softest look you've ever seen on him.
🖤 "N-nerd! Are you alright? Did he do anything?"
🖤 You shook your head and he sighs in relief. His expression soon changes to a frustrated one.
🖤 He grabs your hand and leads you outside, you start protesting, trying to pull your hand away from his but he's too damn strong.
🖤 Finally you ask where he's taking you and he leads you to the back of the house. He pins you to the wall and stares at you with wide eyes.
🖤 You felt the loud music from inside send vibrations across the house as his heavy breaths made your cheeks flush pink.
🖤 "You don't let anyone do that to you understand me, Freak? You're supposed to me mine do you hear me?"
🖤 His fists ball up, not in anger but frustration that he saw someone talk to what was his.
🖤 You stumble in your words, confused as to what he meant by 'mine'.
🖤 Suddenly you felt his lips crash into yours, one of his arms pulling your waist closer while his other hand held your head in place.
🖤 You place your hands on his arms as you start to kiss back softly, melting into the kiss. he pulls away, now bringing his mouth to your neck.
🖤 You could only whimper and moan softly as he left kisses and love bites on your neck, going unnoticed by anyone in the party.
🖤 "You're mine, no one else's, God you don't know what you do to me..."
🖤 He continued whispering praises and confessions to you, how the way you laughed with your friends made him want to get rid of them so the only thing you'd talk with was him, how he'd think about you every night, most times about you under him as you two shared passionate kisses, how he wished for so long to hold you like this.
🖤 Tears fall from your eyes as he takes his hand and wipes them away, kissing your stained cheeks.
🖤 Eventually he pulls away from you, grabbing your upper arm and leading you to his car.
🖤 "Come on loser, I'm driving you home...and s-stop crying...here, have a tissue...uhm...I..I love you...Nerd..."
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multifandomfanficss · 9 months
Stuck With You
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
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Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: When the team sticks their newest member with Vigilante, everyone feels bad for you, but you’re grateful to have him around when you run into something from your past and lose your cool.
Warnings: panic attacks, human experimentation, referenced child abuse
A/N: I found a couple lines of dialogue in my drafts that I never did anything with and I had the writing bug today so I decided to finally make something with it! I’ll crosspost it on my AO3 adriansglasses as well. Hope you enjoy!
“(L/N), you’re with Vigilante.” Harcourt says, at the beginning of the meeting.
“You’re really gonna stick the newest person with that psycho?” John asks.
“You don’t need to be mean to Adrian just because he’s not here.” Leota starts.
“I would say it to his face too. He’d probably just laugh and call me his 4th best friend.” John retorts.
You hadn’t been with the team for long. This was your first mission with them. After a mission gone too out of control, Waller sent you to the middle of nowhere Evergreen, Washington. You thought she’d sent you here because the environment would be less hectic, but the longer you’re there, the more you realize she probably sent you here because everyone on this team is either highly traumatized or in need of more experience. She was trying to put the training wheels back on. From what you’d been told by the team’s top conspiracy theorist, Christopher Smith, this team was originally supposed to be an expendable scapegoat, but they ended up saving the world. You had no idea what to believe at this point.
“What’s up with Vigilante?” You ask, wondering why this was all such a hot topic. You hadn’t known him for long. He seemed a little odd, but overall fine. If you were being honest you actually kind of liked him. He was sweet and funny, often without trying. There was this comforting air about him and you didn’t really know why. He was a good fighter and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he was at least a little bit cute.
“He’s a little…” Chris started moving his finger in a circular motion, trying to insinuate that Adrian was crazy.
“He can’t be that bad.” You smile.
Suddenly Adrian comes running into the old video store tripping over one of his shin guards that wasn’t on properly. He sits down and fastens it.
“Sorry I’m late, guys. They kept me late at the restaurant and then when I was trying to put on my suit in the car I accidentally ran a red light and usually I would kill somebody for that, but I mean I think the more important thing is that I didn’t run over the old lady crossing the street! She was totally fine and I know she’s alive because she screamed at me…I’ve never seen an old lady use to many swear words. It was kind of awesome! Anyway what did I miss?”
“You put on your suit while driving?” Leota asks.
“Yup.” He gives a straight face nod. Adrian often had a way about him, as if what he was thinking should be obvious to other people, when in fact, it was not obvious to most people most of the time.
“You amaze me.” Harcourt says, sarcastically.
“Thank you.” Adrian smiles, not catching her sarcasm.
She rolls her eyes, sighing.
Later on that night you and Adrian found yourselves walking through a series of tunnels.
“John, I think we might be lost.” You spoke into your coms, hoping he can help you from the van.
“I can’t even hear you in my earpiece and I’m right next to you. I think we lost the signal.” Adrian walks in silence for a few seconds before adding, “I’m sorry you got stuck with me.” He looks at the ground, sad.
“What are you talking about?”
“I know they stuck you with me. Nobody ever really chooses to be my partner.” He lightly kicks a rock, pretending not to be bothered.
“They did pair us up, but that doesn’t mean I was disappointed.” You smile.
“Really? Why would you want me?”
“Well first of all, you’re a great fighter. You were also the first person to attempt to be my friend. I’d trust you in the field over anyone.”
“Really?” You can hear the surprise in his voice.
“Yeah.” You let out a soft giggle. “Why are you so surprised that I like you?”
“Usually everyone just tells me to shut up or fuck off.”
“Well I’m not everyone.” You nudge him playfully as you walk.
Soon you come upon a door. It’s a little rusted, but Adrian shoots the lock off and you’re able to break in.
“What is this place?” He asks.
As soon as you walk inside you see the tubes, the files, the devices, the tables, the symbols. You know exactly what this is. This is an old facility for the for the group that made you leave your old job, the mission that ruined your life. You see files on the table, files no doubt full of details on the children they were experimenting on. The group would take orphaned children or children who were abandoned and unwanted, kids who had no one to protect them, and they would experiment on them. They were human trials to try to find new ways of making superheroes. This must have been one of their old abandoned facilities. Despite the lab being inactive, just the sight of it was still enough to send you into a spiral.
Your heart starts beating rapidly as you grow dizzy. You look down at your shaking hands. You’re starting to lose control of your breathing.
“I- I can’t-“ You walk backwards out of the room, starting to hyperventilate.
“Woah. Hey, what’s going on? Are you having a panic attack?” Adrian slowly puts his hands out towards you. He’s a little unsure of what to do.
“I’ve seen this before!” Your entire world is spinning as your start to cry. You can’t stop thinking about the awful things you saw when you snuck into their active facility earlier this year. Those poor children. Part of you was starting to wonder if Waller put you on this team for a reason. You should have known better than to think she was giving you a break. Waller always had some sort of fucked up motive that only worked for herself hidden up her sleeve. “I can’t fucking breathe!” You sob, sucking in air.
“Tender nice touching.” Adrian slowly approached you, patting your shoulder. You needed pressure on your body. You felt like you were slipping away from earth and you needed to be held down.
“Can I have a hug?” You asked, quietly.
“You want a hug?” He asked, his voice just as quiet. He was speaking softly to not startle you further.
“I think I can do that.“ He smiles, slowly bringing you into his arms. A little loose at first, he tightened the hug as you melted into him.
“I’m sorry- I- I just…I know what the did here and- and-“ Adrian shushes you as you begin to stutter, your mind moving much faster than your mouth is able to.
“You’re okay. You’re safe. I’ve got you. Just breathe with me. Don’t focus on anything else, but your breathing okay? Can you feel me breathing?” He rubs your back as you cry into his arms. You nod. “Okay, good. Just…just follow that.” He sighs and then focuses on making his own breathing something you can follow.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to know what people on the team want because I know Chris doesn’t wanna look weak and Harcourt would kill me if I touched her, so I try to be careful. I just don’t wanna upset you guys more, but if you want me hold you I can keep doing that. Just let me know what you need and I’ll do it.” He says, softly.
“Can you just keep talking?” You ask. The sound of his voice is soothing and grounding.
“You want me to keep talking?” He smiles. “You’re in luck. I’m actually really good at talking. So good, in fact, that people are constantly asking me to shut up. So uh… What can I talk about? Oh! I know. So I have this friend at work. His name is Taylor. Well, he says we’re not friends, but he texts me all time time asking me to help cover his shifts and I would only trust a friend enough to ask them for that, so I think we’re friends. Anyway, so Taylor walked in this morning and…”
The longer Adrian rambles on the better you feel. The pressure of his body on yours and his voice slowly bring you back to earth. Eventually you find yourselves walking back through the tunnels, hand in hand, retracing your steps as he guides you back to the van to regroup. He keeps you distracted with silly stories the entire walk back.
You don’t know what the rest of your team was talking about. Adrian was the best partner you could have had.
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starsofmilos · 2 years
I like (actually love) you! (Adrian Chase x female reader)
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Request: Hey, I know this might be kinda similar in concept to the fic you posted today but it's different enough I'm still send in the request and hopefully you like it. I want to request something where Adrian and the reader are friends with benefits who are in love, but they're both worried to tell the other their feelings. The reader decides to try and move on so they go on dates and Adrian is really jealous about it and finally confesses he's in love with them (also kinda hoping it can be a little smutty cause I love your Adrian smut). 
Request: i love the way you write adrian especially jealous/possessive adrian! it's so hot. can you write something where adrian and the reader flirt sometimes but the reader doesn't think adrian actually has feelings for her so she tries to move on; she shows up at hq really dressed up for a date and everyone compliments her but adrian is super irritated and the reader doesn't realize it's because he's insanely jealous. and he stops her from going on the date and smut happens.
Let’s go!!
Warnings: smut, fingering, p in v, jealously, soft dom Adrian, oral (fem receiving), small amount of angst, mentions of insecurities, mentions of sex, fluff
Adrian’s and your relationship was weird.
Okay now that is a weird start to this, but this was the clearest way to explain it. Adrian Chase and you had a weird relationship.
It wasn’t like you both didn’t get along. As a matter of fact it was the opposite. Adrian and you got along really well.
Too well actually..
“Well don’t you look fucking delicious today..” Adrian grinned as you walked in. You grew flustered shooting him back a grin.
“What you hungry Chase? Wanna eat me up?” Adrian gaped at you for a moment before shaking his head with a chuckle.
“I mean if you really want me too. I will just say the word unless you’re joking then I am too.” 
You laughed taking a seat next to him. “You’re funny Adrian.” 
He smacked your hand trying to keep the smile off his face as you leaned forward pinching his cheek. 
Adrian grabbed your hand biting your wrist playfully as you laughed. “Lucky you’re cute Chase.”
“If I’m cute then you’re fucking adorable.” 
Emilia rolled her eyes hearing you both as she walked in. “Alright enough you two. Where the hell is everyone else so we could get the meeting started?”
The team hated, but also liked that Adrian and you got along. It was obvious there was tension between you both. They were just waiting for one of you to bite the bullet and tell the other how you felt.
“Adrian! Would you mind grabbing me a water?” You called out from your desk continuing to type your reports. Adebayo smiled a bit as Adrian wordlessly got up walking to the fridge you all had gotten in the small record shop.
“Adrian-” You were cut off by the water being held in front of your face. You grinned accepting it tilting your head back to stare up at Adrian.
“Thank you Adrian.” He nodded with a grin going so far as to open the bottle for you before setting it down. 
You grabbed his wrist before he pulled away placing a small kiss on it missing the way he grew flustered. Adrian stared as you took a gulp of the water before getting back to work.
Chris gagged gaining both of your attentions. “Get a room and fuck already..” 
You smiled looking down bashfully as Adrian laughed shaking his head. “We’re just friends dude.”
Emilia stared as you flinched a bit at his words. “Yeah..friends.”
Adrian nodded ruffling your hair before retaking your seats. 
This wouldn’t be the first time one of them tried to call out you guys for the obnoxious flirting only for Adrian to shoot down you guys being anything more than friends.
It was very confusing to you. It’s the only reason why you would describe your relationship with him as weird.
You wanted more.
Craved it even, but it seemed like to Adrian all you both would ever be is friends. Which kinda stung. If he just wanted to stay friends then why did he flirt with you? Or treat you specially?
You sighed growing frustrated with the latest assignment. It was your job to do all the research to help the team prepare and it was stressing you out.
“You okay?” You glanced up hearing Adrian.
“Yeah. Just a bit stressed I wanna get this done, but at the same time I’m having a hard time decoding some stuff..” He nodded in understanding standing behind you to massage your shoulders.
You groaned out in relief feeling his breath hit the top of your head. “You gotta relax pretty girl..”
“I mean if you keep massaging my shoulders like that I probably will.” Adrian grinned at your words kissing your forehead.
“Your hands are magic..” 
“That’s not the only thing they can do.” You choked a bit hearing his words. Adrian stopped as you turned your face eyeing him. He was close.
Closer than you originally thought. 
His breath fanned your face. You unconsciously licked your lips when you caught his gaze on them.
“You smell good.” He whispered out wanting nothing more than to kiss you. You gripped the pen in your hand tightly wanting nothing more than to leap up and kiss him. 
“You do too Adrian..” Adrian gulped a bit leaning in letting his lips brush against yours for a second before jumping up hearing the door open. 
“I brought some food.” John called out placing a bag in front of you.
“Thanks..” You whispered out a bit disappointed. Adrian nodded patting your back before putting distance between you both. John smiled a bit.
“Did I interrupt something?”
“Psh no no! You guys have to stop with that. Y/N and I are nothing more than friends.”
John raised an eyebrow as you looked down suddenly feeling shameful. You stood up grabbing your stuff. 
“I’m gonna head home. Thanks for the food John.”
“Oh did you wanna a ride home-”
“No I’m good Adrian.” You smiled a bit bitterly ignoring his call for you. John sighed shaking his head.
“You’re a fucking idiot.” Adrian stared at John in shock at his words. 
You wiped your eyes trying to hide your tears. Adrian only saw you a friend. You think?
Why did he have to be so confusing?...
He made you feel like crap, but so special all at once. Adrian couldn’t have been doing this on purpose right?
All these confusing emotions led you to the bar. Where you planned on spending your night drinking your feelings.
That is where you met Kevin. He was cute. Brown hair with blue eyes..Maybe he’d be a good distraction from the green eyed idiot confusing you.
So one drink with him led to four and you exchanged numbers. 
Kevin was nice. He was sweet and he didn’t deny any attraction towards you. You said yes to his proposal of a date feeling a bit giddy when you entered work the next day.
“So you’re in a good mood.” Adebayo pointed out as you adjusted your makeup a bit.
“Oh. I am! I have some plans tonight and I’m really excited!”
“Is that why you’re dressed up?” John spoke up sparing a glance your way. You nodded excitedly.
“Yeah. I look nice right?”
“You look beautiful.” Adrian joined the conversation sitting next to you. You smiled at him a bit before moving back to Adebayo.
“Thanks you guys for noticing. I hope he likes it.”
“Wait who’s he?” Adebayo asked you confused.
“Oh! I have a date tonight it’s why I got dressed up.” Adrian twisted his neck quickly to you.
“Wait you have a date?” You nodded. Emilia walked in catching the last of the conversation with Chris.
Chris whistled shooting you a wink. “Oh trust me Y/N he’ll like it. You clean up nice.” 
Emilia nodded taking a seat, “Yeah.”
Adrian gripped the handle of his chair a bit angrily. He thought you both had something going on..Especially after last night. Maybe he was wrong..
“So do you actually like this guy?” Emilia asked wanting to get Adrian angry. She normally wasn’t one to stir the pot, but she was also getting tired of Adrian and you constantly staring at each other.
“I don’t know to be honest. I want too, but again this is only the first date. He is a good guy..” You smiled bashfully growing embarrassed. Adrian grit his teeth as you stood up dusting yourself off.
You couldn’t help but notice he was being weird. Adrian had just been staring at you with a clenched jaw trying to keep his anger in check. 
He wanted nothing more than to find out who exactly this guy was and see if he’d broken any laws.
“Alright well I gotta go home. He plans on picking me up.” 
“Wait wait! You told him where you live? You don’t even know the guy!” Adrian suddenly bursted out.
You tilted your head confused. He had been so quiet up till now. “I mean I wanna get to know him besides what if I decide to bring him in later.” 
Chris laughed at your words. “So you’re trying to get some?” 
You shyly nodded, “Maybe. He isn’t bad looking.” 
“But that’s dangerous! You don’t know him well enough. I mean he could be a serial killer!” You laughed a bit at his words shaking your head.
“He is not a serial killer. If anything he is probably in more danger next to me considering we kill people for our work.Besides I did not buy new underwear for nothing-” Adrian shook his head standing up. 
“Nope.” He muttered out grabbing your hand. Everyone else stared in confusion for a moment as Adrian dragged you away. 
“Adrian?” You questioned as he dragged you to one of the backrooms. “Adrian? I gotta get going!” 
Emilia shut her laptop sharing a look with the others. John sighed nodding. “Yeah yeah I know. They’re totally gonna fuck.”
“They better clean up.” Adebayo grumbled as Chris smirked a bit. 
“Finally he’s making a move.”
Adrian pushed you into the empty cramped restroom closing the door. “Adrian?”
“Don’t go on that date.”
“You heard me don’t go on that date. He sounds douchey and you deserve better.”
“Better? Adrian I don’t think you can dictate what I deserve-”
“I know I can’t, but I know he doesn’t deserve you.” You sighed a bit shaking your head.
“Okay you can have your opinion, but unless you can give me a good reason not too I’m going on that date.” You tried to move around him groaning as he grabbed your shoulder pushing you gently in front of him.
“Adrian!” You stomped your foot. 
“Y/N please. Don’t go on that date.”
“Why not!?”
“You know why.” Adrian nervously gulped as you stared at him angrily. You grunted a bit shaking your head.
“Adrian move.”
“Adrian! You’re being a dick right now. Let me through!”
“Nope, I’m not moving.” He stalked towards you pushing you against the sink. 
“Adrian...you said we’re just friends.”
“I lied.”
“You’re a shitty person for doing that then. Kevin is really nice-”
“He maybe nice, but you and I both know he’s not me. It’s what you want right? A way to forget me.”
He hit the your reason dead on. He always was a sharp shooter.
You glared up at him, “I’m not dealing with this shit. Give me a good reason not to go on that date.”
“I know you don’t actually like that guy and I know even though your angry at me. You’d still rather be here in the cramped bathroom than go on that date.”
“Not true-”
“We both know at any moment you could’ve overpowered me and walked out. I didn’t even lock the door.” He smirked as you grew flustered.
“Look I like you like a lot and I don’t want you going on this date with the shitty dude. I know I can treat you fucking better than he can in so many ways..”
Your breath hitched as he leaned in close whispering softly, “If you don’t feel the same and you really wanna go with stupid fucking Kevin. Push me away right now cause if not I’m gonna kiss you before ripping your clothes off and fucking that little attitude away.”
You moaned a bit at his words missing his smile, “Fuck you Chase.” You gripped his shoulders pulling him close kissing him desperately. 
Adrian groaned against you smiling as he pulled away to move his kisses down your neck. You panted wrapping your hands around him. “Fucking hot..Fuck..”
“Mine.” He growled against your throat as he slid his hand under your shirt. You nodded without hesitation at his words.
“I’ve been yours for so long..I just didn’t think you liked me Adrian. You confused the hell out of me.” He sucked small marks into your shoulder lifting you on the sink. 
“Should’ve made it more clear. I do like you. I actually love you..I just didn’t wanna say it.” You smiled at his words. He pulled his mouth off of your spit slicked collarbone.
“I love you too..”
“Good because you are right. You’ve always been mine kay?”
“Yes I’m yours.” You released a shaky breath as he yanked your shirt off groaning once your bra was revealed. 
“Pretty..” He smushed his face into your chest kissing softly reaching behind to undo your clasp. He moaned once your chest was fully revealed. With no hesitation Adrian enveloped your nipple in his mouth.
You thrusted up a bit growing more wetter. He’d hardly touched you and you already felt like you were burning. 
“More! More!” You buried your hand in his hair eagerly. Adrian nodded quickly moving away to pull his own shirt off. You gasped feeling him push his bulge against your crotch.
“I can feel your pulsing..Such a desperate whore. You really thought Kevin can do better than me.” You shook your head.
“No! No one is better than you!” You whimpered out as he ground his hips down hard against your crotch. He began to dry hump you cursing as you kissed his shoulder leaving your own marks.
“Adrian please..I’ve wanted this for so long..I need you..” He nodded yanking your pants down pulling you off the sink to kneel before you.
“Gonna make you forget that douche..My fucking pussy. You’re my whore.”
Your face grew red feeling his hand trail up your thigh. “Is this okay?”
You smiled hearing him check in with you. “More than okay..Make me cum Adrian..”
“So demanding didn’t I say I’d fuck that attitude away.” You whined as he rubbed your clit outside your underwear. “You have no idea how fucking angry it made me hearing that you bought these pretty panties for him..” 
“I didn’t.” Adrian looked up at you questioningly. “I bought them two weeks back before I met them. I bought them hoping you’d be the one to see them...”
Adrian grinned widely as you bashfully looked away. “You’re so fucking cute. No one but me gets to see you like this now.” He pulled them off of you putting them in his pocket to keep.
“I still need those to wear-”
“They’re mine now. Just like this,” His finger sunk inside of you, “Is also mine.”
You took a shaky breath. “Fuck...” 
Adrian grinned fucking your tight cunt with his finger. It was thicker than your own. You moaned thrusting your hips up wanting more of him.
“More more. I can take it please..” Adrian nodded leaning forward to lick your clit. You moaned as he shoved another finger in. 
“Fuck me! Please! Shit!” He sped up his fingers watching the way your eyebrows and eyes scrunched up. 
“Gonna cum for me so soon pretty girl?”
You nodded, “Yes! Fuck!! Adrian I’m sorry I can’t hold it! I- Fuck!”
He smiled kissing you softly as his thumb began to rub your clit. “You don’t gotta apologize for that..I’ll never stop you from cumming. So go ahead let go for me.”
That was all the permission you needed. You cried out cumming all over his hand. Adrian ripped his hand away latching his mouth to get all of your release in his mouth.
You moaned grabbing his hair thrusting against his mouth to ride out your high. “Sensitive! Sensitive!”
Adrian moved back up kissing you to help bring you down. You whined still wiggling your hips. “Fuck me..Fuck me please Adrian..I was so stupid to think anyone could replace you.”
“You’re not stupid..You have me here now and I was dumb for not doing any of this sooner.” He stood up unbuckling his belt shoving his pants down to his knees not even fully taking them off as he pulled you closer. 
You shoved his shirt off needing to feel him close as he tapped his cock against your clit. “Adrian..”
“I know..I’m going in..” He groaned out feeling your tight walls squeeze him. “Relax..please baby fuck you’re so fucking tight. I can’t..I can’t hold back if you squeeze me like this..Such a perfect pussy..Perfect pussy..”
You nodded gripping his shoulder, “Move please..Fuck me Adrian..I’m yours please fuck me-OH FUCK!!”
Adrian began a brutal pace gripping you tightly as he slid in and out with a strong force.
Drool spilled from your mouth. It felt like your body was on fire. “Oh fuck Adrian! So big! You’re splitting me open!”
Adrian groaned latching onto your neck sucking marks, “Oh fuck Y/N..you feel so good why the fuck didn’t we do this sooner..Shit shit! I don’t wanna stop fucking you. Fucking my pussy..”
“Don’t stop! Don’t stop Adrian!! Please fuck me! I don’t wanna ever stop..” You felt tears well in your eyes.
“I will fucking kill anyone who tries to do this with you. I really wanna fucking find this stupid guy you planned on seeing tonight.”
“No no! Adrian no one but you can see me this way and fuck me the way you do! Ohh fuck!!” You whimpered as he leaned down rubbing your clit.
You were drunk on his cock. The way he was driving it deep into you scratching that one spot that made your eyes roll back.
“Harder..please..” Adrian pulled your head back watching the way your eyes teary and red rimmed.
“Does it feel good baby?” You nodded quickly at his question. “Yeah you like the way my cock is fucking you.”
You nodded, “Yes!! I love it!! It feels so good!!! OH ADRIAN!!!”
His eyes widened as your orgasm hit you suddenly with no warning. You moaned scratching his back leaving deep imprints.
Adrian tried to pull back to check on you before moaning out himself once he felt your legs wrap around his waist keeping him inside.
“Don’t stop! Please Adrian! Feels so good!! So much can’t think-Ah!” He nodded lifting you off the sink to push you to the door slamming into you with a force that had the door rattling.
“Look at you being a cock drunk whore. You like me fucking you so much.”
It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.
“Yes I do! Do you like fucking me?” You wanted to make sure he was feeling as good as you were.
Adrian grinned kissing you, “I’m enjoying this so fucking much. Such a pretty girl crying over my cock..I’m close already..”
He whispered breathlessly. You whined feeling overwhelmed by your emotions and the overstimulation but you’d rather die than have Adrian stop.
“I’m gonna cum again!” You cried out sobbing into his shoulder biting down once you felt it hit you.
Adrian groaned mumbling incoherent curses and your name before cumming himself deep inside of you.
“Adrian!! Fuck Adrian! Cum inside of me! It feels so good!! So much!!”
He moaned slumping his head in your neck struggling to catch his breath.
You panted pulling his head out to sloppily kiss him not caring about the saliva and drool that spilled between you two.
“Thank you..” Adrian nodded.
“Believe me pleasure was all mine..” You laughed as he set you gently down on the sink counter slipping out of you with a hiss.
“So I’m pretty sure by now you missed your date.” Adrian grinned widely as you smiled.
“That’s okay. I don’t need a date anymore. I’m yours right?”
“You are and don’t you forget it..”
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alucarddear · 2 years
Hello! I love your work!
May I please request something?
I was wondering if Adrian would ever have angry sex (not painful or maybe not even directed at you/reader but just frustration steam) and what that would be like?
And if not, may I ask the question for jealousy? I saw your HC and it made me curious if it'd ever get a little more intense.
A Pretty Picture*
A stranger foolishly tried to woo his lover, so Alucard decided to show him just whose name she would be screaming tonight.
Note: *NOT sfw. Foreplay. [She/her]
I mean, why not both? What have you all done to me? Anyways, have fun.
Not quite angry—think possessive, needy, desperate. I attempted a picture of what leads up to a pretty intense night probably. I had to stop there, it seemed like the right moment. You can maybe follow this up with Mine, if I blue-balled you. I hope I did justice to your wild imaginings, anon!
Thoughts? Violent reactions? Haha.
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The lovers are back in their room at the inn now. She’d squeezed Adrian’s hands tightly and just about shoved the strange man out of the pub herself. It was probably for his own good, otherwise he might’ve been acquainted with Adrian’s fists or worse. The thought of meeting the dhampir’s magical sword is likely enough to make any luckless casanova shiver.
He is still fuming, that much is obvious. But why is her heart hammering? It’s not as if she did anything wrong.
“Adrian, calm down,” she says with a firm voice and an even firmer conscience. She touches his arm, and then starts explaining that she didn’t—
“Oh, it’s not you, darling, no,” he interjects, saving her from needlessly apologising for or explaining something she didn’t do. He saw what had happened. “I shouldn’t have left you for even just a minute.” This place reeks of ruffians.
“It’s alright,” she reassures him, smiling. “I’m alright. You worry too much. I took care of it, didn’t I?”
Yes, yes, his darling did. Far more admirably than he would’ve—should’ve.
They’d been travelling. He’d gone to book them a room at the nearby inn before it was too late. Meanwhile, she’d waited and ordered their drinks at the bar. When he returned, he saw that rat bastard make advances and place his unwelcome hands on his beloved, unsettling her, and the next thing he knew, he was seeing red, and then she had driven the man away herself.
Adrian shakes the thought out of his head.
It will not do to dwell on it, the more rational part of him wants to say, yet another is flooding his head with alarms and reminders that—She’s mine, she’s mine, she’s mine. How dare he?
He takes a deep, shuddering breath and closes his eyes. When next he opens them, an uncharacteristic smirk forms on his lips and he zeroes in on his lover, advancing towards her so very slowly, stopping just as her back hits the inn’s flimsy bedroom wall.
Adrian knows just what he wants, what he needs right now. Respite in the form of his favourite human, as well as some reminding that she is his, and his alone.
She is looking up at him, brows slightly furrowed, perhaps wondering what is going on in his head. She, whose smiles and little laughs fill his heart with glee. She, who’d promised herself to him long ago. His. All soft-skinned, lovely-eyed and warm, so very warm, always so pliant in his hands.
My girl, if you only knew.
“I want to fuck you,” he tells her bluntly, matter-of-fact, and then something desperate flashes through him. “I need to,” he corrects himself, instantly sending a blush to her face and an unexpected jolt of desire through her core.
She whispers her yes a little too fast, a little too soft for his liking.
“Are you certain? I won’t be able to stop myself,” he warns her.
He watches her gulp but nod again, sees her cheeks flood with colour at his crudeness yet her eyes twinkle with excitement, sees the way her knees got a little weak, and he smiles a toothy smile at her. My love. What precious little girl.
He runs a thumb across her bottom lip and gently prods her mouth open with it. She is blushing furiously, his silly girl, yet she accepts his finger readily, the tip of her tongue making the grave mistake of tentatively lapping at his thumb. It has his cock stiffening and twitching at the sensation, a needy groan nearly escaping his lips.
He picks her up then—scalding, urgent hands hoisting her up by her thighs. The intensity of his look might’ve had her knees weak with want, had her sliding down to the floor if not for his hot grip on her.
He’s angry, he’s jealous, and she really shouldn’t feel so... but damn it, he is so attractive to her right now, the way he wants her so badly she could shudder.
He’s staring at her, imploring her with such want, such need that she could never say no to. She really shouldn’t encourage him, really should calm him down, but his throbbing cock is hard and hot and already rubbing against her so tantalisingly, she just—
“Please,” she croaks at him, begging. “Please do.”
Uh-uh. He shakes his head a little.
“Please what?” he asks, index finger lifted as if to reprimand her. Say it. Say it.
“Please f-fuck me,” she just about whimpers.
"Good girl.”
Adrian doesn’t need to be told twice. 
He growls, grinding his hips, the delicious friction forcing a breathy sob out of her lips that he promptly hushes with his own. He tastes sweet, sweet wine on his lover’s tongue, and his grip on her thighs tighten as he pushes off the wall, hands sliding up her buttocks—squeezing, kneading.
They head straight for the nondescript room’s equally nondescript bed. No matter, he thinks. She will make a pretty picture lying naked in it.
He’ll show that foolish man just whose name this pretty lady would be screaming tonight.
She’s sprawled in bed now, hair splayed on the soft, white pillows. “Adrian,” she mewls impatiently, thighs rubbing together.
Tut-tut. “Patience, my girl,” he admonishes her and then forgets about it entirely the very next second as he pushes the hem of her dress up and forces her thighs apart, fingers impatiently shoving her panties aside.
“Look at you,” he goads, smirking at her, fingers already collecting some of her wetness to rub slow circles on her clit. “So wet for me.”
“Adrian,” she gasps, “Adrian, please, please—”
He doesn’t give her a warning as he plunges one, two, three long fingers down to his knuckles into her tight pussy. He gradually increases his pace, curling his fingers inside her, stretching and preparing her to take his engorged cock well.
It’s not long before she is coming undone on his fingers, grasping at anything and everything for purchase. She begs him to stop, yet cries for him to fuck her harder. He holds her down to dampen her squirming and pumps into her until her eyes start collecting tears, until she’s pitifully sobbing his name, completely at the mercy of her dhampir. Soon, she is panting and trembling, utterly spent, yet he is only getting started.
Adrian licks at three of his fingers, tasting her, watching his sweat-slicked lover catch her breath, still shuddering and weak. As soon as he kneels on the bed to take her, she’s meeting him halfway in a desperate kiss—not quite chaste, yet not quite a battle, not one she’s winning tonight anyway. A surrender.
They cling to each other, desperately grasping, pulling at each other’s clothing, nipping. Him, undoing his trousers; her, sucking her salt off his tongue.
When they break apart for air, she attempts to pleasure him back, reaching for his hard cock, but he gently slaps her hand away.
“No, my dear. This is about you. Tonight is all for you,” he tells her.
You’re mine. You’re mine and I’m going to show you just what it means to be mine.
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powerfultenderness · 1 year
Be Mine
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Pairing: Reader (F)/Adrian Chase
Rated: Explicit 18+
Summary: When you tell Adrian that you’ve never had a Valentine before, he decides to give you the best Valentine’s Day ever! 
Warnings: Dub-Con (drunken sex). RAPE/Non-Con (coerced sex). 
Stalking/obsessive behavior.
breath play. knife play  
Word Count:  13245
A/N: A super late Valentine’s Day fic.
I hate writing multi chapter fics, so here is what definitely should be multiple chapters as one long fic.
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[[Meet Cute]]
Adrian smiled at you as he stood in line at a coffee shop with you and one of your friends. He’d much rather it just be the two of you, but the relationship was still new and the both of you were trying to figure out how to incorporate into each other's lives. Besides, he liked seeing you with your friends. It showed him just how similar the two of you were. Just like Peacemaker couldn’t function without him, your friends couldn’t function without you. 
Your scoffed laughter drew him out of his thoughts as you responded to something your friend said.
“Psh! Noo. I’ve never had a Valentine before.” 
“Wait. You mean you’ve never had a Valentine’s Day date?” 
You shook your head and shrugged, turning away from him like you were embarrassed to be admitting this out loud. “Not a date. Or a single flower or a box of chocolates. The last Valentine's Day gift that I got was in elementary school, and you know, everyone had to pass out little cards to the whole class.” 
“What? How?” 
Adrian could understand why your friend was so flabbergasted. As far as he was concerned, you were amazing and it made no sense that someone wouldn’t want to be your Valentine. 
You shrugged just as he opened his mouth to chime in and answered before he could say what he wanted to say.
“I dunno. You know how it is when a relationship is too new to do something on Valentine’s Day.” You tried to explain, but the more honest answer was that you really hadn’t been in many relationships, so you were always alone on what people dubbed to be the most romantic day of the year. 
“Well, this year it’ll be different! I bet you’ll get enough gifts to make up for all those Valentine’s Days that you missed!”
“Yea, ok. Sure.” You shook your head. It was already the middle of January, a little late for that. 
Adrian nodded and was once again cut off before he could say anything, this time by the cashier calling out the next person in line, which happened to be you.
As you placed your order, Adrian was suddenly hit with an idea. Your friend was right! Sure he hadn’t known you very long, but he was pretty sure he already loved you, so he was going to make sure you had the best Valentine’s Day ever!
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(December 31st) 
This was starting to remind him of the parties that Gut used to have at the house when their parents were away. Back then, Adrian, nearly a decade younger than Gut, didn’t realize his age was the reason why so many of Gut’s friends (and Gut himself!) shunned him. But now? Why were people giving him the same look now?
“Dude!” Peacemaker shook his head and rolled his eyes at Adrian, again.
“What? That’s funny!” Adrian defended himself, but the combined voices of his friends (the 11th Street Kids all came back to Evergreen for this party) told him to shut up. So he downed the rest of the beer and used the excuse of a refill to walk around.
This was some fancy venue that he otherwise would never get to see, so he might as well have a look around. He stopped by a large window overlooking a balcony. Cool! And no one was out there (no one wanted to be out in the cold, actually). 
Adrian was an observant person. His vision might be shit, but he still saw more than most people. Like now. Past all the decorative fountains and hardy plants he saw a woman laying down on an easy to overlook bench. 
And it was cold out. Very cold. And she wasn’t moving!
Without thinking he set his beer down and stepped out to the balcony, a rush of cold air sent a shiver through his body, but he ignored it as he hopped down. It was two stories up, but there were plenty of hand and footholds to make the climb down quick and easy. 
As he got near to the bench he realized that she wasn’t dead or even unconscious. She was humming. Something he wasn’t familiar with, but he took it as a good sign anyways. “Hey, uh, lady, are you ok?”
You startled and craned your head to look at the stranger. What a cutie! Even at night you could see his big bright eyes, all round and curious, maybe he was concerned? Or maybe it was just his large framed glasses that made his eyes look so big. The lights from the party illuminated him from behind and his curly hair made him look almost angelic. It made you smile. 
“Who are you?” You slurred out, and it became clear that it must have been a drunken decision to come out here without a coat.
“I’m Adrian. I just came out here to make sure you were ok.” He answered as he moved closer to the bench you were half laying down on.
“Oh.” Then you pointed to the sky. “I’mmm waitin’ for the ffirewurks!” 
Adrian looked at the sky then back at you as you flopped back onto your side, your legs were hanging off the bench, so there was still room for him to sit down.
“It’s only eleven.” He told you as he leaned down to get a better look at you, to make sure you hadn’t just passed out on him.
“Then I won’t miss them!” 
Well, you had a point. 
“Aren’t you cold?” 
You sat up again and owlishly blinked at him. “Uhmm…No. Maybe.” 
Then you leaned down and grabbed a glass of champagne that was resting near your side of the bench. No wonder you weren’t cold, you probably couldn’t feel anything at all! 
You took a sip from your glass and attempted, yet somehow missed, to wipe off the little bit of the bubbly liquid that dribbled down your chin. “I’m always cold. Because I’m anemic.” You let out a loud and annoyed sigh. “I knoooow! Don’t tell me! People always tell me: “eat more red meat!” But, ugh, I hate steak! It’s so gross and chewy and blegh!” You stuck your tongue out as you made a fake gagging sound.
“You could eat more spinach?” 
“I do!” You threw your hands up, the last bit of liquid sloshing around in your glass. “I eat it everyday! But, like a normal person and not fucking Popeye! It’s not even bad anemia. I just get a little chilly. And sometimes dizzy.” 
You finished off the last of your drink. “That could be the champers though.” You tried to carefully set the glass on the ground, but you wobbled as much as the empty glass as you tried to straighten up. 
“Hey. Are you sure you’re ok?”
“I’mm finnne!” You dropped your head back on the bench at an odd angle that made his neck hurt just looking at you.
“Here.” Adrian took off his jacket, he didn’t like it anyways, and held it out for you.
Even when you were drunk, you were polite enough to mumble out a thank you as you struggled with the large coat. Adrian ended up helping you a bit, until you started to giggle. You had a cute laugh. He smiled as he tilted his head slightly. “What are you laughing at?”
“Look! Your jacket is longer than my dress!” 
You stood up to show him and he had to grab you by the arms to make sure you didn’t fall over. “See!” You were holding the jacket closed over your body, indeed making it look like it was the only thing you were wearing.
“Yea. Very funny. Why don’t you sit down again?” 
Adrian sat down with you, you were a much easier drunk to deal with than Peacemaker. It was especially hard to try to take care of Peacemaker when he was also drunk, so the way you were so pliable let him relax and enjoy himself too. 
“Hey,” you slurred, grabbing his attention again.
“What’s your name?”
“I already told you. I’m Adrian.”
You let out a quiet “oh,” as you giggled and gave him your name. “You’re nice. For giving me your jacket.”
“Thanks. My fifth best friend says I’m a good man.”
You once again giggled, this time at the way he smiled and raised his eyebrows as he mentioned being a good man. “Oh, that’s good! It’d be weird to be hanging out with a bad guy.”
“What do you count as a bad guy?”
“I dunno.” You shrugged, “if they’re like, a murderer or something?”
Adrian went stiff and wished he had another beer. “Well, what if someone only killed bad guys?”
“Oh shit!” You gasped and reached out to grip his arm. “You’re right!”
“I am?”
“Yea!” You nodded vigorously, swaying a bit, “like that vigilante!”
“No!” You scrunched up your face and shook your head. “I mean Batman!”
“Batman doesn’t kill people.”
You gasped again and stared at him all wide eyed in shock. “He doesn’t?!”
“Nope.” He shook his head.
“Wha-What a ffuckin bitch!”
Adrian chuckled, “yea! Right! You know, Vigilante kills bad guys.” 
You made another face, though Adrian wasn’t sure what it meant this time. “You mean Peacemaker’s sidekick? Does. Does he even count?” 
Adrian jerked back and raised his hands in front of him and shook his head. “Whoa! Hey! Vigilante is not Peacemaker’s sidekick!”
“Uhm. Are you sure?” 
“Yea! They work together sometimes, but that’s just because they’re best friends!” 
You snorted out a laugh and shrugged. “If you say so.” 
“I do! Who do you think took care of the bad guys while Peacemaker was in prison?” 
“Psh. I dunno. The cops?” 
Now Adrian found himself scrunching up his face. “You can’t be serious right now.” 
He saw you smiling first, then your shoulders started to shake, before you let out a hearty laugh as you leaned into him, one hand gripping his thigh. “Noo!!! Hahahaha! The cops suck!”  
You were already leaning into him, it just felt natural to wrap an arm around you as he laughed with you. “Yea, they do!” 
You relaxed in his arms as your laughter faded and for a moment he thought you fell asleep. “Hey, you good?” He asked as he gently shook you.
You muttered something unintelligible, practically falling limp against him. 
“Ok. Maybe you should drink some water.” He then shifted you in his arms and started to lay you back down on the bench, afraid that if he just let go you’d fall down and hit your head. “Stay here for a minute.” 
As he gently cradled the back of your head and started to pull his hand back, you gasped and looked up at him, like you were just jolted awake. It was only then that he realized what it must have looked like, with him hovering over you so closely like that. 
“Are you. Trying to kiss me?” You asked before he could assure you of his intentions.
He shook his head, “no!” But his eyes flickered down to your lips for just a second, because the thought was tempting. 
By the time he looked back up at your eyes, you had a small smirk on your face. “Are you sure?” 
“Ok. I want to, but-” 
You pushed yourself up and attempted to kiss him. But he was faster and pulled away, your breath barely fanning against his lips and sending an exciting rush through his blood. 
“You’re really drunk.” He finished with a wince. 
You opened your eyes and smiled at him, softly reaching out to play with a strand of his hair. “Your friend was right.” 
He didn’t pull away from your touch. The way you pushed some of his hair back and gently ran your hand down his face was nice. He wanted more. So much more. “What?” 
You relaxed and laid back down, your hand dragging from his face down to the collar of his shirt, a black button down that Adebayo said looked good on him. You popped the top button (which was actually the second button as he’d left the first one undone) and grinned at him. Adrian’s breath caught in his throat as his hand gently caught your wrist to stop you from touching him even more. 
“Your friend said you’re a good man.” You answered as your eyes drifted from his neck to his hand around your wrist, then back up to his face. “You’re really pretty.” 
“I.” Adrian licked his lips, heart pounding loudly in his ears, and swallowed thickly. “You are too.” 
Oh how he wished he wasn’t a good man! The way you were looking up at him made him just want to take you, devour you, to make you his. Instead he let go of your wrist. “I should get you some water.” 
He sat up and made sure you were safely centered on the bench. “Just wait here a minute.” 
Fuck. His blood rushed even more as he stood up and quickly made his way back into the party. The way you so easily accepted taking orders from him sent a hundred scenarios through his mind. 
Back inside, Adrian practically ignored his friends, who were trying to get him to join them again. He just waved at them and went straight to the snack table he saw earlier. The little finger foods he loaded up onto a plate and the water he grabbed should help sober you up. He desperately wanted you to sober up. 
He didn’t know why, but he half expected you to be gone when he returned. Maybe because he had to take the long way out this time, his hands were too full for him to just hop down the balcony again. But as he made his way through the garden to your spot, he slowed down as he saw you pointing a finger right up at the sky. He glanced up for a second, wondering if someone was setting fireworks off early but saw nothing of the sort. 
“What’re you doing?” He asked once he was close enough.
You jumped and quickly pulled yourself up. “Adrian! You’re back!” 
You remembered his name this time. He smiled and raised the plate in his hand, “and I brought snacks!” 
You gave an excited little cheer and made sure there was room for him to sit and set the plate down on the bench too.
“I got a little bit of everything.” Because he wasn't sure what you did and didn’t like. He pointed to a few of the treats, “these ones are vegan. Here.” He then handed you a bottle of water. 
“So, what were you doing?” He asked once you’d taken a few bites of the food.
“Oh! I was looking at the stars. Trying to find some constellations.” You pointed up at the sky again, and he looked up to where you were pointing. “Look, that’s Orion's Belt.”
“How do you know?” 
“Because it’s three stars in a row.” 
He pointed at another row of stars. “What about those ones?”
“Uh…” You squinted at the sky, as if that would somehow give you the right answer. “That’s Orion’s other belt.” 
Adrian let out a loud laugh, “there’s more than one?” 
You were laughing too, but you still sounded so confident as you answered him. “Yea! How many belts do you have?” 
He shrugged, “a few?”
“Well, so does Orion!” 
He occasionally urged you to drink or eat, but the wait for midnight was filled with fun conversation and laughter. And when the plate was cleared, you quickly found your way pressed back into his side, his arm wrapped around you. 
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[[I ❤ U]]
(Tuesday, February 7th)
Everything was perfectly planned and ready and Adrian couldn't be more excited. He knew you didn't want to do anything for Valentine’s Day, or at least nothing big, so he kept his plan simple. He just wished he could stick around to see your face when you saw your gift. But it would ruin the surprise if you spotted him, so he'd have to settle for talking to you later.
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As you returned from your lunch break, one of your coworkers grinned at you. "You've got a rose on your desk!" 
"Huh? From who?" Sure enough sitting on your desk was a single red rose with a little note attached and a small box of candy hearts.
The note was simple: “I hope you like the candy!
No name or anything or anything else to identify them. 
You blinked, "a secret admirer? Isn’t it a little early for Valentine’s Day?" 
Your coworker beamed at you, "they're romantic!" 
A small smile tugged at your lips as you looked around.  No one seemed to be watching you, so maybe they already left? Oh well. You sat down and got ready to work again. But first! You opened the box of candy and poured a few of the hearts into your hand. They all said the same thing: UR A STAR
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(Wednesday, February 8th) 
The next day went similarly. You went away for lunch and when you returned there was a rose on your desk. This time it was a very beautiful blue! You smiled as you picked it up and found the note attached to the stem. The same handwriting, sloppy but at least it was legible, gave little hint to who was leaving these flowers. 
“The lady at the flower shop said roses have different meanings depending on the color! How cool is that? 
You hummed in thought before pulling out your phone to search for what a blue rose could possibly mean. Red was easy, red was love. But your search told you that a blue rose symbolizes mystery and should be gifted to a person you see as unique and wonderful. 
Well that’s sweet, you thought. If your secret admirer was talking to the florist about the meaning behind the color of the flowers, then they thought you were unique and wonderful. You don’t think there are many people who would think so highly of you, so that narrowed it down…maybe a little too much! You sighed and got back to work, still with no clue as to who your secret admirer was!
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Adrian, dressed in his Vigilante gear, except for the mask, smiled as he watched you shimmy around the kitchen to a song you had playing on your phone while you made dinner. 
He couldn’t stay for dinner though, sadly, because Vigilante was a busy guy and he already told Peacemaker that they’d cruise some crime together (but no more bitches for Vig! He is a taken man now!)  
“I’ll be back later.” He promised before leaving.
That was one of the things he loved about you. You never got mad at him for keeping promises to his friends, so you completely understood that he had to go out with Peacemaker tonight. 
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(Thursday, February 9th)
Adrian wanted to give you a white rose next, but the flower lady convinced him not to. She said red, blue and white would look too patriotic, like a 4th of July theme instead of a Valentine's Day theme. She was probably right, so he went with a yellow rose. You were now the most important person in his life anyways, his new BFF, even if he hadn’t quite told Peacemaker and Eagly that they got bumped down. 
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Just like the last two days, you returned from lunch to see a new flower on your desk, a yellow rose. This time, however, it is sitting in a vase of water with the note tied around the vase instead of the rose. It was the shortest note yet, it simply read: 
“What?” You mumble to yourself as you popped the other two flowers out of the water bottle you’d been keeping them in and moved them over the vase. It was a nice little addition from your admirer, if they were going to be leaving you flowers every day for a week it was nice to have a proper vase for them. 
“Yellow flowers symbolize friendship,” you read off the little list you found online, then glance back at the note. #1. This person considered you their #1 friend. Their best friend? 
You gasp as you realize you may have narrowed the pool down too much by accident! You assumed that your admirer was a guy, but maybe it was a woman! 
Hmm! What a mystery! 
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It’s nearly two in the morning when Adrian returned home, or rather, he supposed his second home? Your place certainly felt more like home to him now than his own home. Well, almost. It didn’t have all of his weapons and movies and games or his DnD sets. But, as attached to all those things as he was, he’d give it all up to be with you. So yea, his second home was wherever you were.
He’d just got done with a little Vigilante patrol and after kicking some drug dealer ass, he wanted nothing more than to be with you, but as he crept through the darkened halls he realized it was way too late!
He found you already in bed and asleep. 
Sometimes when you were stressed, usually because of work, you would toss and turn a lot in your sleep. It must have been a stressful day for you, because your blankets were all over the place and your arms were tucked closer to your body to try to keep yourself warm.
He sighed, he had wanted to talk to you, it felt like such a long week because of how incompatible your schedules had been lately! Still, it was a good thing he stopped by. He carefully pulled your blankets up and tucked you in. Once he was satisfied that you’d be sleeping warm and comfortable, he gently placed a kiss on your temple. “Sweet dreams, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
Then he made sure all of the doors and windows were locked and went home, to the one that felt lonely. 
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(Friday, February 10th) 
You stayed up all night thinking about who your secret admirer could be, you were so curious it definitely affected your sleep. You snoozed your alarm three times before finally jumping out of bed and rushing through your morning routine just so you could get to work on time. No time for breakfast, or more importantly, coffee. You could already tell today was going to be a long day. The only thing you were looking forward to was finding out who your secret admirer was. You were going to skip lunch today (probably not a good idea since you skipped breakfast) and catch them when they came around to drop off today’s flower.
At least, that was your plan. You saw a new pop of blue-green before you even reached your desk. Your admirer already beat you to work! 
Not only was there a new rose sitting in the middle of your desk, though, there was a cup of coffee in a to-go cup, still hot, and a breakfast bar. 
You picked up the little note next to the flower and flipped it over. 
“The lady at the flower shop said she could make teal roses! Teal roses don’t happen in nature, so that makes them special! Just like you! 
No mention of how they knew you skipped breakfast, or how they knew you would need a cup of coffee. 
You sighed, the note was sweet, like always, and the breakfast was certainly welcomed. And now that you wouldn’t have a chance to catch this person at lunch meant that you wouldn’t have to skip lunch too. All good things. It’s just too bad that you no longer have a chance to catch your admirer in the act!
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Usually Adrian didn’t mind the late shift, but ever since he met you, he was starting to resent it. You worked a normal nine to five, which meant that he’d get less time with you when he worked the late shifts. His break coincided with one of the servers, Blake, so while they were both off the floor, he caught her before she took off.
“Hey, how long do you think I should wait before asking my girlfriend to move in with me?” 
Blake shook her head as she looked at him in shock. “You have a girlfriend?” 
Adrian smiled, thinking of you always spread a dopey smile across his face. “Yea. She’s awesome.” Then he sighed, “but we don’t get to see each other a lot when I work this late.” 
Blake nodded, she understood that. “How long have you been together?”
“Like, a month and a half.” 
“What! Adrian!” 
She shook her head, “that is way too soon!” 
“Well, that’s why I asked you!” Adrian gestured to her with one hand before placing his hands on hips. “When do you think it’s appropriate to ask then? Three months? Because that’s when I was planning on asking her to marry me.” 
Blake nearly choked on air! She shook her head, “that’s also too soon!”
“For what? To ask her to move in or to marry her?”
She sighed. She really should have expected that Adrian would be this intense in a relationship. She just hoped that the poor girl he convinced to go out with him could handle that kind of intensity. “You know what, it depends. The best thing to do is talk to her yourself. And don’t get upset when, if, she says ‘no’.” 
Adrian thought about Blake’s advice for the rest of the night. By the time he left work and made it to your place, it was already past midnight. He could see from the front window that your lights were still on, so he might be able to catch you before you went to sleep!
He quickly jogged up to the front door and used his key (ok technically it was your spare key, but you showed him where it was for a reason!) and let himself in. The entrance led directly into your living room, so as he turned around ready to announce himself, his words died in his throat.
The TV was on, as well as a side lamp, but you were fast asleep on the couch. He sighed, he missed you again! 
From the way Blake sounded when she told him he had to talk to you, he figured it was a serious conversation. Not one to be had while you were groggy from just waking up. 
“Ok,” he started softly as he made his way to the couch. “Let’s get you to bed.” 
So carefully, so as not to wake you, he carried you to your bedroom, where he just as carefully tucked you in. 
“We’ll talk later.” He promised you even as you slept and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
Then he crept out of your room and cleaned up the dishes you had leftover on the coffee table, turned off the TV and all the lights. Finally he did his usual check of your locks then made his way back to his car.
Once inside the Sebring he called Peacemaker. “Hey, Peacemaker! What’s up, man, what’re you doing?” 
Peacemaker must have been tired too! He sighed into the phone before asking, “what do you want, Adrian?”
“My girlfriend fell asleep early tonight, and I don’t want to wake her up. I mean she’s cute when she’s sleepy but she’s been stressed at work this week and I-”
“Wait. What girlfriend? Since when do you have a girlfriend? Who?” 
“Dude! I told you about her! From the New Year’s Eve party!”
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(Saturday, February 11th)
Thankfully you don’t have to work weekends, meaning you get about an extra hour of sleep on Saturdays. For the sake of keeping a normal sleep schedule you don’t let yourself stay in bed much longer than that. Besides, you were due to go grocery shopping. 
As you headed out the door, you noticed something out of the corner of your eye. The little potted flower plant that you kept your spare key hidden in had moved just enough to leave a ring of dirt to the left of it. Odd, you think, but after making sure the key is still there (it is), you think nothing more of it. 
You are only half surprised to see a small bouquet of flowers sitting on your porch when you return home. The bouquet is quite beautiful, with five roses of different shades of pink with a spattering of white baby's breath tucked between the greenery. 
Once you get everything inside you take a look at the note that came with the flowers. It's empty. All the other notes were personalized, but this one is blank with just the heart signature. 
As odd as it was that the note wasn’t personalized, you did remember that this person was giving you roses with specific meanings behind the colors. You weren’t quite sure you got each respective shade right, but the list of words that popped out were: Sweet, excitement, gratitude, and desire. Rather…intense. You contemplate the meanings behind the colors as you arrange the flowers in a vase.
Before you could fall too deep into thought, you got an alert on your phone. 
"Wanna meet up for lunch? Fennel Fields?"
You smiled, that actually sounded good, and sent an affirmative reply. Maybe getting a different perspective on this whole secret admirer thing could help you figure out who it is.
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Adrian was ecstatic when he saw you walk into Fennel Fields, he almost ran over to give you a giant hug. In fact he would have, if his boss hadn’t caught him about to abandon the tub of dirty dishes he was carrying. Still he couldn’t help but point you out to Blake as you sat down at a table across from a friend.
“Oh, she’s cute.” Blake complemented, to which Adrian nodded enthusiastically, “right!”
But neither of them had time for more than that, as both were working and lunch time on the weekends was pretty busy.
By the time Adrian had an excuse to swing by your table, you were already deep in conversation with your friend.
“-I have no clue who is sending them! I just wanna know!” 
He heard you say as he approached your table. “Hey guys,” he greeted with a bright smile. “Refill?” 
You smiled and thanked him (maybe your friend did too, but all his attention was on you). “Not that I was eavesdropping or anything, but you were talking when I got here and I just think, isn’t the fun part about having a secret admirer not knowing?” He nearly overfilled your water and caught it just in time while he was talking. 
“I guess,” you could only offer an embarrassed laugh and a sheepish smile. “I’m just really curious!”
Just seeing you already had him smiling, but hearing your voice and cute little laugh? It all just sent a heart racing blush across his face. “You just have to wait ‘till Valentine’s Day!”  
You gave him another cute chuckle that was music to his ears and glanced away from him. He was going to say more but he caught his boss looking at him, making sure he wasn't slacking off really, and smiled at you. "I'll check on you later." Then he hurried off to do his job, your shy "thanks," echoing in his mind.
Adrian managed to get your server to apply his employee discount to your bill, since you were his girlfriend and all. Your happy smile when you saw the discount was enough to keep him lighter than air for the rest of the night. He made you smile like that.
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(Sunday, February 12th)
Your Sunday was almost entirely normal for you. Except for the lunch time flower delivery. This time you thought you caught the man responsible for the roses, but after your "aha!" You blinked and stared at the man clearly in a uniform, with a prominent delivery service logo on his shirt. 
"Oh. Uh, sorry. I don't suppose you have the name of whoever sent these, do you?" 
The man shook his head and shrugged, "sorry I'm just the delivery guy." 
You sighed and thanked him, of course. 
Well, you looked at the bundle of six white roses and found the note tucked between the flowers. White, you were starting to remember the symbolism chart by now, either meant loyalty or everlasting love. A quick glance at your phone as you placed the flowers in the same vase with the pink roses confirmed that both meanings were applicable. 
Much like yesterday there was nothing written, it was simply signed with a printed heart. 
Did that mean that all the other notes with messages were hand delivered? So, your secret admirer was at your work…but couldn't stop by your house on the weekend? Who are they???
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Over two dozen specialty roses was admittedly a little on the expensive side, especially since only one of his jobs paid, and it was minimum wage at that. So Adrian picked up a few double shifts and was ready to fill in whenever anyone called out. Which unfortunately meant that he didn’t get to spend any time with you today!
“Why are you even going through all this trouble?” Peacemaker shook his head after Adrain explained why he had to change into the Vigilante suit at the trailer.
“Uh, because I love her.” It was so obvious. “And she said she never had a Valentine before. And I want to make her happy.” 
Peacemaker had to do a double take. “You love her? What the fuck? Didn't you just meet her on New Year’s?”
Adrian couldn’t help the wide grin on his face, Peacemaker was finally letting him talk about you without demanding he change the subject! “Yea but she’s special, different! That’s why we love each other!” 
“Psh. She loves you?”
“Uh yea, dude, of course she does!”
“I doubt it.” 
“Dude, she told me!” 
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(December 31st)
"Five! Four! Three!" Even over the fireworks, and despite being outside, you could hear the countdown to midnight. “Two! One!” 
"Happy New Year!" You cheered, raising both hands in the air as you looked up at the night sky, completely in awe of the thunderous explosions of color. 
You hadn’t even realized how much you were smiling, not until you felt Adrian’s hand, so large and warm, land on the bare skin of your thigh. You shifted your attention from the sky to him, your face relaxing as you looked at your new friend. 
"Happy New year." His smile was beautiful, framed with dimples, and soft, and inviting. 
"Happy New Year." You repeated softly, leaning forward as your gaze dropped briefly to his lips. 
He already refused to kiss you once, and if you hadn't still had liquid courage in you then you would have shyly looked away. But you were much more bold when you had alcohol in you. 
"Can I kiss you?" 
In response, he moved his hand from your thigh to your chin as he leaned in and gently pressed his lips to yours. It was short and sweet and even after you pulled away, his eyes were still closed as if he were savoring the moment. Not that you could blame him. You already wanted to kiss him again. 
It was definitely a feeling worth chasing, because as soon as your eyes met, you were leaning back in for another kiss. The second and third kiss are much the same, maybe a little rougher, until you're straddling him with your tongue sliding against his in a much more heated kiss. 
He let out a shuddered breath when you fully pulled away, though you kept your face close to his, noses touching. You took a breath and looked down at his hands, where he was clutching at your hips almost too tightly. 
“Sorry.” He muttered quietly and let go, wiggling his fingers a little like he didn't know what to do with his hands now.
You smirk, you know exactly what he can do with his hands. You caught his right hand and held it against your thigh as you kissed him again. He didn’t seem to mind at all, melting into the kiss with enthusiasm. Then you slowly drag his hand from the top of your thigh to the inside. He knows what you’re doing and moans into the kiss as you push his hand up your skirt. 
It’s Adrian who breaks the kiss next, his lips are a little swollen (you like nipping at them, and he actually seems to enjoy it). The knuckles of his fingers brush against you and you nearly whimper. “Are you sure?” His question is a whisper, his eyes, the most beautiful shade of green you think you’ve ever seen, are wide with both concern and excitement. 
“Touch me.” You breath out against his lips, rolling your hips forward and bumping his hand against your clothed mound. 
He hummed into the kiss, tongue hot against your lips before slipping inside only for a moment. You whine. You want him. Need him. And he keeps pulling away. 
“Show me how you like it, baby.” 
Your pussy twitched at just the tone of his voice, low and raspy, demanding. You break, you don’t want to be teased, so you grab his hand and firmly press his thumb against your clit, your fingers dragging his thumb just right over that sensitive spot. Your breath quickens, chest starting to heave against his as you grind yourself against his hand. The pressure his hand offers as he cups your sex, especially as you can feel his bulge growing beneath you, makes you clench your muscles achingly around nothing. 
His other hand climbs up your body to your chest. The low cut top you wear makes it easy for him to grope your breast. He grunts and maneuvers your body so that he drags his mouth from your neck, down your clavicle so he can lick and suck and nip at your breasts. The new position, you're leaning back now, the only thing keeping you from falling is his large hand that is now splayed across your back, allowing him to slip his fingers inside your panties. He’s pushed your hand away from your own pussy, and now you cling to his broad shoulders and try not to cry out in pleasure as his thumb drags up from your entrance to your clit. He rubs small circles around your clit then drags his thumb back down, coating his fingers in your slick and repeating the process until your whimpering, forehead dropped to his shoulder, breath hot and ragged against his neck and you’re pleading, you don’t even hear yourself, you just need him.
“Shh,” he tries to quiet you, right before he pushes his thumb inside you.
You bite down on his shoulder, he grunts as he feels you clench around his finger. He pulls his thumb out, you cry and cry again when it goes back to rocking back and forth on your clit. His middle finger easily slips inside your now soaping pussy. His fingers are thick and long and curl just right and his thumb stills against your clit, careful to not overstimulate you too quickly. When he inserts another finger, your walls begin to flutter, you rock your hips faster, grind down on him harder, chasing the feeling of his hands on you and of the fullness his bulge promises. 
He tries to insert a third finger, but he barely gets to the first knuckle when you cry out, pussy convulsing around his fingers, clit throbbing and your legs shaking so much that you have to wrap your arms around his shoulders to hold yourself up. 
You whimper, or maybe cry, you can’t hear anything over the thunderous beating or your heart, as he pulls his fingers out. You fall limp against him, you pussy still pulsing and your hips still rocking softly into his. 
“Fuck.” You hear him mummer, followed by the distinct sound of him licking his fingers clean, and moaning quietly to himself.
“Adrian?” You look up at him just as he pulls his fingers out of his mouth.
“Yea, baby?” 
You kiss him. He tastes just the slightest bit different this time, you twitch knowing that difference is your own cum in his mouth. 
He’s got the dopiest, cutest, smile on his face when you look at him again, like he wasn’t uncomfortably rock hard beneath you. You can’t remember the last time anyone has looked at you like that, and you don’t know how to respond, so you quickly drop your hands to his belt. “Need you.” 
He’s quick to help you and shucks his pants down enough to free his hardened cock. You touch him through his boxers, his head falling back as he moans when you grip his length. 
"Shit! Fuck, fuck! Wait!" He grabbed your wrists and held them against your thighs.
"I don't have any condoms. Do you?"
"No." You shook your head and looked up at him through your lashes. 
"Fuck, baby. Don't look at me like that!" He hissed as he resisted the urge to roll his hips into you.  
"Maybe Peacemaker has one." He mumbled to himself as he turned his head and looked back at the building. 
"You know Peacemaker?" 
"Huh? Yea, he’s my best friend." 
You chuckled, quietly at first, but eventually you had to cover your mouth to stop from laughing. 
You moved your hand away from your mouth, resting it on his shoulder. "I'm already trying to fuck you. You don't have to lie to impress me." 
"I'm not lying! He really is my best friend!" 
"I thought Peacemaker's best friend was Vigilante?" 
"Uh, yea! I am Vigilante!" 
You froze. 
He froze. 
Shit. He must have been more drunk than he realized if he was just blurting that out. (And it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he was thinking with his dick and not his head).
You broke the silence first, licking your lips as you ran your eyes down to his chest, where his shirt was partially open. "You?" 
"No! I meant! Uh. I know Vigilante! But I don't know know him, you know? Like, he could be anyone! Might even be a she!"
"Oh." You started to fiddle with the next button on his shirt, your fingers occasionally touching the skin beneath. "That's kinda too bad, then." 
He swallowed and looked into your eyes. "Too bad?" 
"Yea. It would have been hot as fuck if you were Vigilante." You let out a little sigh and shook your head, your eyes leaving his and looking up as you thought of Vigilante. “The things I’d do to him. The things I’d let him do to me.”
Then you looked down at him again and smiled sweetly. “But since you’re not Vigilante,” your eyes dropped back down to his chest, and he looked down too, as you started to button up his shirt.
“No! No! I lied! I lied!” He shook his head and stopped you from buttoning his shirt even more. He then glanced around to make sure no one else was around and dropped his voice to a whisper. “I am Vigilante.” 
You smiled at him again, and he found himself mirroring your smile as you leaned down and gently pressed your lips to his. His eyes slid shut as he savored the sensation, your lips warm and soft, with just the faintest hint of alcohol on your breath. His tongue ran across your bottom lip, attempting to deepen the kiss, but you pulled away, grinning as he followed you. 
“You’re too nice to be Vigilante.” You whispered against his lips before sitting up straight to climb off of his lap.
His hands shot down to your hips, pulling you back down and making him groan at the friction of your warmth against his hardened cock. “N-no. No I’m not!” 
You gasped, and whined, and giggled, and god, he loved the noises you made. “You’re a good man, you told me.” 
“Well, I’m not that good!” He had you giggling again, with the way his eyebrows arched up as he tried to assure you that he is Vigilante.
“Oh, really?” Your hands dragged down his chest to play with the band of his boxers, your fingers dipping inside the band and teasing him.
“I. I’ve killed so many people.” He panted out, leaning forward to try to capture your mouth in another kiss. 
Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say, because you stilled once again. “Uh. I mean. I.” He stuttered out, brain racing to find a way to keep you close to him.
Your eyes, narrowed as you process the words that slipped past his mouth, meet his and a slow, challenging, grin pulls at your lips. You don’t quite believe him, so you ask, “how?” And you give him what he wants, your lips against his, your tongue in his mouth. 
He starts to mumble an answer as you drag your mouth down his jaw to his neck. You’d been staring at his neck all night, when you weren’t distracted by fireworks, and you wanted so much to sink your teeth in the taut muscles. “All kinds of ways. Shooting.” He hissed when your teeth started to drag across the skin on his neck. “Uh. I’m good with a sword.” The way you hummed against his skin and grind your hips into his, his erection sliding against your pussy, had him squeezing his eyes shut and digging his fingers into the flesh of your thighs.
He’s not sure if your whine is from pain or pleasure, but either way he releases his death grip and runs his hands up your thighs, under your skirt and settles his hands on your ass. “Sometimes I choke people out.” 
There’s a loud smacking sound as you pull away from his neck, leaving a reddening mark on his pale skin. “You should have choked me.” You whisper against his lips before kissing him again. 
“You’d really like that?” He sounded shocked, his hips stopped their constant movement and he even pulled away a bit to look at you, to make sure he heard you right. 
“Mmhmm.” You smirk and pull him into another sloppy kiss. 
Adrian moans into the kiss, his jaw falling open as you finally sink a hand into his boxers and gently wrap your fingers around his cock. 
“God!” He managed to pant out, “where have you been all my life?” 
You smiled at that, but had to bite down on your lip as he continued to ramble and groan and buck into your hand.
“Well, not all my life.” He whined as your thumb swiped across the tip of his cock, collecting pre cum and spreading it down his length. “I didn’t hit puberty.” He gasped and groaned as you pumped your hand faster. “Until my mid-twenties.” Your hand, initially cold against cock, was now warm and sticky with his precum, drawing him closer with every pump. “Not that I wouldn’t have noticed-” 
You rolled your eyes at how much he could talk while you were giving him a handjob. You pulled your hand away from his cock, his hips jerking up and probably would have bounced you off of his lap if his hands weren’t glued to your ass. “Fuck!” He hissed, “please don’t-mmhh!” 
You shoved three fingers, hand still coated in his precum, into his mouth, stopping him from rambling anymore. “Suck.” You ordered sharply. 
Adrian’s eyes rolled back, hips bucking wildly, as he did as he was told. Mouth clamping down on your fingers, almost biting you, tongue lapping at his own spend. 
You hum as Adrian obscenely sucks on your fingers, hips still rocking up but you sit back on his lap and refuse him the pleasure he seeks. Your other hand softly runs through his hair, a heady juxtaposition to the way you nearly gag him with your fingers. “Good boy.” You mutter, and he moans loudly at your praise. You wiggled your fingers in his mouth a bit, before your other hand grips his hair at the roots tightly and pulls. “Enough.” 
He groans as your fingers lewdly pop out of his mouth, strings of saliva dripping down your hand. Adrian is practically gasping, lost in the nearly overwhelming sensation of you. “I.” He wanted to ask you, beg you really, to keep touching him, but you swat his hands off of your body and hop off of his lap. He’s not proud of the cry that left him but it was an honest reaction when, for a split second, he thought you were going to leave him wanting, so close to coming. 
Instead you kneel down between his thighs, impossibly well balanced on heels, and yank his boxers, and pants, down enough to fully expose his cock, springing free and leaking precum, to the cold outside air. He hisses when you wrap one hand around his cock, the spit on your hand both feels good as it helps slip your hand up and down, but leaves cold trails behind searing pumps.
He isn’t cold for long, as you drop your head and guide his cock into your warm, wet, mouth. He’s moaning, fucking crying out, as your tongue circles the tip of his cock while your hand continues slide in tandem with the bobbing of your mouth as you take as much of him as you can in your mouth, your hand twists around his thick girth, thumb rubbing against the veiny underside of his cock. 
Adrian shudders, either his eyes are closed or his vision is failing him, the only sense left to him is the feeling of your mouth around his cock. He looks down at the sight of you, cheeks puffed out, saliva and precum dribbling out the side of your mouth. The gag you make as you push his cock further down your throat draws his right hand to the back of your head and pushes you back down on his dick, even as his hips thrust up. You breathe loudly through your nose, tickled when you meet with the cushion of his pubic hair.
It’s all too much for him and he roars out his orgasm, cock convulsing and filling your mouth with cum. His eyes rolled back and squeezed shut as he fell limp against the bench he’s sitting on. He’s not even sure if you swallowed or spit, but he reaches a shaky hand out to you as you sit back on the bench with him.
He’s also not aware of you pulling his shirt down or boxers up, covering him both from the cold and just in case anyone happens by. All he can do is reach a shaky hand out to cradle your face, his thumb wiping away some of his cum that still covered your chin and smile, all wide and sweet. “I think I love you.” He muttered and pulled you in for a lazy kiss.
You giggled against his mouth but returned the sentiment. “I think I love you too.” 
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(Monday, February 13th)
Your coworker, who seemed just as invested in finding out who your secret admirer was as you were, greeted you as you walked into work Monday. "So, did you get any more flowers this weekend?"
"Five pink roses on Saturday and six white on Sunday."
They whistled and laughed, “I think you’ve got a sugar daddy on your hands!” 
“Hard to know when I can’t even figure out who they are!” You laughed as you made your way to your desk. 
The flowers from last week were a little droopy but otherwise still looked nice. 
Although you decided to stay in for lunch, you still needed to head to the breakroom to grab your lunch from the fridge. And you got caught up in conversation before you remembered why you wanted to eat at your desk today.
Sure enough by the time you got back to your desk there was another unique rose waiting for you. Dang it! Missed them again! 
You didn’t dwell so much on who left the flower today as the flower itself was startlingly beautiful. You picked it up and touched the petals, checking to see if you’d received a fake flower today. But no, the multicolored rose was real. The petals were vibrantly colored, dark blue, hot pink, bright yellow, and deep red. 
The note attached fluttered to your desk before you grabbed it and turned it over.
“Look! They can even make rainbow roses! (But I still think the teal rose is the best!) 
Of course by the time you were looking around for your secret admirer, they were already gone.
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Adrian, once again, made sure everything was locked as he left your place after dinner. It had been so difficult to keep his excitement in check all night, but he couldn’t give it away! He couldn’t wait to see your face tomorrow! 
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(Tuesday, February 14th)
“Hey, no new flower today?”  Your coworker noticed you holding the small vase with the collection of flowers from over the week as you were heading home for the day.
You shrugged. “Maybe they got their dates confused? The rainbow flower is extravagant enough to be a final flower.” 
“A little underwhelming, don't you think?” 
“What’s underwhelming is I still don’t know who left them!” 
The two of you shared a laugh before going your separate ways in the parking lot. Alright, maybe you didn't want to admit to your friend that you wanted another flower, but you were kind of expecting another one. 
You sighed as you headed home. Oh well. An uneventful Valentine’s Day was nothing unexpected. 
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Adrian let out a little frustrated groan as he tried to fix the cowlick in his hair that just wouldn’t stay down! He wanted everything to be perfect for today!
Even though it was a Tuesday, Valentine’s Day was sure to be busy at the restaurant. But he managed to secure the rest of the day off.  He worked the lunch shift and told his manager that he had to be off by 3. Of course it was nearly 4 by the time he actually clocked out, which meant that he had less time to prepare for his date with you. He didn’t dry his hair properly and now it was working against him! 
He sighed, maybe you wouldn’t notice it. 
Everything else had gone according to plan though. He caught his reflection in the mirrors as he stepped out of the car. The teal turtle neck and black slacks cut a “classic” figure. At least, that’s what the sales lady at the store said. Not that it mattered too much to him, if things went according to plan, then he (and you!) wouldn’t be dressed much longer anyways! 
The thought alone had him giddy as he walked up to your door, a bouquet of mixed roses and a Valentine’s Day themed box of your favorite candy in hand. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” He cheered with a smile on his face as you opened the door.
You blinked as you stared at a giant bouquet of roses before you looked at him. “Uh, wh-what?”
He grinned. Your confused expression was so cute! “Surprised you, didn’t I? It was me the whole time!” 
He glanced over your shoulder where he saw two vases filled with flowers, the flowers he’d given you, sitting in the middle of the coffee table. 
You shook your head, “what? What are you..? Wh-”
Adrian held his gifts out to you, as you hadn’t reached out for them or even stepped aside to let him in. “I was your secret admirer the whole time!” 
You turned, stepping back to do so, and followed his line of sight. He took this as a sign to come in. 
“Whoa! Hey! Hey! Wait! Wait!” You panicked, and rushed in front of him, which actually let him in even more.
“You can’t just walk into my house!”
You were standing on the other side of the couch now, arms up as if that could put more distance between the two of you. “Who are you?” You screeched, looking between him and the now closed front door.
Adrian laughed, doubled over and held his stomach. “Good one! You’re so funny, babe!”
You shook your head, your breathing starting to come quicker. “What? No. I. Who are you?!” You repeated, taking another step back.
“Huh? What do you mean?” At this point he was so far in the living room he placed the new flowers and candy on the coffee table.
Adrian’s laughter faded and he tilted his head, eyebrows furrowed. “Ok. I’m gonna be honest. I don’t get the joke.” You were still giving him that confused look, so he clarified, thinking you wanted to hear him actually say that he was your boyfriend.  “It’s me, Adrian. Your boyfriend.” 
You quickly shook your head and pointed to the door. “Get out! I don’t know you! Get out!” 
“What do you mean? We’ve been dating for almost two months!” 
He winced slightly. Your voice could get really high pitched. “Yea, you know. Since New Year's?” 
You froze. New year’s? A sinking pit formed in your stomach as you remembered something. 
“What about that guy you hooked up with on New Year’s?” Your friend asked as you thought about who could be leaving you roses. 
“I hooked up with someone on New Year’s??” You gasped. 
She laughed. “Well, I don’t know that you guys actually hooked up. But you spent all night with him.” 
“Dude!” You snorted out a bewildered laugh. “I have NO memory of New Year's!” 
“Yea, total black out.” 
“What? Seriously?” 
You shrugged. “I swear. I remember dancing. And the next thing I know I’m waking up the next day. At home. Majorly hung over, but perfectly fine.” 
Your eyes snapped up as the guy moved around the couch, you stepped back again in response until your back hit the wall. “I know you…”
“Uh, duh. Dude, are you mad at me or something? Look, I’m sorry, I know you said it was too soon for us to do anything on Valentine’s Day-”
“You work at Fennel Fields.” You whispered, as you realized where you’d seen his face before. You joked with your friend that you wished someone as cute as him was your secret admirer. Careful what you wish for.
“Yea, as my day job.” He said, a confused lilt in his voice. How could you not remember that? You were just there a few days ago!
You were starting to shake at this point, you wanted to run, but your legs wouldn’t listen to you. Your heart was beating so fast, so loud, maybe your own body couldn’t hear you. 
“Hey, you ok?” He asked, one hand reaching out and touching your shoulder.
You flinched and pressed yourself harder against the wall, though the action did nothing to get you away from his touch. “What do you want?” You spoke softly, afraid to hear the answer, but you had to know.
“I just wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with you. I took an early shift today and I told Peacemaker that I couldn’t go out on patrol tonight.” 
“Patrol…with Peacemaker?” 
For some reason, you were very curious about Vigilante after New Year’s. You thought it was something on the news, the murderous madman segment, that triggered the new fascination but… “You’re Vigilante.” 
Adrian furrowed his brow as he was trying to understand why you were acting weird. “I swear I’m extra careful, no one knows about my secret identity, except you and Peacemaker and the rest of the team, so no one knows that you’re with me!” 
Your chest tightened as you listened to him ramble. 
No one knows.
“Hey,” you hadn’t realized you had been looking down at the floor until you felt him gently nudge your chin to instead look at him. Everything about him was gentle, his voice, his demeanor. But his words sent ice through your veins. “No one will ever know, I promise.” 
You were silent. All you could do was stare into his eyes, but all you saw was your distorted reflection off his glasses. 
“By the way,” he smirked and dragged his eyes slowly down your body. “You look very cute today, are you sure you didn’t know I was coming over?” 
Your stomach flipped and you looked down at yourself too. You were wearing a cute Valentine’s Day themed pajama set: a simple red tank top with a pink heart over your left breast, and black, very comfortable, shorts printed with smaller versions of the same heart. 
You just loved comfortable clothing. You’d get home from work and immediately change. Pajama sets like the ones you were wearing were not only comfortable, but cheap, especially when you got them on sale because they were almost out of season.  
He made this guttural sound that made you freeze, your heart squeezing in your chest and your breath stuck in your lungs. You didn’t move, couldn’t move. His mouth was on yours, teeth nipping at your bottom lip and tongue thrusting into your mouth with no resistance from you.
“I missed you so much,” he muttered before kissing you again, his right hand holding your face and his left resting on your hip. 
It’s not until you feel his hardening erection against your inner thigh that you gasp. His hips jerk forward, driving the hard bulge of his cock against your crotch. The hand he had cradling your face moves down to your breasts where he gropes the perfectly placed heart. You whimper and clutch at his sweater, somehow your mind registers how soft the material is, cashmere? 
“I think about you when we’re not together.” He playfully, with an excited grin, pinches at your already hardened nipple and groans. He hunches down slightly to rest his forehead against yours. “I love you.” 
A panicked squeak manages to escape your throat. You’re hot, too hot. All you can smell is him, his cologne is faint, mingled with some kind of soap, and yet suffocating. All you can feel is him, his hands on your body are hot. His breath on your lips is hot. The trail of saliva he leaves on your skin as he sucks a hickey onto your neck is hot. He is hot. A furnace and you’re much too close. 
Adrian moans, all your squirming has him excited, he knew you missed him too. He can’t believe he was able to go so long without touching you again. You're so soft. Your tits, now bared to him as you weren't wearing a bra under your shirt, are soft and alluring. He bites and squeezes and thrusts against your soft thighs. And your lips are soft as you pant and whimper and moan into his neck.
You're lost the moment he shoves his hands down your panties. His two middle fingers immediately find your clit and he alternates rubbing circles in just the right direction and dragging his fingers down to your entrance. As hard as you're both breathing, and as loud as your heart is pounding, you can still hear the lewd squelch of his hand, covered in your cum, working your clit expertly, just the way you like.
He groans as his left hand gropes your breasts, his face buried in your neck, sucking rough kisses on your skin. When he bites you harder than is pleasurable, your fingers dig into the thick muscles underneath that pretty sweater, reminding you of who he is. 
His teeth bite down on the juncture of your neck, you cry out, from pain or fear. 
"Fuck," he mumbled into your skin, his tongue now lapping at the sensitive spot. "I'm sorry." 
His hips thrust forward as he pulled his face away from your neck. He looks at you, chest heaving, mouth agape and lips swollen from his kisses, beautiful eyes glazed over and he sinks one finger into you. 
You moan and squeeze your eyes shut, bucking your hips into his hand as the heel of his palm rubs against your clit. Your pussy clenches around his finger as he slowly drags it out. 
"Mm, fuck." He grunts, "You're even tighter than last time. I'm gonna need you to relax for me, baby." 
You whine and your forehead dropped to his shoulder, he and the wall are bearing your weight now. You can see his hand in your shorts, the flimsy material a poor cover up of the obscenity of his actions, of the fact that you enjoy his actions. The edge of your vision blurs into two colors, black and teal.
He's panting above you as he dips the tip of another finger into you. Your thighs clamp down around his hand but it does nothing to stop him from pushing his fingers knuckle deep into your pussy. His fingers are so thick and they stretch your pussy deliciously. It only takes a few pumps, with his palm continuously rubbing your clit, for your legs start to shake. 
Then he pulls his hand away from your pussy, and you cry at the sudden emptiness. You mouth a word he can't hear, but he sees the way you squeeze your thighs together, the way your eyes are shut tightly and your chest heaving.
He gives you a moment to catch your breath before he looks at you almost bashfully, batting his long lashes at you. 
“I didn’t get to eat your pussy last time.” 
The statement startles you out of your daze. “What?” You no longer have a voice, just a whisper. 
His hands now rest on either side of your hip, playing with the material of your shorts. “Can I?” 
He then kneels down in front of you, pushing your shirt up enough to plant gentle kisses on your stomach as he starts to pull your shorts and panties down. 
“Wait!” There’s your voice. You drop a hand to his hair and pull his face away from your waist. He grunts when you pull his hair, but there is a wild look of ecstasy in his eyes when he looks up at you. 
“I.” You swallow, now’s your chance to get him to stop. “I’ve never... I mean, no one’s ever.” Why can’t you bring yourself to say ‘no’? 
Adrian at least grasps the meaning behind your stuttered words. “You’ve never been eaten out?” He practically gasps, bewildered eyes darting around your face as he looks up at you.
You shake your head and everything is still for a moment. At least you can finally breathe. 
"It's just," you bite your lip as you rack your brain for words. "It's a trust thing." 
He blinks and purses his lips together as he processes your words.   
You start to shake again as he says nothing. You're cold now, your tits are still out, your panties and shorts are drenched in cum, some of it leaking down your thigh is a sticky reminder of what happened.
You sighed, he-
He pulled your shorts and panties down with one tug, eliciting a yelp from you. You don't have a chance to protest as he stands back up and spins you around, pushing you face first into the wall. 
He plants his left hand on the wall next to your face, and his right snakes around you to play with your clit again. You gasp as you feel his breath hit the side of your face. "If you don't want me to eat you out, then you need to take three fingers in this tight little pussy of yours." 
You mewl into the wall as he quickly draws his fingers across your clit, rubs circles around your clit, left to right up and down. His middle finger dips into your entrance once, twice, and slides back up to your clit. His hard cock, though still restrained in his pants, rubs against your ass. He's grunting in your ear as his left hand comes down from the wall to paw at your breast, roughly tweaking an already hardened nipple. 
You try not to moan at the onslaught of sensations, but Adrian hears your muffled little grunts and plunges two fingers into your pussy. Given how wet you've quickly become, his fingers easily slide in and out of you, and every time he pulls his fingers all the way out, only to slam them back in, his palm slapping against your clit, you lose what little control you have left of you. 
There is nothing slow or gentle when he pushes a third finger into you. You’re already so wet and close that the added girth feels nothing less than amazing, your pussy convulsing around his fingers, and you moan, loudly. “Ahh! Ffuck!” You cry, hiding your face in your hands that are planted firmly on the wall as you rock your hips forward, chasing the pleasure his hand offers and back, chasing the promise that the hard fat bulge of his cock offers. 
You’re so close, your body is shaking. The only relief from the heat that’s searing through your blood is his spit on your shoulder and neck, he licks and bites and leaves cooling wetness where his mouth was. 
Your hips move erratically, you arch your back, your tits now pressed into the wall (another source of coolness for your heated body) and he pulls his hand away from you and your wail turns into a surprised yelp when he firmly slaps his hand on your clit. You were so close to coming, and judging by his amused chuckle, he knew what he stopped.
“Not yet, baby.” He growls as his left hand slides up your chest and grips your chin, forcing you to look right. He holds his right hand up for you to see. “Look how fucking good you did.”
Your pussy clenches, you rock your ass against his crotch, at the sight of his hand soaked in your juices. He spreads his fingers and strings of cum connect all four, break and reform again when he flexes his hand. He sticks two fingers into his mouth and the moan he lets out is so deep and guttural that you feel it in his chest. His fingers pop out of his mouth and he sighs, “fuck, I wish you’d let me eat you.” 
He chuckles again when he feels you rock against his dick again. His hand comes down swiftly on your hip with a slap, which he soothingly rubs before sliding his hand around to rest on your lower belly. You pant and whimper and he pushes you into the wall while he thrusts his hips forward. “You want it, baby?” 
His hands leave your body for a moment and he can feel him shuffling behind you. His sweater, and a white undershirt that peeks out from it, fall to the ground by your feet. There’s more shuffling and he steps back from you entirely, leaving you hanging on the wall for support. His pants and boxers fall onto the pile of clothes next. 
“Look, I brought condoms this time!” He cheers in a goofy voice and waves a row of condoms in front of your face. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind you want to laugh at the way his demeanor changed, but the perplexing relief is short-lived when you hear the ‘shing’ of a pocket knife opening. He leans over you again, his cock now covered in a condom, pushes between your thighs and glides over your slit. You whimper when the head of his cock rubs against your clit, but your body is stiff still, as you can feel the cold sharp blade of a knife on your back. 
“You don’t need this anymore.” His voice still has that silly lilt to it while he slices through your tank top, the edge of the blade lightly scratching your back as he drags it down. 
The tattered pieces of your shirt fall soundlessly to the ground, covering his pile of clothes. He closes the pocket knife and tosses it on the ground, it thuds as it lands on top of the pile, silver glinting against red rags.
“Look at me,” he orders as he turns you around, and hikes one of your legs over his hip. 
You squeeze your eyes shut and whimper as he teases you, sliding his cock past your clit and ghosting at your entrance. His left hand firmly grips your chin, his other is holding onto your raised thigh, and he forces you to look at him.  
A deep blush stains his face and neck pink and there’s a sheen of sweat covering his body. His hair is starting to mat down from sweat, but it only makes his hair curlier. And his eyes, you stare past smudged lenses, and see how dark and wild his eyes are. He grins, with dimples pretty enough to lower your guard, and slides his cock over your slit again. You whine and try to move your hips forward, but he has a firm hold on your body and stops you. “Tell me what you want, baby.” 
He laughs, actually laughs, when he circles the fat head of his cock on your clit and your head falls back, tears spring from your eyes, and moan. “What do you want?”
Your body is burning up inside, he is somehow hotter and yet you know the only relief you’ll get, that you need, is from him. You gasp, something in you snapping, and you run your hands quickly over his chest and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders. He grunts a little as you pull him down and smash your mouth against his, your tongue seeking his. He pushes forward and plants his left arm against the wall, caging you.
You break from the kiss, lips still close to his, “fuck me.” You breathe quietly against his lips. You kiss him again, “fuck me.” Your voice is a little louder this time. You kiss him again, “I need you, Adrian.” 
He moans into your last kiss and lifts you off of the floor, your back flush against the wall, and wraps both of your legs around his waist. He wastes no time in teasing you again, driving his cock, thick and long and hard, into your aching pussy. You cry out, your nails digging into the flesh of his shoulders as he pistons in and out of you.
He’s loud and vocal, all grunts and growls and praises. “Fuck. Fuck.” He pants as he forehead pressed against yours. “So fucking good!” He grunts. “Tight. Fucking. Little. Pussy.” He thrusts into you again and again, eyes tightly shut as he chases his orgasm.
You cry, voice breaking and tears falling freely from your eyes, as he overwhelms your senses. You bury your face in his neck, biting down on the juncture between his neck and shoulder to muffle your moans. Your pussy spasms, rocking your entire body against his. He moans as he feels your muscles clench rapidly around his cock, but he doesn’t slow down. “Fuck, yea! Baby, come on my fucking cock!” 
There’s no build up to your second orgasm, but Adrian nearing his own orgasm, hips bucking wildly into yours, slams you into the wall and wraps a hand around your throat. He groans, hot breath fanning over your face and squeezes his hand just enough to send your already racing heart into overdrive. You gasp, drawing air just as you come, and his hand falls from your throat and your vision is all stars, your body shuddering against him as his hips slow down. His cock twitches inside you, the last vestiges of his, and your, orgasm slipping out of you. 
You’re both still for a moment, wrapped around each other, stuck to each other, until he takes a steady breath. He sets you on the floor gently and slides off the condom and tosses it in a nearby wastebasket. 
You have never felt so weak, your legs shake and threaten to give out under you, your arms are too heavy and you’re still panting for breath. Adrian, all smiles now, catches you before you slide all the way to the floor. “Let’s lay down.”
You try to step forward, but he stops you and carries you instead. You don’t question how he knows where your bedroom is, you push even the thought of questioning it to the back of your mind. Instead you let him maneuver you on your own bed. 
He crawls over you, slotting himself between your legs, and places a gentle kiss on your lips. You sigh into the kiss, too exhausted to respond enthusiastically. 
“Hey,” his hand gently cradles your face as he rests his forehead against yours. You look at him and he smiles, it's soft and dopey and makes your heart race and stomach flip. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” 
A short, weak, chuckle escapes you, before he kisses you again. You whine, raising a knee up, when his semi-hard dick brushes against your pussy. He moans and trails his mouth down your jaw to your neck. You arch against him and he smiles into your skin.
“Can I eat you out now?” 
You freeze when you register his question. But he doesn’t let you dwell on it too long, as his mouth has reached your breasts and he takes one sensitive nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while he gently gropes the other. He switches breasts, massaging you and getting you all worked up again.
He pleaded as his hips jut into the bed, looking up at you with wide eyes through smudged glasses. Your body is still reacting to him. Your heart beating loudly and fast in your chest, your breath shallow. He leaves trails of goosebumps across your skin, hot and sticky with sweat and saliva and tears. Your clit aches and throbs as his lips and tongue slide down your body. 
Even in his heated state he remembered why you denied him in the first place. "It's a trust thing," you said. 
"I love you. You can trust me, I swear." His mouth drops lower, lips falling to your hip bone, where he sucks a gentle kiss. "Please, baby." He starts to beg again, "can taste your pussy? I'll make you feel good, I promise." 
You're still numb on the inside, but one thought does cross your mind as you stare into those terrifyingly soft green eyes. You reach down and find your hand tangled in his hair, gripping an out of place curl and gently tug. “I,” you start quietly, the words are foreign in your mind, but familiar on your tongue. “Think I love you.” 
A brilliant smile crosses his face, he might have even let out an excited squeal. You don’t know, you’re already lost in the sensation of his mouth on your pussy, lost in the sensation of him. 
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elliebyrrdwrites · 25 days
Chapter 5 - On the Order of Disorder
(it's short and sweet.)
Draco reminds her of a cat playing with the mouse caught between it’s paws. He puts on a show for the crowd and the jeers and cheers grow louder with each passing round. He wears boots on his feet. Not the dragonhide sort he used to wear when his parents would dress him. But heavy, steel-toed boots muggles wear for construction work. He wears pants that used to go with a matching blazer and a button down shirt that was tailored precisely to his form. But that was before.
Before he taught himself how to box. Before he worked his body into a weapon of mass destruction. Before he first punched Adrian Pucey after a night of wild drinking and dancing. Before he learned that he hated the life his parents had created for him. The life the rest of the world seemed to envy.
Hermione knows this because he told her. It hasn’t happened yet, but it will in the middle of the night while their tangled legs seek friction and their arms reach around each other.
Draco still has his inheritance, he later tells her. It’s locked up in the vaults of Gringotts and he hasn’t touched it since he told his parents that he was going out for a walk. That was over eight years ago.
He didn’t ever return to the manor but sometimes, he says, he thinks about burning it down. He thinks about burning it all, heirlooms and libraries and books and all. Hermione stutters when he talks about burning books and he smiles affectionately at her before he promises to save the books if he ever burns his families estate down.
She tells him that would be sad, because he was raised there and she bets there are a lot of fond memories of him running through the halls as a sweet little boy.
“I’ve never been sweet, love.”
“You’re sweet to me.” She will tell him as he presses his lips against her collarbone, his hands greedily roaming her naked body.
“I’m sweet to you because you’re sweet.”
He isn’t always sweet. Sometimes he’s all lust and all business when he slides between her legs, kissing those stretch marks on the inside of her thighs. It is sweet, but he isn’t being sweet. He’s being passionate and possessive.
The night she manages to get Montague in a holding cell, the night Draco refuses to go down in the fifth, is the night she decides to let him remove her dress for the first time.
Because she’s watching him play with the mouse he has no interest in eating and then he’s throwing his left hand forward sometime in the fourth round and the man goes down. He falls to the side and his face hits the floor before the rest of his body and then people are hauling him away, talking about sending him to St. Mungo’s.
He leaps out of the ring, forgoing the celebration, ignoring the referee trying to lift his arm up in victory. He goes straight to Hermione and hauls her against his body. He kisses her with blood on his lips and she thinks she’s going to fall in love and if she blinks, she will never see it coming.
When she leaves with him and Theo out the backdoor, Draco keeps her hand in his as they move out into the alleyway. Theo still looks around, nervous about Montague having men watching them from somewhere in the shadows.
They do, of course they do. But they didn’t know it then.
They meet Pansy at her flat for dinner and that’s when the plans to destroy the entire ministry started to formulate. They begin to wiggle their way into the back of their minds and sit there, fermenting until its all too late to realize what they've done.
Pansy looks proud of Hermione’s secret operation of taking Montague down.
“I regret quitting, now.” She pouts in her corner with Theo’s arm around her shoulders. They’re much more open about their feelings for one another and Hermione thinks that maybe when Draco fell for Hermione, they allowed themselves the permission to finally do something. Because Draco was no longer alone while they secretly pined after one another.
Draco was incredibly vocal about his feelings for Hermione. He was constantly touching her, running his hands through her curls, gripping at them with something like painful lust and he’d lean in and kiss her openly in front of his friends.
“What are you going to do if he finds out it’s you?” Theo asked, looking at Hermione like he had never seen her before in his life. And perhaps, that was true. Nobody ever really has. Pansy did, though, all that time ago.
And Draco saw her.
“I’ll probably blackmail him. Threaten to out his bookies to the DMLE.” She played with the skirt of her dress and shrugged. “It’s not legal. The deed to the property is listed under a old parts shop for muggle electronics.”
Draco was leaning back on the couch, staring at her with that unraveling look of his, and smiled. “You should do it anyway. I hate working for that bastard.”
“He’ll never let us out if he’s a free man.” Theo nodded.
Hermione agreed but she was nervous about turning in such a powerful man. What would Fawley do? Would he care to step in? Would he replace Montague? What about the Minister? It was a complicated web of lies that she hadn’t ever cared to get involved in.
She would, eventually, just not in the way she ever imagined.
Because the Minister is a nobody. A puppet bought off by the men who put him in power. He lives a charmed, luxurious life and lets people like Fawley and Montague run the powers that be.
The people, the masses, they have no say. They think they do but really, when it comes down to it, they are just pieces on a chessboard. No, worse than that. They are the cattle being led to the slaughterhouse, raised and groomed for feeding the fat bellies of consumers.
She is merely the overly genetically modified soy the cattle feed on.
But Draco isn’t. Not anymore. He, Theo and Pansy live in a world of their own rules. They blend into society when they want but they don’t follow the order that has been written for the world to abide by.
Hermione wonders what it must feel like to burn it all to the ground and watch it from somewhere comfortable.
She wonders if that is what Draco does when he thinks of the home where he grew up.
“We could shut Montague down and run our own bookies.”
“I don’t care about running a bookies. I just want to fight. And I want to watch the sun set over the ocean every now and again.” Draco says this and everyone stops to look at him. Hermione finds herself smiling. He’s simple but he isn’t simple minded.
“Well, somebody has to keep track of all the bets that will inevitably happen when you fight.” Pansy says with a frown.
Theo smiles at her. “You can do it.”
And she will, because she is the best woman for the job. But at the time, she fights it for a moment and shakes her head.
Hermione watches the way her face changes, pinching together as she considers the logistics of it all.
“The den gets a cut.” The den is the place where the fights are held. It’s literally underground, in a cellar that serves alcohol without a license and upstairs they serve Chinese food at all hours of the day. Every time you leave through the back, you walk up stairs that take out through the kitchens and Draco always asks for an egg roll before they exit into the alley beyond.
The front door is next to the bathrooms of the Chinese restaurant that says EMPLOYEES ONLY.
Pansy later comes up with a better location. A place hidden amongst muggles but undetectable for anyone except those who have the address delivered to them on the back of her business card. 
“Obviously.” Pansy says to Theo with a roll of her eyes.
Draco wants nothing to do with the business. He only cares about what’s in front of him. And right now, it’s Hermione.
He leans into her and murmurs into her ear that he wants to take her home. She nods at him but before they get up to leave, Pansy asks Hermione to turn Montague in the following weekend.
Hermione agrees and lets Draco take her hand.
Finish reading here.
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phanfictioncatalogue · 8 months
Fics With Titles That Start With F (3) Masterlist
part one, part two
Failure by Design (ao3) - worriedpeach (skeletonflowers)
Summary: Being friends with benefits doesn’t work, the movies and media showing that they always fall in love. After starting their friends with benefits arrangement, Dan and Phil are expecting to fall in love, but they aren’t disappointed when it doesn’t happen. They are content, and that’s all that matters.
Falling for You (ao3) - brightblackholes
Summary: Based on the prompt “You found me hanging by my fingertips from your window and i don’t want to tell you i was trying to rob you but idk how else to explain this and i don’t want to go to jail and also you’re kind of cute we should make out when i’m not clinging onto your window ledge for my life”
family - phillestatos
Summary: When Dan met Phil, she never thought an eighteen-year-old boy could change his son’s life in that way and how he could become family to her. Or, a reflexion of Dan and Phil’s relationship through the years in Phil’s mum point of view.
family (found) (ao3) - huphilpuffs
Summary: Dan reflects on his friendship with Martyn.
Family matters (ao3) - chiridotalaevis
Summary: Being around the Lesters always causes mixed feelings in Dan.
family reunions and hurt feelings (ao3) - counting2fifteen
Summary: Just because you're family doesn't mean you always get along.
Adrian brings his new girlfriend to Easter dinner, and Dan doesn't like her.
Family's What You Make Of It (ao3) - auroraphilealis (peachrayne)
Summary: It starts when Dan stumbles through the door of his two bedroom flat with an attractive stranger attached to his mouth, and it ends with, well… a family. Or, the one where Dan is a single father of a three year old, who intends for Phil to be nothing more than a one night stand until he see’s him interact with his daughter for the first time.
Famous Last Words (ao3) - whalefairyfandom12
Summary: In a world where the last words your soulmate will say to you are written on your wrist, fearful and introverted Phil works in a bookstore. His greatest fear? The words counting down the seconds until he meet his soulmate, someone called ‘Dan.’ But it isn’t until he befriends a university student that he nicknames ‘Bear’ that Phil realizes that surviving through fear isn’t the same as living.
Fan Letters (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: While bored in quarantine Phil (with the help of Dan) decides to go through some fan letters from a decade ago. Finding a piece of history he didn't know he'd ever lost.
familiar perspectives (ao3) - cityofphanchester
Summary: Kath twinkles in Dan’s direction, and he knows she’s been watching his hands move across the puzzle. “Is he, now? Shame you’re stuck with him, then.”
(scenes from the isle, oct ‘21.)
Feel Good Inc. - melancholymango
Summary: Dan is your local sexually ambiguous religious boy. Phil is your local bad boy that sleeps with anyone that’ll have him and sins as if second nature. Then there’s also the poor original character that gets caught between them and their ridiculous amount of sexual tension. Threesomes, eh?
Finally (ao3) - thatsthephan
Summary: an engagement/marriage Dan and Phil AU:)
Finally, Christmas With You (ao3) - lazyfic
Summary: Phil wakes up horny Christmas morning and finally has Dan with him to take care of it.
Find Your Own Freedom (and Live Life on Your Terms) (ao3) - thoughtfullightcollection
Summary: Phil’s inclusion in Dan’s video, his supportive retweet of the link to it, had exposed Phil as much as it had Dan. They’d known it would, had planned it together, taken this step together, as they did every big decision they made.
Fire and Petrol (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: There’s a Halloween Gathering in London, Phil will be down there tomorrow. It’ll be the first time they’ve seen each other since Dan was up north for three days and Phil’s entire world flipped on its side.
A fic about eager unsureness and sharpie.
Fire meet gasoline (ao3) - LiterallyAmazingPhan
Summary: This is a story about love and loss. It’s about when light reaches the darkness and swallows it whole. It’s about touching fire and letting it burn through you; about falling in too far and not finding your way back out. It’s about setting yourself on fire and watching as you burn alive.
first night away (ao3) - iihappydaysii
Summary: dan and phil enjoy each other on their first night away. (inspired by their late night instastories.)
first things first (ao3) - yoongioss
Summary: Dan knows that sex doesn’t need to happen for a relationship to be real, to be alive, and to be wholesome. But, he wants to settle his urges and his ideas and they’re only for Phil.
He is all for Phil.
First to Listen (To Anything I Said) (ao3) - SylvesterLester
Summary: It's 2004, and Dan Howell is screwing up in school. He can't help that he's stuck in boring classes with boring people and just doesn't care. So when Phil Lester, one of the geekiest kids in school, is assigned to be his tutor, he's expecting this to just be another crappy part of his already crappy life.
But when it turns out Phil might be Dan's first real friend, his hormones threaten to screw all that up. Because that's all it is, right? Hormones?
Flagged - littlephanfics
Summary: Phil works as an Internet security officer whose job is to read flagged emails and send out warnings for a magazine company. Little did he know, he’s about to get hooked on emails from a certain someone. Based loosely on Rainbow Rowell’s Attachments.
Flatmates (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: oh my god they were flatmates / the fuckboy!phil au we all deserve
Fools - mairieuxes
Summary: Dan Howell likes to pretend someone he isn’t. But then Phil Lester comes along and suddenly he feels like a wilted flower after a rain shower.
For Better Or For Worse (ao3) - Junebug1312
Summary: Dan thinks he might not be entirely straight. Will a Porn Challenge video clear things up for him?
Frat Boy Fuck (ao3) - philcantwerk
Summary: dan and phil are both cocky frat boys that love beer almost as much as they love each other. dan, drunk and horny, challenges phil to a game of beer pong: whoever wins, tops. may the games begin
freak (ao3) - bloodyscarab
Summary: i'm a freak, yeah i know,
know you like to hear me say it
freak by shygirl
Friday Afternoon - cafephan
Summary: At the same time for the last month or so, Dan and Phil have made a habit of ‘meeting’ in the private bathroom. But one day, they are caught in the act by an unexpected visitor, and must find a way to get out of the inevitable interrogation and following consequences.
Fuck The Past (Dan vs Phil vs Daniel) (ao3) - phandomsub
Summary: Daniel and Phil decide to mess around with a book of spells for their new video. It’s all just a good laugh, until they somehow end up transporting 18-year-old Dan from 2009 into 2017. The only logical solution is: threesome.
Fuck Your Cereal (ao3) - cyanica
Summary: Four times Dan got justice for his cereal, and one time where Phil won their prank war using a person's certain first video... that's still on the internet for some reason.
Full Northern (ao3) - Spiteful_Letters
Summary: In this universe, Dan never meets Phil and he goes on to become a successful, pretentious actor. Meanwhile Phil carries on with his YouTube career, though he cant shake the feeling that something is missing.
When Dan falls on hard times he is forced to upheave his life and move to Manchester where he meets the quirky yet irritating 'AmazingPhil' and they begin filming videos together to make ends meet. Can he overcome his snobbish prejudices against YouTube and learn the error of his ways? Will he fall for Phil in the process? Read on to find out!
Full of Words I Don’t Know How to Say (ao3) - JudeAraya
Summary: Snuggles, sex, and big feelings.
Fun With Nail Polish (ao3) - Cadensaurus
Summary: In which Dan paints his and Phil's nails and Phil is a kinky little shit
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navstuffs · 2 years
Like a thimble
Pairing: Adrian chase x gn!reader
Summary: Peacemaker interest in your sex's life with Adrian definitely does not mean a good thing
Warning: language, mention of smut.
Author's note: i seriously couldn't stop laughing when adrian agreed with peacemaker about him having a thimble's dick and i needed to make a fanfic about this.
You entered the base and Adrian opened the biggest bright smile, Peacemaker signaling a "V" with his hands without lifting his head from his phone. The rest of the team was late, coming back from a mission and everyone decided to have coffee before the extensive meeting ahead (Leota texted that six very different complicated orders of coffee at almost closing time made the employees very angry). You gave a fast kiss on Adrian's lips and sat at your desk, putting your headphones in to concentrate on what you needed to show for the meeting ahead. Adrian and Chris seemed to continue whatever conversation they were having. Probably nonsense, you thought to yourself.
When you were almost done with the presentation, Peacemaker motioned his hands in front of the screen and you removed your earphones, preparing mentally for the mountain of shit you were about to hear. Chris was saying something to Adrian that looked to disagree completely by how vehemently he was shaking his head.
"...will tell me, if you don't want to answer."
"What you two were talking about?"
"Oh, nothing. Just asked my friend there how many times you two fuck."
"How many times a week you two fuck? You know? Get to business? Make love?"
"I know exactly what you meant. What in hell's name is that kind of topic, Chris?"
"I don't know! Just making conversation! I am bored, okay?"
"Can you not talk about the weather like a normal person? Or I don't know the price of gold?" How come your boyfriend idolized this man you would never understand.
Peacemaker snorted. True, he wasn't a normal person. You glanced towards Adrian, his face concentrated, his forehead making wrinkles. Oh, please don't tell me he was seriously thinking of even answering that question.
"Why do you want to know?" you questioned, crossing your arms.
"Curiosity? Murn's orders? I am bored? I fantasize about you two fucking and this conversation might help me jerk off later?"
Adrian looked like he had high hopes you were gonna share your sexual life with Peacemaker. Hell fucking no!
"You do know I had a threesome with the guy, right? I kinda think I know how he looks in bed. How he acts. How he moans" Peacemaker really said that as a trophy you brag about.
Oooh, the infamous threesome. Adrian had shared how cool was to see Peacemaker fucking someone, while he got his dick sucked. At that time, you mentioned threesomes weren't your thing. Not in your plans to share him with anyone else. Not right now, at least.
"I mean, we all know your boyfriend's dick is like a thimble."
"I am sorry?"
"Like those sewing..."
"I know what a thimble is. His dick looks nothing like one"
"Bullshit. You haven't been looking right. Take your pants down, Adrian."
"Just real quick so we can all analyze together. Everyone in this room has seen in your cock so, no biggie."
You couldn't believe your ears. Chris had a serious voice and was waiting with his arms crossed. And your boyfriend was even crazier for getting up, his hands motioning to take his pants down.
"What the fuck are you doing, Adrian?!"
"Proving the point that my cock is not a thimble anymore."
"I know what your cock looks like, Adrian. I am the one sucking it."
Peacemaker broke the facade laughing, while Adrian sit down, his face blushing.
"I was messing with you, dude! Fuck, you should have seen your face!"
You rolled your eyes in annoyance, putting your hand on your forehead, while Adrian smiled, embarrassed. You had never complained about the pleasure he gave you so he was pretty content with what he had down his legs.
"I mean if you ever think you need a third member on your bed. Any need of a helping hand, new dick energy, or an extravagant change, Peacemaker is your guy. "
Oh my God, was he really offering to take part in a threesome with you? Chris Smith wasn't an ugly man, he had a nice type of body. You just didn't like to share. You weren't ready. Before you could answer, Adrian said loud and clear.
"Wow! That's, wow Peacemaker! Don't get me like wrong dude, we are very very honored with your offer, for real but it isn't for us. They don't like sharing and to be honest, at this moment, I also don't. If we ever think about having one, you will be our first option on top of the list. Of course, if they want it as well."
Adrian squeezed your thighs, thanking mentally that you didn't deny it. He didn't want to hurt Peacemaker's feelings but also make you mad at him. One day, you could change your mind. One day. And if you never did, he wouldn't mind. He was happy if you were happy. You mouthed a silent wow, appeasing both of them. The rest of the team finally arrived and Chris got up to meet with them.
"Your loss then."
You thought you heard a little bit of disappointment in his voice, when Adrian squeezed your leg again, bringing your attention to him.
"I do satisfy you, right?"
"Yeah?! I wouldn't be with you if you didn't make me cum, silly."
You winked, giving him a fast kiss on the cheek before getting up to meet the others and grabbing your cup of coffee.
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vigilvntes · 2 years
The First First Date - Adrian Chase x Reader
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A/N: fluff fluff fluff so much fluff im drowning in fluff but it's okay because it's adrian :)
Warnings: language, mentions of sex but nothing explicit at all.
Word count: 1.4k
"Hey, where you are you guys? You said 7:30, right?" You asked Harcourt over the phone, wrapping an arm around yourself to shield your body from the crisp air.
You had received a text from Harcourt in the 11th Street Kids group chat earlier that day asking if all of you could meet at 7:30 at a comfortable, quiet restaurant not far from your temporary apartments. Of course, you had agreed, as had the rest of the team. However, it was pushing 8pm, and only yourself and Adrian had arrived.
"Yeah I said 7:30." She replied. In the background, you could hear muffled laughter.
"Okay, so when are you gonna be here?"
"We're not."
"Excuse me?"
"We're not gonna be there. Something came up." She reiterated. Before you could ask her what the hell she was talking, she cut you off. "Just take the night off. Have dinner with Adrian."
Then, it clicked.
"You fucking set me up." You hissed.
"No, I didn't set you up. Smith did. This was his idea." In the background, you heard a 'hey!' followed by laughter.
"I fucking hate all of you."
"No, you don't. Look, we know you like each other. We sit and watch you make heart eyes across the room at each other all day. Just have dinner, and see where it goes."
You got ready to protest, however you backed down immediately. Harcourt was right. Harcourt was always right, actually. You liked him, and you had a sneaking suspicion that he liked you too. The issue being that neither of you were brave enough to admit it.
"We'll see." You grumbled.
"Tell 'em to use protection!" You heard Chris shout in the background, followed by more laughter.
"Smith says-"
"I fucking heard what he said!" You yelled, hanging up and shoving your phone into your pocket. "Fuck." You mumbled under your breath, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment.
Adrian was in there, waiting for you to come back with news on the team's whereabouts. How were you going to tell him that the team had set both of you up? Should you tell him that? You weren't sure yet, but you didn't have long to decide.
With a sigh, you pulled the door of the restaurant open and begrudgingly walked over to your table. Adrian was staring down at the menu, a blank look on his face but when you slid into the chair across from him, he glanced up, giving you a small smile.
"So, they're not coming. Something came up." You said simply, having made the split second decision to keep the set-up a secret. You were saving yourself from the potential embarrassment of Adrian deciding that the night wasn't worth it and that the two of you should just head home.
"With the butterflies?" He asked, his eyebrows raised. "Should we go help?"
"No! It's not... A butterfly thing. It's just... Personal stuff. I don't know."
You nodded slowly, turning your head to look away from him. "Yeah... So, we can just leave, if you want? I'm sure you have... Stuff to deal with." You said pointedly, referring to his endeavours as Vigilante.
"I mean... Yeah. But I'm pretty hungry."
You glanced over at him, tilting your head slightly as you tried to figure out whether he was genuinely just hungry or whether this was his own weird way of telling you that he wanted to spend this time with you.
"You are?" You inquired, chewing on your bottom lip.
Adrian shrugged, "Yeah. We're here, so we might as well just have dinner and... see where the night takes us. N-not in that way." He stuttered out. "I meant in the innocent way. Like, we can just talk, or whatever. Not that I'm not down for anything else, but I'm definitely not suggesting that we should do anything else. Though if you were to offer, I'd probably say yes."
His eyes were full of sincerity as he reassured you that he would, in fact, be down to have sex with you if you ever offered. You couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. "Is this your way of telling me you kinda want this to be a date?" You asked, quirking your eyebrows.
"Yeah. Sorry." He breathed out, grimacing slightly. "I'm not good at this."
Grinning at him, you shrugged, "It's okay. It's been... A while since the last time I went on a date."
"This is kinda my first date." He admitted, leaning back in his seat, bracing himself for your reaction.
"Oh...," You chewed on your bottom lip for a moment, trying to figure out how on earth the man sat across from you had never been on a date. Sure, he was quirky and sometimes said... questionable things. But there was a strange charm to him, too. Not to mention he had a gorgeous face. "So... You've never been with anyone?"
Adrian shrugged, "I didn't go through puberty until my mid-twenties, so no one really took an interest in me. Besides, with the whole Vigilante thing, my schedule's been kinda full." He stated simply.
You paused for a moment, thinking your next move through. "Well, Adrian Chase..." You started slowly, "I'll take your date virginity. I'll be your first first date, if you'll have me." You shot him a shy smile.
He stared at you incredulously, his head tilted to the side. He had been crushing on you the whole time, and now you were sat across from him talking about taking his date virginity. It was perfect.
Eventually, he nodded. "Yeah. Of course I'll have you. Though, I should let you know that I've already lost my actual virginity. Just in case you wanted to take that too. I don't want you to be disappointed."
"What?" You asked, your eyebrows pulling together in confusion. "I-... I'm not disappointed that you're... not a virgin." You struggled to follow his thought process sometimes.
Adrian sighed, almost in relief, "Well thank god for that. I just didn't want you to be too surprised when you find out i'm great at sex. Like, the best. Just last week, Chris and I-..."
You cut him off there, "Okay! I'm gonna stop you there. I am steering all conversation away from Smith, sex and whatever the hell you two do in your spare time."
He had definitely been listening to Chris' advice on how to talk to women.
After ordering dinner and drinks, the two of you fell into comfortable conversation. He shared the parts of his life he was comfortable with sharing, as did you. Before you knew it the two of you had sat there drinking and basking in each other's company until closing time, when the staff politely showed you to the front door.
So, the two of you set off, both tipsy, stumbling and giggling as you walked the streets. The air was cold, but Adrian's hand in yours was so warm.
"So..." He started, glancing down at you, "Did I pass your first first date class, master (Y/N)?" He asked, a small smile on his lips.
You couldn't help but laugh, shaking your head. He was such a dork, and that just made him all the more endearing. You looked up at him, meeting his gaze with a dreamy smile on your lips. "You did, young padawan. I would say you excelled at it, and I think you're ready to move on to your second first date.
"Or maybe just the second date. With you." He suggested. The idea of going out with anyone else felt... wrong. He liked you, and he wanted to pursue something with you.
"Really?" You asked quickly, stopping in your tracks.
Adrian nodded, "Yeah. I mean, I was kinda hoping you'd be my... Only date?"
You chewed on your bottom lip, trying desperately to hold back your grin. He wanted you to be his only date. He wanted you, and only you. That though made your heart skip a beat.
"Is it too soon to kiss you?" You breathed out.
"You're the teacher. You tell me."
You replied by wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips to his in a soft, chaste kiss. "In case you didn't catch on, I'd love to be your only date." You mumbled, smiling when his features broke out into a grin.
You made a mental note to shoot Harcourt a thank you text later.
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honeycombstrawberry · 2 years
It's so exciting that your requests are open again - you are such a good writer!! 🥰 I have a half headcanon/ half request: I firmly believe Adrian is the type to say 'i love you' after knowing you for about three days. I feel like he has always heard about love but maybe not fully understood it but meeting you he's like "oh shit I get it, this is love, I am in love, I love you, it's happening." So my request is that maybe the reader doesn't say it back immediately, they like to take their time and really feel it and mean, and Adrian gets that and doesn't put any pressure on you to say it when he does.
But then one day when you tell him you love him for the first time it would mean the fucking world to him because you've stuck around and really got know him and then decided you love him, which isn't people's usual reaction to him, and I just feel like there is a cute story in there somewhere 😅 Thank you!!
oh my god yeah YES i love this concept i can totally see this
okay wait i was typing a reply and it got long so i'm just turning it into a headcanon thread okay!!
adrian telling you he loves you after three days headcanon thread!!
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in his whole life adrian has had a bunch of crushes-- like, a lot of crushes, he gets infatuated with anybody who gives him two seconds of attention or shows him any sort of affection or kindness-- so when he meets you, and it feels so much deeper and harder and warmer and more than he's ever felt before, he can't think of anything this could be but love
he also is kind of an open book when it comes to people he's close with, and he already feels so close to you, so the next time he sees you he immediately tells you he loves you because he just needs you to know-- like, you have to know
and you're taken aback, for sure, but he explains himself and he's so earnest and you tell him you don't think you can say it to him, you don't know what you're feeling, you like him but you think you could love him, and he's not even bothered-- he likes you, too, and he tells you he's googled a whole bunch about this and he gets it, but he's ready whenever you do want to say it
he tells you he loves you ALL THE TIME like all the time. every time you do any little thing that makes that feeling inside him deepen even a tiny little bit he's like "i love you." and it's just a thing he says. and you've only just met and then you're friends and then you're dating and he still keeps saying it like it's punctuation, "i love you," "i love you," "i love you," because he feels it so why shouldn't he say it! you should know! he tells you everything!
for him the feeling just keeps changing and getting deeper and it becomes so much more all the time. he knows it's love and the love gets bigger and more consuming all the time. more and more kinds of love. he loves you so much and more every day it makes him feel like he's melting inside
and eventually you realize-- that feeling is inside you, too. but adrian is so open with his feelings that it almost does the opposite for you? it makes you have a hard time telling him because he's so sure and he's such a good person and what if you're wrong? you can't hurt him, you can't fuck this up--
it takes you a while, but you finally decide you're going to tell him. and you plan it all out and you're going to have a nice date or a dinner or something you have it all planned. but then he's just being a goofass before the two of you head out and it just comes out-- you just tell him "i love you" like he's said to you a million times since you met-- and he just looks at you with this face, this expression that has you falling apart, and you can feel that connection between you, that moment you share, where you know you're feeling that same thing, that you love each other, that this is your person, and hopefully forever, with a love like this
adrian says it back, says, "i love you, too," and that's the first time he's ever said that-- "i love you, too." hearing the "too" makes you both kind of dissolve, and you're already falling into each other, and from that point on--
--neither of you can stop telling you you love each other. you tell each other constantly. you're so in love with each other, you tell each other all the time-- just like he used to do, you do it back, and you're both saying it constantly, and other people sometimes don't get it, but when you're in love like this, it's so easy. you feel so much it has to come out in words sometimes-- and in touch, and in feeling, and in actions, and in all sorts of ways.
and maybe you weren't saying i love you, but adrian always knew you did-- he could see you falling-- in the way you stayed with him and smiled every time he said "i love you" just a little too soon
this was so cute thank you so much for sending it!!!! i loved it!!!!!!!
adrian chase taglist:
@deputyrook @bb-skyrunner @himboelover @pieriinova @gcldtom @violetrainbow412-blog @amysuemc @saturnngal @neptuneswritingwork @jewishdelis @myguiltypleasures21 @pinkygunslingy @chaseadrian @breathing-in-waves @rishlurh @goblynnrockz @theowritesstuff @themartiansdaughter @dallasvakarian @missscarlettangel @samantha24015 @hillaryroadheadcllinton @ohmybubbletea @buckys-estrella @witchywcmans @ladyrebel25 @eviejune @vigilantesluvr @qjuiq-odakyu @xothatnerdykid @awkwardfangirl2014 @thevalkyrior @mattsmanpain
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theafternoontrain · 2 years
Paring: Adrian Chase x gn!Reader
Summary: The last year with Adrian had been great, but you don’t understand why he disappeared all of the sudden.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of violence, cursing, its angsty but there's some comfort, abrupt ending bc i lowkey lost motivation im so sorry
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: This fic originally was inspired by a song, but it morphed into something else. I might like this a bit better.
Wanna send me a prompt? Look at the prompt list Here!
It’s funny how you never expect someone to be such an important part of your life when you first meet them. Something that starts out as an insignificant meeting, maybe just pleasantries that were exchanged, can bloom into something beautiful. That is exactly what happened when you met Adrian Chase.
You met Adrian at Fennel Fields last June while you were at dinner with your best friend, Louis. The two of you had just gotten back from a day trip in Seattle and decided to eat out before retreating to your separate apartments. Of course, Louis was the first to notice the cute busboy who was staring at you. And like the great best friend he is, he had to point it out.
“Y/N,” he said, “You’ve got a fan.” You rolled your eyes before you turned to see what Louis was talking about. To your surprise, you were met with the prettiest set of green eyes. “Oh,” you say softly, a smile forming on your lips. You give the cute boy a small wave before turning back to Louis. After that, you didn’t think too much into the busboy, assuming that nothing would come out of that.
You were wrong. As you and Louis were walking out of the door, you were actually stopped by the busboy. “Hi,” he said, rather awkwardly, “Uhm hi, I was just-fuck, phone number?” You blinked at the man, then looked at Louis (who looked like he was about to die laughing), before cracking a small smile. “Do you want to try that again?” you asked softly.
The busboy took a deep breath. “Hi, I’m Adrian,” he said, “I think you’re hot- I mean, pretty. Yeah, can we exchange phone numbers?” Your smile grows as you pull your phone. “Okay, Adrian,” you say as you hand him the device. You put your number in his phone as well before parting ways.
“Y/N,” Adrian said as you left the restaurant, a goofy grin on his face.
It didn’t take too many dates with Adrian for you to realize how interesting he actually was. Adrian was not only the one of the funniest people you had ever met, but ended up being one of the most thoughtful as well. You quickly started to adore the way Adrian would ramble on and on about nothing- he just had so much going on in his brain all the time, and you just wanted to unravel all of the cords of thoughts.
One thing you did learn early on about Adrian Was his admiration from Christopher Smith. You didn’t know Chris yourself, but you definitely knew of him. Everyone in the small town of Evergreen knew who the infamous Peacemaker is, especially who his dad is. It was strange to you, Adrian’s fixation on Chris, but you chose not to question it. After all, your boyfriend didn’t question the things you liked.
“Wait,” you said, stopping Adrian from his ramble. He had his head in your lap so you could play with his hair as you guys watched Clueless. “He called your brother Prince Charming because of his penis shape?” you question, looking down at Adrian while scratching his head gently. He looked back up at you and shrugged a little bit. “Yeah, he called me Thimble,” Adrian said casually, “I didn’t hit puberty until I was like, 23, I think.”
You slowly rubbed Adrian’s cheek. “Well, Chris definitely was wrong,” you say with a small smile, “You’re definitely not a thimble, honeybear.” Adrian studied your face for a second, analyzing you for any hint of insincerity, before smiling back at you. You couldn’t resist leaning down to kiss Adrian.
You didn’t really think you had to worry about Chris since he was sentenced to 40 years of prison time. It irked you out, the way Adrian described Chris. You just didn’t like the way Chris didn’t respect his friends, but you didn’t want to insult someone Adrian liked so much. And you didn’t think you had to worry about him coming back.
One interesting thing you noticed about Adrian was his odd sleeping schedule. Not that you really cared that much, but you did pick up on it. Plus, it didn't seem like something Adrian tried to hide, especially not with the random cryptid text messages you’d wake up to. It was another thing you chose not to question, just assumed he stayed up playing video games like most other guys did.
You and Adrian were laying in bed, his head against your arm as you typed at your laptop. He was focused on watching you work on some report you were doing for your job. “What do you think about that Vigilante guy?” Adrian asked you casually. You hum, not looking away from your laptop. “The guy in the mask? Like, the one who kills the criminals?” you ask, getting a nod from your boyfriend, “Mmm, well, I can’t say I completely agree with his antics.” You could feel Adrian tense next to you, so you kiss his head.
“I mean, the streets of Evergreen are a lot safer now, which is cool. I’m not as scared to walk out of a grocery store and to my car,” you say thoughtfully, “But I don’t think I can agree with killing teenagers for some petty little crimes. I mean, didn’t we all drink wine coolers in abandoned buildings when we were 15?” Adrian jumps up to look you in the eyes. “D-did you?” he asks, and you laugh. “A few times,” you say, pulling Adrian back to you. Adrian grumbles something incoherent, but you just shrugged it off.
Somehow, a year of dating Adrian went by faster than you thought it would. It was a year of his rambles, jokes, and impulsive ideas- and you were more than happy to continue that for the rest of your life. Sure, you had your fair share of disagreements like every other couple in the world, but they were never anything lethal. Most times, it was just words that were misunderstood, so taking a bit to cool down before regrouping to talk about the issue. No one ever went to bed upset, that was the main rule.
However, a few days after your one year, something in Adrian changed. He had called you about the return of the Peacemaker, and he sounded so happy. Honestly, you didn’t know if you have ever heard him be that happy about anything else. So, you told him you were happy for him, and let him talk your ear off. But after that conversation, you didn’t hear from him for a day and a half, which really fucking worried you. What was even more worrying was when Adrian came to your apartment limping.
“Honeybear, are you sure you’re okay,” you asked, worry thick in your tone. He shrugged you off, sitting on your couch. “I’m sure, Y/N,” he said, wincing a bit. “Please, just let me check that it’s not broken-” you started, but were cut off. “Y/N, please, it’s fine. Can we just- fuck, can we watch Fargo?” You gave Adrian a worried look, but eventually just obliged.
You put Fargo on the TV before crawling onto the couch, cuddling into Adrian. You took in his breathing, listening to make sure he wasn’t having breathing pains or anything. “You’re not hiding anything from me, right?” you asked Adrian, your voice cracking. Adrian takes a deep breath before playing with your hair. “No, babe, I’m not. I promise,” he whispers before kissing your head. You decided to believe him
That was the last real time you saw Adrian. You had texted him, asking to make some dinner plans, but he kept responding with rain checks. It didn’t make any sense to you, did something happen? You knew he wasn’t dead, because he was responding. Was he mad at you? You kept replaying the last few days in your head, trying to remember if there was something that could’ve triggered Adrian to go ghost. Then you remembered.
Christopher fucking Smith was back in town. You wanted to believe that your boyfriend wasn’t ditching you for Peacemaker, but you knew Adrian too well at this point. He just adored Chris too much for that to not be who he was with. Which, ultimately, you couldn’t do anything about, but you wished Adrian would have just been honest that’s where he was. That’s all you wanted.
You ended up at Louis’s house soon after this realization. You just needed to vent, and he was the only person available.
“It’s not like him,” you said to Louis, “He always sends me a bunch of texts throughout the day. But this week? He’s just been… silent! It’s like he forgot all about me.” Louis patted your back as let out a distressed sob. “It’s really not in character for him,” Louis said back thoughtfully. You leaned against your friend, wiping your eyes with your sleeve. “I just… All I want is for him to talk to me. If he’s mad at me, can’t he just tell me that? We’ve always had the ‘don’t go to bed angry’ policy.”
Louis hummed in agreement. “Maybe he’s Vigilante,” he said. You sit up fast and push your friend gently. “Yeah, right! Adrian is definitely not Vigilante,” you say, crossing your arms. “Are you sure?” Louis asks, “Like, okay, have you ever met Vigilante?” You shake your head. “Right, and you’ve always said Adrian had a weird sleeping habit right? Are you completely positive he’s not?”
You left Louis’s house that night with a lot on your mind. You were almost positive that Adrian wasn’t Vigilante, but there was that tiny amount of doubt. It wasn’t impossible at this point, but why wouldn’t Adrian tell you about his ‘second job?’ Well, actually, you had a guess as to why he wouldn’t tell you. It was because you were just indifferent towards the self titled hero. But it wasn’t that you hated the idea! You just didn’t vibe with the morality of it, that’s all.
The more you thought about the possibility of Adrian being Vigilante, the more your stomach churned. In all honesty, you weren’t sure if you could handle that life- that side of Adrian. It was scary to think about all the trouble the mask could get him in, which could follow into getting you hurt. You knew it was a selfish thought, but you couldn’t help it. And now, you started to terrify yourself. What if Adrian was seriously hurt? There was nothing you could do to save him if he was, you’ve never shot a gun before! Or killed anyone! You jumped from your thoughts when your phone started ringing.
When you saw the caller ID, you answered as fast as possible. “Adrian?” you basically yelled into the phone. “Uh, no,” a male voice said into the line. You didn’t recognize it. “Is this his girlfriend? Like, you’re real, right?” You felt anger boiling in your stomach for more than one reason. “Who the fuck are you and why do you have my boyfriends phone?” you snapped. The man on the other line started laughing. “Come on, Tiger, I was just making sure you were real,” the man said, “I’m Chris. Adrian passed out in the hospital, I was just calling to let you-” “Evergreen Hospital?” you say, cutting him off. “Yeah-” You hung up before Chris could finish- you needed to get to the hospital.
The entire drive there was a haze, and you spent the drive begging God to let Adrian live and cursing Christopher fucking Smith for letting him get hurt. When you get to the hospital, you march up to the front desk. “What room is Adrian Chase in?” you ask, desperation on your voice. You didn’t even hesitate to speed walk to Adrian’s hospital bed. When you saw him, you felt your heart crack. He looked so… beat up, and you’ve never seen him like that.
You quickly kneeled at Adrian’s bedside, grabbing his hand and kissing it. He was asleep, but it didn't stop you from whispering to him. “Come on,” you say softly, “Come on, Adrian, please don’t leave me like this.” You let the tears fall as you continued to press kisses into Adrian’s hand. “Don’t be dramatic, babe,” Adrian said, his voice coarse. “I just needed a nap.”
You jumped at Adrian's voice, looking at him before climbing to give him a kiss. You held his face in your hands as you pulled away. “You have some explaining to do,” you whisper, sniffling a bit. He presses his forehead to yours. You were mad at him for leaving you alone for a week, for not telling you about his second life, but you could figure that out later. Right now, you were just happy he was alive.
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multifandomfanficss · 9 months
Home Is Wherever You Are P2
Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader
With a very heavy emphasis on platonic!Christopher Smith/Peacemaker
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Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Adrian Chase Masterlist
Prompt: You take Adrian, Gut, and Chris school shopping. It might be harder to keep the timeline in tact than you originally thought.
Warnings: mentions of/implied child abuse, panic, meltdown, crying, divorce, mentions of August Smith, cannon typical Peacemaker violence and language, homophobia
A/N: I’ve decided to start with biweekly updates! I’m post on Saturday and Wednesday. I’ll also be posting on my new AO3 adriansglasses. I’ve actually added all of my old work there as well. Hope you guys enjoy!
“You’re the most attractive person I’ve seen in my entire life.” Adrian smiles at you.
“Shut up. No, I’m not.” You blush hiding your face from your boyfriend.
“Don’t hide.” He pushes your hands away from your face. “Please don’t hide your pretty face. It’s like the prettiest face I’ve ever seen and even if it wasn’t- which would be totally absurd like have you even seen yourself? You’re so hot- anyway more to the point. Your personality is so attractive to me that you’re automatically that much hotter. That’s just math babe. Do two wrongs make a right?” You laugh at his comparison. To someone else that may not make sense, but to many people Adrian never made sense. To you, he always made perfect sense.
“You’re too nice to me.” You say smiling at him.
“Well you’re the only one who’s nice to me sometimes period and your pain in the ass loves you very much.” He kisses you.
“I never said you were a pain in the ass!” You laugh. He gives you a look.
“Okay, I may have said it once or twice, but I didn’t mean it. I was just teasing you.” You kiss him on the cheek as he holds you close.
“It’s okay. I know I’m annoying and hard to deal with sometimes.” You turn his face to look directly in your eyes so he knows you’re serious.
“Not to me.”
September 1st, 1994
You woke up to the sound of the chunky alarm clock on the nightstand. You could hear somebody cooking downstairs. You used the bathroom and made your way to the kitchen to find Diane making breakfast.
“Morning! I’m running a little later than usual this morning, so all I could really manage was toast and eggs. Hope that’s okay.” She gave you a sympathetic smile.
“That’s more than okay. I usually skip breakfast half the time anyway.” You admit.
“You shouldn’t do that. Adrian’s always trying to skip breakfast. He doesn’t like most breakfast foods. I’ve been trying to make sure he eats more of them.” You have to bite back a comment about how his future self is still just as annoyed by the concept. You think back to all his rants about how breakfast doesn’t make sense because it’s foods you can only eat in the morning. He was always annoyed that he couldn’t order pancakes at dinner time or a burger for breakfast unless he was in a diner. It just didn’t make sense to him. ‘What?! Suddenly diners don’t have to follow the rules?! It’s all just a bullshit societal construct!’ You could hear his voice now.
“You could have called me down to help.” You say as the food sizzles in the pan.
“You were sleeping. You had a long day yesterday. I need your help with something while I’m at work anyway.” She says, turning to take the toast out of the toaster.
“What can I do for you?” You ask without debate. She’s helped you a lot and she is Adrian’s mom after all. You never thought you’d get to meet her outside of an ouija board. It’s the least you can do in your current situation.
“I have an envelope in my room for you with back to school money in it. It’s mostly just tip money I’ve been saving up from the restaurant. If you could bring the boys into town to get school clothes that would be wonderful. Adrian needs a little bit of everything. He just went through a big growth spirt. Dorian mostly needs new sneakers, but he should get a pair of jeans and maybe a couple shirts. There’s enough money in there to get a few things for Chris because God knows his father won’t do it. There should also be a little leftover if you want to get anything for yourself.” She says, beating the eggs.
“For me?” You question.
“You showed up with no clothes. You can have some of my old clothes, but I doubt you have the style of a divorced mom with two and a half kids. You should get one or two things you actually like.” She laughs.
“No, Diane I- I couldn’t-“
“Yes, you can and you will. This is basically just payment for the nannying gig.”
You smile at her. “Okay, fine. Thank you. I really appreciate it.”
After cooking breakfast and saying goodbye to the boys, Diane was off to the office for the day. She was a secretary at a nearby law firm. Waitressing was only her second job to help pay the bills after her husband left for another man.
“Dorian, do you know where Adrian’s shoes are?” You ask as you chase Adrian around the living room, trying to get him ready to leave. He had so much energy. You couldn’t say you were surprised.
“That’s not my name.” He sat there with his face in his gameboy, barley giving you the time of day. He was just radiating 12 year old angst. Honestly you couldn’t blame him. He was 12, Chris was 13, and they were both about to enter 7th grade. That’s hard enough on its own. It’s probably a lot harder when your mom is asking you to help look after your 3 year old brother because your dad just left because he’s gay. It’s 1994 in Evergreen, Washington and his best friend’s dad is the biggest homophobe in the country. None of this must be easy on him.
“What do you wanna be called?” You ask. He tears his eyes away from his gameboy to give you a look. It’s almost like nobody’s ever asked him or cared for his opinion.
“Gut.” He answers.
“Yeah that’s a much cooler name. My dad says Dorian is a pansy name.” Chris says, continuing to channel surf.
“Christopher Smith that is not nice and will not be tolerated when I’m around. Understand?” You know you can’t tell him his dad is wrong. You know if he challenges his dad now he might not make it back alive, so you hold your tongue for now.
“You can’t tell me what to do.” He huffs.
“Actually, as your babysitter, I can.” You turn to Gut. “Okay Gut, where’s your brother’s shoes?” You try again.
“By the door, under the bench.” He informs you.
“Thank you.” You smile, bringing Adrian to sit on the bench, so you can put on his shoes. There’s two pairs under the bench. You lift them up for him to choose between. One pair has dinosaurs on them and the other pair lights up. He very excitedly points at the light up ones. You can’t get him to sit still long enough to put on the shoes, so eventually you inevitably drop one.
“Motherfucker!” Adrian exclaims in his loud toddler voice.
“Adrian!” You say in shock. You want to laugh because this is so him, but you don’t wanna be blamed for this one. He’s only 3. He giggles at your reaction of the forbidden word.
“Motherfucker!” He says it again in a fit of giggles.
“Buddy, you can’t say that. That’s a grownup word. If you say it too many times you have to go to work and pay taxes.” You try to persuade him against the word.
“What’s taxes?” He asks.
“Taxes are what grown ups have to pay to people. They give a lot of money that you don’t have, so you shouldn’t say that word. Also not paying is a crime. I don’t wanna pay taxes, so I’m not gonna say it.” You try to bargain with him using toddler logic.
“But Dor and Chris say it!” He objects.
“Well, Dor and Chris are gonna have to pay taxes soon.” Adrian begins to cry. “Why are you crying, buddy?” You wipe his tears.
“I’m scawred!” He cries.
“Of what?” You ask.
“Taxes!” He cries.
“It’s okay. You didn’t say it enough times to have to pay taxes.” You pull his small, hiccuping body into your arms, not quite sure what to do. You feel kinda bad. Parenting is fucking hard. They say never parent your boyfriend, but you were taking it to a whole new level. You don’t think this is what they meant.
Finally you had wrangled the boys together and you were on your way to the store. You had to walk because Diane had the car at work and you obviously didn’t have one, but the store wasn’t far.
“Why do we have to walk? This is fucking stupid.” Chris complained.
“Chris, knock it off. We’re at the repeating age.” You gesture to Adrian, who was jumping around the cracks on the sidewalk. Luckily he wasn’t paying attention.
“Hey, Adrian!” Chris grabs his attention.
“Chris!” Adrian runs up to him, on his wobbly little legs.
“Don’t you fucking dare-“ The words came out of your mouth before you even had the chance to realize it.
Gut laughs. “You’re the one who actually said fuck in front of him.”
“Fuck!” Adrian repeats.
“No no no no no!” You try to stop him.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He says as he hops up and down with each fuck.
“No! I said…duck! I said duck!” Gut and Chris break into a fit of laugher.
“Rey’s lying, Adrian.” Gut tells him. Adrian stops giggling and his entire body language changes. He starts to cry, trying to walk away. His little legs don’t carry him very far. You turn to Gut and Chris.
“Please just stop! I just wanna get through the day. Would it kill you to just be nicer to him?!” You don’t mean to lose your temper with the boys, but you know this is only the start to a lifetime of bullying and provoking Adrian. You sigh, dropping your attitude. They’re all just kids. “Stay here for a minute.” You turn in Adrian’s direction and start racing after him.
You try to scoop his little body into your arms, but he screams at you. “NO! NO!” Okay. He’s not great with words, but he totally has no down. You decide to give him some space. Even if he’s not his adult self yet, he’s still a person. You know how easily overwhelmed he gets as an adult. You can’t imagine how upset his 3 year old self is.
“Buddy, I’m really sorry.” You apologize. Your heart breaks. You hate knowing you made him cry.
“P-p-pweas don’t weave!” He begs you not to leave through his tears.
“Hey…what’s going on? Why do you think I’m gonna leave?” You question him.
“Daddy lied to m-mommy and now he’s not here!” Adrian cries. Oh fuck. Of course he couldn’t fully grasp that his father had an affair and that’s why he’s gone.
“Adrian, listen to me. I will never leave you for something like that. I’m sorry I lied to you. Lying isn’t nice, but I’m here for you. I will always be there for you. Even if I’m not here with you, right next to you, I promise I will always love you.” You try to keep yourself from crying now. You can’t help, but think of your version of Adrian at home without you. You try to keep your tears in and stay strong for the younger version of the man you love right in front of you. They feel like different people, but they’re not. This is Adrian and you need to help him.
“Lying isn’t nice!” Adrian repeats, sniffling as his tears slow.
“You’re right. It’s not. Do you want a hug or do you not want to be touched?” You ask.
“Hug!” He cries, crashing into your open arms. You hold his little body as he cries.
“Even if you can’t see me, I’ll always be with you. I love you.” Everything about this is so fucked up. You shouldn’t even be here. You’re messing with Adrian’s life. You’re messing with Chris’ life. Everything about this feels so wrong, but when he’s crying in your arms like this all you can think about is the restless nights when you’d cuddle with your boyfriend and he’d shed a tear or two about his childhood. You knew how much it effected him even now and you just wanted to protect him from all that was to come and heal all that had already happened, but you knew you couldn’t do that. Time had to run its course.
After you helped baby Adrian collect himself you joined Chris and Gut back on the sidewalk and continued your way to the store. Town was small, so the walk wasn’t long, but luckily you had a new Walmart nearby. In your day this Walmart was shitty, but in 1994 it was new. You let Gut and Chris walk around on their own with the promise they’d meet you in the men’s clothing section. You were going to take Adrian to the toddler section. Toddler clothes were cheaper and he was growing fast, so you picked out a couple different outfits for him. You grabbed some basic pants and socks that would match everything and let him pick his own shirts. He settled on a shirt with a spaceship on it that said ‘I’m so cute it’s out of this world’. He also picked a Barney shirt and an Aladdin shirt after making a comment on how both Jasmin AND Aladdin were pretty. You then brought him to your side of the clothing department to grab a shirt or two you liked before meeting up with the boys. After settling on some basic shirts, you were on your way to meet Chris and Gut when you passed the electronic isle and you caught Chris staring at a tape recorder. Even from a distance you could tell he was about to cry as he put it back on the shelf. Gut was nowhere to be seen, probably waiting in the men’s isle like was supposed to. He usually listened better.
“Hey, Chris…”
“I’m not crying!” He wipes his eyes.
“I know.” You give him a smile.
“I just got dust in my eye. They need to clean these shelves better.” He crossed his arms across his chest. You crouched down in front of Adrian.
“Hey, Ade. Why don’t you go pick out a movie for us to watch tonight from the clearance bin?” He wiggled excitedly before taking off towards the bin of cheaper VHS tapes.
“Stay where I can see you!” You called after him. He did just as you said and stayed in your line of vision as you talked to Chris more privately.
“Level with me. I know you weren’t crying, but if you had been crying…hypothetically of course…you could tell me anything. You know that, right?” You weren’t sure if you were breaking the timeline, but at this point you didn’t care. Chris deserved to be able to trust someone in his life.
“I wasn’t crying.” Chris tried to walk away from you, but you caught his arm in your hand.
“Chris, wait-“ He hissed as you made contact with his shoulder. Your jaw drops and you can almost feel tears in your eyes. You pulled up his sleeve to reveal small, circular burn marks. They were burns left behind from where his father had put out cigarettes in his arm.
“Stop starring at me like I’m a freak and just let me go.” He pushes you off of him and he walks away. You knew this job would be hard, but it’s a lot worse than you expected. You had no idea it would be this awful constant moral battle between letting these kids get hurt and keeping the timeline in tact. After realizing you were all alone and you could still see Adrian, but he wasn’t paying attention to you, you started to cry. After taking a deep breath you wiped your tears and picked up the tape recorder, putting the shirts for yourself on the shelf. Fuck it. Chris deserved something his dad couldn’t ruin. So what if you had to wear Diane’s maternity clothes and any clothes her husband left behind? You knew how much he loved music. He deserved this. Timeline be damned he deserved one fucking thing in his life untouched by his father. You hid it in the cart under some of Adrian’s clothes before heading to him digging around in the clearance vhs section.
“Rey!” He called for you as soon as he saw you.
“Adrian!” You called back, pretending to be happy. “Did you pick one?” You ask.
“This one!” He says, excitedly shoving the tape in your hands. You couldn’t help, but smile a real genuine smile. In your hands was a copy of the movie Adrian told you was his favorite growing up; The Brave Little Toaster.
“Have you seen this one?” You ask.
“No!” He smiles, hardly able to stand still.
“You’re gonna love it.” You smile, placing it in the cart. You take his hand and you both head to the men’s section to get clothes for Gut and Chris. Gut picked out a Green Day shirt, while Chris picked out a Nirvana shirt. You were happy when Chris didn’t pick up the Green Day shirt because you knew having that might get him in trouble in the next 10 years when they come out with American Idiot. His dad’s gonna hate that. These were of course considered hot new bands and most of their most famous songs weren’t even out yet. After picking out a couple more clothing items you headed to checkout. You were thankful Adrian was being such a distraction because Chris didn’t even see you put the tape recorder in the bag. With the remaining money, you took a bus to Fennel Fields for dinner where you told Diane you’d meet her on her night shift.
“Mommy!” Adrian yelled running up to her as soon walked through the door. It was nice to see him with his mother.
After grabbing a pizza you headed home. When you got there you pulled Chris aside and gave him the tape recorder.
“Happy birthday.” You said handing him the Walmart bag.
“It’s not my birthday.” He gives you a strange look.
“I know. Just think of it as an advance on your birthday gift.” You smile as he starts to open it.
“Is this mine?” He asks in shock. You nod. “Why did you do this?” He asks.
“Because you deserve something that’s yours that you enjoy.” You say as you watch his eyes well up with tears again.
“I’m not crying.” He says again.
“I know. But even if you were…it’s okay…” He stares at you for a moment before bringing you into a wordless hug. You stand there for a moment, shocked. You never expected this from him, but you wrap your arms around him anyway.
“Thank you.”
“Of course. You deserve it.” You remind him. You know it won’t change the timeline much, but this time, you hope it does something.
After tucking Adrian in, you leave Gut and Chris to play video games until Diane gets home. You head to your room, flipping onto your bed with a sigh. You just hope you did the right thing. You open your phone and head to your voicemails. This has almost become routine.
“Hey babe, it’s me. I’m just calling because I know you had a bad day today and I was thinking…” You close your eyes, as the voicemail plays and you begin to cry. You’ll see him again one day. You have to. You didn’t know how or when, but you had to. You’d figure it out. You’d make a plan.
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starsofmilos · 2 years
I’ll be the one PT 2 (Adrian Chase x reader)
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Synopsis: Adrian swore he would always be the one to do and or be anything you needed. That includes your protector.
So this is a part two for the other one. You could read part one here. I wrote it to help me work through some past trauma and now I’m writing a part two also still trying to work through some stuff. I hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: mentions of past emotional abuse, PTSD, mentions of past sexual assault, mental breakdown, anxiety, mentions of sex, angst, comfort, violence, torture, reader is chased down
Ever since Adrian had found out what happened to you in the past. He’s been the definition of understanding.
Things have felt a lot better for you too. It felt like a weight had been taken off your shoulders. There was officially no more secrets between Adrian and you.
You both were happy.
“Good morning..” Adrian whispered in your ear leaning in to kiss your cheek. You smiled in content as he wrapped his arms around you. 
The smell of pancakes wafted throughout the kitchen. “Why are you making me breakfast instead of sleeping in bed with me?”
“Because you deserve a treat plus I’ve been wanting to make you these for a while..” 
“Just cause..well..it’s because you have been so..it’s cause I love you okay..”
“I love you too.” Adrian understood what you were trying to say. “I appreciate this, but I much prefer waking up with you in bed.”
You laughed turning the stove off to turn to him holding out the plate. “But pancakes.” 
Adrian chuckled, “Those do look good, but I think you look even better.”
“Yeah, but I’m not on the menu.”
“Darn. Guess I can settle for pancakes.” You yelped as he dragged you to the table placing the plate down before settling you on his lap. 
“Let’s eat together.”
“But I was gonna make bacon for you!” Adrian groaned grabbing the syrup to drown them. 
“No you’re gonna sit here and eat with me. I don’t need bacon. Just need you.” He picked up the fork cutting into them offering you the first bite. You scrunched your nose at him shaking your head.
“No! You take the first bite I made them for you!” Adrian grunted taking the bite before grabbing another forkful holding it up for you.
“There now eat. Have some now.” You accepted it smiling happily. Adrian hand fed you sharing his plate with you.
“I’m full..” You grumbled. Adrian grinned rubbing your thigh.
“Good. I’m full too.” You hummed feeling sleepy leaning your head in his neck. “I gotta get ready for work soon.”
“Stay.” Adrian laughed at your whisper pulling you to him kissing you softly. 
“I can’t. You know that.” You sighed getting up. 
“I know go get ready.” He grinned kissing you again taking his plate to wash it real quick. He got dressed grabbing his duffle.
“I’ll be back after patrol and when I do I’ll bring home some ice cream.”
“Yes cookies and cream.” Adrian kissed you once more giving you a small once over. A small part of him was screaming to stay. He had a bad feeling.
“You okay?”
“Yeah I’m gonna miss you. Call me if anything happens okay..”
“Of course. You’re only gonna be gone for a bit Adrian. I’ll see you when you get home.”
“Yeah. Love you bye.” You kissed his cheek locking the door for him before sighing deciding to clean up. It was your day off.
At least you were going too but then your phone buzzed.
You raised an eyebrow in confusion not wanting to answer, but also curious to know who this was. 
‘Um I know I’m the last person you wanna hear from but I’m in town and this is gonna sound weird but I looked you up. Do you think we could meet up and talk?’
‘Who is this?’ You finally messaged back feeling uneasy. 
‘It’s me..uh Darrel?’
Your breath hitched hearing a name you wished to never hear again. Your hands shook. You immediately moved to block the number stopping when your phone began to ring.
It was him.
“No. No. No...” You fell to the floor just staring at your phone feeling frozen. Every once in a while he would reach out again just for you to change your number and block him all over again.
You took a shaky breath just watching your phone vibrate over and over hoping it would end soon. 
The sudden thought of Adrian popped up into your head. He could help..
But you guys had just gotten somewhat back to normal since you had told him. He had been understanding and so delicate with you and the last thing you wanted was to burden him with this.
He’d want to know though.
You wanted him to know. A dark part of you wanted Adrian to handle him so you would never be in fear again, but you could never ask Adrian to do something like that for you.
You had always dealt with things alone. This would be no different. Adrian can’t know. What if he grew angry with you?..
The door opened hurriedly. Adrian panted a bit dropping his duffle bag seeing you sitting on the floor tear streaks down your face.
“Oh thank god..” He shut the door before falling next to you. “I’ve been calling you for an hour now! You didn’t answer! I got so fucking scared! Are you okay?”
You wiped your face nodding. Adrian grabbed your cheeks studying your face. “Why are you crying?”
“Sorry I just didn’t wanna answer my phone got distracted.” Adrian sighed pulling you on him.
“Wait an hour?” He nodded. 
“Yeah I’ve been calling for an hour.” 
You didn’t even realize you had been sitting on the floor for that long. Six hours had gone by with you just staring off into space.
“Y/N..talk to me please..what happened? Are you okay?”
You nodded hugging him tightly, “I’m okay..I just got scared..”
“Of what?..”
“Some things Adrian..I got scared of something coming for me..”
Adrian shook his head kissing your forehead, “Nothing is ever gonna get you not while I’m around okay?..”
“I know. i just got scared.” Adrian nodded not fully believing you, but it was obvious you were shaken.
He helped you to bed getting changed quickly to lay next to you. You curled into him immediately. Adrian gripped you tightly as you shook.
Adrian hadn’t seen you like this since you had told him about your ex boyfriend. He kissed your forehead as you shut your eyes allowing sleep to consume you for a bit. 
That sleep only lasted an hour. You awoke seeing Adrian’s sleeping face next to you. Your phone was vibrating again. He was calling.
You slid out of bed kissing Adrian lightly. “I’m gonna handle this..You always take care of me, but I will handle this for you..”
Clenching your phone, you answered once you were in the living room. “Hello.”
“Y/N..you answered..I’ve been messaging you-” You felt tears burn your eyes as you spoke.
“I know. Stop it. I don’t wanna talk to y-you. I want nothing to do with you. Don’t call or message me again.”
“Y/N Please! I just wanna talk! I miss you so fucking much-”
“No! It’s been years. Years and you fucking hurt me. You hurt me. I don’t wanna hear from you again. I’m finally happy with someone else and I will not let you ruin it for me.”
“Wait you’re with someone now-”
“I am not that it matter to you. I mean it never call me again.”
“We used to be something! I love you Y/N and I will never stop trying to win you back!-”
The phone was pulled from your hands, “I believe she said for you to fuck off.” 
Your eyes widened as Adrian snarled into the phone. “Who is this?” 
Adrian laughed at Darrel’s question, “I’m the guy who’s gonna shove my foot so far up your ass your intestines will be falling out of your mouth if you call her again.”
“Oh you’re the new boyfriend-”
“No I’m her protector. I’m her friend and I’m the last guy she will ever be with. If you call or if you come anywhere near her I will find you and I will fucking kill you.”
Adrian hung up tossing your phone on the couch glancing at you, “Come on.”
He reached his hand out towards you beckoning you close. You grabbed his hand yelping as he pulled you to him. “Are you okay?”
You nodded quickly worried he was angry with you. “Hey..”
He tilted your head up with his hand so you were both eye to eye. “I meant it if he comes near you or calls you. You let me know.”
“Okay..I’m sorry Adrian..”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Why didn’t you tell me though?”
“I was scared and worried..Usually I can handle it when he reaches out, but I don’t wanna do it anymore and I was scared you were gonna be angry with me-”
“Hey hey..I am not mad at you. I’m worried. I’m also confused why you thought you couldn’t come to me? Have I done something to make you not comfortable talking to me-”
“No! No you didn’t..I was just scared. I’m honestly terrified of him finding me..I always get scared when he reaches out-”
“Wait when he reaches out? This isn’t the first time?”
You nodded gripping onto Adrian tighter. “I usually handle it and change my number and block him. This time I didn’t wanna do that I’m tired so I thought I could get him to leave me alone..I’m sorry Adrian..”
He lifted you up carrying you to bed. “You don’t apologize. I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this alone for so long Y/N. You have nothing to worry about though. I’m gonna be right here.”
Adrian felt his heart break hearing your shaky voice needing his reassurance. “I promise..” 
You sniffled kissing him as you both laid in bed together. Adrian cradled you making sure you were asleep before letting himself sleep. You were his everything.
You were the one who made him feel safe. You listened to him and didn’t make him feel dumb. You validated him and his feelings never once making fun of him. You were his person.
Adrian wanted to be your person. He wanted to make you feel the way he felt around you. So he’d be damned if he let this stupid motherfucker tear you down.
The next morning, you awoke early deciding to get ready to head out for the grocery store. Adrian had today off and you mostly worked from home so you took the days he was home to spend as much time as possible.
You kissed his forehead gasping when he pulled you down kissing you fully. “You smell good..”
“Thank you?” Adrian grinned sitting up noticing your attire. 
“You heading out?” You nodded. Adrian kissed you again getting up. “I’ll go with you. Where are we headed?”
“To the store for groceries..You don’t have to come I know you like to sleep in and we did stay up late last night-”
“No.” He kissed you again shutting you down. “I don’t want you out alone for a bit buttercup. So please?”
You nodded kissing his cheek. “Okay..”
Adrian smiled walking out with you. It became like this for the next couple of days. You appreciated it, but you had assumed since it had been a bit Darrel wouldn’t approach anymore.
“Adrian they need you on this mission.”
“No! No buts! Look I love you. I appreciate everything you are doing, but it’s been a bit. I think we’re okay.”
Adrian sighed worriedly running his hand through his hair. “Look I’m not gonna go anywhere. I’m staying home finishing my newest report to send out. You’ll be back later today. I promise I’ll be fine.”
“Fine!” Adrian gave in seeing your small pout, “But you call me-”
“If anything happens. I’ll send you messages every hour on the dot and when you get home..”
You wiggled your eyebrows pulling him close. Adrian smiled as you kissed his neck. “Fine, but when I get back I’m gonna be the one on my knees got it?”
“Deal!” You hugged him tightly.
The next day Adrian got ready to head out checking everything one last time. He made sure everything was locked and his gun was in the safe. Easy for you to reach if you needed it.
He was hoping you wouldn’t. 
You pushed him away as he latched onto you kissing your neck. “Stop!”
He chuckled shaking his head, “You need to get going!”
“One more kiss?”
“Fine.” You sighed kissing him before grasping his face. “Everything is gonna be okay. I’m sorry I’ve been putting us through trouble-”
“You haven’t put us through anything. We’re okay and we’re still gonna be okay. None of this is your fault. I promise you Y/N. I love you.”
“Love you too..” You grinned feeling at peace as he walked out neither of you knowing of the man watching you both down the street.
Darrel was hurt and angry as he stared at you waving Adrian off before turning back inside. 
You had moved on while he still lived in pain and guilt. He had been searching for you hoping to win you back, but here you were with Adrian.
He wanted you back, but it was obvious you would never take him back. He hurt you too bad and even before hurting you, you could never really say you loved him.
The love you had for Adrian was the most purest and honest thing he had ever seen. You had never and will never look at him the way you looked at Adrian.
So he did what he did best.
He drank hoping to forget you, but he didn’t. Drinking always brought out the worst in people and he was a monster without alcohol so with it he became even worser..
It was why you had originally wanted to help him when he knocked on your door that night. The night he came in and tried to force himself on you...
The night that scarred you and made you believe you would never love or trust again. The night he took a part of you and never gave it back. 
You sighed munching on your bowl of chips watching Laurie Strode run up the stairs to avoid Michael Myers. “I wish they would bring up some more of the first movie into all the fucking remakes!”
A knock on your door interrupted your night. You looked at the door in confusion. You had just placed your food order no way it would’ve gotten here this fast. It couldn’t be Adrian.
He usually entered through the window or he used his key. Pausing the movie, you stood up warily jumping and dropping the bowl of chips on the floor as the person knocked on the door. 
“Shit.” You sighed avoiding stepping on it so no crumbs would be made as you walked to the door. 
The knocking became insistent, “One second!” You called out unlocking the door but not the latch.
“Yes-” Your breath hitched smelling a familiar scent. A scent you despised. The scent that made you open up and tell Adrian what had happened to you in the first place.
Your hand trembled as you gripped the door tightly ready to shut it. 
“Y/N..I missed you so fucking much! I’ve been wanting nothing more than to see you!!” He drunkly called out. 
You shook your head immediately shutting the door. He groaned banging on the door. “Please! I just wanna talk! I’m not gonna hurt you!”
You felt a lump form in your throat falling the floor as he knocked again. “Please! I missed you so much!”
Your hands reached up grasping your hair trying to quiet his voice. He cried kicking the door angrily. You flinched finally deciding to speak up hearing the door crack.
“G-Go Away!” 
“Y/N? Baby please! I just wanna talk!”
“Don’t call me that! Go away!” You screeched out feeling your throat strain. 
“No! No! Away! Away! GO!” You waved your hands. You felt sick to your stomach. Bile rose in your throat as you heaved. “Leave me alone!”
“I saw you with him Y/N! I know you’re with someone else! I just wanna talk! Please!”
Flashes of the past played in your head. The last time he knocked on your door. You let him in feeling bad just wanting him to sleep off the drunk. Instead he had pinned you down.
“No! No! Leave!!” 
Your phone buzzed on the coffee table. Your eyes widened seeing Adrian’s name. You rushed to it answering it immediately. 
“Adrian?” You whimpered quietly as Darrel continued banging while begging. 
“No?..This is Chris he wanted me to call and check on you. He’s a little bit tied up right now-”
“I need A-Adrian..Chris I need h-help..”
“Oh shit. Are you okay?-”
“Y/N!! Open the fucking door!” Darrel cut Chris off. Chris pulled the phone back in shock.
“Who was that-”
“I n-need you to t-tell Adrian he’s here. He’ll know what I mean. Please Chris.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll let him know-”
“FUCK YOU!” You screamed out throwing a nearby object at the door. It was the bowl. You hung up on Chris growing scared no longer hearing him yell or bang on the door.
It suddenly hit you like a bag of bricks. The backdoors. You ran catching him just in time as he tried to reach for the handle.
He cursed as you glared at him after locking it. You ran to the bedroom locking the window Adrian would crawl into. 
You didn’t know he kept the guest room window open by accident.
Running to the safe, you began to input the pins stopping when you heard a thud in the guest bedroom.
You wanted to grab the gun, but the pin entry would’ve made too much noise and he would’ve made it out before you could grab it.
So you quietly walked away hiding in the bedroom under the bed. He walked inside sighing. 
“Come out Y/N! Please? I really do just wanna talk. I missed you so much..Seeing you earlier reminded me of how good you smelled. You look so beautiful..”
You bit your lip as he stalked around your bed. “Maybe we could make up and we’ll do things better this time. Cause let’s be honest that night you kinda were teasing me.”
You held the urge to gag at his words growing small bit of hope seeing Adrian’s throwing knives under the bed. You grasped one tightly hoping he wouldn’t find you.
“So I’m assuming this is your and his bedroom...Wow..it’s nice but I know we could have nicer.” He sniffled sitting on the bed. You raised the knife shaking as he began to untie his shoes.
Once the back of his ankle was exposed you swung the knife cutting the back of it. He cried out grabbing it as you slid out from the under the bed taking the opportunity to run out.
“Fuck you that’s why!” You went to the safe pressing the buttons yelping as you were suddenly pulled back. 
“Baby why would you do that?!” You sobbed struggling in his hold wanting him off of you.
“Let me go! Let me go! Please! I don’t wanna be hurt again! Please let me go!!”
“I’m not gonna hurt you..I promise..” He sniffled as you continued struggling. “I said I wouldn’t I just missed you..”
Spit fell from your mouth as you sobbed growing tired. That stupid fucking smell was everywhere. It was on you again. 
Darrel cried with you loudly. Your hands clawed at his arms feeling overwhelmed.
“I don’t wanna be helpless again! I don’t want you near me! Let me fucking go!! PLEASE!!” 
“No I can’t! I want you! I missed you!! We’re gonna be together!”
“You’re delusional!! Let me go!!”
A gunshot rung out making you freeze. Darrel turned behind you looking in shock as Adrian stood behind you both in his suit.
“That was a warning shot. Now let her go or the next bullet goes between your eyes.”
Darrel dropped you immediately shaking as you stood up running to Adrian. Adrian reached out for you pulling you to him holding you close while still keeping the gun pointed at Darrel.
You sobbed into his chest feeling relief flood your senses. Adrian shushed you. “I tried to get him to leave I promise! I didn’t want him here! I didn’t want him on me again!”
“Shhh..I know buttercup..” You heaved slobber spilling on Adrian’s suit.  
“Who are you?..” Adrian turned to Darrel rage in his eyes. 
“You don’t get to ask fucking questions motherfucker. I’m trying to calm her down. I’ll deal with you in a bit.”
Adrian turned to you grasping the back of your head to keep you pressed into his chest. “Now sweetheart tell me what happened..”
“He forced his way in. I was trying to grab the safe but I had to h-hide.” You hiccuped struggling to speak. Adrian nodded shaking himself as you choked on a sob.
“He said gross things and h-he w-wouldn’t l-let me g-go! He wouldn’t let me go Adrian! That smell is everywhere! It’s on me! I-I can’t breathe!”
Adrian shushed you kissing your forehead. “Peacemaker!”
Chris walked in with Emilia behind him. Adrian pulled his mask off kissing your forehead trying to soothe you. You shut your eyes trying to get your breathing under control.
Adrian was livid.
He had never seen you so distraught and so scared. You grabbed Adrian tighter when Emilia grabbed your hand. “Can you get her out of here?..”
“No! No!” Adrian shushed you again. He grabbed his discarded mask putting it on your head.
His scent enveloped you overpowering the stench of alcohol bringing you some comfort and stabilizing you. 
“I’m gonna take care of this and after I’ll get you okay?..”
You rubbed your arms shaking still. “Go nugget. I’m gonna be right there with you in a bit okay?”
You gave in once he smiled at you following Emilia out holding the helmet tight on your head. 
Once you were a good proximity, Adrian turned to Darrel smiling at him before cocking his gun firing it once more hitting his leg.
Darrel screamed out looking up hearing Adrian laugh. “Man I wonder what will kill you will it be me or the blood loss from that nasty leg injury. Or right my girl also cut your ankle right.”
Adrian grabbed his ankle inspecting the cut you made whistling. Darrel struggled in his hold before yelling. Adrian had twisted his ankle breaking it.
“Sorry not sorry. Wanted to finish my girls job. She really cut up your leg huh?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Wait you’re seriously asking me that? You broke into my home which is a crime by the way. Terrorized the love of my life and not to mention the shitty thing you did to her in the past. It’s actually funny that a huge part of me wanted so desperately to hunt you down but I didn’t wanting to be here for her.”
“Your girl?! Y/N is not your girl-”
“I wasn’t done speaking fucker. I didn’t hunt you down because I wanted to make sure she knew she was more important to me than the anger I felt after hearing about you. I buried it knowing I could never use it, but you made the fucking stupidest decision and came here.”
Adrian chuckled before continuing, “You scared her. You made her remember something she wanted to forget and I made a promise to keep her safe and now that anger I buried has doubled. You’re screwed motherfucker.”
He cocked his gun shooting Darrel a huge grin.
You sat in the van sipping on a cold soda Chris had gotten for you. It had been about three hours since Adrian had sent you away.
“Is Adrian okay?...” Chris scoffed hearing you. 
“Yeah Vig is fine. I’ve never seen him that calm before. It was actually kinda scary. Usually he is almost unhinged but he was almost cold once you walked out. He was probably not wanting to show you just how angry he was.” 
Chris laughed before yelping feeling Emilia smack him while shooting him a look. Chris shrugged before glancing down seeing your eyes watery. 
“It’s my fault...It’s all my fault..He’s probably upset with me..”
“Uh no no! No! Trust me this guy has it coming. Adrian is gonna be okay and you guys will both be back home in no time! He could never be upset with you! He’s just angry at the situation you know it’s your past and stuff again!”
Adebayo and John’s eyes widened looking at Chris “Dude!” John yelled out as Emilia smacked him again.
You sniffled face crumbling as you pulled your knees to your chest crying into them. Chris panicked shooting a look at everyone wanting help. 
“Adrian is not upset with you! Your past is not your fault! Things are gonna be okay-”
The back of the van opened cutting Chris off. It was Adrian. He was cleaned up and showered. “Sorry i took long I wanted to clean up.”
Chris shot him an apologetic look pointing at you. Adrian smiled seeing you climbing in the van to move next to you. 
You looked up feeling his hand grab your face. You bit your lip sniffling as he wiped your tears away with his thumb. “Hey pretty girl..You still crying?”
“I’m sorry-”
“Nope. I don’t wanna hear one apology. Not a single one dude.” You laughed hearing him call you dude.
Adrian grinned helping you up. “I got her from here guys..Thanks.”
“No problem. We’ll visit when we can.”
You slowly followed Adrian to his car. The team had driven the van not too far from your home. They wanted to make sure it was easy to get back to Adrian if needed.
“Is it safe to go home?” You whispered out once buckling in. Adrian nodded with no hesitation. 
“Oh yeah trust me my dude it is more than safe. He is never gonna bother you again and I cleaned up everything.”
“Wait you cleaned up everything?”
“Uh yeah I wasn’t gonna take you home to that mess. I also cleaned up your potato chips.” You fiddled with your fingers a bit embarrassed.
“It’s cute. I noticed you were watching a horror movie. Did you wanna finish it when we get back?”
“No. I just wanna change and sleep.” Adrian nodded reaching out to hold your hand still keeping his eyes on the road.
“Did you wanna talk about it?” You asked him a bit hesitant.
“I mean there’s not much to talk about. He’s gone so there’s nothing for you to be worried about.”
“Adrian I know you don’t want me to apologize so I won’t but..I just feel like it is all my fault. everything is my fault..He said it himself when I was hiding..I was practically a tease that night when I was stupid enough to let him in. Chris said you were different and I don’t want you later on regretting this and blaming it on me or realizing just how much of a mess I am I hate myself so much and I don’t want you to hate me too..”
Adrian gripped the steering wheel pulling over. “Y/N. Nothing you do will ever change the way I feel for you. I’ve been wanting nothing more than to get rid of that piece of shit so I will never regret it especially since I know I did it to protect you and whatever happened that night and everything he did to you today has nothing to do with your smile or your personality.”
He leaned in pressing his forehead against yours, “And it is absolutely not your fault. I love you for everything you are. All the things you’re worried about me not liking. I love because they are you. You’re it for me buttercup.”
You smiled the first real smile of the night leaping into him for a hug. Adrian gripped you tightly kissing the side of your head. “Come on sweetheart let’s go home and get some rest.”
“Okay..I’d really like that.”
It would take you some time to heal from this. Nothing like this is ever easy, but Adrian would be there for you. To support you and be whatever you needed him to be while you healed.
You would be okay.
Both of you would. 
That night you laid in bed admiring Adrian as he slept. Snuggling close you kissed his shoulder lightly before shutting your eyes feeling safe and at peace.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Maybe some modern au with trevor? How are you enjoying the show btw? 😊
I’m enjoying it so far! I’ve been meaning to watch it for a long while so as far as I can say it’s a great show and I can see why people like it so much.
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A/n: this is more or less a ‘patching him up’ kind of fic cuz I couldn’t think of anything else at the time.
You didn’t flinch like you should’ve when you heard the window open, followed by a heavy thud of a body dropping against the carpeted floor of your room, “fucking hell.” You looked up from your phone, unamused, “Trevor, how nice of you to drop in.” The brunettes head popped up above your bed frame, wide eyed and covered in everything ranging from bruises to scratches. He looked as though he’d sneaked into the wrong room several times and got what was coming to him promptly afterwards thinking it was yours like scenarios of the past have proven; So when your neighbours would come to your door, gripping Trevor by the collar like a disobedient dog that shitted on their carpet. Needless to say they weren’t so fond of him and were quick to dispose of him swiftly at your doorstep to deal with instead.
This was your life and you were forced to accept it the moment you were introduced to the Belmont by his other friends, Adrian and Sypha, who were workmates of yours at the quaint little shop down at the end of the street from where you resided. They were lovely and respectful people but the same couldn’t be said for Trevor who was a notorious dickhead that was too blunt and unapologetically himself for his own good; which was the primary reason why he found himself in so many fights and on the receiving end of some brutal smacks across the face from some poor bastard he rejected so harshly. There were so many things to say about him and none of them were in any way shape or form ever in a good light.
Though yet you found yourself caring for this dickhead more then you’d like to believe you did compared to when you first met him. “Y/n! What a nice night we’re having-“ “cut the crap Belmont and get on the bed so I can tend to your injuries and toss you to the curb afterwards.” You promptly cut him off as you hauled yourself out of bed to retrieve the first aid from the drawer you’ve kept closest to your bed incase for these types of nights while Trevor slung off his shirt at the foot of your bed before making himself comfortable against the headboard. “You know,” Trevor began after a moment of uncomfortable silence, “if you wanted me out of my shirt you could’ve just asked instead of waiting me to get injured to do so.” You looked up from disinfecting his cuts after putting cold compresses against his bruises, unamused at the fact he decided that now would be the greatest time to say such a thing. Noting your lack of reaction Trevor could only cringe, leaning back against the headboard to let you continue your work, “tough crowd.” He muttered under his breath.
You ‘accidentally’ pressed against his injury harder then you should, making him hiss in discomfort, “how about you try to read the room next time before opening your mouth Belmont.” He made a grunt of acknowledgment, “good. Now shut up and let me work.” You removed your hand from his injury and began to bandage him up or close up deeper cuts with butterfly closure strips while Trevor watched your hands skim over his skin, expertly checking his bruises before putting the first aid back into the drawer and disposing of the gloves and rubbish in the bin. “Isn’t this the part where you throw me out?” You hummed not paying attention to his words as you cast glanced at his bare torso with a grimace as you eyed the scars from past altercations you were forced to patch up since the brunette couldn’t for the life of him that you didn’t notice your hand tracing against one of the larger scars until Trevor clasped your hand in his, pressing your hand flat against his abdomen, trapping it there.
“Y/n. Look at me.” You lifted your gaze to meet his, noting how his blue eyes had darkened significantly form the last time you looked in them. His other hand grasped chin to keep you there as he pressed his forehead against yours, his warm breath brushing against your skin, “I don’t think I thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me and for putting up with a dickhead like me.” His voice uncharacteristically soft as his thumb brushed against the skin of your jaw,” I don’t know where to start but I believe I have an idea that is if you accept.” You raised a brow at him, “are you asking me out?” Trevor smiled. “You’re a smart one I’ll give you that. So what do you say?”
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pretendfan · 2 years
{Roommates} THREE
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(A/N welcome to chapter three! You’ve got everything in this chapter that went on longer than planned BUT Adrian is being a legit snack, Phoebe tries to play matchmaker, Scott is well being Scott , Lara teases her BFF easily whilst trying to give words of obvious wisdom and dear female reader figures somethings out but not liking the consequences…enjoy🎉)
Adrian Chase x Female Reader
Desperately in need of a roommate, your co-worker knows a guy, but why did it have to be Adrian? The guy both annoyed and frustrated the hell out of you getting under your skin from the very moment that you had meet him.
But this was only temporary there was no need to complicate things by really getting to know one another or even worse catch feels along the way. Sure it had been a while for both of you but hooking up with your roommate was a terrible idea…wasn’t it?
Mentions of asshole ex , exes behaviour, therapy, talk about Vigilante, more of your favourite roomies being adorable, awkward moments take a turn, friends doing their best (kinda) and a whole heap of tension on top of the already built up tension…. 18+ ONLY
Lost in your own thoughts, on a random Tuesday afternoon during a slow part of your shift at the coffee shop, an old memory hits you right between the eyes.
You, out with your ex at the local market that has since closed down at the exchange where it had been held, but on that particular day you’d been happy together.
The pair of you holding hands walking through the small crowd around the square, three years into your relationship before you realised who your ex really was.
Before everything had blown up in your face your ex had decided to buy you a bunch of pretty sunflowers, which had delighted you because they were your absolute favourite, but that would be one of the only times he’d ever do anything that nice again.
After that memory follows the bitterness which awakens inside you, leading to obvious questions such as why the hell didn’t you leave him when you realised what an asshole he was, and more importantly why couldn’t you stand up for yourself?
Having attended therapy alone before your ex had decided to finally up and leave regardless, you now knew that you were better off but it still hurt either way, like a cut that just wouldn’t heal.
It was actually hurt mixed with embarrassment at the idea of letting him treat you like he did, but you hadn’t known any better, and now you were trying to finally move on from that.
But the memory had left you feeling confused, because how else was you supposed to trust someone new, after what your ex had said and done to you?
You had to avoid getting too close to anyone especially Adrian, which annoys you briefly why did he have to suddenly appear in your thoughts, of all the people to get under your skin it just had to be him.
The day was now ruined you decide or cursed because either way, this was how you had pretty much felt every single time you’ve woken up on the couch just to get away from your boyfriend, before he had walked out of your life until recently.
“Are you ok?” Phoebe asks breaking into your collection of thoughts that were starting to give you an intense headache.
“Thinking about dating again.” You retort out loud then instantly regret it, when you see the excited smile that passes over the barista’s face.
“Really? So who are you thinking about no one here I hope!” Phoebe laughs excitedly but stops when she sees you’re not joining in.
“I didn’t mean to say that out loud, even though I’m considering getting back out there since after me ex you know-“
“You can’t talk about your ex here!” Phoebe cries loudly whilst holding her hands up in front of you , which alerts Scott who was leaning against the front counter instead of working.
“An ex is supposed to be forgotten about just move forward and have some fun!” Scott winks at you making you roll your eyes.
“I don’t want to be talking about this at work-“
“Is it because you like Scott?” Cuts in Phoebe causing Scott to almost choke on the drink of water he was having trouble swallowing.
“Wrong friend.” Scott states with a wink once he’s finished choking causing you to glare in his direction.
Phoebe gives you a confused look but you clearly get his meaning ,telling yourself to stop blushing but your body isn’t listening, when your face feels like it’s on fire.
“Ok, let’s just get back to work-“
“But we haven’t finished talking about you yet!” Cuts in Scott adding “Now that your ex is completely out of your hair you can get to know-“
“Oh! Did you mean Adrian?!” Phoebe announces cutting off Scott who rolls his eyes at you, whilst you just now glare at them both, yep today was going exactly to plan, like shit.
“Look you both know I don’t normally talk about my private life and I want to keep it that way-“
“But we have a mutual friend now!” Scott declares with delightful relish, and a smirk you want to slap off his face, because he was of course winding you up on purpose.
“Oh I get it, does Adrian just want to be friends and you want more-“
“What I want!” You cut off Phoebe with a firm voice as you continue “Is to just please stop talking about me and lets get back to work.”
“But there are no customers in here.” Phoebe shrugs like that means she could just sit down, and do nothing which she proceeds to do using the counter as a seat.
“Plus I don’t think Adrian would ever say-“
“Just go do something!“ You hear yourself plead to your colleagues who look at one another, not used to your soft tone of voice, maybe you should try and be less robotic around these two get to actually know them a little more.
Hell, you were finding out lots of strange facts about Scott most of which you would never repeat, thanks to your roommate telling you even though you hadn’t even asked him to.
“Someone needs to get-“
“I’m working on it!” You snap then collecting yourself, smile awkwardly at Phoebe and Scott who both grin back in unison.
“I might know a guy-“
“Adrian is free -“
“End of discussion for now.” You state heading out towards the kitchen to the large fridge to check dates, just be alone for a few moments to cringe in peace.
The rest of the shift leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth, it was just embarrassment from the conversation with Phoebe and Scott which didn’t end but instead got much worse, yet despite all of that you had enjoyed chatting with them both.
Which was why you was in such a shitty mood because since meeting Lara here at Karma coffee, way before Phoebe or Scott started you had been content with just the one best friend.
But if earlier had told you anything it was that in your moment of needing to vent your colleagues had been there for you, all you hoped now was that Scott kept his big mouth shut which you knew was obviously impossible.
Carrying your bad mood which was pretty much self inflicted at this point, home with you heading quickly inside your apartment ready to put today in the trash, until you notice the state of the kitchen.
Of all the times to make a mess Adrian had chosen completely the wrong moment, causing you to drop your tote bag angrily on the floor, and very almost stamp your foot hard on the wooden floor in annoyance.
First of all the TV was on super loud with some game show you didn’t recognise, but there was of course no roommate in sight, the kitchen was a complete mess with food left out and plates piled in the sink you could feel your blood suddenly begin to boil.
“Hey Adrian!” You shout over the TV but then you recognise the noises from the bathroom, the shower was on which somehow manages to annoy you even more.
“Of course I want to come home from work and tidy up after you Adrian, it’s like we’re in a relationship which we are far from it, because being with you would be like the worst thing ever!” You shout to yourself angrily whilst contained in the kitchen tidying up the mess around you in a sudden rage.
Adrian pats the flat palm of his hand against his ear because he was pretty sure he had just heard you shouting out his name, but under the running water of the shower thinks he is just hearing things, so instead continues to wash the shampoo from his curly brown hair.
But now you were there in his mind which he knew was wrong, because his body’s automatic response when thinking of you was blood rushing to his cock, which was frustrating as hell.
Because now really wasn’t the time and he definitely wasn’t going to be thinking about you whilst jerking off, not again at least it felt wrong especially if you were here in the apartment, which you weren’t but he needed to control himself.
Adrian had to head out soon anyway to meet Scott then much later go out alone, for a scout around town those were his plans for tonight so he needed to get out, there was no time to satisfy himself even though he knew it wouldn’t take very long.
But instead Adrian choses to ignore his aching erection as he switches the water to freezing cold, which does the trick despite your pretty face illuminating his thoughts all the while he quickly finishes washing himself feeing like an idiot all the while, of all the people it had to be you caught in his head space right this second.
Meanwhile in the kitchen you scan your eyes around the clean counter and sink, feeling a little better until you turn around to go grab your tote bag from the floor, and you hear the bathroom door open which makes you snap all over again.
“What did I say about tidying up your own mess you can’t just-“
Looking back towards the kitchen you freeze mid sentence when you spot Adrian, standing by the kitchen counter grabbing his glasses from the side, as he rewards you with a weird look.
But all you can see is Adrian wearing his dark peach coloured towel low on his hips, damp bare skin showcasing sculpted muscles and abs you didn’t even know he had, hearing his voice in your head but you was focusing instead on the trail of dark hair on his flat stomach leading downwards towards…
“Are you ok?” You hear Adrian ask with a chuckle which snaps your eyes away from his stomach, as you realise all too late that somehow your roommate, was now standing right in front of you.
But you cannot form words to answer his question because you have somehow, forgotten how to speak noticing Adrian’s damp hair which was curling at the front, making you want to reach out and move it away from his forehead.
Adrian notices how red your face has gone from seeing him appear out the shower, which in turn has now got his heart racing at an alarming rate and blood re-routing to a place he really wished that is wasn’t, just this once he didn’t need to be getting a boner right now.
Yet what surprises him the most in this moment was the fact that you were actually blushing in front of him, it was both adorable and a bit of a turn on as he adjusts his towel around his hips as subtly as he could, not to cause anymore distraction.
The movement of his large hands grabbing hold of his towel kickstarts you, as finally capable of speech you look Adrian in the face, then at his bare feet as you mumble “Just stop making a mess.”
You notice Adrian look around the clean kitchen realising you had tidied his mess from earlier, which makes him pull an awkward face in your direction, he needed to perform some quick damage control.
“I’m sorry I-“ Adrian begins but stops when he sees how red your face still was, and how you were trying awfully hard not to look him in the face or anywhere else for that matter, it was very interesting indeed.
“This is all just too much!” You retort suddenly motioning to all of Adrian with one hand waving it in front of him, until you realise what your doing and you drop your hand then just walk off towards your room leaving your bag on the floor, desperately needing to get away before you did something completely stupid.
Like snake a hand around Adrian’s thick neck to pull him closer to you, as your hand threads it’s way into the back of his hair and your lips do all the talking as they meet with his, feeling your roomies hands grip onto you hips tightly as he pulled your body flush against his…
Walking into your bedroom you practically slam the door behind you, then leaning your back against it you try to calm your breathing as the obvious realisation that Adrian is fucking hot, repeats in your head complete with at least fifteen exclamation points after it.
This was bad you could feel your body responding to what it had just seen and you felt so embarrassed, for just standing there like an idiot because Adrian had been talking but you had been lost somewhere near his abs, and what laid below the towel he had been wearing.
Staying in your room you quickly change from your work uniform of a blue polo shirt, leaving on the black skinny jeans for a dark grey fitted tee shirt realising that you needed to get out of here, like right now.
Luckily you soon hear the front door open and close signalling that Adrian had left the building, making you sigh to yourself then decide that regardless, you needed to get out of this apartment.
Messaging Lara you decide to head over to her place she shared with a women named Cleo, who you hoped wasn’t home because she freaked you out, she made Adrian look like the perfect roommate.
Well he did have the perfect body- you stop yourself finishing that sentence with a firm shake of your head, you needed to get a grip and fast no more daydreaming about Adrian.
“I’ve come to the conclusion that I definitely need to start dating again, or at the very least just go on one date.” You state a few hours later in front of a not-so surprised Lara, thankful that her roommate was out for the night so they could talk in peace.
Pizza and late night conversations was how to make things right again, this much you knew because you needed your mind to just stop, wandering back to your roommate and quick.
“I’m glad you’ve finally come to that conclusion but what is really wrong here you seem really spaced out tonight like your mind is elsewhere or should I say focusing on someone else?” Lara questions with a smirk plastered across her face that makes you worry.
“All I’m focusing on now is meeting Rob when you finally set me up with him, and of course I’m not thinking about Adrian before you say it.” You retort in one long breath just to get your point across which you nail in one take.
“Like I even need to, you do it at least every twelve minutes yourself.” Deadpans Lara who laughs when she spots the face you pull in response to her funny comment.
“That’s clearly a lie I’ve mentioned him once just then, it isn’t as if I have much to say about him in the first place!” You say out loud causing Lara’s eyebrows to raise up behind her blonde fringe.
“Ok, your freaking out something happened between you two didn’t it? You don’t often come by here unless you want to talk about something.” Lara points a well manicured finger at you causing you to hold your hands up feeling guilty as hell.
“I have nothing to say.” You tell Lara whilst trying not to sound or look guilty but when she gives you that look you know it’s just easier to talk.
So you do, explaining what had happened earlier as vaguely as possible but you end up detailing Adrian’s muscles so informatively, that Lara ends up laughing at you which makes you stop talking.
“Let me get this straight you left lover boy at home to tell me all this, when he’s back there waiting for you clearly whilst looking all kinds of hot by the sounds of it!” Lara laughs with glee then she adds “But you’re here telling me this instead of being back at home, getting over your ex by climbing on your sexy new roommate.”
“First of all I didn’t say anything about how hot he was-“
“You didn’t need to your face says it all, believe me it’s a picture right now, wait where’s my phone!” Lara goes to grab said phone but you narrow your eyes at her making her stop halfway.
“Fine. But most importantly I’m not going to climb Adrian, need I remind you I hardly know the guy-“
“For now, sure start off with Rob and see where it goes but don’t forget about poor Adrian all alone at the apartment, probably still awaiting for your return as we speak!” Lara comments with a smirk.
“He’s hardly ever there and I doubt he even thinks of me in such way, I’m pretty sure he likes tall blondes instead so-“
“You really are digging yourself a hole here I don’t even need to talk, I could just listen to you spiral all night long it’s so funny!” Lara cuts you off then descends into more bouts of laughter.
“I hate you, you do know that right?” You question which only makes Lara laugh harder because she knows you’ve been beat, dammit.
Beers turn into shots that night as you decide enough was enough, drinking would help you forget at least for tonight deciding to crash on Lara’s couch, where she eventually leaves you passed out muttering in your sleep which makes her chuckle.
Sitting by himself on top of a tall wall with very little happening around him, Adrian tries to find sense in what had happened between you and him, before he had to practically run out of the apartment.
Scott had noticed how off he was with him but Adrian couldn’t even begin to explain earlier, because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t like what his friend would say on the matter, but why the hell did he chose to run away?
Closing his eyes Adrian could easily picture the look on your face, as your eyes stared at him hungrily causing his combat trousers to feel very tight all a sudden, ok right now definitely wasn’t the right time to be having these thoughts.
Jumping down from the tall wall which was an obvious mistake because Adrian almost lands funny on his left ankle which would have really finished his mood off to say the least, why the hell wasn’t anything distracting him around here when all he could think about was you.
You decide to hold off heading back to the apartment the next morning until you really had to for work, hoping against hope that Adrian wasn’t there you needed to just avoid him for a while and gather your thoughts together, or failing that really try to stop picturing him in the kitchen with that fitted towel wrapped around his slim waist.
On Saturday you reward yourself with an extra shot of coffee in your first drink of the day, courtesy of Karma coffee and the fact that you had successfully avoided Adrian, for three whole days but you had kind of secretly missed the guy.
But now it was time to face reality because sure Adrian we super hot underneath his clothes, but even though you didn’t really know much about the guy, you knew there was more to him than that you just hadn’t figured out what yet.
Besides being really sweet and a good cook of breakfast foods, at least there were two solid reasons already to believe he was a nice guy, but you wasn’t after that because you knew hooking up with Adrian would be a terrible idea.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Scott doesn’t know how to shut the fuck up, he reminds you of somebody else actually but the only difference is you would actually let Adrian talk.
“So, did you see the news last night?” Scott asks you again for at least the eighteenth time which makes you roll your eyes.
Two colleagues had called in sick today so you were helping out, around the front counter with Scott and Phoebe, who was hanging onto his every word.
Ok, if truth be told you didn’t want to hide in the office you had wanted to see these two idiots but right this second, you were kind of regretting that decision.
“I don’t watch the news-“
“Even I watch the news Y/N.” Phoebe scoffs at you which makes you smirk back.
“Well, if you had watched it then you would have seen how Vigilante kicked ass last night-“
“Yes we all know your a fanboy of this so called hero Vigilante.” You interrupt Scott with a laugh winding him up because it was so easy.
“I am not a fanboy I know-“
“You do get kinda excited when you talk about this Vigilante dude a lot, kind of like a tween at a boyband concert.”Giggles Phoebe making you laughing because she had actually made a funny joke for once.
“Says you looking all pop princess there with pink dye streaks in your hair!” Scott retorts lamely but then wanting to carry on his rant continues “Vigilante is an actual badass, sure two out of four of those dudes died from gun wounds but he’s out there making a difference.”
“How do you know it’s a guy?” Phoebe asks Scott who momentarily looks caught out but then he quickly states “I don’t know of course but what I do know is that they are a badass.”
“So you’ve mentioned.” You deadpan with a grin causing Scott to narrow his eyes at you.
“Like how can you not watch the news? It’s important and this, Vigilante, is doing way more than what the local PD could ever dream of doing!” Scott declares proudly causing Phoebe to nod at him in agreement, it seemed she was easily lead on.
“First off Vigilante what a lazy name choice? And secondly I chose to not watch the news as my choice, and not wanting to see this quote un quote anti hero, out saving people when I’m pretty sure he’s more serial killer than hero at this point.” You state calling time on this conversation but according to Scott they were just getting started.
Of course there was a queue of customers out the door with Scott working the register, Phoebe prepping the drinks and you with your back to everyone focusing on using the coffee machine which liked to be temperamental on a good day.
“How is Vigilante a serial killer?” Scott half snorts half yells at your back whilst you was preparing coffee shots for a couple of tall lattes.
“Being linked to multiple murders around here kind of makes you one of those don’t you watch murder documentaries on Netflix?” You tell Scott sweetly turning round to see him roll his eyes, as he had given up talking to you in favour of Phoebe.
This you didn’t mind one single bit right this second, hoping that the subject would swiftly change, and we could all work a little quicker together to get this line down.
But of course the topic of the day is still Vigilante because both of them talk at great length, and at high volume causing some of the customers in line, to pull faces at what they are discussing.
“Usually the victims are known criminals so in a way he is helping the local community, the police try to track them but Vigilante normally finds them first.” Scott informs Phoebe who is nodding back eagerly waving a bottle of caramel sauce around in her left hand.
“The news don’t often go into too much detail but that’s what the internet is for I’ve seen so many sick pictures-“
“Can you two quit it!” You snap at them both but a guy next in line begins sarcastically “No, keep talking I haven’t got anywhere else to be I’m totally interested in the absolute shit you’re talking about.”
“Hey listen-“
“Sorry sir!” You cut off whatever Scott was about to say to apologise to the customer, feeling shitty for doing so but it was your job, you were the supposed supervisor of this place.
Taking his order personally you feel bad for sucking up to the creep, but afterwards Scott apologises and you say it’s fine, just less murder talk at the front of the shop please.
Heading out back to finally get on with some work you try to focus on something, just anything to get your roommate out of your head, but it’s useless.
On the one hand it was great to have someone else occupying your mind who wasn’t the ex, but on the other hand you hadn’t been expecting Adrian to be so different to how you had always pictured him.
He was sweet, kind of funny at times and to have asked about the phone calls you were getting perhaps you should be giving the guy a bigger chance, at what you weren’t exactly sure yet.
“Hey, we kind of need your help out the front?” Phoebe tells you with a giggle a little while later, not like she was actually panicking or anything hell she sounded pretty chill about the whole thing.
“Like right now?” You ask not sure what was happening right this second, but Phoebe nods enthusiastically so with a sigh you follow her out the front.
Not exactly sure with what you were about to be met with, you did not imagine the tall blonde guy standing in front of the cash register, in a blue suit looking pretty damn good if you were being honest with yourself.
“I just wanted to introduce you to my older brother Adam.” Phoebe grins widely at you whilst your eyes widen in return, not knowing whether to laugh or cry right now.
“Good to finally meet you.” Adam winks at you with a cheeky grin, they guy was cute but he knew this fact you could obviously see by the confident look on his face.
“I’ve never heard of you-“
“Sure I’ve told you about Adam before, he is around town for a few days maybe you two could go out for a beer or something?” Phoebe cuts in with a rehearsed voice, whilst you glare at her knowing full well what she was up to.
“Sounds perfect-“
“I can’t!” You cut off Adam who looks down at you with his wide blue eyes that briefly distract you, until you spot Scott walking back inside the coffee shop and he wasn’t alone.
“Oh sure, I’m busy you’re busy this is a stupid idea I best get back to, er what I was doing before.” Adam nods and with an unreadable look aimed at his sister as he heads off.
“Why did you do that?” You hiss at Phoebe who looks in shock for a moment.
“I’ve never actually seen anyone say no to my brother before!” Phoebe’s eyes widen whilst you roll yours listening to the barista talk at length, about how good a guy her older brother is and she could give you his number.
“I’m not interested-“
“Is it because Adrian’s here?” Phoebe asks with a childish smile, but your thankful that she doesn’t says this out loud.
“Can somebody do some actual work around here?” You snap quietly because you were right by the counter, and three middle aged women were giving you curious looks, having seen you talking to Adam who had been so good looking.
“Ok boss!” Phoebe grins heading to the cash register whilst you wonder what in the hell had she been thinking, inviting her brother along for you to meet sure it was a nice offer he had been pretty hot, but you didn’t want to start having everyone try and set you up with their brother or even worse dentist.
More importantly, why hadn’t you said yes to meeting up with him? Shaking your head you turn away from Phoebe and finally focus on Adrian who was stood near the counter in his Fennel Fields uniform, complete with a cute smile on his face.
The very smile makes your stomach flip nervously which was new and you don’t like it one bit, clearly blaming seeing him emerge several days ago from the bathroom like a nerdy Adonis…
“You look a little flushed there.” Winks Scott making you glare at the barista, as he stands besides Phoebe who was chatting to the ladies she had just served.
“So, what are you having the usual?” Scott asks his oldest friend who was trying not to look at you, whilst you kept your eye on Phoebe you must have looked ridiculous.
“Caramel, just all the caramel and a little coffee!” Adrian nods in the affirmative using both his hands to readjust his burgundy hat he had to wear at work, causing some of his hair to ping out at the sides, making you stop yourself from sighing out loud like an idiot, what was wrong with you.
Whilst Scott gets to work on his drink, Adrian notices the way you were looking at him which was surprising, because he had been sure you’d been pretty much avoiding him.
“So, how goes it roomie?” Adrian asks to break the concentration on your face, watching your eyes glance up at the top of his head then back down your eyes meeting up instantly.
“I’m busy.” You tell Adrian turning round to grab the green folders, you had bought out here earlier but they had clearly been moved.
“Okay then!” Adrian states whilst your back is still turned to him, you don’t see the pained look that briefly passes across his features.
You spot the folders by the counter deciding to carry on the facade of looking busy, whilst you listened to the conversation around you, trying to make sense of today and why it sucked so much.
If only you had said yes to Adam then you wouldn’t be standing here, recalling how great Adrian had looked in his towel like some lovesick teenager, this thing was escalating right before your eyes.
“So you don’t like Vigilante then?” Adrian asks you after talking a long gulp on his drink, causing his Adam’s apple to bob up and distract you.
“I don’t watch the news that often.” You reward him with a shrug, as Adrian looks a little smug suddenly and you have absolutely no idea why.
“Yeah but Vigilante is like a hero, and I think he’s kind of hot.” Laughs Phoebe whilst you widen your eyes at her admission.
“But he’s a killer-“
“I think Vigilante is so cool!” Cuts in Adrian causing Scott to give his friend a look, one that you can’t read and this point in time you couldn’t care less.
“How do you know if it’s a guy even?” You ask Phoebe who shrugs and mumbles something but you don’t ask her to repeat herself.
“Either way they are pretty heroic and fucking badass!” Adrian cheers going to high five Phoebe who lets him what the hell was going on here.
“Could you imagine how romantic it would be to be rescued by Vigilante?” Phoebe swoons which you notice gets Adrian’s full attention, as he stands his full height against the counter.
Luckily there were hardly any customers you notice watching the ladies from earlier, giggling and chatting away making you briefly miss Lara, the pair of you working here together when you had first rolled into Evergreen.
Finding friendship in the mutual dislike of the town and both pretty much surviving on coffee throughout your shifts, until one day Lara had an opportunity to change careers, and now she works in an office instead still moaning about how shit this town was.
It was only a matter of time before the pair of you ended up Thelma and Louise-ing it out of here, the very idea brings a brief smile to your face.
Looking up causes said smile to fall off your face and annoyance to appear behind your eyes, when you spot Adrian and Phoebe chatting at the counter still, whilst you had been lost in your own thoughts.
Scott had left them to it yelling something loudly at one of the kitchen staff out back, but your eyes were focused on Phoebe instead and how she was taking this in her stride, standing close to Adrian leaning over the counter to hear him talk.
Thankfully you end up seeing an elderly couple walk in and set to work serving them, because it appeared everyone else was busy, there was a metaphor there but you were too annoyed to consider it right now.
Setting to work you start to make the coffees like it was second nature, but you end up swearing loudly when you knock over one of the espresso shots, needed to make the cappuccino’s hot liquid pouring over your hand in the process.
“Ow! Fuck!” You snap grabbing at the espresso cup before it fell off the counter and caused more of a mess.
Looking from your hand you see three pairs of eyes watching you, Adrian looking like he wanted to climb over the counter and help, but you tell Phoebe to take over as you head out to the kitchen.
“Too much coffee, I’ve had too much coffee that’s all!” You tell yourself out loud and very disbelievingly because you had very little else to blame this on, and now you were swearing on front of customers that was sure to lead to a complaint.
With your back to the door you don’t notice Scott walking into the kitchen until it’s too late, and you turn round to face him grinning at you.
“Who would have thought that Adrian and the pop princess out there have literally so much in common!” Scott begins instead of actually asking if you were ok or anything like a normal person.
But there is no denying the slice of jealously that cuts across your stomach but you chose to ignore it, how could you have gone from thinking very little of Adrian to, all of this so soon.
“My hands fine thanks.” You tell Scott trying to change the focus, as you use your other hand to switch off the tap your red skin stinging but just some cream on that would put it right, shame there wasn’t some miracle to stop you from freaking out around Adrian.
“Oh sure! We’ve all burned ourselves on that thing before what I’m more interested in is what distracted you enough to have that accident.” Scott asks with a laugh thinking he was being funny but you was ready to inflict pain.
“I was distracted by your shouting.” You tell him matter of factly which makes him roll his eyes, and you ignore him as you head back out to the counter deciding to drink water from now on, no more coffee.
Thankfully Adrian has gone but you do notice the look Phoebe gives you, as you go to grab your folders and actually get on with some work.
“Adrian is pretty funny I wasn’t sure because he is a bit nerdy but chatting to him just then about Vigilante he was like a whole different guy.” Phoebe explains to you with an excited smile as she announces in a low voice “He is pretty cute too don’t you think?”
“I’ve grown out of cute I can’t-“
“You never grow out of liking cute guys!” Phoebe admonishes making you roll your eyes for the eighth time at least in this hour alone.
“So you think the guy who you normally tease and wind up is cute all of a sudden?” You ask Phoebe in a confused voice.
“I’ve just seen the way you look at him-“
“Ok, enough of this conversation now! Thanks for helping me earlier when I burned myself.” You cut in with a sincere smile on your face.
“That was when I noticed you staring at Adrian like you thought he was a legit snack, and it made me kind of see it too.” Phoebe winks at you as you go to say something but thinking better of it you end up heading to the office instead.
The thought of Phoebe actually liking Adrian strikes you as weird to begin with, but as you start on some paper work for today that changes to a sudden sting of annoyance, making you wonder the hell why?
…maybe it was time to actually switch to decaf.
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