#Adrian and his daughters are all that he has left
wolfanddragon98 · 1 year
Adrian: *hisses out* What do you want from us? If you think you're good at hiding then you're doing a very poor job. I saw you following me to my place of work. I saw you standing outside the school when I was picking the girls up.
Aemond: *shrugs* I want to see my lovely wife and beautiful children. As a husband and a father I don't think I'm asking for a lot.
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
Lisa's darling future daughter in seduces a servant of the tepes family into helping her fake her death so she can escape and that is how Draculas war on humanity starts
I actually really like this idea.
I'm not going to include the seducing part because I don't want to assume NSFW. However...
Imagine reader just being fed up with everything that has happened. THey're being coddled by Lisa and Vlad, and while reader loves Adrain, his love is overwhelming. So reader does something about it.
I think reader would leave a note, saying they had to leave, that they were grateful for everything they've provided for them, but they need their freedom back. The note could be left ambiguous, so they don't know where reader went of if they plan on coming back.
Of course Vlad and Lisa are outraged, looking everywhere for you. But even when Adrian cant find you they assume the worst, that you must've died, that you were taken from them. In reality, you've just hidden yourself well, knowing enough about the family to be able to keep yourself hidden from them.
Lisa and Vlad are distraught, Adrian too but in a different way. Unlike his parents who want to go to war, Adrian is depressed, horrified over the news of your death, leaves his home and plans on sulking alone until his death when he can join you.
I love this ideas because could you imagine the angst, reader meets up with Trevor and Seypha, not knowing that they're going to find Adrian. When they stumble upon his tomb underneath Gresit, reader doesn't know whether to be horrified or happy that he's alive. Adrian, now known as Alucard, is shocked to find you alive, and promises never to leave you again.
(but no imagine reader and Adrain having a conversation after everyones asleep, pressuring reader to tell him why they left him, his family. Maybe reader starts to believe that this is all their fault, and Adrian feeds into that thought so that he can get his family back together).
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christall77 · 5 months
~❦A Dragon's Treasure❦~
M! Dragon x GN! Reader
I was gone for a long while but I hope it's still not too late to say Happy New Year! (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^)
So I had this idea after I made an AI chat bot of this character so yeah, hope you guys enjoy and if you should find any mistakes feel free to tell me!
TW: Mentions of minor character deaths
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Finally after days of traveling on the back of your horses, both you and your friend Adrian reach the destination of your quest. Or more so, Adrian's quest. The huge mountain is in sight, where the castle and home of the infamous dark dragon Ryunir should reside in. Including the princess the beast has stolen away from the kingdom. Every person around the land knows about the legendary maneating dragon, who hoards unfathomable amounts of gold and riches inside his castle and his hate for humanity. All stolen from kings and royals alike, but it seemed like he had a special grudge against the royals in the kingdom Adrian and you call home. The king was rightfully scared about the danger that could strike any day, so he sent an army of knights to get rid of the fire breathing lizard. Only to never hear from them again and have his precious daughter, princess Amelia get taken by the massive beast.
Many other knights have tried to save her, especially now after the king has promised his daughter's hand in marriage. Your friend being one of them. Him and the princess always acted all lovey dovey around each other even while you were there watching the whole thing unfold. So it was only a matter of time until he asked, no begged you to come with him on this quest to save her. Despite your own hesitation and second thoughts. You two have been through thick and thin, he's been there for you when you needed him and vise versa, which is the reason why you're now standing on the edge of the mountain. Having already dismounted your horse as Adrian follows.
“Are you really sure we should do this?”, your voice comes out after you gulp down the lump in your throat at the sight. Right at the edge a small wobbly bridge is the only thing that connects the ground of the mountain and castle, the dark abyss below surrounding it. Adrian gives you a comforting pat on the shoulder, the determination evident on his face. “Don't worry (y/n), we have been successful with all our quests so far. Besides, I can't sit around and have princess Amelia locked up forever!”, “That's what the other knights must've thought as well before they most likely busted into flames...”
Not wasting any more time he approaches the creaky bridge and gives the robes an experimental tug. Waving you over after deeming it save enough. The darkness below doesn't make the way any less nerve wrecking, but Adrian makes sure to have a good hold on you while carefully moving alongside with you. A sigh of relief you were holding in leaves you once making it safely to the other side, now entering the darkened castle as quietly as possible through the creaky doors. The sounds echoing through the long and high hallways in front. It definitely would take a lot of time until any of you would find the right tower or room where the princess is hidden away.
Each step has to be chosen carefully, as any sound might alert the massive dragon residing somewhere deep within the castle. The floors and walls littered with cracks and damages, evidence that this place is much older and hasn't been taken care of in ages. Adrian clutches his sword tightly in his hands beside you, looking left and right towards each different corridor. With a nod to himself he turns to you and whispers, “Maybe we should split up...”, taking a few steps forward he chooses to go straight ahead. “You guard the entrance and distract the dragon, if he finds you first and I'll search for Amelia.”
“Are you crazy?!" You whisper shout towards him as your head almost snaps back towards him, keeping your tone down, ”I get that we might cover some more space this way, but mind you there's no way it would improve our chances with the dragon! Wait- Adrian!“ Before you could protest any further he speed walks away. Leaving you alone in the middle of the halls. ”I swear if I die I'll kill him if the dragon doesn't.“ You grumble to yourself, stepping through one of the hallways closest to the left. One hand hovering over the weapon in your belt just in case as you reassure yourself internally.
It almost feels like hours wandering around but finding nothing but even more halls and even the occasional bones of previous living humans who've entered the castle, which causes shivers to run down your spine. You've probably walked around in circles now but kept yourself close to the entrance like Adrian asked you to. Eventually the soles of your feet start to bother you and you decide to take a small seat on a small staircase. Checking your equipment and hoping that Adrian has found the princess in the while you were walking around aimlessly.
”This is so stupid... Should've known he would run off by himself again. Probably to also show off and be 'the knight in shining armor' for her.“ Consumed in your own little quiet rant and thoughts, you fail to notice the dark silhouette that starts to stirr behind you from your words. A large single golden eye opening and gazing down at the small human sitting below. Only once the massive beast rises and its hot breath blows against your back do you freeze, before slowly and anxiously turning around to face the dragon. It certainly was a sight you can't deny, after all you always had a respect and fascination with dragons, but at this moment survival is more important. A deep gutteral growl rumbles in the back of its throat, followed by a fierce ear piercing roar.
Stumbling up from your seat you make a run for it, barely managing to avoid its jaws, screaming in terror as the rumbling of footsteps follow close behind. In hopes of loosing the creature you run through every hall and corridor possible, making sure to take sharp turns, but no matter what you do the dragon keeps up without trouble. Shooting fireballs at you from time to time which you barely manage to avoid thankfully. It's only once you come to a dead end do you start panicking fully, looking around for any possible way out but finding none you press yourself against the wall. Hoping that the hard surface behind somehow swallows you up and takes you away from this place as your body trembles in fear. Wings unfurled from his back in an intimidating display the dragon approaches slowly, as if savoring the fact that you're trapped and about to face your demise.
Unable to think straight your brain decides to do the unthinkable as your widened eyes take in the size of him almost filling the entire hallway you're in. Instead of drawing your weapon or getting out of there you hurriedly blurt out, ”P-Please spare me big beautiful dragon.!“ Closing both eyes tightly, you await a fireball to roast you, or sharp teeth clamping down and kill you. Yet nothing happens. Opening one of your eyes you see the dragon has stopped in front of you, he seemed caught of guard by that compliment and tilts his head as puffs of smoke leave through his nostrils.
Never in his life was the red scaled beast complimented by a human, either having faced insults, fear and anger thrown at him. So this surprises him greatly, in a pleasant way. ”You think I'm beautiful human?“ He rumbles, his voice echoing through the halls as it bounces off the walls. Seeing that it somehow stopped the dragon from attacking you quickly nod. It might've been something you said in a panic, but after taking a good look at the creature you can't deny his majestic and powerful presence.
”Y-yes. I mean it's not every day one is face to face with an amazing creature of legends like a dragon.“, Your genuine interest in his kind stirrs a strange warmth within his large scaly chest, but not the usual heat he emits, it's foreign yet pleasant. A feeling he now wants to continue experiencing out of newfound curiosity. Moving his long neck down so his head is a little closer the creature gives you an expectant look as if asking what made you say all of this. ”Tell me, what about me is so beautiful little human?“
In response you let your gaze wander over the different parts of him, pointing out everything that intrigues you. ”Well for starters I've never seen wings so huge and cool like this. It always sounded interesting to experience flying, though I could only read about it in books.“, a small nervous chuckle leaves you before you continue while the huge dragon listens intently how you compliment him more. Things like how shiny his wine red scales look, those horns that give him an even more intimidating yet regal appearance and so on and so forth.
”But I think your eyes are the most beautiful thing of you, they shine like gold..“ At this point you seem to be rambling on as if forgetting about the danger you've been in. Though the dragon doesn't mind, in fact he likes it. Your last compliment struck a chord inside, feeling the beating of his heart quicken as his pupils dilate and the subtle sound of purring reverberates through his entire being. A pleased purr leaves the dragon as his head tilts so his large eye is peering down at your smaller frame better. ”What is your name little one?", he inquires curiously. Once you introduce yourself, a small smile makes its way onto his face when he tastes your name upon his tongue.
“It suits you little one. I'm Ryunir, it's very much a pleasure meeting you.” There's a strange haze that crosses his gaze which makes you fidget underneath its intensity. Another puff of warm air blows against your frame as he inhales and exhales deeply, taking in your scent. “Thank you, I'd like to chat a little longer but uhm...”, you pause trying to find the right words to say next. “I need to find my friend again so we can leave in peace.”
The dragon frowns upon hearing the word 'leave'. Since Ryunir has set his eyes upon you, he had a feeling you didn't come here all the way alone and were either here to steal the gold or rescue the princess he took. No matter which one it was he doesn't care anymore. Stealing the princess was only to spite the king who has made Ryunir's life more miserable by sending countless knights for centuries, before (y/n) and their friend to kill him for not only his riches, but also for his scales and head. Which is why he has started to reign terror over the people of this kingdom ever since. Yes he did keep the girl away from being saved, but Ryunir never liked having her here either. But now that you're here? Your friend could rescue the royal away for all he cares, what he wants is to have you by his side for the rest of his life.
In the dragon's eyes you've become his most priced treasure, his mate. Ryunir can't believe it himself entirely as well, yet there's something inside him that tells him that you are meant to be his. Wether it's instincts or the fact that he's been lonely without any positive interactions for as long as the beast can remember for the recent few 100 of years, one thing is for sure. You've made your way into his heart and there's nothing that's going to take you away from him.
“Leave? No... Stay with me little one.”, before you could protest or say anything further the dragon leans down with a soft whine. Snatching you up by the back of your gear, like a mother cat carrying her kittens and taking you deeper into the castle. “W-Wait! No I can't stay.! Adrien!” Paying your calls for help no mind, the dragon continues with a small pep in his step. The sound of his footsteps echoing through the silent empty hallways until entering a large chamber filled with riches. Mountains upon mountains of gold, jewels and many more things that has some type of value as far as your eyes can see. Reaching his desired spot surrounded by a few pillars, Ryunir gently drops you down before coiling his tail around you in a warm and protective embrace. Lighting up the torches and chandeliers hanging upon the walls, ceiling and columns with a light breath of fire, surrounding the both of you in a more cozy atmosphere.
Holding you close to his red scaly body as he gets comfortable, curling up and nuzzling his snout against your smaller head. His entire being vibrating as he purrs affectionately. “Comfy my dear treasure?”, Ryunir rumbles softly in question. “Yes?” Your answer comes out more like a question than intended but the beast takes it nonetheless with a pleased growl. “Don't worry, I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. You're mine now and I intend to have my mate protected and satisfied no matter what."
His words are filled with honesty and utter devotion. A promise to keep you safe and under his care for as long as he lives. Tenderly brushing a few strands of hair out of your face with his claw, making sure to not hurt or scratch you with it. Despite your initial reluctance you end up enjoying his company more than anticipated. Keeping light conversations all the while showing nothing but tenderness and longing towards you. His heat emitting from his body also helps calming down your thoughts, practically melting into his coils until the both of you take a rest together and doze off.
It's only after what felt a few moments later that someone is trying to shake you awake. With a small groan your eyes meet Adrian who has a panicked look on his face, the princess hiding at the doorway of the gigantic chamber. ”(Y/n) wake up!“ He whisper shouts, making sure to not wake the beast sleeping beside you. Blinking both eyes open, startled you meet your friend's gaze. ”Oh now you're showing up? Where were you almost an hour ago?!“, flailing your hands in expiration you then let out a deep sigh after hearing your friend's apology.
”I'm sorry (y/n), but this beast has trapped me earlier but luckily I made it out. And look! I found Amelia!“ Gesturing towards the girl she gives you a quiet wave of her hand, yet she's visibly tense by the fact that the dragon is here. Adrian freezes swiftly when the dragon in question shifts but doesn't wake up just yet, instead pulling you closer towards his head despite still being asleep. ”Lets get you out of here...“, he whispers climbing up the pile of gold, as sneakily as those allow him to be until he reaches you and holds out his leather gloves hand. Grasping yours and trying to pull you out of the tight coils around your frame.
”Adrian, please stop. Just leave!“ Ushering him away in a hurry as the tail tightens around you. ”Take Amelia and go.“, Adrian pauses then shakes his head, ”I'm not leaving you here with this monster (y/n)!“ He gives you a look that tells you that he won't back down no matter what. With a final pull with both of his hands he manages to get his friend out, almost falling down the gold pile in the process, managing to catch the both of you steady just barely.
Though the quiet celebration was short lived once the eye of the beast opens, as if sensing that his mate is not within his hold anymore. His pupils turn into slits upon seeing the both of you, in particular your friend holding you close. With a furious roar he rises, the riches around you flying and getting thrown everywhere as he moves. ”Come hurry! This way!“ Princess Amelia yells out, holding the door open as Adrian pulls you along as fast as possible. Just narrowly escaping Ryunir's jaws and rushing towards the entrance with you and the princess in tow who points out the direction towards the exit she has found at a time in her own attempts to escape.
Behind you the enraged dragon roars out and wastes no time chasing after the group of three, through every hallway possible. Luckily with Amelia on their side there won't be a chance to run into any dead ends. Soon the exit is in sight and Adrian pushes the both of you forward, stopping in his tracks to face Ryunir with a determined face. Before the dragon could let out his breath of fire, your friend cuts the rope beside him which was holding the massive metal gate of the entrance up, only to have it slam down upon the dragon's scaly back. A furious and pained shriek getting forced from his being. Successfully trapping him underneath as he trashes wildly on hopes of getting out. Not wasting any more time Adrian pushes you and the princess forward onto the wobbly bridge until you finally reach the mountain once more.
Relief rushes through the other two once the group got onto their horse and gallop away, yet as you leave in tow the cries of Ryunir still can be heard in the distance. As if calling out for you to return at the loss of your presence. With a heavy heart and head held low you stay quiet for the rest of the trip back until reaching the kingdom at last heart still beating wildly from the escape.
When Adrian brought back the king's daughter he was allowed to, as promised, to be wed to Amelia, which of course he couldn't turn down. Days have gone by until the wedding finally comes around, you couldn't be happier for your friend but the events from the castle still linger in your mind. As absurd as one might think it is, you actually ended up enjoying your time with Ryunir even if it was a rough start and he tried to kill you initially. But somehow he wove himself into your heart and leaving him made you feel bad.
As you sit by the lake by yourself lost in thought Adrian approached you from behind and gives you a concerned look. ”What's wrong (y/n)? This is my wedding party, have some fun... I don't want to see my best friend down on such a beautiful day.“, squeezing your shoulder gently he tries to lighten up the mood but ends up sitting down beside you on the grass not caring if his white suit gets dirty. ”Something is bothering you...“ he points out, already knowing that it must be something that happened regarding the quest. Finally nodding your head you turn to him, ”Remember the dragon?“
Scrunching his eyebrows he nods giving you a concerned look. ”Has he hurt you?“, he questions, ”No it's not that, he seemed to like me... We actually talked and it felt nice.“ Adrian listens to your ramblings, showing his surprise and disbelief at the story you're telling him. After all, how could the dark dragon which the kingdom has feared for so long be the same you described?
All of a sudden a shadow casts overhead making the two of you blink in confusion. The roar and beating of large wings in the distance unmistakable. And speak of the devil, Ryunir has arrived. He must've freed himself somehow and now is circling the castle before diving down. Hearing screams and distressed yells from the people the both of you rush towards the chaos. Men and women running frantically to get safe as the king shouts orders towards his knights to take down the monster. Adrian joins them as you stand there for a moment to let the situation process in your head.
Ryunir lands harshly in the middle of the town, growling fiercely as his gaze fleets over the crowd of humans. Hoping to find his mate somewhere in those masses. Not caring if he steps over buildings or other structures, knocking them down in his frantic search. Picking up people with his claws that might resemble your appearance before tossing them away carelessly after seeing it's not the human he's looking for. The knights rush into the scene and start firing arrows upon arrows at the beast, only angering him further even though they barely even pierce his skin. Becoming annoyed by their attempts to kill him he lifts his head high in the air before surrounding the army with hot flames. Some manage to get out of the attack just barely yet badly wounded. Leaping into the air to move more inward of the kingdom he continues looking until a lone knight catches his attention. Recognizing Adrian immediately his nostrils flare up with smoke, seeing the one that has in his eyes, taken away his mate from him fills himnwith unbridled rage.
Seeing the anger flash across the dragon's visage your friend turns around a corner to avoid the incoming fire blast. The flames almost burning his suit. He has to find you quickly, if what you told him was true then Ryunir must be here for a special reason. Avoiding one fire ball after another, Adrian rushes towards the castle grounds towards the woods where he last saw you. With a loud roar the dark dragon climbs up one of the towers and leaps down, the force shaking the ground, sending dust all over and making Adrian stumble the powerful force of the wind throwing him against a nearby tree.
Forcing your friend against the wooden bark, Ryunir's throat starts heating up as he prepares to end the human in front of him, mouth wide open to rip him into pieces. ”Stop!“, Ryunir's jaws clamp shut just inches away, immediately turning his head towards the sound of your voice. The panic and worry on your face very much evident, you hurry over just to stand a safe distance away to keep his attention away from your friend. When he finally sees you standing there in the flesh, his wings lower and his eyes soften. His pupils dilating as he slowly steps closer, ”(y/n)...“, with an almost inaudible murmur Ryunir utters your name. Standing before you his head lowers towards you, sniffing and taking in your scent as if to make sure you're really there in front of him. Finally placing both of your hands upon his scaly snout he rumbles contently and closes his eyes, calming down against the soft caresses.
Adrian's gaze fleets between his friend and the massive dragon as he catches his breath. ”What's happening..?“, slowly he tries to force himself onto his feet with a groan, leaning against the trunk of the tree for support. The dragon immediately starts growling again turning his heated gaze back, but before any of you could say or do anything Ryunir gently lifts you off the ground just like the first time he did, sending Adrian another glare with a loud huff before spreading those massive wings and flying away.
Instead of landing at the castle like you assumed he stops at a far distance away in a clearing amidst the woods, landing safely by a lake and making sure to set you down on your two feet. ”There, you're safe now my mate.“, he announces proudly puffing out his chest, ”That bad human won't steal you away from me again.“ Ryunir wraps his tail around you and pulls you close, a pleasant warmth running through his entire body when you return the gesture.
”He's actually my friend Ryunir, he wasn't trying to steal me away. Adrian thought you would've eaten me back then in the castle.“, you clarify. For a moment his purring comes to a halt as he stares down into those eyes of yours, when he sees that you're actually being serious he averts his gaze almost like a pet that has been caught in an act. Yet he doesn't seem to be bothered by the chaos he's caused and quickly focuses back on the human before him. ”Oh well that doesn't matter. What matters is having my beloved treasure by my side again.“, without thinking he leans down and gives you a loving lick on the cheek. Seeing how stunned you are from his action he lets out an amused chuckle, curling up around your smaller frame, his head resting against yours. ”And there's nothing that will seperate us. That's a promise“
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skellyflowers · 2 months
Royal Ball 2
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Vessel x reader
Sleep will be referred to as “Queen Jeinnv” 
Vessel will be referred to as “Prince Adrian”
II will be referred to as “Prince Roddric”
III will be referred to as “Dilan, Duke of Elderstock”
IV will be referred to as “ Edgard, Duke of Haverlem”
Chapter 2 
The Royal Place is even more grand than I remember. The last time I was here was my father’s  title ceremony. Tonight under the full moon the place is more beautiful. As our carriage pulls closer to the front gates I can hear faint music in the air. As we enter the main entrance my mother makes sure to point out the members of the nobility.
“Remember girls your goal is to marry up not down.” she says as she adjusts her mask. “I need to be sure you are going to be taken care of by a man of means.”
“Darling, you're making them nervous.” my father interjects.
As we stand on the stairs before the ballroom the same panicked feeling starts to return. I try to distract myself with the flowers on the banister. There is a mix of red roses, white chrysanthemums and black charm lilies. Quinn gets my attention with a tap to my shoulder and motions her head to the top of the stairs.
“Look, that's Dilan, Duke of Elderstock and next to him has to be Edgard, Duke of Haverlem!” she whispers.
“How do you know?” I whisper back.
“I doubt that the crowned prince’s best friends would not be here.” She says “Besides, he is the tallest man here.”
We share a giggle as the royal announcer confirms the identity of the masked men we were just talking about. Soon we reach the doors to the ballroom. I see my father give the announcer a card. He then bellows my family’s arrival, as we enter the ballroom.
I try not to notice the eyes that linger on me and my sisters as we enter. I tell myself that the “hard part” is over. I have entered the Ball and have not made a fool of myself. I would be surprised if anyone could hear our announcement over the full orchestra playing. Yet someone does, the only friends we have, Viscount Gray.
The Viscount and his family had been the first to visit after we moved into the manor. His daughter Lucy had become our friend immediately. It was good to see a familiar face. My brothers walk off with the Viscount’s sons to mingle as my sisters, Lucy and I find a table to sit at.
We get little time to chat when suddenly the orchestra stops playing. We look at each other when we hear.
“Her Royal Majesty Queen Jeinnv, Prince Adrian and Prince Roddric!”
At the top of the Ballroom’s entry stairway stood the queen with one Prince each side of her. As the three entered the Ball we bowed as they passed. When the Queen reaches a small thone placed in the room she addresses all the guests.
“My dearest subjects, I thank for joining us tonight to celebrate my son’s birthday.” the crowd starts to cheer. “Tonight we invite you all to drink and be merry. Happy birthday to my son Prince Adrian.”
My father rounds us up to greet the Queen and wish the Prince a happy birthday. When we reach the front of the line I get a better look at the Queen. She is dressed in the royal family colors, black and gold.  Prince Adrian is on her left and Prince Roddric is on her right. The three look otherworldly. Especially because the Queen is the only one without a mask.
“My Queen.” my father says, as he bows to her. “May I present my family. You remember my wife, my two sons and my three daughters.” We all bow as father introduces us. “Happy birthday my Prince.”
Prince Adrian nods his head. It is hard to know what he is looking at under his white and red mask. The mask greatly stands out from his black suit. Prince Roddric is dressed more simply; his mask and suit are both completely black.
“Excellent to see you tonight Baron. I’m glad your family is here with you.” Queen Jeinnv says “How old are your sons Baron?” she then asks.
“I’m 27 and Andrew is 25, my Queen.” Alfred answers.
“Wonderful! It would be good for my sons to have more friends their age. Not just the Dukes.” Both Dukes are nearby and turn toward the Queen when she makes the comment. 
“Only if they can keep up on horseback.” joke Duke Dilan.
Duke Edgard walks over to shake my brother's hands. The four walk off together after the brief introduction. It looks like they are having a successful night so far. The orchestra starts back up when we walk back to our table. We share a drink before a man approaches me and my sisters and asks Quinn if she would like to dance.
“Of course she would!” Mother says “All of you should go dance.”
Her tone lets us know we don’t have much of a choice in the matter. As Quinn walks onto the dancefloor me and Maddie stand together on the sidelines and wait to be invited to dance. Lucy Gray finds us again to tell me and Maddie the gossip about the lord Quinn is with.
I started to think that tonight wouldn’t be so bad. The castle is beautiful, I’m with the people I love, the orchestra is playing and the drinks are flowing. I truly start to relax then a group of men approach us.
“Would you ladies honor us with a dance?”
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ladybugpowermakeup · 2 months
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Because I'm Greek mythology trash.
An Odyssey AU for Miraculous Ladybug. Think about it. Adrien is the most Odysseus character I've ever seen. Fake piano playing? Hiding in a fountain? I mean, it practically writes itself. And Marinette as Penelope is equally as perfect - she creates, but she's smart enough to pull it all apart at the end of the day.
Now here is where things get a little strange: Telemachus. Being an avid MLB fanfiction reader (and ignoring all of seasons 4 and 5), I'm very well aware that Adrienette's kids are supposedly going to be Louis, Hugo, and Emma. Now tell me, what could Emma be short for? That's right, Telemachus. So hear me out - Adrien was drafted into the war *Before* Emma was born, so he never knew he had a daughter and his last request for his child was to name them Telemachus. But when she was born a girl, she was nicknamed Emma. Hugo and Louis don't exist in this version, obviously.
So we have our main family, what about everyone else? Well, we have Adrian's two crewmates, Polites and Eurilochus. Or in this case, Nino and Felix. Nino is his friend who fought at his side and is tragically killed along the ride back, causing Adrian to go into a spiral of grief, whereas Felix is his somewhat suspicious and angry second in command who can't understand why Adrien is being so reckless with his own life and that of the crew to get back to his wife and child. So eventually he starts straight up sabotaging the trip to try and get through to Adrien, which doesn't ever work because when Adrien is in love, he doesn't notice other people.
As for the people they meet on their travels:
Circe is Lila - this one feels pretty self explanatory, except for the fact that Lila would never care that much about the nymphs around her, so I'm thinking she lives alone on the island and basically functions as a non-water siren - she draws men in with comfort and beauty and then turns them into pigs.
The wind god Aeolus is just Trixx - they're weird and whimsical and would absolutely give someone a bag of wind with the word "gold" written on it.
Calypso is Chloe, left there alone on this island for "protection" from her overbearing father, a minor deity. Again, this just kind of makes sense in my brain. And she gets a little bit of a redemption when she finally willingly lets Adrien go home.
When the crew of the ship go down into the underworld, they meet "Tyresius", who in this case is Master Fu. Weird cryptic old wise guy who's maybe dead? Yeah. That fits.
And finally we have the deities themselves. Like I said, Trixx is already accounted for, so we have three main ones - Posideon, Athena, and Hermes.
Posideon is most definitely ShadowMoth - not really any meaning behind this, we're just making him mysterious and powerful and angry at Adrien for seemingly no reason. But he's doing his best to keep this man from reaching home, possibly because early in the journey, Adrien was instrumental in killing a sentimonster, which canonically is kind of a piece of the creator.
Athena and Hermes are two of a pair - Tikki and Plagg, obviously. Wisdom and trickery, sounds just about right to me.
Anyway, this has been on my brain. Enjoy the weird crossover! If you do anything with it, please tag me!
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
Could I request a scenario where Alucard and reader are woken up by their baby crying in the night?
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notes: writing babies/children isn't my forté but I hope that I did alright <3
pairing: Alucard x Reader
word count: 0.7k
warnings: feeding blood to part-vampire babies (felt like it needed a warning in case anyone was uncomfortable with that mental image)
Red bottle
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You scrunched your eyes up against the noise that woke up up, taking in a deep breath through your nose as you broke away from unconsciousness and you opened your eyes to see Alucard already getting out of bed. He swung his legs out of bed and you could hear him groan slightly as he stretched his back and tied his long hair back in one swift movement before going over to the cradle that had been set at the foot of the bed. You rubbed your eyes and sat up to help your husband as he lifted your baby out from the cradle, holding her close and gently jogging her in his hold. 
“Give her here, you got up last time and I don’t even remember you coming back to bed.” You murmured with outstretched arms. He gently shook his head. 
“No, you’ve been looking after her all day and you need to rest more than I do, remember?” You got out of bed to rest your head against his shoulder, wrapping one arm around his back while your other hand rested on where your baby was wrapped up in her blanket. 
“Adrian, my love, I may be mortal but I’m not made of glass. You have so much to do around the village tomorrow, the people need you and you need to rest.” 
“I’ll be fine.” He murmured back, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “There isn’t much left to try if she won’t stop crying…” He trailed off, looking down at your daughter pitifully, “She has more mortal heritage, yes, but she’s still a dhampir and it could be blood that she needs but we can’t know.” You frowned at the thought. The idea of your baby being fed blood, potentially unnecessarily, didn’t sit well with you but you had been prepared for the possibility that she may well need it before you went into parenthood with Alucard. You wondered if this is how Lisa and Dracula ever struggled with Alucard – were they unsure when to treat him as a human baby and when to treat him as a vampire baby too? 
“Alright.” You nodded your head, “We’ll give it a try but if it doesn’t stop her crying or she rejects it… we stop.”
“Of course we do.” Alucard replied as he passed her into your arms and you sat down on the edge of the bed. “There may still be some pig’s blood in the cellar. I’ll take a look around.” He pressed another kiss to your forehead while you weakly nodded, holding your daughter close as she cried. You inwardly cursed the lack of knowledge of dhampirs and suddenly you craved a set of in-laws to tell you what to do, what they had done with Alucard. You knew very little of your daughter’s nature, just that being a quarter vampire was undoubtedly having an impact on how quickly she was ageing. 
“Shh, I know.” You whispered, holding her close to your heart, “We’re trying to help…” Alucard came back soon with pig’s blood that he had prepared in a bottle and came to sit down beside you, folding one of your legs behind you and leaning over your shoulder, reaching around you so that the both of you could hold the bottle. It took a few seconds for you to really bring it to your daughter’s attention before she latched down on it and you sighed in relief as she tried to reach up to hold it with the two of you, chugging it down happily. You let out a sigh of relief and let your head fall back against Alucard’s shoulder as he looked down at the two of you. 
“Beautiful quiet.” You smiled up at him. 
“Seeing as the rapid growth counts as a vampiric ability, I suspected that she might need some blood to keep that up, that she was draining herself without it.” You hummed contentedly as you slumped back against your husband, feeling his arms wrap around you, one hand coming up to gently caress his daughter’s cheek as you held the bottle to her mouth. 
The two of you set her back in the cradle when she finished the bottle, climbing into bed together and feeling Alucard pull you close, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. 
“Get some rest, my love.” 
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☾ ⋆゚ Buy me a coffee?
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prettymorgueboy · 1 year
may i please request alucard comforting daughter! reader after a nightmare?
The way I woke up before my shift at 4 am to read this request, truly it made my day, I love Alucard with my entire heart and the Idea of him being a father has my heart melting.
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[ Father! Alucard / Daughter! Reader (platonic) ]
Warning(s): None! Just lots of Alucard being a very affectionate and doting father to his child.
Words: 1.1k
Summary: You the daughter Of Adrian Tepes seem to be having trouble sleeping, luckily your father is there to offer you comfort.
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The wind outside of the castle slowly seeped in through the old windows, The storm left a soft chill against these old walls, The Tepes household becoming a softer scene when the sun was down. It was the soft clicks against the stone flooring as Adrien climbed the old staircase. He always did this, surely, he could hear any threats coming from a mile away, but since this child came into his life it was almost like he could never calm his soul. The Man’s cape rippled against the stairs as he stepped upon them, skipping one each time. 
Adrian was always a kind man, nothing could change that, but the softness of his plushy heart only thickened when his daughter was near, her hair he did every morning, whether it was a braid, a ponytail or loosely held with a ribbon. Should she ask for the stars he would surely find himself on the moon fishing for them one by one until she was satisfied.
The child was left on his doorstep years back, when she was a mere baby, he considered rushing her to any village nearby but could only imagine the unfairness she would go through as a lady in this time. 
‘y/n Tepes a perfect name for a perfect young lady.’ That is what he said when he tucked her into his arms and cradled her to sleep their first night together. Now nearly a handful of years later he still had her in his care, and he was blessed to call the young girl his daughter. 
He finally arrived at her door, coming to check on her to make sure she managed to rest for the night. He said to himself it was for her safety, but he knew it was to calm his own nerves. The man who had nothing finally had something and he refused to lose it once again. The quiet thoughts in his mind suddenly stopped as he heard sniffles from the other side of the door, his knuckles knocked twice before he stepped inside, seeing the young girl sit on the window seat, curled into a ball as her face was tucked between her knees.
“My little Orchid, what is the matter..” His worry dripped from his lips as he scooped the young girl into his arms, taking her seat as she was now nuzzled into his body, her clammy hands quickly clung to his cloak, her sniffles turning into tiny cries, as she hid in her father's chest.
They sat like that, for what seemed like forever, his hands rubbing her back, combing through her locks of tangled hair before a soft sigh escaped his lips as he asked once again.
“What is the matter dear? Did your dreams turn sour?” The child nodded, wiping her runny nose, her eyes now puffy and cheeks red from the crying. Adrian frowned, wishing he could protect her from even her own dreams, he lectured himself internally, knowing something like that wasn't possible.
“Can you tell me about it? Papa won't leave your side anytime soon; I promise my love.” A soft kiss was placed into his child's hair before she backed up, sitting in front of him but looking out the window, clearly still shaken up by whatever plagued her head as she slept. He was patient, leaning forward softly to take her smaller hands into his, she seemed to calm at the action as he rubbed them with his thumbs.
“Papa…you were gone, I was all alone, it was horrible… Everyone was mocking me for missing you, I had to live elsewhere, and they were so cruel they said horrible things a-and.” She paused and frowned tears slipped from her cheeks, but she had said enough for the man to wrap her back up, holding her close to him, almost as if she was a baby once again.
“Your papa will never leave your side Y/n, I swear by my lucky sword, let god strike me down If I ever manage to part ways with my sweet girl.” Y/n grabbed his hand for comfort, the young girl felt herself become hoisted into the air before being carried back to bed, placed into the messy mix of blankets and pillows that was the child's resting place.
“You are my pride and joy, The smart and sweet little orchid who will bring nothing but pride to the family's name. I will always be by your side, never fear, those nightmares are just the nasty thoughts weaseling into the cracks of your mind my dear.” She smiled softly, he tucked her into the bed, the stuffed teddy bear that was once his was now in her arms, being held with the same sort of strength as he did.
“Papa… Can you stay?” Adrian smiled softly before petting her hair, sweeping the tear-soaked strands of hair behind her ear.
“Did you think your father would be so cruel to leave his sweet girl alone after a nightmare? How dare you." The young girl giggled softly at her father's teases; he pulled the chair up next to her bed before resting his head close to where her head laid upon a pillow.
“Papa.” Alucard looked up and gave her a look as if asking her ‘what is it my dear?’. 
“Thank you for always checking in on me, it makes it easier to sleep.” She smiled before her head sunk into the pillow squishing her face as she and her father spoke softly until her eyes began to fall. 
They sat in silence, listening to the howls of wind for the time being, both of them enjoying feeling safe and at peace within each other's presence. Alucard was at peace; he could keep her safe. Y/n was calm and at ease knowing her father stayed by her side until she was dozing off, the only sounds filling the room being the softest hums from her father and the soft snores of a once again sleeping child.
“I promise to always protect you dear; you have your father's word.” He whispered to her sleeping form, standing shortly after she was surely sound asleep for the night, he made sure to tuck her back in once again, keeping her warm for the night before lighting the lantern in her room. He always thought ahead of things, making sure to ensure her comfort and safety.
“Sleep well sweet one, when the sun rises everything will be alright.” He smiled softly before walking out, both of them at ease until the sun would rise.
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This is a tad short but dear god this manager position at work is kicking my ass with the little to no sleep I get. 🫶💕
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malfoysprinces · 7 months
The Minister’s Daughter
- draco malfoy -
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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The date night has come and there was one question in Y/N's head. How the hell she was going to explain this whole situation to Draco. There was no doubt that he would hear about this fake double date. The question was how he was going to handle it.
"And how do I look?" asked Pansy to Y/N.
Pansy and Y/N were getting ready while Daphne was helping them.
"Perfect Pans. Pucey is going to love it!" Y/N answered.
"And you better put on some nice clothes, as well." said Pansy to Y/N laughing.
"Yeah, I will change now." said Y/N getting up from the chair she was sitting on.
Pansy was wearing a black-laced mini-dress. Black was really her color. Y/N decided to wear a burgundy satin dress. It was too much for a fake date but she had to maintain a certain figure for Pansy.
"Girls we have to leave now." Y/N said.
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While the girls were getting ready, Draco and Theo were sitting in the common room. They were discussing new Quidditch team. Unbeknownst to them, Adrian and Graham were also in the common room waiting for Y/N and Pansy.
Y/N and Pansy were walking down the stairs when Y/N noticed Graham and Adrian sitting in the corner. Draco has heard the footsteps from the stairs that connect the Slytherin common room to the Slytherin Girls' Dormitory. He has lifted her up to see who were coming down the stairs.
That was the moment Y/N felt a pair of grey eyes on her.
Y/N looked stunning in her burgundy satin dress. Draco couldn't help but stare at her for a good three minutes. Y/N smiled at Draco until she heard the voice of Graham.
"Who would've guessed burgundy was your color?" said Graham mockingly.
"Oh, shut up. Let's get this over with." Y/N said, rolling her eyes at him.
That was when it hit Draco. That was when he figured out what was going on. She got dressed up for Graham. All the meetings in shadows, all the exchanged smiles in the hallways... His talk with Y/N in the hallway was no use in this case. Draco always sensed Graham had a kind of weird attraction to her. It might not be mutual, but there it was. Or so he thought to himself.
However, his thoughts were completely wrong and meaningless. Only if he knew who Y/N’s heart belonged to.
Y/N turned for a moment to look at him. To look at Draco. His eyes were filled with both anger and hatred. Anger for Y/N. Hatred for Graham. He was trying to process what was going on. He saw Pansy smiling at Pucey. And then he saw Y/N hugging Graham. His Y/N hugging Graham. Even though he warned her the day before. He felt some kind of sorrow. Draco couldn't exaclty name it.
Daphne came after them. "Have fun guys!" she said.
And then Daphne saw Theo and Draco, sitting on the sofas in front of the fireplace, trying to understand what was going on.
"It is a double date." explained Daphne to both.
"A what?" Theo burst into laughter.
"A double date Theodore." Daphne answered.
"Where does this nonsense come from? A double date my ass." Draco said angrily.
"Jealous much Malfoy? Told you to act on it before it's too late." Theo said.
"Shut up Theo." said Draco and left the room.
It was quarter past midnight when they all came back to Slytherin common room from their double date. Pansy and Adrian were already planning their second date. Preferably just the two of them. Graham and Y/N on the other hand, was joking with each other. It was a fun night for them. However, Y/N's mind wandered back to Draco every now and then. She wondered if he hates her now or if he doesn't care at all. And she couldn't decide which one was worse. They all expected the common room to be empty since it was this late. But they were wrong.
It was in the same moment that they cracked the door open, and a pair of grey eyes landed on them. Adrian and Pansy were walking in front of Y/N and Graham. Adrian said good night to Draco and he led Pansy to the stairs. Draco nodded his head to Adrian. There was no trace of smile on his face. He was dead serious. Then his eyes landed on Graham.
He didn't even look at Y/N for once, his eyes were locked on Graham.
"Night, Malfoy." was the only words came out of Graham's mouth towards Draco and they were enough to fuel the anger within him. He locked his eyes on Graham once again. Y/N felt like this was not going to end well, so she stepped in.
"Graham, I have something to talk with Draco, you can go to your dorm. Thanks for tonight, again." Y/N said.
"Well, then. I'll head off. Night guys." Graham answered.
Y/N walked towards Draco, not knowing his exact feelings towards this date.
"Where did this come from?" he asked without looking into her eyes. "Montaque and you? Thought I made myself perfectly clear when I spoke to you the other day." he lifted his head up towards her.
"What? Draco? No. There is no me and Graham--" Y/N was interrupted by Draco.
"Yeah? Seems like the opposite." he said.
"No let me finish. There is no me and Graham. But there's Pansy and Adrian Pucey." Y/N said looking into his eyes.
"Pucey and Pansy? Then why it was a double date?" he shook his head. You know what? Forget it, you don't have to explain anything." Draco said.
"But I want to. I had to arrange this double date for Pansy. Graham knew it was for them." added Y/N.
"Yeah, whatever." said Draco. "If you say, so." he added. Although he wasn't fully convinced.
"Yeah, I say so." Y/N smiled.
"Fine then, let's go, It's getting pretty lat- No wait? What are you doing this late here? I mean everyone's already in their dorms and you?" Y/N asked hoping to get a proper answer.
"I-I.. uh.. just wanted to sit." Draco answered looking away.
Was he waiting for her?
"Were you tho? I mean how long have you been sitting here?" Y/N asked again.
"Whatever, it is not important. Let's go now." he said.
They both went to their dorms. Y/N heart was racing. And it was all because of the possibilty of Draco waiting for her all night in the common room. He seemed angry with her at first, but nothing but pure concern was laying beneath it. However, what mattered her to most is that he waited for her.
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On a rainy afternoon within the ancient walls of Hogwarts Castle, an enchanting aura of magic and mystery hung in the air. The sky was painted in shades of muted gray, and a steady, soft rain fell from the heavens, draping the castle in a shroud of ethereal mist. The enchanted school appeared even more captivating and mystical under the gentle embrace of the rain.
"Purry! Come back here!" Y/N shouted while Purry was running away from her. "Bad kitty! Come back!" said Y/N.
Purry was running into the garden. As the rain continued to fall, creating a dreamlike ambiance in the Hogwarts garden, a figure emerged from the shadows, its fur glistening with droplets of water. It was none other than Purry, who had managed to slip past the castle's boundaries and made her way into the enchanting outdoor haven. Y/N on the other hand, was soaking wet from the rain. But there was no way she was leaving Purry outside. Not when it was raining this heavily. Y/N's shoes splashed through puddles, her socks soaked through, and the cool sensation of water seeped into her shoes with every step. The sleeves of her robes were slick and damp, and she could feel the rainwater trickling down her spine, making her shiver with a mix of exhilaration and discomfort. Her once-dry clothes became saturated, clinging uncomfortably to her skin. The rainwater trickled down her hair, streaming over her face and into her eyes, blurring her vision. Her robes weighed heavily, and the fabric clung to her body like a second skin, making every step feel like a small victory against the relentless deluge. Purry was running non - stop and the rain was getting heavier with each moment passing.
"Purry! Where are you?" Y/N shouted.
Purry was nowhere to be found. It was almost like she got lost in the rain. Y/N was the only student who happened to be out in the garden. Others knew better than to go out when it was raining this heavily. Y/N had long lost the hope of finding Purry when she heard a familiar voice.
"Purry! Y/N must be worried as hell right now!" said Graham.
Y/N turned to the voice only to find Graham holding Purry. Purry's once magnificent fur turned into a soggy mess, damp and heavy, sticking together. Purry's confident posture changed to a slightly sad one, with its tail hanging low and its eyes looking annoyed. It tried to shake off the water, but it was clear the rain had made a mess of its elegant appearance. Despite that, Purry still looked pretty.
"Oh, Purry look at you now!" Y/N said.
"Graham! Thanks! But what are you doing here?" Y/N asked.
"I went to Hogsmeade earlier today, but it started to rain when I was on my way back to Castle. Then I found Purry, soaking wet." Graham pointed to Purry.
"Yeah, she has been kind of... I don't know.. naught lately." Y/N nodded. "Not like her tho." Y/N added.
"So, you are also soaking wet. Here let's go inside and you can take my sweater." suggested Graham smiling.
"We have to get you both dried up. Otherwise I'll have to put up with two ill Y/L/N's ." Graham mocked.
"Oh, I won't talk back only because you found Purry. Consider yourself lucky for today." Y/N answered laughing. Y/N, Graham, and Purry went back inside.
It was a long way back to Slytherin Common Room, so they decided it would be better if they used Prefect's Bathroom. They entered the bathroom together and Y/N cleaned up Purry. Graham gave his Quidditch hoodie to Y/N and took Purry outside so Y/N could change. Luckily, Graham was wearing a t-shirt under his hoodie. Y/N came out of the Prefect's bathroom wearing Graham's hoodie with his last name on it. "MONTAQUE" was written on her back.
She knew that people would notice it, but she wasn't in a position to care about what others think right now. Her whole body was soaking wet. Her hair was dripping. She considered herself lucky to find Graham there. "Oh, thank you, Graham." Y/N said coming out of the bathroom.
"No problem looks better on you tho." Graham said pointing to the hoodie. Y/N nodded her head smiling. They decided it would be best to go to their separate rooms. They had been through enough for the day.
Graham and Y/N entered the Slytherin Common Room, while Y/N was hoping inside that Draco wouldn't be there.
Well, she was wrong.
Draco was sitting on the couch by the fireplace with the others. When they entered, the whole group turned to look at them. Graham greeted the group and walked towards the stairs which led the way to the Slytherin dormitory. Y/N walked with him to thank him once again. She was standing with her back facing the group. And this led the inevitable to happening. Draco saw that Y/N was wearing a hoodie which written "MONTAQUE" on its back. Y/N didn't even want to think about Draco's reaction. Lucky if she could just sneak away from Draco right now.
On the way back to her dorm, she thought it would the best to run away from her friends's questions just for the afternoon. They would already forget it by the night. Or so she thought to herself.
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She stepped into her dorm and cleaned Purry up, once again.
Then the door was swiftly opened.
"Is this some kind of a joke to you?" Draco entered the room. His face was pale.
"Thought there was no Montaque and you? Huh?" he was practically demanding an explanation.
"There is no me and hi--" Y/N was interrupted by Draco. 
"Oh yeah? And you are wearing his hoodie? Why are you not admitting it already?" Draco was getting angrier and angrier with each moment passing.
"What is there to admit? There's nothing between me and Graham. It's just--" Y/N was interrupted again by him.
"Cut the bullshit already. First a date, then this? Do you think I am stupid or something?" Draco said.
"It's just I got soaked because of the rain earlier. I was out trying to catch Purry. And he happened to be there. He saw my robe and he wanted to help. That's all. Nothing more." Y/N said.
She was trying to calm Draco down.
“Talk to him more time and you’ll both regret it. One more time. All it takes is one more time and then--" Draco looked away.
"Then what Draco?" Y/N asked. "THEN WHAT?" Y/N shouted. "Why is that any of your concern? Why are you watching my every step?" Y/N asked.
She couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth. All or nothing. She was getting the answer she wanted or not. She already had nothing going on with him. Even though she loved Draco more than anything, she was tired of this constant chase. Maybe it wasn't exactly a chase, more like a waiting game. Draco, keeping to the shadows, decided to stay put and hung back, unseen, until she got close to someone else. This was going to be sorted now. One way or another.
"Then I'll kick his ass." Draco said. "Then I'll bury him to the ground and even his bones won't be found. And he won't be able to speak to you again." Draco said.
"D-Draco..?" said Y/N in a shock.
"What?" he asked.
"I-I..uhh.. I." Y/N stuttered.
"Can't you see it? I don't want him near you. I don't want any guy near you." he took a step closer. "Only I wanna be near you." he leaned in. "Only I CAN be near you." he whispered. "Now stop messing with my head and take that fucking hoodie off. I will give you mine now." he snapped, an unmistakable hint of jealousy in his voice. He swiftly removed his own hoodie, not because he was feeling generous, but because he couldn't stand the thought of her wearing someone else's. His actions revealed more than his words ever could. He stepped closer and said "I don't want anyone else's name coming out of your mouth. Ever again." he was so close.
Y/N could actually feel his body on hers. His grey eyes landed on Y/N's lips. Just when she thought he couldn't come any closer now, he leaned in to kiss her. It was the kind of kiss that ignites fires deep within, the type that lingers in your thoughts, keeping you awake through the night, replaying the moment over and over again. Draco Malfoy's kiss was a tumultuous blend of emotions, a passionate awakening of love that left them both breathless and forever intertwined in each other's hearts.
Draco suddenly breaks the kiss.
"I love you." he whispered. "I love you so much that I could kill anyone that looks at you." he added. "You are mine and mine only. That's a non-negotiable. That's not a promise, that is a fact." he finished.
Y/N was in shock. "I love you, too Draco." Y/N finally answered.
He leads her to kiss again. "I can do that forever, you know." he said.
"Who would knew you are such a softie Malfoy?" Y/N said smiling.
"I am not a softie." Draco answered.
"Oh, but you are." Y/N said.
"You are mine." Draco said possesively. "Say you are mine." Draco demanded.
"Say you are a softie and I am all yours." Y/N blinked.
"I am your little softie." Draco said and kissed Y/N's neck. "I'm yours." he whispers.
"You won Malfoy, I gave in. I am all yours." Y/N answered. "In every way, you can think of." Y/N added.
"Mine." Draco whispers.
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Draco Malfoy and Y/N Y/L/N. The dream couple of Hogwarts. The daughter of the Minister of Magic and the Heir to the Malfoy Throne.  The undeniable power couple of Hogwarts, embodied a union of status, influence, and undeniable magnetism that left their others in awe. Y/N Y/L/N, the radiant daughter of the esteemed Minister of Magic, was known for her grace and charm. Her beauty and intelligence were matched only by her unwavering dedication to her studies and her innate ability to excel in all her magical endeavors. As a member of the Y/L/N family, she carried the legacy of responsibility and leadership, which she upheld with poise and grace. On the other hand, Draco Malfoy, the Heir to the Malfoy Throne, carried an air of aristocracy and power that was second to none. His platinum blond hair and sharp features were a testament to his pure-blood heritage, and he was often seen wearing the most fashionable and expensive wizarding robes. Draco's wit and cunning were renowned throughout the school, and he excelled in the dark arts. His family's long-standing influence in the wizarding world only added to his allure. When they walked together, their presence commanded attention, not just for their beauty and regal bearing but for the way they complemented and completed each other. They were going to build an empire together. Everyone knew they belonged to each other. The Sacred Seven's two members are now the "it" couple. Theo and Blaise were the first ones to notice Draco's interest in Y/N. They even teased him about it. However, Y/N's friends didn't notice her interest, not because they were oblivious but because Y/N hid her feelings very well. It didn't matter anymore. All of it didn't matter because Y/N and Draco found their way to each other's arms. They were the talk of the school now. They radiate the energy that any other couple couldn't. From cheering at the bleachers when playing Quidditch to exchanging kisses between classes they were literally enchanting.
As the school year unfolded, Y/N'S  and Draco's relationship was only getting stronger each day.
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The moment December arrived, the castle underwent a remarkable transformation, becoming a winter wonderland of unparalleled beauty, and Christmas at Hogwarts was a time of enchantment and wonder that transformed the castle into a magical holiday haven. The Great Hall was the heart of the holiday festivities. Enormous Christmas trees, taller than one could imagine, were bedecked with an array of ornaments, each seeming to hold its own magical story. Enchanted snowflakes floated overhead, creating an illusion of falling snow, and the long tables were laden with an extravagant feast that seemed to stretch endlessly. Giant, ornate wreaths adorned with mistletoe and holly were hung at every entrance, creating a truly enchanting welcome. The house tables were replaced with long, elegant banquet tables, lavishly set with fine china, crystal goblets, and silverware. The Christmas atmosphere extended beyond the Great Hall as well. Common rooms were transformed into cozy winter retreats, with fires roaring in the hearths, plush armchairs, and decorations that reflected each house's unique personality. Each common room had its own unique holiday charm. The Gryffindor common room crackled with the warmth of a roaring fire, while the Hufflepuff common room was adorned with cheerful decorations, and the Ravenclaw Tower was abuzz with students solving holiday-themed riddles and puzzles. In the Slytherin common room, the décor had an air of sophistication, with emerald green and silver ornaments adding to the ambiance. Festive garlands adorned the staircases and portraits, and the house-elves had knitted colorful holiday-themed blankets and cushions for the students. Throughout the castle, enchanted snowflakes drifted through the air, creating a mesmerizing flurry of tiny crystals. The suits of armor donned festive scarves and hats, and the enchanted paintings came to life with scenes of wintry wonderlands, invoking a sense of nostalgia and joy.
The Sacred Seven decided to stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas Break. The Castle had an enchanting aura that they didn't want to miss. It was a cozy evening when they decided to sit in the Slytherin Common Room together. Draco and Y/N were sitting next to each other while Draco was playing with Y/N's hair and holding her hand. It was a peaceful evening. A familiar feeling. Sitting with friends and enjoying their company.  It was one of those evenings that lingered in the heart, a cherished memory in the making, where the simple act of being together held immeasurable beauty. They talked and talked for hours until Theo and Blaise decided to mock Draco a bit.
"Y/N, tell me, did you know that Draco had a weird obsession with your curls?" asked Theo.
"Shut up, Theo." Draco looked at Theo angrily.
"What do you mean?" asked Y/N curious.
"He is talking nonsense." Draco said to Y/N.
"Oh come on! Let him talk." said Y/N laughing.
"What I mean is, when you are away all he talked about was you. But mostly, your hair. He talked about and stared at your curls non-stop." Theo said.
"Oh, he did? How come I have never noticed?" asked Y/N.
"Oh, well.. he had his way of hiding things." Blaise said. Draco blushed. Everyone burst into laughter.
"Dray, it is cute." Y/N said to Draco. He smiled at her.
When the clock hit midnight, everyone decided to go to their separate rooms.
"Darling, why don't you come to my dorm? I have been waiting for this for the whole night." whispered Draco to Y/N's ear.
She nodded and they went to Draco's dorm.
"So, my curls huh?" asked Y/N.
"YOUR. EVERYTHING." Draco pins Y/N up against a wall and starts kissing her.
"That desperate Malfoy?" Y/N asked mockingly.
"Desperate would be an understatement, darling." he whispered.
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"That Rawenclaws know how to throw a party and we both know it." said Blaise looking at Theo.
"Well, what's there left to say then?" Theo answered with a grin on his face.
The Sacred Seven, sitting in their usual spot by the fireplace were discussing the tomorrow's party which was going to be held by Rawenclaws.
"We will leave by 8 pm, I guess?" Daphne asked.
"Yeah, there is no going back now. It took solid an hour to convince Theo to come to the party." Mattheo chuckled.
"But like, I can understand a Christmas Party. It is totally okay. But what the hell is a back-to-school after-Christmas party?" Theo asked in confusion.
The whole group laughed so loudly that it captured the attention of the whole common room.
"It's going to be fine Theo. The theme is not so important, anyways." Y/N said in between laughs.
"I will go back to Manor just for the weekend." Draco spitted out.
Y/N turned her head to look at Draco.
"You will?" she was confused. "How come you never mentioned it before?" she asked.
"Yeah, it was kind of a last-minute thing. Father called me. Said it was important." he explained.
"Oh, okay then." Y/N's face dropped.
"Looks like someone's going to miss her boyfriend." Mattheo chuckled.
"Oh, she definitely will." Daphne answered.
"Cut it already, I'll be back before you guys even know it." Draco cleared the air.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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lambtotheslaughterr · 11 months
A Rafe Cameron Mini Series
WC: 5.4k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
a reminder that Rafe uses the alias Adrian in this story
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You had hardly slept a wink all week.
Edwards, the P.I. your parents had hired, had been looking into Rafe all week following your admission of his texting you. You had sat on it for a day, contemplating if you wanted your family to take care of it or if you wanted to take care of it yourself. But you had to be braver than the old you, the old you that never peeped a word. So, you showed Lillie the text & the dominoes fell from there.
Unfortunately, Edwards found nothing. Or at least everything he needed to find was being well hidden by the Cameron’s.
“Can’t believe that snake, Ward. Protecting his piece of shit son.” Your dad spit to your mother as they failed to whisper to one another in the kitchen. You & Lillie sat in the adjoining sitting room, Edwards across from you as he strolled while on the phone.
You could see the panic in the room: your mom casting worried glances in your direction every few minutes, your dad trying to contain his rage as he pictured his daughter being hurt again, Lillie as she splayed a hand on your upper back in comfort—though you didn’t need it, even Edwards, who appeared to treat this job closer to the heart since he refused to give up until you were safe. There was panic & fear all around you. Yet you never felt a bit of it.
You knew you had done the right thing by telling your family about the text, but personally you hadn’t felt in any true danger. You knew it stemmed from your inability to recall your previous life, so you couldn’t understand their panic & fear since you—this you—hadn’t experienced that panic & fear yourself like the old you had when with Rafe.
It was another burdening case of imposter syndrome. This was her life, not yours. It was her family & friends who were scared, not yours. If it was her taking over your body right now, she likely would be crying, pleading to the universe to please take Rafe away from her forever. But you sat there, numb & removed from the whole situation.
Edwards hung up the phone, glancing quickly at you before moving towards your parents in the kitchen.
“No luck.” He told them. They shared displeased reactions.
“I shouldn’t be surprised. What do we do then?” Your father asked, desperate for a way to keep you safe.
Edwards sighed, “Until I know exactly where that kid is, I can’t offer any guaranteed safety measures. His punk of a dad has a lot of people in his pocket, a lot of people on this island who will protect that kid despite what they know. And in spite of all that,” Edwards flicked a look in your direction of his shoulder, “she’s still safest here on the island. With all of you.”
“Then what if we all left?” Lillie spoke up from beside you, “If we go with her, if we all leave, then she’ll stay safe, right?”
Edwards shrugged, “In a way, yes, but my jurisdiction only goes so far. You want my best advice? Stay. Until I find him, & I will. It’ll just be tougher.”
“But doesn’t Ward’s authority only go so far, too?” You found yourself surprised at the sound of your own voice.
“Perhaps.” Edwards nodded, “But money always goes further. Money I certainly don’t have. Money your parents do have, but their influence is not nearly as strong as Ward’s.”
“So I’m a sitting duck.” You replied dully, “Just waiting for him to stroll in & take me whenever.”
“That’s never going to happen, _____.” Your dad implored, his eyes set hard & wide, “I’ll kill that kid myself if he comes within a mile of this house.”
Your mother placed a hand on your dad’s arm, saying his name to calm him, “He won’t come near her.”
Edwards sighed again, though this was seemed to suggest he had something further upsetting to add, “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
All four of you listened intently as he spoke.
“Ward could send that kid anywhere, really. And I imagine, like you, he’s tried himself to get him off her back, albeit for more selfish name-saving reasons, however, I’m sure he’s exhausted those efforts as well. If I had any guess, which I think I have a good idea considering how tight-lipped everyone on this island are being, I imagine he’s here, on the island, close.”
A weakened shudder passed through you, hardly making you worried, but the fact of the matter still unsettled you.
“And if he is here, _____ is right. He’s probably being smart about it, playing the long game.”
“So then we leave!” Lillie added again, her frustration at the situation growing for everyone involved.
“And he would follow.” Edwards responded, “If this kid is anything like you’ve said he is, like he’s proven to be by following your daughter hundreds of miles away, no distance will stop him. And with his daddy’s money, he’ll go for as long as he wants.”
“So we do nothing.” Your dad was exasperated, fed up with the inability to really do anything.
“You stay alert. Stay with her.” Edwards pointed at you, “Don’t just let anyone come & go from this household. You don’t know who you can trust.”
“What about you?” You questioned, frowning at Edwards, “If Ward has so much money & can pay off anyone, how do we know he hasn’t done the same to you. How do we know that we can trust you? That you’re not here just to keep tabs on me for him.”
Edwards nodded in understanding, “You’re right. You don’t know that.” He addressed your parents, “But unlike a lot of people on this island, I have standards, morals. And unfortunately, my word on that is going to have to do.”
A beat of silence followed, everyone in the room then suddenly looking at Edwards as if he was a bad guy too. You needed your family to be paranoid. If everyone wanted Rafe gone for good, they needed to know exactly who they could trust.
Edwards cleared his throat, raising his phone towards your parents, “My phone is on if you ever hear any more information. I have her phone tapped in case the Cameron kid makes more attempts at contacting her. I got some of the best people working on this. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.”
“Thank you, Edwards.” Your mother said, “We really do appreciate your dedication.”
“I had a daughter once.” He forced a small smile, casting you one more solemn look, “Okay, I’ll come by again tomorrow evening. Be safe, now.”
Your dad walked Edwards to the door while your mom joined you & Lillie in the sitting room.
“It’ll be okay, sweetheart.” Your mom assured.
But you didn’t need it. You felt… fine. But you nodded anyway, not wanting to alarm your family that you were wholly unbothered. Sure, you were concerned for them because they were concerned for you, but you weren’t worried about yourself. Again, because it wasn’t you. This wasn’t your life, this was life you woke up to, that you were forced into.
“We’ll find him, _____.” Lillie rubbed your arm. You forced a smile, wanting to assure her even though you didn’t believe the words coming out of your own mouth, “I know.”
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It was Christmas.
A couple weeks had passed since you last got any updates about Rafe. Edwards reported the same thing every day: nowhere to be found, no one talking. It was the same thing every single time.
Lillie & your parents remained vigilant though. You hadn’t been alone once since you brought to their attention that Rafe had messaged you. Even when you showered, Lillie lied on your bed, talking to you about normal stuff through the door.
Fuck, you wanted to kill for some alone time. Even if it meant risking Rafe appearing out of the darkness & stealing you away. Part of you even entertained the idea, just so you could stop being watched every second of every day.
“Is Jozef’s work still having that work party for New Years?” You questioned Lillie, meeting her eyes in the reflection of your vanity mirror.
“I think so, yeah. His bosses boss splurged this year & they’re treating the staff to a private beach party.” She shared.
“Are you going as his date?”
She shrugged, “I don’t know yet. I was thinking you & I would hang that night.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing what she was really saying: I’m watching you that night since your parents will be out of town.
“Lil. I can handle one night on my own.”
“Fuck that.” She spit, rolling off your bed to join you at the vanity. You were struggling putting your hair up into an elegant up-do. Your parents were hosting a small Christmas dinner for close friends—all of whom were screened by Edwards before being invited.
“Let me help.” Lil placed a bobby pin between her full lips as she gently threaded your hair between her fingers.
“Then I’ll go with you.” You returned to the conversation at hand. Honestly, you were just desperate to do anything. Much like your life at the beginning of your rebirth, you were either sleeping in your room during the day or being vegetative & alone at night—even if Lil slept in bed with you. It was getting to be too much. Edwards himself said that there still hasn’t been any update or progress in finding Rafe, plus he hasn’t messaged you once since the first time. It was time your family began to loosen the reigns a bit.
“I don’t know, _____.” Lillie finished with your hair, catching your eyes in the mirror, “I promised your parents I would spend the night with you while they’re gone.”
“Ugh, Lil, c’mon.” You gritted through your teeth, “The only thing keeping from the outside world is you guys, not Rafe. It’s been weeks, one night will be fine, & honestly, it may even turn something up if you let me come with you.”
“Even more reason for us not to do it!” She exclaimed, returning to the edge of your bed.
You turned in your seat to face her, “Seriously? You guys can’t do this forever. I can’t be kept on lockdown forever. At some point, you guys are gonna have to back off, & let me live, go out into the fucking world. It’s getting old really quick.”
Lillie remained silent, pondering what you said, but it wasn’t enough. You could tell that she wasn’t getting convinced by anything you were saying.
“Think about it,” You began, “You keep someone from something they really want & eventually they’ll sneak anything behind your back to get it. And guess how often cases like that town out?”
Lillie narrowed her eyes at you, “You’re not gonna change my mind.”
“So then you want me to lie to you? Sneak around? Hmm?”
She inhaled sharply, considering your argument more finely this time. She clicked her tongue, shaking her head, “Maybe. And that’s all I’ll say for now. I’ll talk to your parents about it tonight at dinner.”
You scoffed but shrugged, “Fine. At least it’s something.”
Lillie continued staring at you. You raised your brows, “Will you stop? I’m not weak like her, okay?”
“She wasn’t weak.” Lillie’s voice softened at your insult, “But she did trust the wrong person for too long. And I won’t let you down like he did. I won’t let you down like I did.”
Your hardened heart softened at that, recalling the time she told you about your relationship with Rafe back in your bedroom in the city.
“I’m sorry, Lil.”
She mustered up a smile, shaking her head, “Then just please trust me, okay? I’ll talk to your parents. I don’t want you to feel trapped, let alone by us.”
You nodded your head, a small smile appearing on your face, “Thank you. I promise, if they say yes, the night will be perfect. No Rafe or trouble in sight.”
“Yeah,” She half-laughed unconvinced, “we’ll see about that.”
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It was a little past six in the evening when you, Lillie, & Jozef arrived at your parents’ house for dinner. You had gotten up much earlier than usual to get ready so you were still yawning while you & Lil set the table.
Your mother seemed in a relatively good mood, under the circumstances. In the two years that you had to re-learn her, you learned very early on that she was a social butterfly. Kildare Island & it’s residents were very much her kind of people, especially the women. All of them cared much too deeply about the finer things in life like status, clothing, wine, etc. But since reality came knocking on your door, she began to realize that the finer things in life was her family, your well-being, & spending more time being a present mother. Still though, you could see how excited she was about this dinner.
You sat next to your father who sat at one end of the table. The guests that came were mostly your mother’s friends, your dad not open enough yet to trust anyone in his inner circle. Your mother sat at the other end, speaking jovially so everyone at the table was tuned in to her.
When the guests arrived you were anticipating the usual: stares, whispers, passive aggressive questions about your condition. But much to your surprise, none of them came. They all greeted you warmly. You didn’t care to remember any of their names, even if there was only four of them. You were just relieved to have other people around that wasn’t just your family & friends.
As your mother continued to talk animatedly, you cast a look at your father. He sat quietly, his elbows on the table with his hands covering most of his mouth. His eyes stared aimlessly at the tablecloth. You knew he was troubled with your situation. You wanted to comfort him, tell him he had nothing to worry about. But you couldn’t promise that, you weren’t even sure you could convince him with a fake smile. So, you let him carry on in his quiet solitude.
Lil bumped your shoulder, stealing your attention, “You okay?”
“Hmm? Oh yeah.” You nodded, using your fork to pick around the food on the plate before you, “Fine.”
She didn’t look convinced but she didn’t push. Jozef, who sat across from you, managed to pull your father out of his deep-thoughts, pulling him into a trivial conversation about the country club where he worked. You didn’t listen long, instead allowing your own thoughts to stray to Rafe Cameron.
You wished you could remember him. Even if it was a shitty, horrible, traumatic experience, you wanted to remember it. You felt a desperate need to understand this situation deeper. After all, you had tried to kill yourself because of it, or at least she had tried to kill herself. She was that scared, that ready to be rid of him that she would throw herself into an ocean with 20ft waves, all to escape him.
It was a healthy, necessary fear of the man, one that was evident in your parents & friends. Not being able to relate to them, to be a part of it with them, only left you feeling more isolated.
A small gasp escaped everyone’s mouths at the sound of a doorbell reverberating through the house. Your parents traded looks of concern before you dad rose from his seat, “Please continue. I’ll be back.”
Lillie & you traded looks next, a familiar gut-wrenching twist forming in your stomach. Light conversation continued among your mother’s guests but she too had stopped talking, rising from her seat to follow behind your father.
You excused yourself, tossing a look to Lil for her to stay in her seat, as you quietly followed in your parents’ wake. Out of site from the dinner, you peered around a corner in the hallway, watching as your parents stood at the door. You could just barely make out Edwards’ voice even though you couldn’t see him.
They spoke quietly amongst yourself, but you observed as your mom put a hand to her chest, as she gripped your dad’s forearm. You weren’t sure what to make of the scene without being able to hear what was being said. Your stomach flipped at any possible bad news that Edwards was telling them. After all, he rarely ever had anything good to share.
A moment later, your father shook Edwards hand before closing the door. Your parents embraced one another, your mother apparently crying into his chest as he ran a calming hand over her head. You came out from your hiding spot approaching them.
“Mom? Dad?” They both raised their heads to look at you, “What’s going on?”
A release of breath came from your mom as she removed herself from your dad, crossing the hallway to you. Confused, you let her pull you into her, hugging you tightly.
“That was Edwards.” Your dad shared, joining you & your mother before she released you.
“I know. What did he say? Is Rafe… did they find him?”
They traded knowing looks before turning to you, your mothers hand finding your own, “They did, sweetie.”
They looked more than relieved though, they looked almost ecstatic. But why would they look ecstatic?
“They did find Rafe.” Your dad repeated, a solace expression washing over him that you had never seen before, “And he won’t be bothering you again.”
You waited for the other shoe to drop, knowing there was more being left unsaid.
“So… what? He’s in jail?” You questioned, your eyes dancing between the two of them.
“No, honey.” Your mom began.
“He’s dead.” Your dad finished, “Rafe Cameron is dead.”
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Your parents fought you tooth & nail for wanting to attend Rafe Cameron’s funeral. It wasn’t like you were invited but you needed to see it to believe it.
At a distance where no family or friend of the Cameron’s could spot you, you sat in Edwards car in the backseat with your mother, watching through the tinted windows as a casket was lowered into the ground. An older man & woman stood at the head of it, the woman crying expressionlessly as the man stood eerily still, watching the casket descend further into the earth.
Rafe Cameron, dead. Just like that.
At first you didn’t believe it. How could you? If Rafe’s own parents were willing to hide & protect their psycho son, whose to say they wouldn’t fake his death to ensure he wouldn’t be sought after anymore? But Edwards confirmed the body that washed up on shore Christmas morning was indeed Rafe Cameron: DNA, dental records, & one Ward Cameron’s positive identification.
Your family & friends were relieved. He was gone. For good. You had successfully escaped him.
The details surrounding his death were still being investigated, but according to Edwards own investigation, it was theorized that he overdosed at on a boat he was hiding out on some miles down the way, having fallen overboard & drowned. Edwards said his death would likely be ruled accidental. Open & shut.
But you felt little relief.
Over the last couple days, you watched disassociated as your parents began to smile more, as Lillie began to leave you alone while you showered. Edwards routinely checked in to spare any more details about Rafe’s sudden passing but otherwise, he too looked pleased with how the events turned out.
So why couldn’t you shake the feeling that you were okay? Especially as you watched Rafe’s sisters fall to their knees & cry, as his friends hugged one another. Why, now that he was gone, were you suddenly becoming worried? Where was this worry when he was missing in action?
You inhaled sharply.
“Are you satisfied?” Your mother asked. People began to depart from the gravesite, save for Rafe’s immediate family.
You weren’t. But how else would you be? This is what you wanted. You wanted to be free from him, from your family’s watchful eyes, from Lillie’s overbearing need to always be around you. This was it. But it seemed almost too good to be true.
“I guess.” You muttered, wishing you could march right up to the hole in the ground, rip open the casket, & check for yourself that the man you had called Adrian for months was indeed gone forever.
“Edwards.” Your mom spoke, “Let’s go.”
As the car pulled away from the cemetery, your eyes never left Rafe’s father. He continued to stand impressively still, face expressionless as his only son became buried in the earth.
But then suddenly, Ward Cameron lifted his head. And though he was yards away, & though the windows on Edwards car were well above the legal tint level, & though there was absolutely no way he could see you, Ward Cameron looked directly into your eyes.
And what you saw made your skin crawl. Because what you saw staring back at you was Rafe Cameron. And for the first time since you learned everything about your past, you felt a fearful shudder crawl achingly slow up your spine.
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Jozef & Lillie talked animatedly to one another in the front seat of Jozef’s car. It was New Years & the three of you were going together as a trio to Jozef’s work party at the beach.
Now that Rafe Cameron was gone, your parents had eased their hold on you. Of course, they still had their concerns, especially considering who Rafe Cameron was to you, but it appeared they were also learning that you really weren’t the girl before anymore. So who Rafe Cameron was to you now meant entirely something different to the girl who threw herself into the ocean.
“You’ll have to meet my buddy, Koni, _____. He’s from Charlotte.” Jozef met your eyes in the rearview mirror, “I know it’s not probably the city guy you’re lookin’ for but it’s a start.”
Lillie gently slapped Jozef on the arm, “Jo, quit. We’re not bringing her to set her up. Hello? Have you completely forgotten about the last week?”
“Oh, right.” Jozef smiled apologetically, “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.” You laughed softly, “But Lil is right. I’m in no rush to be dating right now. I just want to have fun & hangout with my friends.”
Lil turned over in her seat to grin at you, “And fun we shall have plenty of.”
The two of you traded smiles.
An hour or so later, you found yourself sitting alone at a table, watching from a distance as Lillie & Jozef danced to the beat of the upbeat party music. It was an open-bar but you stayed far away from the alcohol, instead choosing to drink a virgin cocktail.
“Mind if I join ya?” A voice sounded to your right. You took a sip from your drink, nodding at the person. Koni, Jozef’s friend, grinned at you. He was ridiculously handsome. Under as normal circumstances as you could imagine, you would’ve happily entertained flirtatious banter with him, but you just didn’t have it in you—your thoughts sometimes returning to the blue-eyed liar that swept you off your feet only months prior.
“Not into dancing, huh?” He asked, leaning forward on his elbows towards you, but he still maintained a respectful distance.
You shook your head, cringing at the thought, “No way. Don’t know how to dance, don’t really care to learn.”
“Why’s that?” His dimples distracted you, making you feel disgustingly shy.
“Uh.” You paused, “Because apparently old me did enjoy dancing, & I have a pretty bad habit of wanting to be nothing like her.”
Koni’s frowned in confusion, “I’m sorry, what?”
You went on to explain your condition, the accident that caused it, the nature of your stubbornness. Though you loathed the idea of exposing yourself like so, you resolved that it would always be a part of you, no matter what. Unlike Rafe Cameron, or Adrian for that matter, there was no out-running it. So you stopped trying to hide it away.
“Damn.” Koni sat quietly for a moment, soaking in everything you told him, “So you don’t remember a single thing about your life?”
You shook your head, “Nope.”
“Man,” He laughed softly, “What I wouldn’t give to erase some of my memories. Guess you’re kind of lucky, but only kind of considering how it happened.”
You chuckled at that, “Yeah, you’re right. ‘Kind of’ fits.”
For the next hour, you & Koni stayed chatting at the table, conversation flowing easily. Thankfully, the conversational tone never breached the levels of flirtation. Koni was friendly & appeared genuinely interested in anything you had to say—all without calling you ‘cute’ or subtly checking you out. It was your first normal & honest conversation with someone that wasn’t Lillie or your parents. You internally rejoiced.
Jozef & Lillie joined you two a few minutes later, Jozef clearly having had one too many drinks. Lillie struggled bracing Jozef’s weight. Koni easily took over for her, nodding towards the road where cars were parked, “Heading home?”
Lillie slipped into her sandals, nodding, “Yeah, we oughta.”
“It’s almost midnight, you guys are gonna miss the fireworks.”
“I know, I know.” Lillie admitted, “But if I don’t get this guy into bed soon he’s gonna vomit everywhere & make a fool out of himself in front of his boss & coworkers.” Neither of you could argue with that.
“Are you staying?” Lillie surprised you by asking.
“Oh, uh. I would assume not, you guys are my ride.”
“Right, of course.”
“I could give you ride back.” Koni offered. Lillie & you traded looks before you shrugged, “It’s okay, I don’t really care for fireworks, anyway.”
You lied. You wanted desperately to see them. As someone who valued new beginnings, the start of a new year symbolized by pretty lights in the sky over the endless ocean seemed like an ideal way to end this year.
“_____.” Lillie said your name quietly as Koni began leading Jozef back toward the car, “You can stay. Koni is a good guy. I trust him. And I know how nice it probably is for you to be able to do your own thing now, ya know, considering…”
You sighed, nodding, “Yeah, I know, I just, I dunno. I pushed myself hard once before to move on & look at how that went.” Lillie frowned but nodded in understanding. “I just don’t want history to repeat itself.”
“I get that, believe me!” She laughed, “And I’m obviously not going to abandon you here so if you really want to come back with us then obviously you’re coming. But at least give it the walk back to the car to think about it, okay?”
“Yeah.” You rolled your eyes but were actually quite grateful, “Okay.”
Following behind Koni & Jozef, Lillie & you trekked from the beach through the foliage of trees. The private beach that Jozef’s boss had rented had no official parking lot, just a dirt road off the main road that disappeared into the trees before coming out to the beach.
It was only a couple minutes before the four of you reached the mouth of the trees where Jozef had parked his car. Pulling out the keys from the jacket she was carrying, Lillie unlocked the car & opened the door for Koni to slide Jozef into the backseat. As he got Jozef situated, Lillie turned to you, “Last chance.”
You sighed, pondering it. Your eyes fell to Koni as he carefully buckled Jozef before gently shaking his head, “Get home safe, dude.”
Lillie was right. You had nothing to be afraid of anymore. And while you didn’t want to push yourself, you did feel safe, right then in that moment.
“Okay.” You smiled, “I would actually love to see the fireworks.”
Lillie grinned knowingly, bumping your shoulder, “I knew it. Hey, Koni!”
Koni looked at the two of you, unsure why it sounded like he was about to get in trouble.
“_____ is yours for the next hour. Get her home safely. And keep your hands to yourself.” Lillie joked but you knew there was a seriousness there too beneath her words.
Koni raised his hands in innocence, “Yes ma’am. I would never anyway but you’re scary enough as is.”
Lillie turned to you, a triumphant smile on her features, “Good.” She chirped.
Hopping into the drivers seat, Lillie turned on the engine before rolling down the window. Koni stood a foot away from you as she hollered, “I have her location, Koni. I expect her home before one.”
“Okay, mom.” You shook your head playfully, “Get dad home safely.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She rolled her eyes but waved, “Have fun, kids.”
Koni & you waited until you watched her disappear around the bend. As the two of you began walking, Koni pulled out his phone, “Oh shit.”
“What?” You felt your concern spike suddenly.
“It’s 11:59.” He grabbed your hand gently, “We gotta go if we’re gonna see these damn fireworks.”
Allowing him to lead you at a fast pace through the trees, you tried to keep up with him. Like him, you too wanted to see those damn fireworks. The sound of the party was getting closer, signaling that you two were almost through the trees when suddenly Koni fell.
“Ah, fuck.” He groaned out as you came to halt beside him. A tree root was sticking out from the earth, having caught his foot.
“Are you okay?” You covered your mouth, not wanting to laugh at his predicament. But he seemed to recognize what you were doing & sarcastically responded, “Oh yeah, laugh at the guy that was trying to help you, I see how it is.”
“Sorry.” You pressed your lips together. Koni faked a pout making you laugh, “C’mon, take my hand.”
Just as Koni reached his hand up to take yours, a sudden thwack sounded to your left, making you jump & fall to your side. It took a second too long to realize what had happened. Koni lied at your feet on his back, unconscious, having been struck on the head by an assailant.
A silent scream escaped your open mouth as another blow hit him on the head followed by another. Your turned your face away, covering your ears at the sound of Koni getting beat repeatedly. It was only when the sound stopped that you realized your dilemma.
Slowly, & with blurry vision, you turned to see a silhouette standing over Koni’s body, a bat hanging loosely from their hand.
They didn’t need to turn around for you to know exactly who it was. Rushing to your feet, you took off for the beach party but didn’t get very far when a strong arm circled your waist, pulling you off your feet.
A loud boom erupted the night followed by a bright pink light in the sky just as you screamed.
Rafe pulled you further into the trees, your screams drowned out by fireworks exploding. No one would hear you.
You beat against his arm, trying to release yourself from his hold.
One of Rafe’s hands harshly gripped the back of your head, yanking a fist-full of hair, forcing your head back at an ungodly painful angle. All you could make out was the fireworks above the trees & the top of Rafe’s head as he leaned over you.
“Look baby.” He looked to the sky, “They’re exploding just for you, for us.”
A hot, wet unwanted kiss pressed against your cheek, causing you to squeal & squirm against Rafe. But Rafe wouldn’t let go.
“Remember our thanksgiving dinner. I know you do.”
For a moment, you didn’t, & you knew that he knew you didn’t. But then you did remember it. The dinner you two had in the city, back when he was Adrian, right before you allowed him into your bed.
A firework lit up & danced across the sky. Your vision blurred from the tears.
“Rafe, please don’t.”
He pulled you tightly against him, his hand finding your throat as his other covered your mouth & nose, “To new beginnings, _____.”
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Ayyyeee, only one part left. Ya'll thirsty Rafe fans will surely enjoy the final part of the Awake series.
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7-wonders · 2 years
m a s t e r l i s t
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Adrian hates horror movies
Every Time We Touch–Adrian’s not a fan of having people touch him. The more that he gets to know you, the more that he warms up to the idea of people, namely you, crossing that boundary.
(Or, Five times you touched Adrian Chase and he realized he might not be touch-averse, and one time where he said “fuck it” and touched you first.)
Right Where You Want Me–You probably should have told Adrian that you know how to shoot a gun the second that he revealed he was going to teach you. But you can’t deny that having Vigilante with his arms wrapped around you to help you hold the gun is tantalizing.
The 11th Street Kids Go Undercover–On a mission to stop the formula for creating metahumans from falling into the hands of Lexcorp, you and Adrian are paired up. A fake date with the guy that you have a crush on is surely just another day at the office.
The Betrayal–You find out the truth about what happened to your brother, Rick Flag, at the worst possible time.
The Good Kind of Butterflies–Adrian realizes he has a crush on you. He doesn’t take it well.
Unexpected Guests–Adrian tries to keep his work life separate from his personal life. Until one day when his work life literally shows up at his front door.
Who Helps the Helpers?–When you come down with a nasty cold, help comes to you in the most unlikely of forms. Though it’s not who you were expecting, you certainly can’t say it’s unwelcome.
Find headcanons and other musings under the Adrian Chase x Reader and Vigilante x Reader tags!
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Kiss of Fire–You only want what’s best for Jim, and that includes staying clean of drugs. Jim, who’s been bottling up his true feelings for so long, finally snaps after he finds out you flushed his stash. 
Half of My Heart–Jim was supposed to be better now. After his psychotic break, you and Medina had made sure that it was impossible for him to slip back into his old habits. But the morning comes, and so does the realization that he’s been lying to both of you. 
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A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes–Life has never been the kindest to you, and you've come to expect only the worst from it. But when a golden-eyed stranger shows up at your place of work and promises you that all your dreams will come true if you just trust them, how are you to say no? Get ready—a ball in the Dreaming awaits.
Christmas Traditions
Fatherhood–You're a single parent, and you (and your daughter) meet Morpheus
Give Me Everything You've Got–After a fight, you learn that Morpheus does not have the best coping skills. Like, at all.
Hopes, Dreams, and Everything In Between–Just when Morpheus finally escapes capture at the hands of the Burgess lineage and begins to make his way back to his realm, his weak connection to his power disappears completely. Left stranded in a world with no knowledge of what has transpired for over a century, no powers, and no clothes, Dream of the Endless must let down his guard and place his trust in a human whose path he was quite literally dropped in the middle of.
Jealousy, Jealousy–It's your turn to get jealous.
Kiss With a Fist–Normally, Dream is above mortals and their petty quarrels, but when one decides that he wants to play with fire, Dream is more than prepared to burn him. That is, until you have something to say about it.
Morpheus Does Not Understand Millennial/Gen-Z Humor
Morpheus gets jealous
Of Jack-o'-Lanterns and Misperceptions–You carve pumpkins with two of Dream's sisters in the Dreaming!
Our Very Own Greek Tragedy Pt. 1 | Pt. 2–You love Morpheus, and Morpheus loves you. You're the happiest that you've ever been in your life, and your love's intention to propose to you is just the icing on top of the cake.
Too bad you don't remember any of this when you wake up.
Shopping Spree–You go shopping and have a little fashion show for Morpheus.
Sick Day–You're sick, and the absolute last thing that you want is for an overprotective King of Dreams to find out. Of course, you should know by now that it's impossible to keep anything from Morpheus, and when it comes to you, there's nothing that he won't do to make sure that you're safe and well.
The Mixup–Matthew goes sticking his beak in places it shouldn't be, and finds what he believes to be some shocking news.
The Nightmare–Your daughter has a nightmare, and Morpheus is the one to soothe her.
To the world we dream about (and the one we live in now)–Being in the right place at the right time turns everything you thought you knew on its head when a woman, imprisoned and battered, is literally thrown into your life. Left with no choice but to do the obvious, you offer her shelter and support in her time of need.
Unbeknownst to you, said woman is a powerful and ancient being who now belongs to you in accordance with the old laws. This situation definitely won’t become complicated, right?
You get your period
You're extremely stressed out
Find headcanons and other musings under the Dream of the Endless x Reader and Morpheus x Reader tags!
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Truth or Dare–A oneshot of Xavier being dared to play Seven Minutes in Heaven, and you’re the one that the group chooses to go with him.
Still Lovin’ You–You’re smoking weed with Xavier in the back of the infamous Vanta-C when things get a little steamy.
Shot Through the Heart–Being a ghost, you could handle. Your boyfriend killing people? Not so much.
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)–After two years, Xavier returns to the spot where he nearly lost his life…and where you did.
Cum On Feel the Noize–Xavier has ideas on how to spice up your boring shift.
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Captured with Sith!Anakin
I'll Follow You (Into the Dark)–You’re forced to team up with Darth Vader to escape from Hondo Ohnaka and his gang. Needing shelter for your weary selves after making it to civilization, you book the last room at an inn. There’s just one problem—there’s only one bed.
Just the Two of Us–Anakin finally returns to you, and neither of you can wait for a better time or place to truly reunite.
Rebel finds out Sith!Anakin hates sand
The Force and Its Tragedies–Joining the Rebel Alliance was always going to be a risk to your life and safety. But never did you think that you would end up in the clutches of the evil that you have been fighting to take down. And never did you think that you would reveal your biggest secret to said evil.
masterlist updated 7/18/2023
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 7 months
The Runaway Distance Life Of A Little Stark chapter 25: All The things Lost
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, Ben Parker x May Parker, Ben Parker, may Parker & Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, M.J and Peter, Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis, Skye. Fitz, and Simmons, Phil Coulson & agent may, Harley Keener, Adrian Toomes & Liz Toomes, Nick Fury & Maria Hill, Maria Hill & Reader Summary: The reaction from people that reader met Warning: Mentioning of child abuse (look up maria's hill dad from marvel comics) , flashback
Co author with: callikc Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique
In their Queens apartment, Ben Parker was trying to explain your story to May.
Since the two had come home, it was all they could talk about. Ben had to reveal he had known the truth all along and that Fury organized everything between you and them. It was a lot for May to process, and more than once she found herself taking a break just to comprehend the stories.
"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked tearfully.
Ben sighed, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."
"But you told me about your brother and Mary being with SHIELD right after we got engaged. What was so different with Ellen? O-Or... (Y/n)? I would've understood."
"I'm so sorry. It was a sensitive topic and we were all worried for her."
"I'm your wife, Ben."
"And I'll never forget it. That day, our vows, how beautiful you looked in that dress..." He closed his eyes. "It was the hardest thing I had to do, keeping this from you."
"We vowed that we wouldn't lie to each other." She reminded him. "Do you remember that bit?"
"Of course I do, sweetheart. If it was my choice, I wouldn't hesitate to tell you everything. It was Fury who made the call to keep it quiet. (Y/n) wasn't comfortable with people back then either."
"What does that mean?"
"She didn't want to be known as the Stark Runaway or some rich guy's rebellious kid. She wanted a clean slate, to just be a person, a friendly neighbor. And she was going to tell you herself eventually. She just didn't want you to see her differently."
"I wouldn't." May looked away. "I love that girl so much. She's still going to be Ellen Campbell to me. She's not a runaway. She's her own person."
She found herself gazing at the apartment door. It was right on the other side of it where they first 'bumped' into you.
"She's always there when we need her, Peter loves her like a sister... And now that I mention it, she's practically a daughter to us too." She felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. "Is she going to be in danger?"
Ben wished more than anything that he could give a definite answer but the truth was that he simply didn't know. His silence gave that away too.
"Oh, my God." May whispered, hiding her face in her hands. "She told everyone who she was, said people would be after her... What's going to happen? Are we in danger too? The SHIELD leak-"
"Hey, hey, hey." He quickly wrapped her up in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to worry about that. Fury took precautions. He destroyed the files about Pete's parents and us when they died so he wouldn't ever be a target."
"And Ellen?"
"I... I don't know. But you know what she's like."
She managed a little nod, looking up at him. "She's strong."
He nodded, kissing the top of her head. "That's right. She's like a superhero."
"She'll be okay. She has to be."
"Before I left the station, the guys were showing off these videos of some car chase in Battery Tunnel. This car was driving up the walls and there were guys on bikes shooting at it. It had to be her."
"The other nurses showed me that too!" May gasped. "I thought it was, but there wasn't a clear line. I don't know if I'm more proud or terrified."
"At least we're on the same page about that."
As they continued to discuss the matter, Peter was sitting in the living room. He was busy with homework and completely oblivious to the conversation happening a few feet away.
However, it wasn't the homework that had him distracted. Coincidentally, it was also you.
Just because he'd spent the entire day stuck in middle school, it didn't mean he didn't know what was going on in the city. The teachers talked, but the kids talked even more. He'd heard all about what was happening in the capital and how you were being chased by what sounded like evil agents.
In his head he kept envisioning that you made it out okay and that you finally got to reunite with your dad. He hadn't forgotten about the day when you told him who you really were, so for you to get a hug from your dad was all he wanted for you at that moment.
He almost jumped a foot in the air when the laptop screen on the table started flashing to signal an incoming video call. He recognized Ned's username and quickly accepted, hoping his friend could distract him.
If the call wasn't surprising enough, it was even more of a shock to see Ned with a girl from their class. She was extremely quiet and they hadn't really talked before, but he was pretty sure her name was Michelle Jones-Watson. She seemed to avoid all forms of human contact unless absolutely necessary.
"I'm telling you, he probably already knows!" She was saying.
"Well, I'm telling you, I'm telling him anyway!" Ned argued back, the pair unaware that he had accepted the call already.
"Fine! But don't be shocked when he remains emotionless."
"Yeah, you'd know all about that."
"What's that supposed to mean?!"
"Uh, guys?" Peter spoke up, startling them both. "Yeah. Hi. What's going on?"
"'Sup, nerd." Michelle greeted.
"Peter!" Ned exclaimed, grinning. "I need you to look at the news!"
He frowned. "Why?"
"It's Ellen! You'll never guess who she is!"
"Ellen?" He frowned. "(Y/n)!"
While he launched himself out of the seat to find the TV remote, Ned and Michelle resumed their argument. Ned was pondering how Peter already knew the truth and Michelle was all too happily gloating with several 'I told you so's.
Peter scrambled to find the right channel, eventually settling with CNN, where a blurred image of you in a fancy car was stuck on the screen.
He had a huge grin on his face, glad that you were okay. Maybe the news was reporting on you finally returning to the world. It certainly seemed so with the way the reporter was talking about everything.
But then the headline changed.
Peter felt sick as a sudden wave of disbelief, shock, and sadness overwhelmed him all at once. Despite the wailing of alarms outside, the rain battering the windows, all he could hear was the reporter's voice.
"The missing daughter of famed billionaire and Avenger Tony Stark has been reported dead this afternoon after a failed surgery in an attempt to save her life. (Y/n) Stark shocked the country when she revealed her identity to the world several years after apparently running away from home. There are several eye-witness accounts who claim she was shot at long-range just feet away from the entrance of Avengers Tower. They also report that Tony Stark himself witnessed the act and was last seen carrying her inside the building."
May and Ben had returned to the living room at this point and had heard every word. They watched in horror as a picture of you at sixteen showed up with the words '(Y/n) Stark - Daughter of Tony Stark - dead at 21'.
"Uncle Ben? Aunt May?" Peter looked up at them with tears streaming down his face. "Ellen... (Y/n)... She-"
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(I couldn't find kid! peter hugging aunt may, so this will do!) He started to sob and May rushed to hug him, trying to quieten her own cries so she could comfort him. Ben slowly dragged himself towards them, putting his arms around them both as he closed his eyes tightly.
It didn't make sense. It didn't seem real. You were so precious to them all, and now you were just... Gone.
It wasn't fair.
Coulson had been sitting in his room in the dark for a while now.
Maybe a few hours had passed but he couldn't be sure. He didn't really care about it. He was just tired after all the chaos that had unleashed during the HYDRA-SHIELD reveal. He had his team in one piece - save for Ward who turned out to be a traitor - and they were all safely on the Bus. It was a good time to take a break.
The silence was only interrupted when Agent May opened the door, letting in a stream of light from the other room.
"I see the notion of knocking has become old fashioned." Coulson commented.
"You need to see this." She said, getting right to the point.
She held out a touchpad, her expression holding an emotion that even Coulson couldn't quite figure out. Curiosity got the better of him as he accepted the pad and looked at the reels playing.
He felt cold as the news of your death reached his ears. The whole room seemed dark again.
Elsewhere, in the rec room, Skye and FitzSimmons were also unfortunate enough to find the news channel.
They couldn't believe it either.
"Oh, my God." Simmons gasped, a hand over her mouth.
"(Y/n) Stark?" Skye questioned, eyes wide. "How did we not know that?"
Fitz didn't say a word, his arm around Simmons as she continued to stare at the TV with a saddened gaze.
Their time with you may have been short but it didn't mean it wasn't meaningful. After all, you were the one who brought laughter and jokes to the room, bettering a bad day. You got a smile out of everyone, even Agent May. No one could ever forget that.
You really were the rich girl in the end.
Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis stood in their rented London apartment, watching the news report in stunned silence.
It had taken them a while to remember why you looked so familiar, and it had been Jane who pointed out that they saw you way back in New Mexico after Thor got his powers back.
How could they have known back then just how important you were?
The next person to discover your death was Harley Keener.
He was in the garage working on the latest version of the potato gun when he heard your name on the news and almost dropped the weapon in his hands.
He didn't understand half of what the reporter was saying when the man talked about organizations named HYDRA and SHIELD and then a leak exposing secrets about both of them. Of course, in contrast, the news about you dying was as clear as day.
He knew you looked familiar.
You weren't just the Mechanic's friend, you were family.
The latest update didn't mean much to the people that hadn't encountered you before, but to those that had, it was indescribably shocking.
There was now a video of you being carried into the Tower up on the Internet. It was posted anonymously but naturally people ate it up.
It was the people of New York who took the grief the hardest. The Parkers, Ned and his family, and even Mr. Delmar. For them, it wasn't just (Y/n) who had been killed, it was Ellen Campbell. They loved her, and now she was gone.
You were gone.
People searched through all the different channels and websites to find a version of the story where you survived. They needed to believe it was a hoax, that you were going to show up the next day with your usual smiles and jokes.
Even a spokesperson from Stark Industries was forced to armor up in the end and confirm the news. They requested time to grieve the loss of the company's heir, refused to let anyone question Tony, and promised to answer any questions in due time.
Another New Yorker had discovered the news as well now.
It was the girl you had saved two years ago during the Battle of New York.
Liz was in the car with her father and watching the news on the small screen between the seats. She hadn't been paying much attention until she caught sight of your picture and gasped so loud the car almost swerved.
"Dad!" She yelled, pointing at your picture. "That's her!"
He looked between her and the screen in confusion. "What's that, honey?"
"She said her name was Ellen but that's the girl who helped me when the aliens came!" Liz insisted. "It says she was shot!"
Now, Adrian Toomes held a deep hatred for Tony Stark, but unfortunately he couldn't help but be grateful to the woman who had saved his little girl's life.
He may have vowed vengeance on the father, but he wouldn't be able to forget the daughter.
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Surprisingly enough, the last people to hear about your death were the real SHIELD agents.
Fury, Hill, and the very few people they trusted enough with the truth were gathered in a base while they waited for the Triskelion incident to calm down.
Fury stood by the window, a somber look in his eyes as he watched the rain slide down the glass. The sky was dark and the clouds gray, but he could also make out the several plumes of smoke wafting into the air from the crash sites of the helicarriers. It was hard to believe that a day hadn't even passed yet.
There was a buzz from inside his coat then. He cautiously took a phone from the pocket and saw a notification light up the screen. It was an unknown number, but he knew who - or what - had sent it. Fury always knew.
I am sorry, sir. I have failed my mission.
Fury, who was never one to show his feelings, let out a barely audible sigh. No tears fell, he didn't say a word, but he did feel a pang of remorse.
He was proud of you in a way. Not many would have the guts and strength to reveal themselves as you did, certainly not after so many years of hiding and paranoia. You had done a lot for SHIELD, and he respected you for it. You saved good agents, built valuable weapons, and even if you thought a plan was ridiculous you still listened.
Yet you were only human.
After being informed of all the details, he was extremely wary of the fact that HYDRA had repossessed the scepter. It was a dangerous weapon anyway, but now it was guaranteed to be used for bad.
Agent Hill entered the room then, her feelings vexed and torn.
"Sir?" She asked hesitantly. "Is it true?"
Fury kept his gaze on the phone in his hands and didn't even look up. "Agent Campbell is dead."
Hill immediately looked away, quite astounded by how much emotion she felt by the confirmation. It felt like just yesterday that you had awkwardly approached her for the first time and asked if she could train you to fight.
She had spent more time with you than she realized due to all the training, making projects, and even getting coffee during breaks. Not many saw it, but she could have considered you a genuine friend.
It was about a month after Thor had returned from Asgard in 2012.
Loki would be awaiting trial and for now the world was at peace once more. Well, the outside world anyway. You had just finished yet another practice round with Hill in which she had completely destroyed you.
Hill watched with an amused glint in her eyes as you dropped to the ground with a huff.
"Tired?" She quipped.
"Too much cardio." You grumbled in response.
She raised a brow, having heard that phrase at least three times during every session.
"You need to work out more." She said.
"I do!" You whined, picking at the mat aggressively. "I walk to the fridge and I run to the coffee machine and... And other stuff."
She crossed her arms, waiting for a better answer, and you rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry, but me plus effort equals no go."
"You'll need to get used to it if you want to defend yourself." Hill shrugged, sitting beside you. "If you have any ambitions of becoming better, it'll take years of focus and hard work. How do you think I got here?"
She passed over a bottle of water which you eagerly took a long swig of before twisting the cap closed again.
"I'm not you." You eventually said.
"I know." Hill shrugged. "But we're more alike than you think."
You scoffed, clearly not believing the claim. "Oh, yeah? What's your poison? Did your dad also pretend you didn't exist for your entire life too?"
You blinked. "What? Really?"
She nodded. "Yeah."
You waited for her to elaborate, but she remained silent. "Well, come on! Don't leave me hanging, Hill. Spill the gory deets."
Maria Hill didn't trust a lot of people, that much was true, but she'd known you a long time now. She'd spent hours giving you advice on how to survive as an agent and knew pretty much all there was to know about you. Perhaps you were one of the few who deserved the favor returned.
"I never really knew my mom either." She confessed. "My dad didn't care. He was a drunk. Said I was responsible for all his problems. I got into the bad stuff, ended up with the marine corps, and then SHIELD. Haven't spoken to him since."
There was a silence after the short yet oddly detailed summary and you just stared at her for a moment before letting out a low whistle.
"Damn, girl." You mused. "I guess dads really can't do their jobs right."
While Hill smiled, she didn't encourage the mindset. "At least yours wants you home."
"Ha. That's funny."
"I mean it, Campbell."
"Okay." You sat there for a moment, considering it. "But what if I don't want to go home?"
Another silence followed your question and for a moment you thought the subject was being dropped. With that thought in mind, you raised your hand expectantly.
"Gimme five?" You offered. "Shitty fathers club? You can be the treasurer."
Hill cracked a smile, shaking her head as she reluctantly accepted the high-five.
"Yay!" You exaggerated a grin. "We're, like, totally besties now."
"Even so, I still gotta train you. Up you get, Campbell."
You whined again but she only laughed, easily hoisting you back to your feet.
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Back in the present, Hill's mind had been running wild with possibilities and solutions.
"Project TAHITI." She finally suggested.
Fury looked up at last, an array of feelings settling inside. Of course he wanted you back, but he also knew exactly how you felt about that particular project.
You had said 'If I die, don't ever do that to me.'
He respected you too much to go against your wishes like that. Even if it worked for Coulson, he couldn't do the same for you.
"She wouldn't want that."
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drunkchasind · 10 months
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The OG 4 (created for CP77)
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The Witches (from an original setting)
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The Grey Warden (from Dragon Age)
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Some informations about them under the cut:
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Name: Faye Seela Valo (tag faye valo)
Alias: V
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'9.5'' (the .5 is important)/176 cm
Partner/Love interest: Ozob Bozo (shippy tag faye x ozob)
Age: 27
Random: She's from Vancouver, Canada, but following the passing of her best friend, she left home and ended up in NC after wandering on the west coast for a while. She's an incredibly independant person and knows how to look after herself, but she can easily prove her value, which helped her secure work and contacts quickly in NC. She shares a workshop with Iris, working as a mechanic specialized in mechatronics.
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Name: Harrison Joseph Sutherland (tag harris sutherland)
Alias: John Lambert (from gang years)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'2''/188 cm
Partner/Love interest: various flings, nothing serious after the death of his one true love (Ludivine Hamilton)
Age: 36
Random: He's the older brother of Faye (on their father's side). An avid biker with a fondness for troubles (or is it that he's a magnet for them?). He's a piece of work, BUT he'll get any job done with the wanted results, making him a good merc during his time in NC. He used to be in a gang during his youth/early adulthood, so tricky situations are not something that stress him out; one might even say he enjoys it.
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Name: Iris Isabelle Lorne (tag iris lorne)
Alias: 1ZZ1
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'11''/180cm
Partner/Love interest: Declan ''Brick'' Griffin (shippy tag iris x declan)
Age: 33
Random: A very resourceful and imaginative techie, who's outgoing and has a pretty chill view of life. Was raised in a deranged stepfamily and decided to leave it all behind to make her own path. Despite being in a long-lasting relationship with Brick, she never joined Maelstrom (as it was a wish, for them both). Every so often, she does hang out with some specific members, though :)
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Name: Devon Adrian Maggard (tag devon maggard)
Alias: Lt. Maggard
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'4''/193 cm
Partner/Love interest: Jessamyn Murphy (shippy tag devon x jessa)
Age: 35
Random: Following a car accident (the same one that cost the life of his brother), underwent an extensive ''rehabilitation'' that gave him back the ability to walk, but at the expense of a ''cyborgening'' which remains heavy to deal with. He's a MaxTac lieutenant (later, commander), naviguating - and ruthlessly adapting to- the many grey zones that come upon him.
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Name: Jessamyn Eva Murphy (tag jessamyn murphy)
Alias: Hræsvelgr
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5'8''/173 cm
Partner/Love interest: Devon Maggard (shippy tag devon x jessa)
Age: 34
Random: Chosen sister of Egon. She's in charge of ''informations acquirement'' for the organization COVATECH, specialized in botanical biochemistry and evolutionary developmental biology. More importantly, she's the handler of the sentient AI YGGDRA-517, that inhabits the walls of the organization.
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Name: Egon Hyena Stelnar Munroe (tag egon hyena munroe)
Alias: Hyena
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Lesbian
Height: 6'/183 cm
Partner/Love interest: only flings
Age: 32
Random: Chosen sister of Jessamyn. Now, this one is a bit explosive. Thriving in chaos, with a taste for fire. And how do you control chaos? By giving it Purpose. She serves as an enforcer during certain tasks, as well as associate for tracking informations holders, to aid her sister.
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Name: Srovren Antonius Ismir Halligar (tag srovren halligar)
Alias: Greyson
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 6'6''/198 cm
Partner/Love interest: Isaura Forsythia
Age: 43
Random: Ex-military, stranded from his homeland. He runs a garage, which also serves as a front for a shelter to those in need. The shelter is runned with the help of Elsimi Laurela, a ripperdoc, and Doran Sedras, ''freight coordinator''. He has an illegitimate daughter with his long lost lover.
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Credits for the divider x
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 month
The Invisible Man (2020)
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I “saw” 2020’s The Invisible Man again and liked it even more the second time. Any disappointment you might have once you realize it is not an adaptation of the H.G. Wells novel - or a remake of the excellent 1933 film - will disappear after witnessing the magnificent performance by Elizabeth Moss, the overwhelming sense of paranoia generated by the camerawork, Leigh Whannell’s direction, or the smart way it incorporates themes of domestic abuse into its story.
Cecilia Kass (Elisabeth Moss) escapes her violent, controlling boyfriend with the help of her sister, Emily (Harriet Dyer), her friend James (Aldis Hodge) and his daughter (Sydney (Storm Reid). While hiding from Adrian (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), Cecilia learns from his brother, Tom (Michael Dorman) that he committed suicide after she left. Despite this, she becomes convinced he is alive, that he's found a way to make himself invisible and that he's now stalking her.
The usual rule in movies is “show, don’t tell”, and it’s a testament to the script by Leigh Whannell that he breaks this rule in one important way but that the film still works. What sort of abuse was Cecilia subjected to? We don’t really know. The film begins on the night of her escape. We see her check the clock in the middle of the night, carefully move Adrian’s hand away from her waist, pull a duffel bag out of a ventilation shaft, move a camera away from her exit, go down into the basement to shut off the alarms and carefully make her out. On the outside, the home looks majestic but from our point of view looks like an endless maze of suffocating corridors. Her next move is to climb the wall surrounding the property and then run through the woods to the road where her sister is scheduled to meet her. Later on, Cecilia tells us how Adrian would punish her, how eventually, he didn’t need to because he could foresee her every move and practically read her thoughts. Your imagination fills the gaps, and we’re just getting started.
It doesn’t take us too long to figure out what’s really happening. Adrian has, indeed, made himself invisible. That’s an endlessly more frightening truth than if Cecilia was still trapped inside the house with him. When she and James discuss her fears, the camera always seems a little bit too far away, like a third person needed to be squeezed into the frame. The negative space all around them becomes Adrian. It no longer matters whether he is hiding in that corner or not because he could be and the fact that he COULD be there means he’s there, slowly choking Cecilia just like before. No, not like before. Previously, she had hope. If she could make it off that property and onto the street, she would be free. Now, no one will come to her rescue because everyone believes she’s safe. Anything Cecilia says about Adrian stalking her just makes her seem unstable. Soon, she won’t have a choice. She’ll willingly decide to go back to him just so she can stop wondering if she’s being stalked or not.
Enough praise cannot be showered upon Moss for her performance as Cecilia. She plays this horribly broken person with pinpricks of who she must’ve been before Adrian showing up here and then. She’s so frightened of him that you can’t help feeling the same, particularly in those long shots at night when the camera simply stares at an empty door frame. We know there’s someone there. So does Cecilia. It’s like she’s been around the monster for so long that she can also read his thoughts. Rather than prove an advantage, it’s merely another reason to be terrified. He doesn’t need to even utter threats anymore. The threats are already there and whatever she can think of, he can counter with ease. She’s smart so there is hope but talk about an uphill battle and since this is a horror movie, you don’t know how it’s going to end. I’ll give you a hint: it’s a pitch-perfect conclusion.
 The Invisible Man is genuinely frightening and it creates terror without resorting to cheap tricks. The picture heaps suspense upon suspense, makes sure you’re invested by fashioning these great characters and gives the roles to actors who are up to the task. Masterfully directed, fresh, and relevant, it’s not merely a great horror film; it’s a great film period. (June 10, 2022)
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 10 months
Meet My MC: Lyra Lexington
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I'll edit this to make it cuter and more detailed while I play the story but here's what I have so far!
Nicknames: Ly, Little Miss Valedictorian, Doc, Lady, Queen
Born/Raised: Singapore -> New York -> Los Angeles
Books: Ride or Die, Queen B, Nightbound/Bloodbound, The Elementalists as a well-known Historian, and Crimes of Passion I and II (again, I haven't finished all of these books I just thought of this MC on the go)
Face Claim: Alyssa Raghu -> Naomi Scott/shredz55 (Insta)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac: Aquarius
Fashion Style: "Girl Next Door" with a hint of Bohemian Chic
Love Interest: Trystan Thorne
Past Relationships: Logan, Colt Kaneko, Professor Ian Kingsley, Nik Ryder, Violet Hale (OC) Past Flirtationships: Mona, Cal, Vera
Education/Major: BA in History at UC Berkeley; MA in Anthropology and Ph.D in Archeology at Harvard University; Magic Training at Pendergast College of Elemental Magicks
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Desire and Decorum MC Great Great Great Grandmother: The Unexpected Heiress MC Godparents: Adrian Raines and Evelyn "Evie" Rouge Father(s): Lord Elric; Detective Antonio Lexington (FC: TBD) Mother: Lilavati "Lila" Solaris (FC: Nayanthara) Half-Brother: Tialo Maternal Cousin: My Queen B OC/The Elementalists MC Children (Twins): Amber Marguerite Thorne and Alice Nayeli Thorne Pet: Arcane (A Perrikin)
Lilavati left her extremely controlling family after leaving for college to major in Economics, where she met Adrian Raines, and the two became close friends (she was already dating Lyra's father and unknowingly pregnant). As far as her family knows, she's a Board Member/Head of Business for Raines Corporation. In actuality, she's a witch who eventually started working as a kind of supernatural diplomat to ensure peace between supernatural beings, which ended up being for the NYC vampire clans. She's under the vampire clans' protection (but she associates most with Adrian since they're the closest). She was extremely happy for Adrian when he met Evie and fell deeply in love with her. After Lyra is born, she asks Adrian and Evie to be her godparents. In my head, Evie shows up at some point during Nightbound in the Priya Lacroix scene and mentions how much Lyra reminded her of her mother (it took Lyra a second to recognize who Evie was because it's been a while but she knew Evie was a familiar figure). Antonio blames Adrian and Evie (and the rest of the BB crew) for his wife's death and ensures they stay away from his daughter by moving to a smaller home in LA.
Fun Facts:
She's a very talented Carnatic singer! Her extended family wanted her to continue but as much as she loves to sing, she didn’t want to pursue it as part of her future
She is fluent in English and Spanish but proficient in Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, and Dravokian. She learned Spanish from her father and Telugu, Malayalam, and Tamil from her mother. Her parents spoke those languages at home alongside English, but she became less fluent in the languages her mother spoke after she died. And after marrying Trystan, she obviously learned Drakovian
She’s from a wealthy family, or technically her mother was, but she left her old life to have her freedom before Lyra’s older cousins were even born. Lyra herself has an even larger inheritance after her mother died, but her father didn’t feel comfortable using her family money “irresponsibly.” She plans to use that money for her education.
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Dearest Boy
Summary: Matías loves his mother and sisters, but the same can not be said about his father.
A/N: This is a continuation of the AU One-Shot I wrote, Dark Paradise. So if you haven’t read that yet I highly suggest you do.But basically the Greens won, Aegon was never burned in battle, Helaena is alive but mentally isn’t doing well, Jaehaera is the only child of Aegon and Helaena who survived, and the most important thing to remember is Adrian never managed to go back to her world.Also, for those who are wondering Matías face-claim is Tom Blyth.
Warnings: Childbirth, miscarriages, children wanting to commit patricide, mentions of non-con and drugging by milk of the poppy, Aemond being a shitty husband by getting Adrian pregnant despite her physical and mental health, a severely depressed Adrian, surprisingly Aemond’s a good (?) father mainly to his daughters but that doesn’t excuse his possessiveness/obsessiveness toward his wife, incest (duh this is HotD).
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The birth of Adrian’s only son took half as long as the birth of her twin daughters. Her water broke in the middle of a luncheon in the room she was being kept in by the orders of her husband. She screamed at the first contraction and didn’t stop screaming until after the sun went down.
There were hardly any stars that night as a storm had formed, loud as the woman who was bringing new life into the world. A world that was not the one she was born into. A world she was not allowed to leave and go back to her real home because of her husband’s selfishness.  
“A healthy baby boy, my prince and princess.” Grand Maester Orwyle informed the married couple once he gave the infant a quick clean. His skin was as fair as snow with tufts of silver hair on his head. “He has your coloring, my prince.”
Aemond stared at his son, blinking and eye shining but with no tears shed. His son’s squirming and crying hadn’t ceased since taking his first breath. Aemond released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding in. “A son.” He whispered, amazement slipping through when trying to reach for him but the one-eyed prince didn’t get to him in time.
“Matías.” Adrian suddenly declared, voice steady even after having given birth. The excruciating pain she felt from below went ignored by her. She pushed her exhausted body up, drenched in blood and sweat against the wooden headboard.
A few midwives tried approaching, insisting she needed to lie down but Adrian was quick to shoo them away.
“His name is Matías, in honor of my mother Marta.” Unlike the last time she gave birth, Adrian would not allow Aemond to take away her chance in naming her child.
My Matías, Adrian spared a glare at Aemond before softening her eyes when looking at her son.
Aemond had been adamant in holding her while she gave birth. He finally backed off when she slapped him during mid-push, taking off his eyepatch and revealing his sapphire. He kept his distance since then and hadn’t bothered to put his eyepatch back on.
“Give him to me.” Adrian who at twenty-five years old, now a mother of three, ordered with her arms out. “Give me my son.” Her hoarse voice from all the screaming she’d done for the last eight hours left little room for argument from either the grand maester or Aemond.
The moment her baby boy was in her arms his crying and squirming had come to an end. His eyes slowly opened and when he looked up Adrian could see the indigo in them. She smiled tearfully, not thinking of her asshat of a husband but instead her daughter Visenya who shared the same eye color as her brother. She gently kissed his forehead, snuggling him closer as she whispered words of love and protection.
Aemond reluctantly stood from afar because of her earlier slap, frowning and ever watchful.
Not once on the stormy night her dearest boy, her precious son, was born did Adrian let Aemond hold, or even come anywhere near him.
Matías was hers not Aemond’s, and he never would be.
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Ten years later
From an early age Matías was aware that he did not like his father. And the older he got the more he thought hate was a much better appropriate word for how he felt about him.
The list of people the boy of only ten years old hated was short, but the list of people he did love was not very long either.
There weren’t many people he trusted in King’s Landing aside from his mother and sisters.
His great grandsire Otto was stern, too stern in his opinion. At his old wrinkly age he wasn’t a joy to be around. So Matías’ solo interactions with him were infrequent.
As for his grandmother Alicent, the Dowager Queen now that his aunt Helaena had taken her place, was not someone Matías’ liked being around for long periods of time. She could get quite overwhelming, and frankly her attempts at bonding were as irritating as his father’s. They both acted as if things were fine, neither ever acknowledging the misery they’ve brought upon his mother.
When it came to his aunt Helaena, as much as Matías wanted to form a connection with her, the older woman was rarely there, lacking sound of mind. He’d been told by his mother that his aunt lost both of her sons during the war, and because of that she was no longer the same as before.
Jaehaera, his soft-spoken cousin, was the only child left of Helaena and Aegon Targaryen. Whenever Helaena was with Jaehaera he was able to catch a glimpse of what he thought was the old Helaena, lilac eyes bright and face full of vibrant peculiarity. But even those moments with her daughter never lasted.
His aunt Helaena might as well have been a stranger to Matías. The same thing could be said about his uncle Aegon. However unlike with his aunt Helaena who Matías tried getting to know, he downright ignored his uncle Aegon as much as he could.
Between his siblings, his sister Valaena interacted the most with their impertinent uncle. Valaena more than once had dumped water on Aegon in order to wake him during the middle of a meal, or did some sort of prank on him while Matías watched from the side, amused.
For not even the entertaining pranks on his uncle by one of his sisters was enough to have Matías approach him. Aegon’s drinking was the reason for that. Inebriated people disturbed Matías greatly and Aegon, even after winning the war, still went deep into his cups.
Truthfully the only family member on his father’s side Matías liked being around was his uncle Daeron. Aside from him being an overall pleasant person, Daeron also frequently talked about Julieta with him.
His mother’s younger sister and Matías' aunt, who his uncle Daeron was fortunate enough to meet way back. But with his smiles came the longing in his eyes whenever talking about the youngest Reyes sister.
Daeron may have never told him his true feelings for mother’s sister who remained in her world, but Matías figured it out on his own at a young age.  
At the very least his uncle Daeron wasn’t like his father.
An obsessive twat.  
Daeron ended up marrying Floris Baratheon, the youngest of the Four Storm sisters. They now had two boys together. Even though it was obvious to Matías that Daeron’s heart belonged to someone else, not once in his marriage with Floris had he hurt her.
Once upon a time Matías had wondered, what if his aunt Julieta had stayed in this world like his mother? Would uncle Daeron have turned out like his father?
Matías’ mind changed completely once seeing his uncle Daeron comforting his mother.  
Daeron didn’t live in King’s Landing with them, but rather in Oldtown with his wife and sons. To this day he visited whenever he could and would always bring new books with him to give to his mother, and with books came the sweets. He’d give them to her, and then kept his mother company in the gardens, often talking about Julieta. And everytime they did it ended with him saying he hoped she was healthy and happy.
This was proof enough that Daeron truly was kind and had no ulterior motives. The same could not be said about his father. Daeron and Aemond were brothers but they were so vastly different. He didn’t even share many qualities with Aegon either, which Matías thought was a good thing.
Today Daeron had come to visit them but he didn’t stay for long. On dragonback he returned to Oldtown to his wife and two sons before dinner was served. Daeron’s she-dragon Tessarion was one of the few dragons that were left after the war.
A total of six dragons remained, three of which were new dragons.
Vhagar in her old age surprised everyone, her rider the most, by laying a clutch of a total of three eggs a fortnight after Matías was born.
Three eggs.  
One for Matías, which was placed next to his cradle and the other two for the twins who did not get to have dragon eggs of their own when they'd been born a year ago.
Another fortnight passed before all three eggs hatched simultaneously.  
Visenya’s she-dragon Saphira, who Aemond named for her before Adrian ever had a chance to, was a stunning steel blue. Valaena’s own she-dragon, Dawnfire, who Aemond also named, was an intriguing mixture of bronze, orange and yellow colors.  
It was Matías’ dragon, the only male of the clutch, that let everyone know who must’ve sired the eggs with Vhagar.
Matías' dragon Aurelius was given the name by Adrian in honor of her grandmother Aurelia. Aemond hadn’t taken that opportunity away from her, much like when naming her son.
Aurelius was black with only his tail having the same coloring as Vhagar, and was already twice the size of his female siblings. His eyes instead of a green and brownish color was a pure copper, exactly like Vhagar.
The three new dragons stayed with the older dragons in the Dragonpit which had been rebuilt. Vhagar and Cannibal were able to reside in the Dragonpit because of how spacious they made it.
Cannibal though was now kept locked away from the other dragons, and Matías knew this was done on purpose. He never saw his mother ride her ferocious dragon, and whenever he asked her about him all she could get out was how lonely her sweetface of a dragon must be. Once his mother’s dark brown eyes filled with tears he stopped asking further questions about the Cannibal.
Matías hated seeing his mother cry but unfortunately it was something he witnessed a lot growing up, especially while in the presence of his father.
The family of five was now having dinner in his grandmother’s apartments. The Dowager Queen was not with them, having gone off to be with Helaena who was having a bad day, more so than usual. The Queen often had days where she could not get out of bed, mumbling the names of the sons she had lost because of the war.
His great grandsire Otto preferred having dinner alone in his solar. Quite frankly, Matías preferred that too.
Aegon was shockingly not passed out drunk in his chambers but instead made his way to the royal gardens to be with his daughter. Jaehaera had mentioned to them about wanting to watch the bugs that light up in the night as she ate her dinner.
Matías' mother said in her world they were called fireflies.
Jaehaera, in similarity to what Helaena used to do, frequented the royal gardens, mornings and afternoons, reading about the bugs Helaena once loved to talk about according to his mother.
His uncle Aegon tagged along with Jaehaera during these visits, but would keep quiet, his gaze on his daughter one of sadness. And he knew this because of his sister Visenya.
Like Jaehaera, Visenya also loved the royal gardens. She and Jaehaera spent a lot of time there together, sometimes even with Aegon who looked like a melancholic statue of himself.
But as Visenya spoke all she could mention about today was the positives, even if they were small. Matías' sister Visenya was the ray of sunshine his desolate family desperately needed.
“I saw a beautiful butterfly today that reminded me of Saphira but I didn’t have the heart to keep her so I let her go.”
Aemond hummed, smiling at his eldest daughter, the most sensitive of the twins. His sweet Visenya. He turned to look at his wife, his smile dimming at the far away look he saw.
“My love?” He squeezed her hand. “Did you hear what our daughter just said?”
As if she were slapped Adrian reacted with a jerk, her posture straightened. She controlled her breathing when Aemond gave her hand another squeeze. She didn’t spare him a glance, only looking at her daughter. “Yes…of course.” She gave what little smile she could muster these days. “That was nice of you, to let the butterfly go. A lively creature like that shouldn’t be kept in captivity.”
Any other words were shoved down her throat when Aemond cleared his own throat, his hand squeezing hers again. She could only blink as he leaned down to press his lips to her cheek.
There was a clang and everyone at the table turned to Matías, the reason for the noise. His goblet had fallen onto the table, spilling his water. He simply shrugged shoulders, holding back his smile from seeing his mother use the distraction to remove her hand from his father’s.
Aemond waved over a serving girl to clean up the mess. As he did so he caught his daughter, the youngest of the twins, Valaena, staring at him. Well, it was more glaring than simply staring. She was stabbing her piece of lamb on her plate repeatedly with her knife, narrowing her dark brown eyes at him with every twist she did.
“Valaena, what did I say about playing with your food?” Aemond questioned his daughter who possessed so much fire in her. Some days though she resembled a rabid wolf than a dragon.
Valaena stabbed her piece of lamb again, a lot harder than before and never breaking eye contact with him. From beside her Visenya passed a napkin which Valaena took with a quiet thank you. She set the napkin on her lap, and then continued stabbing her piece of lamb.  
Aemond opened his mouth, ready to scold his daughter to quit acting out but his wife’s soft voice beat him to it.
Unlike how she reacted to her father, Valaena listened to her mother with no retorts, or questions.
“Yes mother.”
The youngest of the twins set aside her knife and grabbed a fork. She resumed eating the already cut pieces, making sure to nod her mother’s way before giving her father another glare.  
Aemond merely huffed, returning his attention toward his wife again. Like before Adrian was in her own world again, looking ahead but with nothing in mind.
His sister Helaena and his wife shared this in common. He, however, thought Helaena to be more vacant than Adrian. That did not discourage him from kissing his wife’s cheek again.
Aemond didn’t see Visenya's expression change into concern when looking at her mother, or the glares his other two children were giving him.
The rest of dinner went quietly with the exception of Visenya who occasionally added a comment in an attempt to break tension.
Matías looked over to his mother’s plate that had barely been touched. This sadly wasn’t surprising. His mother barely ate nowadays, not even when her favorite meals were served to her. She disliked meat, so she was always served fruits and vegetables but that did nothing to get her appetite back. However, as long as his father saw her take a bite or two he would be satisfied.
“Come my perzys hen ñuha prūmia, I wish for us to head back to our chambers. The children will see themselves out once they finish their desserts.”
Aemond smiled, his arm wrapping around Adrian’s waist to guide her to stand. His hand settled on her stomach as he led them to their chambers. His smile almost vanished at the flatness he felt. There was no bump but soon enough there will be, tonight would ensure that.
From the way Adrian walked slowly, trying to separate herself from him it seemed he would need to have tea dosed with the milk of the poppy be made for her tonight. That always did the trick to make her more compliant to his affections, something he started doing a few years following Matías’ birth. After Aemond beheaded Alys, the raven haired and emerald eyed witch who corrupted his lovely wife.  
Adrian caught on quickly to what he was doing to her, resulting in him needing to have her be held down so he could force the tea down her throat. Lately, she’d been fighting less as if realizing there was no point in trying to get him off her. He would have her whether she wanted it or not.  
Some may view it as an immoral thing to do, maybe even rivaling Aegon’s terrible ways but unlike his eldest brother who treated women with a cruel hand, Aemond was nothing but loving and generous to his wife even when she was nearing an unconscious state. He always made sure Adrian was wet enough by licking her pearl of nerves, waiting until she peaked in her haze. Afterwards he would finally sink into her, tight as ever until her peachy slick leaked along with his seed.
Aemond had been telling himself for years now that there was nothing wrong with his actions, for Adrian was his wife and this was her duty. She would do what a wife must to please her husband, even if she needed to be on milk of the poppy to do so.
Matías glared at his father’s tall retreating form. He wanted to rip him away from his mother, knowing even in his young mind how much she hated being near him. Matías had seen her looks of disgust, the way she would recoil from his touches. He wasn’t blind like his father was despite his remaining eye.
Alas, Matías was only a boy of ten years, and there was only so much he could do. He’d frequently repeat this in his head to feel less guilty, but nevertheless he felt like he was failing his mother. He switched his gaze over to Valaena, who he was aware she felt the same as him.
“Visenya, why don’t you head back to your chambers.” Valaena suggested in a casual manner once their mother and father were gone.
Visenya frowned a little, glancing down at her plate. “But I haven’t finished my dessert yet. It’s marzipan cake. Father had it especially made for us.”
Marzipan cake was a dessert that both twins favored, although Valaena didn't show as much gratitude, or any really, to their father as Visenya did. Neither Valaena or Matías faulted her for this since Visenya was a naturally kind person to everyone . Her kindness even extended to their uncle Aegon.
Someone could literally yell at Visenya and she’d find some reason to apologize to them. Anyone that did dare yell at her would suffer the dire consequences from Matías and Valaena.
The point was they seriously doubted Visenya had a single mean bone in that small body of hers.
Now Matías didn’t enjoy marzipan cake as much as the twins, being more partial to strawberry pudding. But that didn’t really matter to his father. Were Matías’ feelings hurt that his father didn’t serve his favorite dessert as much as his twin sisters? No, not really. Seeing Visenya happy was a sight to behold, and Valaena would agree with him.
Valaena gave her older twin a shrug. “Take it with you then. Here, you can take my slice.” She slid her plate that had her slice of untouched marzipan cake. She wasn’t going to eat it anyways, she hardly ever ate desserts that were made from her father’s orders. If her mother had especially made it for her that would’ve been a different story.
Matías slid his own plate over to his eldest sister, smiling for her sake. “Take mine as well.”
Visenya returned the smile, kissing both of her siblings on the forehead before skipping off with her plate that now had three slices of marzipan cake.
It didn’t take much convincing the servers that were there to leave. There were guards but they were stationed outside, meaning the young siblings were able to speak freely now that it was just the two of them in their grandmother’s apartments.
“I hate him.” Matías hissed like a snake ready to sink its venom in its prey, or in this case its enemy.
“The feeling is mutual.” Valaena agreed, her tone as acidic as his.
Matías pursed his lips the exact same way his mother would. He looked at where his mother had sat and then over to father’s chair. His indigo eyes darkened. “Maybe he’ll have an accident and fall down the stairs.”
“Oh, baby brother…” Valaena smiled, though it did not reach her dark brown eyes. “If only we were that lucky.” Her face then hardened as much as it could at the age of eleven. “But even so, him falling down the stairs to his death would be too quick, too peaceful in my opinion.”
Matías realized the same as her, and then started thinking of different ways his father could perish, more painful and unimaginable.
The air in the room suddenly got cold but Matías’ blood hadn’t stopped boiling. “I don’t like mother being alone with him.”
Valaena’s expression was a mixture of anger and anguish. “Me neither.” She responded, knife in hand, stabbing what was left of her lamb. Her father’s face was who she pictured with each stab and twist.
Later on in the night Matías had awoken from a terrible nightmare. In this terrible nightmare his father was hurting his mother. Her cries for help echoed in his head as he got out of bed and ran to his parents chambers.
Matías wanted to see his mother to make sure she was okay but two guards prevented his entrance. He was escorted back to his chambers where he was forced to stay with an awful feeling in his stomach.
The young boy of ten cried himself to sleep, worrying about his mother.
Matías had no idea just how right he was to worry. His mother had been drugged, and left vulnerable to her husband’s lustful urges. That night in her half-conscious state, lying next to a man she did not love, feeling used and dirty, Adrian cried herself to sleep as well.
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Nine years later
At nine and ten Matías knew the fucked up lengths his father would go through to keep his mother tied to him.
His good-hearted mother, who wasn’t doing so well. Her body was much like a wilting flower, and her mind wasn’t doing any better either.  
And his father was to blame for all this.
At his mother’s late age of four and forty she suffered the loss of yet another child. Her fourth miscarriage after having him, with this pregnancy not even lasting two months.
This very morning Matías had awoken to his father yelling for the maester and when he ran into his parents’ chambers he got a glimpse of his mother. Her white nightgown and bed had been stained with so much blood. There was an empty look to her and she was unresponsive to his father. The one-eyed mad man showed more emotion, more anger as he paced around, pulling at his long silver strands.
Matías only managed to choke out his mother’s name, her dark brown eyes, dull as ever, switched over to him as he was pushed outside by orders of his father. He called out for his mother once more, only to have the doors shut in his face as his father attempted to console her. But Matías, unlike his father, wasn’t blind and even with the doors closing in on him he’d seen the way his mother cringed at his touch.  
Knowing there was no use in trying to enter his parents' chambers now that it was guarded and locked, Matías had instead gone to the training yard. With a sword in hand he began striking the training dummy, imagining it was his father. How he desperately wished he was the one to bleed instead of his mother.
That’s where Valaena found him.
Matías didn’t need to turn around, he just knew his sister stood a few feet behind him. He heard growing up that it was twins who were always able to sense each other’s presence. That was true when it came to Visenya and Valaena, but it was also true with Matías and both of his sisters.
“Visenya is with mother.” Valaena reported, her throat dry and hurting from preventing her crying. Her mother’s weak form in her sister’s arms lingered in her head. “The grand maester gave her some essence of nightshade.”
Matías hadn’t stopped his striking, imagining his sword was gouging out his father’s remaining eye. “There was a lot of blood, way more than last time.”
“She’s getting older.” Valaena’s usual sternness on her face was replaced with concern for their mother. “Complications in pregnancies arise in women the older they get. She should’ve not been pregnant to begin with, not after the last pregnancy.”
Their brute father hadn’t even waited a year to get their poor mother pregnant again. Her last miscarriage, despite lasting five months, didn't leave her bleeding as much as this failed pregnancy had.
“This is killing her. He’s killing her!” Matías stabbed the training dummy right where his father’s heart would’ve been.
Valaena looked around the training yard, glad no one else was there to hear them. They were no doubt in the castle, talking amongst themselves about the tragedy of the day. “If he has any love for her as he so-called claims, maybe he’ll stop now.”
Matías finally turned to look at Valaena, sword lowered to the ground. His breathing was erratic, face red, and indigo eyes blazing. “All he cares about is what he wants, what makes him happy, not her own happiness.”
That certainly was the truth. Their father was a selfish man, the most selfish person they’ve ever met. He couldn’t go more than a few days without being near their mother, suffocating her with his supposed love.
“I have trouble remembering the last time she smiled.” Valaena admitted in a somber tone.
Their mother would give small quirks here and there for their sake but an actual smile? One as blinding as the sun didn’t happen these days anymore, not like before.
Matías recalled a time when his mother did smile, laughed even, and was content despite their father’s presence.
“I have memories of her smiling when I was little.” Matías began, voice softening along with his expression. “When she was with…”
Emerald eyes, and hair dark as a raven flashed in his mind. For a moment Matías thought he heard a tuneful laugh fill the air.
Valaena’s eyes widened, her twenty year old self remembering her youth. “You know mother doesn’t like talking about her . It only makes it worse for her.”
Matías clenched his jaw. “Alys’ memory shouldn’t cause her distress but it does because of him.”
Alys sadly wasn’t in his life for long, just until he was five. He was able to remember her well enough though. Matías remembered the close relationship Alys had with his mother. Even as a child he knew there was something more than platonic going along between his mother and her handmaiden.
Matías found their presence to be soothing, and craved being near them. But his father had eventually found them out, and he put an end to the harmony they were able to create.
At five years old Matías witnessed his mother become so distraught as Alys was dragged away.  He hadn’t gone to Alys’ execution but his mother had been forced to attend by orders of his father.
The sounds of his mother crying, screaming, and begging his father to stop from outside had drifted into his chambers. Her cries and screams haunted his dreams for years to come.
What made things worse was that his father kept his mother away from him and the twins for a full month afterwards. He claimed he did this so the witch’s influence would leave his mother’s mind, body, and soul. But Matías and his sisters knew there was no influence.
Alys hadn’t put a spell on his mother. His father just didn’t want to believe that his mother had willingly been with Alys, that she had real feelings for her.  
“She loved her, Valaena.” Matías earnestly voiced.
Valaena lowered her dark brown eyes, sighing. “I know she did.”
No more words were uttered between them.
Valaena initiated the hug, finally allowing herself to cry in a moment of vulnerability with her brother.
Usually Visenya was the one to start the emotional moments between them but she was currently with their mother, offering her comfort during this time of despair.
It was because of this that the hug felt incomplete, but it would have to do. When it was over Valaena excused herself, and made her way back inside the castle to have a moment to herself.
Matías stayed in the training yard. His sadness faded, and he picked up his sword to continue releasing his anger. He didn’t know how much time had passed, just that when he saw his father approach the sun was already setting.
The training dummy’s head was decapitated by him the moment his father stood next to it. The reaction Matías got from the one-eyed prince was a mere eyebrow raise, as if saying, now what?
Matías set aside his sword to grab another training dummy. He should’ve known better to assume his father would keep his stupid mouth shut.
“The grand maester says your mother should feel better in a few days. The blood loss looked much worse than it actually was. She just needs her rest.”
What a load of horse shit.
Matías wanted to punch him in his face until he felt something break. His mother would never feel better with his father around. It was known around court about the distressed crying and sounds of passion often coming from his parents chambers.
The crying being done by his mother and the sounds of passion coming from his father. The man was a leech, hardly ever letting his mother have a moment of peace once in their chambers.
“In a few months we can try again.”
Matías wanted to strangle him.
We? There was no we. It was just him who wanted another child brought into this madness. All his exhausted mother wanted was to be away from him.
“Your mother is still fertile. I know she can give me another child, another son.”
She doesn’t want another child, you dimwit!
“A son who doesn’t cause his own mother grief.”
Matías let out a growl as he dropped the training dummy he’d been holding. He turned around so quickly, leaping at his father with his dagger now out. The very same one his uncle Daeron had gifted him on his twelfth nameday. His father never gifted him any weapons and he had to admit he was smart not too.
The one-eyed mad man had a lot of nerve saying that shit considering he was the one to always start an argument between them as his poor mother watched from the sidelines.
“The only one who causes her grief is you!”
Aemond stopped his eye from widening. He forced himself to stare harshly into his son’s matching eyes. It was almost like looking in a mirror. “Taoba, what in the Seven Hells do you think—”
“She loathes you.” Matías hissed in his face. “We all loathe you.”
Aemond grabbed at the dagger, not caring that it was digging into his palm. Blood spilled and try as he might to push it away, the dagger stayed in place. “You spew lies. You may have your issues with me, Valaena as well, but your mother loves me. As does your sister Visenya.”
Matías laughed in his face, eyes wild. “Despite having one eye, your vision is shit. You might as well have no eyes. Mother doesn’t love you, she’s broken because of you. As for Visenya, she pities you. That’s the only reason she’s so fuckin’ nice. But make no mistake, just because she takes the time to read with you and joins you on walks, doesn’t mean she loves you more than mother.”
As much as it irked him, Aemond couldn’t really argue with that last part.
The only one of his children that didn’t treat him harshly was Visenya, but even her love for him wasn’t unconditional. It couldn’t hold a candle for the love she had for her mother. If it ever came to it (Aemond hoped it never did) and she had to make a choice of saving him or Adrian, she would’ve chosen her mother.
Matías continued to hold his dagger to his father’s throat, so close to slashing him wide open until he hit bone. But he withheld the move, staring deeply, with nothing but hate into his lone eye.
“You have lived too long father but not long enough to think about the pain and misery you’ve caused mother. Don’t be fooled.” Matías let go and backed away slowly, not once losing eye contact with him. “The day will come when you reap what you sow, and when it does I’ll be there, reveling in your undoing.”
Matías steadily watched his father as he departed the training yard with a stoic look. When he turned around he heard yells and the sound of things being thrown but he never looked back. He hurriedly made his way to his mother.  
The one thing Matías could at least be content about was the break his father gave his mother whenever she suffered a miscarriage. He’d come back to smother her with his attention within a day or two. So Matías would use this time wisely.
As expected there were guards outside the chambers his mother shared with his father. They didn’t stop him from entering. The first thing he saw was Visenya sitting next to their mother, holding her hand while she slept.
Matías approached, and spoke in a whispered tone. “How’s she doing?”
Visenya’s indigo eyes connected with his own. “She’s been asleep the majority of the afternoon, hardly any tossing and turning.” She sniffled. “I think she’s okay, as okay as she can be after what happened to her.”
Matías put a hand on his sister’s shoulder, gently squeezing. “Why don’t you get something to eat? I’ll stay with her for now.”
Visenya nodded her head, leaning down to kiss her mother on the forehead before getting up. She only took a few steps before she turned around to face him. “Did you…did you come across father?” She asked nervously.
Matías took a deep breath, calming himself. “Yes, I did.”
Visenya picked at her nails, similar to the way Matías would see his grandmother Alicent do. It was an awful habit that he hoped Visenya would stop doing. He didn’t want his sister to have scars, even tiny ones, like his grandmother had.
“Just so you know, I’m angry with him too. I…I hate that he keeps doing this to her.” Visenya looked back to where their mother laid. “She deserves better.”
When she looked at him, Matías saw tears go down her face.
There was no doubt that Visenya was father's favorite. Her kind behavior toward him was the main reason why. His kindhearted sister who wanted to see the best in everyone.
As much as Matías wanted to shake some sense into her he knew she had to come to that conclusion on her own, just as Valaena and him had. It appeared she was already on her way, though.
Maybe she’d feel entirely the same way they did about him once she was wed, and away from King’s Landing. However both Visenya and Valaena were already twenty and not betrothed.
Funny how his father wanted him married before his sisters. He was nineteen and his father was still searching for a suitable bride for him. Jaehaera would’ve been a contender for Matías but she ended up betrothed to another lord, much to his luck. He loved his cousin but he wasn’t eager to wed or bed her. She was a friend to him, nothing else.
While all this occurred his father hadn’t even bothered searching for betrothals for either of his sisters
Rickon Stark, Cregan Stark’s the Lord of Winterfell, son had been suggested as a husband for one of his sisters. His father nearly sent the man who said that into an early grave. His father was not a fan of the North, complaining it was an icy wasteland.
His father once tried making a match between him and Visenya and Matías nearly threw up hearing the suggestion. Visenya kept quiet, but her wide watery eyes let him and everyone know she was not on board either.
It was only after his mother broke out of her shell of depression, and yelled at his father that the suggestion was forgotten about. His father didn’t even try suggesting a match between Matías and Valaena. Marriage outside house Targaryen to another noble house would have to be done no matter how much it vexed Aemond. Matías was not okay with that either but for an entirely different reason.
Now Matías respected women but he had no desire to marry one. Women just didn’t spark any interest in him, not in the way men did.
His mother knew how he felt about men, and she accepted him for who he was. She showed him love and support, as did his sisters after telling them. Only his father didn’t know, but sooner or later he would find out.
And when that day came, Matías was prepared to laugh in his face if he chose to insult him. He’d gladly shout that he was a proud pillow biter. His father’s support would not be needed, not when he already had his mother and sisters on his side.
Matías kissed Visenya’s forehead in a gentle manner, whispering assuring words to her. Visenya left with tears still going down her face. Once alone he sat in the chair Visenya had been in. He looked at his mother, who appeared to be in a peaceful state. This was the most peaceful he'd seen her look in a long time.
Though there was nothing peaceful about what happened to her beforehand.
Matías pushed back a few strands of dark brown hair behind her ear.
The touch had been gentle but it was enough to wake his mother.
Adrian stared at him, eyes filled with so much emotion it made him want to cry.
Matías almost did exactly that when she opened her arms for him. He was about to decline but she called out his name so softly. He carefully crawled into his mother’s arms.
“My dearest boy.” Adrian murmured, kissing his forehead. “I love you so much.”
Matías closed his eyes, snuggling his face in the crook of her neck. “I love you too, mother.” He whispered, basking in her warmth. He felt like he was a child again, comforting her in the only way he could.
Except he no longer was a child. He was a man, and he was now able to do things he wasn’t able to do before.
There’d been many times in his life when Matías thought about it, but he made up his mind right then and there in his mother’s loving arms.
Come winter his father will be dead.
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icespur · 6 months
My Sadistic Self Has Returned With Another Akeshu Angst Idea!
A sad take on "If Goro and Akiren had a biological child."
If Akechi unknowingly impregnated Akiren before the events of Sae's Palace, Shido's Palace, or right before Maruki Palace. So Akechi still "dies" and unknowingly leaving behind a child.
Or in reverse where---I dunno, a mission goes wrong and Akiren dies leaving behind Akechi to raise their daughter alone.
Do any of you recall a little anime called "Clannad"? Or specifically "Clannad After Story"?
Listen, I've seen Miraculous Ladybug AU fanart where they drew an Adrian and Adrianette Daughter version of the infamous "I'm Only Allowed To Cry In Daddy's Arms" and "Ushio Death Scene". If someone can renact that scene in other fandoms, we can do an Akeshu version!
I could only see the scenes working with Akechi and Akeshu Daughter, because I can't ever see Akiren being so racked with grief that he'd act cold and distant towards his own child.
Akechi though, I could see. Of course he'd eventually snap out of it culminating in the heartbreaking "in Daddy's Arms" scene."
If none of you have watched Clannad, and don't know the context of the scenes I'll give them.
Father's name shall be abbreviated to "T", Mother as "N" and daughter as "U" as that's the first letter their names start with.
High School sweethearts get married, and N says she wants to have a child. But her parents and husband are worried because a pregnancy could be detrimental to her already fragile health from an unspecified illness she's had all her life.
But she wants a baby, and T & N successfully conceive. N goes into labor early and since it happens during Winter, the Doctor is struggling with driving (N was very persistent of wanting a home birth despite the risks, so they have a midwife helping and the Doctor has to come to them if I recall)
After a painful birth, their daughter is born alive and healthy, but the birth proved too much on N's body and she passes away.
This SHATTERS the husband, T. So much so he shuts down and can't bear to be around his daughter, so N's parents take her in and raise her. T only sees her on the occasional family outings with N's parents if they bring the daughter in tow. The Daughter knows who her father is but is kinda shy around him. They have ONLY INTERACTED ALONGSIDE THE PARENTS. T HAS NEVER BEEN LEFT ALONE WITH HER.
Until N's parents set him up on a promised family get-together that they "last minute" ditch leaving T alone for the first time to watch his estranged 5 year old.
T is very distant and cold towards her for a while. It doesn't help that the daughter is the SPITTING IMAGE of his late wife.
One day he takes her on a trip, buys her a toy robot, and even though it's not girly, she cherishes it. They go to a field of flowers where she happily runs and plays while T gets to meet an old friend of his father and gets a wake up call of both newfound respect for Father who he saw as a deadbeat, and of how shitty of a dad he's been to his own daughter.
He returns to his daughter who (I forgot to mention she lost her Toy Robot in the flowers and has been spending time digging through looking for it) is still looking for her toy, even as it's now sundown.
T has a genuine sweet conversation with his child and breaks it to her finding her toy might be impossible. But he can get her a new one.
She refuses and that "It has to be that one."
He asks her why and she says "Because it's the first toy Daddy gave me."
You can see this breaks T, as he realizes how much that one off toy meant so much too his kid even though he's been a selfish dad, she adored that toy as the first gift and act of love he's given her.
He apologizes for his behavior and asks if it's okay for him to stay and raise her. She accepts but still looks hesitant about something.
She reiterates something she told him earlier when he accidentally scared her and made her run off when he snapped at an unruly child and his mother on the train.
He thought she just went to the bathroom but saw her crying. She explains that Grandma taught her she's not allowed to cry in public, and only in a bathroom stall or----
"I can only cry in the bathroom or in Daddy's arms."
And for the first time ever, she gets to do the second option. T gives her permission and she runs into his arms, bawling the loss of her beloved robot, while T is hugging her back, crying and apologizing repeatedly for his behavior and missing so much of her life.
Second moment, is unfortunately the daughter, "U". Not only inherited her mother's looks, but also life threatening illness. She gets so sick to the point where she's bedridden and can hardly stand or walk.
T stays by her side 24/7 and does his best.
U keeps asking to return to the flower field because she loved the trip so much. He promises her once she's better and it's warmer out (since it's now winter).
But with how weak she is, she might not get better. And T feels so guilty and powerless of not being able to grant his dying daughter's wish. Despite his better judgement and logic, she asks again and insists "We have to go NOW!"
He takes her out in the blizzarding snowing cold to go to the train to go see the flowers for the final time.
U is visibly struggling just to walk and is breathing hard, and on the brink of passing out, he even has to catch her from falling at one point. He offers to carry her but she insists on walking.
Eventually though, the cold is too much and she collapses. T catches her in his arms, she's alive but barely.
"Papa? Are we on the train?"
"yes." (They are not)
"It's dark."
"Yes, it's night. You fell asleep."
"....I love you..."
"Daddy loves you too, I love you very much."
She doesn't respond.
T briefly pulls her back from his chest to see why she didn't respond, to see she died. He bawls and cries for anyone to help him, to bring his little girl back, turn back time, even desperately begs the heavens and his dead wife to save their daughter, until he too collapses in the snow, cradling his daughter's corpse.
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These two scenes are infamous heartbreaking Anime moments. For those who have seen the Anime, I'm sorry for bringing back your PTSD of the moment, if not. I suggest you look up the clips or start binging because reading it does not do the scenes justice.
And my evil self imagined an Akeshu version.
Fanartist away!
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