#you know what would fix me? Transformers in cinema
ryuki-blogs · 1 year
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Not me literally alone on Transformers in cinema lol
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ricciardosheart · 9 months
Starry Serenade on the Riviera - cl16
pairings: Charles Leclerc X female (gf! reader)
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Charles, with a sparkle in his eyes, entered their home holding a bouquet of (Y/N)'s favorite flowers. The room seemed to brighten as he approached her, a playful grin dancing on his lips. "Hey there, beautiful," he whispered, presenting the flowers.
The Mediterranean sunbathed Monaco in a warm embrace as (Y/N) nestled into the comforts of their shared home. The gentle hum of the waves drifted through the open windows, providing a harmonious soundtrack to her peaceful afternoon. Little did she know, Charles Leclerc, the Formula 1 sensation and her adoring boyfriend, was orchestrating a surprise that would transform this ordinary day into an enchanting tale.
A gasp of delight escaped (Y/N)'s lips as she accepted the bouquet. "Charles! What's all this?"
"I thought we could use a little break," he revealed, his voice laced with excitement. "How about a special date on a yacht?"
Her eyes widened with anticipation. "A yacht? Seriously?"
Charles nodded, the mischievous glint in his eyes intensifying. "I thought we could spend the day cruising along the French Riviera, just you and me."
A radiant smile adorned (Y/N)'s face. "That sounds amazing!"
The next scene unfolded on the deck of a sleek yacht, elegantly cutting through the azure waters of the Mediterranean. The sun played hide-and-seek with the clouds, casting a golden glow that danced on the waves. The couple stepped aboard, greeted warmly by the captain, who saluted Charles with a knowing smile.
The yacht set sail, leaving the coastline of Monaco behind. Charles and (Y/N) found themselves alone, surrounded by the vast expanse of the sea. The air was imbued with a sense of adventure and romance as the yacht gracefully sailed along the French Riviera.
On the deck, a table awaited them, adorned with fine linens, silverware, and crystal glasses. A private chef, part of Charles's meticulous plan, stood ready to craft a culinary masterpiece. The couple indulged in a feast of fresh seafood, delicate flavors dancing on their palates, while the sea breeze carried the scent of the ocean.
As the day unfolded, the sun began its descent, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. Charles and (Y/N) settled into plush lounge chairs on the yacht's deck, wrapped in blankets against the cooling breeze. The sky transformed into a breathtaking canvas of colors, a testament to nature's artistry.
Charles, ever the thoughtful planner, produced a tablet for a private movie screening. The yacht became their own floating cinema, surrounded by the tranquil sounds of the sea. Laughter and the soft murmur of waves intertwined as they enjoyed their favorite film, the screen competing with the mesmerizing spectacle of the sunset.
The atmosphere was nothing short of magical as the yacht sailed through the twilight waters. The couple, lost in the beauty of the moment, reveled in the serenity of the French Riviera at dusk.
With the movie credits rolling, Charles suggested a change of scenery. "How about lying down to enjoy the stars?" he proposed, a gleam of excitement in his eyes. They found a cozy spot on the yacht's deck, blankets pulled tight around them, and looked up at the night sky.
The stars above sparkled like diamonds, casting a celestial glow over the couple. Charles pointed out constellations, weaving stories in the night sky. (Y/N)'s heart swelled with gratitude for the extraordinary day and the extraordinary man beside her.
"I've never experienced anything like this," she confessed, her eyes reflecting the luminous beauty around them.
Charles, his gaze fixed on the twinkling stars, replied, "There's nothing more special than sharing moments like these with you."
Under the cosmic embrace of the French Riviera's night, Charles and (Y/N) lay hand in hand, creating memories that transcended time. The yacht sailed on, leaving a trail of stardust on the Mediterranean, etching their love story into the fabric of the universe.
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ad-hawkeye · 4 months
Words: 1,187 Rating: G Alkaid McGrath/Little Painter (MC) Post-Awakening, Main Story Spoilers
He wasn’t actually an agent, but some days he sure felt like one.
Alkaid had trouble sleeping that night.
It was odd. He was comfortable in his bed, but not comfortable enough to actually fall asleep.
Even Sparkles knew to steer clear; the ragdoll was in the living room. Alkaid’s erratic flipping and turning was enough to shoo the feline off his bed and onto the couch. With a drop of his head, Alkaid pressed his face into the warm, cotton pillow below. Sparkles’ departure was probably for the best. His fur coat and body heat would have just made the two of them miserable; that was the last thing either of them needed.
Alkaid closed his eyes, squeezing them shut. And then the clock on his wall continued to tick.
Louder, and louder, and louder. It was maddening… Just utterly insistent.
With a groan, Alkaid flipped over yet again, this time choosing to fix his gaze on the ceiling. He couldn’t see much of anything at night, and he wondered if that was why his mind kept wandering. It was impossible to stop thinking about the stars in space, thousands of light years away. Or about his girlfriend, her eyes tired and face pale.
He kept hearing the screams. The confused ramblings of those who were long gone. The banging on the walls.
Would he ever be able to forget what he saw? What he heard? A private cinema with technology he had never seen before, capable of digging into the deepest recesses of one’s mind. Something so… alien in nature. Something that could handcraft a prison of his deepest fears, with detailing so intricate even he couldn’t deny its legitimacy. And ultimately, something that could create a “movie” that managed to make his girlfriend so utterly distraught in a way he had never seen her before.
While the two of them vowed to be honest with each other, sometimes their communication wasn’t through words, but through actions.
And her actions were loud. Her hands were shaking. Her expression was grim. Any words she offered were laced with distress, and it utterly broke his heart.
She told him she didn’t like that kind of story. That she didn’t like seeing Alkaid sacrifice everything about himself, just for her.
He could remember their long talk following White Day. Hushed voices and open hearts as they chose to be honest with one another, leaving no stone unturned... Well, most stones. He could still remember her eyes dimming in the lamp light as she spoke.
“Alkaid,” she started, staring down at her tea. “The nature of… all of this. I know more. I know things that are too dangerous. Things that could change your life forever.”
The two of them had been talking for well over an hour. Alkaid’s conscience had never felt more light than it did in that moment; no secrets weighed his soul down. He felt free of every lie, of every deflection… And now? He was learning more about her. And it was more complicated than he could have ever imagined.
Alkaid furrowed his brows. “Dangerous?”
“Dangerous to you. And your life.”
He remained quiet, letting her continue.
This was concerning to hear. His girlfriend was a Traveler. Someone who could travel between worlds… through space, through time. The very thought of it all made his head spin. Just how many worlds were out there? And then another thought hit him. Just how much did she know?
“I want to tell you everything so… so bad. To let everything out,” she continued, shaking her head with a bitter smile. “You deserve that. But, it’s kinda like telling someone... I dunno. The truth of the universe, I guess? Sometimes, knowing too much about everything... or about yourself. It glues you in place. It happened to me. I don’t want that to happen to you, Alkaid.”
His breath hitched in his throat. She cared about him enough to cherish his free will. And as much as curiosity gnawed at his chest, he respected her decision more than anything else.
"But... Alkaid. If you do ever want to know, I can..."
"No," he suddenly said, voice firm but empathetic. "It's okay. You don't have to."
He wasn’t about to plead with her. No, he understood.
“Okay. But, no matter what..." she continued. A small smile graced her lips. "I’ll be as honest as I can. I’ll never hide what I’m feeling. And I will never lie to you.”
And it was his job to pick up on her cues.
And here they were again. She was being honest. She wasn't hiding what she was feeling. And she wasn't lying.
The sheer sincerity in her voice scared him. His suspicions must have been right. This was no mere movie; it was something else. Something… supernatural. Was it truly a vision of the future? Was that two-faced, duplicitous snake really him? Was that really someone he could become?
The very thought rattled Alkaid to his core.
No, it was a movie. Just a movie, right?
… Right?
His head spun. Mere months ago he would have brushed this off as a fantasy. Or as an unfounded anxiety. But, upon seeing what his little painter was capable of, he knew this wasn’t just likely, it was real. It was as real as the ceiling above him. As real as his sweaty palms below. What was one supposed to do when presented with the very worst coming true? Maybe not in the present, but somewhere out there, in the future?
He swore to her that he would do everything in his power to overcome that fate. To embrace the Gentleman Agent, but to be as sincere and honest as the Rose Elf. But, if he was being honest with himself, he was terrified. He thought he had laid this issue to rest on White Day. When she accepted him, secrets and all. When she learned the truth about him, and didn’t leave.
Honesty was the key to any good relationship, and that was what drove him forward. But, was that all for naught? Was being two-faced in his nature? Was he doomed to become a smiling mannequin, someone who interrogated sick, indoctrinated prisoners behind closed doors? Away from his own girlfriend? Against her own wishes?
Alkaid flipped in his bed again. He could hear the screams again. The ticking in his room grew louder, and not even hiding beneath his pillow case could drown it out.
He loved his mother. He truly did. But some days he swore he saw her in the mirror instead of himself.
Full of secrets. Living life under one big facade.
No, he wasn’t his mother. He was worse than her. She never lost her humanity. But him… that Alkaid in the future… he did. He sacrificed everything about himself for a lost cause, and for what? A sweet lie?
He wasn’t actually an agent, but some days he sure felt like one.
The clock in Alkaid’s bedroom continued to tick. He would have to go to class in a few hours. He would have to pretend that everything was alright. And he would have to do it with a smile.
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twimshi · 2 years
Reigen x Platonic!Reader
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a/n: YN has trouble with her co-workers and goes to a seminar recommended by a friend.
YN decides to attend the weekend slot for the seminar.
(hEY HEY !! I thought about dipping my toes in tumbler just to self-promote my fic teehee because of the end of MPO and the fear of the fandom dying T^T Anyhow my fic has about 13 chapters which is about 80k words as of now. It is far from complete but also is complete? Well, the side arc is done but I marked it as complete because it can be seen as complete !! I think its worth checking out and uhm yeah !!)
Also this is chapter 12 of the fic, I just posted this chapter here because its less plot focused and more adult shaninigans.
Reigen’s presentation was not what YN expected, it was a sparkly Hello kitty-themed.
With dramatic music.
Was this why it was free?
“Number one the thing you need to do to increase productivity in a workplace filled with lazy slugs! A presentation by me” Mob dimes the light as his Shishou starts stating the sponsors for the presentation which makes YN tilt her head with disbelief at him.
The slideshow begins with a drawing of an otaku holding a body pillow that looks straight out of Wikipedia “This young lad has a problem with gaming and seems to be addicted which prevents him from doing work. What would you do?” Reigen stares at the audience which was a total of one since YN was the only one there.
He flamboyantly points at her “Ah YN! You want to answer?”
She turns around suddenly feeling like she was in class again “Me?”
“Yes, you! Now, what would you do?”
“Tell them to uh…..stop?”
Reigen stalks her chair for a moment then turns screaming “Wrong!”
“Confiscate the electro-”
“Once again you are mistaken mesmosele. Mob next slide”
The next slide is a gif of a grim-reaper taking a selfie with someone “You gotta show your enthusiasm to work, even if you feel like death!” Reigen signaled Mob to come near him “Mob, slap me”
“Shi-shishou what?”
“Nevermind” Reigen slams himself on the wall, YN thinks there's blood on the wall now “Always SHOW YOUR ENTHUSIASM” She gets up immediately and hands him a tissue to wipe his nose with, he takes it and grins “Do you agree with that?”
“Uhm? ye-”
“WR-WR-WRONG AGAIN!” He sounds like a wrestling moderator now.
“Shishou please sit down-”   
“Never take shit from anyone!" He makes an 'X' sign with his hands "No matter what, show that you're the boss. As you saw just now, Mob didn't slap me because he takes himself seriously and knows his boundaries!” Mob just nods his head blushing.
He does a mini spin and there's now a disco ball? He throws around edible confetti which he strangely kept clarifying with her, she thinks it's probably from one of his sponsors because he is now shoving a bag of skittles in her hand.
YN thinks of how absurd this is yet, she finds some weird type of comfort. 
Was she ever going to use this information?
Probably not.
Was it entertaining?
It might have been one of the best things she has ever seen in a while.
Even almost beating that one time she witnessed an old man cheat on his wife in the park, that was pure cinema - but this was pretty close to topping it.
YN stares at her paperwork and the old man “YN please you've got to do something about the elevator”
She takes in a breath and smiles, something she learned at the seminar “Yes Suki, I've already informed you that it's already fixed”
“It is not just that YN! It keeps making weird noises and-and I keep hearing this gentle whisper…IT'S FREAKING ME OUT! Do something about it!”
“That might be your hearing aid, even I can hear it”
“What's all this fuss about?”
Suki then berates the boss about the weird sounds along with some of the other employees, even Mika “Even you?”
“I dunno? I just saw people crowding the boss and wanted to join” This was the only time YN relates to Mika. 
He turns to YN raising his non-existent brow, the boss was bald “Sir, I’ve already called maintenance, and it all fixed, the noise is probably from how old it is, we would have to use our entire funds to fix-”
“Mrs.LN meet me in my office” 
Everyone stills.
YN just says a small yes in acknowledgment and pushes her hair back “Y-YN I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble” YN knows there was no point taking it out on an old man and just nods and bites her tongue until it bleeds and proceeds to the room.
“LN, what’s the problem?”
She pulls out her files “He’s complained about the elevator even though I told him that it's just the screws making the noises, I already called the company who fixed the elevator, and like I said before, they said it can't be fixed unless we do a full-”
“Whoa whoa, why so serious?” The boss chuckles nervously.
“I just called you here so they all can shut up, want a mint?” YN accepts “They said they think it's haunted right? Its been a running trend in this stupid country”
“Yes, he says he hears whispers”
“So call an exorcist, it's cheaper anyways”
“You're serious?”
“Why would I not be, I'm always serious” He spins his chair “YN as assistant manager, you need to ensure everything is up and running, do I make myself clear”
The scissors on the desk look sharp enough to cut her neck. 
YN hates everything, stupid job.
Stupid people.
Cute puppy cat……She named him Sherman…
He’s been such a brat lately, he takes up the entire bed. Whenever YN moves him to his DIY bed she made from drifted shirts, he always ended up sleeping on her face which always gave her a rash in the morning.
YN watches a Youtube video on how to make a healthy cheap meal for Sherman, Tuna, and rice were fairly cheap and tasty. Though Sherman likes wasabi for….an unknown reason…but also enjoys the helping of daffodils.
She wonders if she could sell the creature for science.
“Sherman don't jump on the table- SHERMAN DON'T SCRATCH MY BAG AND RIP MY PAPERS!” The puppy-cat was already inside her bag, YN sighs in relief when the cat-dog walks away, her paper was still in its file.
The relief is cut short when he starts barking, YN runs to shut him up, animals weren't allowed “I swear to god if you don’t shut up I will starve you…..” She sees Sherman clawing on a flyer that she picked up.
It was Reigen’s flier.
YN forgot that Reigne ran an exorcism company, she still thinks it's fake but calls him anyways when she flips the flyer with the payment - which was cheaper than the other exorcist she tried to find around the city.
Like really cheap.
So cheap it made her skeptical for a moment.
But it did say he was certified on the back at least, shouldn't that information be on the front instead of the back....
She dials the number “Spirits and such with consultations! I’m sorry but we’re about to close but you can call tomorrow!”
“Oh sorry, I’ll give the number a call tomorrow-”
She thinks Reigen might have coughed and burped from what she can assume is shock “Y-YN?! W-wait why are you calling this number, how did you get the number”
“I mean I got a flyer….you are an exorcist or something”
“Oh yeah,” She hears some shuffling “Completely forgot, wait you said, exorcist?”
“About that, apparently my office is having some issue with the elevator being haunted or something… even if I don't believe it ….I think it would be better if you checked it out, I checked your website and it said you're certified?”
“Of course, I'm certified” Reigen proudly says “Do you want to book an appointment?”
“I thought you were closing? I don't mind calling tomorrow”
“Nah it's fine, I have my pen out anyways. So what day and time”
YN meets Reigen at a train station, which was a bonus since Reigens stop was a few steps away from her workplace.
She spots him and waves him down “I wanted to say thanks again for helping me last minute”
“No worries, it is my job anyways” 
“Speaking of, why is mob here? You babysitting him?”
“Morning Mrs.LN” “I’m actually working with Shishou”
“Wait….your working for him?” YN can’t even hide her shock, it is a little shocking for a high schooler to work with a grown man for exorcism. She wonders if she should just distance herself from the whole situation but realizes it's none of her business.
They enter the crowded train and YN is still experiencing some type of shock, was Reigen exploiting this kid? I mean she knows he would never, would he? “Mrs.LN your face is making a strange face. Are you hungry? Here have my onigiri”
YN didn't realize she was making a face that resembled a squashed cartoon character until she starred at her own reflections on the glass “O-oh, thank you Mob but I don't think eating on the train is allowed, maybe later” 
“Of course! My brother Ritsu made these on his own, I tried some when he wasn't looking and it really is amazing” YN had to cover her eyes from how bright the boy was glowing.
“I actually was about to decline you, but free foo- I mean the way you described the food sounds good”
Mob swats away something with a cloud of green dust “..she…not…pig” Was all YN heard before Mob see’s her staring at him strangely the snaps his finger “Sorry sometimes I just talk to myself”
“I do that sometimes so don't worry” Reigen watches the interaction as he is squashed between two sumo wrestlers.  
As they reach the building YN warns them about the unpleasant smell which they both dismiss at first saying they could handle it until they actually reached the building. YN thinks Mob is holding it pretty well, gagging a little.
Reigen on the other hand was full-on gagging, needing to lean on a nearby tree for stability.
YN hands the two a tissue that has been infused with peppermint knowing this might happen “Mrs. LN do you want my tissue? I think I can still stand the smell”
“No worries Mob, people who work here like me have gotten used to the smell” YN lightly reassures him.
“Question” Reigen asks raising a hand.
“Do you still have your sense of smell after working here?”
A rude but reasonable question “I suffice, now here's the elevator”
They all enter the tiny box “Work doesn't start till nine-thirty and all the elderly people are already upstairs since they do taichi and come here early on a Thursday, so we have the whole thing to ourselves”
Mob inhales on the tissue more.
YN looks and him and feels sorry for making him tag along “Hey kid, I don't mind if you weren't here and I'm sure he won't mind”
“It's okay Mrs. LN I can handle it” she just nods at the boy and looks at Reigen “You said there was a ringing noise?”
“Yup, but its probably from the rust, since the elevator is so old”
“Hmm…I don't sense anything actually. There are no spirits”
Mob crouches and touches the floor “Actually Shishou I do feel something from the lower floor”
“-From this floor at least” Reigen saves himself, luckily YN did catch on “We should go downstairs”
“Well there are only two floors”
“No” Mob suddenly says seriously looking around “Mrs.LN, me and Shishou can handle it from here so you can step out”
“Wait am I that heavy, gosh I thought-” YN teases.
“N-no t-that's n-not w-w-w-” Mob was short-circuiting which had YN giggle in nostalgia.
He was saved by Reigen who stroked his hair gently “There there Mob, she knows what you mean. Would you explain it to her….and me” He whispered the last part.
“I can't tell how dangerous this will be since we're dealing with an older spirit. I don't want Mrs.LN to get hurt”
What on earth were the two going to do? “Hurt? I thought you were going to just exorcise a spirit”
“Oh he is definitely going to”
Mob nods his head “Yes, I sense something below. Something weak, as I said, it's an old spirit. If they feel like they're in danger they can be dangerous, it's like that time when Shishou and I went to a farm to exorcise another spirit” He explains like it's a fact.
When YN knows that it is clearly not “Listen, I think…I can be late let me text the boss that this might take some time. Seriously, guys, I know what you're doing here, the little thing that's going on. Don't have to lie to me to just ‘sell’ the act”
Reigen falters “Sell the act? You might be mistaken, there is no act being done. There is an actual spirit. Right Mob?”
“No seriously Reigen, I could not care less about how you're making money, I'm just saying you can relax, you guys are still getting paid, no need to get worked up over it”
“I am not worked up, you called us in for a job and you are disrespecting me. Mob, how far down is the spirit”
“S-Seven floors…down” He whispers suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the situation.
She senses Mobs discomfort and yields.
“My bad, I'm sorry I disrespected you like that” YN bows her head “I don't mind being late to work, I’ll watch your little exorcism, I don't mind getting roughed up”
Reigen places his hand around his neck “It's fine…You sure about it?”
“Positive, I might even be able to skip work if I get hurt so it's a win-win scenario for me”
Mob looks back at his shishou for approval which he nods at and gives him a smug face “Let's do this then”
YN decides to play along “So how are you going to do this, there are only two actual bottom floors in the building and you said six?”
Mob inspects the elevator “Yes, the remaining floors have been abandoned, which is probably where the spirit roams at” 
“Okay….but how are we even going to go down the buttons don't even go that low”
Reigen has a shit-faced grin on his face when he sees the girl have a confused expression on her face “Watch and see”
“Please hold onto the railing Shishou and Mrs. YN” Reigen braces himself on the wall and looks at the confused YN expecting her to do the same “You heard the boy”
“What do you-” The girl lost her balance, the pressure of the elevator going down makes her fall to her knees, Reigen grabs one of her arms for stability which she accepts still on the floor as she clings on it for dear life.
It stops abruptly “We’re here, sorry for the bumpy ride”
How did he even? Must have been some wiring that she didn't know about.
The place smells like upstairs but ten times worse, it reminds YN of how she felt when she just joined the firm, she wraps the scarf she had in her bag around her mouth “God what is that damn smell, I'm going to pass out”
“Please don't faint Mrs.LN, I really didn't want to get you hurt” 
“Don't worry your little face mobbu-Mob, sorry that slipped out”
“Reigen flips out his phone as a flashlight “He likes that name, he's even blushing right now let's move on, I think I saw a tail”
“Tail?!” YN shouts, a tail could mean an animal.
An animal living down here should be impossible.
Said animal would and will be dangerous.
“Shhh we don't want it to know that we’re here,” YN thinks back on her life and regrets not staying in the office “It's over there Shishou, it's strong but I’ll be able to handle it. You can just wait here” Mob then walks in a straight line forward, slowly disappearing as the light fades.
YN watches as Mob ventures deeper while Reigen just plays Candy Crush “Are you not going to go after him?”
“The kid says he can handle it, he can handle it, Plus he said this a relatively weak spirit and told me to just wait”
“There might be an animal there that might hurt him, do you not care?”
“Relax, we can go after him if you're so worried” 
They both make their way forward, which was basically the only way.
The hallway is dark and the air is thick, she never knew that the lower floor was even a thing until today even after working here for years. 
Then she feels it, she feels pushed back by a force it knocks her back slightly.
That slightly shocked her enough to yell out mobs name “Mob! Mob! Hey, you don't have to do this job, I’ll just grab some salt and throw it around and even pay you guys! Mob!” She shouts as she sees him putting out his hands like he’s casting a spell “Reigen, REIGEN! Get your ass here!” She hears the shuffling as she clings on the slimy wall not caring if it kicks her.
The air feels heavier when she sees his Mob's stance change like he’s pushing something heavy, how much did they pay for a special effects team? She thinks she’s dreaming when there's a colorful blue-ish hue surrounding an unknown object. 
There's a clang and a bang. YN can't see much due to the darkness but suddenly something illuminates and she sees it.
Then she has to blink.
Mob is floating in the air.
He floats with such grace, and the light around him glows a little brighter along with some shapes. It's strange how YN is almost in a trance for it, stepping closer to see it better.
She isn't proud to say but she was quite captured by the fact that the schoolboy was floating.
She was not so captured when he had been flung into her direction which resulted in her and Reigen who was right behind YN thumping on the floor “Mob immediately gets up and checks on YN who looked pretty dazed at the fact she’s been knocked back so hard and Reigen who looked pretty pissed - not at Mob, but the spirit.
Mob walks menacing slowly to the ‘Thing’
Spreading out his arms and YN thinks she sees his hair float.
“Y-YN? Are you okay? Are you hurt-”
All she can think about is how Mob was doing She feels dizzy but tries to keep steady “Get Mob out of here! What's even happening? I think I just saw him float!” her words slur slightly from the impact, Reigen kinda help softened the blow.
YN lifts herself up, giving a hand to Reigen to help him get up “I know this is the last thing you want to hear but, Mob has this and he is a psychic”
Before she can say anything else the smell of the room lessens, it feels clean and less like dead birds.
“Mrs.Y-YN? Are you hurt?! Shishou?!” Mob walks out from the smoke seemingly unharmed other than his hair is in a mess.
YN doesn't know this boy all too much.
But she would die for him.
She runs up to him and checks for wounds which consisted of a scratch on his leg which was blue, she can only assume it was painted but there was no paint around - or maybe it was from before and she didn't notice.
The injury looks familiar.
“YN Mob, you can call me YN” She hugs him like he’s going to disappear, then let's go “S-sorry for hugging you suddenly, It's probably the adrenaline”
“It's alright Mrs- YN, I don't mind hugs. I’m alright, the spirit was a little stronger than I expected but gave up really fast when I lost control a little”
She has no idea what all of this means but just nods dragging both of the boys the ‘elevator’ that she will never use again.
“See, told you he had this under control” Under what circumstances is was this under control at all “Mob you alright? I’ll treat you for some ramen…”
YN places one hand on her hip and one on her face trying to get rid of the headache forming “I have so many things to say...But my head really does hurt so I’ll say one”
Reigen anticipates an insult or a complaint and readies a reply.
“That was so cool”
Mob blushes.
Reigen wants to grin and say something smart, but can't so he just mutters a little “I know” as Mob brings them up, this time with less force since it was going up. 
“Uhm, you guys can wait outside while I go grab my checkbook…and probably go ask my boss for a day off”
The boss's eyeballs were popping from his skull, he has tried for years to get rid of the smell “Holy shit, did the exorcism company clean the elevator?” even investing in a cleaning company years ago but it never worked.
“No, but they did actually get rid of the ghost”
“Psh get rid of the ghost, anyways I can always trust you to fix things” He signs the check and hands it to YN “Actually, you don't look so good”
“The exorcism was pretty intense and I feel pretty dizzy”
For a moment YN wonders if he worries until he says “Oh, well there are headache patches in the cabinets”
“Actually, I was wondering if I could have the day off?” YN picked on her fingers nervously.
“That was sudden, may I ask the reason?” you just told me I don't look so good?
“Well I was pretty knocked up when they were doing the exorcism”
“I see….I hate to say this, and I actually mean this but I have to go for an actual meeting with the Wasabi firm all the way in the soy sauce district so I won't be here the whole day. Kelsey could do the job but I don't think she can handle everyone” YN turns pale “But I’ll add this on your sick day”
“I’ll hold you on that boss” She tries to chuckle and holds her head in her hands “Have a good day”
Outside she hears everyone praise her for finding the exorcist, she really is too dizzy to deal with this.
She hands Reigen the check “Me and mob are going to Family Mart to go grab some drinks, do you want to follow?”
“I would love to” She sees her boss get into his car “I have to work”
“What I thought you said you weren't feeling well”
“Welp, duty calls”
“Mrs. YN, here take my onigiris” 
“Mob…Thank you, but I can't possibly take all of them” He places the whole Tupperware in her palm and steps back smiling “Don't worry, Shishou is going to treat me for brunch anyways so these would go to waste anyways”
"Thank you...I'll cherish every bite" She held onto the onigiri like it was a newborn baby.
Reigen tells Mob that he can go ahead and wait at the train station saying he'll catch up with him later "You know if you ever have problems like this you can always call us"
YN smiles, her head still hurts but Reigen reaches into his pocket and hands her a headache patch, she slowly accepts it - the tiredness is still there, but the warm feeling felt nice.
"I'll be sure to I guess come over for more seminars, they are quite entertaining the more I think about it"
"It is my job"
"It is indeed, I'll see you soon? For the next seminar next week"
"I'll prepare my slides, with more pizzaz this time" When was this man never anything but pizzaz.
Just like that, she's walking back to her office.
YN takes the stairs.
It doesn't reek of dead birds.
At home, she greets Sherman who wags his tail at her return.
While taking her bath, her bones were still sore from everything, something she didn't expect from a mere exorcism.
It took her breath away.
She had work tomorrow and is still trying to make sense of her idiotic co-workers.
What she witnessed today was nothing she's seen, well obviously - you don't always see a young boy fly in the air and body slam you or magically find out that your office was haunted for years.
It feels childish to admit but, she wants to see more of it again.
[i hope this convinces people to try out my fic <3]
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Teddy headcanons
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'Well crap…' You thought having just called your regular handyman only to learn he was away on holiday with his family
Going online you looked up affordable repair service to fix up your oven, if it didn't get fixed soon then you'd be getting take out for a while which wasn't… ideal
Yet luckily you found a rather good looking service with "Teddy's Repairs: Sure To Fix Everything But Internal Damages" a bit of a dark name but at least it had character you supposed
You fortunately didn't have to wait that long as he arrived very quickly, and while you're a little hesitant to admit it, you also found him to be rather attractive
He was a rather funny man, the kind you would invite over for drinks sometime, "And that's how I first got into handymanning." He explained wrapping up his story
"Ah, hmm well I'm sure your mom was very thankful." You replied as he packed up his equipment and you gave him the money waving bye to each other as he drove other in his van
A week later, you decided to try going to Bob's Burgers for lunch as a little reward for having excelled at your job, what you didn't expect was for Teddy to also be there but you smiled and sat beside him, launching into a conversation as you ate your burger
And this became basically a weekly thing, to the point where a few months later your early attraction transformed into a full blown crush on the guy, finding his antics hilarious, and him adorable
Yet you were also uncertain of whether you should confess your attraction to him, and even if you did when and where?
But it was starting to get to the point where you simply couldn't hold it in anymore and had to confess, and so one lunch you decided to ask him to come with you to the cinema to watch a musical based off of one of your favourite cartoons
While Teddy had never seen the cartoon he figured that seeing as you liked it, it was most assuredly a great show
After you finished watching the movie you both went out grinning from how enjoyable it was, and Teddy even offered to drive you home which was great for your plan
As you reached the door you turned to him and gave him a meek and quick peck on the lips to which he looked shocked before smiling at you like a lovesick fool
"I didn't know you'd feel that way about me." He blushed grabbing his hat to put it in front of his face
"Why not? You are rather charming after all." You responded chuckling a little at how cute he was
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somnianus · 3 years
On Eastern dramas vs Western dramas
Part 2: On Theatricality and how it transfers into Chinese/Eastern Dramas and Cinema
Part 1   Part 2
Here, I reference a fantastic article from the Asian Theatre Journal, 2008.
So to recap, the problem I’m exploring is this: Why do some East Asian dramas/movies look so over the top? Overacted? Overemotional? Why is it not more realistic?
My answer is in part 1, on the concept of mo, which is the traditional Chinese thought that emotional revelation is more important than accurate realistic depictions in art. Western audiences are more used to plot-heavy, realistic depictions of dramas, whereas traditional Chinese audiences are used to the opposite. They find the plot not so important, but focus more on the content of the work, the spirit of it, how it makes you feel.
1. How traditional Chinese drama translate into cinema/screens?
Making the jump from Beijing/Peking opera stages, or jingju, to cinema screens caused a lot of trouble.
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a. Production-wise, early 1900s
It was difficult to adapt the very open, 3d stage into a “realist flat screen,” which was much more advantageous to Western eyes because the camera lens was invented based on “Renaissance principles of fixed point perspectives and foreshortening.”
b. 1950s-60s
Many still tried to adopt the Beijing opera style into film, but it was still very hard because the two mediums were so contradictory. Beijing opera relied on live, grand aesthetics along with the knowledge that the important aspect of drama was emotion and internal struggle, vs film at the time was very focused on accurate “mimesis,” or imitations of real life. One such example was critics actually laughing about the adaptations because the opera actors mimicked riding a horse in the traditional style - that is, minus the horse. Film would have them ride a prop or real horses.
Eventually, many changes were made to the style to better incorporate it into film, and it still kept a lot of its original roots (i.e. makeup/grandiosity in costume, emotions, etc). Western concepts of a limited stage, and emphasis on plot and tragedy were expounded upon. And eventually you have the modern-day dramas (1970s+).
2. Japanese Noh  能 theater - Kurosawa’s Ran
Noh is a Japanese form of theater that is a dance-based dramatic work. It tells stories of supernatural beings transformed into humans and etc. One of its major notes is its very stylized conventional use of specific gestures to portray emotions. Iconic, specific masks are used to portray the roles of the actors such as the ghosts, women, deities, and demons.
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Akira Kurosawa’s Ran is lauded as one of the greatest films ever made. It’s a Japanese-French production heavily inspired by Shakespeare’s King Lear. There are many many detailed videos on YouTube about his precise filming methods and movement aesthetics. The body language can be seen as “over-acted” if you come from a Western background. Why? Because it takes from traditional Noh theatre:
Long periods of static motion and silence, followed by an abrupt, sometimes violent change in stance. Heavy ghost-like Makeup. Highly emotive gestures, sometimes repetitive to emphasize the characteristic of a character. All very unrealistic, but that’s not the point, right? Because this also displays mo, it takes the emotive expression, the revelation of fear/action/hope to the front of the stage.
3. Japanese Kabuki theatre - acting style is also larger than life
Kabuki actors also make great effort to express themselves in highly stylzed gestures (i.e. the men play women’s roles and over-act their femininity). 
One major difference between Kabuki and much of Western theatre is that kabuki actors make less of an attempt to hide the “performance” aspect of the work. They’re fully aware that they’re performing, and the audience isn’t there to get “lost in the moment.” Everything -- actors, costumes, dialogue, is larger than life. Realism is far less emphasized, the form generally favoring what is often referred to as “formalized beauty.”
One example of this is the highlight of an aragato kabuki performance: the famous mie. The mie is a dramatic pose adopted by the main (oftentimes male) character during moments of emotional intensity. (The proper phrase for this action is mie o kiru, or to "cut a mie.") Announced by the beating of wooden clappers, the actor freezes in a statuesque pose and crosses one or both eyes. Often it's preceded by a head roll. The idea is to capture the highest moments of tension into one physical gesture and to more or less hold the actor and the audience in a breathless trance. After a few seconds, the actor relaxes and the play continues. A mie can be cut in various specified positions, depending on the character and the moment. When exiting, an aragoto character may perform a roppo exit, which combines several of these poses in rapid succession, before leaving the stage.
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The mie pose
This is not to say that modern Japanese dramas and works directly descend from Kabuki or Noh or other theatrical traditions. But like the Chinese beijing opera, the concept of aesthetic beauty/mo, emotional revelation, these ideas all combined with Western influence and modern Western perceptions of good story-telling/acting to make up the modern Eastern dramas of today.
4. How do all of these things combine into the supposed “cheesy/corny/over-acting” of modern Eastern dramatic works?
All of these cultural roots combined with Western depictions of a modern story (i.e. Shakespearean tragedy in five parts: Exposition, Rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement, ofc there are other ones but this is the one I learned in school), I believe make up what we see today in modern Eastern dramas. 
A. Acting Comedy: My specific examples are first, comedic examples from the famous 1986 Journey to the West
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Comedy and the feeling of happiness and joy are also very important aspects of emotional revelation. Journey to the West depicts one of the most beloved comedic characters, Sun Wukong, who goes on a journey with Tan Sanzang, a Buddhist priest, to find the sacred Buddhist texts. His exploits are highly unrealistic and highly comedic. It is one of the epitomes of the “spirit” over the “form,” the internal emotional journey over the actual realism (or unrealism) of the journey. Many of the characters exhibit over-the-top facial expressions, some expressions too subdued, and the plot can be very winding and haphazard, but that’s not the point! If you’ve been reading this far, you’ll know why. It’s about how his adventures make you, the audience, the reader, feel. 
B. Acting Villainy: More modern Chinese dramas i.e. The Untamed & Word of Honor
I cannot attest to the quality of the acting nowadays, but it’s a common idea that the supporting cast of the international hit, The Untamed, was a bit weak in terms of acting. If I were to step into my Western lens, I would agree that yes, many characters over-act (i.e. Xue Yang, below):
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And Wen Kexing, Word of Honor:
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And Journey to the West, Underworld Lord:
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However, now with all that cultural context, I can see this choice of acting in a different light. The over-acting and depiction of villainy is over-the-top because it’s meant to inspire that emotion of (this guy is whack, like really). It’s not supposed to be realistic villainy, like how a real person would look if they were these people in real life. To judge it by a completely Western lens is doing a disservice to them I think. You could say that maybe they just can’t act well, but in a Chinese/Japanese/Eastern cultural theatrical context, their acting is actually par for course. It’s even more subdued than the traditional roots of Eastern theatrical performances actually.
This goes for many other C-dramas / Eastern dramas that have these instances of highly emotive performance. It’s a product of hundreds of years of Eastern cultural theatrical/artistic production combined with Western acting styles and cinematography. 
Is it cheesy? Maybe. Is it over-acting? Could be, but what is “over-acting” vs what is “enough?” Is that not the distinction between mo and Western realistic imitation? For me, as someone who’s very used to this uniquely different style of dramatic production, I’m not too bothered by it. It, after all, makes me feel such an incredible range of emotions that the acting is just a fun, interesting perk. 
Thinking that these dramatic productions were originally seen as extensions of poetry, I can see why the exaggeration is necessary to fulfill what mo means:
If I feel some intent, I must write it - it becomes a poem.
If that’s not enough, I must sing it - it becomes a song.
If even singing isn’t enough, then I sigh, and have to express by dancing - it becomes a performance.
Part 1
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Sooo... I can’t stop thinking about the new spoiler trailers from Mundo Gloob and I had to write this Episode 1 / Season 4 fix-it fic to make my heart happier.
This is purely based on MY HEADCANONS and ASSUMPTIONS from the recent SPOILERS.
Fic under the cut:
“Am I so untrustworthy for you?”
Luka already regretted the words that escaped his mouth. ‘What am I saying?’
“That’s not it, Luka…” Marinette directed her gaze to the floor. “I really like you and I trust you but-” she bit her lip. ‘I can't tell you. It’s too dangerous for you to know’, she couldn’t finish.
Of course she wanted to tell her boyfriend the truth. Of course she wanted Luka by her side. And obviously she hated to interrupt their dates as much as he did. But it was because he was so important that she couldn’t get him involved- in danger! Especially when Hawk Moth knew he used to be Viperion and could take advantage of that.
She hated lying. She hated making Luka feel untrustworthy. Yet she could do nothing about it… Trapped with her guardian duties and responsibilities- the weight of the world on her shoulders with no way out...  
“But what, Marinette?” his mouth moved on its own. “What’s holding you back? I want to help and be your support. Can't you rely on me?”
She couldn’t answer. She couldn’t tell him the truth he wanted to know, no matter how much she wished to.
Frustration turned into whimpering, and Luka felt the urge to hold her as he usually did.
But he couldn’t.
What was he even saying? Why was he pressuring his girlfriend into confessing something she clearly didn’t want to share? Maybe it was not fair to him- but it wasn’t fair to Marinette either.
His fist clenched so tight that his nails were sinking deep into his skin, hurting, but not as much as the pain tearing his heart apart.
'I made her cry. I promised to be there when she needed me. To let her be herself with me. To share only what she was willing to share. Yet- why did it turn into this? Why can’t I be reliable?'
He was lonely. He just wanted her to share her burden with him- to understand what was going on in her mind when her face sometimes turned dark, especially when she looked at the photo of the Chinese old man on her phone.
What kind of boyfriend was he, making his girlfriend uncomfortable like that?
It broke his heart to see her cry and be unable to do anything at all. ‘Why can’t I move? Why can’t I help her instead of making her feel worse? I just want to know the truth to support her!'
Before he could give it a better thought, a black butterfly entered the pendant Marinette had just given him that same day- before interrupting their date to the cinema, and silence engulfed him…
What happened in-between that moment and the instant Ladybug appeared in front of him, casting her magical power was unknown to him.
He had been akumatized.
He had tried to force Marinette. Attacked her. Maybe even harmed her...
“Is Marinette ok!?” he nearly cried in front of a worried Ladybug, who nodded to his relief.
When Marinette came back to Luka, moments later, she had tears in her eyes- and he knew he was the reason for them. She jumped to his chest and said nothing. Her thin arms surrounded him in a strength he wasn’t aware she owned.
“I’m so sorry, Marinette. I should have never- I have no excuse”
“No, Luka. It’s ok to be upset. I would be upset too- No- I am upset too. You deserve better than what I can offer… I can’t keep making you feel like this…”
“No, that's not- Are you breaking up with me?”
“No! Yes… I don’t know! I- I don’t want to break up with you… But I can’t give you what you’re asking me. I can’t be better than I am. I don’t want to keep making you upset” she let him go taking a step back, eyes locked to her shoes. "I’m so sorry… I just want you to be happy” ‘and protect you’ she kept to herself.
Luka said nothing for a long minute.
And suddenly, he pulled her in a hurt hug, surprising the girl.
“I’ll always be around if you ever need my support...”
That said, Luka slowly broke the hug and turned his back to her as he started walking towards the Liberty.
“Luka!” Marinette cried. But if he heard her, he ignored her call. Her feet couldn't move as tears felt down her face. 'I can't. I have to let him go to protect him… even if it hurts so much...'
That night the kwamis tried to cheer Marinette up without much success, until she finally fell asleep after exhaustion from crying uncontrollably.
Back at his cabin, Juleka had a worried look, but didn't say anything. Luka closed the partition of their shared room and started playing to put his thoughts in order.
'What happened to me? How could I demand more from Marinette? Attack Marinette? Or whatever I might have done as an akuma. I should be happy that she returns my feelings. When did I become so greedy? Why can't that be enough? I should be supportive instead of putting more pressure on her shoulders. Why can't I just support her?'
'I really am untrustworthy…'
That was his found truth.
Months passed in isolation. If they ever met, there were short, cold awkwardly sad greetings and nothing more. She never came back to the Liberty again. She stopped contacting Juleka- but Luka’s sister assured it wasn’t his fault. He focused on his music, even if he could only compose sad songs that could never match Kitty Section's style.
It was one rainy day, during one of his deliveries, when Luka found Marinette crying at the park next to her house, curled behind a tree under the rain. She was looking absolutely broken, the most miserable he had ever seen her, and didn’t blink an eye before jumping down from his bike in a hurry to comfort her.
She desperately held him, in despair, stronger than the day they told each other their farewells.
“Marinette? What happened?” he asked in concern.
Marinette reacted to the voice she had deeply missed, and her pain grew wider in her heart.
“Luka… I- I can’t take it anymore…” she whimpered. “It's over. Lila won- I've been expelled for good and I’m all alone now… I have no friends, my parents don’t trust me and- and you-” ‘I miss you’ it almost escaped her.
“Lila? That liar?” he asked, surprising Marinette.
Of course he would know after meeting her… She let a weak affirmative hum out. “It’s over,” she repeated. "I hate it so much…"
She crumbled.
And, like always, Luka was there to comfort her. He had understood her better than anyone- and he even supported her despite the pain she had caused him.
Why didn’t she notice that fact earlier?
She needed his support. She could- she should have come to that decision earlier. He had proven to care about her more than anyone. Even when akumatized he never hurt her- the way he had touched her lips as silencer when she was Ladybug, avoiding being harmful to both herself and her superhero persona- and then again, as Truth, when he had changed his mind at the last moment and let her go without casting his spell on her…
“Marinette… We’ll fix this. You’ll always have me...” he paused, looking for a word that didn’t add even more conflict to her “As your ally- for whatever you need me”
Luka’s hurt voice rang in her ears, and his hope was the final straw to her determination.
“I am Ladybug…” she whispered, low enough for the rain to cover her voice, but loud enough for Luka to hear her, as his body jolted and his shocked face showed.
He pulled her even closer. His arms surrounded her weak body, his nose buried in her hair and his mouth pressed on the top of her hair.
Everything made sense, he realized. Too much sense. He felt stupid for not realizing it earlier.
“I’m so sorry- I could have never imagined the weight you carry on your shoulders. I’m sorry for not noticing earlier and being there when you needed me. I’m sorry for having pressured you to this point…” he silently lamented. “And I’m sorry you just had to tell me the truth you wanted to keep from everybody.”
“Luka… I- I can’t take it anymore. I’m sick of responsibilities, burdens, distrust… I’m more alone than ever… I don’t want to be alone- I don’t want to be the guardian anymore.”
“I wish you didn’t have to carry this weight alone. I already knew you were so amazing and strong… I never realized how much. But Marinette. You have me. Just tell me how I can help, and I’ll be your support whenever you need me to. I'll do everything I can… anything you need… Let me be your support. You don’t have to be alone anymo-"
Luka suddenly stood up, sentence unfinished, and Marinette turned to look at him.
"Use me.” he said, turning his back to her.
"Use you?"
She understood what he meant a second later when a dark feather and butterfly transformed him again into Truth, making Marinette gasp in absolute horror.
Shadow Moth had been aiming at her- she realized- and he had protected her.
Once again.
"Marinette. I'll expose Lila's lies for you. Just wait."
"No, Luka!" She cried. What if he attacks her as Ladybug? What if Hawk Moth entered his mind and found out her identity? She was too vulnerable to fight. Terrified. She needed someone- No. She needed to bring Luka back.
She couldn't give it a further thought before she transformed into Ladybug and followed him and his sentimonster.
The fight was over before she could step in.
Luka - Truth- had done it.
She saw with her own eyes how Lila's lies were exposed, in front of everyone. The faces of rage and betrayal from her friends. The regret of her parents… and Truth- Luka, broke his akumatized objects himself. He seemed to have never lost his conscience. Serene. Calm. Satisfied of his 'justice’.
And more than that he looked relieved. Relieved to see how all her friends started trying to contact Marinette to apologize.
"Ladybug!" He called, and she snapped out of it to purify both the akuma and the amok.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
It had been months since Marinette last stepped into the Liberty, but the next day after Lila’s lies were exposed, her feet automatically moved there- remembering the path she had been happily taking a long time ago. Having hurt Luka's feelings made her awkward around him, and they unavoidably distanced themselves from each other, even if the strong feelings they felt for each other remained.
"Long time no see, lady." Anarka greeted. "Are you here to see Juleka?"
“Captain.” Marinette jumped a little. "I- ugh. No. I- I'm here to see Luka. Is he here?"
A relieved smile showed in the woman’s face. "He's at his cabin. Come in. You know the way."
The Liberty was even messier than she remembered, untidy and with dust everywhere. She wasn’t sure if that was a good or a bad thing, but she liked re-encountering with the ship’s familiarity.
And there was Luka. Meditating, exactly like the first time they met. She was staring, she knew- but she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him- fascinated and moved by his calm aura.
Suddenly, he opened his eyes to look at her, and her heart skipped a beat. "Lu- Lu- Luka" she nervously called.
"Ma- Ma- Marinette" he answered. But this time it didn't make her uncomfortable, but chuckle instead. Nostalgic.
He immediately welcomed her to sit next to him. And she followed his indication, sitting closer to him than that first time they met. She tilted her head to rest it on his shoulder and his hand moved to cover hers.
"Why did you do that? It was dangerous." she peacefully scolded him.
‘She really sounds like Ladybug’ Luka chuckled. "I was too angry at Lila and Hawk Moth to let him control me. And I couldn't let him akumatize you no matter what, right? Meditation sessions have been good to me- I followed Sass’s instructions"
‘Sneaky Sass’ She internally groaned, but she wasn’t angry. She was thankful instead.
"Why do you always go that far for me when I've been so unfair to you? When I’ve hurt you so much?" she worked the courage to ask. He smiled.
"I think you already know the answer."
She did. He never hid how he felt towards her, not even after they parted ways. And her heart warmed at the memory of his declaration of love. ‘His melody, his song’
"I thought you didn't want to see me anymore. I hurt you. I couldn't tell you the truth. I’ve been so unfair and mean to you-"
"I am the unfair one. I should have never pressured you and made you uncomfortable. It saddened me to see you suffering and hurt without being able to do anything for you. I should have respected your will. I'm sorry"
Marinette shook her head. "No- I should have trusted you more… I was scared something bad could happen to you… to everyone."
"I understand now. You don't have to apologize." He squeezed her hand softly.
Marinette looked up at him, but he had his eyes closed while he caressed her hand.  
Ah- she had really missed his calm, his warmth, the feeling of being where she belongs…
"Luka-” she called, and Luka opened his eyes to look at her. “Is it too late for me to love you back? Would you give me a second chance?"
"I told you before, Marinette. I will always be here for you."
They said no more. Lips tenderly touched into the unfinished kiss of that day in the cinema, more heartfelt than ever. Closure to the scars left that day in their hearts. Another kiss followed, and a third. A more confident one ensued next, and another, before wrapping themselves into each other’s arms and letting their bodies fall on the bed. They stayed like that for a long while, snuggled together, enjoying the company, until the akuma alarm alerted them and marked her departure.
“I’m sorry- I have to go,” she said with an apologetic look.
“I understand. Be careful and get them.” he encouraged with his hand patting her hair. She giggled at his gesture, realizing how much lighter she felt after having shared her secret with her boyfriend.
After she left, he ripped the heart-broken melodies he had composed during their months of solitude and started composing a new one- a happy one.
When she came back, they found themselves thinking about their truth: he had always been trustworthy and she had too much pressure on her shoulders to bear alone.
But she was not alone anymore. The balance their relationship had lacked turned now into a heart song that played in unison.
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artiewiles · 3 years
You Just Think You Love Me (3/7) Fact: Pidgeons can smell
“Agent Sterling! How can I help you?"
Lance smiled with his smile number two. "I'm looking for Walter. Do you know where he is, Martin?"
"Walter is in lab four. He's working on something dangerous."
He looked around the shared lab, where something exploded or ignited every now and then. "Of course, I understand. Thanks, Martin!"
"You’re welcome, Mr. Sterling ..."
But Lance was leaving already. Armed with a practiced number one smile, he walked through the corridors, his face completely calm. He’s going to do it today. He’s asking Walter on a date today. Maybe he'll turn him down. It does not matter. Nothing will change. They will stay friends. Everything will be fine. Everything will be alright. Everything will be fine.
(links to ao3 and wattpad)
He knocked on the lab door and entered the decontamination room when invited. He closed his eyes and let himself be sprayed with this and blown dry with that. When the green light came on, he continued. Along the way, he waved at the guy in the control room, who was in charge of the whole process. Then, he finally entered the lab looking as confident and normal as possible.
"Hi, Lance, what brings you here? It's great that you came!” Walter welcomed him and then followed with? "I have tested the new gadget I told you about. The one that helps you to get the bad guys on your side. You know, to make them trust you and after that to love you, to entrust their secrets, maybe even to persuade them to change careers. Wait…” He studied Lance carefully. "What's going on?"
He looked at him confused. "What, what should be going on?"
"You look ... pale. Is something wrong?"
"No." He shook his head quickly and exchanged the smile for a smaller and perhaps more plausible one. "I'm just a little tired, that's all. Tell me, what are your plans for tonight?"
"You really don't look well. What about my calming pillow, does it work? And wait, you didn’t have the canteen bread, did you? I'm sure it's not gluten-free, and you still have an upset digestive system because of the transformations."
"I'm fine. And the cushion works well, really. I sleep much better now.“ Lance waved his hand and tried not to pay any attention to his pounding heart. He should get himself together, for god sake!
"Okay. So, this one is done. Do you want to see it?"
He looked at Walter, who almost vibrated with enthusiasm. Was it just his imagination, or did his eyes shine? He smiled at him. "Yeah, I'd love to."
"Okay." He clapped and took a gray marble from a bowl. Although, when Lance looked at it properly, it seemed to bend slightly under the fingertips. "This is a mixture of gases and fragrant essences that directly affect the frontal lobe. And it works even when you have a cold. So we will not repeat Alaska again.“
Lance laughed softly. "That’s good. But we managed to slip out smoothly."
Walter pointed the ball at him. "You got out smoothly. I slid, and I still have bruises on my ass. I can’t believe it worked out. It was the weirdest fourth of July in my life.“
He raised an eyebrow. "Team Weird?"
Walter nodded with a smile. "Team Weird."
Is it just him, or do they look into each other’s eyes longer, than friends would?
It must have been longer than friends would look into each other’s eyes.
It was longer than friends would look unto each other’s eyes.
He made himself look at the gray ball.
Walter cleared his throat. "Um… yeah, so… Sure. Frontal lobe. Yeah. This," he pointed at the marble again, “will burst, and the air will release the scent. It's not very conspicuous, but it should be strong enough. I still plan on making it into a perfume that you can always wear. Just need to figure out how to give you immunity. It is a combination of our good old lavender with vanilla and sandalwood. Perfect for discovering any secrets and making best friends.”
He handed him the ball and put on a respirator. "Whenever you're ready, burst it."
He measured him suspiciously. "Why are you taking it?"
"Because I've been breathing it for a month, and when I overdose, I cuddle."
That wouldn't be so bad. He made himself look at the tiny ball in his hand. He took a deep breath.
"Wait!" Walter stopped him.
He put on Lance an electrode cap and looked at his watch. "Go ahead."
Lance squeezed the ball between his fingers. It burst but nothing happened.
He frowned and looked at Walter.
"You have to wait. Breath in," he said muffled.
Lance listened. He smelled a faint scent. Smiled. It smelled nice. It reminded him of something…
"It works!" Walter cheered, watching Lance's brainwaves. "According to this, you are calmer and happier, aren't you?"
"Yeah," Lance smiled and took another deep breath. He felt calmer. He was fine. "Walter?"
"Yeah, Lance?"
"When we're done here, would you go on a date with me? Or in the evening? A film, dinner, or a walk through the art gallery sculpture park?”
Walter paled. "Oh no…"
The pleasant feeling was gone. Maybe he just didn't like the choices… “You don't want to go to the park? They still have summer opening hours, and you've said several times that you'd like to look at the statues. Or we can go to that cinema. We will find some with Korean movies… "
Walter was typing something furiously on his watch. "Not that."
Lance fell silent. He took off his cap and laid it on the table. Just calm down, nothing changes. "Okay, then no. It was just an idea.” He turned and smiled again. "Forget it."
"This is bad. This is very bad.“
Why doesn't he feel anything? Shouldn't it be sadder? He can't be in shock because of this.
"Hey, calm down." Lance wanted to put his hand on his shoulder, but then he changed his mind. "No need to make a fuss about it. Forget it. I have a meeting with the boss and then I have some other plans, so I'll see you tomorrow."
"Lance, wait!"
He changed his mind! "Yeah?"
"You have to stay here. This is science! I screwed it up! I'm so sorry, I don't know how, but I screwed up."
He shook his head and swallowed down the disappointment. "It’s cool. Don't think about it anymore. See you tomorrow."
"No, you don't understand! The scent was too strong! I didn’t plan it.” He shrank. "Are you mad?"
He sighed and rubbed the spot where the cap had pressed him a little. "No, I'm not angry. And you didn't screw it up. I feel good."
"Exactly. You feel too well. And it's my fault! I didn't mean to, but I promise I'll fix it! "
"Walter, calm down and tell me exactly what happened. Breathe.“
Walter sat down on a barstool and took several breaths. Then he began to explain: "The scent is to make the enemy your best friend. But I didn't expect what he would do to a best friend.” He looked at Lance and widened his big blue eyes. "I think I did create by mistake… you can call it a love potion."
Lance burst out laughing. "A love potion? What are you talking about?"
"You…" he pointed at Lance, searching for the words.
"I," he pointed at himself with his thumb, "am not under the influence of any love potion."
"But you invited me to dinner."
He gritted his teeth and nodded. "Exactly."
"Because you're under the influence of a love potion!" Walter insisted. "But don't worry, this should go away soon."
"No, I invited you because I love you, and it did not go away in months!" Well, the cat was out of the bag.
"You think you like me because of the smell. That is all. There is nothing more.“
He opened his mouth to argue. Closed it with a click. If Walter needs to believe it… Now he gets it. Walter is not interested in Lance. It gives Lance a chance to back off while both of them save their faces. It saves their friendship. He nodded. "All right. If you’re right… I'll take time off and go home. I'll try to sleep it off. If you came up with something or figure out how to speed the process up, let me know.“
"Okay," Walter nodded with relief. "Take care of yourself, alright?"
Lance smiled and ruffled his hair. As he always does. He can still do that, can't he? "Sure thing."
He went through the decontamination room, then the whole agency. Responded to the greetings of others out of reflex. The smile number three plastered on his face. He turned into a pigeon and flew away. How much rum and whiskey does he still have at home?
Probably not enough.
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xnumb-my-skin-blog · 4 years
Instructions to Make Men Better at Romance
We've seen them at the cinema. Two or three attractive, 20-year-olds who appear to be truly close and living it up. They are partaking in a pack of popcorn together, grinning. At that point the film begins. It's a Katherine Heigl lighthearted comedy. At that point, some way or another the association stops - at any rate for the man. He is by all accounts wincing about what's on the screen.
For what reason do men disapprove of sentiment?
In the event that it were up to numerous men, sentiment should be dead - aside from when its comes to time with his girlfriend or spouse. Or on the other hand when Valentine's Day moves around.
Men ordinarily need embellishments, activity, wiseguys and police-shoot-em-ups. Being the adorable sort of-fellow isn't sufficient to cause them to endure the cycle of sentiment. However, is that adequate for the lady?
The issue with rom-com motion pictures
I need to concede, here and there I appreciate sentimental stories every once in a while. In any case, for what reason do I feel that I need a maleness-mixture a while later? Is that off-base for me to feel?
The inescapable inquiries follow about what (typically) the man is fouling up in the relationship. Studies show that in the wake of survey lighthearted comedy films the two accomplices feel less adoring towards one another. Why would that be?
Do we hope for something else from one another?
Do we contrast each other truly with the Hollywood-excellent?
Frequently men wonder, when does the fantasy stuff end? Should men call upon an alternate methodology that praises glass shoes and women kissing thoughtful frogs?
The media appears to shape conversations about how sentiment and connections should be. That adaptation of sentiment is glorified as far as possible.
What's more, before you know it: the lovely girl anticipates that her frog should transform into an attractive rich sovereign or all mayhem loosens up. You'd think the cast from "Sometime in the distant past" would take steps to assume control over the procedures with the devilish stepsisters and the Rumpelstiltskin monster managing this present reality. All in all, where does the joyfully ever after situation fit for not exactly sentimental sort of folks?
Genuine is so unique. Ideal man frequently turns into the football-obsessed, secretive, burping rascal. He appears to be significantly more narrow minded. Is anyone surprised Cinderella gets herself alone or even sorrowful?
Ridiculous desires aside, how would we convince men to turn out to be enthusiastically sentimental?
Genuine sentiment
Authentic sentiment, totally not quite the same as the sort in those films, should not be tied in with requiring 100% sentimental flawlessness from the other individual. Nor should we require pressed, sans spot darlings. Shouldn't sensations of sentiment be liquid and versatile?
Undoubtedly, we can have fellowship and "awesome" enormous O sex with practically zero sentiment. Be that as it may, I think men fall for a lady impractically when she catches his creative mind just as his "passion". I think men frequently don't have the foggiest idea how to convey their sentimental emotions.
Sentiment is a believing, a feeling of interesting otherworldly and character association with somebody you care about. It's additionally a method of imparting. A great deal of men feel cherishing and sentimental toward their exceptional somebody; they simply don't have the foggiest idea how to communicate that.
It's about the motion
I know a man who was confused when his girlfriend "was furious about" his Christmas present to her of an equipment device set. His practical psyche was tied in with taking care of her issues she regularly grumbled about: things like free nuts, fasteners and screws. He figured value would be valued. In any case... goodness, he didn't get it right. This is what sentiment is about:
The sentimental motion
The representative importance behind it.
So the thing was the significance behind his motion? What was he feeling about and towards her? That she needs to "fix stuff"? Men regularly need to fold their heads over the possibility that the more unfeasible, the more fantasy like the blessing or signal - the more sentimental it is for some women.
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vuelie-frost · 5 years
Living in the woods
aka, vuelie-frost verbally babbling why Elsa lives in the forest instead of Arendelle.  This is still a part of the ending that flickers my unease, even this morning after having slept on it. This isn’t a post to convince anyone, but literally just my own thoughts and processing. Hopefully by the end I’ll be more accepting, or even excited about Elsa’s development. I don’t like it, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad or the wrong decision. Separating the part of me that has desires (ie that Elsa would be queen in Arendelle forever and ever) and the part of me that recognizes cinema as a series of complex character arcs (ie what I desire might not actually be best, or in character) is REALLY HARD. But I posit it’s essential to interpreting media in a healthy way.  I 100% trust Jen Lee and Chris Buck, not because I idolize them, but because they so obviously care about these characters and this world. Maybe I’m too starry-eyed, but I don’t get the sense that they did this sequel for the cash cow. Now Disney execs probably pushed them in this direction for that reason (Disney is a corporation at the end of the day,) but Jen has stated that they didn’t want to make a sequel if there wasn’t a story to tell. They still felt parts of the story were left unsaid, and that’s why they pursued this film.  That said, the movie takes on a LOT, and I have a hunch that’s why it feels so fast paced. Not only is it a kids’ movie and therefore has to hold your attention at all times, but it packs in a lot of plot and character development into a short timespan. The sacrifice of a fast pace is the realism of some situations. Is it realistic that Anna would process her grief over Elsa so quickly? In the real world, no. Probably not. Is it realistic Elsa would so easily hand over the throne when it was something she enjoyed and was good at? Probably not. But (and the first movie had some similar issues too,) we have to suspend disbelief a bit. This isn’t exclusive to Frozen; it happens in all movies. You see it in small bits where someone hangs up the phone without saying “bye,” or when people make eye contact and something spoken goes unsaid. That doesn’t really happen in real life. But we turn a blind eye to those details because the larger purpose of the story is more important than those details. And as these details in Frozen are only rushed, not invalid or stupid, we can still accept them.  The idea that Elsa belongs in the forest/among nature is hard for me to accept, but again, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It just means my vision for her wasn’t what the writers thought was best. And the writers know her better than I do. They did her such justice in the first film and even in this film (her poor skills at charades? GOD RELATABLE.) I’ve often fantasied, albeit unconsciously, about the Elsa I’d like to see. I realize that in the 6 years since Frozen, I’ve loved the idea of Elsa as a mysterious, snow-bound sorceress type, living a somewhat solitary life. Still as human, flawed, and precious as ever, but becoming “larger than life” figuratively. Someone revered, respected, maybe a little bit feared upon first impression, but ultimately gentle and warmhearted. Loved by all. Feared by her enemies. (In fact, I write an RP character who is partially inspired by Elsa and partially an infusion of my own personality, and to my own surprise, this character is on that exact path. Unconscious channeling much?) Maybe.. that’s exactly what she is now. The fact that I’m uncomfortable with this just development testifies that 1) she feels out of my control, which makes me feel vulnerable, which makes me feel angry and 2) I’ve at least partially idolized her for her job (queen) instead of her as a whole person Note that I’m not using the reasoning of “she belongs with Anna all the time” as a cause for my uneasiness. This is more about Elsa as a standalone character than their relationship. One, I’m not an Elsanna shipper, so the physical dislocation of two siblings doesn’t scream “heartbreaking” to me. It’s incredibly normal to have family you love with your entire heart and not live with them full-time, if at all. Maybe it’s because I’m the oldest sibling and can see this dynamic more clearly. Two, Elsa could not step into her new role if she didn’t have the unbreakable support system that is Anna behind her. If there was ANY doubt of their relationship’s strength, I’m positive Elsa wouldn’t leave her baby sister to rule alone. It’s not that they don’t need each other. On the contrary, and perhaps paradoxically, they need the other so much that the epilogue could not come to fruition if their bond wasn’t ironclad.  I’m still going to miss Elsa as queen. I’m not..... totally unconvinced that she’s not still a “queen,” someone with political leverage in Arendelle, as she’s still its protector and a royal by birthright. It hasn’t been ruled out that they’re co-rulers, just operating in different spheres. I’m waiting for more interviews/podcasts with Jen that I hope will address this detail. If not and Elsa’s technically a princess again, that’s cool too. She’s still part of the royal family and therefore can’t be a commoner or anything. But I wonder why I’m so hooked on her status as a queen, and I realize: it’s just a role. It’s not who she is. I’ve enjoyed it for the inflation of my own ego- seeing someone who’s like me in a position of leadership and reverence is incredibly validating. Watching her walk with beauty and grace as a beloved queen lets me live vicariously. But I have a working hypothesis that escapism in fictional characters is actually our attempt to connect with the real world better. I’ve so badly wanted her to remain queen because it validates ME. It helps ME believe that someone with her set of quirks and nuances can succeed. The issue isn’t with Elsa abdicating the throne- it’s with me assuming that she’s not herself if she’s not in a position of power, and then it throws my own identity into question.  And it admittedly has to do with the ambiguity of being the “fifth spirit.” I was worried Elsa would transform into a spirit being, or ghost, or ethereal creature that was no longer human. That doesn't happen, to as much as I understand the movie (she transforms her dress, steps onto a symbol that unites the four spirits, and then unfreezes after the dam breaks.... but there isn’t some spirit-world complete transformation of her essence.) The part of her that’s magic IS inhuman, which is self-evident (no other human in this universe has magic abilities LOL), but that’s not to say she’s inhuman.  I’ve also mentioned that I interpret this role as descriptive, not prescriptive. She was a gift to Iduna and Agnarr from birth. This is who she was meant to be from day 1- the potential was inside her the whole time, manifesting in the form of ice magic. I theorize she’s awakened into the 5th spirit role, but it was never something where she had to change in order to become it. (Now deeper lore, like how a 5th spirit existed when Agnarr was a kid and what subsequently happened to it, is still a mystery. I’m interpreting it to mean that the 5th spirit is a role of unification, not a spirit in and of itself. And once the forest became trapped, it dissipated by definition. Elsa was born to fulfill that lost role again, OR to be the first physical catalyst to hold it. Not to mention Anna is imperative here as well- they’re both the bridge.) Someone else mentioned that since their mother was Northuldra, Elsa’s actually among her own people. This is important too, I think. Imagine if Elsa went back to the castle canonically after all that happens. They’d be leaving a huge part of their family history out there, not to mention Ahtohallan which Elsa obviously has a mysterious connection with. I think if Elsa did go back to Arendelle permanently, we’d be having similar conversations in reverse by claiming that she really does belong near Ahtohallan and in nature with the spirits. We can’t win. She belongs in both places- among her family & among her predestined purpose. And she’s able to come and go among them both whenever she’d like. That’s her true independence. She’s FREE, wholehearted and integrated. I also mentioned in a previous post my penchant for a savior complex, probably stemming from my own issues with codependence and infatuation. I won’t get too far into those here again except to say: I liked “needy” Elsa because I wanted to envision myself as the one saving her. That’s my own thorn. It originates from a total infatuation with her that I’m still working on letting go (ha.) But I’m sure I’m not the only one who experiences this. It’s because she’s a character so meaningful to me that I care so much about her, even to an unhealthy degree. I know she’s not real. I know the fantasy of knowing her and “fixing” her is irrational, weird, unfounded, and impossible. But that’s ME, not her. Show Yourself, which is beautiful and emotional, unexpectedly made me feel a little sad to know she’s no longer aching to find herself. Maybe I want that kind of certainty for myself, especially as I’m on the cusp of finding a new job & moving. Maybe it’s my unhealthy fixation on her that wants her to remain insecure so that I can feel validated as her “protector” (again, weird and irrational. I can’t explain my brain’s projections.) Maybe it’s not as clear cut as I want it to be, and I just need to- brace yourselves- let it go. ; ) Granted I still have reservations about her new role, like how someone who was pampered all her life & is known for her pose & grace will adjust to essentially camping 24/7, but those are details and inherently flexible. You can’t say she doesn’t belong in the forest just because she’s not acclimated yet.  Now what I feel a lot of people feel unease over is the loss of the first movie’s ending. And by that I mean, we have to disregard our previous headcanon that Elsa remained queen for her lifetime. I mean, we assumed that for 6 whole years and had all that time to flourish in our creative exploits built on that premise. So it undoubtedly feels a little dissonant to have a sequel that goes “nope, not true.” I think that’s normal, and it’s the kind of thing that becomes accepted with time. Shifting our mental framework of Elsa & Anna’s respective futures will take some getting used to. Again, it doesn’t make it a bad ending (you’re free to think that, of course! But something unexpected =/= something bad.) tl;dr vuelie-frost has a lot of feelings and concerns that are pretty indicative of her own issues, not the movie’s. Frozen 2 isn’t perfect but a lot of my grief could be alleviated by focusing on my own projections and expectations, and shifting my perspective to be more open and accepting. You know how people say attitude is everything? It’s annoying but it’s true. And I mean, I still love this movie and want to buy all the merch and draw Elsa endlessly, so my love for the franchise is obviously still THRIVING
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orwocolor · 5 years
@heytheredemons1 asked: Hey! Really enjoy the Gwilym fics, they’re AmAZiNg! I would like to request something if that’s ok.. maybe a situation where there is a young female child actor and they’re at a premiere and it becomes incredibly overwhelming with the cameras flashing and people yelling,, like she has a panic attack and Gwil becomes a protective dad like ‘gotta protect my child’ and then the rest of the time he sticks with her, holding her hand etc.. thank you :))
First of all, thank you for your kind words; they mean the world to me! I love this prompt so much, we need more protective Gwil!! It’s slightly over 1k words long, so I put the rest under the cut :) Hope you like it, darling :)
For Gwilym, it was an opening night like any other that he’d attended in his career. He’d donned a black suit with a dark plum shirt and a matching tie which was all lent to him by a well-known fashion designer. Although he wasn’t much of a fan of these obligations such as premieres that were an integral part of his job, he knew he had to bite the bullet and go there. It was a good thing that there was supposed to be a party afterwards, at least he got something to be looking forward to.
But right now, all he had to do was to focus on the photographers in front of him who were yelling his name, and his assistant who always pointed to the mark for him to stand on. There had been already a few faux pas in his life when he managed to step into pictures of his fellow actors and actresses, accidentally photobombing them. He had no desire to do that again. And so he posed and stared into the distance, his hand put in his pocket at one moment, then grasping the edge of his cuff as if he were fixing it, internally praying and hoping to get it over with as soon as possible.
For Laura, tonight was her very first public appearance. As an 8-year-old child actress, she was faced with an avalanche of photographers and journalists screaming and shouting her name, which was something she felt like not signing up for.
It all had been becoming way too much for her. The flashlights blinding her and the shouting transforming into a deafening noise, Laura stumbled slightly on the red carpet. She dragged her damp hands down her dark grey suit pants, crumpling the fabric in the process. Turning around, she tried to find her parents in the crowd behind her, but she couldn’t make out the two most beloved faces. She felt as if underwater, unable to take a breath, her vision getting blurry and her heart pounding hard against her chest.
Nobody noticed her unease but her co-star posing nearby.
Something seemed off. Laura had always been her charming self during the shooting, making the whole cast and crew laugh with her stories and adventures that she and her sister had experienced. Well, some of them were far more unbelievable and fantastical than others but one had to appreciate her imagination. Right now though, she was staring right in front of her, her eyes wide open, her small fists clenched at her sides, and her small frame slightly shaking.
“Gwilym!” someone called from the crowd of photographers and journalists to draw his attention and he blinked a few times, returning to reality.
Gwilym raised his hand in apology and in a few long strides closed the distance between him and Laura.
“Hey sweet pea, you’re alright?” he asked as he crouched down next to her, folding his legs underneath him as much as they would allow him. He still towered over his little co-star by a few inches, but it was as good as it could get.
She tore her gaze away from the flashlights and raised her eyes to him, biting her trembling lips.
“I… I…”
He took her hands in his, gently rubbing her skin, not minding the cold sweat that had broken out all over her body. He was no expert, but it was quite clear that the whole ordeal of the opening night was more than overwhelming to little Laura and she had a panic attack.
“It’s alright, don’t worry,” he said, his eyes growing soft and his eyebrows rising in concern. “Just breathe, okay? Breathe in,” he took a deep breath himself to show her how, “and breathe out.”
She followed suit and soon enough, she appeared to be less sick.
“Good, good.” Gwil gave her a wide smile and she tentatively returned it.  He wanted to take her inside and away from the menacing crowd, but he thought she should calm down first. “Now, tell me, where did you get such snazzy suspenders?” he asked to make her stop paying attention to the source of her anxiety-induced state. But truth to be told, her suspenders were pretty darn cool.
“My mum bought them… I don’t know where…” She seemed a bit lost and Gwil scolded himself internally, since he had no desire to cause her any more discomfort.
“That doesn’t matter! They’re wicked!”
She giggled and Gwilym breathed out a relieved sigh.
Laura was so immersed in her conversation with Gwil that the crowd around them was soon forgotten. He asked her about all sorts of stuff. About her parents, her favourite plushies, he even made her list everything she liked about their director’s robe. Other castmates and guests were bypassing them, but Laura paid them no attention.
Laura had grown quite fond of Gwilym during the shooting. He had always had something sweet hidden in his pockets and his smirk and a waggle of his eyebrows made her burst out laughing. Laura wasn’t sure whether he’d brought all those sweets just for her, or whether he actually had a sweet tooth of his own. He had always shared with her though and the cast and crew could always find them sitting on the set, each sucking on their respective lollipops.
“So, what do you say?” Gwil asked, rubbing her back, “should we let them take a few more pictures or head inside?” He tossed his head in the direction of the cinema and his hair slightly ruffled.
“Erm… will you stay with me?” she asked slowly, casting her eyes down.
“Of course, sweet pea,” he answered, almost moved to tears, and straightened her bowtie.
Standing up, he offered her his hand and she took it gratefully, showing a row of teeth as she gave him a wide smile.
The pictures of Gwilym posing with Laura flooded the internet. Whether it was a photograph of Gwil crouching next to her or the one in which he was hoisting her up on his hip and holding her in his arms, every fan was sure to save those pictures on their phones.
Although Gwilym had rarely done anything like that before, he had to save one as well. It was a snapshot of him as he carried Laura around. She was resting her hand on his cheek and they were scrunching their noses and grinning at each other.
Some moments were meant to be captured and saved.
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Bad Blood - Chapter 15
Read it here on AO3, or you can find the Tumblr Chapter Index here. 
The books in Gerard’s study have all been unpacked, and are standing in serried leather ranks on the painted white shelves. Stiles has always loved the books—he can spend hours lost in them if he’s given the chance—but he’s a soldier, not a researcher. The Argents are matrilineal, though both Gerard and Kate buck that trend a little because Gerard is without question the leader, whereas Kate, who should be directing strategies from behind the front lines, is a soldier first and foremost. The latitude doesn’t extend to Stiles, tough. He’s a soldier and, until he can raise the Stilinski name from the mud, that’s all he’ll ever be.
It’s just after dawn. Stiles didn’t sleep well. He cut a slit in his mattress protector and slid the photograph of him and his mother inside, and then lay there with his fingers curled over the place it was hidden. He thought of his mom and tried not to think of her at the same time, because it’s impossible to divorce his memories of her from his memories of his father, and thinking about his father, thinking about seeing his face again after all these years, is too much. It’s confusing, and chaotic, a brainstorm of conflicting emotions, and Stiles hateshim, but the little boy locked away in the back of his head still cries for his daddy.
“I love you, kiddo. Please remember that.”
Stiles wonders if those words were intentionally crafted to cut the way they did, sharper than a werewolf’s claws at his throat.
Stiles fixes his gaze on the spines of the books on the shelf, and waits for Gerard to speak. It’s a little past dawn, and Stiles is hungry. He hasn’t eaten since Victoria’splacki ziemniaczane last night, and his body’s been through hell since. He got fuck all sleep, so he at least needs fuel, but he knows better than to ask.
Gerard is seated behind his desk, tapping away at his laptop as he makes Stiles wait. Kate is leaning on the edge of the desk. She’s the picture of relaxation. Her arms are folded over her chest, and her boots are crossed at the ankle. Kate’s always had the knack of looking totally put together and in control, whatever the hell is being thrown at her. Stiles has always envied her that.
Gerard taps at his keyboard a moment longer, and then closes his laptop. He looks up, and Stiles can’t read his expression. That’s the thing with Gerard though. He wears that same half smile whether he’s about to praise Stiles for a job well done, or beat the living shit out of him.
“Stiles,” he says. “Last night. Talk me through it.”
Stiles resists the urge to press his fingers to his bandage on his beck. “One of them came at me. Slashed me. I got away.” He worries, the longer he talks, that Gerard doesn’t believe a damn word but is content to let him dig his own grave here. “I was bleeding pretty bad, and I flagged down a car and they took me to the hospital.”
“Did you give them your name?” Kate asks.
“At the hospital?” Stiles shakes his head. “I was bleeding enough that they saw me right away. I didn’t have to wait or sign anything. Then I said I needed to go to the bathroom, and I left before they could call the police.”
It’d be a textbook move, if it wasn’t a lie.
And Stiles still doesn’t know why he’s telling the lie, exactly. He’s scared, he thinks. Scared of how Gerard will react if he knows the werewolves let him go, and that his father was there. Stiles didn’t do anything wrong, but Gerard won’t see it that way. He’ll see betrayal. Of course he will, because right now Stiles is looking into his own heart and even he can’t tell what he sees there.
A thread of hot panic twists through his gut.
He’s lying. He’s lying to Gerard, and it benefits him, but what if it also benefits the Hales pack and his father? And it must, because otherwise why would Derek have told him to lie? There’s a wall of leather-bound books behind Gerard that contain monsters, and Stiles can’t allow himself to forget that. He can’t, and yet he’s already told the lie.
Gerard’s gaze slides over him. “Hmm.”
Stiles fights the urge to fidget.
Gerard grunts. “And how the hell did a dog get its claws on you in the first place?”
Stiles blinks. “I tripped.”
“You tripped?” Gerard asks archly, exchanging a glance with Kate like Stiles is some kind of pathetic joke.
It was dark, Stiles wants to tell him. It was dark, and he didn’t have his night vision, and he wasn’t wearing his proper boots, and they were surrounded by werewolves, and Gerard had yelled at them to get back to the car and Stiles hadn’t even known where the fucking car was since he’d come in on foot from the other direction. This isn’t his fuck up. But he knows better than to say that, or even let it show on his face.
“I tripped,” he repeats.
There’s a moment of tension in the air so thick that Stiles can feel it vibrating between them like a guitar string.
Stiles tries to remember how to breathe.  
And then Gerard barks out a laugh, and the tension shatters.
“Take him into the basement, Kate,” the old man says at last. “Don’t let him come up again until he’s proved to you he knows how to lift his feet.”
Stiles’s whole body is aching and his lungs are burning by the time Kate is finished with him. Kate’s a fucking tyrant with a jump rope, but she puts her hand on his lower back to keep him from stumbling as he climbs the basement stairs. He’s light-headed.
“Want some eggs, string bean?” Kate asks him as she ushers him into the kitchen.
“Yeah,” Stiles says, going to the sink to get some water. “You cooking them for me?”
“Oh, baby’s got sass!” Kate laughs, loud and brash.
Stiles wonders how that’s even possible. Was she the one who shot Scott McCall, or was it Gerard? Jesus. He has to stop thinking shit like this. He has to, or they’ll look at him and know he’s weak, and a liar, and maybe even a traitor like his father. And Stiles is a Stilinski, but he’s a better man than his father.
This is where he belongs, isn’t it?
“If I’m cooking, we’re having cereal,” he says, forcing a smile.
Kate laughs again.
She cooks the eggs.
Allison bursts into the house just before nine, distraught and tear-stained, and she pushes past Kate and goes straight for Stiles instead. Stiles hears a buzzing in his skull as Allison tearfully tells him the news she heard when she got to school—Scott McCall is dead.
Stiles hugs her, and stares at Kate over her shoulder.
There’s a warning in her gaze that he knows exactly how to read: say nothing. There’s shock as well, because Kate couldn’t have known whose heart she was breaking when she hunted Scott last night. Stiles hopes that Kate thinks she sees that same shock reflected in his face.
“Hey,” he says to Allison, his voice cracking. “Come on. Come upstairs.”
Kate flashes him an approving look, and Stiles is halfway up the stairs before he realises why: she thinks Stiles is taking Allison away so Kate has a chance to fill Gerard in on the werewolf’s true identity—and on the fact Allison knew him. Except Stiles isn’t doing this for Kate and Gerard. He’s doing this for Ally, and maybe—selfishly—for him. Maybe he’s afraid his mask will slip for real, and Kate will see him for who he really is. And she’ll remember the way he hesitated, remember the way he faltered when the werewolf’s face transformed into the goofy boy’s, and she’ll know, and then she’ll make him pay like he deserves.
He clutches Allison’s hand and leads her up the steps to his sparse bedroom.
“I don’t know what happened,” she says, her dark eyes swimming with tears. She’s caught between grief and outrage, her expression wavering uncertainly between them.  “How could someone do this?”
Stiles thinks of all the monsters in Gerard’s leather-bound books, and doesn’t know how to reconcile that with the boy who did the happy dance in the parking lot of the cinema.
“I don’t know,” he says, his voice hollow.
Allison grabs the comforter off his bed and wraps it around herself before sinking down onto the floor. Stiles follows her down onto his knees, because he doesn’t know what else to do.
She stares at Stiles from behind tendrils of her dark hair. “The only reason he was out last night was because I asked him to sneak over to my house!” She covers her mouth with her hands in a vain attempt to stop another sob from breaking free. “Why would anyone hurt him like that?”
Stiles shakes his head, his eyes burning. He tries to swallow, and it hurts.
Allison’s grief is like a storm that must be weathered, and if every squall rips into him anew then it’s Stiles duty to suffer it. Allison is hurting, so Stiles wants to hurt too.
“I’m sorry, Ally,” he whispers to her, his voice hoarse, and he tells himself that’s a thing that people say. He tells himself it’s a platitude, and that can’t be guilt, hot and slick, twisting in his gut and rising like bile in his throat.
Because if the monsters aren’t really monsters, then…
Stiles shudders, and squeezes his eyes shut. He thinks of the little boy in the photograph hidden in his mattress protector. That little boy untouched by fear and darkness and horror, and untroubled by anything just as long as he was safe in his mom’s arms. Stiles thinks that little boy was happy.
“I don’t understand,” Allison murmurs. “Stiles, I don’t understand how anyone could do this!”
If the monsters aren’t really monsters, Stiles thinks, then they’re a lot closer than he’s ever suspected.
“I don’t know,” he lies, smoothing a shaking hand over Allison’s hair. “I don’t know either.”  
He sits on the floor on his bedroom and stares at his reflection in the window. His reflection’s dark, hollow eyes stare back at him.
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azoraahai · 5 years
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hi hello everyone! as usual, i’m back with another tutorial that was requested by an anon to recreate a couple of posters of mine! if you find this helpful, please give this post a like and/or reblog. and if you ever want a tutorial of something, feel free to request!
how to create these↴
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note: this is how i learned how to do this and it’s the easiest way for me. feel free to add/change my steps as you use this tutorial.
okay so we’re gonna start off super simple. all you have to do is find an image of the person you want. keep it serious, as close to a side profile as you can, and make sure it’s dark. unfortunately, jessica alba didn’t have many pictures of what i was looking for so i ended up settling for this image.
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she had the exact look i wanted so i ended up using it. so i cropped the picture down to just capture her face. the crop settings i use for all of my posters are 512x800. and when i readjust the size, i put the top portion as 900x1405 or whatever it automatically adjusts to. the first part is def 900 bc it’s a safe number quality in my opinion.
anyways, since the background is too light, i decided to add a black background and place it underneath the layer of jessica. after that i add a vector mask on jessica’s image and i carefully erase the background with a soft brush and i lower the opacity when i get to her hair so it blends in more smoothly.
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then i added some brightness/contrast layers to darken/bright areas and make it all seem more seamless blending if that makes sense. this step is more optional and based on preference tbh.
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after that, i slap on a couple of psds and play around with the settings and opacities to find the right combo im looking for. if you’re wondering what psds i used, all can be found in my psds tag which is here. i also added a selective color on top to add more purple tones as well. you can do that by changing the blue and cyan hues.
[ if you still don’t understand selective color, i made a tutorial on that already right here! ]
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once you found the right coloring, you can add the text of “avenge the fallen” right on top. since im a lazy hoe, i actually googled for a png of the text and just erased the excess parts i didn’t want.
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and then viola! that’s it. you can add/change anything you want to make it suit you more.
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okay this is definitely something you HAVE to play around and be patient with.
for starters, find a good png of your faceclaim. since, again, im a lazy hoe, i used the same png of jessica i’ve used three times already, but do i care??? not really. anyways, once you got your png, find posters of the endgame promos. and as mentioned before in the left poster, i used the crop sizes 512x800 and readjust the image size as 900x1405.
i used three different ones for this particular edit: bruce, nebula, and okoye. i start off with having bruce as my main background and added the png of jessica on top of it. 
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i used free transform to resize jessica and added a vector mask to erase any unwanted parts. i carefully erased away jessica to show the avengers endgame promo and the cinema date thingy bc i thought it would look better than to get red of it tbh.
once i erase what you wanted, i added the other two posters underneath jessica’s png and played around with the eraser tool to make sure it just showed jessica and no one else. make sure to add a vector mask for every image you’re erasing so that if you accidentally mess up, you can just use the paint brush and fix your mistake.
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so here’s what my poster looks like after i do that.
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after that, i added so many adjustment layers such as selective coloring, brightness/contrast, hue/saturation, and even used the paint brush a little bit to get the right coloring i wanted. personally, i wish i colored jessica a bit more so it could match the canon posters a bit more but it is what it is and i’m still proud of it. 
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and tadaaa, you finished and here’s the final product!
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i hope this helped anyone who is struggling with photoshop or just helped someone in general! let me know if any of you have any questions or requests for another tutorial!
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jeanettcoles-blog · 5 years
AC3 Restaurant Bar
AC3 Joiner is a simple-to-use software to join multiple AC3 information into one bigger AC3 file. After you put in Mavericks, QuickTime performs some video information like MKV with image however no sound? That is most likely as a result of your information comprise AC3 audio. AC3 audio shouldn't be compatible with Mavericks. So, in case you have some files that suddently turn out to be silent on QuickTime as soon as you upgrade to Mavericks, it's good to fix the issue about AC3 audio damaged on Mavericks. I print my 5.1 mix and then in compressor I point it to the separate legs of the combo (L,C,R,Ls,Rs,Lfe) and enter in the dialnorm worth, compression methodology, bit price, and so forth. and it does its factor and generates an AC3, i have been utilizing it for years for this one job and the client has by no means had a single situation using the AC3 files I created for them. Edit: Another risk I simply remembered is that AC3 is normally dealt with by the external faac and faad libraries. One of these is probably not installed in your system, or your model of ffmpeg might not have been compiled with support for them enabled (because the format is patent-encumbered). Once more, the ffmpeg output ought to inform us if so. I personally fairly favored Murderer's Creed III, but I additionally don't have time to replay games I've already completed, particularly in a series like AC where newer, better games with vital refinements tarnish the appeal of the old ones. I am going to likely buy Odyssey and need its DLC but when the cost of the season cross is partially that prime due to the bundled AC3, I feel that's a disgrace. I will wait some months to get it on sale, most certainly. In keeping with Ubisoft, Murderer's Creed 3 Remastered won't solely be supplied as a bonus in Odyssey‘s Season Cross in March 2019, but also the updated iteration of the title might be out there as a standalone item for PC, PlayStation four, and Xbox One. The writer and developer stated that AC3 Remastered will boast improved gameplay mechanics", ergonomics", and will comprise all its DLCs. the search end result mentioned that this page would tell me what program may open ac3 information. it did not. It lies. AC3 is extensively used as the standard sound monitor of DVDs, Blu-ray, HDTV programming and sport consoles. This is one I discovered that can convert AC3 information to AIFF or no matter and back once more. Boilsoft Video Joiner is a very powerful AC3 Joiner and AC3 Merger, Be a part of AC3, Merge AC3 without re-encode, So It is rather fast and without any high quality loss. We're going to use PX3's AC3 to WAV to transform AC3 to a traditional stereo WAV file. NOTICE: Generic AC3 recordsdata may be created using any model of Compressor starting with model 3.5 or later. Select Common Audio Codecs, when making a custom setting. It applies to affix MP3, WAV, AAC, AC3, M4A, WMA, and many others. Finest Audio Merger to Combine Audios Recordsdata like Merge MP3, Merge WAV, Merge M4A, Merge FLAC, Merge AAC, Merge AC3, and so forth.
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● Ac3 Codec Mx Player Download will increase constancy over its previous encompass sound commonplace, Pro-logic, with impartial tracks for ac3 codec mx player download each of the 6 speakers, a 16bit sampling at 48khz rate compressed by 10- 12 occasions, making for a total bit rate of 384kbps. AC3Filters on avoimeen lдhdekoodiin perustuva Dolby Digital -purkaja, jonka avulla voit katsella esim. AC3-ддnillд varustetut DivX-elokuvasi. 1D) In the AUDIO tab, choose COPY for the mode and AC3 for the codec (assuming you're working with an AC3 stream) You might also have more than one audio stream, be sure to select the stream and choose your settings accordingly. Don't know of constructing a sound conversion from AAC to AC3? Fortunately, Video Converter for Mac can makes it trivially easy. Simply drag your file onto the window, choose the ultimate format or vacation spot system, and click Convert. This good converter handles the remainder. Dolby Digital (code-named AC3) is a compressed, lossy surround sound format that boomed with the rise in reputation of DVD within the late Nineteen Nineties and early 2000s. It is usually the usual audio format for ac3 codec mx player download HDTV programming. With one digital cable from a DVD player and ultimately different sources like satellite tv for pc and digital cable boxes, residence theater lovers may get discrete encompass sound for six or extra channels. Because of this they might hear unique sounds coming from every of their rear speakers, which created way more detailed, cinema-like encompass sound results at home.
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agatha1905 · 6 years
Lewis and the Ink Machine Au! ; - ;
It's possible that I'm crazy enough to have had this idea of ​​UA, okay, we're going to start.
Let me introduce you how this stupid and new alternate universe of "Mystery Skulls" and "Bendy and the ink machine" that I have invented works. Everything is very different, but the story is almost the same.. Hmmp..
(LEWIS) Lewrence S. Pepper / "Lewly Pie" : Sammy Lawrence / Bendy.
Lewis occupied the job of musical composer of the series of "Robert Drew Studios. Inc", he was very happy in his work that until the owner of the studio (and the grandfather of his girlfriend) began to concentrate on an old ink machine that began to wreak havoc in his area of ​​trade, because they had to go every day to his office to download a lever that caused a lot of noise, so he always ended up being off balance and not doing well the songs he needed for the next chapters of the program. So soon after, he began to suspect that Drew's plans were not going to bring something good, which is why he and other studio employees went to complain, only to be ignored. Lewis, after being corrupted by the ink of the study, ended up becoming "Lewdy Lewis", his friendly version of caricature, very based on how was the main character of the series, Bendy. When it transforms into its demonic part, the control ends up being taken by ???, another entity that is evil, presumably the demonic spirit with which Robert made a deal to bring the ink machine and his caricatures to life. Also, causing a horrible outcome for the other employees of the study. The second malignant entity inside him convinced him that his friend Arthur abandoned them there in the studio, not knowing why he had left, Lewis ended up getting a new objective: To take revenge on Arthur for abandoning them all here, although, finally, the boy discovers that the blond's motives for leaving the workshop were very horrifying and obscure, not least that he became an ink monster, but in part he could say that in what he tries to suffer they are even.
(ARTHUR) Arthury S. Kingsmen: Henry Stein.
Arthur was one of several animators in "Robert Drew Studios. Inc". After being enlisted to go to war, and "fortunately" being returned some three years later without an arm, he ends up two years later receiving a letter from his former employer Robert Drew and returns to his old job studio only to find an ink machine and a lot of cartoon nightmares lurking that were once their beloved friends and co-workers. He have a horrible trauma for the war..
(VIVI) Vivianne Drew Yukino / "Vivi Angel" : Allison Penddle / Allison Angel.
Vivi was part of the cast of "Bendy's Show" as the replacement for the voice of Alice Angel, also the girlfriend of one of the composers and granddaughter of the owner of the studio. After being corrupted by the ink machine, she ended up becoming "Vivi Angel", a version of her in a caricature a bit like the cartoon angel..
(MYSTERY) Robert Mysterious Drew / "Mystery" : Joey Drew.
He is a ancient powerful kitsune, as well as the founder of his old company "Robert Drew Studios". He is also known as Arthur's former employer, who collaborated with him by making caricatures in the workshop with Vivi and Lewis, along with other workers. He is known as someone wise and believing, before he was a little ignorant and too stubborn, because he ignored the complaints of his employees. He almost always talked about something of "appeasing the gods" with the ink machine, as well as the offerings on pedestals in the Hall of Power, some in the studio hinting that Robert could be very obsessed and crazy. When he discovered what had happened with the ink machine, as soon as Arthur returned from the war, he ended up living with him in the form of a puppy for about three years before sending Arthur a note inviting him to return to his workshop that he had "something to show him". Thing that was very far from the truth, because he hopes that with Arthur's help he could find a way to fix all the damage he had done, both for Arthur himself and for the other workers in the studio, that includes his granddaughter and to Lewis. In his letter, it is implicit that the company went out of business 5 years ago, and therefore they had stopped collaborating.
(SHIROMORI) Sakura Shiana Campbell / "Shiro Angel" : Sussie Campbell / Alice Angel.
She was the voice actress of Alice Angel of "Robert Drew Studios", that until it was changed by the granddaughter of the owner of the studio, Vivianne Drew. She used to believe that Alice Angel was like a part of her, that could mean that she had dreams of making her fame great while acting like Alice Angel. Sakura worked in the studio for two months before her unexpected replacement, which she considered to be the end of the world. She used to have a little romance story with Robert in her youth, that's until he finished with her just to leave her, because he had ended up falling in love with another woman, which turned out to be the grandmother of Vivi. When he transformed into his corrupted version as "Shiro Angel," he ended up being gentle and sweet to become a very cruel and sadistic creature. She has great resentment with the owner of the abandoned studio, Robert Drew, who is currently in his puppy form as Arthur's pet, named Mystery, due to his intelligence and strange first encounter with Arthur (story that will be for another time). Therefore, in most of the following episodes, Shiro Angel tries to assassinate Mystery by paying minimal attention to Arthur.
(CHLOE) Charlotte Wenney F. / "Charis Chloe" : Wally Franks / Wally!Boris.
She seemed to suspect the workshop with Lewis, that includes Robert's plans and the ink machine. She also seemed to have been worried about some of the situations within the company, including the abundance of ink leaks from the machine. His voice from his second diary cassette gives directions on how to get some beginner composers to Lewis' office. In one part of her tape, she complains that she lost Lewis' keys in one of the trash cans, and she has a bad feeling about what the boy would do if he ever finds out that he had lost his keys. She is known as one of the mechanics assistants in the studio, sometimes helping with the operation of the ink machine, even though she feels a bad feeling about it. He almost always found himself distracting himself from his work or not understanding what Lance was saying, because he almost always escaped to talk to Arthur alone about anything. When it became her corrupt form due to the studio ink, she forgot almost all of her memories of who she was in the past, making an exception with the Kingsman family, of course, that includes her dear friend Arthur.. To which she believes missing.
(LANCE) Lancelot Connor Kingsman / "Lanris Lance" : Thomas Connor / Tom!Boris.
Lancelot Kingsman here is the owner of a Kingsmen Mechanics of a slightly more retro style, in addition, he is in "Robert Drew Studios" one of the workers in charge of making sure that the endless pipe of the ink machine is kept in its best way, is frustrated by the instability of the system as time passes, almost always said he was tired of fighting the operation of the machine for quite some time, and finally declares that he refuses to do anything else about it. Thing, which is demonstrated in one of its recording cinemas. His corrupted form still retains most of his memories, that includes his nephew Arthur, only having forgotten his name in some part, changing it to "Lanris Lance".
(MR. AND MRS. PEPPERS) Julio Pepper / "Junnyloon Pie" | Selena Pepper / "Sellaine Pie" : The two searchers.
Lewis' parents, or rather, Mr. and Mrs. Peppers, were in charge of the animation workshop cafeteria. They made any kind of meals and desserts, but their favorites were those that consisted of sweet and spicy flavors. When the leak in the ink pipe occurred, they ended up separating from their other three daughters and from Lewis, also becoming monsters of ink. They do not keep most of their memories of who they were before, just remembering their taste for sweet and spicy food, and their three children. Not remembering much of their names either. You can see them wandering around in the studio looking for and calling for their three children...
(THE SISTERS PEPPERS) Canelle Pepper / "Cannyelle Striker-Pep" | Bellenia Pepper / "Belle Fishper" | Paprika Pepper / "Primka Pieper" | 'The little Pepper's gang' : The butcher's gang.
Its corrupted versions are based on the trio of characters in the program who played antagonists. Before transforming they used to be very fan of the series, for which, his brother Lewis who worked with his parents in the studio ended up taking them one day at work, unfortunately everything ended badly for these three girls. They forgot most of their lives at that time, the only thing they know about their past are some memories they have with their family and nothing else, they also forgot a lot of their names, changing them over time, being currently known as "The little Pepper's gang".
(DUET) Duethan Polk / "The proyeccionist" : Norman Polk / The proyeccionist.
He was the band director to collaborate with Robert Drew on "Robert Drew Studios." It seems that Duet did not know what Lewis and Robert were doing in the studio, because, while Lewis was investigating Robert's experiments, Robert got into things he should not lighten up. He had a very mysterious and changing personality, the only time he could be seen smiling was while holding a projector, receiving from Arthur, Vivi and Lewis the funny nickname of "the projectionist". When he became an ink monster, little could be seen of his previous clothes with his dark and humanoid form, in addition to the terrifying projection camera attached to his head .. He ended up completely forgetting who he was before being that frightening ink monster. Of course, thanks to Arthur, he recovered much of his memories in the studio and very good memories of when he was still a good human being.
(???) ??? / "EVIL Lewly" : Beast Bendy!
??? is the evil identity that is currently inside Lewis, transforming him into an ink monster, into a demon, and at the same time, into a caricatured version of himself with certain similarities to the main character of "Robert Drew Studios", Bendy, the demon dancer He convinced Lewis that Arthur abandoned them all in the studio on purpose, giving him a terrible thirst for vengeance and evil powers despite his caricature appearance. When Lewis is really angry, ??? Take control and transform into a chilling ink beast ready to kill everything that moves. This entity can only be heard by Lewis, although he ends up repressing it enough that he would cease to exist within him, realizing the true truth: Arthur never wanted them to die in this place, he left, not because he wanted, but because he had been sent to fight in the war.. The creature is a demon invoked by Robert, who in an attempt to give life to his creations, made a deal with it, with Lewis spying and watching everything that happened from the other side of your door. After that, there was a pipe leak that filled the whole damn ink studio that turned everyone into sad shadows of what they were before. Lewis unfortunately was close enough to the ritual for the demonic spirit to end up sneaking inside him and transforming him even faster into an ink monster. The boy could not do anything about it, unfortunately. ??? He has a cruel personality, dismissed and sadistic, and he is very envious.
The drawings are still in the process of being created, this blog will be edited, when all of them are ready!
¡Thanks for reading!
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26thfriday · 2 years
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Listen to Cinema by Benny Benasse.
Gaia, your name has my entire body throbbing from the first moment it was suggested. It was you. It has always been you. You were the greatest and most intense gift I could receive in this life, you came like a hurricane and transformed everything inside me. Fixed what wasn't even broken by you and brought life to places I thought were incapable of receiving it. You made me your safe place, even though the entire universe already existed inside you, and in it, I found myself. Every single day.
You know, home is where the heart is, and mine has always been with you. I carry you on my chest and there's no space for anything else. Time without you is as solid as an old metaphor, I feel your love in every icy breeze, in every sunny day and in every manifestation of nature. There I find myself again and I realize that the real thing, for me, is to feel you present. In that one year, I learned things from you that I could have learned in a thousand lifetimes. A thousand lives, which, in addition to the current one, I also could share by your side.
Today is your birthday and I have so much to wish you. So much to tell you. But in the absence of knowing how to keep the whole world in a gift paper, I am content with the choice of words: Please, always be happy and live, intensely, what you deserve. Because you deserve SO much.
I never told you, but the reason I gave so much value to your birthday right at the beginning of our friendship, was because I could already see inside you that this date would be celebrated by me several times. And that's what I want. Glorify your life, your so beautiful existence, for several other 26/08. Having you in mine is a gift and I thank you every day for being present on the earth plane in the same decade as a lovely (and annoying) human being.
I want to talk about you when someone ask me about love. I want to talk about your eyes when someone try to give me a new meaning for the green pigmentation of summer leaves. I want to remember your voice every time I hear Chopin's Eighth Symphony. Also remember that it is the most beautiful song to my ears. But most of all, i want to spend countless more birthdays by your side.
Thank you for being you.
Happy fucking birthday.
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