#you know who else looks at a mass genocide and claims that it was a hoax don't you
duskmite · 2 years
some of you need to realise that it doesn’t make you some red scare fearmongering mccarthy lite to acknowledge that the soviet union was Bad
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cuprohastes · 5 months
The humans said "We sent our very best to the stars."
Well we looked at what they sent: And thought, if that's their best, what are their worst like? They were scavengers and opportunists, fast talking con artists, barely restrained psychopaths with mayhem on their mind.
Honestly we were expecting the worst: That 'human' would be a curse word, that we'd have to root them out painfully and banish them back to their dirty heavy world.
But they cleaned up Antichor. They dredged the oceans, got the ecosystem back up, cleaned the mine lakes, remediated the sludge swamps, turned the hulks into gleaming ingots.
"We knew how. We had the experience." They said.
The humans started showing up in the weirdest places. Conflicts of all sorts... and they always had questions. "Why are you doing this? What if tehy did this. What if you did that?" And it was so odd - Within weeks of the Humans showing up, common ground would be found, or reasons to get along would appear.
"Well, we're used to it. We know how to deal with conflict." They said.
And the human liars, dressed in bedazzling clothes, singing and laughing... They spun lies! For entertainment! Of better worlds, and drama, of excitement, of adventure. Thay made such spectacles - Fire in the sky of a thousand colours - smoke and lasers, costumes and music, feats of synchronised movement the Civil Worlds had barely imagined could be performed by any being let lone these strange humans...
"We know how to have a good time!" They said.
When there was a nasty little war of expansion over on the Veran worlds, we thought we'd be barely in time to document the mass graves and the scraps of planetary genocide. Expansion wars are the worst of crimes but what can you do? The settlers who are squatting on the graves of the people who came before aren't usually the ones who ordered the invasion or carried it out. And there's always some justification that can be argued over for centuries: none of which brings the dead back.
We were horrified to find the Human fleet there. Finally proof that the Humans were the worst sort of mercenary.
But the ships had aid: Shelters and food. Medical personnel. And those that did fight did so under strange rules that allowed for surrenders and retreats in good faith.
The Verans talked of the Arnath Invasion fleet: Unstoppable, claiming thier worlds before they even landed, their leaders ranting and cursing those who lived there - But then the Humans arriving like heroes of legend, in flame clad dropships, spending their lives hard, making the Arnath throw incredible effort to get nowhere... Of the mighty Rangers, each one a hero. The Bulwark infantry who wouldn't yield a single step until the civilians had been evacuated. The Medical teams as caring as any, who'd stand and fight as hard as a soldier to protect their patients.
And even before we arrived, the Arnath were losing - Humans arriving on their world and asking "Why?". Arguing with the Archons with the skill of philosophers, litigating on behalf of the Verans with cunning arguments. The clowns and entertainers with unexpected savagery, showing the population their own "heroic" soldiers burning crops and firing on children, turning the population against thier bloody handed leaders.
The soldiers returning, not hailed as heroes, their crimes documented.
"We know these crimes. We won't stand for them." The humans said.
And we started to wonder... what else did they know?
What we know now is... you can always ask the Humans, because they always send their best.
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communistkenobi · 6 months
if you don't feel like taking the time to explain this to a random person I totally understand lol I will continue to look elsewhere to form an opinion. but I'm torn on not voting for biden, because I do understand the motive. he's terrible, teaching the democratic party a hard lesson is overdue. they need to be taught once and for all that they need to actually fucking deliver on their lofty virtuous promises or they will lose all support. on the other hand if you're following closely the shit trump's people are spewing right now he just keeps getting worse and worse and overtly fascist and ambitious, it's incredibly frightening atp, it's obvious that he will only make everything that's bad now in the usa and in palestine and everywhere else 10000x worse for a long time to come, I just don't know if the damage from another trump presidency is a worthy price to pay to stick it to joe
I’m going to be blunt, but I genuinely do not mean this in a rude or condescending way, I invite you to think about this deeply: do you legitimately think that if the democrats get re-elected they’re going to stop any of the horrific shit the republicans want to implement, either domestically or overseas? Has their track record given you any hope that that will happen? If you vote for them as they gleefully, openly carry out a genocide, literally what incentive do they have to stop Republicans at all? If their voter base is that secure, that loyal, what incentive do they have to protect their constituents or address their needs when in power? Protecting Roe v Wade was what made voting for Biden an existential necessity in 2020 and that still got trashed! People are still in cages at the US-Mexico border! Cop city is being built in Atlanta! Police brutality against Black people continues unabated! Pipelines are still being built on indigenous land (DAPL happened under Obama)! The threat against minority populations, the truly disadvantaged and oppressed people inside the US, are already living with this violence on a daily basis and have lived with it regardless of who is in office. To assume the threat of fascist violence has not yet arrived, has not yet been developing for decades, is to ignore these things.
I do not think the democrats need to be ‘taught a lesson’ or that you need to ‘stick it to Joe.’ The Democrats are not failing to deliver on their promises - these are their promises. Even on a purely self-interested level, ignoring the genocide currently happening, you are not going to be protected from fascists domestically by voting blue no matter who. Certainly there are local elections and movements were there is genuine progressive potential (Ohio just voted to legalise weed and support abortion, a legit good thing that was absolutely worth going out and voting for), but that is not the reality of the national party. The primary language available to voters as voters is to stop voting for them.
The fascist right in the US (both ‘populist’ groups like qanon and the proud boys, as well as institutional groups like the federalist society, the heritage foundation, etc, the list is endless, not to mention evangelical churches) is organised and developed enough that they will continue to hold power and influence regardless of who is in office. The genocide happening in Palestine right now, carried out by a democrat, is not a neatly contained far-away thing that can be separated from domestic politics (I am not claiming you’re making that argument, only trying to articulate my own point) - it is already having a profound and measurable impact on the US population in the form of increased racist, islamophobic and antisemitic violence, mass police brutality, institutional silencing and firing of anyone who even says the word genocide, etc. I think it’s productive to view those actions as developing fascist actions, actions which are being stoked by a democrat. And if they are not outright fascist, they are certainly a precursor to it. In the last couple years there have been a lot of stupid, incompetent demonstrations by the far right in the US - Unite the Right rally, the storming of the capitol, Qanon-motivated assaults and murders like the attempted plot to kidnap the Michigan governor, that one mob guy who was murdered by a Qanon follower in New York I think, Alex Jones being a national figurehead for the conspiratorial and openly fascist right (although he’s probably not going to continue to be that now that he lost a billion dollars in his court cases lol), the “stop the steal” legal attempt to contest the results of the 2020 election - these are ridiculous and on-the-surface ineffective attempts to express a fascistic will onto USAmerican institutions (“inchoate fascism,” a fascism not yet fully formed, a fascism in an experimental phase). But I think the genocide in Palestine is allowing for the effective version of those things to be done in the US. The hysteria, the rage, the violence that this genocide is producing “at home” is not going to dissipate if a democrat continues to hold office, and the Palestinian genocide is both an organising force for the current fascist right and an inciting force for it to further develop and grow. This larger debate about voting or not voting seems to be operating on the (correct) assumption that foreign policy is not a meaningful realm of difference between democrats and republicans, that the only space to battle over is domestic affairs. But absent from this debate is that these two things can’t be neatly partitioned, they are not separate, not just because you should view all human life as equally worth preserving but because we are seeing the mass domestic response within the US about Palestine - the popular resistance to it on the one hand and the institutional support for it on the other. The early 2000s US culture (“post-9/11”) is widely regarded as incredibly right-wing, and that was because of the war in Iraq! Foreign policy produces and shapes US culture, and the genocide in Palestine a colonial and fascist project.
This is not an argument for despair, or to do nothing. Fascism is not defeated by voting regardless of who you’re voting for, and so we can dispense with that idea. If you want to exercise your civic responsibilities, there are many other avenues - labour unions, community work, protests, boycott organising, and yes even voting in local elections when there is a strategic advantage to do so - things that are meaningful and do legitimately help people. But I do not see any strategic calculus in voting for democrats. Biden already told everyone this - “nothing will fundamentally change.” There should be no surprise, no expectation that they will do anything except what they’re already doing, which is business as usual
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antianakin · 5 months
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I definitely think that's part of the point in some ways, that neither Anakin NOR WE AS THE AUDIENCE ever knows whether Palpatine can actually accomplish what he says he can or not. Like, MAYBE he has to way to keep people from dying, maybe he doesn't. Even if he does, it seems unlikely he'd ever actually tell Anakin what it is, but it's equally as possible that he doesn't have ANYTHING that the Jedi don't have. Anakin has to choose between taking the risk of pursuing the only "cure" being offered to him even when it comes from a Sith and is therefore inherently untrustworthy, or taking the risk of doing nothing and just hoping his vision doesn't come true or that he's misinterpreted it. Anakin's not so great at the accepting change or having faith thing, though, so he obviously goes for what seems to be the more guaranteed solution even when it comes from an obviously unreliable source.
Personally, I'm not shocked Anakin doesn't go asking the Jedi for their opinions on it given that he's pretty deep in the "not trusting the Jedi" pit that Palpatine's been putting him in for several decades now. If he goes to the Jedi and says "Hey, so I was just wondering if there was any knowledge of the Sith having a way to keep people from dying, just curious, asking for a friend" he might have a couple of extra questions asked of him that he does not want to answer.
Anakin refuses to do the emotional labor required of him and has been manipulated into believing both that he knows better than anybody else AND that the Jedi don't have his best interests at heart, so when the Jedi tell him to figure out how to let go of his fear of the people he loves dying and a Sith tells him he might have a magic cure, of COURSE he decides to opt for the magic cure coming from someone he knows is evil and commits to doing whatever is asked of him in order to GET the magic cure, up to and including mass enslavement and genocide.
Anakin's relationship with Palpatine is kind-of interesting because I feel like, especially with TCW in the mix, people often tend to overexaggerate how much Anakin cared about Palpatine. I've seen people claim that Anakin truly saw Palpatine as a friend, that the only person he truly trusted was Palpatine, that Palpatine was like a grandfather-figure to Anakin, etc etc. But at least within the films, that doesn't seem to really ring true. He RESPECTS Palpatine, for sure, and he looks up to him and trusts him, but that's about where it stops. He parrots what Palpatine says because Palpatine manipulates Anakin enough to make Anakin think that these are his own ideas and feelings, not because Anakin is doing it intentionally. He calls OBI-WAN a father figure, but never says anything like that to Palpatine. And when forced to choose between obeying Palpatine or saving Obi-Wan, he saves Obi-Wan, and claims they're all three making it out alive or NONE OF THEM DO, which kind-of showcases that he cares about Obi-Wan's life more than he does Palpatine's. He obviously does choose to trust Palpatine with the information about the Tusken massacre and doesn't trust Obi-Wan, but given that Palpatine tells Anakin he's right about everything and Obi-Wan doesn't hesitate to point out when Anakin's wrong or making a mistake, it's not surprising that Palpatine is the mentor he went to for "advice" on something he knows is wrong. Because he doesn't want to be TOLD he's wrong, he wants to be VALIDATED.
Palpatine isn't family to Anakin, but he is an ENABLER and Anakin absolutely knows it. Much like some of us maybe have that one friend we know is always going to enable us into doing something a little "bad" (like buying that treat you want but don't need, or starting a new book when you haven't finished the one you're currently working on, etc), Anakin intentionally goes to Palpatine when he wants to be told he's right about something he knows the Jedi would say is wrong. Because it's so so easy to just go to someone who is seemingly very wise and respected and in a position of authority because people liked him enough to vote him into power, and have that person tell you that you're special and right about everything and you should totally just do whatever it is you want to do and damn the consequences or anyone who tries to stop you. This is something Anakin THIRSTS for, he's DYING for this, it's like a drug he can't quit. THAT'S what Palpatine is to Anakin.
So of course when he's making the argument to keep Palpatine alive, it's not really ABOUT Palpatine at all. If it weren't for Padme's life being at stake, Anakin would just let Mace kill him, and Palpatine knows it. Even that point he makes about the trial is complete and utter bullshit. For one, it's not even that good of a point because Mace's point about Palpatine controlling the Senate so much that any trial would be a sham is actually the better one. Palpatine HAS to be killed, he's shown he won't surrender, he's incredibly powerful both in the Force and in politics, and without the vision of Padme's death on his mind, Anakin would be totally fine with killing Palpatine. Look at the way Anakin reacts when he first figures out Palpatine is a Sith, there's no betrayal or moment of disbelief or shock, just an immediate anger and a dissolution of any positive feelings he seems to have once had for Palpatine. Anakin is nowhere near as attached to Palpatine as people seem to think he is.
Anakin cares about individual Jedi, like Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and even Yoda, more than he cares about Palpatine. But he cares about PADME more than he cares about any of those people (or, more accurately, he cares about how Padme makes him feel, not Padme herself). So when faced with saving Padme's life or remaining faithful to the Jedi, he betrays the Jedi for her. Palpatine is just the vehicle through which he does that, not the actual motivation.
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girlschasinggirls · 8 months
do you not realize that jews are indigenous to israel? there is both genetic and archaeological evidence. additionally the reason most jews who lived in europe simply can’t return (where they are not indigenous to anyways) is because their neighbors literally were robbing and raping and killing and turning them into the nazis and other armies that were trying to kill them. it wasn’t just the nazis killing them. and do you know the state of antisemitism in america? jews make up the majority of victims of hate crimes, more than any other minority group in the united states. the fbi releases statistics every year. israel is the only country where they are not subject to outright discrimination on the basis of ethnicity and religion. this is because jews are not white. they are from the levant. if palestinians are not white, and many are actually originally from even further north than israel/palestine (many common last names translate to “the (name of non-arab group formerly colonized by the arabs)), then neither are jews.
yes palestinians are also victims of colonization, by the arabs and british and turks, NOT by israel; who aside from india is the only successful state to have fully decolonized. this does not mean palestinians are treated entirely fairly, but part of this is due to the fact that palestine has an entirely separate government, and israel has fully withdrawn from gaza aside from continuing to provide water and electricity, something they are not required to do as a separate country. egypt does not provide these resources despite also having a blockade set up.
palestine was not peaceful for jews before the establishment of israel. look up any given city or town and the word “pogrom” and you will be met with the story of a systemic killing of jews in that municipality
I’m going to have to use a few examples to explain this.
Romani people are ethnically indigenous to northern India and are currently mostly dispersed thoughout Europe, they were also victims in the holocaust and they are also heavily discriminated against in all parts of the world they live especially in Europe. If, leading up to and after the holocaust a Romani person created a Zionist-like ideology of a Romani ethnostate. If after WWII, with the help of the British they mass immigrated back to northern India as refugees and were welcomed by the indigenous Indians already living there. Would it have been okay for them to then commit their own nakba and colonise a portion of northern India and rename it Romaniland or whatever the fuck?? Start expelling and murdering the Indians that had been living there for generations who also have an ethnic claim to the land? Packing 2 million of them in a 45km squared strip of land and do to them what Israelis are doing to Gazans? Having the fucking audacity to say it’s okay because “they were here first” 1000 years ago? While also somehow simultaneously claiming that there were no people there? “a people without land and a land without people” ??
Did you know that before Zionists settled on Palestine, they also considered Uganda and Argentina for their Zionist state?? The Zionist ideology is inherent to the existence of modern Israel and is the reason it was created, the racism, colonialism, apartheid and genocide is not the fault of a bad government but the foundation of the country itself. The Zionist ideology and genocidal intentions were already in place before they step foot in Palestine and could also be happening right now in Uganda or Argentina instead so don’t try to bullshit that “they were here first” because they would be doing this regardless of the location.
Palestinians are victims of Israeli colonisation as we can see with our own eyes right this moment and literally how dare you even say that. Also you know who else is killed and discriminated against everywhere in the world they go? Women, gay people, disabled people, Romani people, this wouldn’t justify any of these groups creating their own apartheid state anywhere in the world and start doing what Israelis are currently doing.
I want to make it clear that in the process of the Israeli state returning the land to Palestine and ceasing to exist, not one single person needs to be harmed or killed, a lot of them won’t even have to leave the country and can just live in Palestine, amongst Palestinian people of all religions including Jewish, as they did when they first arrived after WWII. If Romani people also wanted to move back to northern India without colonising it and creating an apartheid state this would also be completely okay fucking obviously. Modern Israel is not the Israel from the bible. Every piece of land on earth is already belonging to an existing country and you cannot create a new one without occupying another. Sucks but that’s the reality. Have a terrible day.
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Nazi dumbfuck
I know you're trying to goad me but let me explain something about my family history
My ancestors name was Julia Levy, she immigrated to America in the year 1848, Levy is another version of Levi my family comes from the Levite tribe, I had family not directly but I had cousins in the Holocaust my main family tree is burnt to the ground and only really my branch has survived as a result nobody in my family can figure out before Julia who belongs in our tree because all the records have been burned by actual Nazi's
Did you know a majority of my family laid dead in Ukraine as Ukraine had another term for their Holocaust the Holocaust of Bullets. A majority of my family probably lie in Mass Graves out there
Also, if this is about Palestine, let me explain something to you the Is Not Real state is breaking every single rule in the Torah when it comes to being Jewish
I was not raised Jewish religiously because my family left the faith after a couple of generations because of hatred but I do know the Torah and it's rules
There is a line that says only King David can lead the Jewish people anyone else is blasphemous and trying to bring about the End of Days because the only reason King David would be bringing the people together into Israel is if Revelations was happening
Again nobody else let alone the Ten Commandments coveting what is not theirs what is their neighbors murdering to get that
Is Not Real is a Zionist Colonizing Settler State,
I'm not anti-semitic I'm anti-zionist and anti nazi if I find out anybody is a Nazi around me I don't care if I go to jail they'll be finding themselves facing Yeshua for judgment because I personally sent them to him
Because I'm Jewish in blood but Nordic pagan in religion, and we have been busy cleaning out the muck that is those white supremacists that have tried to touch this religion the Nazis that tried claiming it as their own once again I will send them to their maker
Fucking try me, I do not stand for hatred I do not stand for genocide, I stand for a diversified world where there are no borders where there are no walls and there are no slaves being forced to work for other countries even if it meant I had to give up what comfortabilities I have! If it meant another could have warmth love and something to look forward to in the future a stable amazing life.
Because right now children in the Congo they're busy mining for the Cobalt needed to make our Electronics
Right now Palestine is the most noticed and recognized genocide occurring happening, but there are four other genocides going on right now. Can you label them, dear reader, the Uyghurs Muslims, Myanmar, Congo Sudan
And yes I dare say North Korea because while those in the city live in relative comfort outside millions of Koreans are dying of starvation and being offed by a government that is tyrannical.
And yet our governments stand by, our people go after each other making false claimants like this while Millions possibly upwards of a billion people are having their lives brutally cut short for only being who they are.
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notes-from-sarah · 4 months
When Magneto became Romani
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These three pages were included in an X-Men anthology book titled Magneto #0, The Twisting of a Soul by Fabian Nicieza. It was published in 1993 and seems to be the first, or even only place where Magneto's Sinti background is mentioned. This issue is comprised of two short stories about Magneto's background written by Chris Claremont in the 1980's, plus these three additional pages which contradict everything previously written on Magneto's backstory. Unlike the DC universe, Marvel's mainline books are all in the same continuity since the beginning of Marvel Comics in the 60's. Every writer must follow what is established by the ones before. Of course, retcons will happen from time to time, but that's the idea in general. These three pages represent an almost whole-cloth retcon of everything written about Magneto's backstory to this point. For almost 17 years ('75-91), Chris Claremont developed a well defined backstory for Magneto, some of which is included in the very volume that these three pages come from, and Nicieza ignores all of it.
(Content warning for a word that is often considered a slur against the Romani people, I am quoting directly from the text)
Let's examine some of Nicieza's claims:
Pg 1 - "The man who would become Magneto was born Erik Magnus Lehnsherr, to a gypsy family of Sinte desent"
Fact: Magneto is Jewish, which goes completely unmentioned here, and has never before been suggested to be Sinti. I don't know why this author decided to erase his Jewish background and make him Sinti, but nowhere does Nicieza say anything about Magneto's Jewishness, instead casting him solely as Sinti, born to a Sinti family. The illustration even shows him with two pierced ears, an open shirt and a scarf around his neck to drive home the stereotypical "Romani" look.
Also, many Romani people are religiously Catholic/christian.
Pg 2 - "After Danzig was annexed to Nazi Germany in 1939, the young man then named Erik -- along with thousands of other gypsies -- was shifted to a work camp in the city of Auschwitz. We all know what happened then. It is -- or should be -- indelibly branded on our collective consciousness. Genocide. Extermination. Not only of the Jewish race. But also of the Poles, the gypsies, the homosexuals, the intellectuals. Anyone the 'Master Race' felt was disposable... Lehnsherr lost his parents and sister during his imprisonment at Auschwitz."
Fact: Magneto's sister and parents were murdered outside of their town/village by the Nazi Death Squads called the Einsatzgruppen. Magneto was the only member of his family sent to Auschwitz, the rest were murdered and buried in a mass grave.
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Additionally, while many groups suffered under the Nazi regime, the genocide of the Jews was specific, deliberate, and at a scale not experienced by the other groups mentioned. For more information, read up on The Final Solution. There was also never a specific attempt to murder all Poles, that's just a lazy attempt to universalize something that was not universally experienced. People can suffer in different ways and it's a disservice to their stories if you attempt to blend them all into one homogeneity.
Also, why use the term "work camp" instead of calling it what it was? It was a Nazi death camp, no need to say it nicely.
Pg 2 - "But he gained something in the liberation of the camp in 1945, as well. He gained hope in the form of a wife, a woman named Magda. In 1946, they took up residence in the Ukrainian city of Vinnitsa... where Magda, gave birth to a daughter they named Anya."
Fact: Magda gave birth to Anya in a small village in the Polish Carpathians. Magneto, Magda and Anya lived in that village for some time, most likely 3-6 years, before moving to Vinnitsa.
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Additionally, Magneto was around 15ish in 1945, while nothing disputes this claim directly, I'm not sure he was married at 15 years old.
Pg 2 - "But Lehnsherr had learned something else about himself in Auschwitz, something which was becoming more apparent and more frightening to him everyday -- he learned he was a mutant"
Fact: Magneto didn't discover his powers until he was in Vinnitsa. He didn't have a name for it or consider himself a mutant till much later.
Pg 2 - "When Anya was tragically killed in an arsonist's fire, Lehnsherr lashed out at the villagers who refused to help save her"
Fact: Magneto was prevented from saving his daughter by secret police who were trying to arrest him for an earlier altercation he'd had with someone. He did not "lash out" just because nobody would help, he lashed out because his daughter burned to death in front of him while he was actively being restrained and prevented from helping her.
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Also, it's never mentioned that it's an arson attack that caused the fire. I don't know where Nicieza is getting this.
Pg 2 - "In his misery, in his loneliness, he went to Israel -- to save his own soul. He chose to work with survivors of the camps, and in turn, helped them regain theirs."
Fact: Magneto went to Israel because he was Jewish and he had nothing left after Magda left and his daughter died. He helped other concentration camp survivors because he knew what they had been through and could help them.
Also, why is this author having such a hard time calling a concentration camp a concentration camp?
For further information on his time in Israel, read Uncanny X-Men #161 by Chris Claremont.
Pg 3 - "Lehnsherr had taken to calling himself Magnus... as if by choosing his middle name, he could bring some semblance of balance and simplicity to his haunted life."
Fact: Magnus was the only name Magneto was ever given. There was never any suggestion that he was hiding his "real" name when going by Magnus and he is referred to solely by Magnus or Magneto throughout the books. I don't know why he suddenly needed a new name in the 90's but Magneto name was Magnus for more than a decade.
Pg 3 - "I can separate Magnus the man from Magneto the Mutant Crusader. And please note my choice of words, for I have valid reasons to label Magneto Crusader and not Dictator."
Fact: Crusader is such a loaded Christian term, it's very strange for an Israeli Jewish woman to use it about another Jewish person.
Final thoughts: I'm not against comics taking a character in a new direction or developing them in some new way. What I don't understand is why Nicieza decided to rewrite Magneto's backstory so that he would be Sinti instead of Jewish, so that the chronicle of events in his life would happen in a completely different way, and why he literally ignored all the pages that came before the three he wrote in the same issue!
If you like Magneto as Sinti, that's awesome! It has the potential to be a really cool backstory for a reboot of the character, but also remember for nearly 20 years, Magneto was Jewish and it's not wrong for that version of the character to exist without the Sinti addition. I'll also note that the current version of the Character, the Max Eisenhardt version, is also not Romani. It's one of those things that has been done and undone a few times, much like everything about the character since the Claremont era.
Also, this post should in no way be interpreted as me downplaying the suffering of the Romani people during the Holocaust. Their stories deserve to be told and characters ought to be created to respectfully tell that part of the story. What happened to the Romani people was tragic and should not be forgotten. It also deserves to be told in a more thorough and respectful way than just taking an existing character, changing one or two bits of info about him and saying that's good enough. Nowhere does this Sinti background have any meaning for Magneto, it seems more like a random fact someone added because they were bored of him being Jewish. Magneto's Jewishness has meaning for him as written by Chris Claremont, whereas Nicieza and other writers in the 90's makes no mention of the Sinti background having any influence on the character. It has no effect on his life and seems to be a change made for the sake of it. Both Sinti and Jewish characters deserve better than that.
To read more about how Magneto has been portrayed in comics read my Magneto Biographical Timeline covering the years 1963-1991.
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kanejlovechild · 2 months
✡︎ 𝐻𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑜 ✡︎
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• Hi, I’m Zipporah, I’m a minor from NYC, and I’m a huge fandom nerd and Jewish.
• Get to know me better!
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𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 𝒷𝑒 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉?
• It will mostly be about all my fandoms and my Jewishness, and I might have some random reblogs.
• My main fandoms are, Attack On Titan, The Hunger Games, Grishaverse, and Avatar The Last Airbender.
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𝒥𝑒𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈, 𝐼𝓈𝓇𝒶𝑒𝓁, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓈𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓉𝒾𝓈𝓂
• I am ethically Jewish tracing back multiple generations, along with Roma. (Though I don’t consider myself Roma, since I grew up outside the culture, I care incredibly much for the community.) and I am very proud of my blood.
• I was raised culturally Christian, but my family has also retained a lot of Jewish traditions, mostly a mix of orthodox and conservative, though I do plan to fully convert to Judaism when I’m and adult, so I might make errors. I don’t observe Shabbos well, so there might be some posts on Friday and Saturday.
• Since I’m Jewish on the internet, this current war is bound to come up, and I think I would make my place pretty clear.
• I am anti-Israeli government, pro-innocent Palestinian civilians, but definitely anti-hamas, and I don’t think this conflict would be solved with my people be slaughtered, and I really hope for a two-state solution.
EDIT: I want to make this very clear, if solution to this conflict is for Hamas to win and gain control, and then mass slaughter Israelis, DNI. If your solution includes shipping all Jewish Israelis back to the countries they had to flee, DNI. Both of those solutions sound genocide and ethic cleansing of my people, which I do not tolerate.
• I might make a few posts about antisemitism and the current conflict, but nothing beyond the release of the hostages, and a quick end to this war. If you can’t deal with that, please DNI.
• If I get anything I deem antisemitism, I will block, and report depending on the level. I decide what I consider antisemitic, even if you tell me it isn’t.
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𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓇𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂 𝓈𝓉𝓊𝒻𝒻
• This might update so be weary.
•I did not draw my header, I found it on Pinterest, so if it is your art, please show proof and claim it.
• I update blog look quite a bit so, it’s still me even if it looks different.
• Taylor Swift fan but not a swifte.
• I AM A MINOR! so please don’t bring in anything to inappropriate, don’t send me anything gory, and don’t demand any private information out of me.
• I struggle with mental health so I block easily.
• DNI: Hamas supporter, October 7th deniers or enjoyers, believe in destroying Israel, porn blog, rape fantasists, people who use gypsy knowing what it means, and really anything else you would gather I don’t like from the rest of this post. 
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scamshan · 7 months
it's wild how people would literally rather believe that every bit of dem critique is written by russian bots rather than marginalized people being exhausted that we are constantly expected to save the world and bring revolution to the masses while also quietly toeing the line and feel good about voting for a geriatric war monger and cop fellator
the way they say "we must vote dem or else america will fall into fascism" AMERICA IS FASCISM. WE ARE DOING FASCISM NOW.
the dem will win the election. there will be tweets about how we have to "thank black women for saving us" or whatever. ignoring the fact that you spent all the time before that harassing, gaslighting and disregarding those same people when we say we're tired of having to vote for the people who are killing our families.
cop city is happening under democrats. the hyperpolicing of new york is happening under democrats. and the humanitarian crisis in gaza is happening WITH FULL SUPPORT of the democratic leader we were promised that would be "pushed left".
i can barely see joe biden's face without being sick to my stomach. you want me to waste my rights on this man, for what? this republican boogeyman who's plan will still be successful because dems will grease the slippery slope we're down on?
the way we are expected to vote dem to save people who don't see us as human: we are votes, we are russian bots, we are animals to them.
they'll dangle our rights in front of us "trump will have you put in camps". while also claiming they're not their ancestors.
my right to vote was hard fought for not by you, but by the people who've been subjugated by your grandparents. if democracy is alive an well then my choice to vote 3rd party or even to abstain shouldn't bother you. it's my right. but "a vote for third party is a wasted vote". the fact that a vote can be wasted is proof that the democracy that liberals idolize is a petulant, bloated corpse.
you are able to swallow genocide and vote dem in 2024 is because you will never be a target of american fascism. members of your family won't be killed and have those killings be justified on tv. you can forgive. i cannot.
when project 2025 inevitably happens, do you know who in your community will be the most affected? what are you doing to protect them? or are you looking them in the face and demanding they be your mule? white liberal superiority complexes will be the death of us.
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leastdatablebracket · 9 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Jacob Taylor
You romance him in the 2nd game, then in the 3rd game no matter what he cheats on you!! And is not remorseful at all and his new girl is an ass to you. Plus in the 2nd game he is not really fleshed out and doesn't have much dialog so he's like a paper bag of a man.
He's so boring as a character and the romance goes nowhere. In the third game he says he thought it was only a fling and cheats on you
In the six months between Mass Effect 2 and 3, he starts dating a girl and gets her pregnant. He does this even if you romanced him in 2.
The big thing is that he's the only romance option in the franchise who will cheat on the player, but he's also just not as fleshed-out as most characters. Also I've heard he refers to the possibility of hooking up with the player character as "the prize" which is just gross.
Jacob has so little personality I often forget about him. Even Jacob's personal quest isn't about Jacob - it's about his Dad. And not his feelings about his Dad, either. He's also the one romance in the game who, when Shepard is presumed dead for 2 years, immediately runs out and gets someone else pregnant. Just all-around a poor and boring option.
I think the original propagnda is mixing up the games, Jacob doesn't cheat on you when you assume you are dead for two years which would actually make sense. He cheats on you when you are IN PRISON FOR A FEW MONTHS AND IT'S NOT EVEN YOUR FAULT AND THEN BLAMES YOU SAYING YOU ONLY CARED ABOUT YOUR JOB ANYWAY. YOUR JOB IS SAVING THE GALAXY FROM GENOCIDAL ALIENS.
Joseph Christiansen
So many reasons. He's already married, he's a jerk to his wife, he's already slept with at least one of the other romance options. That romance option goes to you before a date with Jospeh and damn near begs you not to be stupid and go with him. The worst part? You put up with all this and he leaves you to "work things out with his wife". She deserves so much better than him! One of the writers even said he's a sociopath. 
Married and a youth minister.
Cheater, cringe man, father of creepy children, possibly evil cultist, left a guy feeling used which said guy also became friends with Joseph's wife who appears to be an alcoholic likely as a coping mechanism since she's married to Joseph
He cheats on his wife, has done so before, lies to you by claiming that he's going to leave his wife when he clearly never intends to (and, in one ending, will even cheerfully suggest that you two continue having an affair in an extremely sleazy way), and judging by the fact that the other guy we know he cheated on his wife with, Robert, hates Joseph and is now very close friends with his wife, it seems clear to me that this whole "purposefully mislead someone into sleeping with you and then later drop the bomb that it was an affair" thing is repeat behavior with him. Also, I just find much of his behavior to be very manipulative and controlling; there are many situations where it seems to me that he's actively trying to paint others in a negative light while still coming off as saintly himself, such as an early scene where he subtly implies his wife is a shitty mom because she *checks notes* let their toddler out of her sight... during a neighborhood barbecue in a fenced-in yard surrounded by trusted adults and other kids. Also notice how in this scene he pushes *her* to go look for their son, rather than just looking himself, all while keeping up his "long-suffering husband" act. (and in other scenes can be found letting his other young children wander off into the woods with sharp implements and visibly not caring, but whatever). He does this with Robert, too -- the other guy he had an affair with. Almost everything he says about or to Robert is a subtle jab about his personality or his alcoholism. Classy, Joseph. Meanwhile, the fact that you can't actually end up with him in the end (because he was never going to leave his wife for you) started some of the most volatile discourse in the fandom and had people calling the devs homophobic and claiming they were spreading a message about "gay men needing to stay in loveless abusive marriages to women" (just ignore the fact that there are several other divorced gay dads in this game who all have great relationships with their kids and are not demonized in the slightest). HOWEVER, if you see people claiming he's a cultist or demon or something, that's untrue and was just going to be a non-canon spooky alternate ending that ended up getting cut. So I empathize with him a little bit for getting literally demonized by some fans for that cut alt ending. But he loses all those points by cheating on his wife multiple times and showing clear intent to continue doing so.
He's still married when you start dating him. He's also got like 5 kids that are some "children of the corn" kinda shit, and all their names have "Christ" in them
You don't even get to date him he's still married to his wife who he doesn't get along with. Tragic really
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koroktree · 2 years
Harry Potter, and JK Rowling’s antisemitism
Growing up in a non-Jewish household, I had never realised just how antisemitic Harry Potter actually is, until I had hit my teenage years and learnt about my mothers side of the family and their Jewishness. That’s the moment it hit me.
For those who, somehow, aren’t aware of what Harry Potter is, it’s a novel written by J.K. Rowling, author of many other books, and mostly known these days for her transphobia, racism, and all round bigotry.
The novels follow a 11 year old orphan, living with an abusive aunt and uncle, who had just found out he is actually a wizard, as where his parents. Here, he goes to Hogwarts, a school specifically for witches and wizards, and is shown the wizarding world. At first glance, nothing about this seems antisemitic, right?
It’s not until Harry enters Gringotts Bank, where you start to see more and more antisemitic themes. The flooring of the bank has a Star of David pattern on it. (Those who don’t know what the Star of David looks like, it’s this ✡️)
The Star of David is recognised as a Jewish symbol, as it had been almost universally adopted by Jews during the 19th-century. During the holocaust, Nazis had made Jews wear a yellow patch with the Star of David on it, as a way of separating Jews from everyone else.
Now, the Star of David being apart of the floor pattern in Gringotts bank isn’t in itself antisemitic, as it is the flooring of the actual filming location, London’s High Commission of Australia. But it’s other features, combined with the flooring, that make Gringotts Bank in itself antisemitic propaganda.
What are these other features, you ask? The goblins who run the bank. J.K. Rowling depicted them in the series as a secretive cabal of hook-nosed bankers, who maintain a contentious relationship with the wizarding world, who view them with deep suspicion. These Goblins fall into the Nazi depiction of Jews, using antisemitic tropes and stereotypes.
A lot of Harry Potter fans had tried to debunk this, and claiming it isn’t antisemitic, as the goblins fit into the fantasy world J.K. is creating, but goblins in folklore had never been found behind a desk, nor running an underground bank. And if J.K. desperately wanted goblins in her series, she could of depicted them differently.
Instead, she actively chose to give them antisemitic Jewish physical traits, such as hunched backs, large hooked noses, beady eyes, long fingers. She also chose to depict the goblins as greedy, gold loving bankers.
Banking and Money Lending has historically been a profession forced onto Jews by the churches, and then later persecuted for. J.K’s goblins are also seen as blood thirsty and viscous, and Jews have been subjected to hundreds of years of blood libel, resulting in our mass persecution and genocide.
But what else about Harry Potter could possibly be antisemitic, besides the goblins?
Harry Potter is a holocaust allegory, written by someone who is not Jewish, and who did not take the time, care, nor consideration to educate herself on Jewish culture and history.
The death eaters in Harry Potter had intentionally been written as a nazi allegory, they’re depicted as these dark, cool Voldemort followers with snake tattoos, and Voldemort himself is painted in an antisemitic light. Following along with this allegory, the muggles (non wizards) in this universe are Jews.
Muggles had been exiled from the wizarding world, and are talked down upon by the witches and wizards. How is this antisemitic? The muggles are actually different from the wizards. They have no powers. This gives antisemites a ledge to stand on, as in real life, Jews are seen as inferior species.
I am not trying to cancel Harry Potter, as I’ve accepted it’s forever going to be apart of my generation, the generations before and after me. However I wish for more people to be aware of the content they consume, and just how hurtful these themes can be towards others.
J.K. Rowling has also been actively racist in the series, but as a white person, it is not my place to speak on these issues, instead I have linked posts below talking about them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
(Any hate towards me or downright racism, antisemitism, and JK defending commenters will be blocked and deleted.)
Anything else you’d like for me to add? Feel free to reach out!
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wutheringheightsfilm · 5 months
idk, i always knew this but it has become really solidified in the past couple of weeks how little liberals, especially white liberals, care about other people. i'm so serious. like you sit there and claim that you care about other people, you care what happens to other people, you tout all the right slogans and claim you share all the same beliefs as radical thinkers, but the moment people tell you that voting blue does nothing and helps no one and that the democrats are just as invested in enacting oppression as republicans, you throw a tantrum.
you don't actually care about people of color, you don't care about those in the global south, you don't care about migrants, you don't care what happens to anyone other than people who might look like you and think like you because if anyone dares burst your blue bubble you scream and cry and throw up. you don't care that there's already a genocide happening at the hands of our blue president because you don't see palestinians as people. you don't see anyone who lives in the global south as people.
you would rather raise money for a slave glorifying pirate show than show support for palestinians who are getting slaughtered en masse for more than 100 days. you would rather donate to a fanfiction website than donate to those on here who risk being homeless. you would rather tell people in countries that you don't like that they should rise up against their governments but you would throw a fit if someone told you that americans need to do more than vote. you would rather pretend that you don't see biden deporting thousands and thousands of people and still keeping kids in cages because you don't care what happens to them. and for all that you guys cry about trans genocide happening if trump gets elected you don't care about trans people either, because you've likely done nothing to go against any state sanctioned violence against trans people and you sit on this website and go after trans women all day long. you cry about how you didn't know US presidents were warmongerers or bad people, meanwhile even children know that. you had the privilege to not be aware of that.
it's so hard for you, white liberal in socal, because people are telling you that voting isn't enough anymore, and you're scared because what if trump does something bad to you as if he hadn't done and enabled atrocious things against people of color for his entire tenure, as if ICE trucks weren't just picking random people off the street. it's so hard for you meanwhile palestinian children have to try and pick up the organs of the dead off the ground and lose their limbs. it's so hard for you when cubans had to make their own covid vaccines from scratch because the US sanctions and blockade on the island made it impossible for them to receive anyone else's. it's so hard for you when the people, including children, in the republic of congo die in mines and die in landslides and die trying to get the shit in your iphone. it's so hard for you when black and indigenous people in america are killed daily and weekly and the US government gleefully enables it. but it's so hard for you when someone tells you voting blue doesn't work, right?
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iwantjobs · 7 months
10/30/2023:. I, Trang, know without me as the female Buddha, there's definitely going to be a WWWIII because a war in humanity's most holy land (Jesus was born inPalestine and Israel-same land but in different name but yet to be recognized, and this is also where the Hamas claims their Mohammed died and went to heaven) in today's time with the animalistic Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas with true love for their Mohammed's land where Muhammad went to heaven with the backing of Iran getting fatter, and Afghanistan kicking America out after 20 something years of being occupied, along with old fat Russia's being the first area where the Jew hating words were started, along with fat China getting greedy, WHILE American soldiers are too fat to run, American soldiers and people are confused about their genders and cutting off their genitals and breasts and removing their reproductive system while their male children are kissing their male friends and their female children looks like dudes. I am not as worried about Putin and Ukraine for it's a fight between distant brothers and sister so the fight is less animalistic. However, seeing how the Hamas can shoot children and drag a naked decapitated female body like hungry lions dragging a deer in their mouths is NASTY. Furthermore, seeing how this is the first war I have learned where the civilians are cut off with water because they are held in a open-aired cage in an apartheid system where they can't even visit their grandparents (even apartheid system in South Africa allows people to see their grandparents) by the people (Israel government) who claim their are more humans while shooting to flatten everything in Gaza is darn right animalistic NASTY, too, for a group of humans would bomb Gaza a bit and stop to tell the animals "Hey, we want to be more humans in this war because we once suffered like animals under Nazi regime and they were out to create a genocide on our people. However, we have learned out lesson of that pain and although we want to satisfy our animal urges to bombs all of you Hamas for what you did, we understand that t by bombing Gaza I to pieces, that would also create a early genocide, and we Israel are really peaceful people after out Nazi genocide. Let's sit down and talk with the UN. Show the Hamas animals your side as humans Israelis and they too will change for I am sure Mohammed and Allah preaches 💕 and ✌️, too Trang's thinking at 50.5333 years, too. What is up with the black people's shootting each other at yesterday's Halloween night club? If I were young and horny, I wouldn't go out during this crazy mass gun violence and the Hamas and Israelis. Tame your horniest by exercising in your room by jumping around or else you might be the unlucky to be lying on the funeral bed.
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genderisareligion · 1 year
Happy New Year 🖤 Anons I got y’all soon. January is a nostalgic month for this blog cause it’s the two year anniversary of me being (formerly) shadowbanned also January 6th 2021 was what I like to call a Peak Everything moment for me. Peak Christianity, peak crackerdom, peak toxic masculinity, peak gender, peak humanity lol shit. Spent a year and some change invisible (but not termed 🙏🏽) for the crime of making too many trans racial jokes I guess and the blog I tried to make a replacement for this @genderisareligion immediately received the same fate. I suspect what actually caused it was my constant participation in my pinned post back then and the lack of answers anyone had for me but who knows. And I don’t know why because I didn’t request it but my blog’s visibility came back suddenly this April I wanna say. Here’s hoping it sticks🤞🏽
Anyway in 2023 along with finally publishing WOCTBI (Women of Color Taking Back Intersectionality, a little chapbook/magazine I wanna put together documenting nonwhite radblr’s posts and conversations, will likely be an ebook now instead of print) I do kinda wanna go in a different direction here. It’s not that I don’t think the trans conversation still needs to be happening, it does, homosexuals and women’s boundaries are still being eroded at an alarmingly rapid rate, I’ve just always been critical of all gender, “cis,” trans, up, down, no matter who’s participating. I’m not a “TERF blog” it’s in my url as a joke lol I’m just a black woman who got fed up with being polite on main being told to kill myself for reminding people humans are sexually dimorphic. Never even been a “TERF” cause I fully admit I’m a hypocrite and will in real life fully respect the pronouns/experiences of transmed normies who mind their own business, especially lesbian TIFs, but crackers like Dana Rivers and Dylan Mulvaney and all these “suck my girldick” transbians get he/him idgaf. So many of these males are so comfortable in their privilege they won’t combust if one less black women gasses them up
Wild how hypocritical and unable to admit it the “tolerant progressive left” is claiming that actually trans liberation is the key to ending black women’s oppression despite it being a recent invention and inherently having nothing to do with us and causing these crackers to run around telling me I look more like a male than other females. Like until this backwards shit ends I guess my opinions will continue to be “TERFy” cause I will never think this is okay, black women always come last and are always expected to be an expendible emotional and rhetorical resource to activist groups. This is why I’ve been politically homeless for so many years, doesn’t seem to matter where I go the message is the same: you exist to prop someone else up and you’re not allowed to complain about anything or it means all the help I’ve been giving you is bunk. BLM is something a shit ton of people just say and don’t do anything about because it’s too difficult. #SayHerName couldn’t keep the masses attention long enough and black women are still being killed with seemingly no end in sight. Will never not be crazy to me that in a decade “lesbians don’t like dick” did a complete 180 and became sacreligious to liberals.
I’ll just be here with my popcorn waiting for when inevitably sometime within the next decade or two a lot of these begendered crackers and their allies wake up and look back at the catastrophic mess they caused for some people and scramble to wipe their hands of it and act like it was all a conservative psyop they played no part in or whatever. Fact of the matter is that not everyone on HRT or going under the knife for SRS are doing so for good reasons and fact of the matter is transtrenders are making a mockery of those with actual sex dysphoria. Acting like any criticism of that at all is “transphobic and genocidal” is batshit insane. Like my intention with this blog at first was to try and help if anyone out there is saved by understanding that gender is fake at the end of the day, like I was.
So anyway I’ll be posting more on just feminism in general and gender criticism in general because imo radical feminism is just feminism or at least it used to be. This “TERF” shit gotta go can’t believe such a boogeyman nondescript term got so popular
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tora-the-cat · 2 years
Okay so listen. Obito did see himself in Yahiko that’s why he had to make the guy kill himself. he did see himself in Itachi, that’s why Itachi had to kill do massacre. the point is that he needed to prove, over and over and over again (to himself), that EVERYONE was bound to end up like him. That his descent into entropy and apathy and insanity isn't his fault, or even Madara's, or even anyone's. He needed to demonstrate that the futility of life to everyone, even- ESPECIALLY- if he saw his younger stupider naiver self in them. that’s why Naruto being. Naruto. is SOO incomprehensible and paradigm shifting to his disassociated ass.
Like  he saw Yahiko talking about peace, rolled his eyes like the 17 y/o he was, and went "Tall words for someone that  would kill themself to save someone you love. dumbass. cant make a single sacrifice lol wheres your peace now? stupid." And then a few years later he saw Itachi claiming to be a pacifist and nodded condescendingly and went "yeah sure. anyway I’m gonna kill your teammates, help you do a genocide, and then let you join my emo band =) oh wow whats that? you know you’re like the only person strong enough to stop me but are actively planning your death via fratricide cause you  can't live with yourself anymore??? lmao pathetic. Just as i thot loserlord'.  And then he sees Naruto. promising he wont let his comrades die. and he rolls his shoulders and crack his knuckles like "Oh ok sure i know how this goes. Easy peasy =)" and kills off dozens of Naruto's comrades and mocks him for not being able to save them and dares him- as he had EVERYONE else in his hopeless position- to  look him in the eyes and say with his whole chest that this wretched  world is worth living in. Fully expects Naruto to crumple, like EVERYONE ELSE Obito has EVER talked to.
And instead Naruto stands back up and rallies his remaining allies and keeps loving and caring and claws his way up to Obito. and he says "uuhhh actually you're a bad person bestie. And this is all real. And your fault. And you know that. And YOU'RE The REAL loserlord get rekt" like it’s one hit after another from this blonde brat and Obito's standing there like *white guy blinking* *girl doing math* like this has been his go to strategy for years. foolproof. It worked on everyone from Nagato decades ago to Kakashi literally five minutes ago. And instead naruto spits in his eye and tells him to maybe chill. what else could he possibly do but listen at that point.
Like Naruto being the kid of his past Sensei and also Kakashi's student (where Kakashi had trained his students on bby Obito's stupid naive ethos, no less?)? The fact that he wasn't wearing his mask- any mask anymore, people were saying his name (that IS his name, right? he's like. 97% sure), MADARA is back in all of his insanely-triggering glory, the pressure has NEVER been higher as he enters the final stretch of his plan and all of his defense mechanisms are crumbling around him and- and honestly, I feel like it's fair to say that Naruto spitting in the face of The Abuse Tactic That Has Worked On Literally Everyone Else (Including Himself AND MADARA) and saying that he- Obito Uchiha, real person who's actions have consequences- needs to cut his shit out was like. Absolutely a catastrophic blow to his mental house of cards and essential to him crumbling in a way that didn't leave him a screaming-crying-writhing-having-a-panic-attack mass on the floor of the battlefield, but as far as just breaking him full-bar like. it was the straw that broke the camels back. if that makes sense. Like only Naruto could shatter his delusion in a way that ended up being good and working well. But at that point like he was already hallucinating Rin his psyche was not long for this world sduhfsi
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So came across this and- "Who Knew the Truth About the Wen Remnants?" by Karmiya
hesitating to post my response to this because it'll probably be controversial and it's not something i want to debate about, but...
I'm taking particular issue with this part of that post
'In the story of Modao Zushi, we see a group of people being rounded up and placed in a restricted settlement, then shuffled to a prison labour camp, and eventually be massacred and thrown in a mass grave. The treatment of the Wen remnants by the sects and their eventual fate very clearly parallels real ethnic cleansing/genocide attempts, and I find the way that fandom tries to mitigate and even ignore it deeply disturbing.
I’m going to say, I think Mo Xiang Tong Xiu knew exactly what she was doing when she wrote all of this. The remnants of the Wen clan, after the war, are described as being cordoned off into a small settlement in Qishan, with all the remaining territory being divvied up between the sects. After that, the remaining civilian Wens who had initially been allowed to live there started being arrested on trumped up charges and sent to the prison camp at Qiongqi Path.'
While it is pretty clear cut that everyone already understood that the remaining Wens had been rounded up in a labour camp, and the author of this meta illustrates that very well, what they do not address is that this is not condemned by WWX. It is treated neutrally by the narrative as well. If (general) you are going with the interpretation that MXTX wrote the situation with the Wen remnants as an intentional allegory to, or explicit portrayal of, genocide, then you should also accept that her protagonist does not condemn it.
When he goes to Qiongqi Path, WWX does not liberate them all out of the goodness of his heart, he leaves with Wen Ning and Wen Qing's people, and leaves the rest behind.
At the banquet just before the defection - 'Wei WuXian, “Did I say something wrong? Forcing living people to be bait and beating them up whenever they refused to obey—is this any different from what the QishanWen Sect does?”
Another guest cultivator stood up, “Of course it’s different. The Wen-dogs did all kinds of evil. To arrive at such an end is only karma for them. We only avenged a tooth for a tooth, letting them taste the fruit that they themselves had sown. What’s wrong with this?”
Wei WuXian, “Take revenge on the ones who bite you. Wen Ning’s branch doesn’t have much blood on their hands. Don’t tell me that you find them guilty by association?”'
WWX offers no argument against the treatment of the Wen remnants that were not in Wen Ning's branch of the family, depending on how you look at it, he either agrees with their treatment as just revenge, or is neutral. WWX only cares for Wen Ning's branch of the family, as he knows they did not participate in the war, and he owes them for how they helped him & JC.
The work on rebuilding the Wen's Qiongqi Path is described thusly - 'Such a large-scale undertaking would need many laborers for sure..'
'Many labourers' does not sound like the 50, many of whom were old and weak, that WWX left with. Additionally, 'Wen Qing rushed over and asked, “Where are the Wen cultivators sent here just a few days ago?”
The people looked at one another. After some dawdling, an inspector who looked quite honest spoke up, his tone friendly, “All of the prisoners here are the Wen Sect’s cultivators. New ones are sent here every day.”'
Once again, emphasising that they were looking for WN & WQ's branch of the family, and no one else. And that there were far more prisoners there than the 50 WWX left with.
I'm not even convinced that everyone there were Wen remnants, were there even that many of them left, or were they just picking up random people for convenient free labour?
An unnamed Wen directs WWX to a shack where Wen Qing's family were kept, when they initially enter the shack - 'a few of them saw Wen Qing, lying in Wei WuXian’s arms, they rushed over, ignoring their heavy injuries, “Maiden Qing!”'
There were plenty of other Wen clan members outside of the shack, aside from Granny Wen, they did not acknowledge Wen Qing, nor she them. They were not who she and WWX came there for.
WWX says 'Who are the cultivators under Wen Ning? Cut the nonsense and step out now!”'
In the process of leaving - 'Wei WuXian ordered, “Get the horses. Hurry up!”
A middle-aged man protested, “No, our Young Master Wen Ning…”'
^He doesn't know yet that WWX has awoken WN's fierce corpse, he protests leaving because he believes Wen Ning's body is still lying somewhere. There were at least dozens of bodies belonging to Wen cultivators that were not part of Wen Ning's faction, however he is unconcerned about them.
And then WWX leaves. With Wen Ning's cultivators, and not the rest.
I also do not agree with the interpretation that the Wens at the labour camp, including those who left for the burial mound, were non-cultivators. Wen Ning and his family were night hunting when they were caught, and in ch.75 Wen Qing had access to, and wielded a sword. I am assuming this belonged to one of her family, and was retrieved in the process of leaving Qiongqi Path.
Those at Qiongqi Path 'weren’t allowed to use spiritual powers or any other instruments, not only by the LanlingJin Sect’s precautions against them, but also because it had to be punishing. - If they were not cultivators, this would never have been mentioned, as it would not have been an issue.
My knowledge of wuxia genre conventions & chinese culture (wrt views on this topic) is limited to the point of being practically non-existent, so I'll leave it the c-fans, or more knowledgeable people, to discuss the implications of what MXTX portrayed with the Wen remnants, and what statements she may or may not have been making with that. However, it doesn't sit right with me to claim she intentionally chose to portray what happened to (all) the Wen remnants as genocide, since the story does not condemn what happened to those who weren't part of Wen Ning's faction.
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