#you know you've got a great question when it leaves you going through your mental archives analysing your own headcanons
yeleltaan · 1 year
Down to her haunches, poised as a beartrap, the assassin slips a portion of dried meat past her lips, and chews thoughtfully before speaking again.
“Hunger, you possess. I know this for certain; you hunt for knowledge to feed upon, after all. You collect facts. You devour stories. But, and you’ll forgive the directness, I don’t believe I’ve ever seen your appetite sway towards flesh. You don’t stare at naked shoulder blades, your throat doesn’t parch at a bared thigh… I don't recall ever hearing you comment on the beauty of all that is bodily, as a matter of fact. I’m curious: is it just because the human form is unappealing to you, blood of dragons? Or the act itself simply not on the list of your desires? I do not judge.”
She angles her wrist in his direction.
“Dried meat?”
Before all else she utters the word, and as is the case every time Heysel presents him with another topic, Cayin puts his reflections aside to focus on what she may share. She imbues his interest in learning, something he would have deemed wholly unremarkable, with a lyricism that feeds the pride- but even with this in mind the mention of appetite, hunger and flesh briefly mislead him into a literal interpretation, one that would have swiftly led to confusion if she didn’t chose to elaborate. She does, and as the true meaning of her inquiry sets in, his gaze begins to lower following an invisible path to the grass at his side. Verdant strands are caught between his fingers as the latter squeeze and slide along their rising shape. An inhale signals for his response, but all air in his lungs fails to find the words to carry it in time, and so he only breathes out again, deep in the thought.
Think before you speak, one of those small wisdoms he tries to incorporate into his habits. But for some reason this time the deafening silence of his indecision rings his ears with a strange discomfort. His hands move to settle on his robe again, grasping and folding handfuls of it while his arms remain crossed loosely over his lap. Quiet breeds expectation, and today it is unwelcome, which is why he opts to begin prematurely, like one walks into the blinding mist hoping each step will reveal enough to take the next.
“…It’s not. I don’t dislike it.” It appeared strange to him once, but then so did the trees, the rivers and rocks and castles, sands, fields, clouds and even lights, nearly every piece of the world you could fathom, for it was new, and so were the eyes that looked upon them. In time it all fit into place more comfortably, including the physique of man and its many derivatives.  Some such sights he’s revisited through his memories, others he’s built solely from the foundation of an artist’s depiction. Harmonic, grotesque, balanced in its small asymmetries, each piece presumably there for a purpose. Worth picturing again sometime, maybe.
But that’s not what he feels when he sees them up close. Because in the truth of the moment, the first thing he catches is an absence of fur, or at least any dense enough to impede the path of his teeth where it matters. Then, an absence of scales- instead the thin, easily pierced skin that wraps around fat, muscle and cartilage. Shapes alluding to the bones within, connected by tendons, guarding only some of their organs. Everywhere, at every turn, his eyes look first to survival.
The same observations must come naturally to her, a master of her craft. Surely she knows these connections intimately by now, how to undo them without waste, how to bring about the collapse of the whole human structure, at times without even the need to sever. Somehow, it doesn’t seem to him like that’s stopped her from retaining a different paradigm of appreciation for it. Not that he’s ever witnessed the signs of it on her face.
 “It’s just… there’s much else to stare at. Much to look out for.” Things he truly needs for himself, and those he needs to keep away. Those that may make a difference when he’s in need of taking something else. “…I don’t know.”
When she offers the meal right in front of him, it all seems so much more obvious. Two clawed fingertips hook through the given meat, and without a second thought he bites a chunk from it. His jaw munches on its own, and it tastes good. And it is a pleasure that seems so much easier to make happen, than to find someone pleasing and willing to sate you in a safe place. A simple delight that comes in the form of a need that sustains him so vitally, of course he would be hungry for this.
And still, throughout all that chewing his head lingers in more of those stories he’s read. Upon swallowing, his eyes lift to hers to give another inquiry in return, as is their custom.
“…Would you say it’s something worth hungering for?”
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gingiesworld · 9 months
We'll Make It Through
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Nurse Wanda Maximoff X GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff.
The weather had taken a drastic change, the summer was scorching and there were more deaths of dehydration and heat exhaustion. Y/N lay on top of the comforter in nothing but their boxers as Wanda walked out of the bathroom, not even bothering with a towel to dry herself off as she put her scrubs on.
"You should have kept those off." Y/N stated as Wanda chuckled.
"Why?" She queried with a raised brow.
"Well, one, it is too hot to be wearing clothes and two you are just so sexy naked." They started as they stood before her. "And three, we would make beautiful babies and have fun doing so." They told her with a smirk as she just laughed.
"As much as I am not opposed to that idea, I do have lives to save." She whispered as she cupped their cheek before kissing their lips tenderly.
"Text when you've arrived." Y/N requested before their wife left their apartment. They decided to turn on the TV as they made themselves an ice tea. Listening to the news before sitting by the window.
"How is your Y/N?" Nat questioned as Wanda took off her jacket before placing it in her locker.
"They are great. I think they miss work though." Wanda told her as they felt a small rumble.
"What was that?" Nat questioned as Wanda shook her head.
"I don't know." She whispered as the lights flickered, sending a quick text to Y/N.
Y/N also felt the tremor, causing them to stand up from the window ledge and look out of the window. Seeing as most of the city felt the same as it came to a stand still. They quickly got themselves dressed and checked their phone, about to call Wanda when they saw her text.
Just as they were tying their shoes, their door opened and Yelena came rushing inside. Fear evident in her face as she stood before them.
"Do you think?" She asked them as Y/N sighed.
"There won't be any of those huge worms coming out from the ground Lena." They told her as they grabbed their 9mm just in case they needed it.
"You never know Y/N. That is how it happened in Tremors." She countered as they just laughed.
"It was probably just an after shock or something." They said as Lena scoffed.
"We don't get earthquakes here." She told them matter of factly as they chuckled.
"A lot of weird shit is happening everywhere Lena. There has been tornados in the UK. Snow in Brazil. Earthquake in New York doesn't entirely scream mythological underground giant worms." They told her as they felt another one, much larger followed by multiple screams.
"We need to leave." Lena stated as Y/N sighed. Grabbing Wanda's ring that she got from her mother before she passed and putting it in their pocket. "I don't like being this high up."
"We can't leave everyone else here Lena." Y/N stated as their authoritive side started to come out.
"Listen Y/N, I get that you are a hero, you usually run to danger but if you don't get out and die. Wanda will kill you again." She stated as Y/N shook their head, stepping towards her and handing over Wanda's mom's ring.
"Get to the hospital and give this to Wanda." They told her as she shook her head. "You know I have to do this. Just go." They told her as they pushed her towards the stairs as Y/N went to knock on every door, evacuating the building as fast as they could.
"They're evacuating the patients Wanda." Nat informed her as Wanda just looked at her. "Come on. We have to go now." She pushed Wanda towards the buses they had lined up. Getting her on it as she looked around all of the commotion. People running and screaming, soon hearing Lena's voice shouting for Nat.
"What is happening?" Wanda questioned as Lena made her way through the crowd to the bus.
"I think." She gasped for breath. "Earthquake." As both Nat and Wanda looked between each other. "It's not the most illogical explanation. Besides, the world has already gone mental."
"Is Y/N here?" Wanda asked as Lena shook her head. Digging into her pocket for the ring.
"They wouldn't leave everyone else in the building." Lena informed her as Nat soon stopped her from running off the bus.
"They will find us Wanda." She told her friend. "Y/N is smart, tactical. They will figure out how to get through this."
"No." Wanda whispered as she started to cry when they felt another before the bus started to move. Soon enough there was another tremor, larger than the last as Y/N held onto the wall as they helped carry the old man in the wheelchair down the stairs.
"Just leave me here." He told Y/N and his son.
"No dad." His son spoke sternly as his father tried to get them to leave him.
"We're getting you out sir." Y/N spoke up as the two started to descend the stairs once more. As they were reaching the lower floors, they could hear a lot of screaming and footsteps as everyone was trying to get to safety. Once Y/N stood beside the two, they watched as every one ran like it was the end of the world. The noise was almost loud enough to drown out Y/N's phone ringing. "Get to the edge of the city, head towards Fort Peterson."
"The military base?" They questioned as Y/N nodded.
"They will be taking in evacuees. Just get there." They told them.
"What about you?" The old man questioned as they looked at their phone.
"I need to do my job and help." They told them before heading in the opposite direction as they answered the phone.
"Please tell me you're on your way out of the city?" Wanda questioned as Y/N sighed.
"You know I can't do that Wanda." They told her. "You know that isn't in me."
"But I need you Y/N." Wanda pleaded with them.
"Everyone needs me right now Wanda." They told her. "Are you safe?" They asked her.
"Yeah, we're headed to Fort Peterson now." She informed them. "They want the extra medical staff to help with any injured that come through here."
"Well, you do your job there and I'll do mine here." They told her softly. All Wanda could do was sigh in defeat. "We'll make it through this Wanda. We've made it through worse."
"I'll hold you to that soldier." She told them. "I love you so much."
"I love you too." They soon hung up as they listened out for anyone who would need their assistance.
As the hours went by and plenty of people came in, most with just superficial wounds that need cleaning and covering until the stronger tremors had started to happen. Soon the base were sending out choppers with medics to help others who really needed it. Wanda continuously watched the entrance for Y/N, her heart aching every time someone new walked in and it wasn't them.
"They will be fine Wanda." Nat tried to reassure her. "They're the strongest person I know."
"You're right." Wanda whispered as she moved onto the next patient. Working for what felt like eternity as she soon was nudged by Nat. It had been almost 36 hours since Y/N and Wanda had last seen each other, so the moment Wanda caught their eyes, she never wasted anytime in rushing over to them. Cupping their face as she checked them over.
"I'm here." They told her as she smiled slightly before bringing their lips together. "I told you I would be here." They whispered as they held her, kissing her head as she cried softly into their shoulder.
"I thought I lost you." She whispered as Y/N cupped her face with their bloodied hands.
"You will never lose me Wanda, not yet." They told her. "Besides, we have a family to start."
"Well, it's cooking now." She confessed as they lifted her up before groaning with the pain shooting through their ribs.
"I love you so damn much." They told her before holding her close. Revelling in the closeness and the possibilities in the future.
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ghostieyanyan · 1 year
I’m the anon who requested the Yandere overblot Jamil. Other than him, I think Floyd has the most potential to be a yandere. The guy’s just unhinged. Maybe a bit too insane. So I thought what if he was too dangerous and insane that Floyd was locked away at a mental facility but managed to escape and kidnaps MC. Or maybe Floyd would be more unhinged as a yandere when he overblots. Either one is a great idea. Floyd would just destroy anyone who touches his Shrimpy
thank you for requesting again ^^ <3
this reminds me of @merakiui serial killer floyd (im one of her biggest fans) she wrote something about floyd in a prison on death row and mc/yuu is an journalist that interview him so that's what it reminds me of and i might be a little inspired by her work but i do want to try to have my original put on it too. so i hope that's okay.
~Crazy for you~
Patient!Floyd x caretaker!mc
Warnings: yandere, stalking, kidnapping,
yes. the boy is crazy. like off the hinges crazy, but he's actually really smart too. Sly, slimy, cold hearted eel. even when he got caught, he didn't even seem remorseful. But with his family that has connection everywhere, he was put into a mental facility for his "troubles."
you weren't anything special in that the facility, you just help with medication records, paper works, and if there was low staffs, you'll help give out the medication. but that rarely happened.
but this was a rare scenario, Floyd with his mood swings and violent behavioral issues made him a ticking time bomb for some people or like an eel waiting quietly in the cracks of the coral waiting for them to put their guard down.
it was a really busy day and a lot of the workers had to take care of other patients who has going through sever side affects with their medication. So this was going to be the first time you'll meet the famous Floyd Leech.
Since Floyd was so problematic, his has to be placed in a different room from the rest and when he takes medicate, you have to have a guard with you.
When you walked into the room, the room was a mess, even with the limited things that he had. Floyd was looking at you with his blanket over his head.
you had to lore him out like a kid... or better described, a monster..
it took a few minutes to get him out but when he did, a smile grew on his face. He gave you the nickname Shrimpy, because how small you are to him. He took his medicate and was really enjoying the "conversation" you two were having. more like he asked question and you just answered. i mean, they were simple questions, "what's your favorite color?", "your favorite food?" , "do you like the ocean?" , "if you can go anywhere you wanna go, where?"
after you finish, you were about to leave when Floyd sudden lunges at you. holding you against him.
"nooo... don't leave shrimpyy"
more guards has to come in and hold him down to get you out. you take a last look at him when you left. his eye were locked onto you...
The next few days, Floyd would act hostie with another workers, demanding that he wanted to see you. Its gotten so bad that the facility just gave you the role to take care of him until something changes in him.
you didn't know why or how you've won this eel man's heart but i guess you did. lucky you.
Your presents helped his mood so much that the facility thought that he was sane to leave. Frankly you think they just want to get rid of him, for good.
The day Floyd left, he didn't whine, he didn't scream or lunged at anyone. he was tamed as a house pet.
For his finally request, he asked to see his Shrimpy, when you approached, he gave you one tight hug and said something that sent a shiver down your spine.
He lets you go, sent a big smile and waved everyone good bye.
You vanish the next day, people thought that you tired of the crazy, like Floyd.
Or you could have been drugged in your home and dragged out to who knows where.
But when you do wake up you'll see the unsettling smiling face of an eel...
"welcome home shrimpy~"
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sorry for misspellings qwq
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sweetiesicheng · 6 months
seventeen - award show
vernon x reader ; featuring : ateez
word count : 2,280
"and then you'll go upstage," one of the stage managers explained to you as you stood on the performance stage.
"got it," you said with a nod, looking around and watching staff members set things up.
"would you like to go ahead and rehearse your performance?" another crew member asked you.
"yea, actually, that'd be great if we could," you said to them.
one of your staff members helped you get your microphone on while a few props were being moved on stage. your dancers were also on stage listening to things that staff members were saying.
"oh y/n~"
you raised an eyebrow in confusion and started looking around when you heard someone speak. then, you noticed some people waving and jumping at you from where the artists' area would be.
"what are you guys doing here?" you immediately asked, speaking into your microphone.
"you aren't the only one with rehearsal," seungkwan said into a microphone before mingyu snatched the microphone away.
"are we going to see your new song?" mingyu asked.
"yea, don't spoil it. the music video comes out in two days," you said to them.
"what if i go live on weverse live right now?" jeonghan asked.
"hey! you better not!" you exclaimed.
"we'll start y/n's sound check now," someone announced and you hurried to get into your starting spot.
you ran through your performance and watched a video afterwards, keeping mental notes of things you needed to remember. some stage crew talked to you about things to be aware of when you performed your set.
afterwards, you met up with seventeen, who were hanging out in the artists' area still.
"are you rehearsing after me?" you asked when you made it over to the area.
"no, another group is before we do," the8 answered you as he leaned against where he was sitting.
"so what are you guys doing here then?" you asked.
"we're bored," joshua answered as he played on his phone.
you crossed your arms and leaned into your hip. "okay, i know you guys have been to japan so many times in the past, but there has to be something that you guys could be doing right now other than waiting to do your sound check," you said to all of them.
"you know how many shows they're doing? kind of a miracle that they came," someone said and you looked over your shoulder.
you uncrossed your arms and put them on your hips, no longer leaning into your hip. "yah! shouldn't you be resting at home?" you questioned s.coups, who was sitting next to dino.
"just supporting my boys, that's all," he replied with a grin.
"y/n! the others are ready to rehearse the collaboration stage in the rehearsal room, if you would like to go ahead and leave," your manager spoke up. you turned and nodded your head at her.
"okay," you said before looking at the guys. "you guys have time to grab dinner one night while you’re here?" you asked.
"we're heading back to korea after this," dino spoke up.
"really? that soon?" you questioned.
"yea, we have to," dk spoke up. "don't worry, you and vernon can go in a date another time," he said while laughing.
"hey!" you yelled and crossed your arms with a pout.
"he's right, you know," vernon said, putting his arm around your shoulders. "can i walk you to your rehearsal?" he asked.
"sure," you replied, smiling at him.
the two of you left with your manager and another staff member directing you where to go.
"so how's everything been? you've been really busy," vernon asked you.
"it's been fun," you said to him, "i really like the new song," you mentioned.
"this one is really good. i'm sure it's going to be a hit," he complimented, "your stage looks really good too."
"thanks, babe," you said while smiling.
"of course," he replied and dropped his arm. "good luck during rehearsal. don't work too hard," he said to you.
"you too," you replied and pecked his lips. "bye."
"see ya," he said with a smile.
"y/n! y/n! over here!"
"look over here please!"
"right here, y/n!"
paparazzi continued taking photos as you walked along the red carpet. you continued making your way down the line before reaching the end and going into the venue for the award show you were attending.
"y/n!" you immediately smiled when you saw mingi waving at you. then, he gestured you over to him and the guys.
"you look great," seonghwa complimented.
"thank you. you guys look great," you replied. "are you guys performing later?" you asked them.
some of them nodded. "yea, we are," yeosang said. "you are too, right?"
you nodded, "yea. i have to change after i present an award," you mentioned.
"what award?" san asked.
"best male performance? something along those lines. you guys were nominated for it, i know that much," you replied.
"oh, that one," hongjoong spoke while fixing his jacket.
a staff member came by and instructed all of you inside the venue to your seats. you sat with the guys and greeted other artists who were around.
"oh, we have light sticks!" wooyoung exclaimed, grabbing a light stick that was on a seat.
"we have them too? that's fun," yunho said.
"it's just a block," you commented, holding one in your hand. you pressed a button and the device turned on, shining brightly in your face.
soon, the show started and the first performance occurred. you watched in amazement as performances went by and applauded quite a bit.
after a bit, it was time for you to present an award. staff directed you from the artists' area to the main stage. you had a card in hand and walked on stage when your name was called to present the award.
fans cheered and clapped for you as you walked on stage. you headed towards the microphone and stood right behind it.
"it's an honor to be presenting this next award. with incredible nominees, it's quite difficult to have only one winner for this award," you spoke. "the award for favorite global performer — male group goes too...ateez!" you announced and the crowd erupted in cheers. you stepped back and applauded as music played. ateez made their way to the stage and gave a speech.
once their speech was over, you went backstage and changed into your outfit for your performance. while backstage, you started warming up in a hallway with many artists and staff members moving about.
you continued to warm up, trying to keep yourself warm since the venue was freezing cold for you. as you finished doing your singing warm-up, you saw a couple of the guys walking up to you.
"you guys are here?" you questioned as wonwoo walked up to you with jun behind him.
"yea. we just got here," wonwoo answered.
"this is the only stage you have today, right?" jun asked you.
you nodded, "yea. the other one will be tomorrow, but that one is pretty easy."
hoshi dashed in with a giant smile on his face with woozi joining in right after.
"hi, hoshi," you greeted. "you guys probably need to go out there, right?" you asked.
"eh, we're already late. more time won't hurt that much," woozi said after shrugging his shoulders.
"hey, want me to grab vernon? i think he's getting a little makeup touched up," hoshi asked you. you shook your head.
"i'll probably see him later. i need to keep warming up. this place is freezing," you said to them.
"well, we'll see you later. good luck out there!" dino said to you before the four of them left.
you continued warming up and your outfit was fixed since one of the pieces wasn't staying on. your backup dancers were also with you, getting ready to perform.
you were performing two songs for your stage; one was your most popular song and the other was your new title track. you were worried about the new title track since you hadn't performed it yet, but you were hoping everyone would like the live performance.
"we need y/n on standby!" someone announced.
you headed to standby and waited for your queue to get on stage. a speech was being given by another group that had won an award.
once the speech ended, the stage became dark. you headed on stage and found your starting spot while your dancers got into their spots. the music started to play and the stage started to display different colors with the lights.
after your performance, you made it backstage and a staff member started taking your mic pack off of you while another dabbed your face with a napkin. your manager handed you a water, and you started drinking it.
"y/n! nice job out there," one of your dancers said.
"that was such a good performance," another dancer said in excitement.
"you guys did really good. i'm glad the breakdown went good," you said as someone handed you a fan to help you cool down. "you guys take it easy. i'll see you at dinner," you said to them as they walked past you.
once you cooled down, you had your makeup and hair touched up before heading to the artists' area.
"oh, y/n sunbae! hello!"
“hello sunbae!”
"hi," you smiled and greeted some of the artists who greeted you. you sat down in an empty row and watched the performance that was going on.
"is this seat taken?"
you looked up and saw vernon smiling at you.
"do i know you?" you asked him. both of you started laughing and he sat down next to you. "hey.”
you saw the rest of seventeen sitting down in the row you were sitting in and another row a few feet down.
"you guys were seriously fashionable late," you said to him.
"well, here we are," he said to you. "you did really good. the new song sounded really good."
"i was so worried, but the music video comes out tomorrow, so i hope people liked tonight's performance and will look forward to the video," you said to him.
"well, you're a really good artist, so i think it'll work out," he said to you with a smile. "i forgot to ask, but what are you doing tonight?" he asked.
"i have dinner plans with my team," you answered. "you should've texted me earlier. i would've cancelled dinner," you said to him.
"it's fine. i didn't know our plans either," he replied. "what about tomorrow morning?" he asked.
"i'm free until eleven. wanna do something?" you asked him.
he nodded, "yea, let's text tonight about it."
"uh, lovebirds?" you looked over and saw seungkwan looking at you two. "you two are gonna be trending on twitter if you keep talking to each other."
"i mean, we're public, so does it matter?" you asked.
"not really, but you'll still be trending," seungkwan said.
"hey, can i finally get my credit for setting you two up?" wonwoo asked.
"i literally said thanks like two months ago," vernon said to him.
"publicize it," wonwoo requested.
you laughed, "i'll do it later. you'll get a special shoutout on instagram."
"congratulations, y/n!"
"wait, i won an award?"
"see, this is what happens when you're too busy talking to your boyfriend and not paying attention!"
"i can still hear you even with the cheering, seungkwan!"
"ah, finally," you spoke to yourself as you plopped down onto the bed of your hotel room. you had just gotten back from having dinner with your team, but you were so tired from the past few hours.
just as you were about to sit back up, your phone rang. you sat up and looked around to find your phone on the desk. you stood up and walked over to the desk. your phone screen showed a video call from vernon. as you sat down at the desk, you answered the video call.
"is that how you two answer the phone?"
you recognized dino's voice in the background and started laughing. your boyfriend looked over his shoulder for a second before looking back at his phone.
"i'm with the guys. we're all in one of the hotel rooms," vernon explained.
"should i come visit?" you asked.
"no! but he can visit you!" mingyu yelled.
vernon looked back over his shoulder again, "guys, really?"
"should i hang up?" you asked vernon.
"no, don't. just wanted to check up on you," vernon replied. "oh, i was thinking that we could grab something from a convenience store and walk around in the morning. sound good to you?" he asked you.
"sounds cute," you said to him.
"that's all you could come up with? did we not give you enough tips?" woozi asked.
you laughed, "you guys would be surprised with how many ideas vernon has," you said. "babe, what time?"
"what time do you think you'll get up?" vernon asked you.
"eight?" you suggested.
"yea, sure."
"should we spy on them?" hoshi asked.
"we can take candid photos of them. make them trend for days," jeonghan spoke up.
"that's it," vernon said and you noticed him stand up. "i'll see you guys later," he announced.
"and where are you going?" s.coups asked.
"to be with my girl and to talk to her in peace because i know you guys will keep saying stuff," vernon replied, "i'll be back in a few hours. promise."
"wow, i get my boyfriend all to myself," you said with a smile.
"don't give him hickeys! we perform tomorrow!"
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Can being overweight be healthy?
This is a complicated question, anon. My go-to question is: over what weight? We know now that the BMI scale is largely inaccurate and does not take into account height differences, muscle training, breast size and other factors. I also know that many people have different ideals of what's a normal or "ideal" size.
I'm not a doctor. I do know personally know many people whose natural weight - as in no dieting, but no overfeeding - set them as being considered fat. I also know that a lot of those people ended up feeling shame for this, and spent lots of time putting themselves through restriction, various crash diets, and a traumatic level of hatred toward the bodies they lived in. Many of them did lose weight doing this, but at great cost to other aspects of their health, such as their hearts, gallbladders, brains, stomachs, and GI tracts. Would it have been healthier to leave well enough alone and stay fatter? I think so.
But I also think that health can be really complicated and a lot of people end up having to make choices as to what aspect of health they must prioritize. So, for example: say you need a medication that has a side effect of weight gain. Do you accept the weight gain, or do you deny yourself medication that you might need? Say that you used to be a runner, but then you got a permanent knee injury and gained weight from being less active than usual. Do you prioritize treating your knee, or do you keep running on your injury to maintain the same weight? Or do you give up something else, like restricting a favorite food, for no other reason than because you feel you must retain that body shape at any cost? Say you have recently given birth to a baby, and the pregnancy caused you to gain weight. You want to breastfeed, but you're struggling to produce enough milk when you diet. Do you focus on the diet? Or do you focus on your journey with your new baby? Now say you are diagnosed with an invisible disability. Your doctor advises you against heavy exercise because it would be dangerous, but your natural weight is bigger. Do you choose to exercise anyway and risk the consequences of further disabling your body? Or do you think that you should have to restrict your food intake simply because you have a disability? Now what if you also have a comorbid diagnosis that impacts your GI tract, limiting what you can eat already? (Yes, some people are in the situation of having multiple disabilities.)
Do you think that people with these conditions should have to disclose all of their personal health history in order to be accepted for being fat?
(How many people disclose these personal things, do you think, and are not believed anyway?)
If you live with these conditions, and are making the best decisions you can for your own health in every given moment, do you think that it's a healthy choice to accept a co-occurring hatred for your own body at that given time? Do you think it's always the healthiest thing to pursue thinness?
Life is not simple. Managing one's body needs will not always come down to a series of simple choices. It's always going to be a balancing act where each individual needs the liberty to choose what THEY are going to prioritize to live well. And it won't be easy for everyone else to tell, at a glance, what those carefully-selected choices looked like for that individual.
I'm someone who is not fat, but who does have a chronic health disorder. Am I more healthy than a fat person who does not have the same disorder?
All you can do, anon, is focus on the choices that are right for you. That might mean giving up restricting if your body feels better when you don't, even if that comes with significant weight gain, just as an example. It might mean you've spent so much time hating your body that preserving your mental health means avoiding dieting or diet culture. I can't tell you what the right choices are for you as an individual; I can only tell you to listen to your body's cues and use the information you have available to you in order to set your balance of choices as close to "correct" as you possibly can. Nobody else could understand your process for this, nor could you understand theirs if you don't live their life. And that means nobody else gets to judge you, or your body, at a glance. Loving it properly means taking care of it to the very best of your ability, and yes, sometimes that might mean letting it be naturally fat. And I think there'd be a lot fewer EDs in the world if we weren't always so afraid of that.
I hope this helps!
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survivalist-anon · 2 months
Log 2: Living Under a Rock
It's been a week since my drop-off at the hospital....no surprise I've been having trouble sleeping, I got some work leave from my boss at the nature reserve.....god damn I'm fucking tired.
Local folks both new to the town and old friends have been pandering for questions.
Some of the local middle schoolers kept fallowing me to my work place asking me about the metal guy. I simply told them I shot him in the eye, than he exploded.....I wasn't expecting those annoying brats to tell other kids about it. Obviously the local pastor (Mark) has been sending his goons to come to my cabin to convince me to come to church for the sake of saving my soul and all that "lovely" jazz. I told them I literally may have met the devil, shot him in the eye, exploded , and now he's dead and thus to leave me alone.
Some folks are a little more respectful and just ask me about more personal things. Got recommended a therapist who just moved to town named Miss Jenny Oakley, nice lady, smiles all the time and has an impressive 3 PhDs in psychology and mental health medication. She's been helping me get through the whole thing and believes I'll be able to make a speedy recovery. She trusts my resolve and that's good in my book.
....now "Newly appointed Deputy" Jeff (my ex-boyfriend) apparently thinks he can just give me the presidential treatment. He keeps following my car EVERYWHERE. I feel like nuisance now this has happened, people keep staring at me when Jeff just follows me at this point. You'd think after our falling out he'd have the self respect to be a little less...creepy about it. He's stopped by my cabin to keep checking up on me....I wonder if he thinks it's going to be like in the movies where estranged lovers get back together if something happens....jokes on him... I do not need a guy who has tried to convince me to move to Ohio and insult my family's cultural background to boot. Asshole.
Anyways, I've been hanging out at this new coffee shop that's just opened up...it's cozy, sells actual homemade pastries and the coffee is pretty good. Finally, a nice third place. I've noticed more people around my age go there too .... however I've noticed one group constantly eyeing me from across the shop every time I go...they call themselves the "Marine Spotters"...I have no fucking idea what that intels, one of them came up to my table, had the audacity to sit down in front of me like he knew me.....
"So..........you saw one?", the unshaven neck beard asked.
".......you know you could have asked to sit down and I would have said yes but fine go off Gabe Newell.", I'm not usually this hostile but things have gotten tense for while....I wouldn't blame anyone for being upset at me for it either.
"heheh very funny, anyway, my name is Benedict Grabowski. I'm the local expert in these "big metal men "....I see based on your description you've seen a "Black Legion" marine. A level 3 on the danger scale and are quite rare in these parts.", he adjusts his glasses. "The fact you even survived a harrowing encounter with one is without a doubt a life achievement and a free ticket admission to our organization!", handing me a business card with some edgy cartoon spaceman, it had his phone number, email address and an actual address...it was the abandoned mineral mine not too far from the animal reserve I work at....
"I hope your membership will prove to be of great use to us.", concluding with a smug look on his jolly face.
I sat there ready to throw this guy from window I was seated next to....but I'm certain the shop owners wouldn't be too pleased.
".....why the .org?"
He acted confused, "I beg your pardon?".
"...the .org....on your email address....you don't work for the Tillamook station do you? I told them I don't know shit.", took a frustrated sip of my coffee.
He laid back, "well...I...what one would call....a "white hat hacker"....my services in online server hacking, government surveillance and hehe...not to brag...a national code cracking champion of the Tokyo Code Breaker competition. I actually am...not a huge fan of our corporate federal overlords and I only desire for their inevitable downfall through me tanking their stocks."...
I literally was sitting across to a felon....
"so ..with your epic survival skills, my tech mastery and my collaborators", he points to his original table of collected individuals; a heavyset goth girl, the kid of one of the local beef farmers and one creepy guy I remember being the weird kid in highschool.
"Hi Steven.", I wave to him.
"Hi Lorey!", he waves and gives his creepy grin that in through literally means nothing to me. He does it for a cheap bit that I'm certain Jeff already knows and is dieing to catch him for something.
By this point Benedict was actually shocked I knew Steven. "What?! I thought you just moved here!"
I chuckled a little, "I use to live here, I know the area rather well but it's changed a bit since I was last here back in 2003. Also....what the shit is this all about?". I point to the business card.
His shocked expression transforms back into that stupid 'big shot cool guy' look. "Well, we spot those big metal men. Turns out....these anomalous entities are actually appearing throughout the whole planet. All of them of variety and....motives....". He looks around, takes out a folder of the ever lovable 'blurry photographic evidence' one would expect looking for cryptids. "Behold. Humanoids who walk amongst us!".
Im staring at the photos, one struck me to my core ....the big black and bronze one I saw being blown to chunks...the one that killed Grandpa.
"ah...I see...so it was that one.", leaning towards me closer....I can smell the fucking butter from his croissant he ate at his table. "If you need us...call us....", he decided to leave a second card....ok....."anyway, surprised?"
I was a lot more than surprised....I must have been living under a rock...."yeah....I am."
After that I decided to go home. On the ride back, I couldn't help but wonder if Benedict was telling the truth... about them being everywhere...that's a scary thought in all honesty.
I get out my car and took one long glance at my Grandpa's cabin. His only inheritance to my mom. When I said the funeral was a mess, it was an absolute garbage fire because on the same day we had his will reading. His most valuable possession in his will was this cabin, and boy was my aunt pissed she didn't get the property. At least Mom had the last laugh, anyway....as I was remembering that day....I noticed something that sent shivers up and down my spine.
A blood trail....it looked like it came from the forest behind the property, up the steps and on to my doormat. I get out of the car, cautiously, for I all know whom ever left this bloody mess is close by.
It was a huge leather sack, sealed tight with...a red wax in the opening. It was leaking a lot, I was hesitant to open it, but the blood smelt familiar. "....it can't be....", I tore off the hard wax, the gamey stink of deer was permeating throughout the porch. Opening the sack, I saw what could be weeks worth of meat. I was stunned! All nicely cut and cleaned ...I tried lifting the sack without getting some blood on me...failed...and brought it to the cellar freezer. As I placed the meat in the freezer, I saw there was a note on the bag I hadn't noticed....it was a handwritten note for certain....but I had no idea what was written on it. Again, Nordic ruins were present...but it was mixed with another language...I took medieval history a short while back and had the privilege of almost learning how to read medieval texts....it was close to it...and yet... completely unreadable for me.
I set the note on a table and save it for later.
Everything has been so strange lately.
The hours pass, and I finally decided to do some digging....this has to be some...real life ARG or something....it's either a dedicated group of cosplayers....or... something is really out there...it's so uncanny....
End of log 2
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verosvault · 4 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 6 "Party Politics"
Timestamp: 1:31:25
Video Length: 4min. & 49sec.
Kristen and Tracker's Phone Call (1/3 | ‣2/3 | 3/3)
Tracker: "So you don't want me to, but you're saying I don't need your permission."
Kristen: "Yeah, I'm just saying, I got a lot on my plate right now, and so I'm not really in a mental state to be like, 'I am so happy for you,' the way that maybe I would like to be. I just am like, you know."
Tracker: "Yeah, I wanna make...Well, I'm really sorry, and I'm sorry that Cassandra is-"
Kristen tells Tracker that Cassandra is dead and she saw Yes! And that it was rotting and she banished it before she could ask it a question 'cause she's an idiot. 😭✋
Tracker: "Can you even cast spells right now?"
Kristen: "No."
Tracker: "What's gonna happen with you and Aguefort?"
Kristen tells Tracker that she's gonna be president! 😭✋
The awesome caption team: (players snickering) 😭✋
Brennan: "There is a long silence. A loooong silence." 😂😂💀💀
Murph covering his face! 😭✋
Brennan laughing a little 😂🤣💀
Ally: "Kristen really just gassed herself up, actually. Now, she's standing up on a couch on the phone."
Fabian: "Get down! Get down off the couch!"
Kristen giving Fabian the bird! 😭✋
Zac: "All of us are just watching you." 💀💀✋✋
Emily's laughter! 😂🤣
Siobhan: "You're doing really good."
Ally: "I'm kinda holding my hand like Napoleon. Is this how Napoleon did it?" 😭✋
Fabian: "Kristen, get down."
Kristen: "Sorry, I have a lot of adrenaline coursing through my veins."
Tracker: "Yeah, that's sorta playful in a way that I'm not feeling right now."
Kristen: "Ooh! Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, I was completely honest, I'm having an awful night. And so tonight's not really the night to give you a really honest answer about our relationship." 😭✋ (The voice crack on the "I'm Sorry" made it sound kinda insincere! I'm crying so hard fr! 😭✋)
Tracker: "Great, okay."
Kristen: "Is that all you wanted to ask? If you could post about your girlfriend?"
Kristen: "Okay."
Tracker: "Yeah."
Kristen: "I think you should just do it, and I'll figure out a way with the tools that I have, which are throwing myself into this campaign and talking to Jawbone as much as possible."
Lou's reaction and the way he laughs during this is concerning me 😂😂💀💀
Tracker: "Okay. Well-"
Kristen: "Can I ask you a question?"
Tracker: "Yeah, yeah."
Kristen: "Your church is thriving. You're doing so good."
Tracker: "Yeah."
Kristen: "And mine is really, really bad. So bad. How did you pick the moon, and do you ever think about just dropping it and starting a whole new thing that you kinda made up yourself?"
Tracker: "Look, there were a lot of things about how you chose to be a cleric that I wouldn't have said while we were together, because we were together and I wanted to be supportive. And I'm not gonna say them now, when you're really low. But probably some of the stuff you need to hear is gonna be not that fun to hear. Yeah, my church is thriving, and I've never thought about abandoning Galicaea. We're changing the nature of how people relate to this goddess, and if I didn't do it, she would be the version you saw in the nightmare forest forever. She deserves people that understand her as she once was and as she can be again. And frankly, it's thriving now, but it wasn't four months ago. And there were hard, hard parts and there's still a long ******* way to go. And frankly, Kristen, I don't think you've ever dealt with Helio. You were like, yeah, this is ******** and I'm leaving, but you never grappled with the parts of it that ******* worked for you. You were chosen. All you had to do was do the **** everybody always said you were gonna do. And then you wandered out into the wilderness where you had to make meaning for yourself, and the truth is, Kristen, as much as you 'like the idea of making meaning,' you don't wanna do it 'cause it's hard."
Kristen: "Yeah, my work ethic's been bad. But Helio was so annoying."
Tracker: "You leaving Helio was the right choice for you, but the issue is, you wanted something Helio-shaped. You wanted something where the engine was already running and all the machinery was there, and you could just step in and have a waiting flock ready to raise their hands up and say, 'This is the chosen one.' And then you made a god out of block letters, and it died on the day you made it."
Kristen: "Wow."
Tracker: "That's true! It's ****** up!"
Kristen: "Wow."
Tracker: "I don't even know if you could go find another god. Your last two gods died!"
Kristen: "I..." *laughs* "Okay, I just-"
Tracker: "You know how rare it is for a god to die?"
Kristen: "Yeah."
Tracker: "Your last two! In high school!"
Kristen: "Maybe she had a shrimp allergy. You don't ******* know!" 😭😭✋✋
Brennan's laugh! And then Murph and Lou's reactions! 😭😭✋✋
This whole interaction made me AN ABSOLUTE MESS!!! 😭😭✋✋
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hw4-l1z · 1 month
Hello! I was wondering if I could request something with Jun Han!
Just fluff/smut Jun Han x reader who’s kinda really intimidating and scary (also bigger than Jun 🫣), but at heart he’s super sweet and energetic, but also rlly caring for Jun whenever they’re alone..
Please and thank you! I rlly like your work!
This was such a wholesome concept oml🥲
Sub!junhan x softdom!m!reader
Cw: not much tbh it's super fluffy// smut but super soft and fluffy hehe// mentions of junhans exs being major red flags
He remembers the first time he met you, you were tall, sharp eyes, black hair, wearing all black. He was very intimidated but soon learned the closer you got to eachother that you had a heart of gold, you treated him so nicely and you took great care of him. You'd always message him with a cheery good morning, reminded him to eat and drink plenty, to not work too late and get plenty of sleep, to not stress himself over the little things. He grew so fond of you and how much you genuinely cared for him, he's never had anyone be so sweet and generous. Your bubbly personality charmed him aswell, the way your face lit up whenever you saw him, you'd greet him with a quick hug and ask him how his day was. Overtime he couldn't help but fall for you...how could he not, you're such a gentleman and you spoil him rotten. The day you asked him out he was so happy he couldn't stop smiling and blushing as you told him how you really felt about him.
You've been dating for a year now and everything couldn't be better. Although he's realised through the years...the way you treat others is not quite the same as you treat him. You're sometimes quite cold towards some, almost as if they're invisible to you but only with newer people your not so keen on. With the rest of the boys you're sweet and caring but not nearly as much as you are for junhan, he can’t help but feel so special knowing only he gets all this kind treatment. He has questioned you on it wondering why even when you only just met him you were being really soft and caring towards him. You simply just told him that when you saw him for the first time he looked like the cutest little shy thing ever, you had almost an instinct to protect and nurture him. Of course to that he got very flustered so you took his face in your hands and squeezed his cheeks together cooing at him as he whines for you to stop.
Usually when he's away at band practice you swing by to give him some food since alot of the time he forgets to, being so caught up in practise. Of course you didn't want to leave the other boys hungry so you bought them food too but you spent your time there sitting on the floor with junhan, giggling away with eachother in the corner like highschool girls. He always thanks you for taking care of him and his band mates but tells you there's no need to spend so much money on food for you and everyone and for the future to invite them out for food and they can pay their own. You agree to that only for the reason that...it does cost alot for that much food.
Something he adores about you is when you get a random burst of energy and start zooming about like a cat with the zoomies. It's why he calls you a black cat, you're intimidating and mysterious on the outside but on the inside you're either chill and laid back or you're running around absolutely mental. He'll just be chilling on the couch when you go zooming by, circling the couch like a little kid before practically pouncing on him and attacking him with kisses and maybe a sneaky little lick before giggling evily and sprinting off. Funny thing is...you only do that around him, you're only comfortable enough around him to show that chaotic side of you.
He's very sensitive so he need to be taken care of alot during sex and you do. You're the only person who's actually had the patience to lead him through it slowly. Past partners would be rude or complain about him being so whiny but when he's with you, you take it soooo slow with him. Making sure he's always comfortable, kissing him so gently, easing your cock into him as slow as you can so you don't hurt him. One hand resting on his hip and softly stroking his side with your thumb to help him relax as your other hand is rubbing his thigh, finally bottoming out inside him with his eyes brows furrowed trying so hard to relax and stay calm. Placing your hand that's on his thigh now onto his other hip you begin to very slowly pull out and in, easing him until he's ready for more. Little whines escape his throat as he feels your cock stretching him so wide, it doesn't hurt him it just feels very intense for him, not being used to having such a big dick inside him. You lay another soft kiss to his lips and then his forehead, continuing your slow thrusts in and out, grinding your hips down into his he let's out a little gasp at the feeling of your reaching deeper. "You okay sweetheart, how does it feel? Want me to go slower" you say in a soft quiet voice, "it's...it's good, can you go a little faster please" he says letting out a little whimper after.
You place both your hand besides his hips, leaning a little more forward putting the weight on your hands as you move you hips a little faster, stroking inside of him deeper. "Mmm...ah...ah...Y/N" he moans out, gripping onto your shoulders "feeling okay? If you need a little more lube I can do that for you" you ask. "It feels so good, no more lube...it's fine" he pants out, he begins bitting his lips as you pick up your pace going at a fairly faster speed but not making the thrust too harsh instead grinding down so it doesn't feel too intense for him. "Ah, Y/N...I'm gonna cum" he whines out, feeling as his walls clench around you almost sucking you in more. You begin to stroke his cock with one hand earning a pretty little moan from his moan, his face and chest are bright red, his mouth opening slightly as a loud drawn out moan comes out. His orgasm washes over him so blissfully, his eyes rolling back as he spills his cum out into your hand and his stomach. Not too long after you finish inside the condom with a breathy moan, his right hand interlinked with yours as he watches your head tip back as you ride out your orgasm.
Finally you pull out of him, taking off the condom and tying it up before disposing it into the bin next to the bed. Leaning over Jun you give him and soft smile as he returns it, brushing the strands of hair that stuck to his sweaty face you lean down and kiss him. Your kiss is full of so much love, you link your hands with his again before pulling away from him "you good?" You ask, he answers nodding his head with a little smile "m'good". After making sure he's okay you then lay down next you him as he rolls onto his side and wraps his arm around your torso and his legs lays on top of yours. Sleep takes over him as he completely relaxes in the quiet room listening to your heartbeat before he drifts off to sleep.
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lazysailor · 1 month
45 Kayden
The next day Kayden sits in her bed, fidgeting with her hands while waiting for her parents to show up. 
She felt a hand on her shoulder,it was Avery’s hand and it was warm unlike Tommie’s.
“It'll be okay.” He reassures her.
But that was the problem, Avery never knew what her home life was like.
She didn't want to tell him about it yesterday, but maybe she should have.
Before she could decide if she wanted to tell Avery about her home life, she hears the sound of rushing footsteps.
The door slams open and she turns her head around to see her parents.
“Kayden.!” Her mother shouts through tears.
Her mom tries to rush over to her, but it's her dad that stops her.
‘She was always an emotional woman..’ She thought to herself.
‘..And he was always a bit more cold? Probably just better at hiding his emotions.’
She looks at them but notices something a bit different.
‘Where’s Breydin.?' She questioned.
Kayden felt herself calm down a bit, now less stressed since her brother wasn't there.
Her mom stops sobbing and they both approach Kaydens bed.
They both look at Avery for a moment and a look of horror comes across her mother's and a look of shock across her dad's. But they ignore him and focus on her.
“We've been worried about you Kayden!” Her mom says.
“Why were you worried about me? Didn't you guys sign an unwind order for me?” Kayden says to her.
Her parents fall quiet for a few moments seeming not knowing how to tell her.
“Your brother, Breydin, had made a fake order.” Her dad tells her.
Kayden's ease gets filled with dread and she begins to tense up.
‘How did he do that.?’
As she began to panic in her mind, she felt her hand get softly squeezed.
She turned over and saw Avery was holding her hand giving her a serious, but reassuring look.
“When we came back from work and we didn't see you, your brother just told us that you went to go stay with a friend.” Her dad starts off.
‘I didn't even have friends back then.’
“We believed him for a while actually.” He added on.
“But then one day I came back home early from work and Breydin had wrecked the house and was a mess himself.”
‘He got worse!?’
Avery squeezed her hand a bit tighter as she got a bit more tense.
“That's when me and your mom decided to send him away to get him some mental help.”
“He actually just got released a couple months ago with a great recovery!” Her mom adds.
‘They actually got him help just now.?’
‘At Least he got the help he needed.’
‘But I just can't forget, I still hate him..’
“While we're out signing consent forms for your surgery we’ll let Breydin visit you.” Her mom tells her.
“He’s probably happy to finally see you again.” She adds on.
They both leave the room and she feels herself tense up even more.
‘Why does he want to talk to me again.?!’
‘He was the whole reason why I ran away and he still somehow wants to talk to me.!’
“Kayden.” Avery suddenly says.
The look on his face seemed like he knew exactly how he was feeling.
“I’ll make sure I stay here the entire time.” He reassures her.
“And I make sure nothing will get out of hand.” He adds on.
“Thanks.” She simply says.
She relaxed a bit, but the feeling of uneasiness didn't leave her yet.
Then the door opens again.
The person with dyed blonde hair that was almost white walked into the room.
She knew exactly who he was, Breydin.
Kayden glares at him while he just stares back at her.
“What are y-” She tries to ask but she gets cut off.
“I came here to apologize.” He tells her, “And I have to tell you something important too.” He adds on.
‘He wants to apologize.? That's unusual.’
“I just wanted to say I'm sorry for making that form for you years ago.” Breydin apologizes, “I wasn't in the right state of mind.”
‘But what about the stuff he put me through before that?’
She felt herself start to grow upset with him.
“And what about the other stuff you've done to me?” Kayden asks.
“What other stuff?” He asks.
‘Is he really trying to play dumb right now?’
“What about when in school when you would try to spread rumors about me so nobody would want to be my friend?”
Her voice was starting to raise in volume as she talked to him.
“Or how you would constantly tell me nobody would want to be friends with a low-cortical like me?”
Kayden's voice was reaching a shout level now.
“Or when mom and dad weren't around you would try to purposely try to get me over stimulated then record it for black mail?!”
“What the hell are you talking about?!” Breydin shouts back.
“That was all in the past anyway.” He excuses.
“In the past, you just don't excuse that kind of stuff!” Kayden shouts.
She tried to get out of her hospital bed as she formed a fist on one of her hands.
Then she felt Avery quickly hold her back down.
“Let me go!” She shouts as she struggles against his grip.
“Mom and dad plan on forcing you back home if you accept your surgery!” Breydin blurted out.
She stops struggling against Avery as she gives her brother a shocked look.
Before her or Breydin can say anything, Avery says something.
“Leave Breydin, let her think it on her own.” He tells him with a stern but calm tone
He gave Avery an annoyed look, but he rolled his eyes and left her room.
‘What should I do?!’
‘I mean I've been stuck with the storks for a couple months and we haven't really slept anywhere comfy except that one time we went to a nice hotel.’
‘But now that I'm away from them I got pretty much nowhere else to go.’
‘I mean I got to finally see my parents again..’
‘..But now after they finally realized I've been gone for so long without noticing they want me back.’
‘I just don't wanna go back to them.’
Avery looks at her as she thought to herself.
“Hey, can I suggest something to you?” He says.
She quickly snaps out of her thoughts.
“Sure.?” She simply says.
“Well after I woke up in the hospital I met my dad for the first time in forever, and I ended up accepting his offer to live with him after I found you.” He explains.
“So I was just thinking..Do you wanna live with me instead?” Avery asks her.
‘Wait what.?!’
“Is..Is that really okay.?” She asks.
“I'm sure he'll be fine with it.” He reassures her.
‘Living with Avery..’
‘He was my first ever friend..’
‘..And he was actually there to help and care for me.’
‘I like the idea of living with him.’
She lets out a quiet sigh.
“I'll live with you Avery after I get discharged.” Kayden tells him with a smile.
A happy and relieved smile appeared on Avery’s scarred face.
“Are you sure you're fine not getting those skin grafts on?” He asks her.
“It's fine, the doctor told me if I don't get the surgery I'll just have permanent scarring.” She tells him.
She looks down at one of her inspecting the bandages that covered her hands and forearms that were not removed yet.
“Plus once they heal I won't have to worry about them that much.” She says.
Ten minutes later her “parents” come back in and Breydin followed in behind them.
“We signed the papers Kayden!” He tells her.
“Now all you gotta do is just sign here.” The man says while holding out the document and a pen towards her.
She looked down at the paper and then back up at him.
“I don't wanna do it.” Kayden blunty tells the man.
Both of the adults' facial expressions grow mad and upset as she says that and the man looks like he wants to argue with her.
“Well she made her decision.” Breydin suddenly says, “We can't really change it.”
Now it looked like they wanted to argue with him.
“Let's just get out of here.” He says to them before he starts heading towards the door.
They give Kayden a cold, sad, look before they follow behind Breydin leaving the room with him.
‘Their gone.’
‘Their are actually gone now.’
‘My life finally may be normal now.’
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griffin-wood · 2 years
kisses as a promise for Kaia ❤️
hiii pd! thank you for sending in heh, I don't remember where the prompt post is..but I'll link it if I ever found it!! my first-ish attempt to clear the inbox, let's go do some prompts heh! also, I'm in a weird kaia brainrot...so, forgive me if there's a lot of them lately skdkd. Also, I wrote this in one sitting; apologies if they are...grammar errors dkdkd. Enjoy!
title: the little wins.
pairing: kent x maia.
Her hands are shaking through the anxiety that's pulsating through her. It's just a test, her mental voice argues making eyes roll. It's not just a test unfortunately, it's much more. Well, in her head it's the matter of life and death. A cooking test by her own brother.
And that's what she's worried about. She's been practicing, well in other words; trying her best to not burn their house down and today is the day.
She examines the ingredients, she planned on some of Nick's favorite. Some comfort food for them both, for the sake of brownie points. She may lure him to make her dishes a pass at least.
Her confidence is ready, but let's just say; on the most important day of her life. She emphasizes on importance, Kent has a matter to attend during Nick's evaluation. He is her lucky charm, as her throat bobs at the sudden drop.
"I'll be back." He says, standing at the doorway with keys in hand. He didn't tell her where is he going, and she was too anxious to ask.
She steps forward, hands still shaky as she stops him. His confuse gaze meets hers, as a silent question filling it.
"Promise to be back soon before it's over?" She asks as she hugs herself. She's definitely nervous, for someone who tries. Kent motions his body facing her, pulling her close.
Her eyes were glued to the floor, before Kent tips her chin upwards effortlessly as if he has memorized it. She smiles in an apologetic manner, "I'm sorry, I just; you're kinda my lucky charm. And I do need you here when it happens."
She stops mumbling, as Kent lets out a breath of laughter on the tip of his tongue. Short lived but memorable to say the least.
"I promise."
"Pinky promise?"
"I'll just show you." He mumbles quietly, before pulling her close. Their lips met in the middle of the hallway, just for a few moments before he pulls away; leaving an aftermath of a doozy looking Maia. He always had that effect on her, and he likes it.
"Promise sealed." Maia replies excitedly, as Kent shakes his head in amusement.
"I'll see you soon."
"I know." That's all she said, a wide smile was painted on her face; as he leaves the house.
"miss, you've got 10 minutes left for the dishes of your life." glitch announces, as Nick stands on the side, watching with clear focus with a proud look on his face. Maia begins to decorate the dish, hoping it looks presentable as Kent suddenly appears, standing beside Grayson and Sally (which was invited by default by both Maia and Nick).
"she's doing great." Sally says excitedly, as Kent's lips perk up into a smile. At the sound of Sally's voice, Maia looks up - and their gazes meet. She gives him a thumbs up, as Glitch counts down the last 10 seconds.
"and, it's over! Step away from the dishes miss wiseman." Glitch continues, playing the role of the host as Maia follows.
Nick begins to step forward, nearing the counter. His eyes observed the dishes, every single detail, not giving anything away. The passion he has for food, always astound her. The way food become both of her and nicks love language growing up, despite the almost-fire incident years back. Food was always going to be a symbol of love for them. And she's going to prove, that she's worthy of that love as well.
Maia's gaze follows his as he grabs one of the silverware and taking a bite of the dishes. A main course and a simple desert. She felt time slows down as he takes the first bite, and it pauses. The way everyone in the room was quiet in suspense, makes her heart beats faster.
Nick wipes his mouth with a napkin in hand, before eyes meeting hers. No reaction in the beginning, only...for a smile to appear. The nick wiseman iconic smile.
"you did it, button." Three words, and the universe is back on its place. She did it, and she'll do it again.
The cheers take place, as they decided to take a taste. It wasn't as good as Nick's, but she's glad they all liked it, and she didn't burn the house down this time. Kent stood by her, hands wrapped around her waist; as her head lays on his shoulder watching the others enjoying it. She likes this feeling, and now she feels worthy of that love language.
"I have something." He says quietly, as he pulls out something from his back pocket.
A single daisy, which she swore she didn't saw it when he makes his way to her.
"this is what you're doing earlier huh?" She says in amusement quietly to him, as she twirls it in between her fingers. He just shrugs in response at her, the smile lingers on his lips for a while. Maia mouths a thank you to him as they continue to live in their little world. It's a small win, and that's one of the reasons she adores the little things in life. That's what makes it more special.
Tags: @wayhavenots , @kalanevans , @takemyopenheart , @stephschoices , @cadetzarneki , @indorilnerevarine
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chrisevansdaughter · 2 years
Hey, lovey ❤️ I hope you see this before you leave.
First of all, let me just say that I know you're going to do amazing. You're so strong, you've got a great head on your shoulders, and you're gonna be a wonderful addition to the Navy.
I know it's scary. I've been there and I know there's a lot of stuff going through your head. All of the what ifs, the questions, the scenarios of how you think it's gonna go. Your trainers (I'm not sure what they call them in the Navy, and I don't wanna get it wrong lol. That's why I said trainers. In the Marines they call them Drill Instructors) may be tough on you and all of the other recruits, but I promise it will all be worth it when you graduate.
For me, the hardest part wasn't the physical portion of Marine Corps boot camp, it was the mental part. Always remember that you are strong, you can do anything you put your mind to, and you have so many people supporting you. Three people from Indiana, USA are over here rooting for you every step of the way. (My husband, an Air Force Veteran, me, a Marine Corps Veteran, and my little girl are cheering you on)
I can't wait to hear about all of the things you're going to accomplish. I'm so happy and excited for you, and I'm so so proud! Not many people can say that they're going to join an elite force to defend nations foreign and domestic.
I'm always here for you to talk to if you're allowed to have your phone. Be strong, bby ❤️
You're gonna do amazing things 🥰
Love, Jessy, Dava (my daughter), and Jason (my husband)
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Safe to say I cried reading this last night but I was tired so I slept.
However Jessy this is so sweet of you to say and I just don’t know what to say except..
Thank you so much you’re an angel of a human and I can’t believe that I can call you my moot and I’ll definitely keep you updated always!
Send love to you and your family and just because you’re all amazing angels too ❤️
Thank you for all the positive energy and really appreciated support too ❤️❤️🥹
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Hi so, I sent some asks in early December and don’t know if tumblr ate them or you just didn’t answer them (which is fine!). If you haven’t seen them, the basic story was me and my friend started sexting once I went to uni and I’ve let hime control my vibrator (cos freedom and stuff - this is all online). But we didn’t have any conversation before doing it and I knew I should be careful and I thought I was being, but I still think it was silly of me not to have a conversation for clarity with him. Anyway it got to December and I knew I had some weird type of attachment to him (I’ve looked into attachment styles and have bought a book and am trying to work my way through it, I think I a mix of preoccupied and fearful and I’m trying to work through my issues, like being able to self validate myself). My biggest concern was I think I had feelings for him (I’m not sure whether romantic or just being attached) so I pulled back. I made a goal for myself, no nudes and no online sex stuff with anyone until the end of February (so nothing for 3 months). I was worried I was going to torpedo the friendship we had and lose him too, as nearly everyone eventually leaves me. I don’t think he would but I didn’t think other people in the past would.
Anyway, come February, I was thinking of having a conversation with him and explaining everything that was going on with me, what made me pull back and just be as honest as I can with him. Explain I’m unsure if I’m just attached or have feelings with him, and I didn’t want to lose him or anything. I’ve also told him I want to have a conversation for clarity about the vibrator thing we do (like is it all talk, is it going to progress, will it always be online etc…) and I also want him to know the circumstances behind me pulling back so he can make an informed decision. When it comes to March is when I’ll go back to doing nudes and sex stuff online if I think it’s ok for me to do so, and maybe go back to doing the vibrator and sexting with my friend.
My question really is, do you think it’s wise to go back to doing that with my friend? He makes me feel really good about myself and gives me the validation I like but I’m not sure if it’s healthy. Also, do you think it’s a good idea to have this conversation with him?
Thankyou for any help you give me :)
Based on what you've said, it sounds like it might not be the best idea to go back to doing this stuff with him. You yourself are talking about a lot of uncertainty when it comes to doing sexual favors and youre kind of describing someone that is having issues with emotional intimacy so you're patching that with having sex with people you may or may not like.
Whether you do sexual stuff, it's all up to you. Your mentality around it almost sounds like this is work/job for you. As a third person point of view, I do find it a bit odd that you're setting timeliness and goals for yourself when it comes to sex.
Because of all of these things, the best advice I can give you is to just go into therapy, because as great as I think it is that you're recognizing these patterns in yourself; lasting change and better guidance can be provided by a professional.
Posted January 6, 2023
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heich0e · 2 years
first of all. I love the way you write makki. that piece was ughh, a stab to the chest. beautifully written :( I got another prompt for him if you don’t mind. the …
“you were always there when i needed you. let me repay the favor.“
lets pretend that this ask is not from three weeks ago <3
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highs and lows - part II of pieces hanamaki takahiro/reader (haikyuu!) word count: 3k tags: angst, hurt/comfort, pining, mentions of mental illness, alternatively titled pining hiro's redemption arc
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For as long as Takahiro can remember, his life has been marked by highs and lows.
His last year of middle school was a low, without question.
His best friend moved to another prefecture before the start of the year; his mom gave him a terrible haircut the day before classes resumed that haunted him for months; he didn't understand anything about polynomials, which made his math mark tank so badly he was worried he was going to be held back; and to top it all off, he found out that he was the only one of his friends who would be moving on to Aoba Johsai the next school year, so he'd have to build up his entire friend group from scratch.
Dragging himself out of bed every morning was a chore; he would put off his homework and assignments until the last minute until they could no longer be avoided; he ate scarcely; slept terribly; and sank well over 1000 hours into his favourite video game.
But his first year of high school, much to his own surprise, was a high.
He made the volleyball team; he built up his friend group again, arguably better than it had ever been; he grew into that haircut his mom gave him (and continued to give him); and he figured out how the hell to divide a polynomial.
He rode this high all the way into second year, and then eventually to third.
He had his friends, his kouhai, you; life as an upperclassman was great.
Until it wasn’t.
The volleyball team lost their shot at nationals in a devastating blow.
He didn't get into any of the universities to which he'd applied (not that he'd been expecting to, because he was pretty sure he’d tanked every entrance exam he sat.)
He watched Iwa prepare to go to Tokyo where he'd be studying kinesiology, already talking about the possibility of studying abroad in a few years' time; envied Mattsun as he geared up to start college in Sendai, leaving on the weekends to look at apartments in the city with his parents; and saw Oikawa finalize his plans to start fresh in Argentina, living a reality that Hiro couldn't even dream of for himself.
He felt like he was falling behind.
Being left behind.
When these swings inevitably come around, Hiro copes as best he's able—though his idea of dealing with his problems has generally always been to ignore them until hopefully they just go away. He puts on a brave face and ignores the inky blackness lingering in the periphery of his vision, curling towards him ominously and threatening to drag him down into that low low low place he doesn't like to go.
But sometimes he can't fight it.
Mattsun had once told Makki that he knows when something is up with him because he "goes dark.”
Impossible to get ahold of where usually his texts are answered in seconds (minutes at most); unable to nail down plans with on the off-chance someone does manage to get ahold of him; even his spotify activity bar goes empty--which is by far the most unusual, because Makki perpetually has one headphone in with something playing through it.
He avoids everyone and everything when he gets like this.
Except for you—you've always been the exception to the rule.
Life after high school kept moving forward; highs and lows coming and going like the years that slipped past him. He got out of the funk that had clouded over his graduation, started working part-time at a local company and saving up to hopefully move to Tokyo eventually, spent his weekends with you—who was still devastated over Oikawa’s departure to Argentina and sought your comfort in him.
It gave him something else to focus on.
Someone else to worry about.
He put your problems before his, and before he knew it his own spirits seemed to be lifting through the process of trying to improve yours.
But he’s not immune to those clouds that occasionally creep in, blocking out the light no matter how brightly it tries to shine.
Makki hasn’t eaten in two days.
He knows it’s been two days because the last thing he ate was a bento that was about to go off that he picked up half price at the konbini down the road from his place, and it’s still sitting half-eaten in his fridge with a best-by date two days past. He’s drank a bit of water, and some tea (whose mugs still sit half-full around his studio apartment), but he hasn’t been able to stomach anything beyond a handful of crackers and a half-packet of microwave rice in the time since then.
He’s miserable.
He’s exhausted.
He’s spent more hours in the past three days asleep than he has conscious. His phone’s been dead for at least the past 24 hours—but that’s just when he’d noticed, it might have been off for even longer.
He could plug it in. He should plug it in. His charger is right next to his bed where he’s laying, dangling from an outlet by his bedside table. But the simple task of reaching over and slotting the cord into the charging port of his powered-down device requires too much energy to accomplish, so instead he stares up at the ceiling and tries to find patterns in the flat, dingy beige paint where there are none.
He doesn’t know exactly when he falls into another fitful sleep, only that the sound of a fist landing violently against his front door startles him awake an unknowable amount of time later.
He stumbles out of bed, only half-conscious and ignoring the way the room spins around him as he makes his way to the front door—where the aggressive knocking has only gotten louder.
When he pulls open the door, he sees you standing in his doorway.
Your expression is concerned and irritated, and you don’t even bother to greet him properly once he’s pulled open the door to reveal his tired face from the other side.
“You haven’t answered my calls for five days.”
Has it really been that long?
“Ah,“ Hiro’s voice is hoarse when he speaks, and he realizes it’s the first time his vocal chords have seen any use in nearly a week. He dips his head. “Sorry, sorry. Must have lost track of time.”
“Hiro—” the way you say his name is too gentle, too starkly different to the tone you’d first greeted him with. It makes him feel nauseated.
“I’m fine,” Hiro tries to make it sound like he means it. “Really, I am.”
A moment of silence passes as you stand in the doorway, Takahiro’s front door still only half opened. He can hear the distant sound of children playing in the park across the street, and the television in his elderly neighbour’s apartment that’s always just a little bit too loud.
“You look terrible.”
“Ouch,” the boy in front of you hisses, smiling a little though it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. He ruffles his messy hair, suddenly exceedingly glad that he’d dragged his ass to the shower that morning for the first time in longer than he cares to admit.
There’s another moment of quiet that teeters just beyond the boundary of being comfortable.
“So…” you trail off, peeking up at Hiro with a little furrow in your brow. “Can I come in?”
Hiro’s empty stomach twists in on itself.
“I dunno, I was j-just about to—“ he panics, floundering in his haste to decline, knowing the state of his apartment. The state of his life.
“Hiro,” you say his name quietly, supplicatory—all pretence of your earlier irritation gone from your tone. “You’re always there when I need you. Let me repay the favour. Please.“
One glimpse of the desperate, determined look on your face has Hiro crumbling. Weak-kneed and weak-willed as ever to your every whim and plea.
He sighs, opening up the door a little further, just wide enough for you to step through.
It’s embarrassing. Letting you see how he’s been living, the space that he’s been living in, the mess.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been over,” you say, your tone light and casual as you step over a half-filled bag of trash to set your tote bag down on the kitchen counter.
It has been a while. Weeks have passed since the last time you’d shown up at Makki’s door like this.
Since before the last time Oikawa had visited home.
You and Tooru had talked, or so you’d told Makki after the fact over a mediocre feed of late-night sushi. The two of you had settled things. Gotten closure. You’ve been doing much better since then. Holding yourself a little taller, like something had been lifted from you that no could see you’d even been carrying.
But he had.
Takahiro had helped you bear the weight when it was too much for you to shoulder alone, and now that it was no longer there it was like the one thing that had kept him linked to you—kept him necessary in your life—was gone. He didn’t know where he fit into your life now that you didn’t need that piece of him anymore.
He was worried he was going to lose you now, and that worry—that fear—had been gripping him since the moment you’d told him the news with a piece of fatty tuna poised halfway to your ruefully curled lips.
“Hey, did you ever end up finding that blu-ray you were trying to get?”
Hiro blinks at you, startled by how normal you’re being—all things considered. He watches as you tie your hair back, sweeping some trash off the counter in front of you and into the garbage bag at your feet.
You look up when he doesn’t reply to your question.
“Earth to Makki,” you say, a brow quirked. “Did you get it? The…what was it again? Zombie something of the uh—” he sees the way you wrack your brain for the title of the indie horror movie he’d been obsessed with getting his hands on only a few weeks prior.
“Zombie Slayers of the Red Planet,” he supplies the title quietly, eyes flickering over to the shelf below his TV on the other side of his tiny apartment where the recently acquired blu-ray sits.
“Right, right,” you nod, tapping your hands against the edge of his sink. You reach in and pull out a stack of the unwashed dishes he’d allowed to accumulate, setting them aside before turning on the tap. You giggle a little. “Aliens and zombies, it’s like it was made for you.”
You crouch down and retrieve a fresh sponge and some cleaning product from the cabinet underneath the sink, squeezing some into the stainless steel basin once you return to your full height.
“Was it any good?” you ask him, scrubbing at some of the grime clinging to the inside of the sink, your voice rising a little to be heard over the sound of running water.
Hiro braces himself against the edge of the kitchen counter, at a loss for words.
“Yeah,” he affirms once he finds his tongue, nodding a little though you’re not looking his way to see it. He swallows hard over the sudden swell of his throat, sticky and painful. “We… could watch it later if you want.”
You turn to look at him over your shoulder, smiling so brightly it makes Hiro’s heart stutter in his chest.
“Sounds good!”
You clean his kitchen, chattering on about what you’ve been up lately as you go. You sustain the conversation even though it’s almost entirely one-sided, but Makki is happy to just listen to the lilt of your voice as you tell a funny story about something that had happened to you at work last week. Once the dishes have been left to dry on the rack and the counters wiped down, you unpack the groceries you’d brought with you from your tote-bag and start putting them away—promptly throwing out the two-day-old bento from inside Hiro’s fridge.
You make him food. It’s nothing elaborate, considering your cooking skills are even more abysmal than his, but it’s something warm and edible.
You work to tidy the rest of his one room apartment a little bit while he eats, humming a wordless tune to yourself as you pick up trash and organize stacks of magazines and video games that had been left haplessly strewn about. By the time Hiro’s plate is empty, his home looks a little more like what he’s used to, and you come up behind where he’s seated at the kitchen counter and rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Full?” you ask, eying his plate.
He grunts affirmatively. He’d forced himself to eat every single bite, but his stomach feels tight and uncomfortable after going empty for so long.
“Wanna lay down?” you ask him, tilting your face to resting your temple against his ear, fingers toying with the fraying edge of his t-shirt sleeve.
He nods.
And so the two of you find yourselves in his bed, watching the trashy zombie/alien horror movie that Hiro’s already seen 15 times. His head rests on your stomach, his knees curled into his chest as you rake your hands idly through his hair.
“Hiro,” you say gently, halfway through the movie that the boy laying atop you hasn’t paid any attention to. Your voice is guarded, hesitant and a little hurt. Like you’re not sure how to say the words, or if you should be saying them at all, but you still can’t stop yourself. “Why were you avoiding me?”
Takahiro sucks in a sharp breath, a pang in his too-full belly as it tightens with anxiety. He draws his knees a little further into himself, wrapping his arms around them.
He draws in a shuddering, suffering breath.
“Being near you is hard for me right now.”
“Why?” Your fingers pause, strands of his strawberry-hued hair tickling your knuckles.
He doesn’t dare move a muscle.
“It hurts.” Makki’s eyes squeeze shut, a hot tear forcing its way out that he hopes to god you can’t see. “Being around you hurts right now.”
“I’m sorry,” your voice is strained as you reply, anguish winding itself around your throat and into your words.
His heart wrenches with guilt that’s already eaten away at the better part of him.
“It’s nothing you did. It’s me. It’s my fault. I just-“ Takahiro fights back a sob that’s swelling too fast and too fierce in his chest. “I just can’t deal with all of these things I’m feeling.”
He sits up, wrenching himself away from you—leaving you to stare helplessly at his back as he slouches forward and struggles to even his quickening breaths.
“What are you feeling?” you ask him, quiet but desperate. “Can you tell me?”
He turns towards you, blinking tears from his bloodshot eyes.
“I love you,” his voice cracks when he says it. Finally says it. “Really fucking love you. Not like a friend, either.”
Your lips part in shock, but he doesn’t leave you room to reply, too desperate to get the confession that has been festering inside of him for the better part of a decade out before he loses his momentary nerve.
“And I have, for a while. Forever.” He barks out a hollow, joyless laugh, though the situation is anything but comical. “And I know it’s not fair for me to say this to you right now, but I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Listen, I get it if you hate me,” he shakes his head, pinching his eyes closed as his face screws up with disgust. “I’d hate me. But I swear that I never meant to—“
Makki pauses, eyes popping open as you take his face in your soft, warm hands.
You’re so close to him, eyes desperately searching his as though looking for an answer to a question you never posed.
No, not a question.
You inch forward, your lips catching just the edge of his. It’s soft, sweet—everything he's ever wanted and more. Better than he'd ever hoped it might be.
Suddenly it doesn’t matter that his apartment is a mess. Doesn’t matter that his stomach hurts. Doesn’t matter that the movie in the background is at probably the least romantic moment it could possibly be as a zombie has its head violently ripped off—the spatter of gore the soundtrack to the gentle brush of your lips.
You pull back, resting your forehead against his as a tear drips off the end of his nose—your hands are still gently cradling Makki’s burning cheeks.
“This isn’t the right time, but we’re gonna talk about this when you feel better. When things are a little bit less overwhelming, okay?” you say the words so quietly, so tenderly, as your eyes bore into his.
He nods, because he doesn’t know what else he can do.
“But right now,” you say, shuffling back a little so you’re resting up against the pillows again, “we’re just gonna take a nap.”
Makki follows you up to the head of the bed, drawn to you like the pull of gravity or the tides are to the moon, nestling down beside you as you pull the comforter up around both of your bodies.
He curls into your side, his heart beating so loudly it’s all that he can hear. Your eyes flutter closed after a while, but he can’t help but watch you.
“You can’t fall asleep if you don’t shut your eyes, Hiro,” you say with a breathy giggle, not even needing to look at him to know he hasn't even tried to rest his eyes.
Something warm and syrupy squirms in Makki’s chest, and he cranes up, nosing gently against the edge of your jaw.
“Can I have one more?” he whispers.
You crack an eye open, peering down at him as you quirk your brow.
Your second kiss is as sweet as the first, and just as chaste, but it tastes unmistakably like the promise of more.
Takahiro is not stupid enough to think that his problems are solved, even if he did fail all of his college entrance exams. He’s not foolish enough to believe that he’ll never have another low, or even a low worse than this one.
But it’s a little more bearable—a little more tolerable—knowing that there’s something to look forward to ahead.
Takahiro closes his eyes, buries his face into the warm crook of your neck, and sleeps better than he has in years.
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arkangelee · 2 years
(Hi There, how are you, hopefully you’re having a great life and day). May I request a Fluff headcannon or Scenario (whatever you comfortable with) for Kunikida Doppo and Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungou Stray Dogs, with female reader please. A headcannon, where reader had an ability that allows her to talk to an animal/understand animals language. Thank you and have a lovely day.
them with you having the ability to talk to animals
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characters — kunikida doppo ; fyodor dostoevsky
pairings — ^ x f!reader
premise — pretty self-explanatory
genre — fluff
warnings — none
a/n — hi anon!! thank you for your patience, and i hope you enjoy! sorry this took a while
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i. kunikida doppo
when you two first met, he’d drag you around to test your capabilities on different animals.
and he wasn’t disappointed.
he held a certain respect for you from that day on, and you’re definitely a few tiers higher than dazai in his favorite people pyramid /lh
a couple months after you two meet, he starts buying certain cat and dog treats and leaving containers of them on your desk.
it was anonymous however, so you were left wondering who started leaving them.
but the stolen glances at your expression when you come in the office said a lot already.
so one day, on a sunny morning, you stroll over to his desk and ask, “kunikida, could you leave some carrots on my desk tomorrow?”
he went through the five stages of grief /j
he got so flustered that all he could manage was a small nod.
true to his word action, carrots were neatly stacked on your desk the next day.
you grinned at him, whispering a 'thanks.'
"no problem." the blonde stiffly nodded.
he really wished you would leave his desk now that you've said all you had to say.
but no no no.
you went, "say, kunikida. why'd you start leaving those on my desk?"
he flushed red, as he did the previous day, but he soon regained composure. "i just- thought it could help."
anyways — your guys’ dynamic from then on is pretty casual.
kunikida gets flustered so easily — his reactions are really interesting. in a good way.
to be honest, i think he wouldn’t be the one who asked you out, you’d have to make the move.
so like if you casually walk up to his desk and just ask him out simply, like just a question?
his mind would immediately go blank and he goes so, so red.
but!! says yes — after like two minutes of just a bunch of ‘what’s and ‘huh’s.
definition of whipped. even after already dating.
the tiniest bit of affection sends him into a frenzy.
after a few weeks though, he’s learned to get used to it. sure, his heart still does entire gymnastic routines whenever you kiss him, but he thinks it’s a nice feeling <3
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ii. fyodor dostoevsky
okok but imagine — fyodor dostoevsky and a pet shop owner……
okay that doesn’t have to be the occupation but anywho — this meeting is everything i’d ever want.
he was walking around yokohama, you know.
plotting mass destruction and whatnot, as per usual.
his alert ears pick up someone cooing to a cat, and he turns his head to an alley to see you, gently patting an adorable calico cat. ( ps if any of you are allergic you may pretend as if it was any other animal )
he sees so much adoration in your eyes, and he couldn’t help but be intrigued.
so he slowly approaches you — and the cat hisses, backing away from him.
you suddenly became aware of fyodor and you stand up, smiling.
“looks like it doesn’t like you.”
fyodor mentally agrees, observing the cat that was now a few feet further away.
“try giving these.” you handed him a couple of cat treats.
he raises his eyebrow but squats anyway, holding out his hand in the direction of the cat.
the cat seemed to be apprehensive — but it slowly makes its way over to the fist full of treats, and it starts eating them one by one.
fyodor’s eyes were fixated on it, and you chuckle, catching his attention.
he thinks that maybe you’re worth his time.
and yes, he was right. best decision of his life so far.
he isn’t familiar with the idea of a relationship, but it’s growing on him.
the type of guy who thinks that dating is pointless.
but at one point he thinks that dating you wouldn’t be bad at all.
oh. that’s his literal reaction.
consults to nikolai. and notes to never do it again /j
but at one point he spontaneously just?? kisses you??
that speaks for itself — and one thing led to another — so you both are dating now!!
he’s a chill boyfriend. again, not experienced, but he’s doing his best!
and that was now best decision of his life.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Familial Attachments
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***Awwwww, I'm so happy that you're enjoying my blog! This request warms my heart and I am WEAK for soft big brother Lucifer. I hope you enjoy @lorkai! - B*** Summary: MC keeps favouring Lucifer. It baffles the other brothers. Lucifer is intrigued by the behaviour and slowly begins to open up to them.
No one really noticed it when you first arrived. You were new to the Devildom, and so much was foreign and scary around you. So you following orders without question and lingering near Lucifer, the strongest of the demons living with you, could've been passed off as a survival technique. But after a few months of you staying in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer thought the initial fear would wear off, and yet you still continued to follow him around like a little duckling. Still, Lucifer hadn't really clued in that there was perhaps sentiment behind your behaviour until he had walked in on a discussion between you, Mammon, Beelzebub and Leviathan. He had approached your bedroom door and raised his fist to knock when he heard Mammon's annoyingly loud voice. "I'm just sayin'! There ain't no reason for you go followin' mean old Lucifer around like that! He's old. He complains a lot. He never has any fun. You should be spendin' time with me! I'm supposed to be your protector ya know!" Lucifer huffed in annoyance and was about to barge in when he heard your giggle. "I'm hanging out with you now, aren't I?" "I don't know MC. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Mammon has a point." Levi pipped in. At this point, Lucifer cracked open the door and peeked inside. You were sitting in Beel's lap as he munched away on a bowl of popcorn. Mammon was standing, punching harshly onto the buttons of the remote he was holding, while Levi sat playing with the ease and skill of the pro-gamer that he was. He didn't even look away from the screen as he spoke to you. Lucifer made a mental note to talk to him about conversation manners. Leviathan continued. "You're always hanging around Lucifer. You only spend time with us if we specifically ask you to, or if we arrange it ahead of time," Levi shifted uncomfortably as he pressed a button on his remote; Mammon cursed as a result. "I-I-Is he your favourite or something?" Lucifer couldn't help but perk at the question. He wasn't aware that you were spending particularly more time with him than the others. Sure, he noticed that you would listen to him much better than any of his brothers ever did (and that alone made him warm up to you), and you always seemed to smile when he was around. But he thought that was just the kind of person you were; happy and compliant. Much to his, and everyone in the room's, surprise, you nodded. "I guess he is." Chaos erupted inside the room.
Beel dropped his popcorn. Levi sputtered and actually looked away from the game to gape at you. Mammon threw his remote and whipped around to face you. "WHAT?!?! You mean you prefer that old bat to the GREAT MAMMON?!?!" to Mammon's defence, he looked genuinely hurt by the confession. "But I'm your first! I thought we were pals, MC?!" Levi tensed and sniffed before turning back at the game. "I'm not that surprised really. Makes sense that you wouldn't l-like a slimy gross otaku like me." Beel remained frozen and quiet. A frown etched on his face as his hands tightened around you. Your eyes widened at everyone's reactions. "Woah, woah, woah! Who said anything about not liking you guys? I love hanging out with you three, and I do see you as my friends," you looked directly at Levi. "Otaku or not. I treasure my time with you." Levi pouted and refused to look at you. "Then what does Lucifer have that we don't? Why does he get the title of your favourite?" Lucifer was shocked to see your expression soften as you smiled gently at just the thought. "He reminds me of my big brother in the human realm," everyone went quiet and looked at you. "I-It was hard being ripped away from everything I knew and be forced to live in a world that I didn't even know existed. When I saw Lucifer and got to know him a bit, I noticed how much he acted like my brother. It was comforting to have just that little bit of familiarity amongst all the chaos of the Devildom, you know?" The eldest brother's heart warmed at the statement. It stroked his pride in the best way possible. He loved his brothers, but none of them were very affectionate with one another with the exception of the twins. To hear that someone cared about him and saw him as an older brother was...touching. His younger brothers seemed to agree as, with a little irritation, they settled back down into their game. Forgetting what he came for, Lucifer smiled and went back to his office. Since that day, he was notably kinder and more vulnerable with you. If you saw him as an older brother then he was determined to be the best older brother you could ask for. He gave you a pat on the shoulder or ruffled your hair every time he saw you. He always made sure to congratulate or acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they were. He asked you how your day was and allowed you to come to him with any troubles (which he would promptly take care of the moment you left the room). Every night he would invite you into his office for some tea and a round of chess before bed. It felt like in no time, he had begun to see you as a little sibling just as much as you saw him as an older brother. Lucifer did his best not to let his brothers catch on to how soft he was around you. He tried to compensate by teasing you a little more whenever they were around. Or pretend that he was taking you into his office to scold you when he really was going to look you over and make sure you weren't hurt in the most recent incident. The result was an endless amount of taunts and ridicule from his brothers on how he was a better sibling to you than he was them (which was mostly true), that you had thawed his ancient icy heart (which he would never admit), and that he couldn't say no to you (which he tried to prove wrong but inevitably failed, much to his embarrassment). Still, the bond between you two was one that was strong and pure. When it was finally time for you to go back to the human realm, you were in tears and refused to let go of Lucifer. Lucifer held onto you tightly. It was obvious to everyone there that he was just as reluctant to let you leave. "You have to go know MC. Your real big brother is up there worried about you, I'm sure," his voice was steady and firm. He refused to cry; no matter how badly his heart ached at that moment. You sniffled and buried your face deeper into his chest. "I know. But you've become just as much a brother to me as him, a-a-and I don't want to leave you. What if I never get to see you again?" Lucifer inhaled sharply at the thought.
He looked over at Diavolo. Something in his eyes must have given away the hurt and inner turmoil he was feeling, for Diavolo's eyes widened in shock before he smiled softly at his friend. "You may take your D.D.D. with you, MC, to stay in contact with the brothers. Perhaps, on occasion, we can also organize visits. This will not be goodbye forever." Lucifer chuckled as you held him tighter and ran a hand through your hair. "See? You'll see me and everyone else again. But for now, it's time for you to return home." You shakily nodded and reluctantly pulled away from his arms; Lucifer felt his chest tighten as coldness filled the warmth where you once stood. Still, he refused to cry or show vulnerability. He would not become a blubbering mess like Mammon. He was better than that. He clenched his fists as you went around giving everyone final hugs goodbye. He held his breath as you picked up the bag the two of you had put together full of keepsakes from the Devildom. You took a step towards the portal. "MC, wait!" Lucifer rushed towards you, damning his own pride and reputation to hell, as he pulled you into one final tight hug and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He held you there; closing his eyes and allowing himself to pretend for just a moment that he didn't have to let you go. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. "I love you, MC. I will miss having you here." Suddenly you were sobbing again. The two of you held each other for several minutes, as Diavolo had Barbartos escort the others out to give the two of you some privacy. Finally, he let you go, and within a second you were gone and back to your true family. Lucifer went home, and sat in his office, wondering what you were doing with your real big brother and if you were as happy up there as you were with him. ***HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE THIS ANGST AND END UP CRYING WELL WRITING I AM SO SORRY I SERIOUSLY MEANT FOR THIS BE FLUFF GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Wipes tears* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this no matter how accidentally painful it was. Thank you for the lovely request @lorkai! I was touched by how personal it was!***
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peanutpinet · 3 years
Yuta as a cold yet soft mafia boss
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Prompt: 99) “You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream.” from 100 Dialogue Prompts for Mob Boss AU
A/N: just like the Jeno fic, I've always wanted to do a Yuta fanfic and it wasn't until I saw this writing prompt that I'm like, this feels like something Yuta would say.
Warnings: probably some cursing since it's Yuta XD
Now, we all know how cold and scary Yuta looks when in fact he's a big softie. Which is probably one of the reasons why you fall for him; because of how soft whipped he is with you and the rest of NCT.
Like the boy is very much whipped for you that he would even have time to ask you 'have you eaten', 'what are you up to' while being on a mission. The boys also like to tease him about it, even WayV (who we all know are slightly terrified of him)
Would definitely take you out on a date every now and then if he can. A/N: Kay, hold up, we're getting a bit ahead. I forgot to tell you how y'all met XD
So, it was a school night (well, you're in college); and you were quite stress with your final assignment that you decided to go to the nearest convenience store to grab some coffee and snacks to pull an all-nighter.
You wore an oversize hoodie and some sweats (cause comfort is key) and was walking through the snack aisle, about to grab (your favourite snack) when another hand was about to reach for it (ehem, Yuta, ehem)
Despite wanting to grab the snack, you insist the tall, handsome man to have it instead (even if you were wondering how a guy like him like your fave snack). But the man insist you take the snack; which led to the both of you having a little debate and eventually the man took the snack, paid for it but gave it to you, saying that you needed it more
"Take it. Finals are tough and you need the little boost to keep you going. Also, don't worry so much about the result. What matters is you did your best, mkay? See you around kid" the man lectured, giving you a slight smile before leaving with his own coffee
After he left, it took you a while to process what just happened before going back to your dorm and continue your final assignment
But oh how the universe like to bring people together ;)
It was right after your finals and you and your friends decided to have some drink at a nearby bar since you guys were curious and have never experienced the bar aura.
You weren't much of a drinker despite your amazing tolerance in alcohol so you were rather confused what to order until a familiar sound came.
"She'll have the orange-mango crush" a familiar voice stated
Turning around, you saw the same man you bumped into at the convenience store almost 2 weeks ago but this time, he looked way more put together and even wore a suit. Lowkey, your mind was starting to wander around and thinking whether there was going to be a fight or some sort or if this was that typical mafia story you secretly read.
"Didn't think you'd be the type to come to a bar on a school night. You done with your finals kid?" the man asked
"I, uhh, yea. Wait!! What do you mean the type to come to a bar?" you stuttered; not aware that your friends were staring at the both of you
"Don't worry, I don't mean it like it's a bad thing. People do what they want. Who am I to judge. Anyways, you ladies enjoy your night. If there's any problem, don't hesitate to let me, the bartender or the guards know. Also, the drink is on the house" the man winked at you and your friends, giving a slight wave before leaving
Cue your friends immediately plastering you with all sorts of question. Wondering how you met a handsome hunk in the midst of your finals. Not to mention, that handsome hunk even remembers you. Cue you becoming a blushing mess; especially after the bartender came with the drink the man requested for you.
Though you were worried that the drink was spiked, you gave a little sip and it was all fruity and delicious. Mental note to yourself: not only is he good-looking, kind but also has good taste in food; great, just great.
The rest of the night went fairly nice. You and your friends were sipping on your drinks, having a nice chit-chat bout life in general, catching up since you guys were not in the same classes. Once the clock hit 1 am, you figured that it was time to head back to your dorm.
Since you decided to wait for your friends who were calling an uber to head back to their homes since they live near your college. Whilst waiting, you told your friends that you were going to go to the bathroom for a bit.
Right when you came out of the bathroom, a random man tried to hit on you and it made you very uncomfortable that you eventually hit the wall behind you. But luckily, a certain someone came and save the day ;)
"Oi. Hands off the girl. Looks like someone is new to my bar since I don't accept any sort of make-out if there's no consent between two parties. Scram before I make you" your saviour growled, making the man leave you alone
"Are you alright?" the man asked while you were catching your breath
"Yeah. Yea, I am. Thank you again. Uh..." you mumbled
"What is it? Are you sure you're alright?" the man questioned, worried in his tone
"It's just, you've basically helped me twice and I still have yet to know your name" you chuckled, making the man chuckle as well
"If that's really what you want. I'm Yuta" the man called Yuta chuckled
"Thank you, Yuta. I appreciate it" you thanked him, giving him a genuine smile; not knowing what that smile does to Yuta's heart
And folks, that was just the beginning of your relationship. Ever since that night, Yuta made it his goal to get to know you more before actually asking you in a relationship; which, when the time came and Yuta asked you, without thinking twice, you said yes.
Throughout your relationship, Yuta was pretty blunt in telling you what he does as a living and mentioned that while he may live a dangerous life, he still had morals and his job was actually putting down all the bad people hiding in the shadows.
Despite all, you trusted Yuta and he also trusted you. You still had your freedom and was allowed to go wherever with whoever you wanted as long as you told Yuta beforehand. Even throughout your near one year anniversary, both of you knew each other's friend group and you even get to see how soft Yuta was when it comes to his mates.
However, all those sweet moments you both felt like a dream the second Yuta heard news that you were captured by some lowlife gang that NCT made go broke. Hearing the news, it was only a matter of minutes before the whole NCT used their network to find you and create a well thought out plan to get you back.
Once Yuta got you back, he made sure you were alright whilst the other members lock the gang up in their basement. Yuta made sure that you had no injuries; which, if you do, he would tend them himself and if he can't then he'll have someone come but stay by you until you were alright or, until you fell asleep.
After tucking you into bed and making sure you were fast asleep. Yuta peck your forehead for a moment before quietly sneaking off the bed and out of his room, going down to the basement and confronting the gang with some of the other members.
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“You think prison is the worst place you could go? You pull some shit like that again and I’ll have you thrown in places that’ll make prison seem like a wet fucking dream. Now, which one of you nutjobs came up with the idea in the first place?!" Yuta growled, smirking once he saw the gang cower in fear
A/N: hope you guys enjoy this Yuta fic that came out of nowhere XD and hope you all stay safe and healthy :) xoxo
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