#you must remember this featuring three alones made me make this
warlenys · 1 year
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s7e12 / s6e10 / s5e19 / s8e19
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Protective Flower
Pairing: Harry Hook x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 1.4k
Summary: While making your rounds of the Isle making sure everyone still fears your name, you run into an old acquaintance. Someone oversees this and doesn't take lightly to others touching what is his.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with the square 'Jealousy'
*Gif does not belong to me
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Boots clicking with every step, you had not a care in the world as you walked through the Isle of the Lost. Why would you? You were the daughter of Madame Gothel, the Mother Gothel. Everyone on the Isle knew of your mother's story and with that came protection, a blanket of safety that her name alone offered you.
That didn't mean you let the glare on your features fall or had your back turned on anyone for too long. With brisk steps you passed through different sections of the Isle, never staying for too long. It was only when you saw the back of someone's head whom you never thought you'd see again.
"Jay?" You slowly question, your voice hesitant in case who you thought was in front of you was an illusion or just an insanely good look-alike whom you've never seen before that day. It was only when the boy's head of long brown hair turned and a whisper of your name left his lips that you knew it was him. "What are you doing here? I thought you had gotten off this island and were at Auradon."
"Some circumstances have changed," He muttered with a coy grin, bounding his way over to you. The fast approach made you take a few small steps back, trying to put distance in between the two of you in case he decided to try something, though Jay bypassed this easily, one of his strides making up for three of yours as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. "I've missed you. We all have."
You froze immediately as you were engulfed, not expecting the embrace and hardly knowing what to call it. The feeling that arose from being trapped within Jay's arms was odd, almost comforting. That didn't matter though as you kept your arms glued to your side, not raising them to return the gesture.
"I'm sure it would've passed," You mumbled, voice gruff as you remembered what it had been like before Jay, Mal, Evie and Carlos left the Isle. How things have changed since then. Your words caused Jay to finally pull back, which you were both grateful for since the action was weak, though also longed for it to return, the simple contact something you have never experienced on the Isle evoking something within you. It must have been some trickery Auradon had taught them. "You never did say why you were here. And if you're here, I'm assuming so are the others."
"About that," Jay trailed off, hand sheepishly going to rub at the back of his neck. The action instantly had you quirking an eyebrow, never before seen such an action from the taller VK. Or former VK. "Carlos actually sent me to come and find you. We were wondering if we could use your help. Like old times-"
"What do we have here?" A taunting voice called out, cutting off the end of Jay's sentence, not that you needed to hear the rest of it to know what he was asking of you. You didn't even bat an eye to the new voice, coming well accustomed to it in the past year, more so than before Jay and his little redeemed squad had run off. "Runnin' into ya two times in a day has got ta be a good omen."
Jay's whole deemer immediately changed at not only the sight of him but also the sound. Turning an annoyed glare that held more heat than you knew Jay could still muster onto the newest arrival, Jay greeted him with a less than pleased grunt, "Hook."
Harry Hook, in all his glory, came out from the shadows he had previously lurking in so the deranged grin he was flashing could be seen by all.
"Don't sound so sad ta see me," Harry's laugh felt as if a harsh bite had sunken into you. It wasn't unwelcomed but such a stark contrast to what Jay had offered you moments ago. His eyes fell on you quickly, blue irises sucking you in as he walked closer, sealing his spot at your side as he wrapped a tight arm around your waist and pulled you flush to his side. "I was wondering when the two of yer would meet again. It was only a matter of time I suppose."
Jay's eyes locked in on the hand on your waist, Harry's fingers flexing at the sight as they curled in tighter. The sensation didn't hurt, not when you've felt it before. It was almost comforting, though in a different way to how Jay tried offering it. You weren't oblivious enough to not understand that Harry was staking his claim, however, making it known to Jay how things were running this time around.
"I didn't know the two of you had buddied up since we've been gone," Jay had to drag his eyes away from where the two of you were connected, never taking his eyes off of you as he refused to look into Harry's.
"Things have changed since you and the others were taken off the Isle," You shrugged your shoulders up as you spoke, giving it to Jay plainly. After he and the others left you were without a gang to call your own, leaving you to resort to other means of getting by. "Not all of us were whisked away to be Princesses and Princes."
"I can see that," Jay breathes out as if the words were vile on his tongue. You weren't ashamed of this. Just because you had grown closer to Harry and his crew in his and the other's absence didn't mean you were going to flip a switch now that they were back. "It was nice catching up with you. If you want to talk more, you know where to find us."
"I'll see you around Jay," You bid your farewell, surprised that Harry was able to remain as quiet as he did. Not sparing you another word, though his eyes flickered down to where Harry kept his hold on you, Jay turned away so he could make his way back to the hideout he must've come from.
"Now wasn't that a lovely chat," Harry chirped, rounding on you once Jay was out of sight. His other hand came down to your hip, resting there tightly as he slowly began to back you up. "I was just on my way to warn ya as well of Mal and her little crew's arrival. Somehow ya always beat me to it though."
"I must just be lucky at sniffing out people with pretty faces," You say, not a second later your back came in contact with the wall behind you, a small huff leaving your nose at the contact. With a cruel quirk of your lips, you bring a hand up to pass through some of his hair. "Maybe that's how I found you all those months ago."
"Cute," Harry barked out a bitter laugh, bringing his face closer to yours. Some of that bitterness seeped into his face as he looked down at you, his next words coming as a sting. "Uma doesn't want ya going near them. Who knows what they've brought from Auradon. And we all know how close ya were with them before they left."
"Good thing Uma doesn't control what I do then," You dipped your face to the side as Harry tried to trap your lips in a harsh kiss, his teeth ready to make an appearance. Instead, a kiss was left on your cheek, the pirate recoiling back once he realised. With a smirk of your own, you leaned in, trailing feather-light kisses across his neck and jaw. Your lips ghosted his skin, never staying in one spot for too long. "Though I'm sure an exception could be made if you asked nicely."
"Stay away from Jay and his friends," Harry spoke lowly, lips chasing after yours as you continued to evade him. With a raised brow, you stared at him as if you were waiting for more, leaning back so he couldn't reach you. With an eye roll from his dark eyes, an abundance of eyeliner smeared around them, he grinned out, "Please."
You waited a few moments, bringing both of your hands up to cup his face. Dragging him slowly, you brushed your lips quickly against his, muttering before finally giving him what he wanted, "I'll consider it."
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rumi-buni · 1 month
𝒜 𝐵𝓇𝑜𝓀𝑒𝓃 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒
Bonten!Mikey x Reader
Word Count: 2,279
Synopsis: You promised Mikey you would always be at his side, and nothing would change that.
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You lean against the balcony railing, watching the cars and people on the street below. It was late, but Tokyo never sleeps. Your eyes hone in on a group of teens, laughing and pushing each other around. Your heart aches, remembering when that was your life. You watch the smoke from Kakucho’s cigarette curl around the image. The smell of menthol tickles your nose as Kakucho offers you the cigarette pinched between his fingers.
“No thank you. I’m quitting.” You shift, so your back is to the railing as you look at Kakucho
“Really? I thought they calmed your nerves?” He looked surprised. You’d tried to quit before, but the gnawing anxiety that had a permanent home in your chest brought you back.
“They do,” Your voice goes soft, “But they aren’t good for the baby.” You let your hand rest on your lower belly, staring down at yourself.
Kakucho sputters in disbelief, “You’re pregnant? For how long?”
“Almost three months now. I’ll start showing soon.” You frown, this was supposed to be a happy thing but you just couldn’t bring yourself to be happy about it. This was never supposed to happen anyway.
Kakucho calls your name, bringing you back to him. “Does Mikey know?”
Tears well in your eyes as you look at Kakucho, and you shake your head. “I can’t tell him. He’ll make me get rid of it.” You sniffle as the tears begin to overflow.
Kakucho tosses the end of the cigarette off the balcony before drawing you into a hug. He smelled of menthol and the cologne you’d bought him for Christmas, hints of cinnamon. It was a strange combination that made your nose scrunch.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell him.” He strokes your hair, soothing you.
Despite all of the pain this life has brought you it also brought you Kakucho, and that must count for something. You still remember the first time you met him.
You were at the battle between Toman and Tenjiku, even though Mikey insisted you stay home. You refused, you swore to always stand at his side. You were standing off to the side, trying to stay out of Mikey’s way when someone bumped into you causing you to stumble. If it wasn’t for the hand that caught you you would’ve landed on your ass. Connected to that hand was Kakucho. He looked a lot different back then, skinnier and with a buzz cut. But his most striking feature was still present, a thick white scar running down one side of his face and leaving him blind in one eye.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Kakucho’s voice was low, it almost reminded you of Draken. He was careful to make sure you were standing upright before letting you go.
You nodded in response, “It’s alright.”
Kakucho gave you a curt nod before walking off. You liked Kakucho, even back then. Because he was kind, and kind people were so rare in the life you lived. The next time you met Kakucho was when Kanto Manji was formed. Mikey introduced him as the defense captain, and from that point on the two of you became good friends. You spent countless hours together, cooking and listening to music. You even let Kakucho drag to the gym a couple of times. As you got older you spent quieter nights together, watching TV or sharing a cigarette. You just seemed to get each other. But your heart will always belong to Mikey.
You pull away from Kakucho, taking a deep breath. “I should get home, it’s late.”
Kakucho hums, releasing you. “If you need anything, all you have to do is ask.”
You thank Kakucho, leaving him alone on his balcony.
When you get home, all of the lights are off. You’re not sure if Mikey is asleep or he never came home at all. You slip your shoes off leaving them in the genkan, and you toss your purse on the couch as you pass through the living room. You flick the lights on as you make your way to the kitchen. The kitchen is clean, not a crumb on the counter or a dish in the sink. Mikey hasn’t been home all day. You sigh. You haven’t seen Mikey in three days, and the last time you heard from him was through a dry text message telling you not to wait up for him. You leave the kitchen light on. At least Mikey won’t have to stumble through the dark when he decides to come home.
You had so much energy as a child, you were always running and leaping and fighting. It’s why your parents signed you up for karate classes. You miss those days now more than ever, those late afternoons and evenings spent in the Sano family dojo practicing your punches and kicks or playing around with Mikey and Keisuke. What you wouldn’t give to be there again. But you can’t turn back time. You sit on your couch, tracing your finger over the ultrasound photos clasped in your hands. The image is a little blurry, but you can make out the shape of your baby. The doctor told you that you’re reaching the end of your first trimester, she said that the time would fly by now. She must’ve seen the fear in your eyes, the lack of excitement. Must’ve noticed the way your hands shook. She slipped you a pamphlet for domestic abuse as you left. You dropped it in the trash in the parking lot. As much as Mikey ignores and neglects you, he’s never purposely hurt you.
The click of the front door unlocking jolts you from your thoughts. You spring up from the couch, shoving the ultrasound photos into your purse on the coffee table. You turn around just in time to see Sanzu walk into your living room.
“Sanzu? Where’s Mikey?”
Haruchiyo looks around your living room, inspecting the space before his green eyes settle on you.
“Mikey’s at the office. He sent me to check up on you.” Sanzu slips around the couch, beginning to crowd your space.
You tilt your head back to keep eye contact with Sanzu. He slips his hands into his pockets, leaning over you. “So, you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine.” You take a step back to put distance between the two of you. The back of your knee hits the coffee table, knocking your purse onto the floor. The ultrasound photos spill onto the floor.
The movement draws Haruchiyo’s eye. He tilts his head at the images. You hold your breath, waiting for him to say something. You stand completely still as he walks around you, bending down to pick up the photos.
“You’re pregnant.” He doesn’t ask. He knows.
“Yes.” You let out a shaky breath
“Mikey doesn’t know?” Haruchiyo fixes his green gaze on you again, waiting for an answer.
“No. I haven’t told him yet.”
Sanzu is quiet as he sets your purse back on the coffee table, and tucks the photos back inside.
“I’ll make sure he comes home soon.” Sanzu doesn’t wait for your response. He leaves the apartment just as quickly as he came.
You felt a stone drop in your stomach when the door closed.
You were 14 when you learned to cook. Your mother had been trying to teach you for years, but you never cared to learn. It wasn’t until you spent one lunch period listening to the girls in your class gush over the Bentos they had made for their boyfriends. You came home that day in a rush, begging your mother to teach you how to make omurice. She was confused by your sudden enthusiasm, but she didn’t question it. You and your mother weren’t exceptionally close growing up, but she had always been patient with you. The two of you made omurice for dinner that night, as she taught you the recipe. You made an extra portion and packed it into a Bento for Mikey. You still remember the look on his face when he tried it. He couldn’t believe that you had cooked for him. He spent the rest of the day bragging to his friends that you had learned to cook for him.
Even now, 13 years later a little part of you knows how proud your mother would be to see you cooking one of her recipes. It's times like this that you miss her most. When Mikey disbanded Toman, you followed him to Kanto Manji and eventually to Bonten. You chose Mikey over your friends and family. You’d do it again in a heartbeat.
Mikey sits at the end of the table across from you. He's so pale, his eyes are all sunken and dark. He looks like a ghost of himself. Your eyes trail over to where Sanzu stands, perfectly at attention carefully watching over his master. You shift in your seat, nothing about this situation is comfortable.
“I made omurice, your favorite.” You speak softly
Mikey doesn't respond. His eyes trail down to his plate, but he still looks bored. You bring a spoonful of your dinner to your mouth. Chewing carefully. You watch Mikey, he traces his fingertip over his spoon. He never lifts it.
You swallow thickly, “I have something to tell you.”
Mikey's eyes flicker to yours, “What?” His tone is hollow, it’s like speaking to a dead person.
“I went to the doctor the other day, and I got some news.” You stumble over your words, but Mikey stays quiet his dark eyes trained on your face. You wring your hands together in your lap before clearing your throat.
“I’m pregnant Mikey.”
You watch his face, waiting for a reaction. Anger, joy, disbelief. Anything. Instead, you are met with complete indifference. Mikey’s face never changes, it’s like he didn’t even hear your words. Your eyes trail to where Haruchiyo stands behind Mikey’s chair. Sanzu’s face betrays nothing about the thoughts running through his head right now.
Mikey lets out a yawn, drawing your gaze back to him. He pushes away from the table, scraping the chair against the floor as he stands.
“I’m going to bed.”
Your brows knit together. He must not have heard you. There is no way that he heard you tell him that you’re pregnant and all he says is he’s going to bed. You stand from your chair, your hands coming to cradle your belly.
“Manjiro I’m pregnant. You’re going to be a father.” You raise your voice, hoping your words will reach him.
Mikey gives you a bored look, “I heard you, and I said I’m going to bed.” Mikey slips out of the dining room, leaving you and Sanzu alone.
You feel your world crumbling around you. Mikey doesn’t care. You know that Mikey has been depressed for years, but to have no reaction to your pregnancy. The weight of the truth finally hit you. Your Mikey is gone. He died with Toman all those years ago, and left in his place is this ghost of a man. You can’t raise your baby with a ghost. You won’t. You sit back down in your chair, looking over the meal you made. You built a home, and now a ghost haunts it.
“You can leave Haruchiyo.”
Sanzu twitches at the sound of his given name. He nods, making his way out of your penthouse. You pull your phone out of your pants pocket, you flip to your call log dialing the number at the top. It rings for a minute before he picks up.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” Kakucho’s voice crackles over the phone. You can hear voices and music in the background.
You take a deep breath, your lungs rattling.
“I can’t do this anymore Kakucho.” Your voice comes out thick, and your vision starts to blur.
“Do what? Y/N what happened?” Kakucho sounds worried.
“Bonten, Mikey, everything!” A sob chokes you, “I’m leaving, I can’t stay here.”
Kakucho is quiet for a minute, “Ok. If you want to leave I’ll help you.”
“Thank you.” You whimper.
You packed your bags and met Kakucho on the street in front of your apartment that night. Kakucho was quiet for a while. His eyes glued to the road in front of him.
“Are you sure about this?” Kakucho gives you a hard look. “You know once you leave you can’t come back.”
You nod, “I don’t plan on coming back.”
A frown makes a home at the corners of Kakucho’s mouth, but all he offers is a small nod.
“Where will you go?”
“America, I have some family in New York.” You caress your belly. It’s starting to become a habit.
“I’ll buy your ticket.” Kakucho says softly.
The last time you disappeared you were 17 years old. Mikey had just disbanded Toman. You remember he had tried to send you away with the other Toman members, but you wouldn’t go. You promised Mikey that You would stay by his side, that you would follow him anywhere.
Now that you are standing outside of the airport, waiting while Kakucho unloads your bags from his trunk you can’t help the ache you feel in your chest. You promised Mikey that you would always be by his side, and now you want to be as far from him as possible. You never wanted to break your promise.
“Are you ready? The flights leaving soon.” Kakucho stands near the entrance, holding your bags.
You take a deep breath, pushing the ache in your chest as far down as you can. You give Kakucho a nod before leading the way into the airport.
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jjunieworld · 9 months
24. the beating heart ⸝ ˚⋆
↳ half written, half texts. word count: 4.9k
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soobin sighed deeply as he got into his car.
what more could sakura have? what more could she do to ruin his life and hurt y/n even more than she already is? soobin banged his hand off his steering wheel, causing the horn to honk loudly, scaring a group of people walking by. he pulled out of the parking lot and made his way to sakura’s place.
sakura’s place was different in the daylight and without all of the people and security guards crowding it. he pulled up to the gate and before he could even get out to press the button, it automatically opened. he pulled through and parked his car in the roundabout driveway.
soobin slammed his door shut and walked up to the door. he knocked three times and waited.
if there was something else out there that could hurt y/n, he needed to destroy it while he was here. he’s already done enough to her. she doesn’t need more added on to it.
the door flung open and he was greeted with a smiling sakura, ushering him in. she took him to the fourth floor and into her room, urging him to sit on the bed and wait.
“get to the fucking point, sakura. what else do you have?” soobin spat out angrily as he stood near the door. sakura look back at him and sighed, rolling her eyes slightly.
“remember when we use to be friends?” she replied.
“no, i don’t.”
she came up to him and rested her hands on his bicep. “binnie, how many times do i have to say this. it was for your own good! you deserve to be with someone who’s at the same standards as you! not that poor wannabe who can’t tell the difference between a designer purse and a knockoff from the thrift store.” soobin moved her hands off of him.
sakura inhaled sharply and turned to sit on her bed. “you must want me to post the video of her finding out about the bet for everyone to see. imagine how fun it will be for everyone to get another laugh at it.” soobin’s heart dropped. there’s no way a video exists of that, right?
“poor little y/n, couldn’t keep up with the big shots and went tumbling. how sad.” sakura continued, a pout on her lips. it took everything in soobin not to lunge at her.
a thought of realization crossed soobin’s mind. sakura was lying. if she had a video of that night, it would’ve already been posted.
“you’re lying,” soobin firmly stated. the smug smirk on her face faltered briefly, but long enough for soobin to notice. it was his turn for a smirk to cross his face.
“if there was a video, you would’ve posted it already. you wouldn’t be able to help yourself. in your own words, ‘you like putting people in their place.’” anger flashed across sakura’s features as she swiftly stood to her feet. “what am i really doing here, sakura. and cut the shit. looking at you right now is pissing me off more and more by the second. what is your issue with y/n?”
the anger then turned into a sickly sweet smile. “you understand me so well, binnie.” she came up to soobin and wrapped her arms around him. or as well as she could since his arms were crossed against his chest.
“everything i do, i do for you! can’t you see? i did all of this so we could finally be together. we belong together. we always have.” she cupped his face with her hands. “i love you, soobin.”
she reached to pressed a kiss to his lips but soobin harshly pushed her off of him. sakura fell to the ground, landing hard on her butt. a hurt expression paints her features as she stares up at him.
anger buries soobin as he digs his fingernails in the palms of his hands. “you’re fucking delusional if you ever thought there would ever be a world in which i love you, let alone fucking like you. we’re done, sakura. don’t ever contact me again.” soobin stares her down to make sure she finally gets the message.
furious, sakura slowly rises to her feet, keeping eye contact with soobin. “you will regret this.” soobin raises an eyebrow, “will i? i’ve already done the thing i regret the most. this is nothing. once i leave here, i won’t even give you a second thought.”
he could tell his words cut her deep as the furious expression fell flat. all that there was left was pain. soobin didn’t care, it serves her right. he turned to leave and felt as she ran up to him, clinging onto his side.
“she will never be able to love you like i do! she’ll never understand you and know you like i do!” sakura frantically said. tears were streaming down her face, messing up her makeup. “we’re a match made in heaven, and you know it! you’re mine, and i’m yours.”
soobin pushed her off of him again, causing her to stumble backwards. “you’ve never known or understood me at all. can’t you see? you mean nothing to me. and y/n…? she means everything.”
soobin left her there, clinging to the edge of her dresser, sobbing loudly. he made his way outside to his car and drove off. all he desperately wanted to do was see y/n. to wrap his arms around her and hold her close to him.
soobin needed to figure out some way to show y/n how much he was genuinely sorry. how much that video didn’t actually reflect who he is. soobin needed to show y/n how much he truly and deeply loved her.
an idea crossed his mind. he knew just the thing.
it’s been days since your birthday. days since your heart was ripped out of your chest and stomped on. days since you’ve last seen soobin. and it didn’t hurt any less. if anything, it hurt more.
not that you’ve been helping yourself out. all you’ve been doing was looking at old photos and videos, rotting away in your bed in either his sweater or his hoodie. today was the sweater, the one he gave you on your first date. it didn’t smell like him anymore since you’ve washed it, but the fact that it was still his gave you comfort.
you got up from your bed. enough was enough, you at least needed some fresh air. deciding to take a walk, you slip on some actual clothes, deciding to keep his sweater on.
as you made your way out of the dorms, you didn’t really have an idea on where to walk to. maybe around the corner and back? that sounded good. you inhaled the crisp air deeply. the wind flowing over your skin.
you can tell soobin has been giving you space. the way he lingers when he sees you, words on the tip of his tongue. him leaving classes later than usual so you’re not on the same elevator. in the hallways you can feel his stare on you, gently caressing your mind. you just want to go up to him, take him into your arms, and kiss him until you run out of breath. you want, for just once, to close your eyes and see the two of you happily together. instead of that godforsaken night.
sighing, you put your headphones in, deciding to drown out the nature sounds around you.
there’s a deal you can make on a midnight walk alone. look around, listen close, hear it fall from above.
you wish that you could go back to before any of this even happened. to when he was still yours and you were still his. instead, you have this empty spot where your heart use to be.
it will ask what you’d give and what you’d take for it in return. i once went on such a walk and i found that i’d said…
it’s not that you had no idea where it had gone. you knew deep down that your heart was next to his, placed gingerly together, beating for him. maybe in another world you had his heart, instead of the hollow corridors that now occupy your chest.
you inhaled sharply as you tried not to let your tears fall and continued on your walk.
“i want someone to take this soul. i can’t bear to keep it, i’d give it just to give and all i will take are the consequences. will somebody take this soul?”
as you rounded the corner back to your dorms, your body felt extremely heavy. besides the couple of tears you shed, you haven’t really let yourself fully cry. break down and fall onto your knees dry heaving cry. clutching your chest as you try to form words that you know aren’t there, that you know can’t express the pain, cry.
you knew you desperately needed it, but it’s as if your body refused to let you crumble. like some sort of hope was still keeping you glued together, every last little piece. you couldn’t understand it. what hope we’re you holding on to?
the hope that you’ll wake up, still next to soobin in your bed on your birthday, and realize that this was all some horrible dream? a nightmare your mind created? that this was all part of some other elaborate plan and at any moment everyone will pop out of the shadows?
you had to be realistic with yourself. this is your life now. and you will never be able to move on, to take back your heart, if you don’t let yourself fall.
there’s a deal that i made. there’s a deal…
did you even want your heart back?
you step to the door of your dorm room and sigh inwardly. you go to unlock it to find that it’s already unlocked. your brows furrow, but you think nothing of it. it must be my friends, you think.
oh how you were wrong.
you push your door open and are suddenly face to face with soobin. your breath hitches in your throat as you stand frozen. it’s as if you were transported back to that horrible night. those same heartbreaking eyes staring back at you.
your friends were right, soobin’s face does look fucked up. maybe not as bad as it was before, but you can definitely see the remnants of it. his left eye is patchy with green and yellows. splotches of purple cover his nose. yeonjun was disappointed to hear that he didn’t break it, only slightly cracked and bruised it. his beautiful lips had a deep cut in them. all you wanted to do was take his face in your hands.
his eyes were slightly red and there were deep bags under his eyes. his hair stood in various directions and you could tell he’s been running his fingers through it. you just noticed that he was holding a bouquet of flowers. cornflowers, white tulips, and orchids with a singular red rose in the center. you wished you didn’t swoon at it all. you also noticed the brown bag on your nightstand filled with who knows what.
he walked up to you carefully, making sure to stop a couple feet away. “y/n, please just listen to me for a mome—“
“how did you get in here?” you cut him off. you were sure you locked the door before you left.
soobin rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck. “i picked the lock… i watched a couple youtube videos… i’m sorry, i’m just now realizing how creepy this all is.” you take out your headphones and shove them into the pocket of your jeans. he follows the motion, lingering on your top.
you mentally smack yourself. you’re wearing his sweater. your face heats up as you cross your arms, trying and failing miserably to cover the sweater.
“can we please talk?” soobin finally says after a long moment of silence. you sigh and shut the door. you walk past him and sit on your bed, motioning for him to sit across from you on the other. he does just that.
soobin then gingerly hands over the bouquet of flowers. “for you,” he says softly. you hesitate before taking them. you stay quiet as you tuck the flowers close to your chest.
he looks at you, defeated. “will you say something to me? anything? please… i can’t bear your silence.” you look at him blankly for a moment before turning to the bag on the nightstand. “what’s in the bag?”
soobin lights up briefly at your voice and reaches for the bag. “they’re sweets! i made them for you. was up all night making them actually… you like a lot of stuff so i made a bunch of different things since i couldn’t decide on one thing.” he rambled. he handed you the bag.
you took it with furrowed brows. “soobin, what is this?” you can practically see his heart leap at you saying his name. or maybe it was yours, you still weren’t sure. “you think you can break into my room with flowers and homemade baked goods and everything will be okay again?”
he raked his hands through his hair. “no. i know that isn’t going to fix things.” he took the bag from you and sat it back on the nightstand, then took the flowers and placed them in the empty vase on your desk. he sat back on the empty bed and looked down at his hands for a moment.
“i know i said i was going to give you the space and time you needed, but staying away from you is driving me crazy. everytime i close my eyes i see the way you looked at me that night. the way your heart broke right in front of me…” finally, soobin met your eyes, “i would do anything to change what happened. anything. can we please just go somewhere and talk? and after this, i’ll leave you alone forever if that’s what you want. but i can’t go on with my life without you knowing how much you mean to me. how much you’ll always mean to me. please y/n… please just talk to me and let me explain everything.”
you held back the tears in your eyes, held back all the pain and the memories with him being in front of you brought up. anger was the only thing that was left. “what more could you say? what could you possibly say that will explain every interaction between us being for a stupid bet?”
anger clouded you as you tried to push away the pain. “that all of this was just a game to you? to them.” you shook your head at yourself, more in disbelief and disappointment.
“oh, how naive i was! how naive i was to think that you, choi soobin, the golden boy, the boy who everyone loves, would ever fall for me. i should’ve listened to my friends when they tried to warn me about you. when they tried to tell me that nothing good would come out of this and to be careful. maybe i wouldn’t be in this situation right now.”
you clenched your fists at your side and inhaled sharply. “but no, i was just so happy that the guy i was head over heels for would even give me the time of day. i thought, “no, soobin doesn’t seem like that type of guy. he’s different.” how fucking wrong i was.”
“please, y/n—“ you cut him off with a raised hand. “how wrong i was to think that everything between us was real. that the morning of my birthday was real. that you love me.”
“it was real! all of it was real for me, y/n. i swear to you. i love you.” soobin said desperately.
tears fell from soobin’s eyes. he slid to the floor in front of you on his knees. he put his forehead to your lap and desperately held onto your hands. “please y/n… i’m begging you. just let me do this one thing. let me explain everything to you and you’ll never see me again.” you can tell that your cheeks were now wet with fallen tears as well.
you wanted to run your hands through his hair and out of his face. wipe the tears from his face and tell him how much you still love him. but you couldn’t.
you wiped the tears furiously off your face and tried to breathe. it was haggard. you could feel your hands shake under his. it’s been days since you’ve been this close. days since you’ve last touched.
you inhaled sharply. “this is your last and final chance. your only chance… to explain this to me. to explain why you would do this to me.” he looked up to you, his eyes redder and his cheeks wet. you saw the hopeful gleam in his eyes. “to tell me if everything between us was a lie. to tell me if you ever actually loved me.”
soobin rose heavily to his feet, he still held onto your hands. reluctantly, he let go of them. you saw how his hands twitched after. “will you walk with me?”
the two of you ended up walking side by side together for a while. you can tell he was leading you somewhere from the deliberate turns that he made. the sun was just beginning to go down, pink streaks of color breaking through the blue sky.
you were walking through a path connected to the woods. you were by the park he took you to when he first asked you to be his girlfriend. the path broke out into a small isolated clearing and you froze in your tracks as you held your breath.
in front of you was a field of cornflowers, your favorite flower. you put a hand to your mouth as you looked around. soobin looked back at you, noticing the fact that you weren’t beside him anymore, and stopped to watch you take in the scene.
you noticed there was already a small blanket laid out in an empty part where there were no flowers. gently, soobin took your hand and guided you there. you sat down a little bit away from him and tried to focus on the conversation that you were about to have. you played with the end of his sweater as you waited for him to speak.
“i just want to start by saying that i’m really, really sorry y/n. about all of it. about even agreeing to the bet in the first place, about breaking your heart for the first time when i took my anger out on you, and about breaking your heart for the second time when i kept the whole bet aspect a secret from you and ultimately having you get hurt in the end. i didn’t want you to get hurt, i tried everything in my power for it to not happen. but a relationship built on lies will fall eventually, and i kept trying to seal the cracks with more lies.”
he ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath before continuing. “so here is the complete and utter truth. the day we first spoke, by the elevator, that wasn’t by chance. i waited to speak to you, i even made up a lie about taking a sociology class so i could meet you at the cafe later that day and have you “help” me figure it out. then i proposed the dinner idea so i could get the bet rolling.”
you looked down to the blanket you were sitting on and squeezed your hands into fists to stop them from shaking. you knew it. deep down, you knew it.
“that was the first and last thing in our relationship that i ever did for that bet,” soobin said. you looked up to him to find he was already staring at you. you had a hard time believing his words.
“i know you don’t believe me, but i swear to you i’m telling the truth. when we had our first date, it’s like my eyes were opened. you’re everything that i ever wanted, and i knew from the moment i took you back to your dorm room and we kissed that i severely fucked up. i was already harboring feelings for you and i didn’t understand them because nobody has ever made me feel the way that you do. so that’s when i ignored you and everything at sakura’s party happened.”
your mind flashed back to those events. you drunk texting soobin and asking him why he’s ignoring you. his hurtful words. you telling soobin to meet you at the cafe and him explaining his feelings for you like he’s doing now.
“by then, i was barely speaking to… my friends…” he trailed off. he didn’t have to tell you for you to understand that they weren’t his friends anymore. “i told you, i wanted to keep you all to myself. the way they spoke about you… it made me so angry that if i were around them for any longer someone would’ve ended up dead.”
soobin shook his head slightly to clear the emotions. “for a while, i forgot all about the bet. until one day taehyun asked me when i was gonna stop pretending that i wasn’t in love with you.” he breathed in deeply as if he was reliving the conversation. “it felt like my world came crashing down around me. that was when i truly knew that it was over, that i couldn’t pretend that the bet was never a thing.”
you breathed in shakily. “were you ever going to tell me? or were you going to keep going and let me figure it out on my own?” you asked him.
“the night i came to your dorm, when jake and hueningkai caught us together, i was going to tell you. i was. but the words got stuck in my throat and i just couldn’t. i couldn’t hurt you.”
“you not telling me and letting me find out in front of everyone on my birthday hurt me more. you let me be humiliated all because you couldn’t own up to what you’ve done.” anger laced with the pain in your voice.
he closed his eyes at your words and his eyebrows knitted together. “i know,” he said, low and soft. “i know. and i’ll never forgive myself for letting that happen. and i’ll never forgive myself for watching you get hurt in front of everyone. and i’ll never forgive myself, ever, because i can never take back what happened. and i’m sorry, y/n. i’m so sorry i can't take it back and change the way things happened.”
you didn’t want to ask him, but you had to know. you had to know the truth. “did you ever love me?”
his answer was immediate, “yes. of course, more than anything. i still love you more than anything. i will always love you more than anything. that’s never ever going to change. i love you so much that words can’t express how i truly and genuinely feel for you. everytime i’m away from you my soul calls out to yours and everytime i’m with you it sings from how complete it is. i love you, y/n. and i’m sorry that i ever made you question that.”
soobin scooted closer to you, but stopped himself before he got too close. his body sagged and it looked like the weight of the world was holding him down. “and my words may mean nothing to you, but please know i mean it with every fiber of my being when i say this… i’ve meant every word i told you. every touch, every kiss, every longing look… i meant. and no matter how much i wish i could turn back time and change the past, once again, i can’t. i can’t fix the past, so please y/n… please let me try and save our future. you already have my heart and forever it will beat for you.”
you wanted to stand in front of him so you could look down on him and tell him the truth. how your chest is empty. how the only thing that echos through it are all the mistakes he’s made. how there’s nothing there. but quietly, tucked away behind the door you locked all your feelings in, you heard it.
the beating heart. his beating heart. you couldn’t help the tears that fell from your eyes. the tears that turned into full blown sobs.
and finally, what you’ve felt like you’ve been waiting for for a lifetime, soobin held you in his arms. you buried your face in his chest and heard your own heart beating back to you.
and soobin was right, with him, you felt complete. “and you have mine,” you whispered. he wrapped his arms around you tighter.
the two of you stayed like that for a while, in the clearing surrounded by cornflowers, until the sun went completely down. until only the moonlight could guide you.
soobin walked you back to your dorm and in front of your room you hesitated. you were exhausted and no doubt your eyes were puffy from all the crying you did. you turned to him, running your hands through his hair and getting it out of his eyes. he leaned into your touch and closed his eyes, sighing softly. you brought your hands back to your side and took a deep breath.
“i love you, soobin. and i want us to work, you don’t know how desperately i want us to work. but i still need time. i need time to process everything that has happened today, and i still need to process everything that happened in the past—“
soobin quickly cut you off. “i’ll wait however long it takes. i’ll wait until the end of the world if i have to. as long as you don’t take your heart away from me. let me have it, let me keep it safe. i promise i will keep it safe.”
you sighed and he put his forehead against yours. you closed your eyes as you resisted the urge to press your lips against his. for once in the days since your birthday, you didn’t see painful memories when you closed your eyes.
“this is the last time. you don’t have any more chances after this,” you whispered. “keep my heart safe.” you pulled away and went to turn to enter your room but soobin grabbed your arm.
he placed your hand to his chest and put his hand over it. he looked longingly at you and then took a step back. you knew what he meant. forever.
you went into your room and shut the door behind you, sliding down it as more tears fell from your eyes. you buried your face into your hands and tried to stifle your sobs. ultimately, you decided that after today you needed long, hot shower.
when you came out of the bathroom to get dressed, you were shocked to see more of soobin’s hoodies and sweaters laying with your clothes. there was a note on top of them.
if you decide you don’t ever want to talk or see me again, at least take these. even if you throw them away, i will at least get to be with you in some way one last time.
deciding that you don’t want to shed anymore tears today, you slipped one of the hoodies he left for you on. his scent surrounded you and you had to lean against the wall next to your dresser for support. you dug your hands into the pocket and found that there was another note. it was addressed to you and was slightly worn.
to my beautiful beautiful y/n,
i love you more than there are stars in the sky. your smile shines brighter than all of them combined. with you, i’ve never felt more alive. i’m just glad that i get to call you mine.
— binnie, your love
p.s. sorry if this is cheesy… i can't wait to let you know how much you mean to me.
your hand covered your mouth as you brought the note close to your chest. he must’ve written this when the two of you were still together, but when? you examined the small note further and noticed a date written in the middle of the back of the note.
it was from the day you caught your friends spying on your date at the diner. you didn’t know whether to laugh at how cheesy the note definitely was, or cry at the fact that he loved you all this time. did he mean to leave this note in this hoodie?
as you examined it further, you realized it was the hoodie he was wearing that day. and the note was written on a ripped off piece of the menu from the diner. it had to be by accident.
you gingerly placed the note inside a drawer in your desk for safe keeping. you then laid on your bed and wrapped the hoodie around you tighter. you just couldn’t believe everything that has happened today.
your heart—his heart—swelled in your chest. finally, you nodded off to sleep, dreaming of you and him under the stars in a field of cornflowers.
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summary: choi soobin has always been the popular kid surrounded by his popular friends. y/n… not so much. one night, soobin and his friends make bet that soobin can’t get y/n to date him in a month. unfortunately for y/n, they’re a hopeless romantic.
A/N: one thing about me… i’m gonna write a long ass love confession😁 literally was possessed by shonda rhimes herself for it lmao early chapter for all my babygirls, you’re welcome!
taglist: @imagineyour-kpopboy @gothgyuu @carengene @spooksh0wbabe @beargyuuzz @binluvsu (if your name is bold it wouldn’t let me tag you!)
— kipo <3
369 notes · View notes
mint-yooxgi · 1 year
{4} - Written in the Stars - Yandere!Idol!Yeosang X Tall!Chubby!Reader
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Soft Yandere AU & Idol AU
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Fluff, Slight Humor, Slow Burn
Pairing: Yeosang X Reader (ft. future Ateez and Skz ensemble)
Words: 12,502
Warnings: Slow burn. Minor fatshaming, oc gets called a bitch a few times (not by anyone important), minor assault and uncomfortable/inappropriate comments made towards the oc. K-Drama moment. I think that's all This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: It's been literally forever since I updated this omg, but I hope you all enjoy this part!! I'll edit it tomorrow after I wake up, so please excuse any mistakes. I'm super tired and not feeling the greatest at the moment because of it. Anyways, as always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
Also, gentle reminder that I don’t do tag lists.
Disclaimer: It's not often this chapter where this applies, but the following is important to note:
"This represents a line spoken in Korean."
"Bolded represents a line spoken in English."
"Bolded and italics represents a line spoken in Japanese."
Mini Masterlist - Part One - Part Two - Part Three
Placing the mug onto the table in front of you, you pull out a chair and sit down.
“I’m serious!” Winry laughs. “Rumour on the street is that you and Yuta are dating! After those images of him holding your hand at that award’s show went viral, it was the talk of the town.”
Letting out a puff of air, you run a hand over the top of your head. “It must not be a very popular story. Mark hasn’t said anything about it to me.”
“Maybe he’s jealous.” She shrugs, taking a sip from the mug you’ve already provided for her.
Immediately, you start laughing. “I highly doubt that.”
“Yuta is your biggest wrecker in NCT,” she shrugs casually.
“Yeah, but he doesn’t know that.” You reply.
“You told him that Ten is your bias, but not the fact that Yuta is your wrecker?” Winry quirks a brow.
“Essentially,” your shoulder lifts nonchalantly in confirmation. “Also told him that he was my first NCT bias cause he wouldn’t stop complaining about it.”
“Damn,” she breathes. “Boy must have ascended when you told him that.”
“You’re blowing things out of proportion.” You shake your head teasingly. “They’re just my friends.”
“Are you sure they think that?” She quirks a brow. 
Only, before you can respond, her phone rings. 
“I’m so sorry,” she grins sheepishly, checking who the caller is. “It’s Wyatt.”
Understanding passes over your features. “Well, aren’t you going to answer it?”
“Are you sure?” She looks genuinely hesitant to.
“Of course! He’s your significant other, after all!” You encourage her to answer by motioning towards her phone. “You haven’t talked lately cause of his business trip, right? Please, be my guest!”
A grateful smile tugs onto her lips as she stands from your kitchen table. Not even a moment later, she’s pressing accept on the call as she retreats into your living room for a bit more privacy.
You watch her disappear around the couch, noticing how she tucks herself away in the corner by the balcony. Her voice is low, so you can’t really make out what she says, but from the expression on her face you can tell just how happy she is to be talking with him. You smile.
Shifting your gaze to your hands, you pull your mug in closer to yourself. A moment later, you bring it to your lips, taking a small sip of the hot chocolate you’ve made. At least it’s cool enough for you to drink now.
Pulling your phone out of the side pocket of your leggings, you decide to distract yourself for the time being. You don’t want Winry to feel as if she has to rush her conversation with her significant other. After all, they haven’t spoken in over a week, let alone seen each other recently. With their busy schedules, you can’t even remember the last time she spoke about seeing him.
Scrolling through Tumblr, you check your notifications. 
Despite being a published author, you still maintain some of your blogs from before. The sentiment is far too great for you to give up now, and you enjoy it too much. Besides, it’s fun to post little pieces here and there on your old writing accounts. When inspiration strikes, it strikes hard.
There are only a few select people that know you still do this. Well, more than just a few. Still, it’s quite fun to see new readers message you asking you if you’re really who they think you are, only for you to reply that you are not. It’s like a huge game of detective for your followers that are convinced you are who you say you are not, but don’t have any proof. Of course, you use an alias online now, but regardless, you don’t think you could give up your blogs, even if you tried.
“Sorry about that.” Winry’s voice manages to pull you out of your thoughts.
Locking your phone, you place it beside your mug on the table. "No worries at all; I don’t mind.”
She smiles, but from the way she begins to fidget in her seat, you can tell that she has more to say.
You quirk a brow.
“Wyatt came back a few days early. He said he wanted to surprise me, but when he got back to our apartment, I wasn’t at home.” She begins.
You hum in acknowledgement.
“He said he had a surprise he wanted to give me, and that he wanted to take me out for the day.” She continues. “I told him I was spending time with you.”
You take another sip of your drink.
“Of course, he seemed a little disappointed, but he understood-“
“Winry, if you want to go spend the day with your significant other, don’t worry about me.” You reply.
“But we planned for us to spend the day together…” She counters, shoulders twitching as she fiddles with her hands beneath the table.
“I know you want to see him.” You smile assuringly. “It’s been, what? Two months?”
“Almost three.” She breathes out, whole body stilling as she stares at the top of your kitchen table almost absentmindedly.
“Then, by all means! Go! Spend the day with him!” You motion for her to stand. “We can always reschedule. Who knows when you’ll get to see him like this again.”
“Are you sure?” Hopeful eyes meet your own.
“Positive.” You nod, quite enthusiastically. “Go have fun with Wyatt! We saw each other last week, and I’m sure we’ll see each other again soon.”
It’s as if a tension lifts from her entire body. “You’re the best!”
You laugh, watching as she scrambles to her feet and towards the front door. “I know.”
“I owe you. Big time for this.” She says as you follow her to the front. “Seriously, I can’t thank you enough.”
“I need to run a few errands, anyways.” You wave her off, holding your mug delicately in your one hand. “Gives me an excuse to go do some things I’ve been putting off before tomorrow.”
“Oh yeah, your signing is tomorrow, right?” She finishes slipping on her shoes.
You nod.
“We’ll be there.” She states, rather firmly.
“You don’t have to-“
“Nonsense!” She shakes her head. “I’m coming to support you, and I’m dragging his ass along with me, too. Payback for this little ‘surprise’.”
The two of you share a small laugh.
“Okay, well, say ‘hi’ for me, and have fun!” You smile, holding the door open for her as she exits your apartment.
“Will do!” She calls over her shoulder as she heads down the hallway. “See you later!”
Waving your final goodbye, you shut the door softly. As soon as the lock clicks into place, a small sigh is escaping your lips. Well, there go your plans of spending your day with your friend.
Oh, well. It happens.
Stopping off in the kitchen on your way back to the table, you’re quick to place your now empty mug in the sink. A few steps later, you’ve moved over to grab your phone off of the top of the table, shifting to put Winry’s glass into the sink as well. 
Leaning against the counter, you scroll through your phone. You do have a few things you could get done today, but you weren’t really planning on doing them until later. Perhaps you can find a café or something when you’re finished, and get some writing done.
A sudden message from Jongho in the group chat catches your attention. It appears that they’re all at the dance studio for practice, as he’s sent a selfie to go along with it. Only, you can tell he was really sneaking a picture of the two males doing… whatever it is that they’re doing in the background.
You:Please tell me that’s some kind of elaborate stretch I’ve never heard about and not choreo for your next comeback.
You: And if it’s neither… Damn, you guys really get it on in the studio? I heard some of you were freaky, but I didn’t think you were that bad
You honestly laugh at how many emojis this man uses.
Seonghwa: Why? Are you interested in what goes on during practice?
Yunho: Wanna watch?
The side eyes Yunho sends you have you quirking a brow.
Jongho: Uh-oh, now the hot Cheeto is mad.
Another picture is sent, this time of Wooyoung angrily storming towards where you believe Jongho to be sitting. You can see both Mingi and San laughing in the background of this one while Hongjoong just looks exasperated.
Wooyoung: If you’re gonna sneak pictures of me in compromising positions to send to our sexy author friend, at least make sure to get my good side.
Jongho: What ‘good side’?
Wooyoung:Do you see? Do you see the harsh words I have to put up with from my junior everyday?
Yeosang: To be fair, he’s not the only one wondering
At the pondering emoji Yeosang uses, you cannot help but send a few laughing ones of your own.
Wooyoung: NOT YOU, TOO!
Wooyoung: First, you break my heart by giving me false hope that I’m your bias. Then, you won’t even tell me that I’m your wrecker. And now, you LAUGH at my MISERY?
Wooyoung: You are a meanie >:(
You:Wait wait wait
You: I knew that, but how did YOU know that? :0
A slew of laughing emojis are sent from a bunch of the guys, you smiling down at your phone. This short interaction has really served to boost your mood, and you cannot help the way a few chuckles escape you as you read their continued banter back and forth.
Hongjoong: You should come hang out with us sometime during practice. At least that way I know Wooyo will behave.
You can practically hear the whine Wooyoung is sure to let out in response as you read this message, and you cannot prevent the way your lips quirk upwards.
Seonghwa: Yeah! The staff seem to like you, and our manager already said it was okay.
A moment where you see a few of them typing their responses.
Wooyoung: Besides… you’d get to watch us dance~
You: Be honest, is this another one of your attempts to figure out my bias?
Hongjoong: No! 
Hongjoong: Most definitely not! 
Hongjoong: Why would you think that? 
Hongjoong: I would never!
You receive a photo from Yeosang of Hongjoong intensely staring down at his phone, his ears clearly bright red as he pouts.
You shake your head in amusement.
You: As long as you can guarantee I won’t be in the way, or be too much of a distraction… I’ll think about it.
Several various cheering emojis are sent to you by some clearly overexcited males (Wooyoung, Mingi, and Jongho), while the others are able to type out their excitement with small phrases.
San: Since we’re now all apparently taking a break… what are you up to currently?
You: Me? Well, I was supposed to spend the day with a friend, but something came up, so now I’m going to go run some errands. Might find a café of something and do some writing.
Hongjoong: Did you even get any sleep last night?
You: Hey! Of course I did! Besides, you’re one to talk. I woke up to five messages all an hour apart. You were up WAY later than I was. You need more sleep than I do!
Hongjoong: It’s not my fault I do my best work at night.
A meme is sent from you of a man in a purple shirt pointing his finger in the air while saying ‘you got me there’.
You: I swear, one of these days I’m going to knock you unconscious and FORCE you to sleep
Hongjoong: That’s rich, considering YOU are practically always awake when I am
Another meme is sent from you of a stuffed bear wrapped in a blanket burrito while laying on a bed. A knife peeks out from the blanket. The caption reads something along the lines of, ‘I will sneak into your house and replace all your drinks with sleepy time tea. You will be forced to breathe in comforting scents which soothe the mind, and as you fall unconscious, the last image you will have is of me smiling over you with a nice warm blanket tucking you in. This is a THREAT.’
Wooyoung: If this is how you threaten people, then I want IN
Mingi: Oh, oh! Threaten ME next!
You: You would not BELIEVE how many times my one friend sends me this, especially when it’s like, five am my time, and they’re just sitting down for dinner in their time zone.
Hongjoong: You drive a hard bargain…
Yunho: My god, I think he’s actually listening for once…
Seonghwa: I have been trying for YEARS-
Hongjoong: It only works if she’s the one to do it.
Wooyoung: I’d listen, too, if I had a pretty lady always telling me what to do.
San: Yeah, yeah, we all know you’re an obedient sub.
The cackle that escapes you nearly causes you to drop your phone.
Mingi: Wooyo’s got a point…
You: Am I suddenly in the wrong group chat?
Yunho: Nope, same one. You should see how mad Jongho looks right now.
A photo is provided by Wooyoung this time of the youngest sitting against the mirrors with a frown on his face. He hugs his knees to his chest as he stares down at his phone.
Your own brows furrow in confusion, but before you can respond, Yeosang beats you to it.
Yeosang: Will you all stop fucking flirting with each other?
You nearly drop your phone.
San: Oop- we’ve gone and made Yeo mad
Wooyoung: Just cause YOU’RE not her favourite doesn’t mean you have to spoil OUR fun, Sangie.
You: Woah, woah, woah, who said he’s not my favourite?
This seems to shut all of them up for a good few minutes.
Seonghwa: Yeosang’s your bias?
Another minute of silence.
Yunho: You seem to have incited a war.
Another picture is sent. A pile consisting of Yeosang, Jongho, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong all seemingly rolling around on the floor is shown. San stands to the side with Mingi, the former attempting to pull the pile of males on the floor apart while the latter laughs.
You send some side eye emojis along with a few laughing faces.
You: You guys are really THAT desperate to know who my bias is?
Mingi: Does that mean Yeosang ISN’T your bias?
A shrugging emoji is all he receives from you in response. For now.
You: Any one of you could or couldn’t be my main bias. 
You: Like I said, you have to buy me a drink first ;)
Wooyoung: Why can’t you just tell us? :(
A sigh escapes you, thumbs hovering in the air over the keyboard as multiple of them seem to agree with Wooyoung’s inquiry.
You: It’s just a personal thing I have. 
You: I don’t mind telling other people, but when it comes to the actual people it involves, it’s a different story. I don’t know how much my opinion of each of you matters, but I’ve never really enjoyed picking favourites when that choice is told to said people. I don’t like the connotations of multiple people getting their hopes up that I’ll pick them as my favourite, only to choose someone else. I don’t like disappointing people, and I also am all too familiar with the feeling of not even being someone’s last choice. If I tell you who I bias, it will most likely be at some point when we’re one on one. If you’re still interested at that point.
You:I just-
You: Did that make sense? I can try and explain it better if you need me to.
Yeosang: We understand. Don’t force yourself to do something that makes you uncomfortable.
Wooyoung: Don’t worry! We’ll stop bothering you about it.
Yunho: Wooyoung… just agreed to stop pestering someone…
San: It’s a Christmas miracle!
Jongho: He’s still pouting about it in the corner…
A photo is received showing both Hongjoong, Mingi, and Wooyoung all standing dejectedly in the corner.
You: Damn, are you guys going to start growing mushrooms like Tamaki from Ouran now, too? I didn’t realize my opinion of you mattered so much.
You: If it makes you all feel any better, I think you’re all wonderful people. I thought that before I met you, and getting to know you all has only solidified that fact.
Quite a few typing bubbles appear onscreen. A moment later, you’re flooded by emoticons either blushing, screaming, and, or crying happily with hearts surrounding them.
Seonghwa: You’re a great friend
A soft smile caresses your features as you read his comment, a subtle heat rising up your neck. At the way the others all emphasize Seonghwa’s message, you cannot help the way your heart begins to flutter inside your chest. Truly, his words mean the world to you, and the fact the others agree with him is simply icing on the cake.
After sending a quick response to them, you decide to actually get out of your apartment for the day. It takes you no time at all to grab your one notebook, some writing tools, and your laptop, just in case. Packing everything into your one small cream coloured tote with the Skz Zoo characters on it that you got from their one concert, you head towards the door.
Slipping your shoes on, you grab your purse, slinging that over your opposite shoulder. You do a quick check in the mirror to make sure you still look okay before slipping out of the door. The faint clicking sound of the lock sliding into place is starting to become a familiar comfort to you every time you leave your apartment, walking down the hallway towards the elevators in the next second.
The ride down to the main floor is a bit slow, you focussing on your phone the whole time. Naver Maps rests open on the screen, doing a quick search of the area to find the best stores for what you’re looking for. Already, you have a mental list of what you need to get, and you figure doing that before settling down in a café to write will do you some good. That way, if you get on a roll, you don’t have to worry about cutting your time short to pick up what you need.
Stepping into the lobby, you send a polite greeting to the security guard behind the front desk before exiting the building.
The moment you step outside, you head over to the bus stop. Sitting on the bench, you wait for the respective bus to come, plugging in your headphones all the while. At least you can take your time now, and maybe explore the area a bit more when you get back. If you’re up for that, that is.
Half an hour later, you find yourself at a small shopping centre. You don’t need much, but you do need to get a few new replacement pieces of makeup. Then, you figure you can check out the bookstore before finding a place to work on your novel.
The night of the award’s show, you managed to finish off both your favourite shade of red lipstick, as well as your liquid eyeliner. Normally, you don’t wear makeup very often, but since you have a bunch of events coming up, and no personal stylist, you figure you should at least look somewhat put together. Not that that ideal will last long.
Still, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Entering a few different cosmetic stores, you search around for the best deal. The first one you went into was sold out of the liquid liner you like to use, anyways. You swear by it, as it’s application is the easiest to deal with. At least, in your opinion. That, and it dries quickly, and isn’t prone to smudging.
Perhaps you should also get a pencil liner while you’re at it…
Standing in front of the display with your favourite shade of red lipstick already held in your one hand, you look over all of the options. It appears as if this store is having a sale on their eyeliner, the words ‘buy one, get one half off’ practically glaring back at you from the sign.
Your eyes light up as you spot your favourite liquid liner. Almost instantly, your hands reach out to grab one of the last two on the shelf. Then, comes the hard part. Picking a pencil liner to go with it.
That’s when you notice another person shifting closer to you almost timidly.
Turning your head, you see a person somewhat hesitantly standing a few feet away. Their appearance is slightly androgynous, their black hair falling to their shoulders in a semi-wolf cut. Every now and then, you see their gaze darting to you almost nervously, their eyes lined with black liner.
“I like your hair,” you hum, purposely focussing on the display in front of you as you pull one of the two options you’ve been looking at off of the shelf. “I think it suits you nicely.”
Almost instantly, the person’s eyes light up despite them averting their gaze, “Thank you.”
You blink, as if realizing something.
“Oh, I’m so sorry! I’m completely blocking the display.” You step to the side, smiling politely at the person beside you.
Timidly, they smile back, taking a step in closer to the display.
Reaching your one hand forward, you pull the other pencil liner you’ve been considering off of the shelf to compare it to the other one in your opposite hand. Your brow furrows, looking over each one of them carefully and attempting to find out what the difference is between the two brands.
“I personally like this one better.” A voice from your right draws your attention, and you notice the person beside you glancing down at the liner in your right hand. “It last longer, and if you want to go for a smokey eye, it blends really nicely.”
“Really?” Your voice sounds hopeful.
“Yeah!” They smile somewhat shyly. “Though, if you don’t want it to smudge, then I would go with the other one you’re holding. It’s more of a gel pencil, if that makes sense.”
Softly, you nod your head. “I don’t usually wear a lot of makeup, but I never fuck around with my eyeliner.”
“Oh, yeah. Eyeliner can practically smell fear.” They joke.
A small laugh escapes you, and you notice them chuckling along, too.
“To be honest, I’ve never really been into makeup, but I don’t mind it every now and then.” You admit, sparing a glance down at the products held in your hand.
“I love it.” They say, only for their whole body to stiffen in the next second. It’s almost as if they said something wrong, for they glance towards you in what you can only assume is fear in the next moment.
“That’s so cool!” You grin, eyes crinkling at the sides. “I really love the way you’ve done your eyes today. It really makes them pop.”
Instantly, their shoulders relax and they shuffle a bit from foot to foot. “Thank you.”
“When I was younger, I was always obsessed with different coloured eyeliner.” You say, putting the one pencil liner back onto the shelf since you’ve decided to go with the other one for now. “Never used them, but I would always beg my mom to buy them for me.”
“I think my mom nearly had a stroke the first time I asked her to buy lipstick for me.” They voice lowly, as if sharing a precious secret. “She was a little hesitant at first, but when she saw how much I loved it, she couldn’t resist getting me more. Now, it’s like a recurring joke between us for her to get me a new shade every year for my birthday.”
“I love this for you!” You grin widely. “That’s honestly the best.”
“I’ve always wanted to work in the film industry for a few years now, but it’s quite competitive even getting a foot in the door.” They tell you.
“I can imagine.” You nod sympathetically before your eyes are widening as if you’ve just realized something. Then, quickly, you’re introducing yourself, seeing as you haven’t bothered to yet.
“I’m still working on that name stuff, but for now you can call me Zed.” They say, bowing slightly to you.
You bow back.
Ten more minutes are spent talking with Zed in front of that display. You even manage to go on your brief makeup is gender neutral rant after they express the same ideals.
“Everything is gender neutral if you’re brave enough.” You comment lowly, adjusting the strap of your purse over your one shoulder.
“Here, here.” They mock toast you with the few products held in their one hand.
“By the way, you mentioned being a makeup artist, correct?” You meet their gaze.
“Yeah, you’re correct.” They nod once in confirmation.
“This may be really weird considering we just met, but if you’re free tomorrow morning, I have an event I need to attend, and I would love someone to do my makeup for me. I’m not the greatest artist myself, and I would definitely pay you for your work!” You begin, somewhat shyly.
“Sure! What time would you need me to be at the place?” They ask.
Five minutes later, and you’ve exchanged contact information with them after explaining the details.
“I thought you looked familiar.” They mumble, almost to themselves. “I heard about that speech you gave two weeks ago, it was all over the news. I just didn’t realize that that was you.”
“Yep!” You chuckle, grinning widely from ear to ear. “That’s me!”
“Is that why you’re picking up products today?” They quirk a brow.
“One of the reasons.” You confirm. “I have the rest at home, but you’re more than welcome to bring whatever you think you may need tomorrow. I know it’s super short notice, and we just met, but I really appreciate you agreeing to do this for me.”
“Hey,” they shrug, “work is work. As long as you’re serious about it, that is.”
“Of course!” Comes your immediate reply. “You’re also welcome to message me anytime! I really enjoyed talking with you today.”
“Me too,” they smile.
“Thanks for the recommendation, by the way.” You wiggle the pencil liner held in your hand.
“No worries at all.” They chuckle. “You looked like you were struggling, and I’m always happy to help.”
You begin to make your way towards the cash line with Zed in tow. Except, you notice them holding only one liner in their hand, as opposed to the two they had earlier.
“Are you not going to get the other one, too?” You tilt your head curiously. “It’s buy one, get one fifty percent off.”
“I don’t think two is in the budget for me right now,” they chuckle, somewhat embarrassedly. “Money’s a little tight between jobs.”
You pause momentarily, turning right back around and pulling the other product they had been looking at off the shelf before grabbing the other one that’s still held in their hand.
“What are you doing?” Their voice is a little frantic as they follow closely behind you.
“Buying something for my friend.” You reply, somewhat matter-of-factly. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“You don’t have to!” Immediately, they begin to protest.
“Think of it as a small ‘thank you’ from me to you in advance of tomorrow.” You reply, stepping into line with them beside you. “Besides, I want to.”
They purse their lips slightly, shuffling from foot to foot before muttering out a low thanks.
“Don’t even worry about it!” You smile at Zed. “It’s my pleasure.”
Idly, you continue to chat with them as you wait to be cashed out. As soon as you’re done, you hand them their items while standing just outside the store.
“Thank you so much.” They breathe, almost in relief.
“Really, it’s no problem.” You smile, tucking your own items into your tote bag. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah! Just text me the details as soon as you can, and I’ll be there!” They reply eagerly, tucking their own products into their back pocket.
“Of course!” You wave as they begin to take their leave. “Talk to you later!”
The moment they’re out of sight, you cannot help but smile more to yourself. They were so nice, and you honestly loved every second of that interaction with them. If only more people were like them.
Adjusting the strap of your tote, you turn back to face the other shops lining the space. There’s really only one other store you’d like to check out before leaving to find a café soon.
On the way to the bookstore, you quickly text all of the information Zed will need for tomorrow to them. They reply quickly with a ‘thanks!’ And some excited emoticons.
Again, you grin to yourself, happy to have made a new friend.
Rounding the corner of the hallway, you spot the bookstore at the end of the row. The sign is bright, and you can see a bunch of people milling about the one section near the front. Despite this not being the store you’ll be having your signing in, there seems to be a large display of your books in the middle of the store. Luckily, your picture doesn’t seem to be anywhere near the table like the last bookstore you had visited.
Shuffling passed a few people, you’re quick to head over to the manga section. There’s a volume of Tokyo Ghoul in Korean that continues to elude you no matter how hard you try and find it. You really just want it to complete your collection at this point, and it has one of your favourite characters on the front.
Crouching down to look on the bottom shelf where you see the different volumes of the manga you’re looking for residing, you’re quick to scan them all. Your eyes practically light up as you see the one you’re looking for, only a sharp gasp coming from down the row draws your attention.
The sound of quick feet approaching you causes you to look up to see a girl and two guys rushing over to you.
“Hi, oh my gosh, are you the author of this book series?” The girl excitedly holds out a copy of the second novel in your first published series.
You blink up at her owlishly, “Uh…”
“You’re so cool! I really admire your work!” She squeals, drawing even more attention to yourself from the people around you.
“Thank you,” you smile politely.
“Anyways, I’m so sorry for interrupting you.” Her face immediately goes bright red as she averts her gaze. “Do you think I could get a quick picture before I leave?”
“Sure!” Slowly, you stand back to your feet.
Handing her phone to one of the guys behind her, the girl steps into your side. A wide smile is on her face as she throws up a peace sign, holding your book proudly on display. You immediately mirror her enthusiastic expression, heart warming at how happy she looks.
After a few pictures are taken, she’s turning to you once again.
“Thank you so much!” She bows lowly, nearly hitting her head on the table beside you with a full display of One Piece on it. “Again, sorry for bothering you!”
You have just enough time to mutter a ‘not at all’, before she’s giddily hopping away with the two other males in tow.
Turning back to the shelves of manga, you go to crouch down once more to pull the volume of Tokyo Ghoul off of the bottom.
“Hello, My Love.” A voice says from above you.
Figuring the person is talking to someone else, you opt to ignore them for now. Instead, you reach out to finally pull the volume off of the shelf.
A harsh clearing of someone’s throat is heard as a shadow looms above you.
“I said,”they say, much more firmly this time as they nudge you, not very gently, with their foot, “Hello, My Love.”
The sudden push causes you to stumble slightly, steadying yourself on the bookcase in front of you.
Turning your head, you peer up at the person, a slight frown tugging at your features. Quickly, you stand back to your feet as you see a male staring at you quite expectantly. He appears irritated, the corner of his lips tugging downwards, standing slightly shorter than you with his arms crossed over his chest.
“My bad, I didn’t realize you were speaking to me.” You incline your head in apology. “But please, don’t call me that.”
His brow quirks, clearly amused by your response. “Aren’t you into that shit, though?”
“Excuse me?”To say you’re caught off guard by his sudden attitude would be an understatement.
“You write about all that sappy romance stuff.” He replies.
“That doesn’t give you a right as a stranger to invade my personal space, or say something like that. I don’t know you.” You blink at him.
A puff of air escapes his nose in annoyance. “But you’re that author chick.”
“And?” Your brow furrows even further, taking a small step away from him.
“Come on, Baby, don’t be like that.” He sighs, his jaw twitching.
“You’re the one that approached me.” You counter. “And, please, don’t call me that.”
“You’re different than I thought you’d be.” He states, giving you a once over. “Bigger.”
“I’m sorry?” You recoil slightly, appalled by the sudden disgust on his features.
“I said you’re beautiful.”A sly grin pulls onto his features as he takes a step closer to you. “You’re not like other girls.”
You blink at him, quite rapidly at that in your state of shock. “What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, I think you know, Petal.” His eyes are suddenly hooded as he takes another step into you.
“Don’t call me that. Please.” You manage to slip around the corner of the table you’re standing beside.
“Why are you being so difficult?”The man mutters to himself, shaking his head. 
A call of someone’s name from the side draws both of your attention, and you see two more males staring intently at the one standing closest to you. The way they wear smug grins on their faces as they give you pointed once overs says it all.
“I’m getting there.” The man before you snaps at the two others.
“Did you want something?” It’s your own voice that seems to draw his attention back to you.
“Oh, look at you! You can speak a bit of Korean!” His tone is nothing short of condescending. “That’s wonderful!”
“I have nothing to say to you.” You state, rather bluntly before move to turn away from him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
“Where are you going, My Dear?” The way he drawls out that nickname has a shiver of disgust running down your spine. The fact that he snatches your wrist in his hand has panic seizing your entire body.
“Please, stop calling me those names.” You yank your wrist out of his hold. “Don’t touch me, either.”
“Come on, Darling,” his eyes flash, “don’t be like that. I only want to please you. To show you my devotion-“
“Get away from me!” You begin to scramble away from him, noticing you’ve started to draw some attention from a few of the staff members working in the store.
The two other males suddenly turn and begin to head towards the exits while two staff members approach you.
“What’s wrong with you?” There is nothing but ire on his features as he spits out these words at you. “All I’m offering is a chance for you to recreate those sex scenes from your books with me. A once in a lifetime opportunity, if you ask me. It’s not like people are lining up to be with you, anyways. You should be grateful I’m even giving a fat bitch like you attention.”
“Is everything okay here?” An older gentleman with a name tag interrupts, looking between both you and the male before you.
“I’m sorry to cause a commotion, Sir.” The way you immediately incline your head in respect to the elder male clearly catches him off guard. That, and the fact that you actually answer him in proper Korean. “This man won’t leave me alone, and is making me extremely uncomfortable. He’s making rude and inappropriate comments towards me, and thinks he’s entitled to assault me.”
The woman standing beside the male gasps, recognition flashing in her eyes. Her one hand comes up to point at you, “You’re that author from the award’s show!”
This draws the attention of a few more people standing around you, whispers being heard as a few more people recognize you from the display of your books a few tables over.
Politely, you smile at the woman, nerves skyrocketing as more and more attention is brought upon you. Again, you incline your head in respect as she looks slightly younger than the man, but still older than you.
“You said this man was bothering you?” She immediately turns a sharp gaze to the person standing closest to you.
“I was just leaving.” He huffs, purposely brushing past you and bumping quite harshly into your side. “Fucking bitch.”
Eyes follow him all of the way out of the store as he rejoins his two friends in the hallway.
“Are you alright?” The older gentleman turns to look at you.
“Yes, thank you.” You once again bow to him. “I’m sorry, again, for causing a disruption.”
“It’s not your fault.” The lady shakes her head, immediately wrapping you gently in her arms and guiding you towards the back of the store. “Come with us, we’ll call security and have them escort you in case that man comes back.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate it.” You smile lightly, seeing as she sends a kind one back.
Looks like you’re not getting that volume of Tokyo Ghoul today, either.
Sitting in the staff room at the back of the store, you let out a long sigh. You clutch your tote close to yourself, purse resting between your feet on the floor. Your phone resides in your hands, and you scroll aimlessly through Tumblr while you wait for security to reach the bookstore.
Opening your messages, you’re quick to type one out.
You: Why do people feel entitled to another person?
Placing your phone upside-down on the table before you, you let out another sigh. Not even a moment later, you pick your phone back up.
Jongho: Did something happen?
Mingi:Is everything alright?
Hongjoong: Are you okay?
Your eyes widen at how quickly you’ve gotten responses, but that’s when you realize: you texted the wrong chat.
You: Shit, sorry! Wrong chat! Just forget I said anything.
Wooyoung: You message something as ominous as that and expect us NOT to be worried?
Yunho: Jongho’s already putting his shoes on.
You: Wait, does that mean you guys are done with practice for today?
Seonghwa: NO, we are NOT!
You:… you guys don’t wear shoes when you practice?
Yunho: We do, it was just a figure of speech.
San: He meant that Mingi and Yeosang are holding Jongho back from racing out the door as we speak.
You: Damn, this reminds me of my wondrous ‘protection squad’ days.
Seonghwa: Protection squad days?
You: Nevermind. Like I said, just forgot I said anything.
The door opens and in walks security. You take a few minutes to describe what happened and what the man that assaulted you looks like before the two guards are escorting you out of the store. One walks in front while the other walks behind you.
“We’ll lead you to your car, or the bus stop, and stay with you until you leave.” The one says to you.
“Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.” You bow slightly while walking.
The guard simply smiles at you from over his shoulder in response.
Once you’re on the correct bus on your way back to your apartment, you finally allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief. Pulling out your phone, you check your notifications.
Immediately, you’re greeted by tons of worried messages from the boys, and even a few from some Stray Kids members. Looks like Wooyoung told Changbin, who in turn told Minho, Hyunjin, and Seungmin.
You: I promise I’m fine, just an uncomfortable encounter at a store.
Another round of messages are sent to you by the Ateez members, and you reassure them yet again.
You: Well, I could go for some boba now as a pick me up. Any of you know a good place in the area? The one by my house just closed for renos.
You notice a few of them typing a response before the first one comes in.
Yeosang: There’s one in the back alleys near Sinsa that’s really good. I’ll send you the address.
A moment later, a link to the Naver page is uploaded to the chat by Yeosang.
You: Thank you!!
Wooyoung: Daaaaaaamn Yeosang, you had that ready and LOADED
San: Don’t hate the man just cause he was prepared.
Yunho: Well, WE may have to prepare HIS funeral now
A photo of Yeosang being held in a headlock by Jongho is sent to you almost immediately after that message gets sent.
You laugh, a smile pulling at your features as you shake your head at your phone.
You: Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
A few more messages are sent between all of you, ending with you wishing them luck with the rest of practice. They eagerly tell you to come visit them soon, to which you reply that you will.
Twenty minutes later, and after switching buses once, you find yourself standing outside of the little boba shop Yeosang recommended to you. It has a cute little awning over the door, a soft pink in colour, while large windows line the front of the shop. It doesn’t look too busy, from what you can see, but the menu has a variety of options and you are more than eager to try them.
A small bell jingles as you enter the shop, the worker behind the counter smiling politely at you as you approach. Luckily, you already know what you want to order from looking at the sign outside, so you manage to do that fairly quickly. 
Five minutes later, you have your glass in hand as you seclude yourself in a corner seat. There’s a half-wall with plants resting on top of it to your left, while an open view of the store sits to your right. You’re directly across from the entranceway, but you cannot see the order counter, nor the worker anymore. Two more tables sit to your right, a small hallway stretching down after that towards where you’re sure the bathrooms reside.
Your tote rests on your left between your body and the wall, while your purse is on the booth beside you to your right. Considering you have a wall behind you, and there aren’t very many people in the shop, you feel comfortable enough to pull your laptop out. Once you’ve set everything up, you’re taking a sip of your drink while staring at the document you had been working on last night.
Scrolling back up to the top of the chapter, you begin.
Editing what you wrote the previous night takes some time, but by the time an hour has passed, you’ve start to write more for the chapter you’re currently on. It took a little bit of time, but you finally know how you want to end this particular scene, and you’re challenging yourself to see if you can finish it before you finish your drink.
Unfortunately for you, you’ve always been a fast drinker. Especially when you haven’t had much to drink all day.
The sound of another glass being placed onto the table before you draws your attention from your screen.
“Sorry to interrupt you,” it’s the worker you ordered your drink from before. “I saw your speech from the awards show when it aired, and I just wanted to say I really admire you. Thank you for everything you do! I didn’t want to say anything before since I was on the clock, but my shift just ended and I noticed you hadn’t left yet, so I wanted to say something before I went home.” They smile shyly, “and give you a refill of your drink. Work hard, and have a lovely day!”
“Oh, thank you so much!” You smile back at them as they clear your empty glass from the table. “That’s so kind of you!”
A nod is all you get in response as a soft blush begins to dust their features. Not even a moment later, they turn away, leaving you on your own once more.
Another hour and a half passes by with you furiously typing away at your laptop. You’d like to say that you hardly get distracted, but there seems to be this one person who has been constantly walking passed your table in hopes for you to notice them. The first few times, you glanced up, eyes being drawn to the movement given how close they were to your table, but by the fifth time, you started to ignore them.
That is, until they decided to actually approach your table.
The conversation was short, and awkward. They kept stuttering over their words, not to mention they kept interrupting you while you’re trying to work.
That’s the one thing that irritates you no matter what. Nothing is worse than being in the middle of writing a scene, deep in the flow of words, only to be interrupted or distracted by someone. Really, you know it’s not their fault, but you still cannot help your annoyance at the situation. Once or twice, you can brush it off, but the third time they do it, you’re a little blunt with them when you respond. You don’t mean to be, but alas, it happens.
Approximately fifteen minutes go by without another interruption, and you manage to finish the scene you’re working on. You’re almost done with the current chapter, and all that’s really left to do is round it out, and edit the final product. To say you’re happy with what you’ve done would be an understatement.
This time, when you notice someone approaching your table, you don’t even bother to glance up. You figure it’s that person coming to bother you again, so you opt to continue typing away at your laptop, staring intently at your screen.
The sound of two glasses being placed onto the table has your ears quirking, even more so when you hear the chair across from you scraping against the floor.
A tremendous sigh escapes you, “Look-“
Your words die in your throat as you see the person now sitting across from you. They wear a black bucket hat, strands of what appears to be newly bleached hair sticking out from beneath the material. They blink at you with somewhat wide eyes, freezing in their movement of pushing a brand new cup of boba towards you.
“Yeosang?” You keep your voice low, blinking at him in mild shock. “What are you doing here?”
He smiles faintly, resuming his motion of pushing that one drink towards you. “Practice ended early.”
It is then that you glance at the time, seeing that it’s starting to become late into the afternoon. You honestly haven’t been keeping a close track of time while you’ve been here, only truly registering how long you’ve actually been writing for.
Softly, you close your laptop. “Aren’t you worried about being spotted?”
“Not here.” He shakes his head. “It’s actually a really common spot for a lot of us. The staff are discreet, and not many people know about it.”
Briefly, that interaction with that one worker earlier who brought you your second drink flashes through your mind. You smile in understanding, “I see.”
“Are you okay, though?” He blinks a few times, innocently. “You seemed irritated when I got here.”
Your eyes quickly scan the shop, not seeing that person who kept bothering you earlier in their spot by the windows.
“Better now,” you reply, honestly. “Just kept getting distracted, is all.”
“I thought you didn’t like using your laptop in public?” He quirks a brow, taking a sip of his own drink.
“When I’m up against the wall, anything goes.” You shrug, and almost immediately, he starts choking on his drink. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
He waves you off, hitting his chest with a fist lightly. 
Soon after, he clears his throat. “I’m good.”
“Good.” You chuckle faintly. “Last thing I need is your fans coming after me for choking out their favourite member.”
“I think you should be more worried about Wooyoung.” He comments, a hint of irritation on his face.
Your brow furrows, “Why?”
“He’d be next in line.”
Your eyes nearly bug out of your head.
“I-“ you blink rapidly a few times, swallowing the sudden dryness in your throat. “Are you implying Wooyoung wants me to choke him?”
“He’s not the only one.” Yeosang replies, a slight bitterness lingering in his tone. “Mingi has spent many a night ranting about how he wants to be suffocated between your-“
Yeosang seemingly catches himself in the last second as he spares a glance at you.
Your mouth hangs open in pure disbelief, blinking at him in shock. You hands rest on the table before you, a vibrant heat rising to your cheeks. Of course, you can most certainly incur where Yeosang was going when he was speaking just now, your heartbeat thundering in your ears.
“Sorry.” He averts his gaze, somewhat embarrassed.
In the next moment, you’re shaking your head.
“No, no,” you manage to organize your thoughts, clearing your throat, “I’m just surprised, is all.”
“What? Surprised that some idols have horny fantasies, too?” He quirks a brow, slight amusement shining in his eyes.
“Oh, no.” Your nose scrunches as you shake your head mildly. “If they read my books and thoroughly enjoy them, that fact doesn’t surprise me at all.”
“Then, why do you look so shocked?” He tilts his head slightly in inquiry.
Your lips pull back in a tight smile. “Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m curious, though.” He blinks, taking another sip of his drink.
You reach out to grab the full glass, noticing how the drink appears to be the same one you’ve been drinking since you got here: matcha milk tea with pearls.
“You’re aware I am a fan of Ateez, correct?” You look at him somewhat expectantly.
“Believe me, I’m well aware.” He nods along with your words.
From the way he still stares at you, with those wide eyes, has you exhaling lowly.
“Let me put it this way,” you take a sip of your drink, noticing how the label said it had been made with soy milk. In the back of your head, you wonder if he knows you’re lactose intolerant, or if it was just a personal choice on his part. “How would you feel if you suddenly found out Emma Watson admitted to having sexual fantasies about you?”
Yeosang freezes right before your very eyes, nodding slowly as realization crosses his features. Then, as if making another connection, his brow furrows.
“You find Mingi attractive.” The statement is a bit blunt as he says this, grip tightening over his drink.
“I thought I told you that I find all of you attractive?” You quirk a brow playfully at him in response.
“Right.” He nods, seemingly in recollection before halting all movement once more. “But you desire Mingi.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that hint of bitterness is back in his voice again.
“I desire many things, Yeosang,” you begin. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to indulge in them.”
“But you would if he offered?” He places his glass a bit firmly back onto the top of the table.
“Probably not.” Your face scrunches slightly as you consider his words. “I don’t know him like that. I don’t know any of you like that, and it takes a lot for me to be intimate with another person in such a way.” You meet his gaze. “Are you familiar with the term demisexual?”
The way he blinks at you blankly is answer enough.
“It means a person has to have a strong emotional connection with someone before experiencing sexual attraction.” You explain.
He shakes his head, still not quite understanding.
“It means I don’t do hookups.” You add. “Hookup culture is not for me.”
Understanding crosses his features as his lips part slightly, a soft ‘oh’ falling from him in the next second.
“On top of that, I am also demiromantic.” You continue. “Meaning the same thing, only this time it’s considering romantic attraction. It takes a lot for me to fall in love, and it takes a lot for me to be intimate with someone.”
“So, you wouldn’t-“
“No.” You shake your head, cutting him off. “I may have desires, Yeosang, but there is a huge difference between reality and fiction.”
His eyes narrow slightly at you in response, and you can practically see the gears turning in his head.
“You’ve fantasized before? About your bias?”
You nearly spit out your drink as you go to take a sip. Coughing a few times, you rub at your chest, noticing how he hasn’t torn his eyes off of you for a single second.
“I’ve fantasied more about my own characters.” You admit once you finally manage to get your breathing back under control.
“That’s not a ‘no’,” he hums, brow quirks slightly in amusement.
“Why? Suddenly curious about whether or not I’ve fantasized about you?” You turn the question back on him, noticing how he begins to splutter almost immediately.
The way red begins to slowly creep up his neck has you laughing.
“I’m just kidding.” You reach across the table to pat his hand gently. “Though, I could have sworn you were about to ask me about my Ateez bias again.”
He averts his eyes only briefly, “no.”
“I mean, if you want to know, I don’t mind telling you.” You shrug. “We are alone, and you did buy me a drink.”
You can see the sudden eager gleam in his eyes as he leans the slightest bit forward in his seat. His lips part, and you hear the breath he takes before his shoulders seemingly deflate. 
You quirk a brow.
He shakes his head, somewhat dejected. “I’d rather not.”
The way he suddenly looks tense before you has you cautiously trailing your gaze over him in response. You’re about to ask if he’s sure of not, but at the way he shakes his head, almost absentmindedly as his hand tightens around his drink once more is all the answer you need.
So, you decide to change the subject.
“How was practice?” Your soft inquiry seems to manage to pull him out of your thoughts.
You take another sip of your drink as he responds, a gentle tug of his lips upwards as he recounts the way Hongjoong had to chase Wooyoung at one point to continue learning the new choreography.
“You should have seen the way Jongho practically lunged at his phone each time it pinged.” Yeosang half rolls his eyes. “He thought it was you every time.”
Your eyebrows raise in amusement, swirling the contents of your drink around in your hand. Honestly, your heart warms at the thought of Jongho being so excited to message you that he literally jumps at his phone every time.
“I thought you guys said I wouldn’t be a distraction?” You tease. “Just imagine what it would be like if I was actually there.”
“You think Mingi’s bad for using his pelvis during concerts?” Yeosang shakes his head, almost exasperatedly.
You laugh, tossing your head back as your eyes crinkle at the sides.
Again, once you manage to calm down, you notice Yeosang staring at you exactly like he did that first day you met him on the plane. Though, again, you brush it off.
“Well, I know for a fact the Mingi Stans are not complaining.” You grin. “You should see the amount of videos my friends who bias him send me of him when he does those things. It’s fun watching them freak out over it.”
“But you don’t?” He quirks a brow.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” You shrug casually. “I have my own selection of videos and pictures of my biases that ruin me in the best ways.”
“Ah, so you’re not immune.” He nods in understanding.
“Oh, most definitely not.” You snort. “I am just as…” you hum, searching for the right word, “feral as some of my friends. You just haven’t seen it, yet.”
“Are you offering to show me?” He quirks a brow.
“Depends.” The corner of your lips quirk upwards deviously. “When’s your next comeback, again?”
Yeosang leans back in his chair, observing you carefully. “You know, now that we’re friends, I think you should hype us all up more.”
“I can do that.” You readily agree. “Next comeback, I’ll give you all my live reactions. Well… within reason.”
“I look forward to it.” He grins.
“If the other guys get weirded out by it, then I’m blaming you.” You point an accusatory finger at him playfully.
“I’ll take full responsibility.” He raises his own hands in front of himself, almost as if in mock self-defence.
“You better,” you joke. “I don’t wanna lose my new friends that quickly. I really enjoy talking with you guys.”
Yeosang’s lips twitch upwards faintly in the corners, almost involuntarily. “I enjoy talking with you, too.”
“Oh?” You quirk a teasing brow. “Even when we flirt in front of you? Which we weren’t, by the way.”
Yeosang’s lips part, mouth opening and closing in protest despite no words escaping him.
“Nah, I’m just kidding,” you playfully pat his hand that he still has resting on top of the table. “If I ever make you uncomfortable, don’t be afraid to tell me. Boundaries are important, especially when they’re your own.”
“I will.” He smiles faintly.
“Same goes for if I start rambling too much, or if I’m being annoying, or if-“
“You’re not annoying.” The suddenness that Yeosang cuts you off with surprises you. “Why would you think you’re annoying?”
“I, uh-“
“Who told you that you’re annoying?” His brow furrows, clear confusion on his face. There’s something else there, you can see it shining behind his eyes, but you’re unsure of what it could be.
“Just a general comment,” you smile, somewhat tightly at him in response.
“Oh.” He seems to calm down, if only slightly. “Well, don’t think that you’re annoying. You’re not. I enjoy talking with you, and I enjoy listening to you speak.”
You blink in mild shock, a shy smile pulling at your lips as you avert your gaze.
“Thank you, Yeosang. That really means a lot to me.”
“Don’t be afraid to be yourself around me.” He swirls the content of his drink around slightly. “I quite like the real, unfiltered you.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, and you cannot help the way your back straightens. However, before you can so much as thank him again, he’s clearing his throat.
“So,” he stares intently at the contents of his drink. “What’s your favourite colour?”
You think this is probably the most talkative you’ve ever witnessed Yeosang to be, and to say you’re caught off guard is an understatement. You both continue to ask each other questions, laughing and getting to know each other better as the time continues to pass around you.
Before you know it, another hour and a half has passed, and you notice that the sun is beginning to set in the distance. Though, that’s not the only thing you’ve started to notice.
For the past twenty minutes or so, you’ve spotted two girls sitting a little ways away from your own table. They constantly peer over towards you, whispering quite loudly to each other while staring between both you and Yeosang. 
You’re starting to get worried. The last thing you know he needs is word to get out that he’s been seen out with a girl. The setting could heavily imply a date, and that fact alone is enough to have you swallowing nervously. He doesn’t need a scandal, and you would hate for that to happen, especially since you consider all of Ateez to be your friends now.
“I’ll be right back.” Yeosang whispers lowly as he pushes his chair out from the table.
You find you can only nod in response, watching as he disappears down the hallway to your right for the moment.
Carefully, you observe the girls after pulling out your phone. Resting it on the table, you begin to put your laptop away, cleaning up your mess to appear as if you’re getting ready to leave. Every now and then, you glance to them, straining your ears to attempt to overhear their conversation.
“No, I’m positive that’s him.” The one says. “I saw this online forum post about how this place is common ground for a lot of idols, especially him.”
“It’s hard to tell since he’s wearing a hat, and not looking in our direction.” The other replies, not as lowly as the first girl who spoke. “Besides, why would he be out with someone like her?”
The first girl shrugs. “Maybe it was a dare, or a private contest.”
“He seems to be having a good time.” The second one bitterly mutters.
“He could be pretending.”
“He’s not that great of an actor.”
Your eyes widen slightly. Some fans they seem to be, considering how they seem to be acting right now. Still, their conversation worries you.
“We should follow them when they leave. It looks like she’s packing up, anyways.” The first one whispers again to her friend.
Your heart drops, and you find yourself grabbing your phone. You do your best to appear casual as you open your messages to send one to Yeosang privately.
You: Bad news. It looks like those two girls sitting behind us might have recognized you. They think we’re on a date, but they’re not 100% convinced you are who they think you are.
You just hope he sees your message before he comes back out.
A moment later, you see he’s replied.
Yeosang: We should leave then.
You:Great plan!!
You: Except that I overheard them saying they’re going to follow us to find out if you are who they think you are. You’re lucky you’re wearing that hat.
You: Wait, I have an idea.
You: Call me crazy, but I think we might be able to fool them into thinking that they’re wrong about who you really are.
Yeosang: What do you have in mind?
You: Keep your head down when you come back out, and then just follow my lead.
Yeosang: That sounds ominous.
You: I know. You’re going to have to trust me, though. Can you do that, Yeo?
It takes a moment for him to respond, and you cannot help the way your one finger taps at the side of your phone nervously as you wait.
Yeosang: I trust you.
You: Heads up: I’m about to get up close and personal with you real quick. I won’t purposely do anything to make you uncomfortable, I promise you that, but if we want to make this believable, we’re going to have to act like a couple.
Again, it takes a moment for him to respond, and you can feel your heart positively thundering inside of your chest. Anxiety floods your veins, and already you can feel your palms beginning to sweat. You just hope you look calmer than you feel.
Yeosang: I trust you.
You: Alright. Wait another minute and a half or so, and then come back out. Make sure all of your hair is tucked beneath your hat, too.
Placing your phone onto the top of the table, you’re quick to reach into your purse. Digging around beneath your wallet, you manage to pull out the case you’re looking for.
You place it onto the table, right next to your phone.
Turning to your opposite side, you rummage around in your tote bag. A small black box is pulled out, and you’re quick to open it. A small tube of lipstick falls into your open palm, and you toss the now empty container back into your tote.
Grabbing your phone, you make a show of using your reflection to apply the shade to your lips, making sure it’s evenly applied before you’re standing back to your feet. Then, you’re reaching over to grab your bags, slinging your purse over your one shoulder while you hold onto the tote in your hand. Once your other hand is free, you grab your phone and slide it into your back pocket before grabbing that case from on top of the table. 
Luckily, as you had been talking with Yeosang, he had already managed to finish his drink. He also took the liberty to return the empty glasses to the front, so all you have left is to give your final glass back to the worker behind the counter.
A few steps later, and you do just that, your tote hanging off of your arm lightly. You can just feel the gazes of those two girls following you the whole time, and just as you cross the small space of the boba shop, you see Yeosang appear from the back hallway. His head is angled downwards, pretending to look at something on his phone, and you notice how his hair is now completely tucked beneath that hat of his.
Purposefully, you make a show of skipping the rest of the way over to him eagerly.
“Kyungmin!” You giggle, pulling him closer to you by his wrist. A gentle kiss is placed onto the side of his exposed cheek, a red lipstick stain now painting his skin. “Let’s go get tteokbokki! I’m hungry!”
Quickly, you begin dragging him out of the shop, handing him both your tote bag to carry, and that small case held in your hands.
“Don’t forget to put your glasses back on. I know you hate them, but I think they make you look so handsome!” You purposely stand on his right side, blocking him as much as you can from the two girl’s view. Luckily, your height practically swamps him, his figure hidden quite easily behind your frame.
Yeosang is quiet, nodding faintly to your words as he walks beside you. He’s already tucked his phone into his pocket, opening up the case with your glasses inside seamlessly. He’s quick to slip them on as you step outside, wrapping your one arm around his shoulders as you walk down the deserted back alleys.
Unfortunately, you can practically hear the two girls scrambling after you once you get a certain distance down the street.
Subtly, you lean into Yeosang’s side.
“They’re still intent on following us.” You whisper lowly as you pick up your pace.
“What are we going to do?” There’s a slight panic to his voice that you notice almost immediately.
“Do you trust me?” Your eyes dart to another, more secluded alleyway you can see up ahead.
Yeosang swallows thickly before nodding his head.
In the blink of an eye, you’ve pulled him into that side alley. Your left hand rests beside his head, blocking his view from the entranceway, but also ensuring his face is covered should the two girls come rushing around the corner.
“We don’t have much time, but we have to make it convincing that we’ve just been making out.” You say, quite bluntly as you lean into him.
You swear Yeosang’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
“We can’t slip up now, and the staging is important.” You bring your right hand up and lick your thumb, moving to smear some of your lipstick in the next second. “I’m really sorry it’s come to this, but I think it will work.”
Yeosang’s eyes briefly dart downward, and you assume he’s now staring at the stain of red on your thumb. He swallows thickly. “I trust you.”
Moving as precisely as you can, you begin to smear some of that red on your thumb on the corner of his mouth.
“I’m really sorry for doing this, I swear to you I’m not just making you do this for the adrenaline kick.” Your words are rushed, and you swallow the dryness in your throat. “Luckily with my height I can cover you, but you’re going to have to make it look like you’re grabbing onto me. Most people are startled and embarrassed if they catch a pretty heated pda session. I’m going to bet they won’t stick around to find out afterwards.”
He nods his understanding.
“I’m going to put my knee slightly between your legs, okay?” You keep your voice low.
“Okay.” Yeosang replies, somewhat breathlessly.
Any second now.
“Grab the back of my neck with your left hand, and angle your face towards mine. Put your right on the back of my waist. Slip it lower if you think it’ll be more believable.” You instruct, giving him an impromptu lesson on stage kissing and angles. You may not actually be pressed against him, but it most certainly will look like you are, and that’s the most important part.
Instantly, his hands are on you, and you feel him pull you closer. Whether it’s subconscious or not, you don’t know. All you do know is that his right hand rests just above the curve of your ass, and your breath hitches slightly from his touch.
You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling your blood rushing through your veins as your anxiety continues to skyrocket. You just hope beyond everything that this works.
You hear the sound of feet hitting the pavement, and a sharp gasp followed by a loud exclamation of ‘oh my god!’.
Slowly, you turn your head to face the opening of the alleyway, seeing the two girls standing there. Red is clear on both of their faces as they splutter in their spots, shifting their gazes everywhere around the alleyway but at you.
Your eyes narrow, irritation shining on your features as you glare at the two girls for ‘interrupting’ you.
“What?” Your voice is nothing short of sharp as you finally speak.
The two girls remain silent, attempting to stutter out an answer.
“Do you mind? I haven’t seen him in two months, and I’d really love to spend some time with my boyfriend.” You snap, a prominent frown on your features.
“We’re so sorry!” The one girl immediately bows to you, quite clumsily. “We just thought-“
“What? You thought what?” You cut her off, shifting slightly so your head is turned more towards her while your body still covers the majority of Yeosang’s.
You can feel his grip tighten over you, but you choose to ignore it for now.
“We thought he was Kang Yeosang from Ateez.” The other girl replies, somewhat ashamedly.
“And that gives you the right to stalk us?” Your gaze narrows once more. You scoff. “Why would Kang Yeosang from Ateez be out at this time of day? Here, of all places? He’s probably at a schedule or something. He is an idol, after all.”
That’s when you realize: these girls don’t recognize you. For that, you’re grateful.
They remain quiet.
“You hear that, babe?” You purposely turn back to Yeosang. “These girls think you look like an idol! I told you you were handsome! I don’t want to hear another doubt about yourself come out of your mouth again.”
The way you’re leaning into him makes it look like you’ve placed another kiss onto his cheek. Yet, only you and he know that your lips never grace his skin.
“We’re sorry for interrupting.” The first girl bows clumsily to you again, shoving her friend back the way they came.
“I told you it wasn’t Yeosang!” You can hear the one friend harshly whisper to the other.
“You were right.” You hear the other sigh. “Besides, he wouldn’t be caught dead with an ugly bitch like that, anyways.”
The moment you hear their voices fade away into the distance, their footsteps no longer resounding against the pavement, you’re breathing a sigh of relief. A light smile paints your features as you turn back to face Yeosang, immediately moving to step away from him.
Only, the feeling of his hands tightening around you has you clearing your throat, seemingly snapping him out of whatever daze he seems to be in.
“You can let go now.” You mumble lowly.
“Oh.” Immediately, his hands retract, as if burned. “Right. Sorry.”
You notice Yeosang shifting slightly back and forth on his feet, a frown soon marring his brow as he looks down at the ground.
“Thanks for trusting me,” you smile at him, rummaging around in your purse for that pack of tissues he gave you that one day at rehearsal. “I’m so sorry for invading your space like that and subjecting you to be my fake boyfriend just now. I swear to you I wasn’t just doing that to cop a feel, or say you’re my boyfriend, or anything weird or creepy like that.”
“It’s alright.” He smiles assuringly at you. “I didn’t mind at all.”
Heat immediately rises to your cheeks from his words, handing him a few tissues so he can wipe the lipstick from his face.
“I’m just glad it worked.” You breathe a low sigh of relief.
“Me too.” He smiles, rubbing at his cheek with a tissue.
Still, he swears that he can feel the tips of his fingers tingling from where they had just been pressed against your skin. His heart absolutely pounds in his chest, and he can’t seem to erase the feeling of your body barely pressed against his. Really, he wouldn’t have minded if you actually touched him, but then again, he thinks he probably wouldn’t be able to stand right now if that had been the case.
“So,” your voice catches his attention, a light smile painting your face as you adjust the strap of your purse over your shoulder, “You hungry?”
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edenesth · 1 year
Undying Bonds (Part 1)
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Pairing: Hongjoong x fem!reader, Seonghwa x fem!reader
AU: zombie apocalypse au
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: What could be worse than being separated from the love of your life in a zombie apocalypse? Hongjoong was forced to leave you behind with his friend, Seonghwa, as he ventures out alone to search for the rest of his missing group members. Will Hongjoong be successful in his solo mission to find his members? Will he be able to return to you unscathed? And what happens when you're stuck with his caring best friend, who is hopelessly in love with you, for too long?
Masterlist | Part 2
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"No, please, don't leave me here."
No right amount of words could be used to describe the immense emotions of fear and panic running through you as you clutched desperately onto your boyfriend's sleeve, refusing to let him go. The pain was evident in Hongjoong's eyes as he enclosed his hand over yours, gently prying your fingers off his shirt to cradle them against his chest instead.
"I know that you hate this and trust me when I tell you, I don't want this any more than you do either but as group leader, I must be the one to do this. I hope you can understand that, my love."
The defeated sob that escaped your lips at his words tore his heart to pieces.
Not wanting you to see the tears in his eyes roll down his cheeks, he pulled you tightly into his arms and hid his face in the crook of your neck, pressing his lips against your skin. Hongjoong could not bear to put you in any more pain than he already has. He wanted nothing more than to hold you close to him forever but that wasn't something the current situation can allow.
"I love you so much, you must know you're my everything. I honestly don't know how I could have made it this far without you by my side." He whispers into your ear, tightening his hold on you.
You let out another sob, clinging onto him like your life depended on it, "Then let me come with you, please," He pulled back slightly to cup your face, "Don't you get it? That's exactly why you can't come with me, it's too risky. If anything were to ever happen to you, I swear to god I will never be able to forgive myself."
His words only made it more difficult for you to part with him, you didn't think it would be possible to love someone this much but he was clearly your only exception. He gazed deeply into your wet eyes, wanting nothing more than for all of this to be just a long nightmare.
Unfortunately, he has absolutely no choice but to face the reality that the world is currently ending with the ongoing zombie apocalypse that broke out only a few weeks prior due to some science experiment gone wrong.
"I have been the most selfless boyfriend for as long as I can remember so please, just let me be selfish this once, okay?" You couldn't find it in yourself to go against his wishes upon hearing that.
He smiled sadly before moving to press a long kiss against your trembling lips, closing his eyes to cherish the feeling just in case this becomes the very last time he ever kisses you. You felt him pull away reluctantly only to stare intensely at your face as if to memorise your features before he leaves you behind with his best friend.
Your heart clenched at the thought of your beloved venturing out alone into the unknown to search for his missing members. The rest of the guys were forcefully ripped apart from your group due to an unexpected hoard of zombies attacking out of nowhere.
The two of you with the addition of Seonghwa managed to save yourselves by hiding in the closest empty convenience store in sight. The three of you have gone over the place twice and scouted it out just to make sure it was safe before settling there for the night.
However, with the rest of the members scattered around the area and separated from you guys, Hongjoong couldn't possibly just let the situation be. As the leader of the group of friends, he felt it was his responsibility to find all of his younger friends and bring them to safety which leads us to the current push-and-pull situation between the two of you.
The plan was for him to locate and gather his friends back here while you and Seonghwa stay back to ensure this place remains safe from zombies or worse, other humans with bad intentions. Even when everyone agreed on the plan when it was first proposed, you realised you couldn't find it in you to send your lover out into danger all alone while you remained here in safety.
You didn't realise the relentless grip you had on Hongjoong until you felt Seonghwa's arms encircle your frame from behind to hold you back from going any further. You thrashed against the taller male's embrace, in a desperate attempt to reach out to your boyfriend's retreating frame, feeling your heart break all over again at the sight of him leaving you.
You cried out his name one last time as you watched him nodding slightly your way to reassure you and his friend, "I'll come back safely, I promise."
Your knees eventually gave out and Seonghwa carefully lowered you onto the ground, wordlessly pushing your head into his neck as you witnessed the love of your life disappear from your view.
Seonghwa was gentle in his touch, combing his fingers through your hair in a soothing manner to calm you from your cries for your boyfriend who is now somewhere out there all by himself. The thought only made you squeeze your eyes shut tight, pressing your face further into your friend's shoulder to seek comfort.
The action must have alerted Seonghwa as he pulled you closer to him, slowly running his hands up and down your trembling back in an attempt to console you. He let out a sigh of relief when you muttered a soft 'thank you' and an apology for the hassle you've caused him.
"Hey, never apologise for that. I don't ever want you to hide any of that from me, you hear me?" You nodded thankfully against his shoulder, his warm touch successfully calming you down.
After what seemed like forever, you pushed yourself off of Seonghwa's chest and sniffled in embarrassment. He smiled before moving a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"It's alright, I know you're scared but you have me. I'm obviously no Hongjoong but you know you can count on me, right? I made a promise to him that I'll put my life on the line to protect you in his place."
That made you frown, "No, don't say that. We'll be okay, all of us. He'll come back with the rest of the guys before we even know it," Seonghwa nodded quickly to that, "Yes, of course. I just wanted you to know that I'll be here for you no matter what."
You couldn't fight the smile that formed on your face at his sweet words, "I know, Seonghwa. You're truly the most precious friend anyone can ever ask for, you always have been. Lord knows you're the one holding all of the boys together. None of us would still be here without your guidance."
You watched in slight confusion when noticing that the smile he returned seemed to falter a bit at your words.
Did I say something wrong?
Let's just say you're a bit on the dense side.
For the longest time, Seonghwa has had the biggest crush on you way before you and the leader even began dating. He's always thought you'd end up with him eventually, only to have the heartbreak of his life when he watched from the sidelines as you and his best friend slowly fall in love with each other and finally got together.
With Hongjoong around, he knew he stood no chance with you. Even in his absence, Seonghwa had no doubt your heart would still fully belong to his best friend but he wishes to at least let you know of the feelings he has for you while you still had time together.
In this wretched world that was imminently coming to an end, who knew how long you could all survive even if Hongjoong does end up bringing all of the guys back to you both in one piece.
He just wants you to understand how long and deeply he's been in love with you. He needed you to know that he noticed you first, he was there for you first, he had wanted you first and yet, his friend somehow got to you before he even had a chance.
"Seonghwa?" That broke him out of his trance. He realised the panic in your tone when you pointed towards the entrance of the convenience store, where the door was being harshly pulled from the outside. His features hardened when you jumped in fright, caused by a loud bang coming from the entrance.
Without wasting another second, he pushed you protectively behind him before moving to grasp the trusty metal bat that he's been using as his weapon since the beginning of this whole zombie nonsense.
"Stay behind me at all times. If anything happens to me, I want you to run and save yourself."
You grabbed his arm in protest, shaking your head pleadingly, "I won't leave you, Seonghwa. Please don't make me," He softened at the sight of the tears forming in your eyes, how he wished you meant that in the same way you would for Hongjoong.
"I hate it as much as you do, if not more, but you know what you must do if the unthinkable happens, yes?"
Letting out a shaky breath, you muttered a small 'yes' in defeat. Leaving a quick peck on your temple, he made sure to keep you close behind him before moving cautiously towards the entrance to check on the source of the noise.
You let out a whimper when another bang sounded from the door, fearing that all this ruckus will attract a lot of zombies. You didn't want to think about the safety of this place being so quickly jeopardised. After all, your reunion with Hongjoong solely depends on this place. How will your boyfriend find you if you and Seonghwa were to abandon this place?
Approaching the entrance, Seonghwa raised his bat towards the door. He was ready to swing it if anyone that passes through is less than alive. He cleared his throat and called out, "Who's there? Identify yourselves!"
The rattling seemed to have ceased with that, "Hyung..? Seonghwa hyung, is that you?" You and Seonghwa looked at each other immediately, eyes rounding with recognition at the familiar voice.
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Hello there, it's my first time writing on this platform and I just wanted to try posting this idea which I've had for a while now. Not sure if anyone would want more of this. Let me know if you're interested in Part 2!
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asaka-lucy-touhou · 30 days
Hi Asaka! I hope you're doing well! 🖤
I'm sending you an ask because you mentioned a Touhou voting project recently in a post. I didn't know neither about this project nor about ZUN's Music Collection, so I have to thank you for talking about this here! x) and now that I've listened to it, I'm also surprised to know that "Dawn Breaks on Tanabatazaka" wasn't popular! (I haven't played the games that features the original musics yet, so it was a total discovering, but I'm starting to think that I should play all the games as soon as I can to be able to keep up with everyone, haha)
Anyway, I enjoyed the songs you mentioned in that post and it gave me the idea to ask you about your eventual favorite Touhou musics, and if you had particular reasons to like these favorite tracks that much. For example, I personnally really like the musics that make me remember the course of spell cards used during the battle: I like listening to the musics that made me enjoy the battles even more when I felt like their rythm was in harmony with the scenario, the rythm of bullets or the script of attacks (it must be the case of many songs, but I see it more clearly when some are played, I think?)
Long story short, I'm being talkative but I just wondered if you have any thoughts regarding Touhou's musics x') And I wish you a great day! 💕🫶
Wooow, I'm SO HAPPY that you have been listening to Tanabatazaka Mugen Nou (Taboo Japan Disentanglement)! 😆💖 I don't know if this is good news or bad news for you, but ZUN's Music Collection is part game music and part completely original. And the music you heard, "Dawn Breaks on Tanabatazaka," is an original one created for this album! So this music is not used anywhere in the game series. 😉
I knew from the beginning that this one was not well known, but I was surprised there because it was not as popular as the other tracks on the same album. "Dawn Breaks on Tanabatazaka" has a very quiet beginning compared to the music used in the game, and I think it has a different appeal than the rhythmic music in the game. This album has a story, and you can read the English translation on the Touhou wiki if you are interested. (However, this story is related to TH16 and may be quite unclear if you do not know the story of it.) I think it's partly because I've read this story, this music makes me imagine the clear air of the forest, the loneliness of waiting alone for the dawn, the hope in my heart as I look up at the gradually brightening sky while freezing in the cold. So while I like this music, there is a sense that I like the scene it presents rather than the melody. What I feel when I listen to that music is the space rather than the melody. It may be a strange impression, but I am sure that ZUN definitely composes his music while imagining a certain scene, and I think there must be some trick in it. (Unfortunately, I am not familiar enough with the technicalities of music to know what it is! 😄)
Sorry for the long introduction! Of course, I have a huge amount of favorite Touhou music, and I totally understand what you're saying! Touhou's music is unique in that it's created to match the flow of the battles and the music, thanks to ZUN making both the game and the music all by himself. I was very impressed when I found that the rhythm of "Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend", a three-beat music played in the boss battle of stage 3 of TH10, matches the sound of bullets being fired in a spell card "Ooze Flooding". Depending on the game play, the rhythm can be slightly off, but it certainly sounds like the rhythm matches with the music, so I thought it was an interesting presentation. You can see that spell card at 2:32 to 2:52 in the following video:
I think ZUN is also very good at expressing character through music, and my favorite stage 6 boss battle song in the series is TH14's "Inchlings of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess", which reflects the character and story of Shinmyoumaru very well:
Shinmyoumaru is an Inchling who was imprisoned in the world of Oni because of a crime committed by her ancestor, and after being told by a certain person about some false stories of Inchling oppression, she seeks revenge against Gensokyo and antagonizes Reimu and other protagonists. Because of this background, she herself is rather weak and pitiful: imprisoned not for her own sin but for that of her ancestor, angry with the people of Gensokyo only because of the false stories she has heard, so she herself is not a bad person. I think this music expresses her small size, the sadness of her background, and her strong determination to take revenge on the people of Gensokyo. I love ZUNpet at the end because I feel that she is trying her best to stand up to Reimu and the others with her small body. All 6 stage boss battle themes are great and I LOVE THEM ALL, but if I had to choose just one, I would choose this one every time.
If I had to pick my favorite music from TH8, I would pick "Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon", the theme of Eirin, since I know it is fresh in your mind. This music is very popular, and there are several fans who have played it on the piano:
I love very much the performance in the video above! 🥰 It is a really refined and beautiful melody. I think it expresses the wide open spaces of the universe, the long years of Eirin's life, and Eirin's decision to betray the Moon and live on Earth with Kaguya. (By the way, EiKagu is one of my favorite ships, I love the fact that Eirin killed all of the emissaries from the moon for Kaguya. It is fascinating how Touhou girls look cute but have this kind of cruel side! 😆) If you were to talk to me about any of TH8's music, I'm sure I'd say, "Oh, that's my favorite," but I'm not lying, I've listened to all the music so many times!
Sorry for the length. In many cases, I love the music in its entirety, including the stories, characters, and backgrounds associated with it, so any talk about the music becomes very long. 😅 One last thing I would like to add is that Alice's theme on the album "Changeability of Strange Dream" is a little longer and more dramatic than the original one used in TH7, which is so cool, so please give it a listen if you get a chance.
Talking about Touhou music is a lot of fun, so your question made my day! ❀(。˃ ᵕ ˂。)❀ I hope you continue to enjoy Touhou music. Thanks for asking and reading! Have a great day too! 🫶💖
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duckprintspress · 3 months
Learn More About the “Many Hands” Stories: Three Teasers!
The crowdfunding campaign for our first erotic anthology Many Hands: An Anthology of Polyamorous Erotica is almost through the first week, and we’re only $600 from our funding goal! We’re very excited about y’alls enthusiasm for this project, and we couldn’t be happier to be able to share it with ya.
With “sharing it with ya” in mind, we’ll be doing several posts with story teasers, and this is the first, featuring three teasers, one each from the authors Lyonel Loy, Eliot Lovell, and E. K. Victor! All teasers are non-explicit, for obvious reasons, and we’re not including tags on our teasers this time for the same reason, but in the book, all stories come with comprehensive tag lists to help readers navigate the collection.
Author: Lyonel Loy Title: Love, With Bloodstained Jaws, or: Five Times Levente’s Omegas “Seduce” Him, And One Time He Seduces Them
Excerpt: “Any fool can stand by an altar and speak some pretty words,” [Raihan] says. “You bested me with your own hand, and so by our ways I am yours. But it was your troops who captured Melchor. Why should he call you his mate, and not them? If it took twenty strong warriors to best him, surely twenty also are needed to please him. Your Alphonse, who led them: he is such a sweet little thing. It would be lovely to see him under Melchor, spread wide and undone.”
Author: Eliot Lovell Title: Double Take
“Here he is,” Mia sings. “Right on time.”
Nathan wipes his hands off on the apron he’s wearing, rounding the kitchen island to close the space between them in a few strides.
There’s a wedding ring on Nathan’s finger. George has got to pay better attention to what’s going on around him.
“You made it,” Nathan says, kind of breathless, relieved, as though George’s journey was farther than three floors.
Nathan wraps an arm around him for a brief hug, nosing into his hair in something like a kiss before pushing it behind George’s ear with a gentle hand. When Nathan pulls back, George blinks up at him. He wonders what his face is doing to make Nathan’s brows notch together like that.
“You’re married,” George blurts.
Author: E. K. Victor Title: Soul Splinters
I’ve had this dream more times than I can count.
The setting varies. Sometimes it’s an airport, other times a train station or a bridge I must cross alone. Often I remember nothing but the kiss. The kiss is always the same. We hold one another, chest to chest, hip to hip, and kiss slowly, deeply, every motion loaded with longing. My heart overflows. My eyes brim with tears. I’m aroused, but on waking I rarely find evidence of an erection and never anything more. I invariably awaken—not with a start, but with a whimper. The tears are mostly real.
Usually I dream about Warren. Sometimes, it’s Steve. After, I lie wide-eyed in the dark, listening to the thumping of my heart, and think of the only true friends I’ve ever had, whom I abandoned. I promise myself I’ll call them tomorrow, then remember: with an ocean between us, the time to call would be now—and turn over with a groan.
Time is ruthless. I used to think about them whenever I wasn’t busy. Then only occasionally. Almost never, nowadays. But the less they occupy my conscious mind, the more the dream visits, and the heavier it weighs with the love aging in me like wine in the cellars of a vacant house, never to be tasted.
Want to read more? You’ll need to back the project! Check out our Kickstarter today!
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jamskateable · 1 year
putting this here too because I've been more active on this account recently andddd...idk.
I already posted this on my main account so if you follow my main account then idk man they're on both of them idk what to say.
remember when I said I wanted to work on my characterizations of Raphael and Michael? this is part of that, specifically focusing on Raphael and his relationship with Gabriel. I figured writing was the best way to do that since I don't have the motivation to design a whole ass character and create a dedicated reference sheet right now. that comes later.
some fleshing-out of Michael also occurs? but largely Raphael.
Minos and Sisyphus are here too, but again they aren't the focus of this snippet so if their parts seem rushed, its prolly because they are lol.
brief mentions of sex? non-graphic but be advised.
ok here you go, good riddance
Minos ran into the room, quite hurried and out of breath, stumbling. He smacked his shoulder on the doorframe and cried out in surprise. The sound scared Gabriel; he was never so careless.
Sisyphus got to it first. “Minos?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”
“There is an angel here. Another angel.”
Gabriel froze.
An angel, still with their Light, was a force to be reckoned with. Light gave angels their determination, their loyalty, their vigor. Combat training could only go so far, when Light gave an angel its courage to continue. Indeed, a full-powered angel was something to be concerned about.
Before Sisyphus could continue, Gabriel stood from his side. “What did they look like?”
“I was not close enough to make out any features. But their armor was golden.”
He tensed. “Raphael,” he breathed.
The last time he had checked, Gabriel was part of a brotherhood of three archangels: the Chief of Angels, Michael, the Will of God, Gabriel, and the Healer, Raphael. Archangels were the highest ranking of angels there was, secondary only to God Himself. They answered to Him alone, and were the most powerful, benevolent, and well-trained beings in the hierarchy. There were none higher, and none mightier. 
Which made it all the more concerning that there was an archangel in the city. Raphael could level it flat if he wanted to. Could kill all three of them and never falter. 
But Raphael was a kind soul. Generous, empathetic, sometimes more than he should have been. It was the reason God had made him the healer, and not the maker of wounds, like Michael or Gabriel. Raphael could stand to be reasoned with.
Michael was another case. But he wasn’t here.
As he tread down the hallways, Minos and Sisyphus followed close behind. “Thou knoweth of this ‘Raphael’?” Minos asked him. There was anxiety in his voice; he didn’t want his city destroyed, not a second time. 
“Yes,” he replied. “Heaven’s hierarchy of angels had three archangels at the top; Me, Michael, and Raphael.” 
“An archangel. They must be very powerful.”
“As powerful as I was with my Light. Both of you have experienced that firsthand.”
Sisyphus barked a laugh, but that was all. 
Gabriel stepped onto a balcony, wings spread, prepared for flight. “Raphael was the softest of the three of us,” he continued. “He is very empathetic. He can be spoken with. Michael…not so much.”
“We shall stay here, then, whilst thee reasons with him, yes?”
“Yes. Stay here. If I need you, I’ll come get you.”
He didn’t give Sisyphus time to argue with him this time. Swords drawn, he took off, and navigated towards the aura of an archangel.
He was in the park. The park reminded him of Heaven’s gardens, a place he would visit frequently to think and have time to himself when his tasks overwhelmed him. A place he and Raphael would often meet to talk. How perceptive of him. 
“Gabriel?” he called. His voice quivered in that way that often indicated nervousness, an emotion Michael and Gabriel never let show in public. He found it almost sweet that despite his lack of contact with the angel in recent months, he could still read him like a book. 
“Gabriel? Are you there?”
He could see Raphael. Though he had a single sword on his person, the weapon was not drawn. His wings were slumped, and his movements were quick, almost distressed.
“If we are going to speak, Raphael,” Gabriel said, stepping into his line of sight. “I would highly suggest you stay right where you are.”
The healer whipped around to face him. His hands were clenched to his chest, and he noticeably brightened when he saw him, clearly excited. He stepped forward, moving to approach him, but he paused when he saw Splendor and Justice extended to either side of him.
He sounded like a wounded animal when he said “Gabriel..? What are you–”
“You know I cannot trust you, Raphael. The Lord would send his angels after the fallen all the time.”
“I would never harm you, Gabriel. I would sooner forsake my Light than do so. You know this. I am offended that you think I could do such a thing!”
He did sound awfully offended. “I cannot be faulted for losing trust in my brothers, after what I have done. You cannot blame me for that, Raphael.”
The healer visibly deflated, and nodded his head. “I..suppose so.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you, Gabriel. That is all.” “Why?” His hand flexed, sword bobbing with the movement. “Did someone send you? Michael, perhaps?” “No! No, of course not,” he cried. “Michael advised us against visiting you, against any angels entering Hell at all, until the void created by the Council’s…absence..is filled, and everything is settled. He does not know I am here.”
Interesting. Raphael had always been like a leech to his older brothers. He did whatever they asked of them, was loyal to a fault. A teacher’s pet, essentially. Why would he go against Michael, surely the superior angel, and his orders for this?
Raphael’s laugh genuinely startled him. “You destroyed all of Heaven when you killed the Council. The hierarchy is in shambles. Terror and fear everywhere. Michael and I are the only two keeping everything together.”
Gabriel relaxed a little bit. “You are not angry with me?”
“No. I could never be angry with you, brother. Not for long.”
The Will of God lowered his swords. Despite his caution, it was good to see Raphael again. Someone warm, friendly, and familiar is exactly what he’s needed.
Raphael certainly seemed to agree, for as soon as Gabriel sheathed his swords, he embraced him tightly, wings curling in a halo around him, as if to shield him. 
“We’ve missed you.” Gabriel could have broken down crying and he would not have minded one bit.
“Is this where you have been living?” He released him, reluctantly, and examined the park and the buildings surrounding it. “It is…certainly in better shape now than it was when I last saw it.”
“Yes. I–we–have been rebuilding it.”
“‘We’?” Raphael questioned. “Another angel?” “No. King Minos.”
“K–” He broke off into laughter. “Oh, forgive me! I thought you said King Minos!”
“I did.”
He slowly trailed off after that. Angels did not often reveal their faces to each other, and therefore relied on body language to communicate their emotions to each other. Raphael’s body language communicated equal parts confusion and terror.
His posture became suddenly rigid. “Gabriel…King Minos is dead. Him and Sisyphus both. You beheaded them. I watched you do it.”
He nodded. “The bodies are dead, yes, but their souls live on. The Machine freed them from their prisons and spared them.”
“They’re Prime souls?! Why didn’t you lead with that?!” His wings fluttered in distress. Raphael had always been very flighty. “Prime souls are incredibly dangerous, Gabriel! They could kill you, especially Lightless as you are!”
“They have not harmed me yet.” His voice got a little quieter. “I trust them. They have been kind to me, and forgiving. More so than Heaven has. More than the Council.”
Raphael fell silent at that. He settled a little on his feet, staring at his brother with despondence.
“I see.”
Raphael peered about, distrusting. Gabriel found it amusing how innocent the angel was.
“Are they–” “No, they are not here,” he said bemusedly. “They are in the palace, waiting for me.”
His voice was level and contemplative. “You have been living with them.”
His chin drops and he nods. “Yes.”
“And what of the Machine?”
A wave of fondness settled through his stomach at the word, and he chuckled. “They could be anywhere.”
“They could be–’they’?” Raphael said, incredulously. “And you don’t know..? You must be mad, Gabriel. Absolutely mad. The child of man that felled an angel–”
“...Twice felled an angel is simply roaming around Hell? Ungoverned?”
Gabriel couldn’t keep the laughter out of his voice when he asked “What did Michael think of it?”
Raphael snorted. “Drop the act, brother. We both know damn well what Michael thought of it.”
“And what did you think of it?”
Raphael picked at his wings, an idle nervous habit that Gabriel once helped relieve him of. But it seemed to be making an appearance once more. He could hardly blame him. Regardless, he took his wrists in his hands and stilled him. Raphael did not protest.
He shrugged half-heartedly. “I didn’t think anything of it.”
“Do not lie to me, Raphael,” he scolded. “You would disgrace the Father like that?”
The reprimand slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. It was almost instinctual, second nature. He’d chastised so many angels during his tenure that he didn’t even have to think about it.
The healer’s voice grew louder, though it quivered more prominently as he became agitated. “What Father, Gabriel?” he growled. “He is no Father of mine, to have abandoned us this way, a fact you have shown us yourself.”
Raphael stiffened. He’d likely never heard Gabriel stutter.
“I’m sorry, Raphael.” He took his hands again, having curled into fists at his sides, and squeezed. “I didn’t mean to say that. I am in no position to scold you, especially in that false way. I’m so sorry.”
Raphael’s arms were limp in his hold. But he sighed. Gabriel heard his breath whistle as it seeped between the gaps in his helmet, and he squeezed back. 
“I was serious when I told you I could never be mad at you.”
Raphael’s approval had always meant a lot to him. Something about making a good impression on his younger brother, giving him a good role model to look up to. Something about fraternal love. 
Which is why such a huge wave of relief surged through him when his brother spoke, and his knees went weak with it as he huffed gravely. “Thank you, brother.”
“It is nothing, Gabriel,” he murmured affectionately. “Nothing at all.”
They hugged again. It felt nice. The Light of God bathed him in warmth, and he wondered if this was what humans felt like, when they beheld them as they bestowed God’s messages onto them. The healer’s light was plentiful and radiant in a way that, damn it, Gabriel had sorely missed. He held his waist and held him tight. 
“Truthfully, I felt horrible. When the Machine defeated you, it–” He gave an incredulous look, if ever a helmeted angel could. “It changed everything. The Council kept it quiet. But they told us. About your defeat, what they did to you. I was…I was horrified, Gabriel. Without God’s blessing, it is an awful way to live for an angel.”
Gabriel laughed bitterly. “That is true, yes.”
“I know you don’t like being helped, but I wanted to offer my services. Your power was dwindling by the day. I wanted to…well. Spend time with you. Before you died. But you were so hellbent on finding the Machine that it was all the more difficult to find you. The next time I saw you in person was…the Council’s execution.”
“Is that what they’re calling it?” he asked, deadpan. 
He shrugged halfheartedly. “Yes. Obviously, nothing so drastic has ever been done in God’s kingdom. They do not know what to call it.”
“I suppose I cannot blame them.”
He took his hands again and held them, thumbing at his wrists. “But I didn’t feel you die. Neither of us did. Michael had convinced all of Heaven that you had disintegrated when the light left your body on that twenty-fourth hour. But neither of us felt it. You were out there, somewhere, and he begged me not to seek you out. But I couldn’t just…leave you. You’re still my brother, Gabriel, and status does not impede that.”
Gabriel felt humbled and honored in a rather peculiar way. Honored to have Raphael’s love despite his crimes, humbled in that he would seek him out even if it meant ignoring Prince Michael’s direct orders. He still loved Raphael, with his whole heart. It pained him to stay away from him, when he knew perfectly well that Heaven would no longer welcome him home. But what need was there for Heaven when everything he ever needed could come to him? He could’ve cried at the stupid smile in Raphael’s voice. 
“I’m glad you came, brother,” he said. Sobbed, really, limp as he was in his golden arms. “I missed you. I wish I could come home, but…”
Raphael barked a beautiful laugh. “As grim as it may sound, I’m fairly certain Michael would crucify you.”
“Most likely.”
He wondered if Michael missed him the way Raphael did. If he experienced the familial bond that came with their sworn brotherhood. Angels did not have siblings or family unless God gave them one, and He did not do so often. The only leniency was with the archangels, His most loyal and powerful creations. There were only the three of them, and Gabriel loved them as much as a brainwashed angel was capable of. Raphael obviously returned those affections. But he wondered about Michael, the stoic and stone-faced Prince of Heaven, who showed few emotions at all, let alone love.
“Have you been elsewhere in Hell?”
“I’ve been through all the layers a thousand times over,” he said. “There isn’t much else to do, with my title and Light being relinquished.”
“Have you visited the Wrath layer? The Ferryman quite misses you,” Raphael replied, his tone rather sly.
Gabriel gave him an accusatory look behind the layers of metal. “How would you know that?” “It was the first place I thought to look for you. I know you were quite fond of them, and I thought that, if something were to happen, they would happily shelter you.” He clicked his tongue, though it was mocking. “It is a wonder they never were crowned an angel. After all, idolatry is a sin.”
“Idolatry. Don’t make me laugh. No sinner’s dedication extends so deep.
“It is not my intention, brother. The Lord taught me honesty. Besides, I think you would be surprised by the loyalty of your worshippers.” 
Gabriel’s face was hot enough to affect the temperature of his helmet. But he remained silent, steaming, while Raphael laughed at him. 
“You are different, Gabriel. Something about you has changed. In a good way, I mean.”
He sighed, tired. “Many things about me have changed. I am a sinner, and I have recognized it. I am surprised you have not scolded me for it.”
“I am in no position to scold you, brother. After all, you were always older and wiser than I, having seen more of the world. And you do not seem unhappy. Whatever satisfies you satisfies me, also.”
Gabriel sighed. He supposed that wasn’t entirely untrue; he was a lot happier now, Lightless and free from Heaven’s influence, than he was most days in God’s kingdom. He regretted his sins, but ultimately he was better for it. 
And there were some sins he didn’t regret. Would never regret. 
(How God had ever considered sex, such a pleasurable and intimate pastime, a sin was beyond him.)
(He wondered if Raphael knew about the state of his virginity. After all, most angels, especially archangels, had a keen eye to the sins of an individual. But if Raphael knew, he didn’t give any indication, and Gabriel wasn’t about to bring that up.)
“I cannot say that Michael would feel the same,” he said bitterly.
“No, of course not. He is busy managing Heaven by himself. Took up the bulk of the work he did. Said ‘leave it to me’, and you know how he gets on. Best to leave him well alone.”
Gabriel nodded sagely. “Yes. That must give you plenty of time to yourself.”
“Oh, plenty. It’s easy to avoid his watchful eyes when he is so wound up. And with the virtues pulled from Hell, there was no one to survey the layers in your stead, so I took the time to look for you. Having gotten myself settled, of course.” 
Raphael looked off into the park, and Gabriel as well, following the track his eyes left across the bushes and trees. It was peaceful here. Quiet. No hymns or chirping cherubim. It was a simple and deafening silence, and both appreciated it more than they could put into words.
Raphael simply sat on the ground. His legs curled around one side of him, he was as elegant as a statue. Gabriel sat cross-legged next to him, and listened to him breathe. 
“Minos and Sisyphus…”
Gabriel braced himself. “What of them?”
“You said they are kind to you.” Raphael’s voice was analytical. He was probing, as he often did, still in possession of that childlike curiosity that had made him so irritating as a youth. Gabriel found himself more charmed than annoyed, nowadays. “Minos was a peaceful man. A pacifist. He did not fight back when you felled him, this I know. But what of Sisyphus? He was terrible in life. An enslaver, a manipulator. Surely he cannot be much better as a Prime soul, not with all of that power.”
God’s Hand huffed in amusement. “He can be blunt, certainly,” he said. “Rather abrasive, on the surface. But he is a kind man at heart. He often cannot express his kindness, and frankly, neither can I. We have been learning together.”
Raphael’s voice was soft when he next spoke. “I see. And Minos?”
“He’s very affectionate. I–”
Gabriel cut himself off with a sharp snap of his jaw. Raphael heard his teeth click and laughed, cocking his head to glance at him.
“I get it,” he murmured. “You have your freedom. Why not make the most of it?”
“You could have it also, Raphael. God is dead. Heaven is crumbling apart as we speak, and Michael is occupied trying to pick up the pieces. There are things I’d like to show you. Places I’d like to go, people to introduce. People I love. There’s so much more.”
“I know, Gabriel. I know.”
He took his hand, but it brought him little comfort. Raphael sighed, and his voice was small all at once. Nothing like the budding tenor he used when he sang, or his usual warbling tone. 
“But that would be forgetting my loyalties. The cherubim, Michael, all of the young angels that need guidance in His absence…they are my family, Gabriel, just as much as you. I long for a time where we can be free from this. Where we can explore the Earth together, roam Hell and make a new home somewhere else. Somewhere better.”
Gabriel was struck dumb by the sincerity in his voice. It was a maturity that young, flighty Raphael had never displayed. “But that day has not come.”
He stood, pacing some steps away. Leaving Gabriel behind.
You’ve finally outgrown me, he thought. Good.
His voice regained that familiar playfulness when he said “Perhaps an introduction is in order?”
He thought he knew, but just in case, he asked. “An introduction to who?” 
Raphael clapped his hands together mischievously. “Your lovers, of course!”
Gabriel choked on air, keeling over, and the Healer laughed heartily at the display, clutching at his breastplate. 
“Raphael,” he rasped. His voice might have been intimidating, were it not for the underlying rasp brought on by his coughing fit. “You are awful. Simply terrible.”
“Is it inaccurate? You yourself seemed to suggest otherwise.”
He followed Raphael as he spread his wings and took off. His flight pattern had always been floaty and slow, unlike the quick and efficient way his brothers had been taught. Gabriel had always wondered if God made him soft on purpose. He didn’t mind it either way.
“I have not asked. Perhaps you ought to ask them, since you’re so keen to know.”In his bubbly, teasing voice, he said “I will! I already have a plethora of questions!”
I like the way this dialogue turned out :3
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whoficky · 16 days
A Bit of Everywhere - Chapter 2
Sequel to Neither Here Nor There. Definitely read that before reading this!
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Work Summary: Rose and the Doctor are eager to get back to their old life of travel and adventure, but it's not as simple as running off into the stars. They now have two different universes to call home, their relationship to figure out, and a lot of recovering to do.
Chapter Summary: The Doctor and Jackie talk about what happened on the space station.
Chapter 2
The Doctor stood in the center of Rose’s bedroom unsure of what to do with himself.  She was fast asleep - her favorite activity still thanks to the soporific effects of the pain medication - and as much as he wanted to join her in the big bed, he knew better than to do that with Jackie prowling about.  Any points he had scored with Rose’s mum for bringing her missing daughter home were probably negated by the state Rose was in.  He wouldn’t risk Jackie catching them snuggled in bed so soon after they’d arrived.  
 He wondered where the frightening woman had wandered off to.  She had seemed nearly overbearing in her efforts to wheedle an explanation out of him and Rose as they trekked up three floors and down the long corridor to Rose’s suite.  But as the Doctor was helping Rose get settled in bed, Jackie must have slipped out. 
He thrust his hands into the pockets of his brown coat and turned a slow circle to take in the large bedroom.  Rose had certainly made it her own.  The color scheme of blue was a change from the retina-burning pink of her TARDIS bedroom, but the clutter and explosion of photos on every available surface was very Rose.  He turned back to look at her, peaceful in slumber, and smiled softly at her contentment.
“Oi!  What are you doing gawping at her like that?  I leave the room for two minutes and already you start making bedroom eyes at my daughter!” he jumped at Jackie’s emotive whispering.
“I wasn’t -” he stuttered, “I wouldn’t - Jackie, I wasn’t even thinking about…”
The cackle Jackie let forth at his panic would have woken Rose under normal circumstances, “Oh, I got you good!  Not much has changed, eh?  Doesn’t take a lot to make you squirm.”
The Doctor chuckled in an awkward mix of relief and acknowledgment, that yes, she “got” him.
“Tea?” Jackie asked, raising the tray in her arms.  Why wasn’t he surprised that the first thing Jackie Tyler had done was slip off to make a cuppa?  
“Ta,” he walked over to where Jackie was standing in the doorway to grab the cup that held tea nearly opaque with sugar.  She remembered his order.  That…touched him.  Not that he’d ever admit to such a thing.
Jackie looked over at a softly snoring Rose and sighed, “I made a cup for her too, but it looks like she’s down for the count.”
“Yeah,” the Doctor agreed inanely, “She, er, does that a lot lately.”
“Well in the shape she’s in, I wouldn’t doubt it,” Jackie frowned, “C’mon you, we’ll go in through there, and then you can tell me what happened to the two of you.”  She gestured to a closed door on the opposite side of Rose’s room.  The Doctor looked between the door and Rose, caught between wanting to give Jackie the explanation she deserved and not wanting to leave Rose’s side.  
She seemed to sense his predicament, “C’mon, you.  We’ll just be in the adjoining room.  Can even keep the door open if you like.  Rose doesn’t need ya to hover.”
“Right,” he agreed reluctantly.  With one last wistful look at Rose, he held the door open for Jackie and the two of them walked into the adjoining room.  The Doctor took in the poshly generic features of what looked like a little used sitting room of Rose’s suite as Jackie set down the tea tray on a small coffee table and picked up her own cup.
“So,” Jackie prodded, “You gunna tell me what the hell happened?”
Where to begin? the Doctor wondered.  He didn’t want to even think about the last few months, let alone share the gritty details with Rose’s mum.  But he had enough esteem, and yes, even affection for Jackie Tyler to know he had to give her something.  And whatever he told her now was something less that Rose had to recount later.  Put in that perspective, he found his vocal cords loosening.
“Quite a bit, actually,” he chuckled darkly, “It’s been months after all.  Not quite as long as it’s been for you I imagine.  Rose said it was autumn when she was taken?”
Jackie plopped down into an overstuffed chair with a tasteful floral pattern on it, “November the twenty-eighth,” Jackie nodded, “Been about seven and a half months now.  As far as we knew, Rose was taken from her mate’s birthday party.  A full house and not a one of them could really say what happened.  There was some video of her fightin’ some bloke that looked like you, but then turned into this slimy monster, and then there was…well they found an awful lot of blood nearby.”  The Doctor saw Jackie shiver and take a big gulp of tea before she continued, “And then nothin’ after that.  Just…nothin’.”
“Right,” the Doctor nodded, about to pick up where Jackie had left off when something caught his attention, “Wait, did you say people’s memories were tampered with?”
Jackie gave him a look like he was missing the point, but he pressed on.
“Because the same thing happened when they got me.  And Rose was a bit fuzzy on some details too,” he started pacing the room, “Of course, I thought it was just the confusion of getting snatched and the less than considerate way they did the snatching,” his mind shied away from those violent scenes, “But!  Now there are other people with their memories gone wonky!  Rose was at a party, so how many people saw what happened?  Dozens?  More?  I know what those Americans can get up to at their ‘keggers.’  Red cups and jungle juice!  Hmmm…come to think of it, that could explain some of the lapses in recollection.  But surely not every case.  How many people had their memories altered, then?  Rose’s mate….uh…Kimmy?  Yes!  Kimmy!  I’ll want to talk to her.  Rose will probably want to talk to her too.  But for different reasons, of course.  Human bonding reasons and such…”
To her credit, Jackie let him talk himself out, though she did give him quite the look over the tea she was sipping.
“Er…Right, sorry.  More on that later then.  Ok, so Rose disappeared from University.  Good place to start,” he nodded.
“Anytime now, Doctor,” Jackie’s patience was wearing thin, a frightening prospect.  
“Right,” he focused his thoughts, “Well at that point, when they got Rose, they had already nabbed me.  From this dusty planet back in Universe Prime.  They made some alien look like Rose to lure me out, and there was a bit of a - a scuffle and then I woke up imprisoned on a space station.  Rose said it went about the same for her.  But the scuffle was a bit more…er,” he searched for a euphemism, “intense,” he settled on.  “So Rose was injured when she got to the station.”
“But that was ages ago!” Jackie interrupted, “Months and months!  Why’s she still such a mess?”
The Doctor silenced her with a look, “As I was saying…” he over enunciated, “She was injured, but they had quite advanced technology and fixed her up before delivering her to me.”
“Delivering her?” Jackie looked confused at the phrasing.
“Yes, well.  There was this mad woman and she decided that she, er, wanted a - a baby Time Lord.  And she thought I would be most, er, persuaded to help her out in that area if, uh, if Rose were…involved.” He really should have foreseen the awkwardness of explaining this bit to Jackie.  His cheeks felt hot and prickly. 
“They wanted to - to breed you two!?!  THEY WERE GOING TO SEAL MY GRANDBABY?!?” Jackie thundered.  The Doctor couldn’t help but think that if Madame Kovarian suddenly appeared in the room, Jackie would rip her limb from limb with her bare hands in that moment.
“Yes!” he shushed Jackie, glancing into Rose’s room to make sure she was still sleeping soundly.  “Yes, for some reason they wanted to er - breed us.  Something about fighting a war…Anyway, it didn’t work.  We didn’t - er - comply.”
Jackie looked puzzled, “But en’t the two of you…?”
And now the blush was deepening and spreading up to his ears.  Just bloody brilliant. “No!…Well, yes, but no, not like that.”
“Whatever that means,” Jackie snorted.  “Alright so the two of you didn’t breed,” he didn’t like the way she said that last part with a barely restrained laugh, “Good thing too.  You put a ring on my daughter’s finger before you go knocking her up, you hear?”
“Jackie!” he hissed, “We aren’t…I don’t…” finally his embarrassment turned to irritation.  He didn’t want to be going back over any of this and Jackie was doing a fantastic job of making it even harder. “Leave off it,” he said with just a hint of Oncoming Storm in his tone.  Jackie, as usual, wasn’t bothered.  She just sipped her tea with a little smirk.  “Do you want to hear the rest or not?”  That got her looking at least the slightest big contrite.
“Oh go on then,” she said, setting down her tea and folding her arms, “No sense of humor, you,” she added in an undertone, which he ignored.  “So anyway, you escaped then?”
He drained the rest of his tea, placed the empty cup on the fireplace’s mantle, and paced around the room twice before answering. 
“Not for a while - months and months.  We didn’t comply with the breeding directive, and that…displeased the woman.  So,” he sighed, “she had contingency plans.  And, well, it didn’t go so well for Rose.”  
“She was tortured,” Jackie stated flatly, all trace of mirth gone from her tone and face.
The Doctor tried to cover his surprise at Jackie’s insight.  Life in the parallel world must not be all love and flowers if she was clued into such dark things.  “Well, yes.”
“For months,” again, it was a statement from Jackie, not a question.
“Yes,” the Doctor nodded, holding Jackie’s gaze.  
“Oh Rose,” Jackie sighed, resting her head in her hands.  After a moment she took a breath and looked back up at him, “How bad was is?” she asked, eyes steely and demanding he give her the truth.
The Doctor thought back on their time trapped on that space station.  The period before he knew what was really going on was bad enough - having to watch Rose whither away and become fearful and withdrawn - but towards the end, when he knew what they did to her… Images of a bloodied Rose offering him a weak smile and trying to assure him she was ok despite the abundant evidence to the contrary flashed through his mind.  He’d thought he’d packed those scenes up in a locked room in the back of his mind, but it turned out explaining things to Jackie was even harder than he had expected.  He closed his eyes tightly and rubbed at his face, trying to wipe away the horrible imagery.
“Very,” he finally managed in a hoarse voice, “Very, very bad.”
The two of them were silent for a few moments, the only noise was the reassuring sound of gentle snoring coming from Rose in the next room.  The Doctor sat down in one of the chairs adjacent to Jackie.  It was easier continuing to speak when he could stare at the wall instead of at Rose’s mum.
“Rose was so brave.  And we did cobble together some sort of life in stasis, but,” he sighed, “It was bad.  And we couldn’t get out.  Us!  We, who have escaped from 371 jails, prisons, holding cells, traps, and other various states of confinement.  But we couldn’t get out of that bloody room they kept us in.  Not until it was almost too late.”
“I’d sent out a sort of distress signal, see, but for a long time no one answered.  Then one day things got…really bad.”  Why couldn’t he stop the images once again flashing in front of his eyes as if they were projected on the wall he was staring at?  Why was the sight of how he’d found Rose that day etched into his retinas?  He struggled to continue.  He was no longer sitting in the Tyler mansion.  He was back on that space station coming out of the loo to find the woman he loved lifeless on the floor.  There was blood everywhere.  On his hands, the scent of it in the air, and much too much of it all over Rose.  “And she almost…” he found his voice has simply run out.  He ducked his head and dug his palms into his eyes, trying to push it all away.
A warm weight landed on his shoulders and he wasn’t sure if he was more shocked to find himself back in the Tyler mansion, or that Jackie was leaning on the arm of his chair and wrapping him in a one-armed hug.
“Oh sweetheart,” she sighed.  He let himself be comforted by Rose’s mum for a few moments as he got ahold of himself.  
Taking a deep breath and shaking his head a little, he popped up out for he chair, memories back locked away where they belonged and a smile on his face.  If it was a bit manic, well, who could blame him?
“But then rescue came!” he announced cheerfully, “Turns out that signal I sent out reached none other than Captain Jack Harkness and he came in, blasters blazing, well metaphorically speaking, and broke us out of there.  I helped, of course.  Can’t give him all the credit!  Oh, Jackie it was brilliant!  There was crawling through air vents and running from angry soldiers and some rather impressive re-wiring of the navigational mainframe.”  Jackie somehow looked less then impressed.  For a frightening second, he thought she was going to press him on his abrupt mood change, but after a long searching look, she just huffed something about, “well, he’s an alien,” and moved back into her original chair.
“And then we were back in Universe prime!” he continued, “Safe and sound and able to patch Rose up in the TARDIS.  We spent some time with Jack and his mates, and then I surprised Rose with a trip here!  So she can recover with family,” he finished beaming at Jackie.
“Thought going universe to universe was impossible,” was Jackie’s only comment.
“Well, yes, it is.  Completely impossible.  But sometimes, well I say sometimes, but I mean really quite rarely, almost never, there is a…weeelll it’s like a bubble you could say that connects two distinct universes.  It’s why Universe Prime and Pete’s World are so similar and have had, what is it, three, or is it four interactions now?”
“Right,” Jackie drawled in a way that let him know she had no idea what he was talking about, but would accept the explanation regardless.  “So that’s it then?  That’s what happened?”
“Pretty much,” the Doctor nodded.
“And you two?” Jackie narrowed her eyes at him, “You going to be ok after all that?”
A little shiver went through him as he contemplated the answer.  Would they?  Could they be?  “Of course!” he beamed, “We’re always alright.”
“Sure you are,” Jackie agreed.  But her gaze was far too knowing.  
Before he had to confront that, a cry from the other room caught their attention and he darted towards the door to Rose’s bedroom.  He paused to mutter a low, “She has nightmares now,” in explanation before rushing to comfort the whimpering Rose.  
In a few steps, he was back at her side, brushing the mussed hair away from her face and running his fingers over her temple.  He projected love and peace to her until she settled and her whimpering was replaced by calm, even breathing.  He let out a relieved breath himself.  He’d gotten to her before she’d become too trapped in the dream.  No longer giving a damn what Jackie would think, the Doctor eased himself onto the bed and sat up against the headboard, lacing his fingers through Rose’s.  
A subtle movement out of the corner of his eye alerted him to Jackie standing in the doorway.  
“I’ll just go downstairs and call Pete, then,” she said in a whisper, “Tony will be home soon, but you two just rest for now.”
He nodded back at her.  She backed out of the doorway, but just before she’d fully exited, he spoke, “Jackie?”
“Yes?” she poked her head back in.
“Thank you,” he said, putting a world of feeling behind those two words.  There was an apology there too.  Now Jackie also had a part of the burden to bear.
She just nodded and took her leave.  
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headstrongblake · 1 year
i'm the only one who can do this. / grant to nick and o abt garrett maybe mwahahaha / @thewholecrew​
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       after the state of grant’s condo & the state grant had been in when nick found him, nicklas couldn’t keep to himself. almost instantly he’d gone in search of octavia, practically demanding that she talk to grant with him because everything he did learn about this garrett guy, made nicklas’ stomach flip. when octavia didn’t double over in surprise, he could only conclude it’s because she’s known about him. i saw grant right after he’d run into garrett, she told him. that’s where the split in his lip had come from. where the paranoid and agitated feelings must have risen from.  
       with a lot of prying on octavia’s part, the three of them stood in nicklas home as an uncomfortable tension filled the space. octavia leaned on the arm of the couch, watching as grant created distance between the three, and nick frustratedly tugged on his beard. “ all nick is trying to say is we are here, we want to help you, whatever that looks like, let us help you. ” octavia spoke gently as eyes flickered between the two men, not wanting to spark another round of fighting on nicklas’ part. but her gentle words have grant turning back to them, and she swears she can almost see a flash of fear cross his gaze. i’m the only one who can do this.
     “ bullshit. ” nicklas said forcefully, standing from his spot on the couch and brushing octavia’s hand off his arm as he moved towards grant. “ remember when i said that? that i was the only one who could manage my father? ” his head tilted, gaze hardening as he watched grant. “ look how that fuckin’ turned out. i thought i handled my shit and he came back, remember? ” octavia carefully watched the two, but confusion seeped into her features. what was nicklas talking about? “ nick...c’mon... ” she didn’t know what he was referring to, only that she didn’t like the way he was pushing grant.
     nick’s head snapped towards her, “ no, octavia, he wants to say he’s gotta do this shit alone, i don’t buy it. ” he said, holding tightly to the protectiveness that bubbled through out him. after everything the pair had been through, he wanted to help solve grant’s garrett problem & quickly. “ i killed my fuckin’ father, and that man, ” he pointed back at grant, “ didn’t let me handle that shit alone. ” nick looked back towards grant with guilt and pain swimming in his eyes. “ don’t make us repeat that shit. let me help with this bastard. ” 
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sombersummerskies · 5 months
A Champion's Love: Chapter 36
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Chapter 36: Mockery
Word Count: 4471
CW: Blood, injury, violence
Want all the chapters? -> Masterlist
~~~ <> ~~~
Gentle waves crash on the beach as the sun sets in the distance. The tide is low, allowing crabs and sea slugs to move between shallow pools of water in the nearby rock. Sidon runs his hands across the ground, grains of sand flowing between his fingers. It had been three months since his arrival at the Zora settlement. He longed to return home.
“I thought I might find you here.”
The prince shoots up, turning his head to seek out the voice that spoke. Behind him stands Yona, who offers a gentle smile as she walks to stand beside him. “You did always love the beach when we were young,” she muses, watching the water wash away her footprints, “it’s not a surprise to me that you still seek out its comforts.”
“I do not see the beach often, actually,” Sidon responds, eyes trained on the horizon, “the domain is nestled within the mountains, and I do not make it a habit to leave the safety of its waters.”
“Until recently, yes?” Yona asks with a quiet laugh, “I’ve heard quite a few stories about your travels with that Hylian knight. Is there any truth to them?”
He can’t help but smile at the mention of you. “Yes, they’re quite true,” he replies, a grin gracing his features as he speaks, “I had spent a significant portion of the last year traveling alongside the Hylian Champion. She’s a marvel, truly. A talented fighter but with the kindest of hearts and purest of intentions. It’s no wonder they claim she was chosen by Hylia herself. Anyone would consider themself lucky to be her companion.”
Yona giggles, and Sidon turns to give her a curious look.
“Forgive me,” she smiles, placing her hand to her lips, “I do not mean to laugh. But it’s a pleasant sight.”
“What is?” the prince replies.
“You’re in love,” Yona swoons, sitting beside him in the sand, “what is it like?”
“To be in love?” he chuckles, cheeks warm.
She nods eagerly.
Sidon sighs happily, turning his gaze back to the sunset, “it is unlike anything I have ever felt before. It is the greatest joy to hold another so near and dear to your heart. There isn’t a moment that goes by where I am not thinking of her. As much as I am enjoying this visit I must admit that I am counting down the days until I have her in my arms again. She’s become my everything. Her voice is the sweetest honey, her laughter can soothe my wounds, and her eyes are pools that I can get lost within…”
The prince trails off, blush dusting his face.
“Wow,” Yona gasps, “I can only wish to capture another’s heart like this someday… however, is your father aware?”
Sidon quirks his head to the side, “my father? Yes, he knows, in fact, he’s encouraged me to pursue and court her.”
“I see,” she murmurs, “but, the council? Do you have their approval?”
The prince goes silent.
“I cannot imagine that my father’s council would approve if I chose to have a dalliance with someone who was not of Zora blood. Let alone choosing to marry them,” Yona continues, a small frown on her lips, “so I would think that your council must be thinking the same.”
Sidon chooses his words carefully, “they are… not entirely pleased with the circumstances. While I’m sure they would prefer I choose a Zora to be my future wife, I have made it adamantly clear to them that she is who I’ve chosen. I believe with time I will be able to change their minds.”
“You seem confident,” she replies with a sad smile, “and I’m glad for that. But remember that we Zora are a proud people and that we hold our traditions close to our hearts. Approval from the council over this matter may take decades to achieve.”
“And I am willing to wait,” the prince retorts, a steeled look in his eyes, “for her I will wait. Always.”
Yona nods, looking out into the distance. She wears an expression that the prince cannot read. “I understand. Speaking of waiting, that is why I came to find you. Your councilman, Muzu, was looking to speak with you about the upcoming lunar festival. I think he became anxious when you suddenly disappeared after supper.”
“Ah, I see. Thank you for letting me know,” he says.
After exchanging goodbyes the prince soars into the water, swimming downwards into the cove rapidly. Once at the underwater palace, he’s greeted by eager staff, but he politely excuses himself to continue walking past them. When he finds that the throne room is empty, however, he’s greatly confused.
The prince wanders through the palace hall, trying to make sure he doesn’t get lost within the unfamiliar architecture. Eventually, he finds his way to the hall of private chambers, one of which he’s being housed in as a guest. If his memory serves him right, the king’s chambers would be one of these rooms as well.
As Sidon walks past one of the doors, he’s stopped in his tracks by the conversation he hears within.
“... what will we do to solve this problem?” says the first voice- King Sola.
“Problem, sir? Please elaborate, Your Majesty,” replies a second, more familiar one- Muzu.
“That boy! Need I remind you, but the purpose of this diplomatic exchange was far more important than simply hosting feasts and festivals,” Sola retorts, palpable frustration in his voice.
“A-ah, I see, is this about-”
“Yes! Is that damnable knight so important to Sidon that he’s chosen to shirk his duties as prince? Or has King Dorephan forgotten about the arrangement we made?”
“The arrangement,” Muzu repeated, “but that was with our dear Princess Mipha, it had nothing to do with-”
He’s interrupted by the king, “if you’ve forgotten the terms, I shall take pleasure in reminding you. Dorephan and I agreed that the heir to his throne would be engaged to a suitor of my choosing, to bond our kingdoms in matrimony and strengthen the alliance. When Mipha passed on that responsibility was handed down to-”
“Prince Sidon,” Muzu concludes.
The prince’s heart pounds in his chest as he eavesdrops. He’s pressed himself against the wall, eyes wide as he listens to the exchange.
He hears a deep sigh of annoyance from Sola, “is Sidon even aware?”
There’s a tense pause before Muzu answers, “no, I do not believe so. B-but you must understand, this will be a difficult change, that Hylian knight is quite beloved- not just to Sidon but to the domain as well. She aided us in a time of great need, she is a savior to our people. I believe the majority of our citizens may even be expecting for Sidon to ascend the throne with the Champion at his side.”
The king scoffs, “how sad is it that your people have been reduced to this, Muzu. Before the Calamity, your domain was a mighty force to be reckoned with. Now you need lowly Hylians to rescue you, then let those same Hylians taint the royal bloodline.”
Sidon seethes, needing to remind himself to remain quiet.
“King Sola, please, this is unnecessary,” Muzu attempts to argue.
“If you do not tell him then I will,” Sola threatens, “and I will not be so kind about it. I do not know when Dorephan will choose to pass on his throne, but I expect that when that day comes the prince will be ready to accept his responsibilities.”
There’s the sound of footsteps on stone, and the prince panics momentarily. As quickly and quietly as possible he vacates the hallway, turning around the corner and making it appear as if he were never there in the first place. As he marches down the winding halls he crosses his arms, mind swirling as he processes this new information.
“An arranged marriage,” he whispers to himself, “how could they never have told me? How will I tell _____? There must be a way around this, I’m sure of it.”
His name is called out and he quickly turns, putting on a false smile. He’ll have to ensure that no one becomes aware that he overheard such an important conversation. The prince swears to himself, however, that he will find a solution.
He will not lose you.
“So, you can actually read these?”
The air in the Faron Jungle was humid, causing your clothing to stick to your body. You use the back of your palm to wipe the sweat from your forehead. ‘Should’ve worn a thinner tunic,’ you think to yourself, shielding your eyes from the bright sunlight. In front of you is Tauro, who sits before one of the crumbling ruins. In his hands, he holds his journal, where he meticulously attempts to translate the tome.
“Only somewhat,” he answers, “I’ve still not perfectly translated their alphabet to our modern-day Hyrulean one. But I can usually gather enough context to get a vague idea of what the old writing says. For example, I’m fairly certain this one is discussing a trial of some kind. And there’s carved illustrations of figures.”
You hum in acknowledgment before turning to look at Calip. The other Hylian was sat beneath the shade of a tree, sketching a thorough illustration of the ruins in his own journal.
Your trio had spent the last two months journeying around Hyrule in search of the remaining Sheikah shrines. Your travels had been successful, with all one-hundred-and-twenty of the shrines being tagged for deconstruction. It had led you to a variety of amazing sites: the confusing beauty of the labyrinths, a cave in the Hebra mountain range with a large leviathan skeleton, the farthest reaches of the Gerudo Desert, and even a tropical island in the Necluda sea.
As you’d promised the two researchers, the three of you had made your way to the Faron region so that they may explore the Zonai ruins as they wished. You’d traveled on foot today, leaving your horses at a stable to spare them from the heat of the jungle. From your canteen you take a swig of water, needing to remind yourself to stay hydrated.
“Tauro how do you work in this weather?” you huff, “it’s unbearably hot.”
“Why do you think I dress the way I do,” he chuckles, peering over his shoulder to look back at you, “besides, being born in Lurelin let me become accustomed to warm weather.”
You fan yourself with your free hand as you speak, “so, a trial, is that what these ruins were for?”
“I believe so, though it’s these illustrations that have me the most curious,” he explains, “they’re different from other carvings I’ve seen. It’s as though these figures are wearing ceremonial garb. I wonder if it’s for some kind of traditional ceremony or rite.”
“Hmm… I wonder what the Zonai were like,” you mumble, “I’m sure Zelda must know something about it, or maybe it’s in the old archives in the castle.”
“I would think so. It’s said that the earlier rulers in Hyrule’s royal lineage had alliances with the Zonai,” Tauro responds, returning to writing in his notes, “then again, they also say that the Zonai were god-like figures who descended from the heavens, so perhaps take those old tales with a grain of salt.”
The two men continue their investigation of the ruins for hours. It was enough time for you to wander north, skirting alongside a long and winding river. The sun slowly moves across the sky, and you return to the two men as it sets; the humid air finally beginning to cool down. You start a small campfire, striking your sword against the flint and watching as the flames burst forth. From your travel pack you produce three apples, placing them near the flame to roast.
“Hey, champ,” Tauro calls out to you, finally standing and walking away from the rock he’d been translating, “I never asked. What are you going to do now that we’ve found all the shrines?”
You shrug your shoulders, looking up at the sky as you think. “Well, I’ll be returning to the princess of course. Maybe go to Lookout Landing to see how construction is faring. Or I could even see if Robbie and Purah need further assistance with dismantling the old Sheikah tech.”
“Don’t forget, you’ll be waiting around for that prince too,” he chuckles teasingly.
As you’d gotten to know one another better over the course of your travels, Tauro was more than happy to playfully tease you about your relationship with the Zora prince. His comments were never harmful, but they also never failed to make you blush and stubbornly roll your eyes.
“One day you will have a crush on someone, Tauro,” you threaten, “and I will never leave you alone about it.”
“Crushes,” Calip scoffs, sitting beside the campfire, “what a childish premise.”
“I don’t believe for a second that you’ve never had feelings for another, doc,” you retort, “I think that there’s a someone for everyone.”
“And you think your ‘someone’ is that prince?” he grumbles, taking one of the roasted apples for himself.
You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes at the researcher. “What’s that supposed to mean?” you reply, “what exactly are you trying to imply?”
Calip shrinks beneath your gaze, clearly regretting the words he’d spoken as he stammers a reply, “w-well, what I meant was- come on now, you must admit it’s a little ridiculous to think that a prince of a royal bloodline would choose to marry a common knight- let alone one of a different race.”
You have no response. You simply turn on your heel and walk away from the camp. As you get farther you can hear Tauro chastizing the other researcher, but it doesn’t help. You were already full of anxiety when it came to how the other Zora viewed your relationship, the last thing you needed was another Hylian mocking you as well.
Before you realize it you’ve returned to the river. The water trickles gently, the sound calming your racing thoughts. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you sit down. You pull off your gloves and stick your hand beneath the surface, letting the cool water flow over your skin.
Skin, not scales.
“Stop thinking about that,” you mutter to yourself, “can’t believe Kilton told me about that stupid lie.”
Your wallowing is interrupted by another voice. Tauro had come to find you.
“I’m sorry about that- about what Calip said,” he apologizes, “neither of us should have pried.”
“... it’s fine,” you mumble, pulling your hands from the water, but your tone grows bitter as you continue to speak, “probably just being sensitive about it. Because it’s a funny joke, right? A Hylian and a Zora, a knight and a prince? It’s hilarious, even. One giant joke and everyone gets to laugh about it except for me.”
When you look back at Tauro your stern gaze softens. There’s a look of guilt on his face.
“Sorry-” you sigh, pinching your nose as you stand, “you’ve done nothing wrong. You don’t deserve my vitriol. I’m just… frustrated. I feel like people are speaking about me constantly. I’m tired of the judgment. Is it such a crime to just want to live? Have I committed some kind of sin by falling in love?”
There’s no wisdom he can give you in response, no words he can use to soothe your soul. The tall Hylian pulls you into a gentle hug, and you do your best to ignore the tears that sting your eyes. You feel your throat begin to close up and you don’t dare speak. You’ve grown tired of crying.
“Want to go back to camp?” Tauro offers, taking a step back.
“Yeah,” you whisper, “back to camp.”
“Alright men! On the count of three! One- two- three- pull!”
You watch as a group of construction workers, consisting of Hylians and Gorons, work together to lift a large piece of wood into place. It would become a part of the wall which would surround Lookout Landing, turning it into a fortress. The men heaved, working in tandem as they pulled the ropes that would lift the segment vertically.
“Steady- steady- alright, it’s in place! Hold it while we hammer the stakes.”
One of the Hylians holding the ropes is Link, who you easily recognize. The blond glances over his shoulder and spots you, giving you a small smile. You wave, not wanting to distract him from the task at hand.
You wander through the landing, maneuvering through groups of people before heading up a set of stairs. You enter a building, though it was still under construction as part of the roof was missing. It would eventually become a laboratory for Purah and Robbie to conduct research inside of.
“Ah, there you are! I was about to look for you!”
At the table sits Zelda, who looks up at you with a grin as she sets some papers aside. You’d recently been reinstated as her knight, having been deemed healed of all ailments. Thus you’d joined her side once more as she would travel between Hateno and Hyrule Field to oversee the many projects in the works.
“Princess,” you greet her, “did you need something?”
“Yes, actually, I wanted your opinion,” she responds, patting the seat beside her.
You take a seat, setting the Master Sword aside. On the table, you spotted a mix of notes left behind by Purah, the majority of which seemed to be calculations for the aging rune she was still attempting to formulate. As you adjust your gloves, Zelda speaks once more.
“With the construction of Lookout Landing being close to complete, there was something of importance I was discussing with Hudson,” she explains, “over the past few months, there’s been a handful of incidents with monsters. Nothing drastic, but the occasional Moblin or Lizalfos would wander close by. There was almost always someone skilled enough with a sword to dispose of the threat, but it gave me pause. Should a larger threat return, someday, I fear that we would be ill-equipped to handle it.”
“A larger threat, like, a mob of monsters?” you ask, tapping your chin.
“Yes, in fact, there’s been reports of monster camps appearing to the south of us,” she continues, “and we no longer have a centralized army, as I’m sure you’re aware. There hasn’t been one since the Calamity. I think that there is no better time than the present to work towards training a new generation for our protection.”
You nod as you listen, “it’s a good plan. Who would be training them?”
The princess doesn’t respond, she simply looks at you.
“Oh!” you gasp, face flush with embarrassment, “you want me to train them?”
“Is there a better option?” Zelda replies, lifting a cup of tea to her lips.
“Suppose not,” you say with a shrug, “it would just take some planning, some petitioning, some-”
You’re interrupted by shouting outside. Both you and the princess exchange worried glances as you jump up, grab your sword, and run out the door. To your horror, you realize that, just as Zelda had mentioned, a camp of monsters approaches the landing. Multiple Bokoblins of varying colors, intimidating silver Moblins, and a black Hinox that looms above them all- his footsteps shaking the ground.
“... what was that you were saying about a larger threat?” you say dryly.
You instruct Zelda to stay within the fortress as you sprint down the stairs. There’s a commotion as people run around frantically. You attempt to raise your voice to draw their attention but to no avail.
“Hey- hey- HEY!!” you scream, nearly tearing up your vocal cords, but it works to finally make people stop in their tracks.
“There’s no use in idle panic, we need to get to work and we need to be fast,” you speak, your voice commanding their respect, “we need anything that can be used as a weapon brought here now- swords, spears, mops, farming hoes, even soup ladles. We’ll use pot lids as shields if we have to. If you cannot fight, retreat into the emergency shelter. Anyone who is able-bodied and willing, stay here with me.”
As best as you can, you control the flow of movement. The shelter is opened and people move in and out of it, carrying weapons up to the surface. You coordinate with the Rito who were present, handing them the weak bows available and instructing them to attack from the air. The handful of Goron can use their bodies to attack, downhill and hitting with force. You hand out swords and spears to the Hylian men willing to battle, directing them to the four walls of the fortress to protect from all sides.
Your eyes meet a pair of blue ones as you turn around.
“Link-” you say, slightly startled by how silently the man could move, “I shouldn’t be surprised to see you here. You want to fight?”
He nods, blond hair bouncing.
You glance over your shoulder, the monsters getting closer and closer by the second.
“Have you ever fought before?” you ask when you turn back to him.
He squints his eyes, shrugging his shoulders as he signs to you: play - fight - spar - with - friends.
“It’s good enough,” you reply, handing him a sword that he grasps in his right hand, “don’t do anything stupid, protect your head and your chest. If you get injured, you’ll fall back to the shelter. The sword is an extension of your arm, so don’t go blindly swinging it. Head to the south wall, I’m putting you on the front lines.”
Link gives you a salute before jogging to the wall.
Unfortunately, there was no armor to be shared, meaning everyone would have to fight in their tunics and plain clothes. It was the best you could muster. You jog to the southern wall, standing in front of all the men as you unsheathe the Master Sword. The metal reflects the sun and you lift a hand, a silent message telling everyone to pause.
“Wait,” you order them, “we need to wait for the best moment to-”
You’re interrupted by a Bokoblin keeling over in pain. One of the Rito in the air above you had shot without warning, managing to strike the monster right in its eye. Suddenly all the monsters erupt, running towards your makeshift army with thundering roars.
“Shit,” you hiss, “never mind- attack!”
Your faux soldiers charge forward and you spring ahead of the group, pouncing as you swing your sword. You easily slice through the weaker Bokoblins, maneuvering around their haphazard attacks. A silver Moblin attempts to catch you off guard by swinging its club, and you dodge out of the way at the last second.
The cacophonous sounds of battle erupt around you- metal striking wood, war cries, and shouts of pain. Your brow is furrowed as you watch men have to retreat back to the shelter, already sustaining wounds. They’re picked off one by one as the monsters whittle down your defenses.
Working in tandem with your archers in the sky, you’re also able to clear at the monsters at the same time. The field is littered with parts left behind by the slain monsters, a mix of horns and guts and wooden weapons. You pick up shields and toss them to your remaining soldiers to use as defense.
You grunt as you parry another swing from the Moblin, jutting out your leg to trip him before landing the killing blow across his neck. An unfamiliar shout draws your attention, and your eyes widen when you realize a lone Hylian is attempting to fight the Hinox.
“Link!” you shout, dashing to join his side.
For all of his inexperience, he seems to be defending himself quite well, with nimble footing allowing him to dodge the monster's attacks. He takes the sword you’d give him, slicing it across the ankle of the Hinox. The monster cries out, stomping its feet and getting dangerously close to crushing the blond.
‘Shit, shit, shit,’ you curse inwardly, drawing back your arm and flinging it forward.
A beam of light shoots forth from the sword and strikes the Hinox in the eye, causing it to fall back in pain. A few more powerful slices from the Master Sword put the beast out of its misery and you huff, catching your breath as the body collapses into a puff of smoke.
When you look back at your fellow Hylian you groan seeing the red staining his tunic.
“You idiot,” you chastise him, though there’s no real anger in your voice, “I told you to retreat if you were injured. How bad is the wound?”
He silently lifts his shirt and you examine the various small cuts across his abdomen, likely from the swords of the wear Bokoblins. “They’re not awful,” you sigh, “we’ll need to clean and bandage them. Otherwise, you did a good job.”
You look around and survey the battle’s conclusion. You feel lucky to have no casualties on your end, but there are quite a few men with wounds that need tending to. Both you and Link assist a man who’d gotten sliced across the leg, allowing him to lean his weight on you as you return to the fortress.
Already people have emerged from the shelter with medical supplies, working on patching up your little army. You receive small comments of appreciation, praising you for how efficiently you’d planned the offense. The princess comes running up to you, hands clasped and a smile on her face.
“_____, you were brilliant! Wasn’t I right to say you’d be the most well-equipped person to train our new army,” she grins, before turning her attention to the blond beside you, “and you, Link, you fought valiantly as well!”
The two smile at one another, and you easily notice the blush on each of their faces. You grin mischievously as you put your hand between Link’s shoulders, gently pushing him forward.
“Yes, I think Link shows signs of being a natural swordsman,” you reply, “but he did sustain some injuries. Zelda, why don’t you help patch him up while I check in with everyone else?”
“W-what-” she sputters, her cheeks growing red, and beside her Link signs with his hands, frantically insisting that he was fine.
But you walk away from the pair faster than they can argue with you, chuckling to yourself. You couldn’t help but try to play matchmaker, seeing the way they would look at one another. They were hopeless.
Besides, it was a fun way to keep yourself entertained until Sidon returned.
~~~ <> ~~~
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noeffingbody · 5 months
Part 2: The Cage
But Daddy I Love Him - You can’t have a forbidden romance without the obstacle. In this case, it’s not a jealous husband or a scorned ex. It’s people in the cheap seats saying, “so did you hear…?” in between sets. For the first time, I think ever, has Taylor taken aim at people who are not haters, not casual listeners, but people who claim to intimately KNOW her, and also claim to know what’s best for her. I love the conceit of the song being that it’s sort of an evolved love story. The “daddy” isn’t some evil tyrant king mad on power, it’s the people who claim they have a very special connection with Taylor. People who claim they’ve made her, they grew up with her. They become stand-in parents who tragically can’t let her go. Despite it all, there’s a kind of joy and teenage rebellion to this song. It feels like a celebration of her personal freedom, part of the joy comes from doing exactly what she wants but also because there is a kind of satisfaction watching people who think they have control realize they actually…don’t.
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? - It’s no wonder Taylor released this in the middle of a gigantic tour where her every move is dissected, analyzed, characterized, judged. She has always played around with the idea of being torn apart, and accepted it as a natural hazard of her job—she has no way to control it so might as well resign herself. In this song, though, she is livid. It’s a howling rage running through the chorus of this song. What if I crash all of your parties and let me hear you say those things again to my face? Would you be scared? Would you dare to repeat yourselves? And who are you if not the people who came up with the hoops I have to jump through in the first place? Doesn’t that make me fearsome because I aced all those terrible tests you personally devised just for me? Again, this is a song aimed at a subject which seems to be people who claim to care deeply about her. They’re coming to watch the show, after all. But just know, she’s judging you as well, she’s going to come right back no matter how many times you try to hang her.
How Did It End? - Imagine a somber time in your life, maybe a death, maybe a loss of some kind...a serious situation where the mood is low and maybe you deserve some space and privacy. Instead, you have gossip-mongers circling this death like vultures in the sky, ready to descend on the body of whatever has died. In this song, the death is of a relationship. That's not the tragic part, though. The tragedy is that people must search for any scraps of meat and bones to pull apart and dissect. I do remember when the news of joever reached tumblr, and it became an almost joyous occasion. Inboxes were overflowing, discussion was at a fever pitch, and there was renewed interest in parsing Taylor's facial features for any hint of a stray tear. This isn't a call-out for any one specific person, I was also engaged in it. In hindsight, it was pretty nauseating that something so personal to her, could become such a wide-ranging topic of discussion. It does come with the territory of being such a huge celebrity, you provide entertainment via your public life. But whose humanity is really being lost in that process? Hers or ours?
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart - This is arguably the best "caged" song. It outlines the parameters of her job--be OKAY above all else. You could be dying, you could be depressed, you could be broken and alone, but you've got to slap a smile on your face and perform. Whether it's in front of a dining room with your extended family who can't fucking mind their own business, or a sold-out stadium tour filled with fans who celebrated your latest breakup, there is a particular art involved in being a woman and being so good at hiding your emotions that you've turned it into a career. Imagine Bree Van Decamp from Desperate Housewives sobbing her eyes out in the bathroom, only to emerge three minutes later without a hair out of place and a serene smile on her face holding the most beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers. It's jarring, it's weird, it's...a woman.
I Hate It Here - What if I lived in a different time? What if I had a different career? Would it be better? Nope, nope, and nope. At least, those are the answers this song gives us. It does seem a very modern, but simultaneously timeless, sensibility that has you trapped in a very very particular life. There's no deserting, there's no escaping, there's no relief. It's just day after day of being you. In your body. In your town. So what do you do? You escape into the recesses of your mind, of course. Anything is possible there, you've morphed into the stories of a million different people simultaneously. You are in the secret garden, you're in a lunar valley, you're happy, you're in love, you're safe and beyond reproach. And, most importantly, none of these other people have any part in it. They can't watch you, they can't hold you, they can't touch you.
Florida!!! - You can't talk about feeling trapped without also talking about escape. Apparently our narrator feels like her escape is Florida. It's swampy, it's low, it's barely tethered to reality. I can see the appeal. I do think the song speaks to a specific moment in time, when you don't just need a bender or a vacation, you need, like, extensive healing and unimpeded time to yourself. You need to not be hounded by your mistakes, and big neon signs flashing your name all the time. You don't need to be surrounded by your friends who are happily married with kids, OR friends who are living in their own personal neverland. You need escape from the times, the life you've led, the people you've known who just won't leave you alone. Who are coming to get you after every minor change in your life, so that there's nothing you can do which doesn't make you feel like a fucking criminal. To be so hunted, no wonder she wants to go to Florida of all places.
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bks-blogs · 8 months
How's it goin', my dedicated pups? Danuki here!
I want to apologize for the sudden absence. Real-life stuff related to mental health slowed me down from work (Due to my pet human's anxiety), and thus I have struggled to regain to my creative footing since then.
If you haven't been following my social accounts recently, I have made announcements early last month about plans regarding future trending parties, and future plans for the 101DS community, and I think it could prove to be beneficial if we work together on pushing 101 Dalmatian Street's relevancy and popularity to a larger audience. In 2024, I'm constructing a foundation for the 101DS community, expanding our efforts on how we support the show. 🐕🐶
Starting off with Announcement 1:
I have opened a 101DS fan-group on DeviantArt that will be part of our fan-campaign "Save 101 Dalmatian Street": Save101DS!
Users there can post announcements and updates like Fan Events, Trending Parties, Art Events, Fan-Content, Fan Projects and so forth. I believe this will be a kickstarter to our efforts to build 101 Dalmatian Street's popularity! You can go ahead and give the website a visit, and if you want to be contributor, an admin, co-founder (As long as you have the experience), our door is always open! We'll send you an invite right away!✉️😊
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Announcement 2:
Future 101DS Trending Parties will be handled differently this time around. Starting now, I no longer plan on hosting trending parties exclusively on Twitter. Instead, we'll be holding future trending parties broadly for many social media/art websites. Our goal is to reach out to many users (Whether they heard of 101DS or not) across the internet, and we cannot rely on just Twitter/X alone. I'll be giving more info on how future trending parties will be handled soon in due time, so look forward to that.🚂🏢💻
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Announcement 3:
This one is more urgent and has to do with Twitter's current state. After hearing uncertainties about Twitter's future, I must implore you folks of the 101DS community to prepare a smooth migration to safer social websites when the time comes when it seems like Twitter is on its last legs. So, I ask of you 101DS fans to create backup accounts on alternate websites like Threads, Instagram or the Bluesky app (Whichever one you think is best) and ask your followers to do the same. As part of the community, your safety is my top concern, and I know some of you are worried about the state the Twitter. Whether or not you still want to stay on Twitter is up to you, but I'm speaking for all of us when I say, we need to make preparations to make backup social media accounts.✈️🚋💼
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Announcement 4:
I have many projects in Danuki's Dalmatian Studio planned and certain creative ideas to share for the 101DS community for 2024, which I believe will help bolster our movement to support. You remember that during our Jan 2nd-3rd 101DS Trending Party, that I made an announcement for a 101DS series project that I plan to create for tumblr featuring the three main characters Dylan, Fergus and Hansel. Meanwhile, I will expand my outreach to the community through more social/art accounts. As such, I will be building 101DS fan-content on my Newgrounds, Threads, Giphy, Tenor, and my Bluesky account so you can stay in touch with my work!🎨🖌️📝
(Check out my alt-tumblr blog 101dsproject2024 for more information about the upcoming tumblr series)
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And that's about it for the announcements! I hope you'll take all of these to advice, and I hope you're all looking forward to what spot-tastic surprises I have in store for the 101DS community for this year! And thank you so much for taking part in the Jan 2nd-3rd 101DS Trending Party! It's been fun as always. Until next time, my dedicated pups! Peace!✌️
@atomiccartoons @disneytva @mandareeboo @msitubeatz @adrigummi @alioks-blog @aapaperbag @carlycmarathecat @cadpig101 @doglover502 @egonoidea @fenrisarts @ghostindeedee @higburger @incorrect101dalmatians @jayofthetrees @julie-ghouls @kit-c0re @notsoblackandwhite101 @polarpace @rahitoshi @rainbowchromatic @stoatfloat @straysketches @themilesfox @t00nified @versailercat @xfangheartx @yatesmal91 @brinnyart @samtheangelfox @cachicabra @chelledoggo @dramatic-disraeli @derektahki @aquarellewolf-blog @hyperaura @deadyoung45 @steelsponge @avalanchesparkgrenade @101dalmatianstreet @natedraws @retroartpup @julie-ghouls @mariakarmakova @mnmarsart @ratrrriot @marylikesstuff @marieecarlat @ninjaaa-go @pawreadingpup @sk4w-ro4r @aquarellewolf-blog @mel-toons
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dontmindifidontt · 1 year
EARLY MORNINGS AND OVERTIME | Nanami Kento x Reader JJK fanfic | Chapter 14: At Last (FINAL CHAPTER)
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Reader (fem, first person pov) Word count: 5347 Fic Summary: A smutty fic in which Nanami Kento brightens up the mundane, flour-dusted life a college dropout working in a bakery.   Chapter Summary: After seemingly walking into a trap, our baker must find a way to get herself free. No smut warnings this chapter.
Read on AO3. Masterlist. | Previous Chapter  |
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This isn’t good. This isn’t fucking good. I look around frantically, searching for the source of the noise but there’s nothing to be seen. Even with the help of my glasses I quickly threw on, I still can’t see whatever is steadily closing in on me.
How could I have led myself into a trap like this? I ended up doing the exact thing I was afraid of… I ended things with Nanami because I didn’t want this exact scenario to happen.
Then again, if he’s not here to witness what happens next, I guess I succeeded in at least part of my goal in separating myself from him. He may never know what happened to me but hopefully he’ll assume I just ghosted him and lived the rest of my life in safety - not that I met whatever terrible end I’m about to meet.
He can’t ever know I ended up like this… the thought of him being devastated brings me to the brink of sobs. I clutch my hand to my mouth instinctively, holding back tears or vomit or screams - at this point I could hardly tell.
But I have to focus if I want even the slimmest chance of walking out of here. Ever since I spent a week of training at the cabin with Nanami I’ve been keeping a small slicing knife from work sheathed on my leg. I’d normally use it for cutting precise layers of cake to carefully stack atop each other. Now, I can only hope it’ll be enough to thwart whatever intelligent cursed spirit has been stalking me in this alley. I know I need to exorcise it to make this cat-and-mouse game end once and for all, but I don’t know if I’m even capable of that right now. And without Nanami in the picture to help me learn… I try not to think about what that means for my likely short future.
Something crashes against a dumpster across the alley again, snapping me out of my daze. Three rodents quickly scurry out from underneath the heap of trash as if they’ve been spooked.
I need to remember every single piece of training Nanami taught me. We never made it to close combat, but hopefully I can prevent the curse from getting close enough to try.
Pulling the short but sharp slicing knife from its sheath with shaky hands, I raise it up chest-height in a protective stance. Elbow bent straight ahead, forearm parallel with my chest, palm facing down… I grip the hilt of it as hard as I can while my eyes desperately scan the street for a clear view of the circling cursed spirit.
I slowly turn in a tight circle, subconsciously stepping off the sidewalk and into the empty road. I’d rather be in an open road than stand too close to the nearby building and risk having my back to the wall without means to escape. I already feel vulnerable enough as it is, I don’t need to make myself an easier target.
A snuffling, gasping sound snaps my attention to another narrow alley down the desolate road. I’m officially not alone.
My eyes widen as I attempt to make out the figure peeking out from around the side of the building. The first thing I notice are the claw-tipped dark green hands covered in spores and scratch marks. The skin covering this being is scaly yet blemished with golf ball-sized lumps as if it’s filled with air bubbles vying to break the surface.
Just the upper half of its head is peeking out, but I can see all I need to see in order to know I should be very, very afraid. There are no recognizable features in any place you would expect them to be on a person’s head. Three rounded eyes dot its face in a triangle-shaped pattern: two spread apart on each side and one at the top. Each eye’s pupil is spinning in a different direction, yet I can somehow feel all of its attention on me. Even from this front-facing view I can see its neck protruding from its head. Instead of being located at the base, it sprouts upward from the back of its head. It seems to curve downward towards the rest of its body, as if the head and body are connected by a bent straw. There is no mouth or nose to be seen, but I don’t doubt there are terrifying rows of sharp teeth lining its gums.
A flicker of light catches my eye, and I quickly shoot my glance back to the space in front of me. I began shaking so much that the thin streak of sunlight peeking through the clouds reflected off my knife like a mirror. I give a half sigh of relief to know I caused the flicker myself and swiftly bring my eyes back to the alley to focus on the threat at hand.
It’s empty. There’s no hands, no glimpse of a head. No curse to be seen at the edge of the alley anymore.
Shit. Shit shit shit shit. How could I take my eyes off it for even a second?! Now I nee-
Pure panic takes over every cell of my body. In the brief second since I looked away, the curse quickly advanced in my direction and is now blocking my entire field of view. It’s so close I can smell the rancid odor leaking from its skin - a mixture of garbage and spoiled milk.
If I didn’t already know I was being hunted by a curse I would have never believed that this horrifying-looking creature is the same type of being as the flyhead. There are absolutely no similarities between the borderline innocent-looking flyheads and what appears before me.
I was right about the teeth: they’re razor-sharp and there’s rows upon rows of them. But I was wrong to expect they’d be found on its head. Instead, there’s a grinning, teeth-filled mouth on each long limb: towards the end of each forearm and ankle. They’re positioned as if made for kicking or striking its victim while simultaneously biting down on its flesh. It’s a design of nightmares.
Before I can gulp down my sheer terror, a shrill, cackling laugh begins to bubble up out of all four mouths of the cursed spirit. It’s ear-piercing and nearly causes me to drop my knife while reaching for my ears. I’m gripping the sides of my head when the laugh turns into a scream that unexpectedly launches me backward, as if blown by an invisible wind.
I hit the ground in an instant, landing with a backwards somersault. I thankfully avoid an injury to my head due to my hands still being tightly gripped to the sides of it. I shuffle backwards hastily, scuttling my palms and feet on the hard pavement.
After collecting my bearings, I reposition the knife in my hand into a throwing position - there’s no way this will do me any good up close. If I want to have any chance of making it out of here, it seems I’ll need to rely on my good aim to hit at least one eye on the terrifying creature and run.
Steadying my breathing, I rise up on my feet and lift my arm above my head, ready to launch the knife that’s already become slick with sweat in my palm.
The curse hasn’t even moved from the same spot in the road, although that terrifying and haunting cackle has begun to bubble up out of its mouths again.
I train my eyes to the mouth on its left ankle… it seems like the target I’m most likely to hit.
With a deep inhale, I remember the hours of practice I spent aiming my throwing knives at the cabin with Nanami. How he made me hit the same target on a far away tree trunk over and over again. Until I learned how to still hit my target even with distractions. With the way he distracted me.How he took his time slowly lifting his hand up my thigh until he cupped me aching between my legs.
The maniacal cackle of the curse snaps me out of my memory of Nanami. If this throw doesn’t work, if it doesn’t give me a chance to run and get away safely, I’m at least glad I got to spend just a second in my mind with a fond memory of Nanami. I don’t want to die without at least the briefest moment of peace that only he can bring me.
Flexing the muscles of my arm, I grip the knife even tighter and throw. It sails through the air faster than any practice throw I’ve done, and looks to be exactly on track to hit the ankle-mouth I aimed for. I ready myself to run once I see it hit its mark.
Still soaring, the knife is just inches away from the now eerily-silent curse when it suddenly darts away in a flash to dodge the weapon. Without warning the curse once again materializes beside me in an instant, this time on my left. Again, I see each of its mouths open wide and scream, blasting me off my feet in the process. I fly through the air for barely a second before hitting the wall of the building I previously stepped away from. The force knocks the air out of me and snaps my head to the side hard enough to see stars. I’m unable to break my fall to the ground and cry out at the pain of my legs folding as I hit the pavement.
Every fiber of my being feels unbearable with pain and shock, but I can’t let myself stay down and vulnerable to attack. I attempt to scramble back up to my feet as fast as possible so I can reorient myself and decide what to do next. Panting, my eyes dart around in search for the curse but it’s nowhere to be found.
If I was panicking before I’m absolutely frozen in fear now. The curse is nowhere to be seen and I’m now weapon-less. Shaking, my eyes continue to scan every inch of the road in front of me desperate to s-
Without warning I hear the third shriek and feel the blasting wind of the curse knocking me completely off my feet - this time landing further down the road. There’s no doubt in my mind I must have broken or at least dislocated one of my arms now. The pain is past the point of ignoring and tears are silently filling and falling out the corners of my eyes. I instinctively wipe one away and realize why the curse took me completely off guard - my glasses are gone.
Disoriented and confused, I look back to where I was first thrown against the hard exterior of the building. There on the ground, shattered and bent, are the one thing that allowed me to see curses and have a fighting chance out of getting here alive: my glasses.
A sob tears out of me at the sight of them completely destroyed and unusable. I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms over the top of my head in a panicked fetal position. I’m done for. Absolutely done for. And I didn’t even stand a chance. Or save Nanami any of the heartbreak - I’ll still getting killed by this goddamn curse even after all the terrible things I said to break up with him. I should have known this plan would have never worked.
I hear the guttural cackling of the curse return and realize this must be the end for me. If this is how I go, I can’t do it cowering on the ground. Using my one good arm, I press my palm to the pavement and slowly begin to rise to my feet so I can at least prove to myself I’m still strong enough to die standing.
Each vertebrae in my back feels battered and bruised as I extend it to stand. Before I reach my full height, I’m nearly knocked back down for another reason. The curse hasn’t attacked, but it must have been aiming to, because before I can even hear a shriek I see the familiar, strong body I’ve come to love so goddamn much dive in front of me. Nanami found me. He came back to me. Even after all I said.
He shouts at me to run while winding up his arm to deal a strong blow to the now invisible curse with his weapon. I can hear the impact despite not having my glasses on to see the actual strike to the curse. I’m thankful to hear a horrific yelp from the curse after Nanami’s weapon makes contact, but Nanami doesn’t seem to be relieved or at ease from the looks of his body language. He’s immediately readying his weapon again, running to the side at an impossibly fast pace to strike his weapon again. This time, it looks to have been a defensive hit, as though the curse was already recovered from whatever damage his first hit did.
“I said RUN!” Nanami barks breathlessly without looking in my direction. I realize I’ve remained wide-eyed where I once stood, though now I’m back to a seated position since getting knocked over by Nanami’s defensive dive in front of me. The short but strong burst of energy that coursed through me to stand up earlier is now gone, and I’m afraid I don’t even have it in me to run at this point.
Just as I debate crawling in a desperate attempt to find cover, I see Nanami get thrown aside as if the curse just picked him up by the shoulder and tossed him like a doll. He’s able to land on his feet in crouch much more deftly than I did, but it’s still obvious he’s hurt.
I must have gasped aloud in the process because Nanami once again shouts at me to get out of here, this time barely getting the words out without a sputtering cough. I can tell he’s hurt - probably worse than he’s even letting show.
I’m in no condition to help him though, am I? No weapon, no strength, not to mention zero ability to even see the enemy we’re up against. All I have is myself. But I can’t fail him again today.
If this curse truly has the upper hand and I’m not able to escape my fate afterall, I have to at least use the last tool I have left: myself. I can distract this curse with myself. This way, I’m not failing Nanami by lying to him about wanting to break up or worse, by dying in a way he thinks is his fault. I can choose to get up and walk back towards Nanami and this invisible curse blindly, meeting my fate and showing Nanami its not his fault. Then, he’ll have the chance to use this distraction as opportunity to get away and save himself.
It doesn’t take me long to decide on what I have to do. If I’m being honest with myself, I’m not really distraught at the fact I’m willing to sacrifice myself to a horrendous monster. Not the possible pain, or suffering. Rather, the only thing that’s upsetting me is knowing that this means my time with Nanami is really over for good.
I take a deep breath to muster the courage to stand just as Nanami is knocked to the ground again. He’s been striking the curse time and time again, and yet it isn’t preventing him from being overpowered.
He still hasn’t gotten up yet… I know it’s time for me to do what I have to do. And hopefully spare his life in the process. I hope he can forgive me.
“Here, over here!” I shout the words as loud as I can despite the cramped feeling in my lungs. I’m pushing myself off the ground and onto my feet as quickly as I can, though it feels like it takes me an entirety to get upright. As I stand at my full height, I raise my one good arm and flail it aimlessly - unsure where the curse is located but drawing attention to myself nonetheless.
I have to take one last look at Nanami, to tell him what he needs to do.
Swallowing air and fighting back tears, I turn my head to his direction and force out the words in one quick sentence: “I didn’t mean what I said.. You have the chance to get away now.. I’m sorry-”
Just as Nanami’s eyes widen and jaw drops in understanding, I feel a giant, scaly body tackle mine to the ground and everything goes black.
The afterworld, or heaven, or wherever I am right now feels nice. Calm. It feels… serene. I’m not scared or nursing any broken bones back to health. I’m not even sad about leaving Nanami - because he’s here.
By “here” I mean the nondescript Parisian bakery Nanami was referring to when describing our imagined proposal story. I’m living out that day, here in the bakery and the park with him. The bread we pick out tastes more delicious than anything I’ve ever had, and the champagne he pops for us once I say yes and slip on the ring tastes like stars in a glass. All of my senses are heightened here in the most pleasurable way. And everything looks more beautiful - including Nanami. He looks happier than I’ve ever seen him, and so carefree. I’ve never seen him this at ease. Maybe it’s be-
The sense that my body is rolling uncontrollably is confusing at first but quickly shocks me with alertness. My ears are ringing, my clothes are tattered, and my lungs are burning from a lack of oxygen. I’m alive…? At least barely it seems.
Getting tackled by the cursed spirit must have knocked me out. I’ve never experienced any type of dream state like that before. I can’t waste time dwelling on it though since I’m now back in the fray. I expect to hear scuffling feet and heavy breathing and clashing of weapons, but there’s none of that. It’s totally silent.
I’m finally able to fully open my eyes and reorient myself to my surroundings. I’m still here on the same road since I was tackled, but that doesn’t help the confusion.
I’m on high alert in case the curse pounces on me once again, but I don’t hear its cackling laugh or pointed claws or anything. I don’t hear anything. Even Nanami…
A new level of fear sinks in as I spot Nanami. My voice is so hoarse that the shocked cry I involuntarily make doesn’t quite come out. I lurch forward on all four aching limbs, desperately trying to propel myself closer and get to the collapsed, non-moving body across the narrow roadway.
My brain and body barely feel connected or functional - all I can think and see and do and feel is try to get to him. In what feels like days I’m able to drag myself over to him and throw myself on top of him. He’s on his side with his back to me, so I have to drape myself over his shoulder to see his face and check to see if he’s breathing or conscious.
His eyes are open, his chest is repeatedly rising with shaky breaths, and he’s… alive. I garble out another cry at the relief and shock. He’s alive and yet he’s still here unmoving and probably gravely injured.
I lick my lips to attempt to speak, but before I can utter a word he slowly drags his eyes to the side and turns his head towards me. He looks almost catatonic without expression, but the moment he turns enough to see my face he’s overcome with a look of sheer relief and sadness.
“I thought… I thought…” the words are barely coming out, but I know exactly what Nanami means when he says it.
“I’m alright, I’m here,” I respond - trying to convince both him and myself I’m still alive. There’s so many things I need to tell him… but first, I need to know if we’re still in danger. I have no idea if the curse is still around or if he managed to exorcise it. Clearly he didn’t run away as I had planned. “Is… did you exorcise it?” I’m practically shaking with nerves at the prospect of having to continue facing this thing.
Nanami still can’t quite form any words, but I know things are going to be okay when I see him nod slowly. I practically collapse against him, wrapping him in my arms once again and sobbing into his chest to hear that we’re not being hunted anymore. I can tell he’s crying too because I feel the shake of his chest.
We continue to hold each other, exhausted, in this heap for a moment until all the words I need to say to him come flooding back.
“I’m sorry,” I start to spurt out while slowly raising myself to a seated position. “I’m sorry for everything. I thought I could fix things and save you by telling you we were done and then when that failed I thought I could save you by buying you time and sacrificing myself in the process and that didn’t-” I’m cut off when Nanami manages to pull himself up as well and promptly leans in to kiss me mid sentence. He envelops my mouth and slowly works his tongue past my lips and it feels like he’s kissing me like its the last time. It really almost was.
He only pulls back to say, “I didn’t mean what I said either. About not being able to picture us together for the long term. I can picture it, clear as day… and that’s why I was so scared. I said I couldn’t promise a lifelong commitment because I was scared a situation like this would interrupt that commitment. And it almost did-”
“Stop,” I cut him off, tears still brimming in my eyes as I hold his face. “It didn’t. I tried to do the same thing and predict the future but it didn’t work. Of course my plan didn’t work. I thought that whatever curse was threatening you with taunts to hurt me would see us break up and wouldn’t be able to use me as a pawn anymore. But of course that wouldn’t work. Abruptly breaking up doesn’t change the fact that you would still be devastated if I got hurt… The curse would still get its revenge against you, breakup or not…” How could I have been so clueless? I start to beat myself up but realize I did the same thing as Nanami - the fear prevented me from thinking clearly. Also, part of me starts to feel an overwhelming surge of heartbreaking love for Nanami. He still cares so deeply for me no matter what, even after all I said. I thought I could release him from the trap of my fate, but now I realize those fears weren’t my fate - no one else decides my fate but me. I’m strong enough, (I’ve been taught well,) and risks don’t scare me anymore.
“We can’t predict the future,” I continue on, “and I won’t let you sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of my perceived safety. And I won’t let myself do it either. We owe that to each other and ourselves. I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t want to be with you because your life and work is so risky - I only said that because I foolishly thought I’d be saving you the heartbreak.” If the situation wasn’t so dire I might even laugh at the irony of how we’ve nearly killed one another in our clueless attempts to save each other.
‘If you can’t promise me a future that has you safe in it, then I never want to see you again.’ My past words haunts me. How I thought hearing this would be easier on him than taking our chances getting hurt in the future is now a mystery to me. Now, I don’t care about a promised future, I just want to start my future with him at my side.
“We can’t control what dangerous, shitty situations are going to come our way whether we’re together or not - so why deny ourselves the chance to at least be happy in the meantime?”
Nanami looks at me with such genuine, emotional longing that I nearly start crying all over again. I can tell he has a million words to get out as well but is still so shocked by my near-death that it’s difficult to speak. “We… we can move away from here. Leave the city where cursed energy is higher and go further out of town.”
“Yes!” I completely agree without question. I can tell he never wants to experience this scenario again, and I don’t blame him. And, I want him to be safe. I want to see him be carefree and at ease the way I did in my dream. “What about the cabin? We can go there as soon as we get healed and figure it out from there. I’ll go anywhere with you.”
His eyes seem to spark back to life a bit at the suggestion. He starts to smile and nods in agreement before kissing me again. It feels impossible to pull myself away again, but making sure he’s physically okay is more important right now. I start to scan over his body, looking for broken bones or bloodstains. Apart from the same road rash I’m sporting, he doesn’t seem to be in as bad of shape as I thought. Still, we both will need help to heal. “We need to get to a hospital-”
He raises his hand to stop me and explain that he has a colleague who can help us. He’s able to reach for his phone and call them right away.
We continue to sit side by side, waiting for one of his jujutsu peers to pick us up so we can be healed. I’m not sure what that entails but I trust him.
Just as a black sedan begins to pull up to the curb, Nanami turns to me again before standing. “Seeing you hurt like that… and thinking you were gone, I…” he chokes up, unable to finish the sentence. He gulps and inhales before starting again, “I need to know I’m doing all I can to protect you and prevent that from happening ever again.” Another inhale. “I’ve always hated jujutsu sorcery, and now more so than ever. It can’t… it won’t be a part of my life again.”
I stare, confused, at his face. He looks determined and decided.
“I have the ability to see and sense curses still, that’s not going to change… but I’m choosing to distance myself from jujutsu.” We’re both standing now as the car pulls up, and he looks deep into my eyes as he reaches to open the door for me and says, “What’s important to me now is making a commitment to truly enjoy a restful life… with you.”
My response comes as easily as loving him does, “I like the sound of that.”
Two Months Later
Packing up all our belongings from the cabin is an odd feeling. Not odd in a bad way, but odd in a too good way. Nanami and I have spent the time to heal our wounds physically and emotionally. Seeing me collapse took a toll on Nanami that was hard to shake. Thankfully, stepping away from the city and its overflow of cursed energy was the right move.
Now, we can spend the warm afternoons drinking tea on the small table in the backyard, and spend the chilly evenings snuggling in bed with the windows cracked. This is the first time we’ve really felt peaceful together.
The only reason we’re packing to leave is because Nanami bought us a place of our own! It’s even further out of town and on a bigger piece of land, so we really get the chance to tuck ourselves away in our own little world. I cannot wait to finish packing the car and making the drive over there this afternoon. I plan to surprise Nanami by growing a garden in the yard with all sorts of different herbs and veggies. That way I can experiment with cooking new types of savory breads and pastries for him to try.
With the last of my small bags in hand (Nanami wouldn’t let me carry out any of the heavier ones,) I pull the front door of the cabin shut behind me and walk out to the car. Nanami is there loading up the open trunk with the larger boxes, and smiles as soon as he catches sight of me.
I give him a quick kiss as soon as I step up close to him, and he puts his hand on my back before quickly moving it under the bag’s strap on my shoulder. He swiftly lifts the bag off my shoulder and places it gently in the trunk. I can’t help but smile at the simple kindness he shows me every day without even thinking twice about it.
“We’re just about ready to go,” he lets me know while shifting some of the boxes in the trunk to make room for the remainders. “I just need to move one more thing back here - can you hand me that container to your right?”
I look to the stack of boxes he’s referring to and grab the small open container from the top of the stack. There’s an envelope peeking out addressed to me. Holding it between my fingers, I turn back to Nanami and ask what it’s for.
“Open and take a look,” he replies with a sly yet innocent smile.
Curious, I pull open the envelope and reach inside for its contents: two small pieces of paper. I hold them in my hand and keep reading them over and over again, unable to believe my eyes.
Inside the envelope are two tickets for a flight to Paris.
After much deliberation I decided on making this a happily ever after afterall <3333 our fave worker bees deserve it fr :’( THNK U all for coming along this journey with me - it’s the first fic i’ve ever published and there were times i never thought i’d be able to finish it. writers block gets so real. but its my love for these characters and stories that motivates me to stay creative and i love them for that:)
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procrastination20 · 1 year
This is a Five x OC fic I made about a year ago. I had plans to make this a book but I only wrote the first chapter. If you look at my old post about The Orchard Academy this is where it takes place.
If you read this cool! Feedback is always appreciated!
Enjoy! ❤️ - Mads
With a flash of blue, fierce roar and a tumble, Harriette finds herself in a familiar place. Too familiar. So familar in fact that being away for nearly Forty Five years she could still remember the distinct smell of apple wood and sweet grass of the place she once called home.
The Orchard
Hitting the ground with a thump and a groan, she stands in stupor and uneasy alarm. This wasn't the plan, not at all. Where is the court yard? The old statue of Number Six? Where was her Husband? Something is not right.
The question ran meek. Small and unfathomable.
"Five!?" She rang again. Shouting.
No response.
Stomping the ground in pathetic burst of anger and frustration she is livid. Hungry and Alone. This wasn't supposed to happen.
"Shit" she said in a whisper.
Knowing the area fairly well she makes her way to the building at the end of the expansive rows of Lodi's. She reaches for an apple, stumbling as she does so. Twisting it at it's stem and yanking in a downward motion, the same way her mother had taught her.
With smalls strides and a scowl on her features she makes her way to the large structure in the distance, thoroughly enjoying the apple. The taste of home.
The building was rather large. Big enough to very comfortably house two to three large families. Recent inhabitants of this house for the past thirty years or so only consistent of eleven people total, making very comfortable living spaces for all them.
The courtyard she had entered consisted of a few things. An old fountain with an intricate design of a apple tree as it's center peice, some rose bushes that were in dire need of a trim and concrete benches sitting at their respectful places. Must not we forget the marvelous statue of Mistress Fiona McClancy II standing oh so methodically right in the middle of the courtyard. Pieces of it had begun to chip, the left pinky had begun to tear away.
It's glory days had forgotten it and took the shimmer it once had. Harriette could remember the times where she and her siblings would come down at the crack of dawn just to see the sunrise climbing over the tops of the Apple trees. The courtyard held a magnificent view.
Walking through the place of a time long forgotten she makes her way to the French doors that lead into the foyer. The kitchenette on the side looked the same from when she last saw it. Nothing had changed. Rounding the corner into the main part of the house held a grand staircase leading to the first, second, and third floor of the house. The old banister of the balcony floors also had a grey hue, seemingly from the dust.
Slow strides to the grand staircase taking her time. A creak sounding from above makes her stop in her tracks. Alarmed by the sudden noise, she stops. All of her limbs have succomed to the freezing unerve the noise had brought.
With a shout from her attacker and a wack from something hard, Harriette was knocked to the ground. Hitting her head on the hardwood floor.
Opening her eyes, she sees an old friend getting ready for another hit. Eyes blown wide, she dodged out of the way. Chuckling at the irony of the situation.
"Woah Woah Woah! Hold on! It's me!" The blonde said at a rapid pace.
"Who are you!? Why are you here!?" Cried out the old brown tabby tabaxi. Yellow eyes ready to kill, and ears pinned back in fury.
"It's nice to see you too Keva" Harriette said with sarcasm.
Keva pushed her glasses back on her short nose to get a better look. Realizing her mistake Keva dropped the very large mirror that she was about to murder the intruder with.
"That's the name!" Harriette said with a wide smile on her face. Enjoying the sight of her old caretaker. She still wore the same pleaded blous and dress pants.
"But how? You look so..." She paused. A look of question evedent on her face.
"Well thank you! I try. I'm actually turning fif-"
"No seriously" She sounded concerned.
"You don't look any different from when you first disappeared"
"What?" Confused. Harriette looked into the mirror that Keva had dropped on the floor. Eyes blown wide. She took notice of her significantly younger appearance. The wrinkles were gone, her eyes were a brighter green, her white hair had turned to it's original dirty blonde and she was shorter. She was about fourty five years younger than she was a meer thirty minutes ago.
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