#you wont be invited into said community again
sophiethewitch1 · 2 months
Small PSA: if you do this I will immediately block you. I am chronically ill and have no interest in this sort of fan. I feel guilty about not writing enough... And it's fanfiction of all things... My priority is my own health, always and forever.
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spearxwind · 8 months
not to sound weird but what was that work you put in to get where you are 🙏 i want to improve my life so bad but have no clue where to start. even a general gist of things
You dont sound weird! I think it's commendable to want to change your life for the better, and I want to help in any way I can :D
This is also my own perspective but I think a lot of it could be universally applied if you look at it through different lenses of ppls different situations. This also got rly long so I'm putting it under a readmore ^^;
So I had pretty much been isolating myself with increasing ferocity for years until recently. Even when trying to reach out to people I was extremely closed off, keeping my feelings behind many walls and chains always. A lot of my hard work has come from undoing all of that fuckup. I put all my eggs into my online friendships (and even then had a hard time with them).
My behavior was a cluster of personal garbage, learned mannerisms from keeping bad company, and hardwired reactions to specific behaviors. It's something pretty hurtful to realize when you do realize it, but that doesn't mean that you are a bad person or a failure or anything like that. It just means that you have certain bare minimum survival behaviors that worked before but now are only doing you damage, and you have to learn to undo them. (which is a great step!!)
Which brings me to what I have (painfully) learned over the past several years: the basis to any and every good relationship, romantic, platonic, family, or anything is crystal clear communication. Straight up for the love of god communication skills will save your life time and time and time again
And also like I said in earlier posts the solution to wanting to be more social is just BEING more social. This is arguably extremely hard, especially after years of "if they want me around they'll ask me" and always waiting to be invited but not wanting to bother anyone by asking if you can join NO!!!!!!!! GET THAT SHIT OUT OF YOUR BRAIN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!! It really does NOT work that way at all. People will invite you to things if they see you express interest in them. The same way that in your head you think 'theyll invite me if they want me to go' if they dont see you express interest people will think you dont want to join. If you go someplace and just stay recluse because youre shy they likely will also think "theyre probably not comfortable or dont want to be here, so we wont force them". People are inherently kind and they are definitely NOT thinking about shunting you on purpose (and I am speaking this, genuinely, from personal experience)
While I was studying my major I got close to a group of people and thought of them as my friend group, but they always seemed cold to me, and I rarely got invited to hangouts because they seemed closer among themselves so I ended up always thinking that they didn't really want me around, and created all of these assumptions in my mind about them or what they thought of me.
Years later, recently, I found one of them again just... randomly while walking through the street and we started talking. And in my much better state of mind I asked about this whole thing because I wanted to know how the rest of the group was doing (I care very much for them still) and he revealed to me that THEY were the ones who thought I was shutting myself off of the group bc I didnt wanna be close to them. Which just blew my mind but it made a lot of sense and explained a lot. I was always on my phone too, talking with my internet friends (because it was my comfort zone), so what they'd assumed was that I already had a friend group that I was invested in and so I wasnt going to prioritize them. SO basically this whole thing ended up being resolved with clear communication and would have been solved much earlier if I had just spoken up about it and gotten braver (though my mental state did not let me at the time)
Anytime you are making up assumptions and ultimatums in your mind without communicating them to the other party you should stop and very much go and speak out loud to the other party (or parties) it will genuinely do you good cause huge as hell brain snowballs do nothing but drown you in your own mind.
Also on the being social front, if you dont have the practice in then it will be hard but a lot of it is very much "fake it till you make it" and I genuinely cannot recommend that enough. Inject yourself into conversations and places and act like yourself unapologetically because the secret isnt to craft a persona that you think people will like, its just being yourself and finding people who will love you for who you are. And like I said I just got invested in other ppls plans and asked to be able to go to places, and oftentimes just by expressing interest i got invited "oh I love this show very much!!" "well we have a plan to watch it at my pals house do you wanna come?" "we were planning on going to X place this week" "omg that sounds so cool can I come with" "of course!" Generally people will respond with "the more the merrier" so please dont be afraid to ask. And even if you get a rejection or two it's fine, don't let it discourage you. Some plans are simply not meant to be, and that's totally fine too!
Something else I worked for was reestablishing contact with old highschool friends I'd lost and I missed terribly. I went out of my way to find them again (old phone numbers, old emails, old instagram accounts that hadnt posted since 2019), and I found them!
And most of them really missed me too and were absolutely thrilled I contacted them again, we picked up right where we left off eight years prior. With a lot to catch up to but its genuinely so nice to have them in my life rather than just melancholically thinking about them and wondering if they hated me or anything. Turns out that they had also thought to contact me as well or had tried and lost my phone, or some of them even thought that it was better to leave things as they were to not "stir up shit" so we were all stuck in the same loop of insane thinking without actually confirming it until one of us (me in this case) finally broke the ice (and it took a damn long time too)
The thing is, people are just like you. We all have our own mental nonsense to fight, and we all have our assumptions and propensity to think ourselves into the grave, that's why its so so so so important to communicate things as clearly and as often as possible. Bearing your suffering alone will only make you miserable in the end, and your circle is there to help you
As a last note, I do want to say I have been incredibly lucky, because the friend group I've been adopted into I have met through that one friend from uni that I just HAPPENED to find on the street. I could have not waved him over on the street and just kept walking with my music on and ignored him. I could have said 'no' to his offer to get dinner that day if I'd wanted to be home earlier. I could have never spoken up about liking eurovision and never gotten invited to the hangout where I met my bf. And none of this would have ever happened at all. But that just strengthens my advice of "just say yes and reach out of your comfort zone" because you never know where it's going to lead you!
All this to say:
Communicate clearly with your peers to reduce misunderstandings. More likely than not they'll be in the same boat as you are. (Also extra note. Communication works BOTH WAYS. It needs to come from both parties. It is also a skill you have to nurture and hone!!)
Be kind!! and be loving!! and be yourself unapologetically!!
reach out to people the same way that you'd want to be reached out to. It sucks that sometimes (even often) you have to be the one to do it, but you eventually reap what you sow and people will learn that they can reach out to YOU
People will respond in kind to you being nice to them and a positive energy in their life. Some people will take advantage of it yes, thats just how things are, and its something you have to learn to recognize but you should never let that steel your heart. It is so so so important to remain kind and loving the world needs it so much. We're all out here trying to make our own lives and our loved ones lives a little bit brighter <3
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Hi there, its me again here to vent 👋🏼
I totally agree with you, in spite of some moments, it was super funny. One thing i love about the show is that is like Brooklyn 99 but lasting 45 minutes and a lot more of police stuff. The scene where she invites everyone to the party and its seen by the bodycams? THAT IS FUNNY.
What we asked for is here, those glances of I HATE YOU but I LOVE YOU from Lucyyy omggg or Tim trying to reach her not knowing how? S1 Tim being all I dontgiveafuckmywifeisanaddictidonttalkaboutit but this time dontgiveafuckbrokemygirlsheartdonttalkaboutit? THE PINING 2.0 IS COMING PEOPLE!!!
I see everyone got stuck in London and the face she makes when she close the door and Tim going there afterhours. But what I can't see bad about it. I mean sure this shrink is quite sketchy BUUUT I see a therapist that worked all day in building trust with a potential patience and is proud that got him to open up and say that need help. AND I also see Tim completly broken... the scene where he talks with Lucy you can see him about to cry and doesnt know what to say, aknowledging he can't give her what she wants (and adult talk) while she tells him he needs more help... Is that what pushes him to go and say Dr London this is URGENT.
Also I read other post where someone states that all this drama with Blair is because she is just a young pretty female AND I COULDNT AGREE MORE. If the therapist was a man or and old lady everyone would be 'ohh yes Tim finally'
Also I will die on this hill → the writers are not idiots, they wont make something so dark like hooking them up and screwing chenford being at risk of loosing the fans and for instance loosing the show, its what feeds their families lol
I gonna trust the process, Melissa's and Eric's sneak peaks, and thats all.
Also thinking about the 'OFFICER DOWN' in the promo thats Tim voice and last week here was a bts video where you can hear OFFICER DOWN ITS CHEN so IM PREPARING MY SELF FOR LUCY HURT TIM PANICKING AND BEING THE FIRST STEP FORWARD (or to become a professional clown)
My vent Is over, see you next week haha
hello, friend! pls vent away! ♡
adlkfjsdas omg yes! it definitely gives b99 vibes when it’s leaning into it’s comedic side~~ especially the funny cold opens remind me so much of it lol. THAT WAS BRILLIANT — i think the choice of filming it through the body cams and the security cam added to the chaos and awkwardness. lucy was so real for that but i will forever cry at tim not being there because he was there with lucy when they met and he practically lived with them.
yes! 😭👀 that first scene with them in the hallway was so angsty but what made it hurt that much more (than what we saw in the promo) was how lucy had just caught smitty in the middle of a betting pool about the break up like no wonder she just bolted and shook her head. THE ANGST WAS ANGST-ING. it hurt but i kind of loved it??? because it highlighted once again their struggle to communicate and be on the same page with one another (the “you know me so well” is fake news atm 😭. YAY ♡ so excited for angst and pining 2.0 eras.
i am definitely said people with the look she gave lmao. i swear as she closed the door there was something in her eyes that just felt off? personally for me it’s just how she’s treated aaron at the bar and then ended up with a hidden recording? especially the latter like that’s the only answer i can come up with because it’s clearly important for them to have added it into the scene but to me, when she turned it off, it didn’t struck me as her covering her ass because she had a moment with her client and she needed to put a stop to it - it felt malicious~~ OMG BUT YES. sketchy or no, dr. blair wasn’t lying when she told aaron she knows what she’s doing because she read tim without hesitation and said things he really needed to hear. tim is so broken rn 💔 yeeeees! the way he tried (and epically failed) at making small talk bc he was so off base but i think that was the first time in the day he actually smiled?? that scene was the angst i was expecting for the entire episode and i’m so glad we got it at the end of the episode because it was so important. i definitely agree with you like i think that was the final push he needed to seek immediate help.
oooh~ that’s a good point, i can see that! i mean for me it’s def just the sus vibes she gave with that video recording. like maybe this is one step past delulu but to the point you just made about how it’d be so different if the therapist was a man or an older woman (agreed), it makes me wonder what the casting call for the therapist was because i feel like that could be telling of the purpose/intention of the character? 
1000000000% - that theory has me a little confused, ngl. like maybe if it were grey’s anatomy and he was owen hunt? but it’s not and that’s absolutely not who tim is even at his lowest and most vulnerable. nothing about that would absolve him from his guilt, it wouldn’t be a way for him to punish himself, and he didn’t break up with lucy because he stopped loving her. i don’t think he’s hooking up with anyone any time soon because this man has completely lost himself and doesn’t think he’s worthy of anything but even if he did, she’d probably be the last person not the first. for sure on them knowing better like they know, they might be tugging at our heat strings but they aren’t going to do something that far-fetched that would add nothing to anyone’s character growth or progress any storyline. 
same ♡ they have yet to give me a reason not to believe them and if they’ve both said this is a needed thing and good things are coming then i’m gonna take their word on that.
YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!! it’s so interesting that they layered that voiceover in the promo with what’s happening at the hospital because of that bts video eric shared. it’s definitely lucy and celina who get hurt because of how all the bts content lines up (and the synopsis) BUT OOOOH~ THAT’S GONNA HURT SO GOOD. like it’ll be the first time where she’s hurt and he likely can’t comfort her the way she needs?? because dod, he never moved from her bedside; and then with the shooting, he was also by her side reassuring her and ready to help support her. i am curious to see if he full on panics or panics, rushes to her side, and then once he knows she’s alive/okay, retreats? (but i’ll grab the make up and join you if we don’t get hurt lucy and panicked tim lol).
thanks for sharing! appreciated hearing what you had to say! see you next week ♡
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olfoartz · 3 months
I’m deciding to do a “get to know me” type post, it will cover the name I want to be called, my bday, what I support and don’t, what I like, online info, and a little bit of irl me.
If anyone does wanna make silly art of my OCs / Fursonas my art tag would be Olfo Artz -will be on this post-
Am i active rn? Nah, wont be uploading for a while. Ive been drawing my OC stuff recently and no one sees it or cares for it so im just posting on insta until i draw moon again. Im working on OC lore and the world build and shit before i write the book on AO3
So I wont do sing request since I cant draw all the characters (rn) but I can do fursona requests as long as they are a cat, fox, wolf, tiger, lion (basically any wild cat and canine) and maybe even moths. Idk about insects because I can’t even draw a simple spider but I can always try.
I could try moon requests but I am very limited on what I can draw, but examples are poses, eating, food, drinking, cups, bowls, basically every object, and a few other things related to those.
Name/names, pronouns, and sexuality.
I mainly like being called Olfo as it’s the name I put in all my usernames but I also have the names of Snow and Alpha. I used to mainly use Alpha -it was only used as a name not a role- but I don’t use it anymore (unless someone wants to) because the rude kids in my grade found out about it and kept calling me that. They know I’m a furry as well so it made it worse 😭 some people call me Snow Alpha which is cute and a lot of adults im friends with call me Snowy or snow ball which I find funny
For pronouns and sexuality -w- I use she/him and I’m straight (possibly bi) and asexual :,]
March 7th
Do and don’t support
I support ALL LGBTQ+. No, that does not mean I support Zoophiles, Pedophiles, and anyone like that as they are not apart of any community.
I support all fandoms except the ones involving the 2 things i just mentioned.
I do NOT support the pro-life stuff. I am pro-abortion.
I am fine with the anime community as long as you don’t like lolis. I dotn support people who age up characters so that their ships work or so that they can draw their character how they want unless said character is already an adult.
I do support therians and people who do Quadrobics ^w^
Online Information
This one might be long QwQ
All my online names have Olfo in them.
I have Twitter but I DON’T use it. Ima list the apps I use and the names I have on them
Instagram: olfo_artz
Here: olfoartz
MinecraftPE: OlfoShadow
MinecraftJAVA: OlfoArt(s or z I forgot)
Steam: olfo_steam
Clash of clans: Olfo #LR9U0PJ2P or O if 0 doesn’t work -rarely play-
Wildcraft: zAlphaYT and my alt is zAlphaAlt
Deviantart: OlfoArtz
Roblox: JJneeder-Olfo_Artz
|| I do play Bloodline hero but idk how to find my information ||
YouTube: olfo_YT-olfo_artz with my wolf fursona as PFP
Pinterest: Olfo_Artz -I dont upload-
Discord: realolfo_artz and alt is olfo_artz
Brawl Stars: Olfo #RR8C992YQ
Kitty Cat Resort: Olfo with black cat PFP
Wolf Online: I also dont know how to find my info for this game
Wolf Online 2: I am not in a guild -yet- and I mainly use a White wolf named Olfo
Sky: If anyone wants to be friend on Sky you can always DM me and I can send Invite
I do INFACT play Genshin Impact but I don’t use my account rn because of low storage
Do and Don’t like
For Animals ide say it goes from Koalas, Wolves, Cats -of any kind- and any type of wild canines including foxes.
For games I like Open world ones mostly. I like any with animals in it even if they can only be pets.
A little about the apps I use / me
I draw wolves, cats, foxes, and characters I like if I can find a way to draw them. You’re probably gonna see a resemblance in my drawings no matter the species. (Specifically the top of the head)
Some communities im in:
Furry, sing, FNAF, Quadrobics, art, gaming, LEGO movie and the community itself, Bobs Burgers, and Pokemon.
I love / have a SHIT tone of stuffed toys and I will continue to buy them. They are all stuffed animals -w- my aunts boyfriend doesn’t want me to even have toys because he thinks I’m to old and that toys are stupid so I have to keep them in a bin in my closet. I have little figures of wolves, lionking characters, MHA MC Deku and some wolf stuff.
I do paint, crazy. But I hate painting so it’s rare.
I use IbisPaint for my drawings :}
I am indeed still in high school so if you have beef with me just remember you are beefing with a child 💀
I do traditional and digital drawing.
I read fan fics of the shows I like and when doing so I specifically look for angst / drama hehehehe. I do NOT read smut. Imo smut ruins the story, anyone who reads books just for the smut are in fact PORN ADDICTS.
MUSIC‼️‼️‼️‼️🤤🤤🤤🤤 here are some people / Bans I listens to :>
Twenty One Pilots
Boy With Uke
My Chemical Romance
Pierce The veil
CG5 -fnaf songs-
Imagine Dragons
Two Door Cinema Club
Nessa Barrett
BlackLite District
Billie Eilish
Madilyn Mei
Sam Tinnesz
Songs from the show “Bobs Burgers”
Darren Rita
Olivia Rodrigo
Elvis Presley
The Hoosiers
Zack Callison
Tally Hall
Ricky Montgomery
Sub Urban
Tame Impala
Oliver Tree
That’s all -w- I can answer any questions in comments and add them to the list. Also if anyone listen to any of those artist PLEASE recommend me some songs or artists QwQ I need more
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Imagine: joel showing off to you
You weren’t a great shot, when you do shoot. It’s 50/50 if you hit the target. The community you lived in. A few of the men have tried to show you, tired to show off. To try to catch your attention you have watched them. Noticed their lame attempts. To “woo” you but nothing about them ever caught your attention. They were all he same. And it was boring. They bored you. So when Tommy’s brother appeared with a kid. Who wasn’t Sara (you asked thinking maybe he was mistaken about her dying.. you seen him lose his Own horse.. in a Pen.. by itself. Anything is possible with Tommy!) but he was basically the guardian / Dad ti this young girl named “Elle” who was unlike anyone in the compound. She was brass. And easily could tell she has seen things. He was older but handsome and Oddly’ he’s cranky behaviour about everything. Interested you.
Joel noticed you instantly. You were cleaning a table close by when he ws sitting down with Tommy and Maria, you weren’t paying attention to them. Joel could tell you had earbuds on. As you were rocking to some sort of music that was low so it wouldn’t disturb anyone. When a young guy near your age appeared you didn’t move your headphones. Until he started talking to you. Joel paid more attention to you vs his brother explaining how he got to Jackson. You Kindly turned down invitation to go to the movies with the guy. Saying he wasn’t your type. When asked what your type you simply said your heart would know when you find thme. And moved away and left the area. Joel figured A Pretty thing liek you probably were beating guys away with a stick. He didn’t see you again until after his fight with Elle at their house they were staying in. You came over. With a welcome basket. Joel was exhusted and he’s limit of the human race was gone. But seeing you holding a “welcome basket” which had thick. Socks, a bottle of their home made liquor in the compound and chapstick for the cold weather. Joel took it stunned as you smiled, “the cold, makes your feet cold, and lips chapped and I personally hate that feeling.. the chapstick was made here. Hey did that girl amke it back alright Elle right?” He nodded his head as he said yea as you smiled, “good. She’s seems like a firecracker. Well your probably tired. IM y/n. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that you left. Leaving him stunned.
Joel decided to spend a few days at the compound, to rest. It’s been a long journey and figured they both deserved a break. Maria tried to get Elle into a classroom. You swooped in and offered her to help with the animals instead. Even before Joel could agree to it, Elle was gone helping you. Joel and Tommy were walking as he asked about you.
“Y/n is a gem, the biggest sweetheart around, all the single guys are crazy for her.”
Just as he thought, Joel was right. He watched as you showed Elle how to feed the chickens as he spoke, ‘she’s beauitful.”
“yea. I guess, not my type, great friends with Maria. I feel bad for the gal. She isn’t excatly thrilled for the extra attention.”
“Really? I figured she would be used to it.”
Tommy chuckled as he shook his head “dating is pretty limited.. she wont settle.”
Joel nodded his head. As they walked on, that night after the day was done as everyone was having dinner Elle woudln’t shut up about you. Which made you blush saying you weren’t that thrilling. As Elle said oyu were the greatest adult she’s met. Which Made Joel grumble. As you spoke “Oh! It’s the chess tournament tonight!!”
Maria sighed heavily, “why do you put yourself thur that torture? You suck at chess.” You smiled getitng up as you spoke, “because One day. I shall win.. and once i do my ego will never go down.” Joel couldn’t help but chuckle at that as Elle asked to join. You wrapped your arms around hers, saying she had to. She was your partner. Maria had to chase you both down as she tried to explain CHess. Was a team up sort of game.
Tommy grinned weakly as he spoke, “open spot if your interested.” Joel shook his head as he dug. His fork into his potatoes, “No im good..”
“Shame.. Y/N really gets into Chess..’
Before Joel knew it he was joining in on the game. Tommy warned him how you knew the rules of the game, how you were one of the few people who at the beginning knew how to play and you even made your own chess set. But you didn’t have the patience’s for Chess, you leap for the clear move. And normally …. Always get kicked out frist round. A few men have tired to throw the game so you would win. Hoping they would get lucky. But you once realizing they were being awful to humor her. Would get up and leave. You were considered the “warm up” game before a real game. You didn’t mind. You just liked playing and knew One day you woudl beat someone. And you loved seeing peoples minds work as they play. So when you sat down at a chessboard. No one sat across from you. Elle was about to. Until Joel slipped passed her and sat down. You smiled secretly hoping it would be Joel as you set up as he spoke, “you any good?”
chuckling softly you shook your head, “God no im awful.” He chuckled as he was black so he moved his pawn first. “Why. Play?”
you moved yours on the other side of the board, “reminds me of home.. my family- my granddad and dad use to play every Sunday for hours. Trying to beat each other..” Joel moved another pawn as you spoke, “plus it’s a great way to chat with someone. To get to know someone.”
you took his pawn as he spoke, “I’m a little rusty.”
Tommy, Elle, and Maria were watching your match as Tommy chuckled, “he use to kick my ass in this game..”
you smiled as you spoke, “so beware this is going to be a quick game?” Tommy chuckled as Joel said he would be gentle on you. You chuckled saying he better not. And Joel took that as a promise. And within 5 moves. He had your Queen and you were Speechless it came out of No where. Then he had your King and you were stunned as you yelped out, “HOW!” Joel chuckled as Maria spoke, “Shake hands.. traditions.” You always shake after a game. So you shook Joels hand as you felt goosebumps all the way up your arm. And the rest of the night. You watched Joel play. You felt like a group sitting down beside him in complete AW as he whipped the boards off of everyone. Tommy nudged Maria noticing your excitement over the beat downs. When it was over you gave JOel the trophie which was a wooden carven of a knight.
when the night came to a close you walked Joel,and Elle home. Mainly because you lived next to them. As you went inside you said bye as Tommy spoke up once you were gone, “you were showing off.. “
‘No i wasn’t.” Joel snapped as Elle giggled, “I knew it!”
Maria stepped over hugging Elle quickly, as she spoke, “She was So into it. Night Elle.”
Joel was stunned as Elle spoke, “you better ask her out. Dude.”
“get inside.!” He grumbled to Elle’s delight. As Joel looked over to your house. As you had the living room light on as you looked out seeing Joel looking at you as you waved and smiled brightly before going to sit down. That would be a night neither of them would forget for a while.
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chosoguapo · 1 year
note: I don’t want to make anyone feel bad nor feel like they were wrong for defending someone they saw as a friend. i just want to clear the air since it seems like one side of this whole thing is being believed more than the other. so just saying this now, here i will be showing proof to backup @vilsoo claim of reni being on multiple accounts. also regarding this, i know nothing about the drama between like the rp accounts and other creators with reni. so that won’t be what this post is about. click read more to see the information.
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okay so back in like March of 2021. i got this message from reni instagram account (which at the time i followed because of her edits, i believe). at this time reni made it seem like she’s never heard of like wattpad or the writing community at all. so i treated her as someone who had no knowledge about it at all.
now speed up to like a month or two. reni does a face reveal. now idk if y’all have ever been on Wattpad but there was this creator by the name of smutbunny-sage. I did not know her fr and didn’t talk to her (but I did interview her i believe). Before I even got to know her she got cancelled and reported. But when I interviewed her, she had this face reveal book. Now at the time I thought I was trippin, because reni and this sage girl looked exactly alike to me (from what I remember). so I was really confused as to why she made it seem like she’s never heard of wattpad or tumblr (or just the writing side of it). but i just brushed it off since I was 100% sure.
now i’m about to post two or three ss that are one of reni old accounts. okay so you cant see the name that she went by. but if you look at these graphics and the ones that reni have done with her themes. they look awfully alike. (also i think one of the icons is one that is in jes post, so it matches up). these ss below are from BEFORE she sent me that message. she was apart of a different friend group that didn’t get along with mines.
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also for context the last ss is from when her (she went by something else and we weren’t friends) and one of my friends had a disagreement about their themes on wattpad being similar or lacking credit (with reni being the ones accused). the first one is from of her old accounts where she went by the name brattsmu when i originally dmed her but she later changed it to kazuwinx (again at this time i didn’t know this was sage and we weren’t friends).
okay now back to when reni made it seem like she’s never been on Wattpad or tumblr. i wanted to be nice and invited her to a gc with a bunch of my friends who are writers. just to have her know so people and gain some followers. alright so like a month or so after having her in the gc, I got dmed this by one of the members.
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I won’t be including their @ in this since I don’t know if they are comfort with it. i will also be blocking out their names, unless they tell me they are cool with it. ignore the gc names 😭
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alright now this ss is from when i kicked reni out the gc. me and her were still cool but a lot of my friend didn’t vibe with her like that. which I lied to her about and said that we was just kicking out inactive members.
okay to further prove that @vilsoo is not lying. i WONT be showing her face but I just want everyone to look at her hair.
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the girl in this face reveal has locs just like reni does (ik not sure if you all have seen her face or not but i have. i was sent these as by someone who is still in her old server. but im sure she’s mentioned somewhere that she does have them. i think I’m the post she made about her age, you can see them in the corner.
before anyone asks about why I’m speaking up about this just now. tbh i had no idea ALL this drama was going around with reni. since tbh i don’t talk to a lot of you on here like that 😭 so I don’t know what friend groups she’s in and who’s she’s not cool with. but i got out of class and saw all this going down on the timeline. at first I thought it was jsut petty drama til I saw jes post. then reading all her info definitely confirmed the suspicions and things i initially said about reni. but chose to ignore since i didn’t have hard cold evidence that sage is reni and vice versa.
now, im not trying to cause drama nor do i want that. just trying to clear this up.
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vanillatalc · 10 months
this evening was a bit of a :|
a few hours after clare left benno told me that tmr we're gonna have to have a pub lunch w/ his family so i immediately freaked out bc this additional Thing on top of seeing boops & his gf last weekend + having clare this weekend (after like, 3y of nothing, bear in mind, so EVEN THO i was so happy to see them both it also took a decent amount of time to like stop being anxious + come down from that spike. like im still a little keyed up now. they both follow me on here btw + none of this is news to them i hope lol. i love u both im just insane x)
i got so angry (not at ben but at the situation, through fear) that i juts stopped talking and went away upstairs to lie in my bed to try and calm down alone
a few mins later ben came uptsairs + i immediately was like "i really just want to be alone actually" then realised he was crying so i was like ...ok come in (crying trumps general rage in terms of Need i think)
we think it's a long-term mental effect of the pandemic where he gets rly emotional after a social event ends bc it reminds him of like the 3y where it was just us in this tiny little universe + he panics bc i think he goes like straight to that place in his mind where he's just never gonna see anyone again? like every goodbye feels like it's gonna be forever
so anyway he tried to get me to talk about MY feelings during this time + i was just like sry i cant lol. you know when you're hollowed out inside through a combo of rage / general madness / having to remain compos mentis for someone else who needs you. AINT GONNA HAPPEN
so after that settled down i did message him on discord like "love u, not angry, will talk to you later this eve about MY feelings" (+ did stick to this obvs)
think the general sticking point is that while ben seems to have been a bit traumatised by lockdown + the social isolation i found it incredibly incredibly easy + stress-free, + have found the slow transition to normal life v difficult (and still do find it both difficult + incredible to watch in the sense that we're all just pretending covid is over bc like it's easier ig??). ill just c/p what i said to ben here: "if you found the lockdown unexpectedly traumatic I found it lovely and have found the return to normal really difficult & think people are just pretending we're back to pre COVID times when we aren't and I find that cognitive dissonance very hard to deal with, I also can't stand gatherings based around food anyway as you know and it seems to literally be all that is ever on offer and it struck me in the same way as the pret in Portsmouth or you being invited out for the meal when my sister was here etc busy couple of weeks that filled me with huge levels of anxiety and stress, thought tomorrow might be a bit more low key but no, got to to do something else I fucking loathe just very fed up and tired"
he asked me again to talk to him more about my feelings instead of just suddenly crashing when something slightly unexpected happens - i said yes - i think im just confused by how much he wants me to talk to him about LOOOL like if i told him every single anxious thought or w/e id be talking to him 24/7 and it just feels like i dont know which thoughts are the ones to share + which aren't???
anyway w/e it got sorted out w/ solid communication i think tbh like ben says we wont do the lunch. i said that he could do it if he wants but there's not a chance in hell im stepping foot into that pub lmfao like there are so few things he wants to do that i actually refuse (hopefully if u read my blog regularly you will understand that this is true) but i have reached my limit on Events Not In My Comfort Zone, and idc if he wants to do it, he's welcome to, but i will walk around the village during that time he was like "ok that's not gonna happen sweetie bc they'll think you hate them" so we're just not doing it. i do feel bad but also i literally like cannot do it? like i am just fully comfortable in the knowledge that i cannot do it, will not do it, and am simply not doing it. so if that means ben isnt gonna do it either that's just gonna have to be how it is. like not to be dismissive but ... this is how i am + he picked me knowing that so like.
OK loads more shit happened in the hour i took away from this post, benny thinks it might be worth postponing the woods trip just bc he's worried how to spin the lunch thing (whereas im like if you want to tell them im insane just tellt hem idc) but we had a good chat in bed + i love him a lot lol. i do like how good we are at emotionally comforting each other. i think we should 100% go tmr but he's a bit fragile (see above lol) so ill just defer to him on this one, im not exactly in a position to be like "JUST POWER THROUGH!!" hahahhaha anyway we'll see how he's feeling tmr. he's more cheerful now anyway bc we had a nice chat + committed to making some post-wedding plans as well so he wont feel that giant post-event freakout that seems to be plaguing him atm
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badnew2005 · 11 months
mac and dennis and johnny and mitski and "though I've closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am"
MUSIC MACDEN ASKS YESSSSSSS keep them coming forever please i love music i love cajatacters i love situations it’s my favourite thing to do listening to music and like i can’t help but have sunny themed visions. iasip my religion my god like i see Them in everything. what’s that santa clarita diet throwpillow anne makes like. mellis is so hot in that btw i looooove when she gets to be someone (that’s what acting is called she’s an actor). ANYWAYSSSSS . YES YES YES . also thinking where’s that post there’s three kinds of macdennis fans ones that listen to fall out boy ones that listen to the front bottoms and ones that listen to mitski. SUUIUUUCH a post. u know i’m the intersection of all three but my Masters Degree my DOCTORATE is in sunnyfob.
i really really really DO think mac knew deep down that dennis was johnny but it was so much easier and comfier to pretend otherwise. like making this ab my divorce again i didn’t realise (slash wasn’t overwhelmed by) that i had feelings for this girl until she came out to me like i Knew deep down she was queer and that i did. fancy her but i needed her to say it explicitly for anything to register and for my life to be ruined. and anyways dennis has been pushing mac away screaming at him to move on BUT HE WONT LET GOO ???? which is so frustrating to mac so even though he’s aware it’s dennis this is . some sort of comfort level. there’s so many good posts ab macden wanting to be other people like when mandy shows up and dennis is like i’m not me mac instantly jumps like i don’t want to be me either like . alone together from save rock and roll 2013. i’m outside the door invite me in so we can go back and play pretend. i don’t know where you’re going but do you have room for one more. LIKEEEEE.
i’m not a hundred either way in if dennis knew that mac knew it was him. the only thing worse than not knowing is you thinking i don’t know . SORRY i got possessed by sunnyfob again. but like. EVEN THOUGH IVE CLOSED MY EYES I KNOW WHO YOU PRETEND I AM. insane connection thank you anon i’m obsessed. it can be both pretending johnny is dennis and pretending johnny is genuinely his own person. dennis ran away physically to north dakota because mac could see through him and his walls but he suddenly wants that closeness back without ever properly communicating ANUTHINGGGG to mac. i know who you pretend i am. den being like fuck i know already mac wishes i was more like johnny . mac knowsssss !!!!! IM JOHNNY IM DENNIS IVE ALWAYS BEEN DENNIS. i said at the begining of my first watch the everything you need is already inside of you would come back around like YEAH it did but macden wise. he’s always been johnny he’s always been dennis :(((( johnny as the version of dennis those parts of him he’s been running away from. this episode presented me with MISERY i can’t get over it. macdennis is a love story but GOD is it tragic !!!!!
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addoration · 1 year
fanfic writer 20 questions
i wasn't tagged but @zebsfloppyears invited anyone who wanted to do this to do so, n i was bored. hope u dont mind vienna!
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 79. i have 79 works. and im working on a long fic rn so i probably wont be uploaded another fic for a while to make that number rounded. its bothering me. 2. whats your total ao3 word count? 232,222 3. how many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 7 fandoms! most.. prolifically? if i may use that word.... for loz breath of the wild, and his dark materials. 4. what are your top five fics by kudos? 1. finding words enough - i legit dont remeber much of this but basically link is mute and revali speaks on his behalf. ppl seem to love it. rated G. 2. making cocoa for spencer reid - just a lil criminal minds family piece between rossi and reid, idk. bit of a character study! rated T. 3. magic might stain the air - my first merlin fic i posted (out of 2. lmao) but i really hate this one becaue i rushed it and i could have done so much better!!!!! rated M, beware tags. 4. snow on snow, snow on snow - i rllyy dont remember this one at all. lmao. link/revali pre-slash, rated G. 5. whenever we feel - we evaporate - i think? this was my first fic on ao3! and it's the first part of a lil aziraphale/crowley series that became dearly beloved to me but i never really got back to. rated T.
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not? i do now!! i didn't used to because i had an ocd thing about seeing the number go up when half of them were my responses, but thats an obsession that has since left me. i want to apologise to everyone who commented n didnt get a reply sdfghjsf i feel so awkward n i cant respond to comments made years ago now lmao. now i love responding to comments, its such a joy to communicate with my readers and thank them for their kind words!!!!
6. whats the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? i dont write angsty endings; the fics can get as angsty as possible but they must always end happily. sorry :/
7. do you write crossovers? no, i don't. they're not for me!
8. have you ever recieved hate on a fic? not hate exactly.... but i do recall one comment telling me they thought i had rushed the work and it was a bit sloppy (not in so many words tho). i totally agreed with the commenter but i was a bit :/ at reading that yknow
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? i have been known to write smut occasionally, though i dont think i have a "kind" or a "brand".
10. have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i know of, but (as vienna said in their answer), it's not something that i think about or check for!
11. have you ever had a fic translated? nope! i welcome it though.
12. have you ever co-written a fic before? nope! in theory i would be open to it however i am probably very difficult to work with lmao
13. whats your all time favourite ship? such a hard question because it rlly depends what fandom im currently in, but. baruch/balthamos live rent free in my head. as do aziraphale/crowley, espeically my specific brand of them which is queerplatonic <3
14. what's a wip you want to finish but dont think you ever will? lmao if you had asked me a week ago, i would have said my current longfic, when you catch him, he burns through your heart, like a shooting star burns the skies but im actively up and working on that again, so. i guess something i dont imagine i'll return to any time soon is my series of harth/link fics, you hold my touch in you, simply because it's been a while now, and i dont imagine that such a minor npc as harth will be in botw's sequel, so... how will i rekindle my desire to write for them. idk! it's all up in the air though - i haven't necessarily abandoned any of my unfinished fics, theyre just on indefinite haitus.
15. what are your writing strengths? i would like to think that my poet's voice shines through my prose and therefore that my description is sufficiently good! lmao i have to sometimes physically stop myself from writing 5 paragraphs waxing poetic about the scenery. also honourary mention to dialogue. im pretty proud of some of the lines of dialogue ive written.
16. what are your writing weaknesses? hhghgh action. handling a big plot sensitively. ive been really struggling with making sure ive got hold of all my threads in my long fic. i dont think ive let go of any yet but im constantly paranoid that ive dropped one lmao. also i find action so hard!! the pacing of it, the choice of words, the making sure the reader doesnt get bored by not over or under describing whats happening! hhg.
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? if this means in the sense that a character is speaking a different language in the fic, then. i've seen it done a few ways. personally i ofc want to understand whats being said, so i like it best when the line is written in english but perhaps put in italics, with a tag saying smth like "they said in french/whatever langauge". ive also seen it done as typed in the langauge followed by the english translation in italics. either way works, i just don't rlly like it when it's completely untranslated!! even having like a lil dictionary in the end notes works.
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for? good omens lmao. i wrote fic before that but im not going into that, and i dont even think i could find it again bc it's lost in the depths of ff.net. i was also 13/14. so yeah :/
19. what's your favourite fic you've ever written? ppl dont really like this fic bc it's gen/not shippy and possibly also bc it was inspired by music, but. i have a real soft spot for my fic rose quartz and cool safflina. (botw, T) i wrote it while listening to la dispute's album panorama, and i think having the music helped me write with such a good flow. it's a very poetic piece, though. not for everyone. i also rlly like the great frost of 1684 (good omens, Gen) though neither of them are anywhere near my popular works' stats.
20. who do you tag? low pressure tagging @snidgetwidgeon, @itcantbe, @cyraclove, @unmaskedcardinal and everyone else who fancies it!!
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kiwidotcom · 2 years
Ok. To avoid annoying people with texts I'm going to just document my night here. Bc im so anxious and need somewhere to put it lol
6:07 waiting outside the realty office. I texted the guy im working for but he hasn't answered. I think the door is open but if I go in now it'll make me seem later than I was. Plus he said he was running behind so I assume he isn't in there? The dinner im helping with starts in 20 mins. I should just go in but also. My god I don't want to. 2 hours until I can smoke lol
6:13 the inner door is locked and ymhe still hasn't texted me. I guess I could/should call but also . Why are people never on time lol. I used to be chronically late but its actually so impolite and causes so much stress for other people I try so hard not to be. I get that it's sometimes unavoidable but at least communicate???
6:15 Ok ill call in 5 if I haven't heard from him but man I hate phone calls. I'm doing someone a
6:25 update
Omfg so he got me to just knock on the door to go in. He's still on his way and some clients have now shown up. Also the guy who let me in was asking if im an agent here and also has no idea about the event thing
Ok everyone's here. Food is being consumed. The couple doing it are this elderly mixed race couple. And there's something about knowing they grew up in an even more racist world thst makes them even cuter. All the food is amazing
I feel like we wont be out of here by 8 but honestly im eating food and chilling and everyone is so nice
8:16 okkkk so. Adorable couple, good food. But he originally asked me to be here 6-8. And idk what the plan is. I tidied up. But they might want help loading the car. Also he said he'd pay cash so I'm assuming he won't pay me until we're done . I'm so happy to help but also i hate not knowing what's happening
Ok 12:27 am update
I fully started annoying my friends hence not updating
Left at 8:45. I didn't do more than $50 worth of work but also I could have bounced at 8 so. Ya know.
Been home since 9:20. Actually gotten quite a bit done. Almost completely emptied the room, and the place is tidy-ish. Like 3 loads of garbage / recycling will need to be taken down tomorrow morning lol. But whateverrr. I did ok.i also do. Other substances. My god. I'm ready to do this one every day again. I shouldn't and I won't. But my god I missed it. But also crazy tempted to invite someone over which I know id regret. So thats a downside of it ahagaha
1:52 am 
read that back, so many errors lol. but im not going to correct, its documented now. (remember when you could edit other peoples posts on here lmao) 
so i actually cleaned pretty intensely bc i realized this will set the bar for how me and my roommate with live. got up to get a drink, realized that and ended up cleaning for and hour lmao. upside of aforementioned substance. lol. 
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afr0-thunder · 8 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 7]
Similar to yesterday, but some additions. An idiot who looks like a fat ass gerbil would say, “These segments all sound the same…”. You mean a routine, you dumb fat fuck. It’s the poor chronicles, not Wolf of Wall Street remake. I CAN do other things, but I’m done with bars, events, festivals, etc… for the most part. I obviously attended a football game recently…but for my community. I don’t hate time outside of the house, I actually receive great interactions. At bars and because I live in a large, crowded city with many daily visitors. Not the point, I love that personally, but don’t invite it. Also, bar culture is weird and rapey. Not performing for rapists for $20, so they get a perspective on how not to get rejected or not be creepy. Where are your fathers? Not like mine taught me, regardless of his skill. Not spiteful on my account, just don’t believe in copying
Back to this routine. I am poor, not broke like you. Poor = Comfortability lack. Broke = Reckless spending resulting in short funds. What am I required (keyword) to do besides earn an income, eat, sleep, hygiene… I get all the interaction I need at work and on my walking adventures. I don’t like traveling, near or far (anymore). I do not like anything not in Chicago. Do I miss places I’ve visited? Yes. But I love home…MORE! A routine of necessities should not require you to do unnecessary things like leaving the house to waste money. I know where I’ll find my favorite people. Not sure when, but not losing my mind over it. If I don’t? Even though I know I will, I’m prepared to be alone forever and just be wealthy and never seek a partner. Won’t accept less. I know I will find my partners beforehand. Will wait as long as it takes. Takes too long? Even though I know it wont, prepared to reduce partner numbers because my enemies think tracking my life and social media is “funny”, hoping that my life goes as I don’t want it to. Every necessary piece of information leaves out something important if you are without it. In other words, you will be the only person “missing out”. Like I said, prepared to be wealthy and alone to watch others who wanted this outcome, be broke.
Today was nice. Had a dying urge to scream aloud at work, “BAH! BAH! BAH! BAH! BAH! Nut in my coochie!”. I’ve been supporting Sexyy Red and Latto since about 2020 and am thrilled to see them on the “Peaches and Eggplants” Remix. AND ITS GOOD! Sometimes remixes don’t do so well and I’m glad this one is viral. Glad Latto is international and Sexyy Red has went mainstream in the past year. Hits for both! I walked to DuSable Lake Shore Drive again on break, but this time I passed the Water Tower. The architecture is great on Michigan Avenue. I talked to one of my new coworkers. I found out he was just released from jail. I didn’t know we hired felons, but I couldn’t tell. He seems alright, but most people only like me for a short period of time. It is what it is. The architecture gives me great ideas, but I hate to take inspiration from others so I’ll probably just come up with something on my own. Also, left with 8 packs of ramen noodles. I might have some for Friday. I stopped getting other flavors to make this lifestyle hard to maintain for enemies. Eating 2 packs as I type. (Update: Will not make it past tomorrow)
If my posts “all sound the same”. Consider they are GENUINE INTERESTS. Maybe CONSISTENT…or you’re just an idiot and can’t see the difference through a recurring THEME (look that up).
In short, I don’t need much money to provide for myself, so you won’t catch me seeking too much of it right now. You can spend your money on experiences. I live in the greatest, a very large and largely populated city, I am not yearning for these things. I have much to experience and it wont include going outside of my routine unless (and even then) it pertains to making a greater income. I don’t discuss with others for no charge. I don’t charge, but I speak millions. If it doesn’t increase my pay, I have nothing to say. Quote THAT!
- MH (2023)
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flowersbby · 4 years
Drawn to You | Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Warning:  Makeout, This is a lil long (I got carried away)
Word count: 3859
It was a typical night for you. You had your music playing faintly in the background while you were writing notes for your anatomy & physiology class when you felt your phone vibrate violently on your desk, which caused your French bulldog, Royal, to wake up from his snoring slumber on your lap. With an annoyed huff, you pick up your phone and notice your best friend Rae had texted you numerous times.
Rae 😴
Among Us!
Need 10th person!
You stared at the messages for a minute. You were confused on why she asked you of all people. You were the opposite of the many streaming friends she had who were loud, funny, and all around GOOD at games. Your shy character would not fit well on her stream and you knew that. Plus, the only games you’ve played are Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing, which requires no communication with people and you preferred it that way.
Why me? I’m in the middle of writing notes.
Rae 😴
There’s this person I want you to meet!
He’s really nice and you’ll warm up to the group in no time, I promise!
I won’t let them be mean to you 😤😤
They’re nice ppl anyway so they wont be mean lol
Okay.. let me load up my discord
Rae 😴
I already bought among us for you last time I was over so you’re good to go!
‘What? When did she find the time to buy the game for me? We were literally together the whole time she was here.’ You thought, but quickly dismissed it and loaded up discord. Right as you got online, you got an invite from Rae. You quickly grabbed your headset and adjusted your mic before joining the call. You petted Royal in an attempt to calm your nerves as you saw 9 peoples profile pictures appear in front of you. You only recognized Rae’s, of course.
“Hey, (Y/N)!” Rae exclaimed, “Guys, this is my best friend (Y/N)! Introduce yourselves!”
“Hi, I’m Toast!” Said the man with the toast icon. You smiled at his profile picture. You found it cute.
“I’m Jack!” Said an Irish voice. You know Jack. You used to watch his videos a lot.
“I’m Poki!” Said a girl with a really sweet voice, “Nice to meet you!” You were about to say hello back when someone else chimed in.
“Hello, I’m Felix!” You recognized that Swedish accent. He was the most well known YouTuber, of course.
“Nice to meet you!” Said a really soft voice, “I’m Sykkuno!” His voice reminded you of an anime boy. You smiled to yourself.
“Hi, I’m Lily!” Said a really cute and high pitched voice. 
“Hi everyon-” You went to introduce yourself properly until you got cut off.
“I’m Corpse.” Said a deep, attractive voice. Your eyes widened for a second, his voice catching you off guard.
“H-hello,” You attempt to say hello again but this time you’re a little shaken up by Corpse’s voice, but you get it together by petting Royal once again. “I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you all!”
“Your voice is so adorable!” Says Lily. You smile at the fact that someone who’s voice is equally as adorable complimented yours.
“Thank you!” You respond, “Your voice is adorable too, Oh my God!” 
Lily giggles at your compliment. “Alright!” Exclaimed Rae, “Ready to play (N/N)?” You quickly realized you forgot to load up Among Us before hand. You were silently kicking yourself for not doing such a simple thing. Now they’re gonna have to wait longer to play because of you and they already waited long enough for you to join the discord call.
“Um..” You stall as you hurriedly click on the Among Us icon. “I’m so sorry. I forgot to load it up.. but it’s loading right now!” Your eyes are glued to the screen as if it’ll make the game boot up faster. 
“That’s okay.” Said Corpse in the most kind voice. “It won’t take that long.” You feel heat rushing to your cheeks just by hearing his voice. Who is this man and why is he making you feel like this?
They all agreed with Corpse and continued chatting about whatever they were chatting about before you joined the call. You were half listening as you were trying to figure out what to do as the game loaded up. Just as you were about to ask Rae, Corpse sent you the game code through a private message. You typed “Thank you!” as you quickly entered your name and then the game code.
“Woo! (Y/N)’s here!’ Said Rae happily. “Choose your color and your hat!” ‘Where do I do that?’ You thought to yourself but quickly found it. You wanted to be pink but it wouldn’t let you choose it.
“Why isn’t it letting me choose pink?” You asked. 
“It’s because Corpse is pink.” Explained Lily. “He took it from me too.” She said with a sad, but funny, tone.
“I can be a different color.” Corpse said and quickly changed his color from pink to white. 
“Oh, Thank you!” You said happily and picked a flower to match it.
“No problem.” He said and you could hear the smile in his voice. It made butterflies appear in your stomach.
“Are you kidding me?!” Said a laughing Lily. “I literally ARGUED with you about letting me have pink!”
“I sense something happening...” Cooed Rae in a sing songy voice. The whole group then erupted in “Ooooo’s”. This made you blush. You covered your face even though they couldn’t see you and Corpse chuckled, which only made you blush more.
Before the game started they all explained to you how to play so you wouldn’t be lost. This calmed your nerves a bit and when the game started you were happily going around the ship completing your tasks. Watering the plants was your favorite so far since you found it satisfying how the plants grew. You saw Corpse run up to you and you made your character step away a bit because you didn’t want to get killed. He instead ran circles around you and you decided to follow him for the rest of the game for safety. You both encountered Rae and Toast by the vending machines but didn’t think much of it and waited for Corpse to finish his task. Until Rae killed you and Toast killed Corpse. “A double kill?!” You shouted to yourself, causing Royal to wake up and slowly get off your lap. “I’m sorry buddy..” You said to him as he laid down in his dog bed. You turn your attention back to the screen as someone found you and Corpse’s dead bodies.
“Um, bodies found by the vending machines.” Said Felix who didn’t sound all too confident. “Jack where were you?” He asked.
“I was in..” As Jack was about to explain himself you heard a ‘pop’ emit from your headphones and saw a red dot by the messages icon. You clicked it and saw it was a message from Corpse. You completely stopped caring about the arguing going on through your headphones as Jack was trying to claim innocence.
“I like your flower :)” It read. You smiled big and immediately typed back.
Your fingers hovered over the keys thinking about what to type back but you settled on a simple “Thank you :D”.
After two games or so everyone got tired and decided to head out. You all said your goodbyes and watched as each person slowly began to leave the call. You didn’t want to leave until you were sure everybody was gone. Everybody left but Corpse. “Hey..” He said, sounding a little shy but it was probably just because he was tired.
“Hi!” You said a little too excited. You immediately wished you could reword what you said a little calmer.
“So, uh..” He began, “Could I possibly get your number? For Among Us games I mean?” He didn’t sound too sure of himself but him asking this made you beam with excitement.
“Of course.” You said calmer than before, “But I don’t know what help I’d be as I’m terrible at this game.” You giggled.
You typed in chat your number, your fingers shaking slightly. “Nah, I liked playing with you.” He said more confident, “You make it more fun. Even though I haven’t ever spoken to you before.” He chuckled. You smiled at his words. Butterflies formed in your stomach hearing him laugh.
You and Corpse chatted a bit more until he decided he should go, but you wished you guys could have kept talking the whole night. You felt this connection with him that you couldn’t put into words. It felt so easy for you to talk to him and you didn’t feel as nervous around him as the others you met today. There was something so calming about him that washed your fears away. You shook your head from the thoughts and told yourself that you just met him today, you shouldn’t get ahead of yourself but it was hard not to.
You were laying in your bed scrolling through twitter when you got a text.
hey its corpse
is this (Y/N)?
Your heart skipped a beat. You were excited Corpse texted you so fast, hoping you two could continue talking.
That’s me!
I thought you were going to sleep?
nah i hardly ever sleep i just left because i didnt want to keep you up
i really enjoyed playing with you
I enjoyed playing with you too
We should play together again soon
You’ve begun to become really good friends with Corpse over the past week. You and him would facetime each other whenever you could. You always were on facetime with him, actually. Whenever you were studying, you guys were talking. Whenever he was editing, you guys were talking. When you were about to go to bed, you guys were talking. 
Right now, you guys were facetiming as you were studying for an upcoming exam and he was trying to stay awake. You liked having him around when you were studying even if it was through a phone. You didn’t feel pressured to talk or have to worry about an awkward silence with him. It was comfortable silence.
You started to worry that you were keeping him up, though. “You can go to bed if you want,” You said softly as you looked up from your textbook to the black screen propped up against a few books. “ I don’t want to keep you up. You need some rest.”
“No..” He muttered, “I like having you around..”
“I like having you around too Corpsie but we can talk when you wake up.” You told him a little sternly in an effort to convince him to go to bed.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked out of the blue.
You paused before answering and shifted your gaze to the black screen once again. “Yeah sure, go ahead.” 
“Do you want to maybe stay over here for a bit?” He asked, “Whenever you’re free, I mean. If you don’t want to I get that too I just feel so drawn to you I want you closer to me. Is that weird? I’m sorry if that’s weird. Actually, forget I said-”
“I’d love to come over.” You told him with a smile. “When would you want me to be there?”
“As soon as possible.” He said in his raspy, tired voice. Butterflies formed in your stomach and you felt your heart skip a beat. This man was something else.
“I can be over there in the morning..” You start, “I just have to pack and everything. Is it okay if I bring Royal? I don’t want to leave him with my sister.” You look over to Royal sleeping peacefully on your bed, snoring away.
“Hell yeah!” Corpse exclaimed, “I love animals! Bring him over.” You giggled at his excitement.
Corpse ended up falling asleep soon after and you ended the call. As you were getting ready for bed you began to think of what Corpse’s place would be like and what you guys would do. You were definitely going to show him Stardew Valley, that was for sure. You pondered the thought of you finally confessing to him that you wanted to be not just his friend, but girlfriend. You’ve been wanting to do it for awhile now but you get too scared and end up chickening out, so you figured if he liked you like you like him, he’d make the first move. You started to make up scenarios in your head about finally hanging out with Corpse in person as you drifted off to sleep, hearing Royal snoring peacefully in the background.
It was the next morning and as soon as you woke up you changed into your favorite outfit and began to pack. You didn’t know how long you were staying for but you decided to pack about 2 weeks worth of clothes just to be on the safe side. Royal was sitting on the floor watching you as you hurried from your closet to the suitcase on your bed. You were happily humming as you were excited about the day. You heard your phone buzz and you quickly grabbed it from your bed as you saw the name pop up on the screen.
hey :) 
heres the address:
Thanks! and hello 😊
You two texted until you were ready to go. You were definitely NOT looking forward to driving two and a half hours from LA to San Diego but you were so excited to see Corpse that the dread of the long car ride washed away.
You put Royal into his harness and plopped him in the back seat. He looked at you confused since he rarely ever gets to go for rides in the car. “We’re going to see a friend!” You tell him while petting his head. He then laid down and began to close his eyes.
After what seemed like forever you were finally outside Corpse’s apartment. You grabbed Royal and attached his leash to his harness and then proceeded to grab your giant (and heavy) suitcase out of the trunk. You struggled getting the suitcase up the apartment building stairs but you managed. You felt a sense of relief that his apartment building had an elevator so you didn’t have to deal with more stairs. The ones at the entrance were enough. While you were waiting for the elevator to take you to his floor you took this opportunity to text him.
On my way up!
Almost immediately after you sent it he read it. He started typing but the three dots quickly disappeared. Before you could question it the elevator doors opened to his floor. “Come on, Bud!” You said to Royal and motioned for him to go ahead. Royal got up from his sitting stance and lead the way. After passing 2 other doors, you were at Corpse’s. You knocked two times.
You heard shuffling on the other side and the door knob turning shortly after. Before you knew it, Corpse was in front of you. His eyes were looking at yours. You immediately smiled. “Hi.” Corpse said with a slight smile as well.
“Hi..” You said shyly. You didn’t know how to react now that he was in front of you and not behind a screen. He stepped aside and motioned for you to come inside. You entered his apartment and set your suitcase by the couch. Royal was pawing at Corpse’s leg, begging for pets.
“Aww, hi buddy!” Corpse said excitedly. “He’s so well behaved.” Corpse was talking to you now.
“Yeah, it took work though.” You laughed slightly. “Your place is really nice.” You said as you looked around. You noticed all of his mirrors were covered up, but you decided not to ask him about that. He probably had his reasons.
“Thank you.” Corpse said as he looked at you. “You look pretty.”
You blushed and turned your head away from him so he couldn’t see your pink cheeks. “Thank you.”
Corpse cleared his throat, “So uh, I don’t have a guest bedroom so I’ll take the couch for however long you want to stay.”
You quickly shot your head at him. “No no no I’m not letting you sleep on the couch in your own apartment.” You argued with him.
“Well, I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.” Corpse stated.
“Then we’ll share your bed.” You said with a shrug and headed towards his room to set your suitcase down, Royal following closely behind you. You didn’t see anything wrong with it. You and Rae share one whenever you guys sleep over at each other’s house and you thought this was no different
“O-okay.” He responded and quickly followed after you, “So, this is my room.” he said as you and him both entered.
“I like it!” You exclaimed as you looked around. You liked how dark it was in there. You smiled at him and he smiled back at you. That smile.. You thought and quickly fumbled with your suitcase as you set it down by his closet. Corpse came closer to you.
“Can I give you a hug?” Corpse said a little shyly, as if I’d say no.
“Of course!” You said and wrapped your arms around his neck. He was taken aback but quickly put his hands around your waist. You caught a whiff of his mild cologne which made you want to stay in the hug a little longer. You didn’t want to be weird though and pulled away from the embrace.
“I’m really happy you’re here.” He said as he looked into your eyes. I could kiss him right now, oh my God. Your mind raced, but you managed to get out some words.
“I am, too.” You said.
It’s only been about a day since you’ve been over at Corpse’s. Sharing the bed seems to be no big deal as he barely seems to sleep. You so far liked being there with him.
Right now, you were on the phone with an overly excited Rae.
“You’re at his HOUSE?!” She yelled excitedly in your ear. Your face cringed a little bit from the yelling.
“Yeah,” You told her, “He has a really nice place.” You said as you scanned his living room.
“I knew you guys would hit it off!” Rae said, “I should be a matchmaker or something.” You blushed at her comment.
“Nothing’s happened yet.” You said quietly, not wanting Corpse to hear you.
“Girl, you’re at his house.” Rae said in a obvious tone. You rolled your eyes.
“This could just mean he likes having me over as a FRIEND.” You told her. You were hoping that wasn’t the case though and Corpse did have feelings for you. You smiled at the thought.
“You are so oblivious.” Rae said with a sigh, “Anyway, I gotta go workout. Love ya! Hope everything goes well!” She said the last part in her sing songy voice.
“Love you too!” You said back and ended the call. What do I do now? You thought. Corpse was streaming so you couldn’t hangout with him right now and your physics class isn’t till a few hours. You were hungry, though, and decided to cook some lunch for you and Corpse. It’ll be a nice surprise for him. You smiled at the thought.
You made your delicious Dorito taco salad that you love so much. You made a bowl for Corpse as well and took it to his room where he resided. He didn’t seem to be streaming anymore and was just scrolling through Twitter on his computer.
“I come with food!” You say as you place the bowl down in front of him. You seem to have startled him as he jumped slightly when you spoke. He examined the bowl suspiciously.
“What is this?” He says cautiously of your creation.
“It’s Dorito taco salad.” You explain, “It has crushed up Doritos, of course, shredded chicken, lettuce, olives, and sour cream in it.” He seemed to be skeptical of it, which was a given every time you made it for someone new, but people ended up loving it when they tasted it. You were confused as to how many people found it weird since your mom made it for you when you were a kid a ton, so you were used to the delicious lunch dish.
“Okay.” He said and took a bite of it. His eyes lit up. “Oh my god, this is so good!” He exclaimed and took another bite. You giggled with excitement that he loved it like you did.
You both ate together and laid down on the bed as you talked about random things that were going on in your lives. You guys were laughing at a joke Corpse said until Corpse got serious.
“I have to tell you something.” Corpse said and looked into your eyes.
“Okay,” You said confused, “Go ahead.”
He took a deep breath. “I like you.” He confessed, “Like, romantically. I have for awhile now actually and I don’t know what it is about you and I thought I was done with love but you make me feel so happy and different from anyone else I’ve talked to. You don’t have to feel the same way but I couldn’t keep my feelings in for any longer.”
You paused for a moment. Is this actually happening? Are you in a dream? “I like you too, Corpse.” You say softly. His eyes beam with excitement..
“Really?” He asks.
You laugh at his bewilderment. “Yes, really!”
He tackles you in a hug on the bed. You giggle from his excitement. He’s on top of you and he lifts his head up from your neck to look you in the eyes. You get a rush of emotions as you see the care and love in his eyes as he’s looking at you.
You blurt out what you were thinking in that exact moment. “Kiss me.”
He leans in and kisses you softly. One hand is holding him up on the bed as the other is cupping your cheek. You take one hand and tangle it in his hair. This causes him to deepen the kiss with you. The kiss turns rough. You’re both so in the moment you don’t want to come up for air but you guys manage to keep going by taking in air when your lips part for brief moments. The hand that was cupping your cheek is now next to your head, taking the responsibility of holding him up. The other hand is trailing up and down your thigh, squeezing your thigh tightly ever so often. You eventually break the heated kiss and look up at him. You were hoping he could see the love you had for him in your eyes.
“I liked that.” You say smiling.
He chuckled at your words. “I like it too.”
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Jack Bass x Younger!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Bass's.
I have no idea when this is supposed to be set. Just go with it.
I have two things to say about Jack in this gif, though. 1. Does he not know how to carry a tray. And 2. I love this statement, here. Its like 'Bart's Dead, Chuck. I can barely contain my joy, Chuck. Its taking all my willpower, Chuck, to keep a monotonous expression. Also Chuck I am carrying a tray, do you see this?'
Plot: Bart Bass decides to be his creepy fucking self (Not that Jack is exponentially better in any way but whatever) towards you, Chuck's best friend- but thankfully, Jack accidentally walks in on the scene and gives you a get out of jail free card.
Good old 'lesser of two evils' shit. I love stuff like that.
Warnings: BART BASS being predatory, and a bit of age difference (You and Jack. I'm going by actors ages though so there's only a, like, 11 year age gap between him and Chuck which is not that bad if you ask me). Sexual references.
Chuck looks from his phone, that's flashing Blairs name, to you and your big, wide eyes and lips mouthing 'Don't you dare', then to his father quietly tapping away on his phone on the couch a few feet away... then back at his phone.
"Charles- " You hiss, prepared to threaten his very existence but he cuts you off first- slipping off the bar stool beside you and heading for the hallway.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom."
Why am I friends with him again!? You think, but stay quiet and hope that Bart doesn't realise that you're back there despite having said hello to you earlier when he came in. You think, if you stay quiet like a mouse, he will forget your existence and keep texting until Chuck gets back- although, who knows how long he and Blair can go on for.
Depends what its about, honestly. If its about revenge or espionage... well, the conversation could last quite some time.
Should I just leave?
The impulse to run away is a strong one, as you sit there with your cheeks heating up and you start to feel nauseated. You never liked Bart Bass, from the moment you met him. Before that, actually. You had heard Chuck talking about him to Nate before you even became friends with them, and none of what you heard was good. And then you did meet him, one day when Chuck invited you over to do a school project. Or 'school project' as he so obnoxiously put it. You really did end up just doing a school project, though. Hence your friendship nowadays. Bart was creepy towards you even then, at 16 with terribly died hair and the wrong eyeshadow.
You've been very careful since then to never be alone with him like this. You would talk to him at parties if you were forced to, say hello to him when Chuck had you at his place and the man walked by, but that is the extent of your communication with the creep. Always, always, someone would be around. Chuck, mostly. But also staff, or Nate, or random fundraiser ladies, or Jack who Chuck the bastard never left alone with all willy-nilly like this, unfortunately, or Lily, or literally anyone else possible on the earth.
You've even hidden away in the men's bathroom, which is disgusting no matter how expensive the restaurant, with Nate before to get away from this man when Chuck once ditched you both at a dinner with him. And that's the story of how you got your first kiss, too, and it was from Nate Archibald. Hell yes.
That's how much this man makes you want to grab your bag and flee.
But you don't. You stay glued to your seat, super still, listening only to the tap-tap-tapping noises that Bart makes and the bump-bump-bump noises your heart is making right into your throbbing ears.
Until it stops.
Not the bump-bump-bumping, oh no. The tapping. And, nightmarishly, it's replaced by a groan and footsteps coming towards your turned back.
"Y/N," As soon as he says your name, his hands fall on your your shoulders and you literally jump under his touch. Shit- Shit- Fuck- what's happening- "I've been meaning to speak with you recently but Chuck- ah. Well you know him. He refused to share with me your telephone number. But I knew you'd turn up here at some point, so not to worry."
"Uh... right." You cant even force yourself to be your normal, cheery, polite self in this position. You just want him to get. off. of. you.
"Did you want a drink?" He asks, in that possibly cheery (But only because its slightly louder then his usual husk level) but mostly still scary voice he uses to convey emotion, letting go of you thankfully and rounding to the other side of the bar. You shake your head, though. He raises his brows, picking out a scotch for himself. "You don't drink? Shocking, seeing as you're friends with my son."
Oh I drink. You think, giving him a shrug. Just not in situations like this one. Also, what must he think of Chuck? Jesus Christ. For sure, your boy likes debauchery but what's wrong with that?
"Well, I like that." Bart pauses before pouring his drink, to appreciate you. "Mature."
Damn it. It makes your skin absolutely crawl.
"So... " You take a deep breath, tucking your hair back behind your ears rather then ruffling it back like you usually would to get it out of your face- lest that be recognised as some kind of extremely subtle form of flirting. God, fear makes you think weird things. "What did you want to discuss?"
"Oh- Just, your future. Where are you going to school? Will you be sticking close to us?"
Us? US? No, I'll be far far away, from you.
You don't really want to tell Bart where you're going to be going to school, because in your fear addled brain you know that that will just lead to 'Which campus?', or 'Where will you be staying?' and you really don't want it to go there.
You're just taking another, shakier deep breath, when the front door of the apartment opens and shuts loudly and set of feet trample down the hallway towards you. Immediately total relief plashes over you and you wipe your face. Oh, thank god.
Jack Bass appears in the doorway to the living room, looking as put-together yet somehow simultaneously still totally relaxed, as always, and forces aa polite smile onto his handsome face. "Brother. Y/N? Its good to see you."
You have no idea. "Good to see you too Jack. Uh- Chuck's in the bathroom."
"Thanks. For that... enlightening, information, Y/N. I needed that." You cheeks flare up in embarrassment, but ultimately you just roll your eyes as Jack flashes you a subtle wink, and turns promptly to his - much, - older brother. "Bart."
The older brother in question looks less then pleased at his baby brothers appearance in his home. Right now. And he possibly isn't thrilled about that little wink, either. Like you two are in on some kind of joke together. "Jack... What are you doing here?"
"Simmer down, bro. Just visiting." Even you know that that excuse is weak, but anything that comes out Jack's own monotonous voice right now is blessed where you're concerned so you certainly don't say anything. Or make any faces, which would be more appropriate. "Y/N, I don't think Bart-man here's too happy about my presence." Hm, no. You'd have to agree with that observation- not that you've looked up at Bart since Jack came in. You wont risk it. Jack glides through the room with the practised grace of a man who's lived 3 quarters of his life in suits and the other, happier quarter in board shorts, and ends up right next to your chair, an arm resting on the bench in front of you.
If you weren't already so nervous about Bart, you would blush about Jack.
"At least tell me you're glad to see me."
You grin, which is less forced then you thought it would be prior to trying it. Damn, he's good. You think, realising he just swepped in here and made you comfortable in less then 50 words. "Always, 'Uncle Jack'."
"Oh," He groans, like it physically pained him to hear you tease him like that. A tiny smirk even slips through his usually emotionless - well, not emotionless. He has one standing colour, that being sly, - stone statue of a face. "'Uncle Jack'- Please, stop. I'm barely a decade older then you."
That's enough to make anything else possible, inappropriate. Unfortunately. "Hey, I said I'm glad to see you." You wink, a bit sly yourself. "Count your blessings."
His grin widens a bit, like the dangerously charming Cheshire cat-type that he is. Genes that Chuck inherited, clearly, if his track record with girls say anything at all, but that Bart obviously missed out on. "You've got a point."
"She's a remarkable young woman." Bart pipes up, making your stomach tie itself up in knots again, and you immediately revert your gaze to your lap. Remarkable young woman... you want to barf. "Who, I was actually having a conversation with before you burst in here, unannounced." He takes a slow sip of his drink, then mutters. "And uninvited."
"Well that's great." Jack straightens up, clapping his hands together and finally showing his teeth in a smile. They're really freaken white, compared to his skin, deeply tanned by the hot Australian sun. "A visit would be kinda uncomfortable without a conversation; I'll join. I can converse with the best of 'em, Bart. I assure you."
"It was private." The old man sneers, thinking that he's got the upper hand on Jack, and all you can do is hope to god that he's wrong.
Jack turns his head back to look at you, and you meet his gaze tentatively. Your eyes scream, 'Please don't leave me alone with that guy'. He promptly looks back to Bart. "Well Bart why don't we ask the lady in the room what she wants? We are gentlemen here aren't we?" Then Jack makes a face, all crumpled up and unsure, for a moment. "Err. Well actually... 'gentleman' might be a bold faced lie. We'll ask anyway. Y/N! Do you mind if I weigh in here?"
"Not at all." You say quickly, flashing a tiny, thankful smile. He gives you another wink- this time actually subtle. So Bart didn't see it. Your smile gets a little bit bigger, relaxing. He's got you.
"Great." You watch him pull out the stool beside you, that Chuck - who has still not returned from his phone call with Blair. You assume some, likely cruel vengeance must be involved. Possibly involving that Humphrey guy, - had vacated and settles down in it. He then sets his arms firmly on the bench and looks up attentively at Bart, not breaking eye contact with him. Boy these Bass's like their stare downs. "So?" He prompts, expectantly. And a little arrogantly- a Bass speciality that you truly don't mind at all. "What's on the agenda, today?"
Bart glares heatedly, back.
Throughout the awkward discussion between the three of you, which your good friend Chuck has yet to return to discover - at this point you're resigned to him having climbed out the window and scaled the building probably, - , Jack constantly, skilfully changes the subject for you whenever Bart rears to close to somewhere uncomfortable. He makes jokes that make you laugh, he nudges you with his elbow at times - but never touches you any more then that, although you honestly wouldn't mind it if he did, - and takes the attention off you a lot. At times you truly thought you saw steam come out of Bart's ears.
When finally Bart gives up and excuses himself, saying he as an early dinner with Lily, you feel exhausted and relieved. After the door swings shut behind him, you cover your face with your hands and deeply sigh.
"So, what was that about? You looked like a trapped mouse. I recognise that look, I invented that look." You pull back slightly from your hands and glance over at him, to see him thoughtful for a moment. "Well, not by making it. By... causing... it... Either way, it was not good." He shakes his head, taking a sip of his own drink - scotch, - that he made Bart pour for him; Raising his eyebrows at you for an explanation over the rim of the glass.
Jack's always been great, like this. Even when he was horrible, he was the lesser of two evils between him and Bart. Good for a laugh and quality eye candy in a pinch- and that counts for a hell of a lot when it comes to surviving Bart Bass and the Upper East Side. And he had the power and pull of an adult, but knew what the hell was going on like one of you.
So he always made you feel at ease.
You ruffle your hair back, and sigh, straightening your back finally from their hunched over position they live in when you're uncomfortable and pushing back your shoulders. "He was just, saying some weird stuff... and Chuck disappeared to talk to Blair." At that, Jack nods in total understanding. Like ah, yeah. Got ya. Finally, you shrug. "He just makes me really uncomfortable. No offence, but I hate your brother."
As you watch Jack's eyes don't even flicker; He's totally on board with what you've said. Then he finishes the rest of his scotch in one gulp. "Ahh- I hate him too."
"As do we all." Chuck's voice suddenly pops up, as he appears in the doorway like Jack had earlier. You have to practice some serious self control so as to not laugh, at Chuck so coincidentally turning up again at the perfect moment to proclaim his hatred for his father. Jack grins back at Chuck coldly, nodding. Yeah. "Anyway, Y/N, I apologise but I'll be having to abandon you. Blair's waiting for me at her, empty, apartment." He pauses for a moment for dramatic effect, in perfect Chuck Bass fashion, and you roll your eyes, grinning. Jack smirks. "But you're welcome to stick around a while and help yourself to the amenities All on my tab, of course. Good to see you again, Jack." Then he pockets his phone and heads toward the door. The second Bass of the day leaves the building.
"Bye, nephew!" Jack waives as the elevator doors close behind Chuck then swiftly turns around back to you, to which you raise your eyebrows. "So, what do we do now?"
"I dunno." Shrugging you grin and turn your stool to angle your legs towards Jack. "When Chuck says those magical words 'All on my tab'," Those words, oh; You speak them with just as much raw, breathy sexual arousal as the man himself would. As the words demand. 'All on my tab'. Good lord, sex if they were words. "I tend to take advantage."
"An easy girl to please; That's what I like to see." Your cheeks flame up at those words out of Jack's mouth as he turns to look down at the room service menu. Yes, Jack Bass has toed the line, between platonic and flirtatious since the very moment you met the man... but that seemed a little bit more then toeing the line.
And you get a far different reaction to him doing it then you do the other Bass brother.
You don't even really mind the implications of his words.
"You're staying back with me?" You ask, feeling hopeful at the idea.
"Yeah well, I cant in, uh, good conscience," He makes a bit of a show to you, of pressing his hand to his chest totally earnestly as those words 'good conscience' come out of his mouth. "leave you here unguarded in case Bart comes back, can I? Besides, the way you said 'All on my tab'- man, you could sell moonshine at an AA meeting with that voice."
"Ha," You laugh, rolling your eyes and shaking your head. "Well, thanks."
"Oh. Don't thank me. You're just using what uh, your mama gave you. I actually encourage you totally, to do that more often- "
"No!" You exclaim, sighing in exasperation; But there is still a smile on your face you cant seem to shake. "For not leaving, today. When you walked in. It would've sucked if you had, not that I would've blamed you at all."
"Hey, just call me your knight in shining armour." He doesn't look up from the menu, flicking through it. Then turns to you with one of those beach boy/politician, toothless grins of his. "Besides you were automatically, my favourite person in the apartment. I mean, anyone with... uhhh- different, appendages to what I have, instantly gets a one-way ticket access to my rare bouts of chivalry. Now come over here, pick out what you want off here."
You just gape at him and that comment, making him stifle a laugh and return to the menu himself.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
part 2 of the ‘hey batter batter’ series
pairing: Francesco Morales (Frankie, Catfish) x reader
wordcount: 2.4k
warnings: none (yet)
summary: it’s a Triple Frontier baseball AU - trust me, you don’t need to know anything about baseball.
In this chapter, you run into the guys outside of the stadium and they promptly decide you’re going to be friends with them.
Your friend was twelve minutes late. Not overly long but you could already tell what was going to happen.
It had been a long shot, anyway, an old classmate with little lasting connection. You had been trying to push yourself outside of your comfort zone anyway, why not? When she had originally reached out you’d been full of hope, enough to foolishly order your favorite appetizer as a ice breaker but the effort was in vain.
Fingernails gently clicking against the table, you caved and allowed yourself to look at your phone. It brought instant comfort, to escape the exposure of sitting alone in a restaurant, but you couldn’t stay. The air was cold as you sucked it through your teeth, weighing your options. The confidence it took to eat alone after being stood up was facing a strong competitor: your general policy not to waste good food and good money.
Shifting, you tried to settle, tried to pose yourself like you were in control, looking around the room as nonchalantly as you could. It was silly, your urge to keep moving, your feet on the ground, your hands on the table, your eyes on the other patrons, but you couldn’t help it. It was a nice place, nothing fancy, just a hole in the wall restaurant, filled only with a few locals.
Until your appetizer came around the corner, followed by a much more handsome man than you were prepared for.
His already smiling eyes met yours, and you looked away, startled, maybe blushing a little. He was familiar, too familiar. You tried to focus on the young lady waiting on you, and the steam coming from the plate in her hands.
Just focus on the food, you scolded yourself silently, thanking her and not ordering anything else. He was not your friend, he didn’t even know you, really. There was no need to make him feel uncomfortable.
Except, he wasn’t really worried about that, because he was sliding into the seat across from you.
“Hi,” he was grinning, confident and friendly, and your instincts raised no alarms other than confusion.
“Hello,” you replied, wondering honestly if you were dreaming. This was one of the men you’d met before, in that chaotic, over decorated room in the baseball stadium. He had been in front of you maybe fifteen total seconds, talking to James, before melting back into the sea of uniforms and caps. There was no reason he should remember you much less… be doing whatever was happening now.
The man mistook your expression for panicked forgetfulness and reintroduced himself.
“I’m Ben, Ben Miller? We met a a week or two ago,” he was searching your face for recognition, which of course was not the problem at all. It was sweet, how bashful he was when he pointed to the picture of the team’s logo on the poster by your table, and mouthed “the shortstop?”.
It seemed like he wasn’t trying to draw extra attention to himself, which was almost comical. Even with his casual tshirt and jeans he was easily the most noticeable person in the room – that’s how good he looked, and a testament to the visible confidence of men like him. He was all limber muscles and strong jaw and kind eyes and it wasn’t easy to just tuck that away.
“I – yeah,” this was awkward. “I’m sorry for staring at you, I just don’t normally see … non-locals here.” You smiled, weakly.
There was something in his voice and a glint in his eyes as his blue eyes glanced behind you.
“Would you believe it if I said we were locals?”
All of a sudden his looks were commonplace, because there was another man next to him who was a little broader and a little rougher around the edges- but surprisingly similar in casual masculinity. The “we" clicked into place.
“What’s this?” the first-baseman said, his expression more or less mirroring your own.
A handful of other men followed him and you wanted to melt into the chair. It was too much, too weird. They were all peering at you, dark eyebrows and cool toned cloth stretched over broad chests and it was the most bizarre thing. You weren’t really shy, per se, but stuff like this didn’t happen to you. Fidgeting you stared back at them, feeling helpless.
Ben came to your rescue again, guilty, but far too friendly to stop, like runaway dog at a park.
“I was just telling her that Will and I are from town! And we love it here,” he grinned, winningly, still failing to explain why he was seated with you.
Their hellos were amused and charismatic, for the most part, save the man in the back. It was… Francisco. Or rather, Mr. Morales.
Your heart thumped the same thump that you’d been feeling whenever you thought of him.
His voice was quieter, eyes reaching into yours like he had questions to ask, before he fixed them on the surroundings instead. They were crowding the area, all tall and much to large to fit in between tables. It would have been annoying if this were a busier place.
“You guys go on, I’ll be right there,” the shortstop across from you ushered them away, out of politeness or something else you weren’t sure. It was sad, to see him go again but the absence of attention made you breathe again. You waved, sure you looked ridiculous, and wondering if other women would be dying to be in your stead.
“Sorry, I just wanted to say hi,” Ben seemed earnest again, and you couldn’t help but relax. It was charming, the way his eyebrows dipped and he fidgeted, just a little. “You looked… lonely,” he added, hesitating before standing up with a gentle slap to the table. “Come join us if they don’t show, I’m sure the guys wont mind!”
You nodded, still more or less in shock, and he walked off, strides long and easy, like there was hardly anything weighing on his shoulders.
If they hadn’t been but 20 paces away, you would have shoved the plate aside and replaced its spot on the table with your face, and groaned aloud. You barely registered your food as you ate, wondering at the whole thing in awe as you took out your phone again to text James.
Frankie tried not to watch you. He really did. He loved his friends and they seldom got a chance, just the five of them to eat somewhere so homey and casual, without the whole crew, or fans and cameras, or other things to attend to. They’d been close for a long time, happy they enjoyed one another and trusted one another more than the rest of the team. It was what made them so good in the starting lineup – their communication and comradery off field translated into their game.
For awhile he was doing well. He wasn’t watching as you finished your food, hardly noticed the way your hands ran through your hair, barely registered when you stood up, brushing crumbs off your legs, and walked towards the front to pay.
But he did notice when you slid over to their table and… he couldn’t tear his eyes away as your hand touched Benny's shoulder. The movement was smooth and gentle and there was a sharp feeling in his gut.
“Thanks for before,” your voice was quite, more composed than before, now that your feet were under you properly. It wasn’t meant for him, wasn’t his to hear, but he listened anyway. The group was seated at one of those round corner booths, and really, there was no escaping it – they were on the ends.
Benny was saying no problem and Frankie took a long sip of his drink trying to cool down before he was choking on it as his friend invited you to join.
The idea of you sitting here was… a double edged sword. On one side, the chance to talk to you, be around you even in the low lights of the restaurant neons – was too good to be true. His daydreams of you hadn’t slowed down nearly as much as he had hoped after you were gone. And on the other… of all the men here, he didn’t stand much of a chance. The flicker of warmth your little wave had given him began to fade and he tried too late to get in control of his facial expressions as you considered the offer.
When Redfly reached across Ben, though, shoving the younger man to grab your hand, suppressing the growl in his throat was more important than the glare. Next to him, Pope eyes were sharp, catching everything unsaid. His friend was as tense as he was, feeling the charged energy fill the booth.
Some ridiculous part of Frankie was wanting to pull you away, tuck you under his arm, and keep you all to himself. But he couldn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t. He didn’t even know your name.
Then Will was pulling Tom back with laughter that didn't reach his eyes and Santi was apologizing, saying smooth words and coaxing you to reintrodunce yourself and pull up a chair and hang out.
Frankie would never know how Pope was so good at these things, how his passion made other people relent and reconsider and made them feel safe, but he was grateful for it. He tucked your name away, sure he wouldn’t forget it again. Especially because you pulled your chair up by him, and his heart swelled with something akin to pride as you leaned towards him, more than even Ben.
It could have been politeness, making room for the waitress, it could have been a coincidence, or that you wanted to be further from Tom, but he could quite bring himself to care. Having you close felt good, so much better than it should’ve, given the circumstances.
Even more than normal athletes, the Miller boys ate like they were hollow, and had ordered enough food for a week. There was plenty of talk and teasing and tossing of rolls, and it took you no time at all to settle in.
You found out you had some mutual acquaintances with Will, which helped, as you launched into comparisons of the town and laughed over shared observations. It made you feel at home, with him and Ben, and you understood how the brothers made everyone feel like family. Apparently there was girl Benny liked, who worked with the team’s athletic trainers. None of the boys had wheeled it out of him, but it took you less than fifteen minutes, your smile brighter as you sorted through his intentions.
Santi had a quick tongue, and you matched it. There was respect in his eyes as you leveled with Redfly, efficiently and effectively putting him back in his place. The older man head leaned back, nonchalantly, with raised eyebrows and low whistle, but Pope knew when Tom was embarrassed. There was an almost indiscernible bite onto the inside of the outfielder’s lower lip, a child’s tell.
He watched everyone, really, especially Frankie. They’d been playing together the longest and saw the best and worst of each other. It was fun, for him to watch his friend watch you. When you puckered your lips to suck a bead of water off your finger, Frankie’s jaw twitched. Like he was thinking of tilting his cheek towards you as you leaned in to kiss it – and Santi grinned, the gears in his mind turning.
For being as confused and awkward as you were before, it was crazy how well you fit.
Frankie liked your laugh, easy and pure, and the glint in your eyes when someone said something clever. He liked how friendly you were, even to Tom, and how you treated them like people. You never once stepped into the role of flirtatiously asking about the sport – or about being professional athletes all, and it was a breath of fresh air. Most outsiders would have their fingers tracing the curves of the muscles on Pope's arm as they asked him about pitching or would be tugging down the necklines of their shirts as they tried to be subtle about salaries. He liked how you talked about the food, asked them what they were up to that day, and actually listened when they answered. It was graceful, more that even Ironhead’s throw, how you managed to give each one of them attention, without controlling the conversation.
What Frankie liked best of all, though, was when yours eyes would meet his. They were narrow with laughter, and it was almost as if he were an hour away from know exactly what you were thinking. You’d lean towards him, just a hair, and under the thrum of conversations you would tell him little things, jokes or confessions like you were the best of friends.
When you murmured, “I actually don’t know anything about baseball,” he choked on his drink again, mind filled with unreachable moments. The boys were laughing at him, but he ignored it because they hadn’t heard you and... he could almost feel it – you against his chest as he showed how to swing a bat, your hand in his as he leaned in close, explaining, and him spinning you around in a victory hug.
All too soon the plates were being cleared and everyone was arguing over who should be paying. It made them smile, how earnestly you were offering, but there was no way in hell. 
You thanked them all verbally, but when Santi ended up paying, he got a quick peck on the cheek and that sharp feeling in Frankie’s gut returned with force.
As you left, before they could walk you out, you cherished the experience like a drop of honey on your tongue, confident this was a once in a life time thing, and excited to tell James about it. Of course you had texted him – he was the one who told you if you didn’t sit with them he’d never forgive you.
Then men behind you continued to talk, each silently thinking of their own reasons for being sure they’d see you again soon.
And when you walked past the window by the corner on the way to your car, a pair of deep brown eyes found yours through the glass. You waved, goodbye, and this time, the ache in your heart was aligned with the ache in his.
Thank goodness that old classmate never showed up.
@fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms 
hey batter batter taglist:
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mojwisungie · 3 years
imgn | breaking point
req (from: anon) ➥ : Can I request angst where jeno and the reader are dating but mark secretly likes the reader too and one day he gets so jealous to the point that he blows up on and yells at her (in front of jeno/everyone)?
☄︎ summary: mark seeing you happy with jeno turns him to a walking bomb and one touch from you sets him off ☄︎ pairing: mark lee x reader, lee jeno x reader ☄︎ lou.note: aaaa i did my best to make this angsty anonie ,, enjoy reading ♥
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jeno is content with how things have been
youre happy = he’s happy
the fact that both of you trust each other brings him so much relief
like have you seen his fanbase ??? HUGE 
you openly communicate so whenever one of you feels the slightest worry, you tell the other about it :’)
no toxicity found here ❤
jeno knows you only love him and no one else, and its the same for you
he’s been busy with promotions for the past few months
its almost like its never ending with nct 2020
and tbh he’s glad to be around every member more now
and ever since you’ve been visiting him (making sure he doesnt push himself too much beyond his limits), he’s never been so content
jeno feels proud of having you as an s/o bc he never has to worry about you whenever youre around with his members
he’s just thrilled to have you around, and besides him
mark is delighted too
he knows youre off limits, but he cant help himself with his crush on you
dont get it wrong, he’d never pull a move on you
his game plan is actually to distance himself so he wouldnt be prone to falling for you more
but its so difficult for him when he’s on the same unit with jeno
you’d chat him up when your boyfriend leaves you two on the couch to film his parts
you’d call him over sit beside you and jeno during lunch
and everytime he refuses, you will just plead again for him to join you two
this drags on and on
bc mark doesnt actually know what to do
he definitely wants to create space between you and him, but he doesnt want to reject your friendly gestures
but his heart aches a little bit more as he gets reminded by the fact that you love jeno, and he does too
and now he’s so conflicted
bc he knows that he wouldnt be able to contain the jealousy bubbled up inside him
and the last straw was when you, jeno, and him were waiting in a room with no one else
it was actually just you and your boyfriend at first, but he only knew that when he opened the door
you invited him to sit beside you just to kill time before their next agenda at work
and he finally decided to reject your offer, as he knows that soon enough he’ll feel like he’s thirdwheeling for the hundredth time this year
you hold his wrist in attempt to convince him to just talk with you and jeno
but he pulls back rather harshly
and when you try to ask him again, you get cut off as he shouts,
“I said no! How many times do I have to tell you that I dont want to hang out with the two of you?!”
Jeno stands in front of you as he doesnt need to see you to know how shocked you are by what his hyung said
he apologizes and reasons out that you both just wanted him to relax as he knows their work is tiring
but he also gets dumbfounded when mark answers with,
“You two dont get it do you? I like Y/n. And what I don’t like is that you always have to remind me. So if you want me to be happy as you two are, just leave me alone.”
the tension definitely was different when mark and jeno had to go on set again
but before that, you told jeno that maybe mark does needs some space
and so he did
you also stop going to their work, opting to just get food for them and their managers via delivery when you know they need it
mark soon catches on, and at first he was still frustrated
things take a turn when he realizes jeno doesnt deserve to not see you when he’s tired from his work
and you dont deserve to stop yourself from seeing your boyfriend just because it might hurt him more
the guilt mark feels escalates when sungchan asked jeno why you havent been visiting
bc he hears jeno makes some excuse just so they wont know the real deal
before they go home to their respective dorms, mark makes sure he talks to jeno
he expects it to be difficult, bc he knows it wont be easy for jeno to believe when he says he’s trying to move on
but jeno being himself, he knows how pure mark’s heart is and he also knows he’s telling the truth
through shy words, mark asks if he could eat with you and jeno sometime to formally apologize
and when you guys do go out on a lunch, it felt like he’s smooth sailing
you accept his awkward sorry’s and tell him the space he asked for was alright
as time passes by, he notices that youre definitely jeno’s other half
he wouldnt be the right one for you ever bc he gets to witness how you and jeno are perfect for each other
mark realizes that he’ll meet someone soon, and it’s definitely someone who isn’t you, but he knows they’ll someone made for him.
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whatstheproblembaby · 3 years
Fic: Points of Contact
PG-13, 2325 words, intended to be a character study but just kind of turned into a pile of fluff and banter? /shrugs
Also on AO3.
As much as she loved a quiet meal at home with her family, Shelagh appreciated their monthly invitations to dinner at Nonnatus House. The little ones were in ecstasy, surrounded by all of their favorite adults, who had no excuses not to play with them. She herself got to enjoy a meal in which she only had to cook one of the dishes, and now that Cyril and Fred were part of the guest list, she knew that Patrick looked forward to a little time with “the lads,” as he was (unfortunately) wont to call them.
She felt a smile blossom across her face as she re-entered the dining area from the kitchen, fresh cup of tea in hand. The others had adjourned to the parlour, where they were waiting for Doctor Who to start. Patrick, Cyril, and Fred had all dragged dining chairs to the far side of the room and were chatting away animatedly, though Cyril kept turning his gaze to the television every so often, clearly not wanting to miss a moment of the show. Sister Monica Joan was on a low stool, no more than a foot of space between her and the screen. Her focus, though, was on the children, who were listening somewhat attentively to her explanation of what to expect from the programme. Violet had had to step out on council business, so Sister Julienne and Phyllis had commandeered the armchairs, leaving the rest of the nuns and nurses to pile onto the sofa or sprawl out on the surrounding floor. Shelagh scanned the space, trying to see where she could squeeze in, when a gesture between Trixie and Sister Frances stopped her cold.
Trixie had perched on the arm of the sofa, one arm draped across Sister Frances’ shoulders. Even that level of public affection was a surprise to Shelagh, who hadn’t realized that Trixie’s comfort with casual, friendly touches extended past her fellow resident midwives, but Sister Frances’ response was the real stunner.
Sister Frances leaned contentedly into Trixie’s loose embrace, tucking her head as best she could onto Trixie’s shoulder and throwing her right arm over one of Trixie’s legs. She showed no fear of being caught doing something improper - indeed, Sister Julienne looked on with a smile as Sister Hilda finished relating an anecdote and the whole sofa burst into laughter.
Shelagh felt her breath catch. She only realized she had been hovering in the doorway a little too long when a concerned “Shelagh?” came from Patrick’s side of the room.
“Forgot to add milk,” she quipped, raising her cup and hoping the laugh she added at the end sounded less forced to everyone else’s ears. She turned and headed back to the kitchen, where she rummaged through the refrigerator with unseeing eyes.
A religious Sister is holy and separate, Sister Adelaide’s voice swam up from her memories. She rejoices and mourns with the community she serves, but she is not of the community. She cannot confuse the comforts of being a sister of man with her higher purpose fulfilling God’s commands with her Sisters in Christ.
Shelagh pressed her lips together wryly as she imagined Sister Adelaide’s reaction to the current display in the parlour. She knew her former instructor in the religious life had since passed on, but she hadn’t realized quite how different the lessons for the newer Sisters would be.
“My love, are you sure you’re all right?” Patrick reached down and took her teacup, setting it on the counter before securing both of her hands in his. “You’re taking an awfully long time to add milk to your already milky tea.”
“Maybe I want the extra calcium,” Shelagh said, smiling up at him. “These old bones could use some shoring up.”
“I’m not even going to respond to that statement, in order to not incriminate myself in the process,” Patrick said with an echoing smile. The love in his eyes still caught Shelagh off-guard, even after years of marriage. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m fine, Patrick,” Shelagh said tenderly. “The times have changed, that’s all. Now, we’d better get back to the parlour before Sister Monica Joan turns all of our children into mystics and Romantic poets.”
Patrick huffed out a laugh. “You know I’m going to ask you to explain what you mean by that first statement later.”
“I will. I just need a little more time to process it for myself first.”
Shelagh noticed the sensation of Patrick’s hand on the small of her back a little more acutely than usual as he guided her back to the party, marking how he removed it once they were properly in mixed company. Later, too, she became aware of how there was always a careful space left for her amongst the women, close enough to ensure she was included, but not so small that she was nudged playfully in the shoulder or brushed by someone crossing their legs to the other side.
The warm weight of her son in her arms at the end of the evening was her anchor. Teddy was dozing off by the time they left, and May and Angela weren’t too far behind. Thankfully, Sister Julienne offered to carry Angela out to their car to keep Patrick or Shelagh from having to make two trips down the stairs.
“Thank you for inviting us to dinner. We always have such a lovely time,” Shelagh said, rocking Teddy as she waited for Patrick to settle May in the back seat of the station wagon.
“The pleasure is all ours, Shelagh,” Sister Julienne said. She reached out and squeezed Shelagh’s arm once, maternally. “You know you’re part of our family. You are always welcome here.”
Shelagh just smiled, unsure of what her voice would do if she tried to respond aloud. By then, Patrick had secured May, so she focused on getting Teddy into the car next without waking him or disturbing the girls. Once all was in order, she and Patrick wished Sister Julienne a good night and waited for her to get back inside safely before they drove off.
In the car, Patrick started to say her name, but Shelagh cut him off by sliding across the bench seat and dropping her head on his shoulder.
“Get us home, Patrick. I’ll explain once we’ve got the children squared away for the night.”
The ride home was quiet, the soft sound of the radio the only real noise as Patrick navigated the streets of Poplar. Shelagh eventually shifted so her hand was resting loosely on Patrick’s above the gear shift, to allow him to manoeuvre the car better, but she stayed close by his side as they unloaded their children and got them in bed, earning a pleased yet confused look from her husband.
“You’re tactile this evening,” he observed mildly, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the hall to their own room.
“I’m tactile plenty of evenings,” Shelagh replied, handing Patrick his pyjamas from the wardrobe before fetching her own. “I just don’t always allow myself to act on it.”
“Because of-” Patrick broke off, freeing himself from his vest before continuing, “Because of something I’ve done? Shelagh, I’m so-”
“Not because of you, Patrick,” Shelagh said decisively. “Quite the opposite, in fact. But I’m not explaining while you’re changing - I don’t want you to smother yourself with your own clothing!”
They separated long enough to get their pyjamas on and wash up for the night, giving Shelagh one last moment to collect her thoughts.
“Come here,” Patrick said when she reentered the bedroom, holding his arms open from where he sat on his side of the bed. “If you’re still allowing yourself to be tactile, that is.”
Shelagh slid under the covers and into his arms gratefully. “I’m going to try. I don’t want to display too much affection in public, but...I think I may have been holding myself to old-fashioned standards.”
Patrick just raised an eyebrow, looking down at her with curiosity.
“Tonight, at Nonnatus, I saw Trixie and Sister Frances cuddle up to each other without a second thought, and I didn’t know what to do for a moment,” Shelagh explained. “When I was a Sister, casual physical touch was not encouraged. One was supposed to focus on one’s commitment to God to find sustenance and support. Perhaps after one’s life vows, or at a funeral for another Sister, there could be a quick embrace, but on a typical day, there should be space between one and one’s Sisters on the sofa at recreation, and one should not even think about touching or embracing a layperson unless they were experiencing labor, bereavement, or a medical emergency.”
“Really?” Patrick asked. “I’ve always thought of the Sisters as the most nurturing community presence - but now that you say that, I can’t count many times I’ve seen them actually offer a hug. An encouraging squeeze of the arm, perhaps, or a parcel of food or clothing if it serves.”
“We were expected to love as God loves, of course,” Shelagh said. “But there were ways we could do that while staying ‘holy and separate.’ Or so I was taught.”
“It would appear that whichever Sister was in charge of your lessons isn’t instructing anymore.”
“No, she’s long gone, may she rest in peace. And perhaps this new embrace of - well - embracing others is more of a Nonnatus trend than a result of any teachings from the Mother House. Still, it caught me by surprise tonight.” Shelagh tucked her head into the crook of Patrick’s neck as she finished speaking.
Patrick kissed Shelagh’s temple. “Because you were uncomfortable?”
“Because I was jealous,” Shelagh replied. She closed her eyes briefly to hide her embarrassment at saying so, but when she straightened up and looked at Patrick again, she saw nothing but understanding in his eyes, emboldening her to go on. “I spent ten years of my life keeping my distance from other people, believing it was the right way to show my devotion to God and my vows to Him. Still, I saw every moment I could have hugged a frightened mother and didn’t, or every moment I refrained from comforting one of the resident nurses at Nonnatus. I didn’t even let you hold me in public for the first year of our marriage because I was afraid everyone would think I was so starved for affection that I left the church the first time a man so much as looked at me. And now the Sisters can just casually curl up with the nurses on the couch in the parlour?”
Shelagh couldn’t restrain her frustrated tears any longer. Before the first of them were even finished trickling down her cheeks, she found herself wrapped in Patrick’s arms, her head cradled against his shoulder. He murmured soothing nonsense in her ear, assuring her he was in no rush for her to pull herself back together.
“I’m sorry, Patrick, I got you soaked,” Shelagh said once she was finally able to sit upright again.
Patrick wiped her cheeks with his thumbs. “You’ve done nothing wrong. I see the reasoning behind what you were taught as a Sister, but good intent doesn’t make up for years of you suppressing instincts that are now being supported by that very same institution.”
“Thankfully, I’ve also had years to work on retraining myself,” Shelagh said, a tentative smile on her face. “You’ve been quite helpful there.”
Patrick’s forehead crinkled. “I have?”
“Maybe not in so many words, but you reached for my hand when I was still afraid to name what I was feeling for you. You wrapped me in your coat when I was lost and cold on the road back to Poplar. You’ve held me time and time again as I’ve cried without me having to say a word - not five minutes ago, even! You have shown me that physical affection can be simple, natural, and meaningful, and it doesn’t diminish the quality of our love or our professionalism.”
“And here I thought I was merely capitalizing on my chances to show my devotion to my lovely wife,” Patrick said, squeezing Shelagh’s hands where they lay in his own. “I’ll always be here if and when you reach out, Shelagh.”
“I know, Patrick. I’ve always known that.” Shelagh leaned up to kiss her husband at that. “And I’m going to let myself reach out to you and to our friends more. I don’t want to give people a show, of course, but I’ve barely let myself hold your hand in public out of concern for propriety. I think we’re still within the bounds of good taste if we go a little beyond that, don’t you?”
“I should say so,” Patrick said, pressing another kiss to Shelagh’s smile. “But I could have a hidden agenda.”
“A hidden agenda? I’m not sure what you mean,” Shelagh teased, rolling onto her back and pulling Patrick on top of her.
“Let me explain.” Patrick leaned down and proceeded to illuminate his agenda quite thoroughly, adding a few items to Shelagh’s own in the process. When they had finally finished, Shelagh curled up with her head on Patrick’s chest, feeling sleep begin to claim her.
“Somehow I don’t think I’m going to add any of what we just did to my ideas of what’s appropriate in public,” she murmured, laughing softly. “But I’m happy for some things to remain just for us.”
“There’s a time and a place for everything,” Patrick agreed.
The last thing Shelagh felt before drifting off was a light kiss to her hair, an action she was all too willing to repeat the next morning as they opened up the surgery. The almost comical look of shock on Miss Higgins’ face in result gave her another reason to keep pushing her former boundaries - after all, where else was she going to find this level of amusement?
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