#you’re a better man than I
Clyde takes the highest fuck percentage and is the only character so far with an absolute zero percentage for any poll option. Enjoy his results here
Time to answer the call for Paul
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Blue Iguana is another film you can view for free in the Vudu app. It may not be a masterpiece, but it’s fun. It’s got Rockwell and it’s got Schwartz. Homoeroticism? Obviously. Schwartz in a cringey, comedic sex scene? Check. Schwartz covered in blood? Double check. Y’all. Take five with Paul and then hang your head in shame and smash a button below
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
I thought everyone was exaggerating when people kept bringing up the whole “bakugou says he’s Kacchan bc of kaminari” thing, but they actually believe that… what?
Literally how do you guys function
It’s such a stretch too. Like “oh yeah he said Kacchan no Bakugou in this movie” ITS NOT EVEN IN THE MANGA HELLO???
The whole reason Kaminari calls Katsuki Kacchan is because he’s making fun of him. It’s poking fun at the fact that Katsuki can’t say anything or get mad at Kaminari because then it would raise the question, “Well why can Midoriya say it?”
He literally side eyes him every time he does it but ultimately doesn’t react because he can’t. He can’t if he wants to keep up the act that he is uninterested in what Izuku represents, who he is.
WHO is present in this battle?
WHO is the person that made eye contact with him the second he woke up?
WHO is the one that grabbed his hand immediately upon Katsuki flinging himself towards them??
I don’t think THEY even believe it either, I think it’s just some way to cope and explain away the fact that this moment is inherently romantic.
Because I don’t think he’s making fun of the name Kacchan, I think he’s wearing it proudly. I don’t think it’s a joke at all. It’s a joke in the disbelieving way—the way you act when you’ve made an enormous accomplishment or won some prize, and you just can’t help but act absolutely insane at the fact. Because it’s funny that you’re here, in this situation. It’s hilarious in that disbelieving way.
Because he’s laughing at the truth, he’s been laughing at nothing this ENTIRE CHAPTER.
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“Ouch! Haha! I’m so fast!”
“I can’t even stop! Ha! Ouch!”
Note: (I’m not using the official translations because for some reason they lack the maniacal crazed laughter and I’m confused as to why?? I even checked with pikahlua and they specified that there was laughing so…. I’m confused.)
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What’s even weirder about this is the fact that afo also says (in pikahlua’s translations) “just who is this brat?!” Instead of “what is wrong with him” which implies less crazed bakugou ness imo. Confused as to why, again.
Because this can’t be happening.
Now, I know it could very well be him teasing afo and calling him dumb, saying basically “you’re too young/old to even know how to pronounce my name, use Kacchan instead like the child you are.” Especially since in the context of names like Katsuki’s, he has that tsu sound that can be hard for children to pronounce. (I’m not 100% on this but I’m pretty sure that the u sound is also meant to be silent since it’s a double consonant. So Katsuki’s name is technically pronounced “Ka-ts-ki”)
That maniacal laughter at the fact that he’s in pain, the disbelief that he may even surpass Izuku, to me it’s holding a double meaning. The meaning that afo is dumb and needs to be treated like the child he is, and the meaning behind the fact that it’s a name Izuku owns for him. That’s his.
It can be both.
It’s not fucking Kaminari. It was never Kaminari. Even if you don’t read it as the second definition it’s still not about Kaminari.
But it’s also undeniable that it has to do with Izuku some way some how.
I also believe that the western side of the fandom is making an extra big deal out of this because, to us, we don’t really have a proper understanding of what a nickname like Kacchan means in its cultural context.
We can TRY to understand, comparing it to endings with ie or y given to children, and then sometimes going with that nickname into adulthood, but it still has its own distinct cultural context. Because a name like “Gracie” over “Grace” does to an extent sound childish, but I have a feeling that -chan has its own childish feeling. There’s a reason none of Katsuki’s other friends in middle school call him Kacchan, and there’s a reason Kaminari decides to make fun of him for the name in the first place.
I just think it’s important to use our thinking brains before we start yapping about things we don’t quite understand yet :)
Like it’s so unbelievably important to understand that horikoshi won’t tell you what’s happening in his story and why, he’ll show you instead BECAUSE HES A GOOD FUCKING WRITER
If it was about Kaminari, he would have specified, but he didn’t. He showed you that Kacchan is Izuku’s nickname for Katsuki, and he showed you that Katsuki cared more about Izuku than he let on for a long time. Just like he showed you that Izuku pushes down his emotions, showed you that Izuku struggles with projection and anger, showed you that Ochako was the one with this crush and not Izuku, and showed you that the feelings he had about Katsuki were deeper than anyone had realized.
He showed you parallels, he specified the important parallels that you absolutely had to see as a viewer (ex toga and ochako), just as he showed you the ones that were more subtle but still there (ex toga and deku). He showed you the pieces, and that doesn’t make his character’s underdeveloped or unspecified, that’s just how writing fucking works. “Good writing” DOESNT MEAN that you have to be pulled along through your baby steps with your hand held, the fact that you don’t get it is on you. Reading comprehension is a learned skill that has to be practiced over and over again, and that is not the writers job. The writer is only supposed to deliver you their story, and however you decide to misconstrue that story is, and hear me out friends, on you.
So I’m sorry if I’m tired of hearing arguments like “toga is a predator and Horikoshi wrote her to be horny”… she’s supposed to represent love. I’m sorry if the representation he made of love was uncomfortable for you, but maybe that’s the point? Because she’s an outcast? Because she’s supposed to be hard to empathize with, but that we have to empathize in the first place?
Arguments like “Katsuki was referencing a joke about Kaminari bc Kaminari said this in this movie” is just about the largest fucking reach I’ve ever seen. And I know, I know that when bkdk eventually get their implied or canonical ending that people are going to be mad. They’ll blame shippers for pressuring him, or they’ll say he’s a bad writer, or they’ll send him homophobic slurs because “how dare the character I see myself in be gay”. And I’m done with the stupidity and lack of common god damn sense.
So if you are going to be upset by the fact that you’re going to be proven wrong, then I again say, it’s on you.
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transmasccofee · 1 year
thinking yet again about Saiki‘s’s final choice in the series being “I’d rather live with my powers than die without them” bc that is seriously the single best ending of a disability narrative I’ve seen. Fuck.
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I really hope that the second season of dead boy detectives allows Charles to properly unpack some of the baggage from his life because god he has a lot to process and work through without either being viscerally reminded of his trauma or putting himself in peril for the people he loves every fucking episode
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reegis · 7 months
Are you ok? My favourite mechs artist has been quiet recently
im am SO so sorry i havent been able to post in so long aaa.. at the moment i am very much not okay, unfortunately a lot of things have gone poorly very quickly but hopefully its only a temporary set back!!
tldr i finally managed to get a full time job a month & a half after moving and my car broke down for the last time almost immediately upon hiring so i now have to walk ~2hrs to and from an 8 hour shift every day + more personal stuff,, the pain & stress is Not fun for my back problems or mental health :,^)
hoping to get the bike my mom leant me repaired as soon as i have my first paycheck or 2, so fingers crossed that will make a huge difference
i have still been slowly working on comms in whatever free time i get but its slow going 😔 ty everybody for your patience & sorry again for not being online!
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lale-txt · 4 months
waking up to fucking AI “art” on my dash
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its-alittleobsessed · 4 months
“Maybe you should seek queer stories in actual gay media” okay fuck you.
1. Any story can be gay if you’re brave enough.
2. Gay and political news deliverer Castiel is canonically a gay angel and
3. If Dean—There’s people. Feelings. That I want to experience differently, or maybe for the first time—Winchester is straight then maybe we should reevaluate heterosexuality as a whole.
AND ALSO you know what
Fucking 4rth of all. They’re fictional fucking characters, dude. If i wanna reflect my queerness on this screwed up mess of a man who literally hunts fairy dust monsters for a living. Then i fucking will. He’s fictional and so fucking complex as a character that if i wanted to make him real, then I could make him up to be whatever I wanted.
AND. AND 5th of all, babe. Text and subtext are two totally different things. Subtext is up for interpretation. It is silently laid out for the viewer to appreciate and scrutinize. To puzzle and question. And this subtext just so happens to be gay as shit and really really obvious.
So fuck me for filling in the dots. Christ. You have brain and suddenly you’re the antichrist around here
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bitchapalooza · 3 months
Thinking about how Zoro may have mixed and complicated feelings about Koushirou because on one hand that’s his sensei and he was taught to respect his sensei, but on the other hand he caused his own daughter, Zoro’s best friend, so much pain and constantly berated her to her face about how she’ll never be strong like the boys nor will she ever inherit the dojo. Like. Zoro cannot have one straight forward opinion on this man, he HAS to have some back and forth opinions on this guy I mean come on!
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some of you need to talk to a real life gay/bi man. outside. where there’s fresh air and grass. or even asphalt! i’m not picky!!
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russilton · 4 months
Scrolling back on the dash- guys not to be a buzz kill but I know kimi A turns 18 this year— but he’s still a minor right now, don’t call him a twink, don’t call him anything, he’s a kid.
There are nuanced discussions that can be had around the infantilisation of 18 year olds and where the line is between immature adult and adult— but let’s all agree that right now it’s just not appropriate come on.
It’s both seriously overboard (a switch doesn’t turn at midnight when you turn 18 and suddenly become appropriate to sexualise) and contributes to watering down what twink means until people, particularly straight people, start throwing it around like bottom as the new way to use a slur without using one. Just reign it in a bit
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maprron · 4 months
I…might be attracted to Billie Eilish
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
why is impulse so convinced he’s doing badly does he have any idea what a usual first mcc performance looks like,
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badolmen · 1 month
People love ragging on Catholics on this site (fast free and easy like river water socks) but I think it’s extra funny y’all seem to think Catholics are some sort of sex prudes. Like, if a Catholic man does not give his wife an orgasm he is failing his sworn duties as a husband. I did not endure polite insinuations that my parents fucked often and well to have as many kids as they have for you to act like any self respecting Catholic is a celibate virgin. Laypeople have sex in this denomination Kaitleign. What are we, Calvinists? Jansenism is soooo 17th century Protestant Reformation-informed heresy.
#ra speaks#personal#not tagging otherwise bc tbh I can’t remember if it was formally declared a heresy or if aspects of its teachings were papally condemned#and I don’t want any um actually 🤓 people in my notes or inbox.#anyways. point is I’m sorry you’re culturally Christian USAmerican Protestant and just finding out Catholics often have mandatory sex ed#at least my school did + my grandma had an amazing little book about Catholic marriage sex tips akdjwhfjsjssj#if you’re Catholic and under the impression that fucking wasn’t supposed to be important…idk sorry your catechist didn’t ever cover like.#humanae vitae or any other encylcicles on sexuality and reproduction.#idk if it was an effort to inform/combat congregational abuse (eg. we know kids w sex ed are more likely to report/recognize abuse)#but my school was pretty damn blunt about it all. here’s a dick and all it’s anatomy. here’s a vagina and all it’s anatomy.#fucking and touching is supposed to be between a married man and woman (as expected)#but it’s also supposed to be fun and shouldn’t hurt and if it’s not and does hurt you need to communicate w them or reach out to a doctor#like. this was early 2010s im still fucking baffled my parochial school Franciscan nuns gave us a better grasp of sex ed than my high schoo#public school sex ed. the teacher there justified emotional abuse and manipulation if it’s against a guy.#and it’s not like their queer sex ed existed beyond ‘and this can be between two people of any gender’ clauses#anyways. you know me have fun and be safe im just tickled to see ppl think their experiences and expectations are universal.
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taylor-swift-bracket · 5 months
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realpontchartrain · 6 days
In the end though, everyone knows you weren't actually pregnant and that robbie is also a figment of your pathetic imagination. You do enjoy the suffering, because you literally cause it.
Oh hey, it’s you! Omg I missed you, it’s been like a year since you’ve stalked my ass and sent me some shit that not even my own schizo ass could come up with! What the fuck is UP!!!
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godblooded · 3 months
instantly begins crying when billy asks the audience to do the chorus to piano man.
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