#you'll see the specific province
pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
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m3loria · 20 days
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 ꒷꒦ insight from user _luvfix! ─ 041720
﹙ ✦ ﹚ as we all know, there's sight of a new group debuting under louvix audio next month. we are all.. clearly, very fucking confused as to what is going on, but we've been let it on some things. it's a boy group, they're clearly going to have more members than RiX, and they're going to be called ❝ MELIORA ❞, pretty name i have to admit, even with the speculation. i'm aware that RiX disbanded about four years ago now, so bringing them up again seems to be a bit of an odd choice, but in the end, they all connect together with a specifically crafted string of events. the formation of this new group (who we weren't even aware was being formed until early january) can be thanks to many of these events. whether they will be successful or not is a mystery, but for now i simply hope the company has changed their ways.
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TRACK I : the company ❪ LOUViX AUDiO ❫
if you'll believe me, louvix audio originally started out as a tiny family business out in the small town of namwon-si in the north jeolla province in 1991. the company started as a private record label that managed miniature talent around the city, the original ceo soo jinho and his wife min sarang operated the company, and their son soo jaejin (our future & now ex ceo). in the early 90s all throughout the late years of the decade when it was first formed, louvix audio could be described as invisible, simply a label no one had ever heard of that tried their best to get out of their mountains of debt with trot songs no one exactly wanted to hear. a far cry from what this mess of a label has became today, but in the days where it was at it's lowest, there seemed to be no potential.
but though all hope seemed lost, our good friend jaejin seemed to see potential in the company with an admittedly catchy name. it took him a few years to actually convince his parents to reroute the company to seoul, mainly because they never wanted it to be more than it was, they were planning on shutting down the company by the end of the decade, but he knew he couldn't lose such a gem without doing something with it.
so jaejin did something just a little dirty.. he lied to his parents. once his parents had abided by his wishes, he swindled his father out of the ceo position! truly not his best course of action.. because he got disowned almost immediately. but who cares? he had a company, and a plan, which was easier said than done, because breaking into the entertainment industry as a no name company in a place as big as seoul would prove to be difficult, and it was evidently.
for the time being, whilst trying to make themselves known among the idol industry, louvix audio began a little bit of a career patching firm for actors and actresses who seemed to have effectively destroyed their own careers. while they were trying to make their name in the idol industry, slowly they became much more known for taking in the people who had pitch forks at their throats and made them seem more.. human, even with the eyebrow raising suspicions most people in the public had about this whole.. thing.
before ever reaching the success they did with their second boy group, louvix audio had a few idol group projects, projects we'll get into in the next section.. projects that frankly, no one gave a shit about. maybe the creativity was too ahead of it's time, or maybe it's just that no one had enough time to pay attention to groups from tiny companies that tried to patch up broken careers. most of their early groups disbanded within one year of their career, and if they even did get some attention, tragedy after tragedy followed them, causing for their collapse.
though there was a clear decline in attention throughout their early days, louvix audio eventually rose to the infamy they're now left with. it was really in the 2000s that they started to pick up momentum in the industry they so desperately wanted to get into. i assume that a cheshire grin must've spread across jaejin's face once he realized what the company was good for, producing "angels", marketing their idols as the sweetest beings to ever grace the earth, up the parasocialness, deliver to fans' every single request.
the company made a name for themselves for having "sweet" idols, their groups following 2001 always being crafted as sweet trainees who simply wanted to make music together. they had a reputation for fixing careers, so it only made sense that their idols would.. naturally be sweet.
and that's how it was for almost up to two decades. with jaejin as ceo, louvix audio quite literally lived up to their name, they were regarded as "the lovely's", and who could really argue with that? they were so good at covering their tracks and keeping their idols without scandal that it seemed the lovely facade they placed upon their idols wasn't much of a facade at all. it wasn't until 2016, with the disbandment of their biggest group, the uncovering of jaejin's years of tax fraud and forging, as well lawsuit after lawsuit against the company for complaints such as child endangerment, unfair pay, the violation of child labor laws, and so much more that the rose tinted glasses had been lifted.
after spending so long building his company up from ash, getting disowned by his parents and making sure to do anything to achieve public spotlight, soo jaejin, along with several staff members (including dance teachers, vocal coaches, and even musical producers) were charged for their crimes. quite literally more than half of their entire company were either behind bars or now fired, which included the ceo. their last big group disbanded, and everything was now back at square one.
there was silence for about a year and a half, until someone new took the position of ceo, who is our current ceo today, a woman by the name of mae eunkyung. her main job was 'to patch up this mess of a company', as she said in an interview after obtaining her ceo position. she's been here since the beginning, practically doing everything for louvix audio back when they were trying their best to make their name big. she's often suspected to be the secret lover of our former ceo, who, it's important to be said, did confess to having an affair with someone in that company, but it's most likely to be someone who caught charges with him in comparison to the woman who seems to have such a clean slate with no sign of mishaps whatsoever.
in all honesty, she seems too perfect, which is pretty shocking because who expects much from kpop ceos these days? it seems that every other month a ceo is purposefully sabotaging their own groups, but i guess a ceo being a decent person is enough to make me have a little more faith in humanity.
so!! that's where we are now, the current ceo is a woman who is much too nice that it causes suspicion, and almost everyone has been changed to avoid the same situation from happening again. seems that they dropped the whole "angel" thing too, but it doesn't mean they still don't have some strange marketing tactics. considering this will be their first group in four years, i'm curious to see what they'll try to pull now.. but i guess all we can do is wait.
FOUNDED MAY 16, 1991
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TRACK II : a turbulent first few years ❪ the first groups ❫
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though they've now had their existences completely scrubbed from the public eye, courtesy of jaejin's own insistence, the first few groups of louvix audio became the building blocks for the groups coming in the future. they've unfortunately never reached the fame their successors would have, which sucks in hindsight because these groups and their early disbandments were the only reason louvix audio and their future groups could rise to the top like they so desperately wanted to. it's sad to see how quickly they faded from view, and how the company did so much to erase them from everywhere they could. considering most of these groups were pre-youtube, we only know about their existences because of the members again bringing them back into the limelight with their own videos.
VALENTINE R!SING 「 1997–1998 」 was the first ever group out of louvix audio, a group that put pink in.. well everything. it was strange to discover that their first ever group was a girl group considering the company is better known for their boy groups, and it's also pretty strange that their lineup was so stacked.. yet they didn't fare well. their lineup consisted of a breakthrough actress, a rising mc, the daughter of a famous music producer, a former solo artist, and.. some unknown. the lineup seemed to be destined for success, they were pink pop perfection, but their downfall was also inevitable. their debut barely gained traction, and when it did, it was only because the members didn't exactly seem happy to be on stage. the members were picked apart for their clear lack of passion for the idol life, and when the buzz down died, so did everything else about them. in recent years they've gained some traction because their old title tracks are much too irresistible, but the members will never return to the idol industry, some of them fading into the background.
LAND (lost angels of neverland) 「 1998–1998 」 was a boy group clearly ahead of their time, i have to say, their concept was pretty magical, i'm hoping for a resurgence in the near future. the group that sported four members captured the hearts of the public pretty quickly, and they could've been something if the company actually cared to put any effort into using their fame. the problem with them was that they were all piggybacking off the success of their center member, who, after an insane modeling gig, became the only member people actually bothered to remember. even people who didn't stan the group knew him by name, and when that happened, so did the jealousy. the group fell apart in a matter of eight months, all of it culminating into a physical altercation that left their reputation strained. if louvix audio just put a little more effort, maybe they would be remembered as a group with a promising concept and good music.. but i guess were in the universe where it was all destined to go wrong.
AETHRA 「 2000–2002 」 was a trio that were as popular as they were a ticking time bomb. though they only lasted a good two years, they carved a name for themselves in a more infamous way than the members probably would've wanted. consisting of aeri, tahlia, and runa, the group would garner the most success louvix audio had captured in years, especially opening up to the japanese market, the members were terrific moneymakers for the company that had been struggling for the better half of a year. though they had good beginnings, the members quickly fell into a deep cycle of partying, substances, and violence that took up their lives more than actually being idols did. it all culminated into their final stage in 2002, where all three members, exhausted beyond recognition, decided to quit the idol life and walk off stage. it began with runa, who expressed her frustrations with the industry before stomping off, then followed by aeri and tahlia. the company was forced to make a statement about their decisions, stating that each member had requested to terminate their contracts, and even with the chaos in their lives, the three remain friends to this day, still despising louvix audio.
so yeah.. the first few attempts were met with disappointment after disappointment, it's a wonder that they didn't just give up and went through with their whole 'actors rehabilitation project' or whatever that was, but i guess it wasn't a mistake for them to not stop, because they're biggest successes would come in the following years, even if it came with some sacrifices.
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TRACK III : now comes the success! ❪ the golden groups ❫
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it would all become something in the mid 2000s, which is when our named company finally found their calling, producing the most "angelic" of idols who would capture the hearts of the public, all with clean slates and completely free of scandal. they would, quite literally, put every other company to shame with the amount of parasocialness they allowed to pass by, their idols would be beloved simply due to the fact that the company had insanely good marketing. when you look back at it now, it's dangerous how much the company let breeze past just to keep up the images of their idols, but then again, when has a kpop company ever been necessarily ethical?
RIX (meaning 'rising of six') 「 2006–2016 」 was the group back in their heyday. if you didn't like them, everyone assumed you were trying to be different. the hexad quickly captured the hearts of the public for their down to earth attitude and genuine group bond, they were beloved because they just seemed like a group of guys who liked making music together. RIX were jaejin's magnum opus, following their debut in 2006, they shot to soaring heights of success, winning rookie award after rookie award, nothing could compare to their success, they were a powerhouse of a group. a good year after their debut, they were dubbed "angels", they were so loved that it seemed physically impossible for any of them to slip up.
for the ten years they were made to stay together, RIX practically held up the louvix audio building, everything they touched turned into gold, they were selling things out left and right. they had charmed south korea, then they charmed japan, then china, then thailand, then they completely charmed the west with their indescribable charisma, they were hard to miss in 2007–2011, they were quite literally everywhere. you couldn't get rid of them, unfortunately, and because of their success, it was only right to push single after single out of them. the group were overworked yes, but they kept it all under wraps with their perfectly placed smiles, smiles that were a little too perfect to actually be anything real.
but while their success was enjoyed, there always has to be an end. though RIX was originally meant to disband in 2013, on account of the seven year contract all of them had signed with the company, they went on for three years longer than they initially planned, it only took some begging from their higher ups, who practically depended on them for the income the company was making at the time. the last few years of RIX's activity were slow.. nothing like their glory days where you could find them plastered everywhere, painted smiles all up, figurative halos circled over their heads, screams after screams dedicated to them, it seemed that they simply went into hiding, what happened? where the hell did they go? people begged louvix audio for updates, but in an unusual manner, the company kept their silence.
hey remember that whole 2016 incident that put half of louvix audio's staff in jail including their ceo? yeah, the reason all the commencing lawsuits got so much traction was because the six members of RIX each filed lawsuits to end their contracts, along with every other charge staff members at the company had brought against them, the group had also accused the company of looking past physical abuse against their own trainees and idols, abuse that ranged from the usual forced diets to some trainees even accusing staff members of putting their own hands on them (which didn't stop at those who were underage). the whole thing was a mess, a legal battle that ended in louvix audio keeping copyright of RIX's name, and the group disbanding after ten years together.
to this day, even with new groups having debuted after them, louvix audio will never replicate the success they had with RIX, there seemed to be something raw, genuine, real about them. even today they are remembered as a loved group, the members saw particular horrors under that company, but they remain best friends till this day. they'll probably never be a group again, yes, but they'll stay in good memory.
GROUP NAME RIX — RISING OF SIX ( 릭스 / 라이징 오브 식스 )
ANGELS KISS! 「 2007–2012 」 could've been the group, they were the group honestly, but there was a huge issue, louvix audio was only focused on RIX. though their first girl group in seven years was met with a similar amount of success, the company put a clear emphasis on their predecessors, and because of that, they started putting cracks into the carefully crafted facade their former group was so heavily keeping up. though their company was known for producing "angelic idols", as the years went on, the members slowly put that image to question. they were blasted for having "attitudes", being "attention seekers", they clearly bickered during behind the scenes interviews and not all of them got along it seemed. they were putting the "angelic idol view" that their company has crafted to shame with their shenanigans.
in comparison to their male counterparts, the members of ANGELS KISS! were deemed as "rowdy and rebellious". the members were often seen partying, drinking, doing substances, a lot of them were accused of dating around. they were deemed "whores", they were slutshamed, they were called irresponsible simply because they had private lives. did it all matter if they were performing well on stage? none of them ever gave 0%. they loved their jobs, they just also loved having lives outside of that job. they totally weren't jeopardizing anything!! they delivered good music and were never slacking, so who cared?
everybody, the answer is everybody. now, louvix audio isn't exactly a perfect company, but they were the company that composed of the perfect idols, so with a group that was challenging that carefully placed image, they had the least amount of content given as a result. the group worked day in and day out, killed themselves at practice to be given minimal rewards from their own company. their labelmates were the favorites, they got all the shiny stages and five star hotels, got to perform in the biggest stadiums in the country, but them? eh, they were also there. it didn't matter if they even sold out RIX in some aspects, it didn't matter if their fans were begging for bigger venues, for them to go to their countries, for them to expand to the west, this was what louvix audio felt they needed.
it seemed to work well, for the time being, the members got their act together (which meant they just began sneaking around), and they were rewarded for it. their success expanded, they caught the hearts of japan, of the us, of everyone. they were just like their seniors, except they brought girl crush like nobody ever did before. they were loved because they were unapologetic, maybe some people got bored of the picture perfect image RIX would showcase, stating that ANGELS KISS! was clearly the less fake of the two. the members were obvious about their issues, they didn't disguise anything, they showed everything, which included the ugly. if two members had fought, you would know, if the members were having trouble during promotions, you would know. they was still a facade there, but their smiles didn't look completely plastic, they had.. personality.
of course, this world isn't exactly fair, and the group eventually got a worse end than their seniors. it was in early 2012 that the "exposé" dropped. a former staff member, who had, in her own words, had been holding a grudge against the members, decided to go all out and blast all of ANGEL KISS!'s business in a lengthy document that would be copied, shared, and mark it's place in kpop as something that in retrospect, was not as messy as people made it seem, but back then? back then you'd think the members were sacrificing infants in rituals with how bad the outrage had gotten. the former staff member had hacked into the leaders phone, leaking everything of her's for the world to see. her messages between the members, her personal email, her family's personal information, and worst of all, her photos, personal photos, personal details, everything, it was a shit show. then, in the following months, the same would happen to each member, the person clearly had a grudge they were holding, and because of this "exposé" that member YEONA was revealed to have a relationship with ISEUL of RIX.
but why would this be bad on the girls? i hear you question. it's not like they necessarily did anything wrong, they had their privacy invaded by someone they thought they could trust. well, louvix audio didn't take too kindly to this. no no, they found it more important to punish the members than catch the culprit first. ANGELS KISS! would be put on an extended hiatus for months, canceling their oncoming tour with their largest US venue ever and completely scrubbing the internet of their existence. for months, whilst the investigation was ongoing, people were wondering what would happen if the group. they were finally answered when, later that year, the company announced that each of the girls decided to terminate their contracts with the company, ending their journey as a group together after just five years, three years of their original contract left. the news was devastating, people were angered, and they have every right to be! the group disbanded over something that wasn't even their fault.
but even with the protesting trucks, the petitions, the outrage, what was done was done, ANGELS KISS! would never again be a group, they were finished. it would be revealed later that the company had forced YEONA and ISEUL to break up, forbidding any of the members from even getting anywhere near the building. it's devastating really, because, if you take away everything, all of the members had their lives destroyed over something that could've been easily done with, but no, the company decided to end them. to this day, we still hope for the group to at least make mention of their old name, but it seems that the members all seem happier now that they're out of the idol life. i can only hope for the best for them.
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﹙ ✦ ﹚ well there you have it! most of the history of louvix audio and the clown show that was their groups before meliora. this is a little personal, but i was around for the craze of the last two, even own some of their albums.. with that being said, i really do hope this new ceo is hoping to change things, the company's always had problems, and we really don't want any more hacking staff members. i don't think i'll be tuning in for MELIORA, but i wish the members the best of luck under a company with a history such as this one. — user _luvfix
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
do you know a place/book/article/idk where one can begin to learn how to do bug IDs themselves? i have a big bug compendium id like to start adding notes to in my camera roll :)
The resource I find most valuable is the website (not the app) inaturalist.org/observations. Field guide books can often be very limiting, though they can be helpful for the basics if you find one that covers your area.
You can enter the type of bug in the species box - either be very broad (insects, for example) or very specific (genus Leptoglossus, for example) and then your location (state or province is usually the most useful). Then click the species tab (between observations and identifiers) and you can view photos of all the species in that area to compare to the bug you've found. Click the main photo of a species to view MORE photos of it to compare. Keep in mind - anyone can upload and make ID suggestions for the organism they've found, so it's not always entirely accurate. You have to have great attention to detail because the tiniest differences can mean an entirely different taxon.
Google is often a very bad tool for IDing because most of what comes up is wrong in my experience. The only exception is if you see a bug and have absolutely no idea what order it might even be in, it's sometimes helpful to google a description of it and look at the image results to narrow it down before using iNaturalist to get more specific.
Beyond that, practice! The more bugs you try to ID the better you'll get at it and the easier it will be for you to spot differences in bugs that once looked the same to you. When I started this blog four years ago I only knew a fraction of what I do now.
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violsva · 2 years
Canadian Municipal Elections
In many parts of Canada, there are local and municipal elections coming up!
Specifically, all of British Columbia (this Saturday, October 15th!), Manitoba (October 26th), and Ontario (October 24th). Also some parts of other provinces and territories (see here).
For information about how to vote and who's running where you live, you'll have to google "[your city or region] election" or go to your local government's website. You can also check out your local library's website (or ask a librarian in person); they will probably have helpful information!
I recommend looking up the candidates ahead of time and writing down who you plan on voting for if there are a lot of them. You are totally allowed to bring notes into the voting booth, as long as you take them out with you when you go.
Local elections have as much or more effect on your life than national elections! Since they have fewer voters, they are also sometimes used by special interest groups to gain local power. This is why you need to vote! Since they have fewer voters, your vote counts for more.
And after the election, if your new city councillor or whoever seems cool, go back to their website and get on their mailing list! Learn about local issues and events!
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aikoiya · 1 year
LoZ: Wild - Full Settlement Restoration Map
I realized that there really isn't a full Hyrule Map of all the settlements & stables that satisfies me. So, I made my own.
The bigger labels & thicker lines are for Provinces & the smaller ones with thinner lines indicate the regions within those Provinces.
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Just to clarify, the Settlement Icon in the canon Faron Grasslands & is labeled Ordona here, indicates Ordon Village from Twilight Princess in case you didn't know. Also, the Settlement Icon in the Gerudo Highlands indicates a Gerudo/Hylian/Human (& maybe Sheikah & Lupos) settlement that some theorize might exist. I'm calling this settlement Ealiyah Town.
Also, the town we see on the Great Plateau surrounding the Temple of Time in AoC is just an extension of Gatepost Town called Upper Gatepost. Sometimes called "Old Castle" or "Hightemple," though no one in the current day knows exactly why, it's just always been that way as long as they can remember. 😏
Gatepost, Outpost, & East Post together form a chain of defensive forts that goes by many names: most prominent being the Plateau Barricade, but not to be dismissed are also the South Hyrule Bulwark, the Oldcastle Enceinte, & the Hightemple Fortship.
As for the settlement labeled the Kasuto Bieldcamp, it's supposed to be a double reference. 1. To Kasuto & Hidden Kasuto. 2. To the Hidden Village from Twilight Princess. If you actually go to that location, you'll even find the ruins of an unnamed settlement. It's even in a close enough approximation to the Hidden Village.
If you're wondering what the hell a Bieldcamp is. It's a word I made up to mean a hidden or secret military training camp. You can use if you want.
I also added the Satori Trees & the heart ponds here because I really like them & think that they'd be semi-important landmarks. As well as where I think the Light Spirits from TP would be. Not to mention the locations of the Temple of Spirit from OoT, Lightning Temple, & the Snowhead Manor from TP.
I added Suma's Smithy from the Second Wind mod too.
I've also put in the Ancient Cistern as it was one of my favorite dungeons, but I'm not entirely sure if this is its exact location.
I've also put a new Gerudo Settlement in the Faron Jungle around where the Great Tree from SS had been. I've named it Hànamïn Hamlet, but I forgot to change the icon's name. 😅
My thoughts are that they'd be more Hindu in influence.
I also have a map of the Depths:
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Also, I think the Arbiter's Grounds had been SS's Temple of Time, not OoT's Spirit Temple.
And a map of Ancient (TotK) Hyrule:
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Specifically, a map focusing on the water.
LoZ Wild Masterlist
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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falindrith · 7 months
could you explain those teas more? I’m basic and don’t know the difference besides green v black v herbal etc.
i can try tho im not an expert regarding the historical origins of most of these :P
da hong pao (aka "big red robe" or "grand scarlet robe") is a specific type of oolong tea originating from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China. True Da Hong Pao is incredibly expensive, and possibly not available to the public anymore, due to only 6 "mother trees" remaining after thousands of years. Most Da Hong Paos you'll see are actually derivatives or cultivars meant to be as close to the true da hong pao as possible. my current favorite is Red Blossom Tea Company's Heritage Beidou (their Heritage Golden Buddha is also very good and substantially less expensive). These derivatives are typically what I group as "Wuyi oolongs" since they're all grown in that specific area in China. Wuyi oolongs are typically closer in color to black teas and are brewed at higher temperatures relative to the leafy green oolongs.
as an aside, an oolong is just a semi-oxidized tea. the oxidation amount varies from 8% (more like green teas) to 85% (more like black teas) so there's a huge range of stuff contained within the "oolong" category.
lapsang souchong and russian caravan are smoky black teas, though russian caravan is typically a blend of oolong, black, and lapsang souchong. Lapsang also comes from the Wuyi mountains. It has a very strong smoky taste, which I like a lot, but can be a bit of an acquired taste. Russian Caravan is a good one to try if you're looking for less of that smoky taste, and you can make it yourself if the premade blends don't have the right balance for you. The typical black tea used in russian caravan is a keemun black tea and a darker oolong (not leafy, wuyi is probably good, maybe i should try blending that myself sometime).
ocha is japanese for green tea (koucha is black tea). Ocha I think can refer to either sencha (whole leaf) tea or matcha (powdered) teas but I might be wrong about that. Within these categories is a whole subset of things (shincha, gyokuro, Hachijūhachiya or 88th night sencha, kabusecha, genmaicha, and more) that I am not well-versed in lol. I typically stick with a standard sencha, and a gyokuro if i'm feeling fancy. I'm also fond of dragonwell (longjing, a pan roasted green tea type from china)
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dolceminerva97 · 1 year
Do you plan on drawing more of your South American country ocs like Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc.?
Or are you going to mostly still focus on drawing Argentina? Either way I love your work 💖
Hi!! Thank you for your message 💗
The answer is yes to both. You'll see my South American ocs again certainly, but I would say Argentina is the main character of my worldbuilding, and everyone else is the supporting cast. Every single one of my characters, in some way or another, revolve around Tina's story.
Argentina will always be my focus because she's the most intricately researched and developed character I have (obviously, because I am Argentinian) and I have a lifetime worth of ideas for illustrations, comics and stories about her. But there are some other characters that are important enough to me that I want to research and flesh them out on their own, and not only relative to Argentina: these would be Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.
However, researching a country is a huge task! I have to learn their history from their perspective, and also from outsider perspectives to understand how they see themselves and what role they play in the world and in their regions, what their biases and priorities are. My attention is all over the place so I only have brief moments of research hyperfixation before I drift back to Argentina 😂
I would say my main characters are Argentina, then Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay and my main focus is on the interpersonal relationships they have between each other.
...Actually, I'm lying. My main focus is UKArg, but that's because their relationship ties to so many of Agustina's major character arcs and historical events and it shapes her so strongly that I can't escape it lol. But after UKArg, my priority is the Mercosur quartet.
On a different level, but with the same amount of importance, there's Islas Malvinas 🇫🇰 and her intricate relationship with Argentina. That's a whole another story on its own.
Besides that, there's the argentine province ocs and their relationship to the Nation, since their contributions also play a key role in Agustina's character development. My main focus in that area are Buenos Aires and Mendoza.
Unfortunately, some characters will end up being relegated. They have little to no development on their own, and they serve as "guest appearances" when I need them for specific scenarios in Argentina's stories. This is the case of Perú, Bolivia and Chile. Besides very brief superficial research, I don't have any plan to develop them individually for the time being.
Sorry for all the unnecessary rambling, I just typed my spontaneous train of thought 😂
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gemmahale · 5 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: How do you settle on the setting in your fics? Do you base it around the plot? Or is it one of the first things you think of when planning the plot?
Talk Shop Tuesday
Tats, this is so complicated to explain because my writing method is so convoluted. I wanted to say "it just happens".
But picking the setting really depends first on what kind of story I'm telling. Unless I'm working in an AU, I'm probably using whatever setting is provided by canon. (Typically modern-day somewhat urban.)
Sometimes though, stories just have to be set somewhere specific. I want to write a Western AU? It's going to be set in some facsimile of the Western US. I want to write a mafia AU? An urban/city setting is most likely. And so on.
Now, when I'm setting up details on a scene's setting - house v. flat/apartment, bistro v. bar, etc. - I kind of let the characters dictate as much of that as I can.
One of my characters is much more likely to go to the little mom and pop deli shop for lunch than go out for drinks and dinner, so I'm going to put them in that deli shop to meet someone for food. Another of my characters doesn't drink - sending them to a bar is counter-intuitive (I mean, they can still go, but it's probably not their first pick.) A side character may live on the outskirts of town because they're married and have three beagles, but my MC may live in the city because they're single and wanted a shorter commute to work/access to city amenities.
So choosing details within my overall setting really is dependent upon the characters and what the plot needs.
But when it comes to writing it, I picture it like a stage - what's needed to set the tone and what's needed to interact with? I try to leave enough room for readers to fill in the blanks. (Whether that works or not remains to be seen.) This is also why, sometimes, I'll mention curtains or small trinkets and then you'll never hear about them again. They are no longer needed, but we can tell we're in the same place.
An example of this: In Feylands, Josie walks down snowy streets of a downtown city. She lives in an apartment building, doesn't own a car, and lives like 5 blocks from her office building. Just from that, you can extrapolate a lot of info about my setting. (I don't usually specify cities/towns in my writing. I will states/provinces/countries though.)
She frequents a burger/brewery joint a few blocks away - again, that tells you a lot about Josie and about the city she lives in.
It's walking home one night when a crucial plot glimmer happens - because where else could it happen? See how it all feeds back into itself?
Because it's set in a city, my character probably lives in an apartment. Because they live in an apartment, they probably don't have a car (or if they do, drive it infrequently). So they probably rely on mass transport or walking to get from A to B. Since they can walk to their job and their favorite spots, [key plot point] can happen. (No it is not kidnapping or a mugging, be creative. 😉)
That's how so many of my stories are written - big decisions inform small plot points and vice versa. I feel like I'm completely off my rocker saying this shit though lol.
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silverandebony · 1 year
*i misremembered and the one tagged with appalachia&appalachian gothic isn't Explicitly saskatchewan (all of the pictures with location captions are apparently from saskatchewan so i'd be inclined to guess it probably is too, but there's no way to know for sure). so who knows!! i don't know what appalachia looks like! maybe it IS appalachia! in which case why is it also tagged saskatchewan
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[Image ids: three cropped screenshots of 'regional gothic' style tumblr picture posts and their tags. The first picture is a truck at an empty intersection with a hazy yellow sky; the second is part of a building mural depicting a nature scene with canada geese captioned 'rural saskatchewan'; the third is of the edge of a town on a foggy day, with old, short buildings fading into the mist, captioned 'uranium city, sk'. Tags common across all three posts are: ethel cain, southern gothic, regional gothic, rural gothic, midwestern gothic, kansas, and midwest. Two of them are tagged with 'gibson girl'. Additionally, the truck picture is tagged with appalachia, appalachian gothic, twin peaks, and hayden anhedonia; the mural picture is tagged with small town usa, small town, small town america, small town canada, great plains, prairies, prairie, and prairiecore; and the foggy town is tagged with 'ghost town, liminal, liminal spaces, and foggy day.
End id.]
I also went back to the blog to see if those posts were still there so I could take better screenshots (they weren't; hooray reporting things for spam) but upon further scrolling I realized that every tagged post. Every. Single. Post. With Tags. all of them. Are tagged with southern gothic and kansas and saskatchewan. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME. WHY ARE YOU USING ALL OF THEM THESE ARE NOT THE SAME
*coughs* anyway. Among all of these, in all their spammy mistagged glory, there is one I would like to give a special shout out to, for in my opinion being the most wildly tagged:
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[Image id: another screenshot of a tumblr picture post. This one is a picture of a small motel with a rundown fence in the foreground. A colour filter has been used to make the picture look washed out and fit the regional gothic vibes. This picture has been tagged with: gibson girl, americana, appalachian gothic, midwest gothic, preacher's daughter, regional gothic, rural gothic, southern gothic, hayden anhedonia, ethel cain, nebraska, kansas, motelcore, appalachia, southern aesthetic, saskatchewan, alberta.
end id.]
Take a moment to appreciate it. Bask in its questionable glory. Allow yourself the time to question why?
I think it's the 'alberta' tag that really makes it for me here. The 'nebraska' as well. The latter I assume is from the title of one of Ethel Cain's songs, which would explain... to some degree... how it got there. Why 'alberta' though? Why this picture, out of all of them? Is it actually from Alberta? (It could be; I've seen similar looking things) If it's from Alberta, why is it also tagged 'saskatchewan'? 'kansas'? 'appalachia'? 'southern gothic'? Do not each of these preclude all others? If it's Saskatchewan or Albertan, why is it tagged 'americana'?? Is it for views??? If you want it seen, it's already got the tags! Regional and rural gothic are fine! They'll probably get you a lot more views than tagging something with a Canadian province ever will! I just. I don't understand. why. why have you done this. please stop. i'm begging skfjjsjfjj
in conclusion: tumblr has tagging etiquette and i am begging the young aesthetic bloggers to take a moment to learn it. it will save you so much being reported for spam and having your posts and or possibly your entire blog taken down because of it. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have a blog to go report specifically because of this
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petitjury · 1 year
(CANADA) does everyone know about canlii? court transcripts are public information and they’re stored in a big, accessible database that any old joe can explore and read for free.
Link: https://www.canlii.org/en/
Most court cases aren’t reported by the media, especially those related to gang crimes. (because, simply, there’s not enough people and we (being the reporters) need to judge a court docket based on what people will care most about.) So if you’re interested in/curious about what’s going on in the courthouse in your province, or just a crime buff, it’s a great and morally good resource to check out. There's also links to codes, rules and more.
It’s a bit tough to use if you’re new to how courts in Canada work, though. Here’s a cheat sheet, explained in the simplest possible terms (by a college graduate journalist who’s done court reporting before):
Courts in Canada are a system. they’re ranked in order of importance, with the federal supreme court being on top and the provincial court being on the bottom. (in the simplest of terms.) filing for divorce? Provincial court. On trial for first degree murder? Court of King’s Bench.
So—when it comes to actually looking these things up on Canlii, you’ll be immediately faced with the fact that it’s all there. It’s a mouthful at first, but once you know which words mean what, it’s easy enough.
This is very basic stuff, and the starting ground for anything you'll see in the courts above it. Here, the accused faces the court and everything is laid out on the table to determine if they must stand trial. If the accused pleads guilty, this is where they determine the sentence.
This is also where basically anything happens that wouldn't be remarkably newsworthy. On the docket in the courthouse, you're able to see what kind of hearing it is. Browsing Canlii, you won't be able to specifically see what's going on before you click, but it's usually presented to you right away on the transcript.
it differs depending on province, but this is where we would see cases related to drugs and substances, aggravated assault, aggravated assault with a weapon, robberies, theft, traffic, wrongful deaths, suing, small claims (carpenter stole something from my house, etc.) community court sentencings, police misconduct, suings, wills, divorces, custody, etc.
COURT OF KING’S BENCH (or Supreme/Superior Court of the province):
Court of King’s Bench handles the, for lack of a better term, more extreme cases such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, etc. If it’s not a situation where the accused person has been arrested and is going up against the cold first of the law, applicants must have their cases reviewed by the Crown. (For example, “I think my sister killed my brother but I don’t know. Here’s the evidence I’ve collected. Review.”)
These are the cases that are most commonly reported on by the media. They typically involve an extreme, intriguing situation or a person of interest. These are also the only hearings that require a jury, but not all do. Reporters who sit in on these trials must not show any shred of a sign that the accused person is guilty or not.
These trials last a long time and occur long after the accused person was charged. (A serial murder suspect arrested in 2022 may not see a judge and jury before 2026. It all depends.)
For hearings that are person v. person, person v. company, etc. you’ll see it listed that way in the list. Cases involving an accused person facing the law will be labelled R V. (NAME)
These hearings are not generally something you’d sit in on, but there’s potential. On a provincial level, the court of appeal is the senior court, usually with an array of multiple judges, separated into panels and led by the chief justice, overseeing the court. They hear appeals on judgements from the provincial court and king’s bench, and sometimes third parties if mandated. They’re there to make sure that, if there’s a chance that something has happened unfairly, they put an end to it right away. If the original judgement and sentence is justifiable without reasonable doubt, the appeal is dismissed. (The FEDERAL court of appeal is similar, but its basic purpose is to make sure that the federal law is being upheld constantly and consistently. Think about copyright.)
The most eye-catching opening these dockets could have, in my opinion, is “Crown sentence appeal,” which brings an entire case back to light. The applicant, often the accused in these cases, find that they were sentenced unfairly and demand better justice.
And once again—a case involving an accused person, see “R V. JANE DOE”
There are more niche sections of court, but this is all you need to know on a casual basis.
More, if it’s useful:
-Sentencing hearings are labelled SENT. These hand feed you information, quick and easy.
-In Canada, we cannot reveal the identity of accused minors. You won’t find that here. Even more, you cannot find information on trials involving young people, including any way to identify them or their families.
-A Gladue Factor comes into play when the accused is Indigenous and carries generational trauma from the country’s past and current treatment of Indigenous Peoples. Sentences are modified.
-You obviously can’t find audio or pictures.
-CanLii has a blog you can check out for what’s making noise on the site: https://blog.canlii.org/
Basic court and ethics rules apply i’m not your dad
My ask box is always open. Have fun
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public-page · 1 year
How to Be Happy: 15 Habits to Add to Your Routine
How to Be Happy: 15 Habits to Add to Your Routine
Habits are important. If you've ever tried to kick a terrible habit, you are well aware of how deeply ingrained it is.
Good behaviours are also ingrained in us profoundly. Why not try to include good habits into your daily routine?
Here are some daily, monthly, and annual habits to get you started on your mission. Just keep in mind that everyone's definition of happiness and method for getting there differ slightly.
Get rid of any of these habits that increase stress or don't fit your lifestyle. You'll discover what functions for you and what doesn't with some time and practise.
Daily habits
You might find more happiness in your life if you adopt the following daily routines.
1. Smile
When you're happy, you frequently smile. However, it truly works both ways.
We smile because we're happy, and smiling makes us happier because it releases dopamine from the brain.
The "facial feedback hypothesis," which postulates that facial expressions may have a minor impact on emotions, has been discovered to partially explain the association between smiling and happiness.
That does not imply that you should constantly wear a phoney smile on your face. However, try smiling the next time you're down and see what happens. Alternately, try grinning at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning.
2. Workout Not only is exercise good for your body. Regular exercise can enhance happiness and self-esteem while lowering stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. Physical activity of any size can have a positive impact. You are not required to climb a cliff or train for a triathlon, unless doing so makes you happy. The secret is to avoid overdoing it. You might just become frustrated (and hurt) if you abruptly jump into a demanding routine. Take the following as exercise starters: After supper, go for a stroll around the block every night. Join a yoga or tai chi class for beginners. Stretch for five minutes to start your day. Recall any enjoyable things that you used to enjoy but that
3. Get a lot of rest
Most grown-ups need somewhere around 7 hoursTrusted Wellspring of rest consistently. On the off chance that you wind up battling the desire to rest during the day or just for the most part feel like you're confused, your body might be letting you know it needs more rest.
Regardless of how much our advanced society steers us toward less rest, we realize that sufficient rest is vitalTrusted Source to great wellbeing, mind capability, and close to home prosperity. Getting sufficient rest additionally decreases your riskTrusted Wellspring of fostering specific ongoing sicknesses, like coronary illness, sorrow, and diabetes.
The following are a couple of tips to assist you with building a superior rest schedule:
Record how long of rest you get every evening and how rested you feel. Following seven days, you ought to have a superior thought how you're doing. You can likewise have a go at utilizing an application to follow your rest.
Hit the sack and wake up simultaneously consistently, remembering for ends of the week.
Hold the prior hour bed as peaceful time. Wash up, read, or accomplish something unwinding. Abstain from weighty eating and drinking.
Keep your room dull, cool, and calm.
Put resources into some great sheet material.
On the off chance that you need to sleep, take a stab at restricting it to 20 minutes.
In the event that you reliably have issues dozing, think about chatting with a specialist. You might have a rest issue that requires treatment.
4. Eat in light of temperament
You may definitely realize that your food decisions affect your generally actual wellbeing. Yet, a few food varieties can likewise influence your province of mind.Trusted Source
For instance:
Starches discharge serotonin, a "vibe great" chemical. Keep basic carbs — food varieties high in sugar and starch — to a base since that energy flood is short and you'll crash. Picking complex carbs, like vegetables, beans, and entire grains, can assist you with staying away from an accident while as yet giving serotonin.
Lean meat, poultry, vegetables, and dairy are high in protein. Protein-rich food sources discharge dopamine and norepinephrine, which support energy and focus.
Omega-3 unsaturated fats, like those tracked down in greasy fish, have been found to have calming effectsTrusted Source that reach out to your general cerebrum wellbeing. In the event that you don't eat fish, you should seriously mull over talking with a specialist about conceivable supplementation.
Profoundly handled or rotisserie food sources will more often than not leave you feeling down thus will skipping feasts.
If you have any desire to eat in light of your state of mind, think about beginning with settling on one food decision for your temperament every day.
For instance, trade a major, sweet breakfast baked good for some Greek yogurt with organic product. You'll in any case fulfill your sweet tooth, and the protein will assist you with staying away from a midmorning energy crash. Consider including another food trade every week. 5. Practice appreciation
Basically being thankful can give your state of mind a major lift, among different advantages. For instance, a two-section investigation discovered that rehearsing appreciation can fundamentally affect sensations of trust and satisfaction.
You could take a stab at beginning every day by recognizing one thing you're thankful for. You can do this while you're cleaning your teeth or only trusting that that napped alert will go off.
As you approach your day, think about looking out for wonderful things in your day to day existence. They can be huge things, for example, realizing that somebody loves you or getting a merited advancement.
However, they can likewise be seemingly insignificant details, for example, a collaborator who offered you some espresso or the neighbor who waved to you. Perhaps it could try and simply be the glow of the sun on your skin.
With just enough practice, you might try and turn out to be more mindful of the relative multitude of positive things around you.
6. Offer a commendation
Research offers that performing demonstrations of grace may likewise assist with advancing your general prosperity.
Offering an earnest commendation is a fast, simple method for lighting up somebody's day while bringing your own satisfaction a lift.
Grab the individual's attention and express it with a grin so they realize you would not joke about this. You may be astounded by how great it causes you to feel.
If you have any desire to offer somebody a commendation on their actual appearance, try to do it in a deferential way.
7. Inhale profoundly
You're tense, your shoulders are tight, and you feel like you could possibly "lose it." We as a whole know that inclination.
Nature might advise you to take a long, full breath to quiet yourself down.
Ends up, that nature is a decent one. Research Trusted Source upholds the way that sluggish breathing and profound breathing activities can assist with decreasing pressure.
The following time you feel focused on or are confounded, work through these means:
Shut your eyes. Attempt to imagine a blissful memory or lovely spot.
Take a sluggish, full breath in through your nose.
Gradually inhale out through your mouth or nose.
Rehash this interaction a few times until you begin to feel yourself quiet down.
In the event that you're struggling with taking sluggish, purposeful breaths, have a go at including to 5 in your mind with each breathe in and breathe out.
8. Recognize the despondent minutes
An uplifting outlook is for the most part something to be thankful for, however terrible things happen to everybody. It's simply aspect of life.
In the event that you get some terrible news, commit an error, or simply feel like you're in a funk, don't attempt to imagine you're blissful.
Recognize the sensation of despondency, allowing yourself to encounter it briefly. Then, at that point, shift your concentration toward what caused you to feel as such and what it could take to recuperate.
Could a profound breathing activity help? A long stroll outside? Talking it over with somebody?
Allow the second to pass and deal with yourself. Keep in mind, nobody's cheerful constantly.
9. Keep a diary
A diary is an effective method for putting together your considerations, break down your sentiments, and make arrangements. Furthermore, you don't need to be a scholarly virtuoso or compose volumes to benefit.
It very well may be basically as straightforward as writing down a couple of contemplations before you hit the hay. In the event that expressly stating specific things makes you apprehensive, you can constantly shred it when you've wrapped up. The interaction counts.
Not certain how to manage every one of the sentiments that end up on the page? Our manual for arranging your sentiments might help.
10. Deal with pressure directly
Life is brimming with stressors, and staying away from every one of them is unthinkable.
There's compelling reason need to. Stress isn't generally unsafe, and we could in fact change our perspectives about pressure. Some of the time, there's a potential gain to pressure.
For those stressors you can't keep away from, advise yourself that everybody has pressure — there's not a really obvious explanation to believe it's everything on you. Also, chances are, you're more grounded than you could suspect you are.
Rather than allowing yourself to get overpowered, attempt to address the stressor head-on. This could mean starting an awkward discussion or investing some additional effort, yet the sooner you defy it, the sooner the pit in your stomach might begin to contract.
11. Try not to contrast yourself with others
Whether it occurs via online entertainment, at work, or even at a yoga class, it's not difficult to fall into where you're contrasting yourself with others. The outcome? You may experience Trusted Source more discontent, lower confidence, and even discouragement and tension.
It can take practice to quit contrasting yourself with others, yet it's worth the effort to help enjoying your inward harmony and bliss.
You can begin with a portion of different tips on this rundown that can assist with attracting your consideration internal to yourself, like profound breathing and journaling. You may likewise think about conversing with a specialist for viewpoint.
12. Clean up
Cleaning up seems like a major task, yet saving only 20 minutes seven days can have a major effect.
What might you at any point do shortly? Parcels.
Set a clock on your telephone and require 15 minutes to clean up a particular area of one room — say, your wardrobe or that crazy garbage cabinet. Set everything straight and throw or offer any additional messiness that is not serving you any longer.
Save an assigned box for giveaways to make things somewhat simpler (and try not to make more mess).
Utilize the leftover 5 minutes to do a fast stroll through your living space, taking care of anything that stray things end up in your way.
You can do this stunt one time per week, one time each day, or whenever you feel like your space is gaining out of influence.
13. See companions
People are to a great extent thought to be social creatures, and keeping in mind that the examination is mixedTrusted Source on how precisely socialization influences bliss, the agreement is that having social connections can satisfy us.
Who do you miss? Contact them. Make a date to get together or just have a long telephone visit.
In adulthood, it can feel close to difficult to make new companions. In any case, there's really no need to focus on the number of companions you that have. It's tied in with having significant connections — regardless of whether it's simply with a couple of individuals.
Have a go at engaging in a neighborhood volunteer gathering or taking a class. Both can assist with associating you with similar individuals in your space. What's more, it's probably they're searching for companions, as well.
Friendship doesn't need to be restricted to different people. Pets can offer comparable advantages, as per different investigations.
Love creatures yet can't have a pet? Consider chipping in at a neighborhood creature safe house to make a few new companions — both human and creature.
14. Plan your week
Feel like you're thrashing about? Take a stab at taking a seat toward the finish of each and every week and making a fundamental rundown for the next week.
Regardless of whether you stay on course, shutting out time where you can do clothing, go shopping for food, or tackle projects at work can assist with calming your psyche.
You can get an extravagant organizer or application, however even a tacky note on your PC or piece of scrap paper in your pocket can finish the work.
15. Ditch your telephone
Turn off. Truly.
There's mounting proof to help the way that exorbitant telephone use can prompt changes in the cerebrum and effect your mind-set, with one survey in any event, uncovering more serious mental and close to home changes in teenagers and youthful grown-ups.
Switch off all the gadgets and put those headphones away for something like 1 hour one time each week. They'll in any case show up for you later assuming that you need them.
On the off chance that you haven't turned off in some time, you may be astounded at the distinction it makes. Allow your psyche to meander free for a change. Peruse. Contemplate. Go for a stroll and focus on your environmental factors. Be amiable. Or on the other hand be separated from everyone else. Simply be.
Sound excessively overwhelming? Take a stab at turning off for a more limited measure of time a few times each week.
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Paldea Trip Day 2: Sprigatito + Why I'm Here
Hey everyone! Since I haven't really explained what I'm going to be doing here in Paldea for the next couple weeks, I figured I'd combine the explanation of that with the summary of my day today. So, first things first: Why am I here?
Long story short, it's boring biology field research stuff. If you've read my introductory post then you'll know that I did my PhD on Pokémon breeding habits in the wild. Specifically, I was looking into how periodic disturbances affect breeding habits and mating rituals. At that time I was working with an organization known as The Weather Institute in Hoenn, exploring things like drought and flooding along a particularly active river bank. My research involved a LOT of in-field tagging and observation, which is exactly what I'm here to do! I'm going to be staying in Artazon, a town in the East Province of Paldea. We'll be tagging as many Pokemon as we can to the west and northwest of the town so that future studies can recapture the pokemon we find and gather data from them. It's boring field work, but it's an excuse to travel to a different country for a couple weeks! The research group I'm with is providing us all with local pokemon as new partners, and so I'd like to introduce my new Sprigatito, Ferrintio! She's quite the energetic little kitty, and I can't wait to get to know her better! :D Sprigatito can rub their paws together to release what I've heard be described as "a sweet, therapeutic aroma", and what I've experienced to be "instant allergy powder", so I've essentially bought out the local convenience store of their allergy supplies, haha. See you tomorrow!
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#im like 98% certain OP is from saskatchewan #he knows the consequences better than anyone and yet he chooses violemce - can i ask what the consequences of refusing to acknowlege the queen's death are and why living in saskatchewan specifically would have an impact
I shall assume, Anon, that you are not already intimately familiar with interprovincial prairie rivalries, but to the rest of us, Saskatchewan is already the Province that Time Forgot. This is because it is first and foremost a rural province, with its largest city, Saskatoon, a bustling metropolis comprising a munificent 266,000 residents. Rural populations move slowly at the best of times, but Saskatchewan in particular never had any truck with this whole 'daylight savings' business. For six months out of every year they share time with Alberta, and for the other six months with Manitoba. My personal theory is that, time and space being relative and all that jazz, the residents can see down the road connecting the past with the future like they can see the next 80 kilometers of identical Highway 16 in front of them. What I'm saying is, Saskatchewan has enough power that if they were to pretend the queen didn't exist, they would become the centre of a dimensional time nexus so dense and convoluted you'll wish birds were a post-2001 government plant.
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Freight Quote Canada: Simplifying Your Shipping Needs
In today's fast-paced world, businesses and individuals rely on efficient shipping solutions to move goods across cities, provinces, or even countries. Freight Quote Canada Whether you're a small business owner shipping products to customers or an individual moving items across Canada, having access to reliable freight services is crucial. This is where Freight Quote Canada shines.
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Freight Quote Canada is a go-to resource for businesses and individuals looking for a simple, cost-effective, and reliable way to ship goods across Canada. Freight Quote Canada With instant quotes, a user-friendly interface, and comprehensive shipping services, it’s easier than ever to find the best freight solution for your needs.
If you're looking to simplify your shipping process and reduce costs, check out Freight Quote Canada today and see how they can help streamline your logistics!
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educationedge0123 · 6 months
Immigration Opportunities for Unskilled Workers in Canada
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Are you dreaming of starting a new life in Canada? Maybe you've heard about the beautiful landscapes, friendly people, and great opportunities awaiting you there. But you might be wondering, "Can I move to Canada even if I don't have a fancy degree or a high-paying job?" The answer is yes!��Canada Immigration welcomes unskilled workers too, and here's how you can make your dream a reality.
First things first, what does "unskilled worker" mean? Simply put, it means you don't need a specialized education or training for your job. It could be anything from farming and cleaning to construction and hospitality. Canada values people with all kinds of skills, not just the ones that require a university degree.
Now, let's talk about the pathways you can take to immigrate to Canada as an unskilled worker:
Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP): This program allows Canadian employers to hire workers from other countries for temporary jobs when they can't find Canadians to fill the positions. If you get a job offer from a Canadian employer through this program, you can apply for a work permit to come to Canada and work for a specific period of time. Keep in mind that this is temporary, but it can be a stepping stone towards permanent residency.
Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Each Canadian province has its own immigration programs, and some of them are designed to attract unskilled workers. These programs are tailored to the specific needs of each province, so you might find opportunities in industries like agriculture, hospitality, or construction. If you're nominated by a province, you can apply for permanent residency through the Provincial Nominee Program.
Express Entry Program: While this program is mainly for skilled workers, there are some pathways within Express Entry that could be open to unskilled workers. For example, if you have a valid job offer from a Canadian employer, you may be eligible to apply through the Federal Skilled Worker Program or the Federal Skilled Trades Program. Keep an eye on the eligibility requirements and see if you fit the criteria.
Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP): If you're interested in working in one of the Atlantic provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland and Labrador), the AIP might be a good option for you. This pilot program aims to fill labour shortages in the Atlantic region by connecting employers with skilled and unskilled workers from other countries. If you get a job offer through the AIP, you can apply for permanent residency.
Now, let's address some common questions and concerns you might have:
Do I need to speak English or French? Yes, language proficiency is important for immigrating to Canada. You'll need to take a language test to prove your proficiency in English or French, depending on the requirements of the immigration program you're applying to.
What about education and work experience? While some programs may require a certain level of education or work experience, there are options available for unskilled workers too. Focus on showcasing your skills and experience relevant to the job you're applying for.
How long does the immigration process take? The timeline can vary depending on the program you apply through and other factors like processing times and the number of applications received. It's important to be patient and stay informed about the progress of your application.
Moving to a new country can be a big step, but with the right information and guidance, it's possible to achieve your goal of Canada Immigration as an unskilled worker. Take the time to research your options, gather the necessary documents, and prepare for the journey ahead. Canada is waiting for you with open arms!
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What is the program for new immigrants in Canada?
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Canada has a welcoming reputation for immigrants from around the world. If you're planning to move to Canada, you might be curious about the Canada Immigration Programs available to help you settle in and start a new life. Let's take a closer look at what Canada offers to newcomers.
1. Express Entry System: One of the main programs for skilled immigrants is the Express Entry system. This program manages applications for three economic immigration categories: Federal Skilled Worker Program, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and Canadian Experience Class. To apply, you need to create an online profile and submit your qualifications. Based on factors like your age, education, work experience, and language skills, you'll be given a score. If you meet the criteria, you might get an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence.
2. Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs): Canada's provinces and territories have their own immigration programs called Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs). These programs allow provinces to nominate individuals who want to immigrate and settle in a specific province. Each province has its own criteria and streams tailored to its economic and labor market needs. If you're interested in a particular province, you can explore their PNP to see if you qualify.
3. Family Sponsorship: If you have family members who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents, they may be able to sponsor you to come to Canada. Family sponsorship allows close relatives to reunite with their loved ones in Canada. Spouses, partners, dependent children, parents, and grandparents are eligible for sponsorship under this program.
4. Start-Up Visa Program: For entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas, Canada offers the Start-Up Visa Program. This program aims to attract foreign entrepreneurs who can create jobs and drive economic growth in Canada. To qualify, you need to have a qualifying business idea, get support from a designated organization, and meet certain criteria related to language proficiency and financial stability.
5. Refugee and Humanitarian Resettlement Programs: Canada is committed to providing protection to refugees and individuals in need of humanitarian assistance. The country has various programs to support the resettlement of refugees, including government-assisted refugee programs, privately sponsored refugee programs, and blended visa office-referred programs. These programs help refugees rebuild their lives in Canada by providing essential support and services.
6. Settlement Services: Once you arrive in Canada, there are settlement services available to help you adapt to your new environment. These services include language classes, job search assistance, housing support, and cultural orientation programs. Settlement organizations across Canada offer support tailored to the needs of immigrants and refugees, helping them integrate into Canadian society and thrive in their new home.
In conclusion, Canada offers a range of Canada Immigration Programs to welcome and support new immigrants. Whether you're a skilled worker, a family member of a Canadian resident, an entrepreneur, or a refugee, there are pathways available to help you make Canada your new home. By exploring these programs and seeking support from settlement services, you can embark on a successful journey of immigration to Canada.
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