#youll start to see a pattern with me
dreamsy990 · 5 months
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so it all comes to this.
to say i was excited to play 3 would be wrong. actually i was sort of dreading the game. i went in with expectations for the worst and was pleasantly surprised. which is not to say that its good. but its certainly a game! that i played! and now you get my thoughts. unfortunately a lot of my thoughts about the end of the game are kind of hard to separate so. if youre wondering where my thoughts on endgame stuff is. its at the end.
(also i havent played remind so theres no remind thoughts here. its all just base game kh3)
combat (with some other gameplay notes)
so. im not a big fan of the combat. to preface, i played the rest of the series on standard, but with kh3 i was told it was easy so i did proud! and yet it was still the easiest kh game.
kh3 is the first game in the series where i feel as though 'mash x to win' is a valid criticism <- thats not entirely true at the start, but later in the game it does feel a lot like that. almost every fight is mindless because of how easy it is. you can see it in the enemy health bars, theyre absurdly large because of how easy it is to take them down. they need to have that high of health so the fight isnt over in under a minute.
i dont think the base combat is bad. unsatisfying, maybe. But not bad. except for attraction commands.
attraction commands feel like part of a pattern in kh3, where they try to recreate what made the other games so good without understanding WHY it was good. what theyre recreating ofc being reaction commands. technically its the same as some reaction commands, sure, being a giant dramatic attack, but it doesnt work because theres no situational awareness in them.
attraction commands dont feel cool because theres nothing in them that requires use of your surroundings or that is tailored to the enemies youre fighting, since theres only a couple that can be used at any time. there's nothing strategic about using them either- reaction commands normally would give you a specific advantage, or could be used to avoid attacks, only sometimes dealing damage on their own. in kh3, all attractions do is deal damage. they are impersonal and often obtrusive- if youre like me and hate attractions, youll still often accidentally use one, since theres no way to disable them.
this is more abstract than anything, but something about attacking feels unsatisfying. the combat feels like it lacks any real sense of impact or weight to me. but thats all personal and not exactly good criticism so. i digress
also the bosses in 3 suck. you know its bad when the most memorable boss fight in your game is the tutorial. most of the boss fights in this game are so unmemorable that ive literally forgotten them. except of course demon tide. i despise demon tide. it was fine in 0.2 but not here. every time you fight it feels like a missed opportunity for something cooler.
i think flowmotion is worse now. i get that it was a bit too overpowered, but with how much it was limited i ended up hardly using it. i didnt like flowmotion because of the attacks, i liked it because of the movement. so to me, it ended up being a reminder of how kh3 failed instead of a fun feature.
also i know a lot of people like being able to switch keyblades in fights, but honestly i feel like it removes an element of strategy the other games had
the ui (and other visual things)
this isnt something i talked about in my other reviews. but in kh3 i must bring it up. if you follow me you may know my hatred for kh3s ui. so im going to talk about it again! this is the abridged version though. heres my whole rant if you want my full thoughts on it. but the short version is that i dont like it. i am someone with terrible vision and i can play every single kh game without glasses because the ui is just big enough that i can read it. most of the time i can read subtitles too. but in 3? i struggle even WITH glasses to read anything. the ui is too small to make out anything almost all the time. its really only by muscle memory that im able to play. my glasses broke while i was playing, and i literally couldnt play until i got new ones because i couldnt make out a single word on screen. its bad design.
im also upset that there ui art has been replaced with renders. its just a shame honestly. i loved the art in the older games. the renders feel bland in comparison.
and thats generally my take on the look of modern kh. sure its pretty, but its bland. kh has always had a certain cartoonish vibe to it thats starting to die out, and i think the shift to unreal engine was the first marker of that change. i like the look of old kh. its not too technically impressive but its incredibly charming. kh3 is anything but. the characters feel far less expressive, the worlds are realistically rendered, it feels unfitting for a series like kh. its hard for me to find kh3 as charming as the other games. the only word i can think of to really describe it is corporate.
i dont know if this is a rare take, but i think technically impressive visuals are far worse than distinct ones. kh used to have a unique look! now it just looks like every other semi-realistically rendered rpg.
story (featuring: more gameplay notes)
my problem with kh3's story was unavoidable really. dream drop distance set this game up for failure and so im not going to complain about dream drop distance. ANOTHER TIME ill talk about dream drop distance. i dont have time to make a post that long. i do have a lot of problems with the story that werent a result of ddd being terrible so i guess ill just bring up those.
one of my biggest issues with the game is how unimportant the roxas plot is. youre led to believe the game will revolve around it but then sora does nothing to further it. at all. at the start he CONSIDERS doing something, and then hes told by ienzo "no its fine ive got it. go do something else" and its barely ever mentioned again until the end.
this relates to my overarching problem with the plot: it feels aimless. in every kh game theres a REASON theyre going on a journey. soras looking for his friends, roxas is working a 9 to 5, the wayfinders are all following each other, etc. but in kh3 sora is looking for "the power of waking". what is the power of waking? i literally have no clue. thats how poorly defined it is. its an abstract goal, its not tangible or even really achievable. its just a macguffin. when the plot suddenly decides to happen at the end the whole journey feels pointless. you could skip every disney world past twilight town and you would probably be fine. it's not a journey, you're not exploring for a purpose, you're just killing time until other people handle the plot.
i also really hate the new organization (i refuse to call them the real organization. theyll never be the org). theyre painfully boring and poorly put together. the old org had structure, they had very specific goals, every member had a purpose. you knew how they worked and why they did what they did. the new org is just completely lacking in that. calling it an 'organization' is stupid because there's nothing organized about it. and even disregarding all that, the new organization also lacks any real personality. the members feel so boring, which sucks, because almost all of them are returning characters who used to be really fun. and why are most of them even there? no one except maybe xigbar seems to actually care about their mission. the old organization had a common goal and a reason everyone was there. they were nobodies, they wanted their hearts back. there's no reason for any of the new members to stick with xehanort. and if you say "well they were norted!" i then must ask. what exactly is norting? like really. it hasnt been possession since birth by sleep. norting is whatever nomura needs it to be in the moment. its not clearly defined, its just another macguffin.
also because i dont know where to put it, the battle of 10,000 heartless is just a terrible successor to the original fight. there's no stakes, no buildup, no friends fighting by your side, no reason to care. they just throw thousands of heartless with no ai at you. literally no ai, if you stand still they wont attack you. its a drag if anything, an homage to a better game done absolutely no justice.
back to what i was saying about the roxas plot, roxas' return is just such a nothing scene. theres nothing about it thats cathartic, his lines are impersonal and bland, theres nothing 'roxas' about it. roxas' defining feature has always been how emotional he is, and there's none of that here. its nothing. and then he does nothing afterwords. he has seven whole lines in this entire game, six of them are in this scene, and the last one is an inconsequential jab at sora at the very end. and then he fades into the background.
the writing in this game in general is actually weirdly worse than normal. it feels a lot less, idk, human? the older games were weird and absurdly cheesy but this is just. strange. look at the scenes with riku and mickey in the realm of darkness and youll see what i mean.
WHILE IM ON THAT SUBJECT. RIKUS KEYBLADE BREAKING IS BULLSHIT. remind me to rant about that another time though im not gonna go on a tangent about that here
also i would give my thoughts on the ending but i literally couldnt care less about xehanort. so i dont really have any! the final boss was alright though
i have more specific thoughts, but generally, the game feels aimless and underwhelming.
i love axel and kairi! theyre a fun duo and ill never shut up about their parallels so seeing them together is nice. i wish they did anything but thats BESIDES the point im being POSITIVE here
also. the music is great. i love the music sm. its nowhere near my favorite kh soundtrack, it feels a lot more grand which isnt my thing but its still some of yoko shimomuras best work. also hearts as one. its the PERFECT conclusion to roxas' theme and arc. the progression of it from melancholic (roxas) to desperate (the other promise) to triumphant (hearts as one) is just so good. i wish the rest of this scene was as good as the music so i could compliment it more wholeheartedly yknow?
its actually funny also! kh isnt the funniest series, most of the time when it IS funny its completely on accident. but kh3 is like days in the way that it just. actually has funny writing. the jokes intended DO land and its just a breath of fresh air.
oh also riku being well adjusted is the funniest possible conclusion to his character arc. 10/10 im so happy hes normal. never give that boy an emo arc again nomura
over all, kh3 is exactly like how my teachers described me in elementary school: it has a lot of potential, but doesnt apply itself. this couldve been a decent game but it simply doesnt do most things very well. i give it a 5.2 / 10. its not an actively bad game but its a game i have trouble enjoying. sidenote im retconning my opinion on bbs to say its 4.7 / 10 because a: my opinions have changed and b: i think 3 is better but i dont want to give it a very high score.
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hapfish · 3 months
Hey! I'm making a F!Leo cosplay and I was wondering if you have any advice for how to do the shell? The plastron, specifically. Yours was amazing! Ty xx
Yeah of course!!! Luckily the rise plastrons are very geometric so its pretty easy to make a pattern from it! I dont have pictures of early steps so pls bear with me <3 info n pictures below the cut
First thing i did was make a pattern of my torso with plastic wrap and tape so i could see the curve of my stomach and chest. Cant say this helped a TON, but i cant imagine things in my head, so it helped me conceptualize the size and dimensions i would need the front panels to be to cover my torso.
Next i started sketching small patterns for what the cut outs may look like. DEFINITELY make a paper pattern, this took a lot of trial and error and you dont want to waste too much foam. I cannot for the life of me find my paper patterns unfortunately, but hopefully you can see part of where im coming from with the detailed pictures of the plastron!! I made patters for 1/2 of the plastron, and flipped the patters over to make the other half mirrored and symetrical.
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Now the cutting. I used .7mm foam (i think?? I got it from micheals. Joann fabrics has some but only small sheets. If you want less seams you should get the bigger ones, or buy massive sheets online. EVA foam isnt too hard to find, but make sure your density and width is appropriate for what youre making. When actually cutting the pieces out, some cuts will be flat while others may work best at an angle. I used mostly 90* and 45* angles to make clean edges and corners.
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Bear with me bc the pictures in this next part are kinda uglie </3 ill explain why later.
For matching the curve of the body, i used a fresh blade and made shallow triangle cuts on the backside of the foam as can be seen here:
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It would have worked better if the chest pieces were also vurved by i was on a time crunch and didnt have the time to make a 3rd or fourth plastron (yes this was a second fully completed attempt orz). Im also a bigger dude so it may be easier if your torso is smaller. I also had the benefit of making my pants from scratch (using a demon slayer uniform pattern that i altered) so i made the waistband big enough to tuck the shell into, which helped with keeping it curved around my body.
(This but only applies to future leo and i did post gluing the pieces together, but for his Top Surgery Scars™️ i cut into the chest at a 45*angle, then glued those pieces back onto the back side to seal the cut)
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For gluing, i tried a whole lot of types but jothing worked as well as cement glue. It is toxic tho so make sure you do it outside or with good ventilation, and wear gloves/a mask. I did two layers on each edge then stuck the edges together, 3 if i noticed the foam absorbing it to much. Make sure you take the gluing slow and really put pressure on the pieces to lock them together. Follow the instructions and youll do fine.
For painting, i did 2 layers of modge podge, 1-2 priming layers (depends on if foam is white or black to start), and then whatever layers you need for a smooth coat of color. I topped it off with modgepodge again to seal it, but that may not have been the best idea for the following reasons....
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Well. It didnt always. Turns out when youre wearing approx 3 laters in the summer then cover your body with insulating foam, the heat and moisture makes the modgepodge MELT. and like i said before, this bottom portion was tucked into my pants so it did not breathe. I have yet to even try to find a solution but just keep it in mind when making your cosplay (and if you find a solution PLEASE LET ME KNOW! My one idea was tryna find a sealant that wont melt (obv) but idk what that would be)
And FINALLY. how to secure it to the body suit!! I used snaps!! So easy and nice (besides the melting issue but thats a different thing entirely.) They never came off or gave me problems (minus the melting) and made the shells easy to transfer/travel with and put on.
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(Heres a pic of them on the suit sewn in by hand, and above you can see them on the shell itself.)
All in all, The plastron was so so hard and im honestly still not happy with it, planning to remake it before i wear him again. Please show me your cosplay when you finish it, id love to see!! Please lemme know if you have any other questions!! 🐢💙
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feelo-fick · 10 months
Scarab & Prismo & Snufkin & Muddler for the character bingo!
(doesn’t have to be all of these of course. But can be)
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anyways i find him relatable.. something something vulnerability hard and shit yada yada but ALSO i make weird squawking/squeaky noises when im annoyed and i like to imagine he does that with the chirping... its funny
ALSO THE FANDOM KEEPS MAKING HIM SUFFER AND I LOVE IT AND WANT MORE BUT ALSO OW FUCK THAT HURTS WHY OW OW OW everything about his - concerning - respect (kneel for your life.) for authority (he was only following orders.) and isolation (he was never invited to those parties.) from the rest of. well everyone (he doesnt need them. he enjoys being alone. he doesnt need anyone else. he doesnt want it, he doesnt want it, he promises he doesnt.) is just SO. augh.
and the self sabotaging aspect of it. no one will love you, youve accepted that, so you stop sanding down your teeth. you bite and claw at any attempt to soothe your aches and stroke your spikes down, theyre only trying to find a soft spot near your belly.
your worst fears come true. youll never let it happen again. youll stand straight, youll make yourself seem bigger to scare off anyone who tries to come close to you. which leads to anyone who couldve helped you being dissuaded and backing off. serves them right, you never needed fixing. you never needed anyone. ...the clycle begins again. it aches. why? it shouldnt. that isnt allowed.
they should stop that, stop poking at the weak spots. it hurts to feel. you KNOW its to help. you dont want to be helped. stop it, stop. everyones going to know. they cant know it aches. theyll use it against you. keep kneeling, head lower, arch your back. maybe theyll be amused enough to give you mercy.
...cough. well anyways. im gonna stop here before this turns into a full on character analysis and MOVE ON TO THE NEXT ONEEEE WOO
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(youll start to notice a pattern that i express love for characters by wishing to kill them cough)
i honestly love his aesthetic i dont know why. the tv/light/dream shit has a lot of potential methinks. i love the thought of a job swap au where prismo uses light/tech as a way to interact with the world while still being stuck somewhere else... and also the visual funkiness of him being projected onto many many tv screens brings me joy. i want that gender...
also. in general i love it when gods are depicted ss being really mortal-like... like, youre a cosmic being with power and omnipotence over the multiverses you watch over, and yet. you like sandwiches and pools and games and hanging out wih friends and its just. on every level but literal you are mortal and alive and wholly r e a l. but youre not. youre a dream, a projection, youre not even in the dimensions of the people you (love) watch. youre an outsider and its very clear. youre THIS CLOSE to being just like them. but youre not. and you never will be.
youre admired by those who are like you, but you dont really care for it. but those who you do care about either dont see you as anything more than a tool to manipulate the multiverse or see you as too grand to be able to connect with in a way that isnt "you are god and i am not". youre stuck in a prison you yourself control. but a prison is still a prison. people want what you have- how you wished they had it instead of you! maybe then, youd be loved. maybe then, things wouldnt be so ear-deafingly quiet. silence sticks out like a sore thumb in the yearning- the wish to not be alone.
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okay this time im not gonna intensely analyse his character. hopefully.
AHEM . SNUFKIN!!!! my best friend i love him so so much.......... i need to absorb his fucking vibes and gender so hard what the hell. LIKE BROTHER. HOW DO YOU PULL OFF THAT MUCH SWAGGER WITHOUT EVEN TRYING oh and also there are so many things wrong with you are you like okay bud...
i like to think that "omg hes just like me frfr" but the fact that i get so excited about that thought proves that I actually kin moomintroll nsnxjsjjsj WHICH MAKES SENSE. makes a lot of sense
i love how people interpret his personality... and i love seeing all the potential angst/drama/whatever you call it that could pop up because of how avoindant he is... and his relationships with the other characters... the way he so easily distances himself from others while (i know this isnt about him but once you talk deeply about one of them i suppose you cant leave out the other) moomintroll clings a little too hard onto him...
ill be honest im a bit rusty on anything moomin related, so forgive my poor memory + hesitation, but i do love em a lot still!!! no hyperfixation is dead, just dormant, as they say........... havent thought about them in a while but i should really brush up on everyones characters and the way they interact ... would be really helpful for some analysis and application to my own work and- YEAH WHATEVER YOU GET IT NEXT ONE
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OKAY SO I HAVENT HEARD TOO MUCH ABOUT MUDDLER (aside from bloom's stuff - bless you bloom) BUT WHAT I DO KNOW IS THAT HES VERY RELATABLE AND FUNKY AND I LOVE HIM FOR THAT... button collector.... so me fr............
im quite neutral on account of the fact that (again) i havent seen much of him, but i think hes really neato and also(!) i actually used him as inspo for my sona design... ITS JUST THAT, his design fucks so hard so so hard its such a good design. PEAK. absolute peak...
IDK ! i think muddler is such a nice and cool little critter... i would love to have more content of him!!! i need to know more about him!!! honestly atp someone could tag me on muddler content id be happy to have it... i think id really really love him if i just knew more(!!!) but i dont unfortunately waaah..
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arsenicflame · 2 years
what should i do with my robe fabric? an uncomfortably long write up and a poll (since i have polls now)
id really appreciate if you could take the time to give some input, even if you dont read all my writing and just skip to the voting! the writing is mostly me explaining my ideas, buf you can totally skim it and get the idea
the fabric is here, so its time to plan
i think im down to two main options, screen accurate robe or a historically accurate one- accurate is a general term here, ultimately ill do what i want with little care for being exact, but as an overview, thats the idea split. there was a fleeting idea i might do some other style of robe, but i never found anything i exactly vibed with (if you wanna vanilla extract it though, feel free to drop other suggestions in the replies)
screen accurate (SA)
a lot of my information for this comes from this blog post, its excellent research and covers just about everything. honestly theres not much i can say that isn't already written on there, and anyway, its the robe. you know the robe.
its necessary to note at this point i already plan to stray a little from screen accuracy on my lining. the SA lining is quite a vibrant pink, but to compliment my personal wardrobe more, im learning towards a dusky pink or almost maroon colour (im visualising the robe fabric background colour but a little darker, but itll depend on what i can actually find in my local shop)
this one will also require buying another fabric on top of the lining (an orange for the piping) and making or sourcing tassels if i decide to have them (up in the air as i am bound to catch them on things)
a big appeal to this version for me is the box pleat in the back- it allows for more volume, more movement, while still sitting right and keeping the silhouette. i do like volume in my garments
its probably a more technical build than a HA one, just on the neck binding and kinomo sleeves, but it should still be pretty straight forward
historically accurate (HA)
historically, the SA version seems to be based on wrapping gowns. a very simple construction, cut all in one big length (though, as on the SA i would have a seam at the shoulder so the print isn't upside down) this image gives both a good idea of pattern and silhouette
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the wrapping gown is generally quite a loose fitting garment, and is very simple in its cutting. its all straight lines, and all triangles and rectangles. theres a couple of different options in the cutting, but im thinking as flared as i can make it (with or without piecing) at the hem, and also maybe some flare on the cutting of the sleeve to make it wider at the wrist without affecting mobility
wrapping gowns do typically have a small collar up near the neck, similar to the way the SA one is, but it only wraps around a short distance, not to halfway down the body as the SA does
this is obviously a much easier pattern, in my research ive seen people complete this in a day. my main concerns for me personally are in the flare and in the fit. i like a good swoosh and im not sure that ill get that in this (but not certain. some look quite full).
while it is designed to be an unfitted garment, it still has some fitting. im a little concerned that to give myself enough room around the chest i will end up with quite a dropped shoulder (shoulder seam sitting down the arm) and im not a huge fan of that. these are all things id figure out in a mockup, but it has me hesitating to go that way
here are some research links, if you care to read a bit more
video by nicole rudolph, wrapping gown talk starts at 18:27
the difference between banyan and wrapping gown
pinterest board with various historical pictures
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a sort of tldr;
heres a basic look at what the patterns look like. as you can see the HA one is far more simplistic in shape
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if youve been following any of my sewing projects youll know i have a tendency to make things take far longer than they really need to, so obviously a simpler garment that uses mostly techniques i already know is a huge appeal rather than a far more complicated and out of my comfort zone project. but i have concerns about the fit of the HA, and there is just something so appealing to making the SA version....
obviously. whichever path i pick i have a lot more research to do, and with OFMD now being on iplayer ill definitely be watching the episodes it appears in the get a better idea of how it should sit myself.... but for now
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sneakyscarab · 1 year
my one-a-day streak has been broken, my career is over! orz
not that i was remotely expecting to have kept up that pace for almost the entire series, and Unconnected Marketeers gave me good reason to take it slow and try more runs that usual. but thats spoilers innit :P
nina's thoughts on Touhou 18 - Unconnected Marketeers
if you recall my last post about Wily Beast and Weakest Creature, youll know that i said it felt like touhou games needed to really do something big to stand out this many games deep. well, i think ZUN had the same idea, cause Unconnected Marketeers definitely stands out, with one of the coolest new systems in the series. UM does something really fresh, integrating roguelite elements into the gameplay in a simple but pretty effective way through Ability Cards.
heres the rundown. before you start a run, in addition to choosing your character you also pick an 'ability card' to start with. throughout the stages of UM, enemies drop money tokens instead of the typical blue point items, and at the end of each stage after defeating the boss they open trade with you and offer a selection of Ability Cards to buy with your money: a handful of gaurenteed basic cards (a 1up, a bomb, extra power, etc), the stage boss's signature card, and then 3 random ability cards selected from a pool of about 50 cards. ability cards come in 4 varieties: active cards, equipment cards, passive cards, and item cards. all the categories are pretty self-explanatory by the name, except equipment cards, which are like extra weapon options that are added on top of what you have. once you buy a card for the first time, its permanently unlocked to be selected as a starting card in future runs.
every ability card is based on a character from the series, which is a really cool way of using the huge cast that touhou has (sadly its mostly playable characters and final/extra stage bosses, so no Wriggle card as far as im aware v_v). its really cute seeing how certain characters abilities are translated to card form, like Koishi's card that makes it so enemies dont kill you if you collide with them, or Lily White's card that literally summons her as a micro-boss and gives you a good item if you beat her. i haven't unlocked them all, and i think some of them are unlocked by completing certain things, like a second card for each playable character that only unlocks when you beat the game with them. i might keep playing just to see what other cool cards there are, especially since the cards themselves give a lot more replay value than usual. you even unlock the ability to use 2 starting cards after your first clear.
since the ability cards add so much variety to the gameplay, the player character selection is kept pretty simple to not overcomplicate things. we have Reimu and Marisa as usual, as well as Sanae and Sakuya (im glad they ironed out their differences and are able to coexist now :P). Reimu, Marisa, and Sanae all play exactly as they have the last couple games, but Sakuya actually goes back to her roots and uses a modernized version of her weird B set from PCB, which im glad returned since it was a really cool one. if you need a refresher, thats the one where her throwing knives are angled left or right based on your movement, and focusing locks the angle in place. in addition, now vertical movement also influences the knife pattern, with downward movement increasing spread while upward tightens it. its tough to master, but you feel like a beast when you make it work for you. i got my 1cc with Sanae, but i might keep playing and go for runs with the other characters too.
as for the new characters, if youre familiar with the cast of Unconnected Marketeers you already know who im about to be talking about. thats right, Momoyo Himemushi, baby! lets go! another bug-type youkai so soon after Eternity Larva, and for the first time she's Not a stage 1 boss! she's actually the strongest enemy in the game, lurking at the end of the extra stage to fight only the most powerful players. Momoyo is based on the Oomukade youkai, a massive centipede who lives in the mountains and eats serpents and dragons, with the only weakness that can pierce its exoskeletal armour being human saliva. shes strong as hell and basically the coolest ever, totally not biased at all. shes got her sick minecraft gold pickaxe and shovel to dig up tasty gemstones, and doesnt hesitate to beat the tar out of anyone who tries taking her stuff. shes even got some bonus gender spiciness, using 'ore' for herself instead of most characters 'watashi'. im glad we finally got our justice for bug youkai, with the most badass centipede lady you'll probably ever see.
the final boss Chimata is pretty neat. shes a god of special event marketplaces, so anytime you go to a convention and find some cool stuff in the dealers room you have her to thank. she has a really wild design, with a patchwork rainbow dress with a matching headband, and a white cloak with the cloudy sky on the inside trim, representing a lunar rainbow and the market that takes place under its light. its pretty sick, but probably absolute hell for fanartists lmao.
my third choice of the new characters would be Takane. shes a yamawaro (mountain kappa) with forest-related powers, and like the river kappa theyve become entrepeneurs and inventors in Gensokyo. Takane has some hilarious interactions with the main characters, especially Sakuya who literally is just there to buy cards, where she engages in a boss fight to protect the protags from stealing her ability cards, but after the fight ends and she finds out that youre a paying customer her demeanor completely flips and she starts hyping up her wares lol.
Unconnected Marketeers is really fun! its great to see such a unique and innovative entry for a series thats 18 games in, without overturning the base gameplay loop that the fans are there for (glares at game series being re-invented as an open world walking simulators). interestingly the Ability Cards, while being the main plot instigator, are kept around in the end, so it seems like its set up to be more than just a one-off mechanic. from what ive heard of touhou 19 i dont think they're there, but 19 is also a non-standard touhou for other reasons, so its up in the air. either way, whether the ability cards are a one-time thing or an evolution, theyre great fun and add a lot of interesting variety to the gameplay, and fit in pretty naturally to the gameplay loop touhou already had going for it. take all that good gameplay stuff and add on to that we finally get respect for bug youkai with Momoyo, and UM is up there in the top echelons of touhous. lets go bugs!!!! we win these!!!
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mastrandre · 2 years
You drive to my place excited, anxious and your heart racing , stopping in front of my place,text me youre downstairs. i leave my place as you await by passenger side door keys in hand, as i get to you i start kissing you passionately,acutely aware you are completely soaked by now, i grab your keys and i open door for you. I help you sit down i buckle you up since youre so shaky. Walking around to drivers side i see the towels and all your toys on back seat as instructed, and proceed to sit in the drivers seat.
As soon as i sit i repeat the cum word 5 times then i start the car driving to our first stop. We go to a Tim Horton's grabbing us some coffees and i drive us to the parking lot of the nearest Walmart and choose a location far from entrance and then reach over to backseat grabbing a towel telling you to put it underneath you, then inserting a finger into your pussy...
I tell you to spread a bit wider and start rubbing you gspot until you fill my hand with your juices, bring it to my mouth to taste you finally, visibly hard cock within my pants, me commando underneath, the fabric is rubbing against my shaft and head the friction is nearly more than i can bear, i open the door and intruct you to head to back seat lay down legs towards me. You're visibly flustered mind racing in anticipation, but doing exactly as you were told and clearing the stuff from seat into space on the floor...
I open back door get only one knee in grab your ankles, as you let out a small yelp and plant them spread on ceiling of car then i reach further in and grab the panties and pull em as far as theyll go down your legs and with driver side fully open i start eating you out until im content ive tasted you sufficiently.
After im done i instruct you to go back to your seat and buckle up without readjusting yourself, a look of nervousness mixed in with delighted humiliation flashes across your face. I close my door hand you a coffee and we both drink it quickly as we both are beyond squirmy and desiring what comes next.
As i drink my coffee im intoxicated by your scent and can taste you with every sip i take making me throb alot, almost as if my cock was trying to poke a hole right through my pants, you notice this and start squirting uncontrollably biting your lower lip not to scream. We both down our coffees as if we had been in a desert for days, your eyes pleading to be allowed to finally feel that cock. I grab your left hand and bring it over to my crotch instructing you to only feel it through the pants, visible disappointment on your face. "Don't worry youll see and taste it soon enough Bubbles" After youve started doing this im going insane i want you so bad but at same time i prevent myself from giving in. Start the car and drive to our destination. At first stop i tell you to pull out your lush 2 and hand me your phone with app turned on.
I grab the phone and position it on my seat between my legs and take the lush and tell you to apply the cinnamon oil that i brought for you on its entire surface. You do so not knowing what to expect, swallowing hard. I take the slicked up lush and push it into your pussy roughly fingering your clit as i do so.
After ive made sure to turn the lush on, i return my hand to your app and start programming a pattern quickly that makes you go into convulsive orgasms and i snap your focus back to fondling my cock and balls with a slap to your breasts. You hand feels good but i need more now and quickly measure time to the next rest area on our route. So i instruct you to put your hand inside my pants but spread your legs and tell you to keep em that way till we stop and now start to finger your clit into a frenzy stopping at times to squeeze it nice and hard. Every pinch accompanied with your lips parting as if to scream but only showing tongue lingering at your lower lip deep moans escaping in a continuous stream of unbridled pleasure and pain. We get near to rest area and i have to let go, but i taste your wonderful juices yet again.
After parking where there is trees and shade i tell you to stop and wait, visibly not happy about stopping you hear " Now its your turn to taste, you slutty fucktoy whore" you start salivating at this command in anticipation,  backing my seat up to its rear most position and dropping the backrest all the way to give you room i make the gesture to unbuckle and then pull the dress down so i can see your breasts in that hot red lingerie top.
Unbuckling and then twisting sideways because of the panties being somewhat restrictive, i tell you to take them off and keep em on the seat. Your eyes pleading to begin i nod yes you've been anticipating this moment for so long, your hands tremble, pussy still being frenzied by the toy inserted, finally able to get belt undone and pants opened up releasing my thick member. You get flushed, licking your lips and start to give me oral care using everything youve learned pleases me most and some from your own experiences. After 20 mins or so i push your face down by your hair so im in your throat and shoot stream after stream of hot sperm right into you making deep,near animalistic groans as this is happening.
As you sit back up being released from my grip i notice the self satisfied grin, the ruined mascara but mostly the quieted mind appearance of subspace, very self evident on your face. " turn around and present your ass fucktoy, Master's not done yet, take your soaked panties and put em fully into your mouth as a gag." reaching into my bag i pull out a day plug and instruct you to hold your ass cheeks spread, rubbing it against your pussy to get it lubbed up by that cumsoaked slit, inserting it slowly until only the guard is left visible.
I point at your seat for you to return to your original position. Cheecks on fire from your elevated blood pressure, endorphins flushing your entire body, you are in a haze of pleasure and pain.
Before readjusting myself i stretch my arm out into your bag and pull out your wand and 2 of the towels you had on the seat earlier. " Raise that sexy ass and put these to cover the seat under you" as i hand them over you notice the wand and become even more flushed and you're almost begging me with your big blue beautiful eyes not to, body betraying you by squirting almost instantly.That makes me laugh and as soon as youve placed the towels i nestle the wand right up against the rearmost point of your pussy, as the vibrations grow in intensity between the lush and the wand, i start the car and drive up to the Tim Horton's drive through and order us cofffees. Flustered beyond belief your wet panties hidden in your mouth and both vibes working you over sitting on towels anyone at any moment we're stopped can catch you amidst a flurry of orgasms. Coffees are brought and i hand over yours but shifting over to grab sends you over the edge and a loud moan escapes you, making the male cashier grin slyly as he hands me mine.
We drive off, and it takes another tortuous 45 minutes to get to the rented cabin by the lake in Val David. 45 minutes of non stop over the top orgasms your face flushed short of breath and eyes barely able to focus arriving there. Coffees a mere memory by now, towels completely drenched in your cum and your legs almost unable to support your own mass. I get out first and walk over to your door, opening it and admiring your stare and just how so very sexy you are. "Dont move Bubbles" said in my Dom voice, you  can barely even nod by now, making me grin. I grab the wand, turn it off and proceed to remove the lush from your cum soaked pussy, you orgasm as its nearly out and that just expels it right onto the towels glistening in the mid morning sunlight from your juices and finally i pull out the panties from your mouth, handing them to you. Reaching for your hair i pull your face near my crotch, have you pull out my cock and start facefucking you right then and there, still buckled in your car seat, those big sexy lips feeling glorious on my shaft, the choking noises as i hit your throat, the running mascara from you tearing up, all things making me take your mouth in a more manic way. After a long while, groaning hard i empty another load into that pretty little mouth of yours and you smile radiantly.I unbuckle you, take your hand to help you out of the car, then as soon as your balance is back i wrap my arms around you in a loving embrace, our tongues dancing together in a hedonistic deep passionate rythm.
Closing the car door afterwards. I have you stand there in waiting position as i carry our stuff inside the beautiful 2 story, 3700 square foot cabin.
I come back out, heading for you with a very voracious grin, bend down and grab your upper legs tossing you over my shoulder and bring you back inside while you twitch and let out half-serious protests to have me put you down, which i don't pay attention to until we're both inside, i put you down face flushed from being upside down and close the door. As soon as the door closes "Inspection, Bubbles" and you immidiatly assume the position panty still in your hand. This time i pace around you feeling every inch with my hands and devouring ýou with my eyes.
I take the panty and toss it onto the chair nearby then i grab your top and pull it off to go join the panty, kissing every inch of skin as it becomes exposed and that gorgeous red bra. Removing it and kissing even more as you cant stop squirming and panting, then i remove the last piece the dress... i grab you by the hair and kiss you deeply while my other hand explores your body making you squeal and moan even more. "Your turn to undress me Bubbles" i say with that grinning smile hinted to as well within my voice's tone.As you undress me youre doing it exactly as i did for you with 1 exception you decided to go full out and not only kiss my ass cheeks but rimm me to my pleasure and surprise " well done slut" once at the front you go to suck me off but i tell you to french my balls first. Your absolute lust and devotion clearly visible in your whole body as you lunge for my balls as if the most divine meal youve ever seen was in their place. Your mouth ravenously and passionately gobbles up my sack and your tongue starts driving me wild as it lovingly tongue lashes my balls. I grab the back of your head and keep you there for a long time to the point you have trouble breathing but you only look up to me with love and devotion, not panic. ●More soon as this is a work in progress●
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pheoblitz · 3 months
I just want to start off by saying you're an amazing artist, and I love your work. You inspire! I just wanted to ask how you got so good at character designing? Also, aren't there any tips, tricks, or tutorials you could recommend to us?
Sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask. I wanted to really make sure I took my time to anwser it the best I could!
I wanted first to say thank you so much! You are my first ask ever and it makes me so happy to see someone enjoy my work and designs! Sometimes I feel like I am not doing my best. So hearing this is reassuring. Makes me remeber why I turn my words of it being not good to I will do better and learn more for next time.
How I got good at designs? Oh heavens, mostly perseverance! Though what I list below are all things I have learned or do which have helped me on my journey. Though by no means do I think I am great or done said quest. I am always growing and always learning. Art is a cute little plant. It may take awhile to grow. Sometimes its hard to tell if its even grown at all. Eventually though, you will start to notice changes. For awhile youll just have a green stem and that can be discouraging. If you keep at it though and keep learning, it'll grow and at somepoint it will be a flower. You just have to keep at it and know when it needs a break vs when to keep watering it.
Ok ok ok, so I am going to explain this all so horribly and using how I think of art and its terms. So take this all with a huge grain of salt and I am so sorry if none of it makes sense. I tried though ok? Not to mention I could say a whole lot more but my tumblr hates me! So here is just ones that I like to focus on myself alot. Ack also sorry for so many spelling an grammar errors. It is not something I am good at.
Starting with the basics:
1. Designs are not permanent. If you make one and it dosent feel right just make another! Do not like the second one and you liked the first one more? Well good news, you do not have to commit to it. Art is a process of iteration and trying out wacky, weird, and new things. As you grow, your style and characters will grow with you. Its only normal to have them grow out of their old look and into new ones or to go through phases of changing them constantly. Its rare for me to have an oc who has always been the same.
2. Try new things! Sometimes you can be surprised by what you can make when taking inspiration for things you do not nromally like. Maybe that one dress you saw isnt your style, but parts of it IS your characters style. So why not incorporate something simmilar. Hmmm or maybe you are feeling stuck, take a walk outside and challange yourself to make an outfit based on something you saw or a pallet you liked. Henry as an example, pallet is based on the mesa in minecraft. While his clock cape was based on me trying to play with new cape styles and looking at a cool clock in Prague.
3. Practice and study. In extention to the last two, over all you just want to keep on trying and practicing by making a bunch of designs for random ideas you do not plan to keep so you can slowly develoup your own style patterns, see what looks good, etc. They also extend and touch on alot of looking at things and studying what you like. Its bothersome sometimes, but outfits and how they are made usually have alot of history and meaning behind them. For example, each and every cut and shape for a suit has its own unique name. As do differe ties, swimsuits, shoes, and so forth. Knowing the names and shapes can help you tailor an outfit to fit a character by their personality, match the event its for, be time period correct, culturally accurate, etc. Its usually sublte differneces, but they can go along way.
More things to note:
1. If the character is made for a story, then keeping the designs of their friends, foils, rivels, and so forth in mind can create a lovely dynamic between them all. One of my friends is much better at this then me, but there are many ways to do it. Inverting pallets, contrating pallets, making one top heavy and the other bottom heavy, having one have lines and having the other include simmilar lines, and so forth. It creates balanace or contrast among groups or duos which can be very visually fun.
An example of it is Vox and Alastor. Both have pinstripe suits, both have claws, big sharp caniving grins, have the same collar shape with coloured trim, both wear bows, have shoes with defined heels, etc. This connects them together in many ways. However, they are eachothers rivals and contrast eachother directly in many ways as well. Alastor has a more harmonic red pallet while vox has a strong vibrant and contrast filled blue pallet, Alastor wears a torn coat while Vox's is clean and fresh looking, the more obvious note is one is based on tv and the other is radio, one wears his suit open while the other keeps it closed off. Each aspect both defines how they are the same and how they differ. Vox is more presentable as he is on video, he is also newer, much like the medium of tv while radio does not need such things. Vox is more boisterous and less uptight formal then alistor, which can be reflected in what they pair their suit with. You can also see while Alastor has less of a care for Vox, Vox cares alot about Alastor's plans and so forth. This is somewhat also seen in their outfits as Vox contains the red of Alastor in his pallet while Alastor does not contain Vox's primary colour in his. One may also use this to assume that one of them is trying to mimic the other.
Point being, their design brings them together and allows people to tell they are related in some way plot wise but still makes sure to define their differences.
2. Motifs are your friend! Having a symbol, colour, pattern, and so forth spread throughout the whole design can make it feel more put together and harmonic as well as can tell you alot about the character them self. When I first learned about it my teacher used D.Va from overwatch as an example as her motif is a bunny. She and the mech have little metal bits from the top or ears that mimic a bunny. She has paint on her face that resemble whiskers. Her outfit has alot of white in it and often features the symbol of a bunny. Her mech has digitigrade legs. In some versions of her design alot of the white is on the legs drawing your attention to it, legs being a very notable feature of a rabit due to how they hop. Over all in one way or another it appears in her and her mechs design via shapes, colours, and more.
3. Primary, secondary, and accent colours. In outfit design and general art in the begining it can be helpful to follow this structure when making outfits. The primary colour of the design. The one most prominent, though it does not have to be the most notible colour, just the most common. The secondary is the second most common colour. Some designs will make this the more bold colour while the primary acts as a base to it. The accent colours help brake up the flow of the rest of the design and add a bit of spice. There is usually 1 or 2. Looking to Kazuha from Genshin Impact, the primary is a brown base, with a bold red as the secondary. Ontop they put a striking orange to give the eyes more then just deep reds to look at and a pale light blondish gray range to brake up the larger colour blocking flow. Each colour is important as part of the design as without his accent colours, he would look muddy and bland, but without the brown primary, he would be too bold and saturated for the eyes. Each colour is used to balance the others out and create a nice visual intrest and dance.
There is something important to note about it all however and that is placement balance. This also applies to motifs and patterns. You want them typically to show up in more then one location on the outfit. While this mainly applies to accents, due to how little they tend to cross the design, it does effect primary and secondary colours as well. The reason it is important to have them show up in more then one location is due to over all untiy of the design. Unless you want it to stand out as the one and only thing like it on the character, it should be something framillier to the design. If the red is only in the eyes on an otherwise nlue character, then the eyes will be noticed as the mist striking detail. However if you place it on the sleeves or add it to the shoelaces of the character as well, then the red tends to blend in more and the eyes will become less focused on and feel more like they are part of the design rather then the main focus. Though breaking this intentonally is a fast way to draw attention to an area. Though having a level of balance, harmony, and untiy to your design in this way will make it feel less disjointed and less random.
Tumblr is starting to break for me while typing this, so Ill be a bit faster. As mentioned the same thing applies to Motifs. If a character wears strips, it can be helpful to work in steipes on more then just the shirt to creat a harmonic flow to the outfit. Like adding stright strip like shoe laces or 3 parallel hairclips. That way subconsiously no matter where the viewer looks they see unifying strips. Either drilling stripes into their mind or making them feel welcomed on the design. Though again in some cases it can also be just as effective to ignore this intentonally. Though if you do, I recommend having a different pattern throughout the outfit or different harmonizing colours so that the 1 different thing sticks out more and breaks thr pattern.
4. Silhouettes are very important. Now there is alot to note about Silhouettes. 1 is you want the characters to be recognizable by silhouette. This is often done by creating unique shapes for them each or by something unique about how they pose and stand compared to others. Most only bring up the shapes aspect, however I think posing is just as important into convaying a caharter and their design. Just look at L for an example, you can tell its him just by how he sits. Though if you want a good example of the shapes helping define characters, steven universe has very unique Silhouettes compared to eachother and can easily be identified without seeing any other parts.
There is also another fun thing regarding Silhouettes that I try to do sometimes when it comes to helping me balance colour and its taking a page out of the team fortress notebook. My original teacher used them and their basic colour blocked silhouettes to explain readability. The part the players most need to see on the charcater, the area of intrest, is the brightest so their weapon stands out agienst their outfit while the rest is darker. She had a wonderful visual for it but I cant find it anymore. However, when making a design or focusing on their colours and how to lay them out. It can be worth while to do a very basic black and white vesrion so you can see where to put various degrees of contrast into the design. It may help make your designs feel less cluttered or more accessible.
A sourse that touches on a memtioned topic:
Readability in game designs, Overwatch vs TF2:
Ill make another post with referances and more stuff to read on a later date but I felt so bad delaying this as much as I have!
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blooscluessucks · 4 months
Okay so hi!
Welcome to my huge hyperfixation on beatsaber, the topic im ranting about today! or infodumping, im just gonna give a bunch of knowledge i have on it, why i like it, and most importantly, THE OST7. [i have absolutely no clue if there is a character limit, we will just have to see :>]
im adding a red more thingy because this is logn...
okay so so so beatsaber is a virtual reality game where. you pretty much slice blocks to rhythms! its a rhythm game, obviously something i would like, since. i really really like rhythms... anyways, its kinda like- if you remember the fruit ninja game, its kinda like that, except theyre blocks that are heading straight towards you. with arrows, that you have to slice with rhythms. it sounds odd now that i say it, but oh well-
Anyways, there are game modes that are the following: Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert, and Expert+. I typically play on expert+, but for some songs by camilla, i sometimes have to play on expert. Camilla is an artist featured on beatsaber, and their songs are generally the 'boss' songs you could say! I really like their songs [even though they frusterate me sometimes...] and theyre amazing! I personally started on normal mode around? June last year with the song Crab Rave!! I think i got really obsessed around that point and sat there on a singular song for about an hour just trying to get this one song up to expert for no reason actually-
Back to the levels, one thing ive notice about them is that different techniques are typically added whenever you advance a level! i dont know off the top of my head about the jump from easy to normal since i never really? played on easy, but i think from normal to hard, there are more cross overs? By that i mean that you cross your sabers to hit a double block or instead of hitting right hand blocks on the right side, they are on the left side! And im not! sure about hard to expert other than a speed difference and a few different repitive patterns, but on expert plus, its more chaotic you could say. Instead of repitive patterns that occur in different songs, its typically alot of chaos, though there are patterns in there, weaved in. I used to really hate expert plus because of that, since i relied HEAVILY on the pattens, but once i got the hang of it it was alright :>
I learned different techniques and habits either first hand or by watching other people play! You shouldnt move TOO MUCH once you get on really hard songs, as in, you shouldnt over exaggerate your swings and such. The reason is that the harder songs involve more excercise, and so youll get tired a whole lot quicker if you move more than necesarry. adding on to that, you should try and use your wrist to swing! you still can use your arms, but personally, i mainly use my wrists, especially for chain notes [idont know how to describe that pattern-] because it can be quicker in a way, and again, it limits movement! You should also take a huge advantage of the practice mode! Say that you are on this one song, and youre doing really good! except every single time you play it you mess up on this one part. With the pracctice tool, you can slow it down to a good pace where you can analyze the notes slowly, also at a specific part! ive taken great use of that tool, i use it quite frequently actually! i also tampered with my controllersettings in the game, changing the? position z i think, i turned it all the way up to 10cm, which moved them further away from my hands, which helped me alot, though different people have different preferable settings, and they also might not want to change it!
So, today beatsaber released a new ost [original sound track]! This was actually really exciting because they hadnt released a new one in a long time, but in december, they released the ost6, and then they released the ost 7 today in a short time period!! now the ost7 is actually PHENOMINAL. The mapping is actually amazing, like the jump of mapping from the ost5 to the ost7 is insane. So the new songs in the ost7 are:
Damage by F.O.O.L
This one frusturates me specifically because of the odd patterns if has. its really weird and it should be easy, but its not. its odd, and while the song it amazing as well as the mapping, it frustuates me.... But overall its amazing and i love it so much!!!
Lustre by Camilla
ITS CAMILLA!!! i previously mentioned them, but they are generally the maker of the boss maps, which did not dissapoint in this new ost. I realllllly love it, and while i can only play it on expert, its amazing, the song is super cool, and overall, id say its my favorite in the ost!!!
The Master by Teminite x Boom Kitty
This one is really cool i really like the speech thats included in it!! Its pretty much the storyline of you fighting a villain or smth, with it saying your skills are good, and after the first chorus[sorta], it says something like im impressed, but can you beat this, and then if you finish that section, it? dies kinda- its silly and i like the mapping :>>>
Untamed by Linsdey Stirling
This is probably the easiest song in the ost! its really fin, i like the violin, and its cool! i dont really have much to say on it other than i got a full combo on it first try- [also that if gives me arg vibes....]
and last but not least, we have
World Wide Web by Nitro Fun
This one's patterns also frustrate me, but i rellly really like the song!! i dnt have too much ot say about it other than the fact that i died the first time i played it-
The OST7 also brought new lights to the game which were REALLY COOL!!!!
anyways i dont have too much else to say, so go watch this video of Lustre by Camilla on expert because its my favorite song, and i can play it full combo :>>
This song is easy, definitely not ht hardest i can play, but i really like it so!! :>>> [also i do realize there is alot of mistakes in the video, i watched it.]
anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk!
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liysterr · 1 year
Jeez, you got me make my own Danganronpa Warriors au, thank alot 😤/jk/jk/jk
but for real, how did you come up with warrior names for the dangan characters?
typically i try to take their appearance into count for the prefix and their skills or personality for their suffix! a lot of times this depends though
ill use komaru as an example— komarus name is ivorysight, ivory for her appearance and sight a skill she possessed that helped her pass her warrior assessment. hers isnt really anything special and it was more of a ‘i like how this name sounds,’ which is typically a rule i go by more than attaching actual meaning to a name. if i can make a name i like thats based off their personality then it sticks but if i cant then i usually just resort to a name that is loosely or closely attached to their appearance and go from there. sorry if thats not exactly what you were looking or hoping for but at the end of the day i just like to attach (subjectively) cool names to characters
i can put a few examples of more thought processes below on some characteds but youll see pretty fast they arent all too deep !! :’)
byakuya is silkbark — silk as a prefix to reference his wealth in the actual games and bark as a suffix in reference to his often rough personality and ideals
aoi is hollybounce — holly for her appearance, being reddish brown - and bounce is for her athletic nature. this is a case of me having an option to be more specific with the swimming talent but i just thought bounce sounded better than anything else i thought up of
chiaki is sheephaze — both prefix and suffix are meant to point to the distant, perpetually tired shtick she has
nagito is clovercrash — clover being the obvious choice of representing his good luck, and the crash is meant to represent the bad luck. so its kind of supposed to be the good n bad n stuff
kirumi is darkweb — literally just dark weblike patterns on her cat design
tried to get varied examples but that covers a lot of the ground when it came to coming up with names. some i tried to be surface-level deep with and others i didnt even approach the beach because i straight up had no idea where to start— hope you got something out of that whole ramble, good luck with your au < 3
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junewild · 2 years
Remembering you posted abt making sweaters and I was curious if you'd share references/ patterns you've liked working up? (knit or crochet are both wonderful)
I made my first lil knit cardigan recently and compulsively went back to making a lap blanket after (slowly learning i need many active projects to rotate thru) and I love your style so anything you can recommend I would be super down for!
Also!! it's been so lovely to see you posting abt new adventures and I know it was a really rough go at the year and a tough summer and it joys me to see things shifting for you! I love you so much :3 regardless do me a flavor and have a great weekend
hellooo my lovely! thanks for the kind words, they made me very happy! <3
i do not crochet except to fix my knitting mistakes, so these are all knit patterns.
the first sweater i ever made (three years ago, now!) was the portside sweater, pattern found here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/portside-2
it is fairly simple, requires relatively few needles, & i could do endless rounds of circular stockinette with my eyes closed in the hallways between class. unfortunately it ended up a little too small on me, so i unravelled it (altho i plan on making another one at some point!) & am now turning the yarn into my second sweater, which is the handsome chris knives out sweater, pattern found for free here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-handsome-chris-pullover
not simple, but requires even fewer needles. & once you've done a few rounds of the pattern, it starts to feel natural. i can do it almost entirely by heart at this point. if you don't mind cable knitting, go for it! i'd recommend drawing out the pattern for the size you're doing in some kind of grid print notebook rather than reading it off the pattern blocks list, though (& if you make a size s, i already have it & can send you pictures!!)! i'm really enjoying this sweater, tbh. doing it in a grey / oatmeal / rust red colorblock in wool. (the grey is from the portside sweater.) it taught me to cable without a cabling needling, which has sped up my favorite mitten & hat patterns immensely. also, when people ask me what i'm making, i get to show it to them & it's impressive as hell. plus it's just a cute as fuck sweater.
after i finish this, i'll be moving on immediately to my third sweater, which is https://knithacker.com/2021/10/the-truth-is-out-there-x-files-fans-i-want-to-believe-that-youll-knit-this-sweater/
i am not even an x-files fan. the third episode dropped me into a psychotic episode & i stopped watching & don't think it's safe for me to resume. but if i don't own this sweater as soon as is physically possible. i will die. i don't even know what color i'm going to make it in yet. probably white -> white with black speckles -> black, because it would look good w the pattern, will look good on me, & i have most of the necessary yarn already.
i'd love to hear about your sweater progress! i'll post pics of mine, too, & tag you in them if you'd like.
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honeybunhalo · 4 years
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Day 22: Isolation (A late submission for DannyMay) (also sad clone hours time)
Y’all remember DannyMay2020. Well seeing as last month was really bad for me in general, I have only managed to post this now. Just trying to keep my brain occupied by something else. 
This page is Dani captured by the GIW. This is just a one off one comic page based on this story idea I had below. Look i know that this is different from the spunky Dani we all know but that's what kidnapping does to yah oops.
Story explanation: I (obviously) recently dove head first back into Danny Phantom stuff and I found a really unfinished script for a fan comic I wanted to make like two years ago tentatively titled The Facility. The premise was generally: the Guys in White find out Danny is Phantom and take him into custody (loosely based on this post). He is left in their care while his friends and family on the outside fight to get him out. The GIW is interested in other half ghosts and how they work. They are able to find Danielle and capture her as well. Both are in isolation but because Danny has people on the outside rallying for his human rights he is granted the regular visits of a psychologist (jazz’s insistence of course). He is also granted limited phone calls and letters. Jazz helped come up with a plan to insist one of their parents should be present at the facility at all times as a parent and scientist while they sort this mess out because damn human testing be fucked up even if they kinda dead tho. Maddie is the one who they choose to send. 
Danny is told there is another half ghost in the facility and after finding out it’s Dani he insists on seeing her. They also have to work to prove Dani should be released which is difficult with lack of paperwork for her proving she’s a real person. Other characters that are at least background characters in this: Sam, Tucker, Jack, Jazz, Valerie
The mood of it would be kind of serious given they are kidnapped children held against their will by a shady government agency. There would be hurt and comfort and some angst with a happy ending. Danny and Dani having a wholesome sibling relationship. Also an excuse for me to draw some angst and wholesome stuff. (remembering how to draw digital art is hard)
I have no idea if Vlad would show up in this or what his purpose to the story would be. I didn’t have much planned past that tho. Just some half cooked concept art. If anyone has any suggestions to boost the story I’m open to listening.
TL:DR; Danny is kidnapped/taken into custody by the GIW after they discover he's a halfa. It’s a reveal and subsequent coping story for those close to him who don’t know (ie his parents and Valerie). Dani is also in custody of GIW. Maddie Fenton plays a large part in trying to get her son and her new daughter out of the holding facility and coping with the revelation. Some angst with a lot hurt comfort and a good ending. Focus on family theme (pseudo found family theme for my clone girl) and trying for an equal amount of character analysis for both Danny and Danielle. 
Also this is separate from my other comic idea just FYI even if this also takes place post D-Stablized and without Phantom Planet.
My shading be off AF because I couldn’t decide how to shade ghosts but I might as well post this. I’m still going through my choices of the visual nature of this anyway.
Also I couldn't decide whether I wanted them in human form or ghost form but here I decided ghost form because why not. Also in human form they wear something like GIW issued prison-scrubs uniforms in the facility. Even if I did draw them in ghost form below. Yah so enjoy this unfinished concept art i drew a while ago (thus the style difference):
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mihai-florescu · 3 years
I think my top 3 haikyuu ships describe my favorite ship dynamics in general:
Sakuatsu -person A finds themselves having to work with person B but eventually it turns out...maybe it's not as bad as they thought. Maybe they do got themselves a lil crush. They'd never admit it out loud because seriously, THAT guy??
Bokuaka -A looks at B like they put the stars in the sky but B wouldn't be able to function without knowing A has their back ("I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me", as Mitski once said.).
Kuroken -childhood friends who have spent their entire past together and never once questioned that they wouldn't spend their futures together as well
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cinanamon · 5 years
The people you meet while volunteering is so strange sometimes...
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fatgummybear · 3 years
Can you do hc for tokoyami, torodoki, bakugo and hawks with reader who has a grey parrot? (I have a rescue grey parrot called echo)
Thanks hon! :)
Tokoyami, Todoroki, Bakugou and Hawks with a s/o who owns a grey parrot:
masterlist + rules
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birds are super smart and mimic our speech patterns allowing them to talk so i dont know what to tell you other than your bird is an emo now
but also the bird sitting on tokoyami’s shoulder and preening him
the first time introducing echo to tokoyami, he started clicking his beak and echo was ovER THE MOON doing the lil happy bird dance and thats how they became best friends   (●´ω`●)
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again, he never really had the pet experience as a kid
so he’s a lil nervous around people’s animals until the animal realises he’s toasty warm and forces him into bonding
the moment echo talks/whistles a song to him he’s sat there like :O !!!
“baby how do they do that”
will start to leave little doodles of echo on his schoolwork
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him not even noticing there was a parrot in the room until he suddenly hears a click click hello !
“what the fuck D:” “its just echo, suki” “hUH”
im not gonna lie he’s the type to teach birds how to swear T^T
youll have to get used to this bird running around yelling DIE at e v e r y t h i n g
its funny watching something so cute do stuff like that though so echo gets away with it:’3
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bonus points if the parrot has the lil red tail cause they’ll match
yall know that never talk to me or my son again meme? let me introduce: hawks and echo
other than you, echo is the only one he allows to help him preen his feathers and you often find them looking after one another<3
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Superman's Dishcloth
A small cute headcannon thats been sitting on my tablet?
Summary: some people use pick up lines to get a womans number, henry uses a crochet lesson.
Warnings: Fluff?
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Your fingers twisted the yarn around the hook automatically looping and pulling untill you made another double crochet stitch that the pattern required.
To be honest you wasnt paying that much attention as you worked your project, which was stupid really because you were making a new pattern, a bobble popcorn style head band.
You couldnt concentrate for two reasons
One. You were on a goddamned plane soaring across the Atlantic ocean. And if things went tits up you cant swim.
And two? You were seated next to none oher then mr henry cavill himself.
Not that you made a thing about it or even dared to look at him.
He he was watching you, eyes frowning as your fingers twisted the yarn into an intricate looking yet fairly simple pattern.
Youhad to stifle a laugh as his fingers twitched tryig to follow the moves and figure out what you were doing.
You growled missing count again. One, two, three three, skip three. A crochet, half double crochet, two double crochet in one stitch then skip three stitches and repeat untill the end.
Normally youd have no problems but your audience was putting you off.
You dropped the project in your lap as you miscounted again and realised you had to undo the last twelve stitches otherwise you'd be a set out on the end.
You closed your eyes grunting before slipping the hook out and began to tug the working yarn slowly before pinching it and slipping the hook into the loop catching it before it all unraveled.
"Why'd you undo it?" You jumped a little as the huge man beside you spoke up after watching you quietly since take off.
"Huh?... oh i misscounted i skipped four instead of three so it'd be out of line on the end and curl round..."
"How'd you know?" He frowned now leaning over even more curious then before.
You chewed your lip trying not to freak out as he peered over your little project.
"Err well i just counted the stiches i had left on the row, see i was up to here and there was five left not six, so i pulled it taught to spot the odd one out" you explained pulling more yarn through so you could point out the stitches to him with the hook.
"It looks complicated, you twist it so many times?" He said as your fingers began moving once more creating the repetitive pattern.
"Yeah... its not too difficult, Im doing a few different stitches is all, once you know a single crochet stitch and a chain stitch your good to go" You muttered with a smile.
"I doubt its that simple" he replied trying to keep up with watching your fingers guiding the hook jthought the piece making the fabric grow.
"It really is, here you see the little v on top?" You said slowing deciding to show him just how simple it was.
"Yeah?" He hummed quietly watching keenly.
"Thats the row before, so you slip your hook under both strands like this and loop your yarn over then pull through under that v so you have one loop on your hook" you said moving slowly and loosened the stitch with a light wiggle so he could see properly.
"Then loop the yarn over again so you have two loops, and pull the second one through the first... and thats a single crochet stitch" You explained showing him slowly.
"So you make lots of tiny loops and pull them through one another and it some how becomes fabric?" He asked fascinated by it, watching as you began to work on the next stitch.
"Yeah pretty much"
"But that one you pulled the wool over before you did anything at all?" You paused impressed he had noticed the slight difference... he had been watchkn that closely?
"So that was a half double, when you do a half double or double you yarn over first, then you just keep yarning over and pulling through until your left with one loop on the hook" you tried explaining as simply as you could.
"... it still sounds hard" he uttered still focusing on your hands that had been creating stitches.
"Honestly its not, i taught myself in about an hour and a half? Here try it? I've got extra yarn in my carry on if you want to give it a go?" You offered and instantly flushed you did not just offer to teach superman how to crochet like a fucking granny!
Before you could take it back and apologise he beamed.
"Really? That would be fun, i've never tried anything like this before" he said eagerly.
"Err yeah sure lemme just get you started, i'll give you a 5 hook... here" you said surprized digging about pulling the small ergonomic crochet hook out and some mustard yellow yarn.
"So you start with a slipknot... and then a few chain stitches" you began guiding him through it slowly teaching him the steps.
"So do you always crochet on long flights?" He asked pokeing his tongue out as he tried concentrating on the stitches he was doing.
"Yeah, im not good with confined spaces... especially confide spaces that are a good few miles in the air over the open ocean" you chuckled nervously chaining a stitch then turning begining your next row.
"Honestly im not either, usually i have kal- my dog but... not this time... this is good though, its helping take my mind off it thank you" he said sincerly.
"Dont mention it"
"Oh... i think ive done it wrong?" He said andnheld it out to you, you prodded it and to be honest you were impressed, it was neat, not a dropped stitch in sight... just a few loose stitches here and there, but he was finding a good tension.
"No, thats not wrong... just your tension thats all it comes with practice" you said handing it back to him.
"Tension?" He said making you pause. Oh yeah, he wouldnt knpw what that is yet.
"Yeah, how tight you hold the yarn and hook determies how tight your stitches are... mines pretty bad, i have to always use a size bigger hook" you expalined simply
"Yep, i do it too tight- even snapped a metal hook in my hand before" you chuckled remebering the way the hook had just... snapped mid project.
"Wow that sounds painfull?" He huffed eeingnyour hand curiously as if expecting you to snap a hook then and there.
"Yeah, i will admit i was frustrated with the project so it probably didnt help" you chuckled sheepishly.
"Frustrated? Was it complicated like that one?" He asked nodding to your growing head band.
"No, i kept loosing count on a pattern of 78 stitches" you said trying to wave it off but in actual fact that project had been murder.
"So what are you making?" He finally asked eyeingnyour work that had grown wider.
"A little headband, and hopefully i will widen it at the ears to keep em warm" you giggled wrapping it around pinchingnthe ends together proudly presenting it to him.
He grinned and looked down at his little square fiddling with it.
"And im making a... mess?" He laughed holding up the uneven square cheeks tinted pink when you giggled again.
"... Dishcloth?" You offered prodding it gently.
"Perfect, im making a dishcloth!" He bellowed nodding proud of his new diy dish cloth.
"I'm henry by the way. But from the way you were shaking in your seat im guessing you knew?" He finally introduced himself holding out a hand.
You smiled shyly and took it shakingnhands trying not to fawn over how huge hot and soft the palm was.
"Yeah... sorry i was nervous and you probably dont want to be bugged. Im y/n" you tried explaining nervously but he chuckled.
"I wouldnt mind being bugged by such a cutie~" he uttered quietly smirking at you tipping his head down a little too make sure you heard him despite his voice being quiet.
"Oh stop it" you flushed quickly looking down at your headband noticing your stitches werent as even as they could have been, but it couldnt be helped you had handsome distraction.
A very distracting handsome distraction.
"Its true. Besides i think it was me bugging you... and i have managed to plunder through your wool" he grinned sheepishly holding up his little dishcloth.
"Its fine, it not expensive, this is left over yarn from other projects" you waved him off. It was true ou had lots of odd ends and half skeins of woll from other projects.
"Well still i appreciate it, i hate flying" he said sincerly.
"Well now you have something to practice. Youll leave the plane with a new skill to stick on your cv" you added with a grin nudging him playfully.
"Indeed... And perhaps i can leave the p,ane with err...maybe your number to? You know to replace the wool and erm swap err instructions?" He said nervously jumbling his words.
You paused and looked at him shocked blinking. Did he just?
You blinked again watching as his face grew red and he chuckled nerously plucking at the woll on his dishcloth.
"Well i suppose every student needs to be able to contact theor teacher~ and these instructions are called patterns" you smiled to him nodding slowly.
"Right right i knew that of course they're patterns" he chuckled grinning ear to ear relived you hadnt turned him down.
"Well we have a good few hours, perhaps a few more lessons for my little student?" You teased picking up the pattern to show him some of the abbreviations. Mostly to try and concentrate on somthing other then the fact superman had just asked for your number... and was taking crochet lessons.
"Of course" he said excited eyes glittering with glee whilst looking at the small page.
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softpatts · 4 years
꒦꒷ִֶָ· . the obey me characters preferred nicknames (as well as their reactions because i cant stay on topic)
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warnings: none !!
fandom: Obey Me!
ᜊʕ っ◞ ˕ ◟c ʔ.. ♡︎ 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠: ayee im,, not dead ^^; im soso sorry for not posting- havent had much motivation to write latley,, as you can probably tell !! so again,, sorry !! but have these,, kinda shitty headcanons ~ !! <3
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- hes really old fashioned with pet names
- will automatically call you "Darling",, no i dont take criticism
- as the relationship progresses hell call you more,, such as sweetheart,, doll,, mine,, pos s i b l y babydoll though im a bit iffy on that one
- hes just a sucker for nicknames like those,, the old sappy ones,, and god the way he says it fits perfectly,, just the slight accent he puts into it is,, mWAH
- as for him,, he doesnt have any preffered nicknames,, but something about the way his name sounds coming out of your mouth
- god he loves it so much
- though besides his name his favorite would probably be darling/my love
- it seems so intimate and he loves how hes the only one you call that,, nobody else
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- weve seen what this man calles MC,, his human,, he likes most nicknames as long as theres "my" in front of it
- though the ones he called you most are stupid,, idiot,, dummy,, you can see the pattern
- while that i s how he expresses his love,, if he sees its bothering you even the slightest bit hell stop right away
- hes pretty rough with affection,, but he wILL call you doll,, no doubt about it
- and the way it soUN D S AAA it sounds so pretty and god its just,, wow
- when it comes to calling HIM nicknames,, he loves being called baby (or baby boy,, but hell never admit to that one)
- no matter how long you two have been together hell get extremely blushy n flustered whenever you call him that,, hell tell you to shut up,, spoiler alert he doesnt want you to
- please keep calling him that he loves it akdhsk
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- hes extremely akward with it at first,, and youll probably have to bring it up first
- i feel like hell call you his "irl waifu" alot,, or hell call you his "henry"
- though in the private of his or your room,, hell call you really sappy names like princess,, baby,, or anything with "my" in front of it,, though he only really calls you baby when youre teasing him
- hell stretch out the "y" n say it in a really whiny voice aA
- the first time he called you princess was one night,, after staying up for days on end,, he finally crashed,, he was close to passing out while leaning against you
- though before he fell asleep you heard him whisper a soft "night princess" AND OH MY GOD AKDHSK
- switching to him now,, he loves it when you call him handsome,, or your prince
- every time itll make his heart soar and hell turn into a fumbling blushy mess,, like mammon he wILL call you stupid,, and tell you to shut up
- theres been many occasions where hes accidentally called you a really cheesy cutsey nickname in front of mammon,, and god he never lets it go
- hell tease levi endlessly,, mocking him in a wierd voice that you assume was supposed to be levis..?
- but no matter how much he gets teased for it,, he loves being called pet names
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-hell definitely call you kitty,,, doesn’t matter where,, in the bedroom,, in front of his brothers,, even in the presence of Lord Diavolo himself
- he thinks it fits !! seeing as he likes cats,,, and likes you even more,, what better than to call you his kitty??
- I feel like he’s also the type of person to call you baby,, but in a really deep n fancy voice,, fancy?? I think that’s right AKDHSK
- but he loves your reactions,, no matter if it’s getting extremely flustered,, or you doing it right back to him !!
- the first time Lucifer heard him call you kitty,, mans spit out his drink- he was,, surprised to say the least??
- after that it just pissed him off,, so aye another reason to keep calling you his kitty !!
- he enjoys any nicknames,, though if you call him master- WOOH lemme just say this man will go feral aA he loves it,, he’ll get flustered if it’s in a public setting though- he’s all for calling you embarrassing nicknames but when you flip it around all of a sudden he’s against it 😞
- (just saying,, thats a lie- he loves it when you call him that in public akdhdk he likes people knowing he’s yours as much as you’re his !!
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-he calls you baby,, precious,, cutie,, all tho s e akdhsk 
- hell do it in a real,y high pitched,, almost baby voice n it’s sweet at first,, but gets annoying when he wONT SHUT UP
- if he knows it annoys you,, no he won’t stop,, he’ll do the opposite in fact,, he’ll do it even more !!
- if you start getting “angry” he’ll drape himself over you n try to kiss you while saying “you know you love meeee” drawing out the e
- when he does that the others swear he drunk,, actually drunk?? no,, love drunk?? yes,, yes very much
- he loves you,, and he’s not gonna stop showing you exactly how much he loves you !!
- now that’s what he calls you,, but ypu calling hIM nicknames ><
- he lOVES LO V E S it when you call him things like "pretty boy" "cutie" "handsome"
- they just make his heart flutter,,, and though he may get those all the time,, them coming from you just makes it an absolute gift
- hell often retort back with one of your nicknames
- "what are ya doing handsome??"
- "nothing really cutie~ i was planning on going to this new salon that opened up though,, would you like to come?"
- something about you calling him nicknames just,, mwah !!
- he also loves when you call his personality pretty,, or compliment his personality/traits,, hes used to compliments about his physical body,, but hi m and what he can actually do makes his heart flutter,, and hed actually get somewhat flustered !!
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- He definitley calls you sth food related,, his creampuff,, dumpling,, honey,, sweetheart,, just really sweet n nice nicknames,,, he loves the way it sounds when he talks to you
- the first time he called you that was in the kitchen,, he had heard satan talking about these things that were common in relationships called "pet names"
- so you walked into the kitchen one night n it was the first thing that came to his mine
- "hey there creampuff,,"
- wh a t
- you had to do a double take,, but,, after a few seconds you answered
- "is something wrong??" please he thought he made you uncomfy,, or satan was wrong,,,
- "no !! i just,,, wansnt expecting that from you"
- hell call you nicknames ALOT
- first thing in the morning,, randomly in the hallway,, just anytime hes able to hell call you nicknames,, its gone to the point where hell rarley call you by your actual name
- he loves it when you call him "my man",, "baby",, "sweetheart",, but his favorite would have to be "my love"
- nicknames with "my" in them make his heart flutter
- the first time you called him a nickname he froze up and got all blushy
- he didnt at all exepect that,, and you sounded so casual??? what???
- he pulled you over you him,, wrapped his arms around you,, and rested his head on top of yours
- he didnt let go for,, quite a while
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- belphie isnt actually one for nicknames,,, he doesnt think it makes any sense,, why should he call you anything other than your name??
- though if you ask,, or it comes up at all that you want him to call you something,, hell do it without hesitation- aksjak
- he calls you sleepyhead. No i dont take criticism- it doesnt matter if you nap as much as him or not hes calling you sleepyhead
- i feel like he also might call you his light,, or his sunshine,, just because of how he met you,,, n how at some points you seem like the only good thing in his life at that moment,,,
- "i love you, my light,, more than i could ever tell you."
- as for you calling him nicknames,, he could really care less,, as long as its from you he loves it
- one of his favorites is "my moon" you just,, came up with it one day,, and he stuck with it,, and its gotten to the point where hell barley answer to his own name,, which can get him in a bit of trouble
- "belphie !! get yer ass up and help me with this !!"
- "belphie."
- "hm? Oh were you saying something?"
- "yes i called your name like a hundred times or somethin !!"
- sometimes he just doesnt answer you when you call him by his name,, and hell wait and stare at you until you until you call him by his nickname
𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑠 🏷️:
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