#young remus Lupin oneshot
hemmingsleclerc · 3 months
Worth it┃sirius black
summary: where Sirius is completely in love with James's sister, but everytime he wants to ask her on a date somehow ends up doing something embarrassing
just sirius being a dumbass in love
・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ⋆・˳ . ⋆ .˳⁺⁎˚ ・˳ . ⋆
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Sirius Black, known for his confident attitude and big ego, became a totally different person when it came to Y/n Potter, James' twin sister. From the moment he first saw her on the Hogwarts Express, he fell in love with her. Her bright eyes, her laughter that echoed through the halls, and her loyalty to her friends captivated Sirius in a way he couldn't explain.
However, every attempt Sirius made to impress her seemed to end in humiliation. Whether it was tripping over his own feet, accidentally dropping a potion in Potions class while he was trying to show off, or simply forgetting his words when she stared at him or smiled, Sirius managed to humiliate himself over and over again and the marauders found endless fun in his failed attempts.
One particularly incident occurred during a Gryffindor Quidditch match. Sirius had been practicing tirelessly, determined to catch Y/n's eye with his skills as a Seeker and impress her (again). As he zoomed across the pitch during the game against Slytherin, he spotted Y/n cheering enthusiastically in the stands. Heart pounding with nerves, Sirius dove towards the Snitch, only to misjudge his speed and crash into a ring, sending the Snitch away to the opposite end of the field. The entire stadium bursted into laughter, including Y/n, who clapped a hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her giggles.
"Nice one, Pad! Maybe next time you'll catch something other than the ground," James joked mercilessly after the match, laughing his head off, slapping Sirius on the back.
Sirius tried to laugh, but inside he felt enormous disappointment and shame. He had wanted with all his might to impress Y/n, to show her that he was more than just a prankster or a reckless troublemaker. But every time he tried, it seemed like he only managed to make a fool of himself.
Despite his repeated failures, Sirius refused to give up, she was worth it and he wasn't going to give up so easily. He found himself casting nervous glances at Y/n during meals in the Great Hall, trying to work up the courage to approach her. However, every time he decided to talk to her, his tongue would get stuck and his palms would sweat. Even simple greetings turned into awkward exchanges in which Sirius would end up stumbling over his words or making some ill-timed joke that fell flat.
One rainy afternoon, Sirius was sitting in his dorm with his friends. Peter and Remus were playing a game of wizard chess nearby while James lay on his bed playing with his snitch, occasionally casting sympathetic glances in Sirius' direction.
"You know, mate," Remus began tentatively, moving a knight on the board, "maybe you should just ask her out straightforwardly. None of this grand gesture stuff. Just be yourself."
Sirius sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I've tried, Moony. Every time I try to talk to her, I end up making a complete fool of myself. She probably thinks I'm an idiot by this point."
James chuckled "Nah, she doesn't think you're an idiot. Just a bit… charmingly clumsy as she told me."
Sirius rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile at his friends' attempts to cheer him up. Deep down, he knew they were right. Maybe he had been going about it all wrong. Perhaps what Y/n needed was not grand gestures or witty banter, but simply honesty.
The next day, Sirius was walking through the black lake, letting his feet walk without any direction, however he realized that he was precisely addressing Y/n who was reading a book in front of the lake. His heart raced as he made his way over, his friends watching with anticipation from a distance.
"Here goes nothing," Sirius muttered under his breath, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves.
As he approached Y/n, she looked up and smiled warmly at him. Sirius felt his legs weak.
''Hey Y/n''
''Hey sirius, what's up?''
''everythings fine, um I wanted to ask you something''
Sirius felt his throat dry and his mind went blank.
''Are you okey sirius? you seem a bit...pale'' Y/n asked doubtfully, standing up and getting closer to Sirius.
''No! I'm good don't worry!'' Sirius was actually planning on pretending to faint, or running away.
''Okey?..Well anyways I also wanted to ask you something''
Sirius was about to open his mouth to let the words out but Y/n interrupted him.
''I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Y/n said smiling ear to ear
Time seemed to stand still for Sirius. His eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Did she just ask him out before he could ask her?
Taken by surprise, Sirius took a step back, his heart racing even more. To his surprise, he tripped on a tree root and fell to the ground with a thud.
Laughter erupted in the distance, echoing through the garden. James, Remus and Peter had been responsible for these as they were almost crying of laughter, unable to contain their amusement at Sirius's latest fall.
Sirius lay on the ground for a moment, his face burning with shame. He stood up as quickly as he could, trying to maintain some semblance of composure and dignity.
Y/n rushed over to him, concern mixing with her laughter. "Oh my god!, are you okay?"
Sirius nodded, his cheeks still flushed. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just… just caught me by surprise, that's all."
Y/n chuckled softly, offering him a hand up. "Sorry about that. I couldn't resist."
Despite the embarrassment, Sirius couldn't help but grin. "No need to apologize. I… I'd love to go to Hogsmeade with you."
Y/n smiled wildly, relief evident in her eyes. "Great! It's a date then."
Sirius felt a wave of relief and excitement. He had managed to get through another embarrassing moment, but this time he had turned out better than he could have imagined.
As they separated, the rest of the marauders approached him, still laughing at him. James patted him on the back, shaking his head in amusement and hugging him by the side and Sirius couldn't help but do a little victory dance.
Despite all his fumbles and embarrassing moments, he knew one thing for certain: Y/n Potter was worth every stumble and every awkward pause.
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ms-snape · 1 month
Matchmaker (Young!remus lupin xHufflepuff!reader)
Request: not a request, requests are opened btw
Summary: Remus finally find the courage to confess to y/n, with a little help from Sirius.
Warning: insecurity, jealous Remus, Sirius being his flirty self, fluff, happy ending,marauders era
Word Count: 1413
The sun dipped low in the sky, casting golden hues across the Hogwarts grounds. As students flocked to the Great Hall for dinner, Remus Lupin lingered near the edge of the lake, a book clutched in his hand but neglected. His gaze was fixed on a figure shimmering in the last rays of sunlight—Y/N, a Hufflepuff with laughter that danced through the air like fireflies on a warm summer night.The other marauders were sprawled near him, their antics echoing while James was animatedly recounting another tale of his latest Quidditch exploits, his hands flailing dramatically.
“—and the Bludger nearly took my head off! Can you believe it?” he exclaimed, eyes sparkling.
Sirius leaned back, a smirk plastered on his face. “You mean it nearly took your ego off. You’re practically invincible, Potter.”
“Hey!” James shot back, tossing a piece of popcorn at him. “You’d be singing a different tune if it had hit me!”
“Oi, Moony!” James' voice broke through his reverie, punctuated by the sound of footsteps crunching on gravel. Remus turned, forcing a smile "Are you listening to us or-"
“Yes, prongs,” he replied, though his eyes flicked back to Y/N.
“Still staring at her like a lovesick pup?” Sirius Black grinned as he joined them, a teasing glint in his eye. “You know, if you keep this up, you might just scare her away.”
“Shut it, Pads,” Remus muttered, a blush creeping up his neck. “It’s not like that.”
“Sure, it’s not,” Peter Pettigrew chimed in, adjusting his hair as he caught up with the group. “You’ve only been watching her for weeks. Just confess already!”
Remus sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s not that simple. She’s… different. Perfect, really. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“Or you’re just scared,” Sirius said, a smirk playing on his lips. “How about this? I'll maybe go talk to her i mean she's pretty good looking. Get a rise out of you. Then you’ll have no choice but to confess.”
Remus shot him a glare. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Watch me,” Sirius said, his smile widening as he strode toward Y/N, who was laughing with her friends near a patch of wildflowers.
“Pads, don’t!” Remus called after him, but it was too late. Sirius was already leaning against a tree, his posture casual but his eyes sharp with mischief.
“Hey, Y/N!” Sirius called, his voice smooth like honey.
Y/N turned, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Sirius! What’s up?”
“Just enjoying the view,” he replied, winking dramatically. “But I think it just got a whole lot better now that you’re here.”
“Ugh, Black,” she laughed, rolling her eyes, but a flush crept into her cheeks. “You’re impossible.”
“Impossible to resist?” he shot back, that trademark grin of his flashing.
Remus clenched his fists, a knot of jealousy tightening in his chest. He glanced at James, who was watching with an amused expression.
“See? This is what happens when you don’t act, Moony,” James said, nudging him with his elbow. “You have to let her know.”
“I can’t just—” Remus started, but the sight of Y/N laughing at something Sirius said made the words stick in his throat.
“Come on, go talk to her,” Peter encouraged, his eyes bright with excitement. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“What’s the worst?” Remus echoed, heart racing. “She could say no.”
“Or she could say yes,” James countered. “And then you won’t be the sad, lovesick werewolf anymore.”
“Those are some high stakes,” Remus muttered under his breath.
“High stakes are what make it fun,” James answere,while sirius was still flirting with Y/N. “I mean, who wouldn’t want to be swooned over by a Black?”
“Just… give me a minute,” Remus said, feeling the weight of the moment. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart.
As he watched, Sirius leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know what? I bet a girl like you would love a midnight stroll around the lake. Just the two of us.”
Y/N giggled, her smile wide but hesitant. “I don’t know, Sirius. What if I get lost? You might just lead me into the Forbidden Forest.”
“Or I could protect you from all the monsters,” he declared, puffing out his chest dramatically. “I’m practically a knight in shining armor.”
Remus felt a surge of frustration. It was now or never. He pushed off the tree he’d been leaning against and strode toward them, each step heavy with determination.
“Y/N!” he called, his voice cutting through the air.
Sirius turned, surprise flickering across his face. Y/N’s eyes widened, and for a moment, Remus thought he saw a flash of delight there.
“Remus!” she exclaimed, her smile growing. “What’s up?”
“Um, I—” he stammered, suddenly aware of the attention of his friends and the curious gazes of nearby students. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”
“Sure!” Y/N glanced at Sirius, who was feigning innocence, and then back at Remus, her expression warm and inviting.
Remus motioned for her to follow him a short distance away, his heart pounding loudly in his chest, drowning out everything else. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the chaos inside him.
“What’s on your mind?” she asked, tilting her head slightly, a playful smile resting on her lips.
“Uh, well, it’s about… Sirius,” he said, feeling the heat rush to his face as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. “I know he can be a bit over the top sometimes.”
Y/N laughed, a melodic sound that made Remus’s heart flutter. “He definitely can be. But he’s harmless.”
“Right, harmless,” Remus echoed, feeling a wave of frustration with himself. “But I—”
“Remus, what is it?” she asked, her tone shifting to something more serious.
He swallowed hard, the weight of his feelings pressing down on him like a leaden cloak. “I don’t want you to think he’s serious about all that. He’s just… well, he’s trying to make me jealous.”
“Jealous?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Why would he do that?”
“Because I—” Remus hesitated, the confession teetering on the edge of his lips. “Because I like you, Y/N. A lot.”
Silence stretched between them, the sounds of the bustling students fading into the background. Y/N’s eyes widened, and for a heartbeat, he thought he might have misread everything.
“You like me?” she whispered, a soft smile breaking across her face.
“Yes,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve liked you for a while now. But I didn’t know how to say it.”
Her smile grew brighter, and suddenly, all the tension in his shoulders melted away. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“Because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,” he said, his heart racing. “And I was scared. Scared you wouldn’t feel the same way.”
“Remus,” she said, stepping closer, her eyes sparkling with warmth. “I like you too.”
He blinked, a rush of disbelief flooding through him. “You have?”
“Of course! You’re kind, smart, and you don’t take yourself too seriously.” She laughed lightly, her voice ringing with sincerity. “And you’re really cute when you’re flustered.”
“Cute?” Remus echoed, his heart soaring.
“Definitely,” she said, her gaze softening. “So, what do you say we make this official?”
“Are you asking me out?” he asked, his voice rising slightly in surprise.
“Maybe I am,” she teased, tilting her head to one side.
Remus grinned, the weight of his insecurities lifting. “Well, in that case, I’d love to go out with you.”
“Perfect!” Y/N exclaimed, her cheer infectious. “How about a walk around the lake tomorrow night?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Remus replied, feeling a warmth spread through him. It was a feeling he hadn’t realized he’d been missing—a sense of hope and excitement.
“Tomorrow night, then?” Y/N asked, her voice soft
“Tomorrow night,” Remus echoed, his heart soaring as he smiled at her, the words feeling like a vow.
Meanwhile, Sirius, having watched the exchange from a distance, turned back to James and Peter with a satisfied smirk. “Well, that went better than I expected. Looks like I’m not needed anymore here after all.”
James chuckled, nudging Sirius playfully. “You’re a right matchmaker, you know that?”
“Just doing my part,” Sirius said, feigning modesty, though his eyes sparkled with mischief.
Peter grinned, shaking his head. “You didn’t even have to try that hard.”
“Maybe I’ll charge them for my services,” Sirius mused, crossing his arms with a smug expression.
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Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is betrothed!
(145 words.)
Remus notices the nickname evolution. The stupid words Sirius attaches to Remus that make the boy smile and roll his eyes, pretending there isn't a blush spreading across his cheeks.
"Moony, my moonshine, want to go to Hogsmeade?"
"Rem, darling, when's the potions test?"
"Remus, my beloved, my one and only, what's the name of that muggle device again? The one that spins and heats stuff up?"
"Moons, my complete and utter ray of light, could I borrow a book?"
Until one day it changes.
"Moony, my betrothed..."
Remus snorts a laugh, eyes still on his food.
"We're not exactly engaged, love, you'd have to ask first-" He glances up and freezes. Sirius is on one knee in front of him, a soft, nervous smile on his face, holding out a blue velvet ring box.
"Okay, sorry, I'll try that again. Moony, my soon-to-be betrothed?"
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writerdreamerwhatever · 2 months
If I can have the pleasure of making the first request...🫣 Can you do something with young Remus Lupin? Maybe something really silly and sweet, like, he and the reader are in a secret relationship (kind of to avoid the commotion that James and Sirius would make about the fact that he's dating at all) and somehow he ends up with a face full of faint lipgloss kiss marks, which not even the reader realizes about, until the other marauders notice and discover their secret. Maybe the reader will even join in and tease Remus with them a little?
Sorry if the idea is bad, pls don't feel obligated to do it. I'm really not good at this kind of thing...
Have a good day anyways ☺️
Kisses ~ Young Remus Lupin
“Remus, you’re limping! Please let me help you.” I whisper-yelled at Remus, walking through the corridors.
“I can do it.” He grunts, still in pain from yesterday’s full moon.
“Well, at least let me tend to your injuries!” Remus looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll do it myself.” He said, shaking his head, “I don’t want to be a burden.” He muttered under his breath.
I stopped him dead in his tracks
“A burden? Are you serious?” At that, Remus smirked
“No, Sirius is at the library waiting for us with James. We can’t be anymore late!” He replied quickly, resuming his walk towards the library.
“Sirius and James can wait. Remus, please, at least go to Madame Pomfrey so she can help. I really hate seeing you like that.” It really pained me seeing him in this hurt state.
Remus sighed and clutched his bag tighter.
“Fine, but come with me.”
“You’ll take this right when you wake up and before you go to sleep for the next three days.” Instructed Pomfrey, giving Remus a vial containing a purple potion, “It should help restore your energy back.” With that, she left, going to aid another student.
“Are you happy now?” He asked me, smiling.
“I’m more than happy.” I leaned down, since he was sitting on one of the beds, and kissed him once on the lips.
Looking at him, I chuckled under my breath at the sight of a lipstick mark on his mouth. I decided to kiss him once again the cheek, leaving another mark. Opting against wiping it off, I thought he’d like a little teasing from his friends.
“Let’s go. We can’t make the boys wait any longer.” I grabbed his hand and made our way through the corridors and to the library.
Before entering, I released Remus’ hand, since the boys didn’t know about our relationship. Yet.
At the sight of us, James and Sirius perked up. But once we got closer, they noticed Remus’ face and started laughing. I knew exactly why.
“Hey guys.” Remus said, sitting down opposite them, taking out a book from his bag opening it, ready to study.
I plopped down next to him, and a chorus of hushed exclamations was heard.
“Do you know that red suits you well, Moony?”
“Had a lover and never told us, you traitor.”
Remus quickly lifted his head up, confused.
“What? What are you talking about?”
Sirius and James could only laugh at Remus’ face.
“W-What is it?!” Remus exclaimed looking at me, while I only shrugged, a slight smirk resting on my face.
He could only conjure a small mirror to look at himself. Once noticing, the realization of why they were laughing quickly downed on him.
“Wow, Remus, when were you going to tell us you had a girlfriend?” I asked, deciding to join the teasing, while the other two were dying of laughter.
Remus glared at me, but couldn’t help the smile that was appearing on his face.
“So? Who is it?” Sirius asked, still giggling a bit, nudging James with his elbow.
I leaned my head on my fist and looked at Remus, smiling sweetly. He sighed and glanced at me, chuckling before answering.
“You’d be dumb if you didn’t know who.”
I'm sorry I took too long to write this, but here it is! i hope you like it <3
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sp1rit-realm · 4 months
༻¨*:· 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 remus is used to the same day, and then you come into his life.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 please give me some grace. i havent written a full on fic in... a hot second 𖦹 record shop owner!remus x fem!reader (she/her prns) 𖦹 sirius uses he/they prns 𖦹 also. reader moves to england so she doesnt have british accent. yeah. 𖦹 lily evans being the best 𖦹 FLUFF (everyone cheered!) 𖦹 [brief] ANGST (everyone cried!) 𖦹 not proofread
༻¨*:· words ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 2.7k
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Routine—a very familiar word to Remus. His days were the same. Wake up, go to work, go home, shower, then sleep. He ate the same thing for breakfast and the same thing for lunch. Dinner was the only thing he frequently changed—maybe one day, he would have pasta, and the next, he would have chicken. He hung out with friends on Saturday, and they went to the same pub every time. The topics were usually the same. Sirius met someone new, someone they claimed to be "The One," only for that person to leave their life. James usually talked about training, Lily, and updates on her pregnancy. Since school ended, things had become... predictable.
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You walked into the rickety old record shop, intent on finding your favorite album. It broke on the move to the UK, and you needed it desperately. 
Upon hearing the bell ring, Remus looked up. It was part of his routine—to see who had entered his shop—and there you stood, tote bag in hand with messy, windblown hair.
After searching through the Rock section for ages, you practically squeal when you see the album.
Remus looks up as you walk to the counter, "Hi." 
"Hi," You smile. Your accent throws Remus off, and he smiles. 
He looks at the record, then puts it down, "We have this in a white vinyl," He says, "I— I didn't mark it as colored, so you probably didn't see it. I can go grab it for you?"
You eagerly nod, "That would be fantastic!"
He stands, and you realize how tall he is—it's like he's towering over you.
A moment later, he returns with the other record, "They're hard to come by," He scrawls something on the record sheet, then rings up the album.
You thank him and pay, leaving him to wonder if you'll be back.
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The next time you see him, he's with a pretty girl. She's got bleached blonde hair and a cute button nose. She's beautiful. Of course, you recognize the tall man—how could you not? He and the girl make their way to the counter; they both order.
"For Remus," A woman calls out. 
Remus—that's his name.
Remus steals glances at you the entire time he's at the coffee shop.
"Who's that?" Marlene asks with a coy smirk.
"I don't know. Came into the shop a couple of weeks ago."
"Oh, so you have a little crush." Marlene is full-on smirking now.
Remus goes red, "What? No." He shakes his head, "No," He repeats, trying to reassure himself that he doesn't have feelings for you.
"Sure," Marlene mutters, taking a sip of her drink.
Remus rolls his eyes.
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About a month passes by until you see one another again. You walk into the shop. Remus looks up when the bell rings, and he smiles.
Sirius is there today, and they go up to you.
"What're you looking for?" 
You answer, and he leads you to the section as if you don't know the alphabet. He doesn't mean it that way, you know that. 
Still, you tease them about it, and their face goes stark red, "Sorry. I just— Sometimes record shops can be confusing in how they order things. Like, when it goes from 'C' to 'D,' does the 'D' section continue on the other side, or does it continue straight across? You know?" 
"I'm kidding around," You smile, "I've been here before. Granted, it was just once, but I know how it works. Thank you, though."
"But of course," Sirius curtsies, "Anything for you..."
"Y/n," You introduce yourself.
"I'm Sirius. Like the star," He clarifies, "Like, that's my name. S-i-r-i-u-s," They spell out.
You giggle, "Nice to meet you, Sirius."
"Nice to meet you. I love your silly accent, by the way."
"You're the one with the silly accent," You shoot back.
"Not when my accent is outnumbering yours."
You tilt your head and hum, "Strangely, I understand what you mean."
"It'd be concerning if you didn't."
"Do you frequent this shop a lot?" You ask, flipping through albums.
"My friend is the owner." Sirius shrugs.
You perk up, "Remus?"
Sirius quirks their brow, "You know him?"
You get hot, "No."
He narrows his eyes, "So, how do you know his name is Remus?"
"Well," You whisper, "I came in a while ago. He was really nice when I checked out. Then, a couple of weeks later, I saw him at a coffee shop, and they said his name when his drink was ready."
"You're a creep," Sirius raises his eyebrows.
"No!" You argue.
"Such a creep." Sirius begins walking away; you rush to follow him, "I'm telling him." He says.
You begin to panic, "Wait! No!" 
Sirius keeps walking to the front.
"Sirius," You whine, "Stop!"
You silently will him to stop.
"Remus!" Sirius calls again.
"Lovely lady over here has something to tell you," He smirks.
If looks could kill, Sirius would be six feet under.
"I just– um–" You sputter out, "I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the record last time I was here."
You swear he blushes, but you don't want to look to find out.
"It was no problem," He smiles, "Maybe I could give you a call if any of their other records come in?"
Sirius smirks from the sidelines.
"Um..." It takes a moment to process, "Sure." You nod assertively, "Yeah. I would love that!"
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Remus's world has turned upside down—you keep him on his toes. He stays up because, maybe, you'll call tonight. You eat lunch with him sometimes, and gone are the days when he eats the same thing every day. Gone are the days when he closes up shop at 7:00. Gone is routine.
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"Do you want to have dinner tonight?" You ask, wrapping the cord around your finger.
"I'm actually going out," Remus responds. You frown, and your imagination runs wild. What if he's going on a date?
"Hello?" He asks, and you realize you've blocked him out.
"Huh? Sorry?"
"I asked if you wanted to come with me. You can meet my mates. If you want." He spits out. Saying it once is nerve-wracking enough; saying it twice is terrifying because what if you say no? What if you don't want to meet his friends? What if–
"I'd love to!" You cut his frantic thoughts off, and his heart swells.
"Really?" He asks.
"Of course!"
So, now, you're standing in front of a random pub, wondering if he's pranking you. It's been about five minutes, and you know that's not a long time to wait, but your anxiety is getting the better of you. 
Then, five turns to fifteen, and you're wondering how pathetic you look.
Your head whips to the door, "Sirius? When'd you get here?"
Sirius checks their wrist like they're checking a watch, "'Bout half an hour ago. Did the dimwit not tell you to meet us inside?"
You shake your head, "He said to meet him at the bar. So, I guess he didn't quite specify." You shrug.
"Well, come on in," He holds the door open for you.
You thank Sirius and look around for Remus. He's not hard to spot, and Sirius jogs over to their booth before whispering something into Remus's ear. He looks up and smiles brightly.
"You're here!" He exclaims.
"You're here." You say, tone almost scolding him. 
Sirius whispers something else to him.
His face drops, "Oh... sorry for not telling you to meet us inside." His mouth quirks to one side in a guilty expression.
You smile, "It's okay. I forgive you." You sit next to him.
"Oh, thank god," He rests his hand on his chest, "A pretty girl being mad at me would've been my death."
Heat blossoms in your chest.
"So..." James begins, "Now that flirt time is over, can I say hello?"
"Ha!" Sirius barks out, "Flirt time!"
Remus gets warm, "This is James, another one of my school friends. James, this is y/n."
All James says is: "You're his lock screen, y'know?"
Remus kicks him under the table.
"I mean–" James smiles, "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I have never seen your face before."
"Smooth," Sirius whispers to James.
You smile at Remus's red face.
"Ignore him, please?" He begs.
You nod.
Sirius and James tell you embarrassing stories about Remus for the rest of the night, and the boy starts to regret introducing you to them as a pair.
 At the end of the night, he drops you off. 
Rubbing his face, he sighs, "I hope they weren't too much."
You smile brightly, and Remus feels like he could fall to his knees, "I had an amazing time. They're really fun, Remus."
You leave him with a kiss on the cheek—he puts his hand up to the spot and smiles the whole way home.
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"I've missed you," You say into the phone.
"I've missed you, too. You should just let me come over." Remus begs for the umpteenth time.
"I don't want to get you sick," You frown, "That would be horrible."
"It wouldn't be the end of the world. We could quarantine together," He smirks, "I could make you soup, and we could cuddle together on the couch and watch some ridiculous rom-com."
"Take a girl out on a date first!" You joke.
"I would if you weren't so busy being poorly." Remus groans.
"So you're asking me out on a date?" You smile and do a little happy dance.
"I guess I am."
He's smug, and you can tell.
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A week later, you sit in a fancy restaurant—the kind where the prices aren't even on the menu. Remus is fidgety. He's wearing his nicest button-down, and you think it looks funny on him. He gets red at your comment and looks down at the table with pursed lips.
"I just meant that I'm so used to you wearing those comfy sweaters. You look good, though." You earnestly smile at him.
"You look nice tonight, yourself."
"Well, I'm going on a date with this charming boy. I wanted to impress him."
"I hear he's very impressed."
You insist on paying, but he won't let you. As soon as you pull out your wallet, he snatches it from you.
He kisses you before leaving you at your car, and you don't want it to stop. It's soft and tender, and it's everything you hoped it would be. 
One date turns to two, which turns to five, and now you're anxiously pacing in your flat. You're dating Remus; you have been for a few months, and you're not sure when it's an appropriate time to ask the question, but you'll ask tonight. Except Remus doesn't come. He doesn't call, either. 
After an hour of worrying, you call Sirius.
"Hello?" He answers—it's obvious he's high.
"Hi. Do you know where Remus is?"
Sirius laughs, "Right here."
"Can I talk to him?"
You hear rustling as Sirius passes the phone.
"Remus," You whine.
"Hey there. What's going on?" He's calm—too calm. He's also high.
"You were supposed to come over tonight." You frown—it's a fruitless effort. He can't see you.
"Shit. 'M sorry, baby," He frowns, too. You can hear it.
"'S okay. I was just really looking forward to seeing you." You dramatically slide down your wall into a crouching position.
"I'd come over, but, y'know," He wanders off.
"You're so high you can barely walk?" You offer.
He takes it, "Yes."
"It's alright," You sigh, and Remus feels terrible, "Promise you'll come over tomorrow?"
"Promise," He answers.
But then tomorrow comes, and Remus has yet to show up. So you dial his number, but he doesn't pick up. An hour passes until your phone rings, and you're anxious and giddy and hopeful as you pick it up.
"Sorry." Remus's voice is gruff, and you can hear the guilt in his tone.
"It's okay. You can still come over. It's not too late."
"No," He sighs, "I'm sorry, but I can't... I have to break up with you."
Your face drops with your stomach, "What?"
"I can't be with you. I'm— I'm sorry."
"No!" Tears blur your vision, "You can't just tell me we're over. Explain yourself!"
"I just can't do it anymore. It's too hard."
You choke out a sob, "What's too hard? Loving me?"
"No," He sighs, and he sounds tired, oh so tired, "I'm incapable of giving you what you need."
"And who gets to say what I need?"
"Y/n, for your sake, I'm ending this. I can't provide for you in the way you'll need me to."
"Remus," You sigh, "I don't understand. What do you mean you 'can't provide' for me?"
"I can't emotionally be there for you. I'm sorry." 
And as you hear the dial tone, you let your sobs out.
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You feel empty. Your only friends are Remus's; now you feel like you can't talk to them. 
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"You're daft," Sirius scolds, "Y/n was lovely, and you break up with her over the phone?!"
Remus hangs his head in shame, "Yeah, I did."
Then Remus looked up and was met with one of his worst fears. He'd been on Lily Evans's bad side more than once, but never like this. He'd only seen this stare a handful of times, but not once was it directed at him, until now.
She marches over to the booth, never breaking her stare, leans close to Remus, and slaps him, "You twat!" 
He doesn't know what to say, so he holds his cheek and waits for her to continue.
"You hurt an exceptionally lovely girl for what?! Because you're insecure? Because it was too scary to feel loved so deeply? That girl gave you her all, Remus! And this is how you treat her?" Lily's face is red at the end of her rant, and Sirius tries to hold in their snickers.
Lily narrows her eyes at Remus, "I can read you like a book, Remus Lupin. I know what's going on in that magnificently stupid head of yours! Go apologize to her!"
"I can't," He murmurs, "I've already ruined it."
She rolls her eyes, "You won't know unless you try, and not knowing will eat at you, and you will die confused, sad, and alone."
"She has a point," Sirius agrees, "I mean... we all know you'll just mope around until we push you to talk to her, but by then, it'll be too late. She will have found somebody, and they'll get married, and you'll just be that bloke from when she moved here. Go talk to her."
"What do I say?"
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It's almost midnight when a knocking at your door wakes you. Groaning, you get out of bed and make your way to the door.
You undo the bottom lock, keeping the chain in place.
"Yes?" You peek through the crack, surprised to see Remus holding flowers on the other side.
"I'm sorry."
He thinks he's surely blown it when you close the door, but he hears the chain clanking as you fully unlock it.
"What are you doing here?"
Remus wants to cry at the sight of you. Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, with red tracing your waterline.
"I—" He has a whole script planned out but seems to have forgotten every word, "I have flowers," He settles on.
"For me?"
He nods.
"What are you doing here?" You ask again, taking the flowers.
"I'm here to apologize. I was a dick the other day."
You tilt your head, "You mean the other day when you broke up with me?"
Remus almost doesn't catch the sarcasm, "I'm sorry. I get so caught up in my head—"
You turn from him, "Come in," You mutter as you walk into your kitchen.
He closes the door behind him and toes his shoes off, "I get scared when I let somebody get too close."
"Yes, please."
He watches as you move around your kitchen, grabbing cups and boiling the water. He's missed you.
"Why let me get close at all, then?"
"Because I like you."
You turn and look at him, "Do you, now?"
Remus sighs, "Look, I fucked up, I know that. Do you think we can try again?"
You walk over to him, "You said you can't give me what I need. What does that mean, Remus?"
"I'm unfit to be with somebody."
"I don't think so. You were wonderful the past three months. So wonderful that I think, if you work on yourself, we can give this another go."
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, leaning in.
"I look terrible," You laugh.
"No," He rests his forehead against yours, "You're always beautiful."
"Kiss me." 
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hi guys sorry if this is bad😇😇
my lovely mutuals <33 @sepptember @violetteshoneybee @ay0nha @maroon-winestain @prongsio @imabee-oralizard @storyofaromance @queerpumpkinnn @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @zvdvdlvr @reysdriver @g1rld1ary @starsval @vampieteeth @maddipoof @bruisedboys @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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futurecorps3 · 1 year
imagine no war!!! remus after hogwarts decides to go to university, meets a muggle and falls head over heels but doesn't think he's good enough for her (w his condition on top of being a wizard and poor) but he brings her to meet the marauders anyway because they keep asking to meet the person he won't shut up about, maybe harry's birthday or just a pub outing or whatever??? he's nervous she'll fancy sirius but it's quite clear to everyone the second they meet that she clearly only has heart eyes for remus and the gang are like are you insane she's CLEARLY smitten with you and it literally takes everyone he knows to point it out for him to think he might even have a chance but is still floored when she's like "remus, i adore you, i've adored you from the moment we met" bc goddammit he deserves to be loved like that!!!
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Summary: The request sums it up, read it hoe Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader Warnings: Alcohol consumption and that's all I can think abt hehe Word Count: 4.5K (i'm sorry) Requested: Yes
A/N: I'm absolutely sobbing. This is so cute!!! I'm using the Reggie was a spy for the order wild card and roll with that. Tysm for this awesome idea, nonnie! And sorry it took so long.
Remus knew magic existed, the type of magic that opens doors, gives you luck or disarms someone. But until he met her, he didn't know there was a type of magic that could be contained in someone's eyes, someone's smile, or even in that little quirk she had of squinting every time she focused.
Y/N Y/L/N. Even her name felt like the sweetest honey when it rolled off your tongue and into the air, he figured. She was a new kind of magic and Remus was hooked from the get go. They had met on a rather peculiar set of circumstances. When Moony first got to college, he had no friends or anyone nearby to help him cope with the abrupt transition. The boys visited as much as they could, but it'd be for about an hour or two before they had to go back to the ministry.
So, as he did when he arrived at Hogwarts, Remus found solace in reading and taking his wolfsbane at appropriate times. He was doing a classics mayor and reading the Plato classics was a convenient way to kill time while doing something productive. The boy spent hours in the library, sitting on the couches or getting some annotations done on the desks; he'd be done with the school's classics collection before the semester was over if he kept that pace.
He would have if he hadn't found those notes. Remus first noticed them in a worn copy of a compilation from a specific period of Plato's scripts, the third page in Philebus. "Socrates is being very reductive. I don't like it. Out of character, I do declare" written in red ink, cursive letters delicate in the ripped white paper.
He giggled at that, his thoughts exactly. Moony picked the piece of paper and examined it to see if it had any indications of who might've written it, but he found nothing. He only knew that the person who wrote it had a ruined red pen; the stains of ink sitting messily on the opposite side of the annotation. Remus was a sucker for mystery stories and he viewed this as an opportunity of having one of his own!
A short-lived one, since he cracked the case when a pretty girl on his history of philosophy class asked around for a red pen. Remus frantically but quietly rummaged through his satchel and found one just in time.
He rushed to her, offering it out “Here” he smiled, looking down at her as she looked up at him. “Thanks… Remus isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure. Y/N Y/L/N”. Y/N introduced herself, offering her hand out. Stained in red. The boy stared shocked at the realization this was the person he’d been looking for.
“Oh shit m’sorry, it looks like I committed a murder or something. My pen started leaking yesterday while I was studying in the library” She laughed and Remus swore he’d faint if he hadn’t gripped her hand. “Actually…” Remus started, searching in his pocket for the piece of paper he kept, when he finally found it, he showed it to her and a smile broke on those pretty lips.
“…I hope you don’t mind! I-I kept it. Been looking for you, it made me laugh” He admitted, handing it to her “You found me then! And, you’re very much welcome to keep it, Remus” Y/N grinned and Remus mirrored her expression sweetly. They met for coffee the next day. The day after that, they studied together. And the week after, they shared lunch.
About two months after they talked for the first time, they had gone on a date every single week. From museum outings to walks around campus if one of them didn't have much time. They also sat together in philosophy and, turns out, literature (which they realized they shared after).
Y/N gifted him a cool rock once, and he kissed her.
He kept the rock in his pocket ever since.
"Come on, mate, you gotta tell us who she is!" James exclaimed, his excitement palpable as he repeatedly patted the worn wooden bar in the cozy pub they had agreed to meet at. Remus chuckled and shook his head, a fond smile dancing on his lips as he took another sip of his whiskey.
"You've been talking non-stop about her since you two met! The last three times we've seen each other, it's been Y/N this, Y/N that. We've gotta meet the missus," Sirius playfully teased, giving Remus a light shove with his shoulder.
Rolling his eyes playfully, Remus glanced at his friends, grateful for their persistent curiosity but also hesitant to share too much. "Oh, Pads, don't call her that! We're not even official yet, and I doubt we'll ever be. She'll find someone, alright, but I'm just good old Remus," he replied, a hint of wistfulness shadowing his gaze.
It was true; good old Remus had learned how to stop caring about what other people thought of him, but that didn't mean he was entirely confident about who he was.
Navigating the Muggle world presented its own set of challenges for Remus. He knew that at some point, he would have to confront the whole "Hey, I'm a wizard, and there's this whole other world you don't know about, hope you don't mind!" situation with Y/N.
Then there were the lingering money issues that weighed on his mind. College was not cheap, but he had managed to secure a decent scholarship, which alleviated some of the burden. He hoped Y/N wouldn't care about his financial situation. And, of course, there was the delicate matter of revealing his true nature as a literal werewolf. How would she react when she found out?
He was good old Remus: poor Remus, monster Remus, scarred Remus, wizard Remus. If he were honest with himself, he was surprised they had made it past the first day, considering he had stupidly worn a short-sleeved t-shirt without anything to conceal the telltale signs of his condition.
But she noticed the perceptive and kind-hearted soul that she was, and she chose not to mention it. In that moment, Remus couldn't help but imagine the possibilities, but he also knew that reality had a way of reminding him of his limitations. Moony knew he would never be able to claim her as his own. Not in this lifetime, not in the next.
For now, he chose to cherish the moments they shared, basking in her laughter and marveling at the way her hair defied gravity with its radiant beauty. She was his bit of magic in a world that often seemed devoid of it. Deep down, however, he couldn't shake the nagging certainty that good things didn't last for boys like him—boys with tragedy coursing through their veins.
"Yeah, no. We're not doing this shit again," Sirius declared, shaking his head in disagreement. Remus's best friends had grown accustomed to his self-deprecating tendencies and were determined to lift his spirits. Remus might have been a mysterious figure to some, but to the Marauders, he was an open book, their brother.
"That's why she likes you, mate. You're good old amazing, lovely, smart, hot Remus!" James proclaimed with a boisterous cheer, pulling Remus into a tight embrace. "Tell you what, bring her to Harry's birthday party this weekend! I'm sure Lily won't mind," he suggested, his mischievous grin widening. Sirius enthusiastically chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Just ask her first and let me know, okay? I don't want Harry to have a bad time becaus-"
"Oh, Moons, the party is more for us than for him! He'll be out like a light by eight, and we'll get wasted like we always do," Prongs interjected, his infectious laughter filling the air, causing Remus to join in, his worries momentarily forgotten in the camaraderie of his friends.
There was no way out of this one, not that he sought an escape. Remus couldn't blame his best friends for their eagerness to meet Y/N. They knew him better than anyone, and they could see the spark of happiness she had ignited within him. Moony did little to hide his excitement, his heart fluttering with the hope that maybe, just maybe, things would work out.
Now, he just needed Lily's approval so he could gather the courage to ask the girl who had captivated his heart to accompany him to the birthday celebration—a step that held the promise of a new chapter in his life, one filled with both joy and uncertainty
Remus nervously fiddled with the corner of his book, stealing glances at Y/N across the library. The soft rays of afternoon sunlight filtered through the stained glass windows, casting a warm, golden glow on the rows of ancient tomes and the elegant wooden shelves that lined the room. But in that moment, all Remus could see was Y/N, a radiant presence amidst the tranquil surroundings.
Summoning his courage, Remus took a deep breath and approached her table. The scent of old parchment mingled with the delicate fragrance of her perfume, creating an intoxicating blend that filled his senses. As he neared, he couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled with intelligence and curiosity as she immersed herself in the world of words. Her hair cascaded down in gentle waves, its hue reminiscent of auburn leaves in autumn, and he found himself captivated by the way it framed her face, enhancing her natural beauty.
"Hey, love," Remus greeted her with a warm smile, trying his best to appear at ease. "Mind if I join you for a moment?"
Y/N looked up, a surprised yet welcoming expression crossing her features. Her eyes met Remus's, and a playful glimmer danced within their depths. She gestured to the seat across from her, her voice laced with gentle humor. "Well, if you insist. But only if you promise not to distract me from my riveting studies."
Remus chuckled, grateful for her light-hearted response. He took the offered seat, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I'll do my best to behave, I promise," he replied, a twinkle in his own eyes. "But I do have something on my mind that I wanted to ask you."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. Her curiosity piqued. "Oh, really? Well, go on then. I'm all ears."
"There's a little someone's birthday coming up this weekend," Remus began, his voice filled with playful anticipation. "Harry, James' adorable son, is turning two years old. And, well, I was wondering if you'd like to come with me to the party."
Y/N's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight, her smile contagious. "Are you asking me to crash a toddler's birthday party? That sounds like a dangerous proposition," she teased, her tone lighthearted.
Remus laughed, his nerves easing with every moment of their easy banter. "Well, I can promise you that the party will be more entertaining than dangerous," he quipped, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "There'll be cake, balloons, and probably a fair amount of chaos. It's a chance to embrace your inner child if you want to look at it that way."
Y/N pretended to consider it, her finger tapping against her chin. "Hmm, cake, balloons, and chaos? You make a compelling case," she replied, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "How can I resist? Count me in, darling. I'd love to celebrate with you and your mates."
Remus couldn't contain his happiness, his relief flooding through him like a warm wave. "Brilliant!" he exclaimed, a genuine excitement coloring his voice. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone, t-they insisted I brought the girl I don't shut up about to the party"
Y/N smiled at that, holding Remus's hand over the table. "So you've talked to your friends about me?" "Oh shut it" He smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. Right before those grey clouds of self deprecation repeating "this won't last" and "enjoy it before she realizes what you truly are" clouded his mind.
He shoved the thoughts away, holding to Y/N's smile against his lips as if it was an anchor saving him from drowning.
Bad idea. Bad idea. Bad idea.
He really did try to plan it all neatly. From what he'd wear to how he'd introduced her to his friends. Remus even asked them to keep the magic discreet since it was all too soon for that conversation, but for fuck's sake; it all got thrown out the window when he saw her in low waisted flared pants and his Bowie shirt. "H-hey!" He smiled, almost yelling, but she just laughed at his enthusiasm.
"Hi Rem," she sighed, leaving a kiss on the corner of his lips which she left lingering a bit too long. "Ready?" "As I'll ever be!". As Y/N and Remus walked hand in hand, the excitement in the air was palpable. However, beneath her playful demeanor, Y/N couldn't shake the nerves that fluttered in her stomach. Meeting Remus's best friends felt like stepping into a new world, and the fear of not fitting in or being accepted gnawed at her.
She stole a quick glance at Remus, hoping he wouldn't notice the physical manifestations of her anxiety. The last thing she wanted was to burden him with her own inner turmoil. But even as she tried to compose herself, her voice wavered slightly as she spoke.
"Remus, I can't deny that I'm feeling a bit... off," she admitted, her words stumbling over her nervousness. "My heart feels like it's racing a marathon, and there's this knot in my stomach that just won't loosen. I hope it's not too obvious." Remus turned his head towards her, a reassuring smile playing on his lips. His eyes sparkled with warmth and understanding.
"Hey, I get it," he said, his tone comforting. "Meeting new people can be nerve-wracking, and our bodies have interesting ways of letting us know. But you know what? You're doing great, sweetheart, and I'm here with you. We'll take it one step at a time, and I promise we'll have a good time together. So, let's embrace the adventure, nerves and all, and see what the night has in store for us, okay?"
Y/N nodded thankfully, the knot loosening up a little. “Thanks baby”. The world stopped in Remus’ perspective at the pet name but he just nodded and kissed her cheek. He helped. He was a warm blanket after a long day even when moments like those weren’t happening. Comfort.
They eventually got to James’ place; the loud music coming from the two floor house making Y/N feel even more at ease. It radiated a warm, welcoming energy even before stepping in. Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
“Deep breath”. They both took a breath before approaching the door and knocking, the wine Remus’ plus one brought close to breaking with the force she was holding it with. A bright smile opened the door, hugging Remus immediately. “You have no idea how happy I am you’re here Moony”.
Y/N smiled sweetly at the nickname the boy had for his best mate. She didn’t know where it came from but James seemed to be the sun reflecting on the moon. On Moony. The girl knew Remus’ light was enough to outshine the sun itself, but the comparison seemed cute.
“You must be Y/N! He can’t shut up about you. Can I hug you? It’s okay if not, Sirius says I need to ask before hugging people but I just love it so much I cannot help myself” He rambled, making her giggle as she uttered a small ‘It’s okay’ and hugged the boy. She noticed Remus staring and just winked at him. “Is that cake I smell?” Y/N grinned, peeking inside before James stepped aside to let them both in.
“Yes, come inside! My wife, Lily, has just finished baking her chocolate cake recipe. It’s bloody brilliant! Harry’s favorite in his short lived culinary experience. You gotta meet him too!” Moony stayed behind, cherishing the way James’ warm welcome made Y/N feel a little more comfortable; her shoulders relaxed as well as her grip on the wine bottle.
He stepped in, hanging his coat on the rack he helped Lily choose when his best friends bought the house. Rapid steps came running down the stairs, and before he turned around, the smell of cigarettes and leather filled his nostrils. “Hello Pads” he smirked, hugging his friend tightly.
“Hey Moons! Did the missus come?” “Yes, she’s outside with James and Lily-“. He was cut short when his best friend, (his eyeliner wearing, muscled, rocker, tattooed, charming best friend) ran all the way into the garden to greet the girl. He was head over heels over.
A new feeling settled into his chest. An unpleasant one. Sirius was a dream. Remus was just good old Remus. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He sighed heavily, ran a hand through his hair, and then covered his mouth. Y/N was not one to be too forward, but the way Sirius looked and acted could easily make her reconsider.
It got worse when he heard her loud laugh coming from the garden, followed by a chuckle that unmistakably came from Sirius. His best friend would never do it on purpose, but then again, his charm was never used on purpose. It just sort of happened. Remus sighed and walked outside to find the girl saying hi to Harry.
The toddler had his tiny hand wrapped around the girl's fingers, babbling incoherencies, as Y/N had a full conversation with him. "Are you sure?" she asked and Harry answered nonsense as the girl nodded back. She looked up at Remus coming through the sliding door. "Remus, he's the cutest thing I've ever seen!".
He laughed and walked over to her. The girl immediately wrapped her hands around his arm and hugged him tightly. James winked at Moony and went inside as the conversation ensued, Sirius teasing Remus about the girl he "brought home".
Soon, Y/N was well adapted to their friend's sense of humour and was joking around with Lily about how dumb they could all be. Despite Y/N's worries, it all went by smoothly. The one he got along with the most was James; he loved asking questions, and she loved answering them.
Remus had always loved her laugh; Seeing his best friends being the cause of it made it even better. "I'm telling you, he's insane!" Sirius laughed, bouncing his leg up and down as Harry sat on his lap giggling. "He's an absolute sweetheart" Y/N answered, kissing Remus' cheek as his best friends tried putting dirt (rightfully deserved dirt) on his name.
"Wait until you know him just a tiny bit better. You'll get to see his menacing self... got us in a shit ton of trouble back in school" James chuckled, making Remus roll his eyes and trying to divert her attention by asking if she wanted a bit more cake.
During their evening, Y/N kept a tight grasp on Remus’ hand while smiling at his friend’s jokes. When it was his turn to laugh, Sirius noticed how the girl looked intently over at Remus with a grin on her face. His eyes looked gorgeous in the sun with those little wrinkles when he giggled, she thought.
In that moment, she realized she wanted Remus to say her name as you’re supposed to say it; sleepily, with a mouth full of food, between laughters and in tears. Y/N saw the specks of brown in the amber colored lake that his eyes were and fell completely. Sirius saw it, James saw it, Lily saw it.
Even more when he turned to look down at her and wipe a bit of chocolate off her cheek, and she kept that look of utter adoration for him. “He’s gone” Lily mumbled to her husband. “She’s too” he agreed. Sirius smirked, getting up to get Harry to bed as he fell asleep on his uncle’s arms as the sun set.
James and Sirius were at the center of attention, regaling the group with a hilarious story from their time at school. Their voices were animated, and they gesticulated with enthusiasm, drawing everyone into their tale. Remus stood nearby, a mix of amusement and mild embarrassment evident on his face.
"And then, there was this one time at Hogwarts," James began, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "when we decided to prank the entire Slytherin common room! We turned all their robes into neon pink ones!"
Sirius chimed in, laughter bubbling in his voice. "Oh, it was epic! They all looked like walking flamingos! The look on their faces was priceless!"
Y/N was thoroughly entertained by the story, but she couldn't help but notice Remus's subtle blush. She leaned closer to him and whispered teasingly, "Remus, were you part of this grand pink robe conspiracy too?"
Remus grinned, shaking his head. "I plead the fifth," he replied, trying to hide his amusement. "Let's just say those were wild times, and I may or may not have been an innocent bystander."
Y/N laughed, enjoying the playful banter. She was captivated by the camaraderie and genuine friendship between the group. As the evening continued, she found herself drawn into more anecdotes and laughter, feeling a sense of warmth and acceptance in their company.
Remus's friends made her feel welcome and included, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for being a part of this close-knit circle, even if she didn't know the full extent of their world. The nerves that had accompanied her earlier had transformed into excitement and a genuine desire to create new memories with Remus and his friends.
The feeling was reciprocated. Remus felt, and not on mere theory; the moment Y/N excused herself to go to the bathroom, his best friends started gushing to him about the girl. "Moony, she's in love" Sirius said between incredulous and joyous laugh "Oh Pad-" "Mate, I'm telling you... she looks at you like you hung the bloody stars!" now said James, Lily nodding pridefully "She looks at you just how James looked at me back in the day".
And Merlin did he want to believe them! He truly, really did. But instead, there was this empty feeling on his chest. There was no way Y/N Y/L/N looked at him in the way James looked at Lily; Almost scared of the joy she brought to him, like that pain in his heart would end up killing him and he'd quite literally die a happy man. So, when Remus dropped her off at her flat and turned his head before she'd kiss him on the mouth, the void went deeper.
Y/N couldn't sleep that night. Her mind was restless, thoughts of Remus swirling in her head like a tempest. She tossed and turned, replaying the events of the evening over and over again, each memory etching itself into her heart. There was no denying it anymore; she was utterly and completely in love with him.
The realization hit her like a wave crashing onto the shore, powerful and unstoppable; she was head over heels for Remus Lupin.
The next day, Y/N couldn't concentrate on anything. Her mind kept drifting back to Remus, like she'd could easily find herself absentmindedly doodling hearts and his name on the margins of her notebook. She needed to tell him; she couldn't keep this to herself any longer.
In the late afternoon, she gathered her courage and dialed his number, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for him to pick up. When he finally answered, his warm voice on the other end sent shivers down her spine.
"Hey, Remus," she began, trying to sound casual despite the turmoil inside her. "I was wondering if we could meet up later? There's something I want to talk to you about." Remus's response was filled with concern. "Of course, love. Is everything alright?" "Yes, everything's fine," she reassured him. "I just... I have something to tell you, something important."
He agreed to meet at their favorite cafe later that evening, and Y/N's heart fluttered with nervous excitement. The minutes leading up to their meeting felt like an eternity, but finally, the time came. When they sat down together, Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. Remus looked at her with those caring, gentle eyes, and she felt a rush of emotions wash over her.
"Remus," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I don't even know where to start. Y-you've brought so much magic into my life. From the moment we met, I felt something special, something I couldn't quite put into words."
He listened intently, his gaze never leaving hers.
"I've never felt this way before," she continued, her cheeks flushing with emotion. "You're like a beautiful enigma, a captivating mystery that I can't get enough of. You make me laugh, you make me feel safe and cherished, and every moment with you is a treasure. You've shown me a kind of magic that I never knew existed, a magic that exists in the little things, the stolen glances, the shared laughter, and the way you hold my hand. It's like you've cast a spell on me, and I never want it to end."
Remus's eyes softened, and a tender smile graced his lips. "Y/N, you're the most incredible person I've ever met," he replied, his voice filled with emotion. "From the moment I saw your ink-stained hands, I knew you were something special. You've brought light into my life, and I can't believe that someone as amazing as you could feel this way about me."
He reached across the table and took her hand in his, their fingers interlocking like two puzzle pieces, finding their perfect fit.
"I'm not good with grand gestures or flowery words," he said, his voice a whisper. "But I can tell you this: I care about you deeply, more than I ever thought possible. You make me happy like I never imagined I'd could feel. I've fallen in love with you, Y/N, and I can't believe my luck."
Y/N's heart soared, tiny tears of joy welling up in her eyes. "Oh, Remus," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm so in love with you too. You've shown me a kind of love I never knew existed, a love that feels like coming home. I cherish every moment with you, and I want to share my time with you, if you'll have me."
Without hesitation, Remus leaned across the table, closing the distance between them, and pressed a soft, tender kiss to her lips. It was a kiss filled with love and promise, sealing their feelings and intentions.
"I'd be honored to have you in my life, Y/N," he whispered against her lips. "You're my bit of magic in a world that can be harsh and uncertain, and I never want to let you go."
And so, in that cozy cafe, two souls found solace in each other's love. The world around them faded into the background as they basked in the enchantment of their newfound love, knowing that this kind of magic was unlike any other they had ever known. They had found something truly extraordinary in each other, a love that would stand the test of time and shine brighter than any star in the night sky.
˚ · • . ° .
It’s currently 12am and my brain isn’t working so i’ll just post this and place the word count in the morning.
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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sumsumstrashbin · 1 year
𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ~ 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 𝟏.𝟑𝐤
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐮𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠? 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝
𝐚/𝐧: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲? 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
It was your seventh year at Hogwarts, and the New Years ball was rapidly approaching. There was now one week until the ball, and anyone that didn’t have a date already was frantically asking anyone they could find. You, on the other hand, had rejected every person that asked you, deciding not to spoil your night with a random classmate that would expect a new year’s kiss from you.
The Marauders had placed their bets on which one of them would get a date first, and of course it was easy for James to ask Lily right away. He took the crown, followed by Sirius, who asked Marlene McKinnon. Peter took a while, but options became scarce as the ball got closer and girls became less picky with their choices. Remus was still without a date, but he knew that the rest of them would never leave him alone if he told them, so he lied instead. It was already bad enough that he ended up in last place, and he didn’t want to go without a date at all.
So, he told them that he had asked you, and that you said yes. 
They didn't believe him, but he said that he was going to prove them wrong and that they’d just have to wait until the ball to see. That gave him enough time to actually muster up the courage to just ask you. Well, not really, but he didn’t have much of a choice. Besides, it would be less embarrassing for him to actually ask you than to admit to them that he lied about it.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
“Hey, L/n, wait up!” Sirius’ voice echoed out to you in the empty hallway. 
You were on your way to the library to work on a project with Remus. The two of you had known each other as acquaintances for quite some time, and you eventually became friends. You were paired together for a project so you occasionally spent time with him inside and outside of class. He was planning on bringing up the ball situation to you during your session at the library, but unfortunately for him, Sirius got to you first. 
Sirius jogged to catch up with you, slowing to a walk beside you. “Remus said he asked you to the New Year’s ball. Is that true?” 
You peered behind his shoulder, seeing Remus frantically speed-walking to the scene. Judging by the look on his face, you decided it would probably be best to just go along with whatever was going on at the moment. 
“Yes, he did.” You stated, hugging your books close to your chest.
“And you said yes?” He questioned.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you rejected the entire school, so forgive me for being shocked.”
“He asked me, and I said yes. Can I go now? I have a project to work on.” 
“It’s winter break. Why are you working on a project when you have time to relax?”
“It’s due shortly after the break is over. I’d rather do it gradually than cram it all into one night. Though I’m sure you’re the procrastinating type.”
“Yeah, yeah, go on then.” He crossed his arms, scowling.
You rolled your eyes, turning on your heel and continuing on your way to the library. Remus followed quickly behind, ignoring Sirius’ taunting as he passed by.
You entered the quiet library, finding a seat in your usual corner and setting your books down. Remus sat in front of you, cheeks pink from embarrassment.
“What was that all about?” You inquired, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Well, you see, uh…” Remus spoke, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. “We made a bet on who could get a date to the ball first, and I ended up losing, but I didn’t want them to know that I didn’t have a date at all, so I just lied. You were the first person that came to mind, considering that you’re the only person I spend time with other than them. I’m sorry, you don’t have to go with me, I’ll just have to come clean. Though I don’t know what's more embarrassing: having to lie about having a date or admitting that I lied about it.”
“I’ll go with you, Remus. I know you’ll never hear the end of it from them if you don’t go with me. Besides, you’re the only person that I wouldn’t mind going with.” You said, registering your own words a moment too late. “I just mean that you’re the only one that isn’t obnoxious, and I know you won’t ruin the night for me.”
“Right, of course. Well, if it’s really no trouble, then I’d love to go with you. And not just because they’d bully me if I didn’t.” Remus admitted, offering you a warm smile. 
You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. You knew that you didn’t just accept his invitation to save him from torment: honestly, you’d love to go with him. Your idea of a dreadful New Year’s kiss with a stranger was quickly turning into a wish that Remus would kiss you at midnight.
You nodded, offering him a smile. “Alright. I suppose we should get to work.”
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
It was New Year’s Eve, and it was time to make your way to the ball together. Remus waited outside of your common room, holding a bouquet of flowers and pacing back and forth nervously. You were feeling the same nervousness as him, butterflies swarming in your stomach as you gathered the courage to finally meet him in the hallway. 
As you stepped out of your common room, Remus’ face lit up at the sight of you. He cleared his throat, offering you the flowers. “You look beautiful, Y/n. Positively radiant.”
“Thank you.” You grinned, accepting the flowers and putting them in your bottomless bag. “You look great too. I don’t understand why Sirius gets all of the attention in your group, you’re just as handsome, if not even more.”
He chuckled bashfully, offering you his arm. “I appreciate that, but don’t let him hear it. He’ll resent you for the rest of his life.”
“Got it. Don’t tell Sirius. Shall we go?” You took his arm, beginning to walk with him to the Great Hall.
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
You spent most of the night chatting about your lives and sharing punch with firewhiskey in it (courtesy of Sirius). 
“So you weren’t lying when you said you were taking Y/n L/n as your date.” James quipped. “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Why would I lie? Remus asked, shooting you a sly grin.
The clock was ticking close to midnight, and everyone gathered in the middle of the great hall awaiting the countdown.
“Are you ready, Y/n? It’s our last New Year’s ball at Hogwarts.” Remus asked, looking at you.
“Ready as I’ll ever be. I can’t believe we’re so close to graduation and I went all these years without a New Year’s kiss.”
Remus’ stomach fluttered at your words, though he hid it well. “We could always change that.”
Stunned at his words, you stared up at him, not even noticing the countdown beginning around you. You were snapped back to the present by the crowd roaring the last few numbers.
Fireworks erupted above you as the students cheered and yelled out “Happy New Year!”. Students waved their sparklers in the air while others embraced each other.
Remus, however, didn’t take his eyes off of you, and you were fixated on him too. He glanced at your lips, as if asking for permission, and you instinctively nodded. Without further hesitation, he brought his hand behind your head, pulling you in for a gentle kiss.
Time seemed to stop as he kissed you, and your hands settled on his back to hold him close. After a few moments, he pulled away, smiling down at you.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───────
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aureliqs · 2 months
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Pairing : Remus Lupin x f!Reader
fluff, comfort, some angst I suppose
Warnings : Burn-Out, depressive episode, anxiety, feelings of emptiness etc. Heavy topic
I want to help, to comfort and give hope to everyone who sadly had to experience (still is experiencing ) this like me <3
Content: Your boyfriend Remus decides to say something about the state you’ve been living in, as he is extremely worried about you.
Authors note: This one is a comfort story based on my own experiences, so you might experience burn out or any other mental health struggles very differently. Your experiences are valid. You deserve to rest and heal. Take breaks. Nothing is as important as your health and happiness! I know it’s hard, but it’s worth it <3 (I’m still learning that too :3)
The finals are killing you. There is no other way to describe it. No time to waste. You’ve got a study plan to use your time efficiently, and if you stick to it you might even get ahead of it too. Everything’s going according to plan. Still, you don’t really feel anything anymore. You don’t think you even really have time to feel. You’re always up in your head thinking about what to do next. Every point crossed from your to do list gives you this rush of adrenaline, only to instantly feel empty after ready to chase the next high.
Reading a romance book before bed, while giggling and slightly swinging your feet happend less and less. Even if you wanted to, there’s just no energy left at the end of the day, or any time of the day if you were honest. Besides, what’s the point of reading anything like that. It’s not really useful in any way. Entertainment isn’t helping you with the finals.
Yeah, it’s just not “useful”
That has become your main excuse if you were honest deep deep down, but you aren’t. How could you ever be? There is just no time. If it isn’t potions, it’s charm. If it isn’t charms then it’s transfiguration. There is always something.
Something to avoid thinking. Now it’s just doing. Doing what you’re supposed to do.
Piece by piece it chipped away your personality. At first it wasn’t as apparent. No one noticed, especially not you. Gradually though, you’ve become an empty shell of the person you used to be. There’s no use in these things, like reading, drawing or just having a chat with people.
Even if you wanted to chat with others, you didn’t have a lot of energy. Can’t say you haven’t tried for their sake, to not disappoint or worry anyone. Still, you’re just different.
Not yourself.
But also not anyone else.
You just became empty.
You weren’t always… but you are now.
Your friends stopped asking you to hang out, as you’ve always declined anyways. They just assume your always to busy for them. The marauders also stopped chatting up with you from time to time, since you were always liked up in homework, and no one dared to disturb you. Especially since you got very snappy most of the time.
Your boyfriend Remus was the first one to grow really worried though. Your date rate dropped slowly but surely down. The random chats about each other’s life’s declined as well. Everything is just so serious now. What hurt Remus the most though was that you stopped laughing. By Godric you even stopped smiling. It was Remus most favourite thing in the world. Seeing you happy. It just stopped. You just stopped being you.
Remus and you studied together in the library a lot. You still do that now, but even that changed. It’s barely chatting now, as you’re always so sunken into the topic you’re studying. You barely listen, and give shorter responses than ever before. After studying, you usually rush to do the next thing on your to do list.
Remus misses you.
Remus misses the actual you.
Once again, Remus and you were piled up with books in the library late at night. You were all alone, as most people would rather sleep this late. Not you, you were focused on your goals, and Remus tried supporting you. As you were scribbling down on your paper, lost in thought, Remus finally had it. He couldn’t bear it anymore. Missing you is one thing, but seeing you this miserable was another. Another thing he’s not able to tolerate.
“Y/n?” He muttered. He looked to his left, where you set next to him still lost in thought.
“Y/n?” Remus repeated. You came to your senses and looked at him, fairly confused.
“Yeah, what is it Rem?” You looked blank, waiting for a response.
Remus looked deeply into your eyes. “I am really worried about you y/n. You’re always stressed. You don’t enjoy anything anymore. You’re always tired. There’s no happiness left in you.”
This hit you like a train. You just thought to yourself after the finals everything will be alright. This is just a phase. Now, it hit you. You’re not okay. You look at Remus, frozen in anxiety. You don’t know what to do, or even say. You’re stuck in freeze.
Remus goes on “please, we can talk about everything. I can help you. I miss you so much. I don’t even know who you are anymore. You don’t laugh, by Godric you don’t even smile anymore. I’m just so worried.” The last sentence came out all wobbly, like he was choking back tears himself.
That made you realise how much your behaviours where not just impacting you, but also him and likewise your friends. Everything that made you happy you’ve chipped away yourself. It was all in favour of a “greater good”, your achievements. But was it really for the greater good? Or did you just sacrifice yourself?
Tears starting to form in your eyes. The growing feeling of sadness in your chest was growing heavy. So, so heavy. Everything you’ve repressed lately boiled up all at once. You never took time to look at your feelings once, since you could always distract yourself with more things to do. It’s like a rabbit hole. You go deeper and deeper, until you realise how incredibly deep you actually are.
Tears started streaming down your face.
You’ve felt them running down your cheeks, to the point where they even dropped down your chin and onto your clothes.
Remus eyes widened in shock. To him this reaction made it all the more serious. You were suffering silently. Drowning in this ongoing state of stress. Working day and night to keep down the pain you were feeling behind your achievements.
Remus put his arm around you, and pulled you in close. His other hand found its way behind your hand, gently pulling you into his chest.
As more tears streamed down your face, all you could produce was a wobbly” I’m sorry… I’m so so sorry…”
“Don’t worry… you’re not alone. I should have said something earlier.” Remus stroked over your back, while giving you a kiss on your head. Regrets filled Remus heads, about how far he let you go down this hole. You just can’t look into someone’s head.
“I’ve been so anxious about the finals. I thought if I do enough I can make it.” You continued to sob.
“I understand, I really do y/n. You’re not alone”
“I just feel like I need to do all of this. If I don’t, I will fail.”
“Y/n..” Remus looked deeply into your eyes. He has the most compassionate eyes you’ve ever seen. “You’re more than what you achieve. People love you for who you are. The way you speak, the way you laugh, the way you are”
Remus always had a way with words. What he said felt like it reached the depths of your heart.
“We’ve been missing you. I’ve been missing you.”
“Thank you Remus. I’ve been missing you too” you replied while a tear was rolling down your cheek.
“I love you”
You felt something. Love. Love for your boyfriend who tried to hard to help you.
“I love you too”
You forgot how it is to feel. You forgot to just be, and not plan every next thing to do. You’ve missed to live in the here and now with Remus.
“I promise I won’t let you alone with this.”
“It’s just so hard. How to I even begin to…to be less stressed.” Your voice was still shivering. You felt so fragile.
“I’m not exactly sure either, but we’ll figure it out on the way” Remus grinned at you. This smile could melt the entire North Pole, but right now it just melts your heart.
You just nodded, still processing everything that just happened.
“For starters, let’s go to sleep. No ones studying besides us right now, and to be fair we seem quite nuts to do so”, Remus said with a chuckle.
You’ve laughed. You’ve laughed again. His sarcastic remarks were always the best. Maybe you didn’t loose yourself after all.
“You’re very much right” you gave back with a slight smile.
Remus saw you smiling again. He couldn’t contain his excitement.
“See y/n, you’re smiling again”. His sweet grin broadened. “ I know we can fix this together.”
Remus kissed you on the cheek. After that, you’ve started packing up your things to go back ti your dorms.
As you are walking down the halls, you decide to ask Remus something. “Can I sleep at your dorm tonight? I don’t want to be alone.”
Remus was more than happy to do so, especially since the lack of couple time was eating him alive. “Of course honey, but I warn you. James, Sirius and Peter haven’t cleaned up the room. To be fair, I haven’t really either”
You just laughed.
“I really don’t mind. I didn’t expect anything else Rem.”
You’ve both got ready, and laid down in Remus’ bed. All the other marauders were deep asleep, and to be fair very heavy sleepers. James only rolled around once, when you kicked a lamp on the floor, which gave Remus a heart attack.
As you looked at Remus in the darkness of the dorm room, you could only feel so thankful to have him in his life. Finally, you felt some of your feelings return. It’s still a long way to go but you were sure with Remus by your side, you’ll make it.
You kissed Remus, and just started at him for a second longer.
“Remus, I love you”
“I love you too, y/n”. Good night”
“Good night”
A yawn creeps it”s way up to you. After that you cuddle up to Remus. You drift away in mere minutes, and finally get the rest you deserve
Once again, take care of yourself. Take breaks. You deserve to rest <3
I hope you all enjoyed this. Leave me other writing prompts if you want to <3
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I'm never going to stop being sad that the marauders fandom predominantly presents the main friendship group as James, Sirius, Remus, and Regulus.
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masivechaos · 2 years
remus lupin x fem! reader
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Request: yes / no
see the request here!
Synopsis: during your monthly after-full-moon cuddle session, your plans about the future get more and more concrete and you both become surprisingly shy
Warning/content: mention of wounds, talk about kids and marriage, insecure remus, my English
a.n.: 1.1k words- i feel like i could have make it longer but i still love this
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
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The dorm was silent, the boys decided to leave the both of you so Remus could rest properly. The full moon had happened a couple of days ago and it was the first night he spent out of the infirmary, his wounds weren’t so deep this time and he was able to move properly quickly.
But he was still exhausted and needed you by his side. His head was resting on your chest, sleeping peacefully as you just woke up. You looked down at him, relieved his pain wasn’t so crippling he couldn’t sleep serenely.
Slowly, without any sound, not willing to disturb his slumber, you brought your hand to his brown hair, playing with his curls as you waited for him to surface.
After a few minutes of head massages, Remus finally opened his eyes, a smile immediately drawing on his lips when he saw you “Hi” he breathed in a quiet voice.
As softly as him, you answered “Good morning” Remus’ head buried further into your chest, creating his own little bubble of comfort, forgetting about the wounding night that happened not so long ago for a moment.
It was always the effect you had on him, it’s been years since it was his favourite way of coping with the after-effects of the transformation night. You were both in your last year and Remus only hoped to have you by his side even after the end of Hogwarts.
And it’s funny how Remus’ mind always found a way to make him panic instead of being happy. Therefore, when he thought about your common future, it felt like an entire world was crashing into him. What if you didn’t want him anymore? What if you had enough of him and his problem? What if you finally understand you were dating a monster?
He couldn’t register the number of questions that were rushing through his mind at the moment. But, unfortunately for him, his interior chaos was described exteriorly by the way his eyebrows creased and bit his lower lip.
“Remus?” you called for maybe the third time before he zoned back in “What’s going on?” you offered an all warmth and reassurance smile.
He hated he had to ruin a good moment just because he was insecure. “Um… Nothing- just,” he didn’t want to keep his worry to himself this time. Communication was something he was working on and you were more than happy to see he opened up to you more and more “I wonder what we will be like older. I mean, I hope my condition is not going to push you away someday”
Your grin turned into a sad smile “Oh baby” you cooed, your hand coming to stroke his cheek “What would you think this?” you whispered, your lips resting on his forehead.
“Well- what if you want children and they end up like me” it’s when you didn’t answer anything he realised it was the first time one of you ever brought out the subject of having kids.
Of course, this idea occurred to you, but you just brushed it out, you thought it was too early to think about this. And as Remus pronounced these words, you understood he thought about it and you couldn’t help but feel a warm sensation in your chest. You always tell each other everything, but this was maybe the most intimate revelation, it came from the bottom of his heart and was the deepest proof of love he could ever give. Somehow, you felt like you were at the beginning of your relationship when the smallest compliment would make your cheeks burn.
When you focused back on Remus, his cheeks were burning and red “I- I mean if you want to have children” he was barely audible, avoiding your stare.
You could look down at Remus, a little surprised. You and he were the oldest couple in your friend group, you’d been dating for two years and you could understand Remus wanted you in your life, he didn’t just see you as a teen romance.
Suddenly all flustered, you whispered “I don’t care if our… kids are werewolves are not. We will tell them it’s not what matters and we will help them” your voice was so quiet, not realising yet Remus loved you this much.
On his side, Remus never felt so grateful to have you, you were the most kind-hearted person he ever knew. But your voice cut him out of his thoughts again, your voice so so quiet and so so shy “I mean as long as they’re from you” that was probably the most adorable thing he had ever heard.
He propped himself on his elbows, looking at you in the eyes “You-” it was a little weird to say it out loud, he always thought a normal family life was for others, that it wasn’t accessible to him “You want to have kids with me?” he responded as quiet as you.
You weren’t a timid type of person but right now you were melting under him “Yeah” you breathed. It was a new stage in your relationship, there was the first kiss, the first “i love you”, the first night but this was so much more powerful and meaningful than anything you went through.
Remus smiled all soft and warm, his head resting on your chest again. It was such a nice feeling to finally have access to the love story he always dreamt about, the love story he never thought he could reach.
The comfortable silence took its place again. Both of your minds rushed in thought about whatever could happen to you later “Do you…” Remus started, as unsure as before “Do you think about getting… married?” he squinted his eyes, waiting for your answer.
“Yeah” you could only smile at the idea “Do you?”
“Mmh” Remus hummed, holding you a little tighter before rolling on the mattress so you were the one at the top. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear “What do you think we will be like when we are older?”
Your lips curled into a smile “We will have a house next to the woods. I will bake on Sunday your favourite sourdough bread and we will have a library and we will read to each other when it rains. Also, we will have cats” 
“Yup” you grinned, giving Remus’ lips a small peck. You look at each other in silence. Still a little unconfident about the revelations, you buried your head in his neck, and he gently played with your hair.
Remus kissed your temple, resting his lips there “You know, I love you and I thought everything I said” you said, tracing the new scar on his chest.
Remus could almost cry from so much love and consideration, you filled his heart with warm every day and he never wanted this feeling to stop “I love you too”
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ remus lupin taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks  @rhydianissuperior @loveeharrington @mad-elia @jackys-stuff-blog @elenatries2write @princess-paramour @juneberrie @vintagepearlss @gilmore-angel @heartfucks @sparklenarniawizard @songs4themoon @moondemon123 @mystic-writings @siriusblackstwin @natashxromanovf @violetteshoneybee @unadulterated-syd @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @garfieldsladybird @kidcuisinesvcks @percy-the-hufflepuff @fairydxll @spookydarkwitch @innerloverpainter
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wisteria-cherry · 10 months
in which everyone thinks you and sirius are dating
“you guys are such a cute couple.” sighs marlene as she watches you pick out the nasty bits of your stew and put them carefully on sirius’ plate. in turn, sirius makes sure to pass you your favorite pastry, which was just out of your reach.
“we aren’t a couple, mar.” you look up from your stew to reply. marlene blinks in surprise.
“wait, you aren’t?” she asks suspiciously, almost as though she didn’t believe you. she looked to sirius.
“we might as well be, hm?” sirius grinned at you, his face quite invading your personal space.
“we aren’t a couple,” you repeat, shoving his head away with an eye roll and a smile.
“you’re no fun.”
“okay.” you agree, then promptly go to take back the stew bits.
“oi!” sirius protested. “i take it back, geez!” you raise an eyebrow as you lift your fork up, giving him access to the little tidbits of food again. it was such a curious part of sirius— he could easily get more stew, but he insisted on taking your handouts.
“so you guys really aren’t a couple?” marlene leaned closer. “but the entire school thinks it. you lot are practically glued together.”
“we aren’t glued together. he’s glued to me.” you retort pointedly.
“i can’t help it.” sirius grinned smugly. “you’re just so gorgeous, i can’t not be glued to you.”
“no wonder the entire school thinks we’re a thing.” you sigh.
“wait, you aren’t a thing?” alice fortescue and her boyfriend, frank longbottom, looked over curiously.
“nope.” you replied, popping the “p” for emphasis.
“aw, let them think it, won’t you, dove?” sirius complained. “it’s so much more fun that way.”
“but i thought…” alice trailed off.
“me too.” frank agreed.
“you’re not?” a nearby hufflepuff popped her head into the conversation.
“i’m sorry, who are you?” you look at the hufflepuff, baffled. she giggled and scampered off, promptly joining a group of waiting hufflepuffs. the girl whispered into their waiting ears, and they burst into giggles. you were without a doubt that they were talking about sirius.
frankly, this was the issue with having pretty friends. peter had a gentle look about him, with round features, mussed hair because that’s what james’ hair did, and a sweet, boyish smile. james was tall (although only the third tallest of the marauders), beefy, and tan with a cute, lopsided sort of smile, and was far too oblivious to his admirerers due to his infatuation with the equally beautiful lily evans. remus had the sort of nerdy, quiet look about him that girls tended to like. fluffy, sandy hair and a tall frame paired with a surprisingly good fashion sense (something james did not have) lead to a nice view. it was a shame that people never noticed the beauty under all his scars.
and then there was sirius.
without a doubt, the prettiest boy in their year, possibly the whole school. shiny black hair that was well taken-care of, fair skin whose clearness was the envy of many acne-ridden girls, a tall frame that was lean and muscular. big hands, broad shoulders, perfect smile, cleanly shaved. smelled a bit musky, but his cologne was divin-
oh, shut up.
you nearly pinch the bridge of your nose in exasperation. you hardly even liked him like that. there’s no use sitting and thinking about how pretty he was while the other gryffindors were— well, what were they doing, anyway? the gryffindors were leaving, so, you left too, walking in step with remus.
“do people really think that we’re dating?” you ask remus as you walk, the other three boys racing ahead (more like other two, as peter was somewhat behind the more athletic boys). remus shrugged.
“i don’t care for rumors.” remus answered, perhaps somewhat stiffly, because there were plenty of rumors about him. there were rumors about all the marauders; popularity does that to you. the thing remus didn’t realize, however, was that there only ones he paid attention to (almost subconsciously) were the negative ones, despite the overwhelming amount of positive ones— as positive as rumors can get, anyway, when most of the rumors surrounding the boys related to how good they were in bed.
“however,” remus added, snapping you out of your thoughts, “i imagine they do. regardless of how you act towards padfoot, he clings to you. you understand what i mean by that, right?” you nod. sirius, the infamous playboy. he reveled in every bit of attention he was given by hopeful fans. he sat there and looked pretty. he was never the one pursuing. so, to see him trying to egg you on, get a reaction out of you— you may as well be snogging.
“i suppose so. but he flirts with everyone.” you point out.
“but he’s not so touchy with everyone. not so domestic.” remus answered. you fall silent as you and remus arrive at the common room. he had a point.
“whippersnapper,” said remus, and he held out his hand, which you took for balance as you climbed into the hole.
not so touchy with everyone. not so domestic.
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lupinuslilium · 5 months
Wolfstar Oneshot! ~ 1.9k words
Modern AU, the marauders are university students on holiday. Background Jegulus (no one knows), pining Sirius, oblivious Remus.
CW: negative self-talk, homophobia, references to physical and emotional abuse.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Sirius looked up as Remus closed the door behind him. He swallowed down the sharp retort already crawling it’s way out of his throat, internally chastising himself for his irritation at the concern in his friends eyes.
He sighed and threw his phone to the side, stretching out his limbs. He had been lying on the comfortable guest bed, scrolling mindlessly. He didn’t want to talk, he didn’t even really want to think. Down the hall, his brother was sleeping in the room beside James’— Sirius’ room— he had to keep reminding himself. His room, after he had shown up at the Potters weeks earlier. Regulus slept in his room, bruised in the same way Sirius had been and refusing to talk about it.
He finally looked at Remus who was sat on the edge of the bed, studying him as if he was a complicated bomb he had been sent to diffuse. Sirius supposed it might be true, James certainly wasn’t here attempting this conversation. Not after the argument that had ensued upon Regulus’ arrival. He was embarrassed by the cruel things he had said to James in anger, in anger and panic and misplaced jealousy. He always reacted without thinking, always jumped to the worst conclusion. Then the guilt came and he’d avoid thinking about the apologies he owed. Sirius steeled himself and met Remus’ eyes, eyes that were so annoyingly big and brown and concerned for him. He managed what he thought was a rather diplomatic,
“No, not particularly”
The corner of Remus’ mouth turned up. That fucking crooked smile that made Sirius forget why he was sulking. The smug bastard. He readied himself for another argument, prepared himself for Remus to push him, for him to say everything Sirius didn’t want to hear. Instead Remus said,
“Okay, do you want to watch a film then?”
God Bless Remus Lupin. He nodded and reached down to the floor beside the bed to grab his laptop. Remus batted him on the shoulder to shuffle over and made himself comfortable beside him while Sirius opened Netflix. They fell into an easy silence, broken only by the sounds of Mr. Potter doing the washing up downstairs and a breeze slipping through the cracked window. Sirius scrolled through their movie options.
“Oh I’ve heard this is good, have you seen it?” Sirius asked as his mouse hovered over a thriller.
“That looks absolutely terrible” Remus scowled at the screen
“What! No it doesn’t. Look, it’s got Jake Gyllenhaal, you love him.”
“I do not love Jake Gyllenhaal, why would you think I love Jake Gyllenhaal?”
“You love his big blue eyes.” Sirius smirked to himself.
“Oh yeah, how could I forget. I love his big blue eyes almost as much as I love it when you shut the fuck up and pick a film”
Sirius chuckled. Something that had been coiled tightly in his chest was unfurling, he hadn’t even noticed how stiffly he was holding his shoulders until he was teasing Remus. He replied,
“We’re watching this one because I’m the one in emotional distress and you’ll only want to watch something entirely depressing or The Lord of The Rings and I’m not in the mood”
“Fine” Remus sighed while Sirius clicked play. He stole a glance at that crooked smirk and suddenly became aware of Remus lying on the bed mere inches away, his head angled toward him to see the screen, the soft orange light from the bedside lamp glowing through the mess of brown hair atop the other boys head. He turned his attention firmly back to the screen and they settled into the film, which Sirius conceded wouldn’t win Jake any awards (though he of course didn’t voice this opinion). He was actually feeling quite calm, interested in the film, though distracted by Remus’ ankle sometimes brushing up against his when-
“It’s not your fault you know” Remus said about twenty minutes in.
Sirius hit the space bar with more force than was necessary.
“I thought we had established that I didn’t want to talk about this?”
“We don’t have to talk about it. I’m not even talking to you, just you know, speaking to the room at large.”
“Well, shut up”
“You don’t even have to listen, I actually would prefer if you’d mind your own business. I’m just choosing to say out loud, to anyone who might be interested and would like to know, that what happened to Regulus is no one’s fault but his parents”
Anger flared in Sirius as he turned his head to the left and was met with warm brown eyes. Remus held his stare, unflinching stubbornness written all over his features. Fuck you, Sirius thought, Fuck you for your comically long eyelashes, fuck you for trying to make me feel better, and fuck you for knowing that I’m going to take the bait.
In little more than a whisper and without breaking his stare, Sirius said, “We don’t even know what happened. Because Regulus won’t say, and because I left him there. I knew what they were capable of and I left him there. So yeah, it is my fault, at least partially.”
Remus’ eyes softened a bit and Sirius hated himself. The boy in front of him was all shades of gold. Like the hour before sunset, when everything is so still and warm and heartbreaking that it almost hurts to look at. Remus almost hurt to look at. He was his friend, his best friend, and after James Sirius didn’t think he was allowed any more best friends. Whatever higher power had granted him James Potter, Sirius didn’t know but he had spent everyday since in a perpetual state of gratitude. Then he was granted Remus Lupin and he knew he didn’t deserve him, yet he still looked at him and wanted. He was selfish, impulsive, aloof on his good days and cruel on his bad. Still, James and Remus and all of his friends gave him their patience and empathy and love. Suddenly he felt close to tears.
Before he could turn away, Remus replied, “You had no choice Pads, you know that. He wouldn’t leave with you, and you had to get out of there. You can’t protect him from everything and you can’t make his decisions. He’s safe now and you’re safe now. That’s it. There’s no blame to be ha—“
“Then why did he call James?” The question that had been eating at Sirius all day.
Regulus was his brother. It had always been them surviving in that household, looking out for each other. Looking out for each other even when they stopped really talking to each other. Sirius had always taken the brunt of his parents’ cruelty to protect Regulus, and then when Regulus needed help, when he needed somewhere to go..
Sirius swallowed the lump in his throat “Why would he call James and not me? If he doesn’t blame me, why would he call James”
“Sirius…” Remus began but he was too overwhelmed to listen. Regulus was always his to protect, no one else would. It was one of the first things he had learned and though he knew it was irrational, knew that they were adults, that Regulus made his own choices, deep down he still felt that anything that happened to Regulus was because of him. His mother had instilled that in him.
And suddenly he became overwhelmed by the proximity of Remus. By his smell and his stupid eyelashes and his stupid nose and his stupid hoodie that was perfectly soft and somehow too big for the giant fucker and his smart-ass mouth that pissed him off but still somehow always said the right thing. And he was overwhelmed by his mother’s voice in his head telling him that he was a fuckup and an idiot. Telling him he was disgusting, telling him to stop acting so fucking gay. The words choked him and the scars on his body reminded him that everything was his fault. His fucking fault. It was his fault that Regulus had been there on his own. His fault that his family hated him so completely. His fault that he woke up everyday and wanted his best friend in a way that wasn’t fair.
He sat up as the tears started spilling down his cheeks and his breathing became difficult. He hid his face in his hands. The only person who had ever seen Sirius cry was James but in that moment the only thing he could do was cry. So he cried, he cried in relief that his brother was safe and in anguish that he hadn’t been there to take the force of his mother’s rage. He cried because he knew if he had stayed he wouldn’t have survived. He felt a large hand on his back and for maybe the first time, didn’t feel embarrassed to be crying. Remus’ presence was warm and steady, patient and completely disarming. He started to catch his breath and heard Remus say quietly,
“I don’t know why he called James, I honestly don’t. But I’m glad that he called anyone, and once he’s more settled you guys can start sorting all this out. You’re a good brother Sirius, anyone can see that you’d go to war for the kid. Just don’t be so hard on yourself, and try not to be so hard on James, okay? You know how he loves being the hero, he probably called Regulus himself”
Sirius huffed a laugh, “Fuck, I owe a lot of apologies don’t I?” His voice was still slightly muffled by the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Yeah, you do.” Remus continued, “but fortunately James is a very forgiving hero” Sirius laughed quietly again and wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve. He finally lifted his head and turned to look back at Remus.
“Oh, fuck you” Remus said and rolled his eyes.
“Of course you’d still look pretty right after crying your eyes out.”
Sirius barked out a loud laugh
“Aw, Moony, you think I’m pretty?” Remus pushed his shoulder away, “you always know exactly how to make me feel better.” He reached for his water bottle on the bedside table, still snickering.
“Do you?” Remus’ voice wasn’t teasing.
“Do I what?”
“Feel better?” There was such earnestness in Remus’ gaze.
“Yeah, I do” Sirius leaned back on the pillow, turning to face Remus “do you still want to watch the movie?”
Remus smiled “Yeah, go on. I do actually love his big blue eyes”
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ms-snape · 1 month
Tender Moments(severus snape x professor!reader)
request: so that person asked for professor!reader x snape jsut being super cute and omestic and tender, I couldn't find the request anymore sorry but if the person that asked about it read this please tell me u did in comment
Word count: 1115
The sun dipped low over the turrets of Hogwarts, casting long shadows across the grounds. Inside the stone walls, the flickering fire in the staff room offered a warm glow against the encroaching evening chill. Y/N, a professor of Herbology, had just finished grading a stack of papers that now lay scattered across her desk like fallen leaves. She stretched, letting out a breathy sigh, and glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly time for dinner, but more importantly, it was nearly time to see Severus.
“Just a few more minutes,” she murmured to herself, running her fingers through her hair. The thought of Severus always made her smile. Their relationship had blossomed in the most unexpected way—two souls drawn together in the shadows of the castle, finding light in each other.
The heavy oak door creaked open, and in walked Severus Snape, his robes billowing slightly as he entered. The moment their eyes met, a spark ignited in the air between them, and Y/N felt her heart race.
“Y/N,” he said, his voice low and smooth, “you’re still here?”
“Of course I am,” she replied, trying to suppress the grin that tugged at her lips. “I was waiting for you.”
Severus raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement flickering in his dark eyes. “Waiting for me, or waiting for dinner?”
“Both, I suppose,” she laughed softly, letting the warmth of his presence envelop her like a favorite blanket.
He stepped closer, and she could smell the faint, familiar scent of potions and herbs on him, mixed with a hint of something uniquely Severus. “You should know that waiting for you is always worth it,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper.
Her breath caught in her throat. “You say the sweetest things,” she replied, tilting her head slightly to meet his gaze.
With a gentle sweep of his hand, he brushed a stray hair behind her ear. “It’s the truth.”
Y/N felt her cheeks heat up as she leaned into his touch, feeling safe and cherished in this small moment. The fire crackled, snapping gently in the background, creating a cozy rhythm that matched the quickening beats of her heart.
“Shall we join the others for dinner?” Severus asked, his tone shifting slightly as he stepped back, breaking the momentary bubble they had created.
“Not just yet.” Y/N took a step closer, her fingers brushing against his. “I want a moment with you first.”
Severus hesitated, then nodded, a rare softness in his expression. “Very well.”
She led him to a nearby armchair, inviting him to sit. He settled down with a slight sigh, and she nestled beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. The warmth of his body radiated against her, and she closed her eyes, savoring the comfort of his presence.
“Tell me about your day,” he prompted, his voice rumbling gently.
“Well, I had an amusing encounter with a particularly stubborn Venomous Tentacula,” she began, recalling the chaotic scene earlier that afternoon. “It wouldn’t stop wriggling. I swear it was trying to escape my lesson plan.”
Severus chuckled, the sound deep and rich. “It seems you have your hands full,” he teased lightly.
“More than you know.” She laughed, the sound mingling with his, creating a warm harmony. “But I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Teaching here is a dream.”
“And what about your dreams outside of teaching?” he asked, turning serious.
Y/N paused, glancing up at him. “You mean, like… our dreams?” she asked, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
“Yes,” he said, searching her eyes. “What do you want?”
She hesitated, feeling the weight of the question. “I want… I want to create a life that feels warm and alive. I want to share it with someone who understands me.”
His gaze softened further, and he leaned in, brushing his lips against her forehead. “You have that with me, Y/N. I hope you know that.”
The tenderness in his words made her heart swell. “I do, Severus,” she replied, her voice a mere whisper. “I just sometimes worry about what tomorrow may bring.”
“Tomorrow is not our concern right now,” he said firmly, yet gently, pulling back to look at her. “Let’s focus on today.”
“Agreed,” she smiled, feeling lighter. “What do you want to do then?”
“I want to enjoy this moment,” he said, leaning closer again. “And maybe…”
Before she could respond, he captured her lips with his, a sweet, lingering kiss that sent butterflies dancing through her stomach. The world around them faded, and all that existed was the warmth of his mouth on hers, the taste of warmth and familiarity.
When they finally pulled apart, she was breathless. “That was—”
“Perfect,” he finished, a smirk playing on the corners of his mouth.
Just then, the door swung open again, and in walked Minerva McGonagall, her expression shifting from surprise to amusement as she caught sight of the pair.
“Goodness,” she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of mock horror and genuine delight. “Am I interrupting something?”
Y/N’s cheeks flushed as she pulled back from Severus, who merely raised an eyebrow at his colleague. “Not at all, Minerva,” he said dryly, the corner of his mouth betraying a hint of a smile.
“Just having a… moment,” Y/N added, her embarrassment turning into laughter. “Nothing scandalous, I promise.”
“I’m sure,” Minerva replied, a twinkle in her eye. “But I must say, it’s lovely to see the two of you together. Hogwarts could use a bit of warmth now and then.”
“Indeed,” Severus said, his tone surprisingly accommodating. “And what brings you here, Minerva?”
“I came to fetch you both for dinner,” she said, stepping further into the room. “Albus has prepared quite a feast, and he’s rather insistent we all join him.”
“Lead the way,” Y/N said, standing up and offering her hand to Severus, who took it with a slight nod.
As they walked together, fingers intertwined, Minerva couldn’t help but glance back at them. “You two are positively glowing,” she remarked, her expression softening. “It’s good for you, Severus.”
“Don’t make such a fuss, Minerva,” he replied, though the slight flush on his cheeks gave him away.
“Just stating the truth,” she said lightly, guiding them down the stone corridors lined with portraits that watched them with interest. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you’ve transformed, Severus. Love does wonders for a person.”
Y/N squeezed his hand tighter, feeling a rush of warmth surge through her. “I think you’re right,” she said, looking up at Severus, who seemed to ponder her words.
“I suppose it does,” he conceded, a hint of a smile breaking through his usual stoic demeanor.
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Happy Marauders go back to school day!!
Today's @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is Hogwarts Express xoxo
"Are you okay?" Lily asks, watching Remus' leg bounce from inside the carriage as his anxiety mounts. His eyes are practically glued to the window, scanning the platform.
"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine, I'm..."
He trails off the moment he sees him.
He steps through the platform with James close behind, and Remus can already see the switch that a summer away from his family brought on. He's standing a little taller, his eyes a little brighter. As Effie and Fleamont emerge, he turns and smiles at them, his whole body more relaxed than Remus has ever seen him.
"I'll be right back," he says quickly, standing and practically running from the Hogwarts Express.
Once he gets out onto the bustling platform, Sirius turns and spots him. His face brightens in an instant, positively beaming at the sight of him. God, just the sight of him sends warmth through Remus' chest.
He doesn't even know when Sirius starts moving towards him, all he knows is that they meet in the middle with a crashing, bone-breaking hug. Remus shuts his eyes, pulling Sirius closer. For a while, he was worried Sirius would be gone forever.
Here he is, happy and safe and free.
"You got out," Remus murmurs, a little breathlessly. He feels Sirius nod, and the relief floods him so suddenly, it brings tears to his eyes. Sirius must be able to feel that Remus is on the brink of a breakdown, because he pulls away. Gently, he reaches up and cups Remus' face with both hands.
"I love you," Sirius says suddenly, with that damn smile that just... knocks the air out of Remus' lungs. The one that travels up so far that it crinkles his eyes. Then, out of nowhere, he pulls Remus in and connects their lips.
Sirius is here.
He's here, and he's staying.
Life is fucking perfect.
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m0st-ard3ntly · 5 months
in honour of misskingbean89 releasing a new album, i am cooking something cool :)
a tiny wolfstar (ofc) one shot for each song in TTPD
stay tuned :))
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maybcnksgf · 4 months
— scars ; remus lupin x reader 𐙚
summary: remus will forever be loved by you and his marauder brothers, all scars be damned.
warnings: mentions of scars (obviously), one nsfw joke (mentions of a handjob).
a/n: there's currently nothing on my mind other than andrew garfield as young remus so here you go <3 pls send some marauders requests!!
check out my masterlist <3
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you were sat with the marauders in the gryffindor common room, curled up with remus on the sofa under a blanket, his back resting against your front as his fingertips grazed up and down your arms.
the other three boys, scattered around you, were going on about their most recent prank on snape, all finding themselves very amusing.
"oh y/n, you should've seen the look on his face when he looked in the mirror and his hair was bright bloody green!" james burst out into another fit of laughter from the floor, falling into peter's side (who pushed him off with a playful grin and a "prongs! you almost pushed me into the fireplace, get away from me you git! and you still have that dye on your robes!").
you couldn't help but laugh along with them. sure, you’d felt bad for snape in the past, but it was undeniable that your best friends were incredibly entertaining.
"poor severus, is there no one else to be the butt of all your jokes?" you teased them with raised eyebrows. remus snorted out a laugh in front of you and shook his head in amusement as you playfully tried to rile the boys up.
"snivellus, you mean," sirius spoke from the armchair to your left, his face graced with his signature smirk. "and no. actually, we were planning on doing this one to that ravenclaw boy, clyde, but we couldn't let this greasy little git off the hook after what he said about our moony," he continued, his tone falling serious, "those two black eyes i gave him in the courtyard weren't enough for my liking. we needed to humiliate him."
he was right. snape had made a big announcement about remus' scars in charms class when he reached up to grab a book and his shirt rode up a little (because remus lupin was a marauder, of course he only had his shirt half tucked in at the most). he called him a monster, and said that there is no room for someone who looks like that in hogwarts.
"don't forget about that bruise y/n/n gave him too," peter chimed in, making the other boys chortle as you flashed them a proud grin. "you smacked him real good in the middle of class."
"yeah, damn right i did, wormtail."
you knew it was a sore subject for your rem, who's scars were always on his mind. especially now, only three days after the latest full moon. he was still sore, his body aching and sensitive to every touch.
he let his head drop back against your shoulder and relaxed at the feeling of your fingers playing with his hair, gently scratching and massaging his head every now and again. as the other marauders continued on with whatever their new subject was, you let your other hand slip under remus' shirt, tracing random shapes onto his skin.
you felt his body tense up again when you reached a scar. after all this time, remus was still so scared that you'd wake up one day and see him as the monster he believed himself to be. you placed a gentle kiss to his temple before leaning close to his ear to whisper to him, "you know it's not true, right?"
remus hummed quietly in response, his eyes focused off somewhere in the distance.
"you are not a monster, rem, you hear me? snivellus is a right dick who has no idea what he's bloody talking about."
he couldn't help but smile slightly at your swearing (which just sounded so cute coming out of your mouth) and the use of that nickname, which you hardly ever used for snape as you didn't want to be mean. but all worries about meanness be damned after what he said to your moony.
"and for the record," you spoke softly, moving the hand that was in his hair to his jaw and gently turning his head to look at you as you flashed him a smile. "i think you're pretty damn handsome."
the light blush that dusted over his face didn't go unnoticed by you and remus returned the smile before leaning in to kiss you softly. "thank you, m'love. what did i do to deserve you, hm?"
"oi, lovebirds," sirius interrupted your little moment when he noticed your hand (albeit totally innocently) under the blanket. his smirk had grown and he wiggled his eyebrows at your position. "y/n/n, stop jerking moony off and help us plan our next prank on snivellus."
you groaned loudly, face flushing in embarrassment as james and peter burst out into laughter again.
remus, on the other hand, was unfazed, still sporting his lovestruck grin as he tossed a cushion at sirius.
"piss off and let me snog my girl in peace, pads."
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