#youngguk fluff
noona-clock · 5 years
Mistletoe Manor - Part 7
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Genre: 1900′s AU/Romance
Pairings: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyung, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong x OCs
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 | Words: 2,230
A/N: Chelle ( @prettywordsyouleft​​ ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
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“Right then, all finished,” Brian murmured to himself just after hanging up the last of Yongguk’s suit jackets in the wardrobe. He shut the door gently before bending to close and latch the trunk, sliding it underneath the bed.
A soft groan escaped his lips when he stood up again, and he reached up toward the ceiling to stretch out his arms and back. Brian casually stepped up to the window as he loosened his muscles, his eyebrows raising slightly when he saw his employer walking down the driveway with a young lady.
“Well, well, well,” he smirked. He leaned closer, his nose brushing over the cool glass as his eyes followed the pair.
And he almost let out a soft ‘aww’ when he realized his Lordship was following the young lady’s path exactly, stepping in her footsteps in the snow. It was one of the cutest things he’d ever seen, and it was then he realized he should probably get out more.
With a slight shake of his head, Brian headed out of the bedroom, planning to make his way downstairs so he could introduce himself to the rest of the staff. But he barely even got down to the end of the hallway before he ran into something much more intriguing.
A young lady was standing in front of a window, much like he had just been. She was standing on her toes, her hands pressed against the glass next to her shoulders as she peered outside.
Without making a sound, Brian crept up behind her, looking over her shoulder and raising his eyebrows.
“What are we looking at?” he whispered after a few moments.
The girl shrieked, jumping and whipping her head around to see who had just scared the living daylights out of her.
“Who are you?!” she cried with great distress.
“I’m Brian,” he told her casually. “Who are you?”
“Yes, but who are you?” she repeated, obviously growing irritated. “The name Brian means nothing to me.”
Brian reached up and clutched at his heart, lowering his head to try and hide his impish smile. “That hurts. What can I do to change that?”
“Tell me who you are,” the girl replied without missing a beat. “I’ve never seen you before, and I don’t like it when there’s something I don’t know.”
“Well, then you must be very unhappy all the time,” Brian chuckled.
The girl furrowed her brow and gave him a stern expression. “What do you mean? I’m not!”
“But how could you possibly know everything already,” he pointed out. “There’s a lot you don’t know, and you just said --”
“You know what I mean! Just tell me who you are!”
Brian’s lips pulled into a soft smirk, and then he pointed out the window at Yongguk still walking with a young lady -- hopefully one less… energetic than this one. “I came with him,” he explained. “I’m his valet.”
The girl let out a sigh and rose her eyebrows at him. “There. Was that so difficult?”
Brian rose his eyebrows right back at her before crossing his arms over his chest and lifting his chin. “And who are you? Why are you spying on his Lordship and -- whoever that girl is?”
“Because,” she spat. “That girl is my si -- my... my employer. I’m her -- her ladies maid.”
Trying his best to remain polite, Brian looked the girl up and down, taking in her appearance before letting out a single laugh of disbelief. “You’re not,” he countered.
“Am too!”
He shook his head and gestured to her dress. “A ladies maid doesn’t wear clothes this nice. And your hair is too elaborate. You’re not a ladies maid. That’s your sister, isn’t it? You’re one of them.”
The girl let out an annoyed huff before rolling her eyes. “Yes, fine,” she muttered.
“Why would you want to pretend to be a ladies maid?” Brian chuckled as he leaned against the window.
She eyed him a bit warily, though it didn’t quite seem like she was afraid or cautious. More… curious. “Well, usually, when servants find out I live here, they treat me differently. They get all ramrod straight and they bow their heads and they call me ‘My Lady’ and all that.”
“As a good servant should.”
“So… you’re not a good servant?”
Brian chuckled softly, and instead of answering, he simply asked, “What’s your name?”
The girl’s brow furrowed and, just as he had not a minute ago, she looked him up and down. Her expression was far more pointed than his had been, though.
“And why should I tell you?” she inquired testily.
“Because I told you mine!” he retorted. “It’s only fair.”
In actuality, Brian knew her name must be either Evie or Joey. Daehyun had spoken of all three sisters throughout their journey, and while he’d mentioned that Evie was the middle and Joey the youngest, Brian had no way of knowing the birth order of the girl standing before him.
If he had to guess… based on her adorable aggression… this was --
“I am Josephine,” she replied with a very supercilious tone. “And you may call me Josephine.”
“Ah, so you’re Joey,” Brian replied.
“Wh --!” Joey stammered. “How did --”
“I’ve been traveling with your sister’s husband for a year now,” Brian smirked. “I knew you had to be either Evie or Joey, and I was beginning to figure out --”
“If you already knew my name, why did you ask?!” 
“Because,” he shrugged. “It’s fun watching you get upset.”
“I am not upset!” she practically shrieked. “You are just very irritating!”
“How am I irritating? I’m asking your name --”
“Yes, but you already knew my name. And I didn’t know yours, and you didn’t tell me for a long time, and that smirk, and you’re leaning against the window, and it’s all very irritating!” Joey huffed before grasping her skirts and lifting them up slightly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving.”
Just after she turned on her heel, Brian asked, “Where are you going, Joey?”
“That is none of your business!” she snapped. “And you will call me Josephine!”
Brian waited until she was halfway down the hall before he called out after her again. “See ya ‘round, Joey!”
When he heard her very frustrated groan, his lips curved into a huge grin.
Oh, boy. The next month was going to be utterly delightful.
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“Why, hello there,” Lydia greeted with a friendly smile as she approached the bottom of the stairs. A young man she’d never seen before was currently walking down them, though he quickly returned her grin with one of his own. “Can I help you?” 
“Sort of, I guess,” he answered as he slowed to a stop in front of her. “I’m Brian, Lord Yongguk’s valet. He arrived with Daehyun just today, so I thought I’d come down and introduce myself.”
“Oh! Welcome,” Lydia exclaimed as her smile widened. She bobbed a curtsy before stepping aside so she could lead him into the kitchen. “I’m Lydia, Lady Cassandra’s ladies maid.”
“A pleasure to meet you,” Brian grinned.
“Come, I’ll show you around.” She hurried into the next room, Brian following closely behind her. “Everyone, this is one of our new visitors. Brian --”
“Kang. Brian Kang,” he supplied.
“He is Lord Yongguk’s valet -- Lord Daehyun’s guest.” Lydia then turned to Brian briefly before introducing everyone sitting at the table -- and the cook and her assistant puttering around the kitchen.
“...Daniel, Anna, Taeyong -- Oh!” She suddenly felt a presence at her other side, quickly turning to see who it was.
Seo Joon’s quietly intense gaze was staring back at her, and she tamped down the butterflies in her stomach so she could speak. “And -- and this is Seo Joon, the chauffeur.”
“Seo Joon,” Brian repeated, sticking his hand out for a handshake. “Brian. Just a visiting valet.”
Lydia’s eyes never left Seo Joon as she watched him shake Brian’s hand in greeting, his expression not quite friendly but not quite unfriendly.
When it seemed like Seo Joon would continue on into the kitchen, presumably for a bite to eat or a card game, Lydia turned back to Brian. “Would you like a tour?”
Seo Joon suddenly paused, and Lydia felt a hand gently grip her elbow.
“Can I see you for a second?” Seo Joon asked before Brian could respond to her question.
Lydia’s brow furrowed slightly, and she muttered, “Can it wait?”
“No, it’s pretty urgent.”
With a soft sigh, Lydia shot Brian a pleading look to which he nodded and gestured for her to go ahead.
Seo Joon, not letting another second pass, tightened his grip on her elbow and led her to the next room over.
“What’s so urgent?” she asked with a soft chuckle once they’d arrived in the laundry room.
“I don’t like that guy,” Seo Joon grumbled, his gaze focused on the door rather than on her.
“Wha -- you’ve just met him, how can you not like him?!” 
The chauffeur was quiet for a few moments, crossing his arms over his chest and showcasing his broad shoulders… not that Lydia noticed. Of course, not.
“There’s just something about him,” he finally answered. “I don’t like him, and I think you should stay away from him.”
Despite a small flutter in her heart, Lydia rolled her eyes. “He seemed perfectly nice to me. He’s a guest, I’m not about to be rude to him!”
“I --” Seo Joon began, but he cut himself off. He let out a soft groan and brought one hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“You what?” she urged with raised eyebrows.
“I just -- I don’t like the way he was looking at you,” he muttered.
“He wasn’t looking at me in any way. I was just introducing him to the other servants! You’re imagining things. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
Before she could fully turn toward the door, Seo Joon’s hand darted out to stop her, grasping her wrist.
“Wait --”
Lydia didn’t shake his grip off; in fact, she had a hard time stopping herself from sliding her hand up to take his and link their fingers together. Her breath caught in her throat as she shifted her gaze up to meet his, and she found she could only manage a whisper when she said, “I’m not about to fall for him if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Seo Joon let go of her wrist, his brow furrowing slightly as an expression of both guilt and relief crossed his features. “I’m not --”
But the fact he didn’t finish his sentence said everything.
Lydia curved her lips into a soft smile, and she almost reached up to cradle his cheek in her palm -- almost.
“Is there… anything else you needed to tell me?” she whispered.
Seo Joon simply shook his head.
With a nod, Lydia glided to the door and headed back to the kitchen.
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“So, the name really did come first,” Brian chuckled after Lydia had relayed the story of how the manor got its name. Despite Seo Joon’s protestation, she had taken Brian on a tour of the downstairs as well as the servant’s quarters and now, since the family were all otherwise occupied, the main rooms of the manor.
“Yes, it did,” she confirmed, grinning as they exited the library. “Christmas has been very important here ever since I arrived as a housemaid. Oh, it’s been… almost ten years, I think.”
“So… you know the family well, then?”
Lydia shot Brian a playfully suspicious look before tipping her chin in a nod. “I do. ...Why do you ask?”
It was obvious Brian was deciding whether or not he should answer her question, but it only took him a few moments before he nodded to himself and said, “I met Joey earlier.”
“Ah, yes,” Lydia replied, trying to hide a smirk. “Lady Josephine. She’s not hard to miss, and very hard to forget.”
“I’ll say,” Brian chuckled. “It was somewhat of a brief meeting, but I can already tell she’s very feisty.”
“Feisty is the perfect word to describe her,” Lydia agreed. “She’s very outspoken and energetic, but she’s fiercely loving and loyal, too. You don’t want to get on her bad side, that’s for sure.”
Lydia heard an awkward chuckle escape from Brian’s lips, and she glanced over at him.
“I fear I’ve already gotten on her bad side,” he admitted.
“Oh? What did you do to poor Lady Josephine?”
“I might have… annoyed her to the point of extreme frustration.”
Lydia had to tamp her lips together to keep from bursting out laughing. “Oh, trust me. That’s not her bad side. Just between us, Joey adores being annoyed. She’ll find any reason to cut you off and storm away from you, and she does it with pleasure.”
Brian’s eyebrows shot halfway up his forehead. “Oh?”
Lydia nodded knowingly. And then she added, “Actually... you might be just what she needs.”
“What do you mean?” he chuckled.
“Lady Cassandra is far too occupied with her husband now he’s returned, though she’s much too warm-hearted to ever fully annoy her sister. And Lady Evie is too quiet and immersed in her books. I think you could be the opponent she’s been waiting for.”
Lydia expected Brian to become flustered and stammer out a reply, but to her surprise, he simply smirked. And he said, “Challenge accepted.”
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Part 8
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years
Mistletoe Manor - Part 1
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Summary: Christmas is the most important time of year for all those who live within Mistletoe Manor. From the staff to the Hawthorne family themselves, everyone works hard to ensure that the festive season is a success every year! We invite you to see if everyone can pull off another  magical Christmas at the manor this year.
Pairing: Park Seo Joon, Bang Yongguk, Brian Kang, Jung Daehyun, Jung Jaehyun, Lee Taeyong and OCs.
Genre: regency au / romance / christmas au
A/N: Becky ( @noona-clock​ ) and I wanted to create a magical Christmas for everyone and what  better way to do that than at Mistletoe Manor! Because of the nature of having several idols, we chose to work with OCs and we hope you love them as much as we do.
Mistletoe Manor will be posted daily at 10am NZST / 4pm EST daily.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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With an estate title of Mistletoe Manor, it was evidently expected that Christmas was the most eventful time of the year. Although the leaves had only just begun to fall now that the summer sunshine had moved on, preparations for the end of the year were well underway. Staff were buffing up the finest silver, examining the most expensive china and preparing long in advance the types of food that would be served over the entire month of celebration. Mistletoe Manor was home to Lord Hawthorne, his wife and three daughters, Cassandra, Evie and Josephine, all in whom helped with the running of the township below.
The celebrations would last for a month, and with the annual winter festival to also prepare for, it seemed there was an increased flurry of events for everyone.
Except there was one member of the family who wasn’t quite ready to celebrate Christmas again.
Last year had been the first time Cassandra Hawthorne had felt overwhelmed by the festivities. Not only did she participate in organising the entire winter festival, but Christmas had even more guests than usual to entertain as she was to be married come the start of the New Year to Earl Daehyun. Along with his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Steerbury, Daehyun had travelled to stay with the Hawthorne’s. It hadn’t been nearly enough time to learn much of the man she was betrothed to and she had spent most of their stay just reminding herself to keep breathing when it all felt too much.
“Cassie, why are holed up in a corner here?” Josephine questioned, looking down at her eldest sister in confusion. “You’re being quiet, whatever is the matter? The most wonderful time of the year is almost upon us and we have so much to do!”
Some days, Cassie wished to live a much simpler life. Although she had faced her own set of hardships with her status, she longed for a journey much different than this. Her hand gripped at the letter she had read for the fifth time since receiving it yesterday, and the subtle movement caught her youngest sister’s attention.
“Have you heard from your husband again?”
“I have.”
“And when will he be back from his expedition?” she inquired, her gaze softening when Cassie didn’t immediately respond. “He will be back in time for Christmas, won’t he?”
“I do not know, Joey,” Cassie answered, her voice shaking ever so slightly. She attempted to smile, heaving herself up out of her chair. There was plenty of time left to dwell over Daehyun’s return. Taking the hand of her sister, she gestured to the exit of the parlour room. “Come, did you not say we have much to do?”
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If anyone had told Cassie that this time last year she would be anxiously awaiting the return of her husband, she would have thought them as mad. Her parents had only wanted what was best for their daughters, and although all three girls were raised to strive for their own goals in life, an arranged marriage could be likely for any of them. It was a trend during these times, true love being left for fairytales. Of course, there were exceptions to every rule and had Cassie been actively looking for a suitor, perhaps they would have left her to her own devices.
Marrying the Earl looked wonderful on paper. As a business transaction, both families unifying together was prosperous. It would bring more revenue each year to Mistletoe Manor, which would help fund the ongoing agricultural woes the farmers were having with their crops.
Within the affluent circles, it would lend Cassie a lot of power as well. Daehyun was known to support a lot of communities, and that would put her at the forefront of organising events in their name.
And yet all the good that came with marrying Daehyun meant Cassie would give up her quest for true love. It was foolish really, to desire to fall in love with her choice in a husband. She had dreamed ever since she was a little girl that the man she married would love her wholeheartedly. She hoped for sincerest confessions and whispered intimate moments where love blossomed even in the harshest of winters.
Whilst Daehyun was very agreeable, she barely knew him before becoming his wife. And when she would have been expected to move into her new home, Daehyun had been given orders by the King to join his expedition for almost a year. Back then, Cassie had been grateful for this sudden change whilst everyone else lamented.
“How will your marriage even begin if your husband is overseas? Had we known, I wouldn’t have agreed to this!”
“Mother, it’s fine. Daehyun will return and then we can get properly acquainted. I’m not aged yet either so there is plenty of time for us,” Cassie assured with a smile that felt too reckless for a newlywed. She should have been more forlorn, worried about the distance put between them so quickly.
Cassie was relieved to not have to play wife to a man she barely knew five facts about, and all in which she had learned as information from others.
“Still, waiting for an entire year before you consummate the marriage feels a bit-”
“Prudent?” Josephine offered, trying to keep a straight face as she half-heartedly worked on a cross-stitch across the room. She soon abandoned it with her growing glee, looking towards her other sister reading a book. “Evie, you’re awfully quiet over this. What do you think of Cassie’s situation?”
“It’s only a year apart.”
“So much can happen within even a month!” their mother exclaimed and Evie sighed, returning her attention to the book. “What if he finds himself lonely and takes a-”
“Mother!” Cassie implored and the woman lifted her handkerchief to her mouth dramatically. The eldest daughter moved over to take her hand in her grip. “I promise I will fulfil all that is expected of me in due time. Please, stop fussing when it was only just a week ago where you were complaining about my departure from the manor. Surely, this is a good delay, yes?”
“She’s right; you were a blubbering mess. Isn’t that so, Evie?” Joey pointed out with a laugh and Evie barely nodded in acknowledgement.
Cassie couldn’t hide the pleased expression upon her face at the sudden change in her predicament at all. Choosing to continue on at Mistletoe Manor until her husband returned had definitely eased her worries upon hearing of the news the night of her wedding. She had feared living in some large estate all by herself, except that of the staff, and she wouldn’t even have the ability to take her lady maid Lydia with her either. Here, she could continue her studies and improve her merits before wistfully leaving the place she had known as her home for all of her life.
Another year of freedom felt deliciously wonderful.
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 As the wintry air warmed with the calling of spring however, Cassie was not as exuberant about her situation. She had started to entertain many thoughts of what her life would truly be like when she moved into Daehyun’s grand estate. He had seemed every part of a gentleman whenever she had crossed paths with him during his stay, and the brief moments she spent alone with him had been less awkward than she expected. However, she longed to have a better understanding of her husband and how she could best support him. Cassie had no desire to be an accessory to Daehyun’s accolades; a wife who did her best to silently promote her husband never suited her. And yet, she didn’t know whether Daehyun would care to hear of her thoughts. Even if it weren’t a marriage built on love, she at least hoped to compliment her husband to the best of her abilities.
This newfound worry led to many sleepless nights and fitful dreams in where she found they had nothing in common, or worse, barely spoke two words at one another. Had she signed herself up for a lifetime of misery, looking the part of a well-groomed wife and daughter of such a prestigious family, but inwardly dying from lack of fulfilment? These thoughts plagued her day and night and soon she fell ill, concerning all those within Mistletoe Manor.
“My Lady, it’s not like you to be this weak,” Lydia condoned as she placed a damp cloth to her fevered skin, cooling upon contact. “Whatever has worked you into such a state?”
“I’ll be fine, Lydia.”
“And I know that you will be,” Lydia agreed, despite her grim expression. “Yet, I don’t fancy being the one to tell your husband either. He’ll worry over you.”
“Will he?” Cassie whispered, blinking back her emotions.
“He looked enamoured by you, My Lady, why would his wish for such a beautiful bride to fall this ill?”
“I hope you are right,” Cassie murmured, closing her eyes and wishing for the return of her willpower. Right now, she was weighed down with too many doubts to even know where to begin to solve them.
Her answer came two days later, thankfully a day after her fever breaking. She had heard Taeyong’s voice long before she had even laid eyes upon the footman. Usually, it would be up to Percy to deliver mail in person to any of the family members, and so when she noticed the way in which her childhood friend had rushed inside, she knew he would get a scolding later for ignoring protocol.
Still, Cassie was intrigued, especially when Taeyong held out the letter in a breathless state. “Why, it must be important if you ran throughout the house to locate me.”
Ignoring her teasing, Taeyong thrust the letter forward repeatedly. “Surely, a letter from your husband should ease your lonesome heart, My Lady.”
“From my husband?” Cassie echoed, barely acknowledging Taeyong’s farewell as she sat down in the closest chair, pulling out the letter hastily.
As she read over his words, her smile grew. Daehyun came across as nervous in his letter; he even stated it at one point, mid-sentence. Cassie found his little additions to his sentences endearing and as soon as she reached the end of the letter full of questions and a promise to provide for her as her husband, she gathered up the pieces of paper and then hurried to quarters, picking up her pen and putting it to paper immediately.
Letters travelled back and forth regularly between them, their uneasy beginnings soon bringing forth great laughter and a sense of understanding. Daehyun wrote fantastical tales of his journey and he equally held no qualms in divulging his feelings. It didn’t take Cassie long to shyly reply with her own, with each letter received, her heart would thud in her chest more erratically and she would send off a piece of it along with her response. Daehyun’s sentiments, even sent as far away as he was from Cassie were sincere.
He wanted to fall in love with his wife and from how their written relationship had transpired so far, Cassie was certain this could be a reality for them both. She would often lay awake rereading their correspondence, clutching at moments where her heart felt as if it would burst out from her chest with how much his words affected her.
But that was all she had so far, words. Would being in one another’s company after the expedition feel as intimate as writing to Daehyun did currently? Would he utter his feelings as earnestly as his pen wrote them? A new wave of emotions had risen within the eldest Hawthorne daughter, and she hadn’t expected any of it.
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Plans for the winter festival were well underway. For the village of Mistletoe Manor, this festival meant everything. It not only rewarded all who had worked hard year-round in their livelihoods, it also signalled the beginning of Christmas. On the twenty-fifth of November, the festive lights would be lit around the Christmas marketplace and the Hawthorne’s would announce the start of the magical month ahead.
It was important to Cassie to ensure everything went according to plan, especially since her father had handed over the responsibility of running the event to Cassie and her sisters last year.
After helping Josephine and Evie earlier until supper was served, Cassie had forgotten about Daehyun’s latest letter. Perhaps, she had filed it away in her head and heart for that time, knowing it wouldn’t serve her to be distracted whilst busy making plans. Her cousin Grace would be arriving within the week to help with the festivities and before bed, she had managed to ensure all was set up in the room she would use before retiring to her own.
It was after Lydia had left her to her own devices when Cassie finally moved back to her desk where she had left the correspondence from Daehyun, her eyes falling to the last page as she chewed on the bottom of her lip. With a sigh, she moved towards her bed and climbed under the covers, hopeful that her mood would brighten enough to reply tomorrow.
 I fear the King wishes to extend his tour out here and we may not return until the flowers bloom. My love, please know I am trying everything to get back in time for Christmas. I know how much this time of year means to you, and since spending last year in your company, I long to be there again for this year’s festivities.
Until I am truly yours,
Part 2
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[Christmas 2019 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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bangchan-sonyeondan · 7 years
Daddy Material | Bang Yongguk
Word count: 433 Genre: Fluff Pairing: Yongguk x reader
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You sat on your living room floor with your niece, as she played with her toys. There was a knock on the door before it was pushed open and you saw your boyfriend Yongguk walking into the room. You furrowed your eyebrows. "What are you doing here?" you asked, looking at the bag he was holding in his hand. "I told you I had to babysit today."
He nodded, closing the door and setting the bag on the couch. "I'm aware of that." he said with a smile. "I thought I would keep you company." Yongguk smiled at your niece and crouched down to look at her. "So, this is Y/N/N?"
Your niece nodded with a smile. "I'm Yongguk, nice to meet you." he said, ruffling her hair. She giggled, reaching out to him, and he gladly picked her up. "I brought movies if you want to put one on." he suggested, gesturing to the bag. "There are some snacks in there too."
You nodded and grabbed the bag before pulling out a few kids movies. You smiled to yourself, grabbing a box of Swedish fish. You put Ponyo in and sat on the couch next to Yongguk who had your niece in his lap.
She giggled happily, cuddling into his chest. You smiled at the sight and thanked him for bringing movies. "It was no problem really." he smiled at you, holding out his arm. You moved closer to him, cuddling into his side, running your fingers through your niece's hair.
The three of you sat in silence watching the movie. You watched movie after movie until you were on the last one. You rested your head on Yongguk's shoulder, not taking your eyes off the TV screen.
You heard light snores coming from him so you looked at him. His head was tipped back, resting on the couch cushion. Your niece was now sitting on the other side of him rather than in his lap, her head rested against his side.
A smile tugged at your lips and you slowly got up from your spot and took a picture of them. "Cute~" you whispered, looking at the photo.
You crawled back on the couch, curling up next to him. He stirred a little, his head turning to your direction. You reached forward, moving his dark hair from his face. "I love you, you know that?"
You didn't think he was awake, but he was. He smiled in response, his eyes fluttering open. "I know." he said, lifting his head. He pressed his lips to yours. "I love you too."
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nipnapples · 7 years
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This morning, on the 26th day of January, we were blessed with this sleepy snack. What a lovely way to wake up ♥️🐰♥️
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Beach Date with Yongguk
The shine might have shone brightly that day, but nothing compared to the brightness of his smile as he looked at you.
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Request Guidelines
Rules for Requests
(We are not taking one shots at this time)
1. Reaction: Could you do a reaction to BTS getting their first kiss?
2. Scenario/Imagines: Can you do what Daehyun, Youngguk, and Zelo would be like as protective boyfriends? (Usually bullet point)
3. Ship requests: Who do you see me with in XXXX group?
4. MtoL: Can you do Most to Least of Vixx on who you date a goth?
5. Headcanons: What type of dad would EXO be? What kind of kinks does Victon have?
Not Accepting One Shots!!!
4. One Shot: Can you do a fluff with JB and Jr where they go out to get ice cream and it rains?
Available list:
Groups not on the available requests lists WILL NOT be completed.
WARNING: This blog is currently only being ran by a single person so requests might take awhile to fulfill because… life. We’ll try to the best of our ability to fill requests. Again, one shot stories are currently closed.
1. We are ok with OTPs in your scenarios or reactions. Ship to your heart’s content. We don’t care about the orientation.
2. Request are up to 3 members from any of the available groups (the members do not have to be from the same group, but have to be from the available groups). This applies to ships and bullet point scenarios.
3. Up to 2 groups for reactions and MtoLs. Gif reactions/MtoLs will be the full group unless specified (example: Seventeen Hip Hop Team) with the exception of abnormally large groups like NCT 2020. It will also be at the discretion of the admin to include removed or inactive members of the group unless specified.
4. Up to 2 groups for head cannons. Same rules applies as to gif reactions. Please allow for a long time period for either of these to be fulfilled as they are full group requests and can take a long time to write out.
5. For ship requests, please provide a brief description of yourself and/or pictures so we have something to base the pairings off of. 
6. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please provide the plot, scenario, storyline. What kind of story would you like? It DOES NOT need to be detailed. Just a sentence or two should suffice. It’s OK to say you just want any story about a member too. We can provide a plot, just let us know the TYPE of story (angst, smut, horror, fluff).
7. An admin has the right to deny a request if they are uncomfortable with the story.
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noonaduck · 5 years
© Masterlist
All my works are pure fiction and has nothing to do with real people (or events) which they are based on. BTS
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Sexd (Sex ed) - series m.list  [Completed] ~Series, non idol Au, angst ,smut, fluff.~ Blood Moon pt.1 ~smut, supernatural au~ Butterfly Effect m.list ~Supernatural au, fantasy au, bts member x reader oneshot series (more specific tags on each fic)~ In the eye of the storm m.list ~Superhero & Super Villain AU, angst, smut, fluff ~
 Kim Namjoon:
Elite School  2. ft. Min Yoongi       ~Twoshot, School AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst~
Kim Seokjin:
Min Yoongi:
Elite School -Twoshot  2  ft. Kim Namjoon    ~Twoshot, School AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst~ The Puppet in the painting ~Oneshot, Halloween special, supernatural au, marionette au, smut, angst~
Jung Hoseok: -
Park Jimin:
Fantasize               ~drabble, angst, fluff(?)~
Kim Taehyung:
50 Shades of paint -oneshot ~Domestic Au, waiting parents AU, non idol verse, smut, fluff~
Jeon Jungkook:
B.A.P: Youngguk x reader, Daehyun x reader  We used to be so in love - Oneshot  ~ non idol AU, Angst, Smut~
 Unfinished fics on hiatus for unknown time:
Pairing: ? x reader MMW [Ongoing, super slow updates/hiatus]- Mad Man’s wonderland.  ~AU, series, fluff, angst(?), smut~
Sweet dreams - Series m.list  [BTS OT7 x reader) ~ Series, Fantasy AU,Supernatural Au,Smut, Fluff, Angst.~
Call my name - series m.list [BTS Jimin x reader] ~series ,Supernatural AU ,Changed lifes Au, Angst, smut~
Fangs - series m.list  [BTS Hoseok x reader]
~Series(?),Vampire Au, Supernatural AU, Smut, Angst, Fluff(?)~
The Ghosting - mini-series m.list [ BTS Taehyung x reader, Namjoon x reader] ~Mini-series, Supernatural Au, Idol AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut(?)~ Sexd: Times of graduation m.list ~Series, non idol Au, angst ,smut, fluff.~
183 notes · View notes
kweebtrash · 5 years
About Me
Sagittarius sun, scorpio moon, taurus rising (i know, im sorry)
I speak english and spanish (kinda poorly but i understand everything)
insert stereotypical im a “weeb, nerd, gamer, metalhead” shit here
i’m no longer writing kpop fanfics but i am writing other stories on my main tumblr @sad--succubus
if we used to talk on here and you’d like to reconnect, please still message me on either blog. i will answer either way. i’ve been away for a long time but i’d like to find the friends i used to talk to.
2nd Gen Kpop stan
Girl Groups (some i know the members, some i just like the music): 2ne1, f(x), Girls Generation, CLC, Red Velvet, G-idle, EXID, Mamamoo, 4Minute, Wondergirls, Sistar, Blackpink 
Boy Groups (some i know the members, some i just like the music) Pentagon, NCT 127, Monsta X, Stray Kids, Ateez, WayV, Seventeen, ACE, Victon, BAP, Got7, Big Bang, EXO, SuJu, Shinee, Block B, iKon, Winner, VIXX, 
Co-Ed KARD, Triple H, Troublemaker
Solos Jessi, DPRLive, DPRIan, Jooyoung, G-Dragon, Taeyang, Hyuna, Dawn, Gray, Dean, Bloo, Woodz, Jay Park, Zico, Mino, Bobby, Holland, Sik-k, Huta, Flowsik, Ravi, Crush, Giriboy, Sunmi, Hyolyn, Hwasa
Ults (Girl): #1-Hwasa, #2-Hyuna, #3-Jessi, #4-Irene
Ults (Boys): (Past #1) Taeyang, (Past #2) Yoongi, Current #1- Johnny Suh, Current #2- Yang Hongseok
Some Other Biases: Mark Tuan (Got7), Mingi (Ateez), Mingyu (SVT), Irene (Red Velvet), LE (EXID), Youngguk (BAP), Seungwoo (Victon), Kun (WayV), Eunhyuk (SuJu), Hyungwon (MX), Felix (SKZ), Sehun (Exo), B.M & Jiwoo (KARD), BK (ACE), Taeil (Block B), Leo (VIXX)
Who I Write For:
Other Possible Groups (that i've thought about but havent really started anything)
Wonwoo *
Red Velvet:
Hwasa * 
Monster Woo
Christian Yu
*Have written or featured in stories already
What I Write:
Smut, Angst, sporadic fluff, Full length series, one-shots, drabbles
Exploring & explaining kinks/BDSM, queer/POC issues, POC characters, reader inserts/ambiguous reader (but please assume that my stories are made specifically for people of color), mental health issues, suicide/death, (light) substance abuse (not addiction really), partying, some sexual assault
Warnings and features (what the goods for the sex scene are) are written above the story
I have OCs in 2 of my series and i occasionally add characterization to (ambiguous) reader fics.
For ambiguous reader fics i still try and stay away from descriptive words (for hair, skin, body shape, etc) as much as possible
i do write mostly for afab people (in sexual situations, of which all of my stories have). Sometimes i write sex scenes from the male perspective
I use mostly she pronouns in stories and sometimes they/them (still for afab person)
i have written a single chapter of idolxidol (explicit sex and kissing) and write mentions of it (like exes and relationships a/o experiences) but its not my forte or specific thing i go for. I dont normally ship the members of a group. (Exceptions are JohnJae and Johnta, but again not my forte or first thing i go for)
I dont take requests anymore (because it takes me forever to complete one and i need to be in the right mood & headspace.)
i don’t rp/erp
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kpopblog · 6 years
Smut- S  Angst- A  Fluff- F
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A Cycle (A)
Jealous (S A)
Liars’ Game (A S F)
Xiumin Goodbye Kiss (F S) 
A Club Meeting (F A)
Liars’ Game (A S F)
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Cheaters Never Win (S A)
Swish (S F)
Swish (S F)
Their daughter pranks them with a fake hickey (Hyung Line) (Maknae Line)
S/O insecure on their social equality w/ them (Hyung Line) (Maknae Line)
S/O breaking up with them for another member
Their S/O realizing leaving them was a mistake (Hyung Line) (Maknae Line)
When they ask their S/O to move in with them
Their S/O free bleeding(Hyung Line) (Maknae Line)
Developing deeper feeling for you(Hyung Line) (Maknae Line)*Coming soon*
Fake Texts
Telling V you’re pregnate (Part two)
Missing Jimin
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Bitter Times (S A)
Jongup Masked Reflection (A)
Their S/O wanting to top
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Jay Park
Secrets Split (A S)
Simon Dominic
 Betrayal (A)
Cha Cha Malone
The End (A)
Ugly Duck
Woodie Gochild
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Shattered (A)
I’ll Always Love You (Alternate Ending) (A)
Crazy Fantasy (S)
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Help Please (A) 
Help Please 2 (A)
Royalty (S)
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Regrets (A) 
Regrets pt. 2 (A)
Fake Texts
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Another Round (A) (F)
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Day 1 (A F)
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A bit of Stress (A) (F)
Mafia!au Leo
A Break (A)
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Super Junior
Confessing to Heechul
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Win Win
Baby, You can be the Boss (S) (F)
Baby, You can be the Boss (S) (F)
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🍑 Request Guidelines For You Peaches  
🍑 More Rules 
🍑 Our Peaches  
🍑 Schedule 
🍑 Buy Us Some Coffee 
🍯  Fluff 
🥜 Trigger 
🍆  Smut 
🍺 Comedy 
🌶️ Angst
Blue Moon (Angel Jonghyun)  🍯 &  🥜
A Day To Remember (Sungjae x gn!reader)  🍯
Bad Habits (Youngguk x Smoker m!reader)  🍆  maybe  🥜
Stay The Night (Toxic Jooheon x Controlling m!reader)  🍯,  🥜, &  🍺
24/7 Coffee Shop Disasters ( S.coups x Coffee Shop Owner m!reader)  🍯,  🥜, &  🍺
Suck Bang Blow (Namjoon x Drunk m!reader)  🍯 &  🍆 maybe  🥜
I Can Be Your Hero (Marvel au x Exo) 1. 2.  🍯,  🥜, &  🍺
Trouble In The Family (TVXQ, NCT, BAP, JYJ, & Block B no shipping) 1. 2. 3. 4.  🥜 &  🌶️
Noir (Gray x Artist m!reader) 1. 2.   🍯,  🥜,   🍆  maybe  🌶️
Astro Reaction | learning their S/O knows how to dance... (m!reader)  🍯
BigBang Reaction | to their S/O is to being a former undercover cop... (m!reader)  🍯 &  🥜
Seventeen Reaction | SVT athlete BF gets hurt - Hip Hop Unit  🍯 &  🌶️
Exo Reaction | Parents catching you in the act... (m!reader)  🍯 & 🍆  maybe  🌶️
Got7 Reaction | Them finding out your boyfriend material... (m!reader)  🍯 maybe 🍆 
I Can Be Your Hero (Marvel au x Exo) | Chen. Lay. Xiumin. Sehun. Kai. D.O. Chanyeol. Baekhyun. Suho.  🍯,  🥜, &  🍺
Pay Attention (Namjoon x Lazy m!reader)  🍯
What Rhymes With Cock (Woozi x Fuckboi m!reader)  🍆 maybe  🌶️
The Boys Are Back (Namjoon x Hoseok x Bestfriend m!reader)  🍯 &  🥜
Morning Of Art (Jimin x Painter m!reader)  🍯
Bad Habits (Youngguk x Smoker m!reader)  🍯 &  🌶️
Feed Your Man (Day6 x m!reader) 1. 2.  🍯
Chicken Little Date (Jae x m!reader)  🍯
Secret Friend (Ravi x m!reader)  🍯
Is It Over Yet (Exo x Model m!reader) 1. 2.  🍯
It’s Nap Time (Student Monsta x x Student m!reader) 1. 2. 3.  🍯 &  🍺
Edited: 09.20.2018 I’ll try to keep it up to date for your peaches  
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win-bap · 6 years
Morning And Night
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Pairing: You x Bang Yongguk
Word count: 779
Genres: Fluff and a little bit Angst.
Summary: You are a morning person but your boyfriend was the opposite and this is what could happen if you traveled together.
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You just arrived in Paris to spend a quiet and romantic vacation together but more than that you wanted to know more about Yongguk, even though you dated him for a year but still, there are things you can’t know about the person unless you traveled or live with him.
“Here we are” he opened the door of the suite so you can get in.
“Woaah such a beautiful view!” you were in front the window in a blink of an eye. He chuckled and he was glad you liked the view and how you were so excited.
“I think it’s will be beautiful as well in the morning” he left the bag aside and joined you to enjoy the beautiful view, while his arm around your waist.
“What should we do now?” you looked at him with your excited sparkling eyes and again he smiled.
“Maybe we should go and eat?” he pinched your cheek lightly.
“Yes, I’m so hungry” you pouted and he enjoyed your cuteness.
“Should we order for room service? You seem tired after the long flight” he suggested
“As you like” you smiled then jumped on the bed, he lied beside you after he picked up the menu to chose and you rested your head on his shoulder. You ordered and eat happily but the both of you didn’t know about the upcoming arguments.
You woke up early so you can go and eat your breakfast with your boyfriend in one of the beautiful simples cafes in Paris but Youngguk didn’t wake up and finally, you decided to wake him with a kiss and he woke up.
“Oh Y/N why did you wake me up? I still want to sleep” he was annoyed even though you tried to wake him with the most lovely way.
“We decided to eat breakfast in a cafe, don’t you remember?” you get away from him and sit beside him.
“Oh right, let’s do that tomorrow and come to sleep with me” he searched for your hand while his eyes are closed and once he found it, he pulled you to sleep.
“I woke up early and waited for you to wake up and then you say “Let’s do that tomorrow”?” you got off the bed and it’s clear from your tone how you were annoyed.
“Ok, ok don’t get mad, let’s go” he stood and head to the bathroom, after that he got ready and you went for your breakfast. You were happy as usual you liked the morning and early breakfast but unfortunately, your boyfriend wasn’t the same as you.
You two had a long fun day and finally, you came back to the hotel and you were so tired but his energy is on now.
“Baby, why don’t we go to drink in the hotel bar? Maybe they have some good wines” he wanted to go so bad.
“Maybe tomorrow, I’m so tired now” you give him that ‘I’m sorry’ look.
“Just tonight? I really want to try the wines they have here” he held your hand and looked at your eyes directly.
“Sorry Gukki, I’m really tired”
“Ok” he let go your hand and get in the elevator, you get in after him and the tension in the air is killing you and soon you were in your suite floor, he got off first and opened the suite door but he didn’t hold the door for you as he always does, you followed him as fast as you can.
“You’re mad at me cause I didn’t want to go to the bar?” you asked after you got in the suite and he didn’t say anything, he laid on the bed and closed his eyes.
“Tell me so I can understand why you acting like this” you stand still in the hallway, waiting for his response.
“Yes” he was in the same position.
“I’m so tired and I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to drink much and enjoy with you” you sat on the edge of the bed.
“If that was the case then I woke up early today morning for you, even though I slept late last night and I tried to make you enjoy” his tone gotten deeper and he opened his eyes to look at you.
You lowered your head. “I’m sorry”.
“Don’t be” he sat beside you and raised your head to look directly at your eyes.
“Should we go now and enjoy our night?” you smiled at him and he nodded.
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noona-clock · 6 years
Confusion & Coincidences - Part 8
Genre: Regency!AU
Pairing: Yongguk x You
By Admin B
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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“...You accept?” the Earl asked, staring at you with some confusion.
“Yes,” you assured him with a nod.
“But... I thought you wanted to --”
“I know,” you interrupted. “And I do want to marry for... love. But it’s as you said yesterday. We haven’t known each other very long, but we seem to have a good idea of each other’s characters. And... I think... I could... love? You? One day?”
Were you making any sense?
The Earl pressed his lips together, and you could tell he was trying to hold back a smile. You wished he wouldn’t because you realized you’d never actually seen him smile. A real, full-on smile. And if you were going to be engaged to a man, you wanted to know what his smile looked like.
“I see,” he murmured, letting his lips pull into a smirk. Not a smile, but it was something.
“I would just like the chance to get to know you better,” you added
“Then why not just request I ask you again later when we know each other more?”
...Right. That did make more sense.
“Well,” you began, hoping you could make this sound more reasonable and less... weird. “I’ll be quite frank with you, my Lord, because if you can’t be honest with your fiancé, who can you be honest with?”
Okay. Off to a great start.
“As difficult as it might be to imagine, I have never been proposed to before yesterday. I have never met a gentleman who even seemed... interested. And I have never met a gentleman whom I was interested in, either, much less one from whom I would like to receive a proposal. But... I have never met a gentleman quite like you.”
“I can certainly say the same about you,” the Earl replied, his smirk still present. “Except replace ‘gentleman’ with ‘lady.’”
You let out a soft chuckle, and you wondered if you’d ever heard such a lovely compliment in your life.
“I rejected you yesterday because I was not expecting you to propose. I was, indeed, quite shocked. And I’ve always had it in my head that, when a man did propose, it would be... well... just different, I guess. And then I was also thinking about Pride & Prejudice and how Mr. Darcy suddenly proposes to Lizzy, and now you were proposing to me, so I kind of panicked, I guess?” 
“Mr. Darcy?” he asked with just a hint of a laugh. “You think I’m like Mr. Darcy?”
“Well, I didn’t say that, but...” You averted your gaze and lifted one shoulder into a half-shrug. “A bit, yes.”
“You’re definitely not wrong. You’re much better than Elizabeth, though.”
Okay, that was the loveliest compliment you’d ever heard in your life.
“Anyway,” you interjected, trying to hide the fact his words had left you just a tiny bit breathless. “I should have taken more time to think rather than answering you so quickly.”
“Although, you technically didn’t ever say the word ‘no,’” the Earl pointed out.
Your brow furrowed as you thought back to the conversation, trying to remember specifically everything you’d said. And... he was right. You couldn’t remember ever saying ‘no.’ You’d told Alice you’d said ‘no,’ but you hadn’t told the Earl. And what you told him was more important - at least in matters of matrimony.
Speaking of Alice...
“And then when my best friend told me she is very soon to be engaged to my brother, I realized -- I already told you all this, so I won’t burden you further by repeating it.”
The Earl took a step closer to you, closing the distance between you even further than you had just a few minutes ago. He timidly reached out and took one of your hands, holding it gently in his.
“Please don’t ever feel as if you or anything you do or say is a burden to me,” he murmured, gazing down at your hands rather than in your eyes. But you didn’t mind because his hair was actually rather glorious. “In my eyes, a marriage is a partnership. You help each other and listen to each other, so I hope you never feel like you can’t share things with me.”
...Whoa. You suddenly stopped thinking about how glorious his hair was and started thinking about how glorious his idea of marriage sounded. Not just someone you shared a residence with and had children with, but... someone you lived with. Not just physically but emotionally.
It would be a much-needed breath of fresh air, actually. On a day-to-day basis, you really didn’t have anyone to talk to who truly understood you. Your mother and brother both loved you dearly, but they would never choose to stay home and read novels when there were parties and dinners to attend. People to talk to. 
Your father understood you, yes, but... I mean, how could you talk to him in that manner? He was your father. It was... awkward.
And you had Alice who accepted you completely, but again - she didn’t quite understand.
So to hear someone say he would openly and willingly listen to you?
It meant more than you even realized.
“Okay,” you whispered, tipping your head in the slightest of nods.
The Earl then brought your hand up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. “Is there anything else you would like to explain?” he asked softly, his deep voice sending a shiver down your spine. Or maybe it was the touch of his lips. Or both.
You shook your head.
“I will leave you, then,” he told you, letting your hand drop and stepping away from you. “I shall call on you tomorrow to discuss everything with your mother.”
“Oh, god,” you replied instinctively, hearing the own whine in your voice as you closed your eyes to try and block the image of your mother and the Earl together out of your mind.
The Earl laughed softly, and your eyes snapped open. You were hoping to see him smile, but you were too late, apparently. His lips were already closed and fairly straight-lined.
“Unpleasant, I know,” he said. “But necessary.”
“I suppose you’re right,” you sighed. He would have to speak with your father, too, but that wouldn’t be half as mortifying.
“I will leave my calling card with the butler in case you need me for any reason,” the Earl told you as he approached the doorway to the drawing room.
You simply nodded, tipping your head as a ‘good-bye’ before he disappeared.
Before your fiancé disappeared.
Your betrothed.
Your... future husband.
Oh, my.
It was suddenly hitting you, which was very strange because the Earl was now gone. Why were you just now realizing that...
You were getting married.
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As soon as you heard the door close, signaling the Earl’s departure, you ran to fetch your shawl and bonnet. 
If your mother was awake, she would surely inquire about the visitor you had just received, and you most certainly did not want to tell her who it had been. But you also didn’t want to lie to her, so the only other option was to simply... not talk to her. At all.
By the time you, yourself, made it out the door, you could still see the Earl trotting away on his horse.
My, but he really did cut a fine figure, even from the back.
You decided to walk the opposite way, not wanting to cause an awkwardness by running into him when he had literally just been at your aunt’s house talking to you.
Besides, the whole point of you fleeing the house was to not see or talk to anyone.
You needed some alone time to process everything.
So you started walking. And you kept walking, trying not to let your mind wander too much so you remembered which way you had turned. It would do you no good to get lost in the streets of London.
It was still before noon, so it’s not like you were in danger of getting accosted by some nighttime scoundrel, but still. If you got lost, you would have to ask someone for directions. Which would involve approaching and talking to somebody you didn’t know. Nothing sent a terrified shudder down your back more than that prospect.
Although... the thought of marrying somebody you barely knew was a bit intimidating, as well. You weren’t scared, per se, you were simply... anxious.
What if you were a terrible wife? What if the Earl got to know you better and decided he didn’t like you as much as he thought he would? What if you didn’t like the Earl as much as you thought you would? What if you both made the other so unhappy, and you lived the rest of your lives out barely even speaking or seeing each other?!
Oh, dear. You were overthinking - and verging on paranoia. While it is certainly possible your marriage wouldn’t be as wonderful and delightful as you’d always hoped your marriage would be, it surely wouldn’t make you miserable.
If anything, you could simply avoid the Earl as much as you could and spend all of your time reading outside. It’s what you already did, and you were plenty content doing so now.
You suddenly realized the temperature in the air had dropped just a bit, so you hugged your shawl tighter as you turned a corner and picked up the pace. 
What about children? Did the Earl want children? Surely he did; he has a title to pass on, after all. 
Truthfully, you weren’t exactly sure... Okay, this is slightly embarrassing. You weren’t sure how children... came about. Your mother never told you specifically. You only knew it was something done in the bedroom, and that alone was enough to make your cheeks blush.
Thinking about being in a bedroom with the Earl made your cheeks blush even more, and you were glad of the chill in the air now.
Just as you turned yet another corner, a rather booming clap of thunder pierced through the air. And then a bolt of lightning shot through the sky.
Your brow furrowed just as rain began to pelt down, and you let out a little shriek.
Blimey! You knew it had looked like rain earlier on in the day, but you hadn’t realized it was going to storm! And you were so far from your aunt’s house!
You were fairly certain you could make your way back, but... you’d been walking for quite a while. A quick look around relayed to you the fact you were still in very much a residential area, so it’s not like you could take refuge in a shop, either! You didn’t know anyone else in London besides the Earl, and you had absolutely no idea where he lived. The chances of him living in one of these houses were very, very slim.
So you could either impose yourself upon the kindness of a stranger... or make a run for it.
Neither option was enticing in the least, but... you were a little more experienced with running than you were with imposing on a stranger. Very little.
You tugged the strings of your bonnet with one hand, making sure it wouldn’t fly off, and clutched the ends of your shawl with the other, hoping it might protect you just a little from the rain... and then you broke out into a sprint.
It didn’t take long for your shoes to get completely soaked through. Your bonnet and shawl followed suit not long after, and your dress eventually decided to join the club, as well.
Unsurprisingly, you had to stop and catch your breath quite a few times, the cold air burning in your lungs.
By the time you made it back to your aunt’s house, you had never been so rain-soaked, breathless, and cold in all your life. You felt as though you could collapse on the spot . And once the butler opened the door for you... you practically did.
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The Earl let out a very shaky breath before lifting his gloved hand and knocking on the door the morning after you had accepted his proposal.
Within a minute, the same butler who had received him the previous two times appeared, though he looked a bit more worried than he usually did.
“Ah,” the butler greeted. “My Lord --”
He stopped suddenly, glancing over his shoulder as his brow wrinkled.
“Is everything all right?” the Earl murmured.
“I presume you are here to call on Miss Y/N?”
“Somewhat... I came to speak with her mother... is something going on?”
The butler let out a short breath before shaking his head. “Miss has fallen quite ill, so now is not the time for visitors, I’m afraid.”
“Ill?” The Earl did nothing to hide the surprise in his tone. “What’s wrong? It’s nothing serious, I presume?”
“I believe she was caught out in the rain yesterday.”
“Has a doctor been by?”
“We have called on my Lady’s regular physician, though he has not yet answered.”
The Earl frowned, his forehead wrinkling deeply with concern. And then his gaze snapped up to meet the butler’s. “I’ll be back soon.”
The butler simply nodded, and the Earl heard the door close behind him as he bounded down the stairs.
It took him less than half an hour to locate his private physician, urging him to get his medical supplies together and hurry over to your aunt’s house. He really had no idea what was wrong with you, but it was better safe than sorry. If you’d gotten stuck out in yesterday’s chilling rain, it could lead to something serious.
The butler welcomed him back easily, opening the door widely and ushering him and the physician inside.
“Up the stairs, second door on the left,” he directed.
The Earl nodded his thanks, leading the physician up and gently knocking on the door when he arrived.
He heard a hurried shuffle on the other side, and your mother - your quite distressed looking mother - opened it.
“Oh!” she gasped. “My -- my Lord! What are you --”
“I brought my personal physician,” he interrupted gently. “I hope it is not an intrusion, but I heard --”
“Yes, yes, please come in,” she replied, standing aside to let the two men pass.
While the physician set up camp, opening his medical bag and retrieving all the tools he would need, the Earl stood near the foot of your bed, quite taken aback by the scene before him.
You were lying in the bed, almost lifeless. Your face was extremely pale, and he could see from here you were shivering violently. His heart began to pound in his chest, and he watched the doctor like a hawk as he listened to your heart and lungs, measured your pulse, and laid his hand on your forehead to try and gauge your body temperature.
“I believe it is just a fever for now,” he announced, replacing his stethoscope back in his bag. “Though we need to make sure it doesn’t evolve into the ague.”
The Earl nodded, beginning to pace as the doctor gave some orders to your mother. She was to fetch a wet towel and some strong herbal tea with lemon. You would need to drink a lot of fluids to try and flush out your fever.
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The next few hours were quite nerve-wracking. Your mother forced several cups of tea down your throat and kept a wet cloth on your forehead almost constantly. You went through fits of restlessness, remaining just barely conscious the whole time.
And the Earl never left the room.
During the few bouts of time your mother was not there, the Earl sat by your side, pressing the cloth to your forehead and face, trying to keep you comfortable. He had never experienced something like this before - someone close to him suffering in such a manner.
He absolutely hated it.
You had been engaged for only a day, but he already knew he would do anything to protect you. To help you. To make you better.
It was during one of the times when the Earl was alone in your room that you finally opened your eyes. You had stopped shivering about half an hour ago, and your face was now a little more flushed, glistening slightly with sweat.
When your eyes fluttered open, the Earl sat up straighter, his brow furrowing immediately.
He opened his mouth to say your name, but he didn’t want to startle or confuse you. So he waited, watching as you slowly gazed around the room and took a hold of your senses.
When your eyes landed on him, your brow furrowed in exactly the same manner as his just had. “My lord?” you asked, your voice breathy and raspy. “What are you doing here?”
“You fell ill,” he explained softly.
You stared at him for a few moments before repeating your question. “What are you doing here?”
The Earl couldn’t stop himself from letting out a little chuckle. “I came to speak with your mother about -- and they said you hadn’t yet seen a doctor, so I brought mine, and I just -- wanted to make sure you got better.”
You swallowed heavily, and the Earl asked if you wanted some tea or water. You shook your head before closing your eyes again and letting out a tired sigh.
“You know,” you murmured. “This is just like Sense & Sensibility when Marianne gets stuck in the rain and falls ill and Colonel Brandon saves her.”
A very amused smile tugged at the Earl’s lips, and he leaned back in his chair, somewhat relieved. Yes, you were going to be just fine.
“You have quite the imagination,” he pointed out. “I believe I shall seek out this female author and get her to write a novel about you. A girl who thinks her life is its own novel.”
You simply let out a breath of a laugh, whispering, “I believe that would be a very good story. Best-selling, if you ask me.”
“I quite agree, my dear. I quite agree.”
Part 9
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armystringsexo · 6 years
whos your bias and why do you love them? Who's your ult and why do you love him? who's your wrecker and why is he your wrecker?
EXO- My bias is Minseok! He’s my ult and honestly he’s just a big sweetheart. His adorable squishy cheeks and stunning vocals drew me in and I love him lots.
BTS- My bias is Hoseok! He’s bubbly and cheerful attitude always makes me laugh and he just radiates happiness
GOT7- YOUNGJAE. He’s so underrated in the group but he has a vvv powerful voice and I love his laugh so much. His laugh could solve world peace
SHINee- My bias is, was, and always will be Jonghyun. He was an inspiration to me and his songs helped me when I was having bad times. I miss my angel
SEVENTEEN- ah yes my bias is Soonyoung! I guess I really like the happy and loud people? I just wanna squish his cheeks
KNK- Jihun is my bias! This tall lanky child is the leader and he’s doing an amazing job and wow. Stan talent stan KNK
DAY6- YoungK aka Brian. He’s funny, handsome, speaks English, and plays the guitar??? Whole ass boyfriend material
NCT- is it even possible to have a bias?? These are my 18 sons. If I had to choose it’d probably be Jungwoo and Kun. I’ve been waiting for Kun to debut so I’m really happy he did!!
BAP- Youngguk. He looks scary but he’s a big sweetheart. His laugh makes me smile. He has his own problems but still puts the group and other members before himself. He’s amazing
Block B- oof. My bias is Kyung and today is his birthday! His higher voice makes his rapping a lot more unique and I enjoy listening to it.
STRAY KIDS- Woojin!! The bear! The teddy bear! His vocals just always leave me shook and he has the cutest smile.
ACE- Byeongkwan! He’s a dweeb and he’s very good at dancing and singing and rapping. He’s an all kill basically.
VIXX- the evil maknae, Hyuk! I know I’ve said this about every other bias but he’s hilarious and very loud, yeah. He’s loud
PENTAGON- Yanan! He’s so soft and squishy! He’s a cutie! But Hui is my bias wrecker and god help me
iKON- Junhoe is my bias. He’s loud and very weird, he reminds me of myself tbh
Nine Percent- CHEN LINONG AKA NONGNONG. He’s my ult Cpop bias tbh. I fell in love the moment he walked onto idol producer wearing all pink and bunny ears as a tie. I shed a tear he was so cute
NEX7- It’s a mix between Quanzhe and Zeren because they’re both just squishy fluff balls. I’m just a pile a mush and this entire thing is basically me raving about my biases lmao
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mint-yooxgi · 6 years
If you're still doing the title game, how about "Rewrite the Stars"
Pairing: Youngguk X Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Forbidden Love AU
What It’d Be About: Definitely a society in which their two families feud or something where they’re not supposed to be together due to fate or something, but their love transcends space and time. Break the rules and write their own stories type thing. Many intense action sequences. (Maybe mafia related…)
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Hi! I saw you are doing the drabble challenge, so i wanted to make a small request. Number 60. with Bang Youngguk A bit of angst and a bit of fluff. It's my first time requesting so if i didn't say something that i was supposed to say i am very sorry :(
A/N: Your request was perfect! I’m honored to be the person you requested from first! I hope you enjoy it!
Pairing: Bang Yongguk x  Female Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 609
Drabble Challenge Prompts
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60. Are you going to talk to me?
You were over at Yongguk’s place along with the rest of B.A.P. You and Yongguk had been dating for a little over a year and you had become quite close with the rest of the members, particularly Himchan. 
Yongguk was sitting on the couch with the rest of the members while you and Himchan were sitting on the ground as the seven of you watched a movie. Much to everyone’s annoyance, you and Himchan kept messing around. From whispering to each other and laughing quietly to just randomly putting your arms around each other you guys had become quite distracting. 
Youngjae groaned as something Himchan said sent you into yet another fit of giggling. “Can’t you two shut up? We’re trying to watch a movie.” You tried to stifle your laugh and playfully shoved Himchan because it was his fault. 
“Sorry Youngjae, we’ll be quieter.” 
“Bet that’s something you’re not when it’s just you and Yongguk,” Himchan whispered in your ear, causing you to sit straight up and turn bright red. 
“Kim Himchan that is not appropriate!” you yelled, disturbing everyone else yet again. 
“It’s true.” 
“Get a room you two,” Youngjae snapped. The other guys agreed while Yongguk grabbed the remote and shut off the movie. 
“It’s late,” he said before anyone started protesting. His voice was tight as if he was angry, and you frowned looking over at him. “And we all have a busy schedule tomorrow, so you guys should get going.” They all agreed and started saying goodbye. You hugged each of them in turn, saving Himchan for the end. 
Before he pulled away from the hug, he muttered in your ear, “use protection.” You quickly pulled away and smacked him on the arm. 
“Get out of here Himchan.” He walked to the door, laughing and you rolled your eyes. You turned to Yongguk, who had started cleaning up the mess that the guys had left. You walked over and started helping him. “I swear, I’m going to kill Himchan one of these days.” Yongguk said nothing when normally he would at least laugh. You straightened up and turned to face him. “Yongguk? Are you okay?” Still no answer. “Did I do something to upset you? I’m sorry if I have?” He continued ignoring you and walked into the kitchen to throw away the trash in his hand. You followed him. “Are you going to talk to me?” 
“Why don’t you go talk with Himchan since you two are so fond of each other?” Yongguk snapped. 
“Are you...are you jealous?” He said nothing and walked back out of the kitchen. You followed him once again. “You are! Bang Yongguk is jealous!” 
“Whatever (Y/N).” He sat on the couch, crossing his arms and glaring at nothing. You sat down in his lap so he had no chance of trying to get up to avoid you. 
“Yongguk, there is no reason for you to be jealous. You are my boyfriend, Himchan is my friend, and your friend for that matter! Nothing is going on there, and nothing will ever be going on there. I love you, and only you.” Yongguk looked at you and slowly uncrossed his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 
“I love you too.” You grinned and laid your head just underneath his chin. 
“Sorry for spending more time with Himchan than you.”
“It’s okay, because now I have you all to myself, and I don’t have to share with anyone.” You laughed as he repeatedly kissed the top of your head. 
“You never have to share me with anyone. I’m all yours.”
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eris0330 · 7 years
♡ Hey, do you love me? ♡
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Pairing: NamjoonxReader
Genre: Angst, fluff and smut.
Sum: Being a manager for Got7 and keeping up the relationship with Namjoon from BTS, everything went smoothly. The understanding of cutting a line between work and feelings, was never a problem. Heck, people would say you had the most perfect relationship, in the industry. But what happens, when both groups drop a comeback? Tour? Secrets? New things? Will you continue the same relationship, or will it all die out?
Word count: 3k
Part 1 << 
11:58 Namjoon: The tour dates are settled. We’re leaving in one month to the US… Read 12:51
13:01 Y/N: Oh… And you will be preparing for the concert goods and special stage, the next month… I know the drill… Read 13:02
13:03 Namjoon: Yeah, but I’ll try my best to get home Read 13:05
13:06 Y/N: No it’s fine, we have a lot of planning to do at JYP. Might even have to stay the night T-T Read 13:08
13:10 Namjoon: My angel is always working so hard, remember to take care of yourself babe Read 13:11
13:12 Y/N: You too, love. Read 13:14
13:20 Y/N: EVER HEARD ABOUT ‘REST’????? Read 15:23
15:23 Jimin: IT’S NOT MY FAULT Read 15:25
15:23 Jimin: Stop screaming at me T-T Read 15:25
15:26 Y/N: I’m sorry chim… It’s just, tour dates already? You guys barely get ANY rest. Read 15:27
15:27 Jimin: I know it sounds like a lot at once, but Y/N, we’re doing fine. Trust us Read 15:28
15:29 Y/N: I do trust you, it’s just common sense. There is just limits, of what a human body can endure Read 15:30
15:31 Jimin: Stop sounding so scientific and trust us. Besides, you will come along one of the days. GOT7 is doing their world tour soon as well? Read 15:32
15:33 Y/N: We don’t know. I’m trying my best to get the dates as close as yours, but Youngguk doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Read 15:34
15:35 Jimin: The suit-guy? Read 15:36
15:36 Y/N: What? Read 15:36
15:36 Jimin: I said NOTHING, gotta run Read 15:37
“Texting your boyfriend again?” A male voice interrupting your “zoning off”state, wondering about Jimin’s text. Looking up to see a tall figure, it was one of your co-workers, Youngguk.
“Close enough” You mumbled, feeling the weight pressure on the couch increase.
“You know, it’s unprofessional to text others while working. Should invest your time in real men” Your head turning to watch his devilish dark eyes, lurking in the bushes like a wolf. Youngguk was the extra manager for GOT7, but sometimes it felt like he was doing nothing. Whenever work called for stress and pressure, he was nowhere to be found. His significant black suit and clean skin, didn’t help the pressure on Namjoon. A lot of people, would call Youngguk the most ‘perfect’ man in the world. Despite, the fact he was also known as a player. A son of a director for music productions and records, making it doubtful that he chose to work in the idol industry, as a manager.
“You know, it’s unprofessional to flirt with your co-worker.” You snickered, pushing your phone in the comfort of your pocket. The way a smirk grew upon his lips, with narrowed eyes staring down upon your frame, you knew, something was up.
“I’m sorry?”
“Don’t flirt with me, when you know I’m with Namjoon” Another shot aiming for his ego, boosting your confidence more than necessary. Even though, his smirk never disappeared, a certain chill ran down your spine.
“You weren’t with Namjoon, the first time though. In fact, I remember you could barely keep my name to a minimum, begging to come.” Eyes locked, keeping you from running and the feel of his thigh brushing lightly against yours. Sending waves of memories, that happened months before you even knew Namjoon. Youngguk wasn’t giving up, taking the chance to brush a piece of your silky hair back in place, sending you back to the ending of a GOT7 Tour in the US, with minimalistic control of your own body.
“Congratulations Y/N! I knew they choose the right one!” Your hands were filled with beverages, while watching Yugyeom dance happily for himself. That’s right, JYP just announced which managers were going to take care of their group of boys. Working harder than ever, you finally made the impression on the higher staff, that you would dedicate your life into it. The boys seemed to be just as happy, finally being able to be together for longer and working hard.
“Congratulations, it looks like you did it.” It was the voice you hated, listening to it as if you were being executed. Youngguk was your long-time rival, or rather, partner in this industry. You don’t know how, he got in as a manager. But you were internally competing, for the role of being a part of something. All you knew, is that whatever you did, he had to do it better.
“Surprised?” You bickered with a smile, along the sip of sweet liquid. It wasn’t that you hated him from the bottom of your heart, because it seemed like you both had something in common. Being competitive.
“Maybe. It looks like we are going to work together now. Seems like you got your wish fulfilled” His deep voice and plump lips forming to a smile, while stealing the drink from your other hand. Sipping on the strawberry daiquiri, leading you to snort.
“Excuse me?” You laughed, folding your arms.
“Oh come on. As if, you haven’t been trying to steal my attention with your tight jeans and short skirt. The unbuttoned shirt, almost showing your pink laced bra while leaning towards me. You want me, as much as I want you.” The groan in the back of his throat, while whispering these words against your flustered earlobe, turned something inside of you. His fingers brushing against your knuckles, feeling the shake at every touch.
“You’re dreaming, Youngguk.” You shook your head, backing into a pole, stopping you from escaping the madness building inside your head. The alcohol was taking over your limbs, getting your cheeks to heat up from the rushing blood.
“Am I? I sure hope it will come true then…” You didn’t know if it was the alcohol, or the effect of his voice and fingers traveling along your hips, that sent waves of heat to your core. Youngguk was handsome, incredibly sexy. But he was a rich douchebag, that when he wanted something, he would get it.
“I hope it doesn’t” You spat, trying to push his grip away from your heated body.
“Come on Y/N. What do you want then? Money? A car? Say something, and I’ll give it to you.”
“I want, nothing from you.” You put the drink aside, trying to push against his chest. You knew, staying for longer in his presence, your mind would change. A big and warm hand embracing your wrist, stopped you from moving.
“Then, can I at least have this dance?” It was baffling, seeing his lustful eyes turning puppy-like. Backing off while getting offered a hand, you couldn’t resist the temptation of feeling the music prickle at your bones. Forgetting the flirtatious rich guy, having a dance off, didn’t seem like a bad idea.
“Only this one.” You smiled politely, putting your hand in his. Your favourite dance song playing, you were guided towards the crowded floor of people. Swaying your hips from side to side, you were assisted by Youngguk.
It didn’t take long, before realising the space minimising between the sweaty people. Youngguk’s hand following along your rhythm, feeling your bodies press together. The atmosphere was jolly with the sound of your laughter colliding, accompanied with compliments. The alcohol settling in your blood, feeling a bulge press against your hips. Your nerves dancing, trying to avoid confrontation, but your drunk self, couldn’t help but push the buttons. Turning yourself around, your butt was pressed along his length, receiving a surprising gasp from the back. His hands holding you firmly against him, while dancing as if nothing ever happened. You felt pleased, getting the reaction you wanted, but it wasn’t enough. Youngguk was annoying, but you couldn’t lie, that you had imagined what he was like in bed. Erasing the dirty thoughts, of the times he has been trying to push himself upon you, or the negative comments about your working style. He was, your co-worker. But at this moment, you gave up on trying to convince yourself. His hand grooming against your naked skin on your thigh, squeezing it lighter to get a pleasurable moan.
“Are you sure, you want nothing from me?” A daring question, muffling the sound of your surroundings. Only hearing his heavy breaths and the skin of his lips, brush against your ears. Your body screaming for more of his touch, making his hands leave a trail of fire along your skin. Fighting the urge to tell him, that you couldn’t, because he was your ‘rival’. But, how could you? His lips planting along your neck, getting the right placed behind your ear lobe. The chills forming on your skin, acknowledging that your body wanted more than your mind could process. You needed him. Turning around, you were faced with the aura of lust taking over. Your hips aligned with his hardened member, you couldn’t resist the firing feeling inside.
“Yes, or no?” You didn’t answer his previous question, trying to avoid the confrontation. But, looking into his eyes and his hands adding to the fuel, you couldn’t help but whisper a dying ‘yes’. It was the only thing he needed, before his lips crashed upon yours. The taste of the strawberry drink lingering on his tongue, asking for permission to taste. Allowing him, showed how much he longed for the dominance. Hands traveling and airless breaths, only surrounding the two of you. People were too drunk to realise what happened in the centre, but Youngguk wanted this, just as much as you.
“Let’s go upstairs” Your now abused lips, resting against his. Your hand was taking into place, as he guided you towards his hotel room. It didn’t take long, before arriving at the door. You were anticipating, but waiting patiently. Your drunk self, didn’t care anymore who was the one to take you. The sound of keys turning and the smell of clean bedsheet hit your face, as you walked into the dim lighted room. Door closed and locked, the same pair of hands found it’s place on your hips. The same sensation of a firing light inside, burned your core for more of it.
“When was the last time, you were touched by a man…. You’re so eager, for my hard cock” Lips crashing once again, tasting the same salvation of lust. Your moans of pleasure vibrating against him, feeling his body press you towards the king sized bed. Another push, to have you landing on the silky sheets. The view of his tie getting loose, while stroking at the naked skin of your thigh. You were quivering and almost going insane, from the waiting.
“I’ll make you feel heaven and hell, on the same time.” His shirt was thrown away, showing off his tanned muscles and tattoos. The way he looked at you in hunger, made your panties soaked. Thankfully, your dress was simple. A long zipper on front, holding everything in place. You noticed the way he unzipped it, in such slow motion, indulging every piece of skin showing. Peaceful kisses were placed along your cleavage and traveling further down to your stomach. Your muscles tightening at the feel of his exhales, coming closer to your wet heat. In a single last touch, your dress was off and your naked body was exposed. Youngguk licked his lips, while scanning the prey upon his bed.
“No lingerie? Did you know, that this would happen, Baby?” Shaking your head in denial, remembering the minutes it took you to decided, that underwear wasn’t necessary for this piece of cloth. You wished, it was because of that, but Youngguk was secretly in the back of your head, while choosing.
“Damn it, you’re so fucking sexy Baby girl.”
You felt his fingers brush along your folds, covering it with your juices. Watching him, lick it off to get a pre-taste. It excited you, but even sent warmth rise in your cheeks of the realisation. Getting on his knees, he pulled you by the thighs, receiving a whimper of his strong hands.
“Relax… I’m going to make you feel so fucking good, Princess” It didn’t relax you one bit, but definitely pushed you further for the anticipation. Kisses were planted along your inner thigh, making you inhale slowly, before his exhales hit your centre. It was like a shock, feeling his tongue play with your folds. Your toes curling and your body unable to keep still, you were already moaning till the sun went up.
“Oh my god Youngguk” Your fingers entangled themselves in his black silver strands, getting him to purr against your heat. You could feel his smirk form on your lips, letting you know how much he enjoyed watching you become like this.
“You taste so sweet” A feel of shock, surprising you as he added a finger. Pumping it slowly, getting your legs to tremble upon his shoulders. Sucking and nibbling upon your sensitive nub, it sent vibrations of electricity through your veins.
“Youngu-“ Another digit added, pumping harder and faster. The sound of your wet core and moans combined in the room, as he continued his phase. One last taste, you felt something weight on the side of your head. Youngguk had changed position, to lock you down by his hand. His eyes examining your facial expression of pleasure, as what he did to you. A third digit added, making your mouth gap in shock before his own lips had you shut. His tongue letting you taste yourself, as he pumped harder.
“Tell me.”
“Tell me, how much you like it Baby” You weren’t the kind to enjoy pet names, but at the moment, you mind didn’t care whoever called you what. Your walls tightening around his fingers, feeling a further heat of climax rise in the bottom of your stomach.
“I like it!” You responded in heavy breaths, feeling his phase slow down. Your eyebrows furrowing of his action, before you saw him unbuckle his belt. His hardened member bulging against his boxers, before revealing his extent length. Pushing you towards the centre of the bed, your legs were spread by his hips, watching his lips form into a sly smirk.
“Then you are going to love this, Princess” Arms locked on each side, the tip of his length was pushed inside. With each second, he came closer. Your insides felt full, unable to contain yourself at the thought of the stretch.
“You’re so tight, Baby girl” His voice was shaky, as if he was trying to control himself. When he was fully inside, you could adjust at his enormous size. It was like it hurt, but by time, it turned from pain to pleasure.
“You’re… so big….” You felt embarrassed by your own whispering words, but his smirk of approval and passionate kiss, made you forget that it was ever mentioned. He never moved, but you felt him twitch inside, as he fondly took attention to your upper body. Your perky nipples were licked and bit playfully on, just to let your whimpers pass his ears. Nails scratching along his back, as he left marks of hell on your delicate skin. It was a slow and quiet moment, but you enjoyed it, feeling every bit of him on you and the sounds releasing from his throat. It felt like hours, feeling his skin vibrate against your touch, before he settled himself upon you with his arms resting on each side of your head.
“I’m gonna move now” He whispered, before planting a sly kiss on your forehead. Nodding along his decision, you felt his length get pulled out and pushed back. It was slow, almost romantic. Your airy breaths becoming soundproof, assisted by your moans.
“Oh my god Youngguk… faster…” You could barely make it, feeling the climax rise inside. Your soul eaten by the one and only, Youngguk. Smiling at your request, he dug his head into the crook of your neck as the speed was fastened. Groans and uncontrollable words of begging, were soon forgotten.
“You’re so fucking wet. Fuck Y/N”
Skin clashing against skin, it was the only thing running through your head. Your hips bucking, to let his member hit the right spot. Your nails digging into the clean skin of his own, before your toes started to curl in the steamy air.
“Tell me what you want Baby-“ Another harsh thrust, feeling him twitch against your pulsating walls.
“Tell me what you fucking want, or I can’t give it to you Princess” His voice were crashing, as he kept his fastened phase. Shutting your eyes, you felt every thrust with might. The words running through your mind like a broken record, as you tried to let out a word than a sound.
“I want you to-“ Your sentence was cut off, as you felt a sting on the side of your butt. It was painful, but oddly satisfying in the heated moment. His forehead hovering above your own, trying to keep your eyes locked on him, only him. Another hit, feeling the sting increase on your skin.
“Tell me.” He groaned, making your eyes flutter open to see him. The sweat drops running along his forehead and down his temples, seeing your orgasmic face mirror in his eyes. Cupping his face, you were surprised to feel him purr against your palm.
“I want you to make me come, Youngguk” You finally requested, making him kiss you passionately. His teeth digging onto your bottom lip, while speeding up.
“Tell me again, Baby” His thrusts becoming forceful and strong, leaving you breathless. Every hit, every kiss, every sound of your name was imprinted in your brain.
“I want to come. I want you to make come Younguk!”
You heard him chuckle against your skin, before releasing his last battery. Your legs trembling and back arching in agreement for more. The knot in the bottom of your stomach being untied, as he continued to speed up. It was like the room disappeared, feeling every move of his member inside.
“Come inside of me, Youngguk!” You didn’t care at this point. The temptation and withdrawal for months has been unleashed at this very moment.
“As you wish, Baby”
Your eyes turning cloudy, and the feel of his warm exhales hitting your bare chest. Was memorial as you hoped, when you saw him check you out in the office room. His defined muscles bracing against your body, showing you how much he will do, to do as you wish. Forgetting the world together, of enemies. Now, as partners.
“Y/N I’m going to come..!”
The sound of Jackson’s loud voice was heard from the side, making you wake up from the memories.
“..Y-Yeah, what?” You stuttered, trying not the flushed over remembering the day it happened. Youngguk was watching being at peace, seeing your cheeks burned with red.
“Damn, you need some serious sleep. I tried calling you for ages.” He chimed, while you stood up from the couch. His smile and laughter filling your ears as if the world was ending, made you relaxed in his presence.
“I probably do… What did you want, Jackson?” You coughed, feeling Youngguk stand on your side. His arms brushing against your shoulder, sending the same type of chills down your body.
“I don’t remember now… I’ll come back when I come in thought of it again” He jumped towards the others, making your temples pulsate. Jackson was usually like this, but sometimes you wish he was a little ‘faster’.
“Seems like I triggered something?” Youngguk interrupted your annoyed state, by pushing you further. His eyes scanning for clues, as he shot the question. Gulping lightly, you turned your head.
“Does Namjoon know about your past with me?” You shot a glare upon your rival, before backing away from his body.
“Don’t. Leave Namjoon out of this.” You threatened, feeling the anger dance on your fingers. You didn’t know what it was, but it seemed like he wanted something from you.
“I take that, as he doesn’t know.” Youngguk chuckled in delight, making your bite the inside of your cheek. Being with Namjoon, you let the past disappear while indulging in the life of happiness than competition.
“Well this is going to be fun.” Another comment, before his frame diluted from your sight. Feeling alone, and scared of what will happen. You pulled your phone out, seeing your fingers shake upon the screen.
15:51 Y/N: We need to talk. Urgent. Read 15:52
15:52 Jimin: When, and where? Read 15:53
15:53 Y/N: Whenever. Nowhere near the others. Alone. Read 15:53
15:54 Jimin: This doesn’t sound pleasant… did you break something again…? Read 15:55
15:55 Y/N: jc Jimin I DRopPED ONe mp3 PLAyeR Read 15:55
15:56 Jimin: From the 17th floor…. Read 15:57
15:57 Y/N: LET IT GO JIMIN Read 16:02
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