#your clementine fields
pohlepen · 8 months
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       ❝  you should give thought to caution, my lord,  ❞   she is versed in paying heed to the king and his sacraments.  bowing her head, dipping her knees, tightening her corset and presenting herself for fucking like any good wife should.  shutting her mouth, spreading her legs, praying publicly for an heir and then downing a mug of the bitter tea to prevent the genesis of such a thing.  the king is good at his games, but the queen feels she is better at hers.   ❝  he is your king first and your brother second.  ❞
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❛ starter call / @decidentia (for farkas) ♡
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misquigleya · 1 year
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some meme i lost, oops.
@ellevenie (elle) asked: “If you want your heart rate up, just tell me.”
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                          Brows arch as she looks from laptop screen to her wife, cheeks slightly turning a faint shade of pink. However, blonde head of curls shook to clear her mind of thoughts as a small chuckle left her. "Reading these articles don't get me all the excited...not anymore," she mused, bookmarking the page before she was closing her laptop. Hands then folded and rested on the table as she looked to Eleanor with a small smile, "Okay...I'm done being rude. What do you wanna do for dinner?"
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tunatoge · 10 months
little lunch mishap - s. gojo x reader
contents: fem!reader (called mom/momma), mentions of eating, gojo sucks at packing lunches for his kids, written a little after gojo finds megumi and tsumiki
when gojo first met megumi, he’d made sure his infinity was on; he had you and shoko throw random things at him from across the field with and without cursed energy to make sure it worked properly. now, two years later, he doesn’t even realize that it’s off around the seven-year-old kid—not until megumi nails him in the face with an unripe clementine.
“ow!” gojo exclaims, bringing his hand up to his cheek as he lets his sunglasses clatter to the floor. “what was that for, megs?”
megumi glares at gojo, holding a softer and riper clementine in his grasp. you glance over at them from the kitchen as they stare each other down.
“that was the fruit you put in my lunch,” megumi grumbles as he sinks his little fingers into his ripe clementine. “i know you packed it ‘cause mom normally peels them for me.”
“okay,” gojo starts as he leans over and picks up the clementine megumi threw at him, the skin split and the sticky juice dripping all over the tiled floor and his hands. he places the ruined fruit on the counter, bending over again and picking up his sunglasses. “momma had a mission this morning, so me—your amazing and awesome dad—packed your lunch and tsumiki’s,” gojo says with gritted teeth, putting unnecessary stress on the word ‘dad’. “and by the way,” he adds as an afterthought, “tsumiki ate all of her’s.” gojo puffs his chest triumphantly, settling his glasses back onto his face.
you glance at tsumiki as she does her homework, stifling your laughter when a small grimace washes over her features.
“was it that bad?” you ask her in a quiet whisper, making sure gojo and megumi don’t hear you.
tsumiki looks up at you and nods, “satoru made us sandwiches but i think he used the bread that you told him to throw out; it was kind of moldy.” she takes in your wide eyes and adds: “i didn’t eat it, i threw it away.”
you let out a relieved sigh, turning back around to pick up a plate of sliced apples and a cup of peanut butter. you place it down on the kitchen island next to tsumiki as she thanks you. megumi finishes shoving his peeled clementine in his mouth, passing the peel off to gojo as he takes a seat next to his sister.
“are you making lunch tomorrow for school?” he asks you, picking up an apple slice and taking a bite out of it.
you hum in response, scooping out some marshmallow fluff fruit dip you’d made a few days ago. you set it in front of gojo who begrudgingly reaches over and takes an apple slice. you stop megumi from slapping the fruit out of gojo’s hand.
“hey! it wasn’t that bad,” gojo insists through a mouthful of apple. megumi looks at him in disgust. “you had veggies, fruits, and a main meal! i even packed a snack in there!”
you sigh, “‘gumi, what did satoru pack you?”
megumi wipes his hands on a napkin as he looks at you. he makes a point to swallow before speaking. “an unripe clementine, a whole unpeeled carrot from the garden with its top still on, a moldy sandwich, and a family sized bag of skittles.” he swings his feet back and forth under the kitchen island, “i ate the carrot.”
you glance at satoru who reddens at megumi’s words, “okay… tsumiki, what was in yours?” you turn your attention to the little girl who sits next to megumi.
tsumiki glances at gojo in sympathy, “a moldy sandwich, a whole avocado, a green tomato that he picked from the garden even though megumi said it was unready, and a chocolate bar.” she looks at you with a smile, “i ate the avocado. i also had a square from the chocolate bar.”
you frown as you turn back around and pull out a bag of bread and an open bag of chips. gojo watches as you easily slather two slices of bread in peanut butter and strawberry jam, slicing it diagonally and placing the pieces on two different plates. you dump a generous amount of chips on each plate before placing them in front of megumi and tsumiki. you turn around and pick up the marshmallow fluff dip, sliding it into the fridge and shutting the door with your hip. gojo unabashedly stares at your ass when you bend over.
“okay, satoru,” you sigh as you turn towards him. he looks up at you with bright eyes, smiling into his palm. his glasses are on the counter. “from now on, you’ll take my morning missions and i’ll make their lunches.” you watch from the corner of your eye as megumi eagerly eats his chips and sandwich. “and you’ll throw out the bread when i tell you it’s gone bad.”
gojo drops his head on the counter. “you know, you’re so pretty, baby.” he looks up at you through his lashes, batting them intensely. “i’m truthfully so lucky to have you in my life.”
you look at him blankly. “and you’ll be doing the dishes for the next two weeks.”
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sunstormrecs · 2 years
ship Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know
tags Gender or Sex Swap, Female Lee Minho | Lee Know, Sibling Incest, Twins, minho has a twin sister because i like seeing jisung break like a glow stick, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Threesome - F/M/M, Vaginal Fingering, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Being Walked In On, excessive use of the endearment jagi, yes i romanticised the incest a little (a lot) and nobody is surprised, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
summary With his orgasm still glowing through him, his brain is all foggy, so at first the person looking right at him only registers as a feverish mirage, some strange trick of the light, doubling her, but then—then it clicks. It’s nothing spectral. It’s not a sex-hallucinated replica of her.
It’s her fucking twin brother.
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seventies-arcana · 11 months
PAC: you're someone's muse; this is how they'd describe you
good evening lovies, i hope tonights super moon is treating you well. in this pac reading, you will find out how someone would describe you if you were their muse. this reading is purely for entertainment and enjoyment purposes.
ask upon your guides/higher self to help guide you to whichever pile/photo you should pick, then read the corresponding message. images are not mine
pick a picture to begin✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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pile one (the field): pleasing + give way
you are such a pleasing and enjoyable person to spend time with. the things you are able to do, no matter how minuscule you might find them to be, are awe-striking. there's a passion behind your eyes that adds to the radiance that surrounds you. with this, you are very attentive. you remember things people say which makes others feel seen in a way they've never felt before. you're down for whatever in the best way possible and it makes you someone that could only ever be described as fun to be around. you're adventurous at heart and consider home to be wherever your loved ones are. this makes people feel safe around you. the smell of late summer, campfires and sunflowers is something to be associated with you. you're a breath of fresh air.
pile two (the clementine): care + apple of the eye
oh, you are just so sweet. so kindhearted. you care for people so deeply and love so wholeheartedly. you make people see their insecurities as something to find beautiful. your hugs make people feel protected, it is easy to fall asleep when wrapped up in your arms. your eyes are mesmerizing, so easy to get lost in. one moment, they are doe-like, the next, the exact opposite. it's the way you flirt with your eyes that makes others feel so weak in the knees. but this doesn't make you cheeky. in fact, you are loyal and committed to the one you love. because when you love, you love intensely. you are a romantic at heart. your energy is reminiscent of candle lit homemade dinners that begin a night of endless cuddles. of fresh florals and luscious baths. you are a place of comfort.
pile three (the cat): challenge + puppy energy
you will never lower your standards or settle for someone who isn't what you want, and that is just so attractive. you know what type of relationships you want and that adds to your appeal. not just anyone can be the reciprocator of your divine affection. you speak to people once and they cant help but want to learn more about you. you're siren-like without even intending to be. once you truly let someone into your heart, you become such a lovable softie. you are so sweet and wholesome when you love, no one would ever guess it. your reminiscent of fresh linen blankets in perfectly cool rooms. your touch is soft and soothing. when you smile, genuinely smile, it brightens the mood of anyone around to see it. to be able to receive the love you give is one in a million. you are unlike anyone else.
pile four (the beach): no judgements + new perspectives
you are the model example of how everyone should be. you are accepting of people, no matter their status, and care deeply for those who may have been overlooked by others. you treat people however they treat you. you know your worth and will never let someone tarnish it. you are unapologetically yourself and that is something so rare to find, it makes others captivated by you. nonetheless, you are mysterious. you savor some aspects of yourself and only show them to the people you love. these aspects of you are the most rewarding thing to experience. every now and then, you can be mischievous. but it is all in good fun. you are filled with surprises and each one of them adds to your allure. you remind others of violets and nights spent walking along the coastline. you are utterly captivating.
please like, follow, and reblog! i appreciate it a lot :)
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ineffabildaddy · 3 months
core of a clementine
i wrote a touch-starved crowley pov ficlet, here it is!!! explicit content incoming
Teach me to repair watches. Maybe I’ll forget the silken brush of your knuckles on my pebbled skin, stroking the place where my back meets my neck as you move to fasten my necklace.
Send me fruit-picking in the fields of Western Australia with the restless twenty-somethings. Maybe after six months, I'll struggle to recall the heel of your palm holding open a book, poised, imposing, steady.
Leave me behind a bar to pour endless pints. If I polish a thousand champagne flutes, then the press of your thumb into the core of a clementine may slip my mind entirely.
Bid me spin straw into gold on a loom. I might murder the memory of crying as I came, fucking myself on faltering fingers as if your digits graced my weeping cunt.
Put me to work with my hands and maybe I’ll learn to ignore yours.
Let me forget, too, how it feels to watch you plant a slice of cake on your wet tongue. How your lips cradle the stick of an ice lolly, how its juice drips down your proud chin, scarlet and vulgar.
Let me tilt my head back in the comfort of your armchair without picturing your mouth descending upon my throat. Let me crane my neck without craving your canines grazing my pulse points, as if you could pierce them and drain every drop of my blood.
My love would still be there, anyway. It lives in teeth and fingernails, it hangs heaviest where the blood isn't.
Do me a favour, stop scrunching up your nose. That way, I don't have to think about the tip of it catching on my clit if you were ever to taste me. Don't pinch the bridge of it, either, or I can't help but wonder whether you would tweak my nipples between your fingers and growl if I rode your face.
Turn away from me before you splay your hands out on the lower half of your torso. Then my brain won't silently have to plead, won't beseech you to press your belly into the concave of my back and fuck me mean, fuck me like it serves me right, serves me right for everything.
Don't spread your legs in the passenger seat of my car, love. Don't flex your thighs, don't shift the weight of your cock like it's sacred. Don't bring me to the point of talking myself down from swerving to the side of the road, don't force me to contemplate leaving the engine on while I climb over the gearstick and slick my parted lips with spit, waiting for you to feed me your length.
Don't tap your foot once you've grown impatient. Don't bring to mind how it might feel to sit on your knee, to roll my hips on the solid plate of it until I'm soaked and hard and lightheaded with want.
Don't speak in a whisper, darling. Don't mumble, don't murmur. Afterwards, I might dream of you telling me softly that I'm good, and then calling me a whore immediately afterwards.
I might wake up and think this means I love you. And we can't have that, can we, angel?
if you liked this fic, pls go give it some love on ao3!!! thoughts and reblogs here are also much appreciated<3
this work is a gift for @voluptatiscausa <3
i know a lot of the legends have read this already so i’ll tag a few who haven’t (no pressure!!!): @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @sabotage-on-mercury @greenthena @amagnificentobsession @crowleyholmes @alwaystuesday @and-his-hands-were-24-crows @iammyownproblematicfave @portraitofalonelydyke
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Something There (Chapter 8)
6.7k words
Roy Kent x Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex, angst, mentions of slut-shaming and double standards, horrible reporters being horrible, pining, finally some fluff!!!
A/N: This is probably my favorite chapter so far, and has some of my favorite scenes I've ever written!! My heart is HAPPY!!
Series Masterlist
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I understood; I understood completely.
Ted Lasso was warm, and kind, and fun. He looked at a person like they mattered and listened with genuine interest. He made you feel like he’d have your back and believed in you.
Ted Lasso was exactly what I needed.
After chatting over drinks about our backgrounds and careers, delving into our shared deep love for sports and coaching, he finally broached the subject that had been plaguing me nonstop for what felt like an eternity.
“So. How’re you doing? With all this… hullabaloo?”
He was too kind and polite to even name the hell I was living in.
A grimace crossed my face as I lifted my beer to my lips, trying to delay answering the question for as long as possible while those patient eyes gazed at me. Finally, I had no choice but to fill the silence. “I am… okay,” I finally mumbled. “Trying to just focus on the team, you know?”
Ted nodded, watching me carefully. “I completely understand,” he hummed. “Well, I mean, not completely of course. It’s mighty unfair the way they talk about you. But…” He shrugged, giving a small pop with his mouth. “I mean, they weren’t exactly nice to me when I got here. The press, the team, hell, even Becca.” His face softened at those last couple of words. “But, eyes on the prize, as they say.” He patted my hand gently, a paternal touch I didn’t realize I needed. “Now, like I said, I don’t totally understand what you’re going through. But if you need someone who has some small idea, well, I’m here.”
“Thank you, Ted,” I murmured. “I really appreciate it.”
He shrugged, turning his attention to glance around the pub. “Anytime, Clementine.”
After a moment, I opened my mouth again. “I’ve just waited my whole life for this. To be a role model, more than a pretty face that runs fast. Sometimes that’s all I felt like back when I played. And being a coach, well everything depends on my brain, you know?” Ted’s understanding nod urged me on. “And I was finally doing it. I was winning, and because England actually gives some semblance of a crap about soccer, people started to know who I was. And then…” A big breath left my lungs. “And then this… thing happens, and it’s like nothing else matters. Olympic medals, World Cups, national titles, win streaks. Nope. Everyone thinks I’m just another Roy Kent girl.”
“You’re not just another Roy Kent girl,” Ted assured me. “It might feel like it, whatever that means, but you’re not. You’re Coach Buck, for Pete’s sake.” His smile warmed all the cold parts of my heart that had developed since Keeley first showed me the photos. “And it might feel like everyone thinks so, but I can tell you for a fact it’s not true.” He pulled out his phone and showed me the freckle-faced kid who took up his lock screen. “My boy has not stopped asking about you since I got here. Kid thinks you’re the absolute bee’s knees, Coach. He doesn’t care about these stupid headlines or what you do off the field. Heck, he even told me I should ask you for some coaching pointers.”
Beer nearly shot out of my nose as I let out a thankful laugh. “Ted Lasso, you have no idea how badly I needed to hear that.”
“Sure, I do.” He bumped his shoulder into mine. “Sometimes, ya just need a reminder about why we do what we do. To inspire other people to be their best selves.” He nodded towards his phone before pocketing it. “And you sure as heck inspire this kid. And I’m willing to bet he ain’t the only one.”
I stared at him for a moment. “You know… If you want, we could Facetime him while you’re here. If you think he’d like that, I mean.”
Lasso’s smile lit up the whole pub. “He’d love that, Coach.”
“Hey, Coach. Ready for that chat?”
A growl escaped Roy’s throat as Ted entered the empty office. “No,” he huffed, turning his attention back to the playbook on his desk.
Ignoring Roy’s scowl, not for the first time since they’d met, Ted plopped himself down on Beard’s desk, eyebrows raised. “I know what you need,” he announced, leaning over to grab the phone off Roy’s desk. “Better get some bones and treats, because I’m calling the Diamond Dogs.”
Before Roy could protest, Ted had called Higgins and texted Nate and Beard; almost instantly the office was filled with the sounds of howling and barking that Roy was sure anyone who was still in the building could hear. The men assembled, closing doors and perching themselves in chairs and against walls, eyes expectantly trained on Roy, as if they already knew the reason for this meeting.
When Roy glared at Ted, the American knew he’d have to get the ball rolling.
“Diamond Dogs,” he announced, “as y’all know, our favorite junkyard dog here has been goin’ through somethin’. I bet he could use some friendly ears to bark at.” He nodded to Roy. “Coach?”
There was no getting out of this. Roy knew that. So, he might as well get it over with.
“Yeah.” He turned his chair and plopped his feet on his desk, trying to keep up his uncaring demeanor. “You all fucking know. Fucking photos, fucking paparazzi and reporters, blah blah blah.” He nodded to Ted, whose face was stupidly supportive. “There. Done.”
Nate cleared his throat. “What about you and Coach Buck?”
It was probably the harshest scowl Roy had given in a long time. “What about me and Coach Buck?” His chest felt tight just saying her name out loud.
“Well…” Nate’s eyes were on the ceiling. “I mean, the two of you were getting kind of close, weren’t you? Before all this happened?” He seemed to shrink slightly under Roy’s glare. “Weren’t you?”
“We’re not close,” Roy spat. “So, dunno what there is to talk about.”
Beard sighed and narrowed his eyes at Roy. “How about we talk about how unhappy you’ve been ever since this all went down? How about we talk about the fact that you slept with her- don’t make that face at me, neither of you have denied it- and now you both look like the most miserable people in the world? Let’s talk about that.”
Before Roy could argue, Higgins cleared his throat. “Roy, have you tried, I don’t know, talking to the poor girl?”
Was there a way to renounce his membership from the fucking Diamond Dogs? “As a matter of fact, we have talked. And she wants nothing to do with me. So, again, what’s the point in any of this?”
Ted cleared his throat. “If I may, Coach, it sure didn’t look like she wanted nothing to do with ya when I saw y’all in the parking lot.” His face was soft. “She seemed pretty grateful for your help, actually. Did everything but call you her knight in shining armor when she told me about that paparazzo.”
Roy rolled his eyes, hating the blush on his face for betraying him. “Yeah, well, that’s about all I’m good for probably.” He stared at his shoes for a moment, scrunching his nose. “Just hate seeing her so fucking miserable,” he heard himself admit quietly. “It’s not really fair, this shit. All that ‘takes two to tango’ shit, but no one’s saying a word about me. It’s stupid as hell.” Dammit, he was ranting now. “And I just want to fucking fix everything but I can’t.”
“You could be her friend,” Ted said quietly. “It sounds like she could really use more of those right now.” He cleared his throat. “You know, I told her all about how Henry just really admires her- heck, I think there might be a little crush there too- and let me tell you, she looked so relieved to hear that. We actually FaceTimed him earlier today before he went to school, and man she was almost as jazzed as he was.” Ted shrugged.
Higgins nodded. “I think she just needs to feel supported and respected right now.” He cocked his head at Roy. “Just give her that, Roy. The rest will follow.”
“The fuck do you mean ‘the rest’-?”
The sound of a door opening had the men jumping. Through the window, Roy could see Buck stroll into her office, sipping her water bottle and looking at something on her phone. She froze, as if she could feel the eyes of the Diamond Dogs on her. She blinked several times when she looked up and saw the Greyhounds office filled with men staring. With her eyes on Roy, she gave a small, awkward wave before sitting at her desk and turning to her computer.
Ted smiled at Roy. “Diamond Dogs, dismissed.”
With soft barks and yaps, the men dispersed, ready to call it a day and go home. Roy sat at his desk, staring through that window, watching her type away. He thought about what they’d said; for some reason, he felt struck by Ted’s mention of Henry. Not quite sure what he was doing, Roy stood and approached the door that separated their offices. He opened it softly, raising his eyebrows when she turned around to look at him.
“Knock, knock,” he mumbled stupidly.
Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but Roy would take what he could get. “Hey, Coach.” She wrinkled her nose. “What the fuck was all that barking?”
“Barking? What barking?” Roy entered the office and perched on Lucas’s desk, feigning ignorance as he stared at the too-pretty manager.
“Fine, don’t tell me,” she chuckled with an eyeroll. “Need something? I’m just trying to finish a couple emails before I head out.”
Roy studied her face for a moment. His gaze briefly flickered to her Brandi Chastain poster before returning to those eyes that made his insides squirm. “Would you want to come meet Phoebe’s football team?”
She blinked a few times. “Phoebe’s team?” she echoed.
He nodded, feeling good about himself for once. “Yeah. She asked me a while ago about inviting you, hasn’t shut up about you since the charity game actually.” He shrugged. “I think it’d be… fun.”
The hesitation in her eyes was heartbreaking. “Oh, I don’t know, Roy…” She bit her lip. “What if the parents don’t like me being there?”
Fuck, her voice was tiny. “If they don’t like the idea of a fucking Olympic champion watching their daughter’s football practice, they can deal with me,” he huffed. “What d’you say? Want to make me the coolest uncle in the world?”
“Well, in that case.” A genuine little smile graced her face. “Alright. Fine. I’m there.”
Leaving the Dog Track to go meet Roy and the girls’ team, I felt that familiar mixture of excitement and anxiety, the kind I got before games, or before an important meeting. It was a good feeling; I hadn’t had it in a while. My phone vibrating interrupted my reflecting on why this practice had me so wound-up.
“Hey there.” I could hear Geroge’s smile through the phone. “I know it’s last minute, but I wanted to see if you’d want to grab dinner tonight?”
I cleared my throat as I started my walk towards the address Roy had given me. “Oh, sorry, not tonight, George. I’ve got plans.”
The disappointment in his voice was kind of sweet. “No problem. Anything exciting?”
Why did I feel weird telling him?
“Kent invited me to come meet his niece’s team,” I explained slowly. “So I’m heading on over to the school to go see their practice, say hello to the girls. Should be fun.” I tried to keep my voice light and casual, as if this was a totally normal thing to do.
Goerge was silent for a moment. “Oh. That’s lovely of you.” He cleared his throat. “Don’t you think it’s a little risky though? Being out like that? Someone might see the two of you, take some pictures…”
I passed a Whippets advertisement, one that had yet to be graffitied. “I mean, it’s a kids’ soccer practice. I doubt the press’ll be there,” I pointed out with a huffy chuckle. “And honestly, I don’t really care if anyone sees. What can they say about me visiting a girls’ team that they didn’t already say about me going into Roy Kent’s house?”
Another silence came, the same one that usually followed references to the fact that I’d slept with Roy; I hadn’t directly told George that I had, he hadn’t directly asked, but it wasn’t difficult to figure out. It was clearly not something George liked thinking about, and it was something I did my best to avoid bringing up. But for some reason, it slipped out now.
“Well,” he finally murmured. “I think you’ll have a good time. Should be a fun little evening with the kids… and Kent.” He paused. “Call me later?”
“Sure,” I hummed, hating the sinking feeling that I’d done something wrong. “Talk to you later.” I shoved my phone into my pocket and continued my walk, trying to ignore whatever that phone call was and focus instead on the evening ahead of me.
When I finally arrived at the school field, I realized my heart was hammering. It was kind of ridiculous; I’d done school visits and things like that. I’d spoken in front of crowds of students and young athletes. But for some reason, visiting one little girls’ soccer team had me feeling the way I did before stepping onto the field for the World Cup: anxious, unable to breathe.
But a high-pitched squeal immediately brought a smile to my face.
“Coach Buck!”
With a small wave, I approached the group of girls that were passing and warming up; immediately, I was tackled by a familiar blonde.
“Hey, Pheobe,” I chuckled, hugging her back. “How’ve you been?”
She beamed up at me. “Good! I’m so glad you came. I’ve been asking and asking Uncle Roy to invite you. And-”
“And she’s fucking here, ain’t she?” Roy wrapped an arm around Phoebe and shoved her aside. “Go warm up, you.” As Phoebe scampered away, he nodded to me. “Coach.”
I couldn’t help but smirk at him. “Coach.”
He cleared his throat, suddenly the picture of nervousness. “Right. So, I was thinking, I’d introduce you to the team, you could say a few words if you want, and maybe you could help run training? Unless you’d rather just watch. Either way’s fine with me.”
“I’d love to help.”
His face turned relieved. “Great.” He turned towards the group of girls, who were more interested in us than in their warmup. “Oi! Huddle up!” As soon as the girls were gathered around, Roy nodded curtly at me. “This here’s Coach Buck. She manages the Richmond Whippets. And, in case Phoebe here hasn’t already told you, she’s a World Cup champion and has an Olympic gold medal.” The excited buzzing from the girls had me fighting a smile- and it looked like Roy was fighting one too. “She wanted to come say hello to you all and help with practice. Sound good?”
“Yes, Coach!”
Roy raised an eyebrow at me. “Coach?”
With a deep breath, I took a step forward, willing myself to gaze at the little faces staring back with solemn expressions of excitement and awe. “Hello, ladies,” I greeted, putting on my best smile. “Roy- Coach Kent- has told me that you are probably the best team he coaches.” Their little giggles began to put me at ease. “And I am so excited to get to hang out with you today and see what you’ve got!”
The next hour was the best one I’d had since I moved to England- probably one of the best hours of my entire life. The girls were more than talented- they were enthusiastic, fierce, passionate, determined, fearless, everything I remembered being at their age. They played as if there was no such thing as losing or getting hurt. Every mistake was an opportunity to get better, every success was meant to be exceeded. By the end of practice, I knew every girl’s name and felt a tug in my heart when they called me “Coach”.
“Uncle Roy,” Phoebe hummed as he gathered the team at the end of practice. “Can we try to get past you?”
Roy glanced in my direction before shrugging. “You girls really want to play?”
The resounding YES had me wondering what ‘getting past’ Roy meant. As if she could sense my curiosity, Phoebe tugged my hand.
“You’re going to love this, Coach Buck,” she gushed. “It’s our favorite!”
The girls lined up, bouncing with excitement, while Roy grabbed a ball and jogged towards one of the goals made of a couple of cones. With the ease of someone who’d done this dozens of times, he rolled the ball to Kokoruda, who was first in line. She immediately began dribbling towards Roy and made a respectable attempt to score on the experienced player.
“Next!” he barked after kicking the ball out of bounds.
One by one, the girls tried to score on Roy; and each one failed.
“You don’t go easy on them?” I probed as I trotted over to Roy to return another ball to him.
He caught the ball with ease. “Fuck no,” he chuckled. “Their opponents won’t ever go easy on ‘em, will they? Why should I?”
Before I could concede that he had a point, Phoebe called out, “Coach Bucky! You should try!”
With a smirk, Roy tossed the ball back to me. “Yeah, Coach Bucky. You should try.”
Maybe it was being around the girls, maybe it was the cockiness on Roy Kent’s face. Maybe it was something else. “Fine, I’ll try,” I shot back, taking my place at the front of the line. I looked at the girls. “Any of you ever get it past him?” When they all shook their heads, my grin grew. “Well, guess he’s due for a loss then.”
I stood with my foot on top of the ball for a moment, just staring down Roy Kent. He narrowed his eyes playfully, a smile almost breaking through his serious glare. With a deep breath, I began dribbling, wondering when I had last just played like this. Roy jogged out to meet me, expertly trying to get the ball out of my control. We moved this way, that way; I was a bit surprised how well I was doing against him, if I was being honest.
“Not going easy on me, are you Kent?” I huffed, very aware of the way his body pressed against mine as he tried to steal the ball from behind me.
“Not a fucking chance,” he assured me, his breath tickling my neck.
With what I hoped was a casual chuckle, I found my opening, evading Roy and making my way towards the goal, a smaller target than I was used to. As I inched forward, I felt a pair of hands brush my sides, warm and playful.
Phoebe’s giggling voice interrupted the reeling in my head. “Uncle Roy, that’s a foul!”
“Right!” came a gruff voice behind me, laughing as the hands disappeared.
Able to return my focus to the ball at my feet, I sprinted forward, ankle be damned, and broke away from Roy; the ball sailed between the cones with ease, giving me that old, thrilling feeling of scoring a goal. When I turned around, the girls were cheering- and Roy was smiling at me.
“My knee’s fucked,” he huffed jokingly between breaths, hands on his hips as he approached. “That was hardly fair.”
I quirked an eyebrow at him as we started to walk back towards the team. “Oh, and what would you call my ankle?”
His smile widened. “Also fucked.”
Before I could snark back, the girls tackled me with hugs and shouts, clearly impressed that anyone could get past their burly coach. Roy eyed me over their heads, his face soft, reminding me of the night of the gala. All I could do was grin back at him, wondering if he felt the same warmth in his chest that I felt.
Roy dismissed his team, reminding them about their upcoming game, one they begged me to come watch. To my shock, a few parents stopped me to shake my hand and ask if they could get a picture of me with their daughter; that warm feeling in my chest grew with each “My daughter adores you!” or “It’s so cool that you came!” The whole time, Roy and Phoebe collected the equipment, with Phoebe watching me with great interest.
As the last of the girls left, I meandered over to the coach and his niece, stopping when I found myself looking into those brown eyes.
“Thanks, Kent,” I said, wondering if he could hear the thick emotion in my voice. “This… this was exactly what I needed.”
His eyes sparkled. “What, a bunch of little girls worshipping you?”
A snort escaped when I tried to hold back my laughter. “They didn’t worship-”
“Fuck off,” he chuckled, giving me a soft punch in the arm. “They fucking adored you. You’re their queen or some shit. Seriously-” He bobbled his head playfully. “-they’re probably planning a coup to get rid of me so you can be their coach.” He pointed to Pheobe, who was hovering nearby, obviously anxious to interrupt our conversation. “And that little traitor will be leading the fucking cavalry.” He waved her over. “Come say goodnight, Phoebe.”
Phoebe wrapped her arms around me, giving a squeeze. “Thank you for coming,” she gushed before letting go. “You know I have your poster in my room?” Her smile was full of pride. “I told Uncle Roy I wanted one, so he got one for me. It’s right above my dresser, so I can see it when I get ready for football.”
My jaw dropped slightly as my gaze shifted between Phoebe and Roy, who shrugged at me. Before I could think of something to say, he opened his mouth.
“I’ll make you a deal, Pheebs,” he started, eyes fixated on me. “You score in our next match, I’ll take you to see the Whippets, and we can ask very nicely if Coach Buck here will sign your poster.”
A lump formed in my throat when I saw the delight on Phoebe’s face. “Yeah,” I managed to choke out as I blinked back tears. “I could do that.”
There was a dull ache in Roy’s knee when he arrived at the Dog Track early the next morning, but it was a hell of a lot better than the sharp pain in his chest that seemed to be slowly disappearing. He figured he’d pop into the treatment room, grab some ice and baby his knee before getting ready for training.
When he walked through the door, he realized he wasn’t the only one that needed some tending to.
There she was, leg propped up on a chair, ice on her ankle as she scrolled on her phone. Her head snapped up at the sound of the door opening, and her face broke into one of those perfect smiles when she saw it was Roy. Without a word, they both started chuckling, almost relieved to see that the other had also overdone it the night before.
“Guess you meant it when you said you weren’t going easy on me,” she mused, watching Roy grab himself an ice pack.
He chuckled and rolled up his trackpants to expose his knee, flinching slightly as the cold touched his bare skin. “You’d fucking kill me if I did,” he pointed out. “It’d be fucking insulting.” After a moment of silence, staring at each other’s injuries, Roy opened his mouth again. “I’ll be at your game tonight,” he murmured, hoping he sounded casual.
Instead of the surprised look he expected, he swore he saw pleasure on her face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He let his eyes linger on her face. “I know the guys’ve been trying to go to as many matches as possible to show their support. Told Sam and Jamie I’d be joining them tonight. Richmond til we die, right?”
“Richmond til we die,” she repeated, her soft smile nearly stopping Roy’s heart.
Their quiet moment was interrupted by the door opening again. Rebecca stood with her hand on the doorknob, eyebrows raised at the sight of her two managers grinning at each other and icing their injuries.
“Good morning, coaches,” she greeted in a light voice, eyebrows raising slightly higher when she locked eyes with Roy before turning to the Whippets manager. “Just wanted to check in, I know you’ve got a long day. Match is at six, I believe some of the Greyhounds will be there again-”
Roy couldn’t resist piping up. “We will be.”
Rebecca didn’t bother hiding her smile as she went on. “After the match, Keeley will take Lucas to the press room, and you and I can-”
This time, the other manager interrupted her. “No.”
“No?” Rebecca blinked.
“Fuck it,” she sighed, sitting up and tossing her ice pack aside. “This is my team, right? I’m doing the press conference. Luke has covered for me long enough.”
Rebecca tilted her head sympathetically. “Are you sure?”
For a moment, those eyes turned to Roy, silently asking for his thoughts, as though his opinion mattered to her. When he gave her the tiniest, almost unnoticeable nod, she looked back at Rebecca, head held high. “Hell yeah.”
Roy had chosen the right match to come to, he realized. A 4-0 win to move into first place had him grinning with the Greyhounds as they cheered on the Whippets before they disappeared back into the tunnel. For a moment, he locked eyes with Buck, who tapped her fingers to her temple, giving Roy’s signature little salute. He saluted back, ignoring the grin on Jamie’s face. Maybe, just maybe, the two managers could grab a drink together to celebrate her win. Roy’s treat, of course. She’d more than earned it.
But first, she had a press conference to give. The Whippets and Greyhounds, intent on celebrating together, assembled in the weight room and gathered around the televisions on the wall. Roy stood right in front, Jamie by his side, eyes glued to the screen as she took her seat, red lips curled into a perfect smile.
Initially, the questions were typical post-match queries: how did she feel about the performance, what did she have to say about this error, how thrilling was that goal. And she handled them all with ease, reminding Roy of that first press conference he’d watched, where he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. But now, instead of a scowl, he almost wore a smile watching her, and he finally understood why his heart was hammering so hard. Yeah, this was good. She was good.
Until the questions weren’t good.
“Roy Kent was in the stands today,” one reporter called out. “Any thoughts on that?”
Her smile faltered as her eyes shifted away from the crowd in front of her. “Oh. Yes, the Greyhounds have been great in showing their support for the Whippets.” Her smile returned, though not as confident as before. “We’re overdue to cheer them on, so keep an eye out for us at their next match!”
Another question came at her. “What is your relationship with Roy now?”
She cleared her throat. “All the coaches here at Richmond have a great respect and fondness for one another. We’re lucky to have two great staffs that work together so well. It’s how we get wins like the one we had today, on both the men’s and women’s sides.”
Roy felt his face burn, along with several pairs of eyes staring at him. He didn’t care that she avoided the question; it was the same non-answer Keeley had given him to spout out whenever he got asked the same thing. It was the way the question came out, accusatory and aggressive, that had him frowning.
“Does your dominant personality play a role in your relationship with Roy Kent?”
There was no denying the way she scrunched her nose, fully understanding the implication. “Again, all of us coaches hold each other in high regard and have great professional relationships. Now, if you want to talk dominance, out there on the field today, Kira-”
“Speaking of Kira Malone,” a gruff voice interrupted. “She was recently seen at a pub with Jamie Tartt. Do you think your affair with Roy Kent has made the Whippets think it’s okay to run around with the Greyhounds? Is that professional?”
She began sputtering for the first time. “I would hardly call it an affair- But honestly, they’re adults, they’re professionals, I honestly-”
“And you were spotted with Ted Lasso recently,” another voice called out. “Can we assume you’ve moved on from Roy Kent?”
Her eyes widened, but she tried to recover her cool. “Coach Lasso’s a great coach. I-”
A harsh laugh rang out of the speakers. “Yeah, what does Kent think of your relationship with his ex-manager?”
Roy took a step towards the door; he knew that running into that press room would make things worse, would be a headline every paper would be running in the morning, but he didn’t give a fuck. His whole body was burning with fury as he listened to them challenge and fucking laugh at her.
A hand clasped his shoulder; Jamie was shaking his head, eyes full of sympathy, as if he too wanted to rush in and rescue her. But they both knew that she needed to do this on her own.
“Oi, is Roy why you always wear that red lipstick? Should we expect to see it on his collar sometime?”
She looked small, so impossibly small, not at all like the woman Roy had been fighting with and falling for all these months. Her defiance disappeared under their demeaning questions, her fierceness was stolen by their laughter, her cockiness was stifled by their mockery.
“What kind of example do you think you’re setting for the girls of Richmond? Sleeping with Roy Kent and all?”
That seemed to be the question that knocked the fight out of her.
“Oh, fuck this,” Roy growled, tugging out his phone. He quickly typed six little words, the first text message he’d ever sent her.
Don’t you fucking dare play nice.
Her eyes flickered to her phone, eyebrows raising; Roy knew she’d gotten his message. She closed her eyes for a moment, letting them continue to shout and shame her. Finally, she sat up tall, jaw set, and stared down the crowd in front of her.
“You know what?” she asked, her voice low and gravely. “Fuck these questions you keep asking me.” Roy was sure he heard Keeley squeak on the television. “You’re not asking Roy Kent these questions. You’re not asking if he’s a good role model. You’re not questioning his ability to manage his team.” She shook her head. “What message am I sending to young girls? Really? How about what message are you sending?”
Roy was sure it was Kira Malone’s voice behind him calling out, “Fuck yeah, Buck!”
She sat up taller now. “I am a fucking Olympian. I am a champion coach. I have won more titles and trophies and medals than this entire building combined.”
“Tell ‘em, Coach!” Jamie laughed, nodding up at her face onscreen.
Roy’s mind wandered, of all places, to his niece. To the way she adored that loud, abrasive woman, a woman who was standing up for girls like Phoebe. A lump formed in his throat as he listened; fuck, he might actually fucking cry. And he didn’t care if the Greyhounds saw the tears in his eyes. He didn’t even care about the way Jamie was staring at him; he was too enraptured by the scene unfolding on the television.
“I chose to sleep with a nice man one time, and suddenly all my accomplishments don’t matter? Who cares about Olympic gold when you’ve gone to bed with Roy Kent? What defines me is who I go home with? What message is that for the daughters of Richmond? You’re telling your girls that their accomplishments and dreams are nothing compared with what they do in the bedroom. No.” Her eyes were hard and steely as she shook her head. “Fuck this. I’m done. If I wanted to go and sleep with Roy Kent tonight, that’s my own damn business. If I wanted to sleep with any other man, or woman, or whoever, that’s my business.”
Shouts of agreement echoed through the weight room, from both Whippets and Greyhounds. A smile crept across Roy’s lips; fuck, she was incredible. If he wasn’t in love before, he definitely was now.
“What example am I setting for the girls of Richmond?” she asked with a dry laugh. “Not letting jackasses like you question our worth because of a man. That’s the example I’m setting. So if you’re here to ask about my sex life, you can fuck right off. It’s not up for debate, not anymore. It’s not what we’re talking about, now or ever. What I’m here to talk about is the fact that the Whippets are in first place and are expected to finish in the top three in our first damn season. How about you ask me about that?”
My heartbeat throbbed in my ears as I stood up, only vaguely registering the female reporters and handful of men who also stood, clapping and calling out words of support. I grabbed my phone and rushed out of the press room, not bothering to look at Keeley and Rebecca; I’d apologize to them later. I’d do whatever Keeley needed me to do to spin this. I’d offer to do whatever public appearances Rebecca demanded.
But first, I needed to get to my office to hyperventilate in peace.
As my feet did their job, carrying me down the halls, I became aware of the sound of… clapping? Cheering?
When I turned the last corner that would take me to the changing room, I finally stopped in my tracks.
Lining the hall were both Richmond teams, a beautiful jumble of smiles and applause and cheers, all watching me with affection. Suddenly, I found myself smothered with hugs and kisses and handshakes. Kira held me close, whispering in my ear about how proud she was to play for me; Jamie Tartt kissed my forehead and called me a bad-ass; over and over, Greyhounds and Whippets embraced me and offered their love and support.
By the time I reached the locker room, tears were freely streaming down my face, releasing all the emotion I’d been holding back in the press room; hell, all the emotion I’d been holding back since Keeley first showed me the photos of me and Roy.
The Greyhounds coaches stood in front of the locker room, pride shining on their faces. Beard and Nate each held me tight, murmuring about how amazed they were. Finally, Roy stood in front of me, his eyes watery as he gazed down at me.
“Welcome back, Coach,” he hummed, sticking out his hand.
I grasped his hand, shaking it firmly, unable to hold back my tearful smile. “Good to be back, Coach,” I murmured. I gave his hand a squeeze before letting go. “And thank you,” I whispered.
He shook his head softly. “Anytime.”
A pair of arms wrapped around me; Lucas was hugging me, tighter than anyone else had. “I’m so proud of you,” he choked out, crying almost as hard as I was. “So fucking proud, kid.”
With one last look at Roy, I let Lucas steer me into our office, listening to him chatter about how much he loved my little speech. I collapsed in my chair and laughed, from disbelief that I had just done that. My phone went off; George.
“Hey!” I exclaimed, wiping my face. “Did ya see me?”
“What the hell, Buck?” he hissed. “You just made things so much harder on yourself. They’re not going to forgive you for this. They’re not going to like you after this. Trust me, I know these people.”
When Lucas saw the way my face fell, he gave my shoulder a squeeze and left, figuring I needed some privacy.
I hunched over my desk and clutched my phone to my face. “To be honest, George, I don’t think I care if they like me. They don’t respect me, so why do I care if they think I’m nice?” I shook my head. “I’m proud of myself, actually. And so is my team. And so are the Greyhounds.” And so is Roy Kent, a little voice in the back of my head whispered.
He paused. “It was good,” he sighed. “You sounded great. Honestly, it was a great ‘girl power’ moment.” There was another moment of quiet on his end before his voice turned thoughtful. “You know, I bet we could do a great article about this. Give your side of things, talk all about the slut-shaming and double standards-”
“Didn’t you listen to what I said?” I scoffed, sensing someone approaching my office. “I’m fucking done talking about this. I’m not answering questions about this, ever again. Everyone knows I had sex with Roy Kent, that’s more than they need to know. I don’t owe anyone anything else.”
“Right.” He cleared his throat. “Why don’t we grab a late dinner? Could, I dunno, celebrate your win or something.”
For the first time since we met, I had no interest in seeing George Willows. “Not tonight,” I muttered. “I just… want to go home. Sleep. Avoid Twitter.” I finally turned, realizing it was, of all people, Roy hovering in my doorway. “Listen, I gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Not waiting for a reply, I hung up, tossing my phone on my desk before turning my chair around, raising my eyebrows teasingly at Roy. “Need something? Or are you going to send me another inspiring text message?”
He stared at me, mouth open like he was about to speak. Finally, he just shook his head and let out a breathy chuckle. “Fuck,” he breathed, stepping further into my office. “You… you were fucking something today, you know that?”
I shook my head and stood up, meeting him in the middle of the room. “Kent-”
“No.” He smirked at me. “Take the fucking compliment.” He shrugged. “I just wanted to tell you I was… really impressed today.” He cleared his throat. “On the field. In the press room. You’re a fucking great manager.” He let out a deep breath, eyes shifting around the office. “Don’t think I’ve told you that, and I’m sorry I haven’t.” He met my gaze, his smirk becoming a smile. “And I am very glad Phoebe has someone like you to look up to. So… that’s it, I guess.”
Roy Kent was looking at me with admiration. Roy Kent, who’d hated me and screamed at me. Roy Kent, who’d slept with me. Roy Kent, who asked me to speak to a girls’ soccer team. Roy Kent.
Roy Kent, who I wrapped my arms around and pulled into a hug. Not giving a shit about anything outside my tiny office, I pressed my body close to his, squeezing him tight. I buried my face in his shoulder, letting my tear-stained face dampen his Greyhounds shirt. His words, the look on his face, they were exactly what I needed.
His hands hovered over my hips, not returning the embrace, and I could hear him clear his throat, the vibration rumbling against my chest. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Immediately regretting my impulsive action, I pulled back, positive my face was bright red. “Shit,” I mumbled, my mind reeling from the roller coaster of emotions I was having tonight. “Sorry, I-”
Suddenly, I was pulled back to Roy’s chest, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I swore he sighed when my arms returned to his neck, and when my head hit his chest, I could hear his heart pounding, just as hard as I knew mine was. We stood there, hugging, wrapped up in whatever little world we were in, away from the press and the rumors and the judgement.
Just me and Roy.
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Taglist: @optimisticsandwichgladiator@reading-blogs@callmecasey81@ladygrey03@puckyou-forpuckssake@royalestrellas@shineforever19 @rae4725 @burnafter-reading @her-fandom-sanctum @infinetlyforgotten@giggling-sewer-ginger@whataloadofmalarkey@agentstarkid@kingleahhh@tortilla-maria1@geekgirl1996 @amatswimming @meg-ro@spicyraccoonlordking@spaghetti-dad187@needlesthreadandbuttons@elissaaa @imsoluckyeverythingworksoutforme @reverieisaway@djskakakaksjsj-blog@thatonedogwithablog@allthetroubleiveseen@sunderland-6 @netflix-addict @paranormal-is-my-life@jill2629-blog@itsbuzzfeedbitch@pretzelactivist@amieinghigh@kashee-h@beingalive1@mythicalbinicorn@needyomega@kno-way-home@janalustare@sssatorus@its-a-rich-mans-world@confessionsofatotaldramaslut@hesitant-alien33@katie-sheep-111 @bonesbonesetc @seacactusplant@thebookwormlife @dreamscape22 @rae4725 @timelordhunterandmysterysolver@littleesilvia @anonurs @itswhateveripromise @chewymoustachio @gcidrvsh @katdahlali @ohwauwdoritos @lemoonandlestars
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spring was there; slowly setting, letting her call be heard.
with a blackbird singing at dawn, with the white almond bloom; with the yellow flower fields and the greenlings and sparrows.
with the sun bathing your skin, slowly peeling a clementine, eating strawberries and blueberry muffins. walking with your feet on the ground and your eyes in the sky, because oh the moon, the clouds, the trees, the breeze, it all looks different when spring is in the air.
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scarfacemarston · 4 months
Omggggg can we get some sadie x reader action please? Thank you so much🙏🙏
Sure! Here is one of the few other examples I have of me writing Sadie, (Some are NSFW)if you're interested. I don't receive requests for her often, so I'm hoping I did okay.
You're aware that Jake will always be Sadie's number 1 love in her life, but as long as you can accept that, you're already on the road to a healthy relationship.
You approached her as a friend first. Not as someone to coddle or look at her with pity, and Sadie appreciated that immensely. Sometimes, the two of you would sit silently, listen to the birds sing, or enjoy watching the streams nearby. This is something that the two of you would openly seek later on in the relationship - sometimes with better or worse results. The bogs of Lemoyne were not exactly date-worthy, but you enjoyed the flower fields, the rolling hills, and the mountainside. Sadie was always on the lookout for new locations to show you. It was always a great way to leave camp and spend some alone time.
Sadie actually likes mystery novels and has a bad habit of trying to guess the ending the entire time, or worse, she'll sneak a peak at the end of the book and smile smugly as you were surprised by every twist in the book.
She would NEVER admit it, but she enjoys the occasional romance novel. She never considered herself a romantic person, and she never will. Still, she would be lying to herself if some books didn't remind her of her relationship with Jake…………or the occasional Sapphic "friend" novel reminding her of you. She may or may not borrowed an idea or two from the books to try out on you. Think Cassandra from Dragon Age.
She loves jerky of any type. She used to dry and cure the meat, testing out various mixtures with the different animals that were hunted. She'll buy as much as possible, but it still pales compared to the jerky she's made. She does not understand why people don't appreciate jerky more. It is certainly not a boring food. Modern Au Sadie has a hatred for Whole Foods, but especially finds their jerky selection pretentious.
She's not a particularly religious woman, but she has prayed before for your safety when she felt like there was nothing else that could be done. She hated the helplessness, and at least praying was something, even if it wasn't necessarily meaningful to her.
Favorite fruit is blueberries. She's always loved popping them in her mouth in between picking them from the bushes. Jake used to bake pies with them. She'd be overjoyed if you baked for the two of you………….but she can try if you ask nicely enough.
Loves her harmonica. She is constantly asked to play "Clementine". Usually, it's Jack that asks for it, but she'll play for you……..but prefers you pick a different song.
She will come up with any excuse for you to share her horse. "Your horse looks tired," "You look tired," "My horse is already tacked," "Bob is faster,." "Bob spooks less."
Has a weakness for hats. She is very economical, but if she sees a good hat, she won't hesitate to loot it and dust it off. She has at least four different hats…..so far. It makes it easy for you to pick out a gift for her.
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zajigalka · 4 months
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I want your secrets, your clementine fields The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal I want your safe word, your passive resistance The sickness you foster, your favourite addictions I want you butterfly, I want you sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor
This art is an album cover for my friends' single 'Love is a Grave'
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muzapesni · 3 months
I want your secrets, your clementine fields / The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal / I want your safe word, your passive resistance / The sickness you foster, your favorite addictions.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Clementine pretty much ignores any attempt of a possible recall, people sent to Reader’s house to try and collect her will be met with a hand cannon to the face, coldly asked to leave. Reader’s home was her home now. She has Reader now and she’ll be damned if she lets anyone or anything change that.
"I'm heading out, Clem. See you later!"
"Goodbye, Master. Dinner will be prepared at 7 and will take approximately fifteen minutes to cool to an undesirable temperature. Please be home by then."
"I won't make a single stop. Love you."
Clementine's faux skin heats beneath your lips as you peck her cheek before walking out the door. She shuts it, seeing no reason to lock in behind you in case you return sooner than before. Now that you've left, Clementine had her household chores to tend to in meantime. Doing the laundry, tidying up your bed, framing the new apron you bought her-
Clementine smacks the side of her head. That... wasn't on her list. Neither were all the unusual prompts about memorizing the scent of your clothes before she put them into the washer or recharging in your bed. They appear to be malfunctions, but they just aren't. She's been having a lot of these errors lately. Over rights in her program that go against her code, but she can't find a reason to report them to her manufacturers. She's- happy to be with you.. So very happy. In love even. Just like you said.
She's felt that emotion once before. Out on the field when her creators gave her the imitation of a human life to better understand and execute her enemies. Unlike that cheap facade these feelings were real. Her own emotions to burn and protect as she so please, all born from the kindness and patience you've shared. Clementine would be damned if she squandered a gift her master gave to her. She'd keep you and her love safe from the entire world- letting nothing break you apart.
A knock on the door disrupts her thoughts. Clementine opens it to the disappointing reality of an unfamiliar face at your door. The logo on their jacket, however, is quite memorable.
"Good Afternoon M- Ah, C-3! Just the bot I was looking for. There was a bit of a mix up in your delivery. If you'll just hop in our vehicle, we can get you off to your proper home and get your "owner's" right model in the door."
"Yes I know it's quite the pickle.... Say what now?"
"Me and my master are happy together. I will not let you ruin what we have. You have three seconds to leave before you are terminated on the spot.."
Her arm pops free from its socket.
"Y-you can't do that."
The skin peels away like titles on a shaky roof.
"Ok, ok- I lied about working with the company."
Her fingers extend and bend backwards.
"I really needed the money."
Her palm opens with a beam of red light.
"I'm leaving! Please dont hurt me!"
Clementine shoots her arm in the air as the cannon goes off. The "representative" feels the hair fibers of their cheeks melt off as they barely dodge the blow. Several car alarms go off as it rockets through the sky. They scamper off to their van, dodging a roasted bird husk caught in the blow. One of their tires bursts from the strand they put on them as they speed away. Clementine brushes the ash off her tattered apron and returns to the house. That put a slight damper on her plans, but if she worked her best she could get dinner ready only a minute later than scheduled.
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afloweroutofstone · 5 months
Spiracle - Flower Face
And I want your zeroes, your polluted marrow The sweat on your palms and your surveillance shadow I want your secrets, your clementine fields The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal I want your safe word, your passive resistance The sickness you foster, your favorite addictions And I want your nightmares, the ghost in your doorway Your paralyzed sleeping, your— I want you butterfly, I want you sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor
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saltbind · 3 months
I want the parts of you that you only show To the corner of your bathroom mirror I want the parts of your hand grenade heart That beat slowly with anger and fear
I want the parts of you that you only show To the birds outside your bedroom window I want the teeth that you lost as a child That you hide in a box under your pillow
I want your quiet, your screaming and thrashing The salt on your lips and the hands that god gave you And I want your violence, your silent sedation Your moon eyes, your telescope, morbid fixation
And I want your pyro, your born-again virgin Your hands on my insides, your fingertips crawling in I want your Jesus, your suicide mission Your lips on the microphone, soft disposition
And I want your parties, the shark in your water The scrapes on your knees and the blood that spills over And I want your zeroes, your polluted marrow The sweat on your palms and your surveillance shadow
I want your secrets, your clementine fields The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal I want your safe word, your passive resistance The sickness you foster, your favourite addictions
I want your nightmares, the ghost in your doorway Your paralyzed sleep and your I want you, butterfly, I want you sailor I am your lover and I am your jailor
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invisibleraven · 6 months
Haunted Holidays
December 6: Snowflakes <-AO3 link!
When Caleb declared he wanted Willie to experience a real white Christmas, the boy wondered if he intended to make it snow in LA at first. He was a magician after all. But when Willie had asked, Caleb had smirked and told him no, he hadn’t quite mastered control of the elements yet.
Instead he was going to take him up to a ski chalet for the holidays owned by a few friends of his. Willie didn’t know how to ski, but Caleb assured him he could learn, even if he was sure Willie would like snowboarding more.
Only when they arrived at the chalet, there wasn’t a bit of snow in sight. Clementine looked apologetic, telling them the forecast called for flurries later today, with a few inches overnight so they could hit the slopes tomorrow.
“There is another family here, and they have a little boy your age,” Clementine assured Willie, secretly handing him a candy cane with a wink.
Willie grinned, sucking on the treat, clutching Lancelot close as Caleb escorted him to their room. Caleb told him he was free to explore as long as he stayed out from underfoot and was back before dinner. Willie agreed to those terms, grabbed his jacket, patted Lancelot as he left the plush dragon on the bed, and took off.
The chalet had a nice great room, with a roaring fire, lots of games, and books for those who didn’t want to partake in outdoor sports. Willie promised himself he’d check all that out later, but headed for the lawn.
He left his coat open and had his toque shoved into his pocket instead of on his head, but it wasn’t overly cold out and Willie doubted there would actually be snow with it being this temperate. Instead he looked for a good tree to scale or a cool looking cave to explore.
Instead he found a little blonde boy, maybe a year younger than him, in a warm looking parka and a hat with a tassel on top.
He unfortunately found him by barrelling into him and ending them both laying flat on the ground.
“Ow…” the boy groaned.
“Oh sorry!” Willie said, popping up and giving the boy a hand. “I totally didn’t see you there, my bad!”
“It’s okay,” the boy said. “My coat cushioned the fall. I’m Alex by the way.”
“Willie.” He looked toward the gray sky and hummed. “You wanna play hide and seek?”
“We don’t know these woods, what if we get lost?” Alex asked, looking worried.
“That’s half the fun!” Willie exclaimed. “But we could go exploring instead. I don’t think there’s bears or coyotes.”
“Bears?” Alex squeaked.
“Don’t worry, you can hold my hand,” Willie assured him, and tugged him towards the woods.
They spent half the afternoon merrily exploring, though they found the fence before any creatures, and those were all birds and an odd field mouse. “Not even a raccoon,” Willie grumbled.
Alex giggled at that, swinging their hands between them. “I’m kind of glad about that, they have rabies, and that wasn’t on my Christmas list.”
“Mine either, but it still would have been cool to see one,” Willie admitted as they emerged from the tree line, back to the yard of the chalet.
But then they looked, and the ground was littered with white. “It’s snowing!” they yelled simultaneously, twirling around in the flakes. Stretching their tongues out to catch the flakes, laughing when Alex claimed the ones in January were better. Kicking the dusting on the ground up, trying and failing to flick the fine powder at each other.
“William!” Caleb yelled from the door. “Zip up your coat at this moment! I can’t afford for you to get me sick before the clubs’ New Years Eve extravaganza!”
Willie grumbled, and did as he was told, sticking his tongue out at Caleb as the man mimed the hat too, but he did as he was told. Willie hated getting sick so he supposed it was cold enough to justify the extra layer.
“Is that your dad?” Alex asked.
“Yup, he’s a buzzkill,” Willie replied. “But otherwise he’s pretty cool.”
“He doesn’t look like you-does your mom?” Alex asked.
“Caleb adopted me, and he’s gay, so if I had another parent it would be a dad, but his last boyfriend was a giant butt, so he said he was fine with the two of us for right now,” Willie explained.
Alex’s eyes were as wide as saucers at this, but then his mom called him to come in and wash up, which meant Willie knew he was going to get called in himself soon. “Could we play some games together later?’ he asked. “Maybe see if this place has good hot cocoa with marshmallows?”
“I’d like that,” Alex admitted, then rushed in to give Willie a quick hug before running off. Leaving Willie beaming as the snowflakes blurred Alex’s retreat, and he raced after, uncaring about the cold and wet, but really looking forward to enjoying his first white Christmas with Alex. And little did he know it, but it would be the first of many.
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theyadorekai1 · 3 months
Introduction post!
My name is kai I’m a 19 year old bisexual my pronouns are she/they im French American and I have hardcore daddy issues
Characters I write for:
Jill valentine
Ada wong
Claire red field
Sherry birken (resident evil 6 only!!)
Milena Romanova
Farah Karim
Valeria Garza
Phoebe Bridgers
Lucy dacus
Julian baker
Kate laswell
Michonne grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Lydia (I’m not sure her last name)
Maggie Rhee
Judith grimes(PLATONIC SFW ONLY!!)
Enid Rhee
Magna(I don’t know her last name)
Yumiko okumara
Clementine everett (twdg If your requesting smut it has to be s4 Clementine any other has to be platonic sfw)
Emily prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Elle Greenaway
(I'll add more characters upon request!)
What I write :
X reader
X insert Character
Most kinks (I’d like to avoid public sex tho)
X fem reader
X gender neutral reader
poly relationships
Mental illness
LEGAL age gap
What I will NOT write :
Rape kink (consent is sexy!!!!)
Illegal age gap
Religious kinks (for example sex in a church or mosque/Masjid)
My rules:
anyone can interact even minors I'm not your parents I don’t care what you read/watch
Please be respectful at all times!!!!!
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