#your inspiring millions and giving joy to so much people
erinwantstowrite · 15 days
opinions on ai?
This is the perfect time to share something I wrote a few months ago when I was upset about it:
AI is the bane of my existence and I hate it so much. Not only because of the environmental impact that it has, but because of how it gives us absolutely nothing of value in creative spaces and is actually a detriment to our future, rather than being "innovative" like companies want us to believe.
If you're using AI to write notes for you, or to answer questions, to write your essays and your discussion posts, you are hurting yourself. But eventually you will hurt others with your willing ignorance. You are not learning, you are not taking the time to push yourself to new bounds. You are not absorbing the information you need, and for why? Because it's hard? Life is hard. Learning is hard. If learning was easy, you wouldn't be learning anything at all. And one day when you need to use these tools you put down and gave to a program in order to do your job, you are going to get someone hurt in some way. If you're going into teaching and you didn't bother to learn about childhood development because you let an AI take your notes because you couldn't be half-assed to sit through an hour long lecture, you will fail every student that comes your way. If you're an engineer and you had AI do the math for you, something that you make will break and it could kill someone. Because the AI can not even count how many times the letter 'r' is in strawberry, but you're trusting it to make bridges or design buildings?
And in a creative sense, you are not an artist if you use AI. I will scream it from the rooftops if I have to.
You are not an artist if you use AI.
Because to be an artist is to put your very soul into what you create. And an AI has no soul. To be an artist is to lay yourself bare for people to witness and interpret, and it's scary but it's freeing. To be an artist is to make a message with your art, to have people a thousand years from now sit in a museum and feel connected to who you were so far in the past. To think that humanity may be different but we are also inherently the same. To be an artist is to despair over the process of creating your art because it's difficult, and time consuming, and damn does it drive you crazy. But then you get that end result and you realize you learned something about yourself, you got better at something that brings you joy, you created and now you see what you are capable of, and what you will be capable of in the future. To be an artist is to connect with someone because of what you made, and that someone includes yourself.
We keep telling young artists that they need to be better now, they need to quit if they aren't good at it on the first try. We keep acting like we didn't start from somewhere ourselves, like we were born with the fine motor skills and the talent needed to create. It's because our attention spans can't handle over 20 seconds and we need multiple videos playing to drown out our own thoughts. We have to look at comment sections to see the court of public opinion before we make a judgement ourselves. If anything is out of the ordinary or doesn't look the way we expect or want, it must be shamed. And this existence is exhausting because at the end of the day, we have done nothing of value. When coming across a video of a young artist who took the time out of their day to create, we need to encourage them to continue going, tell them that their work is worthy. Because it is. It is worthy because they made it. If we shoot them down before they can go anywhere, we've just killed an artist that could have painted the next Starry Night, or created a sculpture that millions of people would try to visit. We've shot down someone who could teach others how to create one day in their future. We shot them down and killed their inspiration and motivation, and they might turn to someone else to do it for them because they will believe they are not worthy enough or talented enough to make it.
When I was still in school, my favorite part of the year was seeing the projects put up on the wall. The silly displays our teachers put up to show a holiday with slightly wonky paper snowflakes, the posters that the art students made with "too many lightning bolts around the guitar", the signs for school dances, the yearbooks that students spent all year making, the English class posters that depicted scenes from what they were reading and they were made with stick figures or they had someone draw out butterflies. I loved seeing the decorations for Homecoming Week, loved looking ta the booths that everyone made for our career and science fairs. I liked when we put on talent shows still, when we did pep rallies and fashion shows and we saw everyone get together to have fun and not care if it was "perfect." No one there was a professional artist, not yet, but that didn't make it any less entertaining or creative.
We dance because we want to feel how our bodies move and express ourselves in ways words cannot. We paint and we draw and make pottery and quilts and pictures because at one point, all we had were cave paintings of our hands, and we still look at them with reverence for where we started. We sing and we drum and we laugh because music is a universal language that anyone can understand, and isn't that breathtaking? We write so that people in the future can pour themselves over our words and learn from us, so that kids can hide their books underneath their covers with a little flashlight when their parents put them to bed hours ago but they just can't put our story down they have to know what comes next! We cook for our loved ones and have family recipes that mean we've been tasting the same food that our family we never got to meet were eating too.
We create because humans are meant to create. We put our love into the process, we put our dreams and our hopes and our hard earned lessons into these creations.
AI will never have that. AI has none of the process, and therefore, it is not art. We can gripe about how art has different meanings all we want, we can shout that art is only art if it invokes an opinion or a thought, but that is not what makes art. Because there is still effort put into placing a shoe on a pedestal, or painting a yellow square, or painting a mural on a wall, or writing poetry in a tiny notebook at school, or melting crayons together, or anything that requires you putting it together. If AI is doing all the work for you, then you've accomplished nothing. And you stole from the people that actually did accomplish something. You stole not only their effort, but you stole their process, their feelings, their hope and their dreams and their ideas of the future.
AI is nothing and will ultimately become obsolete. Because humans will not stop creating just because companies are pushing for us to stop and hand it over to them. They want us to stop creating, they want us to pay them for it, they want us to put blind trust into what they're doing, they want us to forget that they are stealing from us. I will not forget. I will never forget. Because I was born to sing and dance and write and draw and cook, and when I die, my body will go right back to the Earth and perhaps flowers will grow around my grave. I will still be creating even then. And even if AI is still around and still trying to steal from us, I will die knowing that it could never do the same.
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astridhoff03 · 3 months
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A Loveletter to the How to train your Dragon-Trilogy
I love this trilogy so much because it is a safe place for me, this world is a safe place, these characters are a safe place. I am eighteen years old and still doubting myself sometimes. Growing up is not easy and this trilogy shows us that perfectly. It thought us that letting go isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. It thaught us to do things your own way, to discover yourself and your strengths. It thaught us that true friendship will never end. That true love can exist in our worlds, it doesn’t matter if it’s romantic love or love between friends. Love is Love. Since the first movie we witness how Hiccup finds his own way and comes into his own, to become a Chief, a friend, a soldier, a husband and a father. His whole story touches me so deeply because I see myself in him, this is also why I love the whole trilogy and the shows and short films equally. They tell his story. I believe there is a Hiccup in every one of us. This whole Franchise has just giving me a feeling of pure joy and it feels like Home for me. After seeing all these movies and shows after a so long (and seeing them a hundred times) it was like coming home, that a part of me will always feel joy when I think about httyd. I am dealing with Depression so for me it’s like a little saving grace when I see or hear something httyd releated. It became part of my life again and I am so grateful that it is. It’s for me at least one of the best stories in cinematic history that were ever told. I don’t care if there is now Sipder Verse, for me httyd will always have the status as a superior trilogy, that I love to revisit and think about. It isn’t just a trilogy of movies or a simple TV-Show to a movie, it’s a journey about growing up. I have a lot love for this trilogy because I basically grew up with it alongside the Trilogies Madagascar, Shrek and Kung Fu Panda. I have so much love for this franchise in general, I just really enjoy it for what it is: a magnificent story about a boy and his dragon, who became best friends and will forever friends even if millions of miles parted them. Hiccup and Toothless will always love each other even if they are separated for their own safety, they grow together and they will always remember one another and the beautiful memories they share. There will always be something that connects them. IT’S YOU AND ME, BUD. ALWAYS. This why I love all of The movies and shows (tolerate T9R now to some degree) and it’s sometimes hard for me to see, when people hate on this movies and shows. Especially on the hidden world. I know not everyone likes it but they have to understand it’s hard to see for someone who loves it. I heard from some people that the hate in the fandom kinda destroyed their existence with httyd. I personally don’t want that because httyd appeals to some many and means to so many others so much. It kinda makes me sad to see, because httyd gives me one of the best feelings of enjoyment and inspiration that I never felt before. I know I can’t change some minds, but I just want to say all this, because everyone deserves understanding and respect. I know I posted in the past some hatred stuff against T9R and I regret everything of it, because I can now understand and feel with these people.
Last but not least I hope this franchise will again bring some more people together and the same happiness I feel with it. In some kind of way we share all the same love. We love the httyd franchise. ❤️‍🔥
Never let the dragon flames burn out in your heart, it will always be there in good and bad times. We have all THE HEART OF A CHIEF, AND THE SOUL OF A DRAGON.
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
so, i've been inspired by @intothedysphoria and wanted to write my own little positivity post for the people that i've connected with through this fandom!! 🤍
to start off, @intothedysphoria, thank you so much for being the shining light that you are in this fandom. it can be a dark place at times and your efforts towards being a positive person (even when it's hard for you) is truly admirable!
my bub, my best friend, @hephaestn!! I'll never forget the day I decided to DM you and be the annoying little shit that I am and our friendship was born!! you bring me so much joy on a daily basis and I know I can count on you to cheer me up when I need it, be a rational voice when I'm being a mean girl kfkjng and being such a talented writer that makes me feel the most incredible things!
god's funniest little clown @martianclown, you are my circus peanut and i adore you and our conversations so much! you are incredibly talented at what you do and you deserve only the best in life, thank you for allowing me to be your friend!
my sweet @akioukun, you are like the sun with the way I can turn to you and you immediately warm me and make me smile. your talent and musing are unmatched and you are such a delight, I admire you greatly and appreciate you sm!
the best co-captain around, @thatgirlwithasquid, thank you for always being you and for giving me the best cunningway content I could ever ask for, you have inspired me in so many ways and I appreciate your friendship w me!
my fellow Canadian, @chrisbitchtree, thank you for being the world's best beta reader and such an amazing person, I appreciate you more than you know! your writing is so sweet and I admire it and you so much, you've put a smile on my face when I've needed it!
@starkstruck27 you have sent me numerous asks saying the sweetest things, you continue to make my day whenever you do - you are so incredibly sweet and I appreciate you so much!
my hilarious moot @harringroveera, you have made me laugh with your memes time and time again, and you've inspired some of my writing with them, too!! I can always count on you to put a smile on my face, so I thank you so much for that.
the equally hilarious @shieldofiron, your memes and posts have delighted me for a very long time and I really appreciate you for that - I also deeply admire how you write such quality fics so quickly, I am truly in awe of you and your talent. I also must personally thank you for getting me into munver lol!
@dragonflylady77, you have always been so supportive of me from the beginning and I must thank you a million times over! you always have something nice to say about everyone and I truly believe that without you, this community wouldn't be the same.
the talented @adelacreations, you are such a generous and passionate person, I admire you and your art and your writing!! your creativity is also something I very much admire, please keep being your lovely self!
@spaceofentropy thank you for always saying such kind things about my writing, you are so lovely and I adore you so much!! I still remember that time I was feeling really down and you cheered me up, I hold that moment close to my heart.
hi @discodeviant you are so incredibly talented and I still adore the prom ficlet you wrote for me all those weeks (months?) ago!! your writing is beautiful and I admire it and you sm, thank you for sharing it with us all!
@weird-an I continue to be in awe of your writing and I remember being 'new' to the fandom last year and just...having my jaw be on the floor every time I read one of your ficlets! I admire you greatly and hope that you continue to write forever and ever!
sweet @grey-sides, I know we don't talk much but when we do, I always enjoy it! your writing is phenomenal and I remember you were one of the first writers I came across when I really became active in the fandom last year! I adore you and your writing, please never stop making what makes you happy!
@femmebilly, hi honey, I miss you!! You are one of the first friends I made in this fandom and I still have such a soft spot for you! You've always been so supportive of me and everyone in this fandom and without you, it would be a darker place. Thank you for being my lovely friend.
@deedoop you will forever and always make me laugh with your posts and I've told you this many times but I simply MUST tell you again, lovely!! give Billy's jar a kiss for me and take one for yourself, too! thank you for being such an amazing person!
my darling @valsyngur, my Steve!! this must be so random for you lol but I just wanted to tell you that I really adore you very much and what we're creating together, and I admire the art you create! you are such a sweetheart and I'm glad to call you my friend!
the sweetest @applewillowstone, thank you for inviting me to your server and for being so kind! you are incredibly talented in so many ways and I am in awe of you!! thank you for sharing your talent with us!
@destroya2005, you have picked me up with your words far too many times and I am in debt to you because of it (in the best way)! you are too sweet and you are so loving, thank you so much for being you!
@passivenovember, whenever you reblog one of my posts, you ALWAYS make me laugh and it's such a small thing but it truly makes my day! Your writing is also incredible and I just wanted to appreciate you in this post!
the lovely @oopsiedaisiesbaby, your writing is amazing and I love our mutual love for Lana!! you always leave the most lovely comments on my fics and posts and I appreciate you so, so much!
@ratbastardbilly, hello, I don't believe we've ever spoken but I just need you to know that your art holds a special place in my heart! you are so incredibly talented and I admire you greatly!
my sweet @simplydes, I am so happy that we've become friends!! You are so insanely talented and I love that I can just message you with whatever crazy little musing or hc I have about our boys and you return that energy! Your art is some of the most lovely I've ever seen and speaks to me on another level, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
my newest friend @hellfirefucker, you are such a little gremlin and I adore you so!! Your talent is so clear and you only get better and better with each piece! Thank you for picking me, choosing me, loving me (lol), I admire your talent and you always make me laugh whenever we chat!! thank you thank you so much!
@robthegoodfellow thank you for being such a delight to talk to!! I will forever fondly remember our Yellowjackets discussions after every ep nkjfgnj I can't wait for S3 so we can do it all again! Thank you for being such a lovely person!
@ihni, your art and writing is some of the first I'd seen when I first started posting hg and I want to thank you for continuously putting a smile on my face with it!! you are very lovely and I admire you!
@wickedlydevious, you took me in like a stray kitten once and have been lovely ever since!! lol I know we don't speak much but when we do, you are always so lovely!! thank you for making my fandom experience so much better!
there are also dozens upon dozens of artists and writers and just people that are so amazing and have impacted me in the best of ways so I will tag them here! Please know that I adore what you create and am in constant awe of you (in fact, maybe a little intimidated 😳) @thediktatortot, @metalscoops, @wrecked-fuse, @billyharringson, @callieb, @dreaminginpencil, @kallisto-k, @makeadealwithdean, @whenyouwishuponastar7, @suspiciouslackofclowns, @aggressiveviking, @writer-in-theory, @lilkiwiboi42, @billysbuttcheeks (idk why it won't let me tag you!), @lemonhitsu, @saberghatz, @thewaywardkees
I also want to give a heartfelt thank you to every single person who has either liked or reblogged my posts or took the time to say something nice to me or my writing because I am just a girl who is writing about what makes her happy and if my writing makes you feel even just a little spark of something, I know I've done good!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
Bambi 🤍
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lady-phasma · 4 months
It’s me again 💝
I’ve been in the Hotd fandom since the show first aired but got really into it once adult Aemond showed up . I’ve dabbled in a bunch of what I call creator content, fics , imagines even editing videos … I just don’t seem to find my people or I have people and they talk for awhile but then ghost . I try not to stress cause I get it we have lives and that shit comes first but it’s just idk sad when I try so hard and I’m lost in the crowd if you will. I’ve reached out to people via dm and I usually try to comment and give my opinion to get some interaction . Perhaps I’m making a bigger deal than I should . I would love to come off anon and dm but I just don’t wanna be judged and I say this even though I know people reading this will think pathetic . It is what it is
Hi 💝! Thank you for writing again! First, no negative self-talk on my blog. 😊 It's not a rule exactly, but I don't support it. Maybe you follow me, that's irrelevant, but I doubt that the demographic of my followers will think anything about this is pathetic. Outside of them, if they think that, they can block me and then we don't have to worry about their opinions, do we?
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Now that's out of the way, don't worry about coming off anon. You don't have to or you can decide later. I answered another ask and said this and it bears repeating:
Feelings are valid, but they are not always truth.
Maybe it is a big deal to you at this point in your life. It has been to me at other times (not on Tumblr because I was on a near-10 year break from it). I don't like to give advice because I'm not in your shoes. I can only offer an ear to listen and my honest opinions.
Keep creating!! Whether it's in a fandom setting or not. I only write what I want to write. I only make gifs of what I want (or need for a fic). Make things when you feel inspiration or even if you don't. Drop your imagines in here if you want. Especially (but not limited to) excitement you have during the second season! There is going to be so much lovely chaos during the second season. We are all going to have thoughts!
As for your experience on your blog, follow more people, reblog with comments/discourse (if it's kind and not hurtful). And try not to compare yourself to others. I know it's difficult when notes on a post feel so damn good, but they aren't always immediate. And be yourself. I don't mean any of this as advice - it's just how I behave on here. Try not to try, just be.
I am so glad you've been in the fandom since the start! I stared my HotD experience on AO3 because I had been on there for years. Then a conversation in the comments in October 2022 got me on Tumblr for the first time since 2013/14. I'm so glad it did! There has been drama (I took a hiatus from Jan 2023 until March 2024) but there has been more joy and fun than that for me. I do that on purpose.
As I've said before, there were about 9 million viewers for the season 1 finale. That's a lot of people. More than I can imagine. So, if I were to offer advice it would be this: this time around for me I have been looking at the tags I follow more often than I used to. I look at posts that are like-minded: kind posts, funny posts that don't make fun of any part of the fandom, and posts about niche characters/elements. Then I look at that blog further, check out older posts to see if they have my same values (or close), and if so, I give them a follow. People don't always follow back, that's okay. But I get to see their positivity or inclusivity and that enriches my experience. The Nettles community is one of the best out here and I am so glad I get to be a part of it. We don't always agree but it's so fun to find a part of another aspect of the fandom. I throw my net wide because there are so many of us.
Lastly, like I said in a recent answer: what do you do to make others feel heard? Do you comment on posts when people express that they are lonely in a fandom? Do you give them a hug emoji or a "hey, I see you" kind of reaction? I do these things when I see those posts because what we put out comes back to us. Treat others how you want to be treated. That's not to say you haven't been doing this but if you haven't, maybe think about why - are you shy, judgmental, unsure how it will be received, or other motivations to keep scrolling?
I want everyone to have a great time in this or any fandom. This fandom in particular needs more positivity and inclusivity. I didn't get the nickname auntie for nothing. 💕 But it's never forced or fake. Come back to my inbox any time and as often as you like. We don't have to keep discussing this unless you want to! Is Aemond your favorite? Which episode do you dislike the most? Are you excited about something in particular for season 2? But there is no expectation or obligation.
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meanbossart · 10 months
hi. I'm a huge fan of your work. I've been following you since before sad sack even came out. I was around for the very first teasers of it. I am very young... definitely i was too young to be reading sad sack when I was. but I'm an adult now so whatever, harm done. I'm a novelist. you are really one of my greatest artistic inspirations.
I guess my question that I want to say is... how do you finish stories? I have a million started but I always get this horrible voice in my head telling me that it's not worth it to finish, that the next project I do will be better, but I know I'm at the point in my journey where I need to just get something done. how do you do it? do I just need time? do I need to get a little older? do I need to keep failing until I succeed?
thank you so much for everything that you've done, your art brings me so much joy and comfort. many, many times your comics have made me feel like I wasn't alone. please keep doing what you're doing, because I love it, just for me lol.
Hey! This has sat in my inbox for a while i know, to be completely honest it just never feels great to know someone was exposed to my adult work before they should have been, and it can feel like im walking a tenuous line in acknowledging that it happens and not... Doing something about it? Though im not sure what that something would be. I will take your word for it that you are an adult now and as you said, the harm was already done. Im not happy about it but nothing can be done about it now i guess.
I do sincerely appreciate your kind words about mine and Nick's work and I'm glad it's brought you joy, and i hope you were always able to enjoy it with a critical eye too.
As for your question, there is truly no easy answer there or A to B guide that will get you past this hurdle - some people work on years and years on the same thing before releasing it, other's just pump their first work to get it out of the way and while it may not be great, at least its done. Regardless, once you get one thing finished, you will come to realize that its easy to finish others, too. I think regardless of what you do though, you will never look back on your very first work and be happy with it, so its my personal opinion that while you should do your best, you should make peace with the fact that it will not be your best, and that's okay.
As for what I would personally do? Pick something, something short, and something fresh, dont start with that massive story you've been workshopping for 15 years. Start with something you can whip up in a year at the VERY most, something you are currently passionate about, something that interests you right this second. Draft it as quick as you can so you know how it starts and how it ends, and then set yourself up with a schedule to finish it - you don't have to abide by it 100%, but if you give yourself all the time in the world to work on it, you might end up taking up your own offer. If you have a deadline, even if made up, you will have to force yourself to move on when you come across something you aren't entirely happy with instead of becoming stuck on it for days, frustrated, and then proceeding to abandon it as you might have done before. I repeat - you will never be entirely happy with how your first work turns out. So focus on being passionate, proud, and absolutely committed to making it happen at all, instead.
I hope this has helped you at all, im both sorry that you ended up looking at our nasty stuff before you should have and also, again, genuinely glad you find inspiration in it now as a grown person. I wish you the best of luck in your journey as a creator!
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mihrsuri · 7 months
I wanted to do a series of posts just kind of gushing about friends fic and I’m going to do my absolute best to get to everyone but first off:
@miabicicletta writes The CJ/Danny (and The CJ) - it feels like the show in the best way (I can hear the characters) - so funny, so much heart and love and just DELIGHTFUL all round. Particularly fond of the little flamingos series (or CJ and Danny’s two girls) which I reread a TONNE. Also she gave me my West Wing joy back and I just…friend shaped, to be presumptuous
@theladyelizabeth listen if you love gorgeous should be a published series of historical novels historical fiction/alt history set in Tudor Times then please please read White Bear Red Rose which is an AU in which Robert Dudley and Elizabeth Tudor do marry and have children. It’s a Tudor world that has all the depth, colour and complexity that you could want but that never loses the humanity of everyone within it - it’s so historically grounded without ever being too much and oh my gosh the world building. Rina inspires me so much every day and being her friend is a delight (very forward of me but).
I’ve said this a million times I know but @findingfeather wrote a character that is me, that made me feel so so seen (she’s not based on me but I kind of like to think she is/she’s me ;)) and also the fic itself (Your Blue Eyed Boys and associated linked fic) rearranged my brain chemistry in the best way. (It’s an MCU fic that actually gives the MCU I wanted). I just kind of recommend everything she writes admittedly.
Hi @nocompromise-noregrets is one of two (2) people for whom I will read Tolkien fic - her stories just have so much heart and love in them and I always think they are very Tolkien in spirit - so kind. Just like she is.
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btsx50states · 10 months
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Namjoon on Weverse 20231210:
to the people whom i love, i hope you are well. it seemed the day would never come, but here we are, at last. i swear there were a million things i wanted to share but putting pen to paper after such a long time has been quite the challenge.
it has been such a great joy to live as a member of BTS these last 10 years. i’ve always said this, but the end of a journey can always be a door leading to a new one! i have absolutely no doubt that by the time we return, there will be something even greater awaiting us
when i think about our seokjin-hyung and hoseok, who went on to do their service before any of the rest of us followed suit, i can imagine how difficult it must have been to undergo that experience alone.
trailing behind them, i feel stronger and more capable of taking on the duty because they have set an admirable example in carrying out their due service. i firmly believe that these next 18 months, a period of time that is both short and long and everything in between will become a time for all of us to learn to face the unfamiliar and to be newly inspired by our challenges. of course, i approach this time with a little fear and caution, but at a time when everything appears up in the air, is there a thing in the world that can bring just as much comfort as holding onto hope and wondering what awaits me next? sure, my work [is gratifying and gives me purpose] but above all, the only thing that could possibly rival this idea would be your love.
the very idea of holding a special place in someone’s mind, to be a person worth waiting for. life can be lonely & at times we walk alone but my soul is already filled to the brim with that steadfast love i hope i can be such a person to you as deeply as you are to me.
at the end of the day, words come and go but it is our time, our love, and our sincerity that we have shared that is the true testament to what we will continue to mean to each other.
all this time, all i’ve ever wanted was to be the person standing right by your side, even when i may not always appear to be there I deeply hope that each of us will continue to live out our individual lives, from wherever “home” may be [sitting in the driver’s seat] to give it our best shot and that when we finally come back we will greet each other with bright smiles hoping each of us will have become sincere, warm-hearted people.
it may be a little “goodbye” (안녕/annyeong) for now ! but i’ll greet you with a “hello” (안녕/annyeong) the very next time we meet wherever we are, whenever that might be hoping that “we” continue to remain “us” !
I’ll see you in the future, then I am loving you so very much. wishing this message will reach your heart [from mine], - Namjoon
Translation by @BTSTranslation7 on Twitter
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scribe-cas · 1 month
Get to Know Your Moots Writeblr Interview
(Tagged by @scribe-of-stories :> the fact that "the scribes" is a thing sparks so much joy you don't even get it /pos)
On the Tumblr Writing Community
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr?
Like approximately a year and 2 weeks. Ish
What led you to create it?
It started off as literally my main blog but I post so much about my characters that I just. It's basically just a writing blog now because I'm too insane about my own series
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
Also the fact that people here are normal about villains and like.. media that isn't scrubbed of any substance. Cancel culture and Hays code my detested <3
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Please talk to me about my characters please please please please ask me stuff I swear asks light up my mind and I don't bite no question is a dumb one
Also if you like couteau I'm eating you alive /affectionate /positive
If you're new here you'll see my obsession with cou knows no bounds. Being told to go write about him motivates me to no end. I will get you guys a book I just wanna write about him HORFUSHUFAHSHD
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
What tips/advice do you have for someone who made a Writeblr today?
Babe i don't know what I'm doing let alone advice for other people. Um I guess be insane about your projects. Don't be afraid to not take yourself seriously, and enjoy working on your WIPs. People talk about how oh writing is supposed to be self reflective writing is supposed to be about learning about others- my writing is a joke to me and everyone around. If it ends up being something else later on that's great but right now no its whatever i think would be funny rn.
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Blood is sweeter than silence my beloved....
How long have you been working on them?
6 years actually writing (2 drafts of mine were deleted by negligent roommates so I've had to completely restart) but about 10 since I started thinking about it
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
Literally a million things. But also it mostly just kinda came from my own brain. Everything I've ever experienced has shaped it.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
It never leaves my mind. Literally ever. Ask my wife it's literally all I talk about
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Oh I'm really dabbling in slasher-comedy recently" /voice of a man who is so proud of the genre 'slasher-comedy'
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Honestly slasher comedy is pretty accurate. It leaves out the rampant implications of demon horniness but that isn't technically relevant to the plot
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created.
Amara (Ami), Seamus (Gambit), Couteau, Sally, Rix, Ally, Lainey, Varasha- the list goes on
Who’s the most unhinged?
Rix when it comes to like being actually impaired in the brain but Couteau when we're talking just. Nuts. Like when a character just is that way because they can be.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
None of them ever /lh, it is ALWAYS a struggle
Do you ever cringe at them?
No I find them hilarious if I'm being honest. They do some cringefail shit and I just laugh
How much control do you feel you have over your characters?
They are writing this shit. I am just witnessing and occasionally figuring stuff out from subtext.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters?
Literally even just like poking me on what WIPs I've got going on will spur me into it I love knowing there are people who want to see the scene im working on when it's done. Or sometimes I write fanfiction that's kinda canon adjacent? And if you also wanted to see that I'd kiss you on the mouth /pos
But God yes I love talking about them. I will explain stuff over and over again to every new person ever I love you questions about my characters
On Writeblr Engagement
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account?
There is no criteria. If you post and I like the thing you posted, you get followed
What makes you decide against following?
... show me your stuff or I can't see it and know how cool it is and follow you. If you show me nothing then nothing you will receive
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Yes! But also no because I barely manage to interact on here at all sometimes /lh
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yeah I rotate Ela and Kei around in my head pretty regularly
And every Michael ever made by @sandranetta13
I interact with ink and myth on a daily basis tho /lh
Anyways open tag other than for you two fuckers I'm making it mandatory @daughter-of-inklings @mythie-and-mages
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anonymousmothman · 7 months
You guys don't understand I'm a lover okay. I love everything. I love everything more than everything and I love everyone. I'm literally just some guy on this earth and everyone has been so kind to me the sun has been so bright for me the moon shines at night. I wear whatever I want so confidently now and it makes me so happy and I talk to people and I just love okay.. til the day I die I will love. There's so many books to read I've read so many of my favorites a million times the lines from hamlet and rosencrantz and guildenstern that reverberate in my head eternally... and the movies and shows I watch so much that give me joy and inspire me to just be silly and live and love. And.. idk if you know this but there's CREATURES on this EARTH that just LIVE N SHIT??? Like squirrels and deer and mice and pigeons exist its like HOLY SHIT YOU'RE TELLING ME THE CREATIONS ARE JUST IN MY YARD? FOR FREE? And the people in history I think of oh so often martin luther and your silly little church door you badass bitch lady jane gray who I forever mourn and also like hatsune miku I know she's not real but she has really good songs. And like guys hear me out the world is bad sometimes and I know you're tired of hearing about the good in the little things but I smelled a good smell today and was literally though the roof onto the moon I crash landed there I was so happy. The weather was warm the seasonal depression was gone and I got to see all the people I love so much. I'm literally just a silly little guy my purpose here is to love and lalalalalalal and brother I'm fufilling the prophecy I'm swimming with the stream the fish love me I'm literally so unbothered in my element. Look into my eyes and tell me you can't read me like typewriter print on an envelope.
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flownintothesun · 11 months
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 ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───     𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐬𝐡?
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                            ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ─── 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧. ( @florietiae )
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       𝐎𝐇 𝐆𝐎𝐃, 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐃 — the truth is that if I’m following you, then I’m happy to see you on dash! But I am not gonna skirt out of it that easily, am I? So, a disclaimer — I am capping myself at ten people (plus obviously the lovely Hayla herself who is joy and light incarnate!). Of course, I have a lot more than ten mutuals all of whom I admire and adore. I’m just going to take this moment to shout out some lovely humans but by no means all of them :
@batteredoptimist​ : Nonny is the reason almost all of my characters on this blog exist, and definitely to the capacity they do. This is my best friend / partner in crime and writing / most bestest human / absolute joy. They are a lovely human and an incredibly talented writer / worldbuilder / artist. I am so invested and have so much love for Nonny’s characters (and Nonny, too, of course!) and I am just...consistently blown away by their lore and writing and I just want to read a whole book or ten about James. Do I have the honor of writing with him most of the time? YES! Do I want more because I’m greedy? Also yes! And... if I don’t stop myself I’m going to babble for way too long. We’ve written 2.7 million words together in less than two years, and I cherish them and our stories and their muses DEARLY. Thank you for sharing your light and stories with me, Nonny! I am forever grateful.
@smokedanced / @dutyworn​ / @dochaes​ / @waywardfeathered​ : I wouldn’t be on tumblr without Havu. I wouldn’t be who I am now without Havu. They are so passionate about their muses (and also the enneagram and birds and math and science), we share a ton of inside jokes, and it makes me very happy to see them here because them being happy makes me happy too! 11/10 human, comes highly recommended.
@imprvdente​ / @hvbris​ : Chloé is just an all around amazing human being, to be honest. Fish is incredibly thought out, but so are ALL of the characters on the multimuse. Chloé’s writing is phenomenal and will one day be published, I’m sure of it (and Fish super deserves it). Also, she has been nothing but genuinely kind to me and has such a warm presence. I am very grateful to get to write with and enjoy her presence.
@voxvulgi​ : Sara is just a lovely human in all of the ways and when the dash is graced with her presence, all is right with the world. Her writing is exactly the kind that inspires you to give your response your all just because her works are masterpieces that deserve the very best. Her characters thouuuugh, and her writing, and just *gestures* the whole package.
@astremourante​ : Ami has built an amazing character that I am SO excited to write with (I am so angry at my queue right now). Also the vibes for both mun and muse are immaculate. Her posts always bring me joy to see on the dash whether IC or OOC and I am pretty sure I have hit the heart excessively because hello amazing human I think that you’re neat!
@angerworn​ : Zed is a bad influence! (Kidding, mostly!) We haven’t been talking for long, but I have been nothing short of consistently inspired by all of the characters that she brings to the table. Also, my muses are all making the biggest grabby hands and want to learn and explore all of the things. Also, Zed has really a really nice energy and presence and I like that a lot!
@tewwor​ : Ro has been with me for a very long time, and through many hiatuses on both ends. I remember even in the beginning being drawn in to how well she tells a story and somehow even more masterfully brings their characters together. From the first, I have just been immersed and amazed at the talent, and at how kind Ro is as a person, too. Can’t imagine myself not following a Ro blog, tbh.
@ofhope / @yourburningsoul​ : Olivia and I haven’t gotten the chance to write together much, and that’s all right because it’s just so easy to see the passion that she brings to her muses. The first blog I followed her on had me so utterly immersed I was sitting there reading posts even though I didn’t know the original media well! Olivia’s presence on dash is one of kindness, joy and light and I’m just so happy to be in her sphere.
@wehavefoundthestars​ : Eve and I have been writing together for years now, and that’s wild to me. This is one of the rare cases in getting so immersed in threads that your characters end up getting married and starting a family. And then...there’s Westley. Oops. Eve has so much love and compassion for Elio that I much prefer hers to the original and now know only one portrayal.
@innerwar : Tommy and I haven’t had the chance to write yet, but I am admiring from afar and am super impressed at how one person can write so many COMPLEX muses so dang well. Also, Tommy, you wrote a novel and that is AMAZING!? I just want you to know that I like your aesthetic, vibe and writing a lot an that there is definitely a post lurking in my queue for you.
  Can I just... can I list everyone? I have so many more people to say nice things to ;_;.
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onlyplatonicirl · 9 months
Hello HeadcANON here, late, but here nontheless to congratulate you ON TCOTI's fifth anniversary. To say this fic changed me would be an understatement.
It became something so much more than just a piece of fanfic.
It became a source of inspiration, of comfort, of joy. It became a reason for me to keep going, through anything really. Anything difficult I was dealing with, I knew I could do it because despite everything you've been through, whether minor or major, you persevered.
That and, if I hung up this hypothetical phone too early, I'd never get to hear the end of it, and I really, really wanna.
This fic meant and still means so much to me. You published it when we we're 13, now we're 18, and all throughout that time, my interest (if not obsession) with your fic and characters never dwindled. It only grew. It made me want to pick up writing again, and I did, and I still do. And, I hope you continue to do so, as well.
Genuinely, I'm glad to know how much this fic has changed your life, but I need you to know that on the flipside, it's changed mine and so many other people's lives as well. Whether by inspiring them to write their own stories or to begin drawing, or just giving them that same feeling of comfort and joy.
Thanks for everything, Lorel - HeadcANON
Under normal circumstances when I recieve a complimentary message I keysmash and spam a million heart emojis because I'm not the best at taking compliments, but I would be an absolute fool to not respond to this ask with the same sincere and heartfelt energy that you put into it.
I legitmately began to cry as I was reading this ask. It absolutely baffles me that I have literally impacted people's lives over something so silly and self indulgent.
I want you to know that I see and fully internalize every single person who has ever sent me a message like yours. To know that I am inspiring people to draw, to write, to create, to overcome challenges not based on my writing but from what I've been through myself, it's all I can really hope for in life. By all accounts, if my fic really did do everything you said it did for you, than I have quite literally succeeded in life. Even if it's only a handful of people, knowing I have helped them through dark times in their life, even inadvertently, means more to me than I could ever express in words. I am so incredibly happy.
Genuinely from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful that I could help you all like this. And I know you know you've all helped me too. I hope even when my silly fanfic has finished writing, that we can all continue to support each other and go out into the world and raise more people up. I sound so insanely sappy and dumb right now, but about a couple of weeks ago one of my friends I met thru TCOTI flew out to come see me, and us plus a mutual friend hung out together in my appartment and talked and laughed and all watched movies together and I realized my life, and their lives as well, have been changed by this. Which is simply insane to me.
I hope that as I continue writing this story you all enjoy what I have to offer. I plan on updating by at least the 9th of January, but we'll see haha.
Have an amazing day headcANON and I hope you know how much love you have filled my heart with today. I don't think I will ever forget this message <3
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spotsandsocks · 4 months
Spotty you incredible human bean I will say this a million times in a million ways but you are one of the kindest mutuals I have ever had the pleasure of making on this silly little app. Your fics are incredible, I don't know how you come up with so many unique ideas and then execute them all to perfection. (I think of your dragons fondly and regularly🐉💕)
When you comment on my fics it's quite literally makes my heart skip and brings so much joy to my day. Your love makes me want to keep writing too xx
May you have a day, week, month and year as incredible and amazing as yourself and that inspiration will continue to flow 🥰🫂💕
- definitely not meegs xx
Hello anonymous anon who is definitely not meets
Look at me all emotional over you being lovely and your kind words. Writing my au gives me so much pleasure and I just love sharing them with people who are as supportive and enthusiastic as you
And leaving comments makes me so happy too- you deserve every word because you’re a talented little bean!
Big rainbow hugs and kisses for you
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
RE enjoying HP content: Personally I don't give two shits about HP, but I'll admit, I have a hard time justifying the "Don't engage in HP fandom!" stance. Not giving the creator money and only pirating stuff from the franchise, fine, makes sense. But the argument that people shouldn't even engage in fandom feels strange, because I can't really separate it from the age-old "You shouldn't participate in X fandom because one of the people involved in it is a rapist/wifebeater/union-buster/was abusive towards their actors/[insert long list of other ways people can be shitty]". Is the singular focus on JKR due to her disproportionate impact and celebrity status? The reach of her platform? Even there, I hardly doubt that she is unique in her evil, there are doubtless many others who don't get the same publicity due to not being involved in something central to the pop culture background for so many Westerners.
I can see three arguments for not participating in fandom: One, to punish, and the other, to reduce impact. First argument has the consistency issues I highlighted above, the second one I COULD see, but at the same time, don't we as fans tend to overstate our own importance? (In censorship discussions we frequently discuss that fanfiction has very little power to normalize anything and is ultimately a drop in the bucket.) HP gave rise to a massive mount of licensed spinoff content from videogames to multiple blockbuster movies, including a new franchise that collects millions at the box office each time. In light of the overwhelming marketing and reach, it's hard to see how some people making fanart on Tumblr or whatever matters, and as much as I side-eye HP fans, I find it very hard to actually judge them for the extremely bland crime of not wanting to sacrifice a source of entertainment for some abstract moral good.
The third argument for abstaining from HP fandom is to make nonbinary people feel safer (both people in your circle and strangers coming across your content), but this feels really circumstantial. Abandoning the HP fandom to take a stand with trans people is a nice gesture, but ultimately it's just a gesture, and one that doesn't actually mean anything outside of very specific circumstances. Someone NOT being an HP fan doesn't mean they can't be a transphobe, and someone being an HP fan doesn't have to mean they're anything worse than maybe a little bit selfish/unwilling to sacrifice a source of entertainment and comfort for the sake of other people. This kind of selfishness may be something to judge, but it's also extremely mundane and common, and hardly more offensive than, say, refusing to put content or trigger warning tags on your blog because it's your blog and you just can't be bothered.
To conclude, I personally share the distaste for HP content but I'm not convinced I'm actually being rational in it. At the same time, I'm very much a person driven by hyperfixations, and the fact that I dodged a bullet in not caring about HP is just sheer dumb luck. I do have a lot of sympathy for people obsessed with HP and drawing joy from it, because god knows I can't imagine myself simply forcing myself to stop caring about the thing that's held my imagination in a vice grip for the past few years and inspired me to create so many things. I have a lot of nb friends, so I like to think that if I were interested in HP, I'd be able to choose their sense of security over my hyperfixation. But that's a much more personal argument that can't really be generalised to fandom as a whole...
End ramble. Thanks for reading, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.
My argument about fandom participation is that you, the fan, have limited time and brainspace.
If you want to support some other less known creator, put your time and emotions towards that. Don't carve out 50% of your free time for HP or Supernatural or whatever canon we're mad at today.
"I'm not paying them" is a weak argument when you put that much of yourself towards having whatever thing as a lifestyle. "I read the occasional fic. You're making too much of it" is a reasonable argument in my book.
Of course, if people don't care, they don't care, but I keep seeing people who are like "I would leave [bad large fandom] if only I could find the same experience in another". But they don't go build that world they want to see, so it continues to not exist.
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Painting of the same title [Love Among The Ruins] , inspired by Browning's poem, by Edward Burne-Jones
Here. Have a poem. A beautiful poem. And read it, if you can make time, and if you can stretch your ever-shrinking attention span (like mine is). Not sure why this one today. Maybe because Jerusalem has risen to glory and fallen to desolation repeatedly. It has never been so populous with so many buildings and so much life. It doesn't seem possible it could be desolate yet again. But it probably didn't seem possible at any previous pinnacle either. It certainly didn't to the author of the biblical Lamentations, whose speaker stares in disbelief after its sack by Babylon, as they ask in the opening verse, How sits the city solitary, that was full of people. How is she become as a widow. She that was great among the nations, and princess among the provinces, how has been laid low.
Someday, maybe not all that far off, this place where I love, charmed as I remain by its layers of history and poetry, could resemble Browning's vision. Maybe our great edifices will greet people like broken Ozymandias as an unintended caution against arrogance and vainglory. Certainly enough of that to go around these days. Can it be avoided? Seems like that would be bold new territory for this city, and perhaps all humanity.
Or, maybe just because I love this poem.
+ Love among the Ruins ~Robert Browning
Where the quiet-coloured end of evening smiles, Miles and miles On the solitary pastures where our sheep Half-asleep Tinkle homeward thro' the twilight, stray or stop As they crop— Was the site once of a city great and gay, (So they say) Of our country's very capital, its prince Ages since Held his court in, gathered councils, wielding far Peace or war.
Now the country does not even boast a tree, As you see, To distinguish slopes of verdure, certain rills From the hills Intersect and give a name to, (else they run Into one) Where the domed and daring palace shot its spires Up like fires O'er the hundred-gated circuit of a wall Bounding all Made of marble, men might march on nor be prest Twelve abreast.
And such plenty and perfection, see, of grass Never was! Such a carpet as, this summer-time, o'er-spreads And embeds Every vestige of the city, guessed alone, Stock or stone— Where a multitude of men breathed joy and woe Long ago; Lust of glory pricked their hearts up, dread of shame Struck them tame; And that glory and that shame alike, the gold Bought and sold.
Now—the single little turret that remains On the plains, By the caper overrooted, by the gourd Overscored, While the patching houseleek's head of blossom winks Through the chinks— Marks the basement whence a tower in ancient time Sprang sublime, And a burning ring, all round, the chariots traced As they raced, And the monarch and his minions and his dames Viewed the games.
And I know, while thus the quiet-coloured eve Smiles to leave To their folding, all our many-tinkling fleece In such peace, And the slopes and rills in undistinguished grey Melt away— That a girl with eager eyes and yellow hair Waits me there In the turret whence the charioteers caught soul For the goal, When the king looked, where she looks now, breathless, dumb Till I come.
But he looked upon the city, every side, Far and wide, All the mountains topped with temples, all the glades' Colonnades, All the causeys, bridges, aqueducts,—and then All the men! When I do come, she will speak not, she will stand, Either hand On my shoulder, give her eyes the first embrace Of my face, Ere we rush, ere we extinguish sight and speech Each on each.
In one year they sent a million fighters forth South and North, And they built their gods a brazen pillar high As the sky Yet reserved a thousand chariots in full force— Gold, of course. O heart! oh blood that freezes, blood that burns! Earth's returns For whole centuries of folly, noise and sin! Shut them in, With their triumphs and their glories and the rest! Love is best.
(Ori Hanan Weisberg)
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 months
Dreamgirls (2006)
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Dreamgirls is not based on a true story but you’ll swear otherwise. While the film takes much inspiration from the history of the Motown record label and incorporates actual historical events into its story, the reason it feels so real are the characters and the drama. The ensemble cast all give such good performances and the material they’ve been given is so deep they all feel like real people. That’s enough to recommend Dreamgirls already but there's so much more: great musical numbers, a stellar production design, confident direction by Bill Condon (who also wrote the screenplay) and tons of re-watch value.
In 1962, in Detroit, Michigan, Effie White (Jennifer Hudson), Deena Jones (Beyoncé Knowles) and Lorrell Robinson (Anika Noni Rose) are “The Dreamettes”. After appearing at an amateur R&B talent show, The Dreamettes and Effie’s younger songwriter brother C.C. (Keith Robinson) are recruited by car salesman - and aspiring music manager - Curtis Taylor Jr. (Jamie Foxx) to sing as a backup for star Jimmy “Thunder” Early (Eddie Murphy). The story follows the Dreamettes’ rise to fame as their new manager becomes increasingly manipulative.
The ’60s and ‘70s era music scene is unfamiliar to me and not exactly the kind of music I gravitate towards (for the record, my taste in music falls under the “crap” category). It means a lot, then, that I was instantly able to “recognize” the songs featured in this musical. All of the numbers are from the Broadway musical or newly written for the movie and incorporated in a mix of diegetic and non-diegetic fashion. Every piece is a river of honey in your ear and surprisingly, Beyoncé Knowles ends up kind of playing second banana to both Jennifer Hudson… and Eddie Murphy. I don’t know if it’s hilarious or heartbreaking that my DVD of Dreamgirls featured a trailer for Norbit before the main event. As Jimmy, Murphy is incredible. There’s a particular scene where, tired of being asked to perform another soulful number, he breaks into an impromptu rap where he has to get his orchestra to play a new beat on the fly. It’s pure movie magic and the entire film is worth the price of admission just to see Murphy in full form in that one scene.
There’s a pervasive and consistent joy of filmmaking throughout Dreamgirls. Every frame looks terrific and the actors all give excellent performances. We’ve already mentioned some of them but now, I want to single out Jamie Foxx as Curtis Taylor Junior. His transition from sympathetic to villainous is so smooth it’s hard to tell at which point exactly your opinion shifts and part of this is because all of the characters - including the Dreamgirls - are fully-rounded human beings complete with flaws. Without a doubt, Effie White gets the short end of the stick in this story but there are times where she kind of gets what she deserves. You hate yourself for feeling that way, which demonstrates the quality of the drama. Obviously, credit is due to Henry Krieger and Tom Eyen, who wrote the original musical, but this film adaptation is not merely a shot-for-shot re-enactment. This is a real movie with distinct made-for-the-movie scenes and choices.
With a budget of $75-$80 million, Dreamgirls is one of the most expensive films ever made to feature an all-Black cast. That realization came with a bit of waryness from me. Ever since my back-to-back viewing of Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and One Night in Miami, I’m just kind of done with “struggle” movies. We’ve had some great ones but there’s more we can do with All-Black casts than show them getting beaten down, abused, raped, taken advantage of, etc. This is another reason to see Dreamgirls. While the topic of inequality is touched on in two key scenes, this is mostly an engaging drama that could (in theory) feature any kind of actors. This musical has the same sort of appeal as A Star is Born because of the characters, the music and the skill used to bring everything together.
Despite everything Dreamgirls does right, it will still be a hard sell for people who don’t like musicals. It's also worth noting that while the protagonists are rich, other characters don’t get the development they should. Sharon Leal’s Michelle Morris, for instance. She's an important character that's always kept out of reach. Ultimately, the flaws (you could probably find more if you really looked hard) don’t matter when we consider the film’s entertainment and eye-candy value. This is such a good-looking film and when we consider the way it recreates historical (or “historical”) events and elements, it was love at first sight for me. (Fullscreen version on DVD, August 1, 2022)
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messrmoonyy · 8 months
Messrmoonyy, I don't even know how it flew by so fast, but it's officially been a year since I started reading your fics. And throughout this year I experienced so much through your work, so i’m here to say a big Thank you!
Reading your writings is truly a magical experience. I always immerse myself completely in your words, they’re like my secret portal which takes me to another universe. I found comfort in them, i laughed, cried on a bathroom floor, was rolling around the bed while screaming and biting mi fist… I've been to Jackson, Boston, Lincoln and wherever you took me, Messr. You’ve been feeding my lust for Tess for a whole ass year now and I’ve read every single one fic from your Tess masterlist several times and absolutely loved and devoured every word of each. Pure talent and perfection. I admire you, your creativity and ability to breathe life into your writing, your kindness and helpfulness. You were actually the first person I read my first fic from and i was blown away as your writings are seriously better than many published books i have read. Since then, I can't remember a single day where I haven't checked your page. I’m thankful for all the excitement when you posted something, for counting down the days till the next week’s upload, even my destroyed sleep schedule and sobbing into the pillow uncontrollably (yes, i’m talking about 5+1 which i’ll never recover from i decided) and endless rambling to my friend about how much i loved everything about your fics. Your talent is truly remarkable and phenomenal and i’ll never shut up about it. You’ve inspired me so much, you’ve evoked strong emotions, thoughts in me, ignited my imagination through your words and kept my obsession with Tess alive. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions thanks to you, and for all that I owe you an incredible and huge thank you. So thank you so much for everything Messrmoonyy, I hope you know that even through your writing you are so so loved and aprecciated (all over the world i belive, i’m from Slovakia so also my english might not be perfect) and I wish you a wonderful day filled with joy and happiness, i love you! 💗💗💗
Plus i’m sending you pics of Tessa, look how she’s grown!!🤗
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I literally don’t even know what to say to this, you are so unbelievably kind thank you so so much. Honestly I always look forward to your feedback on everything I upload you have always been so incredibly supportive of anything I put out and it doesn’t go unnoticed I assure you. You are an angel.
I honestly can’t believe today is a year since I posted my first Tess post and I’m so thankful for everyone who’s come along with the journey and watched me improve and grow and fall into my own style. My number one goal is always to try and make people feel things, to be able to even just escape for a little while. And I’m so glad it comes across.
I honestly just don’t even know what to say I’m seriously gonna cry and re read this ask a million times over. Just thank you so so so much, for your kind words always and just cheering me on with every single thing I upload🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
And give your sweet baby lots of pets and nose boops from me.
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