#your second kid takes it pretty well tho if not ends up getting him back
bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Ellie isn't allowed to travel alone Anymore
So! Ellie was raised in a Lab by a Genuine Bonefied Supervillain. She was raised to be a Villain as well, so her Moral Conpass is a little skewed.
Sure she *mostly* knows what is right and wrong from Danny's quick lesson before her Adventure around the Country, but she still has trouble separating what is moral and what is not from time to time.
So it's really no surprise that the moment she left Amity Park she somehow ended up being branded a Villain.
Look, it's not her fault she didn't know not to attack the flying guy in Blue Spandex when he approached her! One of Danny's biggest warnings shen she left had been Stranger Danger! She did what any 12 year old girl would have done when approached by a strange Older Man!
Its also not her fault that her powers (being Magic based), managed to affect him! She didn't even use her full power! (She maybe should have kicked him in a different place tho...she hopes he wasn't planning on having kids...)
So she did what her instincts told her to do. She took any money he had on him and ran the hell away!
It wasn't until she was 2 cities over when she saw a newspaper titled, "Little Villain Girl Mugs Superman in Broad Daylight!", that she realized she may have screwed up...
After that, she really had no excuse.
She knew that she probably shouldn't have kept Mugging the Heroes who approached her, but she wasn't a Fenton for nothing! Her Family Motto had always been "Commit to the Bit", and she was gonna stick to it!
So when the Fast Red Guy tried to tie her up, she phased off all his clothes and took off with his money (not the mask, she knew enough not to take that off)
And when the Grumpy Bat Guy tried to corner her with some weird papers he pulled out of his Belt, she just distracted him while her clone picked his pockets and made off with the wheels of his Car. That one made her a pretty penny!
The flying Green Guy was fun, his attacks were just throwing Ghost Candy (pure willpower) at her. He did stop doing do after she nicked his fancy talking Ring however, but it was fun while it lasted
Then she came across a Orange Fish Guy, and he actually seemed nice enough. But she was committing to the Bit, so she took the fancy Trident he had and sold it at a nearby Pawn Shop for some extra cash. He would probably be able to find it, that's why she chose a nearby location.
All in All, her Adventure had been really fun! So she decided to visit Amity Park again to tell Danny all about it!
Aquaman walked into the meeting room of the Watchtower, a very frustrated look in his eye.
Barry spoke up first, "Oh! I know that look in your eye! She got to you too didn't she!"
Arthur just glared at Barry for a second before walking over to his Chair, sitting down with a thump. "She is certainly a tricky child."
"What did she take this time?" Clark asked.
"..mttrident..." Arthur grumbled out quickly.
"What was that?" Asked Barry with a twinkle in his eye. He heard it, but he wanted everybody else to know.
"She took my trident, Okay!" Arthur shouted out.
"I feel ya man." Responded Hal, "At least with me she threw it back at me when she realized it wasn't making 'candy' anymore. What did she do with yours?"
"She sold it at a Pawn Shop!" Arthus yelled in frustration, "She managed to steal one of the most Powerful Magical Weapons in the world, the Symbol of the entire Atalantean Royal Bloodline, and she sold it and a Pawn Shop!"
"...how much did she get for it?" Asked Hal.
At this, Aquaman just collapsed to the table and groaned.
Alternatively she could have just kept all those things, and gradually built up a collection of all the JLA's most treasured possessions.
She has Supermans Wallet, not very important to him but it was her first mugging
She has Batmans Utility Belt (trackers removed) along with his Tires
She took Flashes Costume Ring (his civilian clothes still stuck inside)
She took Green Lanterns ring as well, but unfortunately it managed to escape after a few days. It was feisty.
And her crowning Jewel is the Trident she took from Aquaman.
(She avoided WW, cause she likes her too much to steal anything from her)
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at0michips · 3 months
home sweet home — josh o'connor
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summary: your long distance boyfriend decides to move all the way to NYC so you can live together, but with all the work he has to deal before he can enjoy it, you decide to take care of the move. now after long weeks apart he's back.
Today was the day, where Josh was finally going to come back home after months of doing press all over the world and the country. Well, not exactly home. Yes it was his house, and yes he was going to live there with you after a year and a half of being together, but with two new movies out and a whole press tour that included being only a few hours away from you and your new house in New York, to being literally across the world, the poor english man didn't had the time to be there to even unpack the things he brought from England or the ones you bought together.
However, you promised yourself this wouldn't be a problem at all. He did what he had to do and you would be there no matter what, of course it was kind of energy draining to deal with your work and moving in but you made it! You would finally be able to be with him by the end of the day, and the dinners wouldn't have to be over facetime anymore with a different time zone. Not complaining tho, you were forever grateful for when your boss sent you to England to cover an event were you met you now boyfriend.
You were so excited that you could also feel a little anxious too, making sure that even after everything was on it's place for two weeks now, there wasn't anything wrong. Not like Josh would get in the apartment and start pointing out the things you could have done better, he wasn't that kind of person, and he also knew better that going against you but you just couldn't help but want everything to be perfect for your first night together in your own house to be just perfect.
And apparently everything was just fine, his favorite meal was in the oven and shouldn't be ready for at least the next 30 minutes, meaning you had plenty of time to do nothing. With that in mind, the wine bottle on the countertop that you bought on your way from work seemed perfect to ease your nerves while you waited for Josh to come home, wich by your counts could happen anytime now.
Time actually flew after your second glass of wine and sometime (you have no idea of how much) scrolling through tiktok that you were actually surprised when you heard the doorbell, and with that you looked like an anxious kid running barefoot to open the door to see the person you were craving to see for weeks now. The first thing you do is throw yourself at him who's more than ready to catch with his strong arms and lift you up just a little bit of the ground.
"Oh my god I missed you so so much!" you said before attacking his cheek with kisses. You could finally hear his pretty laugh close to your ear and the fact that it wasn't through a phone call was so relieving.
"It seemed like forever without you luv." he said putting you back on the ground with a stupid smile on his face, while he admired you for a moment before connecting your lips together in a quick kiss. The man ahead of you looked exhausted yet so happy to finally meet you again for what felt like ages.
After realizing you guys were still outside of your house, you take his hand and pull him inside, excited for finally having him to yourself.
"You're making dinner? It smells amazing in here" he said with an excited tone as he entered your now oficially shared house and locked the door behind him.
"Guess what it-" but before you could finish your sentence he was already taking a look in the oven "Josh no! Why are you like this?" you pouted.
"Aw babe, I can't believe you did my favorite." he said turning back to face you and failed to hold a laugh after looking at your frown "M'sorry for antecipating the surprise luv, i'm starving!" he took your cheeks into his hands and lowered himself a bit to give a peck into your lips, that immediately made you melt into the man's hands.
"Okay, but next time wait until I finish my line. Now go wash your hands." you said with the demanding tone Josh missed for what felt like an eternity.
The male did as you told him so and went to the bathroom to wash up as you took the dish into the dining room, serving each of your plates with the food you made and your glasses with the already opened wine. Everything was ready when he got back, and you guys proceeded with the dinner, sharing stories from each other works, giving updates about friends, family and silly things from your routines.
It seemed like you guys were never apart from each other, like this was just another regular night of your little life together and not the first from what you hoped would be forever. After dinner, the man decided that the dishes could wait until tomorrow, he didn't wanted you to work more. He knew your weeks has been exhausting, having to wake up early, do your job and then take care of the small renovation in the house and the move. And he knew that today even after the apartment was ready, you haven't stopped, going to work and then making him dinner after arriving.
What has he done to deserve someone so caring? That thought didn't left his mind for one second the whole night, and he was determined to make you feel the same, at least a little bit. With that in mind, you guys went straight to the bathroom of your suite to take a shower together.
It was such a sweet and intimate moment. Of course it wasn't the first time you guys took a shower together, but there was something about his gentle hands on your shoulders and all the way down your back while he kept up a small conversation about the little things he noticed around the apartment that just made this moment so special for you. In your eyes this was real intimacy, being able to be naked and so close and yet don't feel the need to be having sex with each other. Of course you were missing him in bed, god how many times you had to please yourself while he was away, but for now that moment felt like it was enough for both of you.
After the bath, you put on your pajamas and were now on your shared bed with some of the gifts the british man bought you during the press tour. Most of them came with a "oh this one reminded me of you" wich just melted your heart.
"I figured this one we could use together, what do you think?" he said holding a face mask next to his face. You laughed, like how cute could a 34 year old man be?
"Of course my lord." you said with a fake british accent and started tying up your hair while he rolled his eyes at your mocking and proceeded to open the packages.
"And now what?" he asked as you tidy up the mask on his face.
"Well, the package says we have to wait 10 minutes and then take it off." you get up and start to put away your gifts and hear the body of your boyfriend dramatically fall back in your bed, to wich you return with your everyday lotion in hands.
"Let me take care of it for you." he sits up and basically takes the lotion out of your hands and motioned for you to lay down "Relax for a bit, you must be tired...".
He's right, luckily is a friday night and you won't have to worry about waking up early in the morning for the next two days. So you do as he said and lay your head on the pillow and just enjoy the sensation of his long fingers coated with your lotion massaging your feet, slowly working his way up your leg. You smile at the sight of Josh caressing your skin so carefully, his face so concentrated but it was impossible to take him seriously with that mask on that you closed your eyes, choosing to just enjoy your broyfriend's affection.
It must have been the wine, the calming sensation on your face and the loving touch of your boyfriend, but after your eyes closed it only took five minutes for you to doze off. Josh laughed a bit when he realized that, he gently left your feet in the bed while he stood up to put away your lotion and turn off the lights, coming back to carefully take the mask off of your face, taking his own next.
The man stretched himself before laying by your side and pulling the covers up both of you. He was so tired of the long flight, but so grateful for you to be there, always caring so much for him, the thought of going back to his house in England was boring, but after getting to be with you tonight it sounded even worse, it would be sad. There wouldn't be nobody to receive him by the door, or a warm dinner for him to eat, or someone for him to share how exciting it was to be all over the world and have his work recognized by millions of people.
You shifted in your sleep finding your way to his chest and he could swear that this was the moment his heart melted. It wasn't only today, he had noticed your effort all around the house, how you made sure all his favorite stuff had a visible place so it could be exposed or put to use. He wrapped his arms around you and closed his eyes, slowly giving in to sleep with a warm feeling in his chest. He was finally at home.
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chrisdr3 · 6 months
Last minute confessions ~ OP81
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Fluff and a bit of embarrassment
Summary: In the drivers' dinner in Abu Dhabi, Y/N is forced to confess her crush to Oscar and vice versa.
The 2023 season came to an end with max winning the last race, making it the most dominant season in F1. After that, everyone decided to have dinner in the same restaurant you did last year, but not for saying farewell to someone. You just liked it and wanted to do it again.
Everyone was already at the restaurant, waiting for you. Some of them started to get a bit irritated of waiting. Fernando saw that and decided to talk. "Don't worry guys, you know Y/N, she's probably late because she always wants to look gorgeous for this kind of events." He smiled.
By the time he stopped talking, you entered the restaurant and approached the drivers' table. You had your hair down, some mascara, eyeliner and lipstick applied and you were wearing this. "Hello guys, sorry for being late." You smiled. "It's okay Y/N, you look stunning by the way." Daniel said.
You sat down in the remaining seat in between Daniel and Oscar. After a bit, everyone turned back to normal. They continued discussing, sometimes involving you in their convos. Except from Oscar. He was blushing slightly and wasn't taking part in any of the conversations.
You didn't really mind, as you knew pretty well that oscar didn't talk very much anyways and that he was more of an introverted type of guy. The dinner was going pretty well, and the food arrived quickly. You ate and after everyone finished, all the drivers decided to stay a bit longer and maybe have a drink.
Suddenly, Lando came up with the idea of asking everyone about their love life. Checo, Nico and K-Mag were married with kids , so they didn't bother replying, Max said he was doing fine with Kelly, Lando, Lance, Logan and Esteban claimed being still single, Lewis didn't bother to find anyone yet, Valterri and Fernando didn't answer, even tho there were rumours about them being seen with women.
There were 9 drivers left, including you and Oscar. Zhou didn't answer, as he was talking to the phone, everyone knew that Pierre and Alex were doing really good with Kika and Lily because of their posts on social media, so they just confirmed it. Carlos didn't want to give any info, just that he's doing pretty decent with Rebecca, George was okay with Carmen and Charles said that Alexandra was waiting for him to get back to Monaco.
After Charles stopped talking, Daniel was asked. He answered that he was more than great with Heidi and that they were planning to go at his family's house in Perth for the holidays. Then, only you and Oscar were left. "Y/N, what's going on with your love life? Are you with someone, are you crushing on anyone?" Lando asked, a smirk plastered in his face.
You blushed, embarrassed. How were you going to tell it? All the drivers turned to look at you. You were getting hotter and redder with every single second passing. "Come on, tell us!" Daniel said. You didn't respond. "Okay, I'll help you. Are you crushing on someone?" Max intervened, his voice calm. You nodded yes. "Is it someone from here?" Max continued. "Y-yes..." "Can you tell us who?" "N-no."
Max stopped, thinking for a bit. "Then we'll play a little game." "Okay..." "Is he blond or brunette?" "Brunette." "So it's not K-Mag, Nico or Valterri." "Yes." "Is he European?" "No." "So, that means we're left with Lance, Logan, Checo, Zhou, Daniel and Oscar." "Right." "Is he from America?" "No." "Then there's Daniel, Zhou and Oscar left. It's not Zhou, am I right?" "You're right." "So there ar the two Aussies left."
"It's Oscar..." You mumbled, looking at your feet, face red as a tomato. Then Oscar turned to look at you, blushing, rubbing the back of his neck a bit embarrassed. "Y/N..." He spoke, breaking the silence. You turned your face to look at him. "I-i like you too Y/N..." You looked at him, smiling a bit. He cupped your face with his hands and kissed you gently. After a little, he pulled back, blushing. "S-sorry..." You slid your hand in his under the table. "It's fine."
Everyone applauded for you and then left you to talk, discussing about other things. "Oscar..." You whispered. "Yes?" "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" He squeezed your hand gently. "Yes."
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atinyniki · 11 months
just kiss me already!
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group: stray kids !
pairing: nonidol!bangchan x f!reader
genre: fluff, angst, suggestive at the end
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, fighting (verbal), 3racha chan (songs unreleased), friends with current skz members, suggestive
authors note: this shit actually sucks but i tried even tho i had no motivation. ill make another chan fic soon to compensate. this is also not proofread. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 2858
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“oh my gosh you bitch”
“hey! don’t call me a bitch just because you suck at the game”
you haven’t one a single game against chan since he came over. 
“i don’t wanna play anymore”, you say with a pout.
“awh come onnn don’t be a sore loser”, he smirks. 
it’s not that you don’t wanna play because you’re losing, you just don’t want to play because you both have been at it for four hours.
“let’s watch a show instead!”
“fine, but i’m choosing.”
it’s pretty easy to get chan to do what you want. you’re his weakness, he’ll do anything to make you happy to be honest. you never seem to notice the way he looks at you, or how much he tries to get your attention. 
on the other hand, you absolutely adore chan. not just the way he looked, even though he is incredibly beautiful, but you admire how caring he is. at first it was just minor attraction, but then you got closer and well… you know.
neither of you realize you’ve loved each other for so long.
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“chan? can you come over please? it’s important”
“yeah of course i’m on my way”
within the next two minutes he was in front of your door. “what’s wrong? are you okay?”
you laugh a little when you see the look on his face. “chan i’m fine, i just need help.”
“so you made me run all the way here for nothing?
you drag him to the kitchen and close the door behind you, rolling your eyes. “i never asked you to run here dumbass. you literally live next door”
chan walks into the kitchen and freezes when he sees the state of it. bowls everywhere, flour and batter scattered all over the countertop, and an assortment of cookie cutters placed next to the stan mixer.
“listen, i really need to make two hundred cookies within the next two hours. my oven can’t hold more than twenty four at a time. could you maybe bake like half of them in your oven?”
“why would you need two hundred cookies…?”, he asks incredulously.
“it’s my friends birthday tomorrow. she loves these cookies”
“oh jeez… okay fine. how long do i need to bake them for?”
“twenty six minutes…”
“yes ma’am, ill be on my way then”. he quickly grabs the trays of cookies and gives you a peck on your forehead, lips lingering for a second too long, and runs back to his house. 
you could still feel his lips on you, but you continued swapping out trays in hopes to distract yourself. 
chan didn’t burn a single cookie. your friend loved them.
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“hyung come on! don’t be a wuss”, jisung pouts.
“no jisung. not happening”
“hey well you’re the one that chose dareeee”, 
“fine i’ll just take a shot.”
the entire circle broke out into disappointed groans, but you decided to move on from chan. 
“y/n! truth or dare”
you jerk your head towards lily, “what? who said it’s my turn?!”
“me. now answer”, lily says a matter-of-fact-ly 
“fine. dare”
“you. chan. seven minutes in heaven. right now.”
you look over to chan, silently asking for permission with your eyes despite how nervous you look. you know you don’t have to do anything but… what if he wants to? no. he would never. he doesn’t like you like that.
both of you get up and walk into the room, and changbin quickly turns the lights off and leaves.
“do the lights really have to be off?”
chan walks over to the light switch, hands fumbling to find the knob. he slowly turns it so that the lights are dimmed, but enough so that you both can still see.
chan walks over to the bed, patting the part of the bed next to him and inviting you to sit down. you silently walk towards the bed and sit down, instantly covering yourself with the blanket.
“it’s freezing in here… how does seungmin survive in a room like this?”
“hm… no wonder his personality is always so cold.”
you both laugh a little at chans comment. seungmin has a thing for tormenting chan. subconsciously, you cuddle up to chan, still shivering a bit from the cold.
he seems to get the memo, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. moments of silence pass, and it’s been far too long without a sound for it to not be awkward.
suddenly, chan feels a weight on his shoulder and turns to look at it. you’re sound asleep, he accounts it to either your tipsiness or your exhaustion from working all day. 
he holds your hand for a bit, the warmth of it passing through your whole body and causing you to let out a satisfied hum in your sleep. he grabs his phone to text changbin. 
“y/n fell asleep. we’ll be in here for a while if that’s okay. you can continue without us”
“yeah yeah whatever just say you want to make out with her in peace”
“shut up changbin.“
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the next morning, you wake up in chans bed. your head starts ringing and you think about what happened the night before. you’re slowly starting to become aware of your surroundings, and the snoring coming from beside you. 
“chan. chan wake up”
“chan what happened last night”
“hm?”, he says as he finally peaks his head out of the covers.
his senses slowly come back to him, and his face instantly flushes red, the crimson color kissing his collarbone too. you’re dressed in his shirt that’s far too large for you, with a pair of his shorts on. the shirt reaches all the way down to your mid-thigh, even while sitting down.
you look at him, waiting for him to answer. “chan are you okay?”
“hm? oh yeah sorry. nothing happened don’t worry, you were just tired so i brought you home, but you insisted to stay with me”
your face flushes red, and you realize what you’re wearing. you look down, playing with the hem of the t-shirt you’re wearing. “sorry about the clothes by the way, you just looked really cold so i offered them to you”
oh. so he didn’t dress you. thank god. you don’t think you could have faced him if he did. “thank you channie.”
he smiles at you, ears going slightly red at the tips. he doesn’t want to admit what that nickname does to him, especially in your voice. you quickly get out of bed, telling chan you’ll be back soon. you go to your house to get ready for the day.
no matter how much you douse your face in cold water, the red tint doesn’t seem to fade. 
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“wow chan this is amazing!”
his face goes red as he chuckles, “thank you y/n”
changbin doesn’t fail to notice how shy chan gets around you, but he decides not to talk about it while you’re here. instead, he snickers with jisung in the corner. 
“shut up you two. i know what you’re on about”
the both of them instantly sit up straight, going silent. 
you continue listening to the rest of the tracks, loving every second of it. you give hums and nods of approval, watching the boys’ faces light up every time.
not too long after, the boys left, leaving just you and chan in his studio. you’re humming along to one of the songs he showed you earlier. he couldn’t help but smile, hoping you wouldn’t notice that it made him just a little bit too happy.
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you and chan are sitting on your bed again, watching the new kdrama that just came out. your heart jumped in your chest as you watched the scene intently, the heat of it making your face flush red. 
“damn when is someone gonna kiss me with that much passion”, chan jokes. you couldn’t help but laugh. you two have gotten a lot closer recently, and you’ve found out that chan is really into skinship.
he has you cuddled up with him under the blankets right now, your small arms wrapped around his bicep. you look up at him, just to admire him a little as he focuses on the show. what you didn’t expect though, was for him to turn his face only mere seconds later.
only then do you process just how close you are, how your lips are just inches away from eachother. chan seems to notice this too, his hands fidgeting with his drawstrings. he gives you a small smile, and turns his head back to the movie.
you’re probably being delusional, but you swear something had changed in the way he looked at you. 
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“y/n please, do something. he isn’t listening to us…”
“i’ll be there soon.”
you quickly rush over to chans house, knocking on the door to his studio.
“changbin i said leave me alone.”, chans voice was harsh. youve never heard him sound so aggressive towards anyone, he was normally really sweet. you motion to jisung and changbin to leave the room. 
“i got this, it’s okay”, you whisper to them.
“chan it’s me. please open the door”
the door flies open within seconds, and you take in chans state. his hair is a mess, two dark purple splotches under his eyes. there are energy drinks scattered all over his desk, broken pencils and scattered papers.
“what… happened?
chan began to speak, but you cut him off.
“we’re going to bed. tell me what happened there”
“n-no! let me save my work at least.”
you walk in the studio with him, waiting on the couch as he quickly saved his progress. you both walk out the room, entering his bedroom and settling under the sheets. 
“go to sleep, ill be here when you wake up.”
you try your best to stay up, but you just couldn’t let yourself. sleep takes over your body, eyes becoming heavy and finally fluttering shut for the night.
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you wake the next morning to an unfamiliar warmth. chan has his arms around you, his head buried in your chest. you thought he looked adorable like this, until he looked up at you when he realized you woke up. 
his bloodshot eyes stared back up at you, and you began to process the teardrops staining your hoodie. 
you don’t say anything more. you just pull him closer, rubbing small circles along his back. “i know you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, but you need to let all this out somehow. if you need someone please call me. you know im always right here”
chan doesn’t respond, he didn’t trust his voice enough. his body trembled in your hold, nuzzling his nose into the comforting warmth of your chest.
once he’s calmed down a little, he looks up at you again. you stare at eachother for a good while, just like you did when you watched that movie. there was something different swirling in his eyes, but you just couldn’t place it.
instead of worrying about that, you quickly placed a peck on his forehead, feeling him relax in your hold. he falls back asleep not too long after. he must have been tired.
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you hadn’t felt so alive in months. you knew it was incredibly childish, but you missed having someone to push you on the swings. chans arms pushed you so high you felt like you could touch the stars.
the moon shines so beautifully, covering the park in a light glow. you looked ethereal, that’s what chan thought at least. your bright smile lit up his whole world, your giggle making his heart flutter. the moonlight hit your face just right, your eyes shimmering in the darkness.
chan gradually slowed your swing down, not wanting you to thrash around. 
“done already?”, you say with a pout.
“it’s almost one in the morning, we have to go now”, he pouts back.
you both start walking back from the park, talking about chans plans for the future with 3racha. he seems so passionate about music, his eyes lighting up every time he mentioned changbin and jisung.
you look up at him, smiling a little as how cute he sounded talking about this. he looks down at you, the same unplaceable emotion in his eyes, but you stay there for a little longer.
he smiles at you. you instinctively smile back. his smile puts his adorable dimples on display, and you bring one of your fingers up to poke them. you both break out into a fit of giggles, beginning to walk home again.
time without chan began to feel like time you’ve wasted.
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“i’m not leaving”
“chan please. you need to rest”
“jeez y/n, when did you start being so clingy? the only thing i need right now is to finish this. either stay here and shut up or get the hell out. i can’t have you nagging me, this is really important”
in the three years you’ve known chan, you have never once heard him speak like this. not to you, not to anyone. you held your tears in, making sure to hide them from chan before they fell, and darted out the door. 
you quickly made your way to your house, stupidly forgetting to lock your door in your upset state. you want to yell at him. not to be mean, but just to get it in his damn head that you care about him. you wish he’d just understand.
you clutch your sweatshirt in your hands, the pain in your chest was beginning to get unbearable. you quickly go inside your room and lock the door, flopping onto your bed as sobs rack your body.
not too long after, you hear knocking on your door. 
“y/n?”, you hear chan call out for you.
you make your way to the bedroom door, sliding down onto the floor. you don’t think you’re ready to face him yet. “what do you want”
chan was taken aback by the sharp tone in your voice. he knew it was coming, he just didn’t expect it to hurt so bad. 
“i’m sorry. i know you only meant good and wanted me to be okay but… i just have so much left to do. i’m overwhelmed and scared im not going to be able to get everything done on time and i lashed out at you. i know that’s no excuse to hurt someone you love but i really didn’t mean it. i’m so-“
“chan you’re rambling again”, you pout.
“oh i’m sorry…”
you quickly open the door, helping chan off of the floor. you quickly bring him to your bed and force him to lay down. “sleep. please”
he could tell you’ve almost lost your patience, so he huddles up closer to you and lets sleep overtake his body. “goodnight y/n. thank you”
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today, you wake up to a different sight than usual. normally, chans face is buried in your chest or he’s hugging you from behind. this time was different. he was mere centimeters away from you, nose brushing against yours. 
you quickly shut your eyes, hoping you didn’t go red at just the sight of him.
not too long after, chan wakes and gets ready for the day, coming back into your home to see you already awake. 
you were dressed in a large grey t-shirt. you don’t quite remember where it came from, but it’s incredibly comfortable. 
chan recognizes it instantly. it’s the shirt he gave you the first night you slept over at his house. his heart swelled at the sight, wishing he could see you in his clothes everyday. 
without a second thought, he quickly runs towards you, sitting on the bed right next to you again. he’s looking at you the same way he has been for the past couple months.
this time around though, he does something different. his hand makes his way up to cup your cheek, his big hands swallowing some of your jawline too. 
he slowly moves his face closer to you, now only inches away from your lips. your heart rate quickens, feeling his breath fan over your lips.
“chan, just kiss me already. please.”
he tentatively moves closer, not getting a chance to process before you crash your lips into his. it’s a kiss of pure want and need. “fuck y/n. i’ve been waiting to do this for so long”
“i love you channie”, you whispered breathlessly.
a flip switched inside of him, immediately pushing you down onto your back while he hovered over you. he kisses at your jawline, red marks appearing all over your neck. “i love you so much baby”, he says in between kisses.
you couldn’t hold back your whimpers, the feeling was too much for you to handle. all of a sudden, you heard a loud ringing.
chan picked up his phone, sounding a little aggravated. “hello?”
“chan where are you?”, jisung asked him
“i’m with y/n. we’re watching a movie. why?”
“oh sorry my bad. have-“
he hung up before jisung could finish, eager to get back to you.
“now, where were we?”
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theredcuyo · 3 months
Hmm, so today i worked with a bit of horror and this came to me
What if we make the Batman into a cryptid but the cooler kind, the leyend to scare young kids type
Before you write or send a comment, i'm mexican, born and raised, still live there. Thank You.
This came from me thinking about La llorona, a leyend (scary one) here in México and some other parts of latam it seems(?) and it's in short, about a woman whose kids die and she dies from sadness over it, with her eyes drying up from so much crying, becoming a spirit that haunts the world while calling for her children in desperate screams
The reason behind the kids' death changes depending on who you ask, either she killed them or it was an accident, but they die by drowing in all versions, and, as a result of the above, any kid she comes across gets taken away because she mistakes them for her own, they end up dying by her hands too tho (because she thinks they're hers and drowns them, or because she realizes they aren't)
She's also a single mother (the story goes back to the 1500 btw)
And I think Bruce fits this. So. Fucking. Well.
Like, Jason and Dick die, and he becomes this, and then Tim was trying to help him pass from the world but he couldn't and instead became his child too, and the rest followed along, by accident, by choice or not
Can he be a hero here? I don't think so, but, maybe he does care for the children somehow, the ones that he realizes aren't his, that they have parents to go to are the ones he protects
He cares for the people, who are not at fault for his loss, so he protects the city he also haunts
He cares for the nice old man who's never been afraid of him, who gives him a sad smile and who he feels like he knows but all the memories of his life are buried down and forgotten behind his children dying
He might not even want the children he takes to die, it's like the pit rage in canon, it takes over him and they world gets too blurry to think right
And he cares for those kids, he really does, it's not their fault, but there's one he can never remember the name of (Dick) no matter how many times he repeats it
Dick forgave his dad (whatever the reason for their deaths might be) and wanders around him in a nice way, doing his best so all of them can finally pass away
Jason hasn't. He haunts Bruce, most of the episodes where he snatches more kids away are Jason's fault, as he appears and dissapears in front of him, making him believe any kid is his boy, Jason doesn't notice and actually tries to protect other kids.
Steph's 'your not my dad!' call hits harder in this au-
Cass was wandering around town alone, she didn't stand a chance because she couldn't even scream for help. She's like a second shadow to Bruce, always near, always watching, and some who have scaped them swear her eyes never stop looking at you. She might be the only kid who's not mad at him for taking her away
Duke is similar enough, he didn't like the dark, but when there's no other choice is the worst thing that happens.
Damian's tale as a child of his that Bruce originally thought to have died gets worse when he gets taken, reunited but only by death, one that is his dad's fault.
One where Bruce got another one of his kids killed.
Hoenstly, i'd like to work on this au? If that's like fine?
I'll try to make some designs and maybe like some draws, if i get to, a series of one-shots
Oh, and if you non-latam people want to know more about la llorona, well, there's a kids animated movie :D is called "La leyenda de la llorona" pretty sure you can find it with subtitles (always better than dub tbh) it's part of a saga on mexican leyends too, can watch the others if it calls your attention, they're fun
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planetpiastri · 2 years
“permission to lean in?” “permission granted.” w rooster cos that sounds just dorky enuf for him 💘
ruby i really leaned into the dorky here i hope it shows<33 i hope u like this even tho u don't go here hehe | [wc - 1.2k] | join my prompt party!
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“And so I was like, oh, shit, they are definitely into me. This is your moment, Bradshaw! Don’t fuck it up!” Rooster said, dropping his vocal register to represent his inner monologue as he recounted the story of his most recent failed date. “So I looked them in the eyes—gave ‘em the look, you know—and I asked if I could kiss them, and they said—get this—they said, Well, I wanted you to until you asked.”
You couldn’t stop the incredulous laugh that burst out of you. “Are you kidding?”
“I wish!” he exploded, gesticulating wildly. 
“So what did you do then?” you asked.
“I didn’t know what to do!” he said. “I think I said something super intelligent like, Oh, okay, and then we stood there awkwardly for a second and they were like, Okay, I’m gonna go in now, and I said, Okay, and then they just…left.”
You pressed your hand to your lips to stifle your giggles. “Is it safe to assume that they haven’t called you back?”
“Yes, y/n,” said Rooster flatly, turning and fixing you with a dull stare. “They obviously haven’t called me back.”
“I’m so sorry,” you said, your stifled giggles descending into embarrassing snorts. You stopped on the sidewalk, one hand covering your mouth and one clutching your knee as you bent at the waist, trying to recover from your fit of the giggles.
“Okay, okay,” said Rooster. You could tell by his tone that he was also fighting back a laugh. “Get it all out now.”
Your friendship with Rooster was a delightfully unexpected bonus of moving into your new apartment. He rented the room across the hall, and you’d met him on your very first day, when he graciously offered to help you carry some boxes up the stairs since the elevator was broken. After you’d moved in, he’d offered to take you for a walk down by the waterfront and show you around your new area. Pretty soon after that, nightly walks by the reservoir had become your new normal. 
Conversation came easily with you and Rooster, in no small part because of his endless catalog of dating fiasco stories. It seemed like every single week he had a new story about how some date of his had ended with a crying waiter, red wine on a white dress, or a decidedly unsexy scraped knee. You’d never met someone with such a talent for being bad at dating.
This new story really took the cake, though.
“I’m sorry,” you said, finally catching your breath and leaning against the fence looking over the water below. “I shouldn’t have laughed.”
“I would have been offended if you hadn’t,” said Rooster, which just made you laugh again. He stood next to you, just close enough that your shoulders would occasionally brush, and loosely laced his fingers together, draping his forearms across the railing. He sighed. “Is it me? Am I losing it? I used to be good at this.”
“It’s not you,” you said sincerely. “Honestly, if someone thinks asking for consent ‘ruins the mood’ or whatever…that’s a red flag.”
“That’s what I thought!” he blurted. “I think it’s kind of hot if someone asks before they kiss you.”
“Me too,” you agreed, determinedly not looking at him when you said it. The day Rooster realized that you were silently wishing that you’d be the one he asked out on a disastrous date was the day you’d probably move to a different state.
It was quiet for a moment, and you began to feel nervous, worrying that you’d said the wrong thing. But then Rooster asked, “How do you usually do it?”
“Wh-what?” you asked, turning to look at him in alarm.
He winced. “Sorry. I’m not trying to be weird. I’m trying to gather information. You know? You don’t have to answer, that’s awkward.”
“No, it’s okay,” you said quickly, choosing to focus on the starlight dancing on the water instead of the warmth of Rooster’s shoulder pressing against you. “I mean…it’s been a while, I won’t lie. But usually I wait for some kind of signal—like the look you mentioned. Then, if I’m feeling bold, I go for the ol’ lean-in. Kind of like asking without asking, you know?” Your cheeks grew warm. “This one time, I was feeling really confident, and I just said, I really want to kiss you.”
“Whoa,” said Rooster. “How’d that go?”
“It worked.”
“Yeah, I bet. That’s hot.”
“Um. Thanks.”
“Oh—shit, I didn’t mean to—sorry, that was weird. I shouldn’t have said that.” Rooster took half a step away from you, and you immediately missed his warmth.
“No, no, it’s okay,” you said, hoping he couldn’t hear how your heart was racing. “I don’t mind. Really.” You sucked in a deep breath, bracing yourself for what you were about to say. “The main line is, asking permission is cool. It’s hot. It is sexy. So you shouldn’t think it’s a problem on your side. Just…keep doing what you’re doing, and you’ll find the right person.”
“Hm,” said Rooster, but that was it. He stepped back next to you, and when you glanced over, he was staring at your face with a furrowed brow, like he was thinking really hard. That scared you a little. Had you said the wrong thing? Had you given yourself away? Shit, you totally had. You’d totally just blown this whole thing.
“Hey, can I ask you a question?”
Oh, god. You swallowed hard, fighting the urge to look away from him. “O-of course.”
His mustache twitched as the corner of his mouth pulled into half a cheeky smile. “Would you count this as a date?”
All the breath left your lungs like you’d just been punched in the gut. “What?” 
He blinked, his smile dropping. “Oh, shit. I’m so sorry. I definitely shouldn’t have said that. That was so stupid of me. I—”
Before he could pull away again, you grabbed his sleeve, holding him in place. Your stare was frighteningly intense as you demanded, “Would you count this as a date, Rooster?”
“Maybe,” he squeaked out.
“Oh, my god,” you gasped, clapping your hands to your cheeks. “I’m an idiot. I’m a moron. This is totally a date, isn't it? Oh, my god.”
“I just ruined this, didn’t I?” he asked, sounding tired. His head sagged on his neck, his broad shoulders deflating.
You grabbed his sleeve again, your grip insistent. “Bradley,” you said sternly, “you didn’t ruin anything. I thought—I thought—I don’t know what I thought.” You paused and then asked softly, “You like me?”
He stared at you then, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “Of course I like you,” he breathed.
"Oh," you whispered. "That's nice."
This time when his mouth stretched into a crooked smile, you weren’t as scared. He squared his shoulders, turning to face you fully. His voice was husky and thick with amusement when he asked, “Permission to lean in?”
The laugh escaped you before you could stop it. Your fingers loosened in his sleeve, resting gently on his bicep. “Permission granted,” you answered.
As the lights twinkled over the water and Bradley Bradshaw stooped to kiss you for the first time, you’d never felt stupider. But you also couldn’t think of a time when you’d felt happier.
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Been thinking about the turtles' sleeping habits and such for a fic. This was meant to be a short one but I ended up having too many ideas so enjoy.
Likes to sleep with his door open to be able to hear everything around the lair.
Somehow both a light and a heavy sleeper at the same time. Will wake up from the quietest suspicious sound, will be up on his legs in a second when his brothers come to him at 3AM because of a nightmare, but also won't budge when they literally jump on him to try to wake him up for breakfast.
Sleeps with a single quilt he and Mikey made together, with no pillow and with a LOT of teddy bears.
Belly sleeper.
Will use his teddy bears as a pillow when needed.
Will use his brothers as pillows during turtle piles as well.
Used to sleepwalk a lot as a kid, happens way less often as a teen but could still happen once in a while.
And he has a sleepwalking stink of course.
Sometimes talks in his sleep too.
Has a very consistent sleeping schedule and wakes up pretty early without an alarm clock, but only on weekdays.
On weekends it's almost impossible to wake him up before 11 and definitely not before 9.
Takes him a while to get out of bed after he wakes up, and he's pretty slow during the morning, only really waking up after breakfast.
He also likes reading comics or play some idle game on his phone before going to sleep.
Sleeps with his door closed and locked.
Prefers to have white noise on.
Prefers sleeping with a weighted blanket.
Uses a either a gel pillow or a memory foam pillow. (Those ones that hold their shape that are good for back sleepers) - I actually went back to "The Purple Jackets" episode and it does look like he's using a gel/memory foam pillow.
I was gonna say he's a back sleeper and then I saw the scene in "The Purple Jackets" again and he changed his sleeping position like three times there, so I'm gonna say he falls asleep on his back and rolls around a lot during sleep.
While he likes the white noise and weighted blanket he doesn't actually need them to sleep. If he closes his eyes while sitting/lying down he's gonna fall asleep after 5 minutes max.
He also falls asleep if he just touches a bed for long enough.
And it also takes him exactly 5 minutes to get ready for bed. So 10 minutes from when he walks into his room until he's completely asleep.
Likes sleeping in small confined spaces. (Wrapping him in a blanket like a baby counts as a small space. The space under his desk is also a small space. The space under the sofa is too. And space between his brothers during a turtle pile.)
He has strict rules about his sleeping schedule. He wakes up at either 7:40 or 9:10 every day. He will stop working and go to sleep at either 1:30am or 3:00am. If he misses both he'll just work through the night and go to sleep the night after that.
He misses both marks quite often.
The only way to make him break those rules is with a turtle pile.
One thing he cannot tolerate though is scratchy beddings. He will not fall asleep if something scratchy is touching him.
I feel like he doesn't like ignoring his notifications so he always makes sure he didn't left anything unread before going to bed, and he makes sure to do that during the 5 minutes it takes for him to get ready. But sometimes someone sends him something dumb that makes him angry enough to drop everything and start a stupid online argument that lasts all night. So sometimes he just stays standing in the middle of his room without moving for hours instead of going to sleep, or he'll end up sitting in his chair with his phone. If he chooses to sit on his bed tho he ends up falling asleep almost immediately.
Sleeps with his door open a crack, enough for light and some sounds to get in but not enough to make him feel vulnerable.
But he also gets sleep paralysis once in a while and having your door be open just a crack is like perfect nightmare fuel so when that happens and his sleep paralysis demon peeps in he probably goes to sleep in Mikey's room for like a week.
Also definitely just have nightmares in general almost every night. He's used to it by this point. He does wake up from them like three times a night tho.
^ Definitely not projecting.
Has a nightlight. Cannot sleep without it.
And a digital alarm clock with glowing numbers that's always facing the bed so he'll know how long he slept for.
It takes him like half an hour to fall asleep on a good day and three hours on a bad day. Usually spends that time scrolling his phone until he can't possibly keep his eyes open for a second longer.
Uses like 5 blankets - a quilt over his legs, a fuzzy throw blanket around his shoulder, two more summer blankets and finally a comforter over everything. Or maybe swap one of the summer blankets for a weighted blanket, I haven't decided yet.
If he does use a weighted blanket though then he can't sleep without it.
He likes sleeping completely covered up from head to toe. Uses one of the summer blankets to cover his head to not get completely overheated, and to be able to see his nightlight and hear the noises from outside his room.
Uses three pillows - gel/memory foam pillow, understuffed normal pillow and an overstaffed normal pillow. The overstuffed one is to lean on when he's sitting scrolling on his phone, the other two are for sleeping on.
Has a small decorative pillow he got from April that he hugs to sleep every night.
Other than scrolling on his phone for the few hours before he falls asleep he actually makes an effort to only sit on his bed when it's nighttime.
He also always has a fan on for the noise and the airflow, but it's never directly facing him or it'll wake him up.
On really bad nights he can't fall asleep he gets up and makes himself something hot to drink (yes this is also inspired by "The Purple Jackets" episode how did you know?)
And then he'll go bother Donnie.
He loves sitting in Donnie's lab while Donnie is working. He either watches him working quietly, or he whines like a little bitch until Donnie gives up and talks to him, and then they spend all night talking about the most random stuff.
He likes reading comics before bed too, or fanfiction/fancomics on his phone. He'll read the most garbage incomplete fic that was witten in half an hour at 3am and posted 5 years ago, unironically enjoy it, and screenshot his favourite lines and send to Donnie.
I also think he sleeps in fetal position, but wakes up in the most absurd positions.
Prefers sleeping with his door closed, but doesn't actually mind if it's open.
Can sleep anywhere, anytime. Will fall asleep in the most awkward positions and awkward places.
Sometimes sleeps inside his shell, especially if it's somewhere with too much light.
Can lucid dream. Might be something he can do by mixing his lucid dreams with his mystic powers? Didn't think this through yet.
Sleeps with a huge thick comforter during winter and a super thin throw blanket during summer, just switches between them one day during fall/spring.
And he also has a blanket Raph knitted him that he always sleeps with. Like they all have blankets Raph knitted them but he's the only one who consistently sleeps with his every night. Hugs it more than covers himself with it.
Has a million different pillows and always burrows himself between them when he sleeps, in a different position every time of course.
Has a pretty healthy sleeping schedule, he gets tired at a reasonable hour and goes to sleep, sleeps for 5-6 sleeping cycles per night.
Goes to sleep early and wakes up early. He and Raph are the first to wake up, but he's the first to get up and get ready usually.
Really energetic during the morning. He's the only one of them who's like this, and Leo is the only one who can really keep up with him before breakfast.
He also has a lot of plushies on his bed but he sleeps with them less.
Will always sleep hugging one of Raph's arms during turtle piles.
I went a bit overboard with the headcanons whoops. This was supposed to be like 3-4 ideas for each one of the guys and mainly focus on like, the door and the blankets, and I ended up adding way too many things~
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princess-glassred · 24 days
Au where Maturin decides to bring Eddie back and let him do over his life, but the butterfly effect causes Richie to marry connor and now HE'S the one in an abusive relationship and Eddie's gotta help him out of it.
Maturin lets Eddie make one wish before he brings him back so Eddie wishes for him to have never met Myra and to break the abuss cycle sooner. He then wakes up on the morning that Mike is supposed to call him, remembering everything that just happened. It worked well, Eddie is single, happier, healthier, and wealthier now. He even ends up google searching Myra's name since, even though she was toxic, he was still married to her for a long time and finds it hard to wish ill will on her. Luckily she also seems to be doing much better, so Eddie doesn't gotta feel too guilty about his wish. It kinda sucks he's gotta fight pennywise again tho, but he knows whats gonna happen now so it should probably be a breeze.
He gets to the chinese restaurant and everything plays out excatly how you'd expect it, none of the losers have been changed at all by Eddies wish for independance. None except for Richie that is. Richie is so strikingly different Eddie doesn't even recognize him at first. He's wearing like... normal office worker clothes? And he looks cleaner and less uhhh haggered? And he even seems a little more quiet than usual. The scene where they talk about marriage goes about the same, except for when Richie says "You didn't know I got married? You seriously didn't know?" It's not a prelude to a joke. Eddie completely expects it to be but it's not, he just pulls out his phone and shows them all a picture of Connor and explains they've been together for a while now and got married in canada.
Eddie's very suspicious of this, and the overwhelming horror he feels when he finds out Richie Tozier isn't even Richie Tozier anymore, he's Richie BOWERS, makes him wanna throw up. It's actually pretty sad, because from context clues he picks up when Richie talks about Connor, he seems super unsupportive and downright mean. Richie's not even a comedian in this timeline, because Connor insisted being a comedian wasn't really viable and STRONGLY suggested Richie do something more useful. This seems to have fundamentally changed Richie's personality to the point he regards all his silly jokes and impressions he used to do as just kid shit that he's grown up past. All the losers finds this sad, especially Bev since she's been in an abusive relationship, but nobody but Eddie knows how to approach him on it.
He tries to help him realize Connor's an abusive spouse because he doesn't support him, and Richie lets it slip that the only reason he started dating Connor was because he was so lonely after the losers started splitting up. He hit total rock bottom, so before he left town he decided to give connor a chance again. And Connor managed to take the already emotionally vulnerable and insecure richie and make him even more insecure with demeaning remarks, nasty comments, and the insistence Richie change everything about himself. He does ultimately realize Connor is just using him, and that their relationship is woefully unhealthy, and it's all through Eddie reminding him of what actual love feels like.
Unfortunately this doesn't end well for either of them, because bizzarely, because now that Eddie knows to dodge pennywise and avoid getting stabbed in the stomach, some one else has to die. He realizes it's going to be Richie, but he feels that's unfair because he just finally understood how awful Connor is, he deserves to live to see a day where he's not tied down to him anymore. Eddie got to enjoy two days, knowing he wasn't burdened by his mother or Myra anymore, and that's good enough. Richie deserves that too. So he pushes him out of the way at the last second and winds up dead again. The i fucked your mom exchange is a lot more sad now though, because Richie hadn't even made a joke like that in years.
The fuckin turtle is shocked to see Eddie back, but he thinks his self sacrifice was very kind of him to do. It was so kind he decides to give Eddie ANOTHER chance, but he turns down the offer since he figured he screwed up richies life with his last wish, and he isn't too in the mood for fighting pennywise again. Maturin clarifies though that there won't be any tricks or loopholes or anything. They can just "skip right to the happy ending". So Eddie says all he really wants anymore is for he and Richie be together in the end.
He winds up outside the decaying neibolt street, being hugged by Richie. Richie is overjoyed to see Eddie survived the pennywise attack, and Eddie's just happy to see Richie back to his usual old annoying self. Then they all go to the quarry together, and Eddie and Rich smooch like Bev and Ben. Happy ending. :>
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alex-rambles · 1 year
Can you make a oneshot of yandere Bill x Reader and he overhears the reader saying something to Dipper like “I wonder what it feels like to be possessed.” And Bill, wanting to impress them or whatever decides to possess y/n’s body without their permission and once he does, he can’t understand why the reader gets frightened and upset about it when he thought he was doing them a favor and making them happy by satisfying their curiosities. Also can you add Bill admiring and praising the reader’s body and appearance as well when he possesses it? (Not in a nsfw way. Like he’s in awe that he’s in our body and tries to be careful not to cause harm to something he loves and admires despite him being a sadomasochist and willing to do whatever it takes to make us love him back.)
Ngl tho, thinking about this is pretty sad because I bet if Bill ever truly did fall in love with someone, especially a human, he wouldn’t know how to show that love or affection at least in a healthy and non traumatic way. And even when he has genuinely good(ish) intentions, he would be absolutely dumbfounded when the reader ends up not wanting to ever see him again when he gives them what he thought was the best display of his affection and love for them. I can imagine him giving the reader something messed up as a gift and although he doesn’t show it, he’s secretly excited to see our positive reaction by his very thoughtful gift but when the reader starts to cry and not out of happiness he’s just like “…what the helllllll” he might even think we’re the weird one. 😔
He had to trick you for access to your body, of course. Simple enough. What annoyed him was the feeling of guilt while he lied to you by ommission.
But it'll be worth it, after all, he's fulfilling your "wish," after all!
"Man, sunspot, two eyes never fails to confuse me, y'know that?" he laughs, feeling up everywhere he can. "Not used to it, after all!"
You float there, in a stunned silence. What just happened? Seriously, what just happened?
"Hey, toots, ya take really good care of your teeth, did you know that? Loads of people I've done this to have the most rotten teeth, and- hey, why the long face?"
You stare in shock. "My body- you-you-"
"What about it? You'll get it back! I just happened to hear you telling that Pinetree kid you wondered how this felt, and hey, I'm a nice guy, so I had to help you out!"
Of course he had to help you. Only you though. No one else would get this as a privilege, only when he needs a temporary puppet.
They'd also have a few random scars by the end of it too. Not you, though. He can't bring himself to hurt your perfect, fragile little human body.
"Pinetree? You mean Dipper?" you ask.
"Ahaha, is that his name? Silly me!"
Bill goes back to admiring your body. "Your skin is nice! It's not perfectly smooth, but the only humans with "perfectly smooth" skin are mysteriously only seen on the internet!"
Many oddly placed compliments later, Bill begins to get confused by your obvious fear. You should be enjoying this. Why aren't you?
"Hey, if you're gonna act like your puppy died, at least explain yourself!"
Unfortunately for him, now you're just pissed. "Get out of my body, now."
"Whaddaya mean? You wanted this!"
"No I didn't! It was a hypothetical thing!"
"Well, now it isn't! C'mon, where's my 'thank you'?"
He flinches. You screamed at him.
His mind thinks he should be angry, but somehow, he just feels sad.
"Alright then, sunspot. My bad."
A few seconds pass, and you find yourself back in your entirety unharmed body.
Underwhelming, but so comforting.
Bill just stares intently, trying to figure out what he did wrong.
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peachiseas · 6 months
okay i am very new here, so i need a through introduction to your mcs! like eve for example, pls post his whole biography o(╥﹏╥)o
fr tho, tell me anything and everything :D
TOOK SO DAMN LONG SINCE I WANTED TO DRAW A STEP ONE REF OF EVE BUT ITS GONNA TAKE A MINUTE so here are the sketches,,, Anyways- gonna introduce the main two mcs/ocs you'll see here: Eve Cortez Williams and Aaliyah Dubious
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(dont mind my ipad scribbles on the screenshot iofqiowogi) Lemme put this under a readmore actually so yall dont get slammed with a long ass post:
Starting with Eve:
He's my Tamarack MC, but I figured since uh. all my art that was a given
He has a strained relationship with Qiu in step 1 but they become besties by step 2 and by step 3, they are like family to each other. If no one got Eve, Eve knows Qiu got them, amen 🙏
He comes out as transmasc by step 2, and by step 3 he gets top surgery and starts taking testosterone and firmly identifies as a butch lesbian
He's from the southern part of Miami, Florida. He's Golden Grove's residential florida man
He practices martial arts religiously, he's a big fan of Goku and Dragonball in general so he wants to be like his idol
His story deviates a bit from the OL2 generic mc story, he did have a dad! Opal and his dad wanted a kid but they both didn't want to get married and since the two of them were best friends, they decided to have a kid together (or well two but we'll talk about that later)
What's important to note from above is that his dad isn't around anymore because his father passed away a few months ago due to a car accident and Eve was hospitalized as a result
So by the time he's at Golden Grove, he's in anger stages of his grief and he doesn't want to be bothered. Which sucks cause hes neighbors with the two loudest kids on the block
Doesn't help he's a ESL speaker (English as a Second Language) and Golden Grove's population is majorly white so he has even harder of a time adjusting to it
He gets into fights in step 1... a Lot. Someone will look at him funny and they'll get punched in the face
He does adjust but he still doesn't like Golden Grove by step 3 but funnily enough, he moves away at the end of step 3 for treatment but moves back in step 4, crazy how that shit works huh
He has two emotional support bunnies; Bulma and Chi-Chi! He gets them in step 2, Qiu and Eve bond over them LMFAO
As for Aaliyah:
She's my Qiu MC, to the shocker of no one. Tamarack is also her best friend <3
Aaliyah is from New Orleans, Louisiana! She's full blooded Haitian and she has family in Haiti
She's also transfem! She passes for cis in step 1 thanks to hormone blockers and some makeup and then starts taking estrogen in step 2 and onwards
Her being black and transfemme is integral to her character and how she navigates around Golden Grove, she doesn't tell anyone she's trans until near the end of step 1. By step 3, the girl gang and Qiu knows shes trans
^^ That's because she had a very negative experience coming out to her community who previously loved her but flipped on her just as fast
So moving to Golden Grove was supposed to be a fresh start for her as herself but by that point she feels like she has to keep up her "cis-sona" lest she gets bullied again
She still gets bullied for other reasons in step 2 though (being a pretty black girl and the one person who has a crush on her is the most popular kid in school... its rough! 😭)
By step 4 though she is proud to call herself trans and will let people know!
She lovessss animals! And the animals love her back! She feeds them all the time and keeps animal food on her for that purpose when she goes to the park to read by herself, she got a flock of crows and stray cats that like to follow her
She has a cat named Kiki!!! Kiki loves everyone except Qiu though, Aaliyah doesnt know that though-
I hope that was enough of a info-dump! If anyone has anymore questions please ask i have so much lore please-
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uriekukistan · 27 days
Okay first of all, hi rin good luck with uni, hopefully it isn't too bad and take breaks if you need to! :)
And the question: let's say the first and second year students are going on a camping trip or a trip to the beach (your choice). Who's the one driving, who's bringing the food, who's in charge of the road trip music, etc.? What problems might they encounter and how might they fix it?
oooh okay this is fun to imagine…..sending them on a camping trip bc i think it has the most potential for humor
in the car
i think megumi and yuuta are the best drivers. maki’s good too but she tends to get some road rage….so she’s on navigation duty which she’s also very good at bc she’s maki and she’s good at everything. 
yuuta does most of the driving tho bc he’s willing to stop at Every Single Rest Stop for snacks, while megumi is more concerned with getting to the destination quickly and using as little gas as possible
yuuji and nobara are fighting over who gets aux (nobara wins, yuuji pouts, yuuta tells them to just make a spotify blend. problem solved)
if megumi’s not driving, he’s sleeping, or he’s completely zoned out and staring out the window. he brought a book to read, but quickly realized that reading in the car makes him nauseous
toge is bringing snacks. probably brought more snacks than clothes for the trip….will be a problem later. yes, he's still the one asking to stop at every rest stop for snacks. but he's backed by yuuji.
for the sake of my mental health, this is happening post canon as a healing trip, so we’re dealing w a shrunken panda. they had to get him a baby car seat. he isn’t thrilled, to say the least.
at the campsite
megumi and maki are on tent set up duty. it goes pretty well. yuuta and yuuji try to help, but they mostly just stand there and nod (think like neighborhood dads watching a car get fixed) until maki tells them to work on the air mattress (did you think nobara would sleep on the ground? girlie needs her beauty sleep)
this leaves nobara and toge with the fire….these two are gremlins and should probably not be in charge of fire, but dw they're gonna keep the fire contained ofc. they're just gonna start dropping random shit in it and watching it burn. including the instructions to set up the tent. good thing maki and megumi are almost done.
yuuji is in charge of cooking ofc. he's got all sorts of campfire classic foods planned and probably makes way too much, but it still gets eaten anyway.
because they had a long day, they all turn in early. the tent is actually fine, despite the manual being a pile of ash, and the mattress is fine too. the problem is. it get's chilly at night. and toge didn't pack a sweatshirt bc he had snacks to pack. that's okay, this gives him a great opportunity to prank everyone and put his icy hands on their necks while they're sleeping....until nobara wakes up screaming about how she'll kill him, so he takes shelter in yuuta's sleeping bag.
megumi just gets cold easily, but yuuji's a human furnace, so it all works out.
the next day, they decide to go kayaking because why not. definitely some potential for kayak flipping, but more importantly. kayak bumper cars. it started as an accident, yuuji just bumped the side of nobara's kayak. unfortunately, she takes it as a challenge. chaos ensues. everyone returns to the campsite soaking wet.
honestly this is about all i remember from camping as a kid and this is so long that i might as well just make it into a fanfic (🤨), but as far as i'm concerned this is the canon ending of jjk. they all go on a camping trip and relax and heal :D
thank you for the ask !!! sorry for the delay....i was packing and unpacking to move back to uni and i am So Tired but it's fine...................
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I watched 92sies....again-
*title screen with Max's voice over* me screaming while that happens
*Seeing a printer* screams 'yes girl'
The boys sleeping on the statute with dirty feet is gonna make me cry
MR. KLOPPMAN <3, also the squeaky floors are a mood
Boots my beloved, Swifty (is that the one who is sucking his thumb?), SKITTERY THO LOOK AT HIM, Mush sleeping so peacefully, BUMLETS TURNING OVER AND COVERING HIMSELF UP!!!
Hello Jack, wake up you silly whore, also can we talk about his hair it looks so dead
Mush having shaving cream on him by jack-
Kid Blink my beloved
Crutchie though, deals with this shit everyday istggg
Racer wanting a towel and Skittery is being so silly
Jacks red banana
Smol boy trying to catch up by sliding on the ground
Mr.Kloppman counting to make sure there all there <3
I hate the kid with the paper telling them to hurry up so annoying
Them all dancing on the barrels, running around and sliding
Specs and Skittery pushing around
Blink smacking Mush <3
Race betting, JACK TAKES HAT
FISRT GAY ENCOUNTER WITH DAVID "What do you think your doing"
Les pushing threw the boys to see Jack
"Your too kind Racer"
Bell rings, Wiesel <3
DAVID 20 papes but only gets 19, Jack being very gay
"The call him cowboy!"
Kid Blink and Mush walking over is best, Mush is holding Jacks papers while talking to Les, Blink Smiling
"Well if hes the best then why dose he need me" LIKE DAMNNNNNN GO OFF DAVID
Boots I see you, you silly boy,
60/40 *shakes*
Cruitchie has beautiful eyes tf
"Newsies sell papes", pretty women walk by and them being all respectful, SPECS GO OFF CALL OUT THAT OUTLINE
I forgot this was a straight boy movie
Pulitzer trying to take money from Herst
"Never mind the Newsies" Stop it, no not rn, just stfu
Silly man gets punch, Les drinking, David having a heart attack, Jack just enjoying life UNTIL SYNDER
Them running away and all the people looking at them, I think i even saw some Newsies
Ending up at Meddas <3, David asking many questions "Sullivan" Jack getting defensive, David pulling Les back from the prop, Medda telling them to get out but sees Jack and <3
David getting pulled bY HIS TIE FROM JACK!!!!! Les taking candy
Lovely Dovey Baby, Jack and David being a little gay, also David staring at Medda
Jack running over to the big boom and wanting to join, David having so much panic and tries to get him away, Jack grabbing Les
Them walking home and David's parents are so welcoming
Sarah my beloved
Jack asking for seconds and then getting a slice of cake like go off, how many times does he get sweets
David and Jack sitting on the fire escape <3 very gay BUT WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BREAK IT UP MYER
Jack now has issues and wants to sing about Santa Fe
OK not me dying during this GO OFF JACK, CLIMB DOWN THOSE STAIRS AND GET ON THAT WAGAON, HAY BALE, COWBOY ATE ISTGGGGGG, JUMPS OFF WALL IN ALLEYWAY, dose this weird dance shit like a horse lmao, also lasso is belt rn
*gets off horse* <3
FUck Pulitzer and the guy who said to raise the price for the Newsies, man knowns its very bad chief, his next thought to cut his own paychecks, very rough on children
Kid Blink going off, one of the delanceys brothers mocking him, Skittery is not having a good day, Boots you shall never be on the streets again, Mush and Crutchie <3, Jack is looking so confused
Race being a little bitch but truth, I PAUSED IT AND I SEE DAVID AND LES IN THE BACK, Skittery is still there best boy, SPECS I SEE YOU AND YOUR TOP HAT, Swifty <3,
Can we talk about there outfits tho!!! Look at all of them, Kid Blink is a fav for outfits rn I LOVE THE PANTS THO, I LIKE PANTS
"They cant do this to me Jack" <3
Mush wanting to buy papes still, Kid Blink being like wtf, Les makes them move away, Blink hands Jack a cigertt, Race asking if hes done thinking yet <3
Daivd with the idea of the union because IF WE DONT SELL PAPES NOONE DOSE
'YES LIKE A STIRKE", Daivd was just joking
ALSO, can we talk about Blink and how he holds his pants because that's so gay go off king, and Race slinging an arm around Blink
Blink whispering to Mush <3
Les yelling 'STIKE' David wants to die
AND THE WORLD WILL KNOW, Boots and Race asking if they can soak them, David telling them no
Race and Blink on the gate
David looking like he regrets so much life rn,
David and Jack being so damn gay rn looking at each other, Mush grabbing David <3333
Jack writing STRIKE
BUMELTS I SEE YOU MY BOY, oh there's the one redhead!
Bumlets once again is best, Snipper <3
"Who wants Brooklyn" *goes quite*
David telling Jack to go to Pulitzer to dare him *takes Les with him* 👁👄👁<David
Denton bonding with David
Jack telling how it went, Les being best boi, them eating <3
Boots, David and Jack going to Brooklyn and yelling over the bridge
Spot Colon is very dangerous David
Not the Brooklyn boys swimming and then coming out to look strong in front of Jack
"Going somewhere cowboy"
Him just climbing over the wood and not saying anything
Boots giving him marbles-
"Been hearing things from little birdies" *tries to shoot marble* David backs away
*shoots a bottle*
Spot and David almost kissing- (lowkey very close spot)
Cowboy hat is on-
"your right Jack he has brains, but I got brains too" LIKE BITCH GO OFF DAMN
*taps the cane on board*
Brooklyn boy behind Jack, they start to get surrounded, also it looks very bright bc Spot keeps squinting lmao
Spot has nice pink lips, lowkey
"That anit good enough Jackie boy"
also blush✨✨✨
Skittery talks so beautiful ya know
David touching Jack shoulder, so gay
Ok but them dancing and David just fucking hops lmaooo
Blink lost his hat, shook his head and put it back on BULLETS MY BOY
Not all the littles on top of the statue and the older ones dancing
Mush with no suspenders on kills me
Now they have a little dance battle ✨gay✨
Blush jumped real high
Denton tho-
Not the scabs rn
A fight scene with the papers being torn up, throwing tomatoes- pushing the cart over
Weisel dying rn
Crutchie being left and Race calling out
Javid at the refuge
The nuns <3
Jack being held by a rope that David is holding, telling him to go gently is a mood
Tin Pin-
Not all the boys taking care of the other boys kfkgkfkfkfkfm, I see you patting one kid with a wet cloth
David telling them to shhhh
Crutchie get Snyder away from the window
Pulitzer giving Weisle the permission to get them away
The drums reminds me of a street beat my high school band plays
There in formation your honor
BUT ANOTHER BLINK CLOSE UP ( actually quite a few)
Them all breathing hard from dancing
When David told them to be claim down but Jack says soak them for crutchie THEN RACE YELLS IT'S TRAP
Denton with camera trying to get in TRYING TO SAVE HIS BOYS
David holding on to Jack
Jack is so happy too
Mush getting chased by a goon, sling shot his ass, Boots hurting one of them, Race saying he gives up but kicks the dude balls
Spot coming down kicking two people, openes the gate then HE WIPS OUT HIS CANE OMFG GO OFF KING
Mush sliding down along with Bumelts!
David and Jack hugging but almost kissing
Kid blink in the picture
Skittery and Specs sitting by one another, Skittery sitting so gay, everyone eating SPOT IS STILL THERE
"Where's me picture!?"
Spot crouching to see the pape, MUSH IS BEST
Spot asking where it says his name <3
Bumlets just smiling
Skittery saying "So what"
Jesus Race is getting way to physical with Skittery, don't mind him being a little moody
Blink watching his boyfriend tho
I see Specs shaking his head yes
OUR MAN DENTON *raises glass*
Crutchie telling Snyder that's jack- "you know this boy" WHY JUST
I feel like this is lowkey dragging on, how am I 57 minutes in still, maybe bc I'm writing so much
Kid blink and Race friendship <3
Specs and Skittery friendship <3
Bumlets pointing Synder
Jack dancing around them
Race getting money from Synder
Sarah and Jack a kfkgkfkfkfkfm, although Sarah is very cute
Them eating breakfast on the rooftop<3
"You should hear him talking about ✨Jack Kelly ✨"
Pultizer using a magnifying glass ! ;)
Why does Jack look so sunburnt omfg lmao
And Spot being just amzing tho, WITH HIS LITTLE PIMP CANE
"My pal ✨David ✨"
"TELL THEM JACK!" Kid Blink go off
OK SARAH GO OFF, about to kiss jack
Skittery and Race dancing is best
David seeing Synder and telling Spot who dashes away
"On the grounds of Brooklyn"
David asking where Jack is, man's comes in and David is now having second thoughts
Les screaming "No"
Why did Mush shake Denton's hand
David now don't like Denont, he don't know what he's gonna do
Kid Blink has a real bad black eye wtf
Specs and Dusty being supreme
David throwing the paper away but Les taking the paper
Goes to get Jack out, David has a gay squad™, Blink, Mush, Race, Boots, and Les<3
Les really likes Jack istg he calls out to him agAIN
Not the gay squad ™ looking at David, telling Racetrack to watch Les<3
Jack with cowboy hat, David getting on the back of carriage
37 minutes left and idk how to feel, kinda relieved bc why is this taking so long
Smart boy David over here with taking the pin out
Pultizer threating Jack, also not him walking in very gay like
Talking about the war lmao, not Jack snopping the pictures
Jack has a bad bruise too!
"Are your bribing me Joe" lmao, I died
Why is Jack skin so dang smooth
Pultizer threating the Jacobs :(
David not caring about going to jail and being very hurt by Jack, him walking off
Crutchie tries with a bread but it looks like a potato
Also why is there no damn bed, just fucking springs
Looks out the window so sad like
Spot breaking kids up and ask Race wtf is happening with Jack also why are most of them shirtless or well not having there buttons done, SPOT JUMPING LMAO, but getting held back
David and him talking kerkkgkgkgkfk, David grabbing his little suit and telling him he's a lier
Wait is Jack jealous of the family David has- shit wait
AHHH THE BOYFRIENDS ARE ARGUING, not David going back for a punch Jack taunting him
Les: "guys mom and dad are arguing again"
OH the boys feeling so many emotions rn, Les saying no he's just a spy, I see you Spot
David having a moment by slamming down the window NOT THE HOTDOG THO
Weisel in the basement with Jack
Sarah just wants to be alone omfg, Les tho gets fucking slammed DAVID YOU GO KING
Jack checking David for cuts
Them going to Denton<3
David and Denton have a moment
Les checking out the house
Our man Denton!!!
They all sit around a table is best
Sarah is best girl tho
Race asking if the kids can read-
jack stop being straight
Teddy having sadness for them and calling Denton "Denty" ✨
Kid Blink walking in and Mush looks to him with soft eyes and asking "So's when the others coming Kid" GOD I SCREAMED
Jack once again using his lasso for a belt
Les singing, Race and Les Friendship<3
Them picking the littles up, I see you Bumelts being so kind
Them going to talk to Pultizer and David being the best bitch
"My pal David, a walking mouth" kfkvkfmfmmf
Spot being the best boy and calling Davids name out
Les is on Jack suoulders and I'm in love
All the littlea being hugged by the older ones
Crutchie is back <3 yes bestie
Why is Sydner smiling in the jail car lmao
All the kids dying when they hear Jack talking about Santa Fe
Denton being a proud father
Spot reaching out to Jack tho, well all of them
The Jacobs crying rn
Skittery and Tumbler tho best
"besides I got family here" AND LOOKS TO DAVID
"Come here Davey" JUST STOP
straight people kissing ew, why are they like going at it tho, tf
Denton being so proud rn
And the end with KONY go off kings I can't rn
THE END, sorry if this that post was so damn long, I've been going second by second
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paralyze-fic · 10 months
Special Chapter; Heroes Rising
Long chapter, 10k words
"Thank you so much for your help, boy!" I turned around and waved at the family I helped, "Come on, kids, say thank you as well."
"Thank you, Hero-san!" I chuckled and continued to wave as I made my way back.
"Bye! Don't cause trouble for mommy and daddy, alright?" Slowly, I began to jog now facing forward.
"We won't!" Their high-pitched voices reached my ears as I picked up my pace, and I began making my way back to Class 1-A headquarters.
On my way, I encountered a lot of people from the island, and they greeted me with effusive waves and bright smiles so I did the same. Thankfully, it didn't take me too long to get back, but the sunlight was getting pretty annoying and I needed some water.
I walked inside and took off my boots by the door before heading into the kitchen, "I'm back!" I announced as I walked past the office where most of my classmates were picking up phone calls. I received waves my way as a greeting and I opened the fridge, grabbed a water bottle and closed the fridge. I took a few gulps and decided to take the bottle with me to one of the tables, specifically, the one where Katsuki and Eijiro were.
He was looking at me and, even tho there were no words exchanged, his stare told me he wanted me to sit with him, so I did.
I sat next to him, and placed my bottle on the table, "Hey, Katsuki, how-?" I couldn't finish my sentence because his arms wrapped around my middle before his weight brought me down to the ground, "Ow..." It wasn't a hard hit, but I certainly felt the pain in my head at the sudden roughness of his actions.
"Be quiet," he muttered while backing away from me and shifting his body around. I silently stared at him, wondering what he wanted and what he was gonna do.
Well, soon I got my question answered. He laid down with his head on my stomach and picked up his magazine to continue reading it. I chuckled to myself and reached for my phone in my pocket, if I was gonna be trapped under Katsuki using me as a pillow, I might as well distract myself in the meantime.
A few minutes of everyone answering calls went by, asking for help from others or if anyone could go instead, and like that, Uraraka announced a report of a child missing. I looked away from my phone for a moment and made eye contact with her. I didn't mind going out to find a child, but Katsuki spoke before I could.
"We're not going," I looked down at him, and he was still reading his magazine in blissful silence.
"Don't be like that, Bakugou," Eijiro said while looking at the blond who didn't bother to spare a glance toward the red-headed, "Uraraka, I'm coming with you."
I watched him stand up with the same usual grin he always wore, and I wondered how could he smile so much, he's like Izuku in that regard. They were literally as bright as the sun.
"Does your quirk work to find people, huh?" Realization dawned upon Eijiro and I reached my free hand to pinch Katsuki's nose, making him groan and look at me.
"Be nicer," he frowned and completely ignored me, going back to reading.
In the end, Jiro, Izuku and Uraraka were the ones heading out to find that child. For a while, there was quite some noise around, but soon enough, the entire class was gone to run an errand on the island, leaving only Katsuki and me alone. The peace and quiet was nice, and I was getting bored of my phone, I had no more manga chapters to read anyway, so all I had been doing for the past ten minutes was mindlessly scrolling my social media, and with no one calling there wasn't much I could do.
Especially when I was still trapped under Katsuki.
I sighed and felt my eyelids getting heavier by the second, "Fucking finally..." I heard Katsuki mumble and soon, his head was lifted off my stomach which made me look away from my phone. He was inches away from my face.
"Katsuki?" He smirked and took my off out of my hand, setting it aside and leaning down closer.
"Time to pay attention to me, idiot~," Before I could say anything back, his lips were on mine, his chest pressed against me and his knee in between my legs. His gloved hands held my face as he bit my bottom lip and slightly pulled it, making me wince at the sublet pain I felt.
"Love, wait-," he groaned and was soon straddling my hips, his hands on either side of my head, trapping me.
"Not waiting, I haven't kissed you all day, you owe me," and like that, he pressed our lips together, rougher than before.
"Damn it... Katsuki..." I muttered in between kisses as my hands gripped his hips, and slowly, I sat up, keeping him on my lap, "You're so greedy."
He pulled back and his smirk grew bigger, his hands holding onto the hair at the back of my head, "This is what you signed for when you asked me to be your boyfriend, dumbass."
I couldn't help but smile at the look on his face, and I leaned forward to press my forehead to his.
"Yeah, you're right."
The hours went by, and eventually, our classmates made our way back to the building to continue working.
During one of those times, I got the chance to go out again, this time with Eijiro to help out despite Katsuki complaining that 'shitty hair can do it by himself, why are you going too?', which led to him being scolded by Iida.
We had a fun time out helping others, talking and joking around, a sweet old woman even gifted us with popsicles after helping her, and even though we denied it politely, she didn't take no for an answer, so we ate ice cream on our way back, which was nice because the sun was pretty intense and the heat was getting worse.
A while after, we made it back, and we got to change out of our hero costumes into comfortable clothes, which was pretty nice, but now, with the sun setting, it was time to cook our dinner, and I could tell everyone were pretty worn out after today, so that would be a hard task.
The first couple of days were light work, as the people on the island were unsure of how could students work as heroes until the pro-heroes arrived, but now, after earning their trust, they let loose and asked for our help more and more often.
"Huh?! I stayed at the office on purpose!" The sound of Katsuki's voice distracted me from my thoughts, and I wondered what I had missed while I disassociated, "What would you do if villains appeared while you were out?"
"There are no villains on this island," I chuckled as I mentally agreed with Eijiro-.
For now.
Damn gut feeling, can you not? I'm trying to have some peace.
Thankfully, before I could get mad at myself for having such pessimists thoughts and hunches, the town folk came by and brought us... Food!
They thanked us for our work while putting the dishes on the tables, it looked so good and my rumbling stomach agreed with my conscious, "It's not enough to thank you all, but we brought this."
"Thank you for the meal!"
The entire class yelled in unison causing Iida to panic. He and Yaomomo walked out with the town folk, and we decided to wait until they came back to start eating, which they did pretty soon.
And certainly, the food was absolutely delicious. Although now it was time to...
"Bakugou, or more like Kacchan," Kaminari stopped in front of our table with Sato, Sero and Tokoyami, "We're taking a bath and heading to bed."
"We leave the cleaning up to you!" Eijiro added and for a moment I remembered the room arrangement, these five -along with Mineta- were temporary roommates. There were only three bedrooms, so we had to share after all, even though it was kinda packed in the boys' rooms.
"Why me?!"
"You haven't done anything today," Sero was quick to respond to his question and I had to bite my tongue to hold back my laugh at his expression.
"Damn it..." And like that, they left with quiet chuckles. I changed from my sitting position to kneeling on the ground and I began to pile up the remaining plates before standing up to take them to the kitchen.
"Come on, I'll help you."
Freshly out of the shower, I stood on the balcony of the room I shared with Izuku and the rest of the guys -which Katsuki didn't like- and I watched over Izuku while he did his training, while also waiting for Katsuki to come back from his patrol. He was working on improving his Shoot Style or so he said.
Sometimes, Izuku impressed me. He always worked hard to train his body and get stronger, but now that I know about One For All, it makes sense why he's always trying to get better at everything he does.
I tried to come up with a conversation topic, but I couldn't think of anything, and I felt like Izuku wouldn't want to be distracted during his training, especially with how focused he looked, so I just remained quiet and began to hum a song. The song Jiro wrote for the Cultural Festival. I remember a video of the show was posted on the internet and it kinda blew up, so it was hard to forget about it.
Not like I wanted to forget it, either.
Occasionally, I noticed Izuku looking up at me, and I smiled at him every time we made eye contact, and he smiled back before going back to training.
After a few minutes, over the stone wall surrounding the building, I saw a glimpse of that spiky blond hair and the explosions added to his eye mask.
He probably felt my stare on him as he got closer to the entrance, because he looked toward me, and he saw me easily because I was in an elevated spot. Katsuki smiled at me, a small smile but it was there and that was enough for me.
Unfortunately, that smile was wiped off his face the moment he saw Izuku training at the entrance. He stopped and frowned, and I silently hoped he wouldn't start an argument with the greenette.
Izuku stopped and looked toward the blond, "Kacchan...? Good work patrolling." Katsuki glanced up at me and walked past Izuku.
"Were you able to control One For All a little more?" I had to briefly look behind me just to make sure the balcony door was closed, which it was and I was able to breathe normally again.
"We can't talk about that here!" Izuku did a 'shh' motion, his index finger in front of his mouth as he panicked and whisper-yelled at Katsuki.
"I'm not in the mood," Izuku muttered something about knowing that already, and mentioned them being friends since they were kids, "Then make that quirk yours... And fight with me. Then, I'll show you that I'll be the one to become the number one hero."
This kind of talk and discussion always confused me. I had no intention of stopping them from becoming number one, but... What was so great about it, anyway? Well, I didn't care about hero ranking so it's not like it bothered me, honestly.
I looked away from them as they continued trying to one-up each other, and I noticed a small silhouette peeking from the stone wall before slowly, showing themselves. It was a little boy.
"Uh..." Izuku turned around while Katsuki only leaned to the side to be able to look at the kid.
"You're the boy from this afternoon..."
"There... A vi..." He mumbled while playing with the straps of his overall, "A villain appeared!"
"A villain?!"
"Explain yourself!"
I watched, worried for the little kid, as Katsuki rushed to him. "Where you did see the villain, Katsuma-kun?!" Izuku exclaimed while trailing after the blond, most likely to prevent him from scaring the boy too much.
"Th-that way..." Katsuki groaned and picked him up with his left arm, creating small explosions to warm up before blasting himself in the direction Katsuma had pointed.
"Kacchan!" Izuku ran after him and I sighed, climbing on the railing and jumping off to follow them, although without using my quirk I wasn't exactly fast, making me fall slightly behind the greenette.
"Why are you coming with us, damn Deku?!" Katsuki yelled at him when he realized we were running after him.
"What do you mean why? If there really is a villain..." Even though that was a good reason, Katsuki was not going to accept that.
"(M/n) alone could you beat you six ways from Sunday, Deku! I don't need to have you with us too!" After that, he blasted himself up to the sky with Katsuma, and even though I couldn't hear, I saw he asked the kid something.
Katsuma pointed off into the distance, and Katsuki headed that way with a more powerful explosion, making the poor boy screech for his older sister.
Izuku and I ran after the blond as fast as we could, and we found ourselves heading to the ruins of the castle, "You think... There's a villain here?" I asked Izuku as we got closer.
"The crime rate here is low but... It's there, (M/n)-kun," we continued running for a while longer, and then we had the villain in sight. It was a giant bug, "Katsuma-kun!" Izuku ran faster and I struggled to keep up with him.
The brightness of Katsuki's attack made me have to raise my arm in front of my eyes, but it gave enough light to allow me to see debris I hadn't noticed.
As I approached Izuku, I saw Katsuki standing ahead, the villain about to attack him.
My legs moved me forward to be able to reach Katsuki and help him, seeing as Izuku had completely stopped in place, but then... I saw him coming out from the villain. "Eh...? An illusion...?" We watched as the blond placed his right hand on the ground and used his quirk.
The ground shook at the force of the explosion and... A girl got her hiding spot revealed, "That girl!" How does Izuku know these kids? Did it have something to do with the missing child from this afternoon?
"That hurt! At least get a little bit scared!" I saw Katsuki making his way up to her and I had a feeling he was about to scare her off her skin.
"Were you the one who created that illusion?" She jumped in surprise and sheepishly looked to the side, a guilty expression on her face.
"What... What do you mean by "illusion"?"
"I realized! It didn't have a shadow!" Izuku and I looked at each other, silently asking each other when and how should we interfere with the situation, "Oi, damn brat, do you like making fun of heroes?" The little girl stared up at Katsuki with a now frightened look on her face, crawling back, scared, "I am totally different to the rest of the heroes. I'll beat All Might and I'll become number one, name's Bakugou Katsuki," I noticed Katsuma walking ahead of us, making his way to Katsuki in complete silence, "You made fun of the wrong person."
"Don't get mad at my sister," Katsuma spoke softly, almost hesitant.
"Huh?!" Oh, maybe now is a good time to intervene... "So you're in this with her."
Yep, time to- Oh, well, someone else is doing that for me.
Izuku was the one holding Katsuki back to prevent him from snapping at little kids as he would to others, "Stop, Kacchan!"
"Let go of me, damn Deku!" While they were busy wrestling each other, I held back a chuckle and made my way to the siblings, helping the girl back on her feet.
"Go home, kids, there's a problem we have to solve here," they held hands and began to run away from the ruins, "Be careful!"
"Get back here!" I turned around only to see Katsuki trying to crawl back to the kids, even while still having Izuku on top of him.
"Wait! Just stop!" The greenette covered his eyes and I couldn't keep holding in my laugh, catching Izuku's attention. He looked at me with pleading eyes, still struggling to hold Katsuki back and calm him down, who just continued to grunt and fight back, "(M/n)-kun, stop laughing and help me!"
I took a few steps closer and knelt in front of them, "Sure," I moved Izuku's hands away from Katsuki's eyes and I held his face in my hands instead.
"Get off of me, you bastard-!" Before he could continue to complain, I leaned down and gave him a small, short kiss. It was more of a peck than a kiss, actually, but that alone was enough for Katsuki to completely freeze in place.
And well, Izuku shrieked as he backed away and turned around while hiding his face. "I didn't see anything!"
"You-!" Katsuki spoke and I reached to hold his arms to help him up on his feet, "Stop kissing me in front of others! It's emb... Embar..." The realization of Katsuki struggling to admit he felt embarrassed was a shock to me, although a good one, because I got to see him getting all nervous and worked up about a peck on the lips, "Just don't do it."
And like that, he walked past me and started making his way back to the house the class was staying at.
"Let's head back, it's late," he muttered as he came to a stop before getting too far away from us. Izuku and I began to walk toward him as well, and I saw him taking out his phone, an All Might wallpaper on display.
"It's only eight thirty, though." Staring up into the night sky, it definitely felt like it was way later than just 8pm, but who am I to know?
"You staying up until 3am is the reason why you haven't mastered One For All yet, shitty nerd." I chuckled while Izuku looked at me as if betrayed by my reaction, and I just shrugged, taking longer strides to be next to Katsuki. He was yawning quietly, blinking repeatedly, sleepy.
He definitely needed to head to bed.
"Why do we have to be in separate rooms? I hate it," I glanced at the door to the room I slept in, trying to fix my costume. I woke up slightly late, but no one got mad at me for it, and I was getting ready to go out and start my duties as a provisional hero.
"They were picked by lots, Katsuki, and the number of guys is uneven, it's not exactly comfortable sleeping with other seven guys here," he tsked and walked in. He had a magazine under his arm and began to unwrap his popsicle in complete silence, "Well, I'm gonna go see if there's anything I can help with."
I zipped my jacket halfway and walked over to Katsuki, and he looked up at me with a heavy stare.
"Try not to blow everything up while I'm gone, okay?" I leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, I heard him groan before putting the ice cream in his mouth, grunting and signalling to the door, "See you later, Katsuki."
I made my way down the hall and down the stairs, where Mina said something about some missing luggage, "Oh, I'll go." I muttered while making my way to the front door, "Anyone else wanna come with me? Aoyama?"
"Oui!" He stood up and we heard Mineta's voice as he complained, but thankfully, Mina had a plan to make him work as well.
So in the end, the three of us went out together to find some missing luggage.
And finding that luggage was surprisingly easy. It was located at the very top of the pile where the unclaimed luggage was kept, and even though it was hard to reach it, I managed to take it down and handed it over to the couple that had requested our help.
While they were content about finding their stuff, Aoyama made so many weird turns and I wondered how he hadn't gotten dizzy at all, and of course, Mineta's expression told a whole story as well.
A smile grew on my face as I thought to myself how I'd gotten such great classmates... I've been lucky.
The sound of an explosion snapped me back to reality, and we ran out immediately. Civilians were running past us, frightened while the explosions continued to occur behind them, "Heroes, there's a villain!"
"What-?!" The three of us stopped and stared ahead of us, where red bandages wrapped and controlled things that were human-shaped, "There is a villain here!"
"What is that quirk...?" Just as a precaution and to make sure there weren't any people caught by the bandages, I used my quirk on them. Or tried to.
"Aoyama, your belly laser!" Mineta yelled and the blond used his quirk, cutting the puppets in half and they blew up.
"Oh? I wasn't expecting three heroes at such a faraway place," the villain made his presence known and he was covered with the same red bandages as the puppets. I briefly looked around us and noticed there were still people trying to run away to safety.
That's when I saw the villain's quirk wrapping around cars, vending machines, and anything within his reach, and we saw as they morphed into those human-shaped puppets from before. Well, at least that meant I had to stare at him to stop him.
I stopped his arms and kept my sight locked on him, I didn't know if he had to move around to control the puppets, or if he could just move them freely, but he was a threat to the civilians now, so the best way to end this would be making him pass out, although that takes a lot of focus and time, and I doubted I could do that right now. And after a few seconds, I could see the bandages were still moving around while he was stuck in place, so that answered my question.
That's when he made eye contact with me. His frown let me know he realized I was the one hindering his movements. "How annoying..." And like that, the great majority of his puppets were thrown my way.
I enhanced my arms and punched threw one of the puppets, it blew up almost immediately, and the smoke made me cough.
"Mineta! Aoyama!" I heard both of them respond to my call, and I gritted my teeth as the villain's attacks continued to come my way, purposely blocking himself from my sight, "Get the remaining civilians away from here and call the office for reinforcements!"
"Alright!" They ran to the sides where people had been hiding behind mostly intact walls, and the villain saw them running away from me, a few of his puppets going after them.
I enhanced my legs and jumped high into the air, catching his attention, "Focus on me, asshole!" From my high point of view, I could see half of his upper body, and I focused my quirk on his throat.
"You damn-" his voice cut off with a strain and I focused the energy in my throat, taking a deep breath before releasing a whistle.
The energy beam I had been training at U.A. made its way to the villain, and he covered himself with his puppets, but they exploded after getting pierced through. The beam hit him and he fell back, and that's when I also began to drop. I enhanced my legs to lessen the impact as I landed and I saw Aoyama and Mineta coming back.
"This is bad, (L/n)!" I tried to keep an eye out on the villain as he began to stand up, his puppets moving again and bandages reaching for things that were further than before. Those things have a wide range... "There's no phone signal!"
"Shit..." I got ready to use my quirk, even while he covered his body with his attacks and got ready to run at him, "Cover me guys!"
I ran at him, dodging or blowing up his puppets as I got closer to him. He pulled out a knife and I dodged him barely in time, stopping his arm and legs to prevent him from getting his stance back. Raising my leg, I was able to kick him, hitting his ribs and making him grunt as he stumbled back.
Long-ranged quirks are usually weaker at close combat, so my only option was fighting him head-on and making him surrender or capture him. But seeing how his puppets didn't stop even while fighting me, made me realize this was probably gonna be a wear-off fight.
"Damn villain..."
While our fight dragged on, I saw Mineta and Aoyama having trouble fighting, and my sight was getting blurry and spotty around the edges, so I had to lay off from using it too much or that would be bad, so I was more focused on enhancing my punches and kicks, but the villain wasn't giving up.
Not only was he getting more desperate to land a hit on me, but Aoyama and Mineta were getting worn off quicker than I expected, and the villain's attacks were turning more aggressive.
But I refused to lose against him.
Gritting my teeth and clenching my fist, I ran at him, risking getting cut by his knife, but I had to defeat him, right here, and right now. The people on the island were in danger, and thinking about it, this attack was carefully planned, so the possibility of this villain being here alone was low. He definitely has partners here too.
"I won't lose..." The villain's eyes looked at me filled with anger and hatred, and I told myself I shouldn't flake at that, no matter what his life has been like... He's still a villain. "He would hate it if I lost."
Right, Katsuki?
The moment my fist collided with his face, I felt a sharp pain on my side, and I had to hold the urge to back away from the pain, so I put all the energy I could into my arm, and punched the villain away from me. His body hit a wall and he grunted in pain, he struggled to move while my whole arm twitched and throbbed painfully.
I took a deep breath and glanced back to check on Aoyama and Mineta, they had clearly overused their quirks, but now the villain-
"That was pathetic..." I heard him talk and I looked back at him. He was standing on his feet, the bandages still swirling around in every direction, "Although it was a good try. Sorry, hero..."
Before I could think of what to do now, I heard explosions behind me. But... They were different. Those were-
"This place is filled with useless idiots!" I instinctively turned around, and I saw Katsuki there, standing in the smoke, "Like these damn extras!"
"Bakugou!" Despite the way Katsuki called them, they were definitely happy the spiky-haired blond showed up.
"(M/n)!" I heard Eijiro's voice behind me, and I turned around to see him blocking the knife heading my way, stopping the villain in place.
"Thanks, Eiji!" The villain backed away and he seemed to be assessing the situation. Now we had backup, so the only logical option he had was to run away. Poor him though, Katsuki would never allow him to leave in one piece.
I felt my hair stand on end, and I recognised the sensation as Kaminari's quirk, and yeah, there he was.
"Guys!" Yaomomo, Jiro and Mina were running our way, and they stopped with Aoyama and Mineta, "(L/n)-san!"
"Go with them, (M/n)! We'll take it from here!" Eijirio smiled at me as he hardened his arms, and I couldn't help but smile, relieved at the sight of my classmates.
I took a step forward to make my way over to the girls, but my legs gave out under me, and I was barely able to catch myself before hitting the ground, "(M/n)...!" I heard Katsuki's voice, and soon enough, he was next to me, helping me up.
"Katsuki..." He held my face in his hands and checked me all over, his eyes soon landing on my side, where I had completely forgotten I had an open knife wound.
"Come on, I'll help you," his hand put pressure on my side and he helped me take a few steps, but we could see Eijiro and Kaminari were having trouble fighting the villain, he tsked and stopped in place, "Oi! Ponytail!" Yaomomo turned around at the call of Katsuki's nickname for her, and she rushed over to us.
Her skin glowed as she used her quirk, making bandages and handing them back to Jiro, who trailed behind her a couple of steps.
Yaomomo stopped next to me and helped me walk over to Mineta and Aoyama, and I did my best to avoid putting too much of my weight on her. I looked over my shoulder at the boys, "Eiji-!" His arm was being wrapped by the bandages, but Katsuki blew it and it ripped.
However, those bandages wrapped around him instead.
"Katsuki!" His whole body got covered by the villain's quirk, and Yaomomo hurried to help me sit down against a wall, although I tried to maintain my gaze on the boys.
Maybe... If I couldn't see the villain and control him, I could... Control Katsuki's movements, although that would probably cause him a lot of pain.
The Katsuki-puppet was forced to attack Eijiro and Kaminari, who called out the blond's name. I didn't want to see that villain using Katsuki as he pleased, and I knew my lover didn't want to either, he hated villains and criminals more than anyone I knew, and he was definitely fighting inside those things, so I used my quirk on him, hoping to stop his movements or control just enough for those two to be able to dodge or attack other puppets.
That villain should be pretty worn out and in pain, we fought pretty hard after all, but it seemed like I was the only one who was closer to their limit and that was pretty annoying.
I focused my sight on Katsuki, and I stopped his arm, trying to keep it as still as I could, but my sight flashing white and my head throbbing made me look away.
When I glanced down, I realized Yaomomo was trying to stop the bleeding from my wound, something I hadn't noticed because my side was pretty much numb from the pain, and I caught a glimpse of my bracelet. Right, the painkillers, why didn't I think of that before?
I took a pill out and put it in my mouth, swallowing it dry. It would take a while for the effect to kick in, but it would make the headache more bearable, for now, I had to help my friends.
"Kaminari, on your left!" He turned that way and dodged the smaller puppet, and Eijiro punched through it, blowing it up, "Behind!" I watched as they got into a rhythm with my calls, while occasionally keeping an eye out on Katsuki. He was fighting the quirk, the villain seemed to be struggling to control him however he wanted, and that made Katsuki's movements pretty predictable.
However, the advantage didn't last long because both Eijiro and Kaminari got wrapped by the bandages, but now the villain was within my field of vision. "Chose. You can become one of my puppets, or you can be destroyed by your friend."
And that's when I saw Katsuki moving.
"Don't. Fuck. With. Me!" He lifted his right arm and light started seeping through the bandages, growing as if filled with air before it blew up.
I guarded Yaomomo from the debris flying by and as the smoke cleared, Katsuki stood there, his breath slightly uneven, and I noticed the grenade prop of his costume was gone, "Don't underestimate me, damn mummy."
More puppets were controlled to attack Katsuki, and he dodged them using his explosions to balance himself and get closer to the villain, as he did, the same knife was pulled out, and they began fighting close range. And it was obvious who had the most experience with hand-in-hand combat and who had fastest reflexes.
"(L/n)-san, can you stand?" While observing the fight, Yaomomo helped me get up and I felt way better than I did previously, so I smiled at her to let her know I was okay walking on my own.
In no time, Katsuki grabbed onto the villain's face and rammed him into a wall. I was too far away to hear him when he spoke, but I definitely heard the "Die!" He uttered while pulling the pin of his grenade, releasing the missile into the villain's face, and the quirk was released.
The girls ran after them and asked for the villain, to which Katsuki answered he was slightly injured, and yeah, I couldn't hold back a small chuckle. At that, Katsuki glanced back at me, a very small and subtle smile pulling the corner of his lips. And then the glint in his eyes changed as if he wanted to tell me something.
I couldn't ask him what it was, because he soon blasted himself up to the sky, heading off somewhere. "I'm gonna finish off the remaining villains!"
For a few seconds, I debated whether I should go follow Katsuki, but the pain of the knife cut on my side was enough reason to take it easy for a little bit, besides, we still had to keep that villain in custody and keep the people safe, so I ended up walking up front for a while.
Of course, I wondered and worried if Katsuki was gonna be okay on his own...
"Isn't that...?" Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something green growing, reaching over the trees, so I turned to look at it. "Midoriya?"
Before any of us could say something, an explosion came off from that same direction, and instinctively I turned around, walking backwards and staring at my classmates' legs, "Sorry, everyone!" They groaned at the pain as they stopped and I spun back around, enhancing my legs and running as fast as I could toward that balloon-looking Izuku.
Whoever he fought against was definitely strong, like... Even if Izuku doesn't have amazing control over One For All, he is strong and he can make tactics on the spot, so this was a dangerous situation, and a dangerous villain for sure.
Even though I felt my body twitching, I continued running, following the sounds of Katsuki's explosions.
The combination of various explosion sounds going off made me wary of what was happening, and I tried to approach as quietly as I could, that way I could maybe sneak up on the villains... But when I arrived...
Katsuki... Izuku...
Before I could react, I saw a flash of red out of the corner of my eye, and I hid behind a tree, peeking out slightly. A woman with long red hair rushed to a man with white hair, black tubes filled with a purple liquid on his shoulders, making holes in the blazer he was wearing.
The man seemed to be in pain, and he looked up, and pointed forward, where I saw Katsuma and his older sister, whom I learned was called Mahoro.
The woman stood up as if abiding by an order I wasn't able to hear. Her hair hardened as she faced the kids and I instinctively activated my quirk on her, keeping her immobilized for as long as I could, despite the spots slowly clouding my vision.
"Get away... From them..." I muttered, stepping away from my hiding spot and she turned her head slowly to look at me over the shoulder.
"What an annoying quirk," the man kneeling next to her, turned to look at me and I noticed the subtle glow in his eyes but I couldn't look at him. This woman was far more dangerous than that man, at least for now, it was clear he couldn't move and she was the threat.
"A quirk that stops muscle activity..." He mumbled between ragged breaths, "He said he wanted it..."
I couldn't think about what he said, too busy trying to figure out a way to get Katsuki and Izuku safe while taking the kids with me. And I soon realized that would be near impossible to do it by myself.
The instant I wondered where the rest of the class was and if they were nearby, a flock of crows surrounded the villains, trapping them and hiding their vision.
I stopped my quirk and ran toward both unconscious males, reaching down to pick Katsuki up in my arms, and Uraraka ran past me, touching the blond's leg with her quirk before doing the same to Izuku.
"Tsuyu-chan!" She called out, and right after, Tsuyu showed up to pick up Izuku and we began to run after Koda and Shoji, who was carrying the kids.
Everyone on the island was a refugee in a fabric, where there were generators that gave us power for the night and the next couple of days.
I was told by the others to rest and heal, but my wounds were minor and already healed by the medics here, so I was good working with giving out onigiri with Aoyama for a while.
When everyone had their share of food, we took everything empty out and cleaned up. Time went by quickly, or it felt like it as my mind was busy thinking about Katsuki. It was late and class 1-A were pretty much the only ones awake at this point. So I went to see him.
On my way there, I took a bottle of water and a straw, since Shotou had told me Katsuma was using his quirk on them, and the poor kid might be tired as well.
Slowly, I opened the door to the room they were being treated in, and I saw they were the only ones inside, along with Katsuma and Mahoro. Both Katsuki and Izuku were still unconscious, which given the fact that they were covered in bandages wasn't as surprising, but it still worried me.
Mahoro looked over at me and tried to smile at me, and I did the same, closing the door behind me and walking further in, making my way to sit in front of Katsuma, careful to not bump either Katsuki or Izuku as I crossed my legs.
I put the bottle down and I reach my hand out to gently touch Katsuki's face, doing the same with Izuku, stroking his curly hair. I looked up at Katsuma and felt proud at how he was so determined to save the heroes who protected them, but also concerned that might hurt himself if he used his quirk too much.
I stayed with them in complete silence, waiting patiently for anything to happen while taking care of Katsuma. I gave him some water and took out some tissues to wipe his sweat every once in a while, and by this point, it was clear he was tired but he wasn't giving up yet.
"Katsuma, at least sleep a little," he shook his head with a denying hum.
"No. I gotta keep going. I have to," a deeper frown appeared on Katsuma's face and he seemed more focused and determined than before. And lo and behold, Katsuki and Izuku began to release a green glow, "Deku-nii-chan?"
Their expressions changed into a frown, and after a couple of seconds, Izuku began to open his eyes, "Kat..suma... (M/..n)..."
"Katsuma-kun," he looked at me without releasing his quirk, "Can you and Mahoro-chan go tell the others they're waking up? They'll be relieved to hear it," he seemed hesitant, probably because he didn't want to leave their side, so I smiled at him and patted his hair, "I'll take care of them for you, alright? So don't worry."
They nodded and got up, walking out of the room. I stayed there, watching over them as they slowly regained consciousness.
Izuku was the first one to open his eyes and attempt to sit up, groaning as he shifted in place, "How are you feeling?" His green eyes looked over at me and then down at himself before rubbing his face with his hands.
"Like I've been run over by a truck," I stifled a laugh and he smiled at me, "But... Isn't as bad as I expected it to feel."
"Yeah, gotta thank Katsuma-kun for that," Izuku looked down at his hands, closing and opening them in fists, probably testing how his ligaments felt.
"I definitely will, (M/n)-kun," after that, he began to fix the top half of his costume, zipping it and standing up, reaching for the red belt kept on top of a chair in the corner of the room, "Take care of Kacchan." He muttered and walked out of the room.
"I don't need... Being taken care of, damn nerd..." Katsuki mumbled and I looked at him, he was also awake, slowly sitting up, "That fucking villain... I'm gonna beat his ass."
A smile grew on my face after hearing a typical Katsuki phrase, he was feeling better, that's for sure.
I inched closer to him, and wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding him gently so as to not cause him more pain. I was glad he woke up after worrying about him for hours, so I felt like I could breathe normally again. Katsuki's body tensed under my hold, and I was about to back away before he got mad at me, but I felt his arms around me as he relaxed in my embrace.
I took a deep breath, feeling the subtle scent of ash and smoke on his hair before backing away, smiling at him and leaning in to place a kiss on his forehead.
"Come on, let me help you."
The whole class was standing around the tables in the room we were given, the police chief was here with us as well and brought us a map of the island. "Midoriya, what's the strategy?"
"We've confirmed the presence of three more villains, what were their quirks?" Izuku looked up at everyone, and Iida raised his hand.
"The one we fought at the beach had a mutation-type quirk, he looked like a hybrid of many animals combination," A few nodded, probably those who were at the beach together and Iida added right after, "He was strong and could even spit fire, we couldn't even scratch him."
"A body potentiated by a powerful mutant quirk," Izuku mumbled to himself, "What about the woman?"
"She can harden her hair," I spoke when I remember being a few meters away from her, "But I don't know if she can do anything else with it."
That's when the police chief spoke up, telling us about how the people at the port saw her using her hair to destroy the ships and prevent them from escaping the island, and he added the description of her hair being like needles, in a way.
"Well... She can't do much without her hair, right? Let's keep that in mind," Everyone nodded at my comment, and Shotou turned to look at Izuku, who was fiddling with a red sharpie.
"What about the villain you and Bakugou fought? How many quirks did he have?" Katsuki frowned and crossed his arms.
"I counted four," he moved his hand and lifted his index finger, "The lasers, the shield, that blue dragon and the lighting," he counted every quirk he listed, and groaned right after, his frown deepening, "Besides the quirk to steal other quirks, he might have more that we don't know about."
"He also seemed to be in pain after using them, so I'm guessing his body can't handle too much, that's why he wants to get Katsuma-kun's quirk to reactivate his cells..." Izuku added rather quietly.
And I remembered something, "I... I think he may have a search quirk, that's how he found Katsuma-kun so quickly," the class remained silent, processing the information, "And he said something about... He, wanting my quirk, so..."
Katsuki got closer to me and leaned against me, probably his way of wanting to protect me from that white-haired villain, "We can't let that damn villain get close to (M/n) either, Deku."
Everyone was quiet for a moment, and I felt a few stares on me but I didn't pay them any mind.
"How do we defeat them, Midoriya?" Eijiro asked him and he took a deep breath, staring down at the map in the middle of the table.
"This is my plan." He pointed toward the castle ruins, "We'll make our base here, that way, the villains will only have one way to reach us," he gripped the red sharpie he had been fiddling with and uncapped it, marking a straight arrow on the only path available to walk through, "Once they reach this spot here, we separate them," he drew an x and two more arrows going left and right, "From here on, we use the terrain to our advantage and defeat them one by one with the strongest teams."
All eyes fell on Izuku, his frown still prominent on his baby face.
"But first, we need to plan our tactics, starting with splitting them up," Katsuki leaned over the table with his hands, "Sparkly and Ponytail will do that."
Izuku looked at Katsuki and they made eye contact, before nodding, "Aoyama-kun, I need you to use your Navel Laser at its maximum capacity to split them, assuming the villain will use the wind wall to shield himself, the other two will have to run away since they don't have defensive quirks." The blond looked slightly surprised, but remained quiet, "After that, short bursts of laser using the props on your costume will work to spread them further apart, taking them to our traps."
Katsuki tapped two spots on the map, "There is a concave cave in here, one of the biggest on this part of the island, and here there are the waterfalls, we are trapping them here."
I moved slightly closer to watch over Katsuki's shoulder. Both teams have to be stronger than both villains, so the teams should be...
"Tsuyu-chan and Shouto have the advantage in the water, and they make a strong duo, but they will need speed to dodge and attack, along with an unbreakable shield, so Iida and Eijiro should go with them," I heard Eijiro's little 'oh~' at my analysis, "With Tokoyami in the cave, he will be able to use Dark Shadow, and... Mina could give him support. That way, both teams have someone that could cause damage to the woman's hair, so..." I looked up at everyone, and saw their determined expressions, "I think this is a good balance."
"Now, let's focus on the main villain."
As expected, the plan was going according to plan, and now, the white-haired villain was continuing his way toward the kids. "He's gonna be too focused on getting Katsuma-kun's quirk to care about helping his partners or trusting they could win against high schoolers, so he won't stop."
Shoji and I stood next to each other as we watched the villain walking closer to us, Uraraka and Sero getting his attention with rocks and debris that were scattered everywhere around the castle, while Mineta got the trap ready.
We watched, tensed and filled with anticipation that the trap would work and for a moment it seemed like it did.
But he freed himself and the trio had to retreat. However, there was still hope. If the trap failed then Katsuki...
He and Izuku will stop him. And now is when I get to finally help them. With the villain within the 30 meters of reach my quirk has, I can buy them time and give them a bigger advantage over the villain. And as the whole point was for us to stop him, I had to focus on his legs, preventing him from getting closer to the kids.
This tactic worked for a bit, Katsuki and Izuku faced him head-on while I gave them support from afar, accumulating the energy on my legs, but with all the smoke and dust flying around, my sight got blocked quite a few times, but I used my quirk as much as I could, ignoring the headache I felt getting worse with every second that passed.
And that's when the dragon Katsuki mentioned appeared, grabbing Uraraka when she tried to sneak up behind him. Both of them focused their attacks on the blue dragon, and it split into two, and hit them, throwing them back against a wall.
My jaw clenched as I closed my fists, staring at the villain and trying to use my quirk, but the dust going around blocked my sight once again, and all I saw was the dragon moving forward rapidly toward Katsuki and Izuku. Instinctively, I covered Katsuma and Mahoro's eyes, but rights they were about to impact them, they began to disappear.
The dust slowly began to clear and I saw the villain kneeling on the ground, gripping his body. He reached his limit.
But something was off.
Two more black and smaller tubes came out of his back, and the purple liquid got drained, his mask falling off his face, as he stood up.
When he did, Katsuki and Izuku ran at him, and the clouds turned dark grey and they swirled, thunder and lighting covering the sky, and the force of the lightning strike broke the ground, causing the wind to pick up and we had to kneel behind the wall and columns to protect ourselves from the electricity.
There was an eerily silence that lasted less than a second, and we stood up as the air cleared away.
We observed how there wasn't a sign of Katsuki or Izuku anywhere, and the kids called out for them.
"Guys..." Jiro spoke and we looked at her, she was looking through the small telescope Yaomomo had made, "He's coming..."
I took a deep breath and reached my hand out toward Jiro, silently, she gave me the telescope and I lifted it to my face, looking through it, "Run away, Shoji."
"Take the kids to the escape route," Ojiro added after me. The air was tense, but this was it, we were the last ones who could stop this villain and protect Katsuma and Mahoro.
"We leave it to you." Jiro muttered with a strain on her voice, and Shoji accepted our request, running away with the kids in his arms, "Let's stop him."
I took a deep breath and activated my quirk, lowering the telescope, my goal was to make him pass out, but it needed time and precision, something we didn't have now, I just had to focus on stopping him any way I could.
So Total Control would have to work for now.
I focused my quirk to keep his legs in place and prevent his arms from moving, but he instantly made eye contact with me, and the lightning started again, "(L/n)!" Jiro's call of my name worked to help me realize lighting strikes were falling close to me, but it seemed like he couldn't control them well if he didn't use his arms, so I refused to lose my focus-
"He wanted you alive... But I will fry you now, kid!" The thunder got louder and I had to back away or I would've been struck by lightning at that moment. It wasn't as strong as it had been previously, but it was enough to make my hair stand on end because of the electricity.
I took a step forward again to get him back in my field of vision, but his lasers were already shooting my way. I wasn't able to dodge them all, as I was more focused on stopping him again before he could continue attacking, but I couldn't dodge the wind wall.
I flew back, landing harshly on the floor, unable to stop my body from rolling, and I hit my head quite harshly, my sight turning blurry and feeling dizzy. I pushed myself to stand up and watched how Jiro and Ojiro were now fighting the villain, with a low groan and holding my head, I enhanced my legs, crouching and taking a deep breath, getting ready to jump to reach Shoji and the kids.
Reaching up top, my body gave out and I fell to my knees, but I got a blurry glimpse of Shoji as he ran toward the escape route we planned.
I began to crawl my way closer to him when I noticed a flash of bright pink-purple-ish light, and I recognized that colour as the laser quirk, "Shoji, careful-!" I turned toward the villain and activated my quirk, trying to prevent him from attacking Shoji, but my sight began to get covered with spots, and this time they were grey spots, making it hard for me to look at him.
I gritted my teeth, angry at myself for being unable to protect the kids.
"I won't... Lose..." I closed my eyes tightly and ignored the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, "I have to... Protect-"
The ground began to shake under my palms, followed by a voice. "Run away, you two!" Jiro was here, amplifying the sound of her heart toward the villain. I opened my eyes and caught glimpses of Ojiro and Shoji going toward the villain to attack him, but he used the wind wall to repel the attacks and blew us away.
I lay on the ground, my sight fading in and out as I slowly lost consciousness.
"Don't..touch the..kids..."
A sharp pain all over my body made me jerk as my eyes opened, and I looked around me.
So... I passed out... For how long? A few seconds-?
"Don't lose!"
My body turned as I pushed myself up with my arms, and I lifted my head. Mahoro and Katsuma were in front of me, taking care of Shoji, and the villain was slowly but surely getting closer to them. I swallowed hard and crawled my way to the kids while activating my quirk, ignoring the headache and the limited vision I had left.
"Kat..suma-kun..." I reached an arm out to him, and he did the same, I struggled to reach his touch, his hand glowing as he used his quirk, "Let me borrow... Your power for a moment..." I kept my sight focused on the villain as I focused my quirk on his arms.
"You're really... Annoying," he began to activate his laser quirk and, feeling the subtle relief of my headache disappearing, gritting my teeth as my whole body tensed.
"Just..." I groaned as I struggled to stand up, "Back off...!"
My arm raised on its own, making a pushing motion toward the villain, and I felt it. My hand cramped and I doubled over in pain, but I saw how the villain flew back, as if... He was pushed. I didn't have time to analyze what just happened because my sight was fading quicker.
And as I fell to the ground, I was able to see Katsuki and Izuku standing behind the villain.
And Katsuki... Was sparkling the same way Izuku does when he uses his quirk.
"So... That's what it came to..."
There was a bright light illuminating everything coming from the sky, and that was the last thing I saw.
"Boy... Boy, wake up..." I felt my body being gently picked up and my eyes opened, but I couldn't see anything, "It's alright, you're safe now. I need a wheelchair here!"
It was an unknown voice and after a few seconds, I felt myself being picked up from the hard ground and sat on a chair. My head was pounding and I felt sick, unable to ignore the throbbing and painful twitching I felt all over my body.
So the battle was over... And help arrived...
That's great...
The next time I regained consciousness, I was lying on a bed... Actually, it felt more like a couch, 'cause when I graced it with my fingertips I confirmed it wasn't a bed. And when I opened my eyes, there was the same grey colour covering my whole vision and I had no idea how much longer it would be this way. The max is usually eleven hours... I wonder how long it's been.
"Oh, (M/n)-kun, you're awake," Izuku's voice came from my right, and I turned toward him, "Your eyes..."
"Yeah, I know, don't worry," there was a short silence which I used to try and identify if we were alone, "Is there anyone else here with us, Izuku?"
"No, just Kacchan and he's still unconscious," I hummed and nodded, pressing my elbows on the couch to be able to push myself up.
"Do you still have it? One for all?" I asked him quietly, knowing how sensitive he was when it came to talking about his quirk in public. His response made me feel relieved.
"Yeah... I do."
After that, I could hear people coming into the room, probably nurses, but I also heard All Might and Recovery Girl's voice, they talked to Izuku for a bit.
"I've already healed your injuries, boy," Recovery Girl spoke next to me and I looked down at her, even though I couldn't see her I could guess where she was, "Your sight should come back in an hour or less."
"Thank you."
The room was peaceful for a short while until...
"It hurts!" Katsuki woke up, "What happened to me?!" His screams were followed by the sound of Recovery Girl activating her quirk and I could only imagine what the sight was like, making me chuckle to myself.
At last, we were able to smile again.
"Why do I have to be here?" I turned to look at Katsuki and reached to hold his hand, which made him frown and look away, but he didn't refuse my touch.
"Mahoro-chan wanted you to be here, didn't she? And you accepted, it's too late to complain," he tsked and leaned against me as we continued to wait.
We were at the Nabu Port Terminal Building, waiting for Katsuma and Mahoro's dad, as per the request of the kids.
It's been a few days since the villains attacked the island and class 1-A had been helping the townfolk rebuild the destroyed buildings of the city with few injured civilians, the Hero Work Progamm had been suspended, but we decided to stay around for a while longer until we had to leave.
And that day arrived.
I was with Katsuki up top, enjoying the view of the city as the ship began its departure from the port, "I will miss this place."
My boyfriend looked at me and snorted, "You're weird." I laughed at that and nodded.
"You might be right, love."
We stayed silent for a moment and I felt his hand on my forearm, making me turn to look at him. Katsuki stared into my eyes and began to lean closer to me, and I did the same until our lips met each other.
There was some deep meaning behind this kiss, I could feel it, and it came from both of us. The fear of losing each other, and the relief of being back together made this kiss full of emotions that caused shivers to run down my spine and my skin get covered in goosebumps.
We pulled back, and Katsuki pressed his forehead on my shoulder, "I love you, (M/n)."
I reached my hand up to stroke his hair, resting my cheek on it, unable to hold back the smile from growing on my face, "I love you too, Katsuki."
We didn't stay in this position for too long, the sound of footsteps behind us made us glance that way, and we saw Izuku walking out way. "We're already saying goodbye to this island, aren't we?"
"I'm glad," Katsuki uttered while glancing away, "Is it okay for you to leave without saying bye to those little brats?"
"There were a lot of things I wanted to say to them, but..." He smiled and closed his eyes, titling his head down, "It's alright, I'm sure they'll understand."
"Oi...! Oi...!" The faint sound of high-pitched voices reached our ears and we looked down. Mahoro and Katsuma were there, running toward the ship.
"Everyone! Thank you for protecting us!"
A smile grew on my face at them thanking us, and I felt glad we were able to win the battle. "Deku-nii-chan! I'll become stronger! At least, I wanna protect my father and sister! That's why... I'll get stronger! And I'll become a hero like Deku-nii-chan, Bakugou-san and (M/n)-san!"
Oh, me too?
"I won't forget those words, damn brat," I glanced at Katsuki, seeing the smirk on his face, and I smiled as well, feeling happy.
"Katsuma-kun!" I turned toward Izuku as he yelled, "You... You can become a hero! I'll be waiting for you at U.A.!" He waved at them with his arm high above his head, and I waved at them as well.
"Don't prank the new heroes too much, Mahoro-chan!" She laughed at my words and nodded, stopping next to Katsuma as she waved us goodbye.
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garciaasfluffypen · 2 years
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bright beginnings pt 8.
pairing: single dad!joseph quinn x fem!reader  wc: 1.4k  warnings: i don’t think there’s any!! let me know if i missed them tho. ALSO this part is still in joe’s pov
part seven • part nine
“so hold on.”
“holding.” joe took a sip of his tea.
“so in the last few months you’ve gained control of a daycare, started divorcing the witch and realized that you’re in love with your employee.”
joe practically choked on his tea. “i’m not- i’m not in love with her.”
“mmhmm…” grace chuckled. “sure joe.”
“don’t look at me like that!” joe playfully hit her on the arm while the kids weren’t looking. “i’ll admit, y/n is beautiful-“
“thats a really pretty name.”
“yes, but-”
“-you literally own the daycare, joe, i don’t think it's gonna matter in the long run.” grace took a sip from her cup. “and you haven’t had a chance to date since julia took over your life so this is basically a fresh start for you.”
joe sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. “you do have a very valid point. but-”
“nope. don’t wanna hear it. you’re gonna flirt and your gonna feel good doing it.”
“what if she doesn’t like me back?”
“from what i heard from wes, she’s got her eye on you. joe she invited you out for drinks on girls night. girls don’t do that unless they’re whipped.”
“th-there’s no way she’s whipped for me.”
grace looked at joe over her mug. “joseph. wesley told me everything about girls night. and from context clues, i can tell she’s into you.” a beat. “don’t huff at me! you know i’m right and you’re only thinking this way because julia is a-”
“choose your next words very carefully vandien, there are children around.”
“you know what i want to say and that i will say it as soon as the kids go to bed.”
joe sighed, “do you think she likes me?”
“i don’t even know her but i know she likes you back. wes told me she spent like almost forty minutes talking to you two at the bar the other night, yeah? to be honest joe, most girls don’t do that kinda shiii…uff. that kinda stuff. we tend to stick to our groups and don’t go out of the way for men. you guys kinda suck, no offense.”
“none taken.” joe shrugged. “i just… i dunno, it feels weird i guess? to think anyone would actually like me.”
“well why don’t you take it slow? just try and… dip your toe in the water?” grace raised her eyebrows. “and besides, you don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. don’t force something that could potentially backfire if julia finds out.”
joe was quiet for a moment. “do you think she would use it against me?”
“honestly?” grace was quiet for a moment. “she wants to turn your life upside down. now i’m only hearing all of this second hand since i work with her sister at lamda, but from what i heard she really wants the kids.”
“the kids she subjects to sitting in the same room for hours on end with no enrichment and barely takes care of? the ones who get learning from their father and not their mother?”
grace nodded. “i don’t know what she has against you but…”
“i can’t believe her.” joe set his mug down on the side table. “i actually can’t-”
“daddy?” riley padded over to joe, climbing up into his lap. “daddy sad?”
joe’s heart melted. “a bit sad, yes bubby. your mummy isn’t being very nice to daddy.”
“mummy being mad?”
“you could say that, yes. mummy is trying to get daddy to do things he normally wouldn’t do. so mummy is being a bit mean.”
“dat’s not nice, mummy no be mean.” riley pouted. “mummy need be nice. like you daddy. you nice.” joe rubbed up and down her back. “daddy?”
“yes my princess?”
“thomas and me stay tonight?”
“yes, you get to stay with daddy for seven extra days! maybe longer if mummy decides to be nice.”
“wot about y/n? do we getted to play with her?”
grace had to force herself not to burst out laughing as she covered her mouth with her hands, watching joe’s expression turn from mortified to amused. it did make him chuckle a bit seeing how much they loved y/n, but it honestly could be because they didn’t have a solid female presence in their home lives. julia was not meant to be a mother, but for some reason she forced the idea of being parents on him pretty early into their marriage. it could have been because her own parents were determined to pass on the bloodline, and they fully thought that joe was going to make it big. from what grace had heard, originally he was interested in her sister, lucia, but that fell through pretty quickly when her mother basically shoved him into a relationship with julia.
julia, from the small amount of time that grace had spent in the same room as her, was a major bitch. you couldn’t do anything right for that girl, and it showed. julia refused to talk to grace, even though she and joe were pretty close since she was jealous of their friendship. at least, thats what wesley had told her. if there was anything she wanted in life, it was for julia to take a goddamn hike. she never liked julia, if she were being completely honest. it was definitely so ething that made her feel so bad, especially for joe, but she knew things were goung to be turning around now that the bitch was going down.
shs bad helped joe find some of the best lawyer he could afford, and he was able to help work out the custody plan. it was a shitty one, but it was so worth it. the kids would get roughly two weeks at each parent’s house, and spend more time at joe’s when julia decided iut of the bkue she was going to travel. grace and lucia had their suspicions that julia had a boy on the side, but nothing had been confirmed yet. it could potentially explain why she was traveling so much, but nobody would know for sure until it became facebook official. grace hadn’t blocked her simply for that reason- she needed to know exactly when julia would potentially post this guy she potentially had been seeing so they could take it straight to the lawyer and make the claim that she was prioritizing herself over the kids. lucia already sent over tons of photos of the kids sitting alone in a room with a handful of toys and a tv blasting that horrid steve and maggie show that julia insisted they watch. their case was getting better and better by the second, but she wasn’t sure how much longer it would last.
“is gracie stay too?” riley perked up. “gracie bedtime story?”
“i can totally stay for bedtime tonight. we can do all the silly voices!” grace leaned over to tickle riley’s tummy. “for now though, let’s decide what movie to torture daddy with during dinner time.”
“grace… no screens during dinner.” joe gave grace a pointed look.
“but joe, auntie grace is here. they totally deserve screen time during dinner. when was the last time they got to watch a movie during dinner?”
“the answer is no. they do that too much at julia’s and i want them to actually foxus on their food and not the movie.”
“how about a movie after dinner?” grace smiled sheepishly at joe. “then we can open the guiness you’ve been hiding in the back of your pantry.”
“you’re cheeky.”
“that i am, but you love me.”
“yes, i do.” joe lovingly rolled his eyes as he stood up to go make dinner. “but i also hate you. and you owe me big time.”
“i’ll be your babysitter when you finally get the guts to ask y/n on a date!”
joe definitely did not subtly flip her off as he walked to the kitchen.
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shanesbluechicken · 2 years
Ooh, for sure for sure! Cant say im 100% emo myself but its not always dark and edgy or whatever stereotype emo has (though yeah ive seen a fair share of my own and thats completely valid)
I was thinking the reader be an anti social but friendly kind of emo. They wear dark clothing, but not all the time or all of it because they still do farming and wearing dark clothes make it hotter and make them sweatier. They dont wear eyeliner (it smudges when they sweat :/) but they do when its a non farming day. An emo in style but a lil softie in heart
I was imagining the headcanons start with shane assuming the reader to be cold and rude because of their appearance but started warming up to them after he realised how nice they were (and maybe add a few dating headcanons in the end if u could)
Thanks again!! Love ur writing sm ^^ -🦝
Shane with an emo s/o
Tysm for the info!🤗
It's based on this ask
TW: heavy language
Gender: neutral
Yes, first time seeing you he was quick to judge to say the least. You definitely stood out with your dark clothes and the even darker makeup and since he didn't know you personally, Shane kinda automatically put you in a box.
Much to his surprise the other town members didn't even seem to notice the fact that you're the extreme opposite of...well, Pelican Town.
It's not that he didn't like your style (he even thought that it suits you well), he simply wasn't familiar with the scene or the people in it. He remembered having some emo kids back in school, but he never interacted with them, only hearing gossip from other class mates who were just as clueless as he was.
In the first week he almost didn't even recognize you without your usual aesthetic, but he already guessed that it must be kinda in the way of work. Black clothes absorb the sun light after all. He had the feeling that something was off, but he couldn't quite place his finger on what.
One evening you entered the saloon wearing your whole attire. Clothes and makeup were spot on and when you took a seat near his corner, he caught himself admiring your eyeliner. Shane could not understand how in the name of Yoba you managed to make it look so...pretty. He banished the thought the second it appeared in his mind. Or tried it at least.
But now he knew what felt so off the last couple times he saw you in the town square, wearing a plain t-shirt and plain pants. This style, YOUR style, completes you somehow. Now you were in your element and fuck, he was staring again.
It didn't take long for him to realize that all the stories and gossip he heard all these years ago were nothing but bullshit. He wasn't better than all these judgmental shitheads tho, considering he put you in a box as well.
You were the nicest person he has ever met, giving out gifts without expecting anything in return and going out of your way to help others. He should have known better.
And now that you two are dating he makes sure to make up for all the times he treated you crappy in the beginning.
Shane loves watching you get ready, taking in every single minute he spends with you. He loves to sing along with you to your playlists when you do chores together. It's not much singing on his side, more mumbling to be honest.
You tried showing him how to put on eyeliner, but he can't even make a straight line :'D
You've tried rubbing your style off, because please his JojaMart jacket can't be considered a jacket anymore. This thing consists of more holes than material.
"Black would suit you so much, I bet."
It does.
Shane also often times uses clichés to make jokes, but nothing that would genuinely offend you. For example when you'd find a pretty, black stone in the mines and show it to him.
"Look! It's so black!"
"Like your soul?"
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lifetrimmed · 3 months
Well I am back with more Makai ouji, a different character this time tho lol.
So you got Michael, THE Archangel Michael, right? My best boy. My beautiful darling. My amazing scrunkly. He is listed as a main character despite not even appearing until episode 8 in the anime/second musical/chapter 21 (volume 4) in the manga and having by far the least screentime of all the mcs (even some side characters get more lol). And ho boy is he something. So there's a rule in the MO world that the more powerful a demon/angel is, the more time they have to spend in limbo, sleeping. This sleep is a century long and comes about once every couple hundreds of years for high ranked demons. Michael. Never. Slept. He has such massive trust issues that he wouldn't let Heaven in anyone else's hands because everyone he once trusted is either dead, betrayed him, or is incompetent.
The original group was Michael, Lucifer, Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael. Lucifer, obviously, betrayed him, that was the first problem. Then Uriel failed his orders because he got too attached to a human, thus betraying him too. Raphael has no interest in politics. Gabriel (a lady in this series btw) ate the apple of sin and had a child with a former pagan god which was the first strike as it's heavily implied Mich was in love with her, and then she died! And Mich is still in denial about it 2-3000 years later. Still holding on to the hope that she's just sleeping for too long and she will definitely wake up. He's constantly on the verge of disappearing because of his lack of sleep. Literally living on spite alone. And oh boy is he moody, insecure, and constantly lashing out... And!! It leads to even more people turning their back on him and betraying him! Which gives him even more trust issues and insecurities!! It's honestly so tragic to me because he needs help more than anything but instead he ends up spiraling even deeper down because of his own actions that were taken because of that spiral in the first place!
His former confidant is actively plotting to kill him, the other current leaders of Heaven (except Raphael who is still there, acting like he's high all the time) barely hold any respect for him, Uriel picked a human over him again, the woman he loved is dead AND her child looks like a walking copy of her (to the point where even Raphael has to do a double take to realize she didn't rise from the dead), there's a Heaven-wide conspiracy against him that actually comes to fruition later, he ends up exiled and barely holding on, having to rely on the same people who, more or less accidentally, set this all into motion, faith in him is waning all over the world, and if that all wasn't enough, the apocalypse is coming. And you know what, it never gets better. He doesn't really get a happy ending. He dies knowing he was never anyone's first choice, that he most likely won't be missed, just glad that at least he got to see a world where Lucifer died, even if just for a second.
And yeah, I did write him a tiny afterlife fic back in the days of the fandom being still alive where he met up with Gabriel and got to have his happiness, but then new chapters came out and wow!!! Gabriel was pretty shitty actually!!! I don't think Mich really knows the extent of it because he was very happy to offer her kid a chance to go home and visit her (denial be strong baby...) and all. I just want him happy. I want him to have genuine friends. He showed he can be so caring and protective and forgiving even to people who annoy him. Even to people who started his end without meaning to if they can't defend themselves. I know that seems like it doesn't match up with what I said about his personality but please!! He's such a broken and layered character!!
EYYOOO sorry I took a bit while... And I hope you don't mind me merging my reply for your two asks into one? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) And I pick this one to post cuz it's more tragic LMAO
Michael is the one who acts aloof and looks down on everyone in the anime isn't he? Mannn the characters with those traits always have the most depressing story jsgsjsgs
But that fic and the story update omg, If I were you I'd be so disappointed and crying oof (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
I remember some bits about camio from your rambles in the server~ Him having a wifey! The pizza classes with his not-boyfriend!! But for some reason the one thing I remember the most about him in the anime was when his face looked like a sad puppy when someone stroked his cheek HAHHAHAA ...It was camio right?? I hope I remember it correctly (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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