#youve upset them etc
newfeeling77 · 11 months
i wish i had gotten properly medicated n therapized earlier 1. bc it hasnt even started yet i had one therapy appointment and i wont be feeling the effects of medication for another month and a half and 2. im already feeling regretful of the time i wasted these past few months being depressed. not unhappy just apathetic and frustrated. bc objectively im having a good time n learning new things and making friends like its a really good semester but i havent been able to enjoy it bc im currently incapable of enjoying anything. i can appreciate things, i can acknowledge the positive aspects of my life but they dont give me any positive feelings. instead im just angry or overwhelmed all the time
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Aita for not telling my friend that her husband is gay and cheating on her for months after I found out?
Okay so I really don't know what the right move would have been in this situation and I feel really bad about it.
So I, 28(f) have two childhood friends who I'll call Rose (28f) and Matt (28m). Rose and Matt started dating in school, married quickly after that and have been together for years. It had been a really fairytale relationship and honestly I was really jealous of their relationship for a long time, before this situation started.
So I was hanging out with a friend who didnt know Matt and Rose, who we'll call Ben (30m). We were chilling together and he got a grindr notification. We like to share like who were talking to, what the plans are etc and he showed me this guy he'd matched with and it was Matt. I freaked out, Ben was like "hey maybe theyve got an open relationship and you don't know" I was skeptical but I had to admit that there was a small possibility that was the case. Ben sent me screenshots of Matt's profile and their texts and I arranged to hang out with Matt by himself the next week.
So when we hung out I confronted him about it with the screenshots and he broke down and told me the truth. He's gay, he's known he was gay since he was 13ish, and he's terrified of his, very conservative, family finding out. I asked him if Rose knew, and he confirmed that she didn't and he's been telling her that he's visiting family/other friends and instead meeting guys from Grindr to sleep with.
I was trying to balance my support for him, because I really felt for him and his inner turmoil being closeted for so long - I'm bi myself and it took me a long time to feel comfortable sharing my sexuality with people - and my anger for him cheating on Rose. I was also concerned because he was just meeting randos and sleeping with them with nobody knowing where he was, like bad shit could happen and nobody would know. We talked for over 5 hours going over all aspects of the situation, and by the end of it he said that he was going to come clean to Rose and tell her the truth and theyd figure out what to do from there.
Matt never told her. I waited for two months before I pressed the issue because, well that's a huge thing to talk about and I didn't want to pester him any more that it needed to be pressed. But after two months, he hadn't said anything and I was like "hey, she needs to know about this. You have no idea if youve given her any stis from the number of people you've slept with. She needs to know." He said he was going to tell her when he got home. He didn't.
In fact, Matt never told her willingly. Two weeks after I confronted him for the second time, a different friend came across him on Grindr in an unconnected situation, and he sent the screenshot straight to Rose without talking to Matt first. She immediately left him. She got an sti test and he had given her gonorrhoea.
They're getting a divorce. His family is incredibly homophobic, so Rose and Matt have agreed that they will gender swap who he cheated with when talking to his family (I.e., admitting he was using dating apps to cheat and the number of times he'd cheated but claiming that all of that was with woman rather than men). Since then they haven't spoken and Rose has been staying with her family.
I've told her all of my side of what happened and while she understands why I spoke to Matt first, she says she's upset that I didn't tell her at the same time, as gonorrhoea usually takes about two weeks to develop in the system and she (direct quote) "might have walked away with a shred of dignity if I wasn't peeing fire while i come to terms with being a useful idiot."
I feel dreadful. Obviously the blame really lies with Matt for giving her gonorrhoea in the first place but I can't help but feel responsible for not telling her when it was clear he wasn't going to do it by himself.
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etherealkissed88 · 1 year
This anon↓
Is it fine if I don't feel fulfilled for first few days is it normal? Cuz I started yesterday and it didn't felt that good but I'm sure it's because it's my was first day.
this is fine in my opinion bc the same happened to me once i started fulfilling myself in a new state. dont stress over not “fulfilling” yourself but the point is that you already have it. you either have it or you dont.
ways to fulfill yourself:
imagine your desired self in any pov and live life as you want in imagination, then accept it as true after you experienced it in imagination
listen to subliminals or your favorite song while affirming and/or imagining and/or meditating
imagine ppl telling you about what you have manifested (example: if you want to manifest a glow up, imagine your friends telling you “wow you glew up” “youre so pretty” while you thank them etc)
have inner convos with yourself like your talking to someone else, explaining to them all the things youve manifested and how good of a manifestor you are
script out your success stories like youre writing and bragging in your diary
once youve felt the feeling aka the KNOWING that you already have your desire, you are fulfilled. you already have it. congrats. if you feel like youre lacking, remind yourself you have it already and that nothing can change that because thats your assumption, and your new identification (you identify as the person who has their desire already). after you are fulfilled, there is no reason to feel like you have to do something else bc then youre not really fulfilled. its as simple as a decision. i have it now = i assume its already here = i identify as the person who has it. i dont need to worry about affirming or imagining for something that i already have.
you have a phone right now. ego can think “you dont have a phone” a million times and experience anxiety but either way you still have your phone right? another example, you can be in your room and think “i dont have a room” but you still have your room. dont let thoughts and emotions drag you to the state of lack. thoughts and emotions are normal and they dont mean anything. remind yourself you have it. decide that no thoughts can effect your manifestation. remember, you arent thinking those thoughts or feeling those emotions because you are consciousness which only observes those things so dont take them seriously. youve observed an opposing thought…okay. laugh at it and let it pass because your identity is the person who has it already. its no longer a desire, its now a FACT. thats fulfillment.
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ive been turning these 2 around in my mind so so much lately... id like to share why i like them, so ill do so under cut :)
what draws them together? both of their traumas are part of them. neither of them are going to 'get better' in the expected way. they can learn to cope with their struggles, possibly get medications to help with that, but that's it. theyre similar in many things ('their trauma isnt leaving', both are suicidal "feeling suicidal/i wish i wasnt alive" "i should actually just die id be doing everyone a favor LOL"), neither like who they are as people "all the pretty girls make me not wanna be me" "do u know what thats like? being someone you wouldnt want to know?") and both of their songs are about their relationships with other people, even if its not the main theme
weevildoing said this about disposable girl. with chemical girl, its more obvious
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this gives them both a deeper understanding of each other !! even though their traumas are still different, theyve got this similarity. they could talk about that, relate to each other, etc...
another thing that draws them together: their interests, id say! she was a skater girl she was a fitness girl, can i make it any more obvious... most of their hobbies arent the exact same, but they are at least in a similar vein id say - anime and gundam, skating and fitness, rap and megan thee stallion. they could easily enjoy each other's interest, i think!:)
what stands in the way? misunderstanding and miscommunication. i think that (when theyre first getting to know each other, at least) disposable wouldnt stand up for herself/tell chemical when shes uncomfortable/when chemical says something that upsets her ("being mistreated would at least mean im real" "that at least means youre someone that they wanna be around"). she'd feel like voicing these things would cost her her and chemical's relationship. i also feel like she wouldnt see this as something worth communicating, possibly
thatd be a problem in all relationships ofc, but itd upset chemical girl especially. she has a hard time forming relationships ("i wouldnt want to be around me either. do u know what thats like? being someone you wouldnt want to know?"). she pushes others away so that she cant hurt them ("theres no point in getting close, leave me alone"). i think that if she and disposable got close, and she found out that it isnt communicating its feelings, shed be upset !! yknow ?? thinking that youve finally found a friend that likes you as you are, when in reality ur just hurting them with everything that you say... getting close to someone for the first time in forever, opening up, just to find that out would probs frustrate her
have an example of smth that i think that would happen when theyre first getting to know each other
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i think they'd communicate this eventually tho:) yay yippee! im communication and im understanding🏳️‍🌈the girlfriends
what are their good traits? they want to be there for each other, to help each other grow, to understand one another!! like in "what draws them together?", they understand each other more than the average person. they could help each other accept this - like, its easier to accept people for things that you beat yourself up about, yknow? were more strict with ourselves than other people, its easier to deem someone else as deserving of love than yourself, etc etc... since theyre similar in many things, they could learn to love themselves while they start to love each other !! i hope that makes sense..
them sharing hobbies would be SOOO so cute!!! chemical teaching disposable fitness so that she has an outlet for her frustration, disposable teaching chemical how to skate... chemical showing it gundam, her figurine collection, disposable showing her anime, them listening to rap together.... it would be so cute !!!!! i think disposable would enjoy fitness, but would be embarassed by being bad at it/being slow/sweating a lot/etc. chemical would be cheering her on, proud of her for the smallest improvements... likewise, i think chemical would suck at skating. steps on the skateboard and it explodes. u know how it is
what makes them hopeless at romance? ARGHHH "what to do, when everybody that ive loved has only up and left me?" "im alwasy left out of everything" "nobody fuckinf wants me" vs "theres no point in getting close, leave me alone" "i dont think you should come by my place tonight" "nobody can keep up with me"... need i say more...
i think they should latch onto each other like leeches and never let go
thank you if youve read this far:) theyre so everything to me !!!! theyre sooo... god... shaking them!!!! arghrrrr!!! chemwaste!!! save me chemwaste!!!
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(both of these poses are from mellon_soup)
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holographic-mars · 2 months
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So anyways, thinking about how Cosmos is a very affectionate drunk and when he gets drunk around Soundwave he’ll start rambling about how beautiful and smart and wonderful he is and how insanely in love Cosmos is with him, and its super lame and embarrassing and makes Soundwave giggle bc damn. This guy is sooo lame and it’s really cute.
At some point they end up around the Lost Light crew and after shift Cosmos goes drinking with some others (cdrw, tailgate, nautica, lotty, others, etc etc) and he gets a little too drunk and accidentally starts talking about how crazy stupid beautiful Soundwave is. Eventually Soundwave, followed by meggy, roddy, rav, Magnus come into the bar and everyone is trying to shut cosmos up bc nobody knows they’re together and doesn’t want Cosmos to embarrass himself or say anything that’ll screw up his friendship with soundwave. Cosmos, seeing that Soundwave is with professional company, quickly shuts up bc he doesn’t wanna embarrass soundwave. Or at least he tries to shut up.
It works as well as you’d think. They approach the table, Soundwave quickly notices cosmos is drunk (and staring at him like a sad desperate puppy) and has to take a moment to stop himself from giggling before casually suggesting that Cosmos retire for the night because he’s clearly had too much to drink (ravage, already knowing this is going to go horribly, decides she needs a drink).
Cosmos clumsily (and eagerly) agrees and stumbles out of his chair, before telling soundwave how smart he is for the suggestion . Soundwave thanks him and asks if he needs someone to help him get back to his hab. Cosmos says no, and then tells soundwave hes the smartest mech he knows. And the prettiest. Soundwave thanks him again, amusement coloring his field. Nautica starts hushing cosmos, tailgate and rodimus are laughing behind their hands. Meg and Magnus look horrified.
Cosmos realizes his error and drunkenly apologizes which soundwave dismisses, and again suggests he goes to his hab and sleep. Cosmos nods, but then shakes his head and says he’d rather stay because soundwave is here, and not in his hab. Nautica and lotty quickly get up, grab cosmos, apologize profusely to Soundwave and drag cosmos away before he says anything else. Soundwave sighs quietly, not upset, more amused, but knows he’ll have to explain a lot to the shocked and horrified upper command of the lost light. Not that it’s any of their business, of course.
The next morning Cosmos (hungover and deeply embarrassed) apologizes to Soundwave numerous times for embarrassing him in front of others. Soundwave tips his head in amusement, has nothing to be embarrassed about, Cosmos is his courtmate and he won’t be embarrassed about that (ravage did damage control, telling megatron that cosmos worships the ground soundwave walks on and Soundwave deserves nothing less. Even if it’s just a stupid little autobot, Soundwave is happy and that’s all that matters. Megatron quickly shut up after that). He rubs gentle circles across Cosmos’ back as the poor mech nurses his hangover and pings lotty and nautica an embarrassed ‘thank you’ for rescuing him.
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choccy-milky · 6 months
Hi babe, just read what u published about getting hate on Clora from your latest chapter.
I just wanted to say that there’ll always be people that will throw HATE - on your oc - story- decisions u make for your fanfic-story-character. The important thing here is to know where you stand, what u like, how u want your characters-story to be headed. I knoooow for a fact that is jealousy, towards you, your creativity, your imagination, and they just wanna be “cool”.
I’ve followed u for a time now ( and sorry I’ve always wanted to message you saying how awesome u are 🥲 but didn’t have the courage to do so… but this drew the line! ) and how you manage to portray the feelings, story and the character’s personalities is truly unique. U👏KEEP👏DOING👏THAT👏.
In my country we say “take the things from who says them” ( poor translation sorry ) it basically means take the comments and opinions from the people who know about the topic, from people that are important to you, from people you admire, etc. Not from those kind of people who CLEARLY have NO CLUE about the HP plot 😅 which like u said, it revolves about sacrifice and love, or just for the art of hating an -awesome- OC. Like, c’on we’re too old for this hating on one and other 😒.
I know it’s upsetting. BUT: Keep on shining. Keep on giving Clora her vibrant and wonderful personality that u both share. Keep working hard. Keep creating.
I’m sending all my love and support from a remote corner of Earth. 💖🫶
PS. Sorry for the long AF message. Toodaloo!😘
AWW TY BABE SRSLY💖💖💖 im so happy youve been enjoying my art/story/following me for so long!!!😭💖💖
and you're 100000% right, i need to just focus on the positive and people who enjoy my content and who are kind to me and whose opinions i respect 😭💖LIKE YOU!!💖💖and ik people might just then accuse me of surrounding myself in an echo chamber of yes men who just are nice to me bc i cant take criticism BUT HEY!! what else am i supposed to do for my mental health? if you dont like clora or my story/art or w.e else, just block me and curate your feed and move on and dont think about me anymore, the same way im trying to do for my own wellbeing. im lucky enough to have lot of ppl like my art and story but that doesnt mean i signed some agreement to have people be rude to me and i just have to take it with a smile. like naw my guy, i have ANXIETY UP THE WAZOO!! and im allowed to block and delete and respond to stuff like that when it upsets me too ALSO THANK YOU AS WELL @jodiswiftle 💖💖im so happy youre enjoying my fic sm. i got your ask but i hope you dont mind me just addressing it here, bc i dont wanna keep drawing attention to this and keep making separate posts about it/the negativity and i want this to be the last one. but IT REALLY DOES MEAN A LOT, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PASSIONATE RANT OF AFFECTION BAHAHA IT RLY CHEERED ME UP TOO 💖💖🥹
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citrus-kiddo · 4 months
Regret.evator nom headcanons! (heads up but I aint talking abt everyone here, sorries!!!)
Pil.by 🎂
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Shy prey, theyre only comfy with being nommed by close friends (i.e Mach, Split, etc)
Theyd tasted like gumdrop flavored marshmallows, theyre a fairly filling snack
They dont squirm much since they dont wanna upset their friend's tummy (even when that friend has expressed theyll be fine)
They view being nommed as a sort of internal hug :]
P.est 🍎
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Big scary pred, though rarely actually swallows people unless hes truly hungry
Gets all smug with full, enjoys toying around with some fearplay but never actually mentions digestion or anything, more of just, ' What if I just keep you in there forever?'
Constantly threatens to eat M.ark, has only acted upon his threat once. That was one of the most confusing yet oddly pleasant M.ark has ever experienced
Pest has a tendency to purr while full, though he never seems to be aware of this, everyone else is
Wall.ter 🧱
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Calm pred, he only noms those he's close with (i.e Lampert, Mark [formerly])
His stomach isn't very spacious nor comfy, youve gotta be stiff as a board to be comfortable in there
He tends to forget prey in his stomach, but luckily he physically can't digest anything but unluckily, that doesnt stop him from accidentally making his prey endure a downpour of tea/grey stuff
(ignore image choice theres no official render with his scarf atm)
M.ark 🪵
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Prey, tastes like wood chip, nails, and a hint of marker
He can be quite the hearty prey though he doesn't appreciate being used a food source
He's not too open abt being a prey as he finds it kinda embarrassing in a way, the only people 100% aware of him being prey is Wall.ter and P.est
M.ark has both a fear and odd curiosity toward P.est, he finds him to be a curious critter but usually keeps his distance
P.oob 🎉
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Any, mainly playful prey
P.oob would mainly tastes like birthday cake along with sour patch kids, which gives them a faint sour kick
They are awfully squirming, constantly chatting and bouncing around in someone's tummy
If they do end up nomming someone, they are quite protective but they do still play around with their prey
I'll probably drop more headcanons tmrw if I feel ike it. Okay, bye bye :D
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i am mad at this tiktok trend of video essay recommendations, and not just because i have a very very intense special interest in video essays and youtube commentary. -___- guyssss, a video essay does not have to be scary or unsettling to be a GOOD video essay. all of yalls reccs are like, 20-something minute videos about "gadagoobies left toe: a creepypasta turned real" and tbh thats like, a sphere of video 'essay'. imma say it, and imma be a lil time-elitist here, but 20 minutes is a video, not a video essay. if youve chosen a topic, and said topic cannot fill more than like half an hour, consider me unimpressed in either your research skills or topic choice. not to mention, again, horror internet video essays are like fuckin, 1/10th of the video essays out there. show me breadtube video essays, movie video essays, whatever the hell Jenny Nicholson is doing, Ro Ramdin, Contrapoints??
do yall want me to show you my spreadsheet O___O ill show u my fuckin spreadsheet, theres so much more out there besides your half furry sprites talking about internet horror from 2011 for 23 minutes.
my reccs? literally anything by Ladyknightthebrave. she has very very in depth and emotional video essays about media, including a big focus on holocaust media as she is Jewish. her Jojo Rabbit/The Book Thief video makes me cry EVERY time, and i cry like ten times a year. ough, she has a video about Cowboy Bebop that focuses SO MUCH on the music! A video essay about a bad holocaust movie where she literally interviews holocaust expertsss! Her video on MASH made me go watch the whole thing, same with Stargate. and gods, her video about Fleabag blew me away. just pleeease go check ANY of her videos out.
Jenny Nicholson. you want random? she's got it. she has a video where she reviews every single Land of Time movie, and theres a LOT of those. She deep dives into the brony fandom. etc etc. i know she's popular but still, theres a reason for that.
Contrapoints. absolutely gorgeous video making about politics, self, etc. and she's queer as hell, amazing. I just can't describe the depth she puts into her videos.
FDSignifier. a huge part of breadtube (or leftist youtube) who makes a lottt of excellent video essays on black masculinity. Big, full videos, with a good perspective to see if you are a white viewer.
CJ the X just has a ton of excellent video essays as well. They are very intellectual.
Ro Ramdin, my gods, most of her videos are not what i would call video essays, but she tows the line. Emotional, funny, to the point, amazingly shot, and compassionate to the bone.
i probably have more but here's my point, branch out, dont put non-horror video essays down. we get it, you watch gore on liveleak and draw ur edgy fursona with scars all over them. (was that harsh? sorry, just uhhh please consider perspective and the culture of creepypasta/horror online being a cesspool of self harm via forcing ones self to watch upsetting things)
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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hi >.<
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this is so fucking sweet i remembered how happy i was when i first got my car. i cried everyday for a week straight because i was so happy. very glad yall got to watch me get my first car. i spend over an hour in her every day commuting now. LMFAOOO (i named her lindsay btw) ((after tdi lsinday)). im so sorry im late but thank you so much this meant sm !!! <3
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you asked me this in august im evil oh my god. anyway i aagree. but i am always inclined to forever think he's a midwest emo guy. twin sized mattress forever
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im immediately inclined to say clocky or toby the second i see time and fire mentions. so ticciwork. my clocky is often a bit messy so she'd be pissed and angry and upset over the sort of war she's found herself in, especially as she sees toby just falling deeper into it. 'my god, was i oblivious?' when she finally realizes toby will always, always put Slenderman before her. frustrating. 'hell stays hungry for a world so weak' natalie is hungry for a good world, but she thinks everyone is too weak for goodness, meanwhile toby is hungry for power so he can make everyone else seem weak. etc. 'they only want you to bleed' they being slendy, operator, zalgo, etc etc etc... power, being a pawn, fighting, using humans as toys in a battlefield, etc etc.. yeah
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i genuinely think nina is a really good influence on so many of the creeps. like theyre all assholes, traumatized, refuse to believe in the good in the world, etc etc. but nina is traumatized and still kickin. she comes in like ^_^ hello chat. and i think that, while its still important to feel the shitty feelings, it's really grounding to see someone whos just so .. able to be happy. idk. someone who SEEKS joy, rather than expects it to fall into their lap, and blames the world when it doesnt
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this si perfect idk why i forgot about bats for him. gotta get back into this idea
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AHHH OK I WILL DO MORE EVENTUALLY i just wanna say thank yewww i think theyre such a good sibling dynamic. like little brothers and big sisters and both being little assholes to eachother but would die for the other. idk. ugh. important to me.
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actually this sounds really sweet..... thats funny cuz i was JUST talking to a friend about who i would have EJ go endgame with if i had to, but i couldnt settle on anyone. but liu seems like a good fit for ej. i think they'd be super sweet
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AH THANK YOU!!! he reminds me of my little cousins HAHA theyre like 10-14 right now and theyre all cuties.... just playing roblox and being mischievous...
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THIS IS ABOUT THE BLUSHING NAT DRAWING ISNT IT AHAH OMG THANK YOU!!! i think shes so cute. i know she cant handle compliments. she's either deadpanned 'thanks' or just covers her face and says 'shut up' cuz she doesnt know what to do.
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GOOD NEWS THEN ive drawn her a handful of times since u sent this HAHA TYSM
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you sent like... natobina i think... ok tbh kinda slaps
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OK REAL but also when i read it i keep reading it as 'cochina' and i cannot bring myself to name the throuple that </3 HAHA
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i want jeff to ache in his loneliness
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i need to draw connie asap but also THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR THE CAR CONGRATS I REALLY APPRECIATE IT IM SO HAPPY I LOVE MY CAR SO MUCH i gotta go vaccuum her..
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shes such a cat to me. feline. of sorts, if you will
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also good news for you anon, i have also drawn her an ungodly amount of times since youve sent this. LOL
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literally the second that people tell me i made them start to like clocky i am overwhelmed with joy. i feel so much ache when people aren't fond of her bc shes so fucking cool and such a good character and so much fun. so sad that 2015 era creepypasta fandom destroyed her. but im here to fix it...
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incredibly. happy. to do this to u.
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nope! im not too interested in the 2021 nina just cuz i feel like i've seen that character concept many times (not just in jane), BUT if i had to do my own intepretation of her, 2021 nina would be INCREDIBLY immature in like. not a childish way, but an entitled, angry-fueled adult who cannot comprehend anyone else's thoughts/feelings. and thus, would despise OG nina (although within reason, OG nina idolizes the person who killed her family) . but even if there wasnt a good reason to dislike OG nina, she'd be mean. and OG nina would be mad and bitch. and theyd theyd fight. HAHA
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I-IF...???????? ANON?
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bonefall · 2 years
what are the plot beats of bonefall tpb? i know youve mentioned its very politically focused, but what does the story really look like (if youve got that hammered out yet)?
It's very similar to Canon TPB in terms of plot beats, it's the least reworked arc because I think it's the one that needs the least amount of fixing. Even as-is I think it's a really good narrative against isolationism that just has some moderate stumbles (namely the introduction of BloodClan as the endgame enemy)
The majority of its problems come from its treatment of disability and its... terribly written romance. Even ships that should check out in theory like FireSand I think are just... frustrating at best.
So anyway I'll walk you through the changed plot beats off the top of my head. I'll also make some off-brand title changes for fun
Book 1: Into the Clans
Fireheart is aware of BloodClan to begin with and knows about their warnings of Clan Cats
Smudge has actually been seeing Spottedleaf in the darkness of the forest, she looks like an apparition of death because of her leaf-blight spots and bone-shaped markings
To begin with, more time is spent on Firepaw's apprenticeship before deposing Brokenstar
We're introduced to Channeling, which is an illegal way to contact a spirit... if they're willing to come when called. Spottedleaf does this to try and talk to her brother.
Redtail is not helpful because he is a jerk. Fireheart learns to not be afraid of death because of Spottedleaf's blithe attitude towards it
I also plan to establish at some point here that Longtail and Sandpaw's dads are Runningwind and Redtail and have Firepaw realize that the death of Redtail has affected them deeply
He considers this because he does not know what it is like to have a single dad let alone two, but if it's like losing a mom that's rough
Spottedleaf, Lionheart, and Rosetail die in the same raid where the Frostfour are snatched
Fireheart joins that patrol to retrieve the Frostfour from ShadowClan. Bluestar is on it, also.
Deerfoot is established as a rebel and Tangleburr as a Brokentail loyalist.
Deerfoot and many others don't like what Brokenstar has done, but he's a popular leader and they need help getting rid of him
Bluestar agrees to send the reinforcement they need. Tigerclaw is upset about this, citing that Clans aren't supposed to meddle in the affairs of others. They should just take the kits back honorably
An explanation of the ancient tradition of kit-stealing is given to Firepaw, which he is horrified by, but then he tunes back in to Bluestar rebuffing Tigerclaw with the Queen's Rights. He bows his head and agrees.
After Brokenstar is dethroned, Fireheart is named, and uses tarspot-blighted sycamore leaves to channel Spottedleaf for the first of many times.
Book 2: Blood and Water
Fire and Ice is basically unchanged, WindClan is retrieved, Silverstream is introduced, Cinderpaw and Brackenpaw apprenticed (though they are not below 6 moons this time), Brokenstar blinded, Cloudkit acquired, etc, but there's minor changes to motivations of scenes.
For example, the scuffle that gets Whiteclaw killed is an example of the Right of Challenge in action... and also Deadfoot and Leopardfur are equally matched the abelism in this fight bothers me.
Customary Deadfoot bonkening. All of his opponents get bonked once.
Graystripe's utter failure to train Brackenpaw is not forgotten, this is remembered. Fireheart is also asked to fill the role of Brackenpaw's mentor during the Warriorship ceremony later
Cloudkit is raised by Fireheart alone, Brindle just suckles him because Fireheart can't make milk.
Brindleface's kits are swapped! Ashkit is born later; the childhood friends of Cloudtail are Elderberry and Ferncloud.
Book 3: Old Secrets
In general THIS is the book where we would get an actual description of Thistle Law and its name
Fireheart also learns about Bluestar's Forget-Me-Nots, her old group of friends, and he starts to piece things together quicker than in canon.
For newcomers: The Forget-Me-Nots were a friend group of Bluestar, Deadfoot, Ashfoot, Barley Sr, Lizardstripe, and Oakheart. Her love of these people is what causes her to lead the way she does, helping all clans in a way unlike any other leader before her.
Similar to canon this is the book where Silverstream dies, Graystripe leaves, Tigerclaw is exiled, and Brokentail is poisoned. Not much else is different.
Book 4: Rising Fire
Runningnose does a little bit of epidemic. As a treat. Kills Cinderfur and Nightstar and installs Tigerstar
This is the book where Longtail starts to rise up as a close ally of Fireheart, more reliably than his younger sister Sandstorm who has more of her own mind.
The apprenticing of Elderpaw and Fernpaw is changed; Dustpelt is too young to have an apprentice and is rewarded for his loyalty by becoming the secondary apprentice of a Clan builder.
Frostfur gets Elderpaw, Darkstripe gets Fernpaw
Dustfern does not happen while Fernpaw is an apprentice, ick. She admires him one-sidedly while he is a young warrior arguing loudly with her awful mentor, though.
Snowkit is given some extra personality as being serious like his mom, and quite religious.
He is also a friend of Tawny and Bramble.
His death after the forest fire by a hawk is unchanged; and the start of Bluestar's cruelty arc.
We get Littlecloud and Whitethroat's thing, Cloudpaw's abduction, the beginning of Bluestar's cruelty arc, the forest fire, RiverClan sheltering them, and the deaths of Snowkit, Yellowfang, and Runningwind largely unchanged.
Book 5: Paths Chosen
Bluestar's cruelty arc continues
Ashfur is born in this book
Graystripe refuses to let Leopardstar murder Fireheart and is exiled; his kittens remember this
Cloudtail is made a warrior and Swiftpaw and Brightpaw go play with puppies
IMPORTANT: Brightpaw's "Dishonor Title" is SWIFTHOUND, it has nothing to do with her scarring. Her actions got Swiftpaw killed and that is what is dishonorable about this. Scars are a desirable trait in this rewrite.
It's a dare to StarClan; take her as Swifthound or make her live with this name.
Shuffle: Tigerstar lays claim to his kits after Swiftpaw dies, that was his oldest son and he says that ThunderClan is not capable of protecting his children
Shuffle: Sandstorm is the new mentor of Tawnypaw, Brackenfur is too young.
Firestar is aromantic, no confession scenes. These two actually have kittens together later as a form of honor-siring with coparenting.
They do the dog relay race, Elderpaw replaces Ashpaw because Ashkit is literally baby rn
Longtail replaces Graystripe on this race because Longtail's got zoomies and Graystripe's extra thick; NOT a runner.
Bluestar dies
Also as a side note the redux of Bluestar's Prophecy opens up right here, with Lizardstripe playing as her defense lawyer in StarClan and the trial framing the story. Thistleclaw also LEAVES StarClan in that book in protest to Bluestar being allowed in.
Book 6: Hour of Need (but also it would be funny if this one was called Before The Dawn and then TNP opened up with Dawn lmao)
Tigerstar actually offers BloodClan land in exchange for them helping him. This is important.
Fireheart evolves into Firestar like canon
Sorrelkit's poisoning results in her developing epilepsy after this, which will follow her for the rest of her life.
TigerClan officially forms... though I am thinking of pushing this back to the previous book so it's formed for longer.
The Bonehill is actually a really stupid idea in-universe and cats are working themselves to the BONE HHA to finish this incredibly pointless vanity project
I'm thinking a TigerClan rebel actually fetches Raven, Fire, and Gray to get them to help save the prisoners. Unsure who; maybe Primrosepaw or Reedpaw.
Execution of Stonefur like canon
There are several TigerClan rebels, one of which is Deerfoot, who help the Halfclans escape. Jaggedtooth is another, Primrosepaw, Reedpaw, Pikepaw, and Mosspelt as well.
In escaping, the only cat captured is Deerfoot
He refuses to rat out the other rebels, saving their lives, and is executed for it
Tangleburr is distraught
Later, WindClan is attacked and Gorsepaw dies.
Laterer Tigerstar gets unzipped by Scourge
Firestar calls to speak to Scourge, to ask what it is he really wants
He essentially learns that Scourge is sick of the dishonor of Clan cats, he was promised forest and he will have it. Diplomacy breaks down and the battle must happen
When Firestar and Scourge fight, Firestar dies once, revives, and beats him by ripping the collar off, but sparing his life.
"A true warrior does not need to kill to win their battles"
Scourge calls for a retreat
The Clans Win; but a lot of cats died on both sides
Longtail, not Graystripe, becomes deputy
Epilogue is ThunderClan, WindClan, and occasionally ShadowClan (but they're difficult) engaging in diplomacy with BloodClan, including trade and foraging rights.
Aaaaaaaand there you have it! Bonefall TPB summarized. If something wasn't mentioned here (like Tawny defecting) you can assume it happened in the book in a similar way.
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bridge-demon · 1 year
3 and 4 for the hc ask board?
for the SOUL EATER ASK BOARD. (p.s. tysm holly for making this it was such a good idea)
3. A romantic headcannon about your favorite SE ship! Ex : Domestic shenanigans or, even what struggles they might have becoming a couple.
so if youve been around on my blog long, its probably p obvious that deathstar / kidstar is my fav SE ship gjsjflsj i just have. so many feelings about it,,,,,, like they are foils for one another. they hold so much respect for each other (kid sees blackstar's drive and determination and feels inspired by his passion, while blackstar recognizes kid being a god and appreciates his powers and abilities) and while i agree to some extent that they would have a "you idiot" "but im your idiot" type of relationship, i dont think kid would be quite as annoyed / irritated with him as some people portray them. there would absolutely be things about blackstar that gets under kid's skin, but it would be a lot more silly or trivial than people believe. and blackstar is a lot more compassionate and thoughtful than people realize i think, too; if he thought he was genuinely upsetting kid (or anyone really) i think he'd chill.
there are times when he goes too far (like while he was arguing with maka when they were trying to resonate souls) but he's more perceptive than ppl give him credit for imo. uhm but as for struggles when becoming a couple, ive seen a lot of different takes on this and i like p much all of them and i think it could go a number of ways, but i really like the idea of blackstar being adamant to make it work and kid having deep reservations (being immortal while blackstar will age, all of kid's responsibilities, feeling that blackstar could and should be with someone else, etc.) but blackstar would be like "kid. you like me, and i like you. isn't that enough?" for domestic cuteness, i love the idea of kid showing off (intentionally or not, be it fighting, training, skateboarding, playing music, or surprising star with a random skill he has from being lord death's son and growing up virtually alone as a demigod) and blackstar hanging slack jawed in awe and going from "i have to kill this guy he's too cool" to "im blushing so hard i have to kiss him right now only the most awesome dude can date the biggest star". they are both enraptured by the other and soulmates and in love and and and i rambled a lot but i could ramble more they make me so normal.
4. Offer a hobby-related headcannon for any character.
y'all already know how feral i am over dtk so this goes out to him, too. i think this boy can also play the piano (something he and soul have bonded over) and he can also waltz and slow dance. his father had him taught at a young age since he’s probably attended galas and such (once yk ppl were allowed to know he existed or w/e). in terms of music, soul can play just abt anything; brass instruments, the clarinet, guitar. i think blackstar would kill on the drums. maka can play the guitar too, i think. tsubaki can play the flute.
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
people are so weird about dewdrop so often, like it’s fine to make him like femme stuff and yeah he’s small but so many are like MY UWU BOY SO SOFT like let him live bro!! he’s messy and weird and neurotic and mean! it esp makes me upset when people do that and then hc him as trans, because it feels really obvious that they’re still stuck in the “all trans men are soft bois” phase. there’s a lot of really good dew forcedfem and dew trans stuff, but I feel like if you’re ONLY writing dew like that, maybe you should re-examine why you automatically hc the short, long haired guy as the feminine and trans one. anyways sorry for the rant, ghouls are genderfuck anyways, trans princess mountain supremacy
i know there was a post circulating about this topic a little while ago. and i know there were some good takes and some . . . not so good takes lmao.
there is definitely a boundary between sexualization and appreciation. some people dont know that line. and, like youve mentioned, some people have biases and stereotypes about thin androgynous trans men that dont ever really . . . expand beyond that point. youre absolutely right that if that is seriously the only way you write 'trans dew' (i say this in quotes really bc i think ghouls have a different idea about gender as a whole, but this conversation, like fat female characters, tends to go beyond just ghost when we have it) then i think taking a step back and asking why that is, is important.
like i mentioned earlier, while its okay to have aspects about your characters that are stereotypical, they have to be balanced and incorporated into things that go beyond sexual actions/identity. or what a person is to other people. bc ive read some totally hot, totally well-rounded stuff with forcefem trans bottom dew, like you said. but it can def get repetitive (and a lil sus) if thats literally all someone writes.
bc big, strong ghouls can have cunts too. tiny feminine ghoulettes can have dicks. these are opposite ends of the spectrum kind of examples, but you get the idea. and again, thats not to say 'oh well if people are saying only this kind of trans ghoul gets written, then i need to go the complete opposite direction and write them the other way!' cause like. gender has nuances and has nothing to do with personality, you feel? can the way you express your gender have to do with personality? yes. but yeah, they dont dictate each other.
and, as a cis person, my advice about trans ghouls in general is you should know the hard lines not to write. and you shouldnt act like you know everything. especially when it comes to transitioning, hormones, surgeries, etc. i hope i dont come across that way, and its why i dont ever explore those aspects in my writing. i dont have the experience (and again, i think it works differently as ghouls but i digress)
BUT. everyone has different experiences regardless of body type and whatever junk you got. thus, everyone can feel differently about the way a trans character is portrayed. some people are like 'hell no i dont want to read about any P in V sex' and others are like 'literally give me every dick in the vicinity'. you know? theres a lot of fluidity (hah) to explore, and i dont think one should be discouraged in writing 'trans' ghouls even if they're cis. take valid criticisms when necessary and needed, but like. they're hellbeasts. they arent human anyway haha. i would like more monster aspects, personally (tentacles anyone?)
and yes, i support the trans princess mountain agenda, please continue to spread it hahaha
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zxal · 9 months
howww about a 🔥 for your fav character from each yugioh series youve watched! >:3c
🔥 bakura - people tend to like, woobify him & treat him like he's totally helpless and has no agency or say in what happens to him, and it's not even a ""wrong"" interpretation necessarily i just think it's so........BORING. I reread the manga recently and so many times bakura CHOOSES to put the ring back on even when he doesn't have to and he lies about it and he gets upset and hurt when the others keep it from him. but even after 20 years no one is ready to hear the "more complex than a generic anime sadboy" bakura takes seemingly
🔥 yubel - i'm late enough to the party that there seems to be pretty widespread acceptance of yubel's transgenderism but i still Only ever see people using she/her or they/them. which is like, fine, but why not try something else?? I'm on the no pronouns/name-only bus myself but would also be partial to he/she (yubel is visually half-male half-female, practically split down the middle. bigender king) & even the dub uses he/she/it depending on who yubel is possessing at the time. Throw some neopronouns in there for good measure. Mix it up a little
🔥 kalin - not sure how unpopular this opinion is but i'm sorry this man should NOT be a single father. he's 21 he's suicidal he doesnt know how to fucking cook. king you should not base your entire desire to live on two kids who are realistically only a year or two from screaming "i hate you" at you when you tell them theyre grounded
🔥 vector - i'm not sure ive seen too many vector takes I disagree with actually. usually with a character like this I expect to see people making him regret what he did, apologize for it (blergh) etc. but I've actually seen like, none of that. So shoutout to zexal for being so fucking well written that ppl aren't even mischaracterizing your villain all that much (that I've seen as a latecomer)
🔥 yuri - any take about yuri being misunderstood because he was groomed/manipulated into being evil is really really boring to me. also anyone who looks at yuri like "we need to make him get therapy so he can be Normal" i'm blowing up with my mind. he would not fucking benefit from therapy sorry. he might enjoy fucking with the therapist for a few weeks but then it would get old. ALSO ALSO I'm not a huge fan of the take that yuri and celina would be friends (or more) if circumstances were different. like I think they just dont like each other and that's Fine - the idea that all of the girls need to have the same kind of relationship with their boys as each other does a disservice to each of them as individuals with their own identity imo. THIS ONE GOT LONG SORRY. THINKING MUCH ABOUT HIM.
🔥 jin - much like bakura jin is a character who gets treated quite like shit by canon and fandom alike. given that he has like 2 lines of spoken dialogue there's a lot of room for interpretation, but i feel like most of the (very very scant) jin interpretations I've seen depict him as sort of clueless and naive and vapid, and that is, again, very very boring to me. i think people want him to be ""okay"" because of what he went through but it comes at the cost of absolutely any interesting characterization or meaningful relationships with other characters
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softk1111tty · 2 months
angel or kitty or cherry // 2001 // he + it
if you are a sfw blog/under 18 do not reblog my posts. if you want to reblog my plushie transparents, id much rather you just save the image and repost it with the source link yourself. its not like i own the images anyway, i just take them from the sellers website and make them transparent. just make sure you add the source 🙏 <3
if you do not like my posts, want to interact with me, or do not want me to interact with you thats perfectly fine! i have no desire to enter spaces i am not wanted, thus the banner warning anyone unsuspecting what kind of blog this is.
if i interact with anyone who does not want nsfw interaction it was 100% an accident, and i try to check each blog i reblog from for a dni. if i miss something i wont be offended by anyone blocking me or whatever. keep yourself safe, i just ask not to be harassed for attempting to curate my own personal, safe, place.
Tumblr media
with all that out of the way, heres more about the kitty (thats me !) under the cut ⬇️
this is a side blog for soft things and hard(er) kinks. everything thats too fucked up or embarassing to go on main. think of it like a sub-subspace. absolutely no minors.
soft kitty working on my resume to be a fulltime basement pet. thinks about being cannibalized often. fantasizes about being microchipped. wants to be pampered, more than willing to settle for torture. gods specialest most manipulatable boy. extremely clippable wings. deeply traumatized, full of daddy issues. 100% grade a raw meat. dumb whore. daddys pretty boy. made up of dollparts. toy in need of repairs. fuzzy bedside plush. full of cotton stuffing and gore. fragile, handle with care. Or dont. etc, i <3 my daddy, my owner, my everything, unconditionally and entirely💖
i age regress. i have extreme, intense, and frequent mood swings. i struggle with an eating disorder. i self harm. i have extensive childhood sexual abuse trauma. and, not that the reason really makes a difference, but i sexualize all of these things as a coping mechanism i suppose. i do not care if you think its healthy or not, because i do not have access to healthier coping mechanisms at the moment and im trying to do damage control for myself while upsetting as few people as possible. if this bothers you please leave.
my favorite colors are cherry red, dusty baby pink, and peach. i love my stuffies and soft blankets and chew toys. i collect palm pals! my favorite scents are fresh laundry, eucalyptus, lavender, and beachy coconut-y smells. my current sleeping buddies are stella sheep from aurora and the triceratops warmie! <3
no trigger tags or dni here. expect to see rape kink, dad/son/ddlb/fauxcest, intox, corruption, kidnapping, captivity, food control, emeto, some blood stuff, medfet, knife/gun play, impact/breath/burn play, marking/branding, romanticization of emotional AND physical abuse, etc.
i will never post/reblog pictures of irl dead bodies; when i reblog anything that constitutes as "gore", i try to make sure it is either 1) fake or 2) part of consensual kink. i am not a fan of snuff/death, and i have "irl gore" blacklisted.
if youve read this far id appreciate it if you liked the post but its not required or anything
for a more exhaustive list of what im into check my main @ch333rryboy <- i post pics here too
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➵ 👑 (for my daddy)
➵ soft
➵ sweet
➵ sick
➵ hard
➵ sharp
➵ fragile
➵ holy
➵ home
➵ diary posting (for concepts and personal posts and such)
➵ wishlist posting (transparents/pngs with links to item)
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juni-ravenhall · 1 year
i rly think that ppl who feel a strong need to go "us versus them" in the sso criticism discourse need to just, take a deep breath and look within. there is so much black and white mindset always going on here, and so much bad ppl vs good ppl. its always been lacking in nuance and individuality and its frustrating.
there *are* ppl in the fandom who say really dumb shit, like fatphobic shit, sexist or racist shit, ableist shit.... but not everyone who criticises sso fairly and positively does any of that. not everyone who criticises sso annoyedly does any of that. not everyone who absolutely fucking hates sso does any of that.
there are equally ppl who genuinely are defending the most dumb shit from sse/sso just to be a defender and supporter without reason..... but not everyone who says something positive about the game does that. not everyone who loves the game does that. etc.
its not good and not okay to take out frustrations on people who dont actually do anything wrong or harmful (giving regular criticism, expressing personal opinions, giving fair praise - vs attacking staff, attacking other users for their opinion, posting harmful things, etc).
when you do that, you're blaming an innocent person for a perceived wrong from a "group" (like "haters" or "whiners" or "ppl who ruin my fun") that you have defined, that you associate "anyone who criticises things i disagree with" or whatever instead of "ppl who genuinely and provenly did something harmful". anyone who *seems* like they might be in that group annoys you, even if they arent.
consider why you think its okay to label people as invalid or unfair or unreasonable in their opinions if they have a different opinion than you but arent hurting anyone. (if you feel hurt by commercial media criticism, especially when its not even *your* product/work, there is a problem on your end that you should address.)
consider why you think its okay to say words like "ungrateful" about people who are simply voicing fair criticism or fair opinions about a videogame. i could call ppl ungrateful for not liking all my posts that i put so much work into making, but that would be really rude and ridiculous. its not kind and not nice to say things like that about ppl when they havent actually done anything wrong (criticising a videogame doesnt make someone "ungrateful", and posting harmless opinions on your own blog is not a problem).
the "us vs them" group system in sso fandom is usually along these lines: haters vs non-haters, haters vs defenders/whiteknights, or "any other critics" vs "those who see themselves as the only Good and Fair and Nice critics"... all of these are more or less the same groups just slight variation in the person's point of view. and all of them are bad, because these groups are not actually rigid and applicable in reality. people are individual and people are nuanced.
some of you guys post what i consider kinda unfair comments on sso sometimes. it could be good or bad comments, that i personally consider a bit too subjective or unfair or unrealistic or whatever. but i dont post rude, disrespectful or mean things about that on my blog, and i try to not act as if you belong to some group that youve never claimed to belong to (encouraging the "us vs them" mentality in the community).
if i *am* going to say "sso defenders" or "sso haters", i would be making sure to actually be talking to/about ppl who evidently belong to that label. ppl who defend sse even when it makes no sense, not just ppl who praise good things about the game. ppl who actually *hate* on the game, not just ppl who say something critical about it.
and you end up in those boring repetitive healthy-community-ruining social patterns when you give in to "us vs them" and to black-and-white, polarised, mindsets, when you dont actively see things as nuanced and varied and individual.
i really wish that ppl would step back and think, "this opinion / this criticism about sso made me feel annoyed/upset. why is that? what about it made me feel bad? am i taking something personally that isnt? did this person actually say anything harmful or wrong, or is it fair personal opinion? did they *actually* shove it in my face, or am i visiting a public space that is not curated only for me? am i painting this person as something they might not be in my mind? am i trying to sort them into a group, and if so, why?"
someone from the bullies will have a field day with this post and be like "omg juni is saying that ppl who disagree with him are mentally ill again!" (twisting words is helpful when you really want to make things black-and-white and "us vs them") but i do genuinely want to say that if you feel really hurt and upset by ppl having harmless disagreements or harmless criticisms about a videogame, there is a problem. it might have to do with your emotional boundaries ("criticism feels bad even when its not about me"), it might have to do with your self-worth ("you say sso is bad so you think im bad for liking it"), or various other things, and its not healthy. however, its also okay to feel unfair emotional reactions if you cant help them, but the problem is, you CAN help how you act, how you judge, and how you treat other people.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years
hello! ive been wondering, how did you come across your transX beliefs? as in, thought processes, questions you had, how to reserve judgment, etc!
i aspire to have more critical thinking about topics that arent socially accepted (yet) and youve shown a lot of it, this being just one of the instances.
I think it just helps to just have a relatively firm moral philosophy. What that philosophy is can be up to you. But it needs to be consistent, and you need to be willing to stand by it, but also adjust and re-evaluate it as needed.
You also need to be able to separate a personal sense of "this seems weird and I don't like it" from "this is morally wrong."
On the TransX community, some of it seems strange. But what I come back to is that it can't just be about whether something feels wrong. Is has to be "is this immoral by my own principles?"
And this is important because throughout history, there have always been things that were unpopular or seen as gross at the time which, when we look back, were clearly the result of prejudice rather than any sort of rationality.
So my first question is if harm is intended by an action. Are people identifying as this in good faith or are they pretending to hurt people? And from what I've seen, the community is genuine.
My second question is what harm is being done, and is it acceptable?
And I realize that "acceptable harm" is immediately a worrying concept, but it's something we need to talk about and be not scared to address. Because there are many cases where an action is going to cause harm, and it's acceptable.
We are regularly put in situations where we have to put ourselves and our own interests above those of others. You could argue that many LGBT people who have come out to conservative and bigoted family members have "harmed" them emotionally. They chose to take an action that indirectly resulted in someone else experiencing emotional pain.
And that's okay. I think everyone would agree that putting yourself and your happiness above others in this instance is not only acceptable but encouraged.
What this boils down to for me is that you aren't responsible for adjusting your identity to please others. You aren't responsible for their hate.
When it comes to the transX community, a lot of the arguments for how they're supposedly harmful aren't actually about actual damage they're doing. It's about the transX community being upsetting to people who dislike them.
And while I believe that it's completely valid for someone who grew up dealing with racism or ableism and being attacked for these things feeling like someone not born into that is taking something from them with their identity... this is also the TERF argument. TERFs see being a woman as inherently tied to how you're born, and believe that people transitioning to women inherently devalues the sexism they've had to deal with.
No one would say, though, that it's immoral to transition because it might cause emotional damage to TERFs.
Ultimately, what it comes down to for me is that I haven't seen true evidence of these communities causing real harm, and I don't think I could oppose many of the transX identities while maintaining my own moral consistency.
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