#yup watching some tiktoks
medeas-chariot · 1 year
That video of Alex Turner saying "and to all those fellas out there that were just too cool to wave their arms in the 'Pretty Visitors' chorus, this one is for your girlfriend.... LADIEEEEEEES" lives in my mind rent free 🤌🏼
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ladyshinga · 6 months
My 2024 goal: there is no such thing as "content" anymore
Social media squished EVERY human act of creativity, fun, and humanity into just "content"
Some one makes a song? It's just Content
Some one spent hours on a painting? Content
Some one spent weeks researching for a video essay? You got it, it's more Content
Article? Who cares what it's about, it's Content
Social media doesn't want you to STOP and TAKE YOUR TIME to truly absorb this information, this art, this humanity. It wants you scrolling and scrolling and scrolling and scrolling, for hours, never spending longer than two seconds looking at the stuff your friends say and post. Why would you? There's too much Content and you want to passively take it in without actually thinking about it, just Enjoying the Entertainment
But why?
What's the point of a video essay if not to sit in silence afterwards for a bit in thought? If not to save and re-watch it later and check out their resources and dive into the topic that interested you enough to watch?
What's the point of enjoying a piece of art some one spent two weeks on only to glance at it for two seconds, give one quick Like, and move on and never think about it again?
What's the point of hearing one song one time and never once thinking about its lyrics, the artist behind it, nothing?
Social media drains you of the EXACT human connection it promised you. It insists on flattening human expression to just "content" for us to mindlessly consume.
But y'all, I'm fucking bored.
And this problem is a huge reason why misinformation and machine-generated images are so popular.
It's easy to fall for fake facts when you never really read the article or check the references in a video essay or tiktok
It's easy to fall for machine-generated art when you only spend two seconds to notice "yup those are indeed anime tiddies" without noticing the eyes are melting into the hair and the background makes no sense. Why would you bother looking? You just want Content, and content is QUICK. It's EASY. it's FAST. It's EVERYWHERE and there's always NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW
Stop. Take your TIME. You don't need to scroll to see everything, you don't need to be pressured by an algorithm to never slow down and focus on one topic/art piece/whatever at a time. Remember the ENTIRE POINT of all of this: HUMANITY. We connect our basic human selves through art and expression, and social media told you that ALL OF THAT is just… for consumption, for purchase. No wonder no one cares about artists' life work being thrown into a machine's meat grinder to make some tech guys rich… to you, none of that is art. It's content… just made to be consumed
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bet-on-me-13 · 7 months
Danny is The Doctor (Dr Who)
So! I've been on a Dr Who High for a little while now, and I thought this idea up.
Danny, as the apprentice to Clockwork, has the ability to traverse Time, and his can use his own Powers to traverse Space.
(He is not at the same level of Time Manipulation as Clockwork, but he is still very good at it. Less of a Time Master, and more of a Time Lord if you will)
So, after his family dies and he is left alone for his Immortal Life, he gets bored. Taking a Cue from Ellie and her whole Exploration Obsession, while also indulging in his own Space Obsession, Danny decides to explore Space and Time to his heart's content. (Maybe Ellie is his Companion?)
He travels the Universe, visiting different planets, witnessing historical events, and sometimes even Helping wherever he can. He is still a Protector Spirit after all.
He doesn't use his powers much these days, in fact he has mostly locked them away in favor of using his own custom built Inventions to get any task done. He is the son of Mad Scientists after all, and he likes to Own It.
Danny becomes known across the Universe in the same way that the Doctor is. To some he is a Savior, a Healer, a Wiseman. To others he is a Demon, a Trickster, a Warrior.
Danny becomes the Boogeyman of the Universe, so it's no surprise that one day someone tries to contain him, to keep him Locked Up so he can never interfere with the Universe again. To do so, they build a Device named, The Pandorica.
(Yup, I'm using that little thing in this)
Danny is trapped within the Pandorica, mulling over the Irony of being trapped by a Device named after one of his friends, for Eons. He is completely and utterly trapped.
Sealed Away, waiting for the day when someone will set him free.
Now imagine this.
The JLA has just confiscated an extremely Old and Extremely Magical Box from an Alien Cult, who were proclaiming that they would use the Pandorica Warrior to fell their greatest foe.
They call in Constantine to explain what it is, and just imagine the Doctors description of the Pandorica Scene coming him him.
"This is the Pandorica, an Ancient Magical Prison designed to hold the worst of all bad guys." Started Constantine.
"Why was it made?" Asked Superman.
"There was a Goblin, or a Trickster. Or a Warrior." Constantine explained as he paced a circle around the Box in front of them, "A nameless, terrible thing. Soaked in the blood of a Billion Galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos."
He took a closer look at the box and Continued. "And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world."
He paused and took a deep breath, "Or at least that's how the Story goes, probably why those cultists wanted it so bad. The greatest Warrior in existence on their side? It would be an instant win button."
"Is it possible to open it?" Asked Batman.
"Easily, anybody can break into a Prison. I just want to know what we'll find first."
Zatanna interrupted, "Won't need to wait long, it's already opening. Layers and Layers of Magical Barriers are dispersing as we speak. That Cult knew what they were doing, it's going to open soon. Very soon."
The Box in front of them shuddered a little, and they tensed. They waited for a few moments to see if it would do anything, but eventually they realized it was probably just a side effect of the barriers falling.
"How soon can we expect it to open?" Asked Batman, still tense.
Constantine replied this time, "From what I can tell, maybe 2 hours at most. So you have that much time to prepare to meet the Universes most feared Individual."
Just thought of this while I was binging Dr Who videos on Tiktok and thought, "this would be cool as a dpxdc idea"
Here is the Video that inspired me, give it a watch
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Hello helloo! I've a request but I hope it doesn't sound weird.. There is such a tradition in Turkey, maybe you know, or heard about it. Women add salt to their fiances coffee to show that marriage is not always sweet (during their unofficial engagement ceremony among their family and friends, Turkish coffee is served to everyone). Soo, I was thinking about it, what would ghost/könig/soap do if their s/o did it to them? Like their s/o sees a video about it and decides to try. I think that would be funny ehehe
Hi!! It's not weird at all! This one was a fun one to write. Hope this is what you were looking for!🙃❤️
Warnings: swearing
Ghost/Soap/König's Reaction to Reader Pouring Salt in Their Coffee
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Simon "Ghost" Riley-
You and Simon had been together for years before he'd popped the question. In the years you'd been together, you'd never once pranked him.
Scrolling through your phone one day, you came across a video of a Turkish tradition where the bride puts salt in her groom's coffee, and he has to show no indication that he didn't enjoy it. You knew at that moment you wanted to try it on Simon.
He'd just gotten home from running some errands, so you decided to make him a coffee to "help him decompress".
He smiled warmly at you, and graciously accepted the coffee. "Thanks, love."
You bit your lip to hide a smile, and simply nodded your head. You watched his face scrunch up in disgust as he took a sip of the coffee.
"Bloody hell, what's in this?"
You faked a sad expression. "What do you mean? It's just coffee."
Simon took in your expression, and a frown formed on his face. "Love I- I meant no offense it's just. It's salty?"
Unable to hold up the facade any longer, you busted out laughing.
Simon was beyond confused at what was going on. "Babe?"
"I watched a video the other day, it's a Turkish tradition that the bride puts salt in her groom's coffee, and he has to not make a face. I thought it would be funny to try." You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing further. "Your reaction was priceless."
"Glad you found it amusing, love. Now come try a sip of this shite yourself." He held the cup up to you for you to try. "Let's see how you react."
"Nope, not gonna happen." You said backing away from the mug.
"Get over here, babe." He moved closer to you as you proceeded to move away from.
What ensued was Simon trying to catch you and force you to drink your concoction.
Much to your dismay, Simon was a lot faster than you.
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You'd seen the videos circling TikTok of the Turkish coffee tradition. You found the videos hilarious as you watched the different groom's reactions.
The more you watched them, the more you knew you wanted to try this out on your fiance König.
You'd gotten everything set, it was early morning and you knew König would be down any moment for his usual cup of coffee. You'd made the coffee just the way he liked, the only difference was, you'd poured about a tablespoon of salt in the cup.
König came downstairs with a radiant smile on his face. He saw you holding out a cup of coffee to him, and his eyes lit up. "Good morning Schat. That for me?"
"Morning! Yup, all for you. Made it myself." You were desperately trying not to laugh, as you didn't want to give anything away. "Just the way you like."
"Thank you, my love." He nodded at you before taking a sip from the cup.
You watched as he processed the taste. His nose scrunching slightly, as he turned his back to you.
"This. This is very good dear. Thank you." You could hear him struggling to get the words out, before a coughing fit consumed him.
He turned to you and mustered the best smile he could. "Tastes a bit different. But it's. It's good. Yes."
He moved to take another sip, clearly pretending to enjoy the coffee for your sake so as not to hurt your feelings.
"Kö, baby you don't have to drink it, it's okay." You giggled.
"No love you made it. I shall drink it." You could see that he was doing his best not to gag.
"Baby, it was a joke. I saw a video on tik tok that it's a Turkish tradition to put salt in the groom's coffee to test his reaction. It's evidently a way of saying marriage won't always be sweet."
König visibly relaxed at this, clearly happy he didn't have to continue to drink the coffee. "I hope I have responded well, Schatz. That was not sweet at all. Frankly that was utter shit."
You cackled at his reply and moved to wrap yourself against his torso. "God, I love you, I can't wait to marry you Kö."
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish-
The two of you had actually both seen the tik tok, on your own. The minute you'd seen the video, you knew you wanted to try it on Johnny.
You both were in your kitchen, getting ready for your day, when you approached each other, drinks in hand.
"Aye, bug I made you tea. Two creams with extra sugar." He said with a shit eating grin.
"Oh. Well. I made you a coffee. Great minds think alike, huh?" You asked sheepishly, handing the coffee to him.
"What's the occasion?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Just seemed tired, wanted to make you a cup?" You took the tea from him, and studied it closely. In all your years together, he'd never once made you a cup of tea.
"Well thank ye." Soap smiled at you, and moved to take a sip. You watched as his eyes widened, and he immediately spit out the coffee.
"The fuck? You did not." He was laughing hysterically.
You smiled to yourself, before taking a sip of the tea he made you, only to be met with the worst tasting liquid you'd ever experienced. "Good grief Johnny, what the hell is this?" You scrunched your face up in disgust.
"Seems we both had the same idea." He winked, a wicked grin forming on his face.
"Oh my God, did you watch the same video? The Turkish salt in coffee tradition?"
"That I did love. Looks like I'm gonna be the best husband ever."
"Your reaction was terrible! That proves nothing!"
"My dear, you should know, marriage won't always be this sweet." He sauntered up to you, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. "Your lips, uh, taste a little salty, dear."
"Screw you, MacTavish."
A/N: hope you enjoyed!! Thanks for reading🙃❤️
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joeys-babe · 6 months
Joey B Blurbs: More Than A Woman
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Summary: You’re back with more antics and poor Joe is on the receiving end of yet another Tiktok trend. This time it's asking him to name a random woman’s name out of nowhere to see what he'll say…
Warnings: slight angst, unserious/funny
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
*No specific date for this fic!*
(y/n’s pov)
Joe and I were sitting on the couch watching The Office while we waited for Ja’marr, TB, and Tee to arrive for dinner.
I knew Joe would tone down the coupley stuff when “his boys” arrived, so I was currently savoring the feel of my boyfriend's body against mine.
When I walked into the living room earlier to find him comfy on the couch, I immediately crawled on top of him and laid my head on his chest.
Joe grabbed a blanket and put it on top of us before he slipped his hand under my sweatshirt to rub my back.
Now and then he'd kiss my head or comment on something in the show since the episode currently playing was quite the doozy.
If you know anything about The Office… you probably feel some type of way about the words “Casual Day”.
The episode was messy nonetheless and pretty unforgettable. We had seen it so many times but it still made Joe laugh so many different times.
Since we had seen it so many times, I was increasingly getting bored.
Time to do a little trend with Joe.
I went through my mental folder of different things I could do with him without getting up from my comfortable place in his arms. That's when the idea hit me.
“Hey, baby.” - you
“Mhm?” - Joe
“Name a woman.” - you
“Name a woman?” - Joe
“Yup.” - you
What’s he going to say? I thought.
“Uhm… I don't know, uh… Meredith.” - Joe
“Meredith?” - you busted out laughing
“Yeah.” - Joe nodded
“Like the one in the show? The one’s who's boobies you just saw? Jeez, now I know where your mind is at…” - you
“What?! It's not like that, she was just the first woman that popped into my head. They were blurred out too! I don't need to see some rando’s boobs when I can see yours anytime I want! I swear I wasn't being creepy…” - Joe
The entire time he was seriously trying to defend himself, I was holding in my laugh. I was just teasing him but I'm guessing he didn't pick up on that.
“Joe, I was just playing around.” - you laughed
“Good. I thought you were being for real for a second and I was worried I was going to be put on the couch tonight.” - Joe chuckled
Mmm, Imma mess with him.
“Who said you aren't being put on the couch tonight? I'm kinda disappointed you didn't name… I don't know… me!” - you
“Aye! That's not fair, you don't count.” - Joe
“Joe, why wouldn't I count? I'm a woman, aren't I? That was the criteria.” - you
“You’re more than just a woman though… you're my gorgeous, smart, sexy, kind, and amazing girlfriend.” - Joe smiled
Joe leaned forward to press his lips onto mine in a sweet and thorough kiss, but when he pulled away with a sly smirk on his face I decided he wasn't getting away with it that easy.
“Stop trying to butter me up, boy. You're still sleeping on the couch.” - you grinned
“Damn it!” - Joe grumbled
I giggled as I spread kisses all over his cheeks before finally planting one on his lips.
“I'm just kidding.” - you
Joe opened his mouth to talk but the sound of the doorbell cut him off.
“The guys are here.” - you went to crawl off of Joe but he stopped you
“Come in!” - Joe
The front door opened and in walked the wide receiver trio. I gave Joe a skeptical look but he just kissed my cheek and pushed my head back onto his chest.
He was really not trying to sleep on the couch tonight.
Authors note: kind of a niche blurb… iykyk.
Request for this fix;
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Hope you enjoyed! 💕
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
I hope you’re having a good day! I wanted to request a fic with Jimmy (or jey, I love them both) where the mc is a bridesmaid at their sister’s wedding and she meets one of the groomsmen (Jimmy) and they start to really like each other. The sister warns mc that Jimmy is a playboy but things start to heat up quick between the two anyway! You can add or take away any aspects, have fun with it. Thanks, I love your writing!
The Bridesmaid - Jimmy Uso x OC
thank you @summerssoldierxx for the request. Sorry it took so long to get out. Hope you like it! 🫶🏽
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Main Masterlist
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“I thought it was against the rules to look better than the bride.” Summer Cooper rolled her eyes and let out a sigh as she turned to face her newly brother-in-law’s best friend. Jimmy or Jonathan - she was very confused about the two names - had been flirting with her since they met at the rehearsal dinner last night. And she was flirting back, heavy until her sister pulled her to the side. 
“Do not get involved with Jonathan Fatu okay.” Her sister Vanessa said. “He ain’t nothing but trouble and I won’t allow you to become another notch on his bedpost.” Summerhad never seen Vanessa look so serious before so she left Jimmy/Jon alone and ignored him the rest of the night. She was doing a good job at ignoring him during the wedding too, even though they walked down the aisle together. 
“Damn you ignoring me? I thought we hit it off?” Jon broke her out of her thoughts. 
“Listen.” Summer trailed off. “I’ve been told about you and your little games and I will not be another one of your victims.” She crossed her arms over her chest.  Summer furrowed her eyebrows because Jon actually looked hurt and shocked at what she said. 
“Oh ight. Shoot, my bad.” He said rubbing his hands together before walking away from her. She bit her lip as she watched him walk away from her. She quickly pushed him out of her mind and went over to her sister. 
“I seen you talking to Jon.” Summer rolled her eyes. 
“Yup. Told him to leave alone. Happy?”  Vanessa smiled and placed her hand on Brittany’s shoulder. 
“I’m only looking out for you.I don’t want to see my baby sister hurt.” Summer rolled her eyes and nodded her head. 
“I understand. You just looking out for me.” Summer forced a smile on her face. “Now go dance with you husband.” 
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Summer laughed as she watched her nephew do his best TikTok dances on the dance floor. She picked up her champagne flute and took a sip as she looked around the banquet hall, the bitter feeling was back in her stomach as she watched all of the happy couples but once she looked at her sister and her brother - in -law she had a small smile on her face. That was what Summer wanted, someone who loved her unconditionally. And it seemed like every time she thought she found the one they wound up being complete jackasses who weren’t worthy of her time. 
“Who is that man and why does he keep staring at you?”  Summer furrowed her eyebrows as she looked in the direction her mother was looking and felt her heart stutter in her chest as her eyes met Jon’s. 
“One of Dontae’s friends.” Summer replied as nonchalantly as she could. She arched her eyebrow as Jon pushed himself off the wall and started making his way towards her table. 
“Hi i’m Jon” He said walking up to her mom and holding his hand out and Summer’s mom shook his hand. 
“Oh, you’re Jon.” Her mom said, causing Summer and Jon to furrow their eyebrows. Jon looked at Summer who held her hand up and shook her head. “I’ve heard some things about you.”
“Apparently, everybody has.” He said, his eyes still on Summer who rolled her eyes and picked up her champagne flute, taking another sip. 
“You wanna dance with me?”  He asked Summer and before she could turn him down, her mother spoke for her. 
“She would love to.” Summer shot her mom a look. “Summer Renee, don’t look at me like that. You might be thirty but I'm ya momma and will still whoop ya ass.” Summer shot Jon a glare as he tried to hide his laughter behind his hand.  She rolled her eyes , stood from her seat and walked away from Jon and her mother towards the dance floor.
She let out a huff as the DJ started playing a softer, slower song. Jon smirked and pulled her closer to him, taking her arms and wrapping them around his neck before wrapping his own arms around her waist.  
“So, what did you mean by you didn’t want to be another one of my victims.” Jon stated, getting straight to the point and instead of answering right away, Summer let her eyes wander around the room and stilled as they landed on her sister who was watching her and Jon dance. Summer shook her head and cleared her throat. 
“I’ve just heard some things about you and.” She paused and shrugged, “Listen, I like you and I’m not tryna get my feelings hurt. Okay..” She said averting her eyes from his.
Jon scoffed. “What makes you think I was going to hurt you? Like I told you earlier, I thought we really hit it off yesterday. I’ve told you some shit I aint even told my twin brother.” 
“Really?” She asked shocked and Jon nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’m not a liar, Summer.” She bit her lip and cut her eyes back over to her sister who was still watching them. Jon followed her eyesight and cracked a smile. 
“Ohh, your sister is the one who was talking shit.”  He let out a laugh. “Big sis  looking out for lil sis, I get it now. What did she tell you?” Summer shrugged and mumbled, 
“That you a playboy and that she wasn’t gonna let me become another notch on your headboard or something like that.” Jon bit the inside of  his cheek and nodded. 
“Wow. Aight, imma be completely honest with you right now.” He started and stopped dancing , so the two of them were now standing still while everyone else around them continued to dance. “I was married and got divorced about two years ago.  And in those two years, I’ve had sex with one person.” 
When Summer just arched her eyebrow in response, Jon sighed. “I told you I'm not a liar, Summer. I told you yesterday that I really liked talking to you. I ain’t try nothing with you, did I?” She shook her head. “Exactly, If I was a playboy wouldn’t I be trying to get you in my bed? Look,  You live here in Pensacola right?” She nodded. “Aight so fuck what ya’ sister saying and have breakfast with me tomorrow. Get to know me without having your sister in your ear saying how much of a bad person I am.” Summer bit her lip and nodded her head, causing Jon to flash her his pearly whites.
He pulled his phone out of his suit pants pocket. “Here, put your number in my phone.” 
Summer took it, but before she put her number in she looked him in his eyes. “Don’t make me regret this, Jon.”  Jon smiled and took her other hand into his own. 
“You won’t I promise.” 
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Sorry, this took me so long @summerssoldierxx. I really hope you like it and if you have anymore request, send them in ❤️.
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @baconeggndcheez
@theninthwonder @empressdede @harmshake @alyyaanna @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade
@abadbitchblogs @qveenmikaelson @mzv11
@black-yn @badbitchcentralinc @bebesobrielo @saintaquarius
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mvngo-muffin · 5 months
[ picnics with ➼ txt ]
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a/n: hey! i've been mia for months, sorry...things have been hectic. but i'm trying to get back into writing! fyi yeonjun's is heavily inspired by "let's go picnic" by george!
genre: fluff
pairing : txt x f!reader
warnings : none!
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soobin ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
you were both set to go for a day trip to the beach tomorrow, and he knew this would be the perfect way to end the day together
he spent the day preparing foods that were easy to transport to the beach: gimbap, cut fruit, small sandwiches
he arranged the food neatly into boxes and packed it into a cooler the next morning without you knowing
after a long day of swimming, playing in the sand, and enjoying the warmth, the two of you went to wash up
as you showered, soobin set up the blanket with the food and some flowers he had bought
"y/n, are you done?" he asked, peeking into the room you two had rented for the day
"yup! let's go find a dinner place." you replied, walking out of the room and back onto the beach
you gasped at the spread in front of you, the evening sun setting in an array of colors behind it
"soob, what's all this?"
"just for you," he responded, holding onto your hand as you made your way to the blanket for dinner
yeonjun ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
yeonjun was packing up after practice, sighing in exhaustion
he hadn't seen you in so long; he really missed you
he slipped his headphones on as he left, a song beginning to play
let's go picnic, with a girlfriend the lyrics sang to him
it was as if a light bulb went off
he rushed out of the practice room and made his way to the nearest market, picking up precut strawberries and clementines, sandwiches, some soda, and of course, a small cake
groceries secured, he called you from the car, making sure you were at home
he reached your house and rang your doorbell, immediately engulfing you in a tight hug when you answered the door
"what are you doing here, jun?"
"thought we could have a nighttime picnic in your backyard," he responded, pulling away from the hug and showing you the bag
you spent the rest of the night curled up in blankets, eating your snacks, and watching the stars with the love of your life
beomgyu ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
it was finals season, and you had been busy with work and school for weeks
every night, you'd come home exhausted, and beomgyu felt bad asking you to go out on a date after you were so tired
you had sent him a tiktok a few days ago of a couple out on a date for a picnic, and he decided that even if you both couldn't go to the beach or lake, you'd have a picnic regardless
he spent the day preparing food: chocolate covered strawberries, your favorite sandwiches, and even some homemade brownies
about 30 mins before you got home, the sun was already setting...and it was raining (gyu forgot to check the forecast..)
but nevertheless! he persisted, and set up a blanket and cushions on the (covered) porch along with candles and the food
the moment you got home, he rushed you to change into your comfortable clothes, telling you to wear something warm
he brought you to the misty backyard porch, and you were overwhelmed with love at the effort he had put into the picnic
you both settled down, enjoying the food and the sound of the rain, cuddling together as you kissed his cheek every five minutes out of gratitude
"thank you, gyu"
"what's to thank me for? if my girl wants a picnic date, she's getting one"
taehyun ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
saw some couple on a picnic while driving by, and knew he had to do it with you
(he actually has a note on his phone of date ideas to do with you)
would prepare for days for the picnic, making sure he has all of your favorite foods and snacks ready
makes more food than needed, and even bakes a small cake for the two of you
neatly organizes everything in a cute basket
comes prepared with a waterproof picnic blanket, sweatshirts, and tons of napkins
luckily, the day of the date is warm and sunny! you both spend the afternoon by a river, soaking in the sun and each other's company
the date is full of giggles and reminiscing on memories while wrapped up in taehyun's strong arms
as you watch the sunset before packing up, he leaves a peck on your head and whispers a sweet, "i love you"
hueningkai ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
so excited when he sees the date idea on social media!
goes all out and makes strawberry sandwiches, onigiri with little penguin faces on them, apples cut to look like rabbits, etc...
packs everything in bento boxes and grabs a picnic blanket before impulsively going to your house, texting you a short, "come outside"
you're surprised to see him, bags in hand, as you leave your home
"kai, what are you doing?"
"taking you on the cutest date"
the two of you walk over to a park nearby your home and settle down near a small pond, enjoying the food and throwing breadcrumbs to the geese
kai looks at you, adoration in his eyes and makes sure to take some photos of you feeding the birds to save for himself
you both talk about anything and everything, and pack up a few hours later, heading back home, hand in hand
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em-harlsnow · 16 days
mickey would do the trend of texting your S/O something dirty while at a family event
oh I agree.
it's family movie night, and mickey's bored. he usually likes carl's suggestions, but for some reason he just can't find fucking fast and furious 2 interesting. vin diesel isn't even in it. sure, Paul walker's okay, but he looks like a goody-two-shoes.
no one minds when he starts flipping through his phone.
for once, mickey's on the armchair, not the couch, with Ian on the couch where he has a better view of the TV. while mickey has a great view of Ian.
he scrolls through TikTok, sound down. god, the app is really addictive.
and then he finds the perfect thing to get rid of his boredom.
he flips over to his text chat with Ian.
usually, they don't need to send dirty texts. they're together all the time, why would they?
now seems the best time to start.
he thinks about what to type to get the best reaction, and settles on
m: if we were home rite now, id suck ur dick until I choke
he smirks as he sends it, and has to contain his grin when ian's phone buzzes. mickey watches as Ian sips his beer, eyes half on the movie and only darting quickly to his phone. ian's not very good at keeping his cool, spluttering a little and coughing slightly when he swallows the beer in his mouth. Ian looks up at him, part glare part interest. mickey grins back.
m: wld have to go real deep in my throat to make me choke
m: im sure that won't b a problem 4 u
he types out and sends.
ian's reaction is to scowl at mickey and he can see him typing swiftly.
I: what are you doing
is all he says.
I: nothing, just explainin what imma do wen we get home
mickey responds, trying to look innocent as he does
m: you don't want your dick sucked?
m: i'll just ride u into the couch then
he watches as Ian takes a deep breath
I: you need to stop
Mickey smirks again.
m: don't what that either?
m: u wanna pound me from behind?
m: shoving my head down into the mattress?
ian's leg starts bouncing, and mickey's so sadistically happy.
I: watch the movie
urgh, and ian's still playing hard to get. even though he can see how badly he's effecting him
m: rather watch u
m: love watching ur face when I deep throat
m: such a big fucking cock
m: make it poke out of my cheek so u can see it
Ian bites his lip at that, trying hard to keep composure.
I: ur an asshole
m: u wanna see my asshole?
m: wrapped around ur dick?
and that's enough, apparently, because ian's getting up.
"there's an emergency at work, me and mickey have to go." Ian tells them, grabbing mickey's arm and pulling him from the chair.
"what? a weed delivery emergency?" lip scoffs, disbelieving.
"yup." Ian says in the worst lying voice ever.
Debbie glares at them as they pull on their coats, taking notice of mickey's proud, self-satisfied grin. "you guys better stay for the whole thing next movie night."
"sure thing, debs." Ian smiles, and then pulls mickey out of the door by his elbow.
once they're well and truly out of the house, almost at the car, Ian leans in to whisper in mickey's ear. "you're doing all that shit the second we get home."
fuck yes, toktik clock app is actually good for something.
I don't usually write NSFW, but I hope this met expectations!
-> send me prompts for TikTok trends <3
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savannah733 · 13 days
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( c.sturniolo )
Summary: you and the triplets had a sleepover but your childhood best friend Chris confessed his love to you..
Warnings: nth much ig kissing that's it 😘
Y/n | Chris | Matt | Nick
❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃
Nick : y/n you should definitely come to our house for a sleepover tonight!
Sure : Y/n
Nick : okay, see you soon.
It was already 6:00 pm, and you needed go to the triplets for a sleepover. You bought some candy to film a tiktok video with the triplets. You got all your stuff and called an Uber, "Hi, is this y/n?"
"Yup it is!".
When you got out of the Uber you went to the triplets front door and knocked, there was a big smile on Chris's face when he saw you at his front door. " hey y/n, I missed you soo much" he says with a sweet smile on his face, "Oh hey chris, you seem really happy today" you said with a giggle on your face. He welcome you while he shouted "Nick, Matt y/n's here come say hi", Nick immediately runs over to you when he saw you and gave you a big hug and said hi . Matt said " Hey y/n , by the way what are inside of these bags? " " yeah y/n what are inside these bags? " he said while peeking inside the bag. Nick and Matt looks after Chris looked, "Could you maybe explain us why is their candy, and why is their a LOT of it? " he said while being confused, you giggle a little bit, you explain you guys were doing the candy salad tiktok trend. " I thought it be fun if we did a candy salad like the tiktok trend and each take turns and eat them afterwards!" Everyone agree to do it thinking it seems very fun and Nick has also seen other people do it so he wanted to do it too. You set up your phone with a water bottle and you guys started doing the tiktok.
After you guys were done doing the tiktok and taking turns you guys started eating the candy salad, you guys each toke a bowl and put the candy salad into your guys bowl. After some talking you all decided to go to Chris room and watch some tv, "Guys I'm tired, and is very uncomfortable sitting on the edge of the bed so I'm going to my room" "Good night Nick!" We all said while giggling because we were on in sync.
"Guys Im going to wash the dishes in the kitchen" you said while getting up from the bed " Nono I'll do it " he said while stopping you from going by holding your wrist "Is fine Chris and I also have to grab something I left in the kitchen earlier" "okay I guess" Chris said while slowly laying back down in his bed. Y/n left to the kitchen by closing the door and leaving Matt and Chris, "Chris something is going on with you these couple of days" Matt said with a little side eye "And can you tell me what is it MATTHEW" "you've been acting really weird around y/n like for example, last week when you hold her waist and hold her hand while you guys were walking around the theme park . And also you have been really looking at y/n and getting distracted by her, saying she's pretty and good looking and I feel like you like her or something." He said while looking at Chris who looks like is blushing really hard. "Fine, I like her, like really like her she's just so pretty, gorgeous, and when she smiles she looks so cute I just love her so much and the way she tal-" he gets cut off by Matt who looks speechless and shocked. "OMGGG I knew it , you do like her yes , but why don't you just confessed to her I bet she likes you too . You two would look so cute together" " idk man maybe I'm just nervous that she won't like me back" "hey guys!, so what were you guys talking about " she said . The two guys look so freak out by what to say but Matt hit Chris softly and let's just say Chris knows what was he trying to do.
"Y/n I have something to say to you.." Chris says with a nervous voice rethinking should he have done this or not , "yeah what's up?" Y/n said very calmly. "I like you y/n like Really REALLY like you , your so pretty,amazing and gorgeous and so cute and I've liked you for a long time now. And maybe I can take you on a date sometimes?"
Y/N' s POV
OMG no way Chris just said that to me I feel so happy right now, I've loved him for years now and now he's confessing his love for me OMG . I'm blushing so hard right now , I don't even know what to say.
But all I really want to do is say yes to everything that he just said to me .
I'm so nervous by what she's going to say to me,I don't even know why did I even did this but hopefully I don't regret this decision and hopefully this also doesn't ruin our friendship. I really truly love her appreciate everything she have ever done for me .
But all I really want to hear is her saying yes to everything that I just said.
"So what do you say y/n?" He asked while being so heated up and just hoping she says yes to his question, "yes Chris, Yes I love you so much and forever will, and I will also love to go to the date with you" you said with a big smile on your face while you both blush .
After you said yes to his question, he immediately pull you into a kiss which turn into make out session. "Ugh, disgusting, I can't watch this im going to my room and goodnight,..ig" Matt said while being disgusted by you two. You both laugh at him as you two finished your kissed as he ran to his room.
"I love you Chris" you said while laying beside him on his bed,with your hands on his chest as his right hand hold your waist. "I love you more baby" " not on my watch " you two both giggle while falling asleep super close.
Hope you guys like this one is not much but yeah ig ✌️
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greynatomy · 10 months
sam kerr, i’m single
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sam kerr x reader
first sam kerr fic! got this idea from a video i saw on tiktok. i wrote this pretty fast and is shorter than most of my other fics. does this make it a ficlet?
let me know what you think!
“Hey, Sam! Have you seen this video?”
“Which one?” Sam asks, walking towards Ellie.
“This one right here.” Ellie plays the video.
“Turns out I wasn’t not interested in sports. I just needed women to be playing— Sam Kerr I’m single…”
“Now that’s real funny.” Caitlin was the first to speak once the video ended.
“And she’s beautiful and single, Sam. Should think about sliding into those DM’s.”
Sam was speechless to say the least, but not for the reasons that her teammates were thinking.
The Matildas welcomed back captain Sam Kerr to the field for the first time in the tournament as they beat Denmark 2-0 to reach the quarter-finals of the Women’s World Cup.
The team was now doing their walk around the field to show some love to the fans for supporting them, and one person caught the eye of Ellie Carpenter.
“Sam! Sammy!” Ellie starts yelling, jog hopping towards the captain.
“What’s up with you?”
“The lady from the video is here! You can shoot your shot in person!”
“What are we talking about?” Alanna butts in.
“Sam’s very public admirer is in the stands.”
“What? Where?”
“Oh, shut up!” Sam walks away from them towards the stands.
“Ohmygod! She’s going!”
Now, most of the team are huddled up together, watching their captain interact with this girl.
“Hey, Alanna?”
“Yeah, Ellie?”
“Why’d Sam just kiss Tiktok girl?”
“I actually have no clue.”
At the stands, Sam had helped you get over the rail onto the field. She holds you close by the waist, your arms wrapping around her neck giving you another kiss.
“Your team’s watching us.” You mumble against her lips.
“Yeah. They saw your video.”
“Which means you did too.” You groan, burying your face onto her chest.
“Yup. And as far as I know, you aren’t single.”
“It was a funny video, you always tease me about not knowing a thing about sports.”
“It was funny babe. Very amusing.”
You’re interrupted by a very loud clearing of throats.
“Oh, hey guys.” Sam smiles, turning to face her team.
“You know Tiktok girl and didn’t tell us?” Ellie basically shouted for the whole world to hear.
“Yup, and it was so very hard not to laugh.”
“Screw you Sammy.” Ellie grabs into your arm and drags you away.
“Hey! Where are you going with my girlfriend?”
“Away from you.”
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rubendiasthoughts · 11 months
Hi!! So after I posted part two of Ruben as a boyfriend I kept having more ideas and I ended up with this thing in my notes so I guess this is part three. I figured I would share it with you! I hope I am not boring you with this and not taking it too far lol 😂
Ruben Dias as a boyfriend- headcanon part 3:
- Okay we talked about him praising you. But I want to elaborate. I think he would totally be the type to give you praise even for the little stuff. Like let's say maybe you have a headache so the good boyfriend he is he brings you painkillers and a glass of water. And he watches you take the pill and then drink the water. And after you are done with it, he gives you a little "good girl" and takes the empty glass from you. Or maybe he is teaching you to play some sort of a game? So you are both sat on the couch, you are seated in between his legs, gamepads in your hands, him giving you instructions and "you are doing such a good job" from time to time.
-I saw this video on tiktok of a couple eating dinner with their friends. And the boyfriend is chatting with the friends while the girlfriend bends over because her fork fell on the ground. And the boyfriend puts his hand on the corner of the table to make sure she won't hurt herself, while still talking to the people they're with. And I think Ruben would totally be that kind of a boyfriend.
-Also I think being in a relationship with Ruben means you instantly become a passenger princess. When you two are going somewhere together he is the one driving, he opens the car door for you, he would totally be the type to grab your hand and give it a little kiss while driving or to put his hand on your thigh. If you guys are going on a longer road trip he would absolutely have snacks for you in the car, and maybe even a blanket if you wanted to take a little nap. (Maybe I just want to believe in this one because I hate driving lol, but also what is hotter than a hot man driving a car?)
- Yup but princess treatment is a must for him. When he's with you he's opening doors for you, always lets you go in front of him, pulls out your chair for you, takes you out on datesdates - all the cute stuff that give you butterflies.
- If you are a little bit shy or maybe have social anxiety (like me lol) then I am convinced everytime you guys are going out to eat he would be the type to order your food for you. Like the waitress comes up to you and asks you what she can get for you but you don't even get to open your mouth because Ruben is like "She will have... ". And I feel like you wouldn't even have to ask him to do it. I just think you two would be looking through the menu and he would be like " What do you want sweet girl?" and would get it for you and would never ever make you feel bad about not wanting to speak up yourself. He would just be so casual about it. And if you are allergic to something he would ask the waitress "there is no [whatever you are allergic to] in it, right? ".
- Imagine if you were going to his match and before you go, while you two are still at home you ask him if you get to keep his shirt after the game. He would be like "anything you want baby". And you know how they often trade their shirts with the players from the opposite team? When someone asks him to trade he would be like " Sorry mate, already promised it to my girl". And then maybe he meets you in the tunnel and pulls his shirt off while walking up to you and hands it to you saying something like "for the pretty lady".
- I am convinced that if anyone was ever being rude or disrespectful towards you he is ready to fight. Or if some guy is hitting on you and making you uncomfortable he would be like " Don't you see she already has someone to take care of her?" With an arm draped around your shoulder. Don't get me started about how angry he would get if that guy would try to put his hands on you. He would definitely teach that guy that he should never touch a woman like that without her permission.
-He would love to be the one to take the lead and be in charge but not in a bad way. I feel like he would have so much respect for you and would think you are perfectly capable and all of that. He just truly enjoys taking care of you and making you feel like you don't need to worry about anything with him because he will always be there for you, whatever you may need or want.
- If you two are travelling, going on a vacation or something he is taking care of everything. The only thing you have to do is literally show up and just be there. He knows the best places to eat at, all the sights you guys should go to and so on. And of course if there is something you would want to see he is taking you there, he is making sure to get the tickets if they are needed and stuff like that.
-When the two of you come home after going out somewhere he is getting on one knee, putting your leg up on his knee and taking your heels off for you (especially if you are wearing those strappy ones). And he would also unzip your dress for you. But the thing is - you don't have to ask him to do that, he just knows. Or if you are out somewhere and your shoelace unties he'll just tie it for you without a word.
-I am pretty sure he said in some interview that he doesn't really drink coffee but I am convinced that if you were going somewhere in the morning he is pulling up to starbies and getting you your favorite coffee. And he knows your order too.
-And he would be sooo good with your family. The first time he meets your mom he is definitely getting her flowers. He would be just so perfectly nice around them. And he would be so generous too, maybe he would get them to come to one of his matches with you. He wants them to feel included in your life.
- I feel like he would love to push you to your limits when you are having sex. Like maybe you are so overwhelmed because he is fucking you so hard and overstimulating you, so you tell him that it's too much for you. But he acts as if he hasn't even heard you. So you put your hands on his abs, trying to push him away a little bit and he just harshly pushes your hands off. And then he's telling you that he knows how much you can take and he is not stopping until he cums deep inside you. But I feel like that would be so true - he would never do that before getting to know you and your body well enough to know your limits. And he would for sure want you to have a safe word, because he never wants to actually hurt you.
- He would also be into edging you. He would bring you to the point of tears, make you so desprate you would be begging him to let you cum and at the end he always would, because he just wants to make his girl feel good.
- He would make you tell him how he is the best you have ever had and how no one has ever fucked you this good. And he would be telling you how now you have got a real man taking care of you and all those little boys you have had before couldn't even compare.
Hope you liked it! ❤
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paranormalactivity5 · 7 months
you were right in front of me.
Bestfriend!Eddie Munson x fem!reader      
Notes: looked it up and apparently there is a member of hellfire named doug so he’s in this, y/n has an aunt. The confession is based of a tiktok i saw. As always constructive criticism and feedback is welcomed!
Summary: Eddie realizes hes in love with his best trend and a freudian slip occurs.
WC: 1.2k
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Everyone was sitting at the Hawkins High lunch table in their assigned but, not assigned seats chatting along as usual, but when Eddie sat down he immediately noticed something was wrong. “Wheres y/n?” “oh she's helping her aunt move today, she didn't tell you?” Steve said confused, the two told each other everything. “No….” he replied confused himself, they did tell each other everything; why didn't she tell him? And this was such a small thing, why was it bothering him?
Gareth arrived at the table, sitting down making an upset “oomph” sound when he hit the chair “What up with you?” Robin asked “Bethany totally shot him down when he tried to ask her out.'' Jeff remarked “Yup, I saw it, he barely got past one word, crashed and burned” Doug said making a fake missile fall and explode with his hand for extra salt in the wound. “You love this too much! I mean you're basking in my humiliation!”. Everyone laughed  and then Robin interjected “Hey don't laugh at him, I'm just as bad, I mean Vicky doesn't know I like her and I can barely get a word in.” She continues to pick at the carrots on her plate. Everyone continues ranting about their relationships or, lack thereof when Dustin butts in “you know you've been awfully quiet over there Eddie?”
“What?” he asks confused “surprised he havent started wailing on about y/n.” Gareth says with a chuckle but quickly shuts up when eddie gives him a glare “Seriously what the hell are you guys talking about?” “how you’re so hopelessly in love with her but she dosent seen to notice?” robin states like its obvious, he dosent notice the smirk on her face when she says the last part. the whole table nods “she's so pretty, her style is so cool!” Jeff remarks quoting eddie “she's so smart!” lucas adds, this continues on until eddie relalizes, holy shit are they right? Is he in denial? I mean yeah he’ll admit that what he feels for her is a bit more then friendship but, is he in love?
Youve been helping your aunt move all day and were exhausted but now it was time to get ready for your weekly hangout with eddie and knowing you were going to see him gave you just enough energy to get there, eat some pizza, and watch a movie. As you were getting ready you were overthinking as you always did before you saw him; Should you wear a skirt? Or would that make it to obvious you were trying to impress him? You landed on just some black ripped jean shorts, some spiderweb tights and a metallica shirt with some combat boots. A simple outfit, a little over the top for movie and pizza but, maybe just enough for eddie to finally get the hint
When you arrived at eddies you hugged him like you usually do but he seemed stiff, which was odd because he would always welcome you into a big bear hug, sometimes even picking you up off the ground! He seemed so uncomfortable throughout all of “little shop of horrors” until you finally made the suggestion that you should smoke a joint and order pizza, maybe it would loosen him up and he would say what was so obviously bothering him
He began to rifle through the drawer next to his bed where he kept his own personal stash and pulled out all the things needed and began to grind up a small nug. Most of this happened silently, whatever was bothering him must be really bad, usually he would be talking up a storm.
He was feaking out, the second he saw her smile and felt him hug her he knew he was screwed. Hes definetly in love. As he was preparing the joint he decided he cant keep acting all weird she might catch on. Hopefully a joint can helf him lossen up.
About 10 minutes of smoking later and Eddie and defineitly chilled out some. Just as you were about to ask him what had him so worked up in the first Place the doorbell rang, Eddie got up to get it quite quickly, “That must be the pizza, ill go get it.” guess he was still a little nervous. In Eddie's head he was once again freaking out. Your eyes were heavy, your voice and body relaxed, you looked so pretty…..you always did, but since the realization he loved you it became increasingly hard to not throw himself into you, hopefully you didnt notice.
By the time he had paid the guy, gotten you both a slice and some beer you had picked up and began flipping through it. “You ever think about your wedding?” you asked “sometimes, why?” “there were some wedding dresses in this magazine…..i bet yours would be like, lord of the rings themed or something.” you snarked while chuckling “i meannnn…” he looks at you with a knowing look in his eye. “No you’re right that would be cool as fuck” you admit “expensive as hell tho.” you nod in agreement. “Well who would i be like your best- maid of- best woman..is that a thing?” or i could be the bride, you think to yourself. “Yeah i think thats a thing”
“Shit I mean you could be the bride who knows” he says laughing. Holy shit holy shit does he even realize what he just said? It seems he does when he looks up and you're staring at him “What?”  “you know like.. it's a possibility…like with all the roles you could possibly take its…in the realm. Not like I want you to be the bride” he lets out a small laugh. He's messing with his hands and touching his hair, which he always does when he lies. Hes lying. “You’re lying” you blurt out before you can stop yourself. “Huh?” “you’re playing with your hands and your hair while looking down, you always do that when you're lying….You like me?”  “I love yo-” he begins to admit nervously, but before he can get another word out your lips are on his, youre not sure what caused such confidence to come over you, maybe years of pinning. You could tell he wasn't expecting it but he soon melted into the kiss, years of what was thought to be unrequited love being poured in from both sides. 
Once you pulled apart you spent a moment just staring into each other's eyes. You're the first to speak “Why didn't you tell me?” the answer would've made you fall to your knees if you weren't already half straddling him “Baby I can barely hear my own thoughts when I'm with you.” you smile and giggle, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, he does the same. “Robins gunna freak.” you point out with a laugh and his head slightly turns to look at you quizzically. “She's been trying to set us up forever” you state. He thinks back to the conversation from later today…. he's going to have to thank her.
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forfucksakesniall · 11 months
Heyy i love ur writing so much and i got this idea the other day so basically we all know lewis will be such a good dad and so can u do where lewis gets forced by his teen daughter to watch edits of him on tiktok and make him react to it🫶🏻
Change some bits sorry. Hope you still like it! Thanks for the request.
Pairing: Dad!Lewis Hamilton x Reader Trigger Warning/Content Advisory: TOO MUCH FLUFF, Pipes by Christina Aguilera.
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"Daddy, can I play, please?" his 7-year-old daughter asked him. "Um... sure, baby," he replied, handing her his phone and letting her do whatever.
She was getting bored from staying in his office all day because mommy couldn’t watch her today, so daddy needed to take her to work with him.
He was on his computer, learning all the data from previous races, and everyone was minding their own business.
For her age, she basically knows how to use it. It's amazing what a kid can learn at such an age.
After a few minutes, she finds the TikTok app and starts scrolling. She suddenly giggles when she sees a video compilation of her daddy laughing like an old man.
Lewis didn’t notice her giggling, thinking it was some cartoon video or whatever.
Then he sees another of her daddy getting caught being himself. She giggles louder than before, which now caught Lewis’ attention. He turns and looks next to her. ”What’s so funny, darling?” he leans closer to see the phone and sees it. ”Daddy is being silly,” she says. He smiles at her and gives her a pinch on the cheek.
”Oh yeah? You think daddy was being silly.”
”Aw!” She pulls away his hand and sticks out her tongue.
He continues watching with his daughter who’s now completely distracted from work. She scrolls down and sees an edit of him from before and after.
“Why is your hair like that?”
”Cuz’ it's an interview I did a long time ago. I haven't grown my hair out yet.”
”Hmmm,” she says with dissatisfaction. ”What? Do you like my hair better now?”
”Well.. yeah,” she says, stating the obvious.
”Since when are you such a sassy pants?” he teases her, tickling her sides.
She giggles and squirms away. ”I’m not!!”
She scrolls again and comes across a thirst trap of him with the song "Pipes" by Christina Aguilera.
He snatches his phone back as fast as he can and turns it off.
”Ummm.. I think it's.. nap time,” he tries to ignore what just happened and not look all flustered. ”Mommy told me about that song, and I told her you were really good.”
”You think so, darling?”
”Yup,” emphasizing the “p.”
“Well, I’m actually writing a song about you.”
”I know..”
”How’d you know that?”
”Because I’m in the next room.”
”Oh, I’m sorry, baby,” he laughs and apologizes for that.
Lewis takes his baby to the other room where the sofa was turned into a bed, where she can take her afternoon nap.
“I’m not sleepy,” she says sleepily while she rubs her eyes and yawns widely.
“Just lay down, baby. How about I sing to you?” he says.
“Okay, daddy,” she lays down and cuddles with her blanky.
After he got her to sleep, he gets to the table and sits at the desk with the computer next to the sofa bed. He was going to send you a message that your baby is finally sleeping. He forgot that he didn't close the TikTok app, and as he opens the phone, the thirst trap was playing, and he watches it.
He didn’t realize he was smiling while watching it and was on the phone for a couple of minutes. You, however, called him and ended his trance.
“Hey, beautiful. What's up?”
”Just wanted to know how you guys are doing. I hope she isn't much of a ruckus there...”He looks at his cute baby sleeping soundly.
”No, No. She’s been really good. She's sleeping right now. Actually, she’s been sleeping for...” he checks the time and realizes he’s been on TikTok for at least 30 minutes. ”Lewis?”
”She’s been asleep for 30 minutes now. Wow.”
”That’s good to know. I’ll see you guys later then. Love you!”
”Love you too, babe.”
He then ends the call and contemplates the situation. There's no way he just watched 30 minutes worth of TikTok edits of himself.
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michaelsfavgirl · 5 months
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˖⁺‧₊˚🎞️✮☎️✮🧸˚₊‧⁺˖ Welcome <3
Blog info, about me, masterlist, my socials, tag system, request rules & and taglist can be found here.
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— If you want to be added to my taglist please comment under this post
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡ Before you continue ⟡˚౨ৎ⋆
✎ᝰ! MDNI + DNI if you're racist, homophobic, sexist/misogynistic, transphobic, ableist, xenophobic, fatphobic etc. Any hate will be blocked/ignored. I will not tolerate any kind of discrimination.
✎ᝰ! English is not my first language, therefore, there may be minor mistakes in my writing.
✎ᝰ! This blog will include nsfw material, such as smutty fanfics or me just thirsting over mike lol. So viewer discretion is advised. If this makes you uncomfortable do not engage with my blog, simply block me and move on. Any negativity will be deleted.
✎ᝰ! Keep in mind that I am a university student so I may not be able to publish fics as frequently as you'd like. Be patient with me pls and thank you. (๑・̑◡・̑๑)
✎ᝰ! To add to that if your request hasn’t been answered it’s not because I’m ignoring it but probably because I have someone else’s (who requested earlier) to post before yours. Again, please be patient.
✎ᝰ! I hope you enjoy your time here! My blog is a safe, judgment-free space for anyone who chooses to visit.
✎ᝰ! I don't give permission for any of my works to be copied, translated or reposted in any kind of way and to any other platform.
✎ᝰ! The support and mdni banners are from @cafekitsune
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡ About me ⟡˚౨ৎ⋆
✎ᝰ! My name is Kate, I'm nineteen, a Taurus and from West Asia.
✎ᝰ! I have been a fan of Michael Jackson since I was a child but I became a part of the fandom around 2019. My man is my no. 1 on Spotify every single year (yup, yup).
✎ᝰ! I actually had a book on wattpad about mike a few years ago and it was HURRENDEOUS, but I promise that my writing abilities have gotten better :)
✎ᝰ! Please feel free to send me anything in my inbox. (questions, requests, or if you want to simply chat anonymously) I would love to make friends on here and chat with my fellow moonwalkers! So don't hesitate. <3
Here are some random facts about me:
✎ᝰ! My hobbies: watching films, feeding into my delusions (writing fics about michael), playing the guitar, skiing, doing my makeup.
✎ᝰ! My top 5 musicians: Michael Jackson (obvi), Madonna, Queen, Nina Simone, Amy Winehouse.
✎ᝰ! My favorite films: Portrait of a lady on fire, Amelie, Mary & Max, The shape of water, The grand Budapest hotel and Knives out.
✎ᝰ! More facts: i LOVE cinema, it is an art form that should be cherished forever, professional procrastinator, reality shifter, fav color is green, big pop culture nerd, a little acoustic (autistic), addicted to watching edits on tiktok.
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡ Request rules ⟡˚౨ৎ⋆
✎ᝰ! For now I only write for mj.
✎ᝰ! I will write: smut, fluff, angst, fem!reader, plus-size!reader, most kinks tbh (just ask don't be shy), creampies, dp, somnophilia, ddlg (sexual and non sexual), voyeurism/exhibitionism, watersports, age difference as long as both are of age, threesomes (only mmf).
✎ᝰ! I won't write: male/trans/non-binary!reader, ocs (I only write x reader), hard kinks, knife/gun kink, scat kink, drug consumption, pedophilia, rape, breeding kink, pregnant!reader, pregnancy kink, incest/stepcest, mommy kink, sub!michael, pegging, dom!reader, abuse, degradation kink.
✎ᝰ! Requests are always open unless stated otherwise in my bio.
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⋆౨ৎ˚⟡ My tag system ⟡˚౨ৎ⋆
✎ᝰ! For answering asks: annie’s calling
✎ᝰ! For my writing: kate's writing
✎ᝰ! For thirst posts: dirty diana
✎ᝰ! For misc. posts: wanna be startin somethin
✎ᝰ! For reblogs: reblog
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Last updated: May 26th, 2024
Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful day/night. ✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ
© michaelsfavgirl 2024
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lipgloss05 · 29 days
The promo company for the second season is very strange. We hardly see any of the actors, especially the main characters - Rhaenyra and Daemon and even Alicent, but Tom and Ewan got the most videos, Tiktoks and other things. I understand nothing.
Yup, that’s because Ewan and Tom are the typical conventionally attractive young white men and the marketing campaign is using them to sexualize Aegon and Aemond in order to attract the usual thirsty fan girls to root for TG.
This stupid strategy is still not working because it doesn’t matter what they do, the majority of the ASOIAF and F&B fandom is TB and that’s not going to change.
What they are getting out of this is the disappointment and anger of the larger part of the fandom, which in my opinion is very stupid because they could lose a great part of the audience with this decisions.
We want to see more promo videos of Emma and Matt. And we want to see them together promoting the show. We are not interested in watching Tom and Ewan in countless promotional videos repeating the same things all over again. It’s okay to have them making some promos together, but every single one of them is excessive and tiring. We don’t want to see another Rhaenicent promo (toxic forced ships that are trying to be passed as canon are not welcome in this fandom). We want to see more of Harry, Phoebe and Bethany. Even Phia has been completely disregarded by this marketing team.
There are so many important cast members that have not been given any importance in this promotional campaign.
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
Calling my bf, "My Husband" Prank
(There's a prank trend where significant others are are calling their partners "My Husband" instead of their bfs. Some are very cute and some are heartbreaking if ya'll ever look it up on TikTok. Anyway for punk flower it's always cute!)
Miles set up his smartphone on a phone stance, while him and Hobie got some lunch together. The prank idea came from Miles watching some TikTok videos of one partner of a couple would say their boyfriend is their husband and wait to see their reaction. He send those videos to his friends, Gwen thought he should try it with Hobie. Pavtri said it would be cute to see his reaction, since the two been together for a long time.
The punker and artists had been dating for nine years going on ten! Miles is already twenty four, while his Hobie is twenty five. Their relationship been so long and close that Miles figure Hobie wouldn't be the kind of partner to have a negative reaction.
"Ready?" Miles happily asked as the two sit outside of HQ on a modern design courtyard to enjoy the bright sunny day on Earth 928.
Hobie nodded having to take out their take out containers and their drinks. "Yup, do I look good?" He checks himself at the camera seeing himself looking handsome. He noticed the live symbol on the Spider So-City app, "Are we live?"
"Yup! Just for fun!" Miles giggles, "You be surprised how many views we get from Punkflower fans."
"Because of Pav?" He asked already noticing a lot of hearts, likes and Pavtri commenting a big happy face emoji.
"Yup!" Miles waves at the camera, "Hey guys! Today, we got some Jamaican food from my world, it's a new mom and pop shop. So we wanted to try it." He holds his drink, "Today I order Rice and Peas with jerk chicken and fried plátano, which is ripe plantains. I got Sorrel which is Jamiaca basically sweet hibiscus tea." He took a sip trying his drink, "Mm, it's good." He shows off his plate seeing how delicious his food look.
Then, Hobie took a bite of his Jamaican patty being in a white paper bag separate from his main order tray, "This Jamaican Patty is scrummy. MMM! Been craving this for a while." He mutters having another bite of his beef Jamaican patty tasting the savory fried flavors.
"Ohh, is that good?" Miles asked as he tries to open his plastic packet where his utensils are in. His boyfriend hold out the patty out for his to try.
"Try, luv." He said letting Miles taking a bite it.
The Spider-man nodded at the flavor, "That's good! Oh wow, so much flavor. That aunty don't play."
"Hahaha, she doesn't. I knew once she started rushing us to order." Hobie chuckles.
Miles chews, "Mmm, so good. I wonder if she makes it spicy or she adds bread." He turns to the camera, "For someone people, some Jamaicans or people like to eat bread with their Jamaican patties." His eyes on some Spider-heroes being confused or asking why or why carbs on carbs.
"What are they saying?" Hobie asked.
"One said Why?" Miles giggles at the question, then saw a lot of Spider-Heroes posting Jamaican flags.
Hobie shrugs, "Because it's bloody good. I do it most of the time. It's also to make you full, too."
"Someone said carbs on carbs is insane!" His boyfriend read the comment, "Ya'll are forgetting some Latinos or Mexicans like eating bolio con tamal de dulce con café! I've seen that's a thing."
His boyfriend arched his eyebrows, "What's that?"
"It's a Mexicans corn dough that is sweeten by fruit like strawberries or pineapple and they wrap it in corn husk. I think steamed. It's a big thing during the winter times. Me and Ganke have a friend, she's Mexican and her mom made like so much and gave us some." Miles sips his drink, he look at the comments.
Miguel put a Mexican flag and wrote: Que rico! Así se come! Bolio con tama dulce y cafécito
Gabriella commented next: I love it with Champurrado! You should try Tamal de Pińa!
Miles giggles, "Gabi said we should try the pineapple one. I think you'll like it. It's pretty good if you got it from someone that knows how to make tamales."
"I'm def, luv. I rarely hate anything, I just like to stick what I like sometimes." Hobie commented, he sips his drink, "I got myself a Sorrel!"
"Oh, I forgot to talk about your order!" Miles fake gasp, "So my husband order rice and peas with a side of Oxtails..." Hobie stop eating his Jamaican patty his head slowly turns to his boyfriend then his lips twisted to a big grin. "And he order fried plantains-" Hobie interrupted his boyfriend, "What?"
"What?" Miles asked pretending to be confused.
Hobie chuckles having a big smile on his face, "What you said?"
"I said I forgot to mention your order." He playfully said having a small shy smile.
His punker shook his head being playful, "Nooo, Sunflower. After that. What did you say?" His eyes gleaming, his whole body turning pinker than before.
"My husband." Miles giggles while answering his boyfriend question. That made the punker to get up being out of camera's view and jumps up and down.
"Yes! Yes! YES!" He shouted up with joy.
Miles smiles widely at the positive outlook of his boyfriend, what he did expect is his boyfriend came running to hug him and sweep him off his feet. "Say it, again?" Hobie happily carries his boyfriend in a koala hugging position, he kisses him on the cheek.
"My husband." Miles' face all flustered but he said it much louder and prouder tone.
Hobie gave his a nose nuzzle, "That's more like it." They happily kiss forgetting their lunch for the moment.
The live stream went on with many Spider-heroes sending hearts and excitement emojis!
Gwen: 😅I think Hobie thinks Miles propose him
Margo: DITTO! 😂
Pavtri: 🥳 I'll be the best man!
Gabi: I wanna be the flower girl! 🤗
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