#yusuke: stay there and suffer
milaisreading · 1 year
Of arguments and kiss-cams
Author: I am sorry that some requests are taking time, but I am struggling to find some good plot to them, but I will do my best to do them in the next few days, hope you can understand 🙇🏻‍♀️ for now I really hope you like the stories I did post and thank you so much for reading and for the nice messages 🩷 stay safe 🩷
Pairing: Michael Kaiser x manager!Reader
Warnings ⚠️: reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to:Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Noa was used to a lot of shenanigans Bastard München members would pull, especially the younger ones. From constant arguments with teammates to the opposing team, he saw it all. Lately the Bastards got new recruits from Blue Lock, who were surprisingly a little tamer, until a certain blonde opens his mouth. One of their newest additions was the new assistant manager, (Y/n), who kept Isagi, Kunigami, Hiori, Kurona and Yukimiya in check. And as much as Noa was grateful for her help, he had issues with her at times too. Mostly concerning any interaction she shares with their start player Kaiser.
"Did anyone tell you how annoying you are?" (Y/n) asked with a tight smile as the blonde asked her another random question. Kaiser, enjoying the annoyed look, smirked and moved closer to her.
"Only for you, Cutie~"
"Your nicknames are as corny as your face."
"You sure? Because I might need to get you some glasses to see properly."
"I am already suffering enough."
The team watched in amusement and annoyance as they  kept on arguing. Ness kept standing to the side as he watched the two bicker, since he said he doesn't mind it if (Y/n) disrespects Kaiser. Kunigami and Isagi got up from their spots and separated the two, growing worried that Neol might yell at everyone. Also the closeness was bothering them both.
'Stupid Kaiser and his big mouth.' Kunigami thought as Isagi and the said boy started arguing instead, which caused Ness to intervene.
"That's asshole..." (Y/n) muttered as Kunigami patted her back.
"Calm down, he isn't worth getting in trouble for. What did her even say?" Hiori asked as he approached them, Kurona was meanwhile busy pulling Isagi away. Blushing a bright pink, (Y/n) shook her head at the boy.
"Nothing... Just something stupid... the usual." (Y/n) answered as Noel finally inserted himself to separate them.
'The blonde is so annoying! Why does Ness like him so much?!' The girl thought as she looked at the blonde boy.
Later that day (Y/n) was waiting outside the stadium for her friends, to go back to their dorms together. She sighed, tired and hungry from all the running around and arguing with Kaiser. (Y/n) was growing more and more frustrated as each day passed, it seemed like the blonde was growing annoying for the hell of it.
'I just want to do my job-'
"If it isn't my cute manager!"
'God...' (Y/n) held back a groan as she felt the boy's arm around her shoulders.
"Why so cold? I think I was a little nicer today, wasn't I?" Kaiser snickered as (Y/n) tried to move his arm away, but his grip only tightened.
"What do you want now? Didn't you make my life a living hell enough, Kaiser?" The girl asked, causing the boy to mockingly think it over.
"Hmm... no! I think if anything I bless your day."
"We sure have different definitions of 'bless'... where is Ness?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, surprised that the magenta-eyed boy wasn't with him. Hiding a annoyed look, Kaiser pointed at one of the entrance doors.
"He is still changing. Why are you so concerned anyways? But enough about Ness, how about I take you out for some dinner."
"No thanks. Go ask a fangirl of yours." Finally pulling herself out of his grip, she saw Kunigami walk out. Kaiser watched as she looked through something in her bag and took out a scarf?
'That looks familiar.'
"My friends are here, can you please give this to Ness when he gets out?"
"Ness?" Kaiser wondered, feeling the familiar tingle of jealousy.
"Yeah, he gave me his scarf the other day and I finally remembered returning it."
"(Y/n)! Are you ready to go?!" Kurona yelled as the others stared intensely at Kaiser.
"Sure!" She yelled back, giving the clothing item to the blonde and running to her friends.
Kaiser looked at the girl and then down at the scarf, anger bubbling up inside of him as the image of (Y/n) wearing it hit him.
'What does Ness even have?! He has half of my talent, if that even, half of my fame, half of my looks... yet she is so fixated on him.' Kaiser gripped tightly on the item.
'I am not losing to that loser.'
"Is he out of his mind?!" (Y/n) yelled as she watched Kaiser argue with Rin over something. It was the day of the Bastard München and PXG match, so she can understand that the tension was high, but not to the point were they are close to beating each other up.
'He is like a child.' (Y/n) facepalmed as Kaiser was called to sit down and for Ness to switch with him. She watched the magenta-eyed boy run onto the field and Kaiser went to sit down on the bench. (Y/n) too his water bottle and a clean towel and walked over to him.
"Why did you even go off on Rin? He didn't even do anything."
Kaiser looked up at the girl and took the towel from her to wipe his sweat off.
"None of your business. Why are you even here? Wouldn't you loovee to watch your lover boy play instead?" Kaiser asked. The tone was a genuinely upset one, a tone (Y/n) was not really used to from him. Sighing, she turned to look at the field as it was still timeout and looked back at Kaiser.
"You are really acting like a child, Kaiser. This is an official game, you arguing with someone for no good reason is not a good look on you or on the team. Think of the others as well." (Y/n) glared, leaning a little forward.
"You care too much."
"Of course I do- you are impossible! Off and on field!"
While the two were having their argument, the announcer said it was time for the kiss-cam moment, alerting the audience. The players watched passively, waiting for it to be over.
Karasu made some jokes, which prompted Loki and Rin to give him a scolding.
"Can this be over- Not like that!!" Hiori yelled as he saw on who it landed.
"Oohh!! Looks like our star player Michael Kaiser and his manager (Y/L) (L/n) got lucky this time!!"
"What?" The duo looked up, freezing up when they saw the kiss-cam landed on them. (Y/n) looked around in embarrassment, praying her friends will save the day, but all the while Kaiser was over the moon. The blonde smirked and grabbed (Y/n)'s chin, turning her head to face him.
"So~ the sooner we are done the better, don't you think so?"
"Shut up! This has to be against the rule-"
"Can you two get it over with?! We want to play!"
"Shut up, Shidou! This is against the rules..." Rin yelled, growing at the crowd annoyed.
'Why are they cheering them on?!' Karasu thought and looked at his horrified friends from the opposite team.
"Do something." He mouthed at Kunigami and Yukimiya.
"Should we start a fight?" Isagi offered.
"Punch me!" Kurona added.
"You remember how I told you we will eventually kiss." Kaiser asked with a smirk. Rolling her eyes (Y/n) grabbed his collar.
"Let's just get this over with."
The crowd's cheers grew even louder after they kissed, leaving certain boys horrified and pissed.
'Ah... so she does like Kaiser then?' Ness thought with his usual smile, trying to ignore the ache from his heart.
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megaderping · 8 months
Nothing drives me up the wall more in the Persona 5 fandom than when people act like they'd be so much better than Akechi in his position. "Well, I would know better!" Bullshit. You don't know that. Japan's treatment of illegitimate children is so heinous that I don't think it's easy for westerners to comprehend. As I understand it, when you turn 15, you're thrown out of the system. Akechi was... how old when he approached Shido? Ah, yes, 15. Likely, he'd been cast out to fend for himself when Yaldabaoth gave him the power (with very malevolent intentions). Shido has his cleaner and his connections. Even if Akechi quit, he wouldn't be safe in the real world. Maybe in the Metaverse, but how long could he even feasibly stay there before needing to eat and sleep? There are safe areas, sure, but those are hardly accommodating, and people severely understate the impact Shido could've had on his mental health once he did join with him. Look at Yusuke and Haru, both of whom were abused and neglected by their parental figures. Both of whom had difficulty even acknowledging what was wrong. Haru continued to downplay her father's crimes and atrocities as well as his abuse of her, likely in part due to her grief and in part due to her wishes for what he could've been. Trauma and mental illness as well as a lack of support systems can break people and push them to make reckless choices because they believe there is nothing else they are good for. The Phantom Thieves were lucky enough to have each other, and that saved them from going down a dark path. Any one of them could have and, hell, if Yaldabaoth had chosen Yusuke or Haru, for instance, there's no way Madarame and Okumura wouldn't have taken advantage of that power and made them do heinous things. Just... god. I really hate the armchair "well, I'm smart enough to know better and I would take homelessness over ~murder~." It's easy to say that when you haven't suffered years of neglect and presumably abuse in a society that sees you as less than human due to circumstances outside your control (e.g. being an illegitimate child whose mother did sex work) in a country that is opposed to adoption overall and just... Argh. And this all started because I tried to point out that, hey, maybe calling Shuake toxic in a server for a fic that is one of the big Akechi and Shuake fics isn't the kindest thing, tried to explain things, and it just blew up. While also pushing for why their preferred ship is better and like... god. I hate that so much. ._. Fastest way to turn me off of a ship is when really hostile fans use their preferred pairing to tear down one that I really like. Just... blargh. What a way to start the day.
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zymagines · 9 months
Hey 👋🏽 Long time no see! 😃
May I please request headcanons for Team Urameshi having an S/O who suffers from sickle cell anemia and struggles with it every day?
Hey there! Sure thing, also I didn’t know if you wanted koenma, so he’s not in this. If you did want him, just let me know and I’ll make one with him. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
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While he doesn’t have sickle cell anemia, Yusuke still feels pretty bad for his s/o. It hurts him to see his s/o struggle with it.
However, I feel that he also admires his s/o and sees them as a strong person. Despite them suffering from sickle cell anemia, they still push on everyday.
Yusuke makes sure his s/o doesn’t push themselves for his sake. He doesn’t want his s/o to get too overworked if they’re out and about.
He would make sure that nobody would treat his s/o any less of a person. But, who would be dumb enough to do that?
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Kuwabara would be such a huge support system for his s/o. He wouldn’t want his s/o to feel like they’re in this alone.
He and his s/o would hang out at either his or his s/o’s place a lot. Lots of video games and listening to music will be happening.
Seriously, he would go to the moon and back to ensure his s/o is comfy and stress free. He won’t stop until s/o is content.
He would be so upset if anything horrible were to happen to his s/o. He loves them so dearly and hopes they can spend the rest of their lives together.
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Kurama would make sure that his s/o is taking care of themselves. Remember how he was when his mom was in the hospital?
He would make sure his s/o is staying hydrated. This means his s/o will be having plenty of water and other fluids.
Lots of relaxation if his s/o is stressed. Relaxation also means more cuddles, which is a win for the both of them.
Kurama is still an amazing boyfriend to his s/o. He wants to make sure that his s/o would be comfortable and loved as well.
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Hiei wouldn’t be familiar with sickle cell anemia at first. He would come to know more about it after meeting his s/o, and from kurama of course.
He’s not going to treat his s/o any different despite them having this. There’s a reason he’s with his s/o.
Hiei would practically live at his s/o’s home since he’d spend most of his time there. In fact, his s/o has made the spare room Hiei’s.
All in all, Hiei would be extra protective of his s/o. He’d do anything to ensure that his s/o is ok.
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bayothemayo · 11 months
🎃Whumptober Day 15: Suppressed Suffering (Phantom Thieves x Reader)🎃
Part 1 | Part 2
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Ever since you left the group chat, you had just been avoiding them even more. At first you didn't mind it, but you begin to feel a little bit more lonely. You are not sure why, considering that you had been lonely like this before. Maybe you missed them or it could be something else. You did lose a good amount of friends, but oh well...You can make new ones and it happens from time to time. It ain't new.
Since you don't have anyone to hang out anymore, you decide to do something a little productive. Just to figure out on what they hell to do in the future. You got to be honest, you are a little jealous of your friends. It looks like they already figure out what to do in their lives.
Ren Amamiya, albeit quiet at times and doesn't talk about what to do in his life, is pretty much perfect so it won't be a surprise if he lands a career that he likes and get a good salary.
Ryuji Sakamoto will probably get a career that is sport related.
Ann Takamaki already has a modeling career plus she is very caring, so that will help out as well.
Yusuke Kitagawa's future is self-explanatory. Though, his finances will probably stay the same.
Makoto Niijima is very intelligent, and with the help of her sister she could probably get any job she wants. Maybe she even wants to follow in her sister's footsteps.
Futuba Sakura, while she have troubles socially, is also extremity tech savvy. It won't be a surprise if she decides to work remotely.
Haru Okumura is already wealthy. She could just sit around and do nothing while she gains more wealth. But she isn't like that, she wants to help out with her business by making a small café chain.
And you...well, you are one of the unlucky ones. Maybe not as unlucky as others, but you certainly do wish you have something like your old friends. You are averagely smart, your talent is mediocre compared to others, you are just someone in a middle class. It feels wrong to feel jealous, but you just can't help it. Since your friends did just hang out without you, you do feel like someone who isn't worthy enough to hang out with such extraordinary talents.
But you shouldn't think about that right now. Your parents are kinda pressuring you to think on what to pick your career. You don't want to be a burden to your parents and to society, even though society probably won't care about you, so you decide to do some research on other careers. You had to choose a career carefully, because your parents won't let you change your major if you decide you don't like it. Hopefully the job you got won't give you a death wise and hope that you rather die in a car crash every time you go to work.
...Maybe you shouldn't think that. Maybe it would be all right in the end, right?
Maybe you should stop thinking positively to avoid disappointment in yourself and in the future.
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thuganomxcs · 12 days
Every passing moment it was harder and harder to contain this pain, the strain of it all being shown on his face before his breathing became slightly labored. She’s asking what’s going to happen…the last time he was given a lesson in lycanthropy he fell asleep…perhaps if he had actually stayed awake he would have had the answers for her.
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━━   ❝   𝐍𝐨𝐭..𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞..𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐧..𝐛𝐮𝐭..   ❞   There was a snarl that left his lips in a single moment. This was something he could not hold back any longer. “I think…I’m gonna turn into..a wolf..jus’ run..Aghh..” The suffering continues as the pain became unbearable which left Yusuke on the floor to suffer.
continue from here / @dragvnsovl
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symphonic-scream · 9 months
Hello friends and fellow sufferers km bored so that means HC time
It's the P4 raising P5 au which I'm tagging under that name from now on I gave up on shortening it
Makoto took a long time to figure out zippers. So she'd be seen at school during recess running around with her coat open, claiming she wasn't cold. Haru eventually figures it out and until Makoto learns how, she does it for her
Kid fashion. Kid. Fashion. Ryuji with the plaid cargo shorts. The electric colours. Futaba with a shirt that says something cheesy about gaming. Haru with My Little Pony sneakers. Joker in little polo shirts with Featherman characters on them or something just. Yusuke with Lobster mittens. Ann with so many hair ties and GrL PowEr themed items. Makoto with the Buchimaru hat and backpack and belt and socks-
New Papa Naoto afraid to fall asleep with the baby because of the whole Rolling Over thing, so Rise constantly found him struggling to stay awake while little Makoto dozed off against his chest
Makoto's still afraid of the dark. So on stormy nights when her nightlight would lose power, she'd run into her parents' room and huddle between them. Rise would hum sleepily while finger combing through short brown hair, until the shaking stops, and Naoto would bundle his daughter against him, to hide her away from anything that could hurt her
God. They just. The little Shirogane family,,
Morgana is a normal cat in this, Akira finds him on the way home from school when he's like 10, so like about a year before Goro comes to Inaba, and Yu helps him convince Yosuke that they should keep him
Chie keeps bringing home the most mutt-ratchet fucking dogs. Yukiko can't say no when Ryuji and Ann team up with their Moma to convince her. At one point they have up to 4 mutt fucking dogs
Okay hear me out for this one. Ryuji and Makoto doin their usual thing, running around in the rain, before Makoto slips and it turns into shoving and muddy pushing on the ground
Ann, 12, sighs and shakes her head under the gazebo. "Ugh, those meatheads. At least Makoto's smart sometimes, right?"
"huh? Y-yeah, sure." And Haru, 13, averts her eyes because, something weird is happening in her chest. She's been feeling weird around her best friend, and it's worse when she smiles at her and holds her hand on their way to school. She looks up and, maybe it starts to click, watching Makoto laugh as Ryuji spits mud from his mouth.
Maybe, she's falling for Makoto?
On the other end of things, Makoto's kinda. Always known. Haru's been special to her for a while, there was no one moment. But she rambles to Ryuji about it, and to her Mama, and her Papa, even to Ann at some point. It's not as big a thing for her
They all eat lunch on the roof at Yasogami. Up there they can be as loud as they want, and no one really bothers them
Just. The older IT having monthly dinners together while Nanako agrees to watch the kids all together or something just. Laughing about the good old times, still together all those years later despite it all
And. Both Yoshizawa twins being alive. The crash injured both but they both made it.
Futaba has a Minecraft girlfriend. It's Sumire. Neither of them know that they're friends irl it's. Supposed to be a little goofy haha thing
Oh. And the Thieves would all have different family names I don't think I mentioned which ones they'd all take
Like. Futaba Sakura, Yusuke Sakura, Goro Sakura
Haru Tatsumi, Makoto Shirogane, Akira Narukami
Ryuji Satonaka and Ann Satonaka
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
[《 Fandom this post is about : «“Persona 5”»|«“Persona 5 ROYAL”» 》]
[CW : Mentions of death(?), locking people inside ____, potential depersonalization regarding __mi__ (name is a spoiler), maybe some other stuff but those are the major ones I believe?]
[WARNING : This post contains major, MAJOR spoilers for (if I recall correctly) the last parts of «“Persona 5 ROYAL”», please scroll if you haven't finished the game or plan on doing so!]
♧ – « “Oh god, I just realized that my first post may somewhat imply (depending on how you look at it) that I actually took Maruki's deal oh crap” »
♤ – « “heyyy, guys.. I hope that's not what anyone thought, that was just me remembering stuff and being sad because we all went our separate ways and also because someone I really cared about was freaking 💀 😞” »
◇ – « “That being said, it would have been horrifying to be in such a reality. Especially because the whole ‘solution’ was just: ‘oh, you're sad? Bingo!!! NOT ANYMORE!!!!!!!’, and it didn't really get rid of the root problem.” »
々– « “It felt more of a childish solution to (almost) every problem there could have been. Simply being “happy” all of the time..” »
♡ – « “Not to mention, Sumire wouldn't have even gotten her sister back, she would just have stayed as Kasumi forever, but you know what's somehow WORSE?” »
❅ – « “That it would have been just an idealized version of Kasumi. 😕” »
✪– « “It didn't really feel like he was that same trustworthy therapist I kept going to whenever I felt sad, or whenever I just wanted someone to talk to for all of those months.” »
☆ – « “Which is sad.” »
❀ – « “It's always been sad, seeing how people you have grown to like, or even those you didn't, show their true colors like that.” »
✸ – « “He didn't have bad intentions, of course, but that doesn't remove what he was doing. Good intentions don't remove the wrong actions someone can take to fulfill something.” »
❆ – « “That's why he had a palace, no?” »
✧ – « “But.. even with that being said.. even despite everything that happened.. I feel as though, somehow, I still can't say that I hate him with complete confidence that it's true. I just.. don't know what to feel or think about him. I didn't want my friends to be caged in such a reality, but if they were all going to have the very things they longed for.. was breaking that bubble really the right thing to do? No, of course it was, but sometimes it feels like I did something wrong by not accepting that deal, as terrible it would have been.” »
❂ – « “So if any Maruki is reading this.. please get a therapist for yourself and refrain from giving anyone therapy until you no longer feel like running away from problems or traumatic stuff is somehow better than accepting that they happened. Seriously.” »
✮ – « “Have a nice day, doctor, but please don't try to come near any of my friends or even acquaintances until then. That's the least you could do after that.” »
[ Side notes : ]
— #❂🥞🐈‍⬛✮
(《✮ «“Ren Amamiya”» ✮|❂ «Akira Kurusu» ❂|♧ «“Joker”» ♤ fictive + fictionkin》)
(How I managed to forget to put the custom tag in post number 6 I will never know.. side effects from using symbols and decorations on excess 😞)
(I should start making more shout outs to certain people in the side notes actually..)
(shout out to Yusuke and Ann!!)
(FINALLY FINISHED DECORATING EVERYTHING, WAR IS OVER 😭😭 I know I said I liked doing this, but sometimes I just wanna share little silly stuff that happens to me.. and then I find myself suffering because I just so happened to believe that decorations on the last few posts I made was the GREATEST idea ever 😞 this is why I forgot to put the custom tag I swear to god 💔)
[ Post number : 7 ]
(slowly becoming a regular here..)
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Ok so I couldn’t sleep and started thinking what if Shiho became a phantom thief and now I have a whole ass very dumb AU...so here is the don’t you want to go apeshit AU.
So Akira has an umbrella doesn’t wait but does see Ann get into the car he arrives at school and see’s Shiho overhearing other students talk about Ann the keywords get spoken both are in the metaverse, standard plot happens Shiho freaking out especially when she sees Kamoshida’s shadow but also getting angry.  When the two end up in the metaverse again and Shiho sees a cognitive version of Ann she goes full beast mode and awakens her persona. She refuses to go see Kamoshida when he tries to confront her oh so angry over someone not following his orders Akira’s there and the pair confront him, he gets pissed and basically says he’ll get them both expelled and that he’ll up the ante on he rumours about Ann and other horrible things. Shiho and Akria are ready to murder him.
Kawakami storms in overhearing everything and PISSED she is ready to end him when he reveals he knows about her side job and not say anything or else. She is shaking with rage and gets caught up when Shiho and Akira re-enter the metaverse. She awakens her own persona. The group then leave with Morgana and deliver the calling card that she plasters everywhere.
Kawakami having a persona doesn’t really help because Shiho pretty much single handily charges through the palace and beats the shit out of Kamoshida’s shadow. Morgana steals the treasure and comes back and Akira just standing there cheering her on while Kawakami’s just stealing other treasures.
The only reason she doesn’t kill him is that that’s too easy in her opinion he’s going to live with it and suffer, he dies now his reputation survives even if the truth comes out the school could bury it she wants his reputation dead and buried and him to live the rest of his life suffering.
The group start exploring the mementos, Kawakami especially loves the treasures like no need to be a maid I can just steal all this shit from mementos... until finds out about the other shadows and finds Takase’s guardians and well... her turn to go beast mode.
She still goes for the treasure a lot she’s as bad as Morgana and is the one who sells stuff at Iwai’s... he’s pretty convinced she’s a secret crime boss with the amount of stuff she goes in to sell.
Akechi turns out is watching as black mask as they’re in mementos and honestly kind of impressed. When the groups traveling, they actually see black mask destroying shadows and Akira falls hard and fast he is a pining mess.
Morgana ends up staying with Kawakami because he can not deal with the PINING! Akira is waxing poetic about the guy they saw tear apart shadows with his bare hands.
Kawakami: I mean it’s fine it’s not like I’m a crazy cat lady, it doesn’t count if the cat talks back right?
Shiho:…should we tell her that no one else being able to hear Mona and her holding full conversations with them it’s literally going to make her the definition of a crazy cat lady?
Also Ann and Ryuji started hanging out as he didn’t believe the rumours about her and defended her, and Mishima thinks that they are the phantom thief’s and keeps talking to them about it and Akira and Shiho overhear which is how the website happens. Ann and Ryuji are just very confused.
Ryuji:… dude we aren’t the phantom thieves
Mishima: Rrriiigghhht I gotcha
Ann: No we really aren’t
Mishima: Right I get it
Ann:…I don’t think you do
All other palaces under the cut... sorry this is very long
Palace 2
Shiho and Ann are on a date, Akira is sort of third wheeling when they meet Yusuke and then Madarame. When they get to Madarame’s palace they run into black mask and amongst Akira’s awful pining they end up agreeing to work together. Black Mask is basically just seeing how dangerous they are and if he should deal with them… but he seems the entire time flirting with Akira in their weird competitive way.
Black mask is ready to end Madarame when Shiho talks about how change of heart makes him suffer more that he has live with everything falling apart and death he’ll dies and the truth may never come to light and people will still respect and admire him but if he admits everything, he has to life his life with everything gone….
Akechi starts thinking after that. He agrees to help with a change of heart. Just to see.
He also agrees may help out other times to. Akira is beaming and Shiho regrets everything later that night when Akira won’t stop texting her!!! He doesn’t even what the guy looks like under the mask but still keeps texting about his eyes. HE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS EYES!
They steal Madarme’s heart no real problem.
Yusuke actually kept hanging out with Ann and the also Ryuji… Mishima is now even more convinced they are the phantom thieves.
As is Makoto whose following them around.
Ann, Ryuji and Yusuke have no fucking idea what’s going on.
Palace 3
Akira actually figures out who Akechi is as soon as he starts calling the thieves out, he has spent the entire of the last palace listening to the other talk and bantering with each other and as soon as they call on him and they start bantering lightly he knows. Shiho also knows she’s just sitting there paling like ‘Oh god no not in the real world to Mementos was bad enough not here to’ she doesn’t even care he’s a detective she cares that she’s not going to get any sleep from 3am pining texts… especially now Akira has actually seen his eyes.
They meet in the corridor and Shiho nopes out as they start flirting and Akechi realises, he knows and then freaks out and runs for it… now Shiho has to deal with moping Akira.
Kawakami actually decides for them to go after Kaneshiro after she’s focusing more on teaching and notices students acting odd and see’s some at Iwai’s shop while she’s selling loot. So, she decides they’re going after him. She finds out who he is with Iwai’s help.
They don’t actually get into debt Shiho using her volley ball skill and pretty much downing the bank. Which catches Black mask’s attention and he meets up with them Akira pretty much says he knows but doesn’t care and trusts Akechi even though said will catch them. Akechi is full of guilt.
Kawakami is ignoring the teenage bullshit and her and Mona are stealing everything.
Makoto ends up realising they’re not the phantom thieves but has got adopted into their friend group. She’s tried show Mishima the evidence they’re not phantom thieves but he just says he’s really impressed how dedicated they are to secret identities… they’ve given up trying to talk sense to him at this point.
Palace 4
Futaba still contacts the group as Alibaba and they figure out about her but well they’re in LeBlanc and Sae and Sojiro are there and they both end up there in the palace Akechi’s there to…
Best way to describe the palace is fucking trauma… it’s in this one that Akechi working for Shido as an assassin, Wakaba’s death, Akechi being Wakaba’s subject of her research, Shido being Akechi’s father and maybe Futaba’s father as well is all revealed it’s a lot…
Sojiro awakens his own persona with everything especially the monster Wakaba that gives Akechi a fucking panic attack and has him unable to fight. Sojiro goes full dad mode. Sae meanwhile is with Futaba’s shadow and helping Futaba remember what actually happened.
Pretty such Sojiro is like ‘I have now adopted my future son in law and will be arranging therapy for him’ when they get out as well plotting Shido’s downfall.
Futaba is much better after and deals with medjed also starts hacking into Shido’s systems to fuck with him because they may not be targeting him yet but she will be fucking with him.
Also, Futaba, Sae and Akechi end up debating feather man episodes and lore so much… Sojiro closes the café and turns the lights off and none of them realise.
Palace 5 not 4 yeah orders a bit different because Sae knows about the metaverse and in Futaba’s palace Akechi revealed Sae has one and she is not happy with that at all.
While Kawakami, Shiho and Akira are on school trip Sae decides FUCK IT she’s dealing with her palace and basically demands a calling card that Sojiro and Akechi end up scribbling on a napkin that she grabs and then demands they let her into metaverse.
Sae is beating the shit of her own shadow while Sojiro and Akechi just watch on awkwardly… at the end Sae awakens her own Persona and the group come back with a new target.
Palace 4 now 5 Akechi reveals he’s been ordered to kill the target and that Shido will know somethings up those leads to
Akira: Hey Sae… how hard would it be to fake a death?
They handle the place without issue change his heart there’s a fake announcement of his death Shido thinks he’s won as Akechi mentioned killed thieves in the palace… not knowing they are getting ready to end him… Sojiro is ready to 1v1 him.
Maruki palace
No one is happy, Sojiro and Sae have coffee broken coffee mugs and try to shank him when he walks into LeBlanc
End is him getting kicked the shit out of by team mom and dad while they’re yelling
Bonus dumb ideas
Mona tries flirting with Ann one time even though she can’t understand him Shiho threatens to have him neutered.
In mementos Sojiro insists on driving and has on numerous occasions threatened to turn this cat around if they don’t quiet down.
All palaces end up with Akechi and Akira doing their competitive flirting. The rest of them just ignore the two.
Futaba still helps out team and knows everything even if she doesn’t go in to the metaverse.
Sojiro meets Caroline and Justine and is just like well I’ve already adopted three kids what’s two more.
Sorry this is very very long and dumb I need sleep. Sorry.
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rubykgrant · 11 months
One of the best things ever was the first time I found Shonen Jump in a grocery store (and WOAH you read this BACKWARDS???), and it had a chapter of Yu Yu Hakusho that I had never seen in the anime; The Fractured Friendship. I still love this story so much... it was before the plot became more action-packed, and still focused on Yusuke having emotional growth before his body woke up from being "dead".
The very first chapter of manga I ever read (that hadn't been edited/flipped to read all "American style) was that story... two girls who are both top students in their school, best friends who are also competing academically. One girl seems to be suffering from a strange curse, bad luck follows her every step, and she’s come close to having deadly accidents.
Yusuke and Botan notice a spirit hovering around the girl, but he himself isn’t the dangerous cause. He was student who was stressed out and depressed over school, and he took his own life (which he now regrets). He wants to warn the girl so she doesn’t die like he did. It turns out her best friend is the one who found the curse in an old book and set things in motion, pushed to the extreme by everyone around her telling her she needs to be the best. She never intended things to become so dire (the curse itself in burned into her arm, intensified by the negativity of her parents and teachers).
She wants to stop the curse now, because she truly loves her friend, but the evil energy of it won’t let either of them go. It is only after her friend is nearly killed that she rushes in, and with some help from the spirit of the young man and the love she feels in her heart, both girls are saved (Yusuke tries to help, but... he gets launched into outer space). They decide to stop competing so hard in school, ignore the adults that put pressure on them, and will continue to stay close with each other
I just really loved this story~
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
Final Date 3
Here for Part 2
Summary: Kuwabara finds that Yusuke is also suddenly very concerned with his health
"I'm telling you Urameshi! It was weird as hell! Kurama blending me up this weird drink!" Kuwabara complained, popping an egg in his mouth. He chewed, and hummed his appreciation of Yusuke's food before whining, "At six in the morning!"
Yusuke was patiently listening to Kuwabara as the man whined and enjoyed his lunch. Kuwabara often ate at Yusuke's stand for lunch, the pair catching up over a bowl of noodles.
"You drink it?" Yusuke asked, adding a second egg into Kuwabara's bowl.
"Ah yeah, I mean... he was being considerate, if not a little weird!" Kuwabara reasoned, grinning as Yusuke dropped an extra egg into his bowl, "It was pretty good too. Gritty... but tasted alright. I kept worrying the mandrake would come back to life in my stomach though!"
"You should make sure to drink it regularly then," Yusuke said firmly. "If Kurama came up with it, then the drink is good for you."
Kuwabara looked at Yusuke with a suspicious expression, "Don't tell me you're suddenly worried about my health too?"
Yusuke made a face, and resumed chopping up a cucumber into bits, "Well, I read something-"
"Urameshi... you can read?" Kuwabara gasped with faux surprise, a hand going to his heart.
Yusuke flicked some cucumber at Kuwabara, and pointed his knife at him, "Watch it!"
Kuwabara snickered, and shook some of the cucumber bits into his bowl. Taking a mouthful of broth, he giggled, "Alright, alright... you were saying?"
"Listen, I read somewhere, that doctors take the least care of themselves. They're so focused on their patients, they don't notice when they themselves are sick or are too stubborn about it when it does happen!" Yusuke gave Kuwabara a pointed look, "That sounds like you to me!"
Kuwabara slurped his noodles noisily, his brows uplifted in good humor as Yusuke glared at him. When Kuwabara swallowed, he let out a satisfying, "Ah!" and then picked up his bowl. He saluted Yusuke with it and then breezily admitted, "I guess that can be true. I don't like to notice when my own body is failing me. I've pushed myself to see to my patients!" Kuwabara made to slurp up his broth, but Yusuke plopped his knife on top of the bowl, staying Kuwabara's movements.
"You're not ignoring your body's needs, are you?" Yusuke asked, a growl behind his words.
Kuwabara sighed, and set his bowl down, "Urameshi, I'm fine! Really! It is true, I do suffer a bit when the flu count is high, or any other contagious disease flares up. My workload increases, but I look after myself. Besides, as a pediatrician, my clientele list is rather small right now. I just see kids, and normally I just to give them their immunizations, measure their growth, and remind them not to put weird things in their mouths!"
Yusuke smiled a little, "Don't kids spread the most disease?"
Kuwabara piked his bowl back up now that Yusuke didn't seem to want to impede him anymore, and slurped up his broth. When he was done, he put the bowl down, and nodded, "Yeah. Kids are grubby things. Cute though."
Picking up the second egg Yusuke had gifted him, Kuwabara popped it in his mouth, chewing while looking thoroughly pleased. Yusuke stared at him, his expression soft with concern.
Kuwabara would always be Kuwabara, but he was different now. His pompadour was gone, and his hair crowned his head in a slightly fluffy style. His hair was wavey, and almost unruly even. Something he had managed to hide with his greased-up style in the days of his youth. His face was that of an adult, his body too. Gone was the cracking voice, and gangly limbs with slightly too big feet and hands. He had filled out, his voice was low and steady. His face was still smooth, and would probably not get any lines or wrinkles for a while still... but Kuwabara was an adult.
They were all older.
Catching Yusuke's gaze Kuwabara frowned, "...Are you worried about something?"
"You would tell me if you're feeling sick right?" Yusuke asked his own question instead of answering.
Kuwabara furrowed his brows, "I'm not planning to tell you every time I get hay fever, Urameshi!"
"I'm being serious," Yusuke snapped, slapping a hand on the counter, "If you feel sick, I want you to tell someone. I want you to rest. I want you to take care of yourself. You have to live for a very long time, Kuwabara!"
A silence fell over the stand, and Kuwabara stared at Yusuke's bitter expression. Yusuke's face hadn't changed at all. Not in all their years together. If he hadn't adjust his hair style, he might still look like that punk kid from years ago.
Kuwabara nodded, and seriously promised, "I will. I will. We're not so old that we need to worry too much about a cold or a flu. But I'll look after myself, Urameshi! I promise. If I ever get really laid out, I'll tell you. I'll even whine at you until you come take care of me, how does that sound?"
Yusuke nodded, not meeting Kuwabara's eyes. Grabbing up some ginger, Yusuke began to cut it, not bothering to remove the skin. He muttered a grumpy, "You better!"
Kuwabara laughed, "When you're annoyed the next time you have to deal with my snotty ass, I'll remind you how you were about to cry until I promised to let you take care of me!"
"You were about to!"
Yusuke's stand, normally a popular stopping place for lunch, remained empty that day. The potential lunch-goers for the day were a little worried over the noise, and even more worried when the owner of the stand, put one of his customers, a full head taller than him, into a headlock.
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the-masked-ram · 2 years
False Immunity- Part Three
CW: fem reader, sfw ----
The next time you came to the temple, he could sense before you even stepped on the grounds. Not that Hiei would ever admit it was because he had been watching you through the Jagan so regularly that he had become hyper away to the signatures of your life energy. His eyes snapped open, and he stood on the limb of the massive tree he’d been sitting on. “What is she doing here?”  he grumbled under his breath, squinting before leaping off the tree and disappearing into the forest. He slipped further between the trees, bouncing off the limbs with hardly any disturbance. He waited at the edge of the forest, body tense, he waited, knowing you and the Detective’s woman would be appearing soon. Your voices babbled just on the edge of his hearing soon enough and he watched as Kurama walked with you, Keiko, and Yusuke across the field. The oaf seemed missing for the day. But, Hiei wondered, why had they brought you here? It was good at least to see you with his own two eyes, not just the Jagan. In front of him he could see that you truly did look better, and no worse for wear after the parasite had taken you as its host. The eradication had gone smoothly. “Hey Hiei!” the familiar, obnoxious voice of the Detective called to him. “C’mon.” Yusuke waved him down and Hiei curled his lip in dissatisfaction, irritated at being called out of solitude before he was ready. He felt an uncomfortable prickling sensation crawl across his neck, it told him to stay, told him he needed longer to observe the situation. So being the instinctual creature he was, he listened to its pull, letting it drag him back into the forest so he could wander to the side of the temple and keep an eye on what was happening within the tearoom.
 He crouched low on the branch watching with a suspicious squint as you sat with the others. You were safe, warm, alive, and that’s all he really needed. This strange feeling in his core, burning with a heat that wasn’t his own, that was hotter and uncomfortable, and he couldn’t extinguish no matter what, he didn’t want to make it worse. He didn’t want to interact with you, didn’t want to make you his, no matter how his instincts screamed to do so.                
“Where is the other one?” you asked. “Kuwabara couldn’t make it, I understand that. But wasn’t there someone else? I remember him….”                
You trailed off, looking wistfully at the teacup in your hand.                
“Don’t worry I’m sure Hiei will be here soon,” Yukina’s soft voice tinkled through the window and Hiei sighed at the familiar cooling effect it had on his nerves.
“He’s just shy,” Yusuke said with a snicker.
Hiei’s eye twitched and he sneered.
“I just want to thank him. I’ve been able to thank all of you. But… Hiei?... was an integral part of saving me. I remember,” you said, turning the cup now.
Hiei’s canine sank into his lip, causing the coppery tang of blood to bloom across his tongue. You remembered? Had you been conscious the whole time? Had you been suffering? And you wanted to thank him? How utterly human, and yet he felt his nervous energy melt. He made his way to the front door, only to stop and he couldn’t imagine when he’d ever felt this uncomfortable about being face to face with a human woman.                
He paused, hand raised to open the door, scowling.
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petorahs · 1 year
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pq2 thoughts after finishing it!:
i think. it is a g. game. it is a persona game i will admit!
no but srs i think its good if youve never played a persona game which i assume is why its on 3ds only. it really does feel like discount persona with all of the last three cast thrown in? and some of the gameplay improvements (this game's gameplay aged better than fes and p2's LMAOO) i guess its a compromise to reach fans who've never actually played the main games cause they dont own a playstation console or something.
at the same time it makes no sense for "new fans" to play because you need at least some background knowledge of the prev characters and plot to care.
in my case i knew everything abt p3 and p5, only osmosis knowledge of the plot of p4 so i ended up using the p4 cast the least in my playthrough :( so theres that. not worth playing if u dont care abt the other casts imo
...so we agree the characters are the selling point here, its advertised as a mega crossover and whatever but. people complaining that theyre "watered down" to base traits or even traits they didnt have in the first place are Right LOL except for a scant few characters who get a lot of expansion. but for the most part none of them are themselves (like yusuke... 😔.... akihiko.... aki not as bad as yusuke but they have the same writing problem)
no one expects the characters to rly individually shine when theres so many ofc, the game even pokes fun at the "limited screen time" joke but like. what else is there to this? 🤔 well
character interactions! those were good. everyone expected detective princes meetup to be really great but i loved the other pairs like haru and mitsuru (heirs with distant dads...), and the PQ OC girl with futaba :] (introvert friends!!)(theyre like sucrose and collei in this year's windblume if you go there)
speaking of akechi though. yea he's part of the list of characters that surprisingly did not get butchered and in fact expanded upon in this game. aside from akechi it's P3 FeMC.
others i liked were P5 MC (his dialogue choices are SO out there), shinjiro aragaki, ken amada, yukiko amagi maybe yosuke hanamura and P4MC but their personalities just stayed the same instead of getting possible new insight?
i liked velvet room guys too theyre goated frfr! yes including marie. even i was surprised (probably cause akechi gets to poke fun at her and the twins hdjdhdhd)(cute)
i cant put P3 male MC anywhere cause i will always be biased towards him 😔🫰 (he was great btw)
but the crow character expansion in particular intrigued me and leads me to accept this game as canon like some ATLUS USA reps intended. akechi: stripped away of his obligations is a cunning, introspective and overall respectable young man and the game showcased all of his core traits well. he purposefully isolates himself from the main group and gets called out on it, consistently is the one that makes the most sense in discussions, gets various little moe moments... he honestly seems like he doesnt know what to make of all this forced bonding with strangers but he cant help to indulge anyway. 😭 he's vocal in discussions about their plans but a passive :) face in the background during fun moments until he's addressed or curious. the way he furthers the narrative along like they wouldnt get as far as they did without him i feel. but between all of that he was the main character to me.
the end scene where he seems regretful that he has to leave and go back to his revenge plot.... hurts. because for all intents and purposes we just saw akechi if he didnt have all that baggage and was just allowed to exist as himself. a smart guy with a whole life ahead of him. but he didnt choose that.
oh god that emoji is huge but anyway. FeMC!! ^_^ the problems of toxic positivity being addressed in her arc was great. they really tried to give her as much love as possible without being too happy (persona games tend to make their characters suffer anyway to even things out) and it was great! her writing reminds me of kasumire's mental illness but with less romance tease pandering.
ah yes and the obligatory Persona side game OC... hikari and nagi. honestly wished they didnt exist as much as i liked hikari's thing 😔 it got old and outright cringe man im sorry like surely the devs could come up with something better than this?? way to not explain enlil and mess with the in-universe power scaling too LMAO. 2/10 is being generous!
anyway its a fairly short game in persona standards so i cant really say it's time wasted when i got so many character interaction crumbs..... i guess i lucked out by liking the characters that i do instead of ones that kinda got shafted in this. (except for aki but 😔 i just kinda accepted his blown out of proportions awkwardness outside of P3)
it's..... a 6/10 from me overall! music and velvet room attendants + nanako cameo DLC carried
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scarletooyoroi · 1 year
When did you first start writing? What is your favorite canon muse? Have you ever started to ship a rare-pair? uwu
When did you first start writing?
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Assuming this is going by when did I first start giving it a try in the RP esque sense?
It'd be a little bit before I started rp'ing tbh. I use to try and fail in creating fanfictions, since I'd have ideas, but I struggled in conveying them in a way that creates a picture/scene/movie through words if ya know what I mean? It use to get me frustrated all the time, but then I discovered RP! Through this means I had a person to help bounce the back and forth with, and having that guidance of knowing what to respond too really helped me develop my skills.
What is your favorite canon muse?
aaaaa if I had to pick just one? I've had him as a muse once upona time, but if there's an all time fav.
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This lovable bastard right here.
It was thanks to ol Yusuke here that I started to get a particular taste/affinity for the brand of muses that I enjoy RPing the most. They all have that underlying current of a golden heart, despite how rough around the edges they could be, and not just in your broody fashion either. Explosive, hot headed, prone to mistakes, but at the end of the day just had that kind of sway that could really pull a person in.
Not to mention the mouth full of wit he had on him always had me cracking up, back then and especially in the now. He truly does take the crown for my favorite canon muse.
Have you ever started to ship a rare-pair? uwu
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the RyuHaru hours always stay taking the cake for me. bndfugfnd But don't make me air out all the good deets on this fair platform here! Who is trying to see me gush over some ships here?
Like really now. :[[
ThoNilou is also here too, but I sadly lack the icons and imagery of them doing their thing together. Suffering is real.
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fruiteggsaladit · 1 month
YYH precanon idea
Atsuko meeting Yukimura Mama and Papa by seeking work at their restaurant.
Having emotions abt Atsuko being a surly teen and these two being some of the only reliable adults in her life and these two adults having emotions abt Atsuko being a working teen mother w major trust issues. I think she was worse than Yusuke possibly.
Additional concept that the Yukimura parents were a little old when Keiko was born for foil material for Atsuko being a teen mother, may have had fertility issues or met each other later in life than average. In that case, even more foil material, bc they had time to decide on each other and the experience to stay w each other.
One initial idea was of the Yukimuras having tried for years and see Keiko as something of a miracle baby bc of it, meanwhile Atsuko hadn't wanted to be a mother at all but was pressured into carrying Yusuke to term. She still doesn't want to be a mother and it shadows any positive feelings she might have about Yusuke, kind of expecting him to see her like she saw her parents, like she's something to survive, not live with...
Another idea that is less angsty is that Atsuko did plan for Yusuke meanwhile the Yukimuras didn't plan for Keiko at all, she happened by happenstance. She may have had a very optimistic plan in mind, meanwhile the Yukimuras found themselves adopting Keiko when no one else could or were willing to among their family. ... I know I said "less angsty" but honestly that's giving me Natsume Yuujinchou vibes but what if the Takahashis got Natsume when he was a baby wo him having to suffer through so many families... Well this did start out w precanon Atsuko as a working teen mum, I guess this was bound to stay sad!
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lynsterswritingblog · 2 years
Stealing Skullhearts (Persona 5 x Skullgirls crossover) AU
(writing this au’s details down because I’m probably never going to finish the fic I made out of it RIP)
(as with all of my aus, feel free to use or edit this au as you please. I just ask to be credited.)
So P5 Protag accepts Yaldabaoth’s deal but Philemon ain’t having it. He offers Painwheel(pre Marie fight) a chance at freedom for playing the role of the trickster in a reset timeline. She accepts and she, along with Ms. Fortune, Filia, Squigly, Peacock, and Marie are sent to the persona world.
Due to cognitive stuff, regular people do not see/notice parasites and other things that stand out about the Skullgirls cast(for example Marie having half a spine and Squigly being a zombie).
The P5 Protag is still in the ring so to speak and seeks to oppose Carol.
When not in her Phantom Thief attire, Carol does not have Buer Drive or the nails in her arms from Gae Bolga’s presence(she still has Gae Bolga inside her). Buer Drive’s port and her scars still remain though. Brain Drain’s control mechanism has also been completely removed and Carol overall suffers from far less pain. Her persona is Praxidice, goddess of judicial punishment and exactor of vengeance. Praxidice has Almighty and debuff skills. She keeps Painwheel as her code name as an acknowledgment that Painwheel is a part of her now.
For Ms. Fortune, I do not have much ironed out. Her code name is Misfortune and she has Xingtian as her persona, a warrior who continued to fight after being decapitated. Xingtian uses nuke skills and healing spells. She was going to join during Kaneshiro’s palace.
Filia joins in Madarsme’s palace. Instead of asking Ann to model, Yusuke ask Filia to and later Carol to compliment Filia. Things are awkward between Filia and Carol at first since Carol attacked Filia in a blind rage back in the Skullgirls world. I couldn’t come up with a code name for Filia but her Phantom Thief attire is mafia themed. Her persona is Futakuchi-onna, a yokai with a second mouth on the back of her head. She specializes in electric and gun attacks.
I don’t have much for Squigly. Her code name is up in the air and I’m unsure if I want to keep her persona as Siren.
Peacock has Thalia, the muse/goddess of comedy, as her persona, who uses Psy attacks. Her code name stays as Peacock. She would join after/around when Marie joins. Marie no longer has the skullheart but her persona, Revenant, gives her similar powers. Revenant uses primarily curse skills. Her code name is Lich and she joins during Kaneshiro’s palace. She repeatedly needs to be talked out of murder.
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symphonic-scream · 2 years
I gotta know: how does hifumi get along with the rest of the team? I love character dynamics and I don't see much w/ hifumi
I'm so glad you asked! Before I get into individual dynamics, this is what the group is like as a whole
You know those memes about the person trying to control the kids on leashes? Yeah.
So Hifumi is holding the leashes. Robin Goro is sitting on her shoulder, Yusuke is sitting on the ground being dragged, Makoto and Haru got the leashes tangled and and tugging on them, Futaba has fallen on her back and is turtling cause she got yanked while trying to run away, Ryuji is scrambling away, Ann is all cocooned in the harness cause she tried to wiggle it off and is now stuck and being dragged, and Kasumi is carrying her own leash and walking with the group- maybe even skipping
And now for one on one
Hifumi with Yusuke is just- autistic hanging out. Both are doing their own thing silently in the same space. He's sketching, she's studying Shogi techniques- not a word is being spoken. They are best friends
Hifumi and Goro is. It's. When two tired teachers go out for beers energy. They're tired, they love the others but at what cost. They understand each other's suffering
Hifumi and Makoto! They're usually chill. Hifumi apologized for following everyone else in their talk and beliefs about Makoto before but it's water under the bridge. They study together when Haru and Yusuke or Akira/Ren aren't free, and Hifumi has learned that in order to get the best plans from Makoto, she just has to ask Haru and Yusuke to go pick out something. That can sometimes last hours.
As for Hifumi and Haru, well, Haru is a champ at making sure everyone's eating and staying hydrated. She often has little bags of Hifumi's favourite trail mix after learning she doesn't like gooey snacks, and Hifumi likes to go to a bath house or relax at Haru's after press interviews
Hifumi and Futaba is like. It's like. Okay like. Futaba really makes her life hard but that's how she shows affection okay? Not listening, talking over her, making naughty jokes- once Hifumi actually talks to her and finds out that none of it's serious, Futaba turns it down a notch as requested and they mix a little easier
Hifumi and Ryuji. She finds him loud, a little overexcited, but he's like a puppy sometimes. Like a dumb little house-ridden puppy. She just wishes he and Futaba were a little less alike
She and Ann get along great! They both understand stuff about being stuck in the spotlight, pushy parents, all that. They have sleepovers, go get crepes, they're good pals
But Hifumi's best friend is Akira/Ren. She visits him at work at Crossroads, they talk about Queer culture, they really just get each other
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