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This was suppose to be a spooky drawing but um…
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ice-6caydesqueen · 1 year
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revenge of the 5th
Eaxa kallig skirata
Darth imperous
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thegreatwicked · 1 year
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Where will you be when a kinky new story idea hits you? Buried in a pile of 10+ WIPs... That's where. Ok but hear me out, three one shots staring each of our boys living their lives on Dathomir the way it would have been if not for Sidious. MEANING, force sensitive Zabarcks are pretty much just breeding stock for the Night Sisters.. Lord help me, I have so many issues... and apparently a breeding kink too. Stay tuned gentles and ladymen I'm thinking I'm gonna start with our sweet boy Feral...
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5ush1w0rm · 3 months
So if Zabracks growl/pur… do you think they do kitty head rolls against their partner when they’re comfy and feel safe???? If not, I’m writing it anyway. Lol.
OML YESSS they would nuzzle their heads against their partners' lap and neck
They would have ruts and heats again like cats where they would crave the touch of their partners so much
God forgive their partner was away from them they would be extremely depressed and pent up
But the second they see their partner come home they are all over them kissing and licking their neck
Nuzzling their head into their chest and purring and growling so cutely
Sometimes, if zabraks get mad, I feel like they might let out this kinda animalistic clicking/hissing noise
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jillianfahey · 4 months
Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU (Purple)
Zabracks bleed purple. Iridonian Zabracks have various levels of purple due to intermarrying with other races. Dathmarian Zabracks like Lyni bleed deep plum while their blush is bright purple.
Crosshair and the batch did not know this. They found out because when some violence happened Lyni helped out the victim before coming home with a blood covered shirt. Cue mass panic.
All the while Lyni has no idea why everyone is freaking out and smacks Crosshair's hands away (he is trying to find the source of blood flow). Suddenly it clicks and she backs up confused, "This isn't my blood." As it sank in, "Zabracks bleed purple," looking at Tech specifically, "didn't you know that?"
Tech was the only one not panicking and caught Crosshair when he stumbled back surprised that Lyni had hit him. Tech was able to explain to Cross, Hunter, and Wrecker about how Zabracks have purple blood.
Cross is still upset about it and does a complete visual check after her shower to make sure she's not bleeding. (The bros check too but he's the most obvious about it. And keeps checking for the longest.)
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elisemscott1122 · 1 year
Known Mandalorian Signets/Sigils and Symbols:
* the Mythosaur
* Famously Worn By:
- Boba Fett
- Bo-Katan Kryze (replacement shoulder Pauldron)
- Clan Keldau
- The Children of the Watch (as a symbol)
* the Mudhorn
* Famously Worn By:
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- Din Grogu
* the Nite Owl
* Famously Worn By:
- Bo-Katan Kryze (1st shoulder Pauldron)
* the Emblem of the Crusaders
* Famously Worn By:
- the Mandalorian Crusaders
* the Emblem of the Neo-Crusaders
* Famously Worn By:
- the Neo-Crusaders
* Jaster Mareel’s sigil:
* Famously Worn By:
- Jaster Mareel
- Jango Fett
- Boba Fett
* the Death Watch symbol:
* Famously Worn By:
- Clan Viszla
- Tarre Vizsla
- Tor Viszla
- Pre Viszla
* Jaig Eyes:
* Famously Worn By:
- Captain Rex (CT-7567)
- Commander Blackout
- Kanan Jarrus/Caleb Dume
* Clan Eldar:
* Famously Worn By:
- Members of Clan Eldar
* Zabrack Horns:
* Famously Worn By:
- Mandalorians Loyal to Darth Maul
- The Armorer
* Symbol of House Kast:
* Famously Worn By:
- members of Clan Rook
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poibynt · 2 years
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“You we’re my brother, Din. I loved you. Sometimes I hated you, but I loved you.”
A comic I made of a part of a conversation between Paz and Din in chapter 30 of @ryehouses’ fic A Simple Thing a couple of months ago. It was a total learning experience for me, since this is the first comic I’ve ever made, and it’s maybe a bit janky in places but god damn at some point you just need to let it go and live with it. More thoughts and progress photos under the cut.
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Designing younger Din and Paz and a younger version of a character with at the time minimal physical descriptions was,,interesting. For Din I tried to find an inbetween of his child self in bright red and his older self in cool brown and silver. So I based his colour pallet more on rusty reds (I kind of forgot pre beskar Din has a BRIGHT red chest plate bc god sometimes I cannot see shit in that show so, ooops) warmer cream and brown as well as some blue for contrast. For Paz I kept his design the closest to his adult self, since Paz settled into his role and vision of himself at a pretty young age, but at this point he hasn’t inherited his father’s armour. Substituted yellow for cream, basically. Annika I just kind of did whatever the fuck I wanted with bc all I had was red armour and zabrack helmet horns at the time. I made her brighter and closer to purple to try and distinguish her from Din. As I think is pretty obvious, I repeated colours throughout all three designs. Everyone has at least one colour directly repeated in someone else’s design, though Din has less literal same hex code colour repeats and more differing shades. Part of this is bc I love small colour pallets and repeating colours for character design. The other part is ✨symbolism✨. I also gave all of them an extra soft good, mainly bc why the fuck not, but Din’s kama was a direct nod to his hip plates bc they’re a very important part of his design and I’ll die on this hill. As for armour, I based it all off of mando s1 design concepts. I gave Din the least amount of armour and tried to bring in a piecemeal vibe. Paz’s chest plate is a bit of a mash up between multiple CotW plate designs. From what armour i designed for Annika I leaned a bit more into modern era/Fett esc armour due to Annika being a Skirata which are on the whole more tied to the True Mandalorians. These designs were not set in stone, and I did change Din’s up a bit in the real thing, especially changing Din’s foot armour to be more DWy and more clearly durasteel.
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These are my thumbnails for fun. I’m weirdly attached to them.
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ciramaris · 2 years
What would get the Bad Batch in trouble?
Inspired by this @dragon-pups
⚠️Warnings⚠️ mention of Injury 🩹, canon typical violence ⚔,
... Pls tell me, if I forgot to tag something ...
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... Because of his strategies, calculations and the need to inform everyone else about them, easily get him in Trouble ...
The tall Zabrack crossed his arms in front of his chest and scoffed. ,,Really? You think, you and your 4 Laserbrains could outsmart me? Cid thinks too high of you."
Tech righted his glaces while he typed on his Datapad ,,Actually, according to my calculations, outsmarting you would not even be that difficult. I took a brainscan of you- and yours is not fully developed. Indicating, you are not as smart as you presume yourself to be. With this information and with the security Recording Cid provided us with, we can easily brake into your Vault and bring Cid her share. Or you could give us her share and ours now, without the need to replace certain expensive Components of your Vault and House." Tech glanced at the three Guards the Zabrack had, that stood behind him. ,,And without the need of further bloodshed, on your side."
The Zabrack scowled at Tech. ,,And if I don't want to give Cid her share?"
Tech shrugged nonchalant and stated Matter of Fact. ,,Then we are obliged to use deadly force to retrieve said Share."
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... He once again took the biggest Risk out of them all ...
He didn’t want to listen to Tech's Odds and how many hundreds to 1 he was outnumbered. He hoped for the best and he failed.
While he fell down to the river below, he regretted not listening to Tech and sighed inwardly. After he returned, Tech would surely lecture him.
When he submerged in the icy cold glacier stream, he was pulled along with the current.
Hunter tried to stay afloat, but the Mining Guild Members did not take kindly to thiefs.
Especially not, when they just stole something extremely valuable.
He held on tight to his backpack, where he had the refined coaxium.
He took the next opportunity and reached for a wooden branch. He got himself out of the water and run back to the Marauder, while he was still chased by the Mining Guild.
The other four waited by the Marauder, Tech kept the Marauder ready. Echo was the Copilot. Wrecker and Omega had their Weapons, Wrecker stood outside the Ship, Omega stood in the ship- her energy Bow ready to shoot.
Hunter felt more than he heard the Pyro Denton activate and being thrown towards him.
He run faster, the Explosion still rattled him and threw him off balance, but at least further to the Marauder, he fell, rolled, got up and resumed running.
When he saw the Marauder he activated his Comm. ,,Tech- almost there!"
Wrecker and Omega went inside.
Tech lifted off of the ground and hovered there.
Hunter run and then jumped on the ladder. ,,Go!"
Tech flew upwards.
Hunter was glad Wrecker had taken a hold of him, otherwise he would have slipped off of the ladder, because of how wet he was.
,,Do you have it?"
Hunter panted and nodded. ,,In my Backpack."
Omega took out the Med-kit. ,,Hunter? Are you okay?"
He frowned. ,,Yes, why?"
Wrecker looked at his Brother and hissed. ,,Your cheek. It bleeds. Here, hold still."
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... Omega's sense of Justice ...
She cocked her head and starred at the Scene before her in shock.
A young Twiilek, around the Age of Hera, was slapped across her face. One of the five Men laughed and clapped the one, who had slapped her, on his shoulder.
Omegas heart clenched painfully at the sight. She looked closer and saw the Girl had her Wrists bound with Binders and Binder arounnd her Neck, said Collar electrocuted her and the Girls knees gave out, sending her tumbling to the floor.
Omega had enough. She crawled ontop of the Next crate and shot the one who had slapped the Twiilek, with her Energy Bow.
The others were immediately on high alert and fired on her.
Omega ducked behind the crate, then she looked up again and fired three fast shoots, killing three out of the four remaining.
The last one grabbed the Twiilek by her Neck and held her in front of him. He trained his Blaster on the Twiilek’s head. ,,My Syndicate is already on the way! No one attacks us and leaves unharmed!"
Omega rolled her eyes. Did he really think she cared what he had to say? Well, obviously... but she didn’t.
She shot behind him, he turned.
In the distance she heard a faint ,Omega!' From Wrecker.
That is it. She thought and activated her Comm. ,,Wrecker I need you. Somone wants to kill a Twiilek, she almost looks like Hera."
Wrecker sighed. ,,I'll be right there."
She waited a few more minutes and surely Wrecker appeared in the other alleyway.
He frowned. ,,Hey Kid. DUCK!" He shouted.
The Twiilek understood he meant her and tried to duck as good as she could, with the Man still holding her up.
Wrecker took an empty Fuel Container and threw it at her.
Just before the Container connected with her, a shot was fired and an ascension cable swung around her legs, then she was pulled away from the Attacker just beofre he was knocked out by the Container.
The Girl looked up and saw a Man with a half Tattooed Face, he smile kindly down at her.
Wrecker laughed. ,,The Cavalry has arrived!"
Hunter helped the Twiilek up after he removed the cable from around her legs.
When Omega joined them, Hunter sighed tiredly. ,,Omega. I understand you wanted to help. But could you please not do these kind of things alone?"
She nodded sheepishly. ,,Alright Hunter. Sorry."
Tech, who had waited for Wrecker to finish the Rescue frowned. ,,Omega? Are you aware you just stole a Slave from the Blacksun Crime Syndicate and killed 5 of their Men?"
Omega shrugged. ,,No, why? What is so special about a black Sun?"
Hunter sighed. He loved his Sister, dearly. But sometimes...
,Am I getting too old for this Crap?' He briefly wondered.
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... Wrecker's Love for Explosives ...
He was thrilled, the Warehouse Cid told them about was awesome. He had so many explosives surrounding him.
He laughed and hugged a Thermal Detonator to his scarred Cheek.
Omega eyed him mildly worried.
,,Oh you're comming home with me!" He laughed and loaded then im Omegas Backpack.
Omega grin. ,,Wrecker, don't load too much in it. I won't be able to lift it."
He looked Omega up and down. ,,Come here and put it on."
She did as her Brother told her. Soon she thought it was more than enough weight. ,,Wrecker, no more."
He sighed but accepted it.
Outside were Blasters fired.
Echo run inside. ,,We got company! What are you doing? We don’t have much time! Load it and leave!" He said while he fired Stunn Bolts from his DC.
Omega glanced at Echo worried and hurried to the Marauder.
Soon Tech and Echo followed her and entered the Ship.
,,Hunter? Where is Wrecker?" She asked worried.
Her Brother sighed, frustrated. ,,Probably still inside. Tech? Start the Engine and hover, I'll get Wrecker."
Tech did that while Echo huffed annoyed and shook his head.
Hunter found his Brother pinned to a Corner, surrounded by 20 Reg's.
Hunter sighed and shot Stunn Bolts at them.
Wrecker took a Crate of Pyro Dentons and a Crate of Thermal Detonators and run to the Marauder. He loaded it and run back inside, while Hunters frustration grew. ,,What are you doing?! We need to go!"
Wrecker grin. ,,I'll be right there. I just need something else."
Wrecker run inside and grabbed a crate or Ammunition and anpther crate of Magnetic Thermal detonators, he run t the Marauder amd just as he pushed the Ammunition inside, he was shot in his right leg.
He hissed, grabbed a Thermal Detonator, activated it and when Tech lifted off, he threw it at the Warehouse. He looked through the Gunnersmount as it Exploded. He grin. ,,BOOM!"
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... Echo's helpfulness for others (Esp. Clones) ...
He frowned. ,,Hunter? Why can't we go after them? They are our Brothers- they left the Empire and need help. Now."
Hunter sighed. ,,Because we need to maintain a low profile. Echo, I understand your need to help them. But we can't help them at the moment."
Echo shook his head. ,,Then, let me go alone."
Hunter frowned. ,,No. Not alone."
Echo got up. ,,I will not stand by and watch my Brothers get killed. Not again!"
Hunter shook his head. ,,You heard me."
Echo shook his head frustrated, he stormed off the Ship. He sat outside and told Tech and Wrecker about it, they in turn qgreed with him.
Hunter had a feeling this would happen, when Echo with His Brothers stood in front of him and informed him, they would go ater the MIA and AWOL, if he wanted to come with them, that would be appreciated-if not, ue could wait at Cid's.
Hunter sighed but agreed to go with them.
What they didn’t know yet was, Crosshair would be there too. Waiting for somone to pick up the AWOL's.
Admiral Rampart knew where they gathered and ordered him under the Command of CC-1226 to take them and the helpers out.
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... Crosshair's way with Reg's ...
He glared at Wooley.
Wooley smirked. ,,What? See something you like? Want to be like me? Look normal?"
Crosshair's glare intensified. ,,No. I am unique. You look like every one else. Nothing special."
Wooley glared at him. ,,Watch it, Toothpick! I will not get decommissioned for being defective."
Crosshair flicked his Toothpick at him. ,,No, you will. I was meant to be like this. You are not. So, do us both a favor and go follow Orders to the point of stupidety and play Cacon Fodder."
Wooley was just about to lunge at Crosshai, when he was lifted on his Chestplate by Wrecker.
Hunter sighed ans mildly glared at the Reg. ,,Please, let him be or I will have to inform Cody."
Wooley still dangled. ,,It’s Commander Cody to you!"
Hunter sighed. ,,Let him down, Wrecker. Go away- it is best for all of us."
Wooley glared at them, disgusted and left.
Hunter sighed. Why did Crosshair need to rile the Regs up all the time?
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Okay guys I need your help!
I'm looking for a Ao3 Obi-wan/maul story where maul shows up to Obi-wan’s house on tattooine with a baby zabrack thats his son he named menace and how they fall in love with eatchother and Obi-wan becomes the babies Da.
It's a one shot that I absolutely love but I can't find it anymore!!
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cc1010fox · 8 months
:Encrypted Message. Sender - Hidden In Ceilings and Walls:
*The Message contains three images of two Rattataki, one of whom is the Aide of Rattatak's Senator and the other a male, with the third being a Zabrack wearing Separatist armor. It also contains a five minute holovid.*
Sir, retrieved evidence of the sentients in these images and holovid being Separatist sympathisers and slavers, as well as possible leads to the senator of Rattatak being involved. The holovid contains a time and meeting place between the three individuals some time in the next tenday.
Will be keeping an ear and eye on them until your command states otherwise, sir.
Good job, soldier. Remain unseen, but continue to collect evidence. Await further orders.
Genuinely, Fox was thankful for the unseen troopers who kept the Republic safe. Still, he knew it wasn't his decision on whether to act on the information. Some relationships were seen as too fragile to risk fracturing until they did something completely unforgivable.
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depressed-sock · 9 months
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Bleeding Heart (1170 words) Gift for SassySnowperson! Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: Mature Relationships: Captured Rebellion Spy/Rebellion Spy that Pulled off a Jailbreak Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Zabrack Character(s), Original Mirialan Character(s) Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Torture, Escape, PTSD, Pining, Trans Female Character, minor misgendering, like a blink and you'll miss it moment, Stabbing, Bittersweet Ending, Blood and Violence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Digital Art Preview:
Saree grimaces as Rozza readjusts her grip to help keep Saree standing. The whole mission had gone foobar and the fact that Saree was even getting a rescue… Well, she very much appreciates the fact that she won’t be left to rot and be tortured in this hellhole for the rest of her life. Which considering how things were going would have been a rather short one.
“We have to keep moving,” Rozza says in a hushed voice. Her fingers digging into Saree’s side as she peers around the corner of the hallway they’ve stopped in. Saree can barely stand, can barely pay any attention.
She forces herself back into the moment, focusing on the rough texture of the uniform Rozza is wearing. Dark grey in color and hiding the green skin beneath. The mask and hood helps hide the rest of the Mirialan’s features but if anyone gets too close a look… well it probably matters little when Rozza is carrying a prisoner out of the base.
And that itself is enough to get the both of them shot.
“Please tell me you have an actual plan,” Saree hisses quietly, as she leans further into Rozza. The dizziness from the last torture session has yet to abate and honestly she has no idea how she’s made it as far as she has.
Rozza is quiet for a moment, head still peering around the corner and Saree knows her answer just from that alone. “Rozza,” she growls, getting enough energy up to slide a hand under Rozza’s stiff uniform just to pinch her side hard enough to make the other woman hiss. “Really. You came in here with no plan?!”
“The plan is to get you out,” She mutters as she slaps Saree’s hand away from her side. “It’s fine. All the bigshots have already left, all the people here are grunts and I can take them out easily enough.”
“Oh? You can take out a whole fucking army of storm troopers now? I must have missed the part where you’ve become a one woman army and if that’s the case why haven’t the rebels used you for-” Rozza shoves her hand over Saree’s face, pushing them both back up against the wall as footsteps come down the hall.
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nintresh · 4 months
Last night my sleep deprived ass thought the way Osha and Mae were conceived was because spiky mom was a trans Zabrack but some kind of Force pregnancy technique is cool too I guess
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michi-beans · 2 years
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My possessed brain at 4:00 AM coming up with a Star Wars OC:
☆ Lore down below:
》 Juno, force sensitive human mandalorian. Born in 14 BBY on Mandalore, 5 years before the start of the Empire. His buir took him out of the planet when the heat between the New Mandalorians and Death Watch got too dangerous for her to raise him considering not much of the True Mandalorians were left after the Battle of Korda Six. They lived fine for a year until until the Empire fully began. One thing led to another, his buir was killed, Vader and Nasty Man got their hands on him. They decided to keep him as Vader's apprentice in secret in order to have someone to use and keep Mandalore in their hands later on. Although, this didn't really last because the Night of a Thousand Years happened that very same year. So they didn't really need him anymore, but still kept him anyways. Palpatine didn't have much patience for him due to the boy being stubborn and refusing to be something other than a Mandalorian. Which is why he never truly fell to the dark side and doesn't have the yellow eyes. He's Mandalorain before anything else. So you know, trauma ensues, scars were made after the years from punishment. As much as he fought it, he ended up learning well from being forcibly trained by Vader. I want to say he escaped two or three years before the events of the original trilogy. For some reason they allowed him to keep his buir's armor so he had something to take, plus a large amount of beskar ingots he stole. Unfortunately, Vader caught up to him and the two had one last duel. The Sith Lord decided to "test" him and see if Juno deserved to be free. Like true Skywalker fashion, Vader cut off both his arms and left him for dead. Surprise, he didn't die and fortunately the planet he was on had a mod-parlor, so he got himself some cybernetics. Later he would use the beskar he stole to create neskar versions complete with the gauntlets. Years would pass, kept to himself in order to avoid being caught again by the Empire, which luckily not many knew of his existence anyways. He would later come to save Naro and Kesh from a slavers mines. They wouldn't leave him be so he has companions now. Empire fell, time went on and next thing he know he not only got adopted by the togruta and zabrack he saved, but also by the tried old man that is apparently Tatooine's Daimyo.
》 Yes essentially this is just my excuse for Boba to also have a force sensitive ad and Din to be omg we have two now so now Clan Fett-Djarin has two children and grogu has a big bro who wouldn't hesitate to murder anyone who dares to hurt him just like mama Din and papa Boba, probably a little more murderous considering he was trained by a Sith but shhhhhh we don't talk about that.
》 He used to wear a force nulling collar but came to terms with being force sensitive thanks to Naro and Kesh and later from his new aliit. Not used as often but still on occasions. He may be like eww no I don't want to be a Jedi/Sith, yet he still kept his lightsabers. He will probably end up building one for his vod, Grogu deserves one too. He was also really proud when he learned Grogu chose Din over training with Luke. Kriffing jetii and their attachment issues.
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jillianfahey · 5 months
Bad Batch Modern AU - Crosshair (Cat Things)
Okay, I was thinking again about how Zabracks are evolved from cats. And what little things would surprise others about them. Which leads to this post.
Seeing in the dark - Yes, Lyni and the twins can see very well in the dark. Which has lead to startling the bad batch when they lived together for a while.
Reflecting light - As someone who has had cats nearly my whole life, another startling thing is when you just see two glowing eyes in the dark. Goes with startling everyone.
Dilating pupils - After a few heart attacks and reassurances that she and the kids were fine, Lyni finally got the batch to learn this is a show of interest.
They have very sharp teeth, especially the eyeteeth.
There is a lot of meat in the Oppress trios diet, and Brutal has complained more than once that it was overcooked at the bat batch house. The seven year old twins prefer it on the raw side because "It has a nice tug."
Chirps, churrs and trills to show they are ready to socialize.
Purrs for contentment or when they are self-soothing.
Growls and hisses for warning and/or frusteration.
They like to sleep in piles together. The batchers have more than once gotten pictures of and/or walked in on the twins sleeping peacefully in the most uncomfortable looking positions.
That is it. Otherwise they behave as humans. Just thought it might be funny.
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odetoavillan · 2 years
     Savage was reporting to the human female what supplies they had left, taking it all very seriously when the tiny human poked his nose with a loud 'boop" sound. The yellow Zabraks lite gray green eyes widened as she covered her mouth and stifled a small giggle.
          "I'm so sorry." She continued to giggle gently patting his shoulders.
         "I don't understand..." Savage stated looking to his brothers.
     Mauls arms were crossed as he rolled his eyes observing the scene with a hard scowl line creasing his face.
          "She's... odd..." Maul stated to his older brother. "Darling mine... do control your impulsiveness." Maul raised a tattooed brow at her. She laughed heartily and wrapped her arms around his waist. 
           "I thought you liked my impulsiveness." She cooed kissing his chin. Maul snorted.
          "You are insufferable." He droned rolling his eyes. "We must go get our supplies now... you'll need your cloak." Maul told her.
          "Right!" She whirled and took off to her room. Maul looked to his two brothers.
          "Make sure she doesn't... do something impulsive." Maul ordered his two brothers.
          "Like what?" Ferral questioned.
          "Just keep her from harm." Maul eyed him sternly before turning to where she wad practically skipping past them.
          "Waiting on you now." She teased. Maul caught up to her quickly, gripping her swinging hand and held it still at thier side.
          "I've ordered my brothers to keep you safe... so keep them busy would you." Maul whispered to her, kissing her temple. She smirked broadly up at him.
          "I know... I'll look after them." She hummed, kissing his jaw. "Misbehave yourself." She called after him as he left her side.
         "Always." Maul smirked pulling his cowl up as she winked.
          "Let's go shopping!" She grinned at Ferral and Savage. She linked her arms around thiers and walked on rambling about the culture and animal life of the planet they were currently on.
     The trio collected the supplies they needed then sat down at a Cafe to eat. The brothers scowled at her plate.
          "It's a salad, you blithering womp rats, not nuclear waste." She chortled waving a fork full of food in thier faces.
          "Does it even taste good?" Savage asked curiously.
          "To me it tastes pretty good... there are some veggies I don't like cause they only taste like dirt... this salad is actually the best I've had in a while." She smiled at them.
          "Id like to try it." Ferral stated. She smirked at him and picked out a bite for him, and put it next to his plate of meat.
          "Only just a bite... Maul ate some vegetables once, cause it was all we had, and he shat himself silly. Zabrack being carnivores and all... that one bite won't hurt you. " She assured. Ferral took the bite and shuddered, wanting to spit the food out immediately. She held a napkin out to him. "Spit it out in here."
          "That was terrible." Ferral gagged. The human and Savage chuckled at the young zabraks antics.
          "Just stick to the food you know brother." Savage stated, shaking his head.
          "There are some fruits, grains, and veg you guys can have in moderation... but we'll cross that bridge when we get there... we gotta get back, Maul is on his way back to the ship." She explained finishing her meal.
          "How long have you known our brother." Savage asked as they started pushing thier crates of supplies back to the ship.
          "Little over ten years now I think... long story for a different day... hey, Ferral?" She replied, grabbing the light orange zabraks arm.
          "Yes?" He answered looking at her
          "BOOP!" She grinned poking his nose. Savages rumbling laugh echoed at Ferrals displeased scowl.
          "You're trouble..." He grumbled after her as she giggled maniacally.
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sinvulkt · 1 year
Angstpril: 3. NO ESCAPE (slave past)
@whumpril - D3. "Hold still."
The Jedi Knight fell, a smoking hole in his heart. His Light snuffed out. Next to me, Döt and Ikite let out a cry of panic. I bit my lips and remained silent, wings curling around my shoulders. Panicking wouldn’t help us escape.
I closed my eyes and settled into a meditation posture, seeking a path forward through the Force. For the first time in my life, no answer came back. The Force felt blank. No matter how strongly I called, no matter how hard I focused, it stayed eerily silent. 
Outside, shuffles and whimpers were reaching my ears. My muscles tensed, ready to spring. I kept my posture and tuned the noises out, despite their meaning. I needed to sink deeper. 
(I didn't want to be there.)
The tension climbed, like the choking calm preceding a storm. My search in the Force stayed vain, and the energy that had been my reliable ally for as long as I could remember remained empty. A twisted presence stopped in front of my feet, and I ventured an eye open. Somewhere, in a planet light years away from the doomed spaceship I sat in, a thunderbolt clapped.
A shiver ran down my spine. I looked into the eyes of the devil, and my reflection looked back.
“Will you come peacefully?” it smiled at me.
“Would it change anything?” I asked.
Not waiting for the answer, I sprung to my feet and sprinted. I was small, and he was big- there was a chance I could run between his legs and outside before he caught me. 
“No,” came the unwanted answer.
An instant later, I was sprawled on the ground, an arm lock immobilizing me. The Zabrack’s knee sank painfully into my back, and I gritted my teeth. I struggled with all my strength, my wings flapping until their muscles felt so heavy they refused to raise, my feet battling uselessly at the unforgiving ground. I lashed out with the Force, pushing and pushing until my mind felt so fuzzy I couldn’t breathe. I battled and fought and collapsed and, all throughout, the weight over me remained steady, their presence echoing a mocking amusement. 
I fell limp, no strength left to fight anymore. I knew, from the very first moment the Force showed no path, that it had given up on us. What worth were a bunch of failed Initiates, to the grand mystical energy?
Escaping had never been an option.
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