#zara young preference
zafirosreverie · 2 years
would you, write a Zara x reader where reader is this nerdy, socially awkward scientist working in the parks lab and becomes all flustered and wordless whenever zara is around (maybe Claire sends her down to the lab to get an update or pick up some files or smth)?
Hi! I still have to work on my phone so this is short, but I hope you'll like it.
Fascinating (Zara x Fem!Reader)
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"Hey doc"
You jumped a bit when the voice sounded right behind you. You had been so busy with your work that you didn't even hear the lab door open, much less the heels of the woman approaching you.
"H-hello Miss Young" you said, staring at the desk and internally cursing yourself for the blush you knew was adorning your cheeks.
"Oh come on Y/N, I've told you before, call me Zara" she laughed, still not leaving your personal space
"I-I don't think t-that's p-professional, miss" you stuttered.
The woman just giggled again, but she finally moved, letting you breathe normally. You glanced at her as she leaned casually against your desk, tipping her head back and making you blush more by exposing her neck.
It was not unusual to have her there. Ever since you started working for Dr. Wu in Jurassic World, the woman had made a place for herself in your daily routine. You knew that Zara was the assistant manager of park operations, so it was her job to take care of all the things that Dearing couldn't do.
Among them were the lab reports that Mr. Masrani insisted on having on his desk daily. You had no idea if the man actually had time to read them, but Wu just did his job and handed them over without argument.
However, sometimes he was too busy too, and Zara had to wait until he handed them over. At first, she just left, promising to come back for them later, but since you'd arrived, the woman found it much more fun to stay with you and see how red she could make you until Wu came to rescue you.
She wasn't dumb, she knew the power she had over you, and she loved it. If she was honest, she found you incredibly cute, and if it wasn't for Claire's stupid rule about not getting involved with co-workers, even if they were from other areas, she would have asked you out a long time ago.
"What are you working on now, princess?" she asked suddenly, making you jump.
"E-eh, I... I shouldn't s-share information with people outside the l-laboratory" you said without being able to look at her
"Okay, then tell me about yourself" Zara smiled "come on, I'm a bit bored here"
"I-I'm not that interesting" you said "I-I don't think there's anything to tell you that c-could get your attention"
"Oh, on the contrary," she said seductively, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, "I find everything about you incredibly fascinating."
You swallowed hard and for the first time since she arrived, you looked directly at her. She was smirking, but there was no mockery in her eyes and it took your breath away. You didn't know what to do or how to act with her, especially with that small but important (at least for you) confession.
Fortunately, and before you could embarrass yourself, the doors opened and Dr. Wu walked in with a folder in his hand.
"Miss Young" he said, with false respect "here's today's report. Tell your boss that if she wants them faster, next time don't hold me on the phone."
"Oh, don't worry Wu" she smiled "I don't mind waiting. Besides, you have an excellent hostess here"
You wanted to disappear when your boss looked at you with a raised eyebrow, but you quickly let him know with your eyes that you hadn't said anything important to the woman. You supposed your flushed cheeks and obvious nervousness was proof enough for him that you could never get a full sentence out, at least not when Zara Young was in the room.
"Well see you tomorrow Doc" the woman said, winking at you as she left the room.
This time, the sound of her heels echoed in your head as her words repeated themselves over and over in your brain.“I find everything about you incredibly fascinating”
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
The Lover Of The Seven Kingdoms (Tywin x Reader)
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First of all, I’m sorry but you cannot tell me anything when it comes to Tom hiddleston being the perfect young Tywin Lannister. Second, I love writing morally grey female characters and I wrote grant maester pycelle and mushroom in cause I wanted to show how a lot of male historians portray women in one way cause it’s just easier.
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The lover of the seven Kingdoms” grant maester Pycelle had used as a description of (y/n) Martell, the second wife of Tywin Lannister, the symbol of femininity for a plethora of men in kings Landing, the mother of lord Ezra Lannister and lady Asena, the scandalous twins and one of the few bastards that later became legitimate and inherited Lannisport, then they had three more, lady Nymeria, Lady Zara and Lord Sorin, (y/n) was the secret passion of Tywin since she stepped foot at court, she was to be Joanna’s lady in waiting.
Her appearance was one carved by the Gods, long dark raven hair that curled down to her waist, olive skin, and almost black eyes, her lips thick, and a body as juicy as the fruits of her land, her twin brother Dorian had sent her to Kings landing as a way to show respect and also expand her horizons.
“Princess (Y/n) had relations with one of the bastards of house Dayne when she denied him the man gutted himself in front of her, Doran sends her away to avoid more scandals caused by her lustful appetite”
Mushroom note, Joanna liked her, she was smart and endearing, and she knew how to play her part, however, what Joanna had not taken in mind is that (y/n) stopped at nothing to get what she wants, in this case, it was the young Tywin Lannister, the tall man with muscles everywhere, blue eyes and blonde hair was the subject of desire for a plethora of ladies, none of them had the guts to go after him, (y/n) was not like them, she had her eyes set and the game had begun.
“My lord”
(Y/n) called for Tywin, the hour was quite late but Tywin was the hand of the king, the hour did not matter when they were things he needed to pay attention to, papers to be signed and payments to be settled.
(Y/n) had studied his schedule, Joanna was already in bed and Tywin was free, most of the servants were dismissed so they were no prowling eyes to catch her.
Tywin halted and turned to look at the girl that called for him, she wore a rather sheer dress which was unlikely of hers, Dornish people were always costumed to very light choices in clothing, still, this was a step further, if the candles burned a bit brighter Tywin would have been able to see… well everything.
“Princess (y/n), is there something wrong?”
“No, not exactly, I was hoping to talk to you, in private”
Tywin hesitated, (y/n) was just outside her chamber, she was holding the door open which meant that her choice of privacy was her room, still, curiosity about what it could be that needed to be discussed in such a secretive way was enough for his feet to go one and then the other inside.
(Y/n) closed the door before she spun to rest her back on the wood, a smirk playing on her lips as her plan was going smoother than she expected, the room was decorated in cherry red and gold colors, some orange as well and the intense smell of vanilla and musk took over Tywins senses.
“So, I would prefer it if you started talking”
“Do you like being the hand of the king?”
“You summoned me to ask me if you like my occupation?”
“No, I summoned you because I have a pair of eyes, eyes clear enough to see that something has been bothering you”
“Well I am flattered that the princess cares to ask for my well-being, however, I must go”
“You can’t lie to me Tywin, if it’s not your duty then it has something to do with me, you have been avoiding me, you can’t even look me in the eye”
Tywin once again chose to not speak he only made a b line for the door to which (y/n) was resting, she had managed to think of everything down to reaching for the handle when he did, making their hands touch, Tywin did not pull his away, he let it rest on top of hers as he towered over her and she looked up at him with doe eyes.
“Is it me, my lord? It is my presence that is bothering you?”
“No? You are breathing quite heavily, your eyes travel below my lips, and… dare I say you could have moved me if you truly wanted to, no one is here, my lord, you can confess to me”
“Go on, confess”
Her voice was barely above a whisper as she gawked at Tywin with lustful eyes with a hint of innocence, she had done this before, Tywin was a mere puppet, a bug that got caught in the spiders' web and was now waiting to experience her poisonous bite.
Her kiss could be described as venom, it made his entire body feel like it was burning and her touch was the only remedy, his addiction started and ended with her, he had been fantasizing about her every night, haunting him like a succubus and stealing the life out of him, at an instant he forgot everything, his wife, his status, his entire life would crumble if someone were to find them, none of it mattered, all that he cared about was to see her, take her.
He took her right on her window, some servants had even reported that they could see the young princess bareback as her moans grew some attention, alas none of them thought something of it, most of the castle had seen a generous amount of men go in and out of (y/n)s chamber at all hours of the night.
Tywin was in utter awe with (y/n), he almost felt like he would faint as he reached his high, it was the only time Tywin considered that (y/n) was a practitioner of dark magic. No other woman had held such power over him in this act.
“My lion”
She had whispered in his ear before she kissed him,(Y/n) was the perfect lover, every night he would slip from his chamber and knock on her door, she would be waiting for him, take him up to the sky, and wrap him with her fire that burned as bright as dragon fire.
Tywin was entirely himself around her, she allowed him to be in control and gave him the euphoric theatrics of prowling on her, which made (y/n) giggle a little, it was refreshing and borderline hilarious to move the strings in the background while Tywin thought he was moving them only because she let him touch them.
“I have exciting news”
“Which is?”
“Princess (y/n) is pregnant, how lovely would it be if we get to marry our children? We could secure Dorne and bind my friendship with her”
“We will do no such thing”
“Tywin, think about it if we-“
“You are forgetting an important thing Joanna, the princess is not married, who knows who the father of that bastard is, my child will not marry anyone of such low status”
What else could he have said? We can’t marry them cause they are siblings? Joanna would be crushed, Tywin had run to her chamber that night, not even bothering to knock as he burst into the room startling her, still once she laid her eyes on him she smiled, she dared to smile as if nothing has happened.
“How dare you announce your pregnancy without even telling me first”
“I thought you had noticed”
“No, I hadn’t and Joanna wants to marry your child with one of our children”
“I am sure we will find a way around it”
“Find a way around it? How are you so calm when the world is crumbling on your feet? You are not married nor betrothed, this child will be declared a bastard”
“This child will be my firstborn, a child created by you and me if you remember, that is all that matters to me”
“Not to the rest of the realm”
“I do not care about the rest of the realm Tywin, that is your problem, it will be royalty in Dorne, I do not care what they call my child here”
“Some said she bathed in goats blood every full moon, she would burn candles and speak in foreign languages to make Tywin stay by her side”
Mushroom claimed, it could be true or just whispers since no one understood the powerful hold that she had on the young lord, Tywin was a fearsome man, calculated and ambitious, yet (y/n) could sway him in any direction she wished with a bat of an eyelash.
It was such a peculiar moment, (y/n) gave birth to twins four moons after her lady Joanna, Ezra and Asena, both of them had their fathers' eyes, sapphires that shined in the light of the sun as (y/n) fed them from her breasts, Tywin had held Asena first, she looked nothing like Cersei still something in him knew that the two girls were born to be each others nemesis, fate had played him like a fiddle.
“I was thinking of going back to Dorne”
“My brother said it is not safe for us, people will talk and I do not want my children to grow up in a venomous environment”
“No, no you will stay, Ezra and Asena Hill has a nice ring to it”
“They are Martells, my love, they shall be called that”
(Y/n) was not ashamed of her children, on the contrary, she adored them and kept them by her side at all times, she taught them how to walk, talk, sing, and dance, a endearing mother with a backbone made of Valyrian steel, a combination made straight out of the seven rings of hell.
“Push, my lady”
“I can’t, (y/n) please make it stop”
“Maester, what is taking so long?”
“The babe has breached, it will not let me pull it out”
“It hurts (y/n)”
“I know, my lady, just one more push”
Joanna fought tooth and nail to survive, unfortunately, her labor did not harvest any fruit for her, the son survived but Lady Joanna did not even get to hold him, grant Maester pycelle held Tyrion and presented him to lord Tywin who was utterly disgusted by the ugly creature.
“That is no son of mine, throw him in the river”
“You will do no such thing”
“This matter does not concern you, princess”
“It does, you may be excused maester”
Pycelle only nodded and left them alone, a strange aura surrounded both of them, Joanna was gone, a deformed babe had taken her life, and (y/n)s belly was ready to pop any minute, what was to be done now?
“Does cruelty excite you?”
“Cersei and Jaime are both healthy and Lannister featured, that… thing could not have been created by me”
“It was not the babes' fault, so I have to remind you that you are also guilty of the thing you are accusing a dead woman of?”
Tywin was a man but that meant little to nothing, if Tyrion was a bastard then there was no difference between him and (y/n)s children, Tywin was in no place to frown upon such an act since he was having another child on the way, a bastard.
“Listen to me, my love, I know you loved Joanna and I loved her too, but the babe survived, it’s the last thing we have from her, grief is a strong emotion, but we have each other to lean on, don’t you want this for us Tywin? for me?”
There it was, her secret weapon, that sweet voice that dripped of honey and the big doe eyes, she knew how to play the damsel in distress down to every detail, Tywin put his lips in before he shook his head in defeat, his wife had departed but his mistress stood before him, demanding a place at his table and life, which he was willing to give her.
Cersei was frantic, the announcement of her father's betrothal to the princess (y/n) and the reaffirmation of her bastard children had brought her to an utmost stage of rage that she was going around her room like a hurricane, she was throwing things and cursing as loud as her lungs allowed it.
How could he do this to her? To her family? That woman had slithered her way into their life like a snake and was now feasting over her mother's dead body, this was just plain disrespectful to her mother.
Tywin found Cerseis handmaidens outside her chamber as the sounds that came from it could put to shame any wild animal, the ladies looked frightened and not one of them dared to go in, however, all of them tried to warn him in leaving the lady be, suggesting that this has probably happened before.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“Get out”
“Young lady I advise you-“
“Shut up! I don’t want to listen to you! How could you marry her?! How could you do this to my mother?”
That was the last thing she said before a harsh slap landed on Cerseis's cheek, the girl was taken back by the act since her father had never hit her, he would discipline her but mostly by raising his voice or finding peculiar tricks of punishment, for Tywin to get physical with his daughter meant that she had gone too far.
“You do not get to judge my decisions, you will welcome your brother and sisters and you will be nice to my wife whether you like it or not, did I make myself clear?”
Silence only looks that could kill were exchanged
“Did I make myself clear?”
“Yes Father”
“My love?”
(Y/n) walked into the room, she had heard everything although she chose to reside in the act of being clueless, Tywin had turned away from his daughter and walked to his soon-to-be wife’s side, his hand found hers and brought it up to his lips, (y/n) smiled fondly before she scanned the room with her eyes, a puzzled look on her face as the room was upside down.
“What has happened? Is the young lady alright? The handmaidens were stuttering when I asked about the noises”
“Yes, no need to worry, my dear, Cersei was just redecorating”
“Oh, well if she wishes I can help with that”
“No, no, Cersei is quite specific, she prefers doing things her way, hence this scenery, we should live her”
“As the young lioness wishes, but before we leave”
(Y/n) took a few steps so she can stand ahead of Cersei, Cersei truly felt like a lioness, one that was trapped in a cage to be exact, as much as Cersei wanted to believe she could outsmart anyone (y/n) had years up on the horse, so naturally she was now trotting past Cersei with her caring smile and eyes that lit up, Cersei was left to looking like a kid that threw a tantrum whilst (y/n) looked like a mother that did her best to keep the peace.
“I know you are angry at me, I would be too, I will not try to be your mother, I do however hope that one day you will view me as your ally or your friend even”
(Y/n) went to caress Cerseis cheek which Cersei flinched away from that earned her a cold hard stare from her father, (y/n) only bit her lip in defeat, then it was replaced by a smile of hope, (y/n) genuinely wanted things to go as smooth as possible, to keep all of Joanna's children close to her, it was the least she could do she wasn’t a complete monster, as much as Cersei liked to think of her as one.
“Perhaps it’s too soon, I am asking way too much of you, I hope you have a great day, sweetling”
“Put everything back in its place, now”
Tywin instructed in a stern voice before they exited the chamber that Hurricane Cersei was occupying, Tywin was sure that she would throw something at the door once it was closed and he stood correct when a loud bang was heard.
“She is a young girl that lost her mother, having an attitude with me is inevitable”
“Cersei is not a normal young girl, she has a superiority complex over everyone, our children will not interact with her yet”
“That won’t be a problem, Asena is not… fond of Cersei either”
“I wonder why, let us not think of Cersei right now, it is time for Nymeria to be fed”
“See how beautiful it sounds when it rolls off the tongue? And you wanted to name her Lydia”
Since this babe was the first legitimate child of Tywin and (y/n) he had the suggestion of picking the name of the beloved girl, on the contrary (y/n) was not budging, she was adamant on naming her daughter after the biggest warrior queen Dorne has ever known, her precious Nymeria.
“The princess never wanted to marry lord Tywin, she was far more interested in keeping their relationship private, howbeit Lord Tywin was too consumed by his emotions for her to consider the fact that the princess could have been wed, she simply chose not to”
Grant maester Pycelle added when asked about their wedding. (Y/n) did not care about her children being legitimate or owning land, Dorne was her home, her brother had congratulated her on the birth of her twins and even offered to have them in Dorne, and her family was delighted by (y/n) bringing forth new heirs for the Martells, it was only Tywin that wanted to make it official, to let everyone know that the princess was now cloaked by the lion, her life as the lady of the rock had begun and Dorne had entered a land that they never really thought of earning.
“In a day you will be my wife, therefore, my children’s good mother, I expect them to treat you as such”
“I do not, Tywin they are in mourning, you cannot expect them to make it easy for me”
“I am not dimly witted my dearest, I know they will have some thoughts over our marriage, albeit I will make sure they keep it to themselves”
Requests are open!
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ali-annals · 2 months
Unexpected Visitors
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: G | WC: 800 | CW: - | A/N: This is one of my first fics so I'm not super proud of it but the lovely peeps on ao3 seem to like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I thought I'd cross-posted this already but apparently I haven't, oops :| | Ao3 |
An unknown woman shows up on Wayne Manor's doorstep asking for Damian Wayne…
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And enjoy this lovely fanart made by @tinybrie 🥰
A bright light flashed through the windows of the manor, the echo of thunder sounding overhead almost immediately. The knocking on the wooden door echoed down the dimly lit hallway, almost covered by the sound of rain and wind gusting outside.
The family butler swung open the door, taking in the visitors.
A young woman was standing there, holding a baby. She had her mother’s dark hair, but her eyes... 
He tore his gaze away from the baby when the pale, tired woman asked, “Is Damian Wayne here?”
“I’m afraid he is not ‘in’ at the moment, Miss. May I say who called?”
“He’s alive?”
The butler blinked, hearing the note of relief underneath the urgency in her voice. “Yes, Miss..?”
“Oh, thank goodness! His tracker stopped working and I was…I thought…can I see him, please? I can help heal him.”
“How did you know he was injured, Miss?”
She stepped further inside, brushing raindrops off the baby’s and her clothing. “Tracker. If it stops working and he doesn't reply, he’s either dead or severely injured. And since you say he’s alive-”
Alfred still didn’t know her name, but he knew she was trustworthy. Call it an old man’s intuition, call it experience from sizing up every type of person under this roof (of which there were many), he could tell his youngest Master would be safe with her. 
“I’ll show you to his room, Miss.”
“Thank you, Alfred.”
Damian groggily opened his eyes. Owww… His muscles protested after all that had happened in the last short while. 
The faint sound of rain hitting the window by his bed provided soothing white noise, mixed with the soft breaths from the dark head resting on the bed by his hand. 
Marinette was fast asleep, like the baby in her arms.
He stroked her hair gently. “ Habibti , I’m awake.”
She jolted upright, carefully cradling the baby so as not to disturb her rest. “Ma lune? You’re okay?”
“Just fine, mon coeur . I take it you healed me?” He scooched into a half-sitting position.
She nodded. “I thought…Your tracker stopped, so I came to see…”
“Shh, it’s alright, habibti .” Damian cupped her face in his hand. “It broke when I was fighting. I would have immediately contacted you but they forced me to stay and heal, and drugged me so I would sleep and recover without protest.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay!” She leaned over to kiss him. “I brought Zara.”
After Marinette had reassured herself that he was well-healed thanks to her handiwork, he brought up the question niggling at the back of his mind.
“How many people know?”
“Alfred, and whoever’s watching your monitors right now.”
“You’re okay with them knowing, now?”
Marinette nodded. “I’d prefer to be close by if anything like this happens again. So what if Bruce doesn’t like magic users or the fact that we hid this from him? He can get over it or not, but I will be by your side,” she stated firmly.
He smiled softly at her, seeing the feisty woman he fell in love with. “Let’s go settle their disturbed brains, then, shall we?”
He removed all the health monitors and stood, stretching and enjoying the slight discomfort.
She handed Zara to him, whom he carefully cradled in his arm and stroked his finger over her tiny cheek, and then they headed down to the dining room, where the rest of his extended family were gathered for a celebratory meal. 
The entire Bat clan was there, in various stages of recovery from an assortment of injuries.
Alfred brought in the plates of crepes and casually announced, “There was a young lady here to see Master Damian this afternoon, just after your last check. She’s up with him right now.”
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?!” The ones who could, jumped up to check on their youngest.
“Hello, family. I am perfectly fine, so don’t scold me for getting up. Dinner looks delicious, Alfred.” Damian and the visitors strolled in.
“Why do you have a baby in your arms? How are you up?”
“This is Marinette Wayne, my wife, and our daughter, Zara. Marinette healed me; thus, I am awake and about.”
“Since when were you married? With a child? When did you get a girlfriend?” Questions echoed from all corners of the table.
“We met when I was in Paris to help Ladybug six years ago. We got married last year and Zara is nine months old now.”
“Jon helped Damian escape when he needed and covered for us. He’s quite good at illusions,” Marinette spoke up. “Hi, I’m Marinette Wayne; it’s nice to meet you all.”
Taglist (open): @jennifer-rose123 @questioning-blob-of-fog
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reyreadersblog · 1 month
My unpopular TIG opinions.
Since y'all are expressing opinions out here..who am i to leave out? Now have in mind that these are MY opinions, some of these are unpopular some of these are NOT, some of these are even underrated facts but let's just ignore that..
(Please don't hate me)
1. I DON'T CARE ABOUT EVE, and i don't want her to be with Grayson..bcs APPERANTLY and very unfortunatly there are people out there who ship Gray and Eve..crazy..i know, i really don't care about her, i already made a whole post about why i don't like her at all, she's a manipulator, she's a liar, she's a backstabber. She traumatised poor Gray and threatened Ave. I respect your opinion if you like her and i truly understand where some of you are coming from, but i just can't manage to like her, don't hate her i just dislike her. Even if she gets a redemption arc..i can't seem to understand how i'll like her character after what she has done, but if i will..."forgotten but never forgiven"
2.underrated characters, there are so many of them in this books, for example Zara Hawthorne. I love her honestly, i could never hate, i understand she may have done some wrong things...but i love her nontherless♡♡ and same goes for Alisa Ortega.
(Honorable mention) also come on, give my man Oren some appreciation he deserves, you think following teenager around is easy? Even if it's his job and he gets paid, it's still tiring..😔
3. Uhh..i am scared to say this...i prefer Nash and Alisa to Nash and Libby...WAIT, WAIT, WAIT...DON'T KILL ME YET..LET ME EXPLAIN FIRST🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻, i saw @hawthornesbiggestfan 's post, and that encouriged me to say this, read that post bcs that explains exacly how i feel. I love Nash and Libby, they're super cute, i can't wait for their wedding and think they are going to have a very happy family...but..i'm still at the restaurant😔, EVEN THO we never got to know Nash and Alisa's story, smtg about those two had me invested in them from the beggining, like imagne Alisa growing up and Nash slowly developing a tiny crush on them..young love..passion..childhood lovers...love confession..ughh, also the fact that Gray, Xan and Jamie already saw her as their family, like an older sister. Such a shame we never got to see their story. Again, i'm not saying i dislike Nash and Libby tho if it had been love triangle between Nash, Libby and Aliso...i would choose Nash and Alisa...
3.Avery is freaking underrated, yk what's sad? SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER, and she doesn't get enough hype (i've made a post about this too) meanwhile people are swooning over Hawthorne brothers, and yes i am one of them but i love Avery to death, i even saw someone comparing Avery and the brothers saying "oh she's so boring..Hawthorns are way better than her..blah..blah..blah" technically they were saying fuck poor people, i know for a fact NONE of the brother would last an hour from where she came from (iykyk), she's a girlboss, and a main character for a reason.
4. As much as i love Averyjameson, i have to say their story is pretty much over, We'll probably get some cute moments from them in tgg or in games untold, but they ARE NOT a main couple anymore.
5.TGG IS A NEW SERIES, please understand that it's new book series with new characters (at least most of them) stop attacking JLB, it's her books, it's her choice.
6.Lyra Kane's haters don't make sense to me, especially those one who mock, and laugh at her lovers saying "you don't even know her, i'm gonna laugh at y'all when she turns out to be Eve 2.0" uhm...sir..miss..shut it. I respect your opinion if you're a Lyra netural bcs it's true we don't know many things about her and i totally understand if you can't love her yet, but don't hate, we know we're delusional most of the times, but that's what headcanons is for, for fun, alight, let people have fun.
7. Will all due respect i have...Averygrayson shippers are...dumb..yikes..sorry, but it's the truth, i'm tired of talking about this, it's been 4 books, Avery is happy with Jamie, they're perfect for each other, their relationship status is great and Gray is most definetly getting a new love interest..but of you still ship and have faith in them..do so..who am i to stop you? Just don't be disappointed when it won't be ture.
8.i may be judging too early but Savannah and Gigi being in the game..doesn't sit right, tbh honest it'a NEPOTISM at it's finest, i love both of them so much..but..nah. again, idk for sure..it may be some trick, it's JLB after all.
9.there are too many repetitive charcter traits..Jameson and Rohan, Grayson and Savannah, Gigi and Xander, Eve and Emily, every single dad, exept for Isaiah.
10.Speaking of Isaiah, he is extremly underrated, i mean he is the best dad in the series and somehow people talk about Sheffield Grayson more than him.
Sheesh...don't kill me in the comments please, i'm too young to die🙏🏻😔
(I'll probably do a part 2...
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hag-lad · 3 months
Us Jr NTR fans are blessed to have quite the chameleon oosaravelli as our fave, because there are so many glorious looks to keep us entertained over his illustrious 30-film career. It was SO GODDAM HARD to choose just ten, but here they are! Gun to my head! His ten finest looks!
10. Krishna's pink shirt in Brindavanam
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I remember when these "fcuk" shirts were all the rage, but nobody ever wore it quite like Krishna! He looks sooooo good in pink! What a little hottie. With the earrings too?!!?! Goddam it. Just. Goddam this man.
9. Kusa's mullet for Doschestha
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Styling wise, I feel nothing towards this, except maybe a spark of delight to see Tarak in pink yet again. But look, Kusa does not know how to dress, and I love that for him. This look is all about THE HAIR!!!! We never see Tarak with hair this long, but it's so fucking GOOD!!!!!! The little ponytail!!!!!!!! How could one not fall in love?!
8. Simhadri's fishnet vest for Chinnadamme Cheekulu
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Oh go OFF, King!!!!!!!! Look at the sheer, unfiltered ATTITUDE he's serving! Absolutely no one on Earth looks good in light-dark wash jeans (the true blight of the 2000's) but this son of a bitch pulls it off!!!! How does he do it?!
7. Munna's saffron headband in Andhrawala
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Okay, so conceptually, this is the same thing as Simhadri (headband, open shirt, slutty vest, jeans) but I prefer these colors! I also prefer Munna's facial hair; it's a little more grown out, and I love Tarak most when he is FURRY. And FAT! I think Munna's got a couple pounds on Simhadri? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't care. I love them both so much.
6. Jai's Swing Zara ensemble in Jai Lava Kusa
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God, Jai is such a fucking peacock, isn't he? A total queen, the last of the old school gays. I have so much respect for his drip. Jai would never, ever, in a million years, let mortal eyes witness him looking anything less than spectacular. His beard is groomed, his hair is moussed, every stitch of clothing on his body is tailored and professionally pressed, and you know what? I think that goes for his underwear too. Or idk, maybe he's freeballin' it. He can do whatever he wants, quite frankly.
5. Tarak's Academy Awards ensemble
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Who on earth would dare deny how positively GORGEOUS Tarak looked on this night!? Head to toe, so exquisite, so dashing. The bejeweled tiger! The rich black velvet! The eye makeup! The natural hair! Everything to love.
4. Tony's baby face in Oosaravelli
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I want to just grab his widdol cheeks and squish them!!! He looks like an angel! A cherub!!!! This is so obviously the cutest Tarak has ever looked, but he's still so fucking sexy and alluring??!?! HOW DOES HE DO IT???!!?!! I also love that liiiiiitle bit of edge he's giving with the earrings and the neck tattoo... even if it is just his own name, lmfao.
3. Ramakrishna's tank top in Rakhee
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Look at this fucking BEAR!!!!!!!! I'm not gonna sugarcoat this, kids. Ramakrishna is fluffy and hot and sweaty and I bet he smells salty and I want to HUFF him so fucking bad. The lil beads of sweat take me out, god I love how raw and sexy and manly he is. Absolute HUNK, I fucking cannot say it any other way. This is a gay pornstar. I beat my meat.
2. Young Yama in Yamadonga
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Oh COME ONNNN!!!! THIS is how His Majesty Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao Jr. was meant to walk the earth: Clad in gold, dripping with jewels, eyeliner on fleek (or, as my mother would say, "on flique") just taking up ALL THE SPACE and commanding ALL THE ATTENTION. He wears regality so very well, so naturally, I become a bootlicking monarchist just looking at him!!! Drag me to hell, Young Yama!!!
1. Komuram Bheem's langoti in RRR.
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Hey, you knew Bheema had to be number one!!!! I've never seen a human being look hotter than this, this is just PEAK. The body hair!!!! The nosering!!!!! The muscles!!!!!! He is fucking CUT, Tarak had to work so goddam hard for so long to look like this, I genuinely hope he never does anything like this again, but MY GOD the art is worth it. Shoutout to Rajamouli for not whitewashing him so we could behold the beauty and majesty of his real skin color!!!!! With his natural hair too!!?!?!? SEXIEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED, case closed, no argument, go home, we're done. Bheem is hot. Ram's a lucky man.
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astra-galaxie · 9 months
what are some of your LGBTQ headcanons for some of the CC characters?
My LGBTQ headcanons for CC characters? Sure, I’ve got some! I’ll also list some characters' canon facts since I support them, but let’s see what non-canon ones I can come up with!
And disclaimer! These are my current LGBTQ headcanons; there is a chance that they could change as my story progresses!
Sexuality-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Main Characters
Samuel King
Eduardo Ramirez
Frank Knight
Elizabeth Ripley
Angela Douglas
Elliot Clayton
Arthur Wright
Issac Bontemps
Diane Parker
Gloria Hayes
Gabriel Herrera
Penelope Sage
Priya Desai
Felix Reed
Nathan Pandit
Amir Devani
Orlando Ordelaffi
Ben Shepard
Hannah Choi
Carmen Martinez
Michelle Zuria
Evie Holloway
Rose Zhao (She and her husband married for none-romantic reasons)
David Jones (Has a preference for women ((and hasn’t realized his attraction to men yet…))
Grace Delaney (She tried to get Jones to realize his sexuality in high school but couldn't get him to understand…)
Alex Turner
Andrea Marquez
Yann Toussaint
Jack Archer (With a preference for women, but unlike Jones, he recognizes his feelings toward men)
Lars Douglas (He likes to call himself and Jack bi-bros and bi-buddies)
Marina Romanova
Jonah Karam
Cathy Turner
Christopher Scott
Jacob Arrow
Hugo Mercier
Amy Young
Roxie Sparks
Maddie O’Malley
Charlie Dupont
Deigo del Lobo
Martine Meunier
Janis Rivers
Jean-Philippe Delacroix
Gauthier Delacroix
Enzo Traoré
Léa Bonnet
Zara Tien
Theo Moon
Kai Malano
Nadia Den Yamin
Russell Crane
Ingrid Bjorn
Rupert Winchester
Dick Wells (This man called science his mistress once, and I have headcanoned him as AroAce ever since!)
Hope Newman
Armand Dupont
Viola Pemberton
Rita Estevez: Thought she was straight but started having feelings towards a certain woman…
Luke Fernandez: He thought he was straight, but after everything with Fabien de la Mort, he started questioning
Carrie James: Unsure of her sexuality
Émile Bardot: Unsure of her sexuality
Other Characters
Olivia Hall: Lesbian
James Savage: Demisexual
Edward Dante: Pansexual
Karen Knight: Bisexual
Nigel Adakue: Gay
Asal Hawaa: Bisexual
Katherine Woolf: Lesbian
Jasper Everett: Gay
Mia Loukas: Bisexual
Arthur Darkwood: Gay
Geroge Mathison: Gay
Cody James: Pansexual
Gender-based LGBTQ Headcanons:
Nathan Pandit: Transgender (female to male)
Alex Turner: Demiboy
Hannah Choi: Demigirl
Jean-Philippe Delacroix: Genderqueer
(I don’t have many gender-based headcanons yet…)
That’s everything I could come up with! And like always, I am open to hearing about your opinions, headcanons and suggestions on this topic!
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Part 2
[ part 1 ]
"Welcome to the supreme guard."
And that caught me off guard. I hadn't planned for that. I was just expecting to go to the army. Be a soldier. Get paid well. But supreme guard? I did not expect that. Yeah, I know I did well, but supreme guard? It means I'll be assigned to guard a member of the royal family. I'll be given my own quarters. I'll be given food. I won't be expected to pay for anything. In fact, I'll get salary. And the amount will be huge.
The military commander chuckles. He must've seen my face while I've been busy being surprised. I must've let my surprise show on my face. Shit. I shouldn't let my walls down. I make my face go stoic and clear my throat once.
"I was just expecting to be enrolled in army, sir," I say.
"You're not interested in guarding one of the most important member of the royal family?" he asks. He seems curios.
"You misunderstand me, sir. I meant that I did not expect to become a member of the supreme guard so easily."
"Well, if you think what you did was easy, then you are perfect for the job." He smiles brightly. Looking at his face, I realize he's a young man. He looks like he's in his mid 30's. All the weight and responsibility he carries on his shoulders make him look much older. I wonder if I'll look like that, too.
"It would be an honor, sir," I bow.
"Want to know who you'll be guarding?"
"Of course, sir."
"Princess Amirah Ayad. As you might already know, she's on vacation in Iran along with Prince Zayn and will return day after tomorrow. That would be enough time for you to get all prepped up?"
I might have a heart failure. Princess Amirah is the most important person of the royal family. Being the king's daughter, she's very famous. She's also known for her kindness. But her face is always hidden. Nobody except the royal family and the supreme guard has seen her face. Which means I'll get to see her. Which also means that she'll have to trust me and I'll have to become worthy of it.
I see that the military commander is still looking at me and I realize he's waiting for me to answer his question. I quickly say, "Yes, sir."
He smiles. "Good. So I'll meet you at the court room at 5 o' clock on that day."
"Okay, sir," I say and turn to leave when suddenly he calls my name.
"Aria, one more thing. Call me by my name from now on. I have a feeling we'll be good friends."
I gape at him. The military commander of Saudi Arabia thinks we could be friends.
When I don't say anything, he says, "You know my name, right? It's Aaroh Ibrahim, in case you didn't know. Though I'd prefer you calling me Aaroh."
I blink once. I realize my mouth is slightly open. I shut it. I nod once and walk away.
tagging: @hell-lit011019 @morally-gayy @damnn-dorothea @dil-sambhal-ja-zara @alhad-si-simran @lovesickpdf @appki-adrak-wali-chai
tell me if someone wants to be added or removed from the taglist
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anonfromtheflight · 7 months
Hi and welcome!! (from mostly a lurker)
Have you ventured into Omar’s music yet? If so, what are your thoughts and favourites? If you haven’t, you totally should!
HIIIIII! Thank you!! 💜
And YESSSSSSS. I have already listened to his entire Spotify catalogue 🫣 It was the third thing I did after getting home and watching the second season. When I checked the notes on my first anon confession, someone said I should listen to his music since I already thought he was the most beautiful man I've ever seen (and I still do!) and imagine my surprise when I had already liked one of his songs! As I explained in my previous reply, I'm a fan of several Swedish singers (especially Zara Larsson, my beloved) and always get recommendations from Spotify about other swedish singers (that's how I started to listen to waterbaby too and she's also in the Young Royals soundtrack! I love it) so I probably listened to the song and I liked it although I have no memory of it 😩😩😩😩 After beating myself up for a bit, I listened to "Simon's song" for hours and many feelings were felt by me and my post season 2 brain.
But anyway ! I really liked his voice. It has a soothing quality? That I really like. And I'm a fan of him singing in Spanish and English, that's so unique!! and as a spanish speaker, I appreciate it! Even if it's inconvenient at times, like when I start singing "Mi casa, su casa" where people can hear me and look at me weird lmao
Favourites! OHMYGOD that's a though one!!! Right now I've been listening non-stop to "Happier", "Off my mind", "Moving like that", "Mi casa, su casa" and "Coast Side - Carousel remix " on a loop. But I also really liked "Breathe" (honey for my ears omg), "It takes a fool to remain sane" (I prefer the version he sings in the show tho, oops!), "Simon's song" for obvious reasons and his cover of "Symphony"!! and now I have the NEED for him and Zara to sing together 🥺
But yeah, turns out most his music fits my tastes perfectly because I love pop dance music 🤭
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rey-jake-therapist · 3 months
Lost Souls: chapter 12 (Sweetbitter)
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Click If you missed the beginning.
"Her stepfather, Mattias, now occupied the player's seat, his gaze fixed upon her as Johnny's melody continued. A gentle smile graced his lips, mirroring the warmth shimmering in his hazel eyes, a sight seldom seen. Clad in the familiar striped shirt with rolled-up sleeves and gray pants from years past, his graying hair appeared so soft that she almost reached out to touch it, Mattias looked the same as she saw him last, years ago. A Danish man adopted by the U.S., he had made the move from Denmark as a young adult, choosing to settle after meeting his first wife. Meeting Mina's mother when Mina was eleven, he swiftly married her, becoming the father figure Mina had always yearned for—or so her mother believed." This chapter is told from Mina's POV. In which is mostly a dream sequence, we get to see glimpses of the past that Mina's ran away from, and of the ghosts that don't let themselves be forgotten.
Note 1: In this chapter there are several links to YouTube videos: it's only music :) Consider them the soundtrack of this chapter, inserted exactly where they fit, as if it was a scene from a movie. Feel free to ignore them if you prefer reading in silence! Note 2: in my head, Mattias (Mina's stepdaughter) is played by the handsome Mads Mikkelsen, Keisha by Lupita Nyong'o and Ewan by Ewan McGregor :) Because why wouldn't I have a 5 stars cast? Notes 3: my playlist for the entire fic is still on and has been updated!
@endlessbittersweetdreams, @writing-for-life , @sylverfaeland , @modest-irish-goddess , @marlowe-zara , @thedaisycrownwitch , @lissysandmanadorer ♥
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what-if-queen-camilla · 10 months
Chapter 31
1st December 1995
Clarence House
"Margaret tells me Diana is throwing a big party on New Year's Eve.", the Queen Mother said warily and Charles shrugged his shoulders. He was visiting his grandmother at Clarence House for their weekly Afternoon Tea. "And?", he asked, looking at her in expectation. He didn't care what his ex was up to. She'd ruined everything, she'd hurt him, their sons, the love of his life and now even attacked his little daughter. Illegitimate or not, she was a child and none of that was her fault. He was still so angry with her that he never wanted to see or hear anything about her again. He'd very much appreciated had she just decided to move to the moon. "Um, that's certainly not going to be something for the boys.", his grandmother went on. "So I was wondering… whether I could throw a little party, too.", she added mysteriously, motioning for a servant to refill her cup of tea, which the young lady happily did immediately. "Of course, Granny. Any concrete plans yet?", Charles asked, refilling his cup of tea on his own, much to the servant's disappointment. "I thought we could go up to Scotland maybe.", she said, heartily sinking her teeth into a huge scone. "We?", Charles repeated, frowning his forehead. "Oh yes, yes.", she nodded. "With the others staying at Sandringham until approximately Easter, none of them will notice if the two of us and the boys disappear for a couple of days.", she said "Going to Birkhall. To meet with some good friends… Camilla and her children." She had mentioned Camilla and her children so randomly that, for a moment, Charles wasn't sure whether she had really said that or whether he had been dreaming and he almost choked at his salmon sandwich. "Isn't that something you'd like?", she asked innocently, smiling and him and twinkling her eye, which made him realise that she had, indeed, really said that - and that she meant it. "That… Oh Granny…", he stuttered, rushing up from his seat and over to, affectionately hugging the old lady. "Oh Granny, you're such a darling!", he sighed, lovingly kissing both her cheeks. The Queen Mother vividly enjoyed receiving so much love and smiled like a Cheshire cat. "So you're in?", she asked, looking at him intently. "Of course!", he cheered. "Fabulous.", she replied firmly, adding: "Because Camilla has already accepted my invitation."
It had been quite a surprise to receive an invitation for New Year's Eve at Birkhall from Charles' grandmother and at first she had been reluctant to accept it. She hadn't seen or heard anything from the Queen Mother since Diana’s interview and had actually expected the royal family to never speak to her again and thought it was a joke at first, but there was a heartfelt letter attached, in which the old lady mentioned how delighted she was about the fact that she was now sharing her birthday with her great-granddaughter, and that she'd love for them all to welcome the new year together, which had brought a few tears to her eyes. She didn't bother too much about herself, she was almost used to being hated by now, but she didn't want her daughter to have to go through the same and the sweet words of Charles' grandmother - and Thea's great-grandmother - had given her just the spark of hope she had needed at the time. Laura had agreed to come, too, as she was good friends with Peter and Zara who had let her known that they'd join the party as well, Tom on the other hand preferred to celebrate with his friends from Oxford and Camilla didn't begrudge him for that. She was a bit nervous about the prospect of meeting with Charles' sons after their mother's accusations but apparently they were both curious to get to know their little sister, and of course, Thea was excited to meet her two brothers as well so she tried not to worry too much.
Meanwhile, she had also come to terms with the paternity test, which's unsurprisingly positive result had arrived two days ago. Charles had called her immediately and promised her to send her a copy of his statement before it was published later tonight and assured her over and over again that his parents or the palace wouldn't mess it up this time.
She and Thea were still staying with Annabel and Simon, and she had taken her daughter out of school until after Christmas - due to illness, officially, but Thea's teacher knew and totally understood the decision under the given circumstances and sent her all the course material and worksheets they'd been discussing in class and supported by her father, who had gladly undertaken the responsibility for maths and science he was much better with numbers than her, she was trying her best to homeschool her youngest child. To her very surprise, after some normal, initial difficulties and uncertainties on both sides, she actually began to enjoy the experience. It was good to have something sensible to keep herself busy and somehow it was fun to delve into the world of third-graders again. Camilla especially treasured the language lessons, the reading and writing. She had always been reading to and with Thea, with all her children actually, just like her father had read to her siblings and her when they were children, but doing so in another, more serious context, was exciting and, proving all her initial sorrows wrong, they worked quite well together as student and teacher and most of their courses didn't end in screams and tears, but in joy and laughter. Camilla was so proud of her brave, little girl who was doing so well. She knew how much Thea missed her friends and she felt incredibly bad and guilty for having put her into this situation - but there was no way they could've stayed on their own under the given circumstances and at least Laura, Alice and Katie, who all went to a boarding school nearby, made sure to come over at the weekends and play with her but of course that wasn't the same. She only hoped they'd be able to get back to some kind of normality once everything was official and fixed, though she was still incredibly anxious and scared of the public reaction and what it'd really mean for Thea's life. She felt so powerless, vulnerable and weak, it was her daughter, but there was nothing she could do to help or protect her anymore. She was completely dependent on Charles… and it frightened her…
Question: how do you think the public will react to Charles' upcoming statement?
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hiroshotreplica · 11 months
also can u infodump about ur agents
hi i will but its kind of a lot. Putting a break on this cause its long
Alister's a chill but still serious guy. He used to play turf war and ranked a ton as a kid while also working as agent 3 for the new squidbeak splatoon. His parents are missing. Cuttlefish took care of him cause of that, kinda treated him like a grandson. He almost outranked callie and marie in terms of skill before he was partially sanitized. He's a bit bad at taking care of himself. The only medication he's willing to take is his antidepressants. He loves the squid sisters and has so much merch of them, mainly from his youth. He has no fashion sense and will walk out of the house in the worst outfit you've ever seen thinking he did ok. He renamed the nss to neo squidbeak splatoon when he was promoted to captain. He loves his boyfriend josh a lot, ignore the fact they tried to kill each other in their first encounter. They live together.
Zara is cheerful and seemingly confident. But she thinks of herself as a fraud and is worried about people finding that out. She's good at her job as agent 4 and more but she focuses on her mistakes a lot. She is really good at building and using computers and the like. Her laptop is enhanced by octarian technology, she has reverse-engineered it. She prefers making friends more than splatting enemies, but knows when she needs to stop being friendly. She used to have a celebrity crush on Pearl and Marina when she was young. It didn't stick but she still loves the two. She has worked with them and still does as a social media manager. She is a lot less involved in agent work than she was as a kid due to her job + being with her girlfriend but she still loves it.
Josh is really mysterious, but still very talkative and nice. He has a lot of repressed memories. He's glad he can't remember some of them. He used to be a trainee in the octarian military. The calamari inkantation changed his life. He used to be a lot more daring and reckless, but he'll never remember. He's agent 8 of the new squidbeak splatoon. Something's wrong with him, but he's okay. He has a special interest (inkling culture) that he studies a lot. He isn't the best at socializing sometimes. He's loved alister since the two were stuck in the deepsea metro. He likes wearing most clothing, except for things that are tight. He loves loose, baggy sweaters. It took him awhile to do agent work, but he's good at it. He still can't play turf war matches with pink and teal as the ink colors without feeling dread. Ink bombs scare him a little.
Orion is a bit of a loner. He was recruited as agent 7, by his own request mainly. He's an old friend of josh, though josh doesn't remember that much, and josh seems like a completely different person. He worked in the octarian military until the domes stabilized. He mainly did it for his family, who he still visits often, no matter how awful travelling conditions are. He values connections the most despite insisting on going on missions alone often. He has a bit of an ego due to his experience. It won't ever hurt him though. He wants to train the new agents, though they're hard to work with. He doesn't mind.
Violet is the most energetic of the group. They feel a lot of pressure being neo agent 3, they have a feeling captain alister did a lot as agent 3, from what they've heard. They were an orphan that learned to survive in the wilderness with their best friend, scope. They got help from another soon-to-be close friend, too, and want to repay them by secretly letting them explore alterna (that will definitely go well). They love alterna. They hate the fuzzy ooze. Theyve been partially infected by the fuzzy ooze, though this doesnt show too much. Mr. grizz considered them partially mammalian when the two first met. They hated that. They want to be a pro splatterscope player when theyre older. They love the z+f one in particular. They do aim drills with their friends. They love their friends dearly.
Scope is quite rowdy but still well meaning. He had gotten lost from his family while on a salmon run, and violet had found him. He couldn't have asked for a better friend. He doesn't know his original name, he feels bad about it, he wants to learn about his culture. He's agent 5 for the neo squidbeak splatoon. He helps out violet on missions. He was apart of a family of stingers, and strives to be one himself. He really wants to work with violet as snipers some day.
I have an agent 6 in the works, but ill talk about them later
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
Jurassic Park/World characters
Ian Malcolm
You're just messing with me
Ellie Sattler
Not today
Zara Young
You have done it before
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orionsangel86 · 10 months
Trope Game
Thanks to @marlowe-zara for tagging me. This one looks like it could be both fun AND controversial lol!
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
• -10 -> very dissuaded
• 0 - don't care either way
• 10 -> very enticed
• nope -> if it's a hard no and you'd never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you'd insta click out of the fic if it wasn't tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it's conditional.
Age Gap: -5 depending on context
If its human. If the age gap involves one party who is either a child, a teenager, or a young adult, and the other party is much older, then I'm not gonna read it. If its a Twilight situation where a 200 year old vampire is grooming a teenage girl, I'm not gonna read it. If however, it involves an immortal billions of year old character, who looks like an adult human, and their lover is a consenting adult human, then age gap is meaningless. (Aka Twilight wouldn't have been creepy if Bella was in her fucking twenties or older okay)
Codependency: 3
I mean I don't really care if it's a theme or not, but codependency tends to be a huge element in the canon for most of my ships - see Crowley x Aziraphale, Dean x Cas, Nandor x Guillermo. etc.
Enemies to lovers: 7
Yeah this is good. This is fun. We love a good enemies to lovers trope!
Enemies With Benefits: 6
Prob wouldn't read a long fic about it but an under 5k porny one shot hells yes!
Fake Dating/Relationship: 4
I used to enjoy this in Destiel fics specifically where it was canonverse and Dean and Cas had to pretend to be a couple for a case. I loved that. But outside of that specific ship and context, I dunno if I'm all that bothered. Depends on the summary and the general context.
Found Family: 8
So long as we aren't talking Avengers fanfiction lmao. It works really well for those certain fics where loneliness is clearly a contributing factor in the protagonists issues.
Friends to Lovers: 9
I mean, its basically my fave dynamic in canon so of course I'm gonna love it in fanfic.
Friends with Benefits: 3
I mean, I'm a romantic, so I prefer fanfics to at least hint towards the pairing developing more, so if the fic is clearly just a friends with benefits trope with no hints for possible future development I might be turned off. If its a trope as part of a wider story arc though I'm all for it (love those GOmens fics where they've secretly been friends with benefits for centuries but they are both idiots who are also madly in love with each other - ooh same for Dreamling actually)
Hurt/Comfort: 9
I eat that shit up. lol
Love Triangle: -5
I'm not gonna read it unless the summary is really compelling.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0
Meh, it's unlikely to swing me either way unless there are other tropes included to entice or repell me.
Monster Fu... Relationship: 4
I don't mind it. But only in certain contexts. It's not my kink, but I'm all for Monster Fucker fics where the trope could realistically fit the pairing. (Dreamling does this well actually, It's the first pairing I've come across in a long time where I think it works because Dream is canonically quite monstrous when he wants to be.)
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc.: 0
depends on context, summary, and other tags. I'm not that interested in this trope either way on its own.
Opposites (like grumpy x sunshine, etc): 9
I can't help it i'm a slut for this trope. Just look at GOmens, look at OFMD - then again its more like aesthetic opposites than personality opposites. There has to be a "meeting in the middle" ultimately.
Poly: -3
Sorry, I'm a monogomous bitch and I like my ships to be the same way (except for those slutty slutty vampires actually)
Pregnancy: -9
Usually a hard nope. But I didn't give it a hard nope just BECAUSE there was that one Dreamling fic that I read which actually worked really well because it was technically a magical pregnancy that didn't include any actual biological childbirth, no one was actually pregnant, no ones body changed to accomodate a baby, and no one had to go through the process of physically pushing a baby out of their body. But yeah pregnancy and childbirth of the human kind are complete nopes for me. I will not read pregnancy fics - whether mpreg or regular preg or anything else. I don't wanna hear about pregnancy, or labour, or anything like that. its just a huge squick of mine.
Second Chance: 0
Meh. Its not gonna influence me either way
Sex to Feelings: 4
This is alright. Friends with benefits that develop feelings yeah? So like what I was saying above. But it was overused in romcoms in the early 2000s so Its gotta be compelling to pique my interest.
Slowburn: 6
I like it, but I like it when the pacing is decent. If its glacially slow I might get bored. If its slow burn because the fic is 600k words and they only get together in the last 10,000 words I'm likely to get annoyed with it. It's gotta be real good at keeping the story interesting, keeping the drama going, and keeping the sexual and romantic tension on point.
Soulmates: -8
I don't like it. This is all those soulmate AUs where it'll be something like "you are born with a tattoo of your soulmates name... etc" I dunno why it just doesn't compell me and I prefer stories where the characters come together despite the odds.
Tagging: @so-i-grudgingly-joined-this-site @tickldpnk8 @just-cosmere-fan @academicblorbo @notallsandmen and anyone else who wants to play. No pressure though!
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eclipsejoku · 4 months
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☆ Welcome ! ☆
Welcome to the writing blog, hosted by yours truly, Eclipse! Zara works too, just so you know. They're my OC's. I'll try to make this as direct as possible, but forgive me if I blabber.
Before you continue, I'd like to state:
It's absolutely disgusting that this has to be said, but it does. Listen, I've heard people making stories using AI that's been fed original content. But I hate it. It's my property. People are using it to make artwork and writing, but the original content was used without permission (usually). If you ever want to do it, ask. Don't be selfish and use it without warning.
Now that that's explained, more information under the cut!^^
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☆ About Me ! ☆
! Pronouns / Gender !
I'll accept going by any pronouns! I'm not really picky.
I feel like I'm too young to worry about sexuality and gender, and I'd prefer keeping that to myself :) But for now, refer to me as anything. If you're indecisive (relatable), call me a girl / female.
! What You'll Find Here / Fandoms !
What I Will Write-
Undertale Aus
Snippets (e.g. Hero x Villain, Supervillain x Sidekick, Sidekick x Hero, etc.)
Most things you'll request, honestly
What I Won't Write-
Any Bigotry
Requests are open! Go to the "ask / request! " button to... well, ask and request!
Unfortunately, Requests are closed!
! Anyone Can Follow Me !
Just don't try to push any beliefs on me, like proshipping or NSFW. I'd prefer staying out of drama, anyways. If you don't like the content I post, don't follow me.
I don't have tags. I just don't think they're necessary- I don't really have a big following-
My World Building Blog is @xaniadusca! It's a fantasy, just to warn you!
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☆ Masterlists ! ☆
☆ Undertale Masterlist ☆
☆ Xaniadusca Masterlist ( ! NOT CANON ! ) ☆
☆ Xaniadusca Masterlist ( ! CANON ! ) ☆
☆ Snippets Masterlist ☆
☆ Poems / Short Stories Masterlist ☆
A Random Prompt I made. The first and probably last.
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drfcstrs · 1 year
character bio - JANE FOSTER; think like a queen. a queen is not afraid to fail. failure is another stepping stone to greatness
Character Basics
Character’s full name: Jane Grace Foster Meaning of name: God is gracious Birth date: May 29th, 1991 Age: 31 Zodiac: Gemini Superpower: none, other than her extremely high IQ. Alias: Dr. Foster
Nationality / Ethnicity / Species: American, human Languages Spoken: English Orientation: heterosexual Prounouns: she/her
Physical appearance
Height: 5′6 Eye color: hazel Hair type and color: long and blonde usually curled Glasses or contacts: she prefers contacts, it’s easier in her field Face claim: Blake Lively Distinguishing marks: beauty mark on the right side of her face Predominant features: her blonde, curly hair Tattoos: Usual fashion of dress: feminine, girly
Good personality traits: ambitious, driven, intelligent, protective. Bad personality traits: controlling, prideful, know-it-all, impatient.  Personality Type: INFJ “the Advocate;” introverted, complex character, deep thoughtfulness. Character Label: The Polymath
Ten Song Playlist
State of Grace; Taylor Swift New Romantics; Taylor Swift Golden; Harry Styles good 4 u; Olivia Rodrigo  Can’t Tame Her; Zara Larrson Mastermind; Taylor Swift Free Woman; Lady Gaga god is a woman; Ariana Grande Joan of Arc on the Dance Floor; Aly & AJ Future Nostalgia; Dua Lipa
Hometown: Sante Fe, New Mexico Childhood: Jane, an only child, grew up with just her mother, a scientist. Her father died when she was young. Dream job: scientist, astrophysicist  Education: NYU School of Medicine
Current location: New York City, New York Currently living with: Pets: Thunder; golden retriever. Occupation: head doctor for SHIELD / The Avengers
tw: brief cancer/illness mention
Fiancé: Thor Odinson Children: Mother: Amelia Foster Relationship: her mother is a scientist and she often would go to work with her, watching her mother work in her lab. it sparked her interest in the field. she’s close to her mom and has a good relationship with her. she became closer to her after her father’s death and while she struggled with her own illness. Father: Noah Foster Relationship: her father was a surgeon. she was close to him and struggled after he died of cancer when she was 10, just a few years before she was diagnosed with the same illness.
Color: mint green, rose gold Least favorite color: dark colors
Musical instrument: piano Sport: she used to swim and did horseback riding Spending habits: she’s usually pretty good about it unless it’s clothes or makeup Smokes:  Drinks: wine or champagne, not enough to get drunk Other drugs:
Optimist or pessimist: depends on the situation, she goes by reason Introvert or extrovert: extroverted introvert Daredevil or cautious: cautious Disorderly or methodical: methodical Prefers working or relaxing: working Confident or unsure of herself: confident
Relationships with others
Love interest: Thor Odinson Best friend: Wanda Maximoff Exes: 
Short Bio
tw: cancer and death mention
jane was an only child and grew up in new mexico with her mom and dad. her mom is a scientist and her dad was a surgeon, so she was very intellectually drawn and always inspired by science, specifically space and the possibilities that there were other realms and dimensions. her father died of cancer when she was 10 and she struggled with his death in the years following, not knowing she’d be diagnosed with the same just a few years later. unlike her dad, however, she beat it and hasn’t had a recurrence since, though she’s extremely health conscious and borderline paranoid about it at times. she was originally drawn to astrophysics. but her frequent stays at the hospital sparked an interest in medicine. it also helped her feel closer to her dad. after med school, she began working at shield, eventually working her way up to being head doctor for the avengers.
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lcnebcnes · 2 years
Tumblr media
❛❛   scout ellis .  ❜❜   ― 💫 ― the ghost of clawed earth ever present beneath your fingernails, proof you will never be free of of your haunted past... the constant paranoia of being found despite a targeted glamor (he found you once he can do it again, he knows you’re not really dead)... time lost equating to two weeks  buried in a shallow grave, but you do not mourn the missing memory...
full name : victoria marie blake scout victoria ellis
name meaning :
victoria : latin | “victory”
marie : french | “star of the sea”
blake : old english | “dark”
scout : old french | “to listen; sent to discover”
victoria : latin | “victory”
ellis : welsh | “kind, benevolent”
nickname / alias : n/a
title : miss
gender / pronouns : cis woman / she/her
sexuality : pansexual
date of birth : november 17
age : 25
zodiac : scorpio
place of birth : savannah georgia
accent : light southern
languages : english, latin
species : familiar shapeshifter
faceclaim : abigail cowen
height : 5′7″
eye color : blue
hair color : ginger
build : slim
glasses : yes; prefers contacts
mental : ptsd, paranoia, insomnia, depression, anxiety
physical : a scar across her neck, a scar in the center of her chest 
high school :
private school - graduated at 18
college :
alignment : chaotic neutral
positive traits : vehement, adroit, charming, indomitable, meticulous
negative traits : sly, volatile, resentful, morbid, paranoid
hobbies : working on cars, music (singing, guitar, piano), sketching & painting, reading
parents :
victor blake; father, shapeshifter - deceased
katherine blake, née grey; mother, shapeshifter - deceased
other :
marjorie ellis; benefactor, witch - alive
siblings : n/a
children : n/a
pets : 
zara [rottweiler]
history :
for the majority of her life, victoria blake lived under the impression that she was a familiar. it was what her parents had believed, after all, and theirs before them. likely due to the rarity of shapeshifters. perhaps it just seemed more plausible that they’d been meant to serve witches? regardless, it was a mistake that would start the child on a path towards life altering trauma.
victoria was thirteen years old when she first met the witch who would change her life, ms. marjorie ellis. she became the benefactor of the young girl, funding her private school education and eventually introducing her to one hudson king, another witch. the pair instantly hit it off, growing incredibly close in a very short time. it was as though they had always known each other, every conversation an easy one. it was never anything near romantic, but there was no denying that they’d found a soulmate in one another.
a few weeks following her high school graduation, victoria’s parents were found murdered in their home. she’d discovered the bodies herself, a sight she wouldn’t soon forget. marjorie took her in immediately, with hudson right there to comfort his dear friend. 
two years later and victoria had moved in with hudson, committing to being his familiar. it would be three years until tragedy struck again in the form of victoria’s own murder.
it was at the peak of their bonded companionship that hudson found himself craving more power, a desire that slowly began to corrupt him. it wouldn’t be long until he came across a ritual that would provide him the power he desperately sought. its cost? his familiar. he didn’t even hesitate in his preparations, making the apology uttered just before knocking victoria out that much more cruel.
victoria awoke to the pain of her chest being cut open, hudson ignoring her screams even as his left hand closed around her heart. with his right, he slowly slit her throat, silencing her cries as she began to suffocate on her own blood. he never released her heart, watching the life drain from her face even as he felt the very last beat of vital organ. he immediately moved her into a shallow grave.
two weeks victoria lay dead in the ground before suspicions arose from the one soul left to care for her. once realizing something was wrong, it didn’t take long for marjorie to locate the young woman’s too soon resting place. a tracking spell performed on victoria’s late mother’s ring, as she never took the piece off. a ring that would quickly become the host of a cloaking and glamouring spell meant to keep her hidden from hudson. 
in addition to the spell, she chose a new name for herself. victoria marie blake had died, after all. scout victoria ellis, surname taken from the woman who saved her, was born. she would spend the next two years trying to heal from the trauma of her murder and learning the truth of who she was. not a familiar, but a shapeshifter. it was a distinction that held some sense of power to the lost soul, as it meant she was not a of species meant to serve and die for some witch who claimed to care. she was free, and with marjorie’s blessing and promise of protection, she set out to find more of her kind.
more coming soon…..
roomate / bestie : this seems fairly self explanatory ➢ 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐙𝐈𝐎 “𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐆” 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍
tba : tba ➢ 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍
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