Obligatory Pinned Post
🦣🌌✨ Call me Orla. She/Her. Ms. Honey Sweet. I'm 21+, and very queer 🏳️‍🌈 Neurodiverse. Pacific Northwest.
I've been reading comics for as long as I can remember. This blog is 21+ and there will be occasional mature/adult content or themes. I tag everything that is commonly triggering but if you need a specific tag let me know.
Find me on AO3 as just Earthshine.
Comic Kon Discord Server
Prompts and writing requests are generally always open.
I am a multishipper. We do NOT do ship wars here, and we do not do character bashing. I really am enjoying KonBart, HalBarry, Brainy/Lyle, Scottbarda and Lightrion atm but there's dozens more. Because people keep asking me if it's not posted; no I do not ship batcest.
KonBart Shipping Manifesto and Friendship Deep-Dive
I love and embrace all trans headcanons.
Fanon vs Canon nuanced statement - I just want my non-Bat faves to stop getting mischaracterized in fanworks just to prop up Bats because I cannot filter these types of content out because it is so widespread, and no such universal fanon tag exists, this is heartbreaking to me as I love comics for their depth and nuance. More characters exist than Bats and they are not 'background characters.' I hate seeing my favorite characters being reduced to sexy lamps in ship fic. Does this make sense?
This blog is my escape from the world so I stick to fandom here or things that generally interests me. The world is brutal enough.
Comics that I blog about frequently and are my zone:
Impulse Superboy Young Justice Legion of Super-Heroes L.E.G.I.O.N. and R.E.B.E.L.S. New Gods Orion
Other random interests and series that will come up:
The works of Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy, Jetter Mars) Pluto Banana Fish (manga) The Dark Crystal Tolkien (The Silmarillion) 90s
Sometimes I make really stupid mistakes that I proclaim with all the assurance and confidence of a gold medal Olympian. Oops. Sorry it's part of being human, regrettably.
Ask Box is always open but I really do mean this; I do NOT answer or respond to or even acknowledge hate, bait, troll or general messages intended to cause an inflammatory reaction. You WILL be blocked, even on anon, as Tumblr has that option. So if you're new and from Twitter and didn't know, now you do.
Unless the person is actively causing HARM, or intends to harm me or someone else, or you are warning me about Zarabithia's return, please do not send me callout messages. It's exhausting.
Again I do not ship batcest, incest, adult/minor or underage nsfw ships. I am furious I even need to post this.
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captainpikeachu · 2 years
lol okay this is too funny, someone got really pissy about my comments in the tags about a gifset I reblogged of the scene of John killing the Flag Smasher guy
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i don’t know how to begin to explain that i’m just commenting on a FICTIONAL character’s actions, they’re not real, i don’t give a fuck, i’m entirely allowed to go “yes you get that revenge” if i feel like it, i mean, how many folks are going “YAS QUEEN” for Wanda murdering the 838 Illuminati?
meanwhile this person responding to me here is wanting to kill off REAL people because they think it’s gonna make the Earth a “better place”, yup, killing REAL people just because they don’t like some folks’ opinions over FAKE NONEXISTENT characters, see that’s the “real true morality” we all need to aspire to and achieve to make the Earth a better place i guess lmao
mind you, this is what’s on the bio of this person’s tumblr
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so apparently cheering for character death is okay if they do it, but someone else does it, then they need to be removed from life on this planet??
some of yall have no sense of self awareness at all and the hypocrisy is hilarious
i don’t need a lecture on morality from someone whose bio literally cheers about murder
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also John didn’t torture anyone, that’s literally not what torture is, but hey let’s just continue to ignore the fact that the flag smasher literally was actively helping to murder John just minutes beforehand, but hey i guess we’ve already confirmed that yall don’t care about the death of characters you don’t like and yall actively cheer for it
if the flag smasher guy had succeeded in helping Karli kill John, yall would have cheered for it, because the reality is yall are hypocrites who don’t have any right to sneer down at other people about morality
kindly fuckity fuck off :)
also Steve Rogers would have understood John, just as he’s always understood John even in the comics, which is why THEY ARE FRIENDS
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 3 years
psa about user who's harassing people
after an encounter with @zarabithia that left me feeling very weird because they randomly targeted my post and were kind of rude in response and then blocked me, i decided to look into this account to see if anyone had a similar experience. after learning some rather toxic things, i thought i'd give a heads up. i learned that this user has a history of harassing and/or bullying users or starting arguments/attacking them and then blocking them so they don't have to deal with the repercussions of their actions. from what i've found, they also have been harassing minors in particular and going into tags that disagree with their opinions only to attack these people. they also write noncon and incest and share content that's been classified as pedophilic or get mad at people for classifying their ships as pedophilia. this user has also reportedly sent out death threats. so blocking and/or reporting them might be good for your mental health, especially if you're in marvel (the main fandom they appear to engage with) or find incest, pedophilia, and/or noncon uncomfy
edit: apparently this person has been a problem since at least 2008 and this article details many of the things they've done:
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reignof-fyre · 3 years
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I woke up to this. I posted my opinion on Steve's endgame (him fucking off to the 40's to live happily ever after) and why I hated it - sarcastically- and ended up being called an asshole and piece of shit and having to look, with my own eyes, at someone saying Tony Stark is redundant. Also that Bucky broke their "till the end of the line" vow. Couldn't even respond because @zarabithia apparently doesn't exist or blocked me lmao what????
1. I'm allowed to have a simple, innocent opinion without being called a piece of shit thanks ever so much
2. Tony Stark is far from redundant. He funded the Avengers, gave them gear, weapons, jets, etc and without him they'd have nothing lol
3. Bucky never broke he and Steve's vow? Do you think him being forcibly drafted* in the army was breaking it? Or by "him fucking off" to live his own life was the 2 years in Bucharest when he COULD BARELY REMEMBER HIS OWN NAME because of HYDRA brainwashing? Or when he went to Wakanda to recover from said brainwashing and Steve was a literal terrorist/fugitive from the law because he BROKE THE LAW ?
4. As for my blog being devoted to murderous pieces of shits...???? So. I happen to adore Daenerys. The show did her wrong. I love book Dany. And perhaps if you ever picked one up, mayhap the dictionary, you'd realise what opinion means and how, in a free country like Australia where I'm from, I'm entitled to it without being verbally abused.
Have a lovely day.
*I edited this because apparently Bucky was drafted by the army, he didn't willingly enlist. He was going to stay in Brooklyn with Steve. That's LOYALTY!
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I can’t even read the rest of this post because Tumblr is telling me it doesn’t exist and that this user has never posted anything, which I can only assume somebody I don’t know got so mad about a post I made expressing frustration with a plot point but also literally asking for clarification that they reblogged it and then blocked me so I couldn’t even answer
like. literally part of the reason I made the post was because I was—am—genuinely asking anyone who doesn’t hate this development to explain why they don’t hate it, because I can’t think of a reason but that’s at least in part because I haven’t watched the show yet and who knows! maybe in context it made sense and it only sounds bizarre because I don’t have the full context! and it would actually be really helpful for someone who likes Sharon as a character to explain why this isn’t a bad development!
I don’t know why you’d instead ask me a question and then make sure I couldn’t answer it, while also assuming some fucking weird things about me in the process, and for that matter I don’t know why you’d bite my head off for one post where I also said I loved Steve
but whatever I guess
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vldsapphic · 6 years
Fic Rec: Team Veronica - Veracxa
AO3 Link Title: Team Veronica Author: zarabithia / @zarabithia Rating: Mature Pairing: Acxa/Veronica Word Count: 600 Tags: menstruation cramps, fluff
Summary: Even when you’re fighting off alien invasions and having top secret meetings with the best spies in the universe, cramps are a true pain in the ass.
Read on AO3
Please remember to leave the author kudos and a comment if you enjoyed it!
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agentmintea · 6 years
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Day 1 (Monday): Favourite moments, headcanons, and fanwork recs
I’m killing two birds with one stone so here are some of my favourite <10k-word fics in order of word count! (The word limit is just to narrow down my selection)
Of cloaks and daggers by @beautifulwhensarcastic (2138 words)
Steve, the Captain of Queen Virginia’s guard, finds an intruder in his quarters. Though she’s dressed with clear intention on hiding her identity, he recognizes Margaret Carter - Queen’s loyal friend and spy. She comes to him seeking help.
In the Bloom of Life by fluffernutter8 (2663 words)
Five times Steve gave Peggy flowers, and one time she gave one to him. 
fill out the form first by flowermasters (3924 words)
Peggy and Steve meet in the most mundane of ways. That is, of course, before the bank heist.
Third Time’s the Charm by @bitememarvelcanon (6635 words)
Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter are perfect for each other. The only problem is, they just can’t seem to meet.
A modern Steggy AU in which Steve is a graphic designer, Peggy is a graduate student, and Bucky never gets to ride shotgun.
It’ll Probably Drown Before I’m Through by zarabithia (9870 words)
Peggy's neighbor is both handsome and kind. It's really too bad he might be a spy.
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ninapedia · 6 years
 zarabithia reblogged your photoset:i said some things about she-ra earlier this year...
Funny, I rewatched the original SHe-Ra and it more than stands the test of time. It’s still just as relevant and fun and...
Lmao you blocked me so you’ll never see this but saying a show doesn’t stand the test of time isn’t tearing it down? You do realize you can critique something you like??????
Like, learn your history my dude. The team that created She-Ra were a bunch of misogynist. It was a boys club pissed off that the barbie division of Mattel was encroaching on a boy’s territory (He-man).
The transformation sequence was designed to make it look like the sword was ejaculating on her. Mantenna was supposed to have three legs as a joke that one of them was his dick but the producers came down and said they had to either give him four or two. This is all well documented in interviews and documentaries. This isn’t forbidden knowledge, it’s out there.
Additionally the animation is jankie- it’s a product of it’s time!
The writing is sloppy with no describable time line or consistency - again, a product of it’s time!
And the designs all suffer from same body and same face.
She-ra, like most 80s cartoons was designed to be nothing more than a 28 minute commercial to sell toys. The production values weren’t great, That doesn’t mean the show isn’t fun or enjoyable, it just means it aged like a banana.
This doesn’t at all negate to the importance it held to young girls or lgbtq people of the time (of which, I am both of those things), but it also doesn’t meet the standards of what we have today.
And if that somehow upsets you enough to block me then idk my friend.
P.S. Cheerleader uniforms are designed to be easy to move in? They’re acrobatic uniforms? Calling she-ra’s new outfit a “glorified cheer leading uniform” like it’s an insult is telling.
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cricktoon · 3 years
Also it's clear your ability to think things through is complete shit, but naming your child after Harley Quinn doesn't have shit to do with approving of Joker/Harley. It has to do with being a fan of the character, which people have been for a long ass time. Moreover, Evil Lyn and Skeletor was shown to be unhealthy and something to escape. At no point was Evil Lyn and Skeletor meant to be healthy. It was a GOOD thing to show young girls. Jesus Christ.
I do understand your anger- I should not have brought up a real person to prove my point, it wasn't right of me, and I've since deleted the post. If there was anything more I could do to fix this, I would do it. It's true I could have looked at it from a different perspective, and maybe I was only really seeing it from my side, wanting Skeletor to be the character I expected and wanted him to be, and worrying for folks like myself who would potentially be triggered by the treatment of his character. I guess I always sort of saw him as funny, and endearing, even if he was meant to be portrayed as evil. I promise I really did love revelation, which is why I was critical of it, though I should not drag real life people into my observations, especially when it has nothing to do with them. I never thought it was meant to be healthy, that certainly wasn't my intention to get across- I'm sorry if it seemed like it was. I could have looked at it positively, in the way that Lyn does eventually get away from Skeletor in the end, and seemed happy and at peace. With my personal experience and my love for Skeletor in past and present iterations... I guess it was just hard for me to imagine him as something that was personally frightening and triggering to me. But he is, again, the villain.
I hope you are okay and doing well. I know this debacle has stressed you out a lot, and though we don't know each other I feel for you- I know I've made a mistake, but I promise I'm on your side. I'm passionate about motu too and it's been my special interest since I was 10 and I would never want to drag it down in such a way that would make it seem like I don't care about it very deeply. Be safe and be well <3
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peppermintvader · 6 years
truth or dare: 3
Thank you so much for sending this Z!🖤🖤🖤😊😊😊
Since you didn’t say which one, I went with truth I hope that’s okay! Also ashbjk I wasn’t sure if the crushes were like my actual crushes or just blogs I adore which do overlap and then I got shy so I went with truth ashbjk
3) truth: What are your three favorite things about your appearance? 1- I love my eyes! They’re hazel and change colors 🖤 2-My hair!! I love it so much, I love the color I have and my curls and how long and thick my hair is 🖤 3- My smile!!! It took a long time for me to like my smile but I do love it! 🖤
Send me truth or dare asks :)
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inuruk · 6 years
zarabithia replied to your post “So, all my followers that are fans of star wars should read the...”
a book about the sith is not going to be one i trust about the Jedi, good lord.
Listen, everything said about the Jedi in that book is true. 
From a certain point of view.
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saviourfinn · 7 years
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Don’t you love it when someone who has you blocked still reblog from you to talk to you in a condescending manner, knowing that you won’t be able to answer them because oh right! they have you blocked!
@zarabithia i don’t see why me mocking a stupid TLJ deleted scene personally offends you so much, and neither that scene or my comment have anything to do with the misogynistic treatment of Leia in episode 6, but i mean, go off sis.
next time you want to tell me something why don’t you grow a spine and unblock me before doing so?
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oolathurman · 6 years
Did zarabithia legit block me bc I was just adding a source to artwork? 😂 Not everyone knows where sources of art are, not everyome cares to read the comics, some people - myself included! - might wanna know.
Like I get how something like a simple reply without other commentary can be read as passive aggressive, but I like having sources on stuff I’m interested in. Whether zarabithia believes me or not, I had and have no intention of being rude to someone I didn’t know existed. (Sure, they may’ve posted it but who always looks through all the reblogs of something that isn’t their own post?)
Besides if I’m trying to be passive aggressive I do it in the tags and/or make a separate post about it. I guess kinda like what I’m doing now, but it’s not like I can send a message to OP trying to ask for forgiveness for adding the fucking source to artwork I didn’t know was from the fucking comics.
So no, not everyone knows the quinlan vos art was from the comics, or a comic cover, and certainly would not know if the branding and title and copy is on the image. Excuse me for trying to be genuinely helpful 😂
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for-southendgirls · 6 years
“We invited you to pride when it was a protest and you’re inviting yourself now that it’s a party” the original person who said that isnand has confirmed is MOGAI and asexual and aromantic supportive and explicitly said they were not talking about MOGAI, aces, or aros
But at the end of the day, I’m gay and they’re not. So who is really winning? Moi.
Stay mad.
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imposterogers · 2 years
Just wanted to let anyone know the blog “zarabithia” is a pedophile. Came across a Steve x child!Bucky post they’ve made. Comics Bucky was child sidekick. They ship Steve with a child. They also ship Obi-Wan x Anakin. They were 25 and 9 when they met & Obi-Wan raised him. They think pedophilia/grooming is hot & stalk the ‘anti obikin’ tag to pick fights
they’ve had me blocked for months (and posted a call out post about me n how I was anti endgame) so this doesn’t surprise me, but for any of my followers who would like to preemptively block this content— this is for you
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I hate being "that person" but I highly recommend looking up that author named Zarabithia before engaging in anything of hers and if you haven't already BLOCK her asap. She's been a violently aggressive scourge in fandom for a decade and has sent death threats and doxxed people before. Don't just trust my word though just look her up anywhere, it's horrendous.
how did i never know this person existed until now
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apparently this zarabithia person has a whole fucking ARTICLE listing all the shitty things they've done jhfdfghj how does one become so awful that somebody needs to write an entire article page warning people about how awful they are
anyway i visited their blog to see what the fuss was about and yeahhhhhh they seem very unstable lmao. i think they'd be besties with shadow3213 tho, we should arrange a playdate
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