#zero the number
chatwithzachtank · 9 months
So I have a YouTube channel www.YouTube.com/realzachtank that has a show called Rando Borderlands. I'm playing Borderlands 1-2-3 simultaneously and I prefer 3 but I grew up with 2. I will eventually play as all vault hunters but I started with Gaige. I'm a casual gamer to say the least. Nonetheless I have to ask those that are familiar with the series, namely Borderlands 2...
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janmisali · 1 year
Number Tournament: ZERO vs THE IMAGINARY UNIT (The Championship Match)
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[link to all polls]
0 (zero; naught)
seed: 4 (60 nominations)
previous opponent: negative one
class: additive identity
biography: one of the most revolutionary numbers in all of mathematics, and not just because of its rotund symbol.
the notion of "nothingness" as a number in and of itself rather than merely as a placeholder was discovered independently in many parts of the world at many different times, particularly in cultures that used forms of positional notation (ie. writing numbers in a way where every symbol has some numerical value, and its position within a number indicates that the value is multiplied by some power of a "base", often ten). due to its strange nature as a number with no value, many properties that are often taken for granted with other numbers do not apply to zero.
in the Number Tournament, zero has beaten some incredibly iconic numbers seemingly effortlessly. fifteen, thirty-six, sixty-four, the golden ratio, and negative one were all no match for naught. it is truly a force to be reckoned with.
zero is a number associated with emptiness, with the void, as well as with new beginnings. it is one of the foundations of all of mathematics, and it is certainly one of the best numbers.
[Wikipedia article]
seed: 11 (46 nominations)
previous opponent: NaN
class: imaginary
biography: another groundbreaking number, discovered much more recently than zero. much like zero, in its earliest uses i (the imaginary unit) was considered more of placeholder than a number in its own right, as the name "imaginary number" might suggest.
the imaginary numbers (and the complex numbers they are a part of) were born as an elegant solution to a practical problem, and they've persisted as a tool for modeling things in the physical world, no less real than the "real numbers". complex numbers are useful for "translating" statements about shapes into statements about numbers, and vice versa. they are crucial to the Fourier transform, which itself is a vital part of signal processing and many areas of physics.
in the Number Tournament, i faced off against a series of increasingly tougher challengers: forty-seven, twenty-seven, e, two, and Not a Number, each race closer than the last. i fought hard to get here, and we're all very proud of it for making it this far.
i is associated with the mathematical tradition of taking "you can't do that" as a challenge, and with thinking outside of the box. it is a fundamental component of our modern understanding of the world, and it is certainly one of the best numbers.
[Wikipedia article]
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ventique18 · 9 months
The idea that Levan is Crowley is still so damn funny btw because it's further proof that the Draconias are completely delusional and have zero taste in partners. The object of their desire could be the ugliest person in the universe and they'd convince themselves that person is a god among gods.
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mathysphere · 1 year
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For this year's celebratory pattern I wanted to tackle a dream project of mine: stitching a functional unit circle. The French knots (all 100 of them!) around the lower circle represent the coordinates of each point (sans radicals and negative signs), and the upper circle shows how sine and cosine can be found by following a point around a circle's circumference.
[pattern here] [previous pi day patterns here]
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ryllen · 6 months
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WE DID ITTT!!!!!!!!!
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frociaggine · 17 days
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@diehellasrache omg I forgot about that book. I hope you enjoy it!
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violent138 · 2 months
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Aside from just being really cool, I loved this Hercules-referencing panel because Alfred mentioned how Batman's mythos is just starting (in this comic), a few panels back there was a reference to Ancient Greece, and now he's armourless, fighting in a public colosseum observed by beaten down Gothamites to win back their city.
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marshmallowloves · 3 months
very specific f/o / selfship type I love: looks like they could kill and would kill, or even have killed. hardened, rough, strong, imposing, merciless, such a dangerous reputation that their mere presence strikes fear in the hearts of everyone who sees them... except you. they are so kind and tender and gentle with you, they make you feel safe with them, they take every precaution not to hurt you in any way. they are soft for you
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finncakes · 1 year
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"Fearne...are you with me?"
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blurredpurplemint · 6 months
you: *unleashing new techniques learned by bi-han on kung lao.*
kung lao : *fell face first to the ground, ass up in the air.*
bi-han in the distance: *takes pictures* that’s my girl.
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artkaninchenbau · 11 months
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You know what day it— V-Tamer?! Happy Odaiba Memorial Day! 🎉 And Happy 25th Anniversary V-Tamer! ❤️ [Odaiba Memorial Redraw 2022] [Redraw 2021] [Redraw 2020]
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janmisali · 1 year
Number Tournament: Final Results
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congratulations to zero!
and a huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Number Tournament! full disclosure, I fully expected 69-420 to be the final match, so I'm very proud of everyone for showing a preference near-universally for more interesting numbers, allowing some of the strangest numbers in the tournament to make it much farther than expected.
as much as it saddens me to see the imaginary unit defeated after coming so far, zero's performance throughout the tournament was so consistently outclassing every number it went up against, this really couldn't have turned out any other way.
anyway, that's the end of the Number Tournament. I'll be posting some analysis soon, and I'll definitely get back to posting my usual fun one-off poll ideas, but I don't think I'll be doing another big bracket like this any time soon.
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Extremely funny that the number of Godzilla movies re-released in black and white is equal to the number of Godzilla movies actually filmed in black and white
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trensu · 2 months
Heyyy, long time no post, huh? I'm dropping another chunk of stasis in darkness for you guys! And I wanted to remind people that these posts are basically rough drafts. The final product will hopefully be more polished but in the meantime please enjoy!
After Steve convinced the old man he meant no harm, he’d been allowed into the home. The Lord of Night hadn’t been super specific about the purpose of his quest, only that Steve had to bring him to Wayne Munson. Steve discreetly looked around the home as he entered it. The old man was obviously unwell and had been for a while, given the state of the house. Steve had the creeping suspicion that the time limit the Lord of Night mentioned was linked to the man’s health.
“What are you doing?” Wayne Munson asked suspiciously once he had returned to the kitchen with Steve in tow. He had sat heavily in one of the old worn chairs at the table but Steve, instead of joining him, began to clear the table on impulse. Steve halted awkwardly.
“This ain’t your house, boy,” Wayne said with a scowl. “I can take care of myself.”
Steve did his very best not to look at the scattered mess in the kitchen or living room. It was not the mess of a dirty, careless person. It was the mess of someone tired and overwhelmed. It was the mess of someone in pain who was too proud to ask for help. Steve took in Wayne Munson’s watery eyes, wan skin, and the clothes that were plain things, tattered from use, but mostly stain-free. Steve quickly added all these details and came up with a plan of attack. He set the plate back down.
“Yes, sir,” Steve agreed easily. “I’m aware, but I serve the Lord of Night and he sent me to you specifically. In our god’s name, I must assist you in any way I can.” 
Wayne’s expression wavered. Steve pushed again. He lowered his gaze in a slightly embarrassed manner, letting a note of uncertainty color his words.
“I don’t know what else to do until nightfall,” Steve said. He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. “I don’t want him to think I’ve neglected you.”
“What happens at nightfall?” Wayne asked.
“It’s when the Lord of Night wants to see you,” Steve said. Wayne blinked.
“Me? He wants to see me?”
“Yeah! So, if you could please let me,” Steve said, putting on his most endearing smile, “I’d like to take care of you until then. You know, make sure you’re comfortable and get the place ready for a divine visit. If it’s not too much trouble, sir?”
“Uh, no, that should be fine. Is…is there anything I should do?” Wayne asked dazedly.
“Not really. All I know is he really wants to see you tonight. Oh, maybe you’d like to rest until then? A nap, so you’re not drowsy when he arrives.”
Wayne nods, still in shock at the news. He didn’t protest when Steve helped him out of the chair and let him lean his weight on him as they navigated to the bedroom. Wayne sat on the bed as Steve drew curtains closed over the room’s single window. The curtains were thick enough to dim the sun to a pale yellow glow.
“I didn’t know there was anyone else who followed him,” Wayne said as he lay himself down over the covers.
"He told me you’re the only one left, besides me,” Steve told him. “And I only discovered him a month ago by accident.”
“By accident?” Wayne asked with a wry grin.
“My friends found a holy text when we were researching other gods. It was the only one of his in the city's whole library. Then we had a hell of a time trying to find his last shrine. When I finally found it, it was falling apart. He’s been forgotten,” Steve said. At Wayne’s troubled expression, he hurriedly added, “But now that I’ve pledged myself to him, I’m going to make sure people know him again.”
Wayne did not appear convinced, but he finally settled to rest after Steve promised to wake him before sunset. Steve took the opportunity to clean. He hadn’t been lying to Wayne when he said he wasn’t sure what to do until nightfall. It didn’t help that Steve also liked to keep himself busy. Being idle made him itch.
The house was small. Aside from Wayne's bedroom, there was only a cramped kitchen and a modest living room. From the small window of the backdoor, Steve could see a short, worn path to an outhouse. 
Given the size of the house, though there was a mess everywhere, it didn’t take Steve very long to clean it all. When it was done to his satisfaction, there were still a few hours left until sunset so he wandered outside. The porch railing was covered with broad green leaves from intertwining vines but Steve left that alone when he saw the small garden nearby. It was full of ripe vegetables that Steve assumed Wayne had been unable to pick himself given his condition. 
By the time Steve had picked the vegetables, pulled the weeds, and watered the garden, the sun hung low in the horizon. He cleaned himself up the best he could in the kitchen sink and took one of the chairs from the table to the bedroom before waking Wayne.
He told Wayne what he accomplished during Wayne’s repose. While Wayne expressed his gratitude politely enough, it was still apparent to Steve that the old man was irritated at having needed the assistance at all. To keep Wayne from dwelling on that, as well as to satisfy his own curiosity, he coaxed Wayne into conversation.
“Can I ask, uh, how you–I mean, how did you know? How did you know the Lord of Night existed?"
Wayne laughed at Steve’s befuddled tone. The laugh turned into a coughing fit. Steve quickly fetched him a glass of water and put it on the bedside table after Wayne had a drink.
“My family’s a bunch of no-good criminals,” Wayne croaked. “Were. It’s only me now. But before, each generation of Munsons took it up. Like a family tradition.”
“Criminals?” asked Steve cautiously. 
“Thieves and con men. Some ladies of the night, if you catch my meaning. They knew of our Lord of Night and passed the knowledge down,” Wayne sighed sadly. “The life of a criminal ain’t what you call stable. We lost bits and pieces of him with every generation. Like his name. No one’s known his name for a very long time. Is that why he wants to see me? Did I fail him?”
There was genuine distress in Wayne’s question so Steve hid his disappointment. He had hoped the Lord of Night’s last worshiper would at least have a clue about where to start the search for the lost name. He focused, instead, on reassuring the old man.
“I don’t know why he wants to see you, but he wasn’t angry when he sent me. He sounded excited.”
“I suppose that’s a good thing,” Wayne said uncertainly.
“Definitely,” Steve assured. Before Wayne could sink into his gloom again, Steve said, “I know you said you’ve lost some knowledge, but do you know if the Lord of Night has any prayers? I haven’t…I mean, I’ve tried to worship him but I don’t think I can do it right without a prayer. I’m kind of new at all this.”
“My ma used to say our Lord didn’t have patience for formalities,” Wayne said, brow furrowed. “They bored him so he only had a few official prayers. There was one where we’d thank him for any dreams he gave us. I think there was another one that asked for dreams to bring inspiration or something of that sort. I don’t really remember those–ma would be boxing my ears for that if she was still around. I remember the one for protection, since we used that one a lot. It goes: 
Lord of Night,  Guide us through all phases Of the moon; May the dark be free of All dangers, While your many stars burn.
Wayne’s voice cracked into a coughing fit near the end. Steve hurriedly offered him water again once Wayne had caught it again. Wayne took a few mouthfuls and repeated the prayer again so Steve could learn it. It took a few tries, but Wayne was patient and by the end of it, Steve had it memorized.
“Is that the only one?” Steve asked, hoping to learn more. Wayne grimaced.
“It’s the only one I really remember. The Lord of Night prefers stories. My ma would tell us the best bedtime stories. Said they were for our god as much as for me and my brother. I was never good at coming up with new stories, so I retell my favorites or tell our Lord about my days and give him a little offering.”
Steve wasn't much of a story teller. He supposed he could do as Wayne did until he met up with Robin and Dustin again. They constantly chatted about books they’d read. Steve couldn’t help but notice how, once again, his friends seemed a better fit for his god than he was; all Steve could give his god was his shield and sword. It was discouraging. He had to figure out a way to make up for it somehow.
“What kind of offerings?” Steve asked. 
He wanted to give his god more; he wanted to give the Lord of Night something he’d actually like. It wasn’t lost on him that the Lord of Night took him under duress. Who else would’ve been able to complete this quest? 
“When I was young, it was horse shoes,” Wayne chuckled at Steve’s confusion. “Thieves are supposed to give him a part of their loot but my ma and pa were horse thieves. They got horseshoes and would leave one for each horse they stole, tied with a braid made of the stolen horse’s mane.”
“You stole horses?” Steve said, unable to fight off a grin as he remembered the conversation he had with the Lord of Night about it.
“Me and my brother, before he passed,” Wayne said with a weak nod. 
The sky had darkened by now. Steve pulled the stone out of his satchel. He carefully unwrapped it from the cloth and set it gently on the bedside table next to the glass of water. Wayne eyed it quizzically.
“It’s from his shrine,” Steve explained. Without any further fussing, Steve stood up and went to the door.
“Don’t leave,” the Lord of Night said. 
Steve turned to see the god, hooded in his cloak of constellations, sitting in the chair Steve had vacated. The Lord of Night had not even glanced Steve's way when he spoke to him. The god’s attention rested solely on Wayne.
Steve hadn’t seen or spoken to the Lord of Night since he’d been accepted as his holy warrior. The god had needed to conserve his energy, he explained to Steve, so that Steve could complete his quest. The god’s cloak was as mesmerizing as the first time. However, this far from the shrine, the god did not look as solid as he had during the nights he spent with Steve. 
“I wanted to give you two some privacy,” Steve said softly. 
“I think Wayne would appreciate not being alone,” the Lord of Night said. 
The old man stared at the god unblinkingly. Wayne’s expression was one of awe and fear, so Steve did as he was told and stayed in the room though he chose to lean on the wall furthest from the pair. He was still close to them in the tiny bedroom, but it provided the pretense of privacy.
“My Lord?” Wayne’s voice was barely audible.
“Hello. I’ve wanted to meet you for years,” the god said.
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ktempestbradford · 10 months
"It really all started during a seven month stint in solitary confinement..."
keyboard smash sounds
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tswwwit · 19 days
I think it was sort of implied Bill had exes (or more like ex- one night stands? Maybe even ex- acquaintances with benefits?) so my question is 1) are any of them still alive 2) will dipper meet them 3) if so will dipper /know/ that he met them, and how does he feel about that? Bonus points for descriptions of their various improbable anatomies (picture dipper meeting a sentient pile of hornets and wondering how exactly it and a triangle managed to bone down XD).
Depends! Bill might not be totally up-to-date on the 'how to healthy relationship' course - but even he knows opining on previous flings conflicts with domestic bliss. So if Dipper does meet one of the exes, he could figure it out from context clues, perhaps. Or some bystander could let him in on the hot gossip. Or the ex could be very up-front about their previous relationship to this impudent little flavor-of-the-week fleshbag.
Bill's absolutely banged some things so physically different that trying to figure out the mechanics makes Dipper's head hurt. He's not gonna think about it for multiple reasons.
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