#zootopia… do i need to explain myself?
thatonekreachur · 9 months
So here is the story of how I got into elemental, I have no idea what I should say for the introduction, except that you can reblog this so other people can see it.
The story begins somewhere in late june or early july, I don't even know the date for when I watched it but I remember that it was before the Fourth of July. I was on a summer vacation to my grandma's house, and she decided we can go an watch this movie in the theater. At first, before I watched the movie, I thought it looked decent, judging by the trailers that literally made the movie look like some generic boring Zootopia rip-off that is only gonna be visually pleasing and nothing else. Let's just say the actual movie isn't like what I said before.
So then me, my grandma, and my two siblings went to see Elemental, and lucky for me, I didn't know that it will change my whole life, and my whole point of view of things.
Like where do I even start to begin with??? First off, how gorgeous those visuals look. I can't even explain these visuals!! Let me try... It is like getting your eyes assaulted by the most colorful most vibrant thing you have ever seen in your life, and these visuals really stick out during the sunset and night scenes. Like, even the cinematography is amazing, that beach scene still has me in awe to this day.
And these visuals, combined with the believable character personalities, that serious undertone, that well executed romance story with these other subplots, interesting backstories for our mcs, the score which I can't describe with words alone, and the worldbuilding, especially the worldbuilding...
So, if you took a peek into my account, you can probably see that I have a non human worldbuilding project blog that is very new. I am a big worldbuilding enthusiast, especially when it comes to non humans, or at least creatures that vaguely resemble humans, and this movie is no exception. Like, the worldbuilding in this is pretty unique and interesting, and because of it, I am literally hungry for MORE at this point.
I know there's the unlikely friends book, I have heard that it has more tasty info for me, but my anxious ass unfortunately does not let me have it for myself 😢
Lets also talk about the phenomenal score itself. Like, I have never heard such beautiful music before in my life, and guess what? It fits with the theme of this movie. I don't really have much left to say about the score, so there.
There's also the character personalities. Each character has their own unique quirks, backstories, and other stuff that really makes them feel like individuals in the movie. Heck, even the background characters all look unique from each other. Go ahead, you can make an oc out of these background characters, I'm all in for it.
I also like the serious tone this movie is going for. The first few minutes into this movie and I was like "wow! I kinda like how pretty serious this looks!". I am a sucker for animated movies that always focus on the plot and they don't need any potty jokes or any other kinds of childish humor to move it forward. (well, the exception is captain underpants, or any other movie that had a good story..). Because then, it would prove to the Oscars or any other person or company that animation is not just for babies, one year olds, and little kids, but for people to enjoy from all ages.
There is also the racism subplot somewhere in the movie. I heard some say that this subplot that I mentioned felt kinda forced, and that they tried to shove it down our throats in a "hey, this happened, and now your supposed to care about it!" kinda way. But for me, I would say no. You see, it also had at least some buildup even from the beginning too.
And finally, I haven't told you about this before, but I unironically love credits scenes. I know that the purpose of the credits scene is to tell the audience "hey we made this movie!", but... there are some animated movies that have moving 2d pictures with text while the most banger song you have ever heard plays in the background, and this movie has it all. Like, for some reason it makes me happy and relaxed...
Anyways the movie is over, and we walked out of the theater booth. This movie has changed so much of me that I needed to go pee afterwards (I held it in because turns out I love this movie so much and I needed to watch all of it and I won't miss some important scenes). Now, let me say this: elemental was the perfect movie for me, this movie gave me a reason to live, a reason to be happy that I'm alive on this earth right now. I wouldn't imagine not having eyes or ears, because I wouldn't be able to see or hear the beautiful things in this movie if I don't have either.
This was on the poster for the theater booth we walked out. I don't know why I included this, maybe it's because my hyperfixation is kicking in...
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Anyways, happy new year everyone.
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sugaroto · 2 years
How come in movies like Zootopia and Beastars the herbivores are ruling the world?
Like in both, herbivores were the good ones while the carnivores were suspicious and dangerous and nobody liked them and they were shown to face this like racism or something
(* it's been a few years since I watched Zootopia so I may be wrong bc I just remembered Bunny also had a problem with getting a job for being a bunny but this may be cause she was small)
Anyways as I was saying-
So, you mean to tell me for like thousands of years the carnivores were out there being kings eating anyone they liked till one day herbivores were like "Nah me want more equality papa" and the carnivores were like "Yeh sure don't worry bro imma stop eating you for the greater good"?
Like imagine there's the Lion King and his dinner, a pig, is like "Hey your majesty I think you shouldn't eat me I have a family"
Do you think Lion king in the 1600' was like "oh nawr you're right" or did he have a laugh while he ate?
I mean... how the fuck did herbivores took the upper hand? Did they create weapons (cause it always seem that the carnivores are strong enough to no need ones, while herbivores do) did they have a secret society #how_to_take_down_the_king #herbivores_lives_matter ?
How many world wars were there???
And how did they won?
And did they instead of equality chose revenge and made the carnivores live in "You're born bad society"?
Because like, in Beastars they were like "ooh the predators 😱 dangerous we can't trust them" (I mean yeah ok someone was eaten at the school- can't really blame them for being sus)
But like what do the carnivores eat? If they can't eat herbivores and not eating meat makes them sick or something (at least in Beastars it was a little more explained, there was even a night market and all, Zootopia was more family friendly)
Do they just expect people to die? So they can eat them?
Have the scientists created artificial meat?
Is there a farm In which they grow Humans?
(Also where the fuck were the humans in both?)
(Humans no existy)
Ok I confused myself now
But I think what I'm trying to say is..
The history they're teaching at their school is very hard and a lot fuck
Yeah I just realized I wrote this whole thing instead of studying history and I ended up with that 🙃
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fairiewonu · 2 years
tagging game!
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favorite movies
tagged by @gfcheol <3
i got tagged for this probably two weeks ago but finding 9 movies was so difficult for me… i don’t really watch tv a whole lot but i managed to gather 9 movies i’ve enjoyed throughout my life! and YES i know some of these are questionable… i’m a child at heart i don’t need to explain myself to you
tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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jeffbytes · 2 years
y'alrite, i'm Jeff!
28 | ENFP-T | Liverpool ��🇧
heteroromantic asexual trans man, selfshipper, kinnie and digital artist
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i can also go by the names Jeffo, Asobi, Dexter and Ron, but mainly just Jeff. my # 1 comfort film and character is Bolt⚡🧡 my main f/o is Haida 🎸❤️
this is my main variety blog where i post whatever - my selfships, kinnie stuff, reblogs, general artwork, text posts and personal life stuff. everything has unique tags (to the best of my memory / ability) so if you want to filter anything and follow for something specific i dont mind at all :) not as active of a selfshipper as i used to be but i still love my f/os :)
not the chattiest over DMs, but i always aim to give back the love i receive 🫶
icon art and banner art by myself
▫️ artist, editor, writer, commissioner
▫️ not all art is mine, i will credit my artists and specify if so!
▫️ all my socials here on my taplink
f/o list, kin list and DNI list under the read more cut!
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main f/o:
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Haida is my main closest f/o of 5+ years, and the one most spoken about on my main blog! he's right up there with Bolt on the level of comfort this character gives me. we've been through so much together and have such a realistically developed arc in our canon because of such. i've had many hyperfixes and i have many f/os, but it always comes back to Haida at the end :) he's the longest running and the one i'm closest with ❤️
full f/o list:
Clementine (Stray), Jack (Final Space), Tadano (Aggretsuko), Rivet & Clank (Rift Apart), Mr Wolf (The Bad Guys), Captain Gantu (Lilo & Stitch), Nick Wilde (Zootopia), Agent Classified (Madagascar), Spanx (Whiplash), Ellis (L4D2)
my ship tags are listed in the tags of this post for ease of browsing / blocking. not all of them have tags or content (yet), pls ask if you need one tagging!
#jaida hyenas / jaidano Haida and Tadano #gantobyte Gantu #jetrivet / jetric and clank / riftapoly Rivet and Clank #hyena x weasel / genron poly Spanx and Redmond #wolf x hyena Mr Wolf #jeffentine Clementine #maw boyfriends at work Tylor Tuskmon #greywilde Nick Wilde #jeff4ellis Ellis L4D2 #jeffified Agent Classified
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main kins:
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full kin list:
WALL-E (the movie), Luigi (Super Mario Bros), Muta (The Cat Returns), Dexter (Dexter's Lab), Clarence (the cartoon), Mike Wazowski (Monsters Inc), Haida (Aggretsuko [also f/o]), Bob Belcher (Bob's Burgers), Wile E Coyote (Looney Tunes), Creeper (Minecraft [cringe ik]), Bob Parr (The Incredibles), Scooby Doo (the cartoon), Homer Simpson (The Simpsons [older seasons only]), Moxxie (Helluva Boss [i do not support Vivzie]), Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet), Barley (Onward), Gary Goodspeed (Final Space), Katie Mitchell (TMVSTM), Both Remy & Emile (Ratatouille), Reuben (Lilo & Stitch), Bandit (Bluey)
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DNI criteria:
proshippers, terfs, any form of trans or LGBT+ phobe, tories, anyone nonce adjacent, folks who ship with Haida or kin my main kins (explained below)
please do not interact if you self ship with Haida (the others are fine for doubles!) this includes his 'simps', crushes, and anyone who talks about him in a romantic or sexual way. you're absolutely valid, it just makes me very uncomfortable to see or talk about.
for the same reason, please don't interact if you kin the hyena species, Wakko, Ron or Legoshi. seeing others gives me the same discomfort in ways i struggle to explain, because of an identity disorder i'm not too comfy elaborating on in public, my apologies. you're equally as valid, just prefer you didn't interact that's all!
my goal isn't prevention, only harmless avoidance. please respect my bounderies, thank you! your cooperation with my comfort, even if it understandably doesn't make sense to you personally, is appreciated ;;
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theliterarywolf · 3 years
I love it when you give someone a head's up on why you'll be unavailable during a certain day and time (you know, being polite and considerate) and they proceed to go 'how can I insert myself into the thing and make it all about me?'
For context: I've pretty much decided that I'm going to brave the theaters and go watch Belle this Friday.
Knowing that my mother:
1. Doesn't like subtitles due to a combination of her eyesight not being the greatest (understandable, I often read movie summaries for her on streaming sites that use small print) and her insisting that every foreign movie needs to be dubbed or it isn't worth anything (not understandable).
2. Falls asleep during animated movies (she fell asleep during all of Zootopia aside from the part with the sloths and she slept through 95% of Isle of Dogs)
I pretty much decided to go to the movies by myself. Especially since she's also kind of 'ehh' against going to places due to the pandemic.
However, I thought I was doing the right thing and tonight, while we were running errands, I mentioned 'Oh, around 6 this Friday I'm going to go see a movie so I'll make sure that you'll have something to eat for dinner before then'.
Cue the 'by yourself? That's so sad!', 'if you had a boyfriend, I would feel better about it', 'you'll be back so late~' And despite me explaining the above-mentioned points, she decided that the best alternative was for me to find a movie during that same timeframe for her to go see while I'm in my movie.
Which is just going to be... so great because now I won't be able to enjoy my viewing experience because I'll be too worried about her getting into an altercation with someone who isn't wearing a mask, her getting into an altercation with theater staff without me being there to diffuse the situation, or her dropping/forgetting something.
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zootopiathingz · 3 years
Between the Odds
Part Twenty: No More Secrets
Just as expected, recovery seemed to last forever. It hadn't even been a week since Judy was brought home and she was already bored out of her mind. She never left the apartment unless it was to get the mail. Nick hardly let her do anything while he was there. He did all of the chores, errands, etc. He also had to help her bathe, which admittedly she didn't mind, but it was still a tedious process that took longer than it should have every time.
Judy dreaded every second she spent doing nothing at home, just sitting around with her thoughts and worries. She hated feeling weak, like she couldn't do anything for herself. She also hated being left alone while Nick was at work, which just gave her more time to think about everything that was happening in Zootopia. The situation was getting worse and worse everyday. It didn't seem like things would be back to normal anytime soon, not until animals calmed down.
But how could they calm down? How could anything be considered "normal" after what happened at the protest? Mammals died that day, the one responsible for their deaths was off the grid, and the rest involved were traumatized by the experience. There was nothing normal about any of this.
Judy sighed as she laid down on her bed, settling in for another night of bad dreams and three hours of sleep. She had a hard time getting rest these days, and it was worse when Nick wasn't around to comfort her. But she understood he was going to be working late tonight, so she had no choice but to go to bed without him there.
She remained on her back, careful not to put too much pressure on her shoulder while she got comfortable. She left the TV on for some background noise, and to have some light in the room, since laying in the darkness only made it harder for her to feel safe. However, right as she closed her eyes, she heard her phone going off.
"Ugh.." She groaned, reaching over to grab it to see who was calling her. She figured it was Nick at first, and hoped he was calling to tell her he was on his way home. But to her surprise (and annoyance), it was her parents. The last thing she wanted to do right now was talk to them, mostly because she was tired and just wanted the day to be over with. But she knew if she didn't answer, they would freak out and assume she was dead.
With a heavy sigh, Judy sat up and answered the video call, forcing a small smile upon seeing her parents on the screen. "Hey guys. Why are you calling this late?"
They both appeared to be relieved when they saw her face, which confused her for a second. Up until her mother spoke up, "Thank goodness! We heard about what happened at that protest in Zootopia, they said you were shot!"
"Relax Mom, I'm fine. It's just my shoulder." She said calmly, although it was no use to try to ease their worries. They overreacted at everything.
"Just your shoulder?! Oh my gosh, are you okay? How bad is it?" Bonnie asked nervously.
"It's fine. They removed the bullet, nothing is wrong with it." She explained, a little wearily. As much as she loved her parents and appreciated the concern, she was in no mood to deal with it right now. "I have to take off work for a while, though. But that's just a precaution."
"Oh, my poor baby." Bonnie frowned, covering her mouth. Never in her life did she think this could happen to any of her children.
"You know, sweetie, if you need any help you can always ask us." Her father, Stu, chimed in. He tried to behave more calmly than his wife, but that was always a challenge for him. He was freaking out just as much as she was, and right now all he wanted was to be with his daughter to help her.
"Yeah, if you'd like we could come out there and stay with you until you go back to work!" Bonnie suggested.
Judy froze for a second, her eyes going wide. She couldn't let them stay with her, they would find out about Nick! Sure, she's mentioned him many times to her family, but she only referred to him as her partner. She never actually told them about their relationship, and she planned to keep it that way for a while. They didn't need to know, especially not her parents.
Quickly, she tried to think of an excuse for them not to stay with her. "Uhhh, no. No, that's okay. I'm fine, really. Nick's been taking care of me— you know, when he comes over, and uh..yeah, that's about all the help I need."
"Well, that's nice of him, but I really think someone should be there with you all the time just in case." Bonnie said, "Like, what if you fall in the shower?"
Judy bit the inside of her cheek, staring off to the side. "I mean, that's unlikely. And I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. B-besides, I..don't have an extra room for you guys."
That last part was another lie, since she actually did have a spare bedroom for guests. But she couldn't let them know that. She had to say anything to get them to toss the idea away. Even though she hated lying to them, what choice did she have? If they knew she was living with a fox, they would kill her.
Although, they were a little more comfortable with foxes now, mostly because of her. In fact, recently they started a partnership with a fox in Bunnyburrow. So maybe they wouldn't be against her being in a relationship with one. But she couldn't take that chance.
Her lie wasn't that convincing, though. If anything, her parents were beginning to get suspicious. "Is everything okay, Judy? You're acting odd." Stu said, narrowing his eyes.
Bonnie noticed their daughter's behavior as well, and she didn't care for it one bit. Judy never hid anything from them, not even when she was a teenager. Out of all their kids, she was the only one they didn't have to worry about keeping secrets. But now here she was, acting like she did something wrong.
"Are you hiding something from us?" She asked, with a small hint of hurt in her tone.
Judy immediately shook her head, "No! No, of course not! I just don't think it's necessary for you to drop everything to come over here. I— I'm doing just fine by myself, trust me."
"It's a little hard to do that right now," Stu said, crossing his arms. "you're acting just like your brother did when we found out why he was taking so long in the shower."
Judy grimaced, but then attempted one last time to be convincing. "Mom, Dad, I assure you I have nothing to hide." She raised up her right paw, as if swearing that she wasn't keeping a secret. "I just don't want you to go to any trouble."
"Sweetheart, it's not any trouble if it's you." Bonnie said, sighing afterward. "But fine, if you say nothing's going on, then we believe you. I just don't ever want you to feel like you have to keep secrets from us."
Now Judy felt guilty for trying so hard not to tell them the truth. What kind of daughter was she if she didn't tell them about her boyfriend? She didn't want to be like her other siblings who lied all the time, she wanted a better relationship than that.
She frowned, lowering her head. "Okay fine, there is something I should tell you." She said reluctantly, feeling her heart beating a mile a minute. How was she supposed to tell them something like this? What if they never spoke to her again afterward? What if she was completely cut off from the family forever? It was a worse case scenario, but it was extremely possible. The Hopps' weren't known for fraternizing outside their species. But she loved Nick, and if being with him made her an outcast, then so be it.
Neither of them were surprised, but now they were curious as to what she had to say. "What is it, pumpkin?" Stu asked. "It's okay, you can tell us."
Judy nodded, avoiding direct eye contact with them for now. If this was the last time they'd ever speak to her, she didn't want to see their disgusted or angered expressions. "Okay, um..god, how do I begin?" She asked herself quietly, before clearing her throat to speak up, "So um..I actually do have a roommate."
"Oh, that's it? Well, that's not so bad." Bonnie laughed softly. "Why'd you think you had to hide that? Who is it?"
The next part was going to be hard to say. Judy didn't even know to say it, not without sounding scared or nervous. "Well uh..it's— it's Nick. He's my roommate." She said with an anxious smile, unconsciously scratching her nape.
By now, Bonnie and Stu had an idea as to where this was going. Why else would she feel the need to keep that part a secret? But they didn't want to assume right away, and they wanted to hear it from her. "Okay? And is there a specific reason for that?" Stu asked, raising a brow.
Judy chewed on her lip, nodding once again very slowly. She knew that they knew, but were waiting for her to confess. There was no going back now. Once it was out, it was out. Tears began to fill her eyes as she went on. "Yes, there is." She said, taking a deep breath. "He's my boyfriend."
There was a long moment of silence that followed, which just made Judy feel worse. What were they thinking? Did they hate her now? Or were they just having trouble processing the information? Either way, she hated the quietness. She couldn't tell how they felt and she hated not knowing what was on their minds.
Eventually, Bonnie finally spoke again, in a tone that didn't sound angry nor happy. "How long have you been with him?"
"Almost six months." She answered, clenching her blanket. "I'm sorry I never told you, I know I should have, I just— I didn't want you to freak out o-or hate me. I know it's not right for me to date a fox, or anyone that's not a bunny, and I don't expect you to accept it." She frowned, letting a tear fall. "I just hope that you won't think less of me."
Once again, they didn't say anything right away. They exchanged a glance, which further added to Judy's nerves. She almost wanted to hang up just so she wouldn't have to see what their initial reactions would be. But something inside her told her to wait, and hoped that something good would come from this.
Stu cleared his throat as they both looked back at the screen. "Do you love him?"
Judy was taken aback by his question, but she didn't hesitate to answer with a nod. "Yes, of course. More than anything."
"And are you happy?" Bonnie asked.
Again, she nodded, this time with a gentle grin. "I'm really happy. Nick's the best thing that ever happened to me."
"Then that's all that matters to us." Bonnie smiled.
"W-wait, what? Really? You mean that?" Judy asked, shocked and in awe. Were Bonnie and Stu, the most fox-opposed mammals in existence, really supporting her relationship with Nick?
"Of course, honey. I mean, we understand why you felt like you had to hide it, but that's no reason to think we would hate you. We could never hate you." Her mother said assuringly.
"Just as long as he treats you right." Stu pointed at her knowingly. "I don't want to have to hunt down a predator."
Judy laughed, her tears now that of joy and relief. Now her thoughts of being ostracized by her family seemed crazy. Of course they would never hate her, not for being in love. "Don't worry, you won't." She said to her father, sniffling and wiping her tears. "Thank you guys, you have no idea how much this means to me."
"No need to thank us. We're just glad that's all that was." Stu said, chuckling. "For a minute there, we thought you were about to tell us you joined a gang or something."
"So when can we meet Nick?" Bonnie asked, somewhat excitedly. "Since he's obviously an important part of your life, it would be nice to get to know him sometime."
"Oh uh, I'm not sure." She said, still wiping what was left of her tears from under her eyes. "We can try taking a vacation around the holidays, so maybe then we can come visit."
"That would be nice. Tell him he's always welcome here." Bonnie said.
Stu wrapped an arm around his wife and have his daughter a soft grin, "Alright Jude, we'll let you get some sleep now. Keep us posted, okay?"
Judy smiled as well, letting out a small breath as she felt more relaxed and at ease now. "I will. Goodnight guys, I love you."
"We love you, too." Stu nodded.
"Bless you and keep you safe always." Bonnie said, blowing her a kiss. “Goodnight, sweetie."
As soon as the call ended, Judy flopped back on the bed and sighed heavily. For the first time since the shooting, she released the tension in her body and let herself relax. Now that there were no secrets between her and her parents, she could finally feel some form of comfort knowing that they accepted her for who she was.
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zoocross0vers · 4 years
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Here we have Nick Wilde as Dracula on Vacation (his lazy idea), Judy Hopps as Bunnix and Sonic (Wachowski) the Hedgehog as Pumpkin Witch/Wizard(?).
Maybe I should explain this a little better. Sonic as Pumpkin Wizard is based by this picture:(https://images.redbox.com/Images/EPC/boxartvertical/210065.jpg) 
This was actually what inspired me for this art creation. He looks just adorable that I couldn’t help myself so I have make this. As for Judy and Nick at first want them to make as Ladybug and Spider-Man (that idea came from youtube fanfic video Sonic Halloween 3, besides I thougt it was great idea, come to think spider are natural predators to ladybugs just as foxes to rabbits, heh well what do you know), but then Sonic with his costume (even though he hero who also triumph Avengers if you know what I mean) would look out off place, so I played with ideas since I know those too well. Judy is entusiastic who takes those things seriously so she would in costume. I though that why not have her dress as Bunnix? (we already have ladybun) It was very great idea since I could also improvise with it, I mean Judy is bunny and we have a bunny superhero… So why not? Nick on the other hand he’s very laid low guy whose pretty much enjoy view and go easy (he take his job seriously but you must admit that he has his own way) and thanks to episode Treating from DuckTales where Dewey is dressed up as Pirate in Vacation and since Nick always wearing his hawaiian shirt it was just easy to put only vampire cape with his “bloody-colored” pawsickle lol. Also that idea came from Sonic Halloween 2.
Also I need to explain some misunderstandings that were made:
1. When I said Isabelle as Soccoro I meant Miguel’s baby sister and Violet would be Coco
2. Didn’t I mentioned in description that Tails would be Dante which also mean his Spirit guide?(Just asking to make it sure I did not forget that) Then again I’m not against it, I really like that idea, after all he can fly when he gets power-up stars (that why I picked Tails since he can and probably Sonic’s “family” in Coco wouldn’t be fond of since he’s fox and Nick Wilde is also fox, you get the picture). Hey now that I think about it, both Tails and Yoshi could worked as Dante and/or Spirit Guide, just like Eliot and River as Chip in Bunny and the Beast. (It’s just idea though)
3. I also need to explain something that I didn’t realized until you pointed that out. For clarification NO Sonic is not 12 years old.
The original Sonic (the one with peach arms) is 15 years old like you said before, while the Movie Sonic (blue arms) according to Director Jeff Fowler is around age 13-14. I forgot that Miguel is 12 years at the beginning of movie and the 13 at the end- eheh, sorry.😅
But yeah Sonic is pretty young especially in movie. Now I feel sad when I realized he’s must spend ten years alone in forest with no one…when he was probably 3… after… he saw… his mother-guardian figure… hurt… and …chased…..by….echid–nas-OHMYGOOOD, CRIPES HERE COMES WATERWORKS! Excusemeforamoment! (running of while crying)😭
Five minutes later….
Okay I’m good. Sorry for that. Speaking of movie I guess I should also explained some misundertstanding because I only mentioned one scene moments. Here is my quote:
“But I guess, that I made it hard for you with those moments so how about this we use the final moments like in your fanfic Carcass Bride: FINAL BOSS BATTLE SONIC VS. ROBOTNIK because honestly this moment is epic (wish I could make it bigger), it would start Sonic running from Robotnik, like we’ve seen in beginning of the movie, get shot retelling in short whole story, like in movie only less detailed and faster the confrontation between Nick and Robotnik (Sonic would unconscious but still hear them and had a self-doubt like Naruto in first chapter/episode if you what mean until he hear the important words that’ll give him boost), the final battle and then epilogue (Sonic with his new family) with open ending (you know the Eggman in Mushroom planet and then Tails’s introuction)”
I guess you might talk about this?:
“As for what kind of universe all of them would be I have another suggestions:
1. Sonic movie universe in Zootopia (but still happening in Green Hills only Zootopia would be San Francisco and Transamerica could be Palm Hotel like in Zistopia storyboard) and Night Howler Case never happened.
2. Night Howler case happened Nick and Judy are still cops, but later decided to live in Green Hills
3. Night Howler case happened but was solved instead of Judy and Nick by Jack and Skye who later became agents and don’t like Robotnik for his ego:
a) Nick come from Green Hills (Wachowskis live as police in GH for 50 years), but suffered from Ranger Scouts move to Zootopia became “shifty fox” until he’s saved by childhood friend Judy from Bunnyburrow (from wrong decision and targeting to become savage) and the return to Green Hills become sheriff along with his new wife.
b) Both Nick and Judy just heard about it in Green Hills.
I guess the first and third are more interesting.”
Those are not scenes moment but universe backround. Every story need some basic to start.
Hope this will clear everything. Tommorrow I will another picture for special. Be ready.
Anyway happy Halloween again and StaySafe!🎃😷
Oh my gosh Guest! This is awesome!!! 
And as always, this wonderful piece of art was made by the talented Guest! 😊
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ameth18blog · 3 years
Unexpected Encounters. Chapter 8: The Search (Part 1)
A new day has begun in Japan. The inhabitants of Zootopia, Japan and Mobius were once again meeting in the same apartment today.
"Well, we have already decided how the groups are separated, as Retsuko, Fenneko, Haida, Ookami, Washimi and Gori are from this city, each of you will divide into group of two, and you will be accompanied by Nick, Judy and Finnick" Sonic said.
"Why should we be accompanied by them, can I do things alone?" Finnick said.
"Come on Finnick, you've never been to this country, much less outside of Zootopia," Nick said.
"Yeah, but I can work alone, that's no problem for me, so we could cover more ground that way," Finnick said.
"Are you sure?" Tails asked.
"Yes. 100 percent," Finnick replied.
"Well OK. That could be beneficial to us," Knuckles said.
"Well, to start: Nick, Haida and Ookami will go to the north of the city" said Sonic.
"Judy, Retsuko and Fenneko will go south," Amy said.
"Washimi and Gori will go east" said Cosmo.
"And finally Finnick will go west," Tikal said.
"While that happens, Jack will stay with us while we try to find out more about the whereabouts of the master emeralds and the missing chaos emeralds" said Tails
"While you children will be in the care of our children so that they are safe from any danger, so they will not have to worry about them" said Sonic.
They all nodded their heads.
"By the way, before you go have this" Tails held up a tray that had a large number of clocks on them.
"What are they?" Ookami asked.
"They are communicators. I created them so they can communicate with us, I made them look like watches so they go unnoticed. We have ours too," Tails replied.
Sonic, Amy, Tails, Cosmo, Knuckles, Tikal, Speed, Flora, Alex, Locke II and Pachacamac II raised their arms to reveal their wrists where their own communicators were.
The people of Zootopia and Japan had their own communicators and put them on, including the children.
"Okay. These communicators have both the option of speaking and the option of danger. When you need to communicate with someone, press the button on the right and then mention on behalf of who you want to speak to. Pressing the button on the left will send us a signal to warn us if there are problems with Eggman or some of the robots, so we will come to your aid. If another type of problem occurs that does not involve Eggman still call us to help with anything." Tails told them explaining the functionality of the communicators.
"That's it?" Fenneko asked.
"Almost. We discovered that the beings who were brought to this universe or to this city because of chaos control ended up absorbing into their bodies some of the chaos energy, which is inactive within them, but these communicators can capture that energy when they are close to you" said Tails.
"Well that will make things easier" said Gori.
"Well, with this, all you need to know is ready. Meet us again here at 4:00 PM," Knuckles said.
They all nodded and left.
Retsuko, Fenneko and Judy were in the south of the city, they had just got off the subway and was walking random streets trying to find whoever they had to find. Easier said than done, though, since they didn't even know who to look for in the first place. While looking they decided to have a conversation. Judy took advantage and told Retsuko and Fenneko how she met Nick and Finnick and the first big mission that she solved with Nick's help.
"I see that you experienced a dangerous situation" said Fenneko.
"It was, these days I miss solving cases like that. But with two children at home I cannot expose myself to so many dangers. Although it was not the only case that I solved of that magnitude "said Judy.
"Was there another?" Retsuko asked.
"Yes, when Nick and I were already working together in the police station, the chief entrusted us that we had to work together with Jack who had assigned a mission in which would have to work with the Zootopia police department to catch a criminal who was hidden in the city. At first Jack was quite distant with us, and he didn't talk to us unless it was something to do with the mission. After we asked Finnick to help him work as an undercover agent and find information on the criminal. When he found out and fled the city, the four of us went after him. When we cornered him, there was an exchange of gunfire where Jack was wounded. Nick and I got him out of the place while Finnick for his part managed to take care of the criminal" Judy replied.
"Wow, I guess that was a critical moment for everyone," Retsuko said.
"And how did Jack recover and become closer to you?" Asked Fenneko.
"While Jack recovered he explained to us that the reason he was distant with us was because in the past he carried out various missions with other companions with whom he became good friends, but he was always unlucky that each time that one died in the line of duty, Jack blamed himself for it. That was why he promised himself not to have friends and only to have professional relationships. After learning about it, we convinced him that it was not good to be alone, and that if his companions were here they would be disappointed in the lonely lifestyle that he decided to take. Jack fell silent and let several tears escape from his eyes. Nick, Finnick, and I could tell from his expression that it was the first time he'd cried in years. I gave him a hug to comfort him, he reciprocated it and it was clear that he really needed comfort at that time. After that event, Jack decided to return to live in Zootopia, since until that moment he lived in the agency. And he became a close friend of the three of us," Judy replied.
"At least everything ended well in the end," Retsuko said.
Suddenly the conversation was interrupted when their communicators began to blink, they looked to see that they were not calls or signals from Eggman. Which means that they are close to those who are searching. But as the place was packed with various city dwellers it would be difficult to locate them.
They were so distracted watching the communicator that they ended up accidentally crashing with two beings that were walking in the opposite direction. All three fell to the ground.
"You are fine," said a male voice.
"If we're okay" Retsuko replied.
When the rabbit, the red panda and the fennec looked up, they saw two lynxes in front of them. One was taller than them, almost the height of Nick, Haida, and Ookami. The other was shorter than the first, but taller than Judy.
The tallest lynx was white with red stripes on the ears, on the arms, on the lower part of the eyes, on the tail and on the chin. The fur on either side of his jaw looked like a short beard. He had quite thick black eyebrows. The pupils of his eyes were yellow while the irises were brown. His nose was red. The tip of her tail was hairy. His body was quite muscular build. He wore a sleeveless black T-shirt, black pants with a black belt, and brown boots.
The shortest lynx was yellow with brown stripes on the ears, arms, and tail. He had quite thick brown eyebrows. The pupils of his eyes were white while the irises were green. His nose was deep pink. The tip of his tail was hairy. Unlike the other lynx, his build was slightly slimmer. He wore an orange t-shirt with blue short sleeves, blue pants with a black belt, brown gloves, brown boots and a flat brown hat with her ears poking out. On his back he carried what appeared to be a silver-colored backpack, which strangely looked metallic.
"Let us help you" said the white lynx holding out his hand.
The yellow lynx also held out command of him to help them.
Retsuko and Fenneko got up with the help of the taller lynx, while Judy got up with the help of the shorter lynx.
"Thank you very much" all three said at the same time.
"You're welcome," said the shorter lynx.
"I guess they were worried about something they didn't see where they were walking" said the taller lynx.
"Eh well, we were looking for someone, but we don't know who he is exactly," Fenneko said.
"And how do you know who you are looking for?" the taller lynx asked.
"It's complicated, I can only say that they are not from here, but we know that they have been in this city for 3 months after a strange event happened," said Judy.
"You mean a white light that enveloped the whole place and that when it disappeared we ended up in this city" said the shorter lynx.
The rabbit, the red panda and the fennec were surprised to hear that.
"Yes exactly," Retsuko said.
"Did that happen to you too?" the two lynxes asked at the same time.
"Not us, but who sent us to look for you, yes" Fenneko replied.
"If you don't mind, we could ask you a few questions about what happened to you," Judy said.
"Of course, but not here. Let's go to another place not so crowded" said the tallest lynx.
While the tallest lynx was with the three girls, the shortest lynx was a little further behind when suddenly a voice began to speak to him.
"You're sure we should trust them," said the backpack on his back that turned out to be actually a small green-eyed robot, who contracted his limbs to pass like a backpack.
"Of course, they know those who can help us get back to our planet" said the shorter lynx.
Finally they came to a small cafeteria and ordered some coffee. Then they sat at the table furthest from the rest of the customers.
"So what are their names?" Judy asked.
"My name is Ratchet," said the shorter lynx.
"And my name is Alister Azimuth" said the tallest lynx.
The three girls showed up with the two linx.
"Where do they come from?" Fenneko asked.
"Well we were both born on the planet Fastoon, which is now in ruins," Alister replied.
"And before I got here I was residing on the planet Veldin" Ratchet replied.
"So you are aliens?" Restuko asked.
"Well, you could say that yes, our species is known as Lombax" said Alister.
"But it seems that we are quite similar to the inhabitants of this planet, so we go unnoticed," said Ratchet.
"Where are Fastoon and Veldin left?" Judy asked.
"Faston is located in the Polaris galaxy, while Veldin is located in the Solana galaxy," Ratchet replied.
"Both galaxies are close to each other, but unfortunately they are located very far from this galaxy," added Alister.
"And tell us, what were you doing before you got here?" Retsuko asked.
"I'm a hero who is in charge of defeating criminals and galactic supervillains, I had just returned home from a mission, it was night when suddenly the entire area where I live lit up white. When I found out, I had appeared in this city on top of a building. Fortunately there were no more inhabitants near where I lived because if they hadn't ended up here too," Ratchet replied.
"In my case, you may not believe it, but I'm not supposed to be alive right now. It was assumed that I had passed away a few years ago, in a sacrifice to save Ratchet and the universe, from an event that was going to happen because of me, and in the subsequent explosion I ended up dying. I don't know what happened before arriving on this planet, since I was deceased, but the first thing I remember was waking up on this planet again alive and with my body restored, and with Ratchet hugging me with joy that he was from I'm coming back" Alister replied.
"If it weren't for the strange things we've been through since yesterday, it would have been hard to believe them, but taking into account what we're going through, their stories don't seem strange to me. By the way, what's the name of your little robot friend that comes with you" asked Fenneko.
"What do you mean Fenneko?" Retsuko asked.
"Don't tell me you didn't hear Ratchet talking to someone on our way here and looking at his back as he did so?" Fenneko said.
Alister and Ratchet made her nervous, to notice that he noticed.
"Don't worry, we will be careful so no one notices," Fenneko said.
"Okay," Ratchet said, taking off what looked like a backpack and putting it on the table.
What looked like a backpack, then he took the form of a small robot of a shorter stature than Retsuko and Fenneko.
"Judy, Retsuko, Fenneko, this is Clank, he is my best friend and we have had many adventures together" said Ratchet.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Clank.
"The taste is ours" said the three girls.
"So you know what that light was that brought us here," Clank asked.
The three girls began to explain the story that Sonic and the others had told them. Once the two Lombaxes and the robot were finished, they finally understood why they got there, although still wondering why Alister came back to life.
"First of all, we have to tell those who sent us to look for them that we already found them," Retsuko said.
Judy took the communicator from her, pressed the right button, and said that she wanted to talk to Tails.
"Hi Tails, this is Judy. We already found the first group that was teleported here by the chaos control. Did you guys go out of town? Oh I understand. Don't worry, we can do that. Bye," Judy said.
"What happened?" Fenneko asked.
"They left the city, they found traces of the master emerald, so they went looking for it and Jack accompanied them" Judy replied.
"And what will we do now?" Retsuko asked.
"Well, they told me to take them to the apartment and wait for them to come back," Judy replied.
"They have no problem accompanying us" Retsuko asked the two Lombaxes and the robot.
"Of course not," Ratchet replied for all three.
After that, Clank hid his limbs from him again, Ratchet put it back on as if it were a backpack. They all paid for their coffee and left the cafeteria in the direction of Gori's apartment.
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vivziepop · 6 years
I’m only going to say this once.
For the millionth time I’m seeing certain things regarding me popping up, first on twitter and now it’s found it’s way back into my tags here and tbh everytime it ticks me off more and more so I feel like tackling it ONE more time before letting it die and not saying anything about it. (Vivziepop Apology)
The only reason I feel like saying anything is because I honestly hurt every time I see accusations of things I morally and wholeheartedly detest.
I want to start off by saying, people enjoy finding reasons to dislike creators they WANT to dislike. I am definitely one of those artists, most reasons people find to excuse their gut feelings about me and cling onto like reasons to label me an ‘awful person’ usually pertain to blatantly false rumors, or twisted facts from YEARS ago. Or mistakes I made years ago that they just refuse to accept I’ve grown from.
 One involves lies about how I stole a character from an ex-abusive friend.
No I did not. That person was abusive and after we fell out he tried to post a false contract proving I had to credit them in everything I used the design I LEGALLY obtained. I posted the final contract proving this years back, I have since retired the character design and created something original from the concept I originated. It’s done, it was years ago. It was personal artist drama that got dragged into the public by a bitter abusive person. I regret MANY things about how I behaved back then, but that situation was forced on me, and seeing it brought up to this day when it happened so many years ago is honestly upsetting at times. That person was incredibly destructive in my life, we have gone separate ways. I don’t wish him any harm, but I don’t want ANY connection with him anymore. 
Second is the weird rumors that I sued Disney over Zootopia....
Do I even need to dignify this one? No? I never did this, why on earth would I ever do that. I was emotional over the title, I have since posted nothing but support and love for the movie, I have also explained in detail in past years WHY I was emotional about the movie, never that I had bitterness for or felt any legal right to the concept.
Third- the one most enraging to see. That I am transphobic/racist because TWO YEARS AGO I drew quick doodle fanart for a few controversial youtubers-one of which made a tasteless joke on their twitter.
Two years ago I was in the worst place in my entire life, it was a very intense political time for our country as well and I was finding comfort in hearing perspectives from all sides because I wanted to really see all sides to create my own opinions, I don’t believe in living in a bubble and I feel to make a stronger argument for your own opinions you must attempt to understand the opposing side so you can properly try to combat it, and I also admired the fact that two women were owning their own beliefs and speaking their mind-even if I disagreed at the time that was just very admirable to me AS a woman. I had only ever seen certain bits of content from them and thought they were pretty so I doodled them. I say this not to excuse the fact I did the fanart, but just to give some context as to why I felt compelled too AT THE TIME-also this is just based on my own recollection because honestly 2 years ago I feel I was an entirely different person and I can barely even recall it-this is just my guess based on how I remember feeling. I have done nothing but recover from my traumatic past since moving out here to LA, I have been slowly rebuilding my mental health and I feel like I’m finding -myself- again. I have been maturing and I have been finally overcoming the pain of my past and the abuse I’ve endured to create a real project, with incredible people and true friends. 
Back then I didn’t follow either of them on twitter so I didn’t see the insensitive jokes they made. I didn’t condone them at the time, and I DO NOT now. I wasn’t always the best at my words back then and I’m not always the best at being blindsided with accusations, especially that year-I was in a bad place and I was very emotionally lost/angry. I was dealing with a borderline lawsuit against a company that stole thousands from me (still too scared to speak about this sitch maybe someday I will), as well as dealing with intense personal loss regarding relationships. I am a human being, I can make mistakes, and I made A LOT of them in the past. I own that 100%. I can totally understand if I have left a sour taste in people’s mouths, we are all human and if you don’t know me personally and only see the dumb stuff I do online, I can’t control how I come off to people. I don’t watch or support these youtubers nowadays, because I did not like the opinions or behavior and rederic they were catering towards. I do not currently support that at all!
It’s just frustrating to be labeled a “bad person” by people who don’t know me.
Don’t you dare accuse me of things and actions that were not mine, don’t you dare accuse me of being things I am not. I have nothing but love, respect and support for the trans community, a good number of the Hazbin team is trans, the idea I’d ever invalidate them as people is abhorrent to me. I am the daughter of a Salvadoran immigrant and damn proud of it, most of my personal heroes are poc. I find things like BF in this day and age awful and I don’t condone it even for edgy jokes, that’s not something I personally find funny.
I don’t believe comedy is something that should ever be censored, but that doesn’t mean I think every dumb edgy joke is funny, I don’t. 
You can hate me if you want, you can think I’m not the glowing perfect creator everyone seems to expect people to be nowadays, I have made plenty of mistakes, I can be sarcastic, I can be kinda bitchy on bad days on social media, sometimes I make dumb jokes or mistakes online. Sometimes I have dumb opinions on things- EVERYONE does. But don’t drag up shit from 2 years ago like it’s relevant now, things I didn’t do. I’m not responsible for edgy jokes made by others.
I thank everyone for their support of my project, Hazbin Hotel is more then just me, it’s a team of insanely talented people, from varying walks of life, I hate that nowadays people feel this need to find everything wrong with a show’s team or it’s creator, like everyone can be responsible for each other at all times. I hate this guilt by association, or that you can know people as people and not always see eye to eye on everything. I’m someone who just wants to have people in my life who are real, and I know care about me. I want to help change hearts and minds with the stories I tell, and I want to give voices and jobs to people who might not get focused on usually, who are talented and deserve way more opportunity. I want to use my position and this show to bring fresh perspectives and voices to the industry- LGBT voices, poc voices, women’s voices! I’m not a perfect person, I could NEVER be, but I’m doing my best. I change every day, every year I get older, I get wiser.
If you don’t like me, or my show, that’s totally fine! But stop trying to get others to feel the way you do, and if you are someone who can turn on an artist without looking into the facts, checking dates or using your own mind, then I don’t know what to say to you. I just implore everyone to think for themselves, don’t just let someone dictate how you should feel.
I’m sorry for posting about something kind of serious, I just take this kind of thing seriously. I want the past to be the past, because my past in a thing I am trying desperately to escape, it is full of abuse, darkness, deteriorating mental health, embarrassing mistakes that haunt me, I used art to cope with my own budding sexuality and doodled weird things when I was much younger -who can say they didn’t do that? Haha! I have grown so much since being an artist whose life revolved around the internet and people’s opinions on it! I want to look towards the future, and it gets hard when people keep clawing me back into the past, like every mistake will just never go away. People want me to grow, but refuse to accept I have been growing and changing, and to those people I just say- it’s ok to not like me just cause. Power to you!
I also want to genuinely thank everyone for enjoying Hazbin, and if you’ve run into posts regarding my past and been upset by it, I sincerely apologize. The most heartbreaking thing for me is the thought I’m an awful person who doesn’t think certain people are valid has upset anyone who was enjoying the project I’m making. I just want to assure everyone who was upset that, no -I don’t think you, or anyone else is invalid, or that you don’t deserve support! Thank you for enjoying my project, it has become so much bigger then me, it has become something special for so many people on the team, and they deserve the love and support you give!
Love you all!
(EDIT: Don’t hate on people who just didn’t know about the situation and posted concern, while I don’t appreciate being labeled a bad person- I know some of these people are young and impressionable and have let harsher people turn their heads and dictate their opinion, don’t harass ANYONE over this or on my behave! You can inform them, but don’t give anyone a hard time for being upset or concerned due to people misleading them!)
(Edit-Edit: but if I do still see people state I support blackface(ew) like it’s fact, they’re getting an instant block because- fuck no.)
2019 EDIT:
So this bullshit is blowing up again and people seem incapable of taking the 5 seconds to find this post. so here it is again and this is the last fucking time.
I Guess I now have to add that any cringey art I drew is from 2012 when I was 19. It was legal then, it’s legal now (it was also tagged as being an inside joke? even back THEN). Do I think it’s strange? YEAH it’s cringey and I don’t like it anymore then you guys do, I was a dumb kid figuring my self out, but I have never drawn explicit nsfw or broken the law then or now. fucking stop, please.
I despise that people care more about a fictional character then an actual human being. If you are someone who feels it’s ok to accuse someone of being the worst thing a human being CAN BE without checking dates or acknowledging context, or ignoring that there are literally only a small selection of examples over the course of ���what 12 years I’ve been online?? You are earning a block from me. Because I value myself more then to allow anyone who entertains that bullshit near me in this life.
Also to cover all bases- animation Homage and memes exist. If you guys think I stole things when they were either homage which is done by every animator under the sun (how many people do the akira bike slide frame by frame, or recreate scenes from movies or animes in cartoons??) intentionally to make a nod to something that inspired them- OR it was practice for fun as a meme-like how many people have recreated the carameldansen for fun. Get the fuck over yourselves with this “traced animation” bullshit. Grow up. If you think I steal animation because of the handful of shots within my multitude of work that were either a meme practice or homage, you will never understand animation with that attitude.
If you’ve noticed that I’ve gotten progressively madder about this sitch. It’s cuz now I’m being accused of being the worst thing a human can be over weird but legal art I did as a teen, and animation tactics that every professional and show is guilty of and is in no way a bad thing. Anyone who thinks these things hold any credible concern, you have earned my distain.
Ok did that cover it all? good? good.
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ohnonono18 · 5 years
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"Okay, so shoes. What shoes?" Sam asked as I led her and Helen to a shoe store.
I told them the heel's height, the shoe size and that the color should be white.
"What's this for again?" Sam asked as she looked around the store.
"It's for a shoot." I replied as I browsed some shoes at a corner.
"What's the theme?" Helen asked.
"Wedding theme." I replied and I could see Sam's eye widen when she looked at me.
"Who's the groom?" Helen asked.
"Did I say that there was a groom?" I asked.
"Of course. In a wedding shoot, there is a bride and a groom." Helen started to explain.
"I wonder who's the groom." Sam said. "Just in case I need to put your boyfriend in a room so he wouldn't go berserk during your photoshoot."
"Actually, it's just him who's going to be the groom." I finally gave in and told them.
Helen gave Sam a look. Sam was confused for a moment before she opened her mouth and she slowly nodded.
"Sam, stop that." I said. "Close your mouth. I can see something else."
Sam closed her mouth and she raised an eyebrow.
Helen laughed. She probably got the reference.
"Ah, let's just get this over with." Sam said and she took a pair of shoes off a table. "Here."
"Oh, this is nice." I commented as I observed the shoes. "But I don't think it's going to be all that comfortable."
"How about this one?" Helen suggested as she showed me a pair.
"Um, I don't like the style." I said after I observed it.
"How about this one?" Sam asked with a mischievous smirk on her face as she showed me the most weirdest looking shoes I have ever seen.
"Sam!" Helen laughed as playfully smacked her on the head.
I smiled at them.
This is going to take a while.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Guys, I think we better go back to the dorm for a while. We have practice soon." Sam said as she looked at her watch.
"Yeah, we should." I agreed. "Iris and Nicky must be finished recording."
I could see Sam bite her lip in an attempt to stop laughing.
"I'm sorry." She said when she laughed out loud.
"Hoy! Don't underestimate Nicky." Helen said, seriously. "She's good at rapping."
She laughed at her own saying and Sam just laughed along.
Aish, these two. Why are you teasing our leader?
"But in all honesty though," Sam said when she finally composed herself. "I love Nicky. In a friendly sisterly way. Cause she's the best!"
"Even if she teases you a lot?" I raised an eyebrow at her as I remembered every innuendo Nicky says about Sam.
"Well," Sam said. "I'll always find a way to get revenge."
She laughed away, it was almost as if she was a villain. Evil, evil laugh.
"Hah, this is why we shouldn't leave her alone with Ilhoon." I muttered.
Two maknaes. Two evil maknaes.
Sam's not evil but she can be, besides it's Ilhoon.
It's gonna get chaotic. I just know it. Deep, deep, deeeeeeppppp down inside.
"Guys, let's go!" Helen said and we all went back to the dorm.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Okay, how about this one?" Iris asked as she showed me a pair of shoes.
After practice, we all went to find me a pair of white heels for the shoot again. This time with Iris and Nicky.
"Hey, that's good." I took it and examined it more.
"Well, there's only like two white heels in this one." Iris said. "The rest are silver."
"Hah, Silverlight!" I teased Sam and she just rose an eyebrow before she smiled.
"Wow, no reaction today?" Helen asked.
"Eh," Sam walked away and took a pair. "What about this one?"
When I saw it, I kind of liked the way it was designed.
"Try it on!" Helen said.
Actually, I tried on a lot of shoes before I finally brought one.
"Hmmm. . ." Iris said thoughtfully. "Maybe I should buy one too."
"Yeah, me too." Helen said.
"I think all of us needs one." Nicky said. "Sam needs one since you're gonna be a host in an event, right?"
"It's just a cosplay event, no biggie." Sam shrugged.
"No biggie? Who's the character you're gonna cosplay?" I asked. "The shoes depends on that character, right?"
"Yeah," Sam said. "I'm going to cosplay as Judy Hopps! From Zootopia!"
"Good luck then!" Iris said. "She doesn't really wear heels, right?"
"Yep, and my co-host is Liui Aquino and he's gonna be Nick Wilde. You know, the fox." Sam said.
"Ha, good luck. Don't let Eunkwang jealous." Nicky teased. "I heard that Liui is a really handsome guy."
"Eh, we're just good friends." Sam said. "Eunkwang knows anyway."
"Ok," I nodded. "Good luck to all of us then."
All of us has stuff to do.
Nicky is going to be featured in a talk show in a few days so I can understand why she thinks she needs a new pair of shoes.
Helen is going to be a judge in a dance show, the details are still a little rough around the edges and she's not sure if she'll take it but that doesn't mean that she shouldn't be prepared to look good whether or not she'll take the job.
Iris? She seems to be having a photoshoot too in a few days for her solo album after she finishes the recordings.
Sam is going to host a cosplay event with Liui Aquino. A host should always look good but her's is like a Halloween costume party, accuracy of the character is what she craves.
And then there's me with the wedding photoshoot with none other than my boyfriend, Lee Minhyuk, as my groom.
We all need luck.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"There! You're ready!" The make-up artist said.
"Thank you." I smiled at her before I saw her go get the first gown I was going to use.
I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed.
It's gonna be fine.
"Let's change into your dress?" I heard her ask and I nodded.
She helped me into my dress and after that she placed the veil on my head.
"Well, you're ready!" She said with a satisfied smile before she left to inform the photographer.
I looked at myself in the mirror and took my reflection in.
The gown was beautiful and veil just made it look gorgeous. I really felt like a real bride.
I could almost feel myself tear up but I stopped myself because I don't want to ruin the make-up artist's effort.
"Ah, she's having a moment." She nodded. "Maybe you should wait for a while."
I looked behind me and I saw her and Minhyuk at the doorway of the dressing room. Minhyuk had a bouquet of flowers in his hand and his other hand was in the pocket of his pants. He looked really charming in his tuxedo.
"Well, looks like she's done." Minhyuk said and he walked towards me to give me the flowers.
"You look beautiful." He whispered in my ear.
"Don't flatter me." I said as a warning but he just smirked.
"It's the truth." He said and he held out his arm for me to loop in. "Let's go attend the wedding?"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Okay, look at her like she's your whole world." The photographer said and Minhyuk did what he was told.
He looked at my eyes with love and I looked back at him with the same emotion as the photographer took some pictures.
"Okay, now get closer with each other. Hands on her cheeks, Minhyuk. Okay? Look down at her lips like you're going to kiss her. You look at his lips too." The photographer said.
We did that but I can't help but think.
Did I tell you that we haven't publicly said me and Minhyuk are together? Well, now you know. And this is a very tight situation we're in. I hope Minhyuk doesn't do anything overboard. I hope I don't do anything overboard.
"Good, good. Wow, you two have so much chemistry." The photographer snapped more photos. "Now, how about a kiss?"
I looked at the photographer surprised.
"Hey, isn't that a bit too much?" Minhyuk said.
At least you have the initiative to stop him. Thank you.
Because you know how we cannot control our kisses yet.
Long story, don't ask.
"This is a wedding themed photoshoot. In a wedding, there will always be a kissing scene." The photographer said.
"But isn't it going too much out of her boundary?" Minhyuk asked.
"You are an actor, you kissed a whole lot of girls onscreen. What makes kissing her any different?" The photographer asked that made my blood boil. "Unless?"
"Unless what?" I snapped. "Did you even ask me what I would feel kissing this guy?"
They both looked at me surprised.
"Look, we can just find another pose." Minhyuk tried to bargain.
"I'm sorry but I was given a list." The photographer said. "Besides, if you didn't want to get kissed in this shoot then you shouldn't have taken the job in the first place."
I sighed.
"Also, why are you even so concerned about this?" The photographer asked Minhyuk.
Well, this escalated quickly. We need an escape route fast and not let anyone know.
"Okay, okay." I said before Minhyuk can reply. "I'll do it."
I nodded and looked at Minhyuk.
"We'll do it."
Minhyuk bit his lip before he nodded slowly.
"Okay, then." The photographer nodded. "Just take your time, indulge in the moment."
Minhyuk cupped my cheek and looked directly at my eyes, he looked a little worried.
"You sure?" He whispered and I just nodded.
Let's get this done.
He kissed my lips and I could hear the clicking of the camera.
Be satisfied, Mr. Photographer! Because I am not doing this again!
I started to kiss back and I could almost feel it becoming heated.
Oh, his lips.
"Okay, okay!" The photographer called. "Break it up, lovebirds!"
I opened my eyes and I pulled away.
"Thanks for the great poses." The photographer said. "Dismissed!"
I sighed.
Yes! Finally over!
I started to walk towards the dressing room and I started to put on my normal everyday clothes to meet up with the girls.
But before that, I checked my phone for a while and saw that Sam has a text message: I kinda have a weird feeling about this photoshoot. Be careful!
Aigooo, this kid and her sixth sense. But somehow they always end up true, you know? I think I'll just be careful.
I put my phone in my bag and was about to leave the room when the door opened and Minhyuk went in.
"Sorry about awhile ago." He apologized.
I nodded a bit.
"It's okay, I'm sorry for almost losing my temper." I said with a sheepish grin.
He touched my chin and made me look up at him before he placed a kiss on my lips.
When we pulled away, we smiled at each other.
"How would you feel about announcing our relationship to the public?" He asked.
"Hah, you're so daring." I chuckled. "But it would be great that we can stop this charade with people already if we do announce our relationship."
I took a deep breath.
We should really stop this.
"Well, not right away." He suggested. "We'll think about it then maybe plan it. Ask advice from our managers and our members."
I nodded and I hugged him, he hugged back and he gently stroked my hair.
We stayed like that for a while like the world stopped for us.
I wish when we finally reveal it to the public it would turn out like the white satin fabric of the gown: pure and almost faultless. Nothing to hide finally.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The End
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atarahderek · 5 years
Let’s talk about shipping: Moana and Zootopia
Zootopia and Moana are two of the more popular CGI entries to the Disney animated canon. They came out the same year, with Zootopia beating Moana out for best animated feature at the 2017 Academy Awards due to the fact that Zootopia dealt with some sensitive topics of modern day society while Moana more or less played it safe with the plot and subject matter. Both were buddy films depicting an unlikely friendship between a strong female protagonist and a comical but troubled male deuteragonist. And despite the fact that both films ended with each friendship pair remaining just friends, shipping inevitably happened. Nick/Judy (the ship name of which I don’t actually know) and Moana/Maui (called Moaui or Hooked Wayfinder) are both quite popular ships among Disney fans. Like all non-canon ships, they have some controversy surrounding them, mostly regarding whether making either pair an official couple would subvert the storyline, character development or message that were established in canon. For that reason, the issue of shipping in each fandom has created two main camps: Those who do and those who don’t. Those who don’t tend to stand firmly by their assertion that it would be detrimental to make Nick and Judy or Moana and Maui a couple. They prefer to treat each pair as platonic life partners, in part because their being so would avert the standard Disney coupling tropes. Especially in the case of Moana and Maui. Fans will sometimes ship one pair but not the other. In that case, the shipped pair is much more commonly Nick and Judy, as they are ship teased by the film’s writers and directors, and their interspecies relationship would make them stand out somewhat in the context of their story, especially with one being a predator and the other being prey. Moaui is shipped less frequently because fans don’t find as much payoff in that couple in terms of progressivism and virtue signalling. Basically, Moaui is just too plain vanilla for them, and they seem to think that’s a problem.
To those people, I say you just lack imagination. A couple doesn’t have to be a token to be interesting. Héctor and Imelda aren’t a token couple, but they’re quite interesting, and all of you will admit it (more on this later). Also, vanilla is delicious, so there.
As far as chemistry goes, Nick and Judy are identical to Moana and Maui. Both pairs start off as antagonistic to one another and eventually develop a true friendship over the course of their first adventure. Both even endure a plot-mandated friendship failure, a staple of Disney and Pixar films these past several years. Both end their films as good friends and nothing more. And both leave the future of their relationships entirely up to fan interpretation. Which is why I say that if you do or don’t ship either pair, more power to you. I can understand why you do or why you don’t.
For my part, I’m in one of the smallest camps; I ship Moaui, but not Nick/Judy.
I have two primary reasons for not shipping Nick and Judy:
They don’t need to be a couple. Zootopia is a modern metropolis identical in almost every way to American society. It is a melting pot of every mammalian species and culture in the world, with relationships of every type represented, including one that is both interspecies and same sex. So tick off the diversity box, those of you who are keeping score at home. About the only type of relationship we don’t see is between a predator and a prey species, but there’s absolutely no reason Nick and Judy must be that token couple. There is no pressure on either of them to find romance, be it in one another or in someone else entirely. For all we know, both are asexual and aromantic (I very much doubt that, but it could happen). And in the context of their society, there’s no reason they should be in any kind of relationship. Making them a couple wouldn’t really add anything to their characters or impact their society in a way that would be unique from any similar couple impacting it. Nick and Judy are free to remain best friends. And I like them better that way. That’s not to say there aren’t some adorable pieces of shippy fan art out there, as well as ship fics that are quite good. But I just don’t see any need to ship them myself.
Their careers get in the way. Nick and Judy are partners on the police force. And as long as they work in the same precinct, it’s best that they not become romantically involved. This is standard workplace practice for most police departments, because romantic relationships can get in the way of field work. Many other employers discourage couples from working in the exact same area as well. My employers actually go out of their way to assure that siblings, parent/child pairs, and couples never work in the same house. Allowing people who are that close to work just as closely could potentially lead to conflict, divided loyalty, distraction or, worst of all, an enemy exploiting the relationship. All of which could compromise a case or put lives in danger. If Nick and Judy were to start working separately in different precincts, then I could see them safely developing a relationship with little or no risk to their careers. But as things stand now, it’s just better that they don’t become romantically involved. Any story where they did would have to address this issue and find a realistic resolution for it.
I really have one primary reason for shipping Hooked Wayfinder, and it’s basically the opposite of my first point for not shipping Nick and Judy. And it focuses mostly on Moana herself:
Moana will get married someday. And in my opinion, Maui would make the best match for her. I already explained the relationship dynamic that they would have in an earlier head canon meme I wrote. I believe Moana and Maui’s marriage would be one of political and social convenience, and they’d treat it like a friends-with-benefits situation. As heiress to the position of Motonui chieftain, Moana would be expected to strike a good match that would establish her as a strong leader with a lot of influence, especially when dealing with any other people whom the people of Motonui meet on their voyages. And because Moana’s people have been declining in population, Moana will be expected to have kids and keep the line of chieftains going strong. Basically, Moana’s situation is almost polar opposite to Nick and Judy’s situation. There is a lot of pressure on her to marry and have kids, and it’s downright unrealistic of her to not end up married with a family. Her cultural context won’t allow her to pull a Merida (even in Merida’s case, she was granted an extension of time and the right to choose her suitor; she is still obligated to eventually marry). But this is Moana we’re talking about. She wants to prove herself as a leader, and she would not be the type to tolerate an obligatory husband stealing her spotlight. She needs a man who will support her as her people’s leader, who will be there to act as added muscle if someone challenges her (but only if she needs him to), and who will generally let her be herself. Maui is the only man she knows who would be willing to do all of that. Yes, he’s hammy, but he wouldn’t steal Moana’s thunder as a leader. Just as a performer. And Moana can live with that. Moana would definitely take the lead in the relationship, as her position as chief allows her to do that, even over a demigod. Maui’s been absent for the last millennium and was the cause of their recent problems to begin with, so he doesn’t carry a whole lot of authority with Moana’s people. Marrying Moana would actually give some of that authority back to him. But he would still be her second, not the other way around. True, they are no token couple, but they are still an interesting one. It’s unusual in media to show the wife as the one who is front and center in the relationship without making her seem naggy or otherwise unrealistic. 
A good example of such a couple is Héctor and Imelda from Pixar’s Coco. Yes, Imelda has a fiery temper, and can come across as nagging or the type who would treat Héctor like a whipped puppy (Ernesto almost certainly accused Héctor of being such at some point). But in every single one of their interactions as a couple (when they’re not estranged, that is), it is shown that Héctor and Imelda are nothing but the best team a married couple can be. She’s the alpha to his beta, but she doesn’t nag him or treat him as subservient in any way, form or manner. And he fully supports her out of genuine love and not a trace of fear. He is completely dedicated to her, even though she played a not-insignificant role in his nearly being forgotten. They are just as compelling as a couple as they are as individual characters.
But those two are also more traditionally romantic (i.e. sappy). Moana and Maui wouldn’t be that type of couple. Maybe they’d wax romantic every now and again, but their focus would be on their relationship as a leadership team. They’d bicker and joke much the same way siblings would. They would definitely be family, and they would definitely enjoy the more carnal aspects of their married relationship. But they wouldn’t be singing cheesy love ballads to one another or making out in front of the kids (unless it was to very deliberately embarrass them). Their marriage wouldn’t cause them to lose any of the chemistry they had in the film, and would actually add an interesting component to that chemistry. They would have a relationship unlike any seen in Disney so far, and I think it could really add to their characters and their storyline.
In the case of either movie, I would be just as content with a Zootopia sequel that made Nick and Judy an official couple as I would with a Moana sequel that made Moana and Maui an official couple--so long as it’s done right. I don’t think any fan would be happy if either of these power teams became strangled by the red string.
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essoreese · 5 years
Silence Ritual Chapter 1 - A Deal With the Devil
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(AN/ Heyo guys, Esso here and this is my first story; Silence Ritual. Now firt thing's first, although I already mentioned this in the description, this is a spinoff of Take A Stand: The Broken Mirror by Garouge Faux / @crewefox. It's also a direct sequel to that story so if you haven't read it, please do before reading this. This fic will be around 20 chapters and while it doesn't have a strict update schedule, I will try to update it at least twice a month. So without any further ado, let's begin the Silence Ritual.)
special thanks to @helthehatter for letting me use her OC, Kodi Jones. 
here’s a link to the fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13396893/1/Silence-Ritual
and here’s a link to The Broken Mirror, in case you haven’t read it: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12973009/1/Take-A-Stand-The-Broken-Mirror
Chapter 1: A Deal With The Devil
It was almost 9:30am in Zootopia. Despite being late summer the weather was surprisingly cool. And while most mammals were out, enjoying the weather, a brown-furred bunny running like her life depended on it certainly did not fit in with the surrounding atmosphere. "Shit! I'm so damn late." she cursed under her breath as she made her way to the bank. She had just arrived at the front door of Zootopia first national bank but before she could enter, she was knocked back by three figures. By the time she got herself off the ground, the trio was already speeding away in a white van.
In said van a female hyena took off her mask, looked at duffle bags full of cash her and her partners were holding and cheered "Hell yeah! Hahahaha, that was awesome!"
"Shut up!" a male ram shouted at her. "How 'bout we lose the cops, then we can celebrate all we want." He then turned his attention to the driver. "They still followin' us?"
"Nope." The zebra behind the wheel returned. "Should be smooth sailing from he-"
The van had somehow swerved off the road and hit a lamp post. The group of robbers got out with ease, none of them were injured.
"What the shit, dude?!" shouted the hyena before pushing the zebra driver "You could've killed us!"
"I didn't do shit! The van just swerved!" the zebra retaliated, clearly rattled by the crash.
"Screw that noise! The hell do you mean it just swerved?" the ram said while trying his best not to kick his accomplice's teeth in.
The trio kept arguing for a few more seconds until another mammal, a buff female leopard, stepped out of the vehicle.
"ENOUGH!" she screamed before adding "We got the money. Let's get out of here before the pigs arrive, and then you can beat up this idiot."
"I keep telling you, I didn't do this! I didn't crash the fu-" the zebra tried to explain, but was stopped mid-sentence when a small piece of metal hit him in the temple, knocking him out cold.
Before any of the other crooks could react, a dozen more metal plates began flying around them. First, two of them enveloped the ram's hands and effortlessly magnetized him onto the crashed van. Then one wrapped itself around the hyena's foot and dragged her across the street until it latched onto a lamppost, leaving her hanging upside down. The rest of the plates began spinning around the leopard. One by one, they began binding her hands, eventually sending her flying towards a sewer grate. Now that all of them were immobilized, an ocelot in his late teens came out from a nearby alley. He was dressed rather plainly, with a black hoodie and torn jeans and would seem completely normal if he didn't have several small pieces of metal levitating around his arms.
"C'mon, cut him some slack, I didn't even give him a chance to control the van" he taunted the leopard.
"Who the hell are you?" she spat while trying to remove her arms from the sewer grate they were stuck to.
"Look, I'ma make it real simple for you dum-dums," he snickered "you did crime, so I glued your asses for the cops to handle."
"What the hell?!" the hyena barked in rage "what did you do to me you freak!"
"You aren't very bright, are you?" the ocelot said condescendingly "let me give you the TLDR, name's Steelswarm, I control metal, I got a tip that you were robbing a bank so I decided to have some fun with you all."
"Like hell you got a tip, you're too young to be a cop! Cut the crap!" yelled the ram.
"I didn't say i was a cop, moron" Steelswarm sighed as he pulled a small star shaped badge from one of his pockets "I'm with Ceartais and you are sooooo fu-" he tried to taunt but was cut off by a thud to the back of his head. The zebra had woken up and had taken the opportunity to knock the gloating vigilante out.
When Steelswarm came to the four robbers we're standing over him, when he was knocked out he lost control of all the metal plates that were holding the crooks.
"Ya dun goofed, kid and now you're gonna pay for screwing around!" the hyena snickered before putting a paw to her face, which began to transform into that of a wolf with golden fur. She fished a pair of glasses out of her pocked and put them on before saying;
"OK, first of all you didn't call for backup once you got the tip."
"Sorry, Clara." the ocelot murmured, still in pain.
"You didn't even try to restrain me after knocking me out!" complained the zebra, as it's face morphed to that of a red fox.
"Sorry, Luna." Steelswarm groaned .
"And what's with all the gloating?" said the "ram" as his body transformed to that of a wolf with black and white fur. "Those restraints were weak, I could've knocked you out myself if you had come any closer."
"Sorry, Kodi" Steelswarm added, sinking further into the ground.
"Overall, that was pretty sloppy" said the fox/bunny hybrid that now stood in the leopard's place "but I'll give you points for the van crash. Also Steelswarm? Dope name."
"Sorr- I mean thanks Robyn." the ocelot stuttered out.
"OK, Bella, simulation over." said Kodi as the city around them began to dematerialize and they were left in a blank room.
Kodi helped the ocelot to his feet before saying, "OK, you have good control over your powers but your communication still needs work. Also you need to pay more attention during combat..."
"Yeah, figures..." groaned Steelswarm "so... same time next week?"
"Yup!" said Clara while looking at her tablet "Oh, but you'll be training with Regina and Hannah then."
"Sweet! See ya then, guys!" yipped the ocelot as he walked towards the elevator.
In the six months since Doom's defeat, the entire base had been revamped. The training area was now bigger and had simulations about dealing with situations regarding mammals with powers. A lot of them still had trouble controlling their new abilities and that was causing some issues around the city. Some of the mammals who had a better grasp on their powers chose to use them for crime, since neither the ZPD nor the MCB were properly prepared for dealing with them. A few others either wanted to join Ceartais or start their own vigilante teams. And while Ceartais usually wouldn't entertain the idea of letting anyone join in, but Olivia and Kion had left and Alice was on maternity leave, so the team was missing it's powerhouses. And despite Regina, Harper and Clara all joining the team, they were still rookies and needed supervision. So Kodi felt like had no choice but to start a training program for any empowered mammal willing to join them.
The four mammals sat in the main area of the bunker, almost ready to discuss their patrol positions for the night. They were soon joined by another hybrid, this one more closely resembling an arctic fox, bar the black stripes on her ears and tail.
"Hi, Hannah!" Robyn waved enthusiastically.
"Hi!" the hybrid responded as she made her way to the empty seat next to Clara.
"So we're waiting for Regina and Harper?" Kodi asked just as the elevator to the bunker opened.
Out of it walked a horse and a deer, holding hands. The mare was wearing a black summer dress while the buck wore a green polo shirt and torn jeans.
"Hey, sorry were late. Got held up at home." the deer, Harper, spoke.
"It's OK." Kodi said nonchalantly, before scanning the room.
"Everyone's here so," Kodi started, ready to give out the night's assignments "Me, Hannah and Regina will take Savannah Central and Downtown, there has been a string of robberies and witnesses claim that they were done by empowered mammals. "
"Robyn, you and Clara take Tundra Town. Harper and Luna you have the Rainforest District covered and Bella has Spitfire bots patrolling Sahara Square. Everyone OK with the positions?" the wolf asked.
Everyone nodded in agreement. Despite that, Clara seemed to be bothered by something and as soon as everyone went to gear up, she pulled Kodi aside.
"Hey, you got a sec?" the she-wolf asked quietly.
"Oh, I got more than a "sec"." Kodi said teasingly, as he pulled Clara closer.
"What?! No, not THAT kind of sec! Not at work!" Clara exclaimed "Also, Luna will find us... again."
"Awww... OK." Kodi pouted, feigning disappointment. "What is this about then?"
"Kodi, it's been six months. Why aren't you putting Robyn and Hannah on patrol together?" Clara asked.
"Well... because with you, Regina and Harper being new recruits I want an ori-" the wolf started talking but was interrupted by his girlfriend.
"Don't lie to me, Kodi. You suck at it." Clara huffed "What's really going on?"
"OK look..." Kodi sighed "the city's gone to shit again, there's empowered mammals everywhere, running the training program is stressful and honestly, Robbie and Hannah have been doing OK on their own."
"Who are you trying to fool?" the she-wolf said, somewhat agitated "They're growing apart. I haven't heard Hannah call Robyn "princess" in two weeks. They need to get through this Ronin thing."
"Yes I know... but I just don't want to bring it up. Robyn is still pissed at me for helping with the plan, and I don't think she could ever trust me or Hannah completely again. I can't risk another serious fight between the team. Not while the city needs us." Kodi tried defending himself.
"...You know that's gonna come back and bite you in the ass, right? Like, you're aware that if they find out you're keeping them apart intentionally they're gonna kill you?" Clara asked, knowing that she didn't have the time to argue with her mate.
"Probably..." Kodi returned, looking sullen.
"Look, I know this isn't easy. But you promised that you would mend the team's wounds and you aren't doing yourself any favours right now. It's way too late to change positions now but please at least consider giving them a few assignments together." Clara said before hugging her boyfriend.
"I will. I just don't wanna screw this up..." Kodi answered.
The Wave was without a doubt one of the biggest tragedies to hit Zootopia. Even six years later, a lot of the damage was still present. There were still parts of Sahara Square and Tundra Town that were uninhabitable, and there was barely anyone left to even live in Little Rodentia. There was one part of Zootopia that was largely unaffected by The Wave, however; Outback Island. Despite being relatively small, it still housed over 50,000 mammals and was home of the first functioning prison for empowered mammals. The facility could hold up to 500 inmates, and for the last six months, it was Esso Reese's home.
The lynx thought that The Cauldron was a hellhole, but this was worse. She could not use her powers, thanks to the modified shock collar that had been on her neck ever since she arrived there. Any of the activities that helped her deal with The Cauldron were useless here. She couldn't listen to music, her snarky attitude had put her in solitary more than once, and while she could still technically take bets on the other inmates... it was highly discouraged unless she wanted to find herself on the receiving end of a shank. The worst part, however, was the loneliness. None of the mammals she met on the Cauldron could visit her as they were witnesses in her case. And none of the imprisoned mammals wanted anything to do with her. She was laying in bed, just hoping for the sentencing piece to come as soon as possible so she could finally know how much longer did she have to endure this for, when one of the guards approached her cell.
"Reese, your lawyer is here." the rhino said in a stern tone.
The two headed to a small area, similar to an interrogation room. Her lawyer was a pig in a beige suit and he was already waiting for them. As soon as they entered, the rhino locked the door, in case the lynx wanted to try something stupid.
"Hello, Sabrina" the pig started, in his usual dull tone "how are you holding up?"
"Well other than the food and coffee being shit, the guards being abusive, everyone hating me and the crushing loneliness... ten outta ten. Also call me Esso." the lynx replied with what she wanted to be sarcasm but in the end it just came out flat and broken.
"Please, please, please tell me you got good news." she continued.
"Well, given the circumstances, I don't think the jury is in your favour." the pig returned.
"Sweet. Awesome. Love to hear it... how much am I looking at?" Esso barely managed to get out as she put her hear in her arms.
"Twenty five years minimum."
At this point Esso could not sink any lower. She just huddled in her chair and tried her best to hide her tears. "Just... absolutely lovely."
"There is another option. You could plead insanity." the lawyer tried to calm her down.
"What for? So they'll throw me in an mental asylum for the rest of my life instead of a prison?" the lynx snapped.
"Please, Sabrina, calm down." the pig tried to reason.
"Screw that!" Esso shouted, gaining the guard's attention. "I was kidnapped, almost killed several times and thrown in here for some bullshit that I didn't even know I did!"
"They have body cam footage, I can't jus-" her lawyer cut in.
"Now I'm either gonna be stuck here or in the looney bin until I croak, because I was forced into a cult six years ago! Also for the umpteenth time, call me Ess-" the lynx ranted until her shcok collar delivered a painful sting to her neck, which brought her to her knees.
"You know what?" Esso said through sobs "Just... do whatever... I don't give a shit. Guard, I'm done here."
The rhino guard guided Esso back to her cell. As soon as the door locked behind her, she collapsed into her bed started crying. She had no options left. It felt like hours before the same guard unlocked her cell.
"Reese, someone wants to see you." he said in his usual monotone.
"...what?" the lynx murmured as she got out of bed.
Esso walked the same path she just took. She was wondering who could possibly be visiting her. Her parents were dead, the other mammals from the Cauldron couldn't see her and she barely had any friends in Zootopia.
When she entered the small room, she was greeted by two mammals. One she already knew and hated. It was Skye Savage, the director of the MCB. The arctic fox sat uncomfortably in a one of the chairs and looked at Esso with disdain. The other was a maned wolf she had never seen before. He was wearing a burgundy suit with a matching tie.
"Skye..." Esso sneered at the fox "came to see your favourite little psycho?"
"Shut up and sit down!" Skye barked failing to contain her anger.
"Who's your boyfriend there?" Esso continued to prod. "You want an audience while you scream at me?"
"Now listen here you-" Skye said in a low growl before she was interrupted by the maned wolf clearing his throat.
"Please control yourself Mrs. Savage." the other mammal spoke calmly. "Now, Ms. Reese, or do you prefer Esso?"
"Esso is fine." the lynx replied, puzzled by the current situation.
"Noted." the maned wolf said as he pulled out a tablet from within his suit and started typing. "I have a proposition that you might be interested in."
"Ooooh, let me guess" Esso mocked "you wanna transfer me to an underground super prison, or some off the grid looney bin to lobotomize me?"
"Heh heh, I love your sense of humour." the maned wolf feigned a laugh. "No, I'm a representative of Ashe Incorporated, or Ashecorp. for short. We are an elite company that specializes in research into mammals with extraordinary abilities."
"Oh, so you don't wanna lobotomize me, just experiment on me. Dandy." Esso said sarcastically.
"Not the case at all Ms. Esso. We were made aware of your "outburst" six months ago." the wolf returned as calm as ever, "We want to harness your powers not only to better understand these new abilities mammals have gotten, but to also better the city of Zootopia and, potentially, the world."
"OK cut the crap, what kind of cult is this?" Esso snickered.
"We're not a cult Ms. Esso." the maned wolf answered "I understand why you would be wary of us, but given your current situation I don't think you have a better option. Especially since you haven't heard the benefits of joining us."
Esso looked at the maned wolf, now much more attentive.
"What benefits?"
The maned wolf had a small smile on his face now.
"Well for starters, you'll get full immunity."
"Bullshit." Esso said under her breath. "As if Resting Bitchface McGee over there would allow it."
"Oh, but she already did." the maned wolf produced a piece of paper and a ballpoint pen from his suit and gave it to the lynx. It appeared to be some sort of contract and while Esso couldn't recognize any of the signatures, the fact that Skye wasn't objecting to this made her believe that whoever that maned wolf was, he was being serious.
"You'll also get combat and self-defense training, paid accommodation in any hotel throughout Zootopia and access to any empowered mammal's data. All you have to do is sign the contract." the maned wolf continued, still calm but clearly more excited than usual.
"I... what's the catch?" Esso stammered.
"Well, in return, you'll have to help Ashecorp collect more data on empowered mammals." the maned wolf replied with his usual calmness. "Or you can choose not to sign and none of this would have happened and you would be back awaiting trial. So... what's it gonna be?"
Esso didn't know what to think. It was obvious to her that this offer was too good to be true, but what other choice did she have? The lynx knew that she had no chance of walking out innocent from the trial, and all of her other options involved some type of imprisonment. Maybe this one did to but right now it seemed like her only way out of this Hell.
Esso cursed under her breath as she grabbed the pen and signed her name on the contract, on what she thought was her deal with the Devil. "I want in."
(AN/ DUN DUN DUUUUUUN! (always wanted to do this) Ceartais has started a training program. Kodi is trying his best as team leader. And Esso accepts an... interesting deal. Did you like it, did you not? Either way, please review. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve the fic, please put them in the reviews as well. Next time on Silence Ritual; Esso learns what her deal is all about, Olivia tries to balance professional and personal life and Robyn and Hannah go on their first joint mission in months. See u soon folks.)
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twilightvolt · 5 years
Twilight Thoughts (BEASTARS First Season Overview + General Thoughts and Feelings)
Ok, after watching the season finale (and proceeding to freak the frig out over that after credits scene), i think i’ll just talk about my overall thoughts about this first season since i picked it up back in October. think of this as my final thoughts on the series for awhile until season 2 drops. though, i don’t think i’ll be doing something like this in particular again. we’ll see.
So, this was a series that i was a tad hesitant on looking at years ago since the art style kinda deterred me a bit. but after the anime was announced, i decided that that would be the time i give it a shot. and i gotta say, i was surprised. like, i had my hopes a little high cuz of Zootopia, but i didn’t expect ANY of the crazy stuff that happened over the course of this first season. like, none of the trailers ever showed any of Haru’s uhh....naked moments or the black market stuff (aside from Gouhin) so had i known about that, i think i might’ve quickly noped outta there. but since it came to me as it happened, i was already so invested in this strange world and it’s characters that i just dealt with it and kept going. and i think that’s something i definitely needed since if imma be honest, i haven’t watched that much anime in recent years.
Yeah, i marathoned Noragami (which i loved to bits and am sad there’s no season 3) and kept up with Boruto and My Hero for awhile last year. and i liked Fire Force and Black Clover this year. but for some reason, Beastars just.....sparked something that made me eagerly anticipate it’s new episodes every week. from beginning to end, i was hooked. not one episode felt like it wasn’t necessary or like it was padding to fill out the season (and even if it was, i like these characters so much that i honestly wouldn’t mind as explained on my meme blog). the plot twists made me genuinely shocked, the goddamn cliffhangers had me at the edge of my seat excited (and in some cases, worried but in a good way) for what was to transpire in the next episode and any preconceived notions i had going into this were just thrown out the window cuz of how things turned out by the end of it. it was such a wild ride that it actually pushed me to want to read the original material. and that almost NEVER happens.
This show got me thinkin’ like a crazy shipper too what with all those cute and crazy moments between the characters (ex. literally anyone with Legoshi) and hell, i even feel like this is the one show in existence where i actually kinda feel like an OT3 is very much plausible. lmao
Like, i’m a very emotional person when it comes to consuming media. i let myself feel what’s going on no matter what i watch/play because i know that’s what the people who created these stories would want me to experience. and trust me, i’ve felt a LOT of emotions during this show. especially if anything happened to Legoshi. like, when he gets pissed, i felt worried about him. when he cries, i genuinely feel the pain he feels and wish that things would just lighten up on him for once. like, with most protagonists, i tend to end up moving to a different character cuz usually they’re just written pretty basically (Asta from Black Clover), they’re one note (Davis from Digimon 02) or they’re silent protagonists being molded by the player’s choices (the Persona protags). for example, i like Sora from Kingdom Hearts, but i luv Roxas much more because of his story and all the pain he goes through because of Sora. also Sora in KH3D was such a dumbass and i’m sdadfdfsdf
But with Legoshi, i don’t get that. i get a Roxas tier character that i want so bad to see get a happy ending. i get a protagonist that i would actually choose over the other members of the cast (even though i absolutely luv Louis, Jack and Haru as well for various reasons. hell, it’s hard to even say i hate Juno cuz despite her Rise-level attempts to get into Legoshi’s pants, she has respectable ambitions.) that grows from this socially awkward guy who’d rather keep things lowkey to this badass that would fight through a gang of lions just to show the one he cares about how much he wants be with her and to make amends for almost killing her the night they met and that just hits me in the heart in a way i am totally here for.
Now, over the course of this season’s run, i’ve been making a ton of fanart (some of which is still in the works at the time of this post) and for the first time, i’ve been liveblogging like this. i’m happy that my time in the fandom for this series, while still growing, has so far been a very welcoming experience. everyone i’ve met so far has been encouraging of my content and, coming from fandoms like Digimon where i’ve kinda been scarred by Deviantart discourse, it’s really brought up my spirits. like, i know a lot of you probably don’t like and/or care about reading these walls of text, but i appreciate anyone who does take the time to hear me ramble about this strange gem of a show. hell, me talking and drawing about it has gotten a few of my friends to watch it and honestly, i’m glad. i would totally love more people to talk about it cuz Beastars deserves to be talked about. under all those slightly sexual undertones lies some of the best writing i’ve seen in awhile and i can’t wait for season 2 to continue this story.
And after all this, i just wanted to thank you for reading up to this point. again, this’ll probably be the last liveblog for awhile, but i definitely won’t stop drawing stuff for this series. for those who only follow me for my Beastars stuff, i hope you’ve had a happy holidays and i hope you have a happy new year as well.
See you again! ^  ^
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deliriousabsol · 5 years
More Things Than You Ever Cared To Know About My Writing
This was originally posted by ‘vorchagirl’, reblogged by someone I follow. And I thought it would be fun to just outright answer these in a questionnaire type way, rather than as asks. So here we go =)
Feel free to do this yourselves if you like it. Just please remember to add the original poster.
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Properly? Probably Pokemon. I’ve been writing fanfiction for it for years.
2. What is your latest fandom?
Funnily enough, Sonic, despite being a fan since I was like seven years old. I’ve just never seriously got into it since then until now.
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
The Pokemon fandom. I’ve made some awesome friends in it.
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
You hear things, but I’ve not really come across any toxicity besides the reaction to the Sonic Movie.
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for?
A good few, but the only ones you’ll find are Pokemon, Sonic and Zootopia.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Zootopia - Judy/Nick
Sonic - Shadow/Rouge, Silver/Blaze
Pokemon - I don’t usually ship in Pokemon, but Jessie/James because reasons
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
Sonic/Amy. Sorry. Some art is cute, but it’s not my jam.
Shadow/Maria. I don’t ship animals with humans.
I also don’t ship yaoi/yuri pairings.
I do not poop on any ship. If it’s one I’m not fond of, I just scroll on and leave it be. Shipping can be pretty toxic sometimes, and I just don’t get it at all.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
I was writing Mask Behind the Monster and my husband’s aunt suggested I join a specific Sonic forum to post it in. So I joined the Amino and posted it, all nervous. The reception blew me away, and I met some awesome people, so I stuck around.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
The friends I’ve made.
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Probably. Can’t think of any off the top of my head.
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
Shadow/Rouge. Also Infinite/Amy. This is because of my current writing projects.
12. Who is your current OT3?
13. Any NoTPs?
We’ve been over this *looks up*
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Sonic/Tails =3
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Infinite/Amy. I didn’t initially.  But if it’s done right, and there are reasons for them to be together in that setting, then it works. 
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Sonic/Shadow, Infinite/Gadget
I’m also not a fan of most Pokemon anime ships.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
Knuckles/Amy. I still have a soft spot for it.
18. What ship have you written the most about?
Amy/Espio. I went through a phase... Read a couple of ‘fics and thought ‘Why not? Sounds like fun.’ XD
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Not really. As much as I like shipping, because I’m a fluff-junkie, I have to just like it.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Again. Inf/Amy. This one took me by surprise.
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote?
Erm... if I remember right, Some cringy self-insert Pokemon ‘fic when I was like 14/15.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Everything I regret writing has been deleted.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
The End and Mask Behind the Monster. I can’t choose one over the other. They were both written with a lot of meaning and emotion behind them, and I have a soft spot for both.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
I keep thinking about re-writing The End, but I worry it will lose its fire if I do...
25. What’s your most popular fanfic?
I think... THINK... it’s Mask Behind the Monster.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
To Title is hard. System:Reboot was a suggestion off a friend who I have lost touch with. Its working title is ‘Hacked’. A lot of my stories have preliminary working titles until I come up with something. The End was named after a song. Confectionary Conundrum was originally called ‘Sugar Snow’ which is the name of the sweet shop in that story. The Mainframe Saga’s Scrivener file is still called ‘Datastream’. Its separate books have been renamed as I’ve been ‘planning’ them out (as much as I plan).
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Probably summaries, because FFNet leaves very little space to do so.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
I have actually had fanart, so this is hard to say. A lot of people like drawing my cyberpunk Infinite redesign which has surprised me.
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
My husband proof-reads my stuff, and then I question him on it. I don’t have a beta. I’ve thought about it, but I stick to a strict time-frame when it comes to uploads where I strictly give myself very little leniency. So if it wasn’t beta’d in time, I’d get a little frustrated and I do not like to pester people. I also worry I’ll be told to edit and cut a LOT, and I don’t like to butcher my ‘fics. I do that enough while I’m writing 8D
30. What inspires you to write?
My faith. That is a BIG one. You will find references and metaphors to my faith throughout my stories. Particularly in The End and The Mask Behind the Monster. Music is another huge inspiration drive. I’ve come up with entire scenes and even plots or sub-plots listening to music. I was just on a walk listening to some cyberpunk tracks when I got the spark for The Mainframe Saga.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Oh boy. Where do I start? I think I was especially moved when someone told me they read The Mask Behind the Monster to their sisters.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
Yes. A lot. I listen to a variety of stuff from Christian rock and EDM to cyberpunk instrumental tracks. Main bands are Thousand Foot Krutch, Family Force Five, Cruxshadows, Holon, Misanthropix, Scandroid and Celldweller.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics?
It really varies. I lean towards epics. Even Glitched ended up being longer than planned, if memory serves, although it’s not epic length. The Mainframe Saga is made up of chaptered ‘fics, ficlets and one-shots.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic?
I couldn’t tell you, because Scrivener crashes when I try to get the word count for System:Reboot XD
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about?
I don’t, but I have thought about it.
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
Sci-Fi. Hands down.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why?
I prefer third person, particularly restricted third person, because it is easier to write about different characters. That way the reader knows what’s going on when the main cast do not. I was very surprised I enjoyed writing first person so much in Mask Behind the Monster, though. But I did leap into third person a couple of times to give a wider perspective.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs?
I love creating OCs. But I will use canon characters in the Sonic fandom.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer?
From what I’ve been told, character development.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Violence. And tragic back stories. I have legit questioned my sanity when coming up with scenes that include this.
Also... when I write fluff... I kind of grind to a halt and struggle through it. Often interspersed with gazing from the window and thinking well further ahead than where I’m currently at. This often results in forgetting dialogue I think up during my garden gazing.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I won’t post links because it is much too fiddly. But Guiding Light by Ambyssin, Heart Song by Suetonicsonic, Fall From Power by Lordius Dannius.
Hands of Creation by Namohysip, and The Curious and the Shiny by Nebula Dreams. Both of which I seriously need to pick up again.
I believe you can find all of them on FFNet.
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:
Same applies as above. Ambyssin, Suetonicsonic, Namohysip, Chibi Pika and Nebula Dreams.
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
Ambyssin has provided some amazing constructive criticism on System:Reboot which has resulted in me making a terrifying antagonist out of Gadget the Wolf. I strongly hope no other antagonists will develop what I have nicknamed ‘Socket Syndrome’. His drive and commitment to his writing has been pretty inspirational, too.
But in all fairness, I think most, if not all, of my writing friends have been inspirational and very supportive. I offer digital high-fives to each and every one of you.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
I can’t think of any. People should write what they like. And I believe if you want to read it, and it doesn’t exist, then you should write it yourself if you can.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Guiding Light by Ambyssin. It’s not often I fall in love with a fanfic.
Fall From Power by Lordius Dannius is another.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
The End or The Mask Behind the Monster, because they’re pretty special to me.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
FFNet. I’ve been posting there for years. I’m iffy on AO3. I’ve considered posting to Tumblr, but my solution to that is to post links and artwork instead.
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
If I feel I have something to say, I’ll post a review. I like to make sure I do so, though, and I have been known to make notes on my computer and post reviews in bulk to works posted on Serebii.
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I love comments, and I will try to respond to each one. Reblogs are totally welcome!
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing for many, many years. Since before I was ten years old. Pokemon likely got me into fanfiction. I can’t remember writing it for anything else prior to that cringy ‘fic I mentioned earlier (which we will never, ever talk about. Ever.)
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I love the creativity behind it, especially OCs. Pokemon OCs are my favourites, particularly in PMD or Pokecentric settings. Both Sonic and Pokemon offer a lot of inspiration to create OCs as the worlds are both pretty vast. AUs and canon settings both offer massive scope for creativity. It’s seeing peoples’ headcanons and takes on the franchises that I really enjoy. Yes, I do like shipping, but a story does NOT need it to be a good story. It’s the way people tell it that matters more to me.
I know this says ‘one thing’. But I just want to make it clear, the one part of fanfiction I don’t like, is M-rated stuff. And I will not read it. It... bugs me when a ‘fic I’ve been enjoying suddenly changes its rating XD
(I do not own any of the fandoms or characters mentioned in this post) <- Nervous Nelly moment?
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rebelcourtesan · 6 years
KH4 Wishlist (SPOILERS)
Finished Kingdom Hearts 3 and I have to say its a stellar game.  Definitely the gave we’ve been waiting for years to arrive.  And I’m looking forward to the second installation, though I do have a wishlist.
Below are spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3.  Do NOT read any further if you haven’t finished the game and/or don’t want to be spoiled.  
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1.  A Smaller Cast of Characters (excluding World/Disney characters)
    Don’t get me wrong.  I love the characters of Kingdom Hearts, but the problem is that it became congested with too many characters with their own stories and plots.  Some characters are actually extensions of other characters.  Roxas/Ventus/Sora and then there’s Naimine/Kairi.  Not mention Riku/Replica Riku/Darkness Riku and Xehanort/Ansem/Xemnas/Young Xehanort and so on.  You see where it can get confusing.
The cast needs to be reduced by about 75 percent so we have a more simple story that’s not convoluted web of plots and backgrounds.  The best solution to this is to let these ‘cut’ characters retire to their happy endings or be reduced to background or minor characters.  Let Lea/Axel, Xion, and Roxas live happily together in Twilight Town with Haynar and the gang.  Have Ansem and the redeemed members of the Organization do research on Radiant Garden.  Pick a core cast and expand that cast’s backgrounds and slowly introduce new characters. 
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 2. New Protagonist
    I might get flamed for this, but bear with me.  I like Sora as much as anyone, but while playing KH 3, his personality grated on me.  I understand he’s the protagonist with the heart of gold and boyish charm, but watching him interact with the other Disney characters was like eating spoonfuls of sugar and washing it down with syrup.  I understand that his ability to make friends with whomever he meets is a special ability that makes him stand out in Kingdom Hearts, but it gets annoying after a while to constantly hear him introducing himself and his companions over and over and over and over and over again and again and again!    
Don’t get me wrong, there were good moments such as when he, Donald, and Goofy jumped on Davy Jones for stabbing will Turner and when he was upset at the idea of losing his friends showed a rare depth of character for him.  .  
But for too long Sora has been like this KH savior with no flaws save for not being as bright as others.  His personality has changed very little since his first introduction way back in the first KH.  In fact, he was more interesting in KH1 because he had self doubts about his capabilities which he overcame to confront Riku and regaining the Keyblade.  
I feel that Kingdom Hearts series is in dire need of a soft reboot, and the best way to do that is to replace Sora as a protagonist.  He’s had a good long run across six games and 17 years, but now it’s time to pass on the torch to another. 
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3. Aqua as the Next Protagonist
 I adore Aqua.  She’s a mature, beautiful, talented, brave, and loyal female character in Kingdom Hearts.  My favorite play through of BBS is playing through her storyline and I wish there was more worlds for her to explore.  I enjoyed the scene when she insisted on trying on the glass slipper in Cinderalla’s world to buy time for Jaq to free Cinderella.  When she went to Olympus Coliseum she was flirted with by both Zack and Phil.  
The interactions with other World characters would be far more interesting when the protagonist is a capable young woman and not a ragamuffin boy who gets slotted as the new kid and friends.  
What Aqua has that Sora doesn’t, is that she has more of an edge in her backstory.  She spent ten frickin’ years in the Realm of Darkness!  That has got to carry some scars for our blue haired warrior maiden and it could have even corrupted her.  The experience could have given her PTSD, (GASP!  A female character with PTSD that isn’t the result of sexual assualt?).  She could go on a journey to other worlds to find a way to remove the corruption or to find Sora who has disappeared at the end of Kingdom Hearts 3.   
By extension, Aqua need not go it alone . . .
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4. A New All Female Trio
Again, assuming they go with Aqua (or a female protagonist), instead of iconic Disney characters like Goofy and Donald accompanying the lead, let’s have female characters go on the journey instead.  Of course, your first thought would be Minnie and Daisy, but they wouldn’t be well suited as Aqua’s companions.  
For starters, both characters are female version on their love interests.  Hell, they were originally created so Donald and Mickey could have girlfriends.  Besides, both of them are rooted in the Disneyland world with their respected paramours.  The more suitable companions would be Disney women who don’t have love interests tying them down and would make for excellent comrades in battle.
Merida from Brave could offer range attacks and support.  She has a bold spirit with an impetuous nature that could offset the other women and sometimes get them into trouble.  I can see her hopping on a Gummi ship just for the adventure of traveling to other worlds.  
Elsa would be the ‘mage’ of the group with Ice magic.  She would bring diplomacy and calm that could clash with Merida’s fiery personality.  You’d have to convince her to leave Arendelle behind for advantage, since she’s the first Disney Queen who isn’t the mother of a princess nor evil.  
We need more positive female friendships for young girls to emulate.  Setting aside Disney characters, the bromance in Kingdom Hearts has been done to death with Riku/Sora, Riku/Mickey, Sora/Donald/Goofy, and many many others.  Very rarely so we see the female characters together in the same room and hold a positive conversation with each other.  Yes, we know, guys can be the best of friends to each other and girls, but how about we see girls being besties with each other.
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5. Maturer Storylines that aren’t so Heart centric       
That being said, let me explain.  As I mentioned before, watching Sora interact with Disney characters has been like eating raw sugar.  It’s sweet, but sometimes it was terribly too sweet.  
When I say mature, I don’t mean Adult Situation, Sexual Content, or Gore and Violence.  I mean a story that deals with darker themes than just the power of friendship.  Just as dealing with loss, betrayal, self-doubt, trauma, and conflicted feelings.  
Aqua could go from world to world to experience an array of emotional problems and come from it a stronger woman, mentally and emotionally, with the support of her companions.  It would give her the strength to overcome her past traumas from her time in the Realm of Darkness.  
We keep getting hit over the head  about Hearts connecting people, which is a powerful message, but good grief, it gets old after a while.  I get it, it’s in the title Kingdom Hearts, but can’t we focus on something other Hearts?  Connection between people is important, but there are other connections other than friendships.  Brotherly or sisterly love, parent/child, rivals, enemies, lovers, comrades, coworkers, etc.   
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6. Let the Protagonist have more Influence in the Worlds
In Kingdom Hearts 3, the worlds I enjoyed most were the ones that didn’t follow the central plot in their respective films.  These are all popular movies most people have already seen prior to playing the game and I found myself becoming a little bored when I see the same scenes replay themselves in the game.  
On a side note, I really appreciate the care and detail that Square Enix put into recreating these iconic scenes.  I REALLY REALLY DO!!!  Especially with Pirates of the Carribean.  But I wanted to see more interaction between Sora, Donald, and Goofy and not have them be observers to the story.  In some worlds, they were outsiders looking in, especially in the Frozen world or tag alongs as they were in Tangle and Pirates.  
The best worlds were Monster Inc, Big Hero Six, and Toy Story which didn’t follow the movie plots, but had their own stories for the game.  Sora and gang has better interaction with these groups of characters.  Buzz was suspicious of them, they were practically adopted by the Big Hero Six, and helped Sully and Mike protect Boo and save the company. 
Best moments for me was when Sully and Mike threw Vanitas through the doors and Jack Sparrow’s bad breath sent Luxford overboard.  
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  6. World Wishlist
Assuming that I get my dream team of Aqua/Merida/Elsa, these are the worlds I would love for them to explore.
Tron Uprising - it’s still considered canon, though it lasted one season.  I can see Aqua wearing blue circuits, Merida green, and Elsa with yellow. 
Zootopia -  A world with a transformation magic. Aqua is a blue bird, Merida a bear, and Elsa as a snow leopard.  
Star Wars - Team up with Ahsoka Tano to take down Separatist droids and/or Sith. 
Marvel Universe - Meeting the Avengers
Gravity Falls - I can see the DreamTeam aiding the twins in an investigation of a new mystery of the town.
Wreck -It - Ralph - Let’s have video game characters meet iconic video game characters.  
DuckTales (2017 Reboot) - Aqua has already met Scrooge McDuck, I can see him enlisting her to help in a quest.
Mulan - Always a plus to see strong women teaming up with others.  
Gummi Bears - This old gem deserves some love.
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Last - Let this Journey be more about Self-Growth
Heroes save worlds and people, but the hero’s journey is about discovering what one is capable of.  Discovering and drawing lines, overcoming challenges and fears, and finding inner strength.  
Let’s see a protagonist learn a lesson from each world she visits and take that lesson into her core and reaches the end of her journey as a stronger person.  Let this journey be one of self-discovery and not just to oppose a growing threat, though it would be alright if there was one lingering in the background.
Aqua’s journey could be to conquer her own darkness, much like Riku had in his own journey.
That’s all I have for this wishlist.  Or maybe I just outlined a Kingdom Hearts fanfic.  *shrugs*   
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alexboehm55144 · 6 years
Alex Final Wars 2: Dark Alex, Chapter 4 - Old & New Friends
Before we get into the story I want to say one thing: I would like to dedicate this chapter to Stan Lee, the father of Marvel comics. Thank you for making us all true believers, and for touching so many people with your work. You will forever live on in our hearts.
After arriving in Zootopia, the typhoon landed in a large, designated landing zone within the city. Alex, Toothdee, Kion, and Jasiri were going to be getting in a car, and Alex would take them to a location of significance regarding the wolf everyone was confused about. Right now Alex was waiting outside, getting some fresh air, while his companions were using the bathroom or doing other things before leaving.
As Alex waited, he spotted a figure, a snow leopard, walking up to him.
"Excuse me, Alex Boehm?" The snow leopard asked.
"Yeah, who's asking?" Alex responded, noticing that the snow leopard seems oddly familiar to him.
"I'm Fabienne Growley, from Zootopia News Network"
"Oh yeah! Now I remember you!"
"Anyway ZNN wants frontline coverage of this war with China, and I was assigned to be stationed on a US warship to report on its operations, and I was hoping that ship could be the typhoon"
"Really? Hmm..." Alex looked back towards the ship "I mean I hope you know that we aren't going to be in the background doing a support role. The typhoon is a purpose-built warship, it's gonna be right in the thick of the action"
"I understand the dangers, that's why ZNN sent me, due to my experience. I've reported on wars and conflict before and been in dangerous situations. Besides, your warship is probably the safest place in this entire war"
"Well, then I think we have an open bunk you can use. Frankly, I must say it's an honor that you chose the typhoon"
"Well, I'm honored that you said yes. Thank you so much" Fabienne said, shaking Alex's hand.
"You won't find a safer or more interesting warship to be stationed on, so good choice. Now if you have any equipment or personal effects you need to gather up, I suggest getting them and moving in"
"Of course, thanks again" the snow leopard started walking away, presumably heading back to her car so she could drive home and gather up things like reporting equipment and clothes.
"Who was that?" Toothdee said as her, Kion and Jasiri joined Alex.
"Fabienne Growley, from ZNN. She wats to be stationed on the typhoon so she can report on this war"
"Really?" Jasiri asked "That's amazing"
"Get ready to see yourselves on the news a lot" Alex laughed "Now then, let's get going"
"I still don't know where the heck you're taking us," Kion said with a quizzical look. "Or what this has to do with the gray wolf we encountered"
"You'll see, just be patient"
The team got into a bright red and sporty looking car before Alex began driving them to an unspecified location. No one asked any questions, trusting Alex knew what he was doing, but they didn't exactly like being in the dark.
Soon the car pulled up outside a building with a large pink neon sign that said "Howlers Moon"
The group got out and Alex walked right up to an old man who was standing near the door. The doorman had a neatly combed head of hair, along with a name tag sporting the initials 'S. L.'. He scanned over at the group through his tinted aviator sunglasses, before waving them into the building. It was loud inside, with music blaring and bright lights flashing. Mammals of all sizes were drinking and chatting with others.
"And the reason you've brought us to a Zootopian club is...?" Toothdee asked, not understanding the significance of this endeavor.
"You'll see" Alex responded, gesturing for the group to follow him to the dance floor.
Alex scanned the crowd of mammals on the dance floor before his eyes lit up as he spotted what, or rather who he was looking for. The group drew closer to their target, who was a female wolf in her early 20s, with long flowing hair that was dyed a light pink, along with her fur that was dyed blue. She was dressed in a bright red dress that appeared to be ripped at the bottom as part of a stylistic choice. She moved at a rapid speed around the dance floor, all while singing along to the music.
"There's the wolf I know!" Alex said cheerfully.
The blue wolf's tail shot up straight in surprise before she turned around and saw who had called to her.
"ALEX!" The blue wolf yelled, jumping into Alex's arms.
Alex picked her up and spun her in a circle while the pair laughed, before setting her down and turning towards Toothdee, Kion, and Jasiri.
"Guys, this is Jay Burdell, but you can call her JayJay. Jay, this is Toothdee, Kion, and Jasiri" Alex said, pointing out the individuals as he spoke their names.
"Nice to meet you," JayJay said, shaking Toothdee's hand, before doing the same with Kion and Jasiri.
"Nice to meet you too," Toothdee said, before looking at Alex and asking something. "How long have you known her?"
"A while" Alex responded, while JayJay complemented Jasiri on something she did with her hair.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
Alex shrugged "there was no reason to. And no one ever asked"
In Toothdee's mind that wasn't really the best reason for not telling anyone about a new friend, but at least the secret had eventually made its way out.
"Now, onto important business..." Alex said, gesturing for the group to follow him outside so they could talk about sensitive matters.
"Dark counterparts?" JayJay said in total disbelief after seeing the footage captured from Chima, as well as some explanation from those who were there when the footage was recorded.
"That's what they said they were, and we have no real reason to suspect otherwise," Alex said.
"Wha... I don't... how is this possible?!"
"You know as much as we do. We're totally in the dark, we have no clue who they are, where they come from, or how they are tied to China"
JayJay looked at the footage again, paying particular attention to the gray wolf, which was her dark counterpart.
"Darn," The wolf said, pointing to her counterpart, "I think she wears the color gray better than me"
"Well technically that person is you, so it would be impossible for her to wear that color better than you" Toothdee explained.
"Yeah, but it might go better with her personality. If what you say is true, they have more of a 'darker side' than I do. As such the color gray goes better with them because their personality is more sinister than mine. Also, I don't really wear gray that much."
"Ok, enough about fashion," Alex said, "what matters is that whoever or whatever these people, they still have to be stopped"
There were murmurs and nods of agreement from the rest of the group.
"Then it looks like I'm joining you," JayJay said, handing Alex back his phone, which had the footage on it.
"Joining us?" Toothdee questioned.
"Yeah, she has a dark counterpart as well, so I think she has as much stake in this as we do," Alex said, coming to Jay's defense.
"Eh, that's fair," Toothdee said.
"And don't worry," Jay said with a slick smile "I can handle myself"
While the team, now including JayJay, were heading back to the typhoon, Alex got a call from Eris.
"Hey, Alex where are you?"
"We're just a few minutes away from the typhoon, why do you ask?"
"Because this black car pulled up, and a striped bunny and an arctic fox got out, and they're saying they're from the Zootopia Intelligence Agency. Laval is currently outside talking with them"
"Ok, well just hold on, we'll be there momentarily"
A few minutes later the group pulled into the designated landing zone and spotted the strange characters Eris had described. The rabbit was dressed in a formal suit, and the fox a formal suit with a skirt, and both of them spotted sunglasses.
"Can I help you?" Alex asked.
The striped rabbit took off his sunglasses and flashed a badge that said ZIA on it before speaking. "I'm Jack Savage, this is Skye Winter, we're from the Zootopia Intelligence Agency"
"Oh yeah," Toothdee said "I forgot Zootopia had an intelligence agency, it's like a city-state"
"Anyway..." Jack began "...the ZIA wants to make sure Zootopia stays safe during this war. They want us to join you on your ship, to help you fight the Chinese, and make sure Zootopia stays safe. We will act as an arm of the ZIA working with you"
"Ok..." Alex thought over this for a moment, before a familiar looking car pulled up.
"Give me a sec," Alex said, walking over to the car as a gray rabbit in a pink shirt and jeans got out of the driver's side door, and a red fox in a green Hawaiian shirt exited the passenger side door.
"Nick! Judy! What are you guys doing here?"
Alex bent down so he could hug the pair.
"Well..." Judy said, Toothdee texted us and said you were here in the city, and what's been going on with you guys lately. I'll be straight with you Alex, we want to help."
"Yes, we fought alongside you against the meterex, we want to fight alongside you again, only this time against the Chinese. Sometimes protecting Zootopia means doing more than patrolling the streets"
"Don't you 2 have to go into work though?"
"We have a lot of vacation days saved up, and we were hoping you could put it in a good word with Bogo that we're doing our part to make the world a better place"
"Well, you know I'm never one to refuse help. If you want to join us again, then move back into your rooms on the typhoon. I'll put in a word with Bogo"
"Should me and Skye also find a room to bunk in?" Jack asked.
"Jack? Skye?" Nick said, just now noticing the 2 mammals.
"You know each other?" Alex said.
"Yeah, we're great friends!" Judy said as she embraced Skye "Nick, you've known Jack since you two were kits, right?"
"Correct" Nick said as he exchanged a friendly greeting with Jack.
"Why does everyone have some sort of secret friends?" Toothdee said.
"Well, Jack and Skye want to be stationed on the typhoon, acting as an arm of the ZIA to make sure Zootopia is safe during the war," Alex said.
"You should definitely invite them on board. You won't find mammals more determined and experienced than Jack and Skye" Judy said, making Skye smile as her friend praised her.
"Well then, Jack, Skye. Judy has put in a good word for you, so gather up your belongings and move into some rooms. I'll give you a tour of the ship later so you know where everything is"
"We only need one room," Jack said "but thank you for bringing us onboard"
The 2 fox and bunny pairs began to remove suitcases from their cars, presumably filled with items they'd need for their stay on the typhoon. Fabienne Growly also pulled up in her car with a suitcase and camera equipment and began to move onto the ship.
"Look at all these great people," Alex said to Toothdee "Seeing all these faces, all these mammals that are going to be working together, I don't think the Chinese stand a chance"
I would like to thank Vivziepop for giving me permission to use her character JayJay. I hope everyone liked the addition of so many new characters to this story! In the next chapter, things heat up again as the team enters another battlefield! See all of you next week! Excelsior!
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