mr-snuffles · 4 years
Dear friends of Tumblr,
Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
I am an email
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
Trust me just do it
Reblog, click the picture, and prepare for battle.
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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Figured tumblr would love this: for anyone who does textile work & wants colorways, well... This is both a black owned small business & she’s doing a massive collection on practically every flag...
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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Pride Potion Stickers from DrkMatt3rStudio
LGBTQ+ // Lesbian // Trans // Nonbinary // Bisexual Pansexual // Agender // Genderfluid // Asexual Aromantic // Polyamorous // Polysexual
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
thinking about the guy on reddit that posted a pic of a giant water bug he put on his arm after flipping it over because it was on its back
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
Prompt I will never do anything with: instead of being given to the Dursleys, Harry Potter is put up for adoption and is adopted by the Addams Family
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
y’all, i feel like i need to remind y’all that there’s a huge difference between ignoring what’s going on, and taking a mental break because you’re exhausted with trying to keep up with the situation in the country right now. this shit is no joke and is weighing incredibly heavy on people such as myself and if you need to take a break from this and just log out, please do. please take care of yourself and don’t feel bad that you’re not keeping up with things at every second of the day.
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
while protestors are out on the streets asking justice for breonna taylor's murder, louisville law enforcement has senselessly murdered another black man, david mcatee. he was the owner of a bbq restaurant and he was literally at the protests feeding people when he was killed after law enforcement blindly shot into a crowd!! his family says he was shot while trying to protect his niece!! he was known to feed police officers for free!! he was a good, kind man! say his name!!
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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[x] Bonus:
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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Steven Let’s play a fun game about adventure and mortal peril! What could possibly go wrong? Universe is playing a Warlock who thinks he’s a Sorcerer. 
Why not Bard? you ask
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There was another contender for the position.
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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I made this yesterday and it makes me
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
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when u want to kiss ur bro but ur plague masks are in the way : (
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
i was so sad, i drew a little bat so i wouldn’t be sad. and now i am no longer sad.
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
also, if you see any news coverage about the “violent protests” or “riots” in LA today, know that it is 100% a lie, the protest was entirely peaceful for a good 5-6 hours until the swat teams and ICE were called in and started blocking off the streets so no one can escape and tear gassing and shooting rubber bullets and arresting people in literal bus loads. fucking nightmare fuel. so at the end of the day it does not matter whether the protests are peaceful or full-out riots, they will be met with the same response
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mr-snuffles · 4 years
me: *gets hit by a car* sorry
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