talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Feeling really low these past few days...
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Some words you can still say.
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
The war on Christmas?
Attack on Christmas songs/ traditions?!
Change the lyrics.
Make new songs.
Educate others on what's wrong with those songs/traditions.
I just single handedly saved Christmas.
You're welcome.
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Partner/s always wants sex or is constantly sexual toward you
It's such a common thing! My friends have this issue! I have this issue! You're not alone!
Maybe you have a lower sex drive than they do, but it doesn't matter. Your partner/s should be able to respect how you feel. They should understand that you are uncomfortable.
Maybe they pressure you. Maybe it stresses you out. It's very important that you explain to them how it makes you feel.
"I'd really like to talk about something with you. I feel pressured/stressed when you want to have sex/ act sexual towards me. It makes me upset when you get frustrated with me when I say no."
Along those lines. Obviously use the feelings/words that are tailored to you.
If it doesn't improve, seek relationship counselling. If you've done everything you can and it's still not any better, you should think about leaving that situation. If your partner/s can't accept that you don't want to be sexual as much as they do, if they're continuing to pressure you, if they make you feel uncomfortable even though you've done everything you can, you probably should leave.
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Clingy partner/s?
It's super important that you have conversations about BOUNDARIES.
Where YOU draw the line.
Explain that you need space. Explain that it makes you uncomfortable.
Use starters like "I feel..." "when you do this it makes me feel like this..." "Id appreciate..." "I need this from you to make me feel like that..." "this is not a punishment..." "it's important to me..."
Don't make your partner/s feel bad! Reassure them, show them that your intentions are good, explain that you'll both benefit from this.
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Thank you, baby boomers, for being a prime example of how NOT to be polite, civil human beings who treat each other with respect. Our nation truly owes you a great debt. 
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Federal government managers were warned this week of a possible surge in emergency pay requests from civil servants over the holidays after new issues were discovered with the troubled Phoenix pay system.
Managers were to receive lists of “low pay or no pay employees” by Friday, and were being encouraged to reach out to those who might need help.
Continue Reading.
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
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On The Naughty List Christmas Sweater
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
Lana Del Rey is overrated. She's so 2010.
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
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talkandadvice-blog · 6 years
We've started this blog because we think it's a cool idea to have something that everyone can interact with! Get and give advice! Submit topics, links, pics, whatever! Get conversations started! Help each other out!
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