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Eldricht Book one Chapter 2
    The place was picking up an average pace of customers. The regulars who stop in during break hours and right before or right after work. The smell of roasted coffee beans brought relaxation enough, the taste of that dirty bean water brought it even more for man, fae, and beast folk alike. Dagon sat with his "coffee", a large pitcher of ale. Innsmouth across from him laughing with just a cup of tea in front of him. "wait no, the best part was the psycho bitch still blamed me!" Thomas was between the two, and laughed with his friends at the story Innsmouth had shared, when the soft voice broke through the laughter, "I don’t get it.." The Owner of the small coffee house, a Vampire Human. Her skin was pale as marble stone with black silk hair that glistened. She was bringing Thomas his Iced Coffee, a small red lipstick kiss at the brim of it.
    "that’s Cuz you missed the beginning of the story Lass." Dagon chimed. Thomas laughed, "Cersie's not the only one who missed it.". Thomas took his Tankard from her and paused noticing the lipstick. He smirked at her and she winked back at him. Innsmouth stood up "I will just have to start over then, aye?" Several groans from the other random customers fallowed that remark, and that too was fallowed by the laughter of the whole group of rabble rousers. Cersie knelt down to kiss Thomas on the cheek, leaving him with a wide grin as she walked away. His gaze caught on her waist as she walked off. Innsmouth threw a spoon at his head to get his attention, "oi, we got some strange going ons outside."
    Out of the coffee shop, Thomas, Dagon and Innsmouth watched with a collected crowd of people as the clouds in the sky gave part to a gathering of energy bolts striking each other at the exact same point in the sky turning into a web of energy bolts sending green sparks everywhere. Few people got worried, Thomas and his friends got ready to fight. The sky suddenly tore open at that point and became a massive hole into nothingness. The hole made a humming noise and the 3 waited carefully. Suddenly the portal collapsed and 3 fireballs were shot out at them. They all ducked fast and the fireballs crashed in the coffee house, sending everyone outside, except Cersie who hid behind the back room door, peeking an eye through the open threshold with trembling nerves. Thomas, Dagon, and Innsmouth run inside as fast as they can to see the fireballs have taken on new form. A beast like a Rhino body, with horns made to turn it's face into a vertical hammer head beast. It's mouth hinged perfectly in the middle of it's head with a maw full of molars and hooves on its fat legs. A pile of armor pieces and 6 tiny tripod like aliens that collect and grab the armor pieces putting them on and assembling themselves into a single being, wielding a cylindrical helm and twin axe like fist blades. The third was the largest, a Crustacean monster that walked on 5 legs, the bottoms of which would each split into chameleon like feet with 4 toes making parallel lines along the feet. It bore 2 regular crab like pincers but also wild tentacles along the rim of its carapace. The fifth leg was sticking from it's mouth and had tissue like tubes near the joints. It bore no toes but a hollowed spear point.
    "Innsmouth you take the Corodo Beast, Dagon takes the Titan symbiote. I got the New one…." Thomas smiled excitedly, eyeballing the strange crab thing. The Corodo beast roars and gave charge, Dagon and Thomas jumping out of the way leaving Innsmouth in its path. Innsmouth jumped up over the beast once it was within feet of hitting him, then swiftly spun his body to mount and ride the beast, grabbing hold of its thick hide with his claws., Smirking wide with his shark maw and throwing one hand in the air as the beast rampaged in the shop. Crashing and braking tables, "Whooo fuck yeah! Bring it Beastie! You ain't never seen beast ridin like this!". Innsmouth rode the beast waiting for it to eitehr tire, or buck him. He rampaged right past Dagon who had been squaring up with the Armored Warrior. 6 individual tripod aliens make one monster. Dagon and the warrior paced, keeping eye contact. The armor made the first move spinning it's torso separate from it's legs to give arms momentum to throw one of the fist blades in a spin at  Dagon. He Barely managed to dodge behind a table, only to see the second axe slam and stick right into the table edge.  Dagon Growled and reached for the fist blade but it was pulled back by a force unseen, returned to the grip of the Titan. It held up its free hand and taunted Dagon, holding his palm and curling his "fingers" in an attempt to egg on Dagon. It works, causing the Dragonkin to charge.  The Titan opened it's free palm and the second axe flew to him, aiming for Dagon in it's flight back. Dagon Managed to turn in time to grab the fist blade and alter it's path enough to make the spin rip through the creature that made the left hand, causing 6 individual screams, one cut short. Dagon continued his charge and punched the titan across the room into the crab thing. The Crab monster makes angry chirping noises like a giant bird, swatting the titan away from it, about to give chase after it to consume until it's struck with a ball of green flames. Thomas had a Green alien spell circle in one hand, and a yellow one in the other, he smirked looking at the monster, "Bring it on beautiful!" The monster made rapid clicking noises as some a new spell ring appears inside on of it's claws, the tentacles on  the same side as it fill the right claw with energies, beaming like lights to charge the spell and then it activates, firing a ball of slime at Thomas, but Thomas throws up the Yellow spell in his left hand and it forms an invisible dome around him. The slime coats the dome and Solidifies into a shell of ugly green puke. "it's Intelligent! It can use Cosmic Magic!" The crab monster charged at the shell, crashing into it making a crack. It staggers Thomas as the force caused the whole place to shake.
    Dagon was at this point facing off with the titan, both traded blows but Dagon only holding a few cuts, the Titan had that and a lost arm/life. It still had 5 lives Dagon needed to finish. He was trying to plan a move when he saw creature that made the torso was sprouting a nub, one that was growing as the battle went on. "Oh fuck you, no getting limbs back!" Dagon takes a deep inhale, smoke building from his lungs out his nostrils, and released a powerful flame on the Titan, force enough to toss it back against the wall of the shop and burn completely to dust, setting fire to the tables around it and part of the wall. The Titan armor steamed and was covered in black as charred bodies smolder in the suit.
    Thomas looked at the crack as it grew with each strike, he tried to think of a way out. His attention was drawn to Innsmouth on the rampaging beast, crashing through the debris of what was left of the coffee shop. "Innsmouth! Think you can get it to run into this bubble?! I got a Dumb ass idea!" Innsmouth smiled and screamed out, "I fukin LOVE dumbass ideas!" he punched the side of the beast's head, nailing it right in the eye, causing a roar and it to turn in the direction of the shell. Thomas stood ready, with the crab behind him and about to break the shell as well, both monsters charging it. Thomas held two purple rings in his hands and suddenly right before the beasts made contact with the shell and him, he tossed the purple rings up and down from his point. Making a portal above him that breaks through the fractured bubble, and a portal below him leading right to the one above. He falls in the portal below and out the one above. As he fell, the innsmouth backflip dismounts the Corodo beast and the two monsters ram right through the shell, with enough momentum to keep going and ram into each other.  The Corodo Beast ends up under the crab beast, but the crab is left with a massive oozing crack across the top of it's carapace.
     The crab monster makes gurgled and pained noises and immediately impales the corodo beast with it's frontal leg, injecting it with a concoction of toxins that cause the beast to scream and roar in agony for seconds, then die so suddenly. It's body began to sag fast, as it's inside were rapidly liquefied and then shrivels up as it's drained by the crab. This act of feeding however caused the Crab to ooze even more disgusting opaque white fluid out through the crack in it's shell. Dagon nearly pukes, swallowing his sickness to keep it down. Innsmouth turned pale at the sight, "oh that’s Fucked.." he exclaimed. Thomas however was all too fascinated with the creature, "It's smart enough to learn and use magic, but lacks common sense to realize feeding with a cracked carapace is dangerous…Peculiar."
    Thomas opened his hands and arms spread out, he smirked "Time to die though big guy.." and several long purple tentacles came from out of his sleeves of his tunic. They were long, muscly and fast, reaching out to grab whatever debris was within reach and began sending a barrage of shrapnel at the crab. Broken Bottles, tankards, chairs, and an entire table. The debris smacked at the monster as it chirped and clicked, the crack getting bigger and wider, a piece breaking off entirely revealing grotesque insides of alien origin, indescribable masses of pulsating tissues and sinews. The monster was staggering slightly, leaving it open to Thomas who took a broken chair leg and hurled it from one of his tentacles like a javelin at the monster. The sharp broken edge pierced the crab flesh and sent a splash of it's fluids out, no Ejection point but the monster still falls over dead, leaking out of the hole in it's head all over the place. Dagon Thomas and Innsmouth look at each other with relief, then they smirk and laugh together.
Dagon picked up an unharmed bottle of beer, cork still in  it. "Can you imagine the places in the world that have to deal with these without us? Sucks to be them.". Thomas rolled his eyes "that’s why I made the school…"
    The three turn their heads, Cersie was wide eyed and looking around at her shop. Once, a large and popular coffee house, now on fire slightly with the front house looking like a battlefield.  "My shop…my home…my…my..my Will someone put out the Damn Fire!?". Innsmouth jumps startled, and waved his hands creating a water spout spell from his palms to douse the flames. Cersie walked right up to Thomas and stared at him, her face stoic but her eyes holding deep conflicting emotions. "Upstairs…talk" She turned and went to the backroom, and her steps going up the stairs fallowed after. Thomas sighs, Dagon resting his hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Good luck Mate…".
    Cersie was staring at her bed, but her gaze was off in space as her back was to her door. Thomas knocked, "Enter". He steps in slowly, the wood door creaks lightly, "Hey love..look I'm.." "how long are you going to keep claiming your Human?"
     Thomas stood silent a moment, shaking off his confusion to ask, "Excuse me..?". Cersie turned to face him again "You are older than any human possibly can live to… your using magic that doesn’t exist… and I've tasted you… Your blood is not Human.. It's too…Old, Altered, it's so…" He took her hands and looked at her, she blinks at him looking in his eyes, "…eccentric." He smiled softly at her, "So your not mad at us?"
    "Oh I'm mad…but I learned that it comes with loving you. I bare it." He only frowns more though, this doesn’t reassure him. He gently grazed his fingers over her ear, tucking her silken hair back "I told you im a hard person to love.." She hugged him placing her cheek to his chest and closing her eyes. "You're mine to love Thomas…just tell me you love me back…?" He returns the hug to her, causing her to embrace him tighter. He whispered to her "I Love you Cersie.." She leaned up to his neck, her breath just on his ear as her voice crept past her fangs. "Show me.." She grazed her fangs over his ear and neck.
    Dagon and Innsmouth were putting all the debris and broken coffee house bits in a single pile outside the shop. They worked reluctantly, solemnly, but quickly. Jackoo came walking up from the docs, making it there just in time to be late for all the fighting and most of the cleaning. "Captain…Innsmouth." Dagon just nods at him, Innsmouth responds, "You missed the party again." Jackoo crossed his arms and looked at them both, "well that’s what happens when you tell me to make sure the ship gets done…by the way the ship is done."
    Dagon dropped his arm full of trash and smiled bright, his wings seeming to open up slightly just from sheer excitement. "You best not be lying Jackoo, I am not in the mood for jokes." "No Tricks no jokes captain. The Galleon is ready.". Dagon cheered, low rumble roars behind his cries of excitement. "I have A Galleon! Finally!" Jackoo groans and walked up to Dagon, "One Galleon…after Ten Years…". Dagon lost his joy and was brought to annoyance rather fast. "what's with the tone…mate?" and Jackoo drops his arms to give a respectful explanation, "With all due Respect Captain, the plan was 20 years to make 4 galleons. We are halfway past that time and have but one ship to the quota." Innsmouth looked at them both, "well shit's bin busy, space things and other worlds and the school". Jackoo nods, "That school adds my point, how much of that lumber was usable for a ship? I would wager all of it. Captain I hate to say it but you lot have become complacent here."
    Dagon crossed his arms now "Elaborate wont you please Mr. Quartermaster.".
    "You planned on taking the nightmare dragon as a trophy before I served this crew.. But here you lot sit and drink, when was the last time you even opened your wings?"
    Dagon couldn’t be angry at Jackoo for his worry, but was angry at the sounds of this ugly truth. He lowered his gaze and confidence in himself for a bit. "aye, your right. We lost our path…" Innsmouth sighed and kept working on cleaning. Jackoo looked around, "where's Eldritch..?" Innsmouth smirked but seemed to force it, "he's upstairs shacking his lady" Jackoo groaned a low growl, "Of course he is.."
When Thomas came downstairs with Cersie, and outside the shop, the other 3 had already finished getting all the debris out of the shop. They were still talking, then noticed Thomas coming over, "Hey, why all the long faces?"  "We need to talk, mate. I been listening to the wisdom of my quartermaster and I agree with what he says." said Dagon. Thomas nods, "ok what is it he says that you agree to??" He asked. Dagon points down to the direction of the docs. "we have our first Galleon" "And isnt that supposed to be good news?" "you'd think that, but you see we said 20 years we'd have 4 galleons ready to go. Built to your designs to hunt that damn monster. But we got lazy, fat, and drunk. We wasted time Thomas and now it's time to put my foot down and get the entire crew on it, with the lot of us 3 doing double-time to make up for the lost hours."
Innsmouth chimed in, "Wait wut!? Doubly fast is doubly hard Cap'n…"
"I Don’t give to hairs off a rat's ass how hard it is we were lazy and now we all will repay it. I want that beast dead, I will no longer shirk my vow to my Da and disrespect his spirit."
Thomas put in his voice, "But even at this pace your suggesting it'll take ten years more to get the other 3 ships, that’s an exaggeration because I didn’t factor sleep breaks, so like….14-17 years!"
Jackoo looked at him, "Sounds like quitter talk to me.."
"I am not quitting I'm just failing at making a point while at the same time proving yours"
Everyone just looked at Thomas. They grew used to his weirdness
"Ok im with you guys, we can do this together, but how do we get the funds? You turned your Fishing ship into the Figurehead on the Galleon."
    Another Voice comes in "Perhaps I can help." They all turned to face the voice as a dark ash colored skinned elf wearing officers armor walks to them. His colors were that of the Queen of Seaport, a Dark elf serving as Officer to the queen of the human city. Dagon growls lightly and everyone glared, except for Thomas and Cersie. Dagon's growl turned to words, "Wear's your Rags elf? Got too hot under the hood?" The elf did not respond to the question, and just got on with his message, "My name is Captain Diego Santuro, I come on behalf of Queen Annabelle, she wishes audience with Captain Dragmouth and company. By name."
    Everyone looked at Dagon, who was holding his arms crossed across his chest looking at the elf. "What does she want with me..?" Diego reached to the pouch on his belt, undoing the buckle on the flap and pulls 3 pink envelopes from it, offering them to Dagon, "Each contains one invitation for you, two guests, and respected Dates. The Queen is hosting a party later on and would like to Discuss business with you about this…Nightmare Squid?"
    Everyone got wide eyed and Dagon snatched the invitations from the elf, sniffing them quickly and looking at the royal seal holding the paper parcels closed. Diego bows to them, "she also asks, what shall we have the chef's prepare?" Innsmouth blurted out fast, "Several gallons of mead, rum, and beer, and an entire boar just for him" Dagon smacked Innsmouth in the back of the head, "I didn’t say we was going! We're Pirates we don’t work with royalty.". Thomas looked at the invitations, "you said that out loud…" Diego smiled, "It's quite alright, her majesty is aware of your history and is fine with it, in fact she shows great interest in your line of work. I will give the message to the chefs" Diego starts walking off and Dagon growls at Innsmouth.
   They went back to the Docs, they were only two miles away when Dagon cried out with zeal, "That is my flag! Waving high as the clouds!". He points to the sole black flag flying over the roof tops and sails of the other ships. He opened his wings all the way to the surprise of everyone there, then took off in flight  right for is flag. Jackoo smiled, "Well done Captain.." Cersie smiled and leaned on Thomas a little as they walked, the Sun light making her skin more white than before though she couldn’t hide her pink cheeks as she held his arm.
    Everyone stood in awe staring at the monster of a ship. 5 times the size of his Brig, 7 masts 4 sails each, 130 cannons and harpoon guns. Golden oak trim pulled from the Ghidorah made this ship have a familiar feel. The Ghidorah it's self was mounted as the figurehead of the ship, turned into one monster sized scatter cannon. Dagon was aboard already, laughing his mind out at the ship. Cersie giggled, "he's like a child with a new toy.". Jackoo nods, "maybe this will get him moving again." Thomas looked at Jackoo, puzzled he asks, "why are you acting like 10 years of a good life was self destruction? I sense ominous backstory foreshadowing." Jackoo shook his head, "That's cuz im talkin before you met the Captain. After he lost his dad he crawled into a bottle for years…and almost drowned in it were it not for me and Innsmouth. Im not going to see it again."
Dagon lands on the doc after jumping off the port side of the ship, "She's Fucking FANTASTIC!"
"She needs a name Captain" Jackoo said, pointing at the empty plaque on the back."
"hmm Can't call her king Ghidorah cuz we keep sayin she and it sounds weird now…..I will call her…Charybdis! Bride of Vorgaz! Queen of Fire!'
Jackoo smirked, "Ill get the boys to paint it on first sunrise sir."
    Thomas looked at the ship, massive and fierce, built how he diesigned it and ready to fight against the Nightmare Dragon. "That elf used the wrong name on the monster….I recorded it in my almanac that it's called Nightmare Dragon..". "Who cares? We have the biggest ship in the port now!" Exclaimed Dagon. Innsmouth was counting on his fingers, Jackoo stared at him, "The fuck are you doing?" "Counting how many crew we got, I don’t think we have the hands to man this plan. We need like fifty more folk just to get moving…" Dagon laughs, "Then we go to the tavern and start hiring more crew!". Jackoo looked to his captain, "With what money? We can hardly keep out current crew, your lucky everyone working for you respects the shit out of your father and you."
    Thomas scratched his head thinking "If we kill the monster, they get a pint of it's gold ink..? I mean the stuff is worth it’s weight in literal gold. And maybe we hire someone with a ship to hunt squid….?" "yeah, yeah I like that, good thinking Eldritch. Captain?" Jackoo looked to Dagon. Dagon smirks and nods. "Tomorrow, we hire a crew" "But do we got time Cap'n? What about the Ball or Party or whatever…?" Dagon remembered the invitations. He took one from his coat and ripped it open. Reading it fast he smirks, "We got a week…We can do it…Tomorrow first light in the Tavern! Innsmouth put a notice up on every street intown!" Innsmouth salutes "I'll do my damndest sir!" he takes off running Jackoo and Thomas look at Innsmouth running off, Thomas laughed, "he has no idea what he's doing" Jackoo Nods, "at least he's enthusiastic." Dagon looked at them, "Why don’t you 3 get Acquainted with Cherry"
    Sersie tilts her head, "Cherry?" Dagon nods, "Yeah you know, short for Charybdis." Thomas laughs "That’s stupid they sound nothing alike it doesn’t make sense" Dagon growled, "yeah either does William being shortened to say Bill, where the fuck Did the B come from mr."I wrote the most widely used language in the world"?"  Thomas Shrugs, "Ok you got me there, and I didn’t write it I was taught it and I taught people so I wouldn’t talk to myself forever." Dagon leads them onboard the ship. Cersie goes to find the Galley and her new kitchen. Full iron built walls and stoves to feed an army. She nearly squeals with glee at her cooking area. Innsmouth went to the crow's nest, which on this ship was a treehouse built to the top mast about the size of a small shack, with rope bridges leading to smaller baskets on the other masts. He would ignore these bridges and get lost in swinging on the ropes, moving across the span of the ship in little time. Thomas found himself in a large room of books, fictions and stories. A place where a man with all logic can get lost peacefully in his own madness. He smiled softly at the black velvet throne in the middle of the elegant room. Dagon walked in behind him, "I think we should tear down Mythos Hall." Thomas turned and looked at him confused and concerned, "why.."
    "Come on Mate, you had what….7 students this year? Total of 89 in the last 7 years? We could use the lumber…and you can teach from the ship until we leave. Hell you can teach from it when we get back too hahaha!" Thomas thought it over hard but briefly, "yes, yeah your right, no one likes a school house anyway, but no one has ever been to a school ship before!" Dagon shrugged, "nearly all Dragonkin went to school on a ship Mate." They shared a laugh, and Cersie prepared a meal in the galley for the 4 boys. As they ate Jackoo spoke to his captain, "so Ill tell the rest of the crew when they show up tomorrow to deconstruct Mythos Hall while you 3 are.. "Recruiting"." Dagon spoke through a maw of meat, sending chunks out as he talked "Hey im no.." he swallowed his food, "I'm no crook, they'll get paid like the rest, we just need to make sure one has a ship of their own. Expand the Fleet."  Thomas spoke up, "Speaking of fleet why don’t we use some of yours from your time in the Vorgaz Isles?" "None of my men would be here in time even if we sent message now. Best to use what's here." Jackoo raised his tankard, "A toast then, to the Charybdis! To the Dragmouth Crew! And To damning that monster back to hell!" Dagon stood raising his tankard, Innsmouth and Thomas did too, with Cersie wrapped around Thomas from behind, her arms draped across is chest with her head next to his, "Can I have a drink too baby?" Thomas smirked and nods, as the 4 boys drank their beer, she bit into his neck softly and began to drink.
    Innsmouth throws a spoon at him again, "Get a room! Ill see you both there shortly im still Drinking" Thomas and Cersie laugh, she drags Thomas away from the table off to her room on the ship. The others laugh and finish, returning to their respected quarters and get ready for the next day. Thomas sat down looking down into space, his thoughts flashing through his eyes so fast they dart about in tiny bursts. Cersie knelt down before him, brushing her raven hair from her face and put her hand on his "Thomas?"
    He looked up at her from his thoughts. Her eyes gazed through his. He smiled "I'm ok love, I just…the school was my biggest ambition, teaching the world about what's beyond." Cersie nods to him "and because of it you are labeled a heretic to the Highborn Order…People are afraid to go through the same heresy as you, no one will be your student if the highborn have anything to say..It's not your fault." He nods, a silent pause to process the decision. Thomas looked at her and smiled "Then we will use Mythos Hall to build my personal vessel only! The Mythos Storm!" She smiled "good love" She bent over his lap, her breasts pressed against his thighs pushing them up more towards her chin as her hands crawled along his chest "now let me make you relax.."
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Eldritch Book one Cht 1
    The salt on the wind left his lips dry and cracked, too many days at sea. He didn’t keep track of it he just tried to sleep the most of them away, though it's hard to sleep when you are force to stand, or other wise hang by the wrists as shoulder height shackles keep you bound. The chains of the shackles were engraved with Elven spells made specifically for him. The inhibit manna flow and prevented him from using his magic. The dark confines of his cell were made even lonelier when you count he was the only prisoner being transported. He sat against the white oak of the ship the best he could with the irons digging into his wrists.
     He felt the irons bite, but soon he smiled to the sweet feeling of exhaustion and sleep. He was sure he was being taken to be executed, so this was luxury to him, a bit of sleep again. "You're not done yet.". He awoke to the sudden and deafening blow of a cannon ball through the hull, blasting apart the steel bars of his cage and sending a scatter spray of splinters all directions. "Good morning to you too…" He jests with a smirk in his cage. A bell starts ringing full speed above him, he laughs at the music of chaos the elves displayed. "The yellow skins act like they've never been attacked by pirates."
   Outside the ship, a massive Golden wood built ship with crimson sails was attacking this prisoner cargo carrier. Cannons lined in triangular triple gun patterns on the top row, but single more tight together on the bottom. The figurehead bore 3 serpent like necks connecting to individual unique dragon heads. The elven captain, dressed in his fancy whites and blues, only could whisper to himself from fear, "The Ghidorah" .
    Atop the helm of this battleship, the captain stood looming over a crew of mixed bloods. Hybrids, orcs, humans and one Sea Elf. The captain himself, dressed wearing only leather pants, a tightly woven burlap type shirt, and leather jacket, was the great Dagon Dragmouth. Orange scales covering the body of this lumbering Dragonkin, with his wings tucked onto his shoulders as a cape. He smiled with a maw of daggers as smoke left his nostrils like trails from a burning pipe. "Fire the Scatter!" . His command booms to the lower decks of his ship as a team of crew mates push forward one of the triple guns. The cannons weld together with one powder chamber in the rear, loaded with shrapnel of broken chains, rusted bladed, and fractured cannon balls. They ignite the fuse and the guns fire in a horrible noise. The shrapnel tears through the first hole made, making it big enough to fit a crew through.
  The Wiseman looked at his right hand, the shrapnel cannons blown past his hand, ripping the one shackle off with little damage to his flesh. "That’s stupid luck. Thank you impossible odds" He jests to himself again and stops when the silhouette of Dagon himself shown through the light of the ship's hole. Small waves of water would manage to reach up to his feet as he walked past the broken threshold he made. He laughs as he witnesses thirteen elven soldiers lined up in their ridiculous Black iron armor with the gilded trims. Dagon draws two massive scimitar swords, the heat from his throat was so hot the Wiseman could feel it, "whoa big guy wait!" but his warning went unheard and the Flames from the Dragonkin went fast and hot, setting fire to much of the wood it contacted with. The elves seemed to vanish inside the flames, until it was done burning. Once his mouth shut The elves stood unharmed. Red Manna runes engraved in the armor they wore shielded them.
    The Pirate lizard was taken back, growling and without aid at this level he stepped back. Suddenly, 3 portals opened around the group of soldiers. Purple rings of alien writings spin making these portals causing distraction to the elves and even Dagon at this moment. The first portal, directly above the elves, dropped a swarm of slime spitting winged creatures, like scaled bats with mouths on the belly and no head. The slime they spit was stinky and stuck to them very well. One small creature taking interest in Dagon spit at his face as well and flew off. All the creatures return to the first portal once all elves have been coated. Dagon wiped his face.
     The other two portals released strange tentacles covered in  some kind of chitin carapace, tipped with pincer claws found on crabs but wider with bowl like openings in the very center. These claw tentacles moved quick and made short work of the elven troops. Eviscerating and devouring them as they try to fight back. The elven steel cuts through the chitin easily but there are far too much of them and soon the tentacles retreat into the portals, having consumed all elves. Dagon looked upon the scene in awe and shock, but not horror. He turned his head to the laughs of the Wiseman who had one hand freed and seemed to be the source of this scene. His eyes burned a purple haze that matched the rings. This haze, while unworldly, faded away soon. The Wiseman smirks "let me out…we share an enemy.".
   Dagon sheathed his blades looking at this human. He never had before seen that kind of magic, it gave him a terrible feeling of familiarity. He had questions and this human didn’t seem to be a threat to him. The sea elf ran down stairs with two gun axes in his hands, ready to take on whatever he thought made that noise. Not expecting to see Dagon freeing the sole prisoner on the ship. "Oi, Captain?! What made all that noise? And..All this blood" he questioned, looking down at his bare feet now slick from walking in the elven blood. The Sea elf had blue green skin, and a set of frills around his neck with green hair he kept tied under a red bandanna. His teeth were like shark's razor and serrated.  Dagon smirks, "A new crewmate Innsmouth, mr. …?" The Wiseman smiled brightly, and kindly. You can call me Thomas…Thomas Eldritch."
    Dagon drew a blade from his belt "Can you use one of these?" and gives the handle end to Thomas, holding the blade in his claw. Thomas nods taking the heavy steel with both hands and smiled again. Innsmouth tilts his head to the side at the grin on Thomas's face. "You sure Cap'n? He looks….Sweet like" Dagon walked past him with an impatience in his step and tone, "Better this than that unholy image he burned in my brain just before.."
    Both Thomas and Innsmouth fallowed Dagon out of the smoldering underbelly of the ship. Topside his crew have subdued the last of the elves they did not kill. A few bodies scatter on the deck, mostly of the yellow skinned elven soldiers. Dagon came up the stairway to the topside. He looked at the ship around him "Tell me why a Highborn Prison ship has double crew here for one single man?" There was a clueless silence about Thomas, "Oh wait your asking me? Well because I'm the Aberration." Dagon, Innsmouth, and any crew in earshot looked at Thomas in disbelief.  Thomas rolled his eyes, walking towards the captain's quarters of the elven ship and retuning with a log book.
   The book was small and bound with linen that was resin soaked all over except the spine which remained soft linen. Leather straps acted as the muscle of the spine of the book. Dagon peers into the book of the last most recorded date. 6 weeks ago, and only one prisoner, Aberration was put in the last name category, leaving the first name blank Dagon looked Thomas dead in the eye, the silence broke with Dagon's laugh. "Of all the ships on all the seas, I find the one holding the oldest living thing on this world! And it turns out, the legendary Aberration the elves love to hate and hate to fear, is a Fucking Human!" Thomas laughed with him "I mean I'm far from Human at this point." They laughed together for a moment, until Innsmouth felt need to interrupt, "Cap'n, she's burning hot we best go now". Dagon wiped his jaw and nods, "Aye, leave the Yellow skins and take nothing. We have the big prize here". Thomas couldn’t help but feel his vanity make him smile.
    The Pirate crew bind the legs and arms of the elven crew, leaving them aboard the slow burning ship they dared to serve that day. Innsmouth took the helm of the Ghidorah and began his sailing away. Dagon taking Thomas below deck to the Galley, filled with the smell of salt meat, pickled vegetables, and fermented fruits. "The stink of a real pirate ship" Thomas smirked as he looked around. Dagon nods proudly, "Aye, if you don’t want to puke you're not on a pirate ship. Go ahead mate get some fill in you. Damn highborns must've starved you." Thomas had no hesitation to begin his inhalation of the food and drink. Dagon laughed, knowing any prisoner on an elven ship would think this food Gourmet compared to the stale bread and cold slop the elves fed you. "Come back topside when you feel acclimated mate. We need to have words and I do my thinking in the wind.".
    After eating himself a food baby belly, Thomas walked up the steps of the Ghidorah and felt the breeze of the wind tug at his long brown hair. He smiled, tearing off the rag garb tunic he wore leaving only his short trousers. He spread his arms to the wind and took a deep breath "Taste different, Don’t it?" Thomas looked to the port side of the ship, A young Uru orc boy smirked at him. His red skin covered in pirate tattoos, bearing no shirt and a face like a bald wolf "You got pulled off the ship, a prisoner. The air was bitter, gross, stale. But now the wind carries the taste of Freedom on the wind and it tastes sweeter right?" The orc smiled at him and walked up, offering his hand "Name's Jackoo, Quartermaster." Thomas smiled and shook his hand, then grimaced a bit at the orc's grip, "Remember my face, your going to know it a lot, and Remember my grip and hope I don’t have to use it again". Thomas laughed, his smile was goofy and entertained "I like you already, Just call me Th" "I heard your name, Eldritch. Know your place and we'll get along fine".  Thomas had to tilt his head in confusion, "And what's my place on this ship?". Jackoo pointed to the bow, where Dagon stood staring at the waves. "That's for the captain to decide. Best get now".
    Thomas approached Dagon slowly, not to disturb a man in thought. He was barely up to Dagon's armpits, the man was so big. Not tall but big, and wide. Dagon's voice lost it's rumble now, a beast calmed by the wind spoke to Thomas now, "My da once told me that the seas would take men to where they need to be. You just had to trust them. Break that trust, or doubt their hold and you damn yourself. Sailors only request direction, its her choice to take you there…" He looked at Thomas, "..and here we are, Two men of equal infamy to the Highborn Order. The sea pushed us together mate, now we must figure out if it's Damnation or Salvation."
   Thomas looked at him listening close. Then he looked at the water below the ship racing past. "I hear the incredible urge to jump into that water or off of a really tall place like the nest up there." He jests pointing. "But the voices that actually are there wont leave me alone about my, air quotes, duties". Dagon just stares. This madness was just that to him, madness. "Why do the elves hate you?" He demanded. "You mean you don’t know that much?"
Dagon shook his head at the question when he wanted an answer "Everyone knows the basic Bull..Your a human who doesn’t age…from before history was written, and you preach gods that don’t exist and use magic that shouldn’t exist."
"Don’t forget the part where I was taught an alien language and now all humans and a few other races speak it. How's that for a mind fuck?"
     Dagon smirked at the logic for a bit but then had to ask "What's and alien?" Thomas had to think. He smiled very manically when he found his answer, "Well, something so obviously not from this world that is a living being of some shape or form. Examples. " he spins his wrists upside down and forms 3 new small purple spell rings, creating the portals in the ring. The center most portal raises a small sentient warrior inside a glass dome. The warrior had 6 arms and 4 legs with segmented plates along the spine, scaled male going over the limbs. His weapons seemed to be tiny forms of riffles with jagged bayonetted ends. The left most portal made a sort of dog creature but made of stone. The  creature was infant in state and sleeping softly. Woken by the angry cries of the warrior next to it, though the warrior was not attacking the dog. It was attempting to attack the right most portal creature with futility. The portal raised a beast that was mechanical in origins but with science unknown to the pirate captain. Colors of red green and yellow strings wove through plates and joints with sounds of fluids moving metal rods and cylinders to move limbs. The machine beast was also trying to attack the warrior but prevented by a glass dome.
   Once he was sure Dagon understood the word Alien, Thomas returned the creatures through the portals and made the rings vanish. Dagon was dumbfounded, but he certainly took a firm hold of alien now. He quickly took annoyance to the joy Thomas got from watching Dagon. "…Well I got no more questions right now. So your going to help me out." he started walking back to the stairwell in the middle of the deck. "I am hunting a monster…and your magic is….well I Think I might have found some other kind of alien before I Found you..".
    Thomas fallowed, his ears pinned to the voice of the pirate lizard. His hope rose a bit, he wanted the alien to be the same one who changed him those years ago. Thomas had so many more questions of his own he needed to ask that being. He held hope that the alien was not dead. Dagon lead Thomas to a chart room in the ship, no doorway just a corner that holds a map on each wall and a massive globe sitting on a table. Dagon Rolls the globe around and stops it, leaving his finger over the Sea of Monsters. Thomas tilts his head looking at it. "My da and I saw it there...before the beast took his life…". Thomas lost that hope now, but continued to listen. "What did it look like?"
  Dagon's tone was low, solemn, and angry, "The beast was 4 times the size of this ship…scales covered it's body like amethyst tile plates. It's spine was traced with broken stone like ridges that stuck out to rip the wood from your keel. It's tail was a single long tentacle covered in tiny little hooks, just like the ones that covered is face…" "It's face..?" Thomas interjected. "Well if you call that mug a face, it bore what was like some freak leviathan squid as a head with the most hideous eyes. It's maw was several beak teeth that spit acid that burns flesh like my flames, it turns wood to mud and combusts in the water…I call it…the Nightmare Dragon."
     Thomas nods and looked at the globe "I know what it is, I can help you kill it. But why chase that thing when you seem to be capable as a pirate alone? You are Captain Dagon Dragmouth the most famous pirate ever." Dagon picked up his belt at his sides and let out a deep sigh, "I'll be straight with you mate, I am mid way through my life, and I've yet to find my own MATE if you get me." Thomas nods, understanding the sentiment. "So I want to do one big thing before my…Hiatus lets call it. I want to be able to tuck a wee gecko into bed on a galleon I built myself. This bed will be that monster's bones woven into a glorious nest for my child, and that gecko will look up at me and go, 'Da, tell e again how I got this amazing luxurious bed Da oh please tell me again.' and I'll go on and tell them How I Took it on my own beautiful self to slay this beast in my Da's name just to build my spawn the most perfect nest!"
    Thomas and Innsmouth both laugh, Dagon turned his head to face his second mate, "The fu..when did you get here?" Innsmouth salutes like an elf "Oh da please da tell me again" making Thomas laugh hard. Dagon growls at the two making them silent fast. "Point is mate, I want to give my family a legacy, or die trying. What say you Mate??" .
    Thomas returned the stares Innsmouth and Dagon were giving him. He sighed a little bit, "What the fuck it'll be fun". Innsmouth and Dagon both cheered, as did Jackoo and the crew above who all eavesdropped through the stairwell. Thomas laughed, he brought Dagon's attention back to the globe. "that creature, we are going to keep the name Nightmare Dragon, so much cooler than what it's called, is going to just sit and huddle in the squid waters. One ship clearly wont work, you need at the least…4 galleons."
    "how in the hell do we get 4 fucking galleons when we can barely keep track of 3 brigs?" Jackoo tossed the question at Thomas, who responded by putting his finger on one spot on the globe. Everyone leaned in to see the location, Seaport City. The only human city in the world. Innsmouth jests "Oh Excuse me Queen Annabelle but we PIRATES need to borrow 4 of your Galleons to hunt a monster that eats monsters and turns wooden ships into soup." Dagon smacked Innsmouth on the back of the head, "Seaport has no Dry Dock Construction laws, we can build the boat's ourselves…" Innsmouth rubbed his head and pouts defeated, while Jackoo thinks and looks at Thomas "But how do we fund that?"  Thomas smiled, "Your Hunters, pirates, and enemies of the Highborn Order. Queen Annabelle will gladly trade with us any ink, meat, and Beaks you get from squid, as well as spoils taken by the elves."
    Dagon nods "It'll take some years to do it, getting it off the ground earning her favor and what not."  Innsmouth interjected again "some time means like twenty years or what ever, that’s fucking forever." Jackoo glared, "yeah for me, you’re a newt, he doesn’t age, and captain is a Dragonkin.". "Call me a newt again you mud born little.." Dagon growled, "Enough, we are sailing to Seaport…We build the Galleons to Eldritch's specifications, as long as it takes to do it.".  The Ghidorah ship began it's sail towards the most diverse city on the planet, and home to the last of the human race.
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Eldritch Book one  Prologue
Something I am working on, please thoughts     The night air had a breeze that bit to the bone. Footsteps of a human band wandering would be covered fast by the blizzard. The tribe wandered, further and further through the snow. The fur boots soaked through and iced over in the hair, making debilitating shackles that drag. But they do not dare remove the barrier from the snow. Their numbers, once several dozen, have dwindled to a mere seven men, and four women.      Another night passes taking hours, each passing hour would take another life until only one was left. Daybreak still far off, he kept walking forward. The blizzard made him blind two feet away, the white falling snow making a screen of darkness hiding the light of any moon or star that dared try break light through the clouds. His knees took his weight, he was ready to accept the painful bite of death from the cold. He closed his eyes, and through his fur cloak down leaving his breast bare to the wind.      There was a boom, it shook the land and his nerves, jolting him awake briefly to look around. The blizzard had stopped, the winds no longer blowing and as though from the will of the gods a hole in the sky was opening though the clouds. Another boom from the sky and a flash of green came from the center of this opening in the storm. The last human watched with fear and curiosity as the flash came once more only this time a ball of blue flames shot from it casting the luminescent haze across the snow.      His eyes followed the fireball from the sky to the ground, landing in a magnificent flash of ice and flame of many a color. A moment passed before he acted again, and he jumped to his feet running as fast as he could to the flames, adrenaline driven by the last will to live. Closer and closer and he was finally feeling the heat from this miracle event. He stopped, and stared at the unworldly sight before him, it was a ruined sphere of metal, glass and other shrapnel one would not identify yet. All of this was so alien to him but the need to be warm drove away the fear too easily and he approached the wreck.       He was now close enough to feel the sweet relieving kiss of heat from the odd color fires, and took a seat beside the metal. He looked at it, it looked nothing like anything he seen in his brief primitive life. Then the exhaustion took him and he fell to his side in the dirt beside the warmth giver. His dreams invaded in rushed flashes that were not his thoughts, but something else's. He couldn't make sense of it, it was fast and showed war, monsters with claws, thousands of eyes, no eyes, tentacles, pincers, and so much more. All of it was being shown under a narration, a voice speaking, it wasn’t human, elven or any race he knew, he only knew it wasn’t from this world. A language not known, but understood none the same. "You must learn, you must Teach. This existence is in danger. If you do not wish to face oblivion then you must Know Eternity."      In his mind it lasted eternity, or three. He lost count. But when he woke, no longer did he feel his fears from the ordeal. He looked about himself. The flames kept him warm, and the blizzard was quickly gone. He took notice of the absence of a ship. The warmth giver had vanished leaving only a crater in the dirt, and inhuman prints in the snow wandered to him, then off into the snow. He stood up, taking notice again of another absence, his furs were all dry and warm. Not only that, he was wearing his coat again. His eyes went to the footsteps in the snow again. "I've got nothing better to do now. Lets see what happens, yeah?" He fallowed the footsteps.      The path the steps took went east, when he and his tribe continued north. His mind was flooding and attempting to understand everything at once, "Recap, I'm a Homononmediocris, wow that tittle is extensive, perhaps an easier one should be added to the lexicon. What do the elves call me? Human? That’s the Homo in Homononmediocris, Human not fairy, all they did was take out not and fairy. I am Human. I'm a Human, a mono-dimensional being, with the intellect of a pan-dimensional being causing my psyche to fracture exponentially from the strain of it, however my cerebrum has yet to collapse on it's self from the sheer weight of it all by some act I don’t know which is queer considering the extent of what I know is Eternity. Eternity is a lot, it's everything to be technical. It's forever to be more technical. My broken mental state seems to have given me zero regard for self preservation from my current feeling of accepting mortality from prior is still lingering in me. . . . And I'm fallowing Alien footsteps away from a Traveling craft that had Vanished…"      He continued on talking to himself for two days, walking through each hour filled of snow and cold went by swiftly until he reached the end of the footsteps, and then he became silent, cut off from his thoughts by the now collection of new information. The steps stopped at a hilltop that looked at a large camp of humans, twice what his once started as. He felt a glow inside, to be with a community again. At least fifty white fur tents and 6 fires burning with the smell of meat cooking near them. It brought his stomach to a growl. He walked to the tribe, and stopped fast as a spear impaled the ground mere steps before him. He looked at the spear curiously, it was made well. His tribe were good with a bow but he could assume this spear was very capable of killing as well as any bow.      The snow at the tip of the spear began to turn red, closer notice shown a white snow wolf that was curled before him, hidden by those who would not be wise to them. He looked up at the sound of snow crunching in fast pace, a young hunter ran to him and stopped equal distance from the spear. She was dressed in fur made from such wolves, as well as brown thick mammoth coat cuts. She looked at him and he looked at her. He waved his hand, a greeting gesture. She watched confused and imitated him just out of instinct to react. He smiled very slightly and she did to. Taking the spear from the snow and picking up the wolf, taking both back to the large camp, stopping to look back at him.     He looked at her, turning his view only to look at his own footsteps from behind him. "Where did you go..?" He looked back at her, she was confused now still looking at him. "oh right we don't have a language yet.." She smiled and walked back to camp again, and this time he fallowed her.      Time went by easily for him in this new home. Teaching the people of the snow how to talk, using the same alien language he learned that night.  Wandering through one cold summer with his bow and his knives he hunted, Favoring a new path he never took before. His wife had made him this bow with what he taught her. She was proud of it and he was proud to use it. Hoping To catch a meal to feed them both and their son. Names were still of little sense, people had tittles here. This survivor of men was given a tittle. They call him Wiseman, for teaching all he did. But what he loved now was his newest tittles, Husband and Father.    The wind picked up, a gust of ice brushed his nape and then all went still. It was a familiar kind of calmness he nearly forgotten. A loud thunderous boom again ran through the sky, it was happening to him again. The explosion came with the sound of screams. His home was being attacked. He ran back dropping the bow in the snow and running as fast as his feet could carry. The hill overhead hid the sight, but not sounds, of the devastation that fell upon the tribe. Land gave way to show what only could be described as horror. 3 monsters, 3 wild predators. "No They have armor, they are trained war beasts…" The monsters looked exactly the same. They ran on four legs, ended with hooves in the back and paws bearing claws to the front. They could warp and change their colors in vibrant rainbow streaks and had bodies of Canine beasts with beaks that forked on the tip.     The Wiseman ran, all he could think was finding his home with his wife and child safe. He Begged to what ever gods of this world that they'd be ok. His home was flattened and being torn by one of the beasts, the sight stopped him in the snow. He stared in horror as the red dripped from the beak of this creature. He was still for a moment, until the beast saw him make eye contact with it. It roars, a shriek like a bird of prey, but otherworldly. The Wiseman snaps from his petrification and all turns to hate, a rage he did not know he had. The creature charged at him with speed of a stallion champion race horse, he clapped his hands together in front of him and as they opened they formed a ring of light. The edges of the ring bore symbols and characters that started in intricate woven squiggles and would end outwardly with jagged edges.     The beast did not stop, its charge was dead set and its target locked to be him. The Wiseman looked at this war beast and the ring opened a portal of his own making, sending out dozens of writhing wriggling lengths of muscles, like arms of incredible length and slender build with no bones. These arms grab, tangle, and wrap the beast in their mass and start dragging it into the ring. The sounds from behind the portal are terrible and violent, as are the noises of agony made by the beast as it touched and enters the portal. Swallowed by the seal, the ring vanished as easily as it was made.   Two other beasts remain but have ran away from the screams made by the third. The Wiseman looks around, all is burning, and all are dead.  The winds pick up violently again as he must once more sleep alone. His tears freeze to his face as he lays back facing a fire left by the destruction of his people. Again this other worldly war, this violence is caused him to seek it out for warmth. "This time The Violence made my pain as well…" He sleeps, and dreams of his wife, hunting with her and caring for their son. He smiled to her and she to him, but then her smile faded. She stared at him and eyes went dark, things were getting cold around him. "What's going on my wife? What is happening?".    The night does not end but his sleep is cut short but the bite of a blizzard's winds. No walls to stop the howl the fires all burnt out. The Wiseman stands, shivering lightly from tears still falling, but eyes left open now see steps. The same inhuman feet that led him to the people here now lead him away. He looked at everything around him, he couldn’t see any reason worth staying, "And I left her bow…just dropped it to be buried in this …fucking snow"  He sighed, swallowing his grief, an endeavored that nearly choked him. He could find nothing to burry of his wife nor son, so he started on fallowing the steps again but with much more reluctance than the first time.     He brought with him a bag full of smoked meats, and several skins of water. Using a spear as a walking stick he kept going through the blizzard, somehow these steps did not fade from the falling snow. They were always there never going any deeper or getting more shallow, each matching the step before it as he went on. He noticed the Blizzard's end at the same time he found the color green again on the ground. The snow was starting to give way to the grass and flowers.     He finds himself walking so far south he left the frozen world he knew and found himself coming to a forest. Tall towers of wood and branches filled with needles peppered the land, and the steps were gone, the snow ends with them and the gold dirt brings a moist feel to his toes, he feels familiarity with this land. He ran from a place similar to this before the craft fell from the sky and this knowledge was bestowed to him. He was walking back into elven territory. Both hope and despair fought for control of his emotions. Will he find more humans? Will the elves make him leave again? Will he be remembered?
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The Orcs
Two brief summaries on the two orc races in a book I’m working very hard on. Questions and opinions please! 
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Meghan! start at 3:30! thats the part you must see!
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_-btuHZfCQ) MEGHAN! WATCH FROM 5:00! its the cutest 
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Making youtube Videos is easy, Being noticed on  youtube is impossible now...
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N5Qtvoc5WU)
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Happy St.Patty’s Day!!
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Happy St.Patty’s Day!!!!
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Holy crap Almost Lost Little Piggy
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I want a smoke...
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Tatsu Yamashiro/Katana, Amanda Waller, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn and June Moone/Enchantress. — The women of “Suicide Squad” (2016)
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Happy Birthday Noodle! | 10/31/15
Descriptions taken from personal bio- here
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What’ll you be for Halloween?
Tell me! Imma be a Pirate
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