Posted more options on my Patreon!
I know there's a lot of us, and because of that I've seen some very similar posts about a variety of topics, from correspondences to deities! So, I'm wondering: what is it that YOU'D like to see more/anything on? I'll put a few options, but I highly encourage the use of the 'Other' option!! And please let me know what that'd be!!
I'm not entirely sure how the Patreon site works, but here's a link to my page! I made the poll public I'm pretty sure. But if you hit "other," please explain what you'd like!!
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Ugh. Wish I saw this earlier. Motherfucker!
Just a heads-up for the pagan and witchcraft tags -
If some random url or anon messages you asking what you think of a certain website and their ideas and claims, block the account, report it for spam, and delete the message.
Do not answer. Do not interact. Not even to snark or issue a rebuttal.
The fucking neo-nazis are fishing for recruits in our waters again.
Do not let them use your blog to boost their SEO results. Do not given them a second of your time or an inch of your platform.
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Yeeeaaaa... Nope! DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE.
Just got back from rummaging around this site. No no. Nu-uh. No thank you. Fuck you, Anon. May you get all in which you deserve for promoting such false ideologies, and being a general uneducated fuck.
"Joy of Satan Ministries, also referred to as Joy of Satan (JoS), is a website and western esoteric occult organization founded in 2002 by Andrea M. Dietrich (a.k.a. Maxine Dietrich). Joy of Satan Ministries advocates "Spiritual Satanism", an ideology that presents a synthesis of Theistic Satanism, Nazism, Gnostic Paganism, Western esotericism, UFO conspiracy theories and extraterrestrial beliefs similar to those popularized by Zecharia Sitchin and David Icke."--https://dbpedia.org/page/Joy_of_Satan_Ministries
Zecharia Sitchin was an author of a number of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he stated was a race of extraterrestrials from a planet beyond Neptune called Nibiru.
David Vaughan Icke is an English conspiracy theorist and a former footballer and sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries.
(Both of those blurbs were pulled from their Wikipedia pages.)
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
Hey!! Thank you so much for being the very first person to ask me a question through here!
To be whole heartedly honest with you, I haven't heard of them until well.. right now! So, I don't really have all the necessary information I would like to have to form an opinion on them.. But by what you said about what they follow & the minimal digging around I've done on their site; they seem to be pretty cool! I'd also have to check out their apparent YouTube channel; to really get an idea for what they stand for and/or 'preach,' but yea! I'll definitely keep you posted on that, if you wish!
Also, I personally don't label myself a "Satanist" and I haven't really rooted around too much in what those who do label themselves as such might or might not believe! By any chance, would you be able to recommend me some authors? Or maybe other sites/blogs here on tumblr that go over that?
I'm obviously going to do so myself, don't get me wrong! I'm just trying to get a conversation started, is all!
Have a lovely day, Anon!!
(Also, the tags are merely to get the post out to a larger audience!!)
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What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world.
Hey!! Thank you so much for being the very first person to ask me a question through here!
To be whole heartedly honest with you, I haven't heard of them until well.. right now! So, I don't really have all the necessary information I would like to have to form an opinion on them.. But by what you said about what they follow & the minimal digging around I've done on their site; they seem to be pretty cool! I'd also have to check out their apparent YouTube channel; to really get an idea for what they stand for and/or 'preach,' but yea! I'll definitely keep you posted on that, if you wish!
Also, I personally don't label myself a "Satanist" and I haven't really rooted around too much in what those who do label themselves as such might or might not believe! By any chance, would you be able to recommend me some authors? Or maybe other sites/blogs here on tumblr that go over that?
I'm obviously going to do so myself, don't get me wrong! I'm just trying to get a conversation started, is all!
Have a lovely day, Anon!!
(Also, the tags are merely to get the post out to a larger audience!!)
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Would anyone be interested in what I'm making?
I'm currently in the process of creating a calendar! My idea for this is to have the moon phases, and what sign the moon will be in on that particular phase; along with good days to plant things/when it'd be a good idea to reap them (if you planted herbs/veggies/etc.,)! It's currently still in the beginning phases, as in; the cover design is the only thing I have "done" and I'm not too sure how I like it.. But! This is what I have so far:
Tumblr media
I know that right now it looks a little wonky; but like I said, this is only the beginning!
I'm also thinking of making an online store of sorts... OH! A Patreon account might be a good thing too! Haha, I'm just thinking out loud here... Umm Yea! Have a wonderful day!!
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Hi! How're you doing today? Hope you don't mind the reblog, but I really like this topic; and I wanted to add on to it!
8. The Triple Goddess(es): The Triple Goddess is an ancient archetype. Many religions have a triple deity of some sort, but the triple goddesses are generally rulers or foretellers of fate in some manner. They may include the three stages of Life – the Mother, Maiden and Crone who stand in for youth, adulthood and seniority. Norse mythology brings us the Norns, Greek mythology has the Moirai (Fates in Latin), and Irish mythology the Morrigan. A triple goddess is a metaphor that is ageless and resonates with just about any culture.
9. Psychopomps: Psychopomps, from Greek to mean “Guide of Souls”, are deities who guide the dead to the afterlife. Famously, Anubis leads the dead to the afterlife in Egyptian mythology and Charon is ferryman of the dead in Greek myths. Psychopomps may also help the dead accomplish their last deeds, or judge the dead for entry to the afterlife.
10. Primordial Gods: Almost every mythology has at least one primordial god. Some have numerous. Primordial gods exist as the unknowable power that created the world, and came before the more human-like deities that now form the pantheon.
They include Ymir from Norse mythology, Pangu in Chinese mythology, or Chaos in the Greek creation myth. These gods created the universe in some type of creation myth or another. Primordial gods may have some anthropomorphic form, such as the Greek Nyx who dwelt in a physical place, but others may not at all (Gaia is literally the Earth, and Ymir forms the components of universe). Primordial gods may be the literal aspect of concepts such as day and night, darkness and light, chaos and order, time, death, or even the universe itself. Their motives are generally unknowable to mortals.
11. Tutelary Gods:
Tutelary gods are guardians. This broad category generally includes two forms of god, the first being what the Romans called Genius, the personal guardian deities every person possesses. The second type of tutelary deity are the guardians of the world around us, such as river deities, mountain gods, forest gods (In Slavic mythology Leshy is tutelary god of the woods), and even minor tutelary spirits such as the nymphs of specific springs or woods in Greek mythology.
Tutelary gods also include the patrons gods of cities, which just as commonly grew into larger figures when cities prospered. It was not uncommon for what was originally the tutelary god of a city to become an important part of the pantheon, such as Athena and Athens, or Marduk and Babylon.
Anyways; that's all I could think of to add on to this post!! Hope you are all still having a wonderful day!!
Types of 'Gods'
The concept of gods varies across different cultures, mythologies, and belief systems.
Here are some broad categories or types of gods that can be found in various religious and mythological traditions:
Creator Gods: Creator gods are often associated with the creation of the world or universe. They are believed to have brought existence into being and may hold significant power and authority. Examples include Brahma in Hinduism, Atum in Egyptian mythology, and Elohim in certain interpretations of the Judeo-Christian tradition.
Mother Goddesses: Mother goddesses represent fertility, nurturing, and the life-giving aspects of the divine feminine. They are associated with creation, birth, and the cycles of nature. Examples include Isis in Egyptian mythology, Demeter in Greek mythology, and Gaia in ancient Greek cosmogony.
Sky Gods: Sky gods are associated with the heavens, celestial bodies, and the realm of the sky. They often possess powers related to weather, lightning, or cosmic order. Examples include Zeus in Greek mythology, Thor in Norse mythology, and Indra in Hinduism.
War Gods: War gods are associated with warfare, battles, and military prowess. They often embody strength, courage, and strategic abilities. Examples include Ares in Greek mythology, Mars in Roman mythology, and Huitzilopochtli in Aztec mythology.
Wisdom Gods: Wisdom gods are associated with intellect, knowledge, and spiritual insight. They are often revered as divine teachers or possessors of divine wisdom. Examples include Athena in Greek mythology, Thoth in Egyptian mythology, and Saraswati in Hinduism.
Trickster Gods: Trickster gods are mischievous and often unpredictable figures who challenge conventions and bring about change or disruption. They may embody chaos, humor, or transformation. Examples include Loki in Norse mythology, Hermes in Greek mythology, and Anansi in West African folklore.
Love and Beauty Gods: Love and beauty gods embody qualities of love, romance, beauty, and desire. They are often associated with fertility, attraction, and the pursuit of aesthetic pleasure. Examples include Aphrodite in Greek mythology, Venus in Roman mythology, and Freyja in Norse mythology.
These categories are not exhaustive, and there are countless other types of gods and divine beings found in different belief systems. The characteristics and roles of gods can vary greatly, reflecting the unique cultural and religious contexts in which they are worshipped.
{This post is just for educational reasons}
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If you're at all interested in the beginning of this series of posts then I suggest that you check out this post here! This post will be about:
In my last post I said something about the outward/inward planets, right? Well these two are what I define as outward planets.
See, Mercury can be associated with a couple different numbers; I personally associate it with the number 5. And, it's also very commonly associated with communication. I also associate it with skills (natural or acquired), agility, thinking, and learning! The colors may vary from person to person; but I generally associate this planet with pale yellow or gray colors.
Ah, love.. something that's intangibly beautiful. To me, this planet is associated with the number 6; and color wise I usually go with pinks/aquas. The influence that it holds is over things like friendships, emotions, sociability, artistry, values, and luxury.
So, I'm sorry that I hadn't posted anything until now; I'm currently in the process of moving to a different state!
But! I'm also working on another series of posts, which will be on Numerology! Once I post it, I'll try linking everything to where they were first mentioned... Or maybe I'll make one super long post with all the numbers I'm willing to go over.. Haven't decided yet!
I'll do my best to keep you peeps posted! In the meantime, feel free to send me asks and whatnot!! I'd be more than happy to answer those!
Have a lovely day!
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Planetary Associations THE SUN AND MOON
So, like I said in the pinned post; this is going to be a space where I can info dump on topics that weren’t readily available in books/online, what-have-you. And this post fully complies with that. 
Planets. Why might you want to care about them? They’re just so far away, they couldn’t possibly have an effect on you! I mean it’s not like we’re made out of a good amount of water, and the Moon doesn’t have anything to do with the tides… Oh! And, it’s not like we pretty much rely on communication, as a species.. And definitely not speedy communication at that. So what if Mercury is the quickest planet to revolve around the Sun? 
And speaking of, don’t we need the entire Sun for us to even be here right now? 
I hope you understand my point. Planets and magick are sort of intertwined, but you may choose to believe otherwise; go ahead. I’m not stopping you..
Aight. Let’s go then.
The Sun:
Most commonly associated with the number one, gold/yellow type colors; this is technically speaking not a planet, but in a lot of different branches in witchcraft (to name one), we’ve promoted this star to a planet because of its importance to pretty much everything. With that in mind, it's pretty common to associate the Sun with individuality, pride, success, honor, raw energy, outwardly display.
The Moon:
The Moon is the second one that's also not really a planet, it's also associated with the number two. Duality! I personally remember the Moon's associations when I look at it like this:
We see outwards first(the Sun), take in all the information thrown in our sight(all the other "outward" planets), then we'll reflect upon it(the Moon) and act accordingly(the "inward" planets).
I don't know if that'll work for anyone, but I made that. It's mine. But I'm willing to share it with you.
So, back to the Moon. colors commonly associated with the Moon are silver/white type of colors, you could also probably throw in blue as well..
The moon holds influence over our personalities, sensitivities, intuition, desires, cycles, inner/outer peace.. etc.
Yep. I'll tackle the other planets in another post; if you have any questions at all, please let me know. Thanks, have a good day.
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About me & my blog.
Hey, my name is Abaddon; I'm a nineteen year old witch and I don't really put any other labels on my craft other than "witchcraft." So, you're probably going to get a lot of different kinds of stuff.
I've been practicing for a hot minute, but I will never say that I'm an expert on anything simply because that's not true. I've made this spot for witches, beginners or otherwise, to get some pretty neat information that I didn't have a lot of readily available resources on. So if you're into that, why not stay a minute?
My time zone is EST, I live in the US; and my messages are always opened! You can also '@' me in any post if you have a question on it, or just want to share it/boost it! I'm down for that.
I will reiterate, my blog is a safe space! I do not and will not tolerate anyone trying to take the safety of my space away from those who need/want it. If you have beef with pagans; stfu. We do not care; blessed be.
But, to anyone who stayed, feel free to drop a message!!
Have a wonderful day.
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