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Resetting Your Mindset
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  Imagine sitting in the middle of your dimly lit room and removing yourself mentally from the day you just had. Regardless if you had a great day or not, embrace it as it is .In the words of Michelle Obama, “It is what it is.” I don’t wonder why something didn’t happen or what I should’ve have done because that only leaves room for regret and not for new opportunities. I move with the intention  of moving forward with change and dignity. With this post I wanted to enlighten you that you may not have control over everything but what you do have control over is how you react to certain situations. You and I don’t certainly have all the answers. Sorry if you’re hoping for  straight forward answers contrary to  popular belief being negative will not release you from your inner demons.
1.) Reading Up on People Who You Admire.
  By delving into the stories of your favorite people it lifts the curtain and reveals that even the people you thought lived perfect lives have struggles themselves too. Remember no matter how much you idolize someone they’re human too. You shouldn’t feel that just because someone is prettier or richer it doesn’t take away from your accomplishments. Let these stories inspire and motivate you to start a creative project or lead a positive mindset.    
2) Journal Your Thoughts.
 By jotting down your thoughts your embracing all aspects of who you are. What you’re feeling, thinking, and processing is very much valid. Don’t ever feel that your thoughts are secondary to anyone else. It’s important to take care of yourself before helping others. By the way, its not just a saying I’ve seen this time and time again. 
3) Do The Research and Get Inspired.
  What does this mean?! It means if you want to pursue a career in healthcare watch YouTube videos on healthcare positions. How about starting a blog or becoming an entrepreneur, read up on articles and books on starting a business. By just researching what you desire it will light a fire within you to start a creative project. We’re all self made its a matter of how you choose to move forward.
Hope this helps! -V
Photo :Naz
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Oh The Places You’ll Go While Social Distancing
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While the world is slowly reopening, it’s interesting to  see what  each country is doing in order to maintain distancing. Although this is the first step towards slowly moving towards a normal life, there are some people who are still hesitant to adventure out. I don’t blame the people who would rather stay at home than risk it. When  I found out  that drive-in’s were coming back I was so excited. While Sonic has already adapted the drive-in before the pandemic, drive-ins are the  most clever way to maintain social distancing while also being outside of the house. Unfortunately, if you were born in the 90’s like me you probably have never experienced drive-in dining and movies. The only drive-in  movie I’ve seen was from the movie,Grease and The Killers’s music video for Bones. So if you’re obsessed with the 1950’s aesthetic then get excited.
1  Drive in Churches
Yes you heard that correctly, driving in to hear a sermon.  Regardless  if you attend church or don’t follow a religion, this is  fairly new in terms of a new way to conduct religious services. Apparently, some churches, I believe in Ohio have utilized this method in order to safely give citizens  a safe place to worship. I actually think this is a  clever idea tell me what you think
2  Drive-In restaurants  and Car Hop Service
 The concept of drive-in dining is common especially now but some restaurants are bringing back nostalgia through their dining services. Bob’s Big Boy Diner and Mel’s Diner located in Los Angeles,California are advertising  carhop service in which the waiters serve your food to your car.
3  Drive-In Theaters
When I think of drive -in theaters I think of rows of cars facing one huge screen, and romantic dates. I know that sounds corny but drive-in theaters have always been associated with those quintessential 1950’s pastimes. It was actually one thing of the fifties that I wished was common until now.  Drive-in theaters are needed more than ever in order to get an audience to watch new films that are premiering. Paramount Drive-In Theatre in Los Angeles is one of many theaters that is open to the public. Similar to the normal theaters ,there will be  the classic movie snakes being sold. The sound of the movie will be transmitted through  FM radio so every car can hear the movie through the speakers in their car.
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What MTV’s The Hills Taught Me About Being a Career Woman
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The most interesting career advice can come from the most oddest places even from a  reality show. Yes, regardless of what you consider legitimate advice may I mention some of the people on this show have catapulted into CEO’s in their own right and have built successful businesses. Lauren Conrad, Lo Bosworth, Audrina Partrige, Kristen Cavalleri, Whitney Port and Emily Weiss all have built businesses that have expanded their brands separate from their Hills persona. I have used their advice from time to time on previous job interviews and internships.
1) Work and Learn
The first step to getting where you want to be in life is observing the people that have the job you desire. Take advantage of your resources, take a class, build on your connections, these are just the stepping stones to getting to that ultimate goal. Regardless if the job that you currently have is the furthest from what you actually  want to do, take it because one why or another the work ethic and determination will separate you from other people. Every job has something to teach its a matter of  how much work you are willing to put in to your benefit. Lauren Conrad attended Fashion Institute of Design and Emily Weiss attended New York University. These women attended college, did internships, and took on jobs before becoming entrepreneurs and CEOs.So take every opportunity you get as a  learning experience.
2)“ Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.”
I know you have heard this time and time again that persistence and determination can lead to magical things. But have you really looked at yourself in the mirror and faced your lowest low. While The Hill’s may not showcase their characters lowest of lows, it happens to the best of us. A business is  not successful overnight. Don’t ever feel that you have not gotten to where you want to be at a certain age, its just an illusion. Your success comes when you put in the effort and in divine timing.
  3) Be Humble
 No matter how much success you get, remember how you felt when you started. Think to a time when you first conjured up your million dollar idea. Do you feel you  are getting closer to that ultimate goal? During your journey to becoming, its okay to lose track and derail from your goals. You’re past mistakes are what mold you into who you want to be in the future. So embrace the uncertainty and lows because little do you know your opportunity is around the corner.
Thanks, V
credit:Spin 1038
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The Relationship with Yourself
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 When you think back to when you were younger, you probably had feelings of hesitance, happiness, confusion, and sadness. You probably resonated with these Taylor Swift lyrics, “ happy, free,confused, and lonely at the same time.” The combination of feelings believe it or not is a good thing. It means your on the right path to getting where you want to be in life. Society has conditioned us to fake it til you make it or acting as if you know what you’re doing in every task. It’s ok to not know what your doing or where you’re heading. By putting this certain emotional weight over yourself you’re only distracting yourself from your fullest potential.
  If you’ve read  The Happiness Equation which is an amazing book. I highly suggest reading it. The author compiles a list of all of his thoughts before getting out of bed. Every aspect of your life is a decision that you have to make and  the result afterwards. Your thoughts and the decisions you make is a tug of war within yourself.  You are the person that makes the next move and  the  motivation behind  the decisions. The concept that really interested me in this book is the “ ikigai”, it’s a  Japanese term defined as  a reason for being. The decisions that you have made at this moment, have they led to your purpose?
  When I was first introduced to the concept of the ikigai it was the missing piece of finding purpose. Every morning remind yourself of why you are pursuing a goal or why you chose the career you are in. By asking yourself  this question it reevaluates what you want to accomplish. It uncovers your interests that have been kept  hidden for so long. You’ll be surprised what you’ve kept from yourself.
credit: thechicflaneuse
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Selfcare During Quarantine
Hi friends, I hope you guys are handling everything with calm and grace. If not ,hopefully this  will help. Mental health has been a common topic especially during the pandemic. Whether you feel stressed or not its always crucial to do a mental health check with yourself and for others in your life. With the huge elephant in the room, it can be difficult to not talk  about it ,let alone think about it.
First, take your vitamins and get a good night sleep.
Everyone has heard these tips time and time again but its so true. By having a balanced body inside and out, you are more than capable to get through the day. Therefore, getting those 7- 10 hours of sleep is crucial, sleeping can build up your immunity. So don’t skip out on getting less than adequate sleep. Trust me its  not a good feeling when you have to start your morning early and you feel exhausted. So put down the phone before bed. 
Second,  Meditation and Self Help Books
These two things are so helpful. Regardless of whatever is going on in my environment, I always make sure to include meditation somewhere in my day. Whether it be  breathing exercises for 3 seconds or picking a 10 minutes meditation on youtube. Try incorporating meditation, it will make a world of difference. As for books, when was the last time you picked up a book? Simply reading can help immensely with your state of mind. Self help books have been a staple as well in staying calm and centered.  You’ll start to realize a shift in your mindset.
Third, limit your exposure to the news outlets.
I get it you want to be always on top of the coverage but do you realize what it’s doing to your subconscious.  While you might think it’s good to be aware, its actually counter intuitive. While in  actuality, it’s gradually increasing the fear within you. When your out and about try to drown out the news and conversations. If you start to get anxious take 3 deep breaths. Another tip would be  to have a time when you stop watching anything on the news like say by 5pm, anything after this time catch up on your favorite show, read, or just relax with glass of wine. The key is to not be too fixated with what you hear on the news because being overwhelmed is not going to solve anything.
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Is productivity necessary while in quarantine?
Some say that if we are not gaining a new skill or starting our side hustle, Are we really doing ourselves justice? What is really a good use of our time? While it is a blessing to even have free time in the first place, what ever happened to learning for the sake of learning?  When was the last time you read a book, learned a new language, or observed the nature around you. The cliche of not being able to take a good look at your surroundings is more true than ever. It’s like  the universe is sending us to our homes to think about what we’ve done. Think back to the time when you regretted not starting something because you simply did not have the time and literally watching your dream manifest in other individuals. The worst of all  feeling the guilt of not doing enough to get to the next level of your career.
Being productive is subjective. Productivity can be doing nothing and just being. Or finally reading that book on your shelf that you bought months ago. The real answer is its up to you how you make use of your time and energy. For along time we have been living in hustle mode non stop and the universe has finally given us the time to just be. In the past month, I read two books and separated my clothes to be later donated. It’s a matter of perspective, would you rather worry or make lemonade out of your situation. You can take that literally if you want  to as well.
While  the world may be uncertain, what doesn’t go away is the drive to succeed, birthdays, learning, laughing, talking, communication. It’s okay to one day not have the motivation to work from home but what is not okay is choosing for your negative mindset to take over. It’s okay to talk to someone and share why our current state is the way it is. So laugh more and be the best you can be because that is being productive. If anything, it’s what makes us human.
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Lessons from The Bold Type
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If your the kind of girl who binge watches The Bold Type while consuming a pint of ice cream, then I have so much respect for you. Its pretty clear that The Bold Type is an amazing show with girl power, feminism, comedy, and the fashion Is impeccable. Also not to mention the iconic subway scene of Kat, Sutton, Jane releasing their suppressed anger. As well as Spirits by The Strumbellas perfectly playing in the background of the scene. Regardless of the lifestyle these ladies live, its the lessons along the way that are threaded through each episode.
1. Not everything is all champagne and roses
I realized from watching The Bold Type not to assume everyone is living the perfect hipster lifestyle. It's okay to not know what your doing next. When Katie Steven’s character, Jane is fired from her job and is in the difficult  spot of unemployment, It brought to light that every moment  doesn’t always have to be your highest point. I love that the writers highlighted Jane’s unemployment especially in this societal climate in which everyone weighs heavily on being “busy” and constantly hustling to get to the next project.
2. “I’m Nora Ephron, bitch.”
Jane, Sutton, and Kat should be the template for genuine friendships. A trend though out all the episodes is that regardless of what may happen surrounding yourself with people who are nonjudgmental and  supportive  can make a world of difference. Jane and Sutton supporting Kat’s sexuality is a prime example. As well as Jane and Kat willing to help Sutton while she transitioned into a new career venture really shows that friendship conquers all.
3 “ I’m putting my money down on my career.”
When Sutton decided to choose to build up her career than be with Richard, I think its an example every girl should ponder about once and awhile. While having an amazing love life and career are top priorities on most life checklists, It doesn’t mean we should be hard on ourselves for not having these things. With everything in life, everything takes time. The solution to everything  is not a guy but focusing on you. 
In the wise words of Jacqueline Carlyle , “… Unleash holy hell on anybody who tries to hold you back.” I love this quote. The magical potion that you've been waiting for is to simply be.
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What kind of person do you want to be?
I'm sure every young person growing up has been asked this question a thousand times. Ok maybe I'm over exaggerating, but it sure feels that way. For every time this question gets asked, its like a ticking clock counting down to find my life purpose.  As a child you were dreaming of one day doing all the things you wanted to do when you're older and bam now you're at that age. Honestly, whatever you make of it, life is full of surprises. Your thoughts are previews of what will manifest into your reality.
There is not a day goes by, that I ask am I making my younger self proud? The thing is happiness is all subjective. We all have our wildest dreams that we all have dreamt up  ever since we were young children. Although it may not be exactly how we pictured it when we get older,you are a step closer then you were yesterday and the day before that. As I am sitting at my desk and I am typing this, I realized that the things that we fantasize are not just dreams. They are perfectly curated thoughts that can be manifested only if you believe it.
The words that fill up the pages of your diaries are no longer what could be's but magical occurrences waiting to manifest. So don't take your dreams for granted because maybe its not as crazy and far fetched as what most people or you may assume. I personally ponder this everyday, what is reality when technically we can make our own.
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“the goal is to be a little more in love with yourself than you were yesterday.”
— iambrillyant
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Hang in there, kid!
"Trust that some of the best days of your life haven't even happened yet."- Bianca Sparacino
It’s so true in the moment that embarrassing moment in front of your crush or running into a glass door may seem like a disaster but its really not. The simple intention of waking up in the moment with the feeling of " Something wonderful is going to happen today." The simple statement can cause a wave of events that can lead to monumental moments. When I came upon this quote, it galvanized a sense of endless possibilities. Being that I am in my twenties, I have this sudden urge to travel everywhere and do everything in the hopes that it could lead to memories that could be cemented into my brain forever. Though that doesn’t mean I experience FOMO once and while because that's normal. It means that I still believe that I'm worth experiencing what I want to experience.
Maybe I watch too many rom coms but hear me out. Sometimes watching romantic comedies and looking forward to those morning sunrises are what keeps me going. The ups and downs are blessings because not long after is a rainbow. A positive moment that makes you more grateful than before. So the dreams that you keep in file drawers of your brain and clothes that you save for special occasions at the back of your closet, are those things worth wasting! Although, the uncertainty may cause wars in your mind, know that the mystery is what keeps life interesting.  Just another food for thought!
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What is your definition of Happiness?
Being in my twenties, I've learned to not only work hard but look past any insecurities of that may have bothered me before. What is exactly the pursuit of happiness really?! I can tell you this its what your parents assume who your supposed to be and what you can find on pop culture. A persons' happiness can't be pre- determined and played out like the game of life: the white picket fence, two-story house, 2 kids.
Being a millennial has opened my eyes to new possibilities that not even the baby boomers can ever think possible. The other day, a middle aged man who happened to being fixing elevators at my college, made a comment on how millennials "needed help" and " that our generation is lost cause". It got me thinking why is he generalizing a whole generation. Millennials are not all negative stereotypes. We are not just a product of what culture but at the core of  our identities are our own morals, desires, and ambitions.
Due to societal pressures, its easy to fall in the trappings of stability surely because of the security it may provide and not looking into the possibilities. Maybe the unknown can just be the a-ha moment that you've been waiting for. It's ok to want security but is it worth not even trying for what you truly want and suppressing  your true self. Your truest self is in the alternate universe, when is that person going to cross over into this universe.
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