Is there a remarkable relation between the vibrations and energy?
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 This person is actually making me Uncomfortable
 Really don’t feel comfortable in this place
Is it actually about the person or the place? Is it about that?
We would agree on one simple fact. Certainly, this has nothing to do with the Person or the place? Then, what is this about?
It is that somehow even without thinking we get the feeling around a person or a place. But, how and why? Shall we say that this has to do something about the Vibrations of the person/place!
Creating Vibrations or Environment is it actually possible?
The only way we may answer that is to take examples of what is happening in the real or the physical world. Agreed! Shall discuss two environments, the vibrations in a Mall / Shopping center vs. pub/night life joint. The difference being that at one place the vibrations we get are Slow and Steady. And at another place it is designed for the faster the better.
The environment / Vibrations and energy at commercial outlets
At a Mall/ Shopping Center, the only flavor of vibration / environment created is Slow and steady. How? They would without fail have the following:
More lighting than that is actually required.
Music playing both at very low volume and something among the Slow and Steady pace.
What is the intent behind creating such environment?
The vibrations and thereby the energy of the mall is designed to slow down your pace. The result is that the slower movement makes you explore more. Hence, you see more merchandise. Thereby, filling your shopping cart further.
Therefore, the energy here gives you the vibration to slow down your speed. Meaning that the total sale of the store increases. Why do think the size of the shopping carts is increasing by the day? To urge you to fill it up with the merchandise at the store.
Diametrically opposite vibration / environment is created at a pub or the outlets for the nightlife. How? They would without fail have the following:
Lighting would be the dimmest possible.
Music would always be playing at a high volume. Moreover, the music would be upbeat and peppy
What is the intent?
The vibrations and thereby the energy is designed to pep you up urging you to dance or move your body. The reason is very simple, burn your calories. The more you exert yourselves hungrier and the thirsty you feel. And for the outlet this converts into more sales. After all, you would surely order something to take care of your thirst. And would surely order those mouthwatering snacks from the snack bar.
The environment / vibrations and energy The examples in the previous section certainly illustrate the connection between the environment / vibrations and the energy. Moreover, how the commercial outlets use the environment to create energy vibrations to boost their sales. Similarly, we may safely say that the like or dislike is based upon the energy vibrations we get from a person or place. After all haven’t it been said since ages mind over matter. Therefore, we may summarize that there is definitely a remarkable relation between the vibrations and energy.
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The churning Cycle of Life demystified!
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The human race is blessed with the maximum intelligence amongst the living beings on earth. Thereby, our ability for an evolved thinking. However, this gift is a two-edged sword in the true sense of the world. It helps the race to progress, communicate and undertake wise worldly decisions. But many times thinking is also a tool using which we create challenges for ourselves.
This calls for equipping ourselves with ways and means to ensure that we are able to guard ourselves. How can we devise them? As often said, the power resides in knowing. Thereby, firstly it is important to understand the working of the life process OR, The cycle of Life.
Haven’t we all heard Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. In essence whichever way we think defines how we perceive. Or, in other words, our outlook is all but a sum total of our perception.
As an example, we may also say that perception is a colored goggle we wear.
Moreover, we look at the world in the color of our goggles.
What constitutes our perception shall be dealt with separately when we analyze perception in detail. Nevertheless, in brief we may say that our perception is a result of our life experiences, in general.
Perception or the color of our goggle results in how we feel about the world.
Feelings rule the entire viewpoint. We may as well understand feelings as the filter through which we process every input.
The filter of the feelings defines our entire personality. In summary, we are what our feelings make us. No more, no less!
Object Focus:
Object of desire is a phrase used in multiple contexts. Ironically, our feelings lead to objectification of almost everything. This objectification may be for actual physical objects or people or even emotions.
This fixation leads us towards creating targets. It may be seeking love or happiness or particular material things.
The Object Focus or Objectification creates Illusions in our conscious mind. Or, shall we say that the conscious mind becomes completely obsessed with the objects. This leads the sub-conscious mind to create illusions. Thus we become prisoners in our own illusionary world.
The illusions lead us towards creating Dreams. And off we go on a wild goose chase hunting for our dreams. Dreams may be for an achievable physical object. Or, occasionally they may be even for non-physical objects.
To achieve our dreams, we indulge in activities. This becomes an endless rat race Wherein, we are rushing and running day-in day-out. Towards what end?
We neither realize nor stop to reason.
The activities result in shaping our Karma. Karma is perceived as a spiritual phenomenon. However, it is nothing but a simple equation of Cause and effect. The saying You shall reap what you sow completely define karma.
One may argue that there are multiple external factors influencing the karma. Moreover, they might not be in my control. Nevertheless, isn’t how we shape our life is in our own hands?
Newtons law states Every action has equal and opposite reaction. Might seem like a lesson from a physics book. Nonetheless, this simple sentence is applicable in all the spheres of life. Every action has a consequence.
Consequence is the reality from which no one can escape. What can we do? As consequence is a byproduct of karma. Thereby, we can control it by watching our Karm or Actions.
Consequence always leads to framing of our judgement. Or, in other words, we become judgmental. Evaluating everything, including people and circumstances, through the lenses of our judgement.
Hence comes the critical thinking and we remain a slave of our judgmental self. Instead of understanding and evaluating with an open mind. We look at everything as either Black or White. Alternatively, it can be summarized that we get blinded and bound by our judgmental behavior.
Hence this cycle continues forever. Wherein, the Judgement again gives the fuel to our perception.
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What is cosmic energy and it’s balancing?
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Ever thought about the commonly used phrase, feel Drained Out?
Shall we say, the important part here is We use this phrase At Least once a Day.
Therein lays a basic question. Drained out of WHAT?
Has someone drained the Blood out of our Veins? Certainly, not!
Are we suffering from a certain episode of dehydration, say, Dysentery?
Definitely No!
Then, what is it? Is there actually an answer to the phrase, feel Drained Out?
May we say that it’s the Life Force we feel drained out of Or, simply presented it is the ENERGY?
We feel devoid of the energy whenever we say DRAINED.
The Reasons we Offer for feeling Drained out:
Consider a classical scenario! Time to attend the office; we invest time in selecting the appropriate attire for the day, methodically ironed and almost heading out to the office. Wearing the best perfume, Alas! A stomachache somehow springs up every morning. Is it a standard for the entirety of our office population? Or, we are the unique one?
Anyways, we all recognize that this is a pattern. It only happens whenever we head out to our office. The examples may be numerous in this context. Say, going to a particular market OR a Relatives place upsets you OR numerous other challenges.
The mention of relatives invoked another memory of a quote that was printed on the back of a Matchbox. Truly LOL! However, felt that might be true if we replace the word relative with friend/associate/ WHATEVER.
The quote read Success is relative, more the success you have, more the RELATIVES you have.
Is there a reason for this?
Absolutely, we feel drained out as THAT thought or the moment or the emotion drains out the energies. Guess, we are on the same page of the book on this? Correct?
Albert Einstein is famed to be the person who used the maximum capability of the human brain in the history of mankind. Moreover, his theory states that energy and mass are interchangeable. In essence energy is mass and mass is energy! Medically inclined shall argue that the fatigue may also be owing to the lactic acid. Agreed, a certain portion of it may be attributed to that. However, the majority of the fatigue is clinically proven to be because of our mind and thoughts.
Is there a solution?
No and Yes! We agree this is a smart way to answer this tricky question. That said, let’s explore the fundamentals.
First-thing-First, why THAT Big NO? Because, No one can EVER (never ever) help us, if we are not READY to help OURSELVES.
However, once the NO part is established and understood, there certainly exists a direction for all of us to follow. Remember, it is already stated that No one can EVER (never ever) help us, if we are not READY to help OURSELVES.
Solution What Solution?
This shall begin with the scientifically proven fact that the humans generally use 2-3 percent of their brain!? Surely! Oh, Yes! The popular term for the remaining part is the Subconscious Brain, the direction mentioned at the beginning, positively, originates from that 98% of our brains.
Does the solution lie in TRYING to understand and moreover attaining powers to train the subconscious mind? Shall we even try our skills on this quest? Why?
Remember, we agreed on one fact, we are only able to utilize minuscule part of what we already have in terms of Brain.
Guidance is available and at your disposal
We are living (and kicking) certifications towards the efficacy. However, quicker results are accomplished, if we do not apply our programmed questioning for everything.
Be assured, we are not pointing towards a guided Mumbo-Jumbo Meditation, herein.
Hell No! There are enough SHOPS out there doing that, already. It is as simple as starting with learning to breath.
Bets On! You though this is another one of those (despicable) WELLNESS joint?
Or, another yoga exercise program. Good News, you lose at the outset. Do we win? Nada!
The Experience:
Explore the pleasures that hundreds have experienced through joining this SELF exploration. The answer lies in understanding two fundamental medical facts:
The brain controls the bodily functions. However, oxygen is the fuel that powers the brain.
The human body is constituted with more than 60% of water.
First and foremost, this experience revolves around learning to breathe.
Actually? Oh, positively Yes! Prepare yourself for witnessing the shocking reality that your lungs deserve more oxygen. Consequently, imagine the state of the brain when it is fueled with ample amount of oxygen.
The brain is unarguably the focal point for thought’s and thereby the energy.
Once the conscious part of the brain is charged with oxygen, it opens the doorway to energizing the sub-conscious mind. Once you begin the journey into the sub-conscious, the flood gates open towards activating the energy centers of the body, the chakras and the kundalini. Hence, the end-result is the realization about the Cosmic Energy and ways to balance it.
And the water is as essential as oxygen. Once we have mastered the energy balancing, be assured that the thirst would produce itself. Consequently, the detoxification aided by the increased intake of water is absolutely complimentary.
The key takeaways (medically) for you are increased oxygen levels and water intake. Shall we categorically highlight the point that this paves the way towards increased and balanced energy levels? This in turn is guaranteed to lead towards a happier state-of-mind.
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What is the fear called dejection and loneliness?
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Emotions rule every living being! However, human beings possess the maximum intelligence amongst living beings on Earth. Thereby, the maximum power of thinking and the maximum emotions.
Do these words point us towards a direction? Yes!
Emotions can be limiting; however, they may be liberating. A feeling of love can elevate our mood; hatred on the other hand can make us sad. Moreover, the emotion that, arguably, would claim the top of this heap is the emotion of FEAR of rejection or not getting Appreciation.
This leads us towards feeling Dejected. The end result, we feel lonely and think that no one understands me.
Consider this fact that the social media is the dark reality of current times.
Why dark? Even despite the availability of numerous options to increase the number of friends, followers, etc. We still feel left-out.
Should we even feel dejected or lonely when we are continuously interacting with multiple people? The worst-case scenario can present itself in this situation.
To lessen our loneliness, we may indulge in activities which may lead of mental and physical abuse.
What is fear?
Dictionary might claim that it is an emotion which might owe its reason to Real or Imaginary triggers. This dictionary definition shall rest at its place in peace.
The one who undergoes this emotion understands that IT IS REAL.
Moreover, arguably, one may claim that every emotion has a fear as its root cause. Say, the emotion of Shyness, isn’t it a fear of facing others? The fear arising from the belief that we are incapable or insufficient? Shyness may be in the form of shying away from speaking or visiting public places etc.
Overcome your fear(s)
The key mantra behind this is, Face the fear and it no more remains a Fear. And no! We are not hinting towards a counselling session of any sorts.
Wherein, you comfortably sit on a couch to listen to the meaningless words of a counsellor, days-in and days-out.
Dictated by this mantra, we devised a workshop wherein you are exposed to a methodical and executable guide to assist you in overcoming your fears.
How is that possible?
Certainly, we agree that every Individual is unique. Therefore, the reason that acts as a trigger (for the fear of dejection and hence loneliness) is also unique.
However, the workshop is aimed at aiding you to identify the root cause of your own fear of dejection. As an example, what you may perceive as suicidal tendencies may have the abuse you have underwent as the root cause.
After all, isn’t fear just an emotion! However, under the guidance of experts who understand the gravity of the word dejection. Moreover, they also are emphatic that it is an uphill task. Shouldn’t you also be able to accomplish the task Overcome your fear? Become a free soul and live your life in abundance. Shun that feeling of feeling lonely, worthless, and stop abusing your soul. You certainly can achieve numerous splendid milestones.
Is it for me?
We are sure (similar to our thoughts) you might be assuming, certain people are born that way. Be assured that you would be surprised at the statistics of how many people are affected by this curse of dejection. Yes, you guessed it right we guide you through this journey of liberation from fear of dejection by guiding you to find the root cause/thought behind the fear. Positively it is taking one step at a time.
Agreed, there are no Silver Bullets in life. Nevertheless, it is also stated that Nothing explored, nothing learnt.
Join this mission in proving the mantra After all fear is just an emotion.
And we together can overcome it and present to the world our real persona. That is one possible if you are ready to face your inner self. That’s precisely what our proven process would guide you through.
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What is Meditation and its true benefits?
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Mention the word Meditation, the mind produces an image of a person sitting in an asana.
Rhythmic chanting of some mantra or in other words, repeating a particular set of words, continuously.
Agreed, that it is one form of meditation. Simply one form of meditation. However, meditation as a process and experience is way-beyond this stereotype image your mind is programmed to believe!
Then, what truly is meditation?
In a single word, it translates into Awareness. Herein, we are not pointing exclusively towards the direction of certain paranormal, psychic, universal, spiritual awareness, etc. However, these are phenomenon which one indulges into after mastering the basics.
Thereby, shall we conclude that in basic terms Meditation simply means Awareness? By all means, it does!
Awareness about WHAT!?
Positively the correct question, Awareness about WHAT!?
The Answer surprisingly, is once again very simple about Everything, Anything, Or, (possibly) Nothing. Be assured the word order is absolutely intentional.
Modern day living’s key mantra resides in being aware of Everything. The stock markets, the social platforms, the news, the celebrities, etc. Add to that the adage Know something about everything, but do know everything about something. Yes, correctly identified the last sentence was positively pointing towards the maestros in a certain Area of Expertise.
However, the last but-not-the-least word NOTHING is what ultimately every meditator wishes to achieve. Notice the fact that word choice herein might have been aims to achieve. However, the words read wishes to achieve. We shall reason why this question was specifically posed for the word (choice) nothing? Because, nothing-ness is the sure-shot superhighway to Awareness and results into Spiritual wisdom.
Nothing-ness – How to achieve that?
In corporate or every other environment, we witness the phrase, Get Lost!
To experience nothing-ness, POSITIVELY Get Lost!  By no standards-of-the world we shall Get Lost. However, therein lies meditation as well. How?
Get Lost for a moment on the path you are walking upon.
Get Lost and take a moment to let THAT grass touch your feet that you are destroying with your shoes. That’s a living being and we kill it with our shoes. Allergy? That may be a different issue, but then DO THINK nature is the provider. Why shall it hurt you?
Get Lost for a moment close your eyes and become a part of the chirping of the birds. However, word of caution, kindly Only-and-Only Chirp if you have the voice chords that are Musical.
And numerous more examples where we all shall Get Lost is agreed, however how it even justifies the title?
Awareness is equivalent to meditation, is what was discussed herein. Answer lies in getting lost into THE MOMENT. And, be assured that is meditation.
No offence to the electronic devices. Remember, the TV is called an Idiot Box. Remember, today the smartphone is a phone, a camera, a TV, etc. all rolled-into-one. Think! What shall the smartphone be termed as?
The tile reads benefits of meditation. Nonetheless, that herein is equated with awareness.
Get Lost be AWARE and you are Meditating!
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Are there any Positive reasons for being Judgmental?
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We all had read Civics in our school, Certainly, Yes? However, boring it was but it was a part of the curriculum, so we had to study that.
Nevertheless, we all do remember the definition of the civilized world stated therein, Police arrests, the court-of-law judges, and the jails Punish.
Haven’t we all have simply discarded that definition, How?
By becoming the definition in the Civics books all-rolled-into ONE. Arrest, Judge, and moreover Punish as well!
However, the question is, are we punishing the World, or, Ourselves?
Certainly, the answer we would give will be on the lines of Why would I punish myself? Are we certain of this answer? Are we?
If it is the world that we are punishing if that is the answer. Then why are we filled with Anger, Hate, Fear, etc.?
Having punished the world, should we feel any of these negative, self-abusing, emotions? Think!?
Where does the answer lie?
The answer to the question MAY, just may, lie in a simple question:
– Why do we always have to JUDGE everybody?
Answer, to this apparently simple question may be 1000 or more words long.
However, if the challenge was to produce an answer in a few words, what those words shall be? Those few words, not probably but definitely would be, Fear to face ourselves. And that certainly the most prevalent fear in the world.
For our own sake let us not even consider, dressing in front of the mirror as FACING ourselves. That is merely facing the FACE. It is coming face-to-face with one essential FACT; let’s face the reality of our OWN LIFE.
Is there a reason behind this (fear)?
Absolutely, does anything ever happen without a reason?
Now what is the reason behind this? Our PERCEPTION! Which Perception?
Simply, elaborated, the thought can only be RIGHT, if others are WRONG!  In other words, Others have to be WRONG, for me to be Right. What variety of thoughts are we letting make home in our mind?
A joke as an Answer
A joke comes to mind. Shall we indulge? Anyways, the joke goes like There was a Scientist who collected worms. And had a collection spanning millions of square footage in the area. Full of the worms from every corner of the World. And each container had an air tight lid.
However, there was one container just one which did not have a lid. An explorer asked the scientist, why is container without a lid?
The scientist duly answered after thanking the explorer for an obvious question.
These worms are the worms representing the Modern day living.
Explorer was really irritated by this answer. However, being a patient person, the explorer asked, what does that mean?
A very simple answer of the scientist baffled the explorer.
The Scientists answer:
The scientist merely said, I am not really bothered about these Modern-Day worms running out of my collection.
Again, the explorer was unable to understand this Philosophical answer. So, the question was posed once again!
The answer was more than simple, these are Modern Day or the worms consumed by Modern Living. Whenever anyone of them deserves to go UP, there would be millions pulling IT down.
Do we want to be a mere worm?
We use these words because our PERCEPTION is, everyone is the same and hellbent upon HURTING me.
Think, Think, Think! Repeated Intentionally!
Are you that important for everyone? That they shall focus all their energies on YOU. Certainly NOT!
Is that a healthy way of thinking?
Shouldn’t we first look at ourselves and our MISTAKES? And realize that we are pasting our own distorted vision on the entire world.
Make yourself IMPORTANT for yourself. Then nothing else matters.
As an end note, borrowing words from Shakespeare.
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How to confirm the experience of a Spiritual Emotion?
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An extremely strong emotion is often mistaken for spiritual emotion. Especially, when such an emotion surface in a spiritual setting. There are typical environments when a person is in the throes of emotion. The emotions would certainly overtake us whenever we are in a place of worship. Moreover, they get amplified in the presence of a Spiritual Master (Guru), with whom we may have a psychological attachment or connection.
Way to confirm whether we are experiencing a Spiritual Emotion
How can we arrive at a conclusion whether we are experiencing merely emotions or spiritual emotion?
It can be confirmed through the medium of active Sixth Sense or Extrasensory Perception.
We can verify to certain extent at an intellectual level, whether we are experiencing merely an emotion or a spiritual experience by checking the following criteria:
Reduction in Ego or I ness:
There will be a marked reduction in our ego when one is in the state of spiritual emotion or experience. Therefore, our ego manifestations can be checked as an aid towards deciding, whether we are experiencing a spiritual emotion or plainly an emotion.
For e.g. we may have an ego about the state of spiritual emotion itself while we are going through the experience. Moreover, the ego may surface at a later date, if the spiritual emotion is not sustained.
Reduction in consciousness about our surroundings and body:
One can identify varying degrees with the huge I during a state of spiritual emotions as one will lose consciousness. No, this sentence doesn’t mean we become unconscious or arrive at a state similar to that. The extremely appropriate statement to describe this feeling or experience is Trance. We feel as if we are in a Trance! Wherein, we may even forget the surrounding, the environment, people around us, etc.
Therefore, when the spiritual emotion is awakened it may be manifested in any form of the eightfold manifestation such as tears of Bliss, etc. or one doesn’t feel self-conscious. This can be even proved when for a shy person and their spiritual emotion awakens in the presence of strangers. And the person is no more shy or conscious of the surroundings.
Several suggestions for awakening and experiencing Spiritual Experience
Never get carried away by a powerful emotion. Keep the emotions in check by following a simple principle. Stop and think before you act or speak. As a practical implementation, the reverse counting from Ten to One shall without fail come to your aid and rescue.
Indulge yourself in activities that make you happy and stay focused on the positive factors. In other words, protect yourself from negative situations, environments, people, etc.
Always avoid alcohol, drugs, or any other form of substance abuse. Ok, we may furnish the argument that even these are known to induce a state of trance. However, remember a simple fact that the trance induced by them is a chemically induced trance. Whereas, the trance we mentioned is a state of elevation of the consciousness.
Remember any form of substance abuse induces a state of stupor or senselessness. The trance we achieve from spiritual experience is a state of bliss. Wherein, we are in Control and lose Control Both at the same time or simultaneously.
Regular exercise, yoga, pranayama, and meditation shall contribute towards achieving inner silence and peace. Hence, you generate the feeling of balance in yourself. This balance induced by the spiritual experience ensures that you remain Charged!
As the end note, we may summaries that invoking spiritual emotions contribute towards enhancing your Life Force. Moreover, the spiritual wisdom gained in the process tremendously improves the quality-of-life. And you feel Alive and Lively!
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What is the Truth behind the reason why we question?
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Herein, we are referring to every sentence beginning with words belonging to the category – Why, How, Where, etc. Ever wondered how often we use these words at the beginning of a sentence? Probably not! And more so Why Bother? A word of advice and that too absolutely complimentary. We shall, we certainly shall! Worry not! You are no Different and be duly assured that all of us are similar in this particular aspect. However, the question to pose herein is where are those sentences (starting with the mentioned words) directed?
Inwards or Outwards
We all would agree on the simple fact that all of these questions are always directed outwards? Outwards?
Outwards Some Examples
Why am I paying Income Tax on my hard-earned money?
Why am I dealing with THIS person?
Why am I in this situation?
The list might be endless. Let’s reverse these questions.
Reversed The questions with the I removed
Paying Income Tax to contribute to the growth of MY country?
Find ways towards how to deal with THIS person?
Situation? What Situation? This shall also pass, as no condition is permanent. Time and Tide never wait for anybody. Agreed! However, it is their basic nature that they pass.
However, the question QUESTIONS was about Outward OR Inward
What do those words Outward or Inward suggest?
Oversimplified SIMPLY OVERSIMPLIFIED the questions posed at the start signify that we Question the entire world. In essence, every situation, event, person, etc. Hence, our questions are habitually directed towards the world which is Outside of our Inner Self.
What shall we indulge in instead?
Shall we pose the questions Inwards? The ONLY person we shall ask questions is One Person, We ourselves.
Why shall we indulge in asking questions directed at ourselves?
This shall guide us on the journey to knowing Ourselves! Moreover, when we question ourselves on various aspects of our behavior, thoughts, actions, beliefs, etc. We begin our journey towards self-exploration which shall result in a Spiritual or Cosmic Wisdom.
This, in turn, is a definitive method towards cleansing ourselves of the meaningless dead-weight or additional baggage we carry with us. Hence, you set foot on the path towards liberation and being a free spirit. Be assured the questions we ask ourselves shall by-no-means be the tools for self-pity or beating ourselves up. But they are means to get clarity on ourselves. Moreover, in the process, you enhance your life force by gradually removing any negativity in ourselves. Thereby, increasing our Self-Belief.
Convert Self-Doubt into Self-Belief.
Our questions that are directed outward, arguably, are a result of self-doubt. Reason?
We may call it an Ostrich-Approach wherein upon receiving a threat the Ostrich hides its face in the sand. Thereby, thinking that if I can’t see the threat or an enemy, the enemy also can’t see me. So, in essence, we are running away from the reality by posing questions outward. As a result, we continuously add up layers-upon-layers of self-doubt.
On the contrary, when we start posing questions inwardly, gradually the mist or the fog clouding our judgement clears. Hence, originates the clarity about who we truly are?
We learn to identify the triggers that are the seeds of self-doubt. Once we are aware of the triggers, we shall learn to devise ways-and-means to nip these trouble indicators as soon as they appear. With this wisdom, we progressively remove the root causes of self-doubt.
Having cut-down on the self-doubt, we automatically increase the self-belief.
Merely a function of mathematics! Henceforth, arises the positivity and the ever-increasing self-belief. We shall feel as if chains are removed from our persona.
And Boy! Do we feel alive, elated, and blissful!
Explore yourself to attain eternal bliss and the path to glory. Let the journey begin, this particular moment!
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Is there a positive argument favoring a criticizer?
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The word criticism – isn’t it always associated with negativity?
Whenever this word is used doesn’t our brain automatically creates the image of a person who is badgering us? Is that the truth, or, are we escaping from reality? Allow us to state that this is merely one side of the coin!
What could be the other angle to consider regarding a criticizer?
Consider the situation in reverse. What if the criticizer has noble intentions and is trying to point us toward personal improvement?
Advice from a mystic poet and saint
Kabir, the 15th Century Indian poet and saint, in one of his writing guides:
निंदक नियरे राखिये, आँगन कुटी छवाय |
बिन पानी बिन साबुन, निर्मल करे सुभाव ||
Ok, agreed this is Hindi. Literally translated it means:
We shall keep the criticizer closest to us by constructing a hut in our courtyard. As even with soap or oil the criticizer cleanses our character.
Such is the worth of a criticizer in our overall personal development. However, we shall consider the criticism with an open and positive frame of mind. And evaluate it objectively to derive value out of the words.
Does it mean that every criticism adds value to our personality?
No not at all! Criticism is of two types Constructive or Positive a Destructive or Negative.
Protecting ourselves from the effects of Destructive Criticism: We interact with multiple people during the course of our life. And like everything else some interactions may be loaded with negative criticism directed at us. Certainly, the criticizer may be trying to beat-us-down.
It is essential to protect ourselves from this. Because this can lead to creating inaccurate notions and ideas. Which in turn may lead us towards a wrong direction of personal development.
Thereby, hurting us in multiple ways, say, career, self-esteem, social life, mental well-being etc.
But the question is how to differentiate?
The differentiation lies in the intent and following pointers help in differentiating:
Noble intent: In case a person wishes us well. Then the criticism would be presented with examples of the specific behavior. Moreover, the criticizer may also suggest methods to improve the particular personality drawback.
Criticizers frame of mind: If the criticizer is not in a positive frame of mind, then how can you receive positive criticism? Be aware of the criticizers frame-of-mind indicators, like anger, depression, frustration, etc.
Opinionated criticizer: Won’t we agree that such people might have a skewed or distorted view of the world? Thereby, they would be analyzing us from their distorted perspective. Hence, consider the criticism from them very cautiously.
Criticizer under the influence: Any person under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or any other substance may not be in their senses. Hence, be very careful! As we all know that people may utter words in this state which they might not in a sober state.
Competitors: Alas! The modern world and the rat race. Do you think someone who is in competition would mean well! More often than not, No would be a simple logical conclusion.
Criticism in public: How often a person who criticizes in public would have noble intention? We all would agree that a feedback is best shared in private, better, still if it is one-to-one.
Habitual Praise: A person who is habitual in praising may not be praising but deploying flattery. But why? They may be having some ulterior motive and some personal gains on their mind.
Habitual criticizer: People who crib about everything in the word, can they be called positive? This again is a category of whom we shall be extremely cautious.
These are a few pointers towards identifying the positive criticism.
Positive criticizer identified Now what?
Follow the advice of saint Kabir. However, you may not construct a hut in your courtyard! The constructive criticizer is a pathway towards an improved personality, and glory. Moreover, it reduces your friction with the world, thereby improving your mental state and life force.
As an end note, we may summaries that first identify the constructive criticizer. Thereafter, derive all the positivity you can from the feedback received.
May your path to self-improvement begin!
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What are the sure-shot manifestations of Fear?
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It is important that we start by analyzing what actually fear is?
Our negative thinking produces a sense of alarm or worry arising out of irrational or unknown causes. This is called fear. Moreover, it is a result of the sense of a perceived danger to our emotional and/or physical self.
Is there a fear that is real or all the fears are imaginary?
Refer to our blog, detailing the fear of Dejection and Loneliness. We have mentioned therein that A person, who feels fear, knows that it is real. The key words herein are person who feels and real. As an example, numerous people have Vertigo or the fear of heights. However, the majority of humanity doesn’t have Vertigo. Hence, no fear is universal.
In this discussion, we are focusing on the fears generated out of our thinking/thoughts owing to psychological reasons. Those specifically are the imaginary fears.
The fears those are real
Certainly, numerous fears are real in the physical sense of the world. A few examples of fears those are real:
While enjoying a Jungle Safari, suddenly, a pride of lions begins charging towards us. We would positively be scared as this is a real threat to our life. Yes, this fear is real!
We are driving in the high-speed lane and our brakes fail. Yes, this fear for our lives is real! As there is a strong possibility that we may cause an accident.
Hence, not all fears are imaginary, numerous fears are real, as well.
The manifestations of imaginary fear that arise out of psychological reasons:
Out of the countless manifestations of the psychological fears some are Stress, Depression, Low Self-esteem, Anxiety, Suicidal Tendencies, etc. Are we pointing towards the direction that All psychological conditions are because of a fear? Certainly, the root cause is always a fear.
What is the result of psychological fear?
We abuse the supreme gift Life by the fears we harbor the psychological as-well-as physical manifestations of the fear are endless.
The materialism and the psychological fears
Aren’t we merely participating in a mindless rat-race? That too, by mercilessly abusing our health and peace-of-mind. Wouldn’t we all agree that this is a way-too-much of an expense to incur on worldly definitions of success?
Does that mean one shall not be craving for progress? Note! We are using the word Progress and NOT success. Ensure that you are on the path of progress resulting in Self-Actualization and Spiritual Wisdom. And, not running like headless chickens to defeat everyone.
If you want to beat someone, overcome your fears and beat them! Not, the senseless abusing to achieve the so-called Success. For what! Just to boast to everyone, See I have become Someone! To remain trapped in an illusionary false sense of superiority. Wherein, we are completely aware that despite all the show-and-pomp, we consider ourselves Worthless. Or, in essence, Inferior by embracing a psychological fear of rejection.
The solution
Time and Tide wait for no one. Therefore, now is the time to stop abusing yourself any further. Break the chains of the illusion and embrace a fear-free life.
Begin the journey on a path that opens the floodgates to Cosmic Energy. A road where you balance your energy by eliminating Negative Energies. Moreover, you increase your life force by harnessing Positive Cosmic Energy!
The Result?
Begin applauding yourself and stop abusing life.
Welcome on the path towards a blissful fear-free life!
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What is the equation between Blaming and Dependency?
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How frequently have we witnessed and/or employed words belonging to the category?
You don’t care for me as much as you should.
You don’t focus on me as much you focus on others.
You don’t THIS, THAT, etc. etc.
Guess we get the idea and also let’s not assign a numerical value to the number of times these words get used.
Which category of communication would these words fall under?
Maybe complaining, cribbing, being a crybaby, etc. Whichever, category we may choose to assign them to. The truth of the matter remains that all of these more-often-than-not are followed by Blaming. Moreover, ultimately, we feel bitter.
Why we blame?
Don’t we tend to blame anything and everything?
This may include weather, traffic, government, etc. and above our fellow humans!
There has to be a root cause for this tendency towards blaming. Yes, certainly, and the root cause for this tendency is Expectations. We may have Expectations that are justified. However, we may as well have expectations that are unwarranted.
The manifestation of the relation between blaming and expectations:
Expectations are like a bottomless pit. We can have millions upon millions of expectations. And whenever the expectations are not fulfilled, we begin blaming.
However, this poses another question that why we keep expectations?
The answer lies in the fact that our focus and energies are diverted Outwards.
However, it should be reversed, i.e. the focus and the energies shall in all cases be diverted Inwards.
In our previous discussion What is the Truth behind the reason why we question? we have explored the concept of Inward and Outwards in details.
This leads us towards another question, what is the manifestation of our Outward focus? In one word, Dependency! Yes, our outward focus creates a sense of dependency on others.
Herein, we do agree that we humans, by nature, are Social beings. This, in essence, means that we are a part of the society wherein interactions, meetings. are a part and parcel of our lives. However, whenever we develop a dependency on anything, we in a way create an environment that may bring setbacks in certain cases.
Dependency and Blaming:
Aren’t we the most evolved species? Yes, that is a proven fact. Then how come we become slaves of dependencies that we create ourselves?
Consider the example of a vine or a climber. It is dependent upon the support to even survive.
Does that mean that we shall not seek support? Yes, positively we shall as the society is an interlinking of give and take.
However, our support system shall be like the offshoots or the supplementary stems of a Banyan tree. They assist in its growth and expansion. Notice the word Assist, yes, they are merely Assisting, no more and no less. Hence, even if all these offshoots are cut off, the Banyan tree would still survive on its own. Because its core strength is its own Trunk or Stem.
Be that Banyan tree and strengthen your own Core by cutting down on the dependencies. The path begins by exploring your inner self. Explore yourself!
Set your first steps on the path towards Inner Wisdom. A life full of eternal bliss awaits! Wishing you the best on the path to Spiritual Wisdom. May the force be with you!
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What is Self-Confidence and poisons that kill it?
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The composite word Self-Confidence is a combination of two words, Self and Confidence. Therefore, firstly shall we dig into the word Confidence? Because self-confidence is a subset of the word confidence.
Confidence is a faith or feeling that we can expect results from a person, situation, action, etc. Herein, the point to note is that confidence, in itself, may be both negative and positive. Hence, confidence is merely a thought pattern or an emotion.
Say, we may have faith that a particular friend would stand by us in the times of need. That is a positive confidence. However, we may as well have the confidence that we may not be able to complete a particular task. Yes, that is also confidence. Nonetheless, in the negative sense.
What is Self-Confidence?
Self-Confidence is the confidence in our own self. In other words, a thought pattern that drives us to believe that we can succeed at a certain task, situation, action, etc. However, a lack of this belief is categorized as having a lack of self-confidence.
Self-Confident people generally would have expectations that are realistic. This definitely doesn’t mean that they do not challenge themselves. However, this merely means they live by the age-old wisdom of by the inch, it’s a clinch, by the yard it’s hard. Or, performing one step at a time and not indulging into the philosophy of by leaps-and-bounds.
We agree that this confidence bit is a fairly tricky issue. Certainly, it is!
What can create a lack of Self-confidence?
Aren’t we all driven by expectations? Moreover, they come in a variety of flavors. Certain common expectations we all know are:
Expectation from ourselves.
Expectation from family and friends.
Expectation of family and friends from us.
Expectations, Expectations, and furthermore Expectations.
Having tried to list the expectations out, we would all agree that this is an endless list. Thereby, expectations can’t be captured by a list!
That reminds, weren’t we discussing What can create a lack of Self-confidence?
Correct! Then why are we wasting the real estate on EXPECTATION! Absolutely appropriate question, why?
Because the root cause beneath the lack of self-confidence is hidden in the EXPECTATIONS.
Whenever expectations are imaginary (or fantasy like) and/or un-realistic, we may not be able to fulfil them. Thereby, we set the bar so high that we do not give ourselves a chance to reach the target. Hence, we program ourselves for failure!
And, when these fantasies-like expectations are not fulfilled, we witness ourselves in a situation where we are left with a lack of self-confidence.
Are there any symptoms of Lack of Self-Confidence?
Again, similar to expectations this list is endless as well. Moreover, this list is absolutely individual specific. However, the most prevalent symptoms of Lack of self-confidence are:
Unwarranted Worries
Irrational Fears
Feeling of Despair
Doubt about a certain thing and in extreme situations, about everything.
Feeling Weakness that may be physical or mental. The sense of physical weakness makes us feel drained out. On the other hand, the mental weakness limits the capability of working of our brain on intellectual and multiple other levels.
The poisons that kill self-confidence:
The most prevalent causes or poisons for self-confidence are listed below. However, this again is an extremely individualistic subject.
Expectations: As mentioned above, this list is endless. What complicates the matter further is when the expectations are unrealistic. That results in creating a lack of self-confidence.
Fear of failure and embarrassment: Aren’t we supposed we fail sometimes? Certainly, Yes! However, an unexpected result in a previous experience may create a lack of self-confidence. Because we tend to attach negative implications with that particular experience.
Inferiority complex: We do understand that we are all unique. However, still, we compare ourselves with others. This may create a feeling that another person is superior to us. Hence, creating an inferiority complex that eats away our self-confidence.
Signs that indicate a lack of self-confidence:
Citing unwarranted reasons for our actions. Or, in other words, trying to justify our actions, even if it was not asked for.
Impulsive reaction to criticism which may be in the form of words and/or actions.
Withdrawn Body Language
Aiming to become a perfectionist.
Speaking quietly or mumbling
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How yoga and meditation can benefit our mental health
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For many years people have been practicing a large range of fitness activities to aid their mental health. Whether playing football or running, exercise releases endorphins in the brain that can improve your mood. As well as that, frequent exercise can help your fitness improve, help you lose weight, and help you meet new people.
One great form of exercise for mental health is yoga, which goes hand in hand with meditation as two positive things to bring to your life. This article explores how both can improve your mental health.
The science behind yoga and meditation for mental health
As we said, exercise is a great thing to introduce to your life if you want to improve your mental health. Regardless of what type and at what level you participate, there really is something amazing about getting your heart rate going slightly as often as you can.
As a calming exercise and mindful activity, yoga, and meditation work in harmony with one another, and can both be incredibly beneficial for your mental health.
YOGA: As a form of exercise, yoga is great for both strength training and conditioning, as well as helping mental health. This slow and relaxed practice is easy for people of any fitness level to start and can be done for little to no money.
A great way to start the day, or to unwind at the end of it, it’s easy to find yoga flows (routines) that are perfect for your level online. However, if you feel like you need some support to get started, there are great teachers, classes, and workshops all around the country.
Meditation: Meditation is simply the practice of taking time to increase your awareness and perspective. Headspace, a popular app for those looking to start meditation describes it as “training in awareness and getting a healthy sense of perspective. You’re not trying to turn off your thoughts or feelings. You’re learning to observe them without judgment. And eventually, you may start to better understand them as well.”
Many people hail the process of helping them feel better connected to themselves and their emotions. In the long run, people who meditate can find that they will be better equipped to predict how they are going to feel and react to certain events. This practice means that they are able to prepare themselves better and therefore, minimize potential stress.
You, or someone you know, are likely to be searching for a moment of sanity, searching for some inner rest. Creating awareness around mental health must be taken to the next level—to meet an old problem with new solutions. One key to building mental resilience is meditation.
1. Meditation Reverses the Fight-or-Flight Response
This primal instinct is hardwired to help you survive imagined or real threats. It does so by triggering the sympathetic system in the brain that starts a chain of physiological reactions in the body. It increases your heart rate and blood sugar, while it also suppresses the immune system and produces stress hormones to prepare the body to respond to danger. Although this system is necessary for the event of danger, some people live with ongoing stress. This predisposes you to reactivity. If you have been through trauma or anxiety, the fight-or-flight response becomes overactive and responds even when there is no actual threat. Meditation helps the brain turn off the reactivity and shift into a restful response state.
2. Meditation Initiates Rest Rest is how the body heals
Imagine running on a treadmill for a couple of hours without a break. It wouldn’t be very long before your body completely tires and your mind starts to generate anxious thoughts such as: “When is this going to end?” This would trigger physical responses in the body from heightened levels of worry to anxiety and even panic. You may live this way. You rarely turn off your brain; rather, you live with ongoing anxiety. When you meditate, the body is able to reset from stress and begin to move into a restful, but aware, state that allows you to feel recharged.
3. Meditation Activates Resilience
We are taught to think that resilience is a 12-step skill that can be downloaded. Resilience is your birthright. It is that “thing” that shows up when you lose your dream job or experience heartbreak. Resilience is the substance that allows you to experience hope, bounce back, and recover—even though everything inside whispers that you can’t.
When you meditate, you tame the fear response that is registered by the amygdala, the part of the brain that senses danger. Since fear and anxiety have a habitual component, over time meditation calms and regulates emotions. You aren’t meant to live in the primitive brain. As time passes you naturally begin to tap the higher brain centers that are responsible for critical problem solving and inspired thinking. You experience selfmastery and tap into your natural resilience. An aspect of emotional intelligence, resilience is enhanced through successful outcomes. The easiest way to experience emotional mastery is through breathwork and meditation.
4. Meditation Creates More Space in Your Head
People experience 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts each day; some of those thoughts are recycled, intrusive, and negative. They contribute to harsh self-judgment and anxiety. Like swimming in rough waters, you battle negative thoughts or shove them deep down because they are painful. But in doing so, you create more thoughts; you come up against your inner critic and begin to lose confidence.
Simply bypassing those thoughts on a regular basis allows you to decrease the activity in your mind. A part of addressing negative thinking is meditation. As a tool, meditation allows you to move from the constant activity that goes on in the mind to places of calm within yourself.
5. Meditation Creates New Pathways in the Brain
The old view of mental health centers around symptom management; the new view of mental health is rooted in self-mastery. Self-mastery is about developing mental hygiene practices that view your brain and biology as an ever-changing system of information and energy, one that is flexible and adaptable.
For instance, a study conducted by Harvard University and Mass General shows that after just eight weeks of meditation, participants experienced growth in areas of the brain associated with stress regulation, learning, self-awareness, and empathy. Also, the research indicated that meditation may enhance your ability to break the loop of fear and habitual anxiety. This study demonstrated that a simple meditation practice can create core changes to affect a rebalance in your biology.
6. Meditation Releases Brain Chemicals that are Linked to Happiness
According to the National Institute for Mental Health, nearly one in five Americans (450 million people) lives with a mental health disorder. Meditation naturally releases chemicals in the brain that are often targeted by prescription drugs; the deep state of rest that happens through meditation triggers the release of brain chemicals that are linked to happiness. Although changing your current medication regimen isn’t advised, check with your healthcare provider about adding meditation is suggested.
7. Meditation Helps You to Attain Balance
Meditation allows you to return to your body and mind as the vessel of your spiritual evolution. When you look at your mental health from a holistic perspective, you become aware that you are not just the mind or personality—you are part of a larger collective experience. Your healing and health come from greater mental space and sustained emotional balance. This is achieved by centering your body and mind. You become aware of your spiritual nature and come to understand that you are inextricably connected in all facets of life. Mental Health Month is a reminder to create greater awareness and less stigma around these prevalent health issues. Mental health is part of the larger experience of being a healthy human—drawing out our natural resilience. If you are overwhelmed or anxious, seek sources to support your emotional wellbeing—from trusted friends to trusted mental health professionals. Remember you are not alone. Give yourself permission to know that you are working through challenging times. You are here for a reason; when you have engaged the collective participation of mind-body-soul, you begin to have freedom.
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How if Depression and Energy are connected?
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The available statistics regarding depression are definitely alarming and frightening! To understand the grip of depression in the modern world, consider the following facts:
Globally, it affects about 350 million people!
The World Health Organization (WHO) puts depression at the top of the list in the worldwide illness category.
Moreover, it is the leading cause of disability.
Clinically speaking, depression gets categorized as a mood disorder. However, be under no doubt that it is an extremely serious medical and psychological disorder. Or, better stated an illness!
What is depression and how it affects us?
Once in a while, we all would have negative feelings. These may include sadness, lack of confidence, disinterest, rejection, anger, fear, anxiety, obsession, etc. That’s completely natural.
However, if this continues for a long period then it may be classified as the depression. The effects of depression are fairly individualistic. Nonetheless, the matter of the fact is that it interferes with our normal life. A few of the physically evident effects may be an inability to talk, walk, think, sleep, study, work, eat, and various other activities.
Is there any root cause of depression?
A fact is that a single cause is yet to be pinpointed. Depression is known to be a result of multiple factors, including environmental, biological, genetic, psycho-social, etc.
However, when analyzed from metaphysical angle clarity about major contributor may be available. Remember, our discussion What is Cosmic energy and it’s balancing? Therein, we analyzed the life force and Cosmic energy in details.
Shall we analyze depression from the angle of the question, can our energy imbalance be a reason for depression?
Can our energy imbalance be a reason for depression?
We all would agree that depression, principally, is a state of the mind.
Whatsoever, may be the trigger or apparent cause of depression, it still is a state of mind.
In the discussion mentioned above, we debated about the conscious and the subconscious mind. Could the answer lie in the fact that when this state of mind gets embedded into the sub-conscious, we get depressed?
A fact supporting this argument may be that we all do feel low or suffer from other such symptoms. But that is not depression, Correct? Then how come this state converts to depression owing to certain triggers or in certain individuals only?
The answer may lie in those triggers creating an imbalance in our Cosmic or Prana energy.
Energy imbalance and depression
Having agreed that ultimately depression is a state of mind shall we explore the energy angle?
The mind on the neurological level communicates with the body using a network of neurons.
These messages get transmitted through electrochemical signals.
And what is electricity? A form of energy. Thereby, for this state of mind depression – improper energy flow is responsible to a sizeable extent!
Hence, we may consider that the imbalance in the Cosmic energy flow through our chakras contributes tremendously towards depression!
The manifestation of energy imbalance and other causes:
Clinically known triggers and the manifestation of this energy imbalance that contribute to the on-setting of depression are:
Stress: A state of mental or emotional tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
Causes of Stress Overload of Work/Study, Financial Crisis, Unemployment, Bereavement, Relationship Breakdown, etc.
Illness: A long-standing or life-threatening illness such as Heart Diseases, Cancer, Head Injuries, etc.
Symptoms Extreme tiredness and a loss of interest in routine activities.
Personality: The factors related to personality indicators like low self-teem, being overly self-critical, lack of love, etc. are also contributing factors.
Causes Could be genetic, trapped in a bad situation, early life experiences, etc.
As an end note, we shall add that beware of this epidemic called depression.
Always harvest positive energy and keep your Cosmic/Prana energy balanced by embracing the path of Spiritual Wisdom. May the positive life force be with you!
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Are you Adopting Behavior? Be Cautious!
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Do you know the majority of people don’t showcase their natural behavior to others? This is because they tend to adopt behavior from others to become like others in all aspects of life, like career, health etc. ‘Behavior adoption’ is accepting the exact behavior of others that changes your natural behavior and you lose touch with your inner-self (true nature). It influences your thoughts and thus, you use the mind of others to make important decisions in your life.
Why Do People Adopt the Behavior of Others?
The biggest reason for behavior adoption is fear, which is in-built into your mind. For example, you are having lunch with your colleagues in the office who are gossiping but you don’t like gossip. However, you may fear that if you don’t contribute to their conversation, colleagues may label you with different things, like egoistic and arrogant. Hence, due to fear of isolation from the group, you also start gossiping to fit into this group. Following are some other reasons for the adoption of behavior:
Lack: You may lack certain things in life, like money, healthy relationships etc. To fill these things, you may adopt others’ behavior; for example, your friend is earning a very good amount of money in a specific career and you adopt that career in complete disregard of your inner-self. Thus, you will fail in that career.
Emotional Weaknesses: People may become emotionally weak if they have sadness in life because of things, like limited power, money and poor relationships. Due to this, they may adopt others’ behavior to overcome emotional weakness temporarily; however, they suffer in life. Example.
Standard conditioning of mind: Since childhood, we are told to be like others which takes us away from our inner voice. Due to this, you fail to show up as the best version of yourself.
How to Identity that you have adopted the Behavior of others?
Identify activities that you are doing because of influence, but, you don’t like them doing
If you do these activities without any influence, imagine what different ideas you can implement to do them creatively
How to destroy the pattern of behavior adoption?
Break the rules and limitations of others that you are carrying
Be conscious to hear your inner voice that helps you explore your true potential
Break your limiting beliefs that are various excuses for not achieving what you want to achieve in life
Adoption of behavior means behaving like somebody else that alters your natural behavior, leading to loss of your inner-self. As a result of this, you suffer in life because every aspect of life is influenced by others. Fear is the key reason for behavior adoption that forces you to adjust to the expectations of society. To lead a happy and successful life, you have to break the pattern of behavior adoption by listening inner voice and breaking limiting beliefs.
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Mastering Self-Transformation: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind
Empower Yourself with Commanding Techniques for Positive Change
Are you tired of feeling stuck in life, longing for change but unsure of where to start? It’s time to make a promise to yourself — a promise of self-mastery and positive transformation. In this, we’ll explore the fundamental principles that will guide you towards becoming the architect of your own reality.
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Bless Yourself Every Day
The power of self-affirmation cannot be understated. By blessing yourself daily, you infuse your mind with positivity, laying the foundation for a life filled with abundance and fulfillment. Let go of self-criticism and embrace self-love as a daily practice.
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Striving for Independence
True growth occurs when we break free from the confines of dependency and step into our own power. While support systems are valuable, true empowerment comes from within. Commit to becoming independent in every aspect of your life, taking ownership of your choices and actions.
Embracing Challenges
Challenges are not obstacles to be avoided but opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Instead of succumbing to escapism, embrace challenges as catalysts for transformation. By facing them head-on, you unlock hidden reservoirs of strength and resilience.
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Mastering Your Mind
The key to addressing life’s challenges lies in the command you give to your brain. By reframing your thoughts and perceptions, you can unlock new possibilities and solutions. Cultivate awareness of the commands you absorb from others, reclaiming autonomy over your own mindset.
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Pain Management through Observation
Our bodies are intricately connected to our emotions, with pain often serving as a signal of unresolved internal turmoil. By practicing mindfulness and introspection, you can uncover the emotional roots of physical discomfort. Through commanding your brain and soul, you can alleviate pain without relying on external remedies.
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As you embark on your journey of self-transformation, remember the power that lies within you. By mastering your mind, embracing challenges, and cultivating self-awareness, you can unlock limitless potential. Empower yourself with the knowledge that you are the architect of your own destiny, capable of creating a life of purpose and fulfillment.
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Embracing Intelligence over Memory: A Pathway to Inner Peace and Conscious Living
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Is it a sharper memory that we need, or heightened intelligence? For ages, we have lauded an elephantine memory as the cornerstone of wisdom. However, is it truly the pinnacle of mental prowess? Today, we delve deeper into this conundrum, unravelling the true relationship between memory and intelligence, and illuminating how our attitudes toward these cognitive abilities shape our existence.
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But herein lies the rub — we are often so preoccupied with these past impressions that we neglect to live consciously in the present. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are not truly participating, but instead, you are reacting based on preconceived notions and past experiences? Such an instance exemplifies how reliance on memory can lead to a passive existence, one where we are not fully engaged with the world around us. The more reliant we are on our memory, the less room we leave for curiosity, creativity, and conscious awareness — the very qualities that contribute to real intelligence.
Consider this scenario. A friend approaches you with a problem they’re facing. If you’re leaning on your memory, you might instantly offer advice based on a similar situation you experienced. But if you’re acting with intelligence, you’ll pause, consider their unique circumstances, ask explorative questions, and potentially offer more thoughtful and personalized advice. The first response is rooted in memory, the second, in intelligence.
Further, our emotions, our joy, our sorrow, our anger, are all largely based on these past impressions. Think of the last time you felt happy. Was it a direct response to the current moment, or was it linked to a pleasant memory from your past? More often than not, we find that our emotions are not responses to the present, but echoes from our past. Consequently, we forget to truly experience the present moment in its purest form.
We continuously access our memory because we derive a strange form of pleasure from it — a sense of familiarity, a sense of certainty. Yet, this unknowing indulgence costs us our inner peace and presence in the now. Our fascination with memory lures us away from taking proactive measures in our lives and hampers our ability to make conscious, intelligent decisions.
So, how do we break free from this cycle and cultivate our intelligence?
The first step towards conscious living is to create space within our mind for thoughtful reactions. Whenever you find yourself in a situation requiring a response, pause. Give yourself around 4–9 seconds before reacting. This mindful break, this intentional silence, serves as a buffer against hasty decisions based on pre-existing patterns. It allows you the time to examine the situation from a fresh perspective, to engage with your environment consciously, and to respond thoughtfully.
Here’s an example: Someone criticizes your work. If you respond instantly, your response may be clouded by anger or defensiveness, pulling from past experiences of criticism. But if you pause, take those few seconds to breathe and reflect, you might see the criticism as constructive feedback, leading to improvement rather than conflict. This practice won’t just conserve your mental energy, but it will also lead to more meaningful, fruitful interactions.
It’s important to remember, however, that cultivating intelligence is not about completely discarding memory. Instead, it’s about striking a healthy balance where memory aids your intelligence, not overshadow it.
In conclusion, let’s strive not merely to sharpen our memory, but to hone our intelligence. Let’s journey towards conscious living, where each moment is not just a replay of the past, but a fresh script being written, a unique, vibrant experience unto itself. And in doing so, we’ll discover that the path to inner peace and presence lies not in the annals of our past, but in the richness of our present.
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