amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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🌙This barn owl is really, really glad you are here⭐
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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Therapy App ➤ Stay Motivated ➤ Visit: PsychologyDaily.com
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
How to Protect Yourself From Burnout When You're Caring for Others
If that feeling of “there’s just so much to do” creeps in, remember: You’ll do your best to get done what you can.
Think of one thing you need this week for your emotional health: A morning walk? A catch up with a friend? Reading before bed? Make sure and add that to your calendar, too.
Burnout isn't how it's "supposed to be"—being honest about what we need to manage our emotional health and our high-pressure lives is how it’s done.
Learn more about carer’s burnout here.
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
“Continue to share your heart with people even if it’s broken.”
— Amy Poehler
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
🍞 Kitchen Magic 🍞
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🌿 Herbs 🌿
Basil: wealth, money, blessings, fertility, protection, house blessings
Catnip: love, beauty, happiness, working with cat spirits
Chamomile: luck, sleep, peace, purification, calm
Cinnamon: sexuality, lust, consecration, love, spice
Elderberry: exorcism, healing, prosperity, protection
Lavender: anti-anxiety, sleep, healing, meditation, psychic abilities
Peppermint: purification, love, anti-negativity, power
Rosemary: cleansing, drawing the aid of spirits, mental focus
🧂 Spices 🧂
Cardamom: love, courage, desire, sex, intimacy
Cumin: happiness, balance, peace, promises, protection
Turmeric: breaking a spell, power, purification 
Mustard seeds: wealth, money, fertility, success
Nutmeg: warmth, luck, art, knowledge, psychic powers
Paprika: energy, creativity, strength, healing
Cayenne pepper: banishing, passion, fire, against nightmares
Pepper: curses, powerful spells, conjuration
Saffron: changes, wind, healing, love, happiness
Salt: abundance, earth, work, purification, protection 
🍎🥦 Fruits and Vegetables 🍎🥦
Avocado: beauty, love, happiness, youth, transformation
Banana: wealth, abundance, growth, energy, health
Cherry: creativity, desire, divination, fertility, sex
Lemon: banishing, spirits, balance, healing, joy, purification
Pumpkin: prosperity, dreams, immortality, fertility
Strawberry: love, strength, harmony, inspiration, luck 
Coconut: life, generosity, insurance, energy, opportunity
Olive: abundance, wealth, money, power, security
Bell pepper: mental health, protection, love, strength
Apple: soul, life, relationships, wise, health, success
Potato: money, luck, healing, truth, divination 
🔮 Kitchen Rituals 🔮
Growing your own herbs will give them extra magical properties. 
Before cooking or baking an important meal, bless your kitchen and caste a protection circle to keep only good energies in. 
Use sigils when adding sauces or spices to your meal. 
Create affirmations and spells to say out loud when baking or cooking your favorite meals. 
Make herbal remedies to cure colds or small illnesses. 
Sing or play music to bring positive energies while cooking. 
Gift baked goods to friends, family or someone in need. 
Stir your food clockwise to bring good luck. 
Bless your most important tools, like a witch spoon, to make every meal extra special and magical. 
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
Herb series: Dandelion
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Planetary Association: Jupiter Astrological Association: Sagittarius and Pisces Elemental Energy: Air Key Associations: Psychic ability, opening up the sight, calling spirits, connecting to higher dimensions. Safety: Edible, however in very very large doses can be damaging to the body due to the presence of oxalates. However, in order to suffer from poisoning from dandelion you would need to consume a huge amount of leaves and stems daily. Consume dandelion in moderate amounts, no need to become a Dandelion addict mmkay? Dandelions have a long history of being eaten, and they are used in salads, jellies, teas and wine. If you are allergic to latex please be careful with this herb, as the stems contain latex. Planetary affects: Jupiter lends an expansive energy to dandelion, allowing the mind to open up to receiving messages from spirits. When using dandelion with the intention of increasing psychic ability, Jupiter in conjunction with the element of air allows for energy to carry from the lower chakras and up through the air element into spiritual dimensions. In this way we are able to extend our primal emotions from the body and out through the auras to be released, bringing spell work, messages from the guides, intentions and wishes to fruition. This is the same reason we often wish upon a dandelion.  Astrological affects: Sagittarius lends Dandelion a curious and truth seeking nature which helps to increase it’s connection to psychic ability. In combination with the energies of Jupiter and the Sagittarian ruling element of fire, this lends a passionate and motivating force behind dandelion which stimulates the intuition and pushes the mind to seek for answers. Although the element of air rules over dandelion, Sagittarius brings it’s fiery passionate energy into the background, giving a bit of extra oomph to this herb. Pisces allows the mind to connect emotionally to incoming information and find personal connections to the messages that come through due to an extra oomph from Pisces’ ruling element of water. When doing readings for others, this allows dandelion to bring messages across that can be connected specifically to this person, allowing expression of the messages in a meaningful way. Dandelion growth: Dandelion can grow just about anywhere, but prefers rich loose soil. However, it is often found in fields, sidewalk cracks, rocky areas, and, compacted soils. This is where the magic of dandelion can come into play- the presence of dandelion literally changes the soil- attracting earthworms, drawing toxins out of the soil, and rejuvenating the nutrients in the ground. This nature of dandelion has helped to shape the folklore behind it’s abilities to transform and adapt energy into a positive force that can be perceived and felt through the energy fields.  Dandelion Folklore: Dandelion’s flowers open with the morning sun, and close when the sun sets, giving it a strong affinity to the sun. It has often be used as offerings to solar deities or used to decorate spring time altars and shrines as it often blooms in Spring and Autumn. Due to it’s status as a weed, growing low to the ground and it’s ability to grow in poor rocky soils, the dandelion was believed by some to belong to Chthonic deities and has been associated with necromancy and communicating with the dead because of it’s underworld connections. Many believe this herb is ruled over by Hecate. Dandelion harvesting and uses: Harvest dandelion flowers, leaves and roots in the morning sun when Jupiter is in the sky above. Added benefits arise from the harvest if Jupiter is passing through Sagittarius or Pisces.  Hang the harvested plants to dry until the flowers have shrunk and the leaves have become crunchy. Store in a jar in a cool spot until ready to use. Be careful where you harvest from, as roadside dandelions may have taken on some carbon monoxide.
Magical uses: Drink as a tea for psychic visions, or use the dried root as a poppet for healing or curse workings. Use in a clarity oil to help sharpen the mind and increase perception of visions and messages. Weave into wreaths to celebrate the coming of spring, or give as offerings. Can be used to dress the feet or hands of deity statues in order to connect to their energy. Leaves can be eaten in a salad, and the tea can aid in cleansing the liver and blood as a medicinal tonic.
Psychic tea - Dig up the roots and wash off any soil. Chop and roast the roots in the oven at 180 degrees celcius until they turn milky brown in colour.  - Place in a tea diffuser and allow the tea to diffuse. - Add milk and sugar as required. Drink at least 10-15 minutes before a reading, scrying, or meditation session for increased psychic connections. Clarity oil - Add the petals of a dandelion to olive oil with some lavender flowers and rosemary leaves. Leave in the light of mercury for a boost of communication energy. For extra oomph make this oil blend on a base of Mercury oil. Anoint the third eye for increased ability to perceive visions and communicate with your guides. Dandelion paste - Grind Dandelion petals with sandalwood or chandan powder and mix with a little water to make a thick paste. Dress the hands and feet of deity statues with the mixture to honor them and to connect to their energies. This paste can also be smeared on bones and other curios to connect to the ancestors or animal guides. Feed the paste to bones as an offering- the orange/red brown color imitates the flesh and blood of an animal thus connecting spirit guides to bones and allowing them to inhabit the space within. Dandelion Salve- For achy muscles and painful joints - Cover dandelion flowers in olive oil and allow to infuse in a jar for 4-6 weeks. - Drain the flowers from the oil and set aside. - Over a low heat melt beeswax inside a heatproof bowl which is sitting in a pan of water (Like how you would melt chocolate without burning it.) - Mix the beeswax and oil together and allow the mixture to set inside your chosen container. - Once the mixture has set apply to sore muscles and joints for some homemade pain relief! 
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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rarely showing my face, but this picture is not that bad! yesterday I had the chance to buy this David’s bust and the dream of filling my space with sculptures fell into action.
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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the statues of apollo and athena, at the academy athens, in a full moon night.
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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“She struck the room, tall and straight and sudden-white, a talon of lightning in the midnight sky… She was burning certainty, and before her, all the shuffling and stained dross of the world must shrink away. Zeus’ bright and favorite child, Athena.” - Madeline Miller ⠀ ⠀ I recently read Circe by Madeline Miller, and her descriptions of the Greek gods were so evocative. They left me feeling inspired to do some drawings.
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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Poisonous Plants Print by lvcernarivm
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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Botanical, mineral, nature illustrations sets… Seeing how long I can keep going until I run out of inspiration; but considering that rocks are involved, it could add up. This was a bit over one week’s work. Minerals featured in order: Tourmaline, chalcopyrite, idocrase, aquamarine, ametrine and fluorite 
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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I finished drawing the plants so now I am thinking of making a little zine out of them
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
New Moon Numerology
New Moon in Taurus
May 11, 2021
Today's New Moon is sponsored by the awesome numerological signature of 3, formed by 21. This means that all efforts in relation to the following are not just fortuitous, but exalted:
Removing confusion, mental fog, fear, and anxiety
New business or increase in business
Gardening, connecting to spirits of nature
Road-opening, uncrossing
Spiritual trifectas (maiden/mother/crone, etc.)
Balancing trifecta energy within yourself
Unblocking energy centers, circuits and systems
Removing obstacles to stability, including mental and emotional stability
The inner child (specifically if you've been ignoring yours)
Resetting one's natural rhythm or internal harmony
While you have until end of Friday to take advantage of the New Moon's energy, the numerological energy starts shifting earlier. Even if you sit somewhere quiet and do a quick prayer or recitation, consider it work enough and trust in the results.
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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Jacqueline Bouvier at her Wedding (September 12, 1953)
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amafallingdown-blog · 3 years
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