ayana-black · 1 year
You know I never understood why everyone is quick to point out that Sirius is guilty for attempted murder but not Snape for having an ulterior motive.
I mean yeah, Sirius told Snape about the entrance to the willow, but what was Snape expecting to happen?
Snape is a Wizard, had suspicion of Remus being a Werewolf, knew it was a full moon, and most importantly went to the Willow on his own FREE WILL.
Sirius might have given him the way but Snape is the one who decided to go to the Willow. Next what? Sirius tells Snape to jump off a bridge and Snape is going to go along with it???
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ayana-black · 2 years
Stephen: I went to the park today
Tony: that’s great! Hope you got something out of it
Stephen: I did!
Stephen: *pulls America in front of him* this child
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ayana-black · 2 years
Steve: Do you guys promise you won’t call me a crazy idiot?
Stephen: Don’t be ridiculous, Steve, none of us would ever call you.
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ayana-black · 2 years
Nothing much. Steve just met Dorammau. Other than that Steve is totally fine.
Natasha: There’s only one solution. Someone has to go to Strange and talk to him.
Steve: I vote we all look at Tony at the same time.
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ayana-black · 2 years
Tony, introducing Stephen to the ironfam: So, Stephen is the person I’ve been seeing recently.
Stephen: … Why are you all looking at me like I’m a zoo animal?
Peter: Well, Mr. Stark acts as sort of the dad of the group, so emotionally, this is kind of like being told that you’re our new dad.
Stephen: But you know it’s nothing like that, right?
Harley: Absolutely. Do you cook macaroni?
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ayana-black · 2 years
Tony: Well, Peter, I have to say, I'm really disappointed.
Peter: Well, you didn't HAVE to say it. You could've just thought it.
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ayana-black · 2 years
Tony: What do you do if someone tries to take you?
Peter: Go with them
Tony: What
Peter: I’d make them a parental figure and soon enough my Parker Luck will kill them
Tony: We’re going to have a long talk about that
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ayana-black · 2 years
Stephen: How could you do this? I'm so disappointed in you! Peter: Hey, you can't talk to me like that, you are not Tony! ... And Tony's not my dad!
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ayana-black · 2 years
Tony Stark putting "Baby on Board" window tags on the cars that Happy uses to pick up Peter.
The other Avengers are very confused when Spider-Man groans upon seeing them on the QuinJet.
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ayana-black · 2 years
I always see Anti-Team Cap and Pro-Tony discuss how Tony attacking Bucky and Steve was justified and made sense, and yes, I totally agree with them, and regardless of the fact that Tony attacked Steve first because Steve was the one who lied and betrayed him, there is one thing that I haven’t seen be discussed much.
And it’s this scene right here:
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Look at Tony’s face. Look at the shock and fear.
Bucky had no way of knowing that Tony could have protected himself, and he aimed right at Tony’s head. Look at the proximity of the weapon to Tony’s face. He could’ve blown his mind clear off if Tony wasn’t fast enough.
Tony had absolutely no way of knowing that Bucky “had changed” when literally just what? Days? Hours? Moments? ago, he could’ve died at Bucky’s hands.
That’s all I have to say.
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ayana-black · 2 years
We deserved a fourth iron man movie set during homecoming and infinity war. I would have loved seeing how Tony acted after civil war, how much Steve's betrayal affected him and how much the break up of the avengers affected the world.
I'm not a writer and honestly I guess tony's arc was kinda complete, but I think his self-pity, his anxiety of always having to improve would affect this film, in a different way from Iron Man 3, since in this he would also have to manage the disappearance of the Avengers and of its consequences. He would work twice as much as an iron man and perhaps this would lead to more hatred of him by civilians (cough that lady in civil war cough and maybe a possible villain cough). Another thing I always saw weird is how they handled Tony and Pepper's relationship. I mean, they broke up because Tony never stopped with being Iron Man, so in this movie they could have shown us how at the end they managed to make things work between them, since this was never explained to us and since Pepper never "accepted" this side of him and Tony never wanted to leave Iron Man.
Also, they could have showed us Tony mentoring Peter and how they became closer, and i genuinely think that if they showed more of them, their respective death would have hurt more for us. Peter was the reason why tony wanted a child- you can't tell me otherwise because we all know he wouldn't even think about a baby before civil war, mostly because of his father- so we would have seen how Tony acted towards him and slowly becoming like a father figure to him.
I don't think this movie would have been boring and useless, because I'm really curious what happened in those two years and I also think that those two years changed Tony and I'd die to see how.
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ayana-black · 2 years
"don't bullshit me rogers, did you know?" he knew, he knew and he continued to hide the truth. the betrayal wasn't steve justifying bucky's actions under mind control, it was steve hiding the facts of how tony's parents died, while tony was under the delusion that their friendship meant more than a couple superhero club meetups
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ayana-black · 2 years
Ironstrange parenting Peter Parker: Who are you?
Wolfstar raising Harry Potter: We’re you, but in the fantasy genre!
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ayana-black · 2 years
Tony: I know of two surefire ways to shut Stephen up. And one of them is sex.
Bruce: And what’s the other one?
Tony: I don’t know. I’ve never had to use it.
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ayana-black · 2 years
Stephen: "YE- Wait, what? We're fighting over who's turn it is to feed the cat, and you ask me to marry you?"
Tony: "...Yeah."
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ayana-black · 2 years
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ugh, goddamn it, what am I doing, I have real work to to do. X(
Spoilers for the avengers movie. :p 
(pose referenced somewhat from a screenshot :p)
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ayana-black · 2 years
Yeah, mentor. pufff
Peter: "Hey, Mr. Stark! I'm going into town for a few hours with Ned and MJ, is that ok?"
Tony: "I'm your mentor, not your dad."
Peter: "..."
*A few seconds later*
Tony: "Wear a jacket, it's cold out! And don't forget to look both ways before you cross the street!"
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