cosmotread-blog · 5 years
2 fall morally, is how people get destroyed
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/fall-morally-people-get-destroyed/
2 fall morally, is how people get destroyed
Fall morally and get destroyed Nobody wants to live alone. To be alone is the worst nightmare of any kind of person. By falling morally is the last fort when you get destroyed. Don’t blame others, but only yourself for being that stupid by ending up like that. This is to notify and warn on […]
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Meaning of taxes. They work 4 comfortable living conditions
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/meaning-taxes-they-work-comfortable-living/
Meaning of taxes. They work 4 comfortable living conditions
The meaning of taxes to make our lives better Free healthcare, security, social benefits all of these are results of taxes. Without taxes there is no growth. Without taxes it is the path to the grave. High payments of taxes create high standards of life. There are still people who don’t understand the meaning of […]
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Principles always win. Not the compromises 4 us
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/principles-always-win-not-compromises-for-us/
Principles always win. Not the compromises 4 us
Life makes people declare their interests by the form of presented and signed papers. Presented straightforward facts and principles make the life easier for both sides of collaboration. Well informed individuals and parties, prior any deals are safe out from the unexpected obligations and surprises. This is how the good and strong companies are established. […]
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
1 Religious effect creates brainwashed masses no concerns
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/1-religious-effect-creates-brainwashed-masses/
1 Religious effect creates brainwashed masses no concerns
Sane world is no longer submissive. People want freedom Religion creates brainwashed masses Sometimes religious effect takes on a lot. Once it happened to me when I was working in a Muslim country. I was doing well among the rest, till I said I am an atheist. All were shocked, ever since. It was not […]
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Persuade 2 action better. Not truly necessary
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/persuade-2-action-better-not-truly-necessary/
Persuade 2 action better. Not truly necessary
Who deserve help? Persuade to action. Helping people is a good deed. Nevertheless, not everyone out there deserves it as a gift. At the...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
How to be 1 rich man. Have your rich principles
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/how-to-be-1-rich-man-have-your-rich-principles/
How to be 1 rich man. Have your rich principles
Rich man is keen who is around To become a rich man, that is a meaning of our life. The will that matters all...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Respect is everything. Paid 1 at the beginning, or never
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/respect-everything-paid-at-beginning-or-never/
Respect is everything. Paid 1 at the beginning, or never
Respect is not given for free To deal with somebody they have to respect you first on your terms. If someone doesn’t respect you...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Speaking 1 certain language defines who we are
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/speaking-1-certain-language-defines-who-we-are/
Speaking 1 certain language defines who we are
Language contains the attitude, information and background You can judge the nation by the way it treats its language and its own people. Language...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Literal fighting 4 lives, leads to brain damage
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/literal-fighting-4-lives-leads-to-brain-damage/
Literal fighting 4 lives, leads to brain damage
Life is not worth wasted it for fighting Health, is what given to us once in a lifetime. Fighting, is a wastage of health....
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Disastrous Communism hasn't changed the values since 1991
New Post has been published on https://www.cosmotread.com/disastrous-communism-hasnt-changed-the-values/
Disastrous Communism hasn't changed the values since 1991
Nothing had been changed since the collapse Communism and Soviet Union hasn’t been demolished since its collapse. It has been mutated into the new...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Communism ruin individuals. And 1 ecology spot
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/communism-ruin-individuals-and-one-ecology-spot/
Communism ruin individuals. And 1 ecology spot
Persecution by Communism Communism. If the government persecutes you in every single step of your path of cognition, tells you not to do something,...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Always have conclusions, save your time 4 good
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/always-have-conclusions-save-your-time-for-good/
Always have conclusions, save your time 4 good
Accept your past to embrace your future Conclusions do not like rush Conclusions make our lives meaningful. Everything is being taken under it’s own...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Follow natural rules that maintain 1-ness
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/follow-natural-rules-that-maintain-oneness/
Follow natural rules that maintain 1-ness
Comprehension and understanding requires to follow natural rules Conditions make us to follow natural rules. Education comes through one affordable physical connection, through the...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Issues with post-soviets and how 2 handle them guaranteed
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/issues-with-post-soviets-and-how-to-handle-them/
Issues with post-soviets and how 2 handle them guaranteed
National identity The first thing you have to remember, that soviets and post-soviets have never seen the taxing system before in their miserable lives....
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Discover the importance of family every1 needed
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/discover-the-importance-of-family-everyone-need/
Discover the importance of family every1 needed
Daily issues regarded with family Those who stay along with us throughout the life are the closest. And that brings importance of family to...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Payment of debts will get truly every1 without exception
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/payment-of-debts-will-get-everyone-no-exceptions/
Payment of debts will get truly every1 without exception
Payment of debts is part of people’s life Whoever is thinking that they can get away with all their obligations and debts in front...
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cosmotread-blog · 5 years
Stick 2 agreement that previously been discussed
New Post has been published on http://www.cosmotread.com/stick-2-agreement-that-previously-been-discussed/
Stick 2 agreement that previously been discussed
Agreements make our business and life run And it has an impact over the certain legitimacy As long as that foundation continues to exist,...
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