redvelvetwishtree · 8 months
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sjoongki · 2 years
ramadan mubarak to all those who are observing. may this holy month soothe all of the aches lingering in your heart, wash away whatever burdens that may be weighing you down, reward you for all of the sacrifices that you have had to make in order to survive, shine light through whatever darkness that has made you doubt your place in this world, and grant you the inner peace, genuine happiness, and relief that you have been praying so patiently for.
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arabian-batboy · 11 months
I really find it interesting how Zionists have no issues constantly using words like "Islamic" or "Islamist" or "jihadist" to describe the people they're killing without any fear of being accused of Islamophobia or that they're being bigots.
Because they know that we live in a world where anything or anyone remotely "Muslim" are automatically portrayed as inherently evil and deserving of death, especially in the US and other Western countries where Israel gets most of its support from them. So therefore, no one can be mad at them for killing all of these people, right? After all, they're only killing scary radical "Islamists" and "jihadists," NOT innocent people.
Meanwhile you would never hear any pro-Palestine people calling IDF soldiers "Jewists" or "Jewish extremists," even when they're literally branding the star of David onto Palestinians' faces and houses, instead we have to be very careful to not associate Judaism with Israel's crimes and are obligated to write a long essay about how we in fact do NOT want to kill every Jew in the world before we're allowed to show a shred of sympathy toward the thousands of Palestinian civilians being murdered as we are speaking.
Yet somehow that's not enough and they still hit us with the "when you say Zionists you actually mean Jews!" all while ignoring how they themselves aren't putting any effort into not demonizing Islam and Muslims with their words, because demonizing Islam and Muslims isn't an issue to them and the only way they can justify all the killing they're doing.
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whereserpentswalk · 1 month
Fellow pagans. Remember that the pagan experience is not purely an ex Christian experience. That experience is worth talking about, but please don't talk about the pagan experience as if leaving Christianity is universal to being neopagan.
Ex atheist pagans deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
Ex Muslim pagans deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
Non practicing Jewish pagans deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
Pagans who have been pagan for most or all of their life deserve to have their experiences acknowledged by the community.
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bizarreaizen · 1 year
i love you mspec lesbians !! i love you "cringe" bunny hat alt fashion queers !! i love you she/her gays !! i love you trans people who don't fit into gender norms or stereotypes !! i love you drag queens and drag kings !! i love you neopronouns and xenopronouns users !! i love you people who use microlabels !! i love you unlabeled people !! i love you disabled poc queers !! i love you muslim queers !! i love you non-human queers !! i love you xenogenders users !! . . ♡ /gen
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melandrops · 10 months
hollywood could never top the casual but meaningful representation that horror fiction podcasts have
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boysborntodie · 7 months
“I don’t talk about Palestine because I don’t like going into politics : /” fuck you. The existence of Muslims and MENA people has always been political to the West. Their lives and their deaths. Their happiness and anger and sorrow. Their love and hatred. Their sweat and blood and tears. Everything has always been reduced to politics when they are more than you could ever begin to comprehend. Palestine will be free. And so will Sudan and Pakistan and Lebanon and Yemen and Syria and every other country, place and people who suffer only for their pain to be called political by those responsible for and complicit in it
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violottie · 6 months
ahem, taps mic....
lesbianism is not a quota to fill. lesbianism is not what you do. it is innate; it is who you are.
a lesbian is a woman or lesbian aligned nonbinary person who is exclusively attracted to women and non-man aligned nonbinary people.
you fit that? you're a lesbian!
lesbian sexuality is so profoundly beautiful and diverse and powerful. it is boundless, limitless and abundant. it is joyous and overflowing with glory and strength.
take pride, lesbians. we are the best.
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shalom-iamcominghome · 10 months
I updated my blog intro, but in case it isn't clear - this blog stands with Muslims for a future free of antisemitism and islamophobia. In order to make sure this future is possible, we must stand together, and indeed, I want to stand with others as a co-conspirator.
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 5 months
Imagine feeling threatened by some students praying.
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everyday i cry cause God made me genderfluid but not a shapeshifter
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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Hell, in the past couple years this has happened. Vote this shit out!!!
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bigenderrevert · 4 months
Decided to Finally make an Intro post
Hai :D I'm Khadija/Keira this is my Sideblog for posting about Islam and stuff
Im a Genderfucked Trans-Nonbinary Sapphic Audhdistic Multiply Disabled Muslim Revert, Part-time Niqabi too, I took my Shahada on March 19th 2024 I have a couple of Different Tags I use a lot with #Reversion Journey being what I use for a lot of Journal Type Posts #Trans Niqabi is another one I use a lot
Personally I say I'm Sufi-Quranist to describe loosely my beliefs but I pull from a variety of places
Oh also my Pronouns are She/They/Xe/Pup
Kink/Fetish blogs DNI please
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mindofserenity · 1 year
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رحلة الحياة مبنية على عمل أيدينا. لكن قرب نهايتها، نعتمد حياتنا على يد الله
The journey of life is based on the labour of our hands. Yet towards the end of it, we depend our lives on The Hand of Allah.
So may Allah ‎ﷻ bless our actions to be fruitful, that it may grant us the blessing of Jannah for what our hearts have earned
— mindofserenity
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sjoongki · 7 months
the month of ramadan is a time of forgoing food and water in order to nourish the soul through self-reflection, prayer, helping the less fortunate, and increased acts of compassion/kindness. as we enter this holy month and mourn the thousands of innocent lives that have and are still being taken due to the genocide and ethnic cleansing in palestine, we must remember that there are millions of men, women, and children who are still alive and worth fighting for. who are we to 'give up' when there are photos of palestinian children grinning from ear-to-ear as they excitedly hang string-lights and tiny lanterns outside of their tents? who are we to 'take a break' when a u.s. sanctioned famine has forced these beautiful people to bake bread from animal feed in order to stay alive for another day? who are we to feel hopeless and grieved to the point of inaction when we are fortunate enough to remain out of harm's way, have a roof over our heads, and will be able to break our fasts with an abundance of food and clean water? this ramadan, we must allow the plight of the palestinian people to strengthen our faith and humanity by increasing our acts of charity, worship, and activism. remember that every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the ability to change someone's life for the better. we are but travelers in this world, and someday soon, we will have passed on with only our words and our actions left to speak for us.
may this ramadan be the last one that the palestinian people observe under genocide, ethnic cleansing, and occupation.
may this ramadan bring forth the liberation of palestine and all oppressed people around the world.
may this blessed month shine light through any darkness enshrouding our hearts, and remind us of our purpose in this world.
may Allah grant us the strength to overcome our hardships and bless us with the relief that we have been waiting so patiently for.
may the resilience and humanity of the palestinian people inspire us to remain steadfast when confronting the cruelties inflicted upon the most vulnerable in this world.
and finally - may we live to witness the men, women, and children of palestine shed tears of pure joy as they raise their kites above their freed land.
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