lettesuniverse · 2 days
it's so humiliating when you gave so much from yourself, gave them endless chances, basically tried to understand why they have been treating you like shit, because your feelings were actually real and truly loved them unconditionally just it to end abruptly, because you finally found out what they have been doing behind your back the whole time...and the worst is that you was the one who HAD TO end it, because they gave you no other choice, because it could have been the same hamster wheel and you would have ended up even more broken than now..
And the feeling that they acted like they liked you, loved you and wanted to be with you when in reality they had no intention to do so is horrible. It makes you question EVERYTHING.
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lettesuniverse · 8 days
nothing better than someone finally acknowledging your effort and help
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lettesuniverse · 8 days
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please don't repost or use it! thank you!!
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lettesuniverse · 17 days
sometimes I'm having this feeling like they were just waiting for me to leave...
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lettesuniverse · 21 days
have you ever overthink a situation and months later you accidentally find something that actually proves that your overthinking was right all along? It's crazy...
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lettesuniverse · 21 days
I mean...how could anyone possibly like someone like...me?
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lettesuniverse · 25 days
sometimes I just don't wanna talk, at all
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lettesuniverse · 25 days
yeah, sometimes I make mistakes, but they don't even recognise how badly I'm trying and trying to keep everything together in the meanwhile. I'm deeply sorry when I lose my track and screw up, but you shouldn't treat me like I'm the worst person, because of that and that I will always screw up...
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lettesuniverse · 25 days
losing your best friend is a feeling you just can't even explain. It breaks you so much that you're just not the same after that...
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lettesuniverse · 26 days
let people think what they want. They will only think and see what they want anyway
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lettesuniverse · 27 days
why do some people have to randomly attack/taunt you and try to make you, out to be the "bad guy" for no reason? Like, I haven't even said anything bad and anything at all, just let me be, jeez
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lettesuniverse · 27 days
Some people tend to never think about how much it affected you, they only think about how much it affected them
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lettesuniverse · 28 days
I dunno, I love to bring people their favorite, for example, food or a little something. Or just share with them when I have one with me and they mention it. It's just such a good feeling. I wanna make them feel important, valued, seen. Everyone deserves to
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lettesuniverse · 28 days
When you're having bad thoughts and feelings and they listen to you, giving you reassurance, checking up on you during the day just to do something to cheer you up and push you out of that state even if just for a little while, people like that are so rare and so important. Like, they actually care and most importantly, they try and put in effort, just for YOU.
It's good to know people like that still exist.
And I appreciate that more than anything. Even if it only happens every once in a while.
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lettesuniverse · 28 days
peace is everything to me right now. Like, I don't need people who unnecessarily piss me off, being mean to me, disrespecting me, making fun of me or disturb my peace in any bad way
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lettesuniverse · 29 days
I ain't gonna tell people anything anymore. I can sense when I try to share things about my past or what hurts/bothers me they start to act weird. Like why are they immediately count it as if "you're just trying to make them feel sorry for you" or something like that? Look, I just want you to know why I am the way I am and how do I feel. Why is it so wrong to wanting to open up? Why do they have to make it feel like you're doing a crime with that? Like, yes I have emotions. I don't share stuff like that to, just anyone anyway
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lettesuniverse · 29 days
have you ever wonder if some people regret the way they treated you/what they did to you, at all, or they just sweep it under the rug like it never happened?
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