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Hello everyone!
Welcome back to my blog. It has been so long since I lasted posted on here and I am so sorry about that. I have been so busy with working and also with university as well. Second year was definitely a lot tougher than the first year but now that I am done with uni and ready for summer, I am looking forward to blogging more. An update post on my time at university will be coming…
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Fashion Confidence
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another blog post. Today I want to talk with you on a topic which is very important to me.  Since I am going on holiday soon to some warm climates I wanted to talk about confidence when dressing for warmer weather. I used to find it really difficult in the summer seasons or when I was going on holiday because I was always really concerned about my weight and my…
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February Favourites
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another blog post. Today I am going to share with you all my favourite products from the month of February. I cannot believe that we are already in March! This year seems to be going by so quickly. I tried quite a few new products in February and I loved so many of them, so I am really excited to share them with you all!
L’Oréal True Match Foundation – I have been…
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Hello lovelies,
Today I just wanted to do a casual post and share a little insight into my daily life. Sometimes I don’t think I share enough of just my daily life and just things which I ordinarily do, so in today’s post I am just going to show an example of something I do in the evenings. Obviously, I don’t go on dates every evening but whenever I get out in the evening and do something a little more special I always enjoy myself and just wanted to share this experience.
On this particular night we went to TGI Fridays for our date and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. We had booked a table in advance, but it was still so busy, and we ended waiting approximately another 20 minutes for our table to be free, which to be honest I didn’t mind that much except for the fact that I was so hungry haha! I personally think it was worth the wait because TGI Friday’s is one of my favourite places to eat.
If you haven’t been before I would recommend trying this place out to eat and not just if you are on a date but for a girl’s night or guys night, it is a lovely place to eat and has a great range of cocktails. For my meal I had the creamy pasta with cajun fried chicken which honestly tasted amazing. I would definitely recommend trying this If you ever go because it tastes so good. There is such a good range of food and dishes on offer though so there is plenty to pick from. For dessert I actually fancied trying their birthday cake milkshake. Again, this was so nice, and I really enjoyed it, however, just a word of advice it is super sweet.  Nevertheless, it was really lovely. In fact, my entire meal was, and I really enjoyed the little date night.
I really think it is so important to just take time out and spend some quality time with the people you love. Sometimes it is so easy in the world we live in these days to get caught up wit your busy lifestyle or with social media and you can neglect spending time with people. It is so important to use make time and go on special dates and spend time with people and just relax and make the most of your life.
Thank you so much for reading and I really hoped you enjoyed this post. Let me know what your favourite date is that you have been on or your favourite way to just relax. Much love,
Lizzie X
Instagram: @libwalton_9
Twitter: @Life_WithLizzie 
Bloglovin’: Elizabeth Walton
TGI Friday’s Date Night Hello lovelies, Today I just wanted to do a casual post and share a little insight into my daily life.
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First Impressions: Makeup Revolution Re-Loaded Newtrals 2 Palette
First Impressions: Makeup Revolution Re-Loaded Newtrals 2 Palette
Hey guys!
About just over a week ago, over on my Twitter, I tweeted and asked if you all wanted to see a blog post on my first impressions of the Makeup Revolution Re-loaded Newtrals 2 palette. I know this palette has received a lot of hype and that’s why I wanted to write this post because all the hype over the product was the reason I went out and purchased the palette.
This is actually the…
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Weekend in Berlin
Hey Guys!
I am finally getting caught up with my work and so today I am going to share with you my trip for Berlin. It was only a short trip, but I had so much fun and we managed to get a tonne of things done whilst we were there. The thing I remember most about this trip is how cold it was. The very first night we were there was absolutely freezing, and I just remember us both saying we were too…
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Best Memories of 2017
Best Memories of 2017
Hello everyone!
Happy New Year! Welcome, back to the first post of 2018! I cannot believe that we are already in 2018 and that we are already in February. I don’t know where the time is going. I know I am kickstarting my blog late this year because these past couple of months have just been so busy that I just really wanted to take to some off and then start writing when I had time, so I could…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 18
Blogmas 2017 – Day 18
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another blog post. Today I thought I would do a sum up of what I did Friday to Sunday since I was so busy, and I had a tonne of fun too. I hope you enjoy this post and like seeing a bit more as to what my normal weekend is like.
Friday –This day mainly consisted of my driving to and from the train station to pick and drop my boyfriend off. Also, I spent the day…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 17
Blogmas 2017 – Day 17
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another blog post. I am so sorry that this didn’t go up yesterday but like I said in day 16, I have just been so super busy over the weekend, making the most of all the fun activities and free time I had. Today’s post is going to be a Christmas Tag. Thank you so much to Judanna for tagging me in this because it looks like a tonne of fun and if you haven’t already…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 16
Blogmas 2017 – Day 16
Blogmas Day 16
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another blog post. I am so sorry that these are going up late, but I have just been so busy over the weekend doing so many great things. I just wanted to make the most of the weekend because from now until I go to Berlin in January, I am just going to be writing my assignments up for uni and working a tonne. Anyway, today’s post is going to be about…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 15
Blogmas 2017 – Day 15
  Hello lovelies,
In today’s Blogmas post I thought I would share with you my favourite Winter Lipsticks. Lip products are some of my favourite to buy and I love been able to wear a darker lip or a red colour lip in the Winter time, especially on the lead up to Christmas. I have also picked a selection from both high-end and drugstore products, so hopefully there is something for everyone.
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 14
Blogmas 2017 – Day 14
Hello Lovelies,
It is getting close to Christmas now. Just over a week to go! I thought today that I would share my favourite things about Christmas and my favourite things about the holiday.
Christmas Trees –I love our family Christmas tree so much. It for me is always symbol of so much love, joy and happiness. It is so exciting decorating it every year and there is just something so peaceful…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 13
Blogmas 2017 – Day 13
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Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another Blogmas post! How is December going for everyone? We are less than two weeks away from Christmas and that is so crazy! Have you all done your Christmas shopping yet? I am pretty much all done. I just have a few bits left to get! Anyway, enough of that Christmas shopping chat. Today I am going to be sharing with you my favourite skin care products. If you…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 11
Blogmas 2017 – Day 11
Hello lovelies,
Today I have another gift guide for you all. In this post, I am going to be giving you some ideas for some stocking fillers for females. I love little stocking filler presents they are always so much fun and lovely little items. I hope you all enjoy this post and that you find it useful in some way.
Terry’s Chocolate Orange £1.49 – I feel like this is classic Christmas stocking…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 12
Blogmas 2017 – Day 12
Hello lovelies,
Yesterday I did a gift guide for stocking fillers for females so today I thought I would do the same thing but for males. I don’t know why, but I always find myself struggling for ideas for presents for males. I really don’t know why but if you are anything like me then hopefully you will find this of some use.
Cadbury’s snowy fingers £1.50 –
Image: Tesco
Socks £12 –
Image: Next
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 10
Blogmas 2017 – Day 10
Hello lovelies,
Welcome back to another Blogmas post. Today I thought I would do a Secret Santa gift guide because at work  have participated in Secret Santa and I will be giving my gift next weekend. Therefore, I thought I would give you a few option if you still need to buy your gift or these would also be good ideas for stocking fillers as the price limit we set was £10. I did quite a lot of…
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Blogmas 2017 - Day 9
Blogmas 2017 – Day 9
Hello lovelies,
I am so sorry this post is going up so late. I am honestly feeling so poorly at the moment. I have a cold for three weeks now and it isn’t going anywhere! I have tried everything! Anyway, I wanted to get a post up today because I said I was going to do Blogmas and I want to keep to my word, so I am just going to do a really quick update. If you have followed me blog for some time…
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