livingjean · 11 years
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Just an update I know it's been a while, I wanted to say hello, wish you all a happy holidays. My skins been improving and I will show you why soon. Here's a clue 🔹Juicing 🔸Confidence 🔹Happiness 🔸Focused
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livingjean · 11 years
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REVIEW - 21Day Lemon Cleanse So here is the results of the cleanse. As you can see it's a lot less powerful. It's flat, no bumps or pimples beneath the skin. Just color. It looks worse then it is but I can rub my hand on my face without it hurting it aching. I know there's more too go but it's already a huge improvement from before. I also feel more confident which helps too in the healing process as I only get acne when I feel down and doubt myself. It's like my physical sign of stress & doubt. Some people get fat or age, I get acne yay! (Not srs). So now what I have to do is work on the color and maintain my high tone. To be honest the best quickest remedy is to get a girlfriend, then it heals quickly. But since I just moved to a new place, I'm meeting new people, etc. No excuses but I haven't met someone who drives me wild yet (Soon). I have started juicing again, that's a big agent in curing my acne. I might do a juicing cleanse, would be interesting huh? Idk but I'm juicing everyday a cup full of spinach or kale using the NutriBullet. I'll see what I do next but thanks for reading, love you
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livingjean · 11 years
Day 21 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse Done! Video says it all, but I'm happy to make it to the end. Always a goal when starting but a dread to get to when doing Diets and cleanses for people. I may have broken the rules once or twice. Eaten a sweet, missed a lemon day(made up for it the next day) or not taken it in the morning (late at night) but the key is I finished! The idea is you leave off feeling better, stronger, happier. You see a diet/cleanse isn't just for the body but also the mind. I will post a review of what I I experienced with updated pics Stay Tuned!
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livingjean · 11 years
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Day 20 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse Hey everyone, sorry for the lack of updates lately. This week was intense, as I had to wake up at 4:00am every morning between Mon-Thurs. We hosted a 6AM Brazilian JiuJitsu Strategy Camp. 2 hours each class we trained several concepts on how to deal with someone who passed your guard and more.. It get more complicated then that but long story short...I'm tired. After the third day I actually didn't feel bad waking up that early (3day hump theory). Like this morning I slept good and was up by 7:30am. So good habit formed YEAH! So back to the cleanse. As I sit here I can still taste the 2 lemons I drank leaving tomorrow as my last day. I think my skins come a great distance from what it was and will post updates etc. I will also right a review of the overall experience and post tons of pics 📷 :). Sooooo...see you all soon, peace!
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livingjean · 11 years
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Man I love this quote. So true No matter who you are, you always have a gift you can share with the world. Find it and Show the World!
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livingjean · 11 years
Day 12 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse
So today I repeat 11 lemons and make my way down to 1. Seems that last night someone consumed half my lemons so I had only 5 this morning, I will buy 6 more and have for dinner (no stress). I am excited and pumped I'm not sure of from the cleanse but just in general. I have a youtube channel where I made funny skits and videos about Bjj and myself and I'm figuring out what content to put out but I think the problem is I have to figure who I am (no pressure). I will make a another post just about this (it's a trip) lol. Anyhow not sure if I can add a photo to a post after publishing but I will show some more lemons for you all later today hahah. See you soon
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livingjean · 11 years
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Day 10 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse Here I stand, almost a top the pyramid to come down the other side. Tomorrow when I hit 11 lemons I will repeat it the following morning and then continue my descent down. You may ask, "Is it hard?". At times yes I think anytime you challenge yourself especially with some restriction it all comes down to the strength of ones mind. The discipline you have towards your goal. I mean if you can't do a simple cleanse how can you manage to achieve your dreams? So I look at this as a test of how bad do I really want it? How bad do I want my skin to be clear? How bad do I want to make my dreams a reality? It's like a metaphor for something greater, small battles preparing for the big war. So when I do this type of cleanse I try to take myself outta my head and think logically like I'm another person watching myself. "What needs to be done, how, and getting it done". Absent of emotions and animalistic cravings that hinder ones thinking. Balance I believe is key though. Like if one day I'm out eating with family and there's a super delicious cookie for desert, I might grab a piece. No problem, but the key is enjoy that little piece (or the whole cookie) guilt free. Savor it, feel the flavor of the chocolate, be at that moment. When I do this I don't feel the urge to eat more, and I know Ill get back on track right away. Choice is what I made, not out of emotion. So balance is key I find so you have you bake you cake, make your money, and eat a slice too.
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livingjean · 11 years
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Breakfast and Dinner yesterday Breakfast was 8 lemons Dinner was 9 lemons I had doubled up bcz I missed a day earlier. As you can see it's getting a lot, soon it will be the whole cup, yum!
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livingjean · 11 years
Gorilla attacked me today at the store lol
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livingjean · 11 years
During the last set of jump squats yesterday on a brick ledge I missed and went shin first into brick cutting my shin a lil, but you could see bone. I cleaned it off and finished the set :).
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Protein drinks help build muscles
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livingjean · 11 years
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Day 8 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse
So here I stand at pretty much a week of doing the lemon cleanse. I can see so major improvements I terms of irritation, redness, and overall acne coverage. It’s shrinking in size and is flat enough that I can rub my hand on it no problem. So most of what’s left is on the surface and is the color. I know the color will take time to dissipate but at least my face isn’t deformed with lobs like before. I am happy and on the right path to the RoadtoClearSkin.
I know it’s not pretty to look at but ladies nothing like a dim room with candles and love making to distract from that..oh and don’t forget chocolates ;)
Along with lemons for bfast, I am taking Mulberry Tea at night before bed (hot) and during day the day (cold). Not to mention I am also taking Mulberry Tea capsules once a day to boost the effects.
I eat pretty clean already but I aim to eat more rice and beans then breads and dairies. I’ve found this tight Almond milk (lactose free, soy free) which I use for cereal. I will post more of the other items I eat/use. Everything I eat/use is modded for health in some way. See you soon beautiful people :)
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livingjean · 11 years
Day 8 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse
As you can tell in the video..I got my lemons, yesterday I wasn’t able to get any so I will double up today to catch up. I will have them for breakfast AND dinner (joy -_-). It’s okay, I’ll just have a bomb delicious lunch that will satisfy my taste buds to extreme measures that I won’t even care. Lols.
If you wondering why I have a tooth pick well it’s not a normal one, it’s a Tea Tree oil toothpick good for your health and stanky breath, haha. I can post a pic of different health products (mints,gum etc.) I use if you want.
I will post skin update soon, prob. the next post.
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livingjean · 11 years
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Day 7 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse Uhg…I didn’t take my lemons for breakfast today. :( I had completely forgotten that my lemons ran out, but due to yesterday’s pace I didn’t stop to think. That’s one of the things I have to work on just slowing down. Once I speed things up, if I’m tired, I become forgetful. This past weekend tired me out, not only physically but mentally as well. That doesn’t mean it was a drag or lame, just that I put a ton of energy into it that I had to recover a few days. Anyhow back to bfast..
So what you see up there is my power meal. I got some eggs, rice w/ raisins, and beans. The rice and beans are from mamas cooking (yum) yesterday. I just get the whole thing and out it into a lil tortilla and BAM! Breakfast burrito Jean-style. Reason I even ate that much is bcz I have a course I’m doing for college this morning, so I need the extra boost for concentration. If I had lemons I would of just gone with lemons but I know that I wouldn’t be at my optimum. Anyhow I will buy lemons later today and have em, also will post skin update to show progress.
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livingjean · 11 years
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Day 6 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse So here we are, almost at end of week one, and it’s been crazy. This past weekend we hosted an Brazilian jiu-jitsu camp (aka seminar) over the course of 3 days 6hours a day for over 100+ people. I for sure ate of my diet since all the going back in forth, but I didn’t break the lemon cleanse. Every morning I still squeezed lemons and had only that for breakfast. What I ment by “broke the diet” is that I ate things that would ferment in my stomach and make me acidic. It was difficult maintaining since the options where either starve or eat at the place we all went to go. Since I’m not a huge fan of starvation I ate..happily. I think that’s a fundamental key when dieting or eating in general and that’s to enjoy guilt free when you once in a whole have a sweet or break a diet. But the discipline comes in after you’ve done that and returning to the daily cleanse you set yourself upon. I even had a cookie oh and frozen yogurt …yum. Now I’m back on and working out hard to sweat out them treats and lemon for bfast all while drinking Mulberry Tea during the day and taking Mulberry Extract pills (will show in future post). I will post update on my skin on upcoming day. Stay beautiful everyone :)
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livingjean · 11 years
Morning Tea...delicia!
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livingjean · 11 years
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Day 4 - 21 Day Lemon Cleanse Feeling great doing this so far. My skins clearing up more and more and soon I will be at the 1 week point where it will really start showing the effects. I don’t even mind not eating breakfast because an amazing thing about the lemon is that is take a way hunger, so it’s fantastic for loosing weight! I know guys who would Squeeze a lemon into a glass of water twice a day for a month and lost 60lbs! So being 19 and on the go, breakfast is optional. I know when something important come up I will make a nice good meal to energize me during the day, after all it is the most important meal of the day!
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livingjean · 11 years
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Mulberry Tea (Organic) This tea is amazing. I took it before and it cleared my skin so quickly. It’s a sugar balancer meaning it prevents excess amounts of sugar from entering the bloodstream. I take it in two forms hot & iced tea. I heat up a bunch (4-5 cups) of water when I make the tea. I drink a cup of hot tea at the moment, then the rest I pour into a big jug with ice and drink during the day (3-4 cups). Normally I drink the a cup of hot tea before sleep since the mornings is taken by lemons. This tea is great and it’s another tool in my quest for clear skin.
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