luisdelatoba · 5 years
I finally learned to write about what makes me happy, what I love, and what I care about.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
I hate it when Tumblr glitches and says it’s not able to publish, so then I go on and remake the post only to find out later that there’s two posts about the same thing.
Damn you Tumblr.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
Me explaining to my parents why my browser history says I looked for ways to hide a body // my parents
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
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Birdy she’s hands down my favourite female singer
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
I was tagged by the incredible @minny-king ​.
1. Favorite genre to read
I’m not one to pick, a good book is a good book regardless of the genre, but I tend to gravitate more towards horror and mysteries.
2. Genre(s) you REALLY don’t like reading
Erotica just because I’ve never read one.
3. Favorite part of the writing process
I really love the outlining process and the revision after the draft is done, idk, I love to see the story come to life and then correct the mistakes I my have made.
4. Least favorite part of the writing process
I’d have to go with finding the character’s voice, just because it really does depend on the character and sometimes it can be frustrating.
5. Author(s) you’d recommend to everyone
Stephen King (I’m trash for him).
6. Book that has changed your outlook on literature
Idk, the ones that come to mind are “The City” by Dean Koonts, “Demien” by Herman Hesse, and my current read “Philomena” by Martin Sixsmith; they’re not even that life changing but I love them.
7. Favorite line you’ve read
who knows.
8. Favorite line you’ve written
I really don’t wanna open my docs rn, sorry not sorry.
9. What do you wish other writers knew?
Take your time when it comes to your writing, definitely get to know you as an author, what you like, what you don’t like, how you work better, etc. It’s not a race, and you shouldn’t hurry the process.
10. What made you decide to write your current WIP?
A song that turned into a short story that turned into a novella that turned into a book that turned into a duology.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
Never judge a book by it’s cover unless it’s a book, since professionals get paid to make good covers that is relevant to the book’s content.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
Queen in the motherfucking North 👑
This is the face of a girl totally and completely done with everyone’s bullshit and I’m here for it:
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
Person: So, what are you up to today?
Me: Ehhh… I’m writing.
Person: Oh, cool. What about tomorrow?
Me: …
Person: This weekend?
Me: …
Me: Are you expecting a different answer or what?
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
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Taxco, Guerrero; México
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
I've officially reached that phase of my wip where shit's going down and I don't know what the fuck is happening, the outline's been thrown out the window, one MC's about to die and I wouldn't be surprised if an alien invasion happened.
Plese send help
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
It's ok to take breaks when needed. I know it feels amazing to finally finish a WIP, but mental health comes first.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
“She sobbed like she had taught herself to whisper while doing it.”
— favorite line so far this week :3c
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
If a project just isn't working for you, if you've lost the love or interest you had for it after investing so much time on it and you're just continuing for the sake of finishing it, do yourself a favor and stop, this is something I had to learn the hard way. There's nothing wrong with shelving a project or not finishing a WIP, 'cause at the end, you'll end up hating it and being burnt out. Mental health is more important than doing something you don't like just because you feel you have to.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
Wait... is Dean Goeffe Raife's twin? 'Cause that'd be a wild plot twist. I know Dean Goeffe doesn't look that old, but maybe she uses magick to appear younger idk, that's the only thing that makes sense to me if I think of her possible motivations for working with Raife.
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luisdelatoba · 6 years
A Writing Reminder:
🌟 Your writing has value! 🌟 It’s okay if you’re too busy to write at the moment! 🌟 It’s okay if you want to take a break for a bit! 🌟 You’re going to be okay!
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