nosbaby07 · 1 month
check the comments
I'm about to go on a 5 hour plane trip in a few days. Could I have a few long fic recommendations? I've got a lot of music downloaded but I definitely need something to read as well.
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nosbaby07 · 1 month
I'm about to go on a 5 hour plane trip in a few days. Could I have a few long fic recommendations? I've got a lot of music downloaded but I definitely need something to read as well.
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nosbaby07 · 1 month
I'm about to go on a 5 hour plane trip in a few days. Could I have a few long fic recommendations? I've got a lot of music downloaded but I definitely need something to read as well.
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nosbaby07 · 1 month
future snippet
working on something in the background as per usual, here's a little snippet from the latest idea that's suplexed me into writing it
Word Count: 1514
A Council discussion on possible movement towards a plan regarding instability in Timeline Alpha B-NHA
Date: 7th-8th July LST (Living Standard Time), year 249 A.P. (After Pariah)
Recorded by Council Recordkeeper Friar Tech; arbitrated by Council Peacekeeper Renegade Rose
Since the abdication of the throne by the former King, recorded in denizen history books as Nova Statera; the bringer of Balance, the Council of Ancients convenes every year following the holiday truce. Formed by Nova Statera and the strongest of the Ancients, the meetings are meant to discuss a litany of problems that may plagues the Infinite Realms, and possible solutions that can be done to remedy those issues.
The following discussion begins swiftly. Amongst the attending council members are such;.
Clockwork, Ancient of Time and Foresight; Equinox, Ancient of Space and Curiosity. Nocturne, Ancient of Night and Dreams; Pandora, Ancient of Day and Hope; and the three Observant representatives, Mizaru, Kikazaru, Iwazaru. In attendance are Friar Tech, the Council’s recordkeeper, the Ancient of Technology and Knowledge, and Renegade Rose, the Ancient of the Wild and Pestilence, the Council’s peacekeeper.
“I bring to the table a concern regarding the balance of one of the Alpha timelines, Alpha B-HNA.” Clockwork, is always terse with their words. It is rare for them to bring up a concern quickly after the beginning of the meeting.
In reality, the balance one of the Alpha timelines—one of many timelines that are intertwined closely with the Infinite Realms, as compared to the other Omega timelines—is a dire topic.
“Was the small change we offered not enough for stability?” Equinox asks, brows furrowing in confusion. The rings of ectoplasmic stardust and particles that form around his head spin with anxiety as he leans back in his Council seat.
To that, Mizaru, speaks up, her one eye sealed shut. “It was too minor of a change to affect the timeline as a whole. It swayed the destabilization, but only by a few centuries, at most.”
“We introduced the next step of human evolution early in that timeline, I would argue that it wasn’t a minor change.” Equinox replies, crossing his arms. “What has changed since our last meeting that has prevented its improvement?”
“There are many ways that the timeline could have gone right and gone wrong.” Clockwork explains. “Meandering timelines have broken off from the Alpha timeline, and managed to stabilize themselves, for the time being. However, there is a core issue with the main timeline that we have yet to properly address.”
“If it is what I think you’re suggesting—”
“It is the best option, Equinox.” Pandora interrupts. Her golden armor shines bright in the light of the Council’s meeting room. “Without a Champion—”
“Other timelines have existed just fine without a Champion. Why should this one need one as well?”
“I hesitate to agree with Equinox, but he does have a point.” Nocturne speaks up. Usually, they are rather quiet, only adding their own opinion when they deem necessary. Even if when they deem necessary is when it is least appreciated. “Other Alpha timelines have persisted and kept their stability.”
“The issue comes down to the nature of this Alpha timeline.” Clockwork says. They unconsciously shift in appearance from their adult form to their elder form. “Other Alpha timelines have no need for a Champion because they have not crossed the threshold into the Infinite Realms in such a dramatic way. While this timeline’s history and connection to ours faded centuries ago, there is still leftover energy in their realm that is impacting them. We had voted to interfere last year to speed up the process of our energy affecting the humans that still reside in it, thinking that speeding up the evolution of the human race in that realm would help to stabilize it completely. But the connection still exists, and where a connection exists, a Champion must be chosen.”
“Do we have any say in who that Champion may be, or will the Realms decide herself?” Equinox asks, his tone turning dark. The stars that make up the fabric of his cape flicker out, one by one.
The Council is silent. The question was rhetorical, anyway; Equinox knows that they have no choice. They all know who the chosen Champion will become. They cannot put a name or a face to it, but they know, deep down in their cores, that the Realms longs for another champion, just like she had many centuries ago.
“I’m sorry, but I have to refuse the notion.” Equinox breaks the silence, which explodes into an uproar.
“What do you mean, refuse—”
“Just because you were once the King, Equinox—”
“The collapse of an Alpha timeline could jeporadize the existence of the Realms!”
From atop her bench above the Council, the Arbiter Renegade Rose slams her gavel down loudly, three times, ushering in order. She doesn’t even need to use any of her words, though her words were like venom when she spoke.
All the Ancients slowly quiet down.
Mizaru clears her throat. “It is a necessary action we may have to do, Equinox, for the better of the Realms.”
“I have pledged myself to the Realms since the day I took the throne those centuries ago. I created this council to leave the control of the Realms in the hands of more than one capable ancient, so decisions could be agreed upon unanimously instead of by a higher figure.” Equinox says, standing up as he does. His voice cracks as he continues, “I have given my life and my afterlife to her, and it has caused me much so pain. As much as I love her, I cannot on good conscience allow her to do to another child what she has done to me.”
The silence is nearly deafening, as the Ancients all watch as Equinox wipes away at the tears that are slowly spilling down his face. Most of the Ancients do not remember their Deaths, but since Equinox is the youngest among him, the wounds are still, ironically, fresh, despite centuries of time.
Equinox turns to Clockwork. “Is this the only way?”
“Time does not deal in absolutes.” Clockwork responds as they shift from their elder form to their child form. “There may be other ways to stabilize the Alpha timeline that do not involve allowing a new Champion to be chosen. But this… It may be the best solution to lead to the safest stability.”
A beat of silence. From the corner of the council room, recordkeeper Friar Tech glances up from his seat, and he meets the glance of Renegade Rose. While they both had known Equinox in life, death, and afterlife, they had both been alive at the time most of what he experienced occurred.
Being chosen as a Champion for the Infinite Realms is not an easy feat. It involves a lot of pain and suffering, to become an impossibility.
Equinox sighs, falling back to his seat. “I still cannot condone the action, but I am aware that I will be outvoted by the Council. If we must go through with this, may I make a suggestion?”
“What shall it be, young Ancient?” Pandora asks, seated to his right. She leans in close, resting one of her four hands on his shoulder. Condolences? Pity? Her expression is unreadable.
“When they are chosen, I would like to speak to them. I would prefer to do it in just one dream, if you would allow me, Nocturne.”
“And whatever would you say to them?” Kikazaru, the prickliest of the Observant representatives, asks, eye narrowing.
“Nothing that could jeopardize the timeline any further. I believe we all learned the consequences of that a long time ago.” At that, Equinox nervously glances to his left, where Clockwork smirks and shifts from their child form to their adult form. “I just… I want to apologize to them, when the time comes.”
Nocturne, the Ancient of Dreams, hums on that, for a moment. “Equinox, you are the Ancient I like the least.”
“I am keenly aware of that.”
“But, if this will allow us to stabilize the Alpha timeline, I suppose I shall allow it… with my supervision, of course.”
“Nocturne—” Kikazaru scoffs.
Pandora interrupts. “All in favor of allowing the Realms to choose the new Champion of Balance, say aye.”
“Aye for the three of us.”
“Aye. All opposing?”
Equinox is the only one to speak. “Nay.”
“Then it is settled. We shall allow the Realms to choose her new Champion and allow Equinox one visit to their dreams shortly thereafter.” Pandora says. “Discussion settled. Are there any other pending issues we ought to attend to?”
“Well.” The quietest of the Observants, Iwazaru, says. “Um. There is the one issue of that sorcerer’s compounding paperwork in Timeline Beta D-C?”
All of the Ancients glance at Iwazaru, who shrinks down a bit in their seat. They nervously laugh.
“Or, we could, um. Just… wait on that a little bit longer. I am sure it can settle itself out on its own, eventually…?”
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nosbaby07 · 2 months
Breaking Point
Marinette felt so done. Depressed. Tired.
The last few weeks have been unbearable.
Hawkmoth suddenly had more time on his hand and was attacking more. Chat Noir wasn’t improving at all – in fact, he was getting worse. He wouldn’t come to fights – which required Ladybug to get the temp heroes. The times he did come, he would spend all his time goofing around and flirting with her.
Her civilian life wasn’t at all better. After Lila returned, she fulfilled her promise – taking all of her friends and twisting their image of her. Adrien had finally come to his senses and left the high road but it was too late. He couldn’t change the class’s opinion and was moved to the back like her.
Everything was draining her. She barely had time for commissions and her frien- ex-friends continued to barrage her with requests, ones they wouldn't compensate her for.
She had let go of being Class President. It didn't really make a difference because all it did was draw Mme. Buster's attention to her, trying to remind her that she was the model student.
She couldn't even have peace at home. Lila had managed to, and she doesn't know how, to ensnare her parents with her lies too. They kept reprimanding her. They didn't trust her.
She really wished it would just end.
She had reached her breaking point.
"No one cares anyway. I'm just Marinette."
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nosbaby07 · 2 months
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
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nosbaby07 · 2 months
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nosbaby07 · 2 months
Danny: You know, my town got dragged into the Infinite Realms once. 0/10 experience. Not recommended.
The batfam: What.
Hehe. Lately I've been obsessed with DP x DC Batfam fics.
Should I write one? You can send in requests.
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nosbaby07 · 2 months
Satoru’s Younger Sister
You walked down the corridor, weaving through the different twists and turns with ease. It wasn’t a surprise, since you knew this place like the back of your head.
Your hair, which was like your brother’s, bounced as you took each step. You and your brother looked so alike that people mistook you for twins; even though he was 5 years older than you.
Speaking of your brother.......
Where is he? If this is another one of his pranks, I swear—
“There you are!”
You turned around to see your brother with six other people, walking towards you.
“Satoru, who are these people?” you asked, your hand on your waist as your gaze swept over the people with him.
You couldn’t even comprehend what was going on and your brother didn’t seem to want you to either.
“You’ll find out later. Right now, we need to get to Jet’s Cone’s.” he replied, not caring if they heard.
He walked past you and you fell into step beside him with the others behind you. “I thought this was a sibling-bonding event? Not sibling and random people bonding event.” you angrily whispered.
His smile faltered for a second before he put the mask back on but you had already noticed.
He only does that if he’s feeling guilty.....so that means he has something that’s making him rush our outing... and he’s doing it with these people....
You all walked in a comfortable silence and reached Jet’s Cone’s in no time. He motioned for them to enter, while you both waited outside.
Before you could ask what was happening, he spun to face you, "A mission came up. I had to bring my students along."
You sighed. "You could have just told me y'know? I would understand."
You moved to hug him, noting the shock on the student's faces. He returned the gesture, laughing when he noticed too. "I don't think I ever introduced you to them. Not even Megumi."
You rolled your eyes. It was concerning how Megumi didn't know you even though you visited every weekend.
"Maybe because he's always outside?" That sounded more like a question.
He chuckled before ruffling your hair, glancing at his watch. "Maybe. We need to go but I'll quickly introduce you."
A bell chimes as you both entered the store halting whatever conversation they were having. Gojo walked up to them with you in tow. "I'd like to introduce someone very dear to me. This is-"
He was cut off. By Megumi.
"Isn't this the girl that visits every weekend?" He had no clear emotion but you could see curiosity sparkling in his eyes.
Gojo sighed. "Well yes, she's my younger sister."
Megumi gasped. A girl with brown hair whipped out her phone and took a picture of you. Pink hair boy began to squeal and the other three looked on in shock.
Gojo smirked. Looks like he's enjoying it.
You stepped forward to introduce yourself. Your movement caught their attention and you waved. "Hello, it's nice to meet you all."
Something you'd never think would happen, happened.
"She's more beautiful than you." Megumi blurted out. A blush formed on his cheeks at the realization.
You were not exempted.
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nosbaby07 · 9 months
Tecno Nerd (Katsuki x Fem!reader) -Ch 2
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UA was.....weird. But it wasn’t surprising.
Our teacher, Aizawa-sensei, had made us skip the orientation for a test of some kind.
Apparently, teachers here can do whatever they want with their classes. Isn’t that abusing authority?
“L/N, you came first on the extrance exam. How far could you pitch a softball in middle school?”
Ignoring the whispers from my classmates, I walked forward towards our teacher to inform him that I couldn’t participate in those kind of things.
I couldn’t get there.
An angry pomeranian stopped me halfway. “YOU came FIRST?! HOW? YOUR QUIRK IS USELESS!!”
“How would you know?” I asked under my breath, my head hung low. “You don’t even know what my quirk is.”
His eyes widened in shock and his mouth opened to pour out a response. “OF COURSE I KNOW WHAT IT IS! It’s–it’s—”
He was cut short by Aizawa wrapping him in some kind of rope thing.
“Bakugo.” His tone and look said everything as he silently warned him before turning to me. “You wanted to tell me something?”
I might as well spit it out.
“I just wanted to inform you that I couldn’t participate in sports due to a health condition. You can check my file.”
“I didn’t know that....” Bakugo whispered under his breath.
“Why are you in UA then?” Aizawa asked after a bit.
“To become a hero.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” He stared pointedly at me, dropping Bakugo in one fluid movement.
I sighed. “My quirk......doesn’t really stress me. If I didn’t know any better I’d say it was tailor-made for me.” I replied laughing at my dry humour.
His hand motioned for me to step up to the ball machine. “Throw one. Using your quirk.” And then he stepped back.
As I took a ball, I swiped a bit of tech from the machine and used it to morph the ball. It now had a metal casing with a white screen reading: L/N Connected.
I threw it up once and caught it , getting a better feel of the ball before getting into position. I didn’t need to stretch my hand so far back so I just raised my arm and swung.
The ball carried itself across the field and only fell when I wanted it to.
2,670 metres.
I dusted my hands and walked back to my former position, nodding at my teacher along the way.
“Good job.” he whispered.
Thanks, Uncle Shōta.
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nosbaby07 · 1 year
hello :D you are very cool :)
Awww🥺 thank you so much 😭🥺 I am so so so sorry for replying this late🤧 I feel like an awful person 😔
I’ve been soo busy🥲🤧
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nosbaby07 · 2 years
Definently could!
Thanks 😊
But I want to clarify....this is for requests right?
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nosbaby07 · 2 years
Opinions on possessive deku?
Hmm, never really thought about it but.....
Possessive Deku would never let you not have anything you need so as to prevent you from going to other people.
Makes sure he’s attentive in class, so that he can help you study(he doesn’t want you going to meet Bakugo😅😂)
Those are my thoughts. Sorry for the late reply.
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nosbaby07 · 2 years
Anyone wanna help me out with asks?
I have no ideas rn
Y'all know you can send as anon right?
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nosbaby07 · 2 years
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Don't you just love these boys?
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nosbaby07 · 2 years
Techno Nerd (Katsuki x Fem!reader)- Ch. 1
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It was your first day in U.A.
And your first day without your hoodie.
You had gone through middle school with it, hiding away from everyone, and now you were forced to abandon it.
Walking through the halls of the school you tried to find your class, Class 1A.
You finished first on the entrance exam, but not without the help of your awesome quirk.
Technology Console.
With the ability to literally control tech and whatnot, the exam was a breeze but you only had one main problem.
Katsuki Bakugou.
Yes, you know the blonde hot-head.
You went to middle school with him.
Technically, he didn't even know who you were. You were always good at hiding, staying low, and never bringing attention to yourself. All thanks to your hoodie, of course.
But today was going to be different.
You felt it in your gut.
"Get your leg off the chair! It's disrespectful!"
The sight you were met with was...none of your business, and so you trudged to an empty seat at the back.
With your head on the table, trying to get some sleep, you felt a lot of eyes on you.
And so you raised your head.
Big mistake.
The angry pomeranian attacked you.
"Oi!, Dumbass, how'd YOU get into UA!"
You blanched.
Wait, he KNOWS ME?!
"Uhh...how do you know me?" you asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
His eyebrow twitched a little. Oh boy.
"How do I know you?! You literally sit at the back of the class being a dumbass loner. To top it off, YOU'RE EVEN MORE NERDIER THAN DEKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Wow, I never knew someone like him was attentive."
"Shut up, DUNCE FACE!!"
A boy with a lightning bolt in his yellow hair walked toward you with a smug look on his face. "You seem to be scaring her, Bakugou. Why don't I jus-"
"Oh. No, it's fine."
He froze. "What?"
"I'm used to it. After all, I did stay in the same class as him." I responded, muttering under my breath. "Besides, our teacher's on his way."
"How do you...?"
"Ack! What's that?"
As you turned away, Bakugou and a certain someone eyed you suspiciously before paying attention.
I just had to post this even tough it wasn't done.
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nosbaby07 · 2 years
Heh, I think i'm in love
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Todoroki Shōto moods ~
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